THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1894 r s 1 JACKSON , - t ;i: I. fc BELL, Pbopbiktobs. i I- J i ! I ' J OF StTRvCRiPION. rOeiAQB 7BXPAXS "Thi DAirrMis8jtwGE, by msjil, one year 7.Q0; six months, $3.50; three'mantha, $1.75; ne month, 60 bents. week, 15 centijj $1.75 7.00 a year. Served in th city at 60 cenfe a; for thxea mail, one year J Mr. (8 $1.00; tlx month. 0 centa. WILMINGTON,. C. '''' 1 " SUNDAY; DECEMBERS 16, 1894. month; one months or page) by r pIELiANGE. Samuel T. Pickarfl r lished a two-volume life of New EnglandiQaaker poet, jJohn Green- leaf Whittier J one of the chief smgers of that literary sectiod. He? is generally associated with Emerson, Bryimt, Long Lowell and has pub- the famous Holmes.! Of all fellow. these Ixn2fellow Was arid is by all odds the mbit popular. Whether he was the greatest of the sextet is proble matical. We have sometimes thought that Lowell Wis the highest intellect of all, in poetic inspiration.; Emerson ranks high in New England as a poet as well as an essayist and thinker. We liave seen grave doibt raised by Eng lish critics as o his being in any proper and high sense a pbet. Hq certainly has written very noticeable lines, and we would suppose that the mist hyper critical would fiDd fine poetry in at least two or Whittier was a swee ter if he three of his productions. did lend amiab e charac- .1 his genius the South. I to try to make infamous If he had studied the history of his own State, Mi issachusetts, j he would have found enoigh of jhorror in its Af rican slavery at d selling of Indians into servitude, shipp ing sco :es even to Spain , to awaken his r iuse aid stir his indig nation and syn pathy without worry ing the South It I is " a fact proof abundant and I unmistakable II n hat the first slave ship oi this cbantry was sent i ! out from Boston! and individuals, butfcy the Colony. fact that by legislative verv was adopted, aria been repealed to this diyjby legislative ii rrfi.!ii.J J z A isun wnuiier enactment. hot private 9 It is a upon us. $o Mr. -Whiltier's harp re mained stringless until the slavery, in the South aroused him to action and gave expansion and inspiration to his poetic indonment. We really rather admire the jif ted Quaker, and excuse his onslaught upon the! South instead of attacking his own people and their ancestors, 1 ecause he yas the disciple of Garrison, and both teacher and pupil were ignorant of the startling and dis graceful facts that lay right at the door of their own Commonwealth. If we were here to relate what is known of I African and Indian slavery in Massa chusetts it would shock the sensibilities of every sympathetic' and well regu lated hearit. Mrs. Stowe could have found some rarest material ' at home if she had been disposed io paint, the past of Massachusetts in true colors. I Mra Rnhtirlfir Van Rensselaer, the very fine arid able critic in architecture, whose many essays we invariably read as opportunity offers (see her capital paper in the Century for December on the old churches in Provence, that most charming pirt of France) and we are always charmed and instructed, had in the New York World the other day very depreciatory criticism on the illus trations in 1 Trilby.' She make3avery damaging comparison between them and Abbey's exquisite and most artistic illustrations of Shakespeare that have been for a year or so appearing in Har- per's Mayazine. She praises Du Mau- rier's long time ago illustrations of the great ! Thackeray's j "Henry Esmond,' that most a?tistic of all his productions, but not his greatest.' She says of the 'Trilby'' illustrations; ! I "Of course, to somei eyes they may all have an adequately, pleasingly illus trative quality. This U3 a matter of personal feeling of taste, not of judg ment.! i It merely ' means that Du Maurier's ideas with regard to beauty, attractiveness and other! human charac teristics differ from ours; and that, therefore, wie inustj wish that he had left his words to suggest