-i 'vol. xi: no. in '-.. ; , ' i I; ; Wilmington, n. o.'muRSDAY,rJANUi&Y 13, i8?8. ' . . j. , - - - - PRICE 5 cents. A". r iw - - ... . - - Si t i ....... 1 TELEGRAPH SUMMARY, ; - . THE STATE. - . '"Five ; fourth -class pos tm asters' were nppoiniled . in this sltate' yesterday ? The senate confirms 'tine nom!inatiOn of 12. C. Duncan as. Inlternal revetiue ?ol - Itcvor j The new iaiilway icoirara'a- .s'r.mera dtny tfnat they 'have subpJen- nr.l Vice- Prhz i'dent St. John,' c!f thie . V K. aboard Air. Line,! belt say they li'ave l 1 fiiijxieae'di offlcrals;' of Ithat! system inld 1 the j - Atl'an tic -' ' 'sCc-ast - Iine- The . ; "Vake . -grand " jury ; returns! -; t. I.l '. ag-ainsit 1 -Tr. Kirby ' Smtth If or '-aaaea&t :' upcn Aur-lia HamnitOTi, 'buft 'the eolici- . i -r will i not" ijMjsh tUheioaise1 Lawyer ' A vi re It iescpJai ns why (be returne'd .his in the ra!ilvay! lease : oase -0o-v bilfe iia"je, yet eeri 'sent Wake' superior 'yciittrt in; Ithe cases ! f oc re;fusail 'to a'n ' ,stV. r the. rrailway c'o-mmissiOnef's'- ques jifcrivS, nior in -t'fae ' cjas -tr- fgfV"ln(gr free i :,asst-s, frt sentmeiht on . iv'hlic'U . iriraa jnad a't t'he last .tei'm qt Ire curf; "j-V lOMESTI.t;. , .vfThe- 'president, sends 'a Ti't of iap- : Jtiritmeinfcs to t'nesfe.narte. am.orig' 1'hem, . jitihiiiterj to Chnia' (and lii'aiil- -The Fr&ry ot . the upi'isrng, of the Semi noie ,;; Xaina.ik a. fake Thfe r&ma'i!ni3 Major ai.-: P, Iian4y' were! biirie!d at" ' ;J : ilrn, M'd., yt?ateruay Oon&ui Oen- 4al Lee cables, the1 Cuban j relief com-. ii;!ttee--of iNtw York a. Mni of "'artClcles '. ; v.xt weeded 'by the d'estitutie ;(Jiiiba'ns ; tTlifie- COrn'mitt'e'e yei<er'tiay feMpped tta rin'sail Ceineral r.c, Lee -20,203 tla fspara't'e atii'fr ofeiiore 'ine 'grouse commiuteie on !:tinkJin'g' arfd currency and dius t'he ji neiLary conrmission a irn'an'c.ial .-reT f I "u'ln. bill: The two biouses 'c'f the i ;t; "ifO : leiislaitu-e xnt't 'in TjH;.n;t sesston ''mi .:l.ytrd-ay 1 an'd elected Hianna beniajtor; i t.i. f.vnia,te 'app'incs a conrnu'it'tee ,t'o in- y.i.t'ig'ate the casas' of : aHlefje'd' ,,lr;iberyr . in' ition -fori the scathe puiipbsa j'iia perid vifip'.'in the lifj;usre.r : there !i'3- talk .1y the I !Un rja fact iiii'n 'of ejavins-ou t' the pipes-' '"t it -fnceirs- .V)f thei hbusa j'atoii . re-or-; : -pinizJLn'gr that" body1--Oovernar Biisih- T. SMALLPOX IN THE CITY NECrRO RAILKOAD HAD DF : VELOPSACASE : Dr. Bellamy Reported It to the Ufayor Tes- terlay :Monlofi; Prompt Action by the Board of Health The Case Isolated, and Twenty. Exposed Persons Quarantined. The Board of Alderman Takes Action Dr. W. J .II. Bellamy-reported a case of smallpox toMayor S. P. W;right yes terday morhingr'at 9:30 o'clock. The man who hVs f the ' te'rrible disease is Stephen Johnson, colored, a brakeman on the At lantic: Coast; LIne between Wilmington ,a!ni: 'Florence.; . Dr. Bellamy was 'called to Jonnon Tuesday -night, am ne .was suspicious ofithe case. He called again yesterday . mcjrning and' found that t his patient, .'hadf-a well developed case of s mallpox. jHe then reported jt to the mayor. . . 1 . i j Johnson" l&Stifepit 205 -Hanover 'street, on pe north sige or the street, Detween Third and Fourth streets. It is supposed that he-contracted the disease in " South Carolina. He came to the ckyi last Sat urday and; -had , his' initial .chill j 'Saturday night, was sick on Sunday and received calls from a number ef his neighbors,' Mayor Wright "notified -Br. j Wm.! D. McMillan, : ,j superintendent of health, about the report of Dr. j Bellamy, and Opr. -MeMiHan went ' over andj saw the jfokaes nd SOO.OOO grams cf-; quimu-al cise. -He -immediately put up the yellow rf-Ex-Se-nbor Edmundv? W - others fL-,v nfar.th .hmi' and! isolated jbhuson. 'He ascertained . t'hat. 4a number orj Johnson's neighbors fiad ,"b$en in to ;see him, and he also quarantined thear .-houses, three of them. In the vicinity of Jpinson's ,'housel Johnson-has two .in his firrftly besides ., "htm self and nope" of his fkmli'y or those in the neighborhood, about twenty i in all," who have been ex- pbsedrg.re 'allowed to, leave home. Dr. Mc-r Millan Vaccinated the.. whole lot of them. IjMayop Wright placed two policemen on the block to prevent them from going;. opt tindtwo officers will be kept-on,duty juring the day and two; at rwghtf ' . . Dr. C. 'P. Wertenbaker, surgeon in charge of the 'marine hospital,- was in- i: Hi yc-is!R1ay . sn t; to" eaa-tor Hanna 1VU t-m'mtayi'on as .fe-na'tor f or th'g. short tt'rm-f-T-:St--rra4'or "jDiivia conclud'es Wi-s' rV.-A.ti inj fa-or jxt tlhe i a'nh'exiatii'oix 'df?' Ijilvvraii 'and 1$ .fal'lf.lvt'd iby 'S'eTiiator .;A1 gh.n. '.in--opi HO--4. ton -J rS-cmw ;if rtemd sf -. o f "("vtih,-i in -The senate J -wihO-re juip'de'cC'd-ed jfi t'lit--ITa,a!i:ian;-rea;ty,- iare iwiWrued 'i us'oithis. c-l!ioTj la's-'a-. I'tjv'er.ta se-.li'w'.-a. more iiioilo'iint-td pGk'iti'on ias to mV.t frTaTTth-c adtpin'is't'rat'lpn- 4 r (At 11 4'k'lK-k Tii:ed'ay -nig'tit a cyr!'n,l?wtru,fc j rt ;;Smi't;h At k-, , and pi-s'a , bhrioUgh "j e center of't'he i'townrl. fl'emio'lislhiin'g fei-n!i r;slSiL'DK.-s 'arid 'hurt-lK-'s; 'trie 'ulr-bj cati'giht fi re ; i. thhty-ivlr e. Iwdiie-a K;iv.-, iK-t-ii 'ivticen fiviu fht, wreckaig-e; i l.list ii jf he ipjurbd is l-dn'g; tlhe daim- e, to iivjerty is '-placed at $1,000,000. ;EQRErGN. .-' ' r r ' -; liUiieab-on r.f til'e pouices report .cm . tjiW -I'lyris-ira'C-M lj4-r assassinate. ' .It'he i ivskfcnt .'.'icf liitsteiQ kSanisedi.- k seji-satLom i'a !;;.: Jan.-iiM -The jury, to 'inveti 'ffttte?j:he orta'm'of thei'Sriftre in Lon- tjf.i fiaid.-s that ij.'Wap lltltarie by some Nfevtii'l'h'e jury tn-kn-awa''f-lfTiere wa's s Ffcrtoife irl"Otj:nis" n i HaVanLh yesterday ; and 'last "n'r&'hr; the -tcriond'a attacke.d ilK office-s ot several newspaipe.rs -vv-hreh ,53,1 -nia'Je. 'attacks; on fG-eneral"! DIancO and xp t h t-r ofli cens ; . t vfyapaf j ;h'ad to .be ' called n to tliiKM'Te tfie nol3. J ' ' . . .: f ' ; - f Xi i: Alary .Ipid,; j .' liarriburg-, Pa.,: r feiiyslAJy child'. '1 woF-th "i-jariKons .ito I f-Jif'e ; yjL-4 1 wotild 'ihave 'Ibp't -Wer by, croup " ' iiii'd I .hot ih.ves't.'e'd -i.wfen'tj-flve .icnts , in a jM'tle of Ohe-Ifnutas Oough Cure." .t ' .cju-j-es coiis'hs, cjoidls an'd a-11 thiro'at lih'dlun'g" tnubH3. .11. RpellE'iny. - y.it. - i - - a . j j -. X Itays; Ljicate a l'in i- : ; I Mention was niade of the If act yester- .vMiy 'thar-: another Ij-rache "opjeration :was ; I t.j be performed kt itlie private (Hospital. ;( m Chris.tm-a daj Jennie Lewis, agwl , ao, Avno lives n.ear v linTing-ton,! swai ,v ?M.ved, EL tfieee .jsjf'ia; hat .pin jwit'h a part th4 head "of "the; pin on if; She has .1 ;:;-u'ferjed Very much, an(i, 4s; lstst con "; : .