ESTABLISHED 1867. TELFG A P3IC STTMM a ry, THE STATE. The Federal court authorizes 'the receiver of Cumnock mine to issue $30,003 in re ceiver's certificates; a large force will be put to work, and the daily outpu t will be up to SCO tons -The 8tate 8upreme court ad journed for the term yesterday; the justices riled opinions in lifty cases; one involved the cost ' of the State troopa in Craven county dnring the James City trouble; the State lost the case Lnst night was seniors' second evening at Salem Female academy; the school's art-exhibit was held in the afternoon; the alumna, association will hold election of officers and have a banquet to-day A laiye steamer runs ashore :on Hatteras shoals: she ism-shore of Diamond shoals Bids for completion of the Federal building at rewbern were opened at the Treasury Department yesterday The J. Jt. Geddings and Jallifee union, a colored female benevolent organization, meets in annual session at Raleigh: rive hundred del are present. -im.mesth;. l atrick Walsh denies the report that the advisory board of the Southern exposition it Chicago has advised postponament -The Cook county (Chicago) Democratic convention was held yesterday; there were lew sound money men present, as persons of that persuasion kept away from the pri maries Hie day before; the convention adopted a strong free silver platform At Victoria; 15. C , an electric car falls through a bridge, seventy-five feet; tifty or sixty . persons are killed The ferry boat Kath- erine, of" Cairo, Ills . capsizes and eleven persons are drowned The Mexican tug boat Asturas sinks near Key West Near Newberry, 8. C, Ebene.T I'. Chalmers takes refuge undi-r a tree during a storm and is killed by lightning In the Southern J'resbyterian p neral assembly yestertlay a number of reports were made, the most im portant being the one as to the State public school scholarships cf the astembly school at Fredericksburg; Dr. Wilson, the stated f:lerk, is quite ill; fraternal greetings were received frolu the Presbyterian general assembly in session at Saratoga, N. Y. 'oi. John S. ilosby is ill in San Francisco with appendicitis The Senate commit tee will report .against', the ' .coniir ma lion of W. II. Fowler as successor to. Gen. as internal revenue collector in Virginia In Texas the sound money Democrats bolt from the free silver men. and both factions will put up Gubernatorial candi dates; ex-Governor Huberts, who was an in dependent candidate on a platfor m pleasing to the former, withdraws for the sake of harmony Two cyclones which passed . over sections of Michigan Monday even ing were most .fearful in their destruc tion of life and property; few houses were ieft standic;; in'their paths, and the less of jife was appalling A cyclonic storm struck Wycliffe, Ky,, yesterday morning, doing a irreat amouut of damage; but no- ioss of life has been reported- There will be sixty seven contests before the Republi can National convention, involving the rights of 15 delegates One of the features of the ceremonies in -Richmond, Va.. will i,e a . public reception to, Mrs. Jefferson ; avia muiI her two daughters The Demo cratic convention of Oklahoma declares for .: ree silver. The final ceremonies of the coronation of the Car and Czarina of Russia took place at Moscow yesterday Capt.- Gen. Weyler will allow the export of tobacco contracted for prior to his order prohibiting its export from Cuba; that purchased after the order will he held in the island Seventeen bun lred Spanish soldiers have a "lierce battle" w'lth Cubans, lasting live hours, when the Jatter are repulsed; the casualties reported are thirty-nine Cubans killed and twenty fieven Spaniards wounded- Spaniards in Havana are elatd over, the decision of "our Hupreme court in the Horsa ca'e There .. more Hghtitig between Christians and Turks on the island of Crete. Imuibor Urhliffi Hicti, ScUool Coui in no mn'". Correspondence of the Messenger.. Bridge, May 25. Lumber b-'K6 1 1 igh School has had coinm.-cc. menu, of high order, but none t . the me of ih insi' Tho dVffehtful weatU tue-ccrdiaivy and thoiiKjitfulccss of tevhord r.nd pupil, the homogeneous, crowd of peo ple, the exquisite music and hunuotous dialogue faultier recitations and .decK miitiefiH. theHcnsibh' ar.d in-.pri'H.-ivc ail dress of llev.l.. L. Nash, D '!.. tho ImnioroiH and ir, spiring words of the silver-tongued J . ii. Mj rover in the pre sentation of the pn.e-i all cc usptrtd to mako the oceasion otie lonto bereoiem be red. The scholarship prize, and aHO tno pri. for excelience in music, was won iiv Mi-8 I.ida Liw. ' Frofessor S. V. McKee, of the taV ...U v ;H' Military ae.idt nij, was to speak , but on account'of sickinvsK w;lh usable to be pre-ent . 1 The peop.'e of thi--? eommumiv .roudof jtheir f-' 1. nnd nre deler-:-una that the ad antaees uttered ne hall be equal to thOBt' i'ouud anywhere in the Stave. - A young nu-.n to your conv.-p 'r.'!-i-nt :"1 have paid my bo&i.i, tuition. a fueling and inciden'ii'n for nino nonii s with aoout f'37. l.ure.Ur Hrid.e is-the place to get a thorough edui-ati-. n , at a .small ecirt;" A r;-l.'V t! irVmaM 3 :i. v. .!; -.! I'r.Io . liALEKiii, N C , May 'Jo J. ll. Ca tfing and Ja'iiiVe u i-n of 'the S uth- . ' district eoiort-d benoroh-nt orgariziif'.i ; here to-day in twenty second i i - niial Ksc-ion, with 5U0 viv h'ga'e'a pitsen,, A special train breught 'J5U deb g ,t n 'rein New York and inteiin..di-ite post t-. i'hn order' h;n o',000 niemb. r-, r. I .'etnak-v:. The .l.cxt meeting will ! e at Cteh i.o'rul. Va. Nannie Me Lane, of S.irfulk, is National grand eecretary. SJ tntrels in the IJfpnbUcar. aih ral .'m a TA ,Me. .May 20 Hon -J. II. U-mly bus sent tv Chairmati of the National U publican Committee Carter, the fcl -i iv.mL': Contests have been lilled wi;h ni!. from Stat-o anl diatrict conven it :H. There aro eisty-s.even contests, nvoivins the 'rights o'f J.S delegaUs. - Hot,'-; This! . r TTertfcr One nnnO.