1 ; - .'.-.. . . . : . : -'lr y . .- . w v . ; . ?l Y r 1 1 I v ".orith'. 1 :r :i 'ii PRICE 5 ( J i0. 2, K3M ' ihe toi ft -T.VTD. -- - ; . c: :rch83 of .Raleigli ' '- i toniglit in the they hav five .. - "X city. Gover- -cretary-; of State - at t he-m : groes' eman a ti : n . jz al t'imore -will xl cf chickens to' the -ry : ho vr. John R. --tl ; th oath of office as I agriculture.: REPDDIA1I0N OF B011DS. BY COUNTIES . R AT SI KG A STOKM - OP AKbRY COMMENT. . 4VIKGIN m r Uorernor Ty Uress Iltf Favors qA.s KBw.oovoB.j eyeuis If THE FkC EAST;!' monthsrwacted in concert ani with a central adrnmstrdtion. "-Visits tnade by1 . the poIiceto'ther atxJdes jf tne persons arrested 'haVe .resulted jlh the' discovery or arsen&is of revolvers, daggers, 'blud geons knuckle-dusters, "hammers affix ed to bamboo canes and leaden jballs at-" .tached to wire:. . ' j . ' ' . - The ahhual wild scene of dexyauchery welcomed the new year in! Lohdon. A, usuai, the (precincts of St. Paulas cathe dral were-; the centre of ' attraction!, Ahout 23,000 people assembled there. The majority of those present iwere com'poseii of "West End -duds, deml 3ncandains and jail birds, ; mostly in a. vdrtmkei otidition. .There :wa4 a scene of the wiluest orgie and licentioasness, swearing-, etc. Ugiy, rushes were fre quent and ( the thieves reaped a rich harves L : Th e .police ' j were uinabl e ; t o cope, with the mob: : -;T . -. There is isome reason to hel eve that France and Great Britain: have about reached an - agreement on : the subject of "West . Africa, by which; the Bagoff Hinterland r-WTil tbe defined bylprolong--ing; it northward to the! Ni'g,er,.jthe the. presemt Lagos-Tahomey! frontier.! Prance would thus - secure i Say . and j a-bout 100 kilometres on the right bank, of 1 tihe river, and G reat Britain would toave. Bous,sa and Nikki restored; to her and 'te "confirmed in the possession of; other claimed points.- - i, ? Elects J FiDaTi.l- JMtomr fur KO .DEFINITE - INFORMATION T .he ,Fple anO Economy JnState Fiaaa, . BE ASCEItTAlNCEt TO 1 3 if OMD3TIC. J z -:n (Conn.) cutlery' firm es 5 per cent.--Ma.yo yesterday inducted into -"ne the! mayor of the ' the world.--MrT ' :-v4E3T6axs, on 't exico. --Governor -5rina. was inaugu v ir !his address, among r'frfei strit' laws. tlnnt ,rt'llvaai re- n; ? oveentMhat (redut taxes on personal ic;vth. itionof the hum-, story v ; a reduction .nericafic SisposJ there, is a m-Vin i.h'as. lieu uoa . at WashiTv Buncombe Connty Brings Solt to InvMi - 1 , a . 7 date an Issue oi s$y,iwu val Keserves-r.w lear'. at the Ppiral -Orant'. Low Estimate Russell'. Tol lowing-Butler Denies Bumora as to Fa-sion-Onr State Xeads In Somber ot Mew .Factories , ' .;-('...".. ' ' Messenger. Bureau, t ' Raleigh, N. C.', January 1. . "Buncombe county how ..brings suit" to test the validity of $98,000'.of -bonds issued to i theV Asheville and Spartanburg xail-roaa-'- The holders of. these are innocent persons, as aret- vhose; of : i the Stanly v,f ivnnn nf ; hnnda. lately aeciarea CUUULJ Vvvi w . ; , - ; . invalid hv he sunreme court. . The, rep. atnHrin "rf vrnfl5i is raising a.nrtor angry comment and it Is urged UpS damaging the credit' of the' st 7 , nas e"15 73xford.case it ;was the decision In, t . ? ; which , opened the' ddor ' - ' io ,.?mad&.that the ilie pa.d and 1 bf '-nay IJook rt--artiala.tf: -poned;- u T't'Tne new- supe that , credit. tiRIewboornej .to its Xtendent, 5 Rlchia guratid: ernor ! of thel The hjft of ladii were v ernor aji . half dosfri ed , frorri capitol ft rm 44 ond, "Vai January 1 -The jnau- u- 1 n -or"ioni j:. ioge uyier as, gov-i , v s , r"ir .