TELKGK4PH SCMMAfcY, . " THE St a tt? 1 I Hndtmenta against tie fcathera -4 1 ' ngr free parses are. to r - ?fke -county superior court f "way .commission i imt-rv with I 3 Wilson :f Qf lorfirfUrfi Von hrok i. - I i , i xne commission s ithieves; he says hejdoes not la nf 4f et; -the: question. of re n. -of railway rates -will taken fe sesskn today -WHT be consumed 3 "rra a-" ; -oontempt proceed-. tfre Sun in the federal supreme 1 against Caldwell and Pearson for. f- Iorci,blle 'POsessfibn df the rail-.' JoiiOTiissiofii'a ;b'fnce'.--4i' i ;. governor and the federal Upreme pi UUITan.t:- ltw anhvi-rifi.rt : mnri 3 parents fhavk ivp-n tin An ivW- Itter hav not" yet' decided what w wun Body; noinew : reporter are ai'lowed to "inerview nsoner.Wllliamf Ti Buckle v. January 1st; a member b the firm commits suicide. In the (house resenta ti ve arJ Mr, pverstreej . In-; es xna nnanaial reform bul pre-r by the monetary commission arid f erred to the bcanmlttee on bank d 'currency. f-Conseriaive -esfci- fasx mgnt placed tne vote-jr-or r in the Ohio legislature i.t-i75 ta inst Hanna; one of llanna's sev- h classed as doubtful; ihej Hannaj larm seventy one votes ana as-j es of the two necessary ones; mbine say Hanna rill rnot get. y votes; thel combine ih'4s been ave up to the present's tirtie; It i ymg its attention. to Keeping its . -line; the trouble wilt be ' to get on whom they ' can unite; the' atic , organ; urges the dem fori any) memibers . to vote he boltinc republicans; nominate. Ohio republ0an exectitiiye com- j lS3ueg a call jfor a mass meeting ambus ! next Monday i afternoon. , b gTand. jury at Richmond jdeoides I ke no report bn the question as the ";. Womack oheckf? were ob "by the ' Stuiblbs prosecutors. r-np-tl o ibna.t W.ifiislow eroes tblNew- ews to take oh her tortedo, gear 11 then go Ssou-th isof J4m Sthe the Iowa has already, sailed for rida; waters.-; -Another Massa- a mui cuts wages.-t-r-fi ne txeaxi- the 'Maryland hou-sd of repre- ves : eontinues.-rJ-utne 01 me the ! American Express com- A New YArlc ris the jompany:of and disappears. ! FOREIGN tteanisblb Corlnifhia, Wilmington ent broke down at sea and has wedi Into St.; Michasels.-f-'rhe German Oaiette say affairs in via afe becoming morp tranquil; d and : Russia ,are not now so -lifitic to Germany. r-Russia is ring to secure iPortJArthur on e tennis as - Germany has Kiao An Austrian Inewspapeir, eays d ,!has suffered ;a ,crUning ae- th. Chinese matter. . ) j; Another Exprf s Kobliery i I York, January 6. The , American Company was robbVsd. to,day or Lnd lark 'Braden, JJ-j, a trustea is Aliasing, pentrai pnicers ana detectives arei huntin fpr bim. days: ago .ina mguu iuibci of ihftll filed at iarty-SevLenin IrxA ivfiiriifion, avemie was taken 111, nden,Aa icierK i;ijje pompainy 101 tian ten years, -vusf j.einiJju""j td. This office nne! cqmpuny i . ?ltajine nouse ror an ii ia.t- nr rpepived from the urarror ven- l:ion,v i ' the parcels to -be stent on the lock train on the Hudson River a mrlrntner wpre! several c bntain nd one ith. amout of $5.$S2 a Irur ftvAiSl.000 Dhicaeofgas bonds. I?raden"S place (to; take thoi pack th .tfraln. return1 to the oliJcu' and Inn -Taitv. until 17 O C10CK. the iday employes- arjivea crau- I not an the onice, ;i me- safe was Ttaefe wer& no receipts ipir vai- LCkages xy tne qioi mitg u.m,4r fholhnoks howed that-several rcelsf haa oeen receive at uc i r . . 7 1 1 j Lv. v It the absence; or Kraqen ainu me W' minutes V teii the feather bugs J were set aowm to tareiefoiieas. lad contalnea ithe papkagSii were bnder some otner -ireigui;. ij In CUt Open-aiI4 auuiic.jr a.uv kakep- That tne ropoeryj was arrted out Is snown py. jn wli LOOO, smostly n casn, . was,, f en in and that tne upnus pie nyawa. apnt to levfryr uajin. aim latuiiHnns in tne cciuntry warn f J - - r- - t . L.i,'ilii i against purcnasingr Lpj BLtnen ids.f These bonds have a face J5.0W, put are worth in other -Warships Going Soafh igton, January "TMiejTp lislow has Denjoraerea m from NorrpiK i&im we on uei eeaf. Whenm&is: isi-nueu sue the torpeao uwi jukiia lj-j-eorts ironi me fioiuta. !v encouraging ta navai -oi- Wo projected, ,thp cruise. Mishaps lent aiaye oecn c "" " y arid the ? ooats are .iwuiis.iug w- la-' as mawuc ....... Ineed.- w ' M ,' ' - ., ' , kttleship! low I naff sauear irora Irk for Hamptpn Rojj43f dn ther Jith to the Trenoezyojis; 01. me itlantic squadron in j s.ejr 1 v ei it is said au tne, navy 5": I' iv- . ir - 'iLj . r -there HH3 utFciiii nv tiiausc I k and that the) sMght delay that 1 the MuaaruB u,q .........y . Ixmed in 'the itsjenu mnB il .hc 3 not unexpec3. Wred 20 (Years. at farmer, ana y 1 T v rsidests near 1 nervous prbstra- iidlums of fotdoc. Hr? Mmdies without bene- years ago 7i wuw least noisft would startle and (Z I was unable td8leep.haaa 'Snkins spells, "an slowly grew 1 nSnrrMIles' Restorative firervadUverPilAtf Ugeemedtohave no effect, but I a few bottles I began toj notice ireiedttte at nisbtmy ppe toprordltapidrgr 4 bo I -am A3 ne"r A LTagemaypgct. God lis5erT4n. ri1' lEeriedies tall dros k positive Gt bottle tosey t. yicoa Ss SeartaJid 1 A ?.43a: Dr. Health v -T5ICAL CJv &-Wi to . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ' 1--; -vl'..!; MEASURES TO ENCOURAGE NEW . INDUSTRIES DISCUSSED t tep to t Taken to Male Operative the Act Exempt Manufactories From tax atlon Long Distance Jelephane Wanted, The Honey Qoettloo. to be Considered t' . The chamber of commerce - held its regular monthly meeting (yesteijdiay afternoon- at 3:30 o'clock, President Jas. II. OhadlbooiTin, Jr., iwretsSdlsSJC. !Colonel John l 'Candweal, 'jth'ei sejoratairy, iwa-a eit Mai' pose. , t mimultes of the twio.'Iast ' 'The rtetgnl'ar arid special raee'.ttog-a were read find a'jP proved, r- Appl3oat3:onfor memiberkip was r'e- . - - - j l ' ' . . . . r 1 ceive'di (from iMt. R. al. wescott land t'ha rules were tsuspenkied and "Ih'e was tLe'ticera -were .' .read' . frottrt ! ' M-esars. Praalc P. Zimunerman, ' of the j In'ter Te'Lephotte and TelegrapTi .Com- States pany, t or and (Mr. Z W. 'Wihit'eheaid, edl- The- (Southern MfOing ana, Litai-. ber Journal, acknowJedlgtoig ' nptaflca- - tflons tlhat they haud "been; "vfteetidd meuv- bers.. i r.. -! ; 1-1 . . - - - - - I Commiititee , reports wer.e call-fbrVMr. (XI. TVU Jacobi, of the committee! for a suipper) id Ibe 'given at T'he OrtijMi ,!by the chamber, reported! proposes. On mktiibni,l Messrs. jGabrtel 'Hotels "and H. C. McQueen Avere ad'd'ed toJtQie com miitbee whtoh origlnaily conslistad ' of 'Megsrij 'R. K: Sweet, F. la. Huggiins and- '2J,. yf. Jaoobi. . ' ; .