--.'d-.-ntUle lies1!!. 'SI ije : was ' brought - to yi( ijiariptte Monday jnig-ht arid taken tp VH he pj-ivate hoapitaU ilr, Jfenry Louis I fnVith, of. 'Davfdsori, Ooileges was Hvrit- lo-n to by .the hospital s-tafE; to know if j j- I li t 'wduld bring his jx-rays down again. I lie came larft night." 'An examination l, f was ' nade; of the' child last -night, by : : " me ans ot me x-rays., it. was more oil- - 1. " fifTTITtto find the ii,nf than the ithimible, "t""-tf'iunlT it, however, It- was; laying just in front of-tha lack, with t-he ball -of t'he jilrt' 'downward, and the sEiaft Planting .u toward to t'heshulder.- Th:chiSd will be .operated on today. : Dr. pmlch "as Uie' guest last filg'ht cif ;t)r. L. G'rb i'.iK die return-s to Davidson Cotleg-e, f t his ruorn'ing Ciarlotte; Observer. ; - tel- K'-; 1 NXV ijrmed.of tbe lease -and. he immedititely notilied iSureeon General v vman ; by etrratiii. - - .- s . - I IlOMl'T ACTION BY THE BOARD OP :" , . - j . HEALTH. 1 1 - "4 .-: Mayor Wrigliti iwh'o'.fs chairman of ;'the board of health, called a meeting of that body yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It vras. decided to send .Johnson to the pest hfouse. ' It was -ascertained, however, "that the i pest housed. Which is' three -miles spilth of the city, near - this ri.ver, is not Jm a condition -to be used. ' It has no win- ctows.. the sr'oof . is in & leaking condition. alnd the place on account oif long, disuse, has grow iA up With weeds and bushes.! pi. McMHlaV Dr. Thomas andj Dr. Wer t .-nbaker wt5nt out to look for another h oiuse, i and they 1 found one ; oik Meares. street, I between' j Tenth and (.Eleventh s ireets, in -the extreme southeastern paTt of ! the city. It belongs " to a Mr. Mc f rlorin. - who is aJ soldier in the United" IStates army; staliohed in .New Mexico.'! I : is in charge of Major D. O'Connor, and he offered it' for $50 -for six "mofiths or a iHa r, it ,it is need that long:! it is a three room housef and occupies a whole block by itself. On three sides there are j ro Either houses! within three or four . llbcks of., it, and the- nearest, house on -tle other side is 200" to &0 yards distant,; so 'that there would be nor danger to resi- dehte in the vicinity.. The house is sur-i rounded by, a barbed wire ence, and it. the following ordinance prepared by City Clerl and Treasurer Rice, upon request of Aiderman Gore, -was adopted! . ."Be -it- enacted by the board of alder men of; the city, -t hat the city board mt healtSi be directed to furnish vaccina tion o such persons as in their judgment may ibe . considered unable to provide for themselves, and that a temporary hospi tal be furnished .and equipped, the en tire ejxpen-se not to exceed $500." Aldprman 'lewlett inquired where it was proposed to locate the pest house, and Mayor "Wright Informed the board a'bou ; the McGlorin house as above fiention-ed. ;. f; . C- ;-y . , 'Alderman Norwood inquired what had become of the old' pest house,, and the mayor informed- him that it was not fit for use;; .j ., '-' ; 1 Alderman Twining inquired about vac cinatng the children, of the schools, "and" Mayor ; Wright stated that "they would ill- havb to be jiiccinated. XJe said the ;ity had on liand 230 vaccine points, and norej had beeatelegraphed for. In the neanitime 200 or 300 points could - be bor--owed from the United States marine lospital. - ; . ' Upon j request of the mayor. City At torney ID. B. Sutton prepared the fol lowing ordinance and it. was adopted: j "Bp it ordained by the board of alder men of the city of Wilmington:; "-, ; 1. "That all persons who are living within jtheIimits of the city if Wilming ton shall be vaccinated us soon as prac ticable within ten' days from this date, provided, "however, that this act shall not apply to such "persons who, In the oupinion of the family physician, have 'been S vaccinated within M a reasonable u - - - - -. -. ra . - i' 2. "All persons- violating the provisions , of thiSiJordinance -shall be deemed guilty of a Violation of the police power of the city and be lined .or imprisoned at the discretion of the court." i j" . Alderman - Walker objected to fining personsj f or not being vaccinated, but the mayor Informed him -that the state law Imadej it compulsory. ', ' On imotion, the .city clerk was author ized to pay $50 rent for a bouse to bet . used las a pest house. '", j Tite board then adjourned. . ';'. t Mr4. IS'tairk, Plcasanti TtMg-e, O., says, "Af tetr -,tx 'doctioris gac up any . boy to IkJii-e, ,'Ij feavd (hiiim ifromi croup by using One 'Mlinut.e. Couisrh Oijre." .It.is th'e. ! quickieiat' alhid tnost ceri'aim 'reiriedy for icougilis- coMs an!d ail ihT'oa't a.ai'd lung ; tro-ubSe. li. It. liellimy. ' -.. -F. Discusaion of the Hawaiian Treaty a.vhing'to'n, . January 12. Scirator Dayisbomjpaeteid liis.sipoeteih 'in the ex- utif.eisasisi!Oin of 'the senate-today on tne lyav by tSfeniatorvAll'len, . of iXc'braska, '.ijvihto; spokej fn' 'opposition, ,, . . . - 'Senator DaviT e'paec'h today was de voteki! I'larg'ely to i presenta'Uibn' of tiine .-s-trag'tl drc !f eat'uires tf airmexati-cyn. . iHe displdye'd a chart dnNfron't of tlhe.pre- Kid'iin ?ofllcr's ;padt;f6rm s'hiow'inig: itlhie ; lacat-aoii of Hawaii refetiye to , 'tih'is c-uniti'jyl an'd.-iA'&ukj. ;0ne oift'h!e poimta bi-ouyhfc out w'ith cronsideraib'Te e2abvra tlion jsyas thie probable eecr-", on iUhe Nl'ca'riafe'Uian cfaina'I'cif t'he ocouipaton of tihe; islaftid's iby somis fore'rgn potwar. Tte. (nktiom, 'h'e saM,. ihliCh controls HaiwaH i wiM control jtlhiait great (gate way .comiin-erce, ; as.'t'h-e guns planter! upon HAHNA'S ELECTION ' :-XV C - ' ' " r :,- ! .' SECURED BY A BARE MAJORITY ON JOINT BAIiLOT. r No Change In Bis Tote from that of. the I Bay Before Hie Commission fo tbe Cn. expired Term Sent to Him by the Gov ernorThe Senate Appoints a Commit tee to Investigate Charges of Bribery A Idke Resolatlon In the House "Hannaites Talk of Beorganlzlng the Honse. ' i Columbus, Ohio. " January 12. Marcus A. .Hanna was" elected today to represent Ohio in the senate for seven years and two months." (if) McKinley 'shouhi' be rei elected, Hanna. j would still be -there, to the end of j the president's second' termL Including both the short and the' long terms, Hannafs time as - senator will ex pire in March,j lste." ' j " After the two -houses met in. joint sesj sion, in the house chamber, the roll of the senate wise called first, and there were no chanesfrom the votes of yes terday 19 for McKisson'' and 17, for Hanna. ..'I j ', , - .' " j "Senator Burke, the 'only dissenting. rei publican, presented the name -of E. Mci Kisson; the .republican, mayor of Cleveland,- in a very forcible and inflammable speech that commanded the closest tention. . In one of his climaxes, he said: "Jarties A. Oarfield. would have voted-for McKiason if he were alive.and a sepator liere today." I . -r -The vote or the house was the same as that or yesterday with the " exception S that Hazelt, who t'hen voted for Wiley, ( and VLess, who voted for Warner, today voted with the others democrats for McKisson. General Aquilla Wiley was the only dem ocrat hot voting with the coalition, iand he voted, again for, Congressman Lents. Governor Jones -announced the result of. the joint ballot Hanna, 73; McKisson,! 