-"rt 1 I ci tl h b 1 t ' 1 n r - : ,'. , ..... ...w,: . . , . . .... . ...... ......... . j- I .-fu v.-V-- . C r-'"'lL . - - - ,.n irirtnrftiVWWIftWWrtfWi ' I JACKSOK BELL, PwairroM. OF SUBSCRIPTION. postage wpaid. a-sws-ass-spss Tex Daixt Mrssxjrexn, by mall, on yea 17.00; tlx months, $3.50; three months, 11.75: one month, 60 cents. . Served in the city at 60 centa a month; one -week, 15 cents; f 1.75 for three montha or 17.00 a year. Thi Wiekxy ME88XWGIB, (8 pages) by mail, one year, $1.00; aix months, 60 cents. WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY APRIL 11, 1895. AN ARP THAT WOULD NOT PL.AY I Bill Arp, of Georgia, a common sense humorist, was solicited to give twenty five cents to the erection jot a monu meat to honor that prodigious old head Bammer, "Cump" Sherman th6 fel low who burnt Atlanta and Columbia and hundreds of houses in Georgia and the Carolinas ! along his march. Maj. - Smith,; (the real name of Bill Arp) de clined j"the honor" as any good and trn'e Georerian or Southron for that matter, mnct An T.iVo tho lAvel-headed man he is, laiuum ana wist?, ub una . . . , a - - - I I good reasons for doing so; Leaving out the wreckage and general deviltry of T Sherman's baud of marauders, Maj. Smith takes a view not generally con sidered in presenting the make-up, of Sherman, who actually organized the corps of Bummers. For proof see a ' Northern history of the war by Prof. J. .- V". Drapef, whose father, we think;' I was once a Professor . in Randolph Macon College, and an. Englishman "f You will finoUhe order" of Gen. Shei man in it creating the corps of scoun drels and plunderers and ravishersBut" let us give what Maj. Smith says of the chief Bummer "I- will so asiar as anv rebel so- called to keep the peaca and bury the pasted if riendly : but you must ex- case me. l nave uvea an my me in me i-path of that march to the sea, and for thirty years I have been strainiDg my mind to .see the heroism in it, and I can't dd it. It just shows how blinded we poor mortals are. AU the heroism I see is in the retreat of Joe Johnston, who, with 40,000 men, resisted that march of Sherman with three times that number and killed more, man for njan, : 1h m he had soldiers. There is where the heroism comes in. But we will ; make a fair compromise with you. If yoa and your boys will contribute 25 ceits each for a monument to Joe John- "tt m, the real hero of the march to the tea, we will let you build one to Sher- ' man and say nothing about it. We thought that the time was about out for bragging, but if you ae determined to keep it up let's tote fair" When Gen. O. O. Howard's corps V passed through Warrenton after the war ended, ve met a Sherman soldier ; an Irishman in the office of Dr. Wil- Kam T. Howard, now Professor in the University of Maryland. The soldier, among other things said, admitted that N.Shtman suffered very greatly in his march. lie said Gen. Johnston was a great soldier and he fell back from time to time and Sherman advanced he pun- - ished the Federals most severely. . In fact, &ij the Irishman, who was on the wrong side, for no Irishman had any business fighting on the side of the op pressots sand . ruthless invaders, "the Southern people do not know yet how many men we lost, but I tell you it was ." awful." ' . ' Maj. Smith states another point that should says: make ; braggarts modest He "It seems to me that itxrequires deal of cheek to brag' about an ' a good S army of nearly 3,000,000 men whip- , ping an army of 750,000 in four years' time.j ; wouldn't mention it u l were you. We are' very tired of all this ridiculous gush about ' the Grand Army of the Republic, especially . when you know or ought to know that you have on the pension rolls more men than we had in jour army during the war. You can't knock the truth out .with monu-s , ments." V j - No, . nor by falsifying records and playing j universal braggadocio. The Federal war records already published, show ' that the armies of the North,, ex ' ceeded ; 2,700,000, and with the navy ' added, in all arms of the service there were about 3,000,000 men on the North era side in the war. Gen. Cooper, Confederate Adjutant General, said that 600,000 troops were what the South had in all, and that on no day during the enure war could zuu.uuu ngnting men be put! in the field.1' Facts are facts and cannot be blinked. But the lying North ern so-called histories represent the numbers in almost all battles as about equal and in some instances the Confed erates were aeteatea when superior in force. Bah!! TW0 BIDES TO THE MONEY QCEflTION .That here