-,;. . lr. tX, 'Arriaigdale riotiifted! tlhie. chairrJberi that, he' had received ah ietiter Sjating ! hat the; ; Luffiilberm'&ns Asso ciation of Ohio an'd Western1 Pefmnsyl yania, 'Whiten, has an annual ereiirsiion, win cccne soui:'h aJbouit t'he (mli'djdl'e olf February, anki con'tenvpilate taikihug in Wilming-ton on t'helir 'trip. 'iThere wti'll be 125 lin the party, and the c'bject df their Visit -will ibe to sek a ftdld for secur'inig their luuanibej- suippliesl jt was t'he sense of the chamtber, that, t was very desirous and ladvant'areoua ttoe them tij.visiit our city,' an'd on nicitlion, -Ahe ! 'following committee of ltimiber iahiufaidturera were appoihtad ta in- vi'be thm to vis'it "WUSmiWg'eon and to make arrangements if or 'fhedr fen'ter- 'tammeoiiit .wkiite Itere, viz: Mesisrsi J.' A. Arrlnigdale, Wlalter' 'L; Parsley, James H,- Chald bourn", aimiuel NoTitihropl ' Geo. tV; Kiidld'er . arid F. "W. - Foter - The priinciipaJl .market for TWilmlngdonj Is in the -east, and St !rs 'believed, that - 't!be visut of the " Ohio! arid - Pen'rasySvaniia- lumberrhen will open up a: tiraid ".--'in tihose .latea for our an'i'lls.' A letter - was read from -Mr. II. W. B. Glovier, traffic fmanager of the Sea- bnier in LrdjAlir Xane, Mnquirto'g for' root - exportation, v 'Elsewhere The Messenger today will be foun'd further fiparficoilars of .this inquiry. (A letter tfrom Mr.-iJ. A. Sm'it'hL df Besisemer City, 5'N. '' C, was read and pl'aced on 'file. CHe offered a oatition, fac tory ou fit for sale. . . ; . , Presil'dierit "Oijadlbourni called attention 'to an article Sin The ."New "York Worid of Janfuary 3, iwitih reference to the re- d'utotion df factory wages In New Eng land afljd assigning as a . reason that 't'he mill men are pressed (by cOnkipelti- tion f rom the sou't'h. He stated that in Viet Sof the ait'tentton wliioh Is toeirjg 'attracted to t'he soutn's a'dvanitages for mainuif'ae'buring woUM bring millisj and ea'pijyal here; and Wi'talnton-ought' to do somiajtibiing to; jiriduce industr'ies' to be established, In our city. . -i Ohaklbourn called upon Mr. JTugli 'MacRae, cif the Wifflmdnigton Cot ton iMdll, to Bay ometihin'g on. the; cot- ton mill question an'd the advanl for fa'atjoriesihere.- f . taiges I; 'Mr. MacRae sal'd he was interested in any effort to bring new to'dustries to -Wllmirigton, 'and said wlhdle Wl'limln'g ton had very . sTuperior advantages, extra ink! ucemitns would liave to be Of fered. if.of-.the establishment" of facto ries, as:oinier rcfitiey wabb equaJllyr aa good aoVvan-tages w-ere offering dn'ffu'ce- mieti'fcs.. to t'he. way. of giving ground for plants and exempting new iidus 'tjrles fcom taxatiori icr. a period oif ten years. He said- there were other jedtaes with equally as good advantages asr this but there wrere none better. He tould' 'say for;; the ; Wilmington . mOTl that it was not redu'einig Wages. (Some ci'ties in 'the south 'had t'he adv'anit'a'ge df hav ing .coal right at their doors,' but IWil- mmgto'n 'had the advantage1 cif fvor iblefre'igh't rates arid coal at reason -aibles prices. He thought home capital sihould 'be 'inteirested in buil'ding a mfill, an!d isa'i'dthat one mill employing 1,600 hand's wouldvadd from 3,000 to 5, 000 inhabl tants to our ptoipulatiom. (He theh su'MmOtitetd some Ipriticiisms-c!f Wilming ton! wlidch must.hbe dbviated ire order to secure 'inldus tries. As to exempting industries; from jtaxation!, -be deciared that one cotton ImMl In a "town woriid be wort!h more than tthe taxes ied. It would ditrrbtate $3,000 to ?4,000 a month in the charmers of, trade be sides adding several thousand Irihabi- Ltans and ibrin'ging" in : .oNp'Itai. He Te rharkeid .jUhat in im'ainy vvu'Shefn. towns 'ilhe .merchanit's arid ; buailnc'ssmen sufb scribed I to coCton milT mot for"' the profit they could malce out df'ltJ but .for the itfade that -it would flaring. -them He spoke of Wilmington s advantiages I'm r rve nuv or ireieass. a.n(i sa:'n jne thmi Jrhc-revas i koold' "oro.Wfc f -J j . .w -L 7 1 mak-ing! (Wilmington a coal porit land then it would come to the if ront. IAs a cotton ex porting port, WLm!in'gton gets tbe advantage of low freight ratesit'hat ireterior. towns canino't (get, (but ais to labor hf isa'iid -wliile some could bef had here.i fcl'e ; greater portion would have to be Hjiroug'M. here ifrom t'he' country. This he isafd would have the desired effect of increasing our inihaibrtanitis President ChadbouriC;sstated that he was 'glad to Jhear Mr. MaJdRae mention our shortcomings, as it wouCd lead, to some' correct tihem. NlIir. Chaid bourn, susggeated that soonetMng Ibe done to attract- riew industrlesXs (Mr. W. E. Worth remiinded the bham- iber that' ithe Chamber of Jndustbles, whibh was conducite'd here eSg'h't ,oi years lago, wi'th the object of eecurinig inid'ustrttjes, secured fbe ipassage cuT am act by he (general assenilbly authJor'iz ing Wiknlngton to retain taxes toi t'he amount; of $150,000, by way of exempt ing MKrustries Jfromi taxation lor a periojl of ten .years. Tliis aktO had been submitted to our best iawiyers anu it.w-ais their opinion that at was constitutional and Tsrould stand, in courts, -but for some, reason thaitjSact had. been, staved- off 'by tbe, actfoca cif some lawyfer wlvo held that U i was unconst!irruilana!l. No test oX tle mat ter had, ewer been made in the coiints, alnkl recently the committee appolirted in -tihe at to oairry out ists provisions had met knd concluded to do somethmg to muxjLq Tne law operative or asuerui'inr whethe? it fffjre constitutional. With thiis endRn view- fjx'e committee ' jihad elected j him land .Cok) Kercluier to fill the vpicancdes caused ly the djeatlh of Afr. 7an- MadKae ana iir. w.- Worth. 