70; Lentz, 1; absent, 1; and declared Marcus -Hanna elected-.senator for the jmexi pired term, ending-March 4,. 1899. : The 'ballot for. the long term was taken without much interest being manifested!. Representative Roberts, of Cleveland; seconded1 the nomination or Hanna and Representative! Bramley, of Cleveland, . that of McKisson. The democrats pre sented no, name and !made no seconding speeches. The ( result 1 for the long term was the same as that; for the short term. After Hanna ator for 'the reigned in thel was declared, elected sen; long term, pandemonium hall of the house. The SWEPT BY A TORNADO A . LARGE PORTION ' OP FORT SMITH, ARK., IN RUINS. " - ; . Bosiness House,! Churches, Raeidenees and Hotels Mowed Down by the Storm Fire In the Wreckage Adds to the Horror and Increases' the 2i amber-of Deaths The 'Death Roll Knmbers Thirty Klne, With a l49ng Itsi of Injared The Storm at Other Points. ! iFort Smd'eb,' Afk.,- January' 12. TPwo of will be sent this morning" and placed in the v ;-- i ;&!! Allie 'Hughies, Norfolk, VA.,.; was ' fright fully 'Ijaia-nca ,. on the fatte and iif--k. Pain- -was Jijisfoafa'tly i-elevea Iby isi probable that! Johnson there hands G'f ah immured nurse. . :: 1 -'-. - . ANOTHER MEETING LAST- NIGHT.; j Another meeting of the board of : health was hour last night., all? the inem'bers being " in", attendance, viz": Dr.,' S. -Pj jvright, chii'rrrtan; J3r. Wn. D. .McMil lan, secretary; Dr. Geo. G. Thomas Dr.-!-'r:uik H4IU1SSCII an.l Mr. W. H. Chad-j hour n.Xohairman Wright presided. , 4 Ir. Thonfes pjrepared the following and onmotionXit was ordered to.be communi4 (a ted to theboard of aldermen at once: j "The boardXpf health respectfully re-j port to the board; of aldermen tpat there s- -a cafee-. of developed . smallpox in the Person of 'Stephen Johnsoni living at -205 Hanover street. This case was reported o his. honor, the mayor, at 9:30 this tnofnmgi by Dr. -W.t X li. I'.enamy. -The -superintendentot 'health - was ori flered' by his honor,; the chairman of" the. toaru . ut 4ieaiLii, lu quiiiaiiune aim iur ate all persons fn the hojse of-the siclj: man.t ana also . to quarantine an parties who I'have been' exposed. ! - ! - 1 Fv"The board of health respectfully reef; bmmrtid that provision be made at once lWiitfis Witdii. MazxA' SalyeJ lukilei? the' injury..withou't- e)aflin& '-& ' t-!ar. 1A Bellamy. .avblich It is tihefam-ouispile irfe'mtdy. It BIGGKST GUN YET 5V i 1. Its Calibre lfl Inches and It Will Send a Projjectile Sixteen Miles-It Will be I'lac eil on liouaer Shoals to Defend New York f ;?Eortynine- feet llong .-and 4igtoing . li'5 iio-ns, the new gun to le placed on, ti,L v Shoals for .the defense of Now , Yli-Jv harbor will jjje th largeitij ever 1 ii lit . Th e lie tti left em i (Penm) i I ron . V.rks will ;'have eomplettHl t'hi$ for- i inidaiHle wtpn by Mardh 15 next. I'-tvd Xoet longer than the !heaYiest '.'l4rujp' guff, vvrth' a projectile weighing ; rismi! oounds 500 snbunds heavier than fiiiv V.n' turned outfit is needfessl to -say ''i-iiatl-no ship afloat "has armor -whidh ' 5 tTt'ttW-not easily piercef Ltlls of Kl-xt'ii-inoh-calibrt; -wlill have a -powuer -hatare ot anaut l.oou pouuiuw -iru -iu-c WLir strike witn a velocity :oi; itf Mf-r sonil. T'he cun- is-', to be Fil"t i "4 ; lie -leet of: if for a iest house; and that the !; lih be authorized to furnish brovide for the- attendants . of such ; suck poard of such, and Ja(f.t-nf-a tui-rotv, waiose foundation Is sunk. through the sand fown to fcs rack, l!he turret will 1.e W rt e high water n ark, will be 45- or oy in dia.mcter.- iand will haye alls arveized 'tc'c-1 nearly 3 feet thick. tve i maf will . be iegg-sihaped, so.-.a-s - to '.' f-L r 1 :n:tk a hostile, shot to' glancel from 4t, - -rri 1 Li.-.U,y. friim iiinvl.ii1 will ha nre. - .- j-iaiiiut: xivi... v - i " ..... - - - 5 ; XH vVntied bj " undcr-'water t luirricades: ; j ThefjareQf theh vn wit . b sixteen. Jyar-Eieigs: formerly lieutenant in .th;- n2iltcl States; nay' r 'Captain Ji.. u. ; a'.ifisWV;- vho 'invented tne iwusiauc dynkmite giinjtxufl Cap'tadn. ; Ira 11c-Nu-i, of; -tbe "Upited States, army ioi-d-. raf-e corps. Have watched 't;he progress iof vf'fr 'and i believe tba.t the lar ri trana'ti afloat couMf AOt? with : taijd a- sinsrle shot from 'the new gun. III IIHIIIH'i In yfew of the fact that there is srnalij- box. ia. Alabama, Georgia and 'South varf bnna4tt .points; withi w'hich th,isj city is in C USII 111 tnllLa.l.luu ' L,". lauiua -mica ed to "your, honora'ble board that an or dinapce; be passed providing for the vac cination .of all person's not able to provide fcT themselves and to insure the vacci nation of all unprotected persons in the city. To 'promptly effect "this much dej- Isired, end, ,it is respect&illy : suggested that . the board of health lie empowered tolemploy such extra; physicians tp dp thje wdrk as may be necessary". ' , , j. H -;;----.: i- -. T ',r i ' -H i ( The; following was; also adopted: . ',, J i . : - - i . ' i ! "That the' secretary be f instructed to communicate with the chairman of the hnVird of couhtV commissioners at onci, faiiina- his" attention; to aw act in relsl- tinn to the board of 'health, ratified March 1. 1S93,: seCtien 23, land ask that the county "commissioners 'provide fuhds sufficient to purchase vaccine sufficient t, sunnly the wants of .New. Hanover county:- ' r,.4;: :. -;: : .. . ;. ;-::." : Tiie board -.will; ; decide - this :, morning where to locate the 1 pest. housed. Several suitable places are in view j - ; ! THE BOARD OE AlDERMKN. !. In cohsequence! of ; the Cs'ej of small pox. Mayor Wright; called a special meeting of 7 the board of aldermen last night. -' . ' ; " ." I .