nl!Oi VOL. XI. NO. IS WILMINGTON, N C:, FRIDAY, P"AN It Y 2 U 1898, r . 1 PRICE 5 CENTS. "is: " -" : - ft 1 'V i I j X I 1-1; i 1 . nnnn h in ; in I I ii i in ?! ' - iun mil Kion r . m a m m m -a x a w m a - a ,. a i i i r a s . - .j-. i ..-.i ) . . - . m- m m z -a w m. m i m mw a - i a a w Ji & v - w M m . j -m a is L 1 A . - ... .'- ".,.-' bp- a a a a .r -3 i -mam a i, m f .1 ) TELEGRAPH SCMMAHV. - , i THE STATE. ivitt.riKi lwcKery appoirats two( I more deputy marshals; The -penitentiary .board) "will make efforts havB the pen itentiary designated las a. prison for fed . eral prisoners;; the" boaTd surrendirs the lease of the Grtmf arm for lack of cWi iots to cultivate 4iT; cotton, is to jle sold euffloietit to pay tho pressing debts of the institution. rive morec -fourttii-ciass " pos-tmuaters ore appoimted for thia ptate. :;. .;i : - DOMESTIC. ;--- 1 . Persona 1a a p'os-lllon to. know say that' t,he poMcy of the adminiistration, as -to Cuha is to wait and Ree what will be the result of the autonomous government ; ; it hivs not -had time et ito show whether tiwlli be a success of a 'failure;- recen t occuiTencesiit Havana, while afcjordirtg fviJences of discontent with the plini, are not taken as proof of its failure; Jn. the meaT.iLune our warships are so placed as to be avaUable for almost immediate use ;in;Hjivana in case of asi tmergenicy; in puch cas. .Consul General Lee wi'.J cpra munieate h-ia reuut directly t'o the corA manders of the veseiel. The sMnis;h minister at Washing-ton is uneasy ht the tone of Mr. Hi'Lt'a speech int the phouse Wedniepday arjd ait ttoe-disposition Of our warsh'ii)&. Staator -Morgan) elosfe his speech on- the Hawaiian treaty; Senatloc-i Bacon:; ofcrs an amendment, .i profvidih for its- racilication. hjf popular vote of the Hawaiiar.i5. KM MoKdy depositsTi $3,000 to flgiht either. Fiitzsimmon's or COrbett. The deodOock dm the Maryland legis- iaitre continues; tt.'.Js said; the democrats and bolteris have eeid'ed to elect a sena- tor. A. Bhickney, drummer foe aln At- laTita and. Savanwah firm, commits j sui cide in. New York -The Japanese cruiser Nasagl luun'ched! at .Cramp's .ship ard .ydsterday; as the.vessal entered i the wattr wix doves fluttered from a'bas ke; on. htr Ijjw. The d&mfcratic i con . R-ressional . committee ejects ' Sutor . White as chairman-: Theie Us no c mhge'- int the- New Kn-gOand tttrike, exaept I rhat another mil closes for Sack of cflera1 tivea and: the strikers are efhowingiven greater de term irja: Lion; the disco-ate rot" at Fall River increasing and there; la danger of the situation becomirog- nijirte. at iUddeford.; everybody; 'e vew ' ' Ci iineak ;iundrymen', re 1 ccntribuiL'inig to the ro ller -fund. -tTtie -labor question is" brought up in the Massachusetts legisla ture. jr-A-biJl isi introduced- in!' the Ohio i f-enatej to fjrryma.'rad!erMr. '-Grosven-drJ out of coiret..---. -The advisory council of -i he Virginia confederate veterans find that Commander Sttibbs did r.jpt recbive a bribe, but that he should lx deposed ironi on ice. rne tnio senate commit- iteti i takes no further ste-ps inr the bribery ase.-r Ohio riven was expected to reach thei danger link? at Loutevllle early jthil'is in&ir.v:-ii(g. At Portland, Ore., an uhiuct- fessfu attempt Is made, to 'hCd u .. tllwj' : prticers Gi-a baink; the oashier was too plucky for the robber. i Prosperity -comes quickest to tehe man -w'hose liver js ti'n giood. .canditiari. Ie Witt's Little Early Risers are! fa r.nvous : little pills for' con-s'tip'a'fcion il- - luusncss, indig-estion and all stomach ' and liver troubles. R. R..BellamM. i- I ri Ktw Pml masters Wasihingtion, Jain'ua'ry' 20. This fol- i lowing 'fou'rtih elas's pc'stma's'te'ris hlave 'Ij'ee-n appoirtted. for 'Nartih OaroCin'a: Cropwe'l, W. L: Iol!ar; Krfg, EJarly iW.j riarris'h; Lextog'ton Williarnj Letih; Zeru, Alkn C Jahnson, You need Odd iver Oil, you sayJ but think; yon can't take it? Try. "Mor- rh u vi n , " a perf ec tekl 'Wlnie of Cod Liver Oil." You get aYl the virtuea of the; Oil, without the Al'i3agreeabla 'ef fects. - Sold -by Ji J. Shepaird, ji It -Hardin, and H. L. Pen'tre'ss. '!' Thfl Tjra Deserted Children f rt was rep&rrteid jat the city, hall "Vve'd Inesday morning tha't two,w!hite chid reh, u loy lain'd a girl, a'g'e'd, two and ! four years, respectively had ibeen de, t'Ae : BerteJ hy fheSr parea'ts awd let a'q house of a colored" wotoan n Pr'oiolflyn. .Yesterday Tnornin'g Olhief olf PolibetMel torf ascertained, -ih'a't .the fa'ther of the chi'Idren. was :cu't c em'ptoymen't anJ - iwus ' g-eneiraily "ft-torthleiss. The dWe'f inade a scar'ch for h:im-; but couM find , him. He the-n! . disfoovered " whereabouts of .'the 'cjhlld:ren'srmortjheri hut &he sta'te'dvt'h'att she was iKJ-or San'd i unable to support thie 'cinndren.f iKo . S 3ol- Chief'Me'lton 'gcyt itver to go lief ore oiVel -Jcfhn D. Taylcr; clerk ofth fieri on oour't, and give permission for - the children to be " Iboiind but i The 'Children will be placed in good, hands. (Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ru'd'dell's' Tll., feuft f eired ; for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation "ah'd I teas. iinally cured hy us;ing DeWi'tt'i.? Little 4Karly Risers, tllie famons Tittle pills' for . mi . awn:acn. ana liver xixMui.ies. - xt. R Bellamy. - , - f: A Great Upheaval ; Thomas Graham, one of - the demo rrtaic leaders of thevIllinois metronqlis ami-a member ct 'the national demo cratic "committee i-3 in the city " 'I think that he idemocraticir pi ty will sweep the country next year. Mld: Mr. Gaham. 