o ... . . . ; . . . - . ' . V V WniMNGTONf NG., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, If 8. PRICE 5 CENTS. S MS- ....''! f 1 I ' . If .l-li. -111 I II I 1 I ' 1 r 1 3 J - I f I I I ' 1 1 If 4 1 J I n a in .191 : " IK 1 It 1 . I Ail k . -..' 1 J r -.13 - ' r . . ' ivol: XL; No. 7. - - ; ; :yr: 'mM 'o- :m-:i m . : -. ; I ! ! i . - . - - I - .... L . TELEGKAPH SUmJiABY; , : i i TIIE STATE. , e railroad commission Issues an or- to take effect Februaryt-lst," reducing rly i rate of rental -. jfbrj telephones; OTumussion also . uera n tan invesiiga-. iiiiu une -matter TiBtme ,aoutftern( oad last year giving : Ottiq. Wilson or mother reduced freight rates -id nd ; Knob; the new ' oommisslofier ult with their, attorneys as to the etapt' proceedings .'before the federal emecourt. -Joseph J.-Martln is the promise candidate for. United States Hct attorney; f0jf- this Idistrict.- In railway ; JeasB; case r yeslerday the titlffs introduced noi testimony and case was adjourned; V)Ter until the ine piamuna inajrTnx)! tnen Intro any testimony; their time for so 7 expiresi on the 16th. rrant was hanged 'yesterday; he met h "withouf flinching and on the scaf- aeciaTediiis. InROcence "of the crime hich ho was aidut to lie hanged. nannviile, La.-; ihrep. Aegfoes were jedlfor murder;' -o-ne (jjf them confess- hat since, 1884 ef had murdered nine ble aneTTiad never bdenj arrested for 01: tnem. On the protest of a dele on from Norfolk . .Secretary Lone lends for further investigation: the tr reaucing- rwages tat the Norfollc y, yard, .bill is introduced in. the ima senate to preatA la. board of. .fish- -The ; situation i ati Columbus, b, was, unchanged iastl night; each is aoout: holding its ow; the Hanna have adopted the tactlus of the od- klon, which is to conce4l everything p me otner side.- The jaemocrats or unio legislature ' wilfl npid; a caucus dayi in order- to see hoiv many will to the combine;; it is. thought Kurtz be proposed -fori both the short, and hong term; both side will bring tre- lous crowds to Colurabiis Monday 11-smelling box is vpfend In the ex ( office at Charlton,4 Iai, and a hu- body cut iato bits fist -found. At phis, Tenn., Mrs. Maryi Sanbrinkr ,a w, shoots Dr. S. A, Rogers, a proml- physiclan, I then kills i herself : Dr. l?fs la in a . dying joh&it$on-.-- The ng i republicans and th democrats the speaker in the I lower house of tSarj'land legislature. tAudjtor, Cas- oi in postomce dprtrtmtnu, nas' discovered ; irregularities in tfie y ; order department iv hereby ,'the riBtlMt fhas i hpfn sinrindPeriL ciuii oft ;y -the amount of ,whii:h it isfal- l impossible to tell. Two negroes Jlynched! in, Mississibpij by negroes paying too much a-fcteition to the ft of. some of the lynchers. -Dan irt goesl to': St. 'Paul to tryf to ,get immonSj, signature tso agreement to Corbetti; The newtreoublican par- New York adonts the name of the Lbllcans of the county of New York" man is arrested lq vyest Virginia assing old city orders that had been once; J140,000 ; or tOem have been n. -M.is- May wait-e. orWasnin:- kjltv, attempts - suicide isvith strych- T-AyWarsaw, Ind.L aj young' man Uught i robbing hisi i grandfather's . 'hp Js 'bound over po pourt by. the and is convicted and jseht to pris- e: following day. . .. t- . . . jj. FORETGNj. '----! I : ,steamr Madura, (biirriiff for Wil ton, ;.N. C, .puts in jat itit: Michaels machinery disabledih-rThe steamer thia, Wilmington fdrihent, towed St. J Michaels, is badiyl disabled. ag.in bteaJtaoul-in-thecotton cargo e? fiteanaship Iambert:4 Point, now . Johns, N. A! Japanese fleet been placed at ; the jdisposal of the h . naval commanqerf in Ghinet fB. Ixtis reported- in tiavana-.that General Blanco takefc - the field lil General. Lee will jacdinpany him t conference 'will .be! had withJiexi- ilomez; jthls report ii nt believed at riingtoiij.pr Cuban , neaslquarters in xorK. i Lrenerai v,eyjers conduct be investigated through .military . i; ( - - fi t ; i r-.' iels. g, minute" on dose of Harra Es- ol Ginger will relieve-any ordi-. caee or uoiic, uramps orvNausea. hexcellea remedy J for diarrhoea, ra Morbus. 'Summer COmplainrs la.ll internal pains. Sold j by si. (J. J. H. Hardin 4ndjH..L. Fti Jllss Walte' Attempt alfSufcido ihj-ngton, January W7.-f-Miss vMay i years oia and ter of lex-Governort Wite, o'f Col a ttumntpii i to ronimifi suicide to- r. ta Hnir: stfrvphninrt. She- was f or- ftmnlovedi in the government print- fTice. out lost iiier - blade and grew Indent over this an.q 't pel marriage or r R -Walte. a bf otter Jemployed in bvernment printing joff ire,; to whom ras greatly attacneu. ,-tter congjiion t'- regaMed ;as seribasi It, is. said the rourtn-"time snp nas aiiempteu Uperity oortfes quickestj.to the man B -Lfttle Early 'RUsfrs re famious ipiils for iconstiipa'tapn, Diiiousn-ess, stion land all sio ngxfb. mm liver es. . 11. R.' Bellamy. b InTcaUgaC'TCylek' f onduct ird--: JA'ttUry-?.--!T:ev cabinet lil decweo. wKxjay s sporau . utai KVteyie'r's i 'cotajkiot'jyv'i-tji ?ref erence proiielsti taguaiist vrd'enit iMc- K-ia 'masoasre and: Ito other onat- in a tf reslh ; griaiiiry. KunSdeir t unjdeir the 3tt- In orriie rffemerai commarnarng vat am-rnv rvurns. Iik'u tenant G'eneral h. Tnre m a iipossiDjiuy tniai a .ar'ial fcr&ais jnay tlf us jbe avterted. U allow yourself tol be yiowly tor- lat;the stake of-disease? ;. Chills Pever will unarrfiine. andievent hmair anwn thd etroneest const! . v Febrl-CUra -tawee jjnia, xomc f' innro effective ;hi.n nuin- :nd Veins' combined w-jth.'irojv Is kellent Tonic enaerve mecucine. leasant to take, and Jsjsold ujider e guarantee t Fby J. C. ShepafC V. Haram 1. Jj. ..IBUCW -i .1- pgroes tynlehed bjf Xejgfoi d'iari, , lailslsU I January; -7. Jirru end. Sam Cole, Qlored,;or u-ses- counUy, wwe . 3-pc(hdu an Pea Keanper .cntty, .... a tew igay fl 3i.d" -QoTe .went f to ::iTa .o-g:e t relatives : a;nd-pait wo ntc?t riri nefr kinsmen's fwives: Hire rs are aid ; to.be jne-giroes. ' ,. ; : of JAntiauliv. .O.. WSlS rty years needlessly tortured y the cure bf czetna- He kScklyj cured by ; using. DeWitfs tToB Si Ve. xu:iiHiiuo uco-iiiif, or piles tni skin -dlaeases. 1 ...... T, i i E - Blast MeefW f pnnite , on January : .7. The " "opera packeld at ; .Ita repoibliean .fL.de and a series? of, resplu leSrt ,faith to.Jivarty a tews"1 ..-.an-lTriinitslv arid -en- ina ,,W amicl cheers. , mm0 leffa '!.