to us mental pictures of our own. j But' when the purely artistic merits of his drawing are in question, then the iudgment of all. who have trained eyes must be the same.! They are feeble works! i of t ie decadent years of a draughtsman who used tbdo much bet ter things." j j In our ignorance of enactment sla- it has never the Apostles, but of which the Apostles never heard or had any hand in making. The Doctor says: - ' The proportions of that faith have been destroyed in most of the modern systems of dogmatic theology, which exaggerate one-third of its clauses and depreciate or neglect them. This creed is ChristologicaL It gave me great pleasure, after I had completed my work, to find that every one of. the clauses of the Catholic creed is included in the matters that must be discussed in the study of the Messiah of the New Testament" kind of religion for a man to have is that which goes jwith the belief that verv word in the Bible is true. But HI must be confessed that the ideas of the Drummond scholars are gaining ground Whether this will result for better or for worse remains to ba seen." It is because we see danger- in - some of the things written by the very ingenious and interesting Scotch author ' that we have been led to criticise his utterances and condemn his negative sort of relig ion as well as his belief in the Darwinian doctrine and he is practically an "Evo lutionist." We admit and deplore that a great many learhed and able divines have taken up wijth so called scientific teaching that we believe to be built on sand and belong to cloudland, and that others have for years been essaying to demolish Christianity by destroying the people's faith in God's Book, and that is why as a lay writer on Christian topics Drummondism has sometimes been con- demed in these, columns. Seeking to do good by our Sunday morning religi ous chats with the reader, and desiring to avoid all harm, we have in short par agraphs or brief articles had to censure . i Mr. H. B. Ireland, of Winston, was gerous m .uruuiuiouu aim auotuer ciass i nere yesterday. oi writers the lower critics, uur Ulm The celebrated and very gifted Bap tist preacher in England, but Scotch born, is not only a very gifted and impressive preacher, but a writer and commentator of very real power. He has for some years been engaged upon an 'Exposition of the Psalms," and has just finished it, completing the study in three volumes. He is credited with marked exegetical ability and homilet ical insight, and the work is praised by writers who are capable of appreciating it. It is an expository and not a critica interpretation of the Psalms. PEUSOAli MIXTION. ton contemporary intelligently and per tinently says, viewing the we think we see it: was fellow in his wajf, and was benevolent, in his sympathetic . and and he probably udndly poke, rsoberness and truth when he that it was his a brily a fine nature, words of declared m always "to reader less The sum of human wretchedness. The South will! rgoodness, purity, human sympithyl as we q . genius of a p ithe , ardent, sometime; give Jijtn credit! for his gentleness, and large IE as for of human nature. An poetic Sic, simple, sometimes i indignant and stir ring with passion! He is said to have oeen OTittv. liked to telse anld a close student j i , ,i intimate friend 1 wrote of him when he was but nine- . teen, as we see quoted in the New York .Tribune, that he 'f was a yery handsome, 4 distinguished-looking young man. His eyes were remarkably beautiful. He was tall, slight, ahd very erect; a bash ful youth but never awkward Under a very grate and there was a real Ipve o sense of the ludfdrous. was embarrassedi and were, in cons exterior - un ahd a 4 keen In society -he his I manners art we really thought the illustrations -were excellent and simply because they really illustra ted the text, which but few illustrations of novels dol We did not think they were very hig;h art, but capital illustra tions. ! We so! wrote of