are two sides to almost every question cannot be doubted. The most cock-sure people at this time in thejworld are papers like the New York JSveping Post and gold standard expon ents generally. With them there is bu One side and all the financial wisdom in world is! on that! side. The able he financiers abroad who favor bimetal lism, usj well as the best equipped! silver advocates in the United . States, are all cranks and theorisers and ignoramuses. the ablest of living English Unquestionably Mrj Bal- en is He.is a Torv. but he is an ad bimetallism He made a speech onl i few1 j days since taking very stroW ground for both silver and cmld -r t ' i . . r o as currency. ; if the Tories should be restored to power theyj would doubtless cali an international conference M rnn. sider the financial outlook and the res- tor&tion of silver to all of the functions money. . rr.r.i . as wej learn,: that is having a most rapid circulation in the United States. It is said in1 a short time to have passed thej 50,000 ; copies,! and th de mand exceeds the power to print. It is a product of the West we think, and is entitled 'Coin's Financial School" It is said to be a very strong argument on the! side of silver and fairlv bristlriswitri -. points) and facts. It is making a great impression and is giving the gold stand ard paen trouble in the West, We no One of statesm font.; vaniced v tice a letter in the Atlanta Constitution from Maj. Charles H. Smith, (Bill Arp) In which be refers at some length to this able production. He says.: "X can't answer position in it and I am an average man. The trnth to. I am afraid to believe all that is in it for fear somebody will callma a fool. I asked Joel Chandler Harris about it yesterday and what be knew about W. H. Harvey, who wrote it He smiled and said: "Harvey is a silver crank, lust like I am. They call me a crank, but nobody can answer the argument on the silver side, and hence their only reply is that the book is" a humbug a deceitful snare and all that, but the book is taking the western and southern country." -From this little book some instructive facts may be gathered ! that it is well for all men to know. For instance, the total property valuation in the United States is $25,000,000,000 twenty-five thousand million dollars. The total in debtedness of this country is 117,000, 000,000 seventeen thousand : million dollars, and all the figures are given in detail! Maj. Smith, noting this state ment, comments thus: "Well, if that's so, we' are bu9ted and the appointment of a National re ceiver is in order. He says the: rail roads alone owe $5,600,000,000 to Eu rope and the annual interest is $240, 000,000, payable in gold. He says that every kind of property has been shrink ing in value since the crime of 1873 that old John Sherman was the author of. The crime of demonetizing silver by an act passed-between midnight and day, when everybody was drunk or asleep and even General Grant said he didn't know that he had signed any such an act. It takes j twice as much property now to pay adebt asiK-did five years ago, ana aswe ail owe neany as much as we don't owe, the country is about bankrupt, and; a few thousand millionaires will soon own the whole concern. This is tne picture ne araws, and to read it and believe it makes a man feeHike taking his double barrel shotgun and joining the army of bread winners." - "Coin" says that wool has decreased 60 per cent, in price and horses . have been selling at $5 a head in Colorado. The gallant and able Georgia Major closes his article in this something pro phetic strain: "The fact is that 'Coin's' book is either a dangerous fallacy or an alarm ing truth. Cleveland is not in it, nor th8 tariff, and neither will cut any fig ure in the next presidential election. The shibboleth will be "Give us back the dollar of our daddies, and coin it free!" The old alignment of partita will not be in- it, but the cry from the West and the South will be: ' Silver and gold! One and inseparable, now and forever!" f SNAPS. Sweden and Norway are , disturbed and a civil war may develop. Another negro desperado at Bay Minette, Ala., wounded one man and killed the chief of police, ; The Chinese Empire is more then twenty -two times larger in square miles than the, German Empire. The Japanese army is no monster- only 87,000 men. And big China can not wipe out such ah army as that. Senator Morgan wants the Congress to send negroes to Liberia. Where does the power come from? It is not sound Democracy. France and England may yet take a hand over Egypt. . France demands a plain statement