-. v " . . t-' 'O .'- 1 a- i - - - ... i .r t WILMINGTON N. 0., TUESDAY. JANUARY 1, 1895. ESTABLISHED 18671 PRICE S CENTS. - . . . . : -i" .. . : - " 1 ...... - AW TELEGRAPHIC BUilMABY. J. R. Robertson, grocery, and liquor dealer, of Williams ton, N. O.j, j makes an assignment The gold reserve yester day was 85,570,145 The old - home ! l i ii - "' ' j iL.L . wnere uie juewaru assassination was uv- tempted-land where I Hon. I James G. Blaine died is to be torn down and a "theatre built on its site- Capt. Samuel Evans of Society Hill, S. C, m dead Eight inches of enow, falls at Bennetts viile, S. C Only one murder was re ported in Marlboro county, Si C, for the Christmas holidays Superintendent Byrnes has nothing more to his resignation. ,The question as to whether the police board him. He is entitled to a t3.000 if retired- The committee on municipal reform, of the NewjYork city Chamber of CJommerce, will make a re THE ; SEN AT0RSH1PS. rOSSIP AT HEADQTJABTERS AS TO THE SITUATION. . say about is raised will retire pension of T . More Changes In Officiate of the Sea board Air LineRumors Still Afloat aa to its Sale Rapid Growth of the I. O. O. F., . Accidentia Mrs. Nor man Jones Suffer Idk Among tbe , Poor, Messenger BureJuJ Raleigh. Dec. 31 night , four inches of snow fell lire and about half an inch - more this lOrning. Before noon the sky partially cleared and the fall of snow . was light. By 10 o'clock a partial thaw began. In comparison with the very cold weather JiOSt port 'containing charges against other I kf taree previous days, the weather city departments and asking for Legisla-1 fco-daywas warm. The snow was too OOMMEROIAL NEWS. ; Stoolu and Bonds in New York: The Oram and Provision Markets of s - Chicago. New York, Dec. 81. Business for 1894 closed at the Stock Exchange with a dull and listless speculation. Tbe total transactions were only 58,833 shares, and of this total StrPaul figured for 8,500, Reading for 5,500 and Sugar for 5.3C0 shares." The most important change in prices was a rally of 4 points in Balti more and Ohio to 62. due to the effort on the part of a latent short interest to cover. The rise was assisted by semi' official statements that the company had the money in hand to meet all its Janu ary interests and there was no truth in recent rumors that the road had a cum bersome floating debt. Reading was somewhat of a feature and on reports that the Earl-Olcott plan would be aban doned the securities dropped f to If per cent. Subsequently there was a slight A Ma t l i' rally. Aiier ft FAMOUS HOTEL GONE. THE DELEVAN HOUSE OF ALBANY IN ASHES. ' tive ihvestijration Our vice consul at Celon i3 arrested on a charge ! of assault and fined?- At silver fruit diah isLlpre sented to the gunboat Castine by the citi zena qf Castine, Me -Capt. Howgate pleads the statute of limi'tatioas ainst the,indictment3 President Martin, of U resign, recently city take the New York police board wi The rfew mayor and other elected officials of New York possession of their offices to day- -The pcJevan house, of Albany, was burned 'Sunday I night. Thirteen persons, em ; ployed of the hotel, perished in the flames, j Many of the guests had narrow V - r-r rr . r:. la.- There are more cnanges.in tn ' ' - A?$apes The authorities of Charleston, 9onnei cf the officials of the Sea v' S.'C.V have purchased 500 acres of . land Air-Line. Trainmaster W. F. Wi ;;a Cooper river and 'will .establish a pub- , . "f "Hg- park -The men on tbfe Chicago . . y board, of trade wound up the (year yes . terday1 with the usual . horse-play of the T f "ay Populist leaders will meet in New ; V : t 'Or1e$i8 January 18th to form Ballot . . ;y Rhihfs leagues The Norfolk Virginian ' ' KP. JsM-irocates embracing Norfolk, ;huth and other eurrounding - - '.cra'citv forming "Tne ureacer ''lkh'y'pqPaion of 100,000 . . '- l-t the Carnegie mills will start up to-mor ' row, the meri generally accepucg vae tm, iyi-o, . - ma wh'n'dn not Will move - 1U "Ojoai """"V f , I jhhin and Purchase farms-e French Ports- towns in Norfolk,". Many of a of t to be good for sleighing and, hence, hot many sleighs were out. Nor could the children have much eport ; on their sleds. It is said that there is now con siderable suffering amdngtbe poor and improvident At the miswonT. rboms.Vof the United King's Daughters there . were rany calls for assistance to-day. ' ' , DeDuty Collector Shelburn reports to Collector Simmons the seizure of illicit distilleries at Staley, Randolph county. and Denton, Davidson county,- owned j respectively by John? angley and Frank wrn . :- t fieaaows. ! ne moonsmners esuapeu a.i rest. i - T There are more' changes .in the per- Williams U succeeded by J. M. Turner, "who comes fceie from Columbia, S. C. W. O. Shep tertfia succeeded as foreman of the shops hero by Mr. Carey, of Abbeville, Dpsnite the " earnest denials that the Southern railway has any intentions i