them the best we had seen, much better we thought than the illustrations by Thackeray's own hand of tis many writings. We sinned with others. Mr. Charles Dud ley Warner, the accomplished Connecti cut man of letters, who has a pleasant Mr. D. H. Wallace, of Wallace, spen yesterday in the city. Mr; J, M, Comstock and daughter, o: Washington, are spending a few days in tqe city. Mr, J. A. Crews, the Messenger's travelling representative is spending special i&attjces. THE MOST ELEGANT YET USEFUL Uri8tma.Pre&ent that Ton ran r 1 an elegant Singer Sewing Macbla ur Useful MDg-!i" w int rneapir8i, becaaseit Is bevond aiT qu'Btion tnQT beat machine on eartti Hold on easy term. Old Machines tten tu trada nnd ton lor Parts, Needles, and Attachme ta. jiaciumjs repaireu on non noii3e. j jj HAK LKY, Manager, 115 Mar&et street, i aagseunjani I "TTTBITX NUKSE WANTED A GOOD KK i TV liable white womnn. 25 or 3' year of aif. nuuug Hiuiuse iwu viiiiureu. can get wotK by appjying at jo. st8 S. Front Street dec. 16 it. LOST LA Sir SUNDAY AFTERNOON A roll of mn6ic in a leather case. Finder will b suitably rewarded by leaving it I at IMEsenger omoe. i n ac 16 t TXTE AKE IOW, BETTEK FKEPAKEU TO TV turnout first Class W. rk than ver. s our ma binery U all in sod running order and unier me managf men? -i Air. j i, Abb n lat of ew Yort city. Empire fctcam Laundry. W. S. DUN LAP, troprietr. j T OSP ON DECEMBER TH, i, A KITS JLi shapfd college pin ?etwiitt Opa s, with ini tial and date on baeK. Fiader wia Bereward-d by returning Fame tothe Parcell uoase. dccld it ZIM M ERH.N FIB OAKPKT KCGf, FINE Window Shade, Fine Wall papr, Ci'pet Liining, Jto a nira Mreet, i!poos-te cnty tiaiu PERMANENT POSITION AT $18 weeUy is guaranteed ny laiy who will ork for us quJetly at home. All material free Ye It i-Yi biaaaped envelope, WOMAN'S MUTUAL BENE- if 11 tu, Joikt, Ills. dec 16 .t" M EN TO ELT4 BAKING POWDBR TO THE grocery trade. ; 'eadT employment, expe tience ur n cessary I $T5 ttontdly Hilary and ex pense or com h If offer satisfactory address at on-e wi'h particulars conceming yotJTself, U. S. cajtMic'Ai. wojttii.-, cmcago. I decieit" TELEPHONES -THK"S UTHEKN LO G i'istance i leu phones" are perfect. Work eaaall well 1 hg or &ho-t di-tauce. Sold out righ-moderate prc-p. Write f ir prices, thk S TIHSKN TiiLfiPflOAJC (X , j Faretteville, N, C j i . noy 18 lm' eun A FRE-H LOT UF ORANGES, APHuE?, Bananas, Butter, Eggs, I'hickf-ns. Turkeys and erse and cabb ges wire cnicken oops aid Turfcfiv ooons for sale K. E.i WAKD. 213 Market street. I ( i deel But while Christian missionaries are going into all the world and letting the ngui oi i.neir religion s-nme in neatnen lands, there is a perceptible'5 undercur- j Sunday in the city. own r.nlfl from thfl doamatin mnorin Mr. and Mrs. James Gaylor, of Park of our fathers. InTthe South this is not ersburg, came down to the city last so nlainlv aDDarent. but at the North. niSnfc to do some shopping tor Christ- especially in the larger cities, it is a rnas. marked feature whicn is giving our the- I Mr. P. B. Wilkes, of Charlotte, route 1 everything, i No experience; wr profits Address fnWiftTiQ Tia rrT-atrecf Mnwrn Thfl - . -- ' L 1- AKK1SON & CU., Clerk JMO. 14, UOlum w.6t.u i -""v". agent oi ine oouiaern Jitxprtss uouiuauy, i hrifl. Ohio. I ii ! decii poueru iuea, so lpsiuiousiy auvauceu was among the visitors to our city yes py rroiessor urumuioou, wno is nimseii i terday. rresuvienaiU miuister, is largely A LL THE LADIES IN WILMINGTON ARE xjL cordially invited to call and get a cup of Hot Cocoa. Yours to please, bkowjh & wihttjiju rEN AD WOMEN TO MKj BIG Money ill with the Pra tical mting Lynamo. Is the electrical machine ued in the great plit'.nar fac tori-s S65 to S5 a wek mide easy Plates shared in by Rev. Drs. Briggs, Henry Preserved Smith, and other lights of the jchurch. There are many in the clergy who quietly entertain the ideas of Dr. Briggs, as was seen from the strong following which hehad in the ecclesi- ttatiuax UUUlb lUd ll U1CU 111111 1U1 llCTXCiaj. hi-iTMAlpEBjsTy wfi have a Fui: iine of ri(.1lday Go ds, puch as iToye, Fancy The Rev. F. D. Swindell, D. D-, of thing 'suitable i for cHriatmaa Gfiu. flAAK S firtSrlshnrn TrPBiflino- pMpit nf thft iNflW- MUrIC MULSE ; i I dec 9 bern district M. E. church, South, ar rived here yesterday. Christmas Gifts. III Them Be useful and Beneliiial. 