of England as to the claims on the Upper Nile. - -- The income tax is shorn but still much remains. What effect will the tie vote haver The vote on declaring the whole law void was 4 to 4. Governor Clark, of Arkansas, had an encounter with Representative Jones. He went '-'before a- magistrate, plead guilty of carrying concealed weapons and paid a fine of $50. The Lynchburg Sews ' takes the proper view, we think, as to nominat ing a Southern man for the Presidency. AU UUUlXUttbO UUO WU.U1U Ut3 LU ILIVILO sure defeat, we may not doubt. m ... . uen. James u. Kemper, one or . vii . . . . - is dead. He was born in 1823 and was educated at Washington and Lee Uni versity. He served in Pickett's Di vision. He was Governor for four1 years. -. if: ; " : Harrison is a candidate and so are Allison, McKinley and Tom Reed. Four horses are grooming for the Pres ldential sweepstakes in 1896. The Democrats are bad off as there is not one man who looms up at present as a possibility, v 1 1 . - '.- A- negro desperado and gambler at Jacksonville, FJa , ran amuck and killed two men, one a policeman, and wounded three others, one' a lieutenant of police. He killed one negro and wounded two others. He was spirited away to pre vent lynching. - , '-; . I ! w i . Richmond negroes ; held ; a meeting and adopted resolutions favoring the agitation of social equality, j Let them agitate, it will never come this side of Africa. The President of the Grand Fountain of the Order. Rev. W. W. Browne, colored, opposed the agitation as sure of defeat Right there parson. is amenable to treatment. Hope, courage, proper exercise, and from the inception of the dis-: ease the continual use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod4iver:Oii and ; Hypophosphites, are absolutely necessary. " ?' x Keep tip good courage, and with the Use of this most nour ishing and fattening preparation 'recovery is certain in the first stages, and may be accomplished even when the lungs are sen-: ously involved. Stop the exces sive waste (and nothing will do it like Scott's :Emulsion), and you are almost safe. ; Serf! & Briwne, N. Y.- 11 Druggists. 50c: and $1 . TJ?H HOTJSKKEPKKS Off WILHINO i.?J'2a otte comforu of a happy borne is arood coffee and At a KumuM. .r r ww iv w auu una. u it iiiiiiip nnnnn t j r . uruiu. nni nn in enm Mn.i mv- mh 10 lm gettuijf it ' -'J'.-' - ; - j .. . .... -ta .. a h a ?!fffi pe Vi rSk u HOME FOLKS. The Odells, of Concord, are to erect a very large cotton mill at Hickory. Cot ton milling pays in North Carolina. TheVanoe mill at Salisbury has Just declared a quarterly dividend ,of five per cant Gen. Cullen A. Battle, of Newbern, delivered an address in Petersburg be fore the A. P. Hill Camp of . Confeder ate Veterans on his Personal Remin iscences of the War. -The Index-Appeal compliments it ; The Goldsboro Aryus is ten years old. Under editor! Robinson it has kept going, and has advocated what it un derstood to be sound Democracy and for the good of its section and State. It seems to be going ahead with renewed life. Success to it. j Editor H. A. London, of the Pittsboro Record, was invited to deliver an ad dress on the late Maj. Gen. Bryan Grimes, as brave a soldier as any State had, at Washington on the 10th of May. He had to decline by reason of important business engagements. He would have done the work thoroughly and welL --. ;' " V ' .. Capt C. B. Denson, who is to deliver the address at Raleigh on the 10th of May upon Gen. Whiting, is a builder of fine addressee It is not long since that we heard a city friend refer, to his ad dress in this city many years ago as the best 10th of May address he had eyer heard. Capt' Densoh has scholarship, ability and much skill with the pen. 1 DELICATE WOMEN p Or Debilitated Women Should Use ?A possesses superb BRflDFIELD'S; &Tonic properties, i and exerts a won- FEAflL lsAaher REGULATOR. Slieystem by driving througb the proper . A channel all impurities. Health ana strengu 1 ii are guaranteea to result irom its use. t-i My wife, who wm bedridden for eighteen ( 2 months. a.tter nslnflr BDlDFlKLD'8 FSIALB i Si LATOil for two months, U setting welL j SJ-J. JL JOHNSOH, M&iTern, Art Sold by mil DruggUU at (1.00 pr bottle. BRADFIELD REQULATOK CO., Atlanta, Qa. Suits Made to Order From $18.75 Ud, -AT- NAUMBURG'S 106 North Front Street. We are Agents of ,ARNHEIM'S FA MOUS MERCHANT TAILORING. The big establishment at the corner of Broad way acd Ninth streets, New .York, needs no praise from us. Thousands of well dressed men are benefitted by patroniz ing it constantly and liberally. Do the same by giving