J: i V tan. :-j -NRfliv L. . ,r .... ; w i 15. Bruton, fACKPOS A BELL, PHOPEitTOEa , v TKJtMS OF i;twciui-ii. rOOTiGl PE1PAID. . Tffi Daflt i!is8iKQtB, by mall, one year 17,00; six months, 13.50; thjfee mouthy 11.75; tie month, 60 cents. '.-.( i Served in the city at 60 cents a month; one week; 15 ceqta; tl.75 for threap months or 7.00 a year. . : ' T$i -Wmkxy MaaxQB, (8 pages) by itshIL, one year, ll.OO; aix months, 150 cents. ,'. WATTEttSON AND THE - 1EUS.; WILMIN.GTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY' 1L 1885. v - C. THE MESSENGER FOf , 1805. ! The "Messen'GER has : troubled j its readers but little as to its own affairs. It has hot put forth any claims in its be- TfAv Willia S TTol- ines oi the Jttepuoncan party, ton, Dr. F.: M. ! Matthews, Senator TtNbS Ziibulon B. Vance, Dr. John T. Reia. the compact of union the Slave States Senj. F. Long, M. London, Professor would have the right to withdraw from . L. CRrmichael. Thomas' Webb. Dr. the Union Massachusetts manages to Samuel J. Hinsdale, Lieut. Col. Thomas eep him in her pantheon Brown V enable, N. A. Bray, Dr. Kich rd Williams, B. F. Mitchell, Dr. John 6. Beckwortb, Dr. W. W. Smith, Silas E. Warren, Cot Thomas J. Hedricky Nicholas W. Boddie, M. M. Katz, Wil- if: - -w-w r-i i it ham Dal as .iiavwooaj- Jaamuei xi falev. Andrew Svme, Col trvin, Rey. G. W. Welker, D. D , Maj. H. - Malone, Joshua -iterry , Rey. rmes L. Ghirrie. DrvT, B. Wilkinson, William M. Blackwell, Dr. Richard E. 3ox, Maj'. Rufas S. Tucker, Processor ward Graham Daves, Bur well r. ioberts, Rev. James R. Parker, Thomas rfiE Wilmington messenger, Tuesday, janua"ry u i8?5, Not- TWO GOOD STORIES. -. t ; aaSWf Bow Stanley Huntley Got the Fire Thai He Wanted. ' I shall never forget," said Lawyer McGaffey, "a trip I once took to Jeffer son City, Mo. t with the clever but erratic Stanley Huntley, author of the famous Spoopendyke papers. was then prac tising law in St. Liouis, wnere nunuey was employed on one of the morning dailies. A mysterious poisoning case had been unearthed at Jefferson City, in which I was retained, and Huntley had been assigned to work np the story for Henry Watterson, a very gifted, even splendid speaker, as well as able and brilliant journalist, delivered a speech .Tame before the Sons, of .,N,ew England, in paper. When we reached the double. which he is accused of Rushingj w e room to whioh re had been assigned we have not seen it., It leads the Boston found a big stove there, but not the sign rrU o.rnnlatAfl tiaws- of a fire. It was a bitter told night, but iiC UfrLC IJ-IU ACal utton, Capt. E. H. Cramer, Dr. R. H. tei?g. and th -r, ttt I e rims." to hit the Virginia . . s w "hefty blow," .He said, as imberlake, George W. Focshee, W. Rj Richardson, Capt. Nat. Atkinson, ICol. W. A. Albright. -Maj. John, B- been content to let its daily sits speak for it, and to let the d scarning reader judge for himself as to its isefuinessJ' itH'idHlitv to Democratic nriiciDles. its devotion to. North Carolina and all merit! It! has feathery, Dr. Francis T. Fuller, Daniel concerns its interests, its faithful that and and ceaseless advocacy of Wilmington its many and great. 