1 .- I : What gift will,, be best for father and mother? i What gift will be best for your brother? i i What gift will be best for your son peau or Or your daughter? I : ; I What gift will please wife and i make your home brighter f a nice ant re- Why, a nice pair of Slippers, orj I i - .. . i - . - pair of Shoes. They will be a corjs Ic .1 You can get the best selection 1 iii &est Goods and Lowest Prices at outplace. ! I ! 1 9 ' . Buy one of these sensible presents of ' minder after the Holidays of your love and affection. "T 31 We may mention here that we lately . k i "i . Prof. Briggs in the N. Y. Tribune that WANTED. A POSITION IN A FIRST ciis lvrog Store, have nad abot two exDerience: can give g od reference. Ap- Messrs. H. Witcovpr, of Marion, S. C, ply to oi or Me-sengcr, Wilmington, a. u. . . IT .1 .in.LJ J I UAJ-V A lll iiue xaecneimer, oi raiLiuiore aiiu xnui- gan Perkins, of Chicago, were among the arrivals at the Pureeil yesterday. Dr. W. G. Curtis and Messrs. Walker T EAUT I UI PHOTOGRAPH I HVE Just received tae finest line of photographic ac- censo-ies nd scenery ev r bronght to Wi'ming ton. 'I o Int' oduce itj cut this out and brii g it to me. 1 will give you 25c t t it- provided you take vr if n1 , . tit m -,i r l twelve oi my DftM caomeis. v jkuu.c., ii itewwu, i. iSubbuu, m. i. vi6, v. . Mdrtet street Wilmmstm . N. C. octal gave an unexpected view of his orthor- a, Smith and b. J? . Uraig, of bouttiport, ii Geo. R. French doxy. This able critic says after read- were on our streets yesterday. rK. W. C. GALLOWAY, PERMANENTLY U io. located, practice limite d to Eye, Ear, Nose ihc it, so sound is i in the views taken The Ray. E. Pope, who was on the '7 bweenUFronTai5; nr,riQf. n1 TTi Work that it wonld bcott's Mill circuit last year, was j nere second streets. Hours a m to ia m-. ana rrmn v- , i i i . i i iimn n. m read it and doubt J. r-7 J ..."rrr ii , thfl Krvnpann rvmmv nirni r,. Mfti win sincere lovaltv to the Saviour and His u t t i .. r r . , . , I , . . jicvo ircic iui nishd promptly teaching, w e laia the paper oy mtenaing j R L & number of years Allen building, Princess street tp lay some extracts oeiore our reauers, n rtir. h T.irn RnnsA in n.BBs nwinR an dwellings to- an 1 JOHN O. STOUT, AKCHITECT AND BL1L.1 I er. Plans, pecifleations and Estimates fur- umce m room ao. , uuiu eep i i ' aso nroorietor of the Purcell House,, in otro RES, ofpice but we cannot find the copy now. A pro- thig city i3 very m in Raleigh. Mr, F. e3nJ; D-, ?0N pos of Drummond we fand this in the D. Perry y his son, was notinea oy teie" ichmond Advocate f rom Dr. ' Lafferty: graph and. lett for Raleigh yesterday "The 'Natural Law,r as the logi- morning. j clans say, 'proved too much. The xhe Proposed County ot Scotland. t ana the annihiia-1 i t wa MwcwnvTt f firh tho folv CONNOR, Real Estate Agent. survival of the fittes hly ligent writers. But, we suppose. Mrs. Van Renssellaer is correct. She says admirinelv of some! of Du Maurier's earlier work, r- .1! f T it tion ot the unnt is Lrummona s law. jowing was published under date of n mi&iouis. auaaugy iui wcuuiv. xwoill yA e'an: in m hv nnr cnr I r - I i . . . I XI V C LUW T lllv UJJLVft UVUV W M W , aepartmeni in narper, wuugui voij Youimawra niDuuuwio t"& respondent there: highly of thenk as did many other intel- ana engBging auaxugy w: "7It is said that an effort will be made muraiaiiu tu Bp.i lUm ynu. , I durine the coming session of the General can a law ot matter prevail m a reaim Assembly to form a new county out of without matter a spiritual world? porti0ns of Cumberland, Robeson and Tlie mode of