- I SENATOR HANNA ADOPTS OfHE TACTICS OF THE OPPOSITION FORCES. J No New er Flcar G1tii Out From H Headquarters Jfo Material Cbanse In the Situation Hannaiter and the Com- Moe leader in Oaod Spirit emu cratlc Ilemberi to Hold a Caocci Tbe Oppoaitlon UlsccBcetted by the Proposed Hwnn-i Man Meeting. . : j" Columbus, Ohio, January 7. The sena torial' situation is practically unchanged.. Senator Hanna's managers - were- appar ently more cheerful, today,, but the caUse for it was. not apparent. They, have adopted quite , a different ipollcy in their canvass from jthat followed at the be ginning of the contest Jierje arid are now fallowing the tactics of Mr. Kurtz, lead er of, the opposition, who's strong suit has been to conceal everything possible from the Hanna people, It Is not' so easy now -to secure inside inforraatibn from tfle Hanna headquarters and- this policy, is generally approved " by the sen atdr's supporters. The e!fforts of the steering committee' to whip the demo cratic mentbers of the legislature into line to vote for. a- i republican for sena tor," baa been as successful as was ex pected. As a result, it is stated posltiyer ly. tonight that thefe will be a caucus cf the democratit; members (next Monday night. The purpose; of the caucus, is to locate the doubtful members and pledge those who are willing to jcarry out the proposed fusion so that enough men .can be'kept in line to insure the mainte nance of a deadlock should! one be forced'. IThe most reliable information tonight i? that Mr. Kurtz will be proposed as the candidate of the vpppositioiy both, for the iong and the. short term. 4It is ' believed by the democratic: leaders (now that Mr. ICurtz will be more acceptable to the majority of the democratijc members of the. legislature than: any other man J '. There was a resumption. of activity about the anti-Hanha headquarters early In the evening when Alien O. Myers re-! turned from a mysterious mission-., Myers leit tne city on an early morning train and returned in the afternoon, with' in formation that was apparently satisfac tory ' to Mr. KLurtz. The i opponents of Senator Hannaf ara as coijfident.as ever of winning. ! ; 1- -' i - U . . Senator Hanna? spent . a comparatively quiet day. at the 'Neil house. The ac tivity of ''his supporters tvas unabated, however. 'Speculation .on !the vote' for senator was not unchanged., Mr. Hanna's j managers are following the tactics of tpe -oppositn and are not giving any figures. It Is . generally be lieved now that the vote oh the first bal lot will -show Mr. Hanna's strength to fee about the same! as in the organization of the legislature.! The opposition will be divided. Two of the Hamilton county members are counted to-'Viote for a free Silver republican. . It is claimed . by the leaders of- thej oppositionj. that all the democrats will j stand together, rbut this claim 'is not borne; cut by' information from other sources.. It i!s claimed by some that at least twenty democrats, will ! refuse to attend the caucus, but this Is probably exaggerated. Miore conseva tively, the number is placed at six. to ten. Indications tonight iare thp.t the opposi tion is preparing for a long deadlock. ; . The calling of a mass convention of re publicans in-this city next Monday toy the republican state; executive committee to, protest against the attempt to defeat Senator Hanna'1 somewhat! . disconcerted the opposition I Th-ey claim that it ; was mer.eiy ajnuve on Lne part or me nanna people to intimidate the republican mem bers who refused to; vote for Mr. Hanna. The calling of the Convention Jhas. been generally endorsed; 'however, by tMe sup porters; of Mr. Hanna in.ap.1 parts of the. state, according to telegrams thdt have been" received 'at ' the Harina, headquar ters. - v . .; .. : f . - It develops that the Kurtz people had decided to takej advi-na,e of the efforts of certain, republicans to throw cold, water on, 'the fceremonies attending the inauguration ofXGov-ernor JBushneil. The Kurtz people thought the idisapproval of Governor Bushneil's attitude would keep the Hanna republicans away from ; the city and they set about to bring a big crowd of Governor1';" Bushnell's friends here.' It is stated that for this purpose .railroad' tickets! were sent! to certain lo calities -where the governor's friends were thought to be numerous, for free distribution, for the purpose .of bringing, as many people as possible to' the city; The calling of the mass convention will now bring a large crowd of Hanna sup- .porters - to Columbus. Agents of- the Kurtz people were today en(deavoring;to frfaee -pictures of the governor- in trie windows of business houses on all fhe principai streets. They mej: 'with consid erable opposition. -. i - : -I j The I' inaugural; parade will be made, up chie'rijr Jf military,; as nearly- all of the political clubs that Had decided to par ticipate iiave rescinded, thejir action, j .j- Miss Allle HuWhe, Norfolk, V a., -was friglitf ufiy.burWed on the face and neck. Pain .was inftantly relieved by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which heal ed the injury without leaving a scar. It is-l tire faniou pile remedyrR. R. ,Bellanyr -1 5 . j ' . , - ! .; ; !- ,. ' ' -''''''H'T Hearings oq taie Anti-Scalping Bill T ' Washington, ; January 7 The seriate inter-state commerce compiittee. eontiq ued its hearing today upon the anti-, scalpihg bill. 'Georsre H. I'Danifels. sren- erai passenger agent oi tne xsew x one Central railroad, supported the measure. He saidthe railroad companies would not inake: ahy effort to ' repiy ! o the' ticket brokers.lbut for the .fact that the reprt sentatlons made iby; the ticket Drykers were false. " ' - - ! I" lMiilfordSpo'hti, ot Warhirigton, repre senting the building trades council and the central labor union, appeared in op position to the bill. - s . -aul E.". Morton, of Ch:c4gp, third Vice president of the - Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe road, said that if: the discrim ination now allowable in passenger bus iness continued, it would: naturally be aligyable in .freight.. business. Now, how-8 ever, there are few, it anyi violations of the . inter-state commerce Jaw so far as it relates to freight business. ' -; George W.' Boyd, assistant general passenger agent of the f Pennsylvania. rauroaa spoke in ravor or the measure. -i ,:" Y..,;. .' , : . :'-.