-.. r -t Virginia"1 took -place In the hall , nd Foreica.Dfllccs Iatnb- ouse of delegates at noon, today, j t...A.: auv ui rou cii uaiiuu aiurs iiiunt . ' .. . : to ICasland than the Chinese Hints of a rope. :'r,':t:i-- t was crowded, a large number -i being presentr The - cerenioniea r The. incominer . crov- 1 Alllaii(ri ,y simple.. ,:rne. incoming . gov- lieiitenant erovernor' and" soma of their friends were'escbrt-.; iwngntea py 'l'ne Associates Tessj the executive mansioh to the fonaonf January l line ingenuity .uilding. by -Company F, First displayed in manufacturing- wews from Virginia Iregijnent Governor - O'Ferrall the.far east is remarkable.! (Five-sixths jnet the yvom, ar rty-in the executive reception. of the stateirfents can h safely labeUed wih . the governor-olect, head- 'ed ith A rr?f Acclnri t r the hall r t tha Vimica i wgere thl tw.o branches of the general ! i"ci&uiuv.co mc a, yuixi. tus o- lad gathered.. Prayer was jof- ; ters and the - German stiiream of. con iev.i Dr. Moses D.Hoge and f ' .n. .. ' ir - U fas I administered to the new ct!rtS communicationa in the semi- Judge -R.: H. Card well, of the official stress shows Uhey do not know -I Governor Echols was also ; there An oot they are standing. y 'Judge Cardwell. The hew-trance is apparently , in the dark. assenYbly f ered - by the -oath governor supreme. - Lieu ten worn ;in governor dress. : In Gues3 Work."The ) British and (Rus- ub- 1 , .. Vrea'Sf a. f;- There- were more murders k i i s --' 'r?. . "nnrin)-Jj: .rrmi(r- than in ..... y ---, , . . f naval - - ost in ane state r in any..- others reserve''at 'Southport, -comJ lAo-iniMr-i" f entiref' of pilots, will be one or.t - nro-n 1 7VtH 1 pf f ail. ' during December J- ,.t.- i ek. i month of tne yea: f.UKaLOei-at t, T Is 'lta vlaor tlio Torliritinnon thp ,irden.tht. bicycle rate- iojnlng revenue- collector of ,'thfsj dis ,;'vnd Taylore wds ,wit- - u"7Jl;foing -to make' a -great effort 'to- ople;" the- former won; r1' n " " 1 uhder his :; jurlsdic- i-The iled Cross will I': rjSfrifH1?-! tteayoknock out civil. serylcevv-' ---vt-: IS in iN w.xuror re- jt Ttsems rth&t- thU.a7i Av atia'xs.for! the C4iMns:oipas3es by - the railways, dnnless' perhaps Cnsiandi mills decide loir some one .makes attest case and lets-the operators 'Otost mills the cut : 1 a fight may .nl f o r d.- The demo- legiEiature will "or- courts ;.decide whether, such 'passes are ; forbidden. : ': "s ; :. :i' ir .. ' The new year came in clear and cold 'Thef piblicAbuidings - were ;, .nearly 4 - alt closed.' A - few cIpt-Tc rf. wpt:p in f i wnrU rW.ro- rte democrats ard ip . and thereCThere";wa,l but" Mttlei:recelv-" blicans c the house i ing. There was no reception at, the exee- fox ,:IcKissori and ..upve mansion. It -is said not: to te the- Xx5J I : z - " - i? iL s saiu. inai . me jjecemoer rer XsriTaezzimg v ; f express; ; "public lands were larger than psr, c Ga., ; is ; captured j otner month of the, .. year.. Day . 1 1 sfcf;j -wheat' - ien delivered his inaugural ad- is address. the incominsr kov- ernor -dectred; in favor of retrenchment and .refortn;- and favored fewer officers rather thdnthe cuttirrfr ii One of Jth; most salient features of frim address was that part devoted to the honest elections Question. On that nrvint he. said: ' - . , . . ., "Virginia would set a noble example to Uier: sister states of this unionv-and be worthy, of. a leader's place in thev future, which she so grandly held in the riast ' if she' would forever set the seal "of her. ndemnation moon the affronterv ofi e 'who "-would , debauch the nsnnlp.'s while the mikado (has dissolved the Japanese diet in ordey that opinions should not be? expressed In w the cir cumstances 4t is no ; strange that ac curate infofmatloh is difficult to. secure. The known, facts1' -wholly corroborate the statements 'ca!bled I t'fte "Assooiated Press ' on 'Saturday lask that Great Britain Jj5iparefully watching the siti THE CUBAN MINISTRY. ofcc" graves? taking, ii? off this h lict. ir ation, 'bldfnghelr time andj will certain- aim -yciveiji meii: . will', .uy Llie ; - - c . ause 1 or mc-nev and tnfi tmwp.r . -viusi ai tuc: pi ;mv uviivj. Ji u lira LilQ i seir tne exacting uutiea T V ------- -- : " "T-f1 inn - T : fool I r -papers in regara to une tar east, was at least; premature andlthat Jthe "members ent' 'It w?ls . .pointed out in that dis-patcgi that in well I would feel dere 1 "' the - very begin-the- legislature! 'of i;.h me in mak the ,penal code a's nfFondnra ' . cLared that it was .''a-buf ,,de7 the-statement -is almost MaXV. " sltl ning .11 l YliriTNa-v ing offences of.th:v learly.