divine kction with a min- Richmond, to be called Scotland, with eral and witha mind cannot be the Laurinburg as ita county seat. This is same. The Bible is bent by Drum-1 the new county bill which gave rise to A Fuf! and Choice I LINE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS ; .1 ill WiU be displayed by us this week. n ; - - wm. !h. GREEN & CO., 119 Market Street. ': i 0 ,0 108 North Front Street.. Grand Hcliday Exhibit. I o and in the extract that follows there is very genuine acuteness of view: "Thpspi "Rf?iriondT desiens were made long ago my copy of the book was nrinted in 18S9, And contemporary numbers of Punch, orj even numbers a Holiday Goods! OUR ENTIRE BUILDING- IS FILLED TO' OVERFLOWING' WITH Staple S and Holiday Goods ". of every! description at prices within the- reach of all. Every department in our es tablishment to morrow will be teeming with special and extraordinary bargains. These offers will include ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS PATTERNS, LADIES',1 GENTS hand CHILDREN'S UNDER WE A R, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Muffies, Men's Neck wear and Umbrellas. Trfnnd to fit the "puesa" of evolution, a f smr.h an acimated discussion in i the -A equence roroetimes friends A onlrJj With intimate Ul UOM 1 ; r " . , . he talked a great Heal, and m a wonder fully interesting knanner; usually earn est, often anaNtical i and frequently playful. He had a great deai oi wiu It was a family1 characteristic. ; When a wrong was to lie righted or an evil to be remedied, he was readier to act than any young man 1 ever linew, and was very wise in his hction, shrewd, sen- The influence of his hypothesis confronted by scientific facta Legislature two years ago, with the ex dooming it to the debris of discarded ceptiorthat then it was not proposed to theories i I iaKB any poruuiji ui uiuucnouu. Itxt. ' o 4Qf .ciU i Mr. D. P. McEachern, of Millprong, T-mm Kti-ra nt Kiinpn. oneveu liuuiuaia a i i . . , v1 t -t t i nav ouu o - aSJTaA wlhnwDn COtcn preacners-oremreu oi jrium- i ctatpment that Laurinbursr will be fr :4- Q CLiia iopin an artist mbnd and of the saine Church voted rmintv seat of the new county. His of imaginatiok taste and dramatic 1 to! expel him from the ministry for false first letter was laid aside for considera- i - fnwo dnfi a nraufniLsuiau ui uiuuu icu- i toorhiticf nAtfirnnnyv. inaL iih uas i t.ioii. uulos ma bcis'iivi icurei iW..v-v. nical ability ahd no little charm - , driftin2 awavflra longtime from last night gives his side of it, we pub ..i,. La TiKi ; Ush it. Mr. MCHAcnern sayB: tFrom Lumberton to the- upper por in tnpmsplvpa to build UD his very great olain to those who have watcnea nis t;on Qf Robeson is nearly forty miles 3 I . I t " . l . . i n j T.orntQtinr liike that oi SO many Qwira ar,A oranaflPsL Wfi havft sflveral from the western iimit ot oumoenanu ivuw. . - - . auuia cv . . ... 1 - other English artists m various uepait- . . , , VjERY PBETTY ASSORTMENT OF HOL I IDAYj GOODS LOW AT Si . ! HARDIN'S PHARMACY, NEW MARKET. other jngiisn arusia 1U vr w iCcofl times quoted some of his sayings, un ments, it has been very largely based 4 rkfi niicHQr,! upon literary I grounds. His greatest wrthy of any enlightened Christian popularity was the foibles and rained by illustrating follies of the so-called "opcthPtio." r.rsze m London: and m this work, which was i not caricature, but a delicately overcharged represen tation of realities, the j words that ac companied his pictures played a more potent part than tne piciurcs mem selves,") i fascinating Di. Lafferty gives this as the latest con cerning the gifted and Scotsman: f'Alas; Drummond has himself be come the victim of his own errors. In a ipnt.nrA on Sundau in behalf of a League, agitating for the abolition of L 1 nmnchmanf onrl TnVllrt Kuntvto Favetteville is thirty-five miles, and from lower Kichmond to itocKing- ham thirty miles. A new county em bracing these sections, is almost a ne- cpaaitv. There are no railroads nor any prospects in the future. New York is coverea witn rauroaas. wjuuucs buwjuu he made for the people, not people for counties. Laurmburg is outside ot tne Shoes t .ii i-.'