-'.' -.j. .. I. ! " T- " - :' The board met" at i 8 o'clock, those in attendance, beingiMayor Wright and Al- Bensoit, Norwood, v aiKer, 1 1 a wa'iii w'ou l'd , be poirii tied - d.'i '- rectly! at thie' "mouth of the; cam-ail. Hei'ajlso diaa-o'teu v-ry careful latteu- 'tion toj th-e flmportanice c-if conftro-lling Petarll 'hai'bor, rnoiw owned by tih't Unit- -eid' 'St-ates, sayi-ng toa't fhie .'nation. AvM-cib. f ma'intaiin'ed possetsion of t'luis rgrea'ti -Ivarbor 'wxml'd hold t'he key to fhe ilifEtajry; 'isi'tuatiori to the " JN-ortlh -Pacific, He -aTso presentetd ifhe . rieie's sity f o!r : can'h'oil'l'fnig' Bai-wain ' as' a 'base of suipfies 'in. cas:e df. hos'Jili'ties, say ing tfWat it, 'was al'm'asJt niecessary to oontrbli 'it for ithis . reason wn 'account of 'th.'iniipc'SS'ibility of 'warsihTps ci'ossi'ng the Pa'ci'fic 5 vvli'Shpu't' Tit'pi'enlligHling . tbesr coal u!pply. ' " i "Semfat-Or .Allen, pcipuTisi, f . Nevada, fOlloAvd, ' with a speech In opposition to t-hia 'ijreaity, w'hic'h was com'para'ti-ve'ly "'brief.!.iHe -oa'lled altbentJon, to ' ttte Ms-' tahce of Haiwa'Sl from our -sTi-ores,; re ferred ito the t p'cessity . we sTnould 'be under jof dcifian'd'in'g 'tlhe islan'ds !in s&se of waf.'ja'n'd. cliai'meki that' on t'hBs ac count! Jits 'wouild be- rJe'Ce'ssiary for 'tlhte U-nitadj Sta't-es to -es'tiabli-sh ainld' main tain hi separate fleet for fhelir protec t'i'O'n well as an Army on the islaulds. , He; also depretcat'eid t'fiie 'idea pf as !s!'m!14.t"ih'g suc-ih. ''a popuUatioti as that of Haiwali, Calling, attention to the fact that lalmost . "half .of 4t-' 'vras .cmpoeed of Chjine??e and J aipanese. He ocijnt!e'hd-: e'd that the annexation of t'h'e' 'pl'ain'dis wiould j open t'he doors 'for a violation of our! law- 'for the. exclusaon of Oh'i he30, JiGl-dd'nig tihat 'tibey cou'l'd find a'dP"iissi-on thrrouig'h Hawaii. "He sal'd also jthJat it .wouM 'fee-i limpossii'Me to' . jxr-eve't! .'Hawafi's. iJwm'rnig a state-'' of tihe union at some future day; that the pekripliej of 'that coun try iwierie mot Of a -cihiarater caloUla'teU to sfind acCtpt- abl'e fejenabors to Wasihtneton. fThe 'wa's.aparent today a dfeposi-i tfon ,-i)fh the part of -stame serJators -w"h'o annolii'rice t-hjeim'selves und'aoi'de'd asi to what; course; to pursue -on t'he I.Iar w-aiian question. 'tx mix 'it w'i-th !tfhie Ouba-n problem. Tlisy are .friends Of Cuba alnd t'h-efir desire to tave . thie a'd'm'iiriis'trafcio'n 'take a m'ore promounc- d'pojs'jti'on in -'Che, 'interest cif Cuba as a return .for their assistance on thie Hawaiian treaty. ". !; ' '-.-'" i ; galleries went wild and the senators and representatives ! participated in the 'dem onstration. The crowds outside indulged in aM sorts of ! demonstrations over - the final result. ' ' ,i 'Soon after the senate assembled this morning Senator Burke!, of Cleveland, of- fered a resolution demanding an investi gation into the charges that $1,750 bad been offered by alleged; agents in the in terests Of Senator.. Hanna' for the vote of Representative Otis. The resolution proh vided for a commission! of five consisting" f (Senator Burke Robinson, Fink, Gar field and; Long, 'Senator Burke after ward requested: to havej his name strick en out, and that of Senator Sullivan was substituted. Tlje committee thus consti-; tuted consisted! of 'three'-demoerats and ! two republican. ,A long and bitter dis cussion followed, led by Senator Burke for immediate consideration and by Sen ator Sullivan for deliberation and full consideration. ; A j Before t'he vote upon the resolution could be taken, a message was received from the house 'of representatives stating Chat the body was ready to vote upon the question of ; electing a United States sent ator. The president held that further discussion was! out of order, and the matter .was laid over. I i When the house convened at 10 o'clock Representative (Otis was (promptly irecog--nisved on . t question ,of privilege., H made a long statement regarding the Boyce" bribery jcharges. He said it was due the house and 'himself to' have inv'es" tigation before proceeding further in the election of a United States senator and offered a resolution accordingly. f On a motionito suspend the rules for immediate conbideration! of the resolu tion the vote stood 52 ayes, 56 noes. Rep-- resentative Cramer was. absent and 13 FINANCIAIj RESt)RM ' i. " ' f iJi-I r , ;5 1 '" ',' ; The Monetary Commlsslon'tSlTen a Hear ing on its Bill by the Hof&e Committee on Banking and Currency! ; : ' Washington,;! January lf.-r-The mone tary commission was giveia hearing to day, "by the hotrse committee, n I 'banking and currency," on -me commission's bill proposing 5omprehensf j revision of the i currency. Ex-Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, chairman of thj 'commission, headed t'he delegation and J ith him were ex-Secretary 0 the Treasjiffy Falrchiids, of New York J.l W.- Pes, of North Carolina, representing ' ttj gold demo cratic sentihjerrt of the sough; T. J. Bush, of Alabama." apd -Judge RifS. Taylor, of Indiana, representing theilmiddle west. Secretary Gage "was also'Jfi : attendance, accompanied . by ' the; soitor ! of the treasury. The hearing attracted! . much interest, a number of the members of the 'house, accompanied . by : ladies, being present. ' ' u 1 Si! I ! Mr. Edmunds-was- the -first epeaker. He said that - Je i fundamental principle which - the commission hafj felt. ; was to be considered 1 9 establisbiB- a more sta ble currency tufas:; iPirst, io know wtiat the standard!; (. value in iis "country is and is to" be,t n "Chiswef many divert gent views "janaong' financ"J authOritiesL Many believed and he. waone of these; that it was iErijossible to hve more than one 'standard ht value. lfithis be true;, then -the question; is: Whit is the best standard? -Thei experience itt the world, Mr. Edmunds fsaid, was i.that the. best standard waaitbe one stpject to least Change onei; tj which ai other values most .x readily!, adjusted themselves; one w'hich, will."beythe same E-glsrien a trans action" closes as it was when it, opened. The commission felt that such a thing as a double,tindard hadliever existed in the world through natuSlil operations. There had bee double stMidards estabf lis'hed by 'Jaw.l'but never !t fact. When ft came' to ai$ actual .sfpidard, there could be but 'one. ' 'By lar; the United ; States had Rouble standard a silver apd a gold eoQestablishp on