tftnrnhftRins- the Seabord- Air Liine, a treat many person believe there is more in that matter than appears on the Surface. None of those who . have, such in idea can give any, special reason for tt. - . '--:'" - ' : . , u 3 I The Seaboard Air-Line certainly needs a shake up on its schedules; on this divi sion at least. The - trains, particularly those northbound, are two or three hours late almost daily. This lias gone on for a iortmgnc. . v i Grandmaster W. C.i Douglas Grand Lodge. I. O. O business hours it was an nounced that the company had not received the support or sum cient junior ", securities to make the plan effective. The committee has instructed ths trustees - of the o-Anpral mortu-asrs to begin foreclosure, but before legal steps-axej taken i will F ., is dnboat8 ar6 proceeding to Sa Domingo tdJTfnrrA an lnaeinnuT uauu bkh"1" r n "H f:"" " " i i . 8 its laai greai ururr is puui-uuig J a .! Li r .fitiwt rnmmis- l '.: ; -v-.v. Poplin. t- .,13- II UUVCIUlilcu iv --! ; --sw: - j r'-i I Andrews, of New Yorfc, resigns V.J V ,U i$3eadingPa., four children of one 7- s.:i ,t Ptttajey) of diphtheria in onel day7 one Ml--Tbe Sweedish stekmer I '-l--;'Xrgisabydoned'at sia in 'wWtT"rt-nditioEr-4 A Cinciinati surrender a negrc to a SKdlir on extradition , papers m&$i of lynching have 'been v SsWla oner if taken to his own irhleTraii of aso, Wis., Md. Michael . . v a Tbe.J.3ye chiiaren Dersn 111 'y dlesideuce. Mrjlp'Connell -v"; So- f OQ( tryiijg to reeque , them. .Vi)JUi.uaavo -Tt . " - '! o TTn'a Vililrlrpn Will ??7 will4 BishoD 1 Knicker- ktsflndiana, is dead- nA train on Alabama Great Southern tailroad is JJTL,1 .,nnD9rYnrlr. Ala., by two men "S V-llhe express car robbed. mxr 4 pSath of an OLD .CITIZEN.." k '.l.ifi.,- . -A ' ' -a i ' vkcf. Sanauel Evan,-of Society Hill, ,, I "rVit8l8 Away Heavy Snow at Ben ' ' nettsvilleOno Murder f c r the v.! r; Holidais-f;Tbe Jail Full. - .;;' :- ISpeclal to theMesBengeril . t BNSETTSViiXE, S C. Dec, 31 An eight inch snow feU throughout this sec- ?.tLor:ie (made no aria-gements for next year and prospects - are gloomy for tht class of peiople. Samuel Evans, father of ' Hon. jW.'p; Evans, died yesterday evening at : "his home ! in Society Hill, this State. ' Capt.sEvans was a large property holder ;'at antibellum days and was one of the dd South Carolinagentlemen . ' "- ' "The holidays passed without iknusual in cident. ; Only one murder -was- reported "in thie county. . . . . ' , ' - . . : There are at present twenty-ono pnso nersin our county jail ahd thej dilapida ted tonditlon of the buildingLrenders un a usual vigilance orl. the part of the official .nicessary. , h i of the here and and growingrapidly in North Carolina. At Wilson he has just organized a large lodge, of the very best material, and at Tarboro a lodge of the Daughters of Rebtkah. The Grand Lodge doe3 not nieet until May; and a fine showing will tht-n ht made. - It was a pleasure to see Lol. Jienan au r desk at the Supreme court today. e had quite a eevere attacs, dui is now uite himself again. a i..ttr,Tfmm Wiin Rt.aipa that Mrs. Xi. mww: v' ww- i JNorman J ones, iormeny oi vuib , as thrown from a buggy mere ana hat one of her legs was broken in two laces. ' -: ", : ' . Dr. J. J. Mott arrived here yesterday or the purpose of having another con- fejence with Marion Butler. Thee able politicians are very intimate and have been ever since the election. Dr. Mott Will be her during the Legislative ses sion and will no doubt have much in fluence there, as indeed he deserves to ave. being one or the smarter men ui A Rrpublican member of the;. Legiela- ure says he thinks . Pritchard is some i;. 1; oinAh'' rn th 'Sftnator- hip. Pritchard's friends claim- that this s untrue. This same iepuuuiii mjo Jolton may turn out to be a strong man, f the latter cuts loose from Thomas Se.t- le. He went on to say mat mere was a ort of belief that Settle wanted to run olton's-campaien and also to loopy ior im for the Senatorahip, but if betile me here for such a purpose ne wouia e plainly told that he was elected to ongress and noc to tno xjegimatu"'. u ther words, if Holtou is clear or. oetue orili h finite strong. Of E wart's and Tntfs chanbi s this Bepublican doe3 not peak very flatteringly, . ", Tne Oil poriru.ii. ui uuSo im.wi.wj. ot yet bteu placed on the walls of the upreme courx room. j.u ntil the members of the family who ent it Etate who they desire to maKe h -presentation speech, etc. The por trait was sent irom raveiW5. i 1 Jueticee-elecl; Fircloth and Furches krrived hereto-day. i Justice-elect Mont gomery isliere, as this is his home. AT boon to-morrow 4hese new- justices will be sworn in. ! " . ! " All the holiday absentees in the vari ous departmentstiand institutions are hard at Work. I Ti.n romoN 09iliib snow will be .of I . i at. 