e n a ;' i ,- 1 -ig m If- . 1 I , ' I i a . - - --a. 1 i ; ......... ssengtr. JAOKfSON k BELL, Puopbistobs, ftillM OF SUBSCRIPTION. POSTAGE PREPAID, Tb Oaut ME8SM81B, by malL ens year 17.00; lix monthi, $3.80; three months, I1.7A; one m6athJ60cits. v Bsyvedln ths city tt eo ewiti t month;) one week, 15 'cents; 11.75 for tares monthi or 7.00 ft year. ! . i by ME66ENQER, (8 PftgeS mail, one year, $1.00; six months, 60 cento. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 1895. 1 TT A BI pr FINANCIAL HISTORY ' Ex-Senator Dpolittle.a yer y decidedly :"&ble Kenpblicari, in a recent letter to ; the Chicago Times-Heralct?Bi&te& that ia t&67, Samuel B. Raggles, adelegate 4; from this couutry to thej monetary eonx ferenee called bv France, errosslvmis- . represented his country n representing " it as lavorme: a cola standard, in una, eleven years later, the United States -called a monetary conference. Mr. ' Herzo:, of 1 Switzerland, now President of that country charged that this conn" rywas awarm supporte' of gold. Mr. Doolittile bays the charge jwas true thten .a . r It will be rfifialled that in 1873, the Congress silver 44 (Republican) demonetized enthroned cold. Mr. Dbo- little says: "Had the United States in 1867 in the Paris conference,! as it ought to, stood with France and tho Latin union for there would never have been .any j demonetization of silver by rio'nriah-iT ni- iha Scandinavians States. VIV.UJUUJ i t" wvm- I ' 1 and the monetary revolution from ,he doupio standard to goiai aione wouiu never have -been attempted in- this gen- erationL in tny opinion." It is Well to understand these historic events. T bey ntrip to oetter unaer- 1 Ml 1 stand trie esent; situation. to this is a recent editorial i i i - - i Pertinent in theNeV York World showing how France has managed her financial mat- tars.-' Let it be remembered that France in 1871 had paid lover $3,000,000,000 1 to Germany as indeiimity and paid it in gold, whicjhj no : otner nation on the On one side of cold standard giope couia have done. France is England, ; a country, and her enemy, Germany, is t3 the J north, another gold country. Now for what the! World tells: 'The last' annual report of the Bank of France shows that it is possible to keep a kobk of gold - and silver availa ble at the pa,me time, and also that a silver reserve may be utilized to pre vent the stock of gold from being di minished. - i - P j During 1894 the gold reserve of the bank was increased by 171,600,000, and since January 1st a further addition of $16,000 000 has been1 made, bringing the stock, of; gold up to 427,500,000. The cause of this! increase is simply the nat ural flow of exchange. All payments to the bank from foreign sources are made in cold in form of ingots or foreien coiinl ! Money in this shape not being current in France it is brought to the bank, whicn issues its notes in pay ment fot it. j When it comes to paying oulmorjevl however,, the rule is differ- '.ent. : f ' i j - . v i In addition to its reserve of $427,500, : nnA in 'firth he, bank hold some $256.- j 000,000 jn silver. When the notes of f the Dans ax presented, uio noiuei: is iw- t quired tb tkke a part in silver. If the amount is inrge ana tne DanK supposes tUat it IS liueuaea ror export it win pay ofilv one half in gold and half in silver. It will sell ingots or foreign coins, but it will ribt sell French gold coins. There: is 'only one comment for us -to make on this. ;, i When we find a country . steadilv ircreasins both its gold andsil ver stocks! without either forced pur chases or reissuing greenbacks or sales of bonds or Currency famines, we are compelled jtd say: .'They manage thefee ' tJZinna TTinvJ Kotfror in Frnnr ' " T T T, - r In such bbiect! lessons tnere is m- struction f or this country. It is admit ted by the Richmond, (Va.,) Times, one of the most extreme advocates of a sin eleeold starhdard, that "the Rothfe. chid-Mdrgaiji i syndicate protects Treasury against! further jraids on our i trrtd 1 1 Thrill It of that. Morean. ' is Wall Street bVeker, and Rothschild British monev broker. These powe control and protect the Treasury of this greatWmmr of nearly 70,000,000 peo . ple.Shadespf Hamilton! Tlje Lycchbuij r News reminds us that "if when the gold raid commenced from Wall street . Secretary Carlisle had adopted the pol irv of the .l?auk of France he coulc 'have stopped! it in a single !day and by one stroke of his pen. Gold and silver were the legal coin of the country '' the law as it then siood distinctly ana . i.i I T. .. i i f . itfcso mahy wor i ds made it his option to pay in those two coins according to convnienck! ! Ml ' j his THE INCOME TAX DECISION. -.