-,witin"' P - cf the government were'vidently sin-, cere indisciaiming. the leap! iarrri' fj - This view, of the case I ws practically ' relterateof by The Daily Graphic on FlC day, ' whibhasiserted t'biat: there was every reason to ibelieve J the, Russians would adhere to their.piep,ge to evacu- i- - " v i . --...Ii. '. . : . . -. . . - 4.i - ' ;iavared Vnt?e7whSx X atert cAr -admitted fact that thrbuah twX- r, and that, therefore; there were iho lahd.'i anl flmnn!? the riar?ia"' fRiJw'taii. in"da -for ' riom rvi a.1 n t I Mip ;'.narf'i Lf. fttot-s. The Tush aijS9t6 receive, there on ? this day and "not "enoughi to meet the- tax-burfJenrMOv. Britain:-jThe vl Dily GrapMe '4.u "ai'xn is. so-great r k:ira i'x7v-i M: i "r" t1"116111 ?MHQMr-Vt intend out -that . the British ltries of in any before Take the Oath of - Office and the. Autono mist ' Government is Inaugurated--; Blanco's Special Courtesy to Consul -i General Iee. , 'i.-v vj ;::'r:- ;-'.:.. j Havana, January l.--Many people as sembled at the palace today to witness the swearing in of Senor Rafaef Montero, marquis bfj Montero, Senor ! Francisco Seayas: and Senbr Laurjhc-:: Rodriguez, as - secre taries of the provisional govern ment Marshal iBlanco,- the captahV general escorted "5q a n'umher." of i high Spanish . ii the throne1 officials, thfe consular corps.vajmy and lnavy ' officers, politicians; etc.," jreached oC'--r the first time in t.yesterciay tneireipts were over $200 and iF-esterdav v " - 9 ':-lour airor, nearly : all :of Uhis land "vo.T - i '-.t.-; aas Deen enterea Derore: 1 ' . '. S. " is quite -Jjrobahie that the ' next ses elk while entering. the. j sion of -the Korth Carolina -Teachers' " As iiies BinKs ana nveof - semDiy-,, win be herd at "Asheville. - Thff The appointments 14, teachers" of Georgia, South Carolina and j. ennessee are invited to attend and-that listry are confirmed by ine t.- The Pope :yes-- ;i the sixtieth- anniver-'. ebrationrof sn-ass;" he re egant presents, among 14 cross from the" United j riimor ithat'tPrine is- o fficia H yUd e n i ed . - arinthia, ' Wilmington, ; as had her machinery' i jn o deiini te new3 can "ifion in the far east; ' Ki imere ,gu ess .work ; l;n;lish foreign" -offices"! rar-y ceems Xiot to J 5t.aadsr the mlkado- Ldiet to';- prevent ex- -Engiand r ls - no w I I Korean affairs than . ara hints , qf Japan r?lTiali tion "?i th China V, r oJlanco ! isrfUe-j'fl . de-H ChjBaiuargo : ;on exporta Us'sWejrf: aHaVanai Sugi"? ' with. " acebtmtst iur -.'Cuhariv general .rn inre-i and taken to; Pierugh Birceloma on; 1 -4At lperorWu yesterday f he madei . (VrpAn.'hIp' ' t..- Mm later at his residence later f point for 11 ffeuarVW)ry! Ron .apaity ot- JO-pperton 1 siaJid -ity , a , M reportedlter an inK tFan -i Francasrax- as Jiciti ieon;firmarilion. " !" "th'ei. .Mexican. ; ne-- JtcTiih haa t aicen. ieitntf andthat: wi: ar r.. 'e - soverei'sniity .j P1, f "Warship was v sent; (SW laim.rhede-"-- th!as nothing',at ..-all lOIi of t is not distui'bed of feet-- : : ; v.-.. kvpmnd.- president I soul d Toibacco - shot" makes a psHwe: ifdr the sale.of the Rt: V'3 plant- to the Cairov sayVi;t!n'e .strlci pSSil filing will 1 be the most;, convenient thfinV all. 1. 'H. Lt. Grant makes the hlain , nsspt-tinri that.' only -one. republican in 1,000 in the state endorses . Governor Russell's admin istration Grant Is.: on -the" state .republi can committee -'and ought tol know. " f -Senator- Butler declares that, as yet ho fusion of tpopulistsi and republicans is agreed on This is I in conflict with- the news . from Washington last Jweek. It! must be that the Butler wing -ofthe pop lists is holding alooft waiting to'seeVhat terms the republicans offer. ; The va?nti' Butler populists are regarded as having already made a deal with the republi cans for this year. Their leaders are now -holding them-up to this. - North Carolina remains at. .the head of alb the; states So far-as the Ihumber of new. mills in 1897. and the additions to old mills are concerned. t i. The statement .vas made -f that Mrs, .Bersis F. Chase, tfN"ew HamDshire. had the flag of the Fourth TSTorth ' Carolina regiment, . - captured 4t v-Shaxpshtirg. jSt ssary j principle, bt how: it was pgw W dld1 not regai tme;occua utcu ua a uiLue wirn f n evrr-- rmn. n i...' . 