'ad vantages; its steadfast and inveterate; support of all " that is high and noble, that iis moTaland j "J ( patriotic apd of good report; j , The Messexgeii is not an ideal paper. It isla paper with principles and ideas and opinions and convictions. It is an; exponent of sound, genuinerpemocracy. j ; It knows no variableness nqr shadow q4j turning jvhen the grand Old party isj iavolved'and the real interests of the .People are involved. It s'ands.for toneht, equiifcipure, economical Govern- nient of the people, and for the peoplM and the people. J ; The 'Messenger has hofe yet reached own ideal. Why not? ' j M It begins the new year with some en cburagemeht. It has a . greatly larger subscription how than when, it passea into the hands of the" present ownersl It has a better, larger list of sabseribers nnw thn it has ever had before. It is not satisfied with this; but is reichin ; out after wider fields an! "pastured ftew' It is. pressing on ai id looks to it s friends and well wishers to help, swe 1 the subscription books. , . i . t But the breath of a nev spappr is ia its ad vertising patronage.- The Messen ger needs: more .friends -here 'AViib more patrons ?ll the, time it could ven ture on larger expenditures in the f utui e to improye it as a news purveyor, tt offers certainly excellent advantages o 1 advertisers. Its present, cicuatlon is such as to present to .those who desi e to reach a goo 1 class of readers an e i 'cellent medium of communication. 1 The merchants of Wjlmiffgton are pot; doing their duty in Supporting .i.v. Messenger. If they would look to th ir 'oWn, iuterests.'adveriise meir wares in -.the Messenger; they would help "them j selves a n.i "better enable the owners to give fresh impulse and greater j useful ness to the pnper. The Chai lotte p o ple set an excellent exajnple to oti: er . towns in their liberality And enterpr se in sustaining their newspapers. ' The Messenger wishes jall of its North S. Osborne, Jonathan . Havens, John W. Avera, Dr. J. E. Free land. Dr. M, W. ; Gibson, J. M. Winstead, Dr. Pat Booth, Rev. P. L. Reid, D. D., Dr. W: M. Watkins, James A. Peden, Dr. E. Benbow, Dr. John W. Holt, W. C., Biggs, Dr. George H. Coke, Judge Edyin G. Reade, Dr. William! J. Hawkins, William H. Holl man, W. F. Kornegay, Maj. James Reilly, Rev. Samjuel Rothrock, P. D., Judge Jesse F. Graves," Robert B. Chap man, Rev. R. L. Abernethy,.D..D., Dr. J..H. Freeman, James B. Lanier, E. S. Short, j: A. Forney, Dr. Alexander D. Moore, John White, Rev. V, A. Sharpe. papea in New England, to say of him that he is about 'the most brilliant nnMin BTiftlrp.r in the countrv." He vww -X' . took occasion while placating and flat the Pil V's a we see nnntod in thft Richmond Times, that "There is not cavalier blood enough left in the Old Dominion to produce a single crop of Jrst families" Perlups Henri had in mind the spying of Tom Page that there were but five really ".airoiinr uriatocratic families in all jM y we decided to go straight" to bed and have the fire btult the first thing in the morning.' "Huntley was the first to open his eyes, and he awoke me by exclaiming that the water was frozen solid in the nitcher on the washstand. He looked around for an electric bell .-but that was a luxury the hotel Qian t Bporc jl. log or wooa nau ueea xclii wer uvu iud ! fire, and seizing this 'Huntley began pounding on the carpet. ..But we were on the third floor, and beyond Knocking off the plaster in the room below no re sults followed this attack. 1 - " Tli fix 'em, blank 'emf hissed Huntley, and he stripped the counter- Food, crisp pastry, delicate cake, good . di gestion, all come with the use of Cottolene, and it saves "money as well. Its wonderful success has brought numerous imitations. Genuine has trade marketeer's head m cotton-plant wreath take no other. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company-, ST. LOULS and CHICAGO. mmm SPECIALTIES. y-E STATED WE DEALT LARGE LY IN SPECIALTIES. : Beginning this week we will from time to time give the Styles and Prices of each. SPECIALTY No. i. 7 W. A. JOHNSON, G. H. FORE. Beam tti6 New Year flriatit, M ' - - -. .. 1 ; r- i, .e". 