-. -I ii i i -I The decision cf the Supreme Court as to the! income tax is not surprising ap it is now'organized ror a number qi years the Republican Congress levied i - an incomei tax. and no decision adverse to itscenstitutionality was! made. For thirty yk&rs. a direct tax has been levied tponl spirits and tobacco. For a long time-several States have levied an income tax and it hanj worked well, not T- ill b i.l. i. . . ! being more oppressive tnan otner taxes, vBut in 18Q5, it is declared, and perhaps the decision is wise and as it should be, that an income taxJ is unconstitutional in so far s itlreaches rents -and incom of real estate. It is also held that it is unconstitutional to tax Government x bonds. j With! this decision . before the next Congress we would! suppose it . would makej many changes j in the re4 suits of taxation. The estimate is that under the . decision of the court the law will not raUe more'jthan $15,000,000 yearly on! such tilings as are deemed constitutibnali to be taxed. - tnv Li. UiL jLs;- . Aiuuuugu.iuo utuision may sneiter a great many people from being taxed .who are riot bearing their proportionate .part of the public burden, the Messen ger will j be glad if the return to the Constitution1 of the United States in this decision shall be the jsignal and forerunner that the! Government is henceforth ta jregard the organic law, and that 11 usurpation ofJ-authority, like ordered; tr.! S.I soldiers into States without jhe jsanction of States, and other high-handed acts, and all attempts at centralizing1 of power in theGeneral Uovernment! shall be ! stopped such as doctoring j cattle in the States, pro Tiding the forty acres and the mule for impecunious folks, educating the masses, running railroads, owning all lines of communication these and other dangerous monstrosities are to be henceforth tabooed, avoided, put down. It is a good and healthful sign to see a decision to protect the rich from right- j eous taxation made upon the distinct grounds of unconstitutionality. A Supreme court composed of Repub licans with but one exception long ago decided that a tax under a tariff levied for any purpose whatever other than 'for reyenue only" was purely and sim ply "tobbery." What would the present court hold? Cannot this piinciple be tested? - . - ! HOME FOLKS. It seems that Rev. Dr. ; Morrison will not be at Trinity college as published. "7 It is pleasant to know j that railroad building is not at a complete standstill in North Carolina. It is reported that three roads are in course of construc tion." Very little was done last year. The Messenger regrets to learn that Minister M.- W. Ransom is suffering from carbuncles on the neck and elbow. It is to be sincerely hoped' that j he will soon recover for otherwise they might not only give him great suffering, but might prove very dangerous. I " Among the special .features at Greens boro Female college commencement in June is the'Alumnae address which is o be delivered by Mrs. John W. Hays, of Oxford, N. C, an Alumna of the in stitution. We do not know personally a woman now giving in North Carolina who is the ; superior of Mrs. nays in natural ability! She ia well cultivated and full of wit. In 1984, North Carolina cultivated 53,113 acres in rye aod produced 478,017 bushels; 164,525 acres in hay and grew j 238,561 tons; 17,955 acres in "potatoes and 1,113,210' bushels; 695,147 acres in wheat and 3,475,735 bushels; 2,459,663 acres in corn and 32,959,484 bushels; 527,893 acres in oats and 5,754,034 bushels. The hay crop-is far too small. Make more hay and stop