'In Chicago 'We are Mr. inost certain 'to elect democrats td!'dn Kreea in t he third, fourth atid fifth tricta. now represented- 'by Messrs. Vhite, BeJknQp and. Mills. , Outsiide the dity we will get eight ior;'f en more.; jMy advices froin all over the .United"- States Is that the tide is running-strong in favor of the democracy.! , ... i i "Thre will arise .in. the next fiev vmm' in my judgment: condition i such danir and perplexity that it will ' reaulre the iifghest statesmanship to j relieve the country from turmoil. Social problem is1 getting to be of The' iriiorfe ''imnnrrw than bimetallism, or any The -:.!j.v.tiw' mipaiv ifinnmlidai nuestion irlli 1 1 1 J - u I .f..,rro-i tn.r f-itenvf is 'cettinsr hard- r-r all the while, and the masses jgjrfw - ivstless and discontented "because Ih'oy po.e j,0 little legislation enacted in -their favor; It isn't only the status of the lalorlng man' that Is involved, despite the fact that ther 1s an army of un employed mien.- :Me'h wtho a few yars " azo had considerable property are iow fueling . thbterness of poverty. In i-the cxpectatiigt of being able to ipay ' : u t they iwor tgaged their possessi ms, .ami the future Jholds no ray of hope hat they wili ever be. able to redeem . them. ''""': : : I s , ? ' "Unless something is dofte-p f&n" ejdy '-"e-xtetin conditions,, we eh4H fia this -ountrv one of the greatest upheaWs that ever shook a nation. If the btcdy scenes of tn French revolution are - not " ienacLed, the American people wil line 1 c-markably ifortunat. The way thlrtgs are 'being allowed to drift toy our $0- railed statesmen wouM indicate hat 'they tdo not believe the county is in any danger, hut if they got out a iittleribre . tunfng the people they would hear ft different tpry. - . I ' - ' Royal ncaices th? to4 pure,. ! '. ! -( iL i j wholesome au.4 dfClaJ I V, 1 i. fe r-I . I; . ;. ' 4 I ". ,'.' "--'-'-M "' Ipjjfjffjl' ' " 'j I . "1 ' ft OVAL CAKING POA0E8 CO.. Kr VOBK. j I v ')---" ' - .-',.'.'.... :.-- THE HEW ENGLAND STRIKE NO SIGNS OP WEAKENING AMONG ! i :. THE STRIKERS. Another Mill Cloted The Discontent at Fall River Growing Th Situation Xlke-. ly to; Become ' 8rlona at BIddfort Itatlon Houses for tlie Strikers Opened!. All Classes, Including "Chinese Lauti drymen, Contrlbating AidLnbor QaeB tlon in Massachusetts Legislature ; I- Boston, Mass., January 20. The sum' total, of new features in today's' pro granrme of the textile -troubles was 'the shutting down of the Cabot mill at 'Brunewick, Me., because of desertion of help . in, sympathy with striking' weavers and the announcement that a small mill of the Social lanuf actifring; Company- at "Woonsocket, R. I., would M shut down forfa few days for lack of 'oi-ders. . . "'-'' .'-;J " . 'But. mill - trouhles evidently are not" ito j'be confined to inill' cities,, for- the ide issue Sroug-ht up today was lahor 'legislation in the Massachusetts legis lature, jjt will ;be reorvembered that' ?the . Arkwri'ght Cluh, in - recommending a cut down of wages laid stress upon the! j competition -of Bouthern. mills! through a longer Working day of mill employes: The club, furthermore,. UTffeid. the . repeaf of the restrictive!' measures in force in iMassachuse t ts.. ; . With the first -Inkling of an attempt1 to carry ou t this recommendation,- lahor representatives in the house intro duced bills for new legislation for a fifty-five hiour week, qio over time for women and children and ' to investi gate the .present textile situation. ; -.: Along t'he line of 'battle from New Bedford, Mass., to Lewiston, Me,, there wad'- absolute quietude. The state 'board of arbitration sent Member Ber ry to the former place to see if the strikers Iwould . hot abandon the fining issue, hu t the - outcome lof his errand. will only show in the talk in the unicn f meetings tomorrow. , ' ' - In Pall River the discontent, al though, entirely beneath the surface, is graw;ingj aiid the. mill officials know it 5 and ai-e apprehensive. . The e.videnee of tubb3irnes"s of the i vrberatives in' defending their position ' 1s 'shown in Biddeford, Me., where e-r-. range-merits for 'serving strike rations : of soup and food are- being miade. Here, t'he citizens, even to Chinese laundry- j men, are contributing imoney, and j societies! 'are offering aid. The strike; may 'assume acut 'conditions there sooner than at any "other palace,- judg- j ang froim local indications, y . 'Biddeford, Me., January 20: An ef- ; fort will, be made by ; the officials of t)he j Pepperell and Lacon doth mills to'; start "Mo'nday inext, and alii textile j workers who desire to return to work ; under the 10, per cent, cut down will have an opportunity to do so. The union men are almost positive that not' enough will go back to start' the mills. The Ohio Senatorial Bribery s Columbus, Ohio, January 20. The sen-: site: Irwesitlgating committee met tonight ; and f adjourned until tomorrow morning.. No I wltTvesses were called and there was' no ' M'lscuwsioni. the meeting being purely format There are various rumors as to 4 what course 'tSe' committee will -; pursue. One was to hj effeot that Jared P.. Blnss wouild: be cailed for explamataon. Another that - t he icommittee would, decide, to re port ; baek to the senate that they were: unable to proceed with the inquiry, and ask to berrelieved fror further duties. . - The -seniatoril bribery invesflscuMpn. was riot before the senate " today, as ex pected. Attorneys had .advised them that the coTnmittee'-.had no jurisdiction und;er -tb'e. .(Senate resolution .or w.hich' it was .'proceeding. The Committee has a re ,'port to present to the senaite 'recommeTid ' ing ttae 1 arrest and puntishment . of the t'.'iw-sses who refused, last night ; to an -swerj quesiions. -. .'(-. Why allow yourself to he slowly tor-; tured at jthe stake of disease? Chills and Fever will undermine, and event-; mnni hrenk. down.-tb-? strongest-xmSlti-i tu'tion."Fe-bri Cura"; (S.weeit Oh'ill TonSe wi'th, Ir"on) Is more effective than Quin-j inei and! beinig iejom'bined. with Iron, isj . an excellent tonic and' Nerve : m'edi-j cine.) It lis pleasant to take, and is soldi under positive guarantee to cure or money refunklCd. Accept no subs'ti-S tu'res.- The "just as good" kind don't! .effect cures. Sold -by J. C Shepard, J.i H4 Hardin, and H. L'. Fentress. ; ) British Warships. Ordered to China j " Vle'toriii B. C... January 20.