'Jdall'irrMn. tlv. imucn dkuuv VJ vjf e.' they TeajTcSfitV' nwnAivt n rAviaed-olan of .rear, ' . .i. - The Grangers were ramer neavy, sne November statement of the Burlington and Quincy having been unfavorable. Houses with bearish connections.eold St. Paul on a fairly liberal scale. The In dustrials were firmer, especially for Cordage and Chicago Gas. These issues moved up i toT per cent. " An attempt was made to make capital out of the visit of certain prominent bankers to Washing ton on Saturday, .but the movement quickly subsided when one of the gentle men in Question siatednositively that his visit had been in connection with private matters and not about the late bond syndi cate as rumored, xne witnarawai oi $800,000 gold from the sub treasury had no influence. It is believed that at least $1,500,000 gold will ba forwarded to Eu rope on Thursday. Speculation closed, steady in tone. Net changes show losses of to f per cent. Baltimore and Ohio gained 2J per cent.,- CjloradoCoal and Iron Development, Delaware and Hud son i and Jersey Central :' Railway bonds were higher. ' j . V Chicago, Dec. 31. The ! closing "ses sion of the Board of Trade for 1894 was marked by the usual indifference to trading which characterizes the final business day of the year of that associa tion. The last halt hour of the abbrevi ated session was practically abandoned and the customary pranks .and frolics indulged in- The cash market was witn out change of note. . . i No disposition to trade existed in corn and a quiet unattractive market was a natural consequence with a firm wheat market as a guide. . Prices lost nothing and at times were , fractionally higher than Saturday." Corn r - was; un changed. Very little business w as trans- Oats, like all the other grains, f were practically neglected. The rangewhich was but l.-16c, fully explains the dullness which reigned. The undertone was firm in deference to the feeling in wheat and Thirteen Persons, Burned, to Deatt Guests Ir jured by Jumping from Windows The' Building a Seethjng Mass of flames in Fifteen Minutes Politi cians and Lesislators 7 x Caucnslngin the : " " Baildlne. ' - Baltimore Saa : Albany, N. Y, Dec. 30 The Delevan 'house, famous from Maine to California, th Mecca of politicians and the centre of big State political i-fvents for - forty years, was completely .destroyed- by fire to-night. It was 8:30 o'clock: and the political headquarters of both Mr. Fish ahd Mr. Malby; candidates for Speaker of the As aomWv Worn filled with coliticians and newspapeQ men. ; State Factory inspec tor Connelly, who bad been in the lobby with a number of people, started to go up the elevator. - He re&rked that he imelled Bnnjke and traggwted ar inyes gation. Before it coulde begun there were cries of fire from different parts of the house simultaneouly, ' ' "The outburst of flames before an alarm could be given to arouse the in mates of the rooms was something appall- TTn th elevator shaft tnere snoi of . names, ana up MB. BYRNES' RESIGNATION. The All-Absorbln Topic in Police I Circles Qaestionsple as to Whether the Board Will jRe tire Him, Entitled to " Pension of $5,000. New York, Dec. 31. The one topic of discussion at police headquarters to-day and in police circles generally was Superintendent Byrnes faction in plac ing his application for -retirement irom the force in the j hands" jof Mayor-elect Strong, yl J.V: , ' -;, -j ' -, . Mr. Byrnes' denouncement of the po lice board and the charges that : Jbe was hampered; in. the performance of his duties by t&e commissioners also caused considerable talE Etferjbody is 'won dering now what will be: the' outcome of the present state Of affairs in this depart ment. He declined to say whether or not his letter to the mayor contained an ap plication for, retirement by the police board, to be forwarded to that body or not as Mr. Strong pleases. , , The superin tendent came down to bis office at his usual hour to-day. He, received; during the forenoon many callers who came to extend their good- wishes. Among these were Col. Murphy arjd.ex-Capt. Greer, under whom Mr. Bvrnes performed his first duty , as patrolman r in 1864. He wanted to see "Mt Byrries continued at the head of the departrnent. -. L The superintendent was asked whether he had anything more to say 'concerning his letter to the mayor-elect and ;his rea sons for wishing to retire. S 1 - He stated: " 'I have said .all concern irg this matter that I intend to say: for the Present. My letter is in Mr. Strong's 'hands and I have given my reasons for this perfect Hue shot the i action I have taken. When the As the mass of name 1 pr0per time comes I may have something more to add to- what I have already stated." 1- ;-' . 