us -your order. ft Laroe Line of Samples TO SELECT FROM. Be sure to look them over before you place an order elsewhere. ! i 4. NAUMBURG'S, 106 North Front St. Latest : Arrivals. JUST; RECEIVEI THE NEWEST Styles of Shoes, buttoned and laced, Oxford Ties jo.au onoes oi airxerent cuts, i Shoes with round toes and square toes, Shoes to suit your spring clothes And make you look as neat as rose. This week we offer roecial inrlnramanta Great variety of styles and at prices to suit Geo. R. French & Sons 108 North Front St. S eacoast Railroad. OS AND AITXB OCT. 1ST THS TBATN8 will ran as fallova on thn wnmtnvtnR eodstBanrpad: .' ieaTo iiammooD at T30 a. m. and 4O0 n. LeaTo Wilminjrton at I so p.m and t:SO p7 Trains leare WUmuurton eTerr fiatardav at a.m. . 8 an day trains leave Hammocks at is cm 5:00 p. m. LeaTe wnmlnston at ua n. m jo p.m. . : Turpentine Tools. Yu WILL tJOK SXSD THX3C. OROBS COUNCIL'S tbrouffh yonr lobber or fac.tnr. i ,1 " p7 V can have tlrem shipped direct and ncakeafair profit without carrying stock. Prices reduced to meet the general stringency. Shapes and quality naa never been approached by other Manu facturers. v AIW J P. COUNCIL. Js. IJLMiWGrOJNf MKSSKNU KK. THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1895. I'M K. W IJLal I IN 11 UJN MiSSSlia ? r iv x ri u xoiaa ' V ;' I V mwwww W VWVV- VWVyWWW rV V V w W ywwww-rw w y w -r w y T T - JUJUj "J( I : i AS a qENERAL t FAMILY MEDICINB. Brown'i Iron 8ittr I &f nl reliable for e14 and young;. U's wonderfully irengthning. .. Mv wife; tvvo little srirls andi taking our fourth bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters. It has benefited one of my little girls very much ; my wife too feels stronger since taking it, arid my digestion is much improved. Brown's Iron Bitters win cure Bad Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles. Wonderful for Dyspepsia, Constipa tion, Female Weakness aud Malaria. W. NORWOOD,- President. J.TOOHER, Cfishier. miantiG National Bank , WIIlimGTON, V. c. . With unsurpassed facilities for transacting buainees entrustea to it, taw bxbjl oners all customers every accommodation con ' sistent with legitimate Banking. y LOAMS MADE AT Ml I MUM HATES ON ! APPROVED SECURITY. NO INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Collections handled with promptness, ac curacy and economy. ; Mch 5,'93. Mch 5,'94. Mch 5,95 Surplus and Net irouta xu,zoo 9 zo,zoo 9 oo,ixu Premiums on U. ' 8. Bonds 4,765 , 3,613 JNOne Banking House, C XO.OZi : 10,DUU l,ouu Deposits 185,340 566,210 611,061 Loans 278,980 479,349 490,520 Dividends paid from March 5th, '93, to March 5th, '91 3 per cent Dividends paid from March otn, 'vi, to March 5th, '95 .... 6 per cent. tsr" Last installment of Capital paid in October, 1892. mh 29. Do You Keep a Bank Account ? THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS & TRUST CO., WILMINGTON, N. C. Will Pay yoa 4 per cent, interest, and yon cam Draw Tour Money . When Needed. Be sure and save something every week. If you are afraid of banks, or have valuable papers or jewels, rent a safety lteposit aox in our lire anu uuxgiar pruui tsai.e. - We will take Treasure in exDlaminer our system 10 any man, woman or cniiu,wuuuijg to deposit. Loans made on any good aeenriry at mini mum rates. WE HAVE HEAR FOUR THOUSAND PCSIT0RS. . DE "Ready money is a remedy for many ills." "Little and often fills the purse." t "Jl good beginning is a thing half done." ? . ma 89 JNU. S. AKMST&ONQ Prksident. Ti ; B. HA WIS, Acmia Cabhibb. THE National Bank of Wllmlnaton, WILMINGTON, N. C. STATE AND COUNT! DEPOSITORY I Our resources and special facilities enable us to receive oh favorable terms accounts of Individuals, Firms, Banks and other Cor porations. , . ' j 1 Business paper discounted on favorable terms. for customers ; Special attention giyen to out of town ac counts, and will be glad to meet or corre spond with those who contemplate opening new accounts. I - : - . . . : t - J Collections receive prompt attention. Seasonable Goods 8TOB2, AND AKRIYINQ DAILY. Choice Selection of Seasonable Goods. i WS HAVB ON HAND ; RAISONS OF EYERI VARIETY, FROM 80 TSB, POUND TO 450 PIB POUND Citron from ISO to 85c per pound. Currants, All Prices, All Grades. NUTS, ALL FBI CSS, ALL GBADXS. We would like to call special attention to ooz C F aaaortment of the above goods. Cheese. Cheese. swsrrzxB, boquxtord. hbufchbtil, Fromaoe Ds Brio, Edam, Pine Applet XngUsk Dairy and American Cream, v An fresh and of Finest Quality.: PLTJM PUDDING AND 1UNCX 1LKAT, CASKS AND CBACKKRS. Abeantlral variety of all kinds. Too great an assortment