-OrderS! fhave been received a Esquimau1!' t, byj Rear A'dm'iral Palliser, from the AJd-i milrality, instiructlng him to havecveryj velssel iri Wis fleet ready to start fori China on forty-eight hours notice. The! 'British, orian-offwar Pheasant went tc sea today under sealed . orders.' The Learfdeirj wiill leave on 'Wednesday next j LAidmKralj Pallis'er refuses 'absotateily "t4 say1 -I whiere they' are gpihg. Opinion! ambiig hayal people Is divided between China and Southi America, but what-j ever! t'he , tiesynation, 'ine aamiraTiy; mus't have' received .reassuring news'j as it .was only late this afteirtioon itJhat it was . dec'id'Jd that "the Imperleusej should not to. ",-'-' i--;.-.,. .'?: : s : -. .ii .; To Getrjmimier BIr. (Rrosvenor Oat j Columbus, Ohio., : January 20. ena-f ftbr Pinck's rt'ill to gerrymander ith CiOrt'gresSional d'Sstricts cf the s'tate was 'introdu'd'el'd' . inito 'the lejgislature -heforej adjourn'mert! today. The. main piir4 pose; of ithe WJ, and Mr, Finck f rankly ackno.w ledger it, 'is to tegislaite Con- g.ressmari 'GrCsvenor out of pfnoe and, put a democrat In his place. The bilf is one of !the direct results of the anti-j H-anna-comib'in'e an'd ; the democrats -say ;tney pan 'pa'SB at wmn 'tne aia o; th reipubWcap .paiters, ; . ; -j' , - . - i. j Whitewashed With Mad Ly rich burs', Va., January 20. The ad yisory council of the. grand camp, Canf.. fiHtt-rate .'V'ciJerans' of Virginia, met her today- at j nooni to consider the Stubbs' case. After Considerable debate, the foC? towing resolution was adopted by a vote of 21 to 10: . - ,! -! "Resilyed, 'That we,, the council, ftnd upon examination, of the evidence before us, that ; Commander Stubbs had hot beeri guilty . of TCceiyiKg a ribe, but we do find that hte should no longer be in eom inand of the grand camp, . or a! member of - -the hastory committee of the grand camp." ! . - ;" '-' - .- . ', gilcida of a, Prnmmer v .' ' r ' ft Ck a - TV1n:n1. wew icitk, January o,r-ta.. . piacifiicj' of Covingtonj Ga., a traveling &alesmari for Beck &" Gregg, har'dware merchanta of j 'Atlanta1 arid Savannah; . 3eorgia shot ihimserf 3m t'he left hreastJ in a West street ihotel tbay. The injured man jn a dying condition. He lef a wote isaying "tnat 'ne was a-Doui to euq his life because bf -funrequ'itted affeb- tionj- !. ! Raaida's Kmotranca London, January. 20". The -Pekin ebprespoudeirt ot i;ne -iimea xeiegrapn-i Ing yesterday says; -;:. " . .. - ; ;- ' , ! At he i second Interview with the Tsr-Ll-Yamei yesterday (Wednes iday) -the ' rnibris'trance' of the Russian, charge d'affaires, M. Pavloff, was in. 't!he nature of -m'tlmldaUon agains't the; operita'g j of Ta-Lrcu-Wan. He threat-: ehed;: reprisals5 and a wlthdraw'a'l of Ru'ss5a' 'frlendshUp and prbtectlon. i r... ., ...u l'.- ,-."! :. 1V- -'" . Sparlta . v. Se-criteen students ; o RJchtaond, Va. bbJlege were su'speaided hy the ul ty for "engaging in that . epecies of hazing 1 down! as 'Hoe-pulling," hut were subsequently reinstated. v. ; '"Kid" ' 'McCoy lhaa . dpogitfed $5,000: ViBh a sporting paper as a fornfeirt 'to. filit ettther Corbet't ox PitzsLmmtaoisfOT! the heavy-reig'ht championship of tihe' world. ;.. ,..T.. ' CUBAN SUCCESSES. Tbe Inanrgent Raid Several Town, Car rjing.oJT Spanish Cavalry Horses From One Challenging Spanish Garrison to a Fight Another Expedition Landed ; Havana, via Key West, Fla., January 19-j-(Delayed in-transmission) The in surgents last r ight raided Jaruco, this province and: without firtng a shot Sfried away 1 he hordes of the Span ish! cavalry squadron, whose members fled at the sight of the invaders and toojk shelter in the civil headquarters.' The Spaniards' will be conrt-martralled. , 'last night h j reflection of large fires in pane fields in the direction of Guan--a'bacoa was cl;arly .noticeable here.- The imemfbers of tlhe cabinet 'Will is-su-4 a manifestc explaii'n'inig "the salient points of the s:heme of . autonomy and. its advantages pver independence," .to gether with an appeal to the insurgents to surrender, j . . : , '. . j , .-. , r , After dynamiting the passenger train tiear Daigame, j province of Pinar del Rio and partially destroying 'theengine, asj already earned, the insurgents at tacked the train, 'killing one pasenger (a negro) wounding five of the' train escort and woukrding or otherwise inT juftog twentynflive passengers. . I - - 'Ainother expedlitioai landed Monday might .near Trinidad on the south coast. -' ' ' . u ' A hani xft twenty insurgents entered Managua, near 'his city and carried off a jnuimber of ox to. The repQrt that 200. insurgents, from iMatanzas haves enter-' ed -this- pfovirice near lOienagua de ; G jjananamon Isj confirmed, as well as the report that the insurgent brigadier, Belancourt, with 300 men from 'Matan-. zas, has passed fnear San Nicolas. The insurigents under August in, Cervantes, Wintered -San Anitonio d,e Los Bano3 at ; night and plundered a store in the out jsk'irfis of the tofwn. Two hundred in Wilir'gents enterejd Oolise this province jahd. plundered, several stores. The in stirgents, in' fullt view, from the town of Icjaibanajs, provihee. of Pinar del Rio, carried ioft a -number or oxen ana poiaiy challenged the gkrrison to Come outside the towin and fiffht. . Autl-nebrfw Deinonstratan SParis, January 20. The minister of the interior' Mr, Barth'oq, at a cabinet, meetr ing t'oday, informed his colleagues of the neasures 'taken to pre'vent street' de-' irhohstraiSionjs., H; added', that ttie pra 'pioged deinlomstra ion or ' Sunday iwill be prohibited. .' . . .' .; ' . '" j The .trial Of Eriilo Zola will; befein he fbre thie assize ourt on; February 7th. : :. Oover ' 2,060 .students started! a jdemOii- ration this eve nir.g on; the Boulevard Michael. They iiied. to cross thf. River Seine, but the police prevented; them. ' About sixty of (the students were ar rested. -There hajre been ro serious dis-, ofders t'pday. Bahds of student :as this djispatch is! e&nt)J aire; still: parading the Latin) Quarter. j -.