-"'!' ;; . Mrs. M. ,B Ford, Ruddeil's, III.; suf fered for esht years from .dyspepsia and chronid constipation and was -finally cured by using: DeWittfs Little Ear ly Risers, tne famous little pills for jail stomach; and liver troubles. R. R. Bel lamy. I' ' '- ' ""'. " ' ' "" : : ' '. i ' Japanese Warships Added to British U-- J: 1 "," Fleet, . j . Lond-oin, ' Jari;uary special j de- spatch' f mm jShaingihal igaya treat ia Japsiese fteet .of three 'battleship, ten . ftrpt-ciass. ; oruisera and numerous smaller vessels, hais -: redeiwd orders pradtioa'Hy jrtacjng lit at the disposal of Sir Alexander 'BuH'er. Rritrsh' com- frjan'd'er-iri-chlef of the Ghina station!, this seeiR ibding aketn "im cas'e RuiseLa persiistn jnl jlgnorm.g the joint interests of Eng'laaKi and Japan." ..V.J -i The BerlSf cprirespondtefnt "of Tlhe Dally News says ire nd?rstain)dl3 that he ponuJiar form of 'th lease of Ka4o iChou faas the outcome! bf ppalong'ed negotiax'ion'a tetveiein ; Germa'ny axjd Russia, ndtog in w.n i agreement and tire meditafiioTi of- Russia 1 .between L- i Fltzimmons and Corbett CMcigQ, Jnuary 7. iDaai' A "Stuart arrived:Kn.'(f?hicaiara" today and tomiorrow nightjiwdll Iqave for' Jaulwtore 'toe will eadieawr to secure cignature ; of FTUsimmons to aJrtrclei' calim' ano:h. fiE-Ht. wltih- iOorbett, tax tafc place in Jrt- or August, j " " ..'WerytMrig depends," eaiid1 Stuart, '.'upbn the. attitude IP-tilrnimioins amy A'gsuime.' Tt J3 a settled fact, J ithanjc, . thtu ttorbett will not Ggtit !Mabr. m fore li. fights Fitzsimmons .again ai4 1 am ttOK jBnsider'ing any such don- tfegencyl It 1j 'ji!tzsimmons end Oor- ?Jvf t or ri.otthing, a)Ujjgia ai i cannot 6ecus? hts flgbit I jrajgiu yger- a purae Tor Oorv?t and. Aiaher'.; -r." " -- :- -! -" ;?-r".';; ' : :' ?- aew postnaasters y Washington. Jamiry 7.-krhe o11qw Jng fourthclasfc postmastera have been appointed In 'Worth C&roMna? : Liber ty, James JV JPjckett; 'Staley C. G.' azier, ..'..' ,'Jw'.V- TELEPHONE RATES REDUCED. Schedule of jCharsea Fixed by the Bail way CommliIon-The. Qommlsslon InTestlgat- log Oranttng Special Freight Rates to Otho Wilson The DlntrUt Attorneyship. . (Special to The Messenger.) Raleigh, N. January 7. Though the Tfew members of tie railway com missioners isaid yesterday only manor matters regarding overcharges would be taken up and bo totd ihehr associate, Abbotts yet -this -afternoon they made a sweeping: reduction of yearly rates of rental by ordering tbe follow ing, to -effect on and after February 1st. Business telephones special wire $30;" two and three party wire, each $24; four and five parity wire, each $18; residence telephones Special wire $18; two and three party Wire each, $16; four and five party wire. each. $14." These rates do not apply to service outside ttte cor porate limiti of, any town.. V -; mmissioner; Abbott says he believes the question; of reduction of railway passenger rates ! will be taken up at a very early date, possibly tomorrow. . The new railway commisisoners this afternoon ccjnsulted with MacRae and Tay, their' attorneys, about their sum mons to appear in the contempt" ;rat ter January 17th, before i the .1. ;.ited States supreme court. f ?SShQ new railway commissioners this afternoon jumped right into the middle of the old Round-Knob-Otho-Wilson alleged special freight rate matter. They iad before them John B. Munson and Agent Pottsf-of the Southern rail way and askedM them whether any ispecial freigjit irates were given Otho Wilson or his mother frorn Raleigh' to RotJnd Knob ilast year. They said they, could not answer Until they .examined the. books, toey were 'then ordered to produce the -books. A lot of questions wee - askd them. They did not an swe They were notified to appear at, 10 o'clock tomorrow and "produce the books. ; j ' . !: ' - -. Xr. the! j Abbott jsays tonight: ' "J presume, hew ecinmissioners ' contemplate imaki'pg a large reduction of passenger rates -' j- It djs learned lonigiht' that Joseph. J. ;Martm has fori some time baen the compromise ttian for district attorney as petween Bernard and Cook. 1 j Murder ht Salcil by a Lady , : Memphis, Totfn., January 7. A de plorable' tragfe'dy occurred in the ' out-te!k'i-t. of ,'Memp1h:i3 thiis afteTn'Con. Dr. ''h3y A. Rag-ersl professor c'f ana'tfomy tat .trie IMemrabils m-edical; college, ex- ivrctellden t Of tftief board of heal Uh and ,.i ....!. i -v.. ovM of the most prominent pihysteians ; Wf h(ia city, Kvais not; by 'Mrs. iMary I tt L 1 L: i J :iJ, , j n i i. - i.i r kaii uiimit, a 'ivwuw. auu. wmsni litis in. a dyirjg; ?onditiion at. 'St. Joseph's hospital. After' : shooting' . Jr. Refers the! wbrnain 'tu'rned the arevol ver to heT brqa'it and - sent yla bull et throu'gh her. heart. The caue of the tragedy , ds" veijed iin tlhe deepest mystery. . jNotxydy i saw the : tragedy. A farmer and his hired hands wVht to the assist ance of the- wounded man when-, his cries for help reached their ears, and 'he was lifted into a buggy and carried to Memphis for ; medical treatment. Dr. Rogers was shot in tne back, the bul let striking th spinal column. The body of the unfortunate woman was removed to the jnome of relatives. e weapon . Used by Mrs: Sandbrink bfelinged to a , woman, being- identified by per relatives; ."vthen it' was shown to. them. There Is! no doubt but' that the worhan committed tne deed. Before. lapsing into unconsciousness Dr. Rog ers (blamed her for the deed.!- (What can athercd im connection with the tragedy Substantiates Rogers' state meiit. There were no foot prints or: other evidences that any' struggle had to the tragedy. The occurred prior rigfti hand of the dead woman was un gloved showing, that she took ample precaution that the shooting: contem plated should.- not miscarry. Mrs. Sandbrink was Stylishly dressed. - Every effort; has .been made by the police and reporters . to discover the cause for the shooting', .but up to a late houfe tonight the! mystery has not been unraveled.l It is said that the woman was infatuated With the physician and on one occasion pad threatened herself. in hp presence.;. ) . - . - 1. The Combine Successful In Maryland Xrgl8latur4.n Annapolis,1 Md., January 7, The re publican members of the lower house of the. Maryland legislature after more than two: montns or. "Meals : and prdmises" failed to agree upon a SDeaker for the house of delegates, and todaVl twelve of jtheir number, assisted by if orty-one democrats, elected- Mr. Louis -'Schaefer, ! repubiicart, of Balti- more ;city to the position of presiding officfer. - - ' j , '! ' The democratic! members 'of the house. realizing that there was not a possibili ty of electing their candidate for the speakership, Mri Lloyd Wililams, of Worcester county, listened to tne over tures of the "bolters" and today "de livered the goods" as agreed-upon at a conference held late- yesterday. , : 1 . Preliminary to the balloting, Mr,! Ashley M. GouQd,;of 'Montgcimery count ty, the majority; nominee, HVithdrew andj presented f the name of Oscar L. Quinlan, who was on Wednesday elect ed speaker pro tem. There was one de serter from the ranks, of the "regulars" andj-Mr. Schaefer received one more vot e than 'was expected, the result be-ing-f-Schaefer, 53r Quinlan, 37. There being one absentee, a democrat, every vote! was thu3 accounted fori1 . Tere was no further, contest, and thelbausus nominees for the other of fices of the house were elected, viva vocd I : : r.l':: !?:-: Hi1- - .'