the the lory that; they ould be maitained at ail exact equality , "' V' - " I! Mr. .Edmundthen took iio the proposi tion oif theconmission'-s bilf proposing a rompn t tt. -M Trvlt ar -Sf-niKda 1 nTPS ox- plaining and juging this i the lines of the commissiorcs report. !H?e closed with a -strong appeaj for early 'tion. ;- Is the supreme ;cdurt tomorw,!: 'he .asked toirug 'stores1 wefe tot'afly )$3malighie&: that the comniit tee propound questions J lem'img uarothJefs, tcoffee and " tea; today. This-madei the difussion gen4 Hartnead's resjtadrant; .Smith- gro- "nessee. proDotirMedf a series! of questions .?J:2Fe: J- 'Mance,. dry oOds; Maun & intended to brAff out thaeahe . eff ect of W ilson, gTOoeraesj K?ity fed Store. iA the bill woulgbejto cony-t all debts,! I number of stores "were bafctly damaged. public and; privB-te.i; into gold obiigations iTh'e upper ! floor f Me "blolcik on ' fh Mr. Edm;un answeredjiat it would. Wnier of Gariistjiu and Towseauraye- cer,t a f ewt ofilinor formlllntS eold ob4 ' used as .a JSatifPhe ru'ma oaugWt ligations and! fstated broalUy that the! bre' from h'e inig'nt iampv Beven bodr effect would bfeo make aH?rhited States! ie were takeni f riom jtihese ruins. iBur obligations I pM-ble in go! But as to! e-ess hiobel. a. iihre jUnrv "JWnftn-lr -.-hiiiiVl. prijvate obligations ! betweecitijzens, Mr.! hinlg on Tolwseaii avenge, was demoBiished Edmunds ansred emphaUcally. in the, rphi, thia IWh 'wilf hta oi, negative. ;-' . 4 - . . Chairman A aker- asked iq the bill was "score of hu)mar pivtea and upward $1,000,000 worth of i property were- de etroyed by a rprnjado mihiclh: 'burst upon tJhU ciity a ft'vf tatoutes (past 11 o"cloick last "nigut. Ittie storm- struck wear the Tuationail cemetery, arid i tore fits' iway through - tWe .eptlre city,-.'-! ileavinlg its pat'h m-arloed byySdea'tJh and desola'tlonl' (Men, "women j and ' cMldren -were awakened "(without a . "rnomeut's warn ing ito -meet dea'tih "by -falling walils- or In. the flames w-Wdh efigulfled. many of t'hei "wrecked 'buflklings. j i Th'e scene following; thie first terrific "craslhi of -t'he storm ! was one cif awful grandeur. TiUisan-ess blocks, 'handsotmie mansions, vot'land (hunible cottaiges were raised and peattieTted . in shJapeJlesa masses. Several iof jtfhie wrecks "cwuglht fire ' arid ' the . dnflatairnia'ble' ' tionlbeirs 'burned furiously'. j -'.. -.; , ;: , The Clitv was crowded rwlitfh mi.to.1 visitors, rnia-n'yjof; lhim;! were sleopinig at boarding housed 'uraregistered. For tthis rea'soni t'he! number of Vict'ilms iwbp peris'ned anay mietver . ,lbe- d'efiffiieQ'y known.-.':''-''.-. ';; r .:''. . !. - The tornado .struck 'Garrison avenue; at tihe cornier Of CCint'h street and made a crtiajn sweep f ram there" to "the Texas corner. IsaacsOnls tore J- was , totjalWv demolislhed and tlhe j stock Is a - com plete loss. BaWcjock's grocery store had the rear- eridj ibtown out. The fol- designed to "change -the legaft tender qualH ity of the standard silver jffillar. ; . 1 Mr. Ed'muhdSfl answered fat it "would not. The only Suppose wa to give the silver 'dollar a faistinct reference to one fixed standard". Jifitfaout a. r!iio. Representa-tivJ; Newlandfe silverite, of! ! Nevada, discuss; Id with Mr f Edmunds the! eirects or the m contracting the cur rency; "Mr. ..Erflinds did nit; believe cont traction woutdloccur, or tljat bank re serves wouldfbe; in juriousii effected by 'having the supply. ;pf greetacks limited and tn part dip placed. 'by ,tl3 demand' for gold.; Mr. ''Ne" lands specified the limited quantity of gojd -in this country, to which Mr.' .-"EdmundsT replied' tha.j the metal flowed to. thel noint wherfts'St was most M needed, and fcjriipwed a, law like that of gravitation. H ,s There thlave Ibeeri. e'ig-ht bodies already , taken from, tihe ru'infej .'Rescu'e parties aire; still at work at Itoo'tto pla'ctes and expec'b to fm'd several more 'bodies. George Carter's ihousej wias one df -t'he first struck. It nvas Iturmed completely over and is now suppjorted on the roof. a ,4iu ufci ii'e 01 wiiass rwas an veal through Carter's! body", almost severiing the; heiad from ' fhei 1 trunk IM. W. Burk's ifoundry ws jkJernOlislhied. Tlhe oeautsrui nataonai oemetery is a "wreck. Fopfc -Smli'th's $50,000 h'igh school ibuiM- 'in'gl was "badly i wrecked. It "was one cif the.; few bu'iidi'ngs upon j'wihSc'h there was tornado a-hsuraniee. Pbi 'tvm-niaV!r destrroyed two jMstorSc bulld'inigs. Judige i'arKers resraienice is ."badtiy w.recked arret one oua -rtector mansion, Where "Al- Pursuing hi4 .uestioris; ' -Wt- Newlands rbea't 'PSke passfedl hii-s idaysi, is a "piJe of cli-iwl.if. 1 li-wrrrl1 hail' a &-(iffiniirv nf I . ti .ii !nj; . w " r"j.".?" ;j..v-v, leusiitjs, vuk ruu-ins 'iiavins-caug'ni Tire Tram S mot la- su&hcy of Eor ofyir. 'l' .Ar)j tmi- T7.,,wl' tihie-! Central 'Mct3hodii'3ti dhturich wmv fed i'Mrj -EdmursC is why we ape, struggling fpjr both." "fS. I!; 1 -Br ra'ised-from the 'grouhid and are ncr.v only a scattere'd pffie Of kindl'inig! wood Winy allow" yourself to slowly tor- me- cnurcn or tne imrntacuiate Con tuted at the; stake of d!isieajsie? ; Chills and Twerl .',UiiearimnanH:; "event uaMy bPeiaik' Sow'ti. the 6'trangesit cornsili- tu'tiom"FtelrtCv;ra" (Sweei; Chiill. Tonic iwiitih Iron) 'istrnbre effectiye thian Qufn- still very sick. The. other fortysix dem- fee, and -beiil&'-'itointolrheid'.i-ffii 'Iiten-," is ocratic members and thet six bolting rej- ,an' ex-TOllent tklnlc and Kter-e iiriedi- for an, investigration -before electing tnr anrtcon t n H va 2 rno Hanna's leaders, said-there would come "owey fxtwi'ei.IAkSoeptfc5no; subsltir lerers. nesuoent- Row a ". 'proper . .time" if or the fullest investiea- riu'tesl-' -The "!'ust as goodtl kind don't rFrisco road, utJsoiUteited, tion, put -this was the time for electing ; effect cures. SB-aSd: by J. ailSheoard. J H. Hardin, atlH.. L,. Jf'emjfess. '1 The appearance of Lieutenant Governor Jones and the senators at the bar of the 'house shut of the hot bribing discus sion. After the election fthe house adr jourhed until tomorrow with its bribery resolutions still , under consideration. I Consideration of its resolution was re sumed in -the senate this; afternoon and adopted by a vote of 22 to 6. The dis senting senators explained that they ref garded ..the matter as buhcombe. There were eig'ht senators absent, or , not vot ing. The committee of'i five appointed under this resoSution, began its work tonight, -but nothing additional was de veloped.: After their tsessions tomorrow, both branches of the legislature will ad journ till-.Monday. . ; , ,- i. Among the representatives during th'e aiternoon, tnere was co tion of a propbsition to 'house by ousting Speaker Masbn and' all nit; oii-ict;is ui itnat D elected by. the fusion was claimed that the fifty-six reoreseii tatives who voted for Hanna. today and constituted a- majority of ; three in . the IiAWYEU fvVlRKrT K&PDAINS Why Ha Returned His Fee iabe JKailway Leasa Casa-iBijAs i Not Yet, Sent ito the ; Grand Jury In tie KailwayCases j (Special ltt The iMessnlgeir.) Rall'eligh, .tNi',' J januaryl2, T, ''-W.