- ' A dispsabch fron Epi-nal -'(capital;, of the djepartmtT.'t of -V4ges, ; situated about 190 miles fFDBt here), (-says the. first anti-Hebrew demonstrati-dfii took place there to day. iflacardiS ! earing' the now popu lar cries, denounKping iiola and tjie lie brews And ! upholding itho army, were posted i'n front "off the Hebrew sltores. . i Prom the , Xiatinl quarter, 2,000 students niarchexj to the pot'el' 'Ies Ini'alides, some raising shouts "Vive 1' Empeireuer." They then crossed! thte bridges where the poviee dfvlded thex Ik So two bodies. One uiade ' a derriicntsiSatiicini iri front pt the Pepinier barracks (coserra de la. Pap plnere), j and: the ktlier, numberirj.g S00, gathered in frfe-nt f M.. Zold's house wi th the-usual cries.. he police finalfly dis persed . 1'theni' aftjer making" thirjty . ar rests. - i . -jiThere basi beep 'a small anti-Jewish derrijonstfation at j Rouen. . Another stu dent demcTiStratiotii 'has taken placed at .Algiers. It was dispersed several": times. Mary aasrests were made and there were frequent ftff Ms o the Jewish mairket. place, where several were slighjly . inr jiurod. V ' . . ' :' i.SAitog'ether tuieref have been 115 larrcsts today ahkl many sof tihose ' arresSed are kept in custody, t At Rouen th poMc-e charged the studekuis, but - failed- "to dis ptrse them.. 'The Itroops have bean con slgn'ed t barraeksi and thef parice occupy tirbances have 'tiken place throughout the daySait Nanc; Newspapeirs suppor t-. ApS Dfus wer! burned, voro thei stair case of. Jth'e univerfsity. 'Despite the gov- c'rnmenict pronimiion, Tiie organization c'dnimi'litie of . Monday's a ntji-Somite nieet liiig a t the TivoM .kroxhail has- de'Bidied to hkldi a puhiia deraon'stration on Sunday artwn'ooii.- i -.-v Chair of Democratic ' Cangrcsslon. 1 ; . Conanalttee ; ,-' ' liigi'on, Jantoary 20 The new dem- oeraoic leongressionat committee tonight elected as "chalrmtui Senator White,- of .Ctalifiornija. The election) -of secretary which had) been epecited.w-as postponed to the actih by am organization committee of sevn .which will ;be ap linted by 'the' nerw chairman. IV - j JThe election hasjj attracted U. ;gop.d deal .'off attend ion in tlite house, owing : to its bearirj fcia; the- speakership xoR.-teit;. Sen'f" aitor ; Whlt'e was s'ipoTted by the friends Reprdse'rjtairivepa'i'.ey. who are favor-, ajble to jt.'i'at gentle-man's candklacy in ctese ! . tl-ji 'i- utexit! 1 house is demiocraiic. 'Mes&rs. : I McRae, ; of Arkansas ; Richard son, of Tehinessee: t Osborne, of Wi-ominsf: and Micjrs had been procninent i in tiie I'iioe. Owing to the swakersiiiipi isswe. howeveri the -frierkids of Mr. Bailey felt th'ait Ot was desirable a senator! should head this commit 1 so-that- the ohair- imarjeMp; a!nd. the jspeakership should be 1 entirely j separated The- mpetHrjg way quite fully attended, thirty-th reel mehibera ' being ipresent Which, allowing fdr he several torphan .i:aies, 'ittfor. made almost -a full repfesenta- Attempted ijllank Robbery! ' . Portia Ad.,. Ore., January 20. A ' bold at tempt was made to hold up the Citizen's bank, on the East stae about 3:30; o cock thig afternoon, but owing to the t'ourage of 'Cashier A. W. Lambert, , thej .robber was puitjto liignt -Wfi.iout securing1 a ctnt, The barik had ju$t closejd for the day ajrad 'Mr. Lambert, Hhe manager, With 'Ms asaistants, - was breparing to put the money in the vault when a masked morn ehtered I the front door. In 'his - right liana he held a revolver. ,. Pointing to a ; stack b bills on- ifetre. oouinteri behinni the ! Screen1, he robberi demand'ed thaif. Cash er Larribert hand them out." iiambart; started to pick upf the money,! but, at the' jskme time eecure a revolver from the ' B'rawer. j As soon as the i-obber saw this, ; he turned and fledTbut before hei reach-! eid the Jstreet Casihiier Lambert, fired at (him. A large crowd was " 'attraoied by ; ithe shooitimg, but the fleeinig man secur-. ol his horse and mounting it.' was soon out of sight. No trace of him 'had been secured jup to a lafe hour. 1. j Slam to Apologiza i San Francisco, January 20. The spe- clal correspondent of the. . Associated ; Ifress at Bangkok Siam, writes ias fol- j lows, uhder date bf November 13, 1897; The oh'g-awaiited and much - ;d-; bated decision " of the arbitrators in I the matter of tha assault upon ,Mr. E. V. Kel'lett, Unwed States vice consul, ; toy Siamese soldiers at Chlengmai, No.? J jvember 19, 1896, ras published y ester day inf the 'government gazette and ithia ' mbrning ani English translatioh ; ; was posted ' in the 'American legation. !J was agreed' that the Siamese gov- ernraeatj hojild atiolbgize and (pledges itself toipunish the bifeuderg, The of- ficers infebmmand; of the itroopsi are io y be publicly, reprimanded and degraded i irj. rahk,f w-hile thfe men are to be de prived of weir pay ior Tnree months." - j - - J. T-- " - r--'-. - ; . ! . - ; ; I The Hawaii Treaty . i i i Washitigt'on', . Jlauu'ary 20. tSenator iforgan; conoluidedi . four ! days' tepeeclh to the senate In executive aes- sikwv today on 'the Hawaiian tfeaty. i Tie spoke for almbst four hours- and! when he finished -ftihiere were not more( than 'half a dozeai seniators present. Senator Teller k 'the floor and. will I' ihsh Waih isptoak wh'C'n tub' treaty is nex't taken up. J V::p :,-;! '..!!' "j', i I Sena'tJcr Bacon; of .