1 - decreasing, value of taxable' pnoperty urii ' " Y ? l der- our present financiat system; ' 'lie $becauke Bntiahiri- could not teU. "Therefore' T htf added -!.. teFefK?i terfed. Both h earhestly hope ' that Virginia's voice will . foreign omc35, W admiiality, ac be spoken by. the legislature in .no uhcer- ' C031? to iGraphle were tain sound, asking from" the federal-gov- r agred-mi-tlus lpo5SsC" L f --' " T , .vvw.uivi. iu uic icai IICCU3- ui -i f rviaviitiy, auurt the1 people in demanding, a' better and-MithA ,nhiIeo..iA:!,n; more healthful mnnA-c irm-it,- . , tion as inore : interest . , .7 T " vj.,"-'vvhi. --!. TD:aS a it-.'-J.i- uoucmng taxations he, favored vta-rwrniics , -ej,ai.cuii .ctL L;xie.vieent ciifor. ri- . j . i j-r - ? zliil.acHn.nc? m& Trf " ' ! A mWn i .measures to get-at Personal nrnn.tv . ' At " the Conclusion of Governor Tyler's address, calls 'were made for Senator Daniel, who gracefully excused himself from speaking. '-rvT: - " -Tonight Governdr 'andJsTyier' held a. reception : at ! the-eutivenansion. ; The affair 'was a most briliiefnt one. All I the military officers in the city? members of the general assembly and "hundreds pf Richmond's citizens with the lady mem bers 'of their' families, called., , - CV-v:I-ies- Vv"1 GERAHY TO HOLD KIAO GHOD IS XHFJ.OPINION OF ONE IN THIS EMPEKOK'S CONFipiSSOJEMSV A Most Important and Talutble Poese- ' sloa The forts to l'yaTljioronslfc-;.' Repair and Surronudlng Coqnkry Jlra ' . proved Uiiderstandlug ai'to FrMfte utd vjEneiand 'llelplns Ibemoclns 'alio t ; ' 'Chinese Teri ltory American -. c!p .: Tocity Ngotlatlons. r !J 1 " V :: (Copyrighted tey Associated Ptresa.y ; i : I 'Berlin, January 1.- Bishop Ahzer, SouCb - eaiaaJTungr. ;Chlna, dined.- wit3i -u:, the emperor and 'empress atthe rx&m i palace, or Tuesday. Baron Von Bue' low, the minister for foreign offairai. and Ocnint". Von lieyder, the new xnin is ter of Japan, were-present. On th& ; s folloiwlng: day the oorresipondent' of tb& l Associated - Presa had an interview , 1 with tlie 'bishop, to . who'hsrewd ad- Vice and detailed information regard- ing the "wlioTe province Of Shan-Tutng- in which Kiao-Chou Is situated, the ' German 'gwernsment owes much. Bisb pp Anzer - gave an intereisting actebunt iof: tCie, oociirances ".cf the" previous eve- n'ing andof Uhe 'audience he was tac oorded by the emperor in Novemljer and also -told of his audience with tha pope ;' a -fortnight ago. - 1 i- A -s : rv f The ibishop, who "has been thirty-four r years irir China, and fwho-is about -tor' turn-saM: . ; s; ; ;' ;;v - j. iiiuau. civ vac xvcu xwa-vrvv : xvcJv 'he emperor displayed regarding CMna, its resourccvs and government.; EJvery jquest ior :t he dmperp r asked was pioint- there is -no doubt Germany means ed. Ohou, principallyecause'?h'e or Salisbury; sees n the aUip.pt j. taicxjeavy irown, tne liriusn. sup ; fctTAAVACAAJ. Ui IXUITOH 113 LVI1M it linj iii" SCW 1 riotis -scheme to overtur.nf J Sir 'tRoberfvUj Hatt.- vthe Rr'itifi'K" -i.'.ilrpoisn.rP-'f fehf v "Chinese imperial- maritime " customs -which -has apparently ...beeji nipped! in : the bud. The cabinet's eitene wpuld I he short ;if it permitted RtisMia to coerce j the TsUn-Iii-Yamen (Chinese, j foreign IT IS NOV:GriEATKIl NEW vnp ir office) in io dismissing th ' : - -l- - :' " - " . ; J j of the' Chinese customs. 1 t. J -It is not-known yet whatl ritisih head r the Brit Mitor Van Wrr.kli tTW .n- ' M.rf government will j approve of the-ar . : World. , ; ' 'New :Ycrk turns out tn-at it -was cfDtred atPhan. cellorseville, "rherethe, color-bearer -and twenty-five .men of r that . regiment Vwere flanked and captured.- It ! was at. one! time denied "that - the Four th had ever lost its colors. -r ., . .;-.'" v--,-:--.-i - r ;J It is quite .plainly hiifted that it is the purpose of the- heW I railway commission- ers. to oust H. C. Brown,-the veteran and :very efficient:, clerk- to the board, and put in his place Senator Sharpe, of Ire dell, last 'week 'made : assistaht ; clerk.; Browh is a democrat and Sharpe. a re publican, -'. V''.;:-;' v.!--- .r Richard Baker, of Wilson county, -was sent home from" ihe asylum here i!o- day,- ouredi.. " -: - ' ' rsStrk.: Pleasant Ridge, O., says : ; "After tAyo doctors j gave up my boy to dle,"I saved 'him from group 'by rising One Minu te . Cough ' Cure.' "It- is the Quickest and most certain remedy for xughst colds and all 'throat a lung troubles R.lvR. Bellamy , If . - , v vv ;V; Mr; Bryan at Austin. 