!- : B4ith branches adjourned after the organisation of the house until Tuesday evnirig, January j Uth at: 8 o'clock. Balloting for- l"suceessor tp. United States Senator . Arthur P, Ciorman will begin in each house a week from that date: . V' . ; .i -:v----i' ': - - -. New York's Sew Kepnbljcan Party ( (n4w York, January 7. The party wftiidh is opposed to what has dong beenknown. as. 'the regular repuSblicains has- jat "kast aidoptied constiitution arid twith lit a name. They are to be known hieTeaf bed as tShe I ''iepubldca'ris 'of .''' .tlhe .courfty pf (New York." This was de cided t'ohiight at a mee'ting of the com mittee of fifty-jaisree. . -. ; - , A Corpse In an Express Package i Des: Mains, la., January 7 The rep preisentatrvie of the " Adams Express Company opened' an ill-smelling' box at OhaTlton today and found the j re mains of a (human (body; cut into bits. The; box stood several; days in the ex jMVS?: office and the officers becoming euspkfiow, pried off the lid. : Detectives were at once ''put to vtork. I.) i: ' '.1A.. i; ' "I don't know, there may be others" he faid, but I have used "Parker's Tolu Couffh, Syrup in my family and would Hii top without N it"; He knew better than, to bus" the : Inferior . preparation that w pein' urged upon him. Park er's Tolu Coiislx' SyriiP fcag no equaL It will immediately relieve any; cough pr nA WhooDinJT -Cough, Sore throat; MioArreness, Croup Bronchitis and kfn dre4 mwz&s- Contains no' injurious ingredients,' ft peasant to take and a safe remedy ' for children. Sold by J. C. Shepard, J. JEL Hardin . and p. I DDRMHT MPGED i r HE MEETS DEATH fWITH GREAT "i COOLNESS AND KERVE He Dies TFIth Declaration of Innocence on BialJps His Fortitude and Self-Pos-MUioa Wonderf al His Minister Befug- ' Ins to Declare Belief In His. Innocence, He Tarns to s Catholic Priest for Iutt f Keliglous Services -No Hitch in the Exr cutton His Parents Present , Sari Quentin,.. CaL, Jaaiuary 7.Wtoen William 'Henry, Durran't dred on. the gallows this mornliriig for the murder oif telanch'e jiarntont lie g'ave such an ex ihJbrtion' ht- cootaess and. n.er'e as bas seldoni ibeen. seen und'er similar idlT-' cu-mistanices. Hopeful atmos,t ; tor the vety las't minute that somie'thing' ' or "somie one would ttnterven,e"jt)o save hinv (he walked to fhe scaffold and maid'e a Lspeeich; ; protestaing' biis : inTOoceince - 'a calmiy aindi with as distinct enunc'ia-;-.tLcn as it h!e bad ibeen, addressing an assemblage of friends upon some ordi nary topic jot the day. His . face . iwajs pale, Wis eyes were red;, bu't Itois vofioe .to firm and 'he stood as solidly as a axJCk whdle"he proclaamed his irmooenoe .... i I'.',': . . h ; 'and professed; forgiveness to .those who, h'e said, , (had hounded' him ; to death. , '. - . - . v !' There was not a .hiiifcch or an acci dent to mar -tihfc plans of Warden .Hal'a . in carrying oa t the sen'tenoe of the law. The neck was broken by the fall of five feet, and 'fifteen mlinutes later the .mun-dereTs ftcdy was cut down and placed in a coffin. . ' ' , .';: i v ;, -Iii spite Kf the excitirig ven'ts of last night wihii,CDuarant va! tesiesd' by newspaper frfeporters and talked to his parents untfl -11:30'-o'clock, ihe rested easiily duriri'g the wigh't ari'd s!hortly aS teT 6 o'clock awoke anp ' bade bis ! lguard'3 igodd!' mdrrii rig Warden" Hale, had provided a new suit jof dark m-'a-terial and these clothes Durran't quick ly donned. - He noticed, the absence of collar arid necktie? hoW'ever and knowing 'full well -the reason for their omission he aikeid for them,; explain ing that a 'torrn down collar would not (interfere with the noose. ..Then he sat 'down to an excellent breakfast and a'te heartlliy. "During t!lie ea'riy morninisr hour's Durramt did not have much to say beyond expressfcig1 a desire that rq newspaper m'en should: toe allowed ' .to bi'm. This re'quas'i .wjals j complied with. . .J- I -!-'..:"; ; 3pn's!isten't ito the - lasti;. Durrant died profesiElinig religion. tBut he died,- ac cepting at the last moment, the com forts of tihe 'Caitftiolic Church instead of. those of .the Baptist f aa'th fn which he was reared. .'Rev. Rader, a Protestant min.'feter, had' arranged to ascend the scaffold with lurrant, j but the minls tT would not ay . th'a't foe though t Enr- (rant innocent and the cond'enin'ed man declined to accept his services' unless rad-er OTo'fessed ibeltef-'iln Ms' tonfocence. v -- 'Then it wis that the orice ardent Bap tist turned to the 3atholfcj church, . f or consolation' and ,r called1 upon Father Lagan, ! a priest who bad frequently vislt'ed; h'im an prtson'l-to attend him, Father Jjaga'n responded promptly and performed the Jast solemn (rites -of the' churohli iCbuTrant remained in close consultation with t'he priest and seem ed to toe deeply interested i!in the im- presslve ce'reimOnl-es. hour of the the prisoner execution alp became some- proached what .re'stless. .' His father and mother were admit ten to bid him a last fare well. The elder Durran't grasped his sort-, by the hand a!ii;d the young man tiheri turnied to comf drt hils mother who cr'ie'dhysterioally. Durrant emibraced ber tenderly and saying: I "The hour -f .'ha ri-vm rfYv-r n: 'frv ' im-n-rt TVart !b!prr .giently awy. The grief-stricken motih er was ledro' a private room where, she remained, until after it'be execution. -The father, however,, went to the ex ecution rcorm -aipta, supjwiwi toy Tyo friends, isaw;'hi;sxon meet has dea'tlu . , 'Warden ; Hale . did Mot. (attempt to?h!UT ry . matters but allowed . a1! - po's's'ible Dime for the supreme court a't Waah fegtonito take some xa'ction. - Finally when word was flashed 'across the con tin'ent that the supreme ourt haid de crined;"to (interfere the ardjen Ordered the - execution . c'f the sentence to -be carried, out. : . I . r . . j tAt 10: 34 o'clock; Durran't, accompan ied 'by 'Fatbtr Lagan, appeared at the door of the execution room, i He x 'was followed by bis fatber, ja friend, -garden Hale and the 'guards.' The fatiher ' and. friend walked around the gall'aw to the i front while -Dujrrawt :and his-J keepers, climbed- to the gallows plat- form., ;.--'j; , '.--I- " I ;-w-; Instantly on, arriving at. the gallows his 'legs and - arms were, piriioned and the rope was placed about The hangman was about to ni's neck. adjust the black cap, when Durrani announced his desire rto speak.