- Georgia, foljgivred Ih'iSL action off yesterday In bffeinng aji amiendnTen't t'o t!he treaty providing .Dor a vote upon 1 it toy the people of Hawaii, ?by offcr'tog the amendment to Seniaitor lorga'n'a hill for auwexat'ion," j5ps pmKi'ns the ! amendment public. ' ' ' , .1- - . ' WMim GUBaH POLICY DEFINED BY PARTIES! IN POSI TION TO KNOW WHAT I IT IS 1 1 To Give Time for JTioroogh' Trial of An 1 tonomy llrcent rent In Havana In. dlcatlng, Thongh not Proof of, Its Fall I tiro Oar Warships Ready to Act In an I Einergvncy Jee - Given! Aathority Simmon Them to Havn-De Lome j Uneasy at the State of Affairs j W'ashh'gton January 2 ( Gentlemen In ioonigress, who, hy reasop 'of jitlielr posi jtion, ,-have reason, to "be accurately in jforme'd on the policy of the adfiiinistra! tkm as to Cuba, say that this policy is n substance as follows:: . ... .rj ' ; I At the present momept it Is felt that lithe same ! material conditions' prevail that existed when the ; president sent .'his last, message to congress. liAt'that ti'me;it was stated that Ithe plajn of au- jtonomy having been ! inaugurated, it as 't'he purpose of l xne executive brant-h. plan to is sard to .give proper for this sta-ation be tried. The; admin to entertairi - the same 'senti- imen'ts today. The) autonomoisi plan was inaugurated only tiiree wefekjs ago, (January 1st) when : the . autonomous Icabinet took offifce, so that Is' felt; that there has not 'been, 'adeqat time up to the present moment to form any (fair judgment as to the merits of the plan as a means of amelioratiing the conditions of the island. ' . .. The recent occurrences at are . tookeid upon as affording Havana evidence of discontent with ; th'e plan, hut Whether this will be sufficient to over borne the plan itself is not considered jas es'taiblished with any degree of - cer tainty, or even ap p rox i m a t en ess. ---', ' ' In the meantime whi'le closely bh serying t'he. progress of! the autonomous plan. the administration has udopted jevery precaution to guard against any. feudden emergency, such, as ah tprising that will threaten "American jniterests. JThis is not expected t occur,' but, if it ehould come, it is paid that th naval jvessels of the United States ate so dis posed as to be in the harber of Hava na within six hours of any criiij: w'hi'ch vo-uld: imperil :'Ameriicah- interests. . ' In order that there, may be. sn6 delay should, an .emergency arise, it. lis said" 'that Consul Ceneral -Lee has It11 em powered to make direct irequejst to the commanders of the warships iso that :he vessels could start on receipt of word from him,! without the delays . In-'. Meint ; to having Wis requests pass' through "the 'official routine 'ait 'Wash ington. To a great extent the jintelli gent judgment of General Lee is (relied bpon as determining if an emergency Requires the presence of American, ves- 1 Eels.. This, 'however, lippMes solely to he question of tumult of a critical nature anid has no connection jwth the generat question of anterventioh 'for the purposeef 'bringing the war' t4 4 &&& Such a s!tep is not under irnmediate onsideratiiori, for, as already fc4ted,.t is predicated,on the failure cf fthje plan iit autonomy.V'w-hich result,' It ijs said, he administration doefs not regard as established -by the evidence at jhand. j The Spanish m-rnister, SenOr jDupuy de Lome, called at the. state! d-epart-tnent to-day, this -being; diiplomiiitik; day, and. spen t tliree quanters off an. hour in conversation with Judge 'Day, the as distant secretary. There v. news today -from Havana, taken as a. sign that all is quiet there. But it is believed t'ha'ti the mibiiter is hA iPKt few davq in1 this bou-ntrv the last tew oays in .tnis , cou'nxry. First,, there,. w as-; the -speech ypterday in tne mouse ot reireseii'iauves h jvep resentative Hitt, chairman of thej com teitte'e on. foreign affairs, rwh'ich, fwhile, from "the Spanish view,! serving 'the fu-sefu-l puirpoae! of ccTisotlidatingiithie una-' Jjorlty ' in' support of ' Ithe ! president's policy a.s to Cu'ba, yet, eimbodieid cer tain statements 1n- general terms that We,to he mlsinteprted in Spain. fTheri' a, f ew' chaniges made recently in ?th.e dispc'sitian of . .the United . tates iniival vessels are helieved to be sub ject - to misinterpretation 'tSyj , the ppanish. While the movemcint 4oupt. jless are to 'be explained as a ipart of Ithe regular routine orders, -t ,is be!ievel It'hey have attracted, the notice and dis lapprovai of the Spanish autihcritis. - 1 A Novel Shp xknnchincr1 Phila'deTphia, January 20. Th J-ap- ane'se cruiser Ivasagi' was launched at Cramlp's shipyaTdtodJay. The jOrjierital spM't pervaded the evfem't! and perhaps for the 'sarnie reason jthlat . the daiinty Jap'ariese hegan fhieir'. dinhers jwiUh pie artd enkl thdm wTth soup, this- deadly 'engine of war waa tftiirlstene'd ; Jith all 'tthe emblems of peace,; tranqu'illtty,. and love. When the . 'brea't'heleisg moment came arid the huge, ship hegahl'td glilde d'ewn - to her firsit , hath in the mud dy Delaware, six doves flu'tt'eredj from a basket at tlhe !bow and circlinlg 'about tlhe fa3t receedfng hull, scatteredi flow ers on her deck and on the nondescript stru'eture of timiber "and! 5ron fcrom wihich ;he slipped' gracefully (away. It was a very pretty piece off mechan ifim, and it was not at all Irucpjngruous that the c-'hief - actor oftfhe j aljegory should he a charming Amerrcan; girl Miss Helen Long, daughter ,of 'the eo retiary of the navy. There was ho af- i'er ceremonies 'at the- yard, ..hut the Wafihlne-ton oar'tv. 'tJh'e most cdnlsplc- ibus m'em'be of whi)dh.,were Sect-etary Long arid -his d'auglhter,:' wen't to the Hotel Walton, where they were guests i the Japaineisie. minister at idinne'r. There, was some speeiih-makinlg j there, but it Was of an entirely ijnforrnal har acter .' and later In' Jtjbe . kf teriwfcm.-'tfh'e visitors left for ihcme. -r I.ogse8 of Cuban Insurgent . Havana, . Jnuairy 20.-4TWe, j ppkobfo- au'thbritles report' that the1 ' ifrjsurgein't leadejr Juan JJaSso Parfa,- with ;. the force's under Shis com maud, Lieutenant OoloneJis Augustine Ferta, arid'! . Jose Carmen Hernandez, (Majors Feliciano Qu'eoada, Sattrrino Leonj and' "yict'or 'ano Gomez, with ix ftfhr oftTcefs arid 110. privates,; wfclU -armed and well sup- plied witih. ammrun'itiioin, (havef i surren dered at Foimein'to to the Spanlsli! Gen eral A'guinre1. and! Sencr I Marcos Garcia, governcr of the Santa Olara province.. - ; ! ' ' (During the last ten days the ansur-. gen'ts are safd' to have, lost 115 killed .and 35 taken prisoners with 242 Rem- ungton .rifles. In addition to ithose wfho surrendered ,-vs -itit" General "Masso Parra, acccTdipg 'to tihe . Spanish haiva authorities, ' 56 bilber armed meni teurrendered, amohlg t'hem two lieuten ant colonels and tihree other oftTcers. The Spaniisih )te-oop3, on 'the other ih'and, are said to have dost 12 killed and 93 wounded. BTfafortnnes of a Steamship "t - Hariw'ich, January .