- Avirect say3 mtj retur'nea inus xees attorney in iKhesra'ilw-ay leai?e .case "be-cauise- ft . tiaKSf ett f i-equMily 'iltaited tmac m-e-encei'e'uj.joii vim sua Rtgii,nit iiw. Jd gMiny-icbiOn'iiind sl'mply cepticu and Brow"usceim!be imlamorial ohu.rc'h lost itJhfelir spires anldi sustained other damage.; S; i ! iTh'irty-Tidrie 'bodiies have! 'been reoov- ered and it Is tuow fhoughH: all the persons in raeirwrecked buildings have been accoun ted fcr. . i .!, r -': The ctlsenls : iielief t commJi't!tee " has $10,000 'in ihanid 'for assisting, t'he- suf- Robinsoii, of 'tihe sent (Wis dh'-ack for $1,000. Thfe. 'M'issouri railroad. also sent $1,000, 'Businesj is practlca'Sy aibarndoraeid ; all j oyer 'the "Ci'ty anild men df all classes are assiis't'Iing -in clearing the debrls .. . J. r j . 1 -. '-'.' Lfeavimg ."Po-ft""!-..1 1 t-Wa ? . tornado' bounded for VanBureri lamd continued dci.yn tue r'i'ver, '! demoljis-hil'n'g: -eviery- tming m its pa'tti. - Neiws from ou'tslde poin'ts Is not ye't;;a!t ha'iid, bu't "rumors of great damage as far; pou'tih as 'Alrrea 'have rteafcibe'd j liere, It I be"'! repor'Ce'd tlhat a numiber of persons iw-ere ki-H'fJd hear VJhat place; : . . 'i i !'!; .--, . i r : .- .. - - - i ; i ' ? FOR RENT House with 10 ; rooms on CampbeU' street.1, near Fourth. . - Also ; street -s ji - !H - '--ir House on Fifth street near Ann FOR SALE 3 Houses in St. James street. 2. Houses on Castle near Third street. 1 House on Third near Castle street. .1 lot . 1 lot "And w. on North Second street. on South Fifth street. there are others." M. CUMMING-, Real Estate Agent and Notary Public JNO. S AEISTEONG, PEESHJERT F. E. HAWES, CASHEE THE NATIONAL BANK OF WILHIHGTOH, r . i - . - . . ' Superior . Facilities for Transacting Geneial Banking Buines$. Accounts Solicited. Corre spondence lifvi tea. 1 i 3 : -.2." GABRIEL HOLMES5 HUGH MidRAE, GEO E FRENCH ' 1 WILL j JS CAi. jflR . CHAS. E -BORDEN, i G W. -YATES, ". ! J G. I GIESCHEN, WM. B WORTH JAMES. H. SIfADBOTJRN. Ja Statemit of Atlantic National Bank i HiTTTlvrTTa'i'rnTa- to- n . WILLIAM GILCHRIST 1 -B JL ' r I e m m a i -7" xo, Lorn, -uoaaensea irom report to Comptroller LIABILITIES. - . Capitals. ...... 1 ; .'...$123,000 00 Surplus v .$rj5,00-3 00 ! . Undivided profits .....;. 20,404 01 73.404 PI Circulation...... ... 49,500 W Total deposits.:..,... 61(0,691 It At the Close of Bosjtiess Dec RESGUsivCES. . Loans... ..... J . . -; .... . . . 1 . , .. . . , Overdrafts. J. 1.;.. V.v.lil. U. S. 4 per cent bonds (at par) Banking house and " Blrturesi . i Due from other banks,. $219,393 37 Cash on 'hand ,68.294 00 2S7.692 57 ";'' ;:!-;; j ' . . ; : A. A. l.i.,...J.$940,593 59 pJ .. ";!;f0rxipa.ritiv-o .$387,834 69 68 33 55,000 00 10,000 00 Total... , Total ;.. . Statement , - , . - - ! Deo. 1 'OS . Tifn. iri 'firt. Ttar. in. Sarplas and Net Promts ...... J 1 .... , 52.00Q . G2.40O 75,400 Bills Payable.andSle-Biscounts .A,t None. ; None. - y -Ivone." I ijKiaenas raui-o l'cr Wnt. l'cr Annam. " Last Installment or, Capital l'aid in October, 1892. ' - "'. cic24 THE lEdAHICS HOME ASSOCIATIOI. That VW ! SUBSCRIPTION LIST FOB THE 1 ;$ NEW SERIES Is Now OpCn invest hir "nit in this Stock is the best and safest form nf siivlnfra . - STOCK in if lie .Km . any one Bank, has been? q fnlly demonstrated that you have only to Inquire of ie of its Stockholders. Apply to .1 ."-. NATHANIEL JACi PRES. 1 : " - M. CUMHINc' SECEETARY. In answer to mi-efty applications The Association will issue FIFTY SHARKS PAID UP STOCK, the best invest men t in thei dell 1 I only of its State. FIVE PER CENT. - - -. a - ; . i m:1. :: ", i"V,, ,. ..;' ' 5 I : : L ! : -Vf : ; '. i. ; :.ri - i -. : ., . . - Grmjryjsr - FOI . ' - - -: . - J ';: . '.1. S YOU WHEEL THROUGH LIFE BE GIHBED BY THE VICTOR! 7 ID LOXGr FOE ONE OF THOSE JUVENILE -.V PARENTS, 13 YOUR LITTLE BOY OR : GIRL LONG .ON AN' ER- , HAMiJ n JS . UALSM ilUJSY CANNOT RESIST. THE TEMPTA- ; TION TO STOEs DMIRE AN CRESCENTS A:Pf rA-noDsoisr & yopp's Also full line ot Bicycle Sundries always on hand. ' 1 --. .1 .... 1 - dc 23 3TO.- 7& lT072.frH SECOND STREET, "flF WITH -IHI- fl Lady Sjkes Before the Court London, January 12. The case r I - i " ; - i Of conscience and tatives during the -f j i. wirfiarW 'tlhlPrMjie melmlber-i v-ae : -.. w considerable agita- f' I WMS J vs' Wwxd befoUe the to reorganize -..the of the 'dlreotdre of meMm toCarolina; .... wi,-' fharLrbeen1 way wltih .vom e de ion ten; days ago. It to con'ta'cit, as i;?e says "For; same rea- W . - V'k,- IS1III1 EH II " Eor the next . few Underwear at cost days ' we will sell Now's your chanco to save money. Come in and get our prices,- the . reduction is aoi, great It will almost take your1 breath. son: tihat va "Dawson; Walton, Q. C. "who appeared jivirtidLij rtn-tiaWt 6ivi)h irkenstorji rvr tM'ne-a I . i . . - . . il. ; . . .1 house would tandtogethor for that pur- U-fcoseW !haomy.:ol Ikturei he fst 3 f1' money pose, jno; pians jor the- reorganization 1 ' ' . ' . rT i i lenuer, aao. une- accon rwas to recover of the senate ate considered, for the rea 1 tntudh puzzled t5 account far." I 15.870 lent. "to Ladv iSvkes in 1896. on son that Senator Burke continues to-co- 1 'mn 'iM'tr - Siart-M -Vmi ' Ka-a One securer Of Viotes niurnorririfir to fie . . i " . v ife --JZ'-z- . : I J"rt-.-vL V.-. . iX..,-.."' M . iC.- . Im-.i-.L.. 1 Royal wskes the food pure, ; j . . wholesome sna aeucio. iPHi X'- I ' ' " "'2' '' :''''' I 1 jf.?:t':lPJy j; I SI ; RO'AL BAKINQ FOWOErt CO., KEW YOUK. - 1 ,;,, '('!'!',. ;. . -h-,.;. '.',.!'"'?,..-'" --.;".---l f1' j '-.'."'"!'' ' ; v : " i: ""'" -V-j; !-: "' dermen Gore, Hew lett Twining-and Morrill. i at a v-Jvr . V"r i s-.ht ; stated t hat 'a case smallpox had developed in the city, but khatlit had been Isolated, j and' the; ex ftosed persons, about, twenty-in all, vacci nated" oid quarantined. He! sad , 'he, had called the meeting tp takel measiires to prevent the spread of the disease. He in f orrnd tRV board .that 'wlien the case was reported t4 ilipi i.he .called a meet ing of the board v of health, and. tht they held a meeting at 3 p. m. ad an other at 6 p. m. I He then handed to City Clerk 'arid Treasurer F. B. Rice the cem murilcation of the board of health as rmhiiaVifnt- in the Dibceedines . of that 'ooai4.