buying from the North. The potato crop is much ess than we had supposed. The wheat crop is rather small. Kentucky, Ten nessee and Virginia exceed it. If. more oats were made there would be much ess demand for the products of the hay fields in the West. Raise home sup plies all round, including home manures. m) Our vigilant Raleigh ', correspondent reported that another trick had prob ably been played upon the people. Shaffer, a Northern Rad at Raleigh, did not intend, he says, to! tax churches and schools in the bill he sent to the Douglass gang, but the bill he drew cannot be found. Another appears to have been substituted. By whom? It seems that the scamps tricked the un suspecting often and changed bills to suit themselves. So in . this staid old State, with perhaps a larger member ship in the' churches in propor tion to white population than any other, and with as , much need of education for the ignorant masses as any other State whatsoever, by the act of the incompetent, reckless, stupid Fred Douglass j Memorial Association education and religion are both taxed. What an outrage It was very bad for Democratic Legislatures to tax know ledge the small scattered libraries of young and aspiring young men but it is infamous to tax education and reli gion.';" . i EASTERN VISITORS PliE.VSED? m i -r i '. i ine juassacnusetts mm men are much pleased at the very cordial recep tion they have j met with every where. The South never extended hosnitalitv and cordial greeting half-way. j They will no doubt speak well! of the South and will not depreciate its advantages. The opinion of Mr. Lover ing is indeed very favorable. He does not hesitate to affirm that its advantages and opportu nities are very remarkable" for cotton milling, rie did not fail to say at Raleigh that "it is perfectly natural that cotton should be ppnn where cotton is grown. Undoubtedly the immediate increase in the spindles of our country is destined to be near the cotton fields. The proximity to coal, in many sec tions, and thei abundance of i water power, togetherwith a plentiful supply of cotton close at hand are advantages not to be ignored.?' This is frankly and sensibly taken. The steady growth of cotton manufacturing in the South is a necessity. Thus far, although the South makes 60 per cent, of the entire world's supply of cotton, it has but per cent, of the spindles operating in the entire world. This is strange, vvitn all of its great progress in mill ing within a decade, and with all of its very great advantages, to date but per cent of the manufacturing is done in the South. It shows what little really has been done, and "how much there is to do. f The fact of the South's superiority is really no new thing. This writer can show a dozen editorials on that subject published in this city from time to time by him within the last twelve or fifteen years. The wonder is that the South has not utilized those vast advantages to a much greater extent, and that New England did not recognize them dec ades ago: While there may not be any great movement Southward by. the New England manufacturers, there will be now and then an addition com ing from that section. The advantages of labor, climate, I fuel, cost of living, health, and having the cotton growing all about the mills will assert them selves in spite of all opposition of the press and the prejudices that may be ingrained. i S EXPECTANT MOTHERS. , in our wonaerau remedv 44 wottttppb ;E?S?Jl'.yleh makes childbirth uo .nuui mo rcavn 01 ail we nave reduced th I Price to Om IolUr per bottle BewrVof . f rauda, counterfeit and aubeUtuteeT j TAKE NOTHINQ BUT . . ' MOTHERS FRIEND. ... SOLD BV JUJU DRUGGISTS. k-mr-Write for book "TO MOTOinn naii.ui I'il .' w U.M1NGTON filKSSKNOKK, THE MONTHLY MAGAZINES. TdSle Talk for April bae among other papers the following that will interest the housekeepers and others: The Peanut as a Food Constituent, The Dietetic Leeeon Digestion, Housekeep era' Inquiries, Literature. of Childhood, The New Bill of Fare, In Woman's Line, For the Children, New Menu for ApriL Fatbiofiable Lunoheon and Tea Toilet, Are Women Too Domestic. The