to specify. Will have to bjs seen to be appreciated. . The above are only a few of our specialties 1 Our assortment is complete and we invite all to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere With four wagons we can deliver promptly. TLcJdo. LCoahvriglitCo. Telephone No. 1. Surety on o Bonds: American Surety Company . OF NSW YOKE, JUBNISHXS BONDS FOB OFFIC2BS AND Employes In Banka.Baaroad.Xxpress, Telephone ana Telegraph Companies, Trust Companies, Manufacturhig. Vercaatile and Mining Corpora tions, ifflcers of Build ng and Loan Associations, Clerks in Postoffices, Letter Carriers, Ca&htenr and Bookkeepers m Mercantile Houses, and for persons holding other salaried positions who sre subject to a satisfactory system pf scconnting. The Company acta aa surety on bonds required In the courts and by contractors. . - CAPITA!- 92,000,000.00. AI. S. WILLARD, Agent. Easter Egg Dyes. 6 Colors for 5c. William fl. GreenttGol ap December i8th, 1894. CHAS. E. BONDURANT, "It'a Brown'i Iron Bliters yoa need I" For overworked men debilitated women puny children. H. L FEN NELL, The Horse Milliner. CO O 22 NORTH FRONT ST. o mr-ARNESS, BUQGI ES,TRUNK8, CO 0 AND BAGS. Largest Stock in the city and at present Living Prices. CD Taylor's Our Millinery Display. : The Prettiest, Daintiest, most comprehensive this town has ever the latest Parisian Ideas in shape and color. exclusive creations in Bonnets, Toques, Turbans and Hats. - . i AT 1 ' . 1 . 1 " 11 A xuia bcuoq, uiuueu always BixiKuuciy uanuseme, naa uiteu on at present an appear- arjee of attraction and beantv sairsrestive of de Les. Columbine. Poppies, Dahlias. Pinks. Wild noses, .Buttercups, liandeiions, Apple dreds of others, all combining to form a mignt love to rule over, t ecraw tiats in t'lain ana jrancy Braids, 1 Euelish Tape and Neopolitan Hats with Lace Edge Effects, in d shapes. . While lookine at our Hats the ladies Parlor, where Mrs. and Miss Taylor and uookins, will oe glad to snow tnem around. tso can eariy and pics: out your iuaster tiats. Easter Presents just received. 1 ., Specials fo3?vTlils;We3s Fine French Percale, extra width, regular 15c goods, only 9o per yard. 4-4 Shirting, Oneida Mills, regular price 12c, only 80 per yard. I Very Fine JYhite Lawn, sold elsewhere at of other Bargains at 1 1 8 M ar Eegr Bargains in different Departments Bleach and Soap. r MONDAY. W. H. & R.S. TUCKER & CO. -BEGAN THE First General Exhibition for Spring of 9 - OB" - High Class D ress Goods; Dainty Printed Cottons. Y THE AGGREGATE, OUR PRESENT COLLECTION IS THE MOST EX- tensive we have oyer shown, and while qualities are as fine, yet prices are lower than eyer for similar grades. Importing as we do, the most of our DRESS GOODS, many of the styles Crepons. One of the most prominent textures for the season will be Crepons. These we show in every conceivable color and effect. Some small crinkle and very soft to the touch, others harsher ' and more wiry and some wave-like from selvage to selvaze. The prices begin as low as 75c, ; Covert Cloths and Whip Cords Are among the more closely woven . fabrics and are particularly adapted v for tailor made dresses. These in "pepper and salt," green, blue and brown mixtures. Prices begin at 65c and go to $1.50. English Suitings. In a variety of mixtures, checks and stripes, including the popular electric and yellowish green, 88 inches wide at 83c, 40c, 45c and 50c Out-of-town Trade receive the : Host- Thorough and Satis factory Service' through our Hail Order Department. . - - , W. H & R. S. TUCKER & CO., RALEIGH, N. C TTT myself are Jacksonville, Ala. 7 r o CD" 07 124, 128 and 128 PRNCfES ST. CI ALE AND LIVERY STABLES, "0 sua O CD CO Also BAGGAGE TRANSFER. Phone 95 for what 70a need, you Day or Night. Serve The :; Purcell IS SITUATED IN TUB CENTRE OF THE BUSINESS PART OF THE CITY, ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM THE TeleorapH OIIlGes and Banks. AND ITS LOCATION SHOULD REOOM - MEND IT TO THE TRAVELING ' PUBLIC. .' ' " ; ; All Modern Improyements. JNO. C SPRINGER & GO. PBOPBIBTOBa :: Bazaar. seen, Comprising In connection with not a lew 01 our own fairv land itself. Lilies. Roses. Orchids. Flenr Moss Rose 'Rods. Holly. Pansies. Violets. Blossoms, Bluets, Cherry Blossoms, and hun perfect wilderness of beauty, Titarxia herself can take a rest - in our Private Millinery our New York Milliner and Designer, Miss xnousanas 01 otner master JNovemes tor - ........... , 25c per yard, only 15c per yard, and lots ket Street Daily. Agent for Mme, A. Euppert's Face MARCH 11th? and Rich Silks. cannot be found outside of our