6-nd he commd-tteedecMecli to ask a domrniittee from the Chamber of Cbmmrce an'd .he-. Produce Ecihange to worfe with : his commireee- m fhitur efforts to test the act. If t Ss tfonltu tional, it will, exempt new manutfactcr lesifrom taxation for -ten; years. A for Wffcrelrtoin' eidva.ta'ges, Mr. WbnJh said.ihe heceoi'tly see? twined by iaves tig'aaan that Wllm&nrton nw gt a supply of coal as cheap as New tfa ven, fJew iJoridon "and; (Fall River, He suggestact htaib tt.f the larger coal, toow sumers An WSlminlgiton confbine,' they could eiirpl'oy several ecbooners in. the coal trfcde and " proJba'bly cheapen, the supply iifc iChSls way. . , a. . j " Remarl .were also made 'on stfhos raattetr oTt in'du'cin's' 'more nfanufcac- orfes, tby "Miessra M; W. JacoKiJ Colonel WaJker Taylor, p. F. Keith fend T V. '(Mr. M. W. Jacabi urged that some steps ibe taken ! to seoure better tele-' phone connection for Wilmington. He called attention to the fact that Lum berton, Maxtonl . jLaurinburg, iMcpoll,; Tatum, Pates, Xiumbpr Bridge, Rock Ingham and other places were connec--ted In a telephone system, and there is (hardly an important store or residence 5n forty or fifty miles around them that is .not connected !by phone. .'He said Wilmington 'has ia .telephone line as far iij thi Seaboard: I Airr Une las' jOronly, which; is only about forty miles front. Lumlberton, and j he suggested that the line . might . -be built fromj-Cronay to Lumiberton andthus connect! Wltming- . ton "by telephone with all the important towns named, which are tributary to and dp 4 large business with our" city. : He salid fit. would, not cojst more than $200 or. $300 to bld !tbe link from Cron- ly .to t-umbertori.' i f ,. '. i : i President Chadboum suggested that a committe might ;be appointed to urge either of the telephone companies now doing I (business her to undertake the buildihg of a connection."; ; , ,T .W .Clawson nioved thatjsuch com be appointed and the anotiion was adopted. ; ,-1 i-v ' - Lli" : , President Chadbourri vapfpointed as .the (comimttee Messrs.' T." W. Clawson, A. B. Sktelding and John W. Gafford.'. ; ; Mb. jHugh 'MacRae called . attention to the recent' repor.t of the monetary; comimiss'ion, and after- speaking 1 of the necessity of monetary , reform and the need of a more elastic currency, he suggested that a special meeting of the dh'amber te called to consider, the re port 4d mice 'some' action with! refer ence to lt.t He favored the recommen dations as to the dssue of currency by state (banks, and said a MI would be (presented . to congress ' embodying the suggestions of the commis.slon. : There was considerable opposition lin congress, to this measure but he (believed that actioii Iby commercial ibodies in. the souths would have its weight in securing the -passage -of .the bill., I 1 ;j i Messrs. B. F. Keith-and T. . Meares also, discuseed the matter..' Mr. Keith did not want to be bound'by any action the chamber would- take the matter, and Colonel Cantwell declared, 'he con sidered it a political question andijvould not take any hand in it. ' "- X r i Mr. i Meares sail! it; was "ityroper, A to consM'er fill! at' any . rate, ; and lif it . SsL what is iwiaJrited, h'e; Saw rio objetetftcai to enifor'sing iW It Was explained that the , sfense ! of : the "Chamlber cou7d not bind iridiivikiual .members of the jcham ber. -I j ; " ' . ; 1- ."' ' ;-f . I J '. ' Mr-1 M'aoRae imove 'that the special m'ee't'ih'g :be called!,! arid the motion was. aldootpd. ; j 0" - .-;' t' ' i" ! I - preidtent Chadbourij stated that t'he chamber some time ' ago1- jdetiided: . to IMave jthe jvtaniotis 'iridustiries and! .'bui--ness enterprise's of WEmfingtonT writ ten up by aifferenit persons, but only one article Wad 'been' prepared that fby air. (C C. Chadbourn on the lumber in dustry. He said it had been irv'.erideM to ipuifclish '.ft "in pamphlet form but' Mr. Z. iW Whitehead offered to pulbljlish it ln flWe Sfeuthem, 'M'Stfing and: LumibeT Journkll. : On motion ithe . arti'cle. turned 'over to Mr. Whitehe-a'd. -J. )The cfhamtber 'then -adjourned.: i was HUNGRY? FOR OFFICE A Raid.on Washington by North -Carolina Republicans -GoTer nor Russell Gone on to Hilp Charles Ai Cook ;X:J: ;; 'rjl I 'j .- ; , iWashin'giton, D? C, January 6.-KSpe- cial)-4Amon the arrivals (here j -joday was Governor L. Ru'ssell; olf CSTorUh Oa-roliria, rt2io comes on to use his in fluence towards is;ec3urinig 'the' appoiint- merit elf Charles 1A. . Cook, of Warren, as "United: (Staltes; dlstiilc:t"at'tbrney ofr tihe e'astem d'Jstric't of North Carolina. Senator Pritchard and Geo. H.- White, 1the i coloretd . con'gressmau from tihe but wm Frslt' district, are; supportinig- Cook wit'hi all 'bis strong backing, he mot Iget the. apppiiritment- iThose' on Ithe tinsi&e say llhat ex-Congressmlan Jos. J. Martin,' a- iproimiine'nt repuibllc'an lawyerj of Tarboro, -wall !be appoint ted district atitojiey finstead' 'c'f .Codk or any oilier aspirant. Thief woods .are full "of 'asplirarics' for dhe,ipsrt3on; wWteh; Cook - 1a (after. TheTlare 'Spfer W-hitalter, of Raleifefh ; T. : Mi iArgo; of Raleigh ; - Claude CBer- narkjj, jof GreenVille, and Oscar Spears, of . I 'agiet't, while W'heeler ;Martin, of Tarloro, son 'df the man s'lajted for'tlhe pos(liinV.Ss spoken ,"cif dn, iMal connec tion. fCongressm'an sacmner 'is for Uer- mardl, pjut none o'f the several aspirants 'are lij it TfiVh. Joe Martfin. (All of the asipirarits nalmeicl arid many of their frieridfe! are -bereU:.-,, ?ti I 1 i' ( -i j 'Ainrwin'ff 'tke arrikrals ateo is! latate Sen ator i. 'E.cCaskey, of .Mirtln. icouu- ty, wlao 5s here o support Cook. ; Mc- Casker is ;' the leader; df the minority populjists to (North. Carolina, wlio is'todd by their republican allies througUi ,tMck and 'thin I (Dr. Albbott, ' oX the :(NoTtih Caral'iria railroad commission, fs also here. The iatcV la, fet lis';'(h'aivi ta tell twho is -not berei irom North Carolina. A hotel; man- WhOftoquired -anil , wasj told how many inhabp'tanits (NorOh Carolina- Ibas,- jwaig- ishiy s remarkeid that, most o!f them were an WahJlrig'ton tooking Jfor an of fice or (helping a friend to get one. Colonel James U. . (Boyd, of Greens boro, ia'ssistant United iSitafces attorniey general, is 'the ac!knoWled!ged, controller of Nprtli Carolina a'ppoint'm.ents.i 'He Wave! ti consuat arid ask for! recogni- tiion. '" . ! . ' 1 Funeral -This Afternoon. The funeral of the late Mrs! Catharine Ann Fulton will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at St. Thomas' Catholic church, this city. The remains wi'll ar rive in the City this afternoon from Portsmouth, Va., at 12;05 o'clock via the , - aeaDOara ait jjine, anu win ue conveyeu to St. Thomas church. Thd pallberers on this sad occasion will be as follows: Dr. W "E. Storm, Captain- J. Alvis Walk er, Captain John Cowan and . Messrs. T. TV -XfoTroa Jrthn T1 frnw .Tna H Wat. iyTTers, !w P. Price and D, O'Connor. Jf Two Approaching Matrimonial Events At j? o'clock; on the evening , of the ?4th instant, Mr. . Houston ' Merritt, o'f ;j this city, and Miss Decile Chn, of Lincoln ton, will form a union forUfefat the res idence of "the bride-elect" d-father. Cards are out announcing the happy ; event, . ' - The Sampson Democrat of yesterday' says: 'VUards have been .issued to the marriage of Miss Mary 'Mclntiref! the 1 attractive daughter ofMr. R. M.7 Mcln- lire, i or wummgton. to jir. cnaries it. Westbrook, of the same city,: in the First Presbyterian church, Wilmington, i Wed nesday evening, January 19th at 6 o'clock. '"!. j Jail Breaker in the Tolls Agan ! Sheriff J. M. Marebjburn, of Sampson county, came down from Clinton. last pEght, and will carry toack wi th kins this' morning Walter Carr, palofed, ; who . (broke ja-fl f$ Cniiton ajbojat six months ago 'and was arrested iery a fesr' days since. Last summer Carr was arrested on he charge of brealdng dnto the resi- dence of Captain Owen Holmes, In the town of Clinton, and stealing $82 or $83 OUT AT THE BACK DOOR RUSSELL'S STEALTHY . IDE PART URE FOR WASHINGTON The Railway Commission to Meet Today. Excitement Over Repudiation of County Bonds Increasing Oxford Orphan i Asy lum Matters R'sssell's Latest and Great' . ett Folly Agricultural College Bursar .Gets His Accounts Muddled-QreatjSlaUgh ter of Partridges ' ' ' '' - .:. 1 ' - Messenger Bureau,'; i Raleigh, N. C, January 6 At the executive ofrice this morning . when the' question was asked, , "Where Is Governor 'Russell?" Private Secretary Alexander - replied, ; "At Washington City. He left here yesterday j with Su perintendent Mewboorne, from the John ston street station,"- The private; secre tary said! he did not say yesterday that the governor ,had gone to the peniten tiary farms, but that he had gone off with Mewboorne. His not leaving from the Union station was singular, j ? The railway commission' is :: called .to meet -tomorrow. - 'No one Iknowsj . -what may come up. ; Senator Butler' st paper says todayi that the work of tie iew railway commissioners :so far; is prepara tory to "a . reduction of . passenger fand freight' rates. He makes a cut v.i.?atn .missioneri Abbott (anti-Russell repabli ' can), by saying two of the comniissitra- ers cannottie bought ' The Capital Club here I re-elects . Dr, James McKeej president. Julian Thriber lake is the new secretary. There -are 109 members. ! -I --j. '-J 'i : Rev. J., O. Guthrie, who was first sent to FayettevilleJ be pastorlof the Meth odist church but later was ;sent to War renton, has left for the datter place. Architects- in this state can compete for the $50,000 Inr prizes fori the best -de-sigjjaJor the buildings of thfe university of Canfornia The ! secretary of state has the specifications. -4 I ; fl "' - Judge , Timberlake has, as expected, granted an border restraining ! thei collec-- tion of interest or principal of j thejWilkes county bonds issued in aid of Ithe North western North Carolina railroad; until Judge Starjbuck hears that matter! There must be a kood deal of stir in Wilkes. It is" said by lari anti-Southern! railway pa per that that system threatens to tear up .the road' between Elkin -;andf North Wilkesboro in case I the bondsv'are de clared invalid. There are persons who say that the assaults upon i thes validity !-of bonds issued to the Yadkin railway, the Spartanburg and Asheville 1 and the Northwestejrn are. really cuts at the Southern rkilway, which owns all these lines. The Wilkes people expect ; to- get their matter settled against the road'by the middle j of (March. There is ai'.k of, bringing; suit to test' the validity of the bonds issued the Durham and Northern road,, which the Seaboard Air I-Jne owns. The public school committee Ct this city has; bejen on an anti-cigarette cru sade. 'I. I ; . - 1 ' ' -1 ' ' Senator Butler in his paper says edi torially: "The only danger while isvich a niaii as f Russell is governor and with such a nonrpartisan supreme) coiirt on the bench is from corporation .federal courts and their injustices.' j ' i Much plowing is beirig - done n this section. Farmers say they must put in cotton; that if they can only ;get fa cents for it they Can make buckle and tongue meet. 1 . .Bill Morgan.! a white man. aged 53 years, who' has ;served two termstin the penitentiary here, is in jail again, for murder. He! says he expects 'to .b hang ed, but fears lynchmg7--;: ! ' Speaker! Ambrose Hileman, of 'the lower house, was married today infCabarrus. lie says he expected to be married here 'in the house of representatives, put did not come because lie feared smallpox on . the trains; - : .1 J .':;:.:;!!':( At Salisbury today Governor Russell's attorneys made .their reply in the 'North Carolina, railway.. lease matter.! ' The children of Sonly Ryan,' the wife murderer; "who iwas hanged at Greens boro, will be sent to the orphan asylum .. at Oxford. I . i ' - ' I - ! The Caucasian calls on the railway commission to regulate and reduce tele phone rates! and ridicules the attorney general -for his opinion that ; the commis sion has noj authority to; regulate tele- phone rates.! A handsome set otJarthrafoiina china will . be made for the ! executive mansion. The fine kaolin from the state will be used'. ' - if. The executive; committee of the Ox ford Orphan Asylum met at Durham last night. It foiind that the. receipts last year were $21,000, and that all wjere ex pended, Two hundred and, eleven chil dren wer.e cared for, and arrangements are made i to receive sixteen mori Steps, were taken to build four cottages for girls, each tp accommodate thirtyFour cottages for jboys are completed and oc cupied. Arrangements, were also' made to put an editor ih charge of theiorphanage paper. The grand lodge of Masons meets at the orphanage next xuesqay, in, .an nual communication; . t i So far the state textile promoters of the ; proposed school have had; over fifty cotton mill lo'wners, aM of letters from whom express their interest in the' plan. The' "finance committee .of . the Agricul tural and; Mechanical college h-re has adjourned. It found the accounts of E. G. Butler! "the new bursar, ,in a tangle. J. ' W. Hardin, the chairman, Isays-But-, ler has made an error by hnxmgjthe ac half dozen or more, depart there