- He then read1 it ; ' . Mayer Wiht asked what, action the .board proposed to take, i j ' ' . Alderman Gore inquired what expense would bV necessary. to icarry but the sug gestion ef the board of health. Mayor Wright stated that the state Quarantine law puts the expense on the county, but ..the; city would probably be called upon to pay the rent for a pest. house, to furnish it, keep a nurse-there, jovide medicines. Aboiut three beds arid three mattresses and a lot of blankets will be necessary. 3Ie stated that prob ably $300 or $100 would; be sufficient, arid requested Alderman Gore, of the ordi nance committee, to frame an ordinance wttu reference to the "matter, 1 . v . After the patter" had been considered, ' One Munute Cough Cure cures quick ly, j Th)at"sw'hat ytou want. 'R. R. Bel- lanmy. ' ' ..' ' '.-,-.'':'' :." ,'' !- ' Paused a Snccrssful Kxamination The M"essenger;is "glad to iearn that Mr! W. P. Pla'tt. ot this city, was one of the few -students topassjtrie West Point examination "held a .few' days ago, and is now" I ritimbered. among the 'honored cadet.. Any one wiho isNn ; any way fa rniliar. with Uncle "Sam's- piilitary acad emy ich-ows the rigid "and hard examina tions both mentally' and physically, that an- applicant nas to pass uerore Deing allowed to enter. .Mr. Piatt is o son of our townsman, Mr. J. T. Piatt, arid re ceived! the appointment about six months ago, 'having been successful in a com petitive examination held at Lumbertor and at once went - to West Point to pre- part for the admission examination, and in "his! class thirty-eight applicants failed and leight. resig-ned their 'appointments just Tpreyious to the examination. ' Thfc Messenger congratulates Cadet .piatj.!V:.'."."- ; - - -.; N1;,. . - j "j' .H Officers Installed. Plalntagene Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar, met last night and he follow fng installation took place: Eminent Commander W. P. Toomer. Captain "General dj. M. Robinson, I Prf late G. Z. French. . Treasurer J. C,' Munds. , ! Iteporder H. Gi Smallbones. Stlridard "Bearer W. A. Williams. Sword Bearer-yS. G. Hall. Warden J. C. Loder. j Sentry T. H. Johnson. B. operate with the democrats-, which leaves the .body standing 19 .to 17, as it was organized. If 'Senator 'Burhe co-operated with the other republicans, the senate would stand a! tie politically and could not De re-organizeo, Colonel J. L-j Rogers, the secretary ito the.gbvernor, came to the Neil house at 4 o clock p. m4 bearing the commission or senator -wanna as united States sen ator for the short term: 'He informed him that 'his ; Commission for the long term woiwa De torwarded in a few days SVIr. ; Hanna .in Teply, said: . "Colonel Rogers. I ithank vou and aOnreciate this' and I give back to the state my pledge that I will execute the power given me; to the fuUest , extent of' my ability and will ,dor my best to serve the interests of. tne peopre. 01 .ray state. j , j ; - . . - ; - ! ' oai not drawm airm bill aigalinst - Andrews ' ahd others i4; gWe su!per1io6 court. The case "munc-t iti talien. up 'this term Unless he makts qrnotion !tojt akie;it. up, aTiia juage grafts i t, . w . insauniter capiaBes !woulicI : issue, i; Oripnardly the case -wOuld ftrf "Hgujar order "come up a't tihte.lM-ardh ";terti. , .No -Mil pa. yet been eeint to Oni.'ttti'! prefeieh'tonlt ; ..made a't' signed by her huaband, (Sir TattOn Syjkes. Tho atftua'! annount of caah Jeitt,! cou'nsse'lj cOnltiUued, ' .waai , about 10,000, tihe (baaaptce 'beiin'g Interest. Xady Sytees adrniDttedi t'he liatoilltv. 'bxiit ir Ta'Utonj 'dcrtled Ithat -fh'e signa tujnee were 'hjs" and alleged 1 that thiey were forlged by .Lady Sykes. - Thie la'Dben foounse1! said, would testi fy 'tlh-at hfer hu-sJbahd "signed .he notes. 'Early In 1897 jM-r. Jay pressed for pay- 'iiiH-t, :-uut iner Bisi'treu ii "wa;it !tt,Kir Mat ,- lH1aj?!tis 'ElmUlsiion of Cod Liver wii'tJh Oi-eosiOte tjind 'the Hypophosphites if f ali'tihf ully ufed, is a specific in. tlhe. reaibm-en't of weak 4uhigs,, Oonisuimp 'tion, ..Drondhlls, etc. Leading .physi clans .re"cotmmend 'ft. (Sold by J. C. SJKipard, J. H. Hardin, and II. L. Fen tress." -.-" '. -. ; - 't!he lat 'te-rm.if 'tihe 'cousi 'n tlhe free ton would wrTte asking Wim to do so. Mr, Jay;' a .Idtter purpbrffng to "be iigneld by iheor "husband, asking Oalm to (hold t't'hie notes s and agireeimg to pay the airnoun't due; 'in "the jiMarch follow ing;. Sir Tatton now alleges; that Lady Sykes, or some one she employed, ,'allso pass casse rin Wich Governor 'Russell is named as a Witness. Ifi ' PrOsperi'ty lefymes " auick!e5it " to ttlhe man whose l5vr is 4n yc0. c033t'ioin. 'lew ltt g - J-iiriiliv ( -jarty j.'5?iis are toous .sm w-wr. forged ttlhis mter. The couple went to tousnes,. mmmBUonnamn comacu -n- 1- n Tfl,n ,.a.mk 1S97 ,h husband gdin'g from- "there 'to. . INew "FULL DRESS SHIRTS. ' Imported . and Domestic, -Collars and' Cuffs. . NECKWEAR, the handsomest k line in the city. i , . - - Suits s made to order at short notice, from the finest Imported; and Domestic -vn5vj;,V svmitsv Fabrics. Give. us a call.-.. . - '' ' 3dC: 3E5L. C?XJ3Fg.3Eg..aTri ?rinoes3 . Streetl ! .' The First Shoes - ' ; v: '- 1 . ;T 7- ' ' - -FOR THE . BABY". SHOULD BE ' A PAIR - OP THOSE SOFT SHOES PRETTY KID UPPERS,' SUCH A3 YOU, WILL FIND AT FRENCH & SONS. , . " , t THY 'ALSO HAVE SHOES FOR THE OLDER CHIL12REN ANT THE - GROWN FOLiTS. 'WE, INVITE YOU TO AN INSPECTION edoafU AND PRTCES. and liver t;rQuS-les. R, . Riv"T3ellamy. -m - - - - THE RAILWAY COMMISSION f.; i-1 "New York Cotton Maiket New York, Janrfry 12, Cotton -diilli middling 5 15-16$; net receipts 3,032 bales'! groe3, 7,034; exports tp Great Gritain 932;' to the continent,, 3,087: forwarded 74;- ales,300; stock 130,669. : , T "otal today; ' Net receipts 47.925; ex-; ports to Great Britain 22,182j to the con tinent 10,297; stock 1,234,822. ... - I i Consolidated: , Net receipts 200,021 exr ports to Great Britain 91.115" to France UM-ii toNthe continent 35,073. 