3 111 j -5 Yireinia and he belonged I to Three oi pane on tne Dea, wrapptsu iu wuuu iu Lm Tht t ant of blue-bloodness" bony figure and rushed out into the hall- 7 J ,a Q 5ffa in way, where he began yelling 'JJ irel hrer may account for Page's fine gifts, in Qf hig f delineating so charmingly negro cnar-1 4Jln a few 6econ,i3 there was a fearful acter of the "ton" quality, for his ne-1 commotion. in that hotel. Men, women rrmoa nr all hnm aristocrats with the and children streamed into the corridors, ... t ,rtn0a sprvAnta all in various stages of undress, fright- . wQ 4mua. ened out of their wits, and most of them oi -uiu YirSiuu, , iu..v - frozen to boot. tionof the peculiar, abOunamg pro- .oh, where is it?" shriekingly de vincialisms of the white 'folks in the J manded . a poor woman whose bare feet graod Commonwealth. We suppose protruded from beneath a red petticoat. that wshinffton. Lee. Randolph ana " -i-uat s wnas u , uUw, mu- 1 . : ' . - TT A "XTCt m T7"T "I7TTT T. ! ' VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. . JOHNSON & FORE Tin ot nrotjoae to eive eold dollars for ninety cents, neither are they selling gooas for less than cost, but they do promise you -, ELITE TOE. Gents' $3 Hand Sewea SHoes The 1 above Style or Plain Globe and French Toe3, Bals. and Congress. Peterson & Runs. ;N. B. Empty Shoe Bases, in gcod order for sale. rpHE POOTSTEP3 OF ANOTHER YEAR . are here you can. foretell, they'll lead. We wish the coming months may bring you joy; one way to oil the wheels of 1895, and make them run with ease, is to purchase allyou need in the general Millinery .Fancy and Drir Goods of us. The ladies say they know no better way to please their pocket hooks. We, have our Grand .New Year attack on nricer in all departments; the high i price hosts have been defeated. j Do not ielay. The golden moments flw Vnw ia the ouDortunity. Ladies you had better buy at A HAPPJT ' L. other great men do. not M 0 T 5 2S, ' . ,t ,, .. . . r the immortal five. The Messenger .wishes all its friends J . Carolina exchanges,: and StateSi a more geaeruus patronage mbresatiafactory returns! those in other NORTH OAUOLilNA. Norlh Carolina did well last year, raised its own wheat, corn, oais, con. vegetables &c. . It also largely created its raifcing of .-stick and verv fine. It.has a greater vaneiy rlimate.X)f soil, of industries, ducts than any other State, Ralph recognizes this in esting paper in Harper for January m a Happy New YTear. jjday they have hog and hominy in great abundance, and it wishes those who grow cotton far I better returns in 1895 than they ob tained in 1894. It is a good; time to revie w the past and make' honest, sol- ntiohs for the new vear. Let each one look over the record of his life, think of God's inanifold and undeserved VOICE OF 8T TB PRESS. dered one built in my room this morn I ing, but not" a ghost of a flame have I seen yet. - I'll have that clerk up here, though, before I get jthrough, or know The Best Goods at Lowest Prices Dividend : Notice. ors . ' i r . I the reason why andj again the hall re- The goldbug appear to have been too gotmded hia CTB 0f 'Firel fire! ! much tor Mr. ijanisie ana nis currency hill.". The Eastern Democrats have forced his acceptance of. a substitute, and it is now the prevalent impression that there is no "chance for currency legislation by this Congress. It is pos sible that a1 bill may pass the House, bnt it will die in the Senate. The Pres- bletsings and then form new resolutions J ident's departure from Washington, the j ' x..,n v oMiiw Vent. Know I other dav. was the signal for a general IT . rTTnine Tt! Where eooHS U. I .