is no shortage, but only $322 difference in the- counts of- the ments; that that there is total of . receipts 1 and isbursemehtis'. Har, din says he Will quickly -tirid tlie .error in the balances. I .l "' " i During Decern per the' ' mean ' tempera ture here was f!4 degrees; exactly the average;' "the j highest 8, the lowest 21; rainfall 2.56 -inches, which is alnjlost' the average- Last year's deficiency; jln rain fall, was .17 inches. - : , I R. W. Minor M appointed by : Judge Purnell United States . commissiioner -at Washington, N C: '.'; M I:! : ' A son of Df, J. J. Mott, who has been an under officer at the penitentiary, but who was lately dropped,-is now; on duty as guard, at -the trail way com frrission of fice. Senator Sharpe, of Iredell,t the new assistant ; clerk, was asked whyj. guards, were put on 'day! and. night; He replied: "I suppose, because Major - Wilson was here Monday, lartd because Otho! Wilson came into the office. He came as a citi zen; Major Wilson has hot .beeri. her. He is not., coming. He has too much sense. Of all the ridiculous things Gov ernor Russell has done, this placing of guards at ithe railway, commission office takes the' lead. : Vh The ground aropnd the basement of the executive mansion is to be, cut away, s6 as to . ventilate I and drain the basement, which it not now used. ! It is asserted that the old railway com missioners will contend beforethe United States supreme court that the writ of er ror, or appeal to the United States su- preme court, was der of the court! granted before: the or was given the Sheriff to place the new commissioners In pos session; . I I - . : ' ' -' . Carthage-, one of the prettiest places in the state, is to be a winter resort.. The new hotel; built by a Nebraska man, is nearly completed. The slaughter of partridges during the past three montlis has been great. The sales are large. 'Many birds are secretly shipped out of the state. , t ' Mot Wage Cutting Grafton, Mass., January 6. Notices have been . posted in the cotton, mills of the Fisherville Manufacturing Company at "Flsheryilli, i-- announcing that the wages of the 500 emp'oyes would be re duced on January 17th. The amount of the reduction has not been made public, but it is thought the cut will be about 10 per cent. Royal mokes the food pure, ' . wolesotne aqd 4elclous. mm PSVB! Ab?olwtciy Pwr 10 fjHsaEacBBBBaBanB CALDWELL WRATHY v:-;r-::.-;y.! Because Othc Wilson Says He and Pifarscn Broke Into the Commission's Offle IA Thieves Nothing Settled Becardlifg Re-, dnctien of. Railway Rates. vs i v (Special, to The Messenger! Raleigh; nJ C, January: 6. CSfllirman Caldwell,-of the' railway commisjjton," la furiously ' angry -with j Otho Wiloiij be-! cause the latter said in an' interview that Caldwell and ' Pearson had brokj int,o the railway commission's offi-e like thieves. Caldwell says: :Wilsonwoul'd not dare say' that to my face." and Pearson arrived, at noon. They sigy that tomorrow, they wall only take up t ihor cases Complaints jbf overcharges,! 5 . Your correspondent this afternprt in terviewed Chairman Caldwell, of tSTailr way. commission, regarding its piposes concerning reduction of freight aidf pas senger . rates. Caldwell saM:; ; 'jhave said nothing to Senator Butler aboijt ipy plansJ We may take up the ratfelqugs tion. I have no views yet as to it? Noth ing is. as yet contemplated reaVding rite reduction. don"t know whfcn," it may 'turn up, if ever." When tasked what lie thought! of Governor Russell's plan of guarding the railway compassion office, he said he saw no7 earth tea sonj foe it; that neither .of the tfllsons were trying or would try to go Isfi "-- ' 1; Contempt Proceedings' Against Caldwell t , and Pearson.' ; ii '.t, . . .. CSpe'oM-19 ii'lhjei.t . ';. ''iRaleagh, !N. C.,';; January. 6. JThl eve ning thereiwas 'a inew. movelh tJhe raflway' cctm'mlission matter. AAtilttTiey "Robert O. Burton served on Cftjtumis sioners Caldwell and Pearson, owstlce to appejar : January 17'tJh .before, the fSdferal supreme court,' wihen' a motiotti ' be mm'de (ta lalttacih' 4hem Ifor ocmit&MA o'f that court in -v5oiatinlg its uperldleaa arid 'to comipet "them, to restorepl. juW. Wiiison iand IS.. Otflio. Wilson to cpfce of crail!waiy; commBssiioniers and alsolo'? re store to the Wilsons 'tihe rooms'pooks and papers of the pfBce. (The nten tion ' igr tibat Caldwell and PearsM took! if OTcilble ; possession after : the luiper Bedeas was (granted! and In denajice of 'it. .. .; :- l Indictments Against the Southern fjr GIv ;.;'!; ing; Free Passes l -J -. ; (SpeWiial to fThe iMessengerhf . Raleifgh, 'N. . C;, January . 6. fecial Interest is felt In the superiorSicoUirt session here (next - week. The 0ockefc was prepared today, krhere' are" ibvro tadibtJmen'rs against the Soutlherjtail roadi !for issuing, free ' passes. :Th'iw!i'll be the first trials 'in tNortihl ' cIlEplina on ifhat charge. I iThe vitnesses 1 'are Governor '"Russell, United. Stiatesi Tis--trfct 'Attorney Aycoclc.-'H. I CrSn't," of the republican, state oemaanJtfel arid Henry. W. Miller, private secretl Vice President tATidrews, .of the ou-ch- ern railway, j -!, . . ; ' - p. ' '. ; - - H- ' . all Hope abandoxeijI '' -1 ' " ' A"' Dariant's Friends See no Other Mejkns to ; Delay the xecutioKHis Family Prepare Themselves for His Death Today T t i : iSan Francisco, January 6. Governor Bud'd "has artnotun'ced' .'tihat be wlt not toteTlfere With 'the execution oJfijDur rant. frhe , 'governor "waited1 Mf) -his apartments tibia afternoon for Gberal "Dfcktoson, Durrant'is at'torney, ap pear. OD'ickinson bid not cclirie ai jthe governor expressed :hLs ideterm'Qiaition to allow 'tihe lay to takiei (its aurse. It was sfa'ted ithat-IMr. arid air-SDur-rarut wouldi call -on ttihe governorf ihis aflfernoon to make 'a last appeal Vor Uhelr son, but the governor sailtha't ne wotCd not rece'ive Uhem. S In speaking ' df thei ;tturranit.,ca'3e General Dickinson said: fNo one fwftl havepermisslion jto Interview the? icon -d'emn'ed man before lie Is ihan'gfe1, ; as I nave ; auitlhority ; to t'he -matts and ?have 'given s'tric't;! oi'ders that tx one shall see him. If the unfortunate' man must die I "believe to letting himSspend ails. last hours to peace arid wi;ll not submit (to bavin g liis pestered. ir ' Durraln't ifather has ; not . decided what dlispositii'on- ihe will make t'he body. Owing to the fact that swine of he cemettery. associaltions refusdbo re ceive Ston account of t)he ndferiiety ih'at.. would . result, , the' elder ttJorran't threatens to (bury the body urii-ar- the "broad waters o'f; tihe. Pacific: scSoeian. Friends, are trying to -in'dtuce Thej.jitridk en, " parerits ;to have tihe remains? : cre mated. " ' ! 