first paper above is by Mr. W. T. Tomllnson, of North Carolina, now eon nected with the Agricultural Department at Washington. Price $1 a year, or 10 cents a copy. Published at 1113 Chest nut street, Philadelphia, Pa. North Carolina Teacher for February is much belated, but it is here: Pub lished at Raleigh at $1 a year. The Southern States for March has re ports from Southern real estate agents aa to farm sales, outlook for immigrants, etc. It has also a timely sketch of that unique, unequaled school in Virginia the Miller Normal Labor School. There is other instructive matter. Pi ice $1.50 a year or 15 cents a copy. Published in Baltimore, Md. The Forum for April has its usual va riety of practical, business and specula tive articles. It has also an interesting sketch'pf Lord Rosebery, written by the leader of he Irish Home rulers, Justin McCarthy , who some ten or fifteen years ago put the English speaking race under obliga'ions to him for his admirable, most ehtertainingHistory of Our Own times." He has written many books but this work is all we haVe read of the long list. We referred Sunday to another clever paper by Richard Burton on "Th Healthful Tone for American Literature.' The terms are $3 a year or 25 cents a number. Mr. Walter A Page, a r ative of this State, is editor. Published, at Union Square, N. Y. x. News From the Lost Cruiser. Madrid, April 9 A bottle" has been washed ashore at Riva Delia containing the following note written in pencil: "March 10, a o clock evening. "No hope i of being saved-S twelve miles from Bajo Aceiteras. (Signed) "sejond, "Cruiser Reina Regente." .The Government has announced that they will assist the families of the officers and men lost on the Reina Regente. The Delaware Dead Lock. Dover, Del., April 9. Every mem ber of the Legislature was present when the 106th ballot for United States Sena tor was taken at noon to day. The dead lock entered upon its 13th week to day and the lines are as strictly drawn now as they were when the contest began, notwithstanding the death of . Governor Marvil last night, which it was thought would hasten a solution the question. Justice Jackson Refuses an Opinion. New York, April 9 A Nashville, Tenn. , special says : Supreme Court J us- tice Howell K Jackson, whose illness prevented the full Supreme bench paesr ing upon-the Income Tax law, refuses to express any opinion upon its constitu tionality. Justice Jackson is much im proved in health and expresses his inten tion of resuming his duties en tne bench at the October term of court, i WAS ALMOST BLIND Little Girl had to be Kept In a Dark Room. Could not See to Feed Herself. Remedies and Doctors All Failed. Cured in One Week by CUTICUKA. Mv little trirl had very sore eyesl I tried everything, but nothing did any good. - I took her to a doctor in Atlanta, who treated her for a year, but she kept getting worse. II brought her home; was almost out of heart; 1 just felt sure she would go blind. An old lady told me to try Cuticura Remedies. I had no faith in them, as I had tried everything. I commenced on Saturday and before the next Saturday her eyes were sound and well as any child's. She was almost blind and bad been keptin a dark room for more than a year; could not see to feed herself; and they have never been as yet the least particle sore or even looked red from that day until this, and it will be three years the first of May. They certainly cured her, and I think they are the greatest remedies out. I only used half a box of Ccticuka, one cake of Ci ticcra Soap, and one bottle of Cuticdka ResolvE:it; so you see what wonders they did for my little girl. I have read of all of these most wonderful cases, but never before thought that they might be true: but I know this to be the positive truth. Mus. F AXNIE GARWOOD, ' Canton, Ga. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS CcTicrjRA Resolvent, the new blood and skin purifier and greatest of humor remedies, cleanses tne Diooa or an impurities ana poison ous elements, ana inus removes uie cause, wuiie Cuticcba. the great skin cure, and Ccticcra Soap, an exquisite 'skin beautifier, clear "the skin and scalp, and restore the hair. Thus the Ccticuka Remedies cure every species of itch ing, burning, scaly? pimply, and blotchy skin, scalp, and, blood diseases, from pimples to Bcruiuia. Bold throughout the world. Price, Cuticttra, 60c; Soap, 25c; Resolvknt, $1. Potter Drcq and jhem. corp., Bole f roprietora, lioston. .J&f " How to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed free. BABY'S" Skin and Scah ' purified and beautified Cuticura i ioap. Absolutely pure HOW MY SIDE ACHES! Aching Sides and Back, Hi$, Kidney, and Uterine Pains, and Weaknesses, roi iovmi in nna minnra rtv tna inti. V1H car Anti-Pain Plaster. Price, 25c. TO" THE PUBLIC. rpHB UNDERSIGNED BEG TO ANNOUNCE that on or about the tenth day ofjAprU, 1895, they will be prepared with the latest improved ap pliances, at 202 South Front Street. (corner of Orange), to do LAUNDRY" WORK of all descriptions, and respectfully solicit yonr patronage. . Wilmington Steam Laundry, ma 23 tf TELEPHONE 29. Latest : Arrivals. JUST RECEIVED THE NEWEST Styles of Shoes, buttoned pad laced, Oxford Ties Half Shoes of different cuts. ' - ' Shoes with round toes and square toes Shoes to suit your spring clothes. ' And make you look as neat as rose. This week we offer snerrinl inrl - UVVAUV11 lO Great variety of styles and at prices to suit I jruu. j . Geo. R, French & Sons 108 North Front St. mm f7 rri '7& 2 rA 'Af '.V" 5.'V;?'V L (sIGARETTES m ike Sons &vCa.' THEAHER1CM4 TOBACCO CO DURHAM. H.C. U.S.A. MADE FROM High Orado Tobacoof ABSOLUTELY PURE J. W. NORWOOD, W. J. TOO HER, ' Cashier. President. Atlantic National Bank WILMINGTON, N. C. With unsurpassed facilities for transacting business entrusted to it, mis Bans, onwro all customers every accommodation con sistent with legitimate Banking. , LOAMS MADE AT MINIMUM RATES ON APPROVED SECURITY. ' NO INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Collections handled with promptness, ac curacy and economy. : Mch 5 '93. Mch 5,'94. Mch 5,95 Rnrnlna and Net V Prpfits 10,288. 26,238 f 38,210 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 4,765 3,613 None Banking House, 15,621 15,600 14.600 Deposits 185,340 566,210 611,061 Loans . . . . v. & .o0 4y,a4 4au,ozu Dividends paid from March 5th, '93, to March 5th, '9.. . .3 per cent. Dividends paid from March oth, '94, to March 5th, '95 6 per cent. EST Last installment of Capital paid in October, 1892. mil 29; Do You Keep a Bank Account? THE ' WILMINGTON SAVINGS & TRUST CO., WILMINGTON, -N. C. Will Pay you 4 per cent, inter est, and yon can Draw Your Money : : :.' When Needed. . - V ' - Be sure and savex something every week If you are afraid of banks, or have valuable papers or jewels, rent a Safety Deposit Box in our nre ana Durgiar prooi aaie. . x We will take pleasure in explaining our system to any man, woman or child, wishing to aeposit. Loans made on any good security at mini mum rates.' WE HAVc NEAR FOUR THOUSAND DE ; ;xx PtSlTORS. "Ready money is a remedy for many ills." "Little and often fills the purse." "A good beginning is a thing half done." mil 89 JNO. S." ARMSTRONG, President. ' Fj R. HAWXS, Acting Cashier. - the National Bank of Wiimioaton, WILMINGTON, N. C. STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY Our resources and special facilities enable us to receive on favorable terms accounts of Individuals, Firms, Banks and other Cor porations. Business paper discounted for customers on favorable terms. Special attention giyen to out of town ac counts, and will be glad to meet orj corre spond with those who contemplate opening new accounts. Collections receive prompt attention. Seasonable Goods rN STOKJS, AND AKRIYUJQ DAILY, Choice Selection of Seasonable Goods. WI HAVE OJ BAND RAISONS OF EVERY VARIETY, FROM 8c PiH FOUND TO 350 PER FOUND Citron from 15c to 25c per pound. Currants, All Prices, Ail Grades. NUTS, ALL PRICKS, ALL GRADES. We would like to call special attention to our assortment of tne above goods. Cheese, f Cheese. SWSITZER, EOQURFORD, NBUFCHBTBL, Fromaae De Brio, Edam. Pine Apple, English Dairy and American Cream. All fresh and of Finest Quality. PLUM