- -- Dollars rcrr.ir3 fr flaj cn'se of atarrh that -cuiiti-.-t bo cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. - F. .T. CITFNEY A- CO., Toledo, O. W?,. te -'unt'ersi .cneit ; - have known F. J. Cbciicy fcr t?ie la.-.t 1" yars, and believe him ;ttly lKn-rsib"" in ail business transactions ... '; ,. v;'i;lly ab.'o t. arry out any obligations i,-1': :a. ' - - 1 i-.V t.. r.'.'e alc rinipKijw. Toledo.O, ,- ." Ia.ivin', VViioit'Sttls Drug- 1 f.U'!Mi, Kl OA. , !'!t,1',J',;Vw!' v ' lain internally, act- ... ' 14 tarrh i.r.-i N . mM(,a, surfaces -..r.-.-tly upoixoehuv.. . trCL wio ill JJl Mif imiiilfm Cured in n ' .Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and ceu f!-.i!.'iK radically cured in 1 to 3 davs. i uci;')n upon the system is remarkable and 2-;enoas. It remoes at once the cause ;:id the disease immediarely disappears. ! be l.rst dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. fo.d by J. H. Hardin, Druggist, 126 South ront;street, Wilmington ta- THE PRESBYTERIANS. MOST EXCITING DAY OF THIS GENES A. L ASSEMBLY. The Qaeation otState Aid io Chnrcli Work Dlflcased In Connection With holiolrhips to the Frederick nbarr School. The School's Cause Jc,'naored-Dr. Wil son 1(1 Keporis orr.Overmres Dtcnssed. Mempii;-, Tenn., May 26 The fifth day's Eesaion of the gerferal asserri)ly was opened with deyotioml exercises, .conducted by' Eider J. A. Knslow. of Charleston. The moderator ordered the roll called, and the minutes were then read and adopted. The stated clerk. Dr. Wilson, is quite ill and is confined to his room. Rev. Dr. Vance, of Asheville, offered a report on the Assembly .home and school at Fredericksburg, Va. A matter of great im portance is involved in this report. The school has entered into a contract with the pity of Fredericksburg in consideration Of ihe payment of iy,00o to furriish ten per petual scholarships, to be given to worthy pupils of the public schools of the cny. a special act of the Legislature of Virginia permitted this action. The presbytery of St. Louis, by overture, objects to this contract on the ground that it is the sacrifice of a time honored principle of the Church which forbids the acceptance of any aid from any State forthe maintenance of its work. After some debate upon the question, the consider ationof the report was made the special order for 3 o'clock this afternoon. - The committee on publication rpported through its chairman. Kev. W- H. Leavel, D. D.. of Houston, Texas, that it .was the unanimous opinion of the joint committees of publication and education -that it is not pxpedien't to' consolidate these forms at this time adopted The consideration of the election of the secretaries of home mission, education, pub lication and colored evangelization, with the reports on these causes, wrfs docketed. l)r Hemphill made several reports from the committee on bills and overtures. The following message was received from the Northern general assembly: "Saratoga, N. Y., May 25,1SHG. Th tJ". i:i:,d Axximhhj ,jf the I'ratbytt riun 'mrh, iu at Memi'ltix, .Turn ' The general assembly in session at Sara toga. Springs. N. Y ,-sends kindest fraternal greetings The Ephesians iv. 4-17." John L. Withkow, Moderator."- Amotion was made to consider there port on the colored evaneelization work-in execuive session, by Dr. Fraig, of Alabama, who stated that Ite had matter of a private nature to bring before the assembly. The motion to docket the whole matter pre vented this action, which may be taken up later in the session. The committee on bills and overtures brought in several reports on the overtures placed in their hands. Ona from the pres by terv of Florida, asking if it be regular for a session to be moderated by other than a minister, the pastor being absent, was an swered in the athrmative Another asking as to whether on elder can ever constitute; a session, there bi-ing for ar y reason, nut the one, was answered in the negative. There was a division of opinion oa this ma'ter and it went to the docket. Overtures touching the licensure question were also answered in the negative by the assembly. l)r Smith, of the committee on foreign misM eis, rendered a lon repart which was docketed. " I)r Hitnav. of the commitfe on the liible, submitted a report as to Dr McLean's ad- ress on that cause, whicn was aaoptea. Dr. Morton submitted a report oiy sys tematic beneficence, which shows that of 70 ore-byteries !7 only report in which are 2 771 conures;ations, of which 308 give to all the assembly s causes, and '55b to none or them. .The sum paid to pastors is fb'J4,92"; to foreign-missions 93,0b2; and to" home missions 23,102. " The assembly then took recess to 3 o'clock p. m. At 3 o'clock art exciting discussion on the as-emblv's home and school at Fredericks burg, Va., was begun, which consumed the entire afternoon session. It was finally de cided to approve the management of the school and commend it heartily to the peo ple of the Church The discussion was all o,n the point as to whether it was in accordance with Presbyterian principles to enter into a contract with the city of Fredericksburg whereby in consideration of 10,0110 the school establishes ten perpetual scholar ships. The whole question of State aid to the Church was ably and fully discussed and the assembly finally decided by about a two-thirds yote-that the school had not Violated any of the principles of the Church in makine the contract. The discussioa was heated at times. A splendid speech was made by Dr. Woodrow, in oppostion to the report and a strong sentiment at one time , prevailed against it,. The assembly adjourned at 0 o'clock p. m. to meet at o clock to-morrow morning. A Craft. We tabo the following from the No'r fvlk Pih H of Sunday: Ti e handson eteami ytcht Narada, ownc's !y Mr. Hurry v alters, of Batti-iaore..iTriv- ! in port yesterday morning at 8 o;cleck, and is anchored off Camp beVs w! arf. She left New York Friday morning at 1 o'clock, making the trip all the v ;.y from that port to Norfolk in tweniy-twc hours She wiil remain L. re, if not -s Jered away earlier, till M.