1 I ; (San Quenitfini Prison, : Cal., JSintfary 6. Durrant . ls brt'aiklrig down rjapidly. He seems to have, put all ihope"out of (h'is'thougihts. (His fa'tlher" has -csen'fess-"ed "to Wardein- Hale tJhat (he Was, given up .all hope of a (slay and enters toito (the most (minute ; d'eta'Hs albou : the lhan'gin'g in a pltlaibly desiponderjj wa.y. The wardetn promises that noKtlgar curjos'Lty on the part oX medial' men or anybody; else Will be" gratified' after t'be body has been ou t down, arM also says that, the corpse will be dejivered itoDuirrarit's (parents Imimiedda'Ccily af ter ithe execution-; for whateverd-iapo-teition .ttoey choose to make -of it 1 -. (The e'Mer 'Durrarit "has. finally girded not to be present' at t'he Ihangii. He has so notified i8he , warden, ma"kjing a numfber; olf request . whSdh (Warden! Hale grarjted. Thtelfather of tfes con demned murderer;- asked tJhat sailer t'he executioni the rem'aSnis olf ihis sj i be (placed at once An the coffin vi't'hout autopsy or inquest and itihat tlhfft? black cay. .be "not iremoved, so that ny i one" would 'be. permli'ttied to see itbfe ; boy's face a'ftjEr deatih. He also aslkei3 that the rope be burne'd "alfter executKn so that at couSd noti Td cut .up and bftfl dtotribuited as souvenirs. ; . S . : (Tihe cctad'eimned man has' iecel',ed spiritual consolaa'tion from -R Wil. Mam iRadier. a Congregational ttntoisfcer from Sam! 'Francisco. Chaplaiini rahnis also , called and' Rev. ; Logan,. ' fcran Refael, ;wlio was frequently vtTfed by (Durrant, cam,'to isay farewell. Wasbin'giton, " January 6. Justice Brewer, ctf , the . supreme court, ? -ho Is to charge df t'he Nin'Jh d!istr?iS(, date this afternocim refused to intefferfe in t'he Durrani! case, At'torney .Board man, of Cal!:.f3ornia, came here i th t'bre hope cf securing writ of error of super sedeas, which would et as . a aay to Durrarit3 execution. (Mr. Board main sarw, ustlce (Breiwer mimeddately after the adjournment of the supreme court and ynaide a strong" iplea for hi'frlien', tait (both ctf fhis applJctlkms, wTre ti f iiseld flhe toitJerview- last-eii mta ultesv (ACter its conteruston, fMn zJZoaoft irian stated that he was iUridecSded .as to wihe'ther to maflce an application to the full supreme, court .itxrniOrrowifOT a writ of prohibition, staying thes- execu "tion -A'a the count tioes' ndt Yvene unta noon and ithe execution is?e't for 10:30 olock toe was fearlful th4t' t'he difference to Itime wouM n.ot ire 911 fic3ei5t to save' jpurraot even ut "he sbould the mccesiful In. !havlng mo tion grantees, - 'i-"""""-'-'-- i?i : ".'"' " ' ' ; . ;.' '? 'J - KUle4Bls Wife and Daogh&r 'NashiyHe, Tenn., January 6. A-feristol, Tenn., special to The 'Banner, ssayg; In a fit of insanity, at 3 o'clock thia morning Alexander Carter, a white citizen of Greenville, killed his wife and 18-year-old daughter, Hon tip. while they slejt, i and then - shot and ' killed himself, e? Carter brained his wife and daughter th an axe. 'He is said to bave been mentally unbalanced ior eome time. 1 il'HA LOSIHC GROUND f IB VOTE NOW SEVENTY-FIVE O SEVENTY AGAINST HIM if th ConserrtlTe;t:stImate, Thengh Side Claims More The "combine's reslTe Warfare Orer Holdlor Their El JHj-;SIn Line for the Final Test Demu I Urged by the Parly Organ to Tot ny Body to Defeat lanna j imbus'; O., January -6.--CJonserva- fo- t Itiiv v.stimates tonight (place the leeis- lati, vote at 75 to 70 tagadnst Hanna. The! orlcers of the senaior claim seven-' ty-i i i votes and assurances of the Tipm- ess' j two additional iotes and! possi bly!. Jut more. -t ' ' Tj.j . j opposition Insists I that Hanna wtlTtever have seventy votes on Joint ball; ianu xnat x-ney iiifive gained two since t'he legislature adjourned jill Monday. Before the 1-dhaiir-i'ips and ; (preferred: places and jpatronage are dfisposed of, the vot. ove mat othi opp be i whi elect tion say-jthat 1 Hajma's vote will aced considerably? (below f . -p ; -r lis now three -short of enough to iopposition to Hajiria consists of the t ; 5tyu ve uemocrati members, nine repv lean members f t rha hvn enf 4r Vernon H. Burfee; of Cleveland. Tir. T 3 . ." - . .. A . . - I j-nt uea in tne list of those suDTOrt- Ing tona ares Represejmtatives iDroste andt frorf, f o r -meri wouf jane, snver repritatcan fusionists; Cincinnati, wbo are counted on eptha . Garrard. The develop t'hat Garrard vnot only be voted? for on the. hal Ootaj, r senator, but Ithat . tie might lead; 1 the first" ballot if the present .ef fort fire successfu!l! to jmake .'him the! freet jlver republican arididate!.' :Gir rari -one of .the wealthiest (en. in Cdn nati and has always been ! rad Icial jver man. ; .. j : j.', - - . J x .; RfS esentative . Jamfrs v Joyde, ;of Gue ey, whods included in t'hejseven ty y; eg flalmed for: H4ntna; is consid "cred;: I doubtful. The Hinna meii claim thaei pnes; of iStark Redkey, of ! High land. JRutan of Carrcll i!and Harrison andK anuel, of Montgomery, who are: on t-N i list of the opposil.iion are doubt-' tu.r. .-'It'-iXt '-.. f combine" workers were aggres sive;, itij the past day oil two when they not j Jy had enoueji . votes to 'defeat Han? k "but liad Reached all 'the dou-; Uii members.:! The, opposition is how : ji the ideferisiye tn keeping (jts majf y in liie. The contest (has set tled!4 wn to 'a- siege to vjfhich the oppb sitrot; Iholds the fort ahd the Hanna men- e charging' on th4 ;breast Works. It id' priceded 'that the! i opposition is welllr -ganized : and .drilled . and also despi . ate in ihis figh 'Ever since. Kurf svias retired as stafe chairman iby Han; fat the state conynticm in Tole do H I June, efforts havi "been made to Tetfr,; Hanna and there Will be a fight' to af ' jilsh on -that IssuelF T . -. TbJ Jtalk, about Senator Burke beinc in tl of t il wast Sen4 crat, aoubtful list has ajbout subsided. ' p slated ifor bresjdent prb' tern. Isenate by the opposition. jAs he , H present on Monday to qualify, ' "Thaddeus E. Crumley, jdemo ?as elected pro temi It transpires Inator Crumley (Wrote out 'his tnatf resi Jtion before his