PUDDING AND MINCE HEAT. CAKES , AND CRACKERS. , -A beautiful variety of all kinds. Too great an assortment to specify. Will have to be sear to be appreciated. . The above are only a few of onr BneniitiM Our assortment is complete and we invite all to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere With four wagons we can deliver promptly. TheJno.L Boatwrigbt Co. Telephone No. 14. II BR .va m va y u a i ,-. - zr-r t -a Surety on Bonds. . o American Surety Company OF NEW YORK, JjUJBNISHES BONDS FOB OFFICERS AND Employes in Banks,RaIlroad,Bxpre88, Telephone ani Telegrsph Companies, Irast Companies, Manufacturing MercaatUe and Miniug corpora tions, vfflcers of Build n? and Loan Associations, Clert ia PoBtofflces, Letter Carriers, Cashiers ani Bookkeepers in Mercantile Houses, and for persons holding other salaried positions who are subject to a satisfactory system of accounting The Company acts as surety on bonds required in the. courts and by contractors. CAPITAL,, $2,000,000.00. M. S. WILLARD, Agent ap T . - -; ..i - " i Easter Egg "Dyes. 6 Colors, for 5c. William H. Green & Go. ap V EDNESOAY, APRIL 10, 1895, Taylor's :: Our Millinery Dioplay. Tlia Prtttltit Dilntliit. most ooronrtbeaalri thii town hu trtr teen, Comprising th lateit Parisian Idcu In tbape and color. Zn ezclntlTtf oreationa In Bonn.tt, Toques. Tnfbast This section, though alwayiitriungiy nanasom. nas rtwn on mz psn n pp area of attraction and beauty saaKestiva of fairy land Itself. Lilies. Roses, Orchids. Fleur de Ls. Columbine, Poppies, Dahlias, Pinks. dreds of others, all combining to form a perfect wilderness of beauty, Titania nerseli might love to rule over, straw riats in fiain ana jj ancy uraias, Destsnapes sou wion. Rr,l.oh Trwa and Vsnnnlitnn PTnra with lActi Sdcra Effects, in desirable and exclusive hrwj wmIa lnnViTUT at nnr Hnt.x the ladies Parlor, where Mrs. and Miss Taylor and Gookins, will be glad to snow tnem around. So call early and pick out your Easter Hats. Easter Presents just receive a. . Specials for Fine French Percale, extra width, regular 15c goods, only 9c per yard. 4-4 ShlrtingjOneida Mills, regular price 12c, only 8c per yard. Very Fine white Lawn, sold elsewhere at 25c per yard, only 15c per yard, and lots of other Bargains at 1 1 8 Market Street, EST Bargains in different Departments Daily, Bleach and Soap. MONDAY, MARCH 11th. W.H.&R.S.TUCEER&CO. BEGAN First General Exhibition for Spring of '95 OF- High Class Dress Goods, "'!-...'''" Dainty Printed Cottons - THE AGGREGATE, OUR PRESENT tensive we have ever shown, and while qualities are as fine, yet prices are lower than ever for similar grades. Importing as we do, the mcst of Our DRESS GOODS, many of the styles Crepons. i pi for the season will be Crepons. These we show in every conceivable color and effect. Some small crinkle and very soft to the touch, others harsher and more wiry and some wave-like from selvage to selvage. The prices begin as low as 75c, Covert Cloths and Whip Cords Are among the more closely woven fabrics and are particularly adapted for tailor made dresses. These in "pepper and salt," green, blue and brown mixtures. Prices begin at 65c and go to $1 50. . . English Suitings. In a variety of mixtures, checks and qtripes, including the popular electric and yellowish green, 88 inches wide at 39c, 40c, 45c and 50c. Out-of-town Trade receive the Most Thorough and Satis factory Service through our Mail Order Department. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., . i v- -- . :- ' ! RALEIGH, N. C. : Ladies, we extend this invitation to all of you. , We mean every lady in 'Wil mington and vicinity. We have just what you want in your kitchen. adies, we are serving a nice lunch during this exhibit with delicious Ma jestic Drip Coffee, Biscuits, Cakes, &c. Bazaar. oonnaotioa wita not xw our own and Hftta. , - " Moss Rose Buds, Holly, Pansies, ioieta, can take a rest in our Private Millinery our New York Milliner and Designer, Miss Thousands of other Easter Novelties for OTIdlLs 'Weete Agent for Hme, A. Ruppert's Face THE- and Rich Silks. COLLECTION IS THE MOST EX- cannot be found outside of