-.r.(Hv tvtning, when (-he will go to U',J ivint .'"ouiforU nod thence to Bulti ,,,. Kh'v in command of Ci-pt D A Br ual. The iTarada, U 2'M feet iu length, 1 ;.) -i (Hi aa a-vcrace of thirtetn ,,a ;, t-i- 11 r srec-d on the tr p f rem N v York yebttr.iay and lat night Av!'t. lio--.fvf, incrtr!ta. Bi;e Carr'ks a orov of thirty, bi.t thirty-1;0 ;t Ir'.--i-nt.'' ryhe ill hail from the tlonn s.l t ivy hei.-afi.-e;-, and i Ii be used fu" p1-'.;.e, till''- by her owner.- She is pus!i, d i-. hi e, 'id iitu acting consid ei.b:e aUtntion tLo har!;or, T'u . orick Landmark of y'is.crdy hrjii.icou.'-r crft has ever visited ..tir vat--i:s th tn t? su-.iih VHcht Narada l-i .iun ii iine for 31 r jury )"-built ou the L'li de for Vr, Drexel an-t-inosv opened by" Mr. ii;ury Walters-, president of 'IU- .At!anc:c C'o:iai Liu, itigged as a ai d built to cres "the ocean, ehe is t-tud as.d iquijiped -vith- every toodern appliance Liul convenience for safety eb"jfort Ht.i'1 luxury, and her graceful litie-i are ;..;. asait .to' a uautical eye, Mr', Walters srrivt-d here yesterday morning by the Norfolk and Carolina wiili a party of fre nds, conMisting of Mr. Pem broke Jotifs ar--dfanii'ly; Mr-. Fred Kid dtr ar d three charming young ladies, all from North Carolina, ho boarded the acht iot a stmimtr ctuioe. In the.after I.oo!i the irty, with a few Noifolk friend?, went down, to Old Point. Mr. Walters may by .justly" proud of bis fine vessel. 1J is colore are an ornament to th'? hirhor. wivich Lis enterprisa . has t done so 'much to devt h p in th,e improve ! .meat l I'inncr's Point." lx8 IV. It ios iUal7 Plxed. Galveston, May 26-Political circles in Texas wer j astonished to day by the witbdrawai of ex Governor Roberts from tho Gubernatorial r?.co, . The sound n oney Democrats baltefromjthe tiilver ites, and both factic.-s will put out can didates for the Governorship. Ex Gov ernor Roberts, a free silver advocate, about a month ago came out as an inie-peii-U-r-t candidate on a. platform which was satisfactory to the advocates of a gold standard, ph'.cing three Demo c.atic candidates ia the field, and assur ing tiiO election of a Populist. Governor ij.oberU to-Jay withdrew, giving as his ;;m th&4 ue looped to see me uemo rt ; ui jte after the Gh5"ago convention, crafc i(?rwal leaves ths race an His ' : . - enigma, - .- EATH AND DTSSTRUCTION Liefc in the Pathways of Two Cyclones In Michigan The Storms Make a Clean Sweep of ETerythlng A Cyclone in Kentucky. Detroit, Mich., May 26 The cyclone which devastated the northern portion of Oakland connty last evening swept a path a half mile wide and sixteen miles long, from west to east, clearing thearth of nearly everything movable. About forty persona were tilled outright and fully that number were injured, some of whom will die. The cyclone hrst struck earth six miles iwestof Ortonville and passed half mile north 6i that village. In the six miles of devas tated country before Ortonville was reached 15 persons were killed and 20 injured, some fatally. At the Mitchell homestead not a trace of house and farm buildings remain but the foundations. There is nothing but foundations to show where the home of Abram uick stood. Six of the occupants of the house were killed, and one eeriously injured. Prescott Wilkins, one of those killed in the Quick home, had readied there on a visit but an hour before the cyclone tore its way through. The home of John .Milkie, on a line with, Ortonville, was un harmed, bnt his barns were wiped out. Mr. Milkie and his son John, aged 18 years, were in a barn when it was demolished. The son was inatantly killed, and the father is in a critical condition. In the next half dozen miles of the track of the storm only two persons were killed, and the damage was comparatively light. Three persons were probably fatally injured and ten less seriously hurt. The cloud struck Oakwood almost witheut warning, and there is little left of that vil lage to day. The Methodist Episcopal and the Congregational church, the town hall, practically all the business houses and most. of the residences were leit in rains, wine persons were killed in the village and many injured. ' The three miles stretch from Oakwood to Thomas is a scene of heart-rending desola tion and wreckage. Everything in the path of the cyclone was leveled. In and around Thomas the death list is large, and many are injured. A fter completing its work of destruction at Thomas the cyclone evidently separated, one section going northeast and doing an 'immense- amount of damage between Thomas and Dryden in Lapore county, and the other following a southeasterly direc tion to North Oxford. In this stretch nine persons were killed. After leaving North Oxford, the path of the southeast cyclone is marked at intervals until Mount Clemens is reached, where great damage was done and many persons injured. The next heard from the storm was near Walkerville, Ont, twenty miles due south of Mount Clemens. The cyclone evidently expended its force after striking Canada, as no other reports of damage have been re ceived. After passing Dryden and Whiteviile, in Lapore county, the next heard from the other storm was in Sanilac county, thirty miles -away, at the village or Amadore, which was nearly swf pt awav. The fun nel shaped cloud struck a mile west of the village and in a path half a mile wide and six and a half miles long to the shores of Lake Hnpj every building was more dr ies damagedftA