-0 t i naa sprung up unaer me lmpuiaw ui iiia you have been lame ana impotent and a I mt,ssage and under the impression that failuVe strive to s6 amend that if you j he was interested in the party's chance live to see another new year, you may to puu itseii logemer. juyv finH ransfl for reerret 'and be -able to say to yourself, I wiser, for I kept my promises with God 1 closely by tne pe0ple of North Carolina, taking hotel arrivals one day, when and man and with myself, and feel and perhaps by those in our sister a stranger louugeu up lo vue regter uu stronger and better every way. God States, as any general assembly since asked with a drawl, 'Editor of a paper bless one and all in 895, .and may it be theTemoc,4t is disp0Sed to be hope- 1 nodded patronizingly, and he ob- a time of change ana laitniuiness anu fnl fQr conservative action. The people served that it was a great responsibility. : server. om bonnier and I UQe xnmg is . certaiu, uniuoij, am happier ana T..i9h, h wAfrhPl ns "The terrified sruests. perceiving they had been deluded by 4 madman, sneaked' back into their rooms, i But the clerk had been aroused and we got our fire, although we had to Beek lodgings at an other hotel right after breakfast." Chicago Herald. Mark Twain and the Obliging Editor.; "I nevGr met Mark Twain but once, and I have no desire! ' to renew his' ac quaintance," said Frank Pettigrew. ."It was ten. years .ago, when I was very young and correspondingly fresh. I had secured a position as reporter on the Boston Traveller', and felt that I held the destinies of nations in my hands. I And always guarantee perfect satisfaction. Before making any purchases-, get our Millinerv. Hosierv. White Gooae. Corsets, Merino Underwear,! Kid Gloves, &e. Another lot of Ladies' Cloaks at greatly re duced prices justjeceived. I Next week we ! will show our New Spring- btocK oi rmOrOlueneB. v IHl Lliauy uianu mi viiu. liiwuu . r -o-' wishing all A HAPPY NEW YEAR. 1 vv e are very xruiy, ATA MBBTISO OP tHS DIBK0T0K8 OF tlie ATI ANTIC NATI05TAL BAKK, teW on Tbureday last, a semi annual Dividend of 3 per cent Cloaks must be sold at your own price. The balance of our Millinery.Hats,Trimnied and Untrimmed, at a eacrifice. ' Corsets, Gloves, Eih everything before stock taking. Yelling, at ? 111 MARKET STR Eg" Mail Orders receive our prompt personal attention. bons, Laces, Silks, v elvets and in every department to be sold A new line of Face flarket St., not of broken vows and wrong doing The Messenger wishes tte great brotherhood of man a blessed as well as a Happy New Year. - ' .- THE OR KENS BOKO ADVOCATE. Rev. fi'. M. Blair succeeds Dr. Atkins as editor of the North Carolina Christian Advocate representing the Western Con ference. He makes his professional bow in the last issife in a modest, ap nmnriatn wpll written' article. The IVllv " . last number of the Advocate has several nf Xnrth Carolina are all concerned to-1 He said that he had tried hard to be- getherinthe highest interest of the j come a great editor, and once secured a State. And no man as a citizen, even, I positioh on a western weekly, but had much less as a sworn representative of j been ingloriously discharged. He seemed the people, can afford to jeopardize his (mite heartbroken, and I proceeded to own interest and that of his fellow citi I teu im that journalists were born, not 1 .... ' DRESS ws declared, payable on.aid after December 28tn. and $5,0t0 00 out of tUe earnings of te past j JJ J JsJ QTO N , N . C i six montlis was carried to tne sarpios account mak'rg tne sarplau fund oi this Bant tse.oca BesWent ttockhoiders cf tbe NATIONAL BANK of Wilmington, N. C, pleas a at tlie Bank and receive Dividend of Three Fer Cent, on their stock on and after this date. : MERCURY GOOD S. Transfer Books Closed Until Jan 1st, '95 Is Going Down. j J, W. NORWOOD, dec 8 s FresWenU SILLABUB. zens. And should any be- 'disposed to I act recklessly, we hope in ; the sgood judgment and true patriotism f the more conservative.. Scotland Neck. Dem ocrat. The President remains, the same . am. "GraDd, gloomy an,d ' peculiar- wrapped in the solitude of his own originality." But, all else how changed! Free raw materials have gone glimmer- made, and to make an egregious ass of myself generally. He lounged away, the clerk told me his name, and I made a sneak out the back way." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. ' i JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT and DID WELL.. F. D. Swindell, of the North -Carolina Conference will be "corresponding edi tors." We know as to the latter's ca pability to do good, faithful work ,in scholarly style. .. Rev. W. L. Grissom remains at the helm representing the North Carolina Conference, Rey. Dr. E. A. Yates has seven1 stanzas upon a remarkable theme,: "The TJnburied Dead," that has a certain weird and impressive vigor, and there are poetic and something ghastly thoughts running througfi the poem. It is a production of intellectual merit, but we did not 11 know that the able divine.Presiding El- is to be hoped the farmers this year will der:in the Raleigh district now, ever paid mend their licks and dp better. a.'flv ri indeDendence and comfort uncommonly good editorials, in a style ing. - Sugar receives no consideration, ii v,aTrQ rorelv spn and the determination of members to of excellence we have rarely sen their,s straight is accepted as equalled in the thirty-nine years of xis eviden(ie ?f the determination to return life.- It announces that Rev. Dr. W. R. to original Democratic principles. Barnett, of the Western, and Rey. Dr. I Heaven bless the storm if it lilts tne iog' inai naa conceaieu iuuuauiuuiai principles of Democracy. What is De mocracv? It is the government of the w - It ba- some of , of and. his very -inter- pro" ilr in providing at home everything needed without reading the whole, but the he nr,rt. tn thfi Muses. You" cannot well les onrirpr-intA the force of the following uwM.,-H-v ' , two 4V,Qt it i TncRibla to troduce. Fimt growiDg ought to' be im neosely dejrel bped in North Carolina, 'if the oykter industry was prosecutedwith the .wis doii and industry that ; distinguish ljttje 'Connecticut in afew'yekrs the oyfjter nrnHnffr would be woSth m'lliona '.the people.. Out State has as yet but-sligbtly developed as to Pv.hili'tiHH.' Mr. Ralph seea push and improvements and even Charleston News arid Courier is ' posed to regard it as tho greatest of It can be made ihe equil of any for1. ture has done Wonders for it. . i ou eo into a county that wai erected in 1746 and ride from its county seat for twenty miltes in one direction Without passm -thrbueh cleared land, but through .forests of oak and hickoty and black lack and elm and so on. It$ fisheries cab made still moVe profitable and its mines as vet are only - partially 'developed t f cv,T-tK Cumlinians slick by the 1JTJ u A.vi.a . r State and Unite in making education, in mairriai piuDpciifj, even more advanced in religion. There 1. 4-r1 .ixr nn IpQQ than ttiO tvuaj r of churches, we,r supposje o been its .i its the klis- all. na-' can it greap in NORTH : 1804. Aain we record some . of the losses has sustained in the pastyear. Many, worthy, useful, ltflu ever, oomemenoi omslo iciumKiwH" nd distinsuished abilities have gone frbmamong ns never Cannot give all, but we Will be seen that every tb return, give nuny. profession !We It and hul- nit - the editorial office, the oar, meai .cine.teaching. merchandizing, banking, railroading and so on: rell, T. G. Sparrow, k. calling is perhaps representedthe Dr. E. Burke Haywood, James Ileaden, ' James S, Batt & DEAD and concluding stanzas we give: "Ah, well, pass on the years; Tbey leave us older as they move. Tbey do not die like otber tningsr But ro to gather those we love, - And wait o'er there, with folded Wings, Till we shall move From earth and tears. ' Oh, how the years have sped! " And dead unburied men still move; Unmindful of their dreadful state, I They think and speak, and think they live; And when they wake - alas, too late, They have no love " And hope is dead!" ;. f President Kilgo, of Trinity College, has one of the best thought out contri butions we ever read in a North Caro-r Una paper. ; He is certainly showing that the trustees indeed made, ah im portant' and "rich ftna" which they in vited him to the presidency of the col lege. He is' Southern bom and, will not j have to-live ten y ars in the South to learn something of the ways, customs, manners, traditions, plans, aspirations and demands of our people. SECESSION S E TIM EN T S. people, and anything that hinders the free exercise of popular rights is anti Democratic. The government that inter feres least with the liberty of the sub ject is best, provided to provides safe guards lor his . security . and happiness. We trust that the Democratic party will get together, and firmly stand for the interests and liberties of all the people. Newbern journal. lltXXM YOUNG MOTHERS We Offer Yon Remedy Which ' Insures Safety to Life of Mother and Child: rmcnu and Risk. After -turner one bottle of "Mothirs' Friend" I suffered bat little pain, and did nnt Axnertanca that weakness afterward. ft usual in such cases. MBS. ANNIE GAGE, Baxter springs, nan. Bent ty Hall or Express, on receipt of price, L per bottle. Book to Mothers mailed Free. Bold bj all Druggists. W.L. Douclas S3 SHOE IS THE BEST. PIT FOR A KING. cordovan: FRENCH OY ENAMELLED CALF. 4.$3.s? FineCalf&Kangaroq. ' 3.b?pouce SOLES. EXTRA FINB 2.l7JBQYS'SCH00LSH0tt e run rno r ti nmn DKyvAiwiMiaaa Over One Million People wear the s For all the ailments of Throat and Lungs theress- no cure so quick and per jit as Scott's . Emulsion of G-ver Oil. It is palatable easy on the most deli cate stomach- and effective. ; :Emttlsl6n; j stimulates thd appetite, aids the digestion of other , foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat! Bronchitis, an'd '. gives vital strength besides!. It has no equal as nourishmentj for Babies and ; Children who do not thrive, and overcomes ' ' .. ! Any Condition of Wasting. ) Stnd for PampMet en Scott's" Emulsion. Fret. Scott &Bowne,H. Y. AH Druggists. 60c.and$t Gtirlssmas Has Gone ND THE NEW YEAR IS ON HANI Welcome and hail the newyear of 1895 with. true and steady hands and hearts. We in- teno to mane our store improve m isao as it ' has done 1S94. This year has past with an increase of cash sales over 1893 of 46 3 7 per cent. Now we claim to be ahead in this j city, but the city of Wilmington does not satisfy us. Tnere are otner large cities m the State where there are large and progres sive merchants, and v?e have Our head set to lead the OM North State,' and in what? r well, l will teu you. i , ; . First, in the favor and good will of its brave and generous hearted people. I Second, the large sales of Dv Goods. No- Mattings, Home Furnishing Goods, and everything that can be found in any First Ti.jS, i a nj at f . x ' And third, we mean to increase and con tinue par "grand reputation of being the cheapest store in the citv. We iwan to keep war prices always in battle, amd the low price is sure to miss in the end. j And fourthly, we do business n ne prin- 1 J XI Z i T . . I - 1 I . As is our cur custom, we are selling-out our high priced Dress Goods that are re - Qlfl j SCUDD6f nORQ Win6 maining, rather than carry them over. i ... .