'Austin, Texas," January 1. W. J. B ryan' and wif e, - accompah led by ex -Governor Crittenden of Missouri' ' ar rived - here after ' anidnijght jlast night and ioday vere tendered a reception at the home 'of x-Governor Hogg About 2,500 people attended.Mr. Bryan autjior ized tihe statement by the Associated Press ' today that Ihe would j not make any statements qn 'his. Mexican trip until . 'he reached '.Lincoln, -when he rwouid give the "public his" views in de tail. 'He, however,- expressed himself as delighted with the country and -the people. vMr. Bryan v and '-the mem-bers -aejno4!rJvea t.-abcijrding tojal . caMe'esipatc JanHiary L 'New York McDeavy Brown -arid" Ml iAlexieff, mi today became the' second city the Russian agent, in KoreaJwill work the Awii' -.-i.v, xiri a ;, rT; , Korean; customs togetHeii ; The British world,! with Robert .A. -Van "Wydk as ;n,aa nrr,.t, 1 y'limiayof. . (At; the4r.'Cty -1V a-4 large trtrabtnl so" the; w4r sfiibs ! ; :of :Grea .'w.i.!a;fcifred'' eairjjy to, fitness- the 'Britain -which ;, are at prSesent off Cheb induction of the new mayor .Mayor .,iMipo,",e :i. ;ff"W",.- W - give moralsupport io Mlj ?Bro wn, wil Strong- transacted afeHv las't -mkttfir ; of routine. Nearly aM the oQd (m-ehi- ! 1 It -is Jby hp - means ' fclar that ibers of" Mayor Strong cabinet diroo- -Britisl1 interests are surpi threatened . , ., at the present moment.1 I and she can pe-d m to say giood;bye. floral pieces ohablv well afford toi await the -Ivere strewn in -every direction.'' A tigeri spring, when, unless! thel normal condi m yeaow ana ioiacK ammortel'les. rest- ; vtions -a ing in a bed of roses, was one of th undoubtedly take tensl4 hwfwsarv .most no Diceaoie aecorations. : , - protect her-interests-and ire-establish vAt 11:50 O'clock, Mr-Va ' ' iertu. une. uiiice. -nei vwiaa greeted bv - 'me spectator pu blishes U !J oLiws, uun a-na vv.urster, , ffM'W'J k rtu uisilto's return. xiitr iu-ui Jiirii uuauru-swine TimeraniQ.r v..- (11.11 -.wifl, y to room at 9 o'clock' a. v m.. A VewJBible was open on a table and upon it 'thje secretaries took the loath of 'jfideli ty to tne -queen, tne monarcny anatne Jsn-anisn- Kwernmeiiu vxaciux . i isuu "hands. 6n the Bible -and kneeling. as, they repeated vthe words required. r' v Senor Galvez, president 0f the cahinet, was- first svforn in and then the bath 'Was administered Ho the othjers.' To Marshal "Blanco's- inquiry ."Dytful swear fidelir ty to "Spain; . theeei and -Spanish in--.stitutroi?.' ,aU5aied : : M WIe do..'.' . j m Marshal-Bianco then addressedrthe off i- secrajted: ;hy theC oath just takeri, autonohious government of Cuba is.' ow established in accordance witiwne proyal jdecrefe of bvember27,-1S97 -Your names and the places you ocupyMn rthe poli tidal parties to which y.ou belong are. mple guarantees -of; the liberal policy H-H me ! ko veriiiiieii i epLs tut; new e to ; adopt. The ncyir government inspired by high, conciliatory, just-' motives. livas your the necessities of the is- eciaHy economic juestToh- ee-and; the -veliare-of h. propaganda we,can ononiy and against although .a'hd vdy . CubaC" assist ,fhje . i. . . - ' n wrtTTTCkTT KJ T1.I1 -1.1 11 a -r - . tne img crcwa oir. omce-noid.ersnl ex- ! l" " A"irin i- flriHitiff thelGhtaesfe office-hyid.eVs TnrJiPt ,v.u,.i ! officers JPeteinlft ttWUansixnev ' . . iA i army,,der .proposal w -- f postponement i!if the payment of the 1 war indemnity, - as possibly f oreshad- t'hem. 'About' one- xatmiite-i ibetfore 12 o'clock, Maypr Strongs saM r "v.Tv'1 ;- -iMr-Van Wyek, the people of,, mis l inrt-Tananes alliance. The new cFt- made up of --fiiboroji-Kr dd lthjat ist convinced j the and 3,500,000 .people, nave oecraeia tnax ; v.,, Ttn thinks that securing per- you hooiTd be the firsTt may or and de scend from'your' positkm ' as judge to the- rowt A never ! jus-45X5 pretext i whaK,rv' ; V 'MayGod JiJO tune which J .sifivXQ - pany, y-ur- inf. lulft thornyrmissiQj?,--S6J res tore r tor" tnis -mwN mucn nesriMJi ing ' oat jiurhsvvw ' with hearts -iiaH-;j tutions? JuOngVtAy Cuba !T !'Arays Snarila .M.fter thf1c6nclusion of all nresenti