1 ' . T jj Total since September 1st: Net-receipts 6,O00,846r exports to Great Britain l,9e4, 880; to France 527,395; to the continent 1,589,086. .: " . - ' ! . i Futures opened easy and closed easy; sales 110,400 bales: January 5.70; February 5.70; 'March 5.74; April 5.78; May 5.81; June 5.85; July 5.89; August !5.92; September 5.92; October 5.93; 'November 5.94. j- . Spot cotton closedVdull; middling up lands 5 -15-16c; middling gulf 6 3160; sales 300 bales. . ; SabMSDiis Officials of the Beaboaed rAlr - lane and the Atlaatie Coaatijnc-Dr. KIi- by Smith Presented for Assault qn Avrelia Hampt9tt.:.H;r j - '; 4. 1 (''-Spe-eiaifO The iMessffn'ger-.) ito'ktt'gh;,N''if,,"; ljnn3ry,Hron4it there is 'den:iiA,l !y tihe raKj-ray -comniis-sloriersVthatl iihey have.ffeubipOteniaed ,Vice-P"ide-ri,ip!t, JOhn fphey damply sly they .ha&mhryona-;jomc3Ms of he Si&aboardlAir Line aijii --r 'Atlantic Coast 'Liine., ! 7- 1.1 : fi.J-' '. ;. "toaay retsirnea a tain Other officers will be installed at the pext' meeting. "I: don't know, 'tlhetre "may be otherSi; ihe feaiM, I '.ibut I shave used. 'Parker's TOl'ii Cougn iSyirup am my family for years iand wOuld mat "be without it." He I knew 'beitter than to 'buy ttfie in- fealor preparation! tbat was ;i "betog. urged Upon ixSmJ" Parkers Tolu COugto Syrup" has no equaL It will Immedi-, atteSy relieve any Cough .; or Coffld, ' "Wtipanig Oougn Sore ThrOat, Hoarse ness, Orouip,- Bronc'bitls and fcindreld ail mients. Oontaiina no Injurious Ingredi ents,, is ; pleasant "Co take and a rsafe reimiedy for cnildren. For sale iy J. C. ahepord, J. H, Hardin, and H. L. Fen tress. ' :.. ;':(.::.. ''.!' v; .- I V- j- ; - -'"'-(-' i-' -.. ,, ".Mll-i-W-."!;- I , - F , - --"?" ,' ? v.i.- ;:';; ! !-" i . ;- ,;;;';--.:- -;.- ;-4;-" "-i J. A. Perkins," of Anitaqui'ty, O., was for fchir'ty years n,eediIesslyvtorturedrby phyai'dians for the cure! of eczema. He wias quSckfly cureid "by usingDeWltt's Wlibch Hazel Salve, the famous healing salve 'for piles and skin di'seases. R. R. B-ella-my, .'.;-:-." ':-' ordered I The Deserter Ordered Hi Id Jus Wee Bunting yesterday ths? sailor, 'CS. O.I tow-gTistJv'tihe desert er arre'sted Tuesday aiigiht by "Deputy Sheriff Faynh,-" field . unta tihe ship which he ajbandoned gets J ready j -to leave. Blorrngrls't deserted several days ago from the Swedish schboner Solfd, now at 'this port, lut was arrested ..by Deputy Sheriff -Flynn upon" a warrant ob'tained 'by Cap bain Wediim, of I the Solid. Blom'grfs't I now. n Jaill. i The grandffury for; assault ;i4po:n Aure'da Hampton, -tfhe erisp'inal d-ntsiaai'S; inmate o6Jhe pen'iten- tiary, agy-nsj. iff-by Stnttt -buitl ig. "hiis cnarge TOUiq f pi noia ; wtri , i not nreteised. yw mbtioh of iftflie scicftor." The reason why a liiH for ;aault aud noti for .fcrnicat'ion and adultery -I was not "retu"rmed;fis a; puzzile. ";. j -! " .!"' " , ,5- .. iSS-V - - .- :" i An Editorial BIIsapprtie,nslon The misfbrtuna's of Mr. H Savage' Lan- dor, who made so plucky St attempt to penetrate into hibet, have , clearly been a sore tria tQSit'i iiast "'ttrie'! Australian tfbditor. . The.? native born Journalist has evidently ever heard, of the well known artist a-1d special correspondent, and ; ha has bee.strugglmg;-in a vain at tempt to - disver what,, manner of strange beasts fa; savage- .landor"; might vbe.. 'His paper Eannounced ut witn mucn .. . . . . . . - . 1 3 1 1 S . gravity mat raj savage wuuui uau- i tempted to itivde Lhasaaand went on to Kay that "thsllandor hinaself was cap tured by Thibi'ltans, who tortured him with red "hot iins, and lie? narrowly es caped with ! If is life. The 'executioner was atout to pvt him to death when the Grand Lama j'nterposed. The Iandor's life was sParedfibut he was "horribly tor tured on the r4fjk" for eight days prior to being released.? Mr. Savage lartdor cer tainly did noVdesterye tbia. St. James York. fWhteni ihe' "retiuiineld to 'England, Sir. Tat'ton .promised to 1 pay off the wihjoie of .Wis; wife's .Kawl'f by, . but- "lm metdiaitieCiY alttenward (he- d!i'siapp"arekl,r 'leaviinsg Lady Sykes- in great linanciial distress. 'Flnai'iy s'ne was forced . to take proceediings- to obtain relief, to wnicli (her Ihusband answered Toy the present ci'imlinal cihargei i ; Lady "sykes. -then -"test'med. Kfhe eor rotoerat'e'd the'fOregtoEnSg 'stateahiein't of Walioei and lsaCd "her i'bus,band's In- coniia was 70,000. The hOtes, s!he ad Jtd, were signed iri her .presence by Sir TaiJton, and l twa letter j referred to, Lady "Sykies asserted, wajs also wrftiten by him. - . ' . -. -i. - fDursrJg.net cross , ex arrimatiiOn- Lad y- Syke's"r admii'ibed; thaJt slh be heavily, -but said iit was w!?f"h her "IjusbarJd's ocw- semt. lAitogetineT, he aaqea, Bier; wot- ningg on' the tcJclt extauamsge exesedsed lier 'icshigs. Her ladysanijp also adim'i't- ted tth'e owed fSarm LeWis, .'tTne weHl known money fender, g,0C0 and told of many tf her! husbanki's 'idiosyncra- ctes. .--j ! . - ; , ". ..-' Later Lady Sykes "dtaiftled the court "by announcing jt'ha't ehe; ,had not kept account books, j adding that she kept ner "a2counts "in! her "head. Upon fur- titer cross ; examination, 'Lady Sykes ald it was! "irrepossLibfle stO ; get money from Sir .Tatton except for oh urcaies. Her "borrowings, She cont'iinaied, were to pay; debits. In addlibion to . Che moneys she -had 'borrowed 'from Sani'.". Lewis, Lady yl&es a'dimMted! han'f 'borrowed .7,00 from, SnguineM, and .zs,wv irom inuraitce comparties. : 'At the close of the day's proet'dintgs 'the case was adjoumedJ ; . i-- i "-" " -' f- ' S?:-. f (Mrs. M. B. FOrd, HuddeTl's, FJ., eu fered for eight years from dyspepsia and -chronic constipation anld was finally cured iby vising "DeWrtt's LTttle t&ticiy Knsers, tihe famous 1'it'tle pIUs for all stomach anJ liver trou bites.- R.. Rt - ' . I "";, S 107 ; . mm m -- ; - . -- i -i . I r Geo R. French & Sons, Dealers' in Fine Footwear," i: .-. . ..." n 108 North rront Street. : ' ..-.it-'- "TM ".i '" The prettiest, line of snow white Em-. broider;e ever displayed upon ;6nr coun ters. Siaqh a ; collection of patterns will notjbe sg ontsMe of the "G-rat City." Great 2Scwcis liprsr expr esse tti-eir ad- miratibtf this aried stock an-. we cor-' dially iiWite biir Aiany friends to, call, and examiMt them.-ff ; .il. lace JDeio&ttiXL Bellamy, ; f" All otijr fibrts ; liave been conceniratedto ': mate tideparlmeht the "pride" of onr business land we believe y?e have sue-" ceeded.l iaces, pi every description, Do mestic 'and Foreign. We r have searched all the great lace -centers for- the newest and best.; -They are here and if you fwish to purchase llaces, you will do yourself an injustice if you do not examine our.stock .before buying, "". 1 ; . . ' . , !S ROtWi ;gji m 29. E3rm nooi stxesi " A' i-" h "i - ,"5 n 1 - - r 1