our store. Fancy Colored Cottons. Court Royal Pique, in an extraor dinary range of styles, price 12Jc. . Cotton Javanaise, in fancy brojter , stripes and checks, yard wide, price - 15 cents. " Teviot SuitiDg?, in correct color ings and styles for the season, price 25 cents. j Cordel Marquise, one of this spring's novel and nTost popular wash fabrics, made on the other side of the ocean, price 20c. Fancy Silks. For whole dresses or waists, a won derful range of styles and grades,pin stripes and checks, bright plaids.shot effects, etc., prices 50c and up. - I. JACOB! HARDWARE COMPANY ARE TALKING KOWj Lend an Ear to What They Haveto About The riAJESTIG STEEL and This Range has a national reputation; sold and used in every State, M ist pop ular in all the large cities; sold in large numbers in the National Capital city. A special feature is HOTEL RANGES, STEAM TABL1S, BROILERS and Complete Hotel Outfits. Prices are lower than any other first class makes Attention now. We are giving a grand Cooking Exhibition at my store with the Wonderful Im proved Range, Majestic, daily. Without doubt we believe this to be the best, most economical and quickest-working Range, ever invented, and say to everybody--- COME I COME -r AND SEE THE GREATEST OF ALL, r The Steel and Malleable Iron Range, M A J E TO Demonstrate their wonderful BAKING.JCOOKING AND WATER HEAT ING QUALITIES, one will be in constant use,' baking biecuits and j delicate cake, which will be served with delicious Majestic Coffee to all who are interested in such matters. . : Hotel Eanges, Steam. Tables There should be a Majestic in everv tunity of a life time to make blessed woman happy. SAVE INLtfUEL EACH YEAR THE COST OF RANGE. t Save in temper, save in food, save in repairs, save in labor an I save in health' Every day of this exhibit will be Special LadieV Day; but the husbanl imy cornel the prospective husband with his sweetheart may come; in fact, ult re invited tT come, and come prepared to give their order and have the great and only Majestic" Range on earth set up. " - Special inducements to purchasers are made during this exhibit, which is done with a view to placing quickly the number, we propose to sell on this plan, and the first purchaser.will receive the reward. . - . N. JACOBI HARDWARE C0MPAHT, 12 South Front Street. SANS SOUCI Fertilizer WorKs. J.FGARRELUCO. MAKTJ7ACT0BEK8 OF Bigh i Grade t Fertilizers AND DEALER'S IN Fertilizer : Materials, Special Fertilisers for all Crops, j Special Potato Guano, j Fertilisers for Cotton and Corn, y High Grade Trncfe Fertilisers, j - Bone Meal, Dried Blood, k . Tankage, Potasta, i Nitrate Soda, I Acid Pnospltate and otner Fertiliser Materials. ' ' , j OUR FACTORY "IS LOCATED AT f Sans Souci Truck Farm ON SMITH'S CREEK, NEAR WILMINGTON, N. C. mhSl lm YOUR TALUS D TRADE IN THE - SHOE LINE.tx TrE WOULD 8 AT THAT WE HAVE ON onfi net a ro-o ftmonnt of the H. C. EVANS STOCK, which was bought bo low tnatweare now Reiiinir lower tlun ever. . I Tnis StocK has been moving rapidly, and we are making it more fasier now Dy lowering me prices again REMEMBER We are continually laying in New. Freeh and Saleable ood. As the old stock moves out the new stock moves in, and the new goods are bought bo that we can astonish you with LOW PRICES. . , J . L We have Just received with : a large shipment of other new goods, ten or twelve t ases BKO QANS AND HARVARD TIBS. AT OLD PBICBS. The country merchant knows what this meats. Call and examine our Stock before buying elsewhere- Respectfully, j MERGER k GAYLORD, IIS PBIKCESS ST, A Grand Success rpHE SPECIAL SALE WEEK WHICH HAS just closed, has proven a Grand Success. We are pleased to know that the public appreciate the bargains wh'ch we have been offering. j NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY in every Department. j SPECIALTIES FOR EASTER. We shall at aU times endeavor to give our Customers and the public ia general the very best fur the least money. Come and see ui. Yours for Bargain, J. H. REHDER & CO. NEXT TO FOURTH STHEBT BRIDGE. . PHONE 113. Car Fare paid on all purchasers of $ i and over. Carolina Insurance Co. Capital and Surplus, - - $69,740 24. Insures Property at Lowest Rates. v Pays ail losses on Eeceipt of Proofs. For Insurance apply at . . Company's : Building, 10 Princess Street. (' ' DIRECTORS: D. L. Goek, Clayton Giles, D. G. Worth, Donald MacRae, S. Solomon, - L. Vollers, G.W.Williams. M. S. 