-. 20. The ,i . British steamer Boston: City, Captain Wyatt which arrived liere January llthjfrom (Nqwpor t fffevs, grounded while ehe'-wag meiacing tMs harrobr, tJwi'Ug to the jfoggy weather 'and was stuck fasit for iseyeu hour . (befofe she was ftoa'ted. i Jurfn'g the timte siandi toitered ptpe'a In her eldtes, causinsg some damage ; to her mateMnery. , i f ' The (Boston 3ty reports that durfng a galei which was encountered on Jan uary jfith In mid-A'tBantkr the hatch 'tarpaulins we're washed Off by - the seas wh1ch "boarded, her, gud t&r caivj is "daroaged from waifer which entered the hold. .Walter flooded her cabin. One Mlinute Cough Cure cures quick ly. Thiat's what you -want. IL R. Bel- - 1 PEJfetTENTIAKY MATTERS t Efforts tyj Have Fearal Prisoners Con- fined TV t re Lease gf the Grimes Farm ; Snrrend? ired To SJl ; Cotton to Fay : Debts 3 -tore Bepntj. 4 Marshals f CSp JCial 'to t 'Messeng'er.) ;1 iRaleigti N., C Inuary 19. Mar- shal Dojejery appoints ffe'd: Stati" mariihal-' as deputy Uni IA. F. . Buries cf Rutliedge,. of Damn, INiew Ber td Richa w r "St B. J iThe .pcnltentiaryhoard atrttoorizes its dhairefjan o. mae' every possffble effort . to ibave theyeuii'tent'ia'ry .. here aiesigniatJ as a ;jnso .for1 Uniiteki States pr Jtseneris. ! 3 aiso appoln't eikl to tnoKe a full Atnent; perintrklient Jc'IS SmS tto and is accountla nd file Wi voubhers. - - ; j It is fo$nd. that tere are 1,068 con yictsi an-that not plnuish are avail able , to perm'rt cLtiVatio of . thiej IG rimes ;f:rm at iRSigh, w'hidh' Jno. TX SmiUhl had- lea'Sa, isb the lease , is surrehidertid. SupW'fceiinll'enlt '';lM!ew-. hootrne s directed togell enough cotton 'fco pay if he: rental of he; farms, 'ihefW- ' : i . : ; - i . !TC i - I jtlWzer and ; 6Wt urgent dibts. jt i's not as Vet kiabwh. 'What'-ds' tihe ' i ' , i W- I ' - aimkmn't . of tthe deips, jhor can ' ii' t toe knoiwn, 'directors sa untiia the sta'te- iment'9 'crhie 'in. m 5ir MAUYIiAND SlfATORSniP No Breafe'in the Deadjfck The McComi r; Men- DUtteartened Jpamored That the . Combine' Will Elect w Senator - !.; Annapssas "Md. Jar4ary 20. The gen eral assembly of MarMand in joint ses- si'on xoc.y, ; tooK 1 nrj , paiiots , for a Umitexi States senatorgviithout. result. On each baliIot;McComas.ect'ived forty and tjorman forty-seven 73;' Wtes.- The effect of today f wjork is" to leave the soiuiion. of the nitorial problem as mucl ilia doubt a ' iih&' ehd of the struggleiapparently afifair off as it . was before 'l. ball'otin'g thing. isJr-ade clear a began. But one ; that is the fact and unity exists that perfest vsympathj between the democrat and the bolting te,pub.licai,s in the Bigfeti BMtimore city dele- gacion, ..j-iiother -fac Xjs' that " the "eleverv"? i are seemingly stronger .- than evr annivare fully unjrtthe control of their leader. Together with1 ' six men from the "Eastern Sref' - and Senator Day, of j Ho ward courr, Hhey" voted al ternately it qt Shaw aiifc for ; Barber ... at a 8ignalr9iQifit:heir.'lead..f. j .- ' ;-,' ThiSs. apiears to- hav discouraged the JMcuomajSi men, w:no ffe confident : tonight ais '.tHey There as : snow no doffct n'ot nearly . so have been. w-hatever that ' ithe . democratic con'tingnti stands' iready. almost tlx a oman.k to oiSt its ballot for a L-republlcanj,'at a signg , from the man nuu is til tvu'irei. ww xjnai repu oarcant will be, 513 As yet ums'Ued, but the be lief that; ttwiil be Wlram T: Malster, mayors "t Ba'Cimore;: jjfcr KMaJor Alex. Sbaw.. lirowtng (steafelyl : - . ". . -- It wa-siiawserted I'herS this afternoon that imrrMiateiy afteS the. adjournment the dem&eraits and: thme : of the Malster as-einen't:. tha t th people roactied an deniocraits would tastS. their vote for 'Malster on Satuiday ilthe Malster peO-' Pe coul guarantee tlgj support of fif teen republicans, "ilt bng found neces sary to hjave-this mumgyr" beeanse; of the fact that; f out of the dgiiocrtic senators have t'hy far ref WseeUto be parties to any agreement ;hain!g&n view the elec tion or.i.republicati f 4' is!na.tor. It was ; brought .'about. Itis 5 urther ' asserted 1 Gary was ap- IT that Postmaster GjeneJ neaiea t'3 bv teienfiiont-i to I block this shenLby xling off Senator. Day. and. itha -Eafaterni She re-poontjngenx who , voted with the Shaw ifn Itoaay, and he promised to use hii ence in that di- aection. 1 - i 'Airs. Mary Bird,-, lrrisburg, ' Pa- sys, :My child is wtirth I millions, ito me ; yet I would "have 4s't her by croup nau I; not lnves'td twenty-five cents in a bottjle' of One iMInte Cough Cure." It cures,' cous'hs, fc'OId& and. a'll throat and lung troubles rSr: I Bellamy. I Ohio Kier Ua it Jlainpge Louisville, Ky., JaSuary . 20.: -The the Ohio river !i's expdcte$ to reach '? 'V'ji- ,. .. . .. u auger point at tnis ice; 'by 5 o'clock in the'imornlng. The a?age at 10 o'clock ' i.: . . . . . tonight was 22 feet at:d .; i incnes, a rise of t 9 Hnlrrhes -vnriK -V)'W'rilf ,r im If the waters con tinual to . Hse" at the, present: jate until) 3 Q.'clock " 'tomorrow ajabageiof '0, feet villi ftive 1been reach ed. -Towhead islaAd SSsubmereed and the glue factory, abo -I the cut , off, mas inree.teet or fwatfr on its . floor, N All thei tributarlits InSthis section are' ireported.'bank full eirf lowing from the recent : heavy . The' .weather cleared early-. tJhis! ing a'nd if no more singiwers tall .duration 'of the present; floojd -wi'lj rt. ; T. S.'Civiss, a ial' an! . of !Xorth Vernon, Indiana, might inear French wa; drowned last LicSiwihile trying to ford' as s swollen named D?ury and te'treSn,'! Ai farmer Ci-is farmer and Fort dick wrere,drowneq whfSje trying tbforfl OumbeHland : rivir in' BfeJckson courity. TenneBse.. The ibod'ierfweire recovered i .)-.W.rv;r.) ,mM,.. 