! . A Great Slaughter -OF- Sale Ladies' Cloaks, Capes anJ JacMs. I j " : ' ' j .We are determined to seU these oods this week, consequently will put down all of these Garments AT I COT, so also does ! all of our Blankets and Comforts proposed boundary, and has nothing all to do with the measure. Old kid gloves made new with the at n I r,n 1 1 1 3 I ET I I Kill IL LJ W Q U ' J M, m1W eums, places of amusement and public j . . - cleaner, sold by Davis & The illustrations of i -Trilby" reaUy L .ldS) he gaid tl4t the book of K d rv goods agents. PriJe oniyL25 n . r mnHa. trt hotrpr QTVrYrH- I n .! : 1 i Im nbsvrrra rVl n I inn a In Q I i . ttt-h j nniva i 1 . And Slippers for Christmas, There is nothing more suitable or useful for a Xmaa present than a pair of Shoes or Slippers. We have the La- 1 i 1 1 1 ' test Sty les- at popular prices. No old i , Ml M . . Stock, and; every pair sible, practical. Quaker bringing-up was manifes Before he espoused Abolitionism, -making it his lifd hobby, he is aid by the Tribune crititj to have written auii, conventional sti ff, but .when: politics seized him bis in ellectual powers took a, leap. Let us qi tote what the Tribune Greeley's old paper jsays of him : 'His friend Garrison stirred !m him the loathing of ! slavery which as a Ouakerhehad tqnerited: he began to study the questibiit thoroughly,: ahd his hlv 70o.o6o DeoWe have read it. Many anh attractive flowers We were of the alwavs sensitive conscience was roused. ' , t , it ; I i . I As an Abolitionist poet he did al mag nificent work, for which he wa$ roundly hated by a greai : nany respectable peo ple,, and his char ees o politicil pre ferment were tcjs ied to the winds. We have referred to tbis period (f Whit- i0r's oh rppr not fo much because it shows a curious aid the ordinary reader; to better appre- Genesis was like George McDonald's cnts. Will clean twenty-five pairs, ;fQ 4W,ipi;rTitfn1 text, and thev will poems of the Baby k fable suited to , I Wndred of thousands of readers in&f notto 01 tnat uniquts auu uiai-yciiwj reiults from a little learning." j ) novel who know no more of art than Lord Shaftesbury, the famous Chris- this writer knows, j Nearly 100,000 tian worker in Great Britain, but not copies of .he on b volume edition have on!earth now ive think, warned against been sold in this country, afteJ: it had thi "Natural Law" as 4 'a singularly been read by probably 400,000 in peiiicious publication." Tens of thous- Harper's Magazine where it appeared ang have read that book and never serially. ! In the United States prooa- x, the reptile coiled among the gay 4 ; 1 L 1 Eree poet. find expression in fiery an anvthingVlse, per- Ifish sand s iff becked wickedness be- the history of an "because it maiks rhymer 'became a of a great aim io verse that more bans;, roused a TPneration to a sense of fore the Lord." f hi mnst read to one well very' ignorahj and T?;. in Ma?sidhusett$ accessible to alll-there uected:withslafry tha and damning th n is to Southland. Wei write know whereof wt affirm. iy practical ptiase in j years greater is called "The were so cnarmea witu luo j i numDer. TTnrrter that thev have bousht the one I i 'lji4'Lio rriT-p r r.rnh- Dr. Brisss' work ablv a eood many thousands of this Messiah of the Gospels." It is declared class, and soma are in Wilmington. It by is by far the greatest suceess of later than "Marcella" or 'Tess" or The Manxman" or any iriative writer as rrhe lnTiirMtion ! Otner Olitne nail UOZ-eu veiy smtucaaiui pritin of the Tribune not to be heretical or heterodox. he saysoni: Tt is learned sound, evangelical. It is a sequel to 'Messianic Frqpbecy, i published by Dr. Briggs in lbSb, and is informed malicious stuff. recent fictions the greatest novel for we have not read : the others savej "Tess.f z ' : l