elqetioh and it ia to th hands of Senator ink, th lead ' er m ine. ueiirocranc siae. Winenever. Seni; will ' as p ' get I 'So f onlyf it hi for I -SatU ; say V; y Burke ; is ready jj Senator Fink E' sent the reslgnatm of Crumley "dent ipro tern, apd 'Burke will i place, ij.; . ; ! ' 1, " -.' r the opposition" t Hanna Is not fplding Its men wll to line- but jexecuted all. the" ijians, prbvided jvious to the caucuses bn last fey. The opposition managers y aTe having no trouble to hold theil j ien against Hanna hut admit their trout- iln finding any candidate for wliol . jail the bolting reublicans and the r mocratic membOTS wlli vote. The!' -jilting" republicafjs are tinani mou;', 9 declaring they cknnot vote for anyf; jemocrat i for.k senjator. .Enough demt 'vv a.tlc members to give the' man ageir trouble say tbey Sp not want to vot4i, r a republican. fThe' solicitude of ty I'camibine" on the ssued9 shown in "f. j ; f ollo'wijig edifof ial leader!, to thisf rening's issue of tie democratic Prest ihe organ of the eomlbined! onoo- sitiet- to Senator. Hanrial" . ' l : "TV ; t democratic .menbers pf ihe to &t ai M. A. Hanna for the senate iuui-c iww iiavt; il n Tneir power ani. fe blame for a fajlure to do it, js with them.' Trey can (make nqlsf 'sfactory explanation if they fail. oujip (Ly jn sucfl an emtrgency as tne prese." as Intolerable fs guilt. Every repu jean vote againsi Boxwell for spealf f, was cast to shOiW unfaltering "PPPog fori to Hanna and? -has no other (riieav ig whatever, i Jf '. so, the over thiroS of Hanna can ; be aocomplisbed fbythlsame union of Bryan democrats and f iraker . republicans that defeated Boxvy P and elected 1$ason" speaker. How p .n this 'be brought about? Of coura ; j Hanna . cannot Ibe elected !so long j- I every democrat i and Foraker repurif fcan is in his seat and refuses to vote Mr him. But If anr. of jtihem re mlain Lway when the fvote Is! (being takeij ie may be elected (or so dedar-r ed) b. I.less than a majopty of all the' menjp jrs elected to the assembly. To 'guar jagainst this . chajnee let ! every demov atio member 'be present; when the ibi JJots for senator ae takenl But tbisisykot all.' Let them -ajll vote for the samemdCdate dn- opposition to 'Hanna. and lt this candidate ;be lone -for Whom everjf foraker republioa'n .. can vote. This ii-Jl not only defeat Manna's elec tion ,ut it will insure tne election of anothe. vvA .failure "of te democrats and Foraker republi'cana to agree is ex actly ' .the oppotunity .lanna .seeks. Let no democratic memiber of the leg ttslatur'e suppose that a tme w-211 ever arise during the session when ja. demo cratict ca-ndidate for the senate' can be elected. No Foiaker republican can be induced to read ihimself oujt of his party and thereby justify- tle ; charge of 'tnaitcr and deserter, .that is even ! now being tiiade by the Hinna faction.. But as hese 'Foraker repufblicans stand ready to unite with the pry an demo crats jto agree upon a reppblican other than ark 'Hanna, let -rio democrattc mem'bef hesitate. The, d.emoorat who refuse to agree upon arty bonorable republican the Foraker members junart-. imously propose will f in effect bef cast ing Ihilf, at least, of thef weight, and arafiuere of bis vote, for 4lark' Hanna. The d'nnocrat whose vot4 would; elect Hann5 opponent will be a friend of Harini Hf be refuses to cast it.'- t ; . - -. -m ; 'l: The ,jrinthla Towed Into ;8t. Mlrha!s St. Wjiches, January 6j The British tam.: Corinthia. Captain Roberts, from Wilmington, N. C, pecember 4th for Ghent, has been, towed In here by the North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilhelm HI. from New Yrk Beclgmj? 30th. for aNapies and Genoa- j . Previous cable advices frgm 9t. iJItch aels have stated tb'at the Corinthia was repprtili by the ' British streamer iGlen armhed,' from Penarth for "New Orleans, which it in- there Januarj 1st, as hav ing ben left by her 'with her machinery brokenSown, in latitude 40 longitude 28.' The G oarmhead had towed the Cori,n thia fq,a Wbrile and then had been. $fu pelled ; abandon her on afepvup. $ weath ; 1 . . Safcld Vf a.eadlBC Hew Tork Merchant QJtfW j Tork, ; January e.--William T. Buckle " who until January 1st was a memo? T of the dry goods firm of! Dun ham Buckley & Co., shot and killed him self ins a aittle boat house adjofnlng his residence in Wayecreai U X. this morn inj.' if w years of age and was wflt kaewn in Kew "Sforkbusiness tlal circles. His stable is one of the finest and most costly ton " Long Isi land, tie was reputed to fee a million aire. The dry goods firm b$ Dunham, Buckley & Co. is known, all over the country. ";.." f . It iS'jyeporteA tha.VMc feuckJey had a. mistnaerstandingwkb, hi pactnerv James r a. T3unham:;:which' reinilta In t E 13 0 HO 1 0 E The prettiest line of snow white Em broideries ever displayed upon our couh- ters. Such j collection of patterns will not be seen oiitside of the "Great City." Great crowds have expressed their ad miration of this varied stock and we cof diallyJinvxtel our many -friends to' call" and examine them. . . 1 . All our efforts have been concentrated to make this department the j "pride" ofour ; business, and e beheve w ceeded. La'cps 01 every description, tioy mestic and) Foreign. : We '. have i searched ' all the great lace centers for the; newest" and best. Thpy are here and if you1 wish' to purchase Laces, you4 'will do yourself an injustice if you do not examine pur stock before buying. -, ' ' v , . Mail orders given especial attektion. successor 10 Brown 5 Roddick, ro. 29 Rornr Fronr sireei 1 Nine rich' men in 'jorth Carolina out of every ten commenced life poor. They became rich-by spending-less than they made. No one gets rich who' does not spend less than he makes. Any one will get rich who" continually spends Less than he makes. Every, young- man of ordinary ' ability; Jn Wilmington can arfdjshould ave something each montli. Thef man who-will ript save a portion of a small sai ry'a pordon f a large salary. The'boy who saves something every ihonth will be promotedilbef e the bOy w ho spejijdV, all he ( makes. True -marlhood is required to deny one'sj ses! and save; It is -"weakness and folly to spend all. re gardless of the "rainy day ' iiViii pt Li J. J.B- .aj iu-'S j Ihdustry, economy ';and fntegrity . catse prosperity not "Luck' or "Good For tune." " P' ' ' -V - . ' ' For reasonable interest arid absolute security,, deposit your savings in , ' THE WIlfflHGTON SAViNfiS AHD TRUST COHPAHT.v THE lilECHANIGS EOME ASSOCIATION. SpBSCEIPTION HEW c; i - . . STOCK in th ... -; ? .. - That Investment in this Stock: is j - .. ; -, . - . ;. t x oaviags Bank, lias been so fully demonstrated that you have only to inquire of any one of its Stockholders. , " Apply 10 ' I ' ' . . In answer to many applications The Association will issue FIFTY SHARES only of its FIVE P13U CKNT. PAlD UP STOCK, the best investment ii the state- - ,' : ''' del 1 1 And allow - me to thank my many, friejnds and customers for their liberal patronage for 'the .past year. I ana fully satisfied, and feel' that I have many things to be thankful for. My business "loots .