1J - x ' '. In police circles the universal Impres sion "is that Mr Byrnes . will be at the head of the reorganized police force. t The question has been raised as to whether or not the police board would retire Mr.' Byrnes in the event that Mayor elect Strong should decide to forward his application' to the commissioners. The board has refused to retire ablei bodied officers. Under the twenty -year law Mr. Byrnes is entitled to a pension of $3,000 per annum. It is believed there will be no change in the heads jof the 'depart ment until May 1st. None of the inspect ors who Jwere at headquarters this morn ing cared to discuss the step taken by their chief. N i The department at present is in a state of turmoil over the exposures before the Lexow -committee and ! the -sensation caused by Mr. Byrnes' offer to retire. THE GOLD; RESERVE REDUCED BY WITHDRAWAL QF $800,000. the corn. ; -nc - I - , ' The opening on product was firm and higher, the hog receipts' being light and the market at the stock yards showing an advance. Succeeding the operations at the Btart, the market was almost abjank, althoukbthe gains , which were i made were not lost, during the session1. The close was 171c higher than Saturday for May pork. 10c higher for May lard. and 7 to 10c higher for May riOs. The board of trade will hold no session to-morrow. New Year's day. An Assignment. i rsnr.iai to tlie MesseneeB. : iTrrtr-rVvrnv. N. C. Dec. 31 T. R. Robertaon.dealer in liquors aiwf giruco, vaAa- art n'ssi moment Saturday .night. vrti luvititipj are' ftS.000 and his .assets -,ftc Jl,600! - t - '- . ' '"iXi " New Y'ork, Hec, 3 1 The (Sun's cot ; Vt? ton review says: The port receipts this r -week are estimated by some at 260,000 bales, against SO4O0O last week, l9i,000 - 4. V- last year and 203,000 in 1891 , the b'gcrop ' - Veaf. Thexcbange Wajs closed to day. ' The East Indian Government has imposed If aduty of 5 per cent, on cotton yarn and fabrics, and an excise duty of 15 per cent. .. x ..; oh cotton goods and yarns manufactured . wa'rm said : -It would not surprise , '' -' bo rrnn euesses increase next V j i I ; "month, if the receipts much exceed those ' i - January, 1892, which was tlbebigcrop K anting tbfit' month was quite unfa . 'rf vorable." ." .: ' . )! " 1 . v," ... .1 (,. -. I . m m m i .' " .-"I ., To Form The Greater vNorfolk." : NoRFOtK. Va , Deo 31 The issue of - - -,.). Ae Virginian ta-morrow will consist of " '' '' twentyiour pages and contaih a review f. of the business oi won ma i 1894, w11 a comparison wiwiuo uoua t fe84. - The showing is uuutnuir Thusd The Catholic Charch ana jsecret Orders. I Washington, Dec. 31 Owing to mis apprehenension caused by the jjublica cation of statement that the decree con cerning secretVocietieS was not final and was submitted to the bisbop3 in order to secure from them their opinions thereon, Monsignor Satolli authorizes the follow ing brief statement of facts, to set- at rest misapprehension and possible rnis representation. - ' Th arehbishocs of the United States have taken counsel with respect to three societies, namely: The Odd Fallows, the Sons of Temperance, and the Knights of Pythias. lne acnoisnops utuueu that the whole . question should be submitted to the ApostoUC gee. In a communication from ' his Eminence, Cardinal Mqnaco to MOnBii nor Satolli, the action of the general conKregation of cardinals, to whom his Holiness committed the question, is made known. The congiegation, after considering carefully the matter, . made a decree. This decree his Holiness fully nnnfirmpd and eave it complete effect. The decree is, therefore, transmitted to all archbishops, bishops and other or: dinaries of the United states, to u. uj tr,tn tflPonfr. Mnnaurnor &ali graia, MtifiEgSu haa acted merely1 as the medium onne prasiiifooju. ; , a solid column staircase near onnthoT rrl limn reached each of the five floors it orancnea out in every direction, and soon the whole interior of the structure Was burn ing. :-',- ' ! Fortunately, the guest list was not very large, and the majority of those regis tered were politicians and were down on the second floor. There was a rush for the stairs in the front and the servants Stairs in the back, where the flames had not reached. . A dozen persons in the upper stories found themselves cut ! off from escape. The firemen took several down by lad der. Others slid down the rope fire es capes. "' . ,'",-: . ! t H. A. Foakes and wite, ot yaywu, Ohio, were severely in jured by jumping from a window. , Benjamin Hellman, of Brooklyn, jumped from a window in the top story. He will die of his injurips. " . . Miss Martin, of New York, was taken from the fourth story by a ladder. The department poured nine, streams of water into the building, but could do nothing except Bave surrounding P.roR erty . The hotel takes in Ihe entire blcck 110. by 450 feet and this - was1 in fifteen minutes a seething cauldron only bound by the four walls. . The Dr-levan house is fifty years old rvA fa Ana ST tho-mnftt famous hotels in uiiu 10 - . , the country. Ip is a part of tbe estate of Edward C. tDeleyan. Hurty & Moore, the proprietors, paid $40,000 a year .,n.i oni lntlv had , made