1 ti ': ' 'I, ' . . , I : j fin. cc until c 'Wriw. 55; J. A. ; Perkins, of Arpiqqity, O., was for rhirtjr years needls-ly tortured by physicians for theicurofj eczema. He wa3 quickly cured 'byusing DeWittjs Witfth Hazel Saivei, thitf amous healinig salve for piles and sklft diseases. R. R. Bellamy,-.. , - ! m-H :;; .;J : ! jklount Oilve t tings - (Correspondemoe bf gh& !'Mes,sengeri) vMousnt Olive, N. January 20 Mir. .MJ-T; Breaz'ile op this place waa married t& Miss j .Lizfle '! MoGbe, .'-he cluar'minig dang'hter el .'Mr '.Thomas MbGeie of Golds bbro tyesterday .at ! 2 o'clobk at the re!sJdenfe of the hridb's father, and the hapjM young couple. arrived here on the l5 -train yester day and - a. receptioat fi,Jas. "given tfhem by Mrs, J.M. Cbx lal night. 'Mr. Geo- Baker, of ,ie 'firm of -Baker Isler &. Co.,. of Goldsgoro, and Miss Oertrudie' Parks of ne'aMthis! -plaoe were United !im the holy hids of wedlock last night a 6 o'ektekxat the residence of the pride's father, jjSf W-, . Parka where, ai' reception wjM (gtiiven arid the fihappy cwupte arrived' erb last.' night at 9:30 and. took the 9g train fo.r their future h'j?ni'e..ln Golds pkro.) Messrs. Westbrobk -M Cuihretai have dfssolved Wpartnersnp) hy muftual consent. - h "- .. ' - ': y "',; . " ; .- - L ii l'.-l' . ' ' !?-. . !..' Trying Jo. Jfonilnate St6rlal Cautli'lat. Nashville, rrenn., Jahuary 2Q. The; I democratlp ' Jegislativeiau-cus hld to seievi i aiitf ,--parry cafoioaie iot , ine United States senate, fejnet; jagain' to night fbtjtldid not -nonSnatei; Fourteen ballots were taken dyeing which Mc Millan Jogtitwo votesfJid gairied two votes. '44 immense wd ; -was pfes-' ent and iftteregt; ih tDcaucus is; un changed. The caucusadjourned until tomorrowisnight. The persistence with which fh supporters qf5 each carjdidate stand by .their choice .uses the grow ing 'belief 'i that a prolojed deadlocks is immlnenta i VWhen ai mian. i is suffering witjh ai; aching hejid,? a slugglsj'body, when his muscles are lax and lasty, his hraln dul', and his vtomadi disdaining . food, ht will, ff .Vise; heed theig warntogs and resort to the- right remedy, 'before it is .too liae ' Jarkerffi: garsaparlUa" Kihg oi I - bd i PurJflers' the makes? j (the. ' appetite,, keen ; and hearty-Invigorates ttftf iliver purifle the blood and fills It vvSth the life-giving elements of the fb. It is a won derful "blobd maker ariJ! flesh (builder Sold by J; C. ehepardg, J, H. Hardin end H. L, Fentress, " ?r I rurt her : Vr,-i t.h'a,t !t:Ka viircs tri,,ii, as no late to. Maiortflhaw.' iJaai tnnA -Ha . which is unconi unon .Mawr Master; cnM if hB ini -i ralrS th A LIVELY TIME EXPECTED. MAJ. WILSON SUMMONED BE FORQ R All -WAY COMMISSION No Offices far "Skinner PopulIgU" Rus sell to Stamp the State Two More Coc vlcts Pardoned Pepnlists. After Federal Offices How i the Governor Can Oast Hancock Jadgc Beblnson's Discrimlne tlon ln'charelns Against Free Passer. .Public Sentiment Against tho Mormo- ; . Messenger. Bureau, "Raleigih, 'N. C, January 20. ' tii'ajdT J. W. Wilkin ia Buhpoemaed o i appear . -ijext Tuesday;- 'before the railway comftnission to g'ive evidence. 1't appears : that ' though : these Bulbpoe nas are issued, by t he clerk of the com iriissioTi news ' as to tihelir issue la not .'gfvlb--!by. vilnV. this case- it ap pears the subpoena waa issued, .'by h'fm to the Sheriff. Major WHsou fs. noit. (here. .The commission! or - rather the wo ne commiissloners, for Dr. Ah- hbtt is ho 'party to the proceeding, . wlil fa'teh a Tar'tatr wheh they meet Major Wilson. At Orehsb9ro ' today the UndeirwrR- ers Insurance Company was organiz-' ed, with : $100,000 capital, There .is quite a strong nto'vement for local edm panies. ' '; . J! . .' .;,. . ., Ooveriictr Russell, when asked by Rev. Dri Bahb, Why t'he latteir .was dis xJharged! 'said) he was 'toot! - to find places fpr 'Skinnei. meu.'This was a hit at "the; Skinner .and: the "Pri'tch ai'd populfstis." It is thfe reason. why Clerl Fagan f the labor -bureau Was hounded wlithbu t a hearing. iRepulbJicans! say Uhat Governor Rus sell will tnake a canvass -of the state. The president of the repubWcan lieague says t'he governor last year promised he would make the canvass. ! ' The. negro politicians ansfet that the governor 'has : made all this 'plans to aid iSenator BUtier in -forming a new party, f : j-i'-r 1 '. ,--' '.'". !., ; The pettibeWtlary leases the Tillery farm tin- Halifax . on the terms agreed on two mjoni this ago; a' division of .prof its iwiChl ! the owner, Who furnlishiete J -every thing; (save ;fihe convjlc't labor. 'Ait 'each of the statH. f aims a couple of acres of sugar (beet will be planted, as a -test. ; ! i . - The popuii's"rJs are after-federal; scuTIt ces. 'A. S. Peace, of the populist Btate committee,, asked 'that . 'A:- J. (Dal by ipopulligtv of iGranVillel, ifelgii ven aijdiepuity .marshai'is place. Dr. "Fox" 'Pearson f Wayue was .also a seeker1 "after 'a .place. - tr! :. !r ..-'-..'." ' " ;;-. ' viMmAbT't;- Wabsoh, ' -wlhio died .n'iglit Ibef one last ' n. the John's Ho'pkih1. (hos pi'tal, was buried here today; She was only 18 years of . age, and her htusiband, Who - shot.; h'eri and 'then, (blew out hds "own ira'inisi was hut a few yvsafs'KQtii-!t!.i-ftlhie i; oBftuiiA'te' .f. youassr woman was Soon ; to heteome a mother. Her life was; a 'beau't'iful one and she was a zealous dhurch, membeir. ' . ' -i (Senator Butler says the evidence all pvin!ts to the gulilt of Robert Han cock. : I tils expected Che governor will remove j wancocR tnis week.- Some one askfcti how thils" could he done, as the dtrefcjtors oif !the 'Atlantic and -North CaroMnaj! railway leilected - Ihiml presi dent for. a, year. But Tfie Tgovernor can depose . phim as a director - and that w'ould cia-iry the office w'itJh - - ( Governor Russell' pardons t'wo M the men who ;were etigaged; in, the noted "graveyard .'iiisura'Hce" swindle' n Car teret county, with! head q-uar tors . at Beaufort.