store. Fancy Colored Cottons. Court Royal Pique, in an extraor dinary range of styles, price 12Jc. Cotton Javanaise, in fancy broker stripes and checks, yard wide, price 15 cents. - Teviot Suitings, in correct color ings and styles for the season, price 25 cents. Cordel . Marquise, one : of this . spring's noyel and most popular , wash fabrics, made on the other side of the ocean, price 20c. Fancy Silks. For whole dresses or waists, a won derful range of styles and grades,pin stripes and checks, bright plaidshot effects, etc, prices 50c and up. SAfJG SOUCI Fertilizer Wte J. F GARRELL & CO. XANUFACTUBXB8 F igh : Grade : Fertilizers AND DXALBBS IN' Fertilizer Materials, f. Special FertlUaere for all Crops, Special Potato Guano, ' . . . j l ; - Fertilizers for Cotton ana Bls;n Grade Track Fertilisers, Bone Meal, Dried Blood, ' ' Tankage, Potash, Nitrate Soda, Aeld Phosphate and other FertUlser Materials. OUa FACTOBY IS LOCATED AT Sans Souci Truck Farm ON SMITH'S CREEK, NEAR WILMINGTON, N. C. rah 81 lm ' ED YOUK VALU3D TKADB IN THE SHOE LINE.tX XyB WOULD SAY THAT WB HAVa U hand vet a large amount of tne n. C. BvAKS STOCK, which was bought so low that we ace now selllnc lower than ever. ! This Stock has been moving rapiaiy, ana we are making It more faster now by lowering the prices again. REMEMBER i We are continually laying in .New. Fresh and Saleable Good. As the old stock moves ont the new stock moves In, and the new goods are bonshteotfcatwe can astonish you with-LOW PB1CIS. ' " .' We have lost received with a large shipment of other new goods, ten or twelve cases BKO- GAN3 AND HABVABD TIBS, AT . ULU PBICK8. the country merchant knows what this meats. Call and examine our btock Deiore buying elsewhere. icespecuauy,. MERCER & GAYLORD, 11S PRINCESS ST. A Grand Success npHI SPECIAL SALB WKBK WHICH HAS Just closed, has proven a Grand Success. We are pleased to know that the pabllo appreciate the bargains wh'ch we have been offering. : NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY in every Department. , j SPECIALTIES FOR EASTER. We shall at all times endeavor to give our Customers and the public la general the very best for the least money. Come and seem. Yours for Bargainr, j J. H. REHDER&CO., NBXT TO FOUBTH STBKST BB1DGB. ' PHONB 118. Cat Fare paid on all purchasers ot $-2 and over. Carolina Insurance Co. Capital and Surplus, - - $60,740.24. Insures Property at Lowest Bates. Pays all losses on Receipt of Proof 3 For Insurance apply at Company's : Building1, 10 Princess Street. DLTtECfTOES: D. L. Gobs, Clattdk Grxxs. D. G. Worth, . Donald Marjax, : S. Solomon, L. Voulees, G.W.Williams. I: M. 8. WILLABD, Secretary. ap 7 .1 rVlONEY LOATJED x .- Io you want to borrow money on equitable terms T j - Do jrou desire to pay off a mortgage and re-borrow tne money at 6 per cent. Interest aa anally T Would yon ears to. no so sltnated tnat yon could reduce the mortgage against yonr hcTtae by paying off a small amount monthly and at tne end of eaeh year revive credit for all paid? With Interest being charged only on remaining portion of loan. Wonld yon like to buy yonr family a homer r. ; T If so, read the following x j j I represent a Company that has embodied In Its plan all the features enumerated above and many more. Can yoa see any reason why you should pay a large interest for money when you have good security 7 Can you nresent anv rood reason why it Is not as well to receive profits yearly as to wait from 7 to 10 years as one does in many of the Associations ? Is not the reduction oi mieresi for sen' Si paid on the loan Is credited on the mortgage, thereby reducing it In proportion to the amount paid. ... . t -i ., Building Associations have benenred hundreds of thousands, so did the old cars that were pro pelled by horses. Our plan Is aa fur superior to Building Associations aa the trolley ears are to the old antiquated horse car system. My time Is too much occupied to answer questions for the curious, but those seeking information for the wHwmeni oi ineir conauion wilt receive full Information promptly. We offer an Investment tot nose wno nave a emau amount to save month ly that has no superior as to safety and seldom oiiuueu xvw yi uma. vau or wrae. . S. U. 8WAN, , Locarj3ecretary, 80S Fayettevffle street, Jn Mtm , Greensboro, N. C TO THE PUBLIC. rpHB UNDBRSIGNBD BIG TO ANNOUNCB that on or about the tenth day orAprO, 1895, they will be prepared with the latest improved ap pliances, at ' ! . 