vast im- nrnvements in expectation of,, a . Dig winter season. ; ''-" At 10:3 o'clock the east walls fell in and some of the firemen narrowly escaped being buried. At: 11:3 J o clock the Broadway wall fell out and on fire man was buried in the debris. He was taken out and is not thought to be dan gerously hurt. By Soutnern Press ) . ' A mi 1 JLna At.tjant. N. Y.. Uec. ai. me iauju Rfttimate is that thirteen persons, rf t.hfl hotel. Demhed in Delevan house fire last nighty Three of the mifcsing people are men ahl ten are women . A conservative estimate of ne loss is $150,000 on the building, which is iQsured for $160,000, and $50 000 on the furniture, which is insured for $17,500. The rents of the hotel are insured for o nnn a' onmrnprnial traveler who had a The Reserve Now Below $80,000,000 The Distribution of , Our War ' ships The House in Which the . . Seward Assassination was Attempted and Mr.Blalne Died to be Torn Down and Give Way to ' ? a Theatre. , - Washtnoton, Dec. 31. The general treasury balance at the close of the .cal endar year 1894 is stated at $153,022,893, of which $88,370,145 is in gold. After this balance was struck the treaury was notified of the withdrawal from the New York sub-treasury of $800,000 gold for export, and the above balances 'are . re duced by that amount. ;. The cruiser Concord is voyaging down the Yang Tse Kiang river towards Shanghai. She reported at Shin It wan yesterday and Chin Kiang to-day. The Castine has reached ' Castine Maine, where she will receive her punch ' bowl. The Machias arrived at Port Said to-day on her way to China and the San Fran Cisco reached Newpor, where she "will secure her torpedo equipment and be in spected, preparatory to -sailing for the Mediterranean to relieve the (Jbicago as flagship. The Essex has arrived at New York and the Detroit has left Naples ' on her way to join the Machias in. the Suez canaL The wort of demolishing the old man sion on LaFayette square, where James G. 'Blaine died and where the Seward assassination was attempted, began to day. A theatre is to be constructed on the sight. Articles which were in the room where Mr. Blaine died are being carefully removed and it is understood that they .will be appropriately dis played in rooms set apart for that pur pose in the new theatre. Some of the rooms of the house are found to have mantles of rare and beautiful black marble, painted oyer. ' ' DON T MISS Davis & Zoeller's 4'"". 4 ANNUAL RESOLUTION SALE OF- GOODS Beginning With To-Mof row, r 111 s Both Children all the n of iwlrv iri his room, which h-a.id was valued at $50,000, offered a Mo,.rH nt half ih contents to any one Iri eat it out. John Donahue, tm, Ratwnf ths Roeers Volunteers, arti .T. W. Lmd of Bath, entered, the k.,;m;,t ami Bnnppp.ded in eettintr the UUHUIU """" " . , .mh- nnf. and thfiV brought It tO te Kpnmore. where they wee handsomely rewarded. jftsjtiti Bee. ! President J ames Martin, of the police department, will re- Ssign his office within a few day Mr. jMartin himself made the announcement !to day at police headquarters. He siid: ""'My friends know that-1 have been LnVi.,na tn rptire from the police depart ment for some time. 1 ThM place has never been congenial to me and now that the investfgatioo of the department by the Lexow committee haa bran con, eluded. I intend to resign. I did not re sign under fire. My resignation will be iu the hands of Mayor Strong withih a i C9rJcerrrrng the testimony given by i u Rrmu wfnr the Lexow committee, It io thia t av: As Dresident of this H,nrimrat. Idoiiot wish to enter into a t' .,it.AMir ?ith the suoermtenaeni; or any ore ejse, 'Dui i empuaucanj ucUJ that the b rd or I personally have done anything to interfere with or hamper the superintendent in the proper discharge of his amies 7:'.' - r hibitof growth and development. - ine - TnnnlatUin Of ItOnolK Wlin that of Porterwuth, Berkleyl and other Z:X,o :..nnnnts to 100.000. . The Vtrgtn- ,-jf- ian proposes a conolidition pt the cities '4 Jind towns under one municipality -'-The f reater Norfolk"'--aud this issue is deaL cated to the proinotioj.of this result. Onr Tiff Warwnn uerpnany, ;oveQrnmettt as the first step to i. ,r. fiprmnnv and the V nife a "T, nrr t Zeituncf remark ZJir, laurels in a tariff war arifh America. 1 : 7 " . riAl. Oreck-lnrldaa looses His feolt. '.v.-niri Drtrtl 31. Col. W. C. P. -:iri.i J who sued Gustavus A.f : 4 Meyer to recover the receipts levied uponj . at nifl lecture iuuibuoj aa . to-uay. xuo ;. t f Jrflir Times Among the Speculators Caicoo, Dac 1 There was the usual boisterous horse-pUy on th board f traA to dav. For years this has neea a future of the closing of the year, and i. raiiprv was crowded in anticipation f it . -.!:'!. it. Txraa nn aiprstood' that the directors had taken pleasures to squelch any its incipiency, and for a long woe tnere was more tnan ine uauai quiov bu attention to busine s. . Suddenly, as if by previous arrange ment, at 11:30 o'clock a howl went up from all the pits. At the same instant a bombardment oi nags oi uuui"u pie grain commenced, jsvtry poay Bcatr, n tha Hav ramfl to an abrupt end. Men ennirhtRhx ter under tames. W hiuucu uak - T- corners ana in tne wasn roou. up flra fmrrt the metciless skirmianrd was iron, nn "and tne Ueeme crowa was iot- lnvea una ueitcv iuuuuv waij . r w- hftlf an hour "the fun was ks pt up and nniv rvuutpd wnen ine ammuiiiuwu.. nw exhausted. . .