lusro.'J )unty was also visited by a wind st' -.f cyclonic violence last even ing. ' every building in the path of the stof which started near Guilford and traveled uirectly east for six 'miles, was de stroyed. Jos Malburn was hit by a Hying board and instantlv killed. Wycliffe, Ky., May 26 -A cyclone struck this place this morning at S;30 o'clock, wrecking and unrooting a number of houses. The storm passed through the "southwest cbrner of the town, missing the thickly settte! portion. The two story brick store ot Neely, Harless & Co. was un--roofed and completely wjecked. J. A. Rich's store was blown down and several other houses were either totallv blown Sown or twisted badly. No lives were. lost, nut that much damage was dona m the sur rounding country is certain. A NJ-.W SCHEME. Tha Scpf,i-in:endent of i'nbUo Ir strnction May be Named by the Xoacher' iaiembly-Proreor Nobles for Sinpcrlntendenf. The Raleigh Press-Visitor of Monday says: The resolution passed by the Repub'i- crn Slate convention pledging the party to support for the omce of aupr-rinttna- ent of. Public Instruction a progressive school man, acquainted with, modern methods and systems, and in full sym pathy with the public echool idea, wiil be introduced at the Democratic and Populists State conventions, when they convene here. It is well known that Mr. W. A. Guthri fathered the idea of re moving the office from pattizin politics and placing it is the hands of the school Leading educators express the opinion that the idea will be embodied in the' fjrms of both the Democratic and Popuiidt parlies at their State conven tions A weH known Populist stated to day that their convention will go further than the Republicans leaving the nomination to h majority vote at the coming sessio-- vf the Teachers' Assembly in Asheville. tie said that the leading educators of the State wi4 be present at Asheville, and that if the ofrica of Super intendent of Public Instruction ie o be taken out of politics, then that will be the sensible course to pursue. It is said that the book companies have spotted candidate?, whom they will try to get through. The lavish ex penditure of money by these concerns at the last L' eislature is fresh in the mind3 of the people. Jhe.-iuarner! of a number of leading educators' have been mentioned iu con nection with thecthee of Superintendent of Public Instruction by their friends, Among the number are Professor Noble, of k Wilmington; J. C. Scarborough, Professor L. D. Howeil, John Graham and others. . Tal.' nrd Pr..- I tzuo, Whom Cnm- uiur ini Msdo . tfeiinir, In s.d. - tNi-w Yort SVorW, May Sota Ciutxanooga, Ttnn , May 24 Dr. Lzaiuj, the "Sand Mountain Hermit," widely fcnow,r. for his peculiar mode of life, d; Wednesday in bis cabin, on rantain, in Jackson county, A!a. an old man.'- Sirs. Hugh Car h o. ife of Mhj Carlielej a rich rail road bui!Jer,;in return for professional services rendered her in New York City by the doctor, j aid the funeral expenses and buried the body in the cemetery at Guntersyille, Ala, DnLazarus was a very quaint char-aci-s3T He had diplomas from the best medical schools of Now York, London, Paris, Berlin, and Edinburgh. His father was a rich merchant of Wil mington, N. C., whose ship3 visited the ports of the old world. The son became an able writer and contributor to a nuner of foreign jour nals in several languages. He adopted communistic theories, for whicb he wa3 exciled from society. A ling Boat Sink. Jacksonville, Fla.. May 25 A Key Vtst special ' to tho Times Union sasf 'The iiexican steam tug Asturias, bound from Lagur-a, Mexico, to Wilmington, Del , eank off Newport, between Alliga tor and Cary's footlight Sunday night. The captain aud crew were brought to this city on the schooner Newport this morning. . A Car Fails Seventy. Kiyo Keef. Victoria, B. May 2'3 Air electric car fi-ll through Point Ellice bridge at' 3 o'clock this afternoon. There were eighty persons aboard, and fifty or sixty were drowned. The car was taking the passengers to view the sham battle at Macauly point in cele bration of the Queen's birthday, and fell seventysfiye feet. The bodies of the ylc Urns are now being recovered. WILMINGTON, N, C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1896. A REVENUE MEASURE INJECTED INTO THE FILLED OHEP.SE BILL. The Motion to Table the Amend ment, Defeated in the Senate, Debate on the Bond Bill -Conference Reporra Tfte Hcne liepeala the Free AIco- hoi Law Keports . on Vetoes of Pnai-m . Bills. SENATE. . WAsniKGTON.May 26 The House measure known as the "Filled Cheese" bill came up before the Senate to day under the lead of Senator Sherman, Republican, of Ohio, who had reported it from the Senate Committee on Finance. Its object is to discourage manufacture and sale of an adulterated article of food, imposing a heavy license on manufacturers and wholesale dealers, and its supporters advocate its passage, not as a revenue measure, but as a protection to dairy men and the geneal public. It had not been many minutes before the Senate when it was converted from a merely nomial to an actual revenue measure by an amendment, adding to it a section imposing an additional tax of 75 cents a barrel on beer, ale and porter. This amendment was offeied by Senator Dubois, Eepublican, of Idaho, in order to offset Senator Sherman's criticisms of the Senate for proposing to ad journ without providing sufhcient. revenue for the treasury. If adopted this amend ment would bring into the treasury, accord ing to Senator Dubois' view, $25,000,000, about enough to supply the estimated de ficiency. - - - -Senator Sherman antagonized the amend ment as something intended to defeat the pending measure or that at least would have that effect; and he moved to lay the amendment on the table This motion was defeated by a yea and nay vote 25 