- 'Permission - was given and , t!he. doomed . imurderer spoke as 'follows: '" . f- - 1 T desire to say that al'Shiough ' I aim' an innbeent man, (innocent i of - every crime r'that h'as been ..cih-airgd'- against me, I bear no animosity , toward those that have pros'eicutcd me,' not even Wie press of iSan Francisco, Which hounded meis the : grave., any man. thinks SI am going to spring a sensation, I am not, except that.! am an Innocent man brought ;t)Q-the grave by my pers'ecu tcirs 'Bu. I forgive "them all. They will get their justice from the great iGod who is master of us all and there I also expect to get justice; that is, the; justice of an innocent nsan. Whether, or not t)he perpetrat'ors joif the crime oJf wh.ik;h I aim charged with are discover ed, it--WiTl make no difference to me now, but 1 say this day wilt 'be a siframe to the igrea't state of Ciaiifornla. I for give everybody who has; persecuted me, 'ari innocen t - man whose" "hanids bave never ': beenr sfcainied wHit'h blood, and - I Tgo to rnieet my i God wf th . !f orgiyeneiss for all men." v -' : ' . ":'- - ?' The words were deliverecj slowly and diitmictly tahd without empbaslis. ' I'Duirranit finished quietly and. ihad scarcely ceased wben thje1 black cap was placed' over Ms f ace.: MAt. the game - instant I Hangman! , Dunit -1 raJIsed his hand, the trap was sprung arid with a rattle lurrant's body shot through the opening.. In eleven minutes and tweh-ty-etfg'ht seconds all signs of li-fe had vanished i and the mioit I nojted criminal cf the ninebeen'tlh century kwaa official ly declared dead- :1, f i The body was a'JW.ved (to barg for fifteen miinutes, when it was cut down and placEdi in a black coffin provided by an nudertakor from Sin Francisco. It .is not yet known what disposition bf the body will be made, as Duirrant's paren'ts have been so far "Unable to' se cure accornimodations; In any of the 4oeal cemeteries for the body of their son. It as. very probable that it will 'be cremated. ' " I Durrant, Sr., went immediately to bis Wife wbofc was awaiting! in one of the guard rooms and together they ac companied tbJe body of their con ;, to ISan 'Francisco. r - .'.-.. At one time, several .days ago 'Dur rant gave evidence-' of a collapse but toe managed to pull biis nerves together to nee more and proudly declined aH of fers iclf stimulant to-enable birn; to miake a bold showing on the 'caffold. Hie was apparently proud of- toia race and avowed 'that be woukt "die Ifke a, c&urrant.!' : ?Durranit's most urgent reques't of Warden -Hate was that no autopsy be 9eid on hSibodyThe prisoner's med ical 'Jxa'lniin.g; seeasd (h'V'e. ,imjbagd Mm with ', horror of the' ' surgical treat .ment of corpses and he vowed that "no knife shkauld .ever touch, his flesh He also requested that the rope with which nested that the rope with which hanged, be burned, JILa wishes he was in 'both: these resptetets 'wfere abserved? by the warden. . ;s' - ' f iNotfawfithgtandifng (UraCthe crime for which, Durrant today pal-i the penality W ' '; , was camimitted in tAprU. 4S95, and Dut- ''KfTOY tlE CHARGED ONLY 2.500 rant was convicted and'i sentenced to 4i. rJ-, ' 7 i be hanged February 21, 596, bis laiw-IN THE RADLWAY IiEASE CASE ' yens managed to find Jenough legal ' :& - ; ,ij aoopholes to postpone the execultion . ' . . . JL J . wm today. TKirrant w sentenced Make ThIr Eighth Haul in three times.; (Friday, Jurtell, 1897, was State-SpeonlaUon m. to- Intention the second day named orihlich (he was? lor th.Ba" 7 Commission KcKardlnK to ie, but 'by taktag tha-oase to the l'Kte -other Cotton Mill for Raleigh, (h'igh'est state court and 'fihally toi "the i Kw .DelPnnJ l the John Evans supreme court jof the United StatieS, he f Case Eacpected-Knssell Will Defy the !Fed- obtained a reorleve. Twl thia - case was carried before the hrgftest court on the land, and strong1 pressure was also ibrought to bear on Oevernor Budd to. conrmute the sentence. ' THE IiEASE CASE V ' :-: "! " ' ' ; "" No Testimony Introdnced bytbe Plaintiffs Yesterday Ad jonrnment tntll the lStb. ruture Course of the Case 'Charlotte, :N. C, anuary A special ifrom Salisbury to The Observer to nilgbt -saiys: '.-,':-.;" I:..' ' f : tNb testimony waa hearbefore Spe cial -Master drafige in tfhe fease, calae to day.; The at'torneys for ;iBe plaintiffs had expected to examine liplontel A; B. Andrews, 'first I- v3ce-present of'"- the Bouthern ralilway, this Tiiorndng; tout af teV "consultaT6n? today'Qiey agreed to an ad'jouimimient.of 'thev-court unltil next. Wednesday, "'the' 12tihtinist.t wfhen the'-plalintiffs the Southern railway, tfte Oentral Trus't Company and 'tJhe old Iboard 6f directors of thJNorfch Car oliria ' railroaid -will' ; cantlnjufe' 'tlheir ev Id'eTice, M any th.ey nave tsffer, in re ply to the evidence of t!hi ?def endlartts as to the isisu'e of fraud ifjhle making of t&e 99-year Tease of they'North Caro lina, railroad to1 tlhe iSou-t'hfsrn. . i- ;: . 1, am Inf ormied by courslel for thie plaintiffs 'tihat' it is. 'unlilke'lyith'at . they wfU 1 offer any; evfdience tWe 12th, lu't -they appofinted .tlhe da-. in? ord'er that if - they deislre, .fchey away do iso. ; . All the attorneys- and fitnesses at yestJerdayrs hearing returjid to Ithefir homes; ' Samuel 'Spencer, Tgresident of the (Soutbtern, went north iftThis private car ; last niight.' I .' . ! !- ;. ; The' future of 'Che' protracted littg-a-tlidn over 'tSre lease is as tellbws: t - The celxty days which t' plalintiffa fcave ia which, to off er evidce expires on thie I,6t'h of JianuaTy,' una ss extend ed by Jiudig'e lS'imontori.whch. 23 unlike'ly, as lit Is nndersitocd that hf plaiintiffs do not deisire an exfensuon itime. ; Alf ter January ICth the defeKQants 3ov ernor Rijssel'1, Attorney -Ge'neral Wal ter . and ' the' board of direcnxiirs of the GSTortih (Carolina . railroad lgve twenty days in whidhi to .offer evidence: lin rebuttal of that 'introductsS by -: the plaintiffs. ' K'.-j-M! -.'..,. '. . "Upon this expiratioTV of ue defend ants' '.tiime- on: February -J)h, Special afasfcer Craige' win send intg-il the evi dence adldu'ced ; in ' hii3 courj." to . Judge Chartes II. 'Simo'n'ton, -'.of 'Khe UnEaed IStaties Circuit' court, who -tcill- render ihis decis'ion as to whether rv not there walaraud in the lea'se, vhAi he 1 sees lit. -;:: ' -, . 