- -M ' ''-"-'' T.mmMTiteg Vacating Their Offices. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. Tammany om- cials whose terms expue to-morrow were preparfngj to move to-diy. Mayor GUroy packed" up his private papeys in the mayor's office this morning and was ready to go after the meeting of the board or estimate ana appynwumcu. which took final action on. the depart- mental esumaia iur iwj. j declared that Tammany still had a bright future and that be would always be ready to work for the organizatioa. Willis rioiiiaay, uio iuju o ""-""j has already gone to Albany, where he will be the correspondent or a ihbw newspaper. - , , ,i makmg ready to mve tms mormus marshal; Geo. B. McClelland, president t .uo. v,r,ri nt aldprmen: Sheriff John B Sexton, Coroners S&ea ana ocnuiu&c. Recorder Smy the, and Judge Truax. of 4-1. A S4rTnrifr ffUrt. - ' Ma5 fer-elect strong will take posse8: Xt tka mavnr'n office at' nooa tor rnwT There will probably fee a little speech makinsc and Cohi Strong will be iv1iiced to the heads of the depart- nieht. lost hia court- subtained Mri Uever's claim for servicts iri taking deri itifttu in the Pollard case a year ego.Y the Presentation to the Castine Ma TW. 81 The presents - -u fruit dish was pubiiciy ueu -.o -i-ir: thi. made in the cown nai ok - rrrz ,rr". trt the bfflcsrs of tha United filled to overnowinjf. - - - 1UUUUUVCU vvr . , ! - menii who will serve unaer uilu mayoVs power of remoal bdl passed. Capt. Howgate Pleads tbe Statute of . . liimltations.- -nr.cTiTv.'-.Dec.31-i-Judge McUomas to dav overruled the demurrers the attorneys of Capt. Howgate to tne indictments returned by the grand ury, Capt. Howgate was then arrangea uuu pleaded not guusy.uui. wut,u - - - plea that the indictments were not found tknu, tmk aftpr the alleged or- fenses therein clarged were committed. The question as -to whether, tne muicir mencs were earreu uj r- - itations was thereupon argued, Charleston, 's Public Parlr. Pn.t.TirsTo.'j. S. C. Dec. Sl.-rrThe city anvpmment has just concluded the pur-: ,,.. t o tmnt of 500 acres of land on KU1D. 7 - H. Cooper r jver, about nve nuw .-. f-ti nam Me of establishing a iLiu ha nni. ts wnrknn it at once to con .fr'tt-int.n a rnnrlpt modern Dark. An tnu fant wida will be constructed tha r.ltv to ths Dark. With .i nf lorttrin mn the Dark Will OS a half-hour's drive from the battery, - Usance's Demonstrsyijion Against San ; ' Domingo.- New York, Dec. 31 The Dutch steamer Prinz Frederick Hendrick.which arrived this afternoon from thev West Indian ports, via Port au Prince, Decern her 24th, brings the news that' at the time Of leaving an entire change in Bre&ident trir.rrtivt Ministers was about to take Evervthine was very quiet, Tho mon.nf-war were in the harbor of Pnrtau Prince. It was reported that thev would proceed to San Domingo to enforce a claim of the rrencn tjroyern asainst that of San Domingo; owing to the arrest of a French subject for the recent rpbbery qf a large suran at money from the ban Of ean uommgo, in whifh President Herreaux was impii- rtfd. An Enidiah and another f-Ctl war vessel were also expected at that port, apparently with the intention of backing up the oiairas Of France agarnst San Domingo. I ..-.:' Train Robbery in Alabama. " - "RmMTNGHAM. Ala., 31. A. special to the Aae Herald Uom York, Ali.says: The southbound Alabama Great South ern passenger train, due nere at eoo o clock was neia up om vmro nnrth nf hfre and the express car robbed. the train reports that tnere were oniy iwu wuucio. i.v..r. Was disturbed butithe exprees . car, vuo riot beinff molested. The arnmint sAniirpd is not known. The au thoTities have sent ror aogs, out n. is thought it will be 'too late to appre hend the robbers. - - , An American Vice C nul Arrested. , Panama, Dec 31 The Star and Herald uuj u. . - - . . . 