to 32. Several Democratic Senators Cockrell, Hill, Mitchell of Wis consin, Palmer, Pasco. Turpie and Vilas voted yea, while an equal number of Re Rublican Senators Brown, Cannon, Carter, Dubois, Hansbrough, Pettigrew and Teller voted no. The five Populists Se'nalors present Allen, Butler, Kyle, Peffer and Stewart voted no, giving the preponder ance to the negative side. And so the Sen ate refused to table Senator Dubois amend ment, and it was discussed until the conclu sion of the morning hour, when the Pro hibitory Bond bill came up as the unfin ished business. The debate on the Bond bill did not pre sent many points of interest. Senator Pritchsrd was the first speaker. He inti mated his willingness to vote for his col: league's bill in a certain contingency, which contingency, however, would not present itself if Congress would before adjournment pass an act that would provide a sufficient revenue on the lines of protection to Amer ican industries. The Bond bill went over without action. The tinal conference report on the Legis lative, Executive and Judicial Appropria tion bill was presented, discussed and agreed to, and a partial conference report on the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill was also presented, agreed to, and a further confer ence ordered. The Pension committee reported back the vetoed pension bill of F. E. Hoover, with a recommendation that it be passed notwith standing the objections of the President. A bill to give Mrs, Spencer, widow of Gen. and ex-Senator Spencer of Alabama, a pen sion of 75 a month was passed. , At 6:15 o'clock p ni., the Senate proceeded to executive business, and soon afterward adjourned until to-morrow. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. With an amendment, the House to-day, by a vote of 1G5 to G'J, passed the b 11 to re peal section Gl of the Wilson Tariff law of 1894, which provides for free alcohol in the arts and manufactures. The altirmative vote was Composed of 104 Republicans, 56 Democrats and 5 Populists: the negative votes of 60 Republicans and 9 Democrats. The amendment adopted was that recom mended by the Committee on Ways and Means, providing for the appointment of a joint committee of three Senators and three Representatives to sit during the recess and investigate the suliect with a view to re porting to the next session of Congress a form of regulations under which the free use of alchol may be bad without danger to the revenues of the Government. There was vigorous opposition to the bill from the Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York delegations, in the interest of these and other States, but they were -ile to muster only sixty nine votes all told upon any proposition to amend the bill or to de feat its passage . . The House disagreed to all the Senate amendments to the General Deficiency Ap propriation bill except that making pro vision to pay te French spoliation and war claims allowed under the Bowman act, amounting, altogether to nearly $2 000,000. As to these, a vote upon concurrence in the Senate amendment will be taken to-morrow. A further partial conference upon the In dian Appropriation bill was presented and agreed to. It provides for the continuance of the Dawes Indian commission. The President's veto of the bill for the relief of B. F. Jones, ex-po3tmaster at Beauregard, Miss., was read and referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Daniels, Repu-bliean, of New York, reported the resolution adopted in com mittee in the contested election case of Aldrich, Republican, vs. Underwood, Dem-. ocrat, from the Ninth Alabama district in favor of Aldrich. The contested election case of Jphnson, Republican, vs. Stokes, Democrat, ffom the Seventh district of South Carolina, was taken up, and Mr. Jenkins, Republican, of Wisconsin, opened the debate in support of the committee's report in favor of the sitting member. '. Without concluding his speech he yielded the floor, and at 5 45 o'clock the House ad journed. f-patu Yields as to xportlt To bacco Krom Cub. 'Washington, May 2G The protest made by Secretary Olcey against Capt. Gen. Wey ler's prohibition of jtobacco exports from Havana has been successful. He has b? en officially informed that all - contracts for Cuban leaf tobacco entered into before the publication of the order prohibiting its ex portation will be respected, and they will be permitted to export the same ss heretofore. The removal of the pro hibition will prevent further friction between the Government of Spain and the United States. The word ' protest" has been used in reference to the rei presentations made to Spain on the subject by Secretary Olney,- bat the expression is a little too radi cal, Mr. Olney having confined his state ments to the ordinary diplomatic language employed in making a request for a redress of alleged grievances. It is clear, however, that the Spanish Government intends to allow the prohibition to stand aud that con tracts for leaf tobacco made by American citizens after the captain general's order .will not avail to secure the shipment ot the tobacco from Cuba. A Ferry Steamer Capa'zJd. Cairo, Ills, May 23 This morning shortly after 8 o'clock, the ferry boat Katherine capsized and eleven persons were drowned. The boat left her landing at 8 o'clock and was near the Illinois shore about a mile below here when the storm struck her. She turned completely over and remained in that position for some, time while her up per works were carried - away, nothing re maining but her hull and engines. The captain, John F. Hacker, Engineer George Magee, .Cierks Renly, Posey and Joseph Curry, a passenger, escaped from the wreck and they assisted Dr. Orr, of Wyckliff, an other passenger out from the debris and they all climed upon the overturned hull, which was partly submerged. . Highest