attended, tho cel mass biy the pishop-ki- ttieVchapel nalaceJ All'-Tireseht"knelt - jflown elevation "o't the host excepting, theBi isn and tnevierman consuis.u -.. - " When -bisaing good-oye to tnejcoasuiar cdrpSjkMarshal . Blanco, took both '.of Gen-; eral Fitzhugh' I's -hands., r He: C shook, them" warmly, paying OnvtoroketEnfelish; :'T thank' you," .a . dislinctlori which, the .captain general did not bestowtupQn any of; I in ui l I ri ' ' V n convieteTT--fcV- -v.ouiio, -waovflad fahtf. messaees C9l4,"on crimes, v : 5 exchanged; during the. dEsatuiation were Sagasta,-nrsmier ; of . Spain.feen Senor Blanco. fri . i't r: ' .; - ; v ; -"arshal - The new secretaries haver expit thnnls to: Dr: Congosto. the secretai; general pfnCuba! setting forth thatltjs due to his :?onstaint activity that the pro-. Visional government was established , to day. 'For two" months. Dr. Congb&to, who was formally consul at Philadelphia, has hardly slept two nours a-aay, which iy , .care ItO -keep KiaOT.Chou and its cb-ntisuous 'territory, andi if the, right. mccrsures v are taken it iil prove a iost valualble possession, , ee n m'ore f valuable. . thani .pHDong 'Kong, I'lbecausT. .its1 - "mhieral ? jweialtlh; coal i.n'd liron, although need ling ' a 'large amount of - capi tan to de-; K'elop- it,, is ailmost "inexhaustlible." jfeperlhoTd the biEH'cp .43hat' ; '"'stepswerev-dier. way ' to give . sx through admiisttion to the territory : .and to;: rapidly 'develop - the tiaturai:r' comimercial a-3 vaftages of -Kiao-Cfaoii.. -Relative .to'hi audience with t-he ptDpeBishpp-'jjA'hzerrsaid that jfhiws holl mess ''hig'My approved the energy shown, by-j G-eibmany iri the gigantic task of opening China and ; preparing, her ' for- the 'blessings of Christ1ian.ity; ,; land civilization :-.TJ.pisip?len:t. of the Assoca)toct r Press . learn'S ithiat Germany, in .tho spring, will "commence' dm proving tlh'e hair'br of I Kiao-Chou, "an'd wilt ban struct d!ocks and wharves and strength en the. forts nance-of liarj quantity yf - .'lilitaryusupplies', will -:ibe :. I -V- sent to CJhinia. - Some of the best till&ry and eingineer offioers -.'he-ve vol " unteierjed to go to Kiao-Chou. ' In oncialr birdies it is not (believed: V t'hatGreat Bptain'or any othel power wi'H in terfere.j : wi t'h Germany's plans. Ifc state'd tha the entente with Russia; ind' France is pertfected and - that Fracewili on 'force- China to grant . er;t wmpensa?Uton)S on iner ' . rn "iroptienv : -t " ; - r r ' 'also learned' frtmi an exoeTlentt A I- Jill . 2 J . luiuer ivutsia-, teriiiariy or ace oWtiacTes in Great 1-f .isCie feelsv inclined to : Resent cp-portirnity. of r nnslt ijon in of Ch'ir- frkra .-v.':'-.-. sfHce. formallyr w negxa - e .United. -Is '- . x? materially . Krupp ord e .calibre -has leen oirier- ed, . . and durih'g ' the: -twinter a ; earter nave . no . x! '- ' I. i: . 1 ! v X. good rdr-r tfiv y accom" 1o5v "Sn Tv NJ her furjh ?k-"vjei ix h a iml.!S'oX VT X -denies tions 'bet States pressed, "that eyentUally resul tages,' althoutr-n - A 1 ; - . ... j mtr.parc or Americ sandjng;,:.;- if IF0. fig- If. , "iteaa: ( I petuai control OT.iaeuivc. ---I greatly surprised - everybody , here, as iVniii, rti a i ffr ' of ' China iare within -nis ti v,i ffioiaia wnri? ; sparcelv three assume : the posii tion of magfistrate. My 1TVrttpr ana-. if japan's offer is accepted, I four hours daily. For this constant impression is Hha't .' fhis old city in -jjur0,pe. accordihg to the writer Jin The I activity and the final success It has met Whifth vou andrl have lived for ahout v, - ris v: iw ' Wiat n -."for i she has I -withi. Dr. Cc-ngostohas been most cor- -liiw sii-v-Aii'.? .viruiisuct vA c-cuxis luis . . ftt thp means to maKe tae eu"i u aav city crj... r ato .-.a-vi'ia tuai.- rra.-twj.!; essary to awayvi wtill ' contribute ' $3,000,000,000 peoiles." . rocniots fld- nledein? loyalty.-- to . tne crown. Alii Is quiet here. , - - Prince RJs correspiltcU V" one remarK tr iyxin' vKfiv Bismarck is deaGT-vQ of e-ixPex:te; for months, ihe evtougw . great- shock. : ft is the so:as versation" in the -hotels and".1. . The last report received by The 'wsv? ciated Press regarding the healtlvrf ' Th-inr -Ri-s.ma!rck was, contained inScV. Vl iworbh ;of property, to the new city of ij Tne ; financial .barometer ,does not Which you will he mayor; $230,000,000 1 ehow any decided trepidation.; ; Consols banking -stock and $1,000,000,000 of de- 1 rA imnrovinff. 