-.. . . - . , It is better right in mid-season to give the advantages of these reductions while our people have enough of winter season to use FROM COL D P, HIGH, FOB THJB HOLIDAY TKADB AT ' SI.OQ per Gallon r Prices are so reduced that every one, no matter how limited be their purse, can Afford to buy. f Imported Dress Lengths which have been $3.50 per yard are now $2.00. Those Which Have Been .50 are now 2.00 1.50 if $1.50 125 1.00 We also have MUM.M3 4 WSBNSR'S CHAM PAGNES. ' ' MOClfT VERNON, GIBSON and TRIPLE X BYE WHISKIES. JAMilCA and NEW ENGLAND ROM . and HOLLAND GIN. . . , SHERRY aud PORT WIN?, Foreljm and Do-, mestic. Also LEMPSV.ST. LOUIS BEEH.-none better. 1 ' . OLD N. C. MOUNTAIN CORN WHISKEY, APPLE and PEACH BRANDIES. SQL BEAR & CO., NO. 18, MARKET STREET. COAL 1 . o 'i - . ::Ti COAL! v At these prices, ; the goods won't 1 many days, so early shopping is suggested Samples! will be Mailed Out-of-Town. JTXD A8H EGG, WHITE ASH EGG, - WHITE ASH 8TOVE,- " ' chestnut coal, furnace coal, pea cal. Foundry coal, tennessee. lump, - POCAHONTAS LUMP, j s Wood ! Wood ! OAKj ASH, LIGHTWOOD. All CjOAL and WOOD of tne best auality and lowest prices. - J. A. SRI NORTH WAI NGER, .STREET, They give the near value for tne money. t. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.' They equal custom Shoes in style and Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. IN Some of the papers are surprised at 50,000 members the opinions of Daniel Webster regard ing secession. It was hi3 liberal, con stitutional views that made him so un popuiar in New England in the last years of his life. In two of his speeches he admitted that the Constitution was a "compact." ( Of course a 4compat" is not of perpetual binding ' force and could ba dissolved. But he went farther and said this: v J "I do not hesitate to say and repeat that if the Northerntates refuse will fully and deliberately to carry into Prom Si to $ saved over other makes. 1 If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by H. VonGLaHM, Wilmington. u. h. cIrstafhsn, wouamstoo TH09. PSNBLT. Falflon. . C. P. OAYLOR. MamrtJ R. l. BRIPGSR CO., Biadenboro. Timely Offer. Mens' Pants, effect that part of the Constitution J tOyS otlltS and J. Abner tlar A. Newbekry, I e; Rev. C. Smith, D. D. LL, P ; Pnrs( r John J ohnson, J6nathan M. Heck, Rev. S. D.' Adims,' Rev. Dr. Sloan, Dr.' William Mcllwaine, Maj. James M. klair.Rkv. G. W. RolUns; Winston Fu'lton.Luther ( Xegg, Alesaiider 1 Creech, Dr..E. A. Andjrson, Dr. J. A: Gaionw'j. Edward Whitford, Dr, M. L. Kellson, VT4 Josephus Turner, Dr. 'Charles J. Gee, Mrs d iroline B. Ashe, relict of the late Judje Ashe; Aljfrtd i . !. ' -r' ..1a.' -T Ti:Vnn Aistnn. Mrs. juarcarei. jjj.. "" Capt.'l H D which respects the restoration of fugi- i.ira 'slaves. thfi South would be no hnnrW keen the compact, A bargain broken on one side is broken on all sides." x 1 .j But New England that talked "trea son" at two different times and held that "traitorous" Hartford Convention that I Underwear aild GlOVeS will forever stain its annals, hounded and denounced and perhaps sent to his grave their greatest man. Read Bled soe's great book if you would j under- j stand this. The ' Richmond Dispatch saysj this, and it is timely in view of the recent memorial exercises in the United States Senate and the placing of his statue in the capitol: "We have often rsad the following! extract from what is styled Mri Web-! ster's ereat speech.' It shows that he Adam . Warner, Rer. . David j had no sympathy with the af ter-teach- WT TmiP1'ic l A. QTinAC ci pie,-and that is to know nobody, bny lor t L,. AiUUldd yiCtyt PUyCa ca8h and gell for cash. That has been our All our