of all in Leavening SALEM FEMALE SEMINARY. Seoond Evening The Art Ex hibit Alumnae Auocatten.. (.Special to the Messenger. Wikston, May 28. The' Moravian Home church was crowded again to-night with friends and patrons of Salem's popular and iamous female educational institution. The occasion was seniors' second evening, when twenty-one members of the class read essays. Their names and subjects are as rouows: 1 'Photographs," by Misses Siewers of Salem, Brown of Winston, Moore of Hnntsville, N. C ; "Venezuela," by Misses lsa8s, of Mocksville, Robertson of Clayton Thornton of Fayetteville, Riersen of WiDs- ton, "Music," by Misses Smvthe of Texas, Mason of Conclave, N. C; "Literature," by Misses Goodman of Texas. Linebach of Salem, Skinner of Greenville, N. C., Parker of Gatesyille, N. C; "Armenia," by Misses Cromer, Walker, Marler, of Winston, Gib son of Concord; "The Crescent and the Cross," -by Misses Barber and Taylor of South Carolina, Wurreschke and Hege of Salem. .From 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon the icademy chapel was crowded with visitors, the attraction being the school's art ex hibit, which waa superlatively grand. It elicited many handsome and meritorious compliments. ' The alumme association will meet to morrow morning and elect officers. This will be followed at 2:30 o'clock p. m. by an alumme banquet Class reunions will be held in society hall at 9 o'clock a.m. to-mor row. THE SUPirEulE CGUBT. Tlie Court Adj urns for tho Term. The Sjumt jDecioions f iled. Special to tne Messenger. Raleigh, May 26 The Supreme court adjourned for the term this afternoon sev eral days sooner than expectea. Fifty decis ions were filed. Those from the East were: Solomon against Bates, from New Hanover, motion to modify opinion denied; . Ellerbe against Railway, from Richmond, afhrmed; Taylor against Smith, from Craven, error; Peebles against Taylor, from Norhampton, error; Weisel against Cobb, from Panquo tank (two appeals), decided against defend ant; Lloyd against Railway, from Edge combe, affirmed, Royster against Lane, from Edgecombe, affirmed; State ' Treasurer against Commissioners of Crayen, affirmed. This is the case in which the State sought to make Craven county pay tha cost of the nse of the troops in the James City expedi tion. The State loses the case. THE CUMNOCK Kiceivor's t7ertifica:e8 to bS Jisucd. 2 ho l)iiy Ou'put to be Xhiee . Hundred Ton. Special to t&e Messenger. Raleigh, May 26 The United States court here to-day authorized Receiver Hens- zey to' issue receiver's certificates to the amount of 30,000 on account of the Cum. nock coal mines. He left for Baltimore and Philadelphia to-night to attend to this business. He will pay off the fifty miners now employed there and will put a large ferce to work and make the output at least 300 tons daily. There are two special fea tures of this mite. It is nearer tidewater than any other in the country and it is over 300 miles from any competitors. Rase Ball. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. Washington, May 26 The Washington returned home to-day after a trip of twenty one games. In response to the ovation given them the home team played as listless and mediocre a game of baseball as has ever been witnessed here. On the other hand,- the Cincinnati team gave a Wholesome ex hibition of the National game. The attend ance was 9,000. Score a h k Washington...-. 0 0211010 0 5 11 5 Cincinnati .3 3 0 5 1 4 0 2 018 20 2 Batteries: Mercer and McGuire; Dwyer and Vaughn. Baltimore. Mav 2G Hart was effective to day until the fourth inning, when six sin gles and a two bagger and two passes to first netted me Champions seven runs, uotn teams played a fast game in the field. The attendance was 2,816. Score: R h B Baltimore 0 0 0 7 0 2 0 4 13 17 1 St "Louis 2 000010003 8 1 Batteries: McMahon and Robinson; Hart, Kissinger and Murphy. Brooklyn, May 26 Two thousand per sons greeted the Brooklyn players to-day on their return from their Western trip. The Home Dlavers came within a hair or -again losing, but Kennedy settled down when men were on bases and won. Ihe attend ance was 2,000. Score: Brooklyn.. ......0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 4 y u Louisville 1 0 0 0 0 10 103 a l Batteries: Kennedy and Bumll; McDer- mott and Miller. "tu- VnTc- foTr 9f; TTiTTti tlinnsanrl rtpr- their Western trip to day and went wild over tne neat victory scorea over tne tjieye- lanaers rjoin pneners aia wen, anu iue battle was brilliant. Score: B H E New York 2 0000 0102 5 12 6 Cleveland 0 0120100 0 4 10 2 Batteries: Clarke and Wilson: CUDPV. Zimmer and O'Connor. Philadelphia. Mav 26 The Phillies de feated Chicago by superior all round play ing. The attendance was 4,450. Score: SHE Chicago. ..0 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 1 5 1 Philadelphia.. ..0 1! U 1 U U U 5 8 w i .Batteries: Friend and -Kittredge; urin and Clements. Bostox. Mav 20 The'Boston-Pittsburg game was postponed on account of wet grounds. THE VIRGINIA LEAGUE. At Roanoke Roanoke 000 0" 0-00002 2 0000 0 0000 00 1 0 2 1 812 1 0 3 0 4 Portsmouth...... At Norfolk- Norfolk Petersburg At Lynchburg Lynchburg-Richmond game postponed on account of rain. SOUTHEaN LEAGUE. At Mobile R H E Mobile.. ........3 4 6 0 0 1 0 0 013 1 o New Orleans 0 5 5 0 0 3 0 2 05 18 4 Stranded on Ha'tera. RuArronT. N.C.. Mav 26 CaDt. Beveridge, of the sehooner George A. Howes.from Bal timore which arnyed last night, reported that while coming across Hatteras shoal yes terday a large tramp Bteamer was stranded on the same. The wind was moderate and no sea. The ship ran well up and the last seen of her she was hove out on her broad sice. Wreckers have been wired of the stranding. The weather continues good and no doubt the ship will be floated without much damage. The ship is Btranded in shore of Diamond shoal, in two fathoms of water. Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Keport OLD GHE8TNUTS. THE REPUBLICAN MONKEY AND THE POPULIST OAT. Kepublicar Urging on the Revolt In the PopalUc Party Insurance Basineaa of tha State for but Tear Federal Offleiala In dicted Hales of "Ferti lizers Doubled A Great Increase In ' Cotton Acreage. '-. Prosperous i Farmed. Messenger Bureau, Park Hotel, ') Raleigh, N. C. Mav 2fi. f The figures are in hand showing the in surance Dusiness done in this State in 1S95 Thirty-nine life insurance companies wrote ij,u's,500 of risks; the premiums received were f 1,,922, and the losses paid $573 022. The Mutual Life led in premiums, and In risks written, while the Equitable led in losses. The eighty-four fire, accident, guarantee and marine companies wrote to,wj,wu of risks, received $911,875 in premiums and paid $501,142 in losses. Th Liverpool, London and Globe led in risks written, the Virginia Fire and Marine in premiums and losses. It was learned to-day that James M. Mew borne is heading a movement to have a Pop ulist State convention to be held here be fore the National convention of that party. iu reuiariy eiect aeiegates to tne latter, it is claimed that this is a large movement. 8nd that FTnrrr Stinnoi" fta Thnmnonn anf J . . . . , . j . xuvLuyauii nuu W. H. Worth are interested in it. In one sense it looks like a revolt against Senator Butler and the Populist State committee, which decided a month ago against a 8tate convention tor this purpose. State Treasurer Worth B8VS it looks lilrnthn mmrnmntit n-ir.Tr SUCCeed. Thfi rpvnlt aaainaf tha is certainly being pushed, and there are ,-vuK-.. nuv lunujaiD ni a (, a ui ra 14 in Lilts ropunst rauKs is quite on tne cards. The Renilblinans nro at tha honb- nf t ; onenly asserted that they will endorse Cv. Thompson for Congress. An officer arrived here to-day from Ker Bhaw county. H. P! for Kol ored, who is charged with an attempt to uuiroue a o-yf ar-oiQ cniia tnere. Jackson is in jail at Charlotte. Governor Carr hon ors the requisition for him. A crap of Sons of Veterans was organ ized here this pvpninc nnHor tVta ommiM. of Junius Daniel eamp, C. V. The indefinite postponement of the South ern States exposition at Chicago is regarded as an absolute abandonment of that scheme. It is nssprtpfl that Phin - - vuivUqW tt wo ui y 1UUU JL the subject, and that the exposition business ao iivjvy uvcJUUllO. Thft FVrirVTftl nnnrfr Viae Hro wn nm'ta a lf t mOOnahinra hprp hnt. rmtViincy lib-o thn great number seen a year ago. There are a kuuu many negro moonsfiiners. A. j. Hale, formerly postmaster at Cedar Creek, Cum berland county, is in isil in hp tripri fnr fraud. Two United States deputy marshals, indicted for assault in.- Bladen county by muousuiuers tney arrested, nave moved their cases from the State to the Federal court. The season for thn snip of forfPi ended, and it i found that the business is twice as great as it was last nt thia date. It is safe to say that thin acreage in cott n is 50 per cent, greater than last season. Some of the fertilizer dealers are trying to make it appear that the im mense increase in ferHli7Pr anion ia fnr nop on tobacco, but this is clearly wrong. President William Simpson, of the Na tional Pharmaceutical association, will open a summer scnooi or pnarmacy nere, witn a two months' course embracing the theory of pharmacy anrl rhpmintrv anH tha mntpria medicaof the pharmacopoeia. it is saia mat the farmers of Johnston county are nearer out of debt than at any HmP ftinfd tha -oral- onH ? ptno-nf . - " , u,i,,i.iiuu Auovnu V. yjJ I rowing any money tnis year on mortgage they have lent out large sums or made in vestments in stocks and bonds. The crops there now are simply magnificent. Commander George L. Morton, of the North Carolina Naval Reserves, is here and had a conference with the jnilitary authori- It is SUffcested thatthft rpp-impnts nf tha State Guard, which go into camn thia year. DOSSiblv in .Tnlv. make nraetien ----- ' ... -J- j. ia Ulcu .11 1. IH.J1 UiOUUbklUU is of a very practical kind and is greatly urrueu, Rev. Dr. T. T-T Prif-phnrrt'a Ann lihrarn goes to Wake Forest college. Wake Forest college commencement is ia progress, a week earlier than usual. . There are many questions asked here now BQ t( whpthpr tKara w , 1 1 K n rtatv,Anvaffi- - . .J V. i .uv.l, T 111 VI ICUIUMIBMV. Populist fusion this year and also whether such a thing may happen as the putting up of a Populist for Governor, with Demo- uiut euuuraeiueuu io man can say wuai will be done. Pnnnlists anH Dpinorrats am equally at sea. - Amonff to-day's arrivals hprp era .Tamps A.Thompson of Kinston, E. K. Proctor ana j. u. rroctor ot L,umberton and w. K. Murchison and C. H. Russell of Jonesboro. SPECIAL NOTICES. THERE WILL RE A SPECIAL MEET ins of ihe United Circle of the Kine's "Dauffhters Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in one ot tne rooms ot tne .Presbyterian Church. may 27 DO YOU WANT NEW IRISH POTATOES, Rnan Beans. Beets. Souash. Cucumbers-' and fine Cabbages-? Send to R. E. WARD: Packer and Shipper, "Wilmington, N. C. j mayj; i WANTED STENOGRAPHER and Type, writer: salary Ho.00 per month. Ad dress WHOLESALE, care Messenger. - may si oi DOG LOST ABOUT-SIX WEEKS AGO, during my absence from Wilmington, a Biaek and White Setter Dog, answering to name of Glenn. The doer is listed for taxes and any one holding him is liable to indict ment. Any information leading to nls re covery wilt be liberally rewarded. by calling at Messenger office. may 26 ju-jA FOR SALE MY RESIDENCE, Itbfl F Ninth and Market streets, lot 66x 1-55 feet to an alley, 8 rooms, kitchen, pantry, wash room (below), bath and toilet abov.,. Possession given July 20th. R. M. MCINTIRE. may23 8t Q I rr PER MONTH OR MORE. Chances V xUU to make money by