-lip at the. end of 1897 moire than I expected toi do in the 'be ginning and now I am.-teady- to meet competition on any, move and sell goods lower for the hard dollar than any man in town. Ilead my January pi-ice but' they are lowesr than 5 cent coton and all I ask is comparison, j ' . v Domestic Goods. : Plaids, splendid quality for cash 3c. Peedee regata 4c. LL yard sbeeting 4c I A splendid bleaching; 1 yard wide, at . 5c. Lonsdale" cambric at 10c. A splendid bed tick at 5, 7 ;afnd 8c; War ranted feather Troof Bed; jicks at 12c worth 15c.. fBed Spreads, white; at J 48c;i better union Qull'ts tat' 75c; better and! "heavier iSpreads at IL Fine, eolor ed Spreads at 60c. Spool Cotton; J. H. Ooates' thread at 4c; Chadw4cks best 6 cord Spool Thread at c; . Enterprise, no 'glace,, good (MachiaierThread at. lc per spool. ;Tragbn colored. Thread ax Tc. per spool. . 6dx fballs sewing Thread at 6c, Six; pairs round jwire r . tihread shoe laces for, 5c. -.-;.".' f J- - ilt - .-. iFrencb. woven full' dress Coraets .for 39c; I The Globe best fitting j '.Corset, long waist, at 39c. Vigilant (Corset, made by the R. & G. Corset Co., for 50c i We handle all kinds of Ladles' Corsets. H. & G., 75c and; U; Warren's H. 4 P. at $1;- Caroline at 5L25; -black Corsets at JL The new! i short waist Corset at 1. 1 ; j bhoes! Shoes! "We. want vour.Bhoe trade. We can fit -vour feet and please your pocket- ibook. ."Woman's oW erala Polkas, all solid, at 85c; pebble polish! polkas at 90c and 1. ladles' dongola! ; patent tip Shoes ait Jl the best shoe to the state f or Uhe price. 'Ladies' . very fine rihoes, hand, and McKay sewed' Shoes, -Worth f romi $2.50 to $3.50 a pair, ii timll sizes, A ,.B, C, and sizes 2, 2te 3 and 4 I will sell for $1.39 a. pair,- worth twice ' Ihe price. 1 have a line of very fine Shoes that 1 1 sell for $1-50, $2.00, $2.25 and 2.50 a pair. Gent's Shoes, isolid leather, huff, congress end lace, af $1.00 a pair. Our $1.25 Shoes are things of beauty, nice,! pretty, i clean, stock and: good goods, made with as amtoh style as any $2.00 Shoe. Our $2.00 line is of. fine calf eMtu! made un handsomely, ana is to every respeot- first class -Shoe, ; and gaodtj enough for any- gentleman, apd will wear as long as any $5.00 Shoeson, the market. Our Tan Russet andDom gola jenameled - black Shbes. y8or h young sporting men are; $3,00 shoes elsewhere, and !iny fta?Kfe price Is only $3.0,j !W hye'. Children's Shoes bf every class, from baby dhoes at 19c a OF WILlinGTOS'S OAVtORD; ;!-; . " V,, "ill mm. "W"e Take , Sixtosoriptions TO , ANT AlAZrXK 'PUBLISHED . IN THE UNITED STATES OR HXG- 'iiArp AT PUHLISHBR'S I PRTCES-MAND UN YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS ' FOR THE NEW TEA!R,i i ' y . , . ; ISTew flZear Presents . ;TORN"PR'S. Wj C. AUtWANACiS, CALENDARS AND CAlJESTTJIA'R PATJS;1 . '"IK TOU THINK OP CfPENING ANEW SET OF "POORS BEGTNNING WITH THK NKW TEAT?, LOOT 'US SUPPLY .. Y&U. OUR STOCK OF ; BLANK BOOKS AND OFFICE STATIONERY TS THE XiARGEST IN ; THH 1 STATE, i AND OUR PRICES L QWEST. - : " 'I , Vi t ti G?i . "7", T"ESf3:IOOi: LIST FOE THE SERIES Is Nbw,' Open . - , ' - - V ' - - - ;. : i , '- - ... the best and est ft v. n , M. CUMING, SECRETARY. fi! pair to school shoes for 35. W cents up to SI.00 and S1.2S.fW. now doing far more sloeMbtf,iJ ever before, and we onlv-fajafk -w winebefore purchasing elsewhere. CCarpets and Mattings.- Have been movine- -rvff6r uua u.ue M very large td"m;. - are very anxious tot make : sales. In grain Carpets from '20, 22, 25 35, 39, 45 50 and 60 cents, . Brussels Carpe'ts from ' ' 4o, 50, 5 and 0 centisi Moquet Car- petss at 65 cents, 'worth.: $1 elsewhere. : Carpet Paper ,3 and. 4 cents per yard. ; Matting, -new pat'tenrs,' at 12, 15, 18, and 20 , cents, - wry 'cheap and; good 1 value. Curtain Poles, . brass trhn- ' mlngs oak, maple, walnut and cherry " ' -.t 25 cents each, Complete Window i Shades, 3 by 6 feet, at 25 cents made : of best .opaque linen. ' l Dress Goods "We handle Dress Goods of all kinds. : A. big reduction m Dress Fancies and fine novelty Dress Goods, double width, 'thc5c' w UK-- worth ' 10c, Fme Worsteds to all colors at 9c, v Fini Black Dress Goods, . all prices. Stosfle ! F Cashmere , at 20c; double Ff F best hlack-eashmere' made ror the frice of 2wtvoi- ni oe n wide. 36-toches colored Gtshmere. : now 20c, worth 25c Fine ifigured Dressy uooas made by the Gold Medal Com- pany. Black Dress Goods for 50. 65 7rwT and $1, per yard are styles of beautjr and. quality of the very .best, COme7 and ' see our Dress Goods, Cape and Cloths and 'Hats. . ; ; . ." y j , Millinery Department. . We have done the ibestyear'a work to our Millinery -departmeht and can not say enough In praise of he ladies. " We still lead in low prices. PSVe sell " good Felt'-Bats aL25c; nice French : Felt Hats, for 50c.iRibbons, Laces and " Veiling at all prices. VIsH ua for foar-satos-,onj the ;begtoninj - at the new year. ' j . . .. , Clothing j & Underwear, Our Clothtog and. Underwear ' are speclar sellers. . We have a "big- stock: of suits for gents, at aU prices and cap;, save you money, n boy's end men's Clothing:. "- - .H). ' Come to. this bid Racket i Store for bargains and be convinced that we are -not all gas. We live; up" to what -we say.-;' We- buy alt Roods for, the cash, and like 'to sell' them the same war. - as the mighty dollar makes' us hustle. Sou. will find us et U2 North Front -'Street, ppposit he Orton -Hotel,; near, th'e Postofl3. " wtth .the largest stoek ' of goods t any house in the city. 1 , . .. . , : BIG RACKET store -r I? - " - V ( V

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