Shoes are equally satisfactory motto in the past, and we still stand by our uoiaen rianK in our piauorm. . And now. kind friends, thanking vou for all past favors we kindlv ask a share of your future patronage . We are at the old stand i on tt ront street, opposite the Market House. Wilmington's Big Racket Store, 1 Braddy & Qaylord - PROPRIETORS, i 1 Red Rust Proof Oats BAGGING AND TIES, Cheese, Cakes; Crackers, Sardines, Salmon, Flour Bacon, SUGAR, SALT, LARD, Molasses, FOR SALE BY WORTH & worth: A Full and Choice A :'. : lise op .; CHRISTMAS GOODS Will b auplayed by xa tWg weet ; 1 ! W.H.&R.S. TUCKER & CO. RALEIGH, N. C. Overcoats. for Men and Boys Extremely Low at NAUMBURG'S 106 N. Front Street. WiC H.S.QREEN A CO., . v XH Msrkt Street. Oil Stoves For Heating. ARE CONVENIENT AND ECONOMICAL. No Smoke, No Ashes, , NoOdor. " . ALLJSIZEs'. WRITE FOR , ..- ' - . - , - ' CATALOGUE. ( HJacobl Hdw Co, Geo. R. Frencli & Sorts' Have been marking down the prices on - I - . all stylos of Shoes to fit these times. 1 . The; oldest' inhabitant never saw such bar- gains as we are offering. Shoes high in - i r - i - quality and low in price. We invite you to call on us and we will fit you up right. 108; North Front Street. TR'.SC MARR RCCiSTKP.CO 0. 17438. '" j: FROO POND GH1LL 02 FEVER BBE .'. .- : ' - THE SUREST CHILL CURE U&E i Corps After all Others Fail. Then why not go for it from the first and save suffering and money. It stops Chills in 24 hours. 50c and $1.00 bottles. fThe $i.op bot- ties holds nearly three times, as '. mucn as tne 50c. "size. : EXTRA CAUTION. Bew ware of the dealer ths t offers you I something else instead; insist on having Frog Pond Chill and . "Fever Cure. -There is Bone as ' . good as FROG POND. DAVENPORT MFG. CO., AUGUSTA. OA ZOEI'ALX BY J. H. HARDIN, Prescription- Druggist, I will refund tne money every time PROG PO-D fails to cure CMU and Fever, tep IS 6m tues ton aat 3. H. HASB1N. 1 n- . $6.60 wHj buy a $ltf Oyercoat 9.50 will buy a Lona Cut-Velvet Collnr. a reg ular $ g'ade one lot to clcse at 3 S.'.i wona $S 00 to S 00 .;A . Xireat Reduction In Prices . , 1H THK ENTIRE . i Clothing Department. 1 -, i- . !- Hens Glovea, S5c, 35c fOe snd $1,00 - : I ' .1 Splendl i Cndershtrts at 60c. a 11 Wool Woit9 an 1 bear let Underwear at 98c. j Ladles' and Children's Gloves and Mittens, IS and is ceuta. as. I A 60c Ladies' Vent for 40c. . Bvrrytmns in Cloak at Cost. ' - .1 Big Lot ot Mew Htjlen ia t-hoes jun received. ! tlce iur show Windows lor, Wew Novelties. Remember the Place. 1 j - J. Hi REHDER & CO. KBtT FOUBTH STBXBT BRIDGE. . osr fare paid on all purcUases over $i.0oi . x-uuut no 110. , i . 1 I STILL HAVE BOMB BKAUTIFUL r e Holiday Goods AND BEST IN CO id O z o oc CO z Beware ot Imitations, tflalnsl. Made only by JatTljdw stiUruel P'?. CCONOMy t, 1 Be iurito cettt On Hand vanee which I will close out at a small ad above coat. It will pay yon to call and see the selection. ' - I J. H. HARDIN'S PBTJOGI8T, SW MABKIT. " ' You The LADIES - lABB CORDIALLY ISYITKD - TO CORDIALLY CALL AT Unlucky Corner Bvery day this week and prtake of the delicious Cateu, He rust, Doughnuts. tiaraog vn ps,. o eooed and prepared wim 'tj.t 01 ne" the new aud popular c x.km fat wMch will be irlv. n: freely to, all v sit'-rs. A valua-we t ook B ot containing six hundred choice receipts will be given to; each purchase of ott 4tne." uur "Mystery ' Flour wiU be used In these demon Btrations. . - . -. - . j - - S. N : SAMDERSs, Wotice. IWISQ TO THANK MY FHIKND3 POB their liberal patronage during th put saasoA dtservt It 'ouUuuanct ,Ba enaesTtr . I ' WM. L. D1RO88BT JR., 1 ' BUtioner and Printer, T X t 101 Market Street

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