- Those- ; now pardoned j ire Selden p. Delamar, , wihite, " who was serving -;a two years jail sen'terice at 'Beaufort(. aaid.WiliTiam Fisher, colored, who. Was! serving a five years' sentence in the ben,itentiary."iEach ha:seirved abouc a yearj;' Delamar was convicted of cons'pu-acyito defraud, , and Fisher of forgery todetfraud. Some time ago Dr. T. B. Dclamar: another of the men convicted, was pardoned- One man is yet. in the penitentiary .and three In jail. The pardons were granted (be cause of ; the reported -poor Wealth of the .'criminals.. . "v . '"."'!; .'" . ' Lawyers ; do not appear to relish the idea t3hat. Judge Bwart may get Judge Dick's place 1. Cn the fed eral court henbhj They ! ifegaird him! a a hit ter partisan. ; '.-. !,'?' . ' . - ; . . -: ;.; The remark was made today toy an eminent j lawyer - here that Judge Rob inson' oSnly charges a srand ' jury against free passes when! he is hold ing court In ja county along the lihe of the Soutlierrl (Railway; " that he learns when bnj the l!i&e of the Atlantic Coas't Line he jmakes ho' such Charge. 'A godd ideal ff ptiblldc spirit is heing now aroused against the 'Mormon mis sionaries 'who are crowding into tftie state. The 'Motmons say they have got a fo'hold ;now. .-' ' ';. .: Apropos of jthe departure bf 'the Lynchites- fromi South port,, which said i soon to1 octour, the question is asked mhv whether , they are going Iback to Virginia", waters. , ' ; Super! rk cedent v Mew'lxwxrne ' finds that thefe Is $900 cv the ipenfte-ntiary fund; tl'e accumalatibn! of several yaars. ;! I -.,' -?l'. f " "-' "".' ". . !. ;'. . ; : ' , . Next Mondaf Gilbert! War"d,; the white rokn 'whx - so. ibru'tally murdered (Maggie Dinktos?; in Wayne and w'ho is in jail "htere, " will . he taken' to Goid's bo)ro f or trial, ibut Will tiry . to get the case removed to' another county. i '. . "' The .president nominated 'Roteft Butler Mkhome. iof Virg"inia, to he con sul at Ntreyo Laredo, Mexico. . . Suffered 2 0 Veers; MES. MAEY LEWI3, wife of a promi nent farmer, and. well kriotra by all old rcsidenta neai Belraont, writes: "Po"xf t-ffenty-seven yc&rs 1 had been a constant- sa.Sef rrorn ncrvoui prostra tloh, and paid larse sums of money for doc tors and ad vertid remedies without bene ath Three .'years ago my coactron was ilarming; tie ioz& ?ould startle and unnerve m& Was unable to sleep, bad a auiriber of sinking spells and elowry grew worse. I began using DrSIilca' Restorative Xerviae and Kervs and Lver lHlls. At first thomediclnsociac-iiltohave no effect, but liter taking a ?ew bottles I began to notice i change; I rested better at r-iht, my appe tite began to Iraprbve. aa4 1 yapidly grew better, nntifinow t a M nearly restored to health &3p&4 efay aga may expect God oiesaijr.iuaei'ervine, rr Dr. Mileo' jEemediea 1 ire sold by jail drug- : iia3 under a positive guarantee, first bottle oenefita or money re runded. Book on dis eases of the heart and . - aerves free. ? Addpoaa. 1 " :i 1 s. : " - - w r a . At Cost For Gash and Cash Only. NO MSMOHANBUMS MADE OR CHAEGISG. . f 3rxJIiTj ,I,lNin OP flSJis Slstey, Bil j'thing, at FOR House with 10 rooms on Campbell street, near Fourth. Also House on Fifth street near Ann street. ... FOR Houses In St. 2 Houses on Castle near Third street. 1 House on Third hear Castle-Street. 1 lot on North Second street. 1 lot on ShutlFifth street.. ' - -.' "And there are others." ' - - W. M. CUMMINGr, . - ' ... - Real Estate Agent and Notary Public. glit in a ; 'je "." :v ,.' f .-r??.vi;'",-; '- , .(-;-: . -. , 107 Princess Street ! Tmmo . . . ... !;.! '.. ; 4 WILL - . ; li 'l' -'.- SELL The Entire Week at . Our 73c. Corset for 50c, and others at equally low prices.'' Our 75c Kid Gloves for 59C Our $l.(XfKid GleVes far J3c; our $1.23 Kid -Gloves for We; 100 Quilted Com forts to be sold at a Bargain, The balance of our Millinery Goods at a sacrifice. Jin'i-iEra Dspjiiiii. --Calais Cits Yourself il US isk-tRKIET STREET; A AVonderful Talking Machine, it not! only talks, but its songs an.dTnatmmcn . Wu5iic ate Genuine Iteproductions iYom Celebrated Composers. I CALIi AND SEE IT. . -.'-' Book Sellers and Stationers, Sole Agents. ! ' ( i - : sr-- . . . ', THE ISCHAKICS .i SUBSCRIPTION i ": . STOCK tin :!NEW- ; That ihfestment in this Stock is Bank, has been so fully demonstrated that you have only to Inquire of any one of its Stockholders. . NATHANIEL JACOBI, PBES. ,r.'.r A-'-i -r --"';- - V ;- . - -- "' ' i ; In answer to many applicat ions The Association will issue FIFTY SHARES cny of its FIVE PEK CENT. PAID tJP STOCK,. the best investment in the' state. : -:-- i .! ; y ;-;! ,; : ; .-: . y '. ; S : , ij-- f -; v f : : -.- de ii Iunibin g if. Vy, WITH NEW bIMPROVED TOOLS, y-y COMPETENT WORKMEIN, ' PRbMPT BUSINESS METHODS m CAN GIVE YOU ; SATISFACTION. t i- 1 ' ' "- V., :-. . - . V. .;'.- . ;:' , Sty'i ; ". " f ' ; - " I " t - " " J .-. . "... -'-"--I k- . -: " : v' V -":- x- ."! t- - - t - - X ; . ..' : -aBMMMaMHMB -' - . .. '... ; ;.'.-: ",'. v. .'.-. -;,.!: 4. ...... , --rh ' . . V . ' .......1,...., : , . - , i . v . AS YOU WIIEEL - - - ' ' BE GUIDED OBY THE VICTOR I ' ;vr-!-:';- 4 mm : ymyi --:Ai .' -'..'k-'..-'-,-: :. -y: :-y-,- , PARENTS IS YOUK LITTLE BOY OR GIHL LONG ON AN ERV RAND ? IX IS BECAUSE TUEY CANNOT RESIST THE TEMPTA- TION TO STOP, ADMIRE AND LONG FOR ONE OF THOSE JUVENILE CRESCENTS AT . ' - . ; : Also full line of Bicycle Sundries always on band, v n NORTH SE3C03STD STREET. dc23 BELL Books Typgwriters -Siliej. li li Cost for Cash. RENT ' SALE James street. Cold Waye .WITHOUT BEING PROPERLY CLAD " ; . ., - r Means a case of grip or pneu--, monia. possibly, at -this season' of the year. cold weather has no terrors for thosk, wearing one of our handsome melton kersey or beaver, o'coats. if you want stylish clothing, that is perfect in fit as well. as. warm and com portable, comi to us and we will fix you up in swell style R'S JBAZAAR'a -THEIR 50 Ots. 39c- Each. ; Wilmiucton, N. C. 1 --. .- l - - ... .-. . - HOME ASSOCIATION. LIST FOE THE i ' i -f, SERIES INow-Qpen the best and safest form of Savings 'Apply to W. H. CUMM1RG, SECRETAEY. , Department. ; r- ,SHO TIlEOUGn LIFE . . -, " ' - . J .. " t - " - .- 3 . 'i v PHONE 108. I f' r -