FOR It w Appomattox aud Mirrender. WismxGTON. Dec. 15. So much has been 1 said respecting the change of the name j of the. nostomce at AtDomattox Court House, Va . to "Surrender," than an appointment has been made by Fourth Assistant Post- mastor General Maxwell witn congressman j TWb-or nf Virginia, with the view of ascer- taining the sentiment of the people of that j Statedn respect to tne maner. xi ia iuu-f hie that the symbolic name of ''Surrender xw,in haw tn h eliminated from the post- office records and another title selected for the place. i i - from shoddy, and guaranteed to give- satisfaction. Specialties and ine our goods and prices. find them At We do not say it is Ml ssianic ideal of the New Testament. -in its annals is more con- is low, cruel RELIGIOUS The Clinton EMTOaiALS SUNDAY. be found in all that we are "a i !' . J . . . M - A , advisedly, and believer m tne Doubters can will haye no n Democrat refers to the comments we have made now and then A' !. T-. i s j Ti. : ! upon i'roies-sor urummoau. it says devout, j uncompromism g 'old time religion,' and w fangles added "to it. Is itself the first of two volumes that 1 be devoted to that subject, and cohfine itself to the Messianic jideas of prp UnriSLiau O UUHIMJU allUL -uc cMiomu idfas of the Four j Goipels. The second volume, to be published in the early r:fc nf next vear. will aiscuss t nf net vear. will aiscuss tne iNllssianic ideas (f the New Testament times and the Messiah of the add the Apocalypse " This is the view of an able, nlLhed. critic. Whit will the pekns sav of it? ! The o-r " Epistles accom- theolo Latest Arrivals! -flJ-B HA.VB JUST KECEIVED A; LINE OF u-iT,!. nhina nrar.tRr Jars. Cliocolate Potfv Fmit I Bassets, oraaments, Plate-, Cawi anl SatK-eTs.l Limps and Fane? Goods suitable for Holiday ; tilitd. Call and tee tbtm I S. A. SCHLOSS & CO., I ! 24 Nortli Frcnt street. Exclusive Agents for Libbv Fine cut iass.j St. Agnes' Guild 1 TTTIIJ' HOLD US AltWUAiJ rwuiau ijm tlie Parisa Houe of St James' Cnurch, Tuesday nieUt, December istn, for tHe beoeat ot tne Church of tlie Gdou tnepaero. jieirtuiuca served. Cafee3, Fancy Worfc ana L,oveiy juiis for Christmas. Doors open at 1 o'clock. .A dmi slon 10 cents. 1 deciast Concord Chapter No. I, R. A. M. Professor unre We deal largely in ask that you exam- You.ilL GO THIS WAY AT COST. JUST RE CETVED A LOT OP Beautiful : Moquet : Rugs, Size 277inches by 45, for f 1. 0. Moquet Art Squares In many slaes. All suitable for a present. i - ! , FUR RUGS in White, Black and. Gray Goats. Those WHITE SHEEP RUGS are tTiA rTPttie?t Wver shown; in this market. It- will be our pleasure to show youj our establishment. Ad through! . BROWN Successor to Brown & Roddick, No. 9 North Front Street. least 10 per cent, cheaper than else- - ! i I M where, j Special attention is called to our Gents' toilet Slippers from Save money by buying your Schr. 'Caiawamteak toe up. Shoes from the I : - TK iKI-MI I AT 1 UUUl VUli New Shoe Store. Next to BROWN & RODDICK. 50 Runs. J AM NOW named vesse Coal " WMcll will ii ABOTS Apples. Apples : BBLS SELECTED BALDWINS J RECEIVING FROM t ! il a cargo of very superior followed in a few -dfrya by the Scaooners Anna y. Lmain" and "ijiniri vv ai lingford." For Bntt'.m Piicf s nd y. t'y Firet C)aa ' Coal3, isend your orders to tne same old stand. J. A. SPRINGER, NORTH Iff ATE 1 STREET. dec 13 tf For Holiday Hats ! US HAS nirpivrnxs- THE RSGTJLAR MONTHLY ainve 1, Mixd : ! 1 iv, .Knnlnja r. cpnvocation will be Held Monday evening at S O ClOCK. W. A. MARTIN Secretary. dec 1514rsr -, r O T0 DAMME, THE HATTEK. Jn.t recplvail W "KA Lin of Soft and Stiff Ha.tR- rac Jiaiaiiu.r. , . u WnltiT1 t .TM and UnbKl. Priots very low. nau anj aolaitr,nit -vnttn i aWt sivip Ml N'pta, Fa Whole? lie grocer, WUmliigtoii, K. C. andLoeit Prices. 26 NORTH FRONT STREt ; T i - i ' I ' M .MM n. nil m pet information jpn that line by calling There is no oubt that the happiest I se (rredly indorses the Creed known as dec 16 It