202 South Front Street, (corner of Orange), to do LATJNDBT WOBK of an descriptions, and respectfully solicit your patronage. WilmiBgton Steam -Laundry,, mhBtf " TZLKPHONB S9. City Electric : Laundry. t JfJAVDta ITHOBOTJGHLT OVXBHATJLKD and added, to the machinery of the Wilmington Steam laundry, corner Second and Market streets, we are now prepared to turn out as fine laundry work as can be done in America.; Al work n done under the supervlsloif of Mr. Id ward Wright, recently of Pennsylvania, who Is an expert In the business and guarantees satis faction. Superiority of work and promptness of delivery is our motto. L. B. PENNINGTON, PROPRIETOR. A TULWTIC COAST USE. BCHXDTAB Ot ZmO XABOH 95th, 1896. DmrASTCBZS WOM WnJUKaTOlf NOETHBOCXD. DAILY sPaaieB T-Dne Jfanolla 16-.U iM A H tn. Warsaw lltlO ft m Goldsboro is m am.' Wilson iiW pm, Bocky sl6un? fcMpro,Tarboro,fc5pm, WeldoDglji :Cf p GO, WasMnaton U:in rs 19-48 am, Philadelphia w York fcts a m. Boi-S p m, Baitunors 3: a in. Nsw no n m. ! DAILT No. ift-Passsngsr-Diie Vagnoiu g t-00 fx pm, Warsaw 6:44 m. Goldsboro s-.to m, Wilson lh7 p m, Tarboro e:63 a Bocky Monat l?K)7pm, Weldonliw in, Norfolk 10:25 a m. Fetersbnrg i-n am. Ktchmond 3:40 am, Washington 7)0 a m, Baltimore 8:20 a m, PhUadei. Shia 10:46 a m, New York 13 p m, Eos. n S:80 pa SOUTHBOUND. DAILY N - 66 Passenger Due Lake Wacca. 8-30 V M maw 4:40 p m, chadbonrn 4:Ip m, Ma u rlnn 6.84 pm, Florence 7:00 p m, .Atkln 8-o p m, Sumter 8rS6 p m, Columbia 10:00 pm, Denmark 6:18 a uu,AuiraBta 8:i a ra, Wacon 11:00 a m, Atlanta uaj pm, Charleston 11:13 p m, Savannah x:9 a m, Jacksonville 7:00 a m, stAu ffustine 18:00 noon, Tampa 6:20 n m. ABKIVALS AT WILMINGTON FROM TH8 - ... . Hl.'JVA XI. . DAILY No. 47 Passenger-rLeave Boston li 6:S0 Fk pm, New York 9:C0 pm, Phttadelpnia 18.08 a m, Baiiimore xu a m, wastiinz. vl ton 4:30 a m. Blchmond 8-.10 a m. PeterL I i burg 9:80 a m, Norfolk 8:40 a m, Weldon 11:53 a m, Tarboro 1 18:20 p m, Bock Mount 1:08 p m, Wilson 8:08 p m, Golds. : boro 8:65 p m, Warsaw 8:49 p m.Magnolia i , 4:08 pm. i ' - DAILY No, 41 Passenger Leave Boston' li:00 10:00 A 1pm, New ork 9:00 a m, Philadelphia 11:88 a m, Baltimore X-1S p m, Washing, r ton 8:80 p m, Blclmond 7:13 p m, Pet ersburg 7:64 ;p m,! tNorfolk 8:10 p m. Weldon 9:87 p m, tTarboro 5:60 p m. i ' Bocky Mount 10:80 p m, arrive Wilson ! - H.-03 p m. leave Wilson 6:36 a m, Golds boro 7:80 a m, Warsaw 8:16 a m, Mag ! olla 8.-89 a m. j FBOM THB SOUTH. j DAILY No. 66 Passenger-i-Leave Tampa 9-30 11:60 AM am, San ford 1:50 p m, Jacksonville 6:80 pm Savannah istfo night, Charles ton 4:18 am, Columbia 6:20 am, Atlanta . . 7:16 a m, Macon 9:00 a m, Angnsu 8:io 4 p m, Denmark 4:31 .p. m, Sumter 6.43 a ro, Atkins 7:14 a mi Florence 8:28 am, J r Marion 9K6 a m, Chadboum 10:10 a m. 'Lake Waccsmaw 10:39 a m. t Daily except bundsy. 1 Tram on the SootlanaNeck Branch BoadleavM Weldon 8.48 p. m., Halifax 4:00 p. m., amvrs Hcou land Neck at 4:66 p. m., Grsenville 6:31 p. m , Kin! ston7:36p. m. ' Betorning leaves Klnston 7:80 a: cl, Greenville 8.-S8 a. m., arriving Halifax at ii:ot a. m., Weldon 11:20 a.- m. daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washing. ton 7:00 a. m., arrive rarmeie s:40 a. m., Tar- II boro 9:60 a.m.; returning leave Tarboro 4:60 p m. II Parmele 6:10 p.m., arrive Washington T:36 p m, J TWkiiv MMt Sondav. Connect at ParmAin w4th Jt : Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, dally, except Sun. -day, at 4 6 p. tn . Sunday 8:00 p. m.; arrives Ply. mouth 9:00 p. ci., 6:S5 p. m. Betnrning leaves Plymouth daily, except Sunday, 6.00 a. m., Sun day 9:30 a. m., arrives Tarboro lO.ae a. m. and " 11:45 p. m Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds. ' boro daily, except Sunday, 6:06 a. m., arriving Smlthneld 7:30 a m. i Beturning leaves Smithflell E-.00 a. m.; arrives at Goldsboro 9:30 am Train on Nashville Branch leaves Bocky Mount at 4:20 p. m., arrives Nashville 5;05 p. m., Spdng . Hope 60 p.m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 6:00 a. ra., Nashville 8:36 a. m., arrive s st Booky Mount 9:09 a. m., dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves' Warsaw for ' Clinton dally, except - Sunday, at 4:10 p. m. Beturning leaves Clinton at 7:S0 a ta., oonneat ing at Warsaw with ma'n line train?. Trains on South and North Carolina Hailroad leave Atkins 9 40 a m and 6 30 p m, arrive Lncfe now 11 m a m and 8 no p m; returninsr leave Luk now S t6 a m and 4 SOp m, arrive Atkins 8 16 a m and'6 60 pm l Flo race Railroad leave PeeDee.8-.40 am, ar rive Latta 9.ei a m, Dunbar .7:50 p m, Dillon 9:17 . am- 1 eave Dillon 6:15 p m, Dunbar 6:30 a m, Latta 6:81 p m, arrive Pee Dee 6:53 p m. DaUy except Sunday. i . , . Wilmington and Conway Railroad leave Hub 8:15 a m. Chadbourn 9:00 a m, arrive uonway i:4 - p m, leave Conway 80 p m, Chadbourn 6:55 p m, arrive Bub 6:30 pm, Dally except eunaay. Chetaw and Darlington Railroad leave Flor-nufi-isim. annam. 