4- ; MARINE DISASTERS " - -: - - -?f Staamer T.Iadara, f r TVIlralnston and the ' Corli-tTita from That Port, atjSf. Michaels Coth Disabled rire in' the &rgo of the Imbcrt' rolut . ' , (Sk (Michaels, Azores, . Janiuity ., 7. The Eritist , steamer! '.Madura, caain Fair, from. Cardiff December 23rd fl"rj? Wilming ton, N.C., has put in here wh machine ery : dfsabled. ' ' j . . . The .British steamer COrihia from .WJiming'tdn,' N. C., for Ghenipreviously reported towed in here disafjy d, by the 'North German , Lloyd steanjlr . Kaiser Wilhelm II, isfstrained' consii4rably, the bottom of. the! high pressure, cylinder is cracked, the; piston tail rods' "iare bent, boilers are shifted and the S&iain steam pipe, turpihg ; gear and bilges-pipes; are broken. The: Kaiser- Wilhe:l II towed the Corinthia eighty miles rrm where she picked her up at sea. s. - j St. Johns, ,N., F... January 7.rire broke out again in the" cotton carjjo' of the British steamer! Lambert's Bg&it.- Cap-, tain Humphreys, from Noygoik. ' De cember 19th for Liverpool, .t&4t arrived here December 26th with -fire im her hold. OriDecember 31st, the fire waspra'ctically extinguished and- she was getjing ready to proceed to; sea. A porti'on-r ahe -cotton storedlin the klley ways wiif b,e land- eu as tnenames are inougnt .5,0 De con iined there.x , - . t ' -r ' -; H ' ' - . Sensational- Itumors From Ijivana (Havana, Jaunary 7.--1 1 hastbeen ru mored : since . yestieruiay tha fr" v' General Fitzhugih 'Lee,' the United Sftes eon-sul-g'eneTal, j uiil1! 'accompanyJ-Captai ri- KG'eneral (Blanco when the latter takes tae . field.,- jit is further repc-'fd that Senor "Estiradla tPalma, the d''jEigate to itbe -United .States of th'e Cubsto.inlsuir gents will arriiye here shor'tlyalnd ac connpahy tbes cap tain -general; .afcd Gen eral Fitihus'h Lee to the field and Chat' a conference wii'h, Gomez will follow. General- laximo 'L-The-repOrtls bave caiused a tefnisation 'I iiNfew York, Jantiary . T.fT-- rumor thai' G'eneral Fitzhugh 'Le, tfe 4 United 'States conisul-eneral, Jkvou ldi accom pany 'Clapta!in-Gciniral iSlancj- when the latter stakes the neld, ii't looked upon by the members Of thai- Cuibari junta as. hfigihly .improbable. .?.f The further rumdr that ISicJi?r T3s tradia -Pal ma woaiM aocom'panV the captain -g'eneral- and General Lee 'to the field and that a conf Erence wrtlh hMax'iimo Gomez would fo'ilowf-.iiis con- si'dieireJ aoEniird.' fcenor Fajm4 da . in PhiJadellphia. 1 X s j 'Washington, January -7. 'Nsci conifir rnatlon of the preceding story vis fejb tainable' in Wasihin'gton. 'Hoaviever, it excited considierable imtereist .Jotih . to administration and Spanish ciTCle. At the .state diepartfment at was si'd that General Lee had .given!' nu iAtimlaition of contenrplariwg' eudh a move Jd that rio arrangement lookih'g'to su&h. i'mte'r venitlonl had' 'be'en: (suggefettt from Waihinigtioiri.! Furthicr thant''" no offtoial would discuss the matJtr. i'At tbe i&pa'nish legation it v&&3 pefsi tlvely; asserted1 that' no advices-ton- the subject had1 (been Tecfived from any quarter. i " t- J -. S'sniatcr Dav'fs, chairman of tie" foy egn ire'laiticTis committee, saidfil "The story lcoks improbable. FurtkOT than that I do not want to diiseuS3;4f: I do not see how (they are 'going tos get Es trada Pal'ma In Cu'ba unless 'i?hey de clare, a special amnesty." - fj : r ''-- ' : ' ; ! Harts " Emulsion: of Cod LW,er Oil With Creasote' and the HypopKoshites If faithfully used, is a speciln the treatment of weak lungs, Con&tion Bronchitis, etc Leading physicians re commend it. Sold by J. C. Shepard, R. Hi Hardin and II. L. Fentress, ' 3 Glass faetbrira to Start RaTtimore, tild., .January 7:-4A11 the windciw plaes f aottoriets 'in the rtp-un'try under the control of the Aaijerican Window Glaiss Oompany will .bJput in opera'tlion tomorrow. ; This amO'Sn'ta to a production of 1,800 pots and'afeifl -give employment ; to 10,000 men, -6500 of whom wil 1 be skilled workmenj; " ! . - . ' When a man is suffering1 KFJth an aching head, a sluggish bod3?,s when his muscles are lax and lazy, h,fa' brain dull, and b,is stomach disdaining tood,; he will, if wise, heed these, "searninss and resort to the right remedy before it is too late "Parker's Sarsaparllla" the "King, of Blood Purifiers V makes the appetite keen and hearty-lnvigo-. rates the Myerrurines. th,e bfsit3 ad fill's it with the life-glying' elements of the ' food. It 'is a wonderfui blood maker and flesh buuder. soid 'by jl c. ' Shepard, J. H Hardin ud H, Si Ten 1 tris ' , v -." .J P, AYIREIT'S! GENEROSITY r' - rai Supreme Court t Messenger Bureau,! , . Raleigh,, '1. C, January 7. ) y There was much comment here today :pn the retirement by E. W. Avirett from rthe case Involving the lease of the North Carolina railway. He was, Governor Rus , SH's chief counsel in' the matter, -j He last TWnrwIav nressntail in Mil f ni. to nnA K -. - ml i-.ww..fc. u. will AVI 1U1 K'4fe aim some w tor expenses to tne directors of the road,' which was 1 hot paid, but was referred to the executive t fcommittee. He Is reported to have isaid that had the road been wealthy he would f Jiave charged .510,000. 'J t - - I . s i Governor Russell's supporters say re- ijarding this lease suit:; "The governor is l running it through or by means of Jthe S jOard of directors of the North Carolina viaiiway."- - : ( :. . " ; - ,l sfThe Mooresville postoffice has been .ribbed by the', daring j gang of thieves :.Shiph is operating in TjTorth Cardinal It' th eighth office robbed I in three p nonths. -..-.' " f -1 V- 'it -. '"Interest Is general, as ! to i what the hew 'tilway commissioners propose to do re . .rding reductions of Ifreight and pas rvnger rates. They declare they have ot made up their minds.! The ideas of ?;,-4le erovernor on the, knhioof aro hto.ii V iidwn. j .' v A company ia endeavoring to buy land Raleigh's suburbs for la cotton mill v te. : ; 1 .: . t . i . ... i .- r: 5, The Seaboard : Air Line has bought r-wenty acres of land half a mile north of i, talelgh -and on its line. I for railwav hops. Most of the .land l.was bought T-Pm the 'North Carolina; Car Company. f .5 -During the past yearj only sixty-two jlles of new railway were constructed in state. t i , - . Vlt is exDected that with! ,5few days there will be some new devel opments in the case of ohn Evans, Ithe Buckingham negro in fjail here under eptenee "of death for rapeL His counsel .re keeping very quiet.' ; i! : I " j;.tt Is learned that the agricultural deT -VoJ-tment has quite extensive plans for folding farmers' institutes this year, be diming early 'in Te summer, i - ' f At the railway clmmission office today pliard !Mott was still oni band. Commis sioner Pearson was asked I if Mott was jiaj guard last night, and replied "No." was asked if the guard; had beenlre 4.1 fved, and replied: "There was never a I n.ie from the time when the supreme V:?iart spoke when I felt any fears of ithe I glsons attempting to hold the officel I r iiasidered the supreme court's writ self v(fcuting." ;. 