3. n Ahflvfra inn ra rrpsrf(i veaieruav wi 'B' fif aaaault. He was granted a hearing,. ,Ua T-ocnit nf which was that he was sentenced to imprisonment, for five days an1 tiraa alsn rpnuired to fhrnish. a bond to keep the peace for six months. -C The gentgnpe was, hqweyer, commuted to paymenp o a . EXTRADITION REFUSED. An Ohio Judge Refuses to Send a Negro Back: to Kentucky on Ac count of , Threats bf Lynch- ing A Dramatic Court " Scene j Ctncinnati, Dec. 31. The. remarkable scene of a man begging and pleading for his life, claiming fear of lynching, was witneesed: in Judge Buckwalter'a court to-day. The prisoner was A. H. Hamp ton, a tall colored man, indicted in Marion county, Kentucky, for shooting and ; wounding a farmer who accused him of robbing his orchard. Hampton fled to this city and Was arrested this morning.' W. Wf n presented him self in court witness., Edition papers in which tbete waiiufi a naw. jvnen Hampton .was brought into court he trembled so violently h could hardly assume a standing position. Stretching out his long gaunt arms to the judge he moaned: I , .1 ( ' "Oh, Massa Judge, don't gend me to Kaintucky. Jain tno ooward. but dey WllUlD 1U JYJUVll uw a-' cv rj uvj t kj - J T v a ' . T dodowndah.. lseseea em ao it. ite got-letters from my friends tellin me ..... -1- U i T. !t dey wouia Stnng me up nustu. uuii i Bent me (.back, Judge. i'U have no chance," . V Judge fiucawar askea air. he had heard of such threats. ,'Yes, sir, was the answer. ! Then the couit. with his fingers point d at the deputy sheriff said : Dour, montns ago x senii jh ciuaur tion papers, a fugitive from justice into Kentucky. HO was lyncnea soon, aner he left the tram.' The authorities broke their word with this court. Tne State of Kentucky, broke faith with heri sister staffi of Ohio in the protection of human life. I will not send this man away from these courts until I haye ja letter from your Governor and from I the presiding judge of your district that Hambton'a life will not be placed in jeopardy and that he wilt be given a fair and im partial trial " ! ' A murmur of applause arose from the large crowd present.. Hampton, was re turned to jail. . I Parents and Five ' Burned to Death. Ellsworth, Wis., Dec. 31 Yesterday morning at an early hour; the residence of Michael O'Connell, of El Paso, '-was consumed by fire, and Mrs. C'Connell and five children perished in the "flamefj Mr. O'Connell was the only member of the family who slept below. About 2 o'clock he was awakened by the fire and barely escaped from the building ' in his night cloths. As he rushed out his wife appe if ed at an upper window and drop ed the youngest child into his arms. Returning into tbe room for the - others she was undoubtedly overcome . by the, heat, for she never returned. Another child jumped from a window and was saved. Mr. O'Connell himself was fatallv burned in his attempts to save his family. ' "' ' ;' Wt Baby v aTck, we gT hr Caisosi. STien aha wh a Child, ahe cried for Castoris. When. at became Miaa, fc Jung to Caatorla. .' i ' .1 Penn if A Steamer Wrecked. St. Johns.'N. F.. Dec. 31. The British -' mar benisaf, Capt. Gundry, when a few hours out irom jriutjr Mr. Byrnes Corrects a Wrong Im - preeslon,. ! ' Ne YQE5, D?0. 8 1 Superintendent Byrnes to-day took occasion to cor rect the impression given by his testi mony before the Senate committee Sat urday that all the commissioners cf Vie police hoard had interfered with mm m tne proper uiacuai &o v. - was askea u ne raew include Gen. Ker win and Commissioner Murray. He said: I I . "No 1 have nothing to say againss ei win and Murrav. Since they have . been on the board things h ive been very diff erent. No transfers have been made ex cept for cause, and m every way pueeiu Sa .t,a nraaont. tii'a and regulations UUUCt luo jiojv". . of the depirtraent tney nave asswucu vuc supermtenuent oi poiiuw. t i Carhegie Mills to- tart Up, 1 t PrrTSBTJ KG, Dec 31 The Carnegie nxilla at Braddock, ttomfsieaa. xw- renoeville, uuquesne ana, uei will resume work Wednesday morning. The new rates were generally accepted by the emploves, and 12,000 men will return to work. The average reduction n r.ir nmntrnti to nrobably 15 ta w per cent, from last year's: scale. Many of the" Homestead steel workers who i-ftfial with the cut will remove n AoKhnia cnuntv; Ohio. They will exchange their homestead property for farms thef e. Tnia has. ben done by about fwentv Homestead famihes in the past few monyqa, ' j - . THS SINGER SEWING MACHINE. PUT TO the severest' 4est under nigh spee 1 steam ptwer proves to be, tne best macaine on eartb, Bamehaa been f r more than forty years the ' Kadnr - TMs C'imDariT manufamure and Bell about one mini' n Machines each year. J. H, liAKLEY, Manager, lis Martet sueet. aa 8 tui jan l . . - NEW TKvH'3. GBBriHQ- PRI?K8 TO mate jm happy at BR WN WUI n ED'. Bu'ter aoc. Granulated Mrr twertj-one pounds for $l, waiuh ta nupre ed-nted, Prane- 9c, Kvip. Apples o Best qaality Tomatoes S-lb cans, 99cperdoen, nice corn 80, Jflxs lie, and 01 her tnic gs In proportion. janl T7C)R RENT ON OF THE MOST Desirable jf Honte-J in town, on Third a'reet,-l:h all modern coovni-noe". Also t wo houses on sec ond i-treet. ani'oue on Front Btrett, one n Ffth uttttet t ail and exam ine W M. CUMMI&G, KeM Estate gent ana hqwj ruDiic . dec ST St 11 jan j " r C ! Qr a td stents selling ths Royal White tPlMe'al Pla'er or ng orders for platmg. 