9 00 nm. arrive Darling ton 8 ES am, 9 35a m, 9 S5p m, Bartsville 10 15 p m, cneraw 8 Q; 11 is a m, Wadesboro 1 10 p m, leave Wadesboro a 0 p m, Cherajv 846 pm, 1Trtanr111a d. SO & tn. Ttatrlinffton 8 05 D m. 4 SO p m. s 83 a m, arrive Florence 645pm,600pm, 6qo am. DaUy except sunaay. Central of South Carolina Railroad-leave Sum ter a 60 p m. Manning 6 si p m, arrive Lanes 7 oo pm, leave iianes a so a m, mitum u, ar rive Sumter 9 44 a m Daily. - ' , Georgetown ana western uaiiroaaieave ianes 9 SO a m, 7 10 p m, arrive Georgetown 19 00 m, 8 30pm, leave Georgetown- 7 oo am, 3 00pm, arrives Lanes 8 S& am, 8 M p m. Dally except Sunday. f Wilson and FayettevQle branch leave Wilson 9 03 p m, 11 03 p m, arrive Selma 9 63 p ,m Smith-. field s 03 pm, Dunn 3 44 pm, Fayetteville 4 30P m, is 63 a m, Rowland 6 09 p m, leave Rowland 9 35 a m, Fayetteville 10 M a m, 9 85 p m, Dunn 11 44 a m, Smlthneld IS 25 am, Selma 18 33 a m, arrive Wilson 120p in, 11 SSp m. Trains leave PregnallsS 30 a.m.,Summerton 9 43 a. m , Sumter 10 Sfi a. m., Darlington 11 55 a. m., Bennettsville IS 48 p. m., arrive Hamlet 1 40 p, m. EeturniBg", leave Hamlet 2 10 p. m., Ben nettsville 3 00 p m , Darlington 3 S3 p. m . Sumter 5 Jl p. m., SummertOn 6 63 p. m., arrive Freg nalls 7 81 p m. t - ! H.M.BMBBSON, Ass't Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. B. KBNLT, Gen'l Manager, , T. X . BMBRSON. Traffic Manager. ABOARD A IB LIN3 CAROLINA CXNTBAL BAIL ROAD CO. CONDZNXD aCHXDULX WBSTBOUND TBAIH8. ,""Bnmnwawnwp",i I a No 85 Na lfi Datl 403 "yexSupaUjI P. M. P. H 3 20 7 SO A Ma 6 13 IS 4t A.M. T 00 8 05 7 05 3 50 T 64 7 66 4 13 S 86 8 K S SO 9 98 9 SO 80 9 87 10 If T 46 10 86 10 86 ! 11 4T P.M. I IS 48 I S10 March 84th, 18M Lv Wilmington...... Leave Maxton. Arrive Hamlett. Leave Hamlet. Leave Wadesboro... Arrive Monroe... ieave Monroe. ... ...... ,MM. e . . k . . nn Arrive Charlotte. Leave Charlotte . Leave Shelby .......... Ar KBtflerfordton..J . XASTBOTJND TBAIN8. No 408 Daily 'ex Su Dailjl LvKutherfordtonJ.... Leave Shelby.... MMr.. Leave Linoolnton Arrive Charlotte. Ju.. Leave Charlotte.. .- Arrive Monroe... j Leave Monroe......... Leave Wadesboro 1.. . Arrive Hamlet.... Leave Hamlet Leave Maxton.. "'' ' ' ' i s Ar Wllmmgton.. x P. M Ml ,61 A.M. P.M. 8 SOI iOi 8 50) 8 V C 30) 10 461 .'12 60 7 4S 11 C6l A. M IS 43 S 06 ' 9C4 8 40 10 84 S 46 9 88, a aoj s 30) P. M. IS 80l 8 05 Schxdcu BnrwaxK Wiliqkstoh ahs Kaixie Lv wnmlngtonL,..-.. 8 80pm 780pm ArBaleigh.. A...... isflam isosam Lv Balelgh...... ,.. 6 Si a m s 43 p m Ar Wilmington.. 4.. 1330pm 8 CO a,m SCEXDUUI BXTWXXH WHJCENGTOK AXD ATLANTA Lv Wilmington....., ssopm 72Dpa Ar Atlanta 5 i)tm . 4 0pm Lv Atlanta.. ... SlSpm loopra Ar Wilmington.. .j.- 18 SO p m 806am Sleepers on ss and 6 between Wilmington and Charlotte. ; 1 Close connections at Athens by No. 85 for Macon and close connections at Atlanta by Nob. taT Mobile, New Orleans, Nashville and all Southern; Western and Northwestern points. Close connection by 85 and 41 for t ogusta. . l 0S and 409 "Atlanta Special," Fast Ves tool daily tor all points North, South and West w"2SSSSSJ5?J5!Mxton with c-.F. and Y.v.st. i.fc0 th Cheraw and B&llabnry, at Ham i ,5221s ? f- - 8- N. and Palmetto 7. J' L..gnroa witn Q. o. and N., wtth.B.andD. system, at Lincoln, ton with c. and L. Narrow Guage. at Shelby and Butherfordton wtu 8 cs. " BJM"B OTuuwmnon as to rates, schedules. Ac mmgN?cMXAena sr. i&S -SSSxwifflfe " JNO. H. W1NDBB, Gen'l Manarer. T. . ANDXBSON, Genl Patsenger Agent - ATLANTIC NORTH CAROLINA BAIL- BO AD. TIMB TABLB7 IK tWWKt SC1TOAT, Jan. 97, 169i GOINQ JLAST. GOING WXST 3 7 " 4 PasseDgerrDaay . Passenger Dally MX Sunday. Bx Sunday. ' - - STATIONS. Arrive Leave ' Arrive Lear P. -M. P. IM. -I - " -. , . A.M. A.M. - tso Golds boro 1180 4 85 4 80 Klnston 10 03 IS 13 so as Newborn 8ST sm T 88 7 83 Morehead city, ros 7 07 P. M. P. M. I i I' A. M. A.M. Train 4 connects with W. A W. train hminf NDrth, leavlnJMBoldsbqro at 11:36 a. m., and with So. B'y. train west, leaving Goldsboro 8:00 p. m. and with W. N. A N. at Newbern for WUmlngton and intermediate points. -Train S eonnreta with 80. R' trtn ,rH. Goldsboro s p. m., and with w. A W. train from the North at 8:06 n. m. Mo. 1 trntn &ian wltn w. N. A N. for Wilmington and lntenaedi ' appoints. . S. L. DILL. a it Ml i P6 ' I " ". Snperlntendenti

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