1 . i - -. fh Pearson says the bill ! for S10rt wHlh fls rendered the state by Caldwell and K itself was for railway. fares from Sep- ;i-.4w" "u -u me ciiu 111 tne year. ;;ffa'ldwell said: "The Wilsons will Snot fi?fV the supreme court any more than -;ji will the supreme court of the United ri tes.- If the Matter says Iwe are : not Commissioners we. will retire at oncelilt js fM by a person supposed to know .lt.j governor's views that he would Inot ( """it to such an orderj by the United fates, supreme 1 court; ih. Other words (f-jat there would be trouble and thatl ihe tould attempt to hold the! office. II -jZpy special agreement betweeen the lag-. n;ultural department and the experiment ition, the publication of the analyses ? I the-official samples, of fertilizers will l-l made exclusively by the agricultriral Apartment! and in consequence the fer l&zer analyses : bulletins previously 13 led -by the experiment station! have been jgfscontmued. - - ; .,' . . .. flit is expected that 400 Masons will be W.l Oxford next week at, the session !of fcsie grand lodge. - They will be the guests .of the people of that delightful and hos UJiabie town. ; ,1 M ,C,The new building for males at the in MLne asylum here is nnHvt .innTM-ii I t .-Mnearly ready.;, - . . t .- . . : . . j .'-... -T . i&irs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says: ;t &fter two doctors gave up my boy jto ! I saved 'hirri from 'croup by using he Minute ough : Cure." Itj: is . $e (afekest and" most certain remedy for q ughs, colds arid all throat arl lung publes. It. R. Bellamv , . ' j jj-'iYBlTSVILLB AND ABERDEEN, T;j : " ' ' ; i-, $ Vot on Railroad C tionA , '- ' Charming Coter . ' 1 1 '&'L - .'' 1 ilorrespondeinice Of The. Messenger) ml .! . Fayetteville, sr'. C, Jan. 7 very important -m after wiin' come. JJore'it'he ipeopl of Jros Creek irid enty-firist .townships; n, itfliis 'county J&t month -the. oi'es'tioai of voting1 fjwr' Sja'galnst; a s : ; (scriptkm of $10,000 vm each township (fori iSij of the Fayettevilliee: the ctonstxjuc and 'Abeirdeeai lilroaJd. The -benefits .rto crue .ifrbjm f-is conitempla'ted! 1 4riternal improyie :rit 'should be yery clearly f.d iforci .iy imipresised upon the jpr erty-hOld-'of the itowhlships rtf .wed life . jto km business of iFayetbevkile arid grealt- i 0; enhanced value i to 14ie real estSaite .iseventy-first. It is to be. feared La1fc the imposition, of jthls tsubscrip- ai on only a part of the county will, the beirinnimg'. discredit the miovie- 'fjjent, and i tha the reoent actioni ' j of S tanly and Rutherford1 ; counties will .:'hie'ah additional unfavorable effect. ; ilflast evenrog 'Mr and iMrs. George' E. :f ijmla received the "Womens" Rook :ib'V che teenf Annual celeibratlbn. -'tpp ,i arrJed m Nabert9 permitted thjeir is'r - ads to s?ia,reto ; the enijoymieri'ts 4 Ma delightful occasion; and )th&a Irrc-spondent, thoug;hMone, lorn, airid fief t of thila world's wedded joys, was ported wiiSt an invitation within the '$'f&rm-et 3,ircle. JVfrk T, Mlr Hun'tjar, 3 president, was In the chaar; and ler a beauftMul readling of the min W.fp by. "MissO SMalinda 'Ray, I excellent -mers, composed with raTe .rhetdrijsal ..hy1 were iglyeni by Mrs. H. IT. Gr& ?Hf jjjn, Mrs. John C. Haigjh an Mrs. , W. 3;Hawley, ! and a. eupposit5- j jus letter Mark Twain by (Mrs. ''. Sfl Huske, ; iciuding jwlitfh admirab-e selectiohe W&ta Mrs. ijams, Hunter vand Hulsce. tabie dt .brkvaJbrac, eacli art3b9e r; presenting a well-known picture, of fj: fed knotty problems for solution, tare fj :&t prize being won by iMr. J. H. My-' m j.yer, and the '."booty" prize by 'aijr. 1 L; HateW; At 10:30 o'clock the ''.Art-M' T... ! rvim, '.where, about; their manogtany, t, - host and1 ihosteds aTwaya diepensej princely nispixanty,- made doubly peasant by the wairrtii(h of' welcome. v;rKe Bank of Fayette viTle commence tLVnew 'year with notice of a semi -af&ual drvidend. and thej re-eleteitflonJot if 4 staff of Officials andj better than tJiy could .nowhere be founii. I - Jj he . mid-winter fair of the Fayette ?tgte IrJiapanden't Iifht Infantry will three days, and -will toe one of the tb'gst attractive: entertaiinmen'ts e.ver TBned' and carried out bv tbe ;gr tafent of this city. It commenoea' "oythe 26t'h ftnst., and w expect Outn A.Himrn'gon rnends to coma up an n ip us maKe it Buccessf u. ; . ' : . : ' ,' " T- ' z- ;jf .. 'Qniclc Jostios : ' f-- if-iarsawk inq., January :,T.--Early this nj rning a burglar was discovered in the sjre of John P. Thoma, all Claypool, Ati. ti' a desperate struggle, 'uraa vhieh sS, feral sliots were exchanged, the fob tf ( was capture and proved I to be iirence T-Wnia, grandson of the pro p etor. The latter is a Justice; of the p5;$ce. At 6:30 o'clock a. m.' ho gave his Bndson a y preliminary j hearing ad W?,lnd him over to the circuit cvrt. At 8 fV clock he arrived rin tCs- eity, where cenrt is now in. sessiou. At o'clock ae case was. calkjd, Clarence pleaded guilty aaA at &;34L o'clock a. m; Judge Biggs sen iAjeed him to an indeterminate term f tnm two to fourteen years in Jeffcfaoji vtlte prison. At 10:03 o'clock a. si. shertff MiUthews started with h prisoner for ersonville; T-hli, is the most rapid adtoinistraUoa 0J5-legal justice on, record; E3EW The prettiest line of snow 'white; Em broideries ever displayed upon our ; coun ters. Sucli a collection of patterns will not be seeri outside of the i "Great Gity.V Great crowds have "expressed their ad miration of this varied stock and we cor dially invitp our many friends to call and examine them. ' '- " i ;"" 0"u.r Hiace TDepartnaent 'AH- our efforts have been concentrated to - : make thisj department the "pride? of bur business, and . we believe we have'suc- ceeded. Laces ot every description; Do mestic an,d Foreign. We have searched.' all the greart lace centers for the newest. and best. They are herd and if you wish to purchase Laces, you ;will do., yourself an " injustice if you do not examine our stock . before buying j' " - . .; .!' . Mail orders, givenespecial attention. ! . succjsso, lo Brow noMtt jo J9 sonil Front siresi' V ' BEST 1818 1J 'Mm And allow me to thank my many friends and customers for their liberal patronage Tor the past -year. I am fully satisfied and feel that I have many things to be thankful for. My business v foots up at.-the end of 1897 more than I erpected .