'There i HoL the slight- ;nvi- nntiirAsttiiatpi hv all : concernea. tr I The first Vesolution adopted by the new I disiatch ;froni Berlin-dated Becember J conquer uuim "T I cabiiietvvafeito send' a cables mesge to t 29th; it reads as follows: "It :Js?s- . ' : 1J x Lt the queen Regent of fvK1 thXl Uerted that, owing to his insomnia,-tl- l' ro aa. t, r m v have iiii - V-2T fAg) .v-Auarv flc 'i ':alism to c Ir t " . .JIB ' I LJbn iri his New Year's reception this Evening and leave .tonight for Musk- ogee, - irrcuan xerntory, t -wnere? j ivir. Bryan will "step a. day orjtwoVheiWe going home- :V. .-.' - v.- V-A' V Av:;- Hart's Emulsion of Cod Liver v Oil with Creasote and the Hypophdshites If faithfully used,; is a specific in the treatment of weak lungs, Consumption Bronchitis, etc. - Treading physicians re commend it. ; Sold by J. C. Shepard, It. IX. Hardin and II.; L: Fentress. , ,-. indignities General Blver. . Barcelona-; January l.-Gensrtal Ruis ITi vera, khe -ihsurgen t leader wiho was xsap'tured, badly j wounded, tre ' the province of Pinar led Rio, y the Sparw Ss'h troops under General l Yelas, brT Miardh WVh? 1897, and w wasr con? dieraned. to death and his sentence mod ifled has arrived here,, and .. was con ducted on foot and in chains, to Mont juidh fortress ."between lines of soldiers and mottn'ted igdannd.KfGetieral -R1-vera iwas "calm, fbut ,;lhei protested against being chained. : oxme.wtas al lowed to speak-'to 'hinx. There, was a big crowd oppeopie in the vicinity tout . . . . . in i there were . no aemonst rations, Iposits. Arid. you will vtake charge , of iUst sign of the -selling which always this little borough along with tne otn- j fnarks real clouds on tire political uvu -ers, and you Will always feel, -1 kncnw,. f ;on nd there are signs f reaction ;in that it is the -brightest little jewel 5n " the long-continued depreciation in land, the cluster of 'five. r Tou;AiavspjV:i)eeai U'Fairins are. selling . ahd, renting n)re chosen-to ie mayor cf. one of the if freely and at higher prices. The Jm- largest cities in theTWorls I oohigratu- j provement Is attriibjfiteu to the riseuin Knsh of Cotton to Japan. medical attendants, of Prince Bismarck: have adyised hlm to abstain from au work and excitement for some weem- to' come. Dr. Schweninger 'oeiieT xi . San Francisco, January I fhW. nossib'ility of v a cure,- but not triafc activity 01 ja.v" - rrf i - - - ii it .: . : a A - tv a. Ka I T-a TVin iiTT t? 1 ffU,LSc: 'rdisnltcto-fromBernn Demrmtt MWt. steamshio Companies.-There is said: "The, Hamburger NachrichtenT now so much cotton from. Texas in San J denies that 'Prince Bismarck's gout is: Waiting snipmeni. ior tne yAA- h .... and says he cannot v waiic ac: -&.nin.r.ann. JpcilHnP'-srilTVTneni. IOf Uie KJkl- I . .a .i, y.Va . : T T- - - : " .w, . . - 4- - j. iHV.& 1 -A' a a(iv.v3v.y . . - o 7 j I DBlier ail-U. Cjjrjx late you and welcome you as mayor of f the price of wheat,, ana paruy . w i ent that heavy smpment or nour ues- pp-n . and isi' unable to read or answer Greater -New York.'U I ? !; ; . cheapness of -money. capitausis are i tined for :the' same mar carmomu , - r erids. , jjetters."-';-The former fchan- Mayor Van Wyck, in reply, said . ."'The" people jhavej chosen me ljtoj he mayor. I : received '; the oflpL-ce from and to them-i I iwill answer.' ,v f '".Sv Then, after a great shaking of hands, ths ceremony was completed and the administratd'on of Mayox.Strong-was a ,thing of the past. .' - ' - . v !A good contingent of Brooklyniites ac coimpanled B. - S Color wfhen he took charge of- the .comptroller's office.' Mr. Color announced seyeraV'minor appoint- t intents and got through 'the ce rernony OI iriOXlCClon w i m u l tie arui. - . . . : . -v- When a man - is ; suffering- wltn an aching , head, .a sluggish. body,- when hi' s muscles are lax and lazyK his-'brain du ll, and "his stomach disdaining- food, ne will, if Wise, heed . these warnings and .resort to the" right remedy, before, it is too late - "Parker's - Sarsaparilla the ".King of Blood Purifiers" makes the apspetite keen and hearty invigo rates t-he liver purifies the blood ; and fills it wdth the life-giving elements of the food. It Is a wonderful Wood maker and" flesh, builder. Sold toy J. C Shepard, J. ;H. Hardin nd H I Fen trissu . " - r. t k .lad even of the oeggany wic oi yielded by land investments. ( J j. ' 1 The New Year honor list i3 weak and decidedly partisan. I V attracted ; .ttle interest from the public,-outside of the Knighting-of Mr. Thomas J. Ldpton the (millionaire provision 5 merchant whose knightage establishes the. t. fact that titles are purchasable, for the honor be stowed upon him was, of course, due to his gift of. 25.000 t($125,000). to (the Princess of "VVales jubilee fund for f eed in? the outcast poor of London. i The? Paris) police, during the coupe of -the weea, secured another of the organized -gangs, of murderers and rob bers which have "terrorised the suburbs of the .French capital! for months past. The-? new arrest auimiber thirty-three :and : the oldest prisoner is only 21 years of age, --Within -; three, months the bodies of fifty-.three murdered persons hvA thoen found in a. small section of iRoo aWd is believed most of the murders are traceable to thi3 g-ang. There have been - innumerable murderous attacks end robberies in the streets and the police! are satisfied that all of -the ; gangs, a jmimber .of : uch v-., T, m-Mt within the past ix stpn'TTi fr sbace. The Quantity of cotton- at present in the warehouses ana in cars on ihis side and across thejbay amounts to li,000 bales. , ! . I n s vr Sfhwprin. vice presidsar ana -general - manager of - the !Pa6ificMail Steamship' Company,- says it is , a fact that ' flourf, shipment have been -delayed hv TMsnn of the .demand -I for" space to .arii-v Votton; hut he fancies that the cellor is described as 'being very irater at the statement that his neaitn is sat- lafa?tf.rv.:anu IS uuulcu da oajfmtj. . the gentleman -who wrote that were ir ' my place.-ne vvouiu we wc . &. Mao v4-whit a satisfactory condi TTiftntMinr. January i.iiw delay is only 'temporary: His recent visit iharPrince Bismarck died today isun- to the Otient. ana tne, ODservations ne made there convinced him that Shanghai .waa takmkii the lead in the manufactuxe of cotton :goods. - I !-'--:-. 4 report ; The Prince, toaay receive ..nrsnnai visits: Callers left tSieirt - cards. .;;:j ' ;;;-' '-;. - - -U,-.--....TTt Th Ted Cross Ask Aid for the CubaM v .Washinirton'. January l.-RAfter oon- suliaiiion if with the state department of ficials, the Red Cross'Kas arranged 4o otfdn, Ihcafla'uartersSni (New York for the TcferAion i and . . forwarding bo Havana of contributions for the benefit of the. auraereu .peu I rreTinz Cubans. Miss Barton will oe small section or k nrid sth mav find it neces Jao-r-v. ero to Havana to arrange - for -opera'ton with Consul General Lee. me iiinyte Cough Cure cures qulck- T ii rrbat what-you want. n. i. .jei- TtieTiniShtbley -Marriage ?Taw YorkJ! January 1. Professor Alex ander Melville Bell, the . disttngttisnea . Scotch scientist and father Of A. ora ham Bell.' the inventor of the telephone. , and Mrs, H.jiG. Shlbley; oi vioronic, married atlhe-rarK avuc .uuim. today. vS v-;: - "."v :-'i;::.l. T A Perkins. : of Antiquity, wa for thirty years needlessly tortured trjr physicians-for the cure or wzrara. aio urajvi. nil Icklv cured by using DeWftr Witch Hazel Salve, th famous beaiHns' salve forpjles and skin diseases. Bellamy. ! I - - - v.--- ... jv -v:-':;:-'v-V:.:; v if, :' 'V- Ki t 'V ' ; - '- j '-' - r -- . - . -; .- - ii M-;-- . ,.. V : - - 4.'i"-. - rv " T ---7s i-s. ' i. ; v ' . ; v-vr ' .' . - -- --- -. - !vv:' ::v-r ' ;v :i:!f larg- tjs ; vv::- v : '" --v, f-tC ar- V :- :.; ,; : i A rac- ; - ; - . if - - -i x..-:-ji . I -"i V':rWvX--xw U;;'h'V; ! V ,! :- v -M v vv:-:- .-..4 m :v . -' - ' - : -. NT" ' -- : "i:-T.,;ll', ;-- - . 'i ; i-Kit s ' -- ' - ----- . .: f. - - . ,7- m::-- ;-.-' V;.i .'-' - :: ;,:. v ' . . !- , ; . , . . .- -. .-. -. ' . - ;V:: - '.;''. i-f-tv :-; . -' ' s i - - -- . j ' . .; .,. . i -.-.- - 1 ' . i -( - i -f1-" ":vt-,v,-:-:,t! - - ; -In - . .:- :. T-iv ;1 -V-. . .. -.. -. ; r i - n. t '.' I i