Speculation are better now than ever. Nice incomes are made from small investments. Wheat and Stocks offer excellent opportunities for those with limited means to make money. We always work for customers interests. Write for ad vice and book, .showing how to do it, free. MORGAN & CO., 29 Broadway, New York, nov 23 ly wed sat UOR RENT COTTAGES ON CAR P olina Beach. Apply to D. O'CON NOR, Real: Estate Agent, Princess street. ' may 19 CABBAGES' ARE NOW IN SPLENDID condition for .shipping. ' Send your orders for best goods at cheapest prices. R. E. WARD, Wilmington, N. C. may 19 TUST RECEIVED 1 CAR JAMAICA Ba- tf nanas, 10 barrels - Russet and 40 crates Western N. V, Apples, iJS sacks Irish Potatoes and Onions, Butter Beans, Peas, Dried Apples, at A. 8. WINSTEAD'S. Commission Mer chants and Wholesale Fruit and Produce Dealers, Ho No.'Second street. apa dAw MEW EASELS AND PICTURES, Wreaths. 1.J Crosses and other metal designs. Sporting Goods, Bans, Mitts, and everytning in ine Music line at GEO. HAAR'S Music House, 122 Market street. may 19 ORDERS SOLICITED FOR ALL KINDS of Vegetables' In season, Beets, Cabbage, Turnips, unions, snap Beans, peas, &c. W. J. K1KKUAM, 104 South Frontstreet. may 17 - , PHOTOGRAPHS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Jl see our Enameled Enlargements; they will surprise you for beauty, price and per-. iect likeness, frames, yes, plenty oi 'em, U. C. ELLIS, 114 Market street. may 8 ITOR RENT. Dwellings, Stores, ;ff Offices and Halls. For Sale Dwel ls II nbgs, stores, vacant jjuvs; vaaa. or tima payments. Cash advanced on improved city property. Apply to jj. u'Wfl NOK,;Real Estate Agent, Wilmington, N. C. ser28 THE FRENCH CAFE THE PLACE. o YSTERS AND ALL DELICACIES OF the season served In firstKdass style. High grade Imported and Domestic Fine Liquors, Wlnea and Cigars. MS" Fancy drinks a spe cialty, send your oraers vo A. P. LEVY, Proprietor, apU 117 PrinoM Btrwt BWTS HKEE S CHAHCBI VHTII, for T.ry oo who will mall ?S U8erernaaadre88- ' - may 5 diw The Only Cargo New Crop Molasses, DIRECTLY SPORTED FROM THE INQ AT OUR WHARF, Direct from Barbadoes. Superior Quality I , Low Prices I - SAMPLES AND PRICES FURNISHED BY - Only Importera of Molaasea in North Carolina. WE HOLD INSURE TOCR PROPERTY WITH THE ROYAL INSURANCE fc . , H FF1CE STATEMENT, Jannary l.t, 1899. ' tuth Assets, . . Met Surplas Jo Policy Holder. .".'.. 11'?5i'tl? S2 Set BnVplas In the United States," . " . . . ' a'ai "ii - Why the ROYAL INSURANCE CO.. r w.i' . ..... ' . . BUCAUSa It 18 the Strong r m.r.n,. iTA, It bffe7BT Tnn:SK" j j au ifdn2nS,ehfaT"j?i1,e "?'4L'? vast, cash Assets, a.l of its Stockho.ders ar n divldnally responsible for its liabilities is poncy uoioers for losses the immense amonnt I . . . . " " 1 " lauinuCD I lir Office Exchange Rnlldlna:. Tlphonx:ea Ladies Misses OXFORDS f Quality High. Style Up PETERSOI 7 tyORTH FRONT STREES. ? III I I Et' i ; Hammocks lop to $7 each. Base Balls 5c Seasonable G-oodst Base Ball Mits 25c to 15 pair. Croquet Bets $1.25 o $2 each. 8easide Buckets. with. Spade 5 and 10 each. Toy Garden Tools 15 to 25c per set. Lawn Swings 48 to f 15 each. BICYCLES. High Grade "Victor." Ladies' Wheel "Victoria." The Celebrated "Remington." If you want cheaper wheels we can Bupply you, but we ad.vise you to BUY THE BEST Catalogues mailed on application. . O. W. YATES & GO., Wilmington, N. 0. PLACE YOUR INSURANCE r WITH THE North Carolina Home Insurance Co., KA5ffc?H' Oldest and Strongest State Company. Organized 1868. In addition to the security offered by this Company all policies are GUARANTEE! by the GERMAN AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY of New York, with ita $6,680, 069.08 in assets making the "Home" one of the strongest Companies in the world. A North Carohna Institution, seeking North Carolina Business and making its investments , in North Carohna Securities. W. a PRIMROSE, ED. CHAMBERS SMITH, - CHAS. ROOT, President. - Vice President." Bec'y and Treu. NORTH CAROLINA DIRECTORS : A. B. ANDREWS, Raleigh, . JOHN" C. DREWRY. Raleigh, R, H. BATTLE, Raleigh, R. T. GRAY, Raleigh, JNO. P. BRUTON, Wilson, JULIUS LEWIS, Raleigh, WALKER TAYLOR, Wilmington. Agencies in all principal towns of the State. Represented in Wilmington by " WALKER TAYXOR. Offleei Ezcnang;e Bnlldlng;, Telepnene 68. - ' The National Bank of Wilmington. - - - - - - $100,000; and Undivided Profits, 13,000. NC7rTERE8T PAID ON DEPOSITS. (N&M 0:V ir Deposit Boxes at popular prices, carrying privilege of placing your Silyer.Oaae in our Vault. . . i "W - axe fully equipped for Banking and solicit your account. PRICE 5 CENTS. JUI.T 4th A "CaBB'S" S-Oano. Bm. Ball a. Ten Wrapper, (or Coupon.) of " , ' BORAX SOAP.4 nndry .Soap la the market. ISold by KIRKMAIM & SOU, - 52:Brldjf Street, Brooklyn. WEST INDIES, IS NOW DLSCIIARQ- EX-SCHOONER WM. LINTUICUM; . THEE SAFE. COMPANY, of Liverpool; p"r - IS THE :if r Fire ln8. Ca WORLD. ruo lusarance company, J ihJ. v,,vlf l.t , eta, an or its Stockholders are n.;iAL.Iia8eniont,trte1 itsamutj by pajlnKto niVAI. Una ,larr.n i . . nt n; ,ZZ n , "nJL1.. ."" "V1"1 - " w u v.. i uug 111 WALKER TAYLOR, Agent. i uo uuuuicu 1UUB lUVCId. mUM U- Price Right. - to - Date. & RULPS. The :: Purcell IS SIT DATED IN THB UBNTRJI OF.THB BUSINK8S PART? OP THB CITY, ONLY ONH BLOCK FBOM TUS TeiearaDti onices aia BaiKs AND ITS LOCATION BHOULD KJtOOM ; MUND IT TO THB TKAVRL1N! FUBLIC. Ail Modern Iraprovcmcob a springer mo VKOVKIKTOKSi Harness and Trunks! Y OUR WISHES ARE ALWAYS gratified at our store. You are always sure bs getting just what you want, and it always proves to be just what you thought it was. There's no sham here, eatiafrction guaranteed. . ' H. L. FEkMELL, UP-TO-DATE LIVERY. to 11.53 each. Base Ball Bats 5c to fl e,ach. BICYCLES. Childrens

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