'WILLARD, Secretary, ap 7 Say MALLEABLE ! ! COME ! ! ! and Broilers a Specialty. household and the bresenl RANQE G. Truckers; Gardeners -AND' Country Merchants, SEED. SEED. ARB BSTT1K paSP&SD TSAS- erar before to supply your wants in' HI W CROP j . ' t i ! Garden and Field Seeds BEST VARIETIES FHOM BUIST, HENDEB SON & CLEVELAND SEED CO. LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. LOWEST PRICES. You will un loubtedly - save money bj- buying from j ROBT. R. BELLAMY & CO., -Wholesale Druggist on,N. C and Seedsman. Wilmlng jan is sm MONEY LOANED Do yon want t borrow money ou equitable terms t Do yon desire to pay oft a mortgage anil reborrow tne money at 5 per cent. Interest annually T Would you rare to be so situated that you - couiu reunce uie morigage aaralnst your Home by paylnar o small amount montbly and at the end of each year receive credit for all paid? With Interest being charged only on remaining portion of loan.. Would yon like to buy your family a home T i If so. read the following : I represent a Company that has embodied in itaplaa all the features enumerated above and many more. Can you see any reason why you should pay a large interest for money when you have guod security t Can you present any good reason why it is not as well to receive profits -yearly sb to wait from T to 10 years as one does in many of the Associations 7 Is not the reduction of interest yearly better than waiting many yeara for profits? Borrowers under the plan repre sented by me assume absolutely no risk as each SI paid on the loan is credited on the mortgage, thereby reducing it in proportion to the amount paid. . I Bollding Associations have benefitted hundreds of thousands, so did the old cars that were pro pelled by horses. Our plan is as far saperior ta Building Associations as thetrolley cars are to the old antiquated horse car system. My time ia too much occupied to I answer questions for the curious, but those seetiug information for the betterment of their condition will -receive full . information promptly. I We offer, an investment to those who have a small amount to save month ly that has no superior as to safety and seldom equaled for profits. Call or write. , S. 13. SWAN, Locarsecretarvso2 Fajetteville street, Jan 16 3m j ttroenstoro, N " CALL ::' T0DAY FOR ' " Mountain Butter, Country Hams,' Potatoes Eggs. Produce . or All Kinds Beceived and sold promptly. HALL & PEARSALL utt and Mulberry Streets f City Electric Laundry: JJAVING .THOROrGHLY OVKRHAULKD and added to the machinery of the Wilmington Steam laundry, corner Second and Market streets, we are now prepared to tnrn out as fine laundry work as can be done in America. Al work is done under the sopervision of Mr. Ed ward Wright, recently of Pennsylvania, who ia an expert in the business and guarantees satis faction. Superiority of work and promptness of delivery is our motto.. L- B. PENNINGTON, . 'proprietor. " Seacoast Railroad. r N AND AFTEK OCT.' 1ST TH3 TRAINS KJ will run as fellows on the1 Wilmington Sea- codBtKailrpad: Leave Hammocks at T:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. u Leive Wilmington at 8 so p.m and 6:30 p. Trains leave Wilmington every Saturday at a. m. i t . Sunday trains leave Hammocks at 10 e. m and 6:00 p.m. Leave Wilmington at 8:30 p. m. and 60 p; m. ' ! Turpentine Tools. Yu WILL bJOX MBKD THBSL ORDER COUNCIL'8 through your jobber of factor, who can have them shipped direct and make a fair profit without carrying stock. Prices reduced to meet the general stringency. Shapes and quality has never been approached by otner Manu facturers, i -mh 1 tf J J. P. COUNCIL, Je, A special invitation to every lady iri Wilmington and vicinity to visit our GRAND COOKING EXHIBITION. MAJESTIC Ladies, please call during' the exhibit and get particulars that will save you at least 5. ! r -v