(o do in the be ginning and now I am f ready to meet icompetition on any .move and sell goods lower for- the -iiard dollar than any man in town. Head my January price but they are lower than 5 cent coton and all I ask is comparison ' ' '- i i Domestic Goods. Plaids, splendid quality for cash 3c. Peedee regata 4c LJj'l yard sheeting 4c' A splendid bleaching, 1 yard wide, at 5c. Ijonsdale cambric at 10c.. A splendid bed tick at -5, 3 and 8c. War ranted feather proof Bed (-Ticks at 12c worth 15c. CBed Spreads, . . white, at 48c; better union Quilts at 75c; better and heavier Spreads atJ ?1. Fine color ed Spreads at 60c. ! Spool Cotton, J. H. Coates' thread at! 4c;, JChadwiok's best 6 cord Spool Thread all 3c; Enterprise, no glace. -good Machine Thread at lc per spool. ;Tragon. colored Thread at' lc- per spool. Six balls -eewing Thread at . 5c. Six; pairs coun4 wire tlhread shoe laces for 5c. I '- ' - .' ' Irencb; woven full -dress Corsets for 39c. The Globe best fitting ' Oorset, long, waist; at ; 39c. Vigilant Corset, made by the G. Corset Co., for 50c. We'! handle all kinds of Ladies Corsets. Pw & G., 75c and $1; Warren's H. & P. atj $1; Caroline -at $1.25; black 'Corsets at!.$l. The new short waist Corset a( 1. : ' - -v- ''' ' Shoes lli Shoes I We want your Shoe" trade. We can fit your feet and "please your pocket-' boOk. Woman's oil grain Polkas, all, solid, at 85c; pebble polish polkas at 9Cc and $l: Liadiesl dongola ' patent . tip; Shoes at $1 the best shoe.Jn the state! for the price. Ladies' very fine ghoes,: hand and McKay sewed Shoes, ' worth. from.t2.'50 to $3.50 a pairj irf small sizes,! A , B, C, and s'iafes! 2, 2, 3 and 4, I will; sell for $1.39 a pair, worth twice the1 price. I bave a line of very fine Shoes that I sell for $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 and 2.50: a pair. ' JGent's 'Shoes, solid leather buff, congress and' lace, fat $1.00 a pair.; Our $1.25 Shoes are things of beauty, nice, pretty, dean .stock and good goods, made with as nvuch style as any $2.00 Shoe, .f Our $2.00 lin is of fine calf; ektoi made up toahdsornly, and is tat every respect a first cljiss Shoe, and good enou'gh: f or aAy gentleman, and will wear as long as anjif $5.00 Sboes on; the m'arket. Our Tan Ttiisset and !Don- gola enameled - black Shoes, for the young sporting men- aife $5.00 BbJoes elsewhere, land my Kacket price Is only $3.00. We. :have Children's-Shoes i of every class, from baby ishoes at 19e,a OF WILIJmGTON'S Nine rich men ;ln .'North Carolina eul of every ten "comnjenced life poor. They became rich by spending less than they made. No one gets rich who does not spend less than he makes. Any one- will get rlph who. continually spends less than he makes. Every young man of ordinary ability in Wilmington can and should save something each month." The man who will not save a portion of aTsmall sal ary will not save a portion .of a. large salary. Jbe boy who saves something every month win be promoted before the boy;who spends all he makes True manhood is required'to denyi one's :self and save. : It is weakness and folly to spend all, re gardless of the '.'rainy day." ' I U'2...-.A-'U',i- 5Fj;'jfc .i--V-u-jr.'i ' Industry,, economy .and integrity cause prosperity pot "Luck" or "Good For tune." . - W'F-'-j'gifr For reasonable Interest and absolute security, deposit your savingsln I THEiWILfflNGTOH 8AV1HGS AND TBDST, COEIPAHTJ "Wro Take , S"u.TosoriptiorLS TO ANT MAGAZINE PUBLISHED JN THE UNITED jSTATES OR ENG LAND, AT PUBLISHER'S PRICES-HAND IN YOUri ; SUBSCRIPITONtS FOR . THE NEW YEAR.N IsT-w f"ea,r TURNER'S N. C. ALMANACS, CALENDAR'S AND CALENDAR PADS, IF YOU THINK OFi OPENING WITH THE NEW; YEAR, LET US BLANK BOOKS AND (OFFICE STATIONERY, THE STATE AND OUR PRICES the iechIiiiss HonEi&ociiSon. SUBSCBIPTION STOCKhn the iUETC .j SERES Open; A-" - - : " . That, investment in thistock is the best and safest form of Savings Bank, lias been so fully demonstrated tbat you have only to inquire of - any obo of its Stockholders. j Apply ffATHifiEL J1C0BI, PHES. j W. II, CUinilHC, SECEETABY: In answerto many applications The Association will issue FIFTY SHARES only of its FIVE FEB CENT. PAID UP STOCK, the best investment in the $W 1 ! I , do 14. pah-ito ,school shoes for 35, 60, 65, "75 cents up to $1.00 and $1.25.'- We .are now doing far more shoe business fhan ever before, and we only task a look at our -'lini before purchasing elsewhere, v. ' I ' ' ' 1 - ' Carpets an Mattings. - j 1 - ... ; : ' , -..--i.. v.; 1 ; Have Ibeen - moving, of latei Our etock! to I thkr line is very large and we are very anxious to make sales. In gralni Carpets from 20, 22, 25, 35, 39, 45, 50 and 60 cents. Brussels Carpets' from 45, 50; 55; and 60 cents. (Moquet ! Car- pets 'at 165 cents, wortfh $1 elsewhere. ' Carpet Paper 3 and 4 cents per yard. ' Matting,; new pattenrs,.at 12, 15, ,18, and 20 cents, very cheap i and good valueL Coirtairt Poles, brass trim mings oak, maple, walnut and Cherry at i25 cents each. Complete Window -Shades, 3 by 6 feet, at 25 cen'ts,' made ' of best op-aque linen. - x , 31 j .- ! 1. 1 ' .',.-' - -i- '. ,1 ' j Dress Goods. . ' .' We; handle Dress Goods of 'all kinds. A big reduction in Dress Fancies, and fine novelty Dress Goods, double -wldtih worthi 15c, now 12c; worth 12c; now 10c. Fine'.Worsteds In all colors ' at Sc. :;Fine $lack Dressi Goods,; all prices; Single 1 . F Cashmere - at 20c; double F F best back , cashmere made for thje. price of 25cper tpard, 36 ilnchea wide, j 36 inches colored! Cashmere, now 2)0c, worth. 25c. Fine figured Dress Good made by the Gold. Medal Com pany, i Black -Dress Goods lor 50, 65, 75c -and $i per yard-Hare styles of beauty and Quality of the very. best. Come and' see our Dress Goodte, Capes ar Cloths; and Hats. 3Iillinery Depa We have done the best year workV in ourj Millinery department and j. can- fineu - . not say enougn jn praise or the ladies. . We still lead in low prices. We sell good Felt Hats, at 25c; nice' French. v Felt Hats Tor 50c. IBibbons, Laces .and Veiling' at all prices. - 'Visit us for bar gains bn the .beginning .' of the new; . year. . 4 Clothing & Un(Jerwear.- Our ! Clothing 'and Underwear are .special sellers. We k3iavie - big ; stock; ; of suits -for gents, at all prices and can save you money on tooy'a . end men's Clothing. ,' - -' ' . . - - v Come to this old Racket Store fr bargains and be convtocd that, we ere -not. all gas. (We live up to iwhat we ay. We buy eill' srbods for the cash, and like to sell them -the sanne way, as the'lmlghtyjiflollaTOakes' us bustle. - You will find "us at 112 North Fron t . -Street, (opposite the Orton Hotel, near the Postoffice, .with .the largest stock of goods of any house In the city. Propr., BIG RACKET STORE "Presents. ANEW SET OF BOOKS BEGINNING SUPPLY YOU. OURf STOCK OF . IS THE LARGEST IN LOWEST. LIST FOE THE I p v.. 1 il . - 1 V