'lrade afC'ets, lor mui8, reoipw, et"inrnvnea : Iree. A good geDt c 10 mifce two or tti- ee thou sand dollars per year with tne itoyai naier ror terms.-etc, waareis uray riaung works, Colambus Ohio. . nsotuthsa. NOTini THERE WILL BE a SHOOTING Match at ove Grove Field, 'near W. & w. K. K. t-act, TO-DAY, Tuesday, Jan. lat. W. P NOBLE. 4ec3e8V 1. - MAN CAN REALIZE ,ro l and permanent income a manager ry organtaingr a company in wumingion ior or i Car.. Una. ror a business weU estabibhed In other , o t'e aad owned by. promtnent men Will par Kood prodt and. bert the closest invest gau -n. Address TUS AME-AlCaN BDCKAsV CM Pa"NY. 4W to 425, Society Jor Savings Bnllnlng, riavaiand. Ohio. . - ' dec 30 Si . -. Their Great Bargain m&W , " . - - " - - . : ( $20,000 IN DRY GOODS To Be kiied at Your Own Prices v " The Hustlers for Cash Trade i : .. A. DAVID & GdlPAlYi " 1- . .t' YOU CAN BE EASILY SUITED AT OUE STORE IF VOU WISH TO MAKE any kind of a present.. The stocK is so large, ou u, 1 plete, we cannot fail to please you. T ' v A M INFLTTENTIaL Stvle and service considered, there's nothinsr better to be purchased wan wm offer S ouTreSwear Suits.; Rowing how they are made, we guarantee ?v.ry part of the making, as weii as-uie worn.- . , . rat total wreck. The crew selves in their boats. VMTrt SALE OR EXCHANGE All Second- r1 Hanll Law B"olM bought and sold by South; Law Book Bxchange. AaarefiB mt m. iau ern Manager j Balelgh, dec871w OTORKS, U ECU, nov 3 tf OFICBS AND DWELLINGS TO B-. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent. ': - Failure In Gldborc ' Wa iMrn from .the ' Groldsboro rpnt a.i t Mera nhmrrlain & Hiegins, 1 1 t-li uirooi ua -w w - v . 1 . AnnnaA nn a creneral retail New York, with a cargo of iron pyrites, 1 JCZUIU in that city have as struck on the rocas near vpo Vif X w : lx. H. liobinsOn for tne 1 . tenefit of creditors, with preferenc saved them- I henens ov . 'hanat thfl -ssets. that will pruutwij ftHhlSTMAaPRSBNTS wjSAa.Ttt jx run ) iin of H.ildM Go ds, such as Toys, Fancy thing suitable far rLtma. GEO. BAAK s MU-1W uuuaa mw - f7 IMMBRMaN'S ISTHE PLACE TO G W Fine . and Vtlrat Camet hue, window hd s Wall.Pperrarpet Lining, btair ;ad y: Ruteries. Butu-n. 4c, Third street, opposite ciiy,llaH. -- - . The word "REUA-BLE" is our standard. We handle OvercoaU' that will wear places the quicker you'll buy when you reach here. Umbrellas, Neckwear, Men's Hose, Silk Suspenders, Night Shirts Knee Pants Suits, Long Pants Suits dec S3 MALL PI 4NO TOR SALE OH JtK rianos tuned, li BbutU Fifth atreet-':a -i- a mT PfiOF- JOHN BAKES, Sl ! """"I . . a-A on tb K ISO W -BETTER PREPARED TO VV tnm out first Class W rk than ever, es MVm...)iinerT in sii tn od runniog order and UU. . T . V.1 1.1. under the mnagmenr. i oir. 1 m jxvm of few YorK city. Empra tteam Laundrr, W. 8. DUN LAP, yoprlet'.'r. . - k,h T.rT OP ORANGES. APPLE8, A. Bananas, Butter, Eggs, tJblckens. Turkej" and-eeseandcabbiges. Wire ClUcm t oops m.,A Tnrt.i I'rvrrw fnT H0.1fl. H. S. WA1. la A. cnt nnd Princess Sts. GO mm i - 4 . t i. r ! SHATTERING PROFITS Market street. dec It BEAUTISTJL BHOTOGRAPHP I HAVE Just received the finest line of ph otographlc ao- io .nri ...nan vr bronffni to v iiuiiuk- J O ml'OaUCe ll. cat mm ra " " I will give you S5c for it. J)1.0" tan. ma. twelve of my best cabinet Market stseet, Wilmington, IB. U. C JUiLi'D. if.C. octsi PERMANENTLY rvK. W- C. GALLOWAY, X- and 4 Second Btreets, Hor a m.' to la m and from iwtAi.nraoticalimite1 to Eye. Bar. "ose &nd Throat. - itenden''a and omca Smith Build- Poatofllee Green. . between Front an" T OHN C. STOUT, .ARCraTECT AND BUILD- er. riana, cfouoM ry nishRd nromDUT. umco m reuu floor Allen buUding, Princess Btrggt, third sen t Highest of all Jn L'averiing ?ow I 1 rvy Sachet : Powder. ST B EC H V ED A LARGE ASSORTMENT - OF SACHET POWDERS. All Imported Goous, . 20c per Ounce. DRUGS AVV you will sare Remember by buying jour totlkt AKTICLBS from from s to 51 per cent, v , - GEO. L.I HA.naiA.iV, Druggirt and PharmaciBt, . , "iSouttTrontSt.,VoBKAmpettBloclc. 50 Apples..;, Apples. BBLS 8KLICT5D EALuxtms ; ub i 1 m. v - - rw4i TT a TTTS . YXF COTJKSB WIS Arte w . ua v notbins else to do, and the way the shatter" goea on is wonderful to behpld. Aew fine fabrics of .English Make are -going for a song, and as for -4 Raadu-Made : Giotmno Come in and take what you want (for a ; Bmall consideration). Our Underwear and Furnishings generally are consul- t erably shattered, but some good bargains ; remain. - . ' By the bye, call and settle bdls due ; and begin again. . MliNSON & CQl GlotWcrs ana Hercuantlailors. For Holiday Hats ! - n wn. niv THE HATTER. HE HAS -r. urijii. Mixed Kuta,,TancT Candles, LRtWas. , ui abuadajie.. Prices r , -. - 4 1 - Wholesale Grocer, m,.a- : , Wilmlaatos. H. C iurt "received rJClos line of 80ft and Stiff Hats. Also a Nlca Line of Walking Canes and Umbrel- Call and select one. umw wm ' as. anl Lowest Prices. - M 4f57; rtcxT ZTr.ZZI 1 r: 7: