VOL. XL No. 23. WILMINGTON NJ C. THURSDAY JANUARY 37, 1898, PRICE 5 CENTS. . TELEGRAPH SC3IMARY, , THE STATUE. ! '.- ! Leading republicans fsay.', Russell's , plan Ss to so trowd -the ou-thtern as to make at pay more -for the; lease ofi the "North Carolina.- iraSlTosid -Presidemt -. DEIanoock's le,teln of ldefer.se against the charges of MisW 'Abbott ha& leen. (re ceived fry (th)3 .governor; (he demlles all the charges Dr. Thiomas S. "Metre, assistant iphyslcian at the -Raleigh in sane asylum; idli'ed yeert'eTSlay; (he was a nephew of Dr. J.". J.: Motte- Russell says Dr. A'abo-tt tfeaervjad ' the saace-. invents lie maJde about him! Bund ithiaJt hie will '-not apologize -Whele-ler t Martta! Was heearlhree ttimes offered tih'e piace: oa solicitor of the TMrd district The reports on public school pStterndiance Is ttii ifrora all rbhe i, counties, save 'twelve; (those reporting" show E22.2S2 (White and 131,404 ehrollmentt of colored dhiil- dnen Mrs. E. jA. Ticksd4 dues Ra leigh Senator Butler fiemanlds re- '."duoCion of . freight raitiea.; - '-; DOMESTIC. of the . exr a-miimers' office, jdivlll ;sery3ce oommis- sian, proauoes pome jsenB-atuoinia!! evi (dence -before rtlhe .senaite divil: service InVesti!g?at5fom comm&t'tee a&j-txSitihe loose imetihods 'Of conducting 'lJuLsihess by -the commission- Hon, Joseph. McKenna. it-alkes liis i sea,t. on ftha su-preine court (bench- -President . (Dole, lor ;: Hawaiili,; reach-eld Washington yesterday; he -way me-tby Secretary Sharmankan-d; escorts ed to itlbe Arlington, where "he and his (parity are quartered; President McKin ley "paid a formal pall en the Hawaiian which was sam : after returned Washington bffleiahsare greasy pleased at itihe -success in' steKudiini'S" the Maine .to (Havana; the sena&ng of warsJhips there dry other mat'tonsi .greatly Wifnipli'fles the ; fsituation; -they also express, pleasure , t- that a Spam'ieh warship H jtd visit "our iDorts- Geo. H. Lymani as rtrusiee, tmnnia over to! Secretary. Sherman. $6,014 tor t'he Cuban ireli'ef fu-rtd-1 The quest'lon of the rig-ht of courts to ex clude .the public from a trteilV In. whieh the testimony 'is Obscene 5s ala'ised in the New Tork Icoutis : A -man ; is. ; in lrt'fi(Q(Ti in. 'Jfew York awaain'?? execu tilon. for muirder, -while the guilty party lt Hn. Drtfeon to 'fealitiimore-i '"Work on. Tfhe cruiser Brooklyn 4s 'baing- rusnell so he can saiil -SatUTdayr lenia-tor Hamna'-s sicSi te suJeld fpr wife, t- - ' - 4 FOREIGN. a divorce by 'Tlh-e stea-msMD Lucerne, Viilming!t'cn, IN. C for -Ghent, ihad a coteioh 'eit eea wtiK n lmknoM sta.m-3r-H 'A Bri-dh warstoip !ha3 iraaicfid Havaira and some i Fren,cn onuiisers J are t expfec-ted -The (Havana authorities : Wave re-5pf!onfoed- (the police at the American consulate and. on th-e wlh.ia'rves The Spanish g-overnirti'e-n,t -will f send thi baittileslh&p. 'Viizjcaya, of 7,000 ; tons, to. Vit (Ameni-; can ports Oonsul " GemariaJ iLee yes terday repointed, all : quiet ait Havana- -(Am edict ig-ni-ad by the governor of itihe Philippines is so sevteire as to shake Weyler's -famous aniaiililf asito -seem mlli. iin comparison Tp.1 'Spain&sh prennier receives a very "satiisfactciry"; Jiispa-boh from "Washingiton,-) Spaindsib naval offlcers are 'g-iven -permission to atttend a. -toaai'Quet .on 'the (Maine ; The SpanS'sfh g-overn'menit ask (for 8,000,000 pounds (to is-tirenig!tih(nn :the navy - Chinese pinaitids attack ttihe . Eur-o-pean'seittJiemenits1 at Ha'iplh)CT,g, murde,r and iburri; -Ch-ey are repulatc. by French troops. ! I -J . :.'J ' 1 4-1' There are three little thing's -which do more work than amy other three lit--tle thing's created-they are tie ant, the !bee and1 De Witts Little Early Risers, the last; .ibeing tfhe famous little pills for siomach and liver troubles. R.. R.' Bellamy. f - A Card .In every comtnunity. in Oijristendom there is. a 'busybody known, in common as a liar. One of these' busybodies abide ihere in 'Wftlming'tOnv Kbnd if they ever had'a consci-ence .it ha a long ago been reduced to Insensibility J -The only way they handle the truth is to com- - poun-a one grain u mnw ixioubclhu grains of exageration. Th so-called liar has started the rumor tihiat my lit tle hoy Willie had. the stnallpox. I ihave no doubt but that this j -Was done to injure my tou'slness, and no attention would have been -paid to -rbe matter, but my best friends have lid vised me to publish the above card. ;- e .Respectfully,, .,';, - '. ;. .,!' I ' W. A. FltRRrs. ; ' ' : V : ;.':: - :K palace jBakery. "I don't know, there may be others, he said, 4 "but I have used j 'Parker's Tolu Cough Syrup' in my family for years and .would not be wfijthout it." He knew beftter than to buy the in ferior preparation that was being urged upon him." Parker's Tolu Cough yrup" has no equaU It, wyj. immediately-relieve any - Cough or COM, . "Whcoptag Cough, Sore ThrOt.-Hoarse-nees, Croup, Bronchitis and kindred allr mehts. Contains no Injuraotis ingredi ents,, is pleasant to take and a safe remedy for .children, or sale by J. C. Bhepard, J. II. Hardin, and tress-f - ; j-1 ' L. Fen- " ""Uofpilsory Vaccination . The five conipulsory vacciii''Kon doc tors continued on their" mounds yester- dav. fl-rvd'eot in a er-ood day Isi nvork. In; ithe two diays t2iey vsacclnat-ed : about a thousand .people. j At many flx'ouses they receiived a wairm. reception' anld they .have sbmi .-JtEMiapjg' "experi-; icsnces to relate. Onie of rtih'e colored: tioators were refused . adimittiirjce to a cM'ored wom-an's house, and armed with, nothing but his vaccinia points, We 'was miadd. to stand back! (before a ttirua-ty axe. Another dootcr jwas held, ait bay' by a colored mam w to got his run and dared him to onoss "ilis tihresfh twjld. ; Two 'colored . pole? rjien who rtaitod in to arrest .hvn yere ..also rniadfe to jatand back. Thus -jtviill be a Vase' for the criminal -coxirt uind the Of-; (Pend'er. will repeat 'his folly vjhten he -te hauled up far his use of a : deadly Weapon. i '-; , . As' to 'the, vaccination of tiWi cWildrein in ithe- pniblSc- Qctiools,. .'-the board of health held a meeting yeste;d-ay after noon' and after eon'suEtliing w tjh Ptrofes-'eor- M. C- S. 'NWble, eupeirdn ti-ndent of feefheoto deaiided to: pastpcnJthe Jvac-idna'tiicin-Of the chiil'dren to jgiive ith'sm Ih.ti. irmrvntrtunltv :to .be vacciinated iby Sh-ettr fanKjjy physicians. ko i . i' - ', : -"' ; fl frnvel Kiakes t;-.5 food cure, I "1 I sn t - r ' w? a I AjjsolytcijrPuro i- CROWd.THBM TOTHE WALL RUSSELL'S MOTTO IN HIS FIGHT AGAINST THE SOUTHERN t To Tore a Higher Bentsi for the North Carolina Railroad Hancockts rotter of Defense RcTports from Counties on .School Children and Fnblle' School At tendance Russell will Not Apologize to "Dri Abbott Ieath of Dr. X. 8. Motte Freight Bate Redaction (Special to The Messenger.) (Raleigh, (N. C, January 26l dreading ovpublicsans say . here ltonigh.t Chat Governor -Russell's plan is to try to bo crowd, the Soutlherh,: (rahlwiay as to make lit pay (more, say 8 or sj peir oertt, for the- NoTtlh Carolina railw'ay lease, and iuse tihlis for political capital; that the governor was iheard itodav tellinsr two of his -lawyers: "We inusit crowd tlhemi to taue nvaH." . f .. i rPhe trustees of ' the uniivrsity will smeet tomorrow -and PTesid'enft Allder "wiill i" iniake a report embbdyfingr limanj. iisosaa--ew feataree. This afternoon Hancock's' long" ex (peOBeki letter, to defense -was received. toy tiie erovernor.. It was isemt to couin el here who gave St ttk the governor, jit denies any iLmproper iela'jiona wutih Qdiss 'Abbott or Ithat any threats were ever made and eays itlsait s . far as' Hancock knows she da an &ibsolute4y i- r virtuous woman. ' His letter is a column, in laaiig-tlh and says iMiIss- Ab- boat. Is 19 years old and never 'Hived to Ks house untfll last Oatober. That Bhe ivas ' housekeeper untiM eoon aftetp Chrtfstrfias, wlhan, after repeated " re queslts "to discomtiniue cerbaiini objec tionable associations, ihe askbd her to so .to her. raotaier's Oiome; that she showed fam-peir, amd ,tlhiat itihe - eulLt chairgrirug' s-eductSion was eoon! .brouglhit ; that her mother's adyisteira fin ithis mat ter are Hancock's poiatiioal enemies; tlhat the dropping- of Miss A'bbott'3- s4 tr . taach-er tni -New Berai's public (sohools (has -notlhiinig- ifio . .do iv'iitih tlMs (matter; that mo . ithreat or efBart was made to have Miss Abbott' father's ihane stricken from the pay roils of the government, - - .' ':: JPr, IThomas S. Motte, nephsw of Dr. Mo'tte; died iiere today at the iin- J. J. sane asylumi, at wliUcih he hai4 been an assistant physician for a year. For two years previous he (had J.beeh as sistant physician alt line western, hos pital -SJt Morgan-ton. He. was -Only, 26 years (old :w-h'ic ii waoi due. to' h-emlorrihaK'e. The body was Itaken to Statesville tthis eve- .rims'. (A n-erwspaper onan asked th'4- govern or today If he in tended to apologize to lr. Abbott and 'he replied:, "I'll apolo gize itO Perrepont M;crgan before I wiill itO .nybody J else." He says Abbott de served' that! statement he maaide about him. ; - . !":- . . - - . .-1 IMrfej.'E. A. Ddckson, formerly of W ifmLng'ton, died here . today at the liOme of h'&r niece, Mrs. W. fW. Rob- bin's'. j j:". 'i. - '; Senator Butler demands reduction, of fre'igrhlt ratea The railway cqmimlission wfll Probably reduce them. : , Among- the1 arrivals are pJepubTicaft Statie" Ohalirman Holton, H I1 Whar ton, Greensboro; W. TE. Kyle.iFayette vWie; IThomas McTBee, Salisbury, j Wh-eler Martin, is here and;, says he can Oiave the. Third d'istir'ic't SsOlicltor Ship If be wanlts 'it, but he does not know vhether he wants t or ifio't. The governor has twice told liim fie cbuld Ihave i-L . . ; :" ;.; "The ; report on school children, and' publi'c 'school attendance was com- pleted today, as far as- can flje coini pleted, as twelve counties refuse to re 'port, this being the sarnie number as in tate .Superintendent' i ScarWorou's last report. The figures in. .handV say thre are, omitmig- the -twelve counties, 412,143; Whi te and 211,519 colored dhil dren between the school a.ges of 6 and 21- years and that the public school en T'olimen't lis respectively 222,252, -and 131,404J The report is up to jTuly 1st What pleasure is there in life! with a headache, constipation and billious nss? i Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous little ! pills. R. R. Bellamy, f ' i 1 r- :t. ; !,'.;.: Oatoome of the Catting;' Fracas "Tuesday Afternoon ;' .';L. : ; 'I ; ! Lou OampbeM, colored, 'tha 'woman wlho severely cut Em-eline Browh, also: colored,-Tuesday afternoon at the por inter of i'Efleyen.th and -Market Stre-elts, in, ifront'of the yitore of 'Mr. Jam'ets Elder,' twias .arrai'gn.eid. for itriial tin j i Jusfliice Bunitiing's ..'court yesterday mornim-g and walivejd examihaticn'. She 'was placiadj under a ?100 bond, .which -she gave, for .toerappe&ria'niee -at it-he next tetim of Dhe cr!ian-Lnal' court. J - In Justice Fowler's court tin jtthie af iteirnioon Clayton McLeela, colored, . was placed on vtrial charged. With, iaissault v-wftih a "deadly weapon , and carrying a cjaneeialpd weapon.- (La' iboltSi cases Use, waived .an exan-Jin-ation, through his, counisel, -Herbert' iMcClanamy.j Esq., a-nd (gave, bond for his appearfarncie at the next term iof the cr'imdnal court. (MOLeain,;. is also an actor 'ftii "the -CampbeU-Browin cuttiing taffair,! Which ws disgraceful and alarmed the en itiir'e ineLgfKbciruiiOOd. ..The state expects to I - .prove' that ' . McLean urged thte Campbell ' -woman, to beat iEmielke (BiowH anld1 !th!en dirawiang ai pistol 'prevented any eona , from preserving' peace,1 and kept up a -flow of vile prd-. ' fanlity, which reached .not onily the ears of (gentlemenbuit the -ears of Oiaidlies as ' well. ;. . .'--,.' ; r ' - . ' l . ' K Opate yesber'day af tearnoGln a warrant wais sworn out "before Justice Fowtet charging McLean 'with -beSng a nuls-r ance. i (He will, be tried on, tlhat idharge atll o'clock tlhli's (morn'iinlg'.', t . A thrUl of terror is experienced when a brassy cpugh of croup sounds through the .house - at night. But the terror eoon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure has been adminis tered. (Safe and harmless for children.- It. II. Bellamy. ' - , j Meeting; of the State Y. M. CA, ' ilr. - T. C. t)iggs, genieral seksoeitary; Ch'4 Young Men's Christian, I Asso ciation, of -this ciity, 'yesterday after hooni received a uotMMutrion of the an maial convenfiom of the. state aissocCa-' ttioh. fpho 'notice .was sent iby Mr. W. M. Lew4s, pf Chiarlotbe, ithe state secre itary, and Stated ithat the. anaiuail ee& slon -this year wffili -be (held 5n, Ashevtlle from Marcih 10th to 13th, ' ' ' " f - The assocdatdon here will appoint del-, ega'tias to a ttend the 'convention at the jt&St. regular meeting. ". .--- Mr, jToaes Purchases a Residence in New ' .; - york. --..!'.', The (New York Tim;e Janua,ry 22d, sayg; .- , ' i - ' . "TSmitW & Stewart Ijaye. old :ov George Hill to Pembroke Jnea .for J80, 000 ! the Four-story brownstonie ; front dweaitog, 13 -West Flty.-flf th street,. 25 by f 100. Mr, Jones wljd. It is "uinder sitood, 'malce extensive alterations and improvements," .. . . - i . CHARGED WITH ARSON. :- :"' i' ' . ., - -'. ' f A Colored TToman Penny Potter, Charged with the Commltiton of this Capital Of f.nse Preliminary Investigation aet for this Afternoon at 4 O'clock .; 1 1 . ! i Yesterday af ternopai Petnta.y, Potter, a colored woman of perhaps florty yeairis of. age, was taken in custody by (ad officer Of the law .'in the execution Of a warranit chargi-n-g Inter with arson, (by stetting fire to a dwelling houaie. If it turns out tlhait .the dWellmtg was oecnjpied at rthe titaie it was st.On fire, wdiich. cr'ime d-a charged ' agaimslt the Pother .woman, the case will he a cap ital1 on-e and 'unld'etr the daws iof , North CaToliiina he; or Bhe. who1' 5s tried and abonnld : gui'Wy of isuch an Offemlge the' ptmgshmiie-nt ;jof deatli must be minted ojult as;a pleniaiifty for thie.d-eedJ Oni July aeth, 1896, the dwell inig house of WiiTliie arantnlng, colored, locaited at "Rock HQl, 'Cape .Fear towtnsihijp, ihLsi county, was set on- ftre and the com- (mdssilcinl of the , cnim-e, 'ithle scene of whiich Is only five miles- from the ity, wais charged! aga'inlsit Penny , Pdt-tier, colored. ' W?' ; I : Ju&tice Bun'tiiing, upon beinig called upon too (do so, amfnaiediiately Usisued ;a wjairrant for thie arrest of the one who fit was alleiged commiitted the j arsoni lint he fmteahltime, however, the other" pyvianiain vacateii and won't .'to Pend'er Oou-nty, and upon b-eing--, (sought after tttnare, dhe wetof to . New York and lo cabed. : ' ' ' !'r"; -r (Not ery iomg ago she returned to Itihiis county, . and yesterday . j had the wiauftant chargiinsg arson, served on her .toy tDepu-ty iSheniff iWilliiam Fonrville, color4d,? . She nais taken before Justice iBuratiffig, and I then sent to Jail . on a iciccnimiitmieint ffom hiis court, as no-balil can Ibe ftll-owieki when.; the crime' of ar-i son. Us chargekl. ;" . 'I-' i" '.,-. I Owing to a -large number : of w't-n-esses to be isummoned, most -exf whom reside tin the coun-try, -tih-e case was sett ; .for trial. 'th'is 4fteimioo(n at 4 o'clock, j" We. undersita.nd that ; -the, de-f andant has -ehgaged Messrs. Bellamy . & Bel Oiajmy 'td represianit her cause, j', I ' ,- .' i Bridal Reception : j ;. -Mr. John H; Kuck and his charm -iang "brJde nee ; Miss Ima rBokelmaTun of 'Chajeslton,? gave a recejpt!j;n last evenfing jat thietiir hands'cm!e horo e at 518 .lOraice ..toe,':'Flor.hfe3i' 'toooaSion ' thia ., home was made ibrigfhit and cheery and 'qu'3be a.umlber of . -frtliend's ciaCIed. (Mr, ainld -Mrs. Kuck moat (graciously re-' ceiived 'WILth jMfeaas ;Minmie Olameyei! audi Elese Ortmann and .Messrs. G. Henry Ilaar and Ed. Ahrens. ' ''. ; Mris. . KuckL wOre a lovely toilette of white org-andjie over white satin, efn(& her Ornamieruts were dSamonds, the gift o'f -the -groom. Mr. Kiick wore a klire'ss isul'lt and 'the Sapiel of his coat was or--namerJSed wi th, a 'boutom-nliere of Ro-fn-jaoi jhyacirjthk ; The Misses Olameyer' '-aoid;'Ort!miiFUU-t' wr-vb$iaiitlfulUy; attared; lin whQte CMTga-ndle, with- pearl oma-; miejnlts. ' Messrs.' Haar and Ahriens wore, dress sulits -wi'tih Romiafn hyadinith b."m ttoninfieres;' .- r . . I- - . - "i ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Kuck rWefivdlveryii hleaaity ccgTatulations, and they were excieedtenigly glad to see tbeliri,ifrtieinidB.I Among the ploasant surpri's'es in store for them Was, the unexpected! arrival. Of Mr. . and Mrs. B. Schroeidier, of Charleston at whose! homdt. hey -Were; married ion Wednesday eve-n-Lng; of dasitj wek. . They were accompainu'eid by. their; ' bright :j and very- lovely -Tittle daughter, Ha'ttie, who was the 'flowerj girl "at - .the iwedldingv Mr. and. Mrs. Schtaoed'er .keipt lthidir i arrival a ;seailat$ and. remained at Th'e Or ton till he hour1 for the (reception, when ith-ey puitj in- a welcome appearance, much to the joy of Mr,. ' and Mrs. Kuck. : i -i In a room adjoining; rbh'e pjarUor where! the reception J was held was displayed! a rare collection, of 'uumerous, -beautl-: if ul and usefull prese-nits sent by friends. Irom , Germany, and ('from Charlestotn, . Wllrrninig'ton, alttaiore, -New. York and other Am-o-rScn oiitl'es. -'. :- - I ; i v ' Aftter the reception, ithe guests were entefbained with a delightful supper. The tables were 'beautifully decorated, and amid the IjOunifeful. deHicacles there! was a generous. flow of -sparkllintg Wine. In the mid-sit of the -feast, Mr. L. -Han-; sen read a 'beautifully phrased letter; ttf. iconigTatuaallioin from thie .Rev; K. BoMt, of 'Chlrlesiton, . .formierly pastor of . (S't. Pauls 'Eyang-ellical Lutheran church. Sn tihisi-caity, and who performed the Vmarrlag-el ceremony for Mr. Kjuck and "hfis-i b-ridje." Then followed many toaslta tlhat "vvfere 'h'eaiPtiily JoTiiied ln.: j (After supper the evening was joy ously spent and surely it was a happy affair to . rthiefhiappyj coupl!e and their callerss. . .'. ., -' ' We are anxious to do a little good rn this world and can think -of 'no pleas- anter or better way to do -it than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preveptrve . of!,'- pneumonija, cont sumption arid-other Hung troubles th-at follow fneglected (colds. R. R. Bellamy: " . : i-A ; "-T 7 - 1 , 1- An Exciting arid lively Fistic-Encounter . Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, in an alley running from Water street to -Front, "between Princess, and Mar ket streets, a , lively and exciting fistic encounter took place. Result: black eyeis,' Jfabes otherwise bruised, y cour( scrape and a crowd of people on Front Jstreet that a1 one time hlid fai to rival the crowd, fhat assehnibled to wi'tne the streelt : pageaht o'f - the j last circus j that ySstted ibnlngiton. -. . i . ;-.' ' '- j The row all came about to this way. Tliere is a piece , of property near -. the anentldiied alley, iQie owmershlp to which is iin dispuite,and yesterday af 4 'ternoon one who participated in the fracas ;Wenit to move! an Obstruction pff the property, when two men came out a (nearby saloon and. Interfered with hiis .woirkj saydn'g that he had no right to remove the obstructions Hot words ensued and then the first party in the. scene lit into? the 4wo later, arrivals and a liyely timte followed. U - ' 'One of the comhatants received a geyerejctlt -neaf onejof his. eyes amldtt is 'claimed hat he was hit. there by a deadly weapon, the butt end of a pis- tOL f ; . Four arres'ts were made by Deputy EherlfC Myran, and the trial 5s set for this morning at 11 o'clock before Jus- tlice Bftutlnf, j - Chll(ireo, andi adults tortured ty burns,' ecalds, Injuries, ec2em"a or skin disease may secure instant relief by using JDe-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the; great Pile remedy. R. R., Bel lamy, j ; -"j ' ', . . 1, l ". C THE TELLER RESOLUTION CONSUMES, ANOTHER DAY OF THE l - SENATOR'S TIME Senator; Hoar Brings in Comparison Be tween New England and! Southern Facr tories, with a Fling at Long Honrs and Child tabor In the Latter The Honse Dlscnsses the Indian Bill and ReductIon of Number of Letter Carriers ; ! : ;. '-. -. , j; : y : SENATE.' ' . i .: . ' ! ji IWash'in'gfcDii, January? 26. iDeba!te; On the Tell-er reBOlultian was opened toy; Senator Tedler. He onalhitamed that the existing tsantfa-ct -omcerning? the! r money Bin, whfeh bonds of tjhje ITnlted Sitatea ;werei payabile- (could, not be Jeihanig-eicl wtildhioufi -aictictti one Of the parties, to the t i of 'congress1,! coh-tractand .that the goyernment had a right (to alii (the advanitages !he con(traot afforded j , dh iiespohise to a statement by ena- tor Teller Itha't $262,000,000 ,f bonds wtere sold (for 'the ipurptxseibf' maiotato-j toig th!e igoM standard, iSienaitor Gear, of fowa, said .Hhat St -was well known that more than-; $200,000,!000 Of these; ibomdla were sold to meet a deficit in 4ibe: treaisury. This " statement was - flatly' coinitrad'icteid "by the OoloradO (senator, whO malntain'ed "that there was no ne cessity for ithe sale of bonds to meet, current I expenses :jfwtoeoi: ithJere - waQ; plenty of silver tto meet jpresstog obli gatIon!S of th'e government. 1 '. ' , Senator Hoar, of Massachusietts, fol "Oowtd to a speechi ftn. wh-icth hie main-: taimeTa'the pOs-i'cion he took yestarday thatt the questimOn J .under discussion was not one of law tout one. of honor arid (Integrity. He said that the advo- calces of th'e pandlnig resoHu-tiion;' main- , tainted, ithat (by a crime the price of fell-' Ver- had j been 'Heduteed untSil- the silver In a dollar was woxiiHh Only 44 cenrtis.and the same senators - who .made the charge of that "cr'ime" advocated the paym'enit of -the goyerairriiant's Obll'ga itliOnis in' tbiis depreciiaited raowey money that hald been depreciated, as Khey claiimedT toy crime, j ' . . " . In the -cou'rls'e cf Srais retnlarks, Sena Itor Hoar referred incidentally kd tl?ie present (industrial tsituatiioni 'to 'New Einlglland'and 'its relation to the Iiig. ley tariff law. (Further alonig . here-. vcfted Ito the sltuatlion and tortafly dis eussieid it. Hie was satisfied thait jthe Sridus-trral trouble in New England vas n'ot due to the operatiion iof thie tariff law,' Trait to quite difT'erjent j; caul3es. He was -glad and the people of 'New1 .Hndaind were -gQ-ad of the . : iindnxStri'al prdspefi-ty of Sotftih jOaroSina. Alabama aiid Georgia tout he (did held' (that the people of -New -England dlid mot want :to j toe brought ''ihito ccmpetition, 'with communities where long hours are the rude (in tindus'trial estatolits(hm'elr.lts and. whetr; chUd labor-was employsd in the if aiotoniies. I 'He SaTd .that tbeise prato tiices were not known (in "New England, where lii-mii'ted htours for workman and -no -child labor Were provldld toy Taw.! . . Senator Platlt, of i; Conaiiacticut, ia5d that he had been endeavoring since the opening of the 'delbaltle .to asceritalin 'what thte jpurpose of the advojcatias' of' 'the ipeMdiiinig resoluticm jwasi to ipressliig tit, but had -been unable to do so. "Un iless (it means sometihdng more .' now;"' said Senator Pl'ait-t, "then it meamlt Itw-emty years ago, . Ithere Is absolutely no raason fcr ,"its pasdaige. Tt is Old and moldy. If this' resolujtiion! mflams amytihinig lit means tthe free and ur.lim 1'ted' colmasje of silver." . -' ' : i . I - - Snator Paniel, of Virg'iincia, salfd 'that we were-coniflron(t-ed upon all teides -wiith (the clamorous statem'en'ts of the gold men. -that agirtatior of the -ftnandal question was unseittliai'g-busfiinteess and -destroying . the credit . of 'quir people. Yet, be said, the igold rfnenSwere 'hold-' Sing converutitons; the financial - question- was being dnyes'tagateld. toy con giriessional committeets ahd! (the. presi dent of the' United States In hiis mes sage to this ; congress Mad advanced proposi.tdons in (support of fasteintog upon the courJbry tfheistagfre gold staind end. He malfntaiined (that d'tj was not $n ' violation of pubTic faith, 'as 5i-a):l . been -suggested by itihe senaltfor j of Massa- ctouiSet-ts (H'olax) to ! pay -thio bonds of th'e United tates in silver, at : the op tion of the .governmenL He wanted to "call attention to -the fact that the hulk of the outsitandrng ibond's -naa been; secured from the" United States at a rdducied price Jaind hSe -ma'inta2ued that any .payment .of those bands fnv the' codrt of this country would amply ifebay the holders. ! I He.saJid there was:, no disposljitiOn to pay the government obligations in dis credited silver ibullidn but ((in . fimshed silver dollars dollars thiait were just as -good as gold dollars-1dolliars that would, buy as much ias 'gold dollars In any market of the world. He (thought the adoption of the pending, resolution woufid prevent raids .upon -the treasury arid he qulotad a is'taitement rniade' by iSecriettary Sherman before a congres sional' oommlittee 8in 1878 to fthat effect tout , hie mainitataed It did )no't miean itfhtf,t.; taimv lE-oveirnimerilt ortedittor would .toe paid dn a clipped coin or to a de ' fnripirtilaifced currency.- !' I ' ' I .-'- iThn) imoitaan of iSen-a'tor Aldrich the. iseinlate then wtent Wto executive es. ion and ten nuimites later adjourned. . HOUSE OF: ETIRESBNTATrVES. The house devoted another day to the consideration of the .'Indian appropria tion toill, most of (the time toeing cdn. sumed, as on the. two previous days, in discussing extraneous subjects. By far the tmost Inlterestln'g feature of the day. was the debate on the question of reducing the iwail carrier service fin the large -cities, owing to the failure: of the sema'te to attach ithe estfimalCed de-.-ficieney Of $160,000 to' the urgent de ficiency bill. A dtozem represeritaitlvea from 'as -many different cities .protests ed against the proposed reduction and urged i an ! Immediate .appropriation, -when Chairman Louid, Of the-postoffi'ce committee, and Ohalrman Cainnon, jof the appropriation commit-tee, : allayed the wrath, of the memtoers toy assuring them' that there Was no occasion for alarm; that the service could not pos-; sibly suffer until June ' 15th, j 'before which time; there would be ample op-r portunity Ito pass a deficiency appro priation. : V - ' . i ' ' ' ' ! ; ' ! - Mr. Loud said th'e question presented was one far grealter than the simple one of a delivery more or less in .'New York ; or Chicago. - The stateanehts j of the -gentleman (from New York Quigg), said he, were absolutely fal-se.and un founded That gentleman had been having himself interviewed, I charging' that - he. -i (Loud) was responsi ble for theiexlsting bredicarnenit; (thiait he'' (Loud) had defied j congress and the postoffice and forced the departwrtentrto cut off the -carriers, "Such - criti cism," said! Mr. Loud, "is beneath my conitempt. The charge is made Ithat the postoffice appropriation, j toill this year carried $160,000 (below .the esti mates.. I know the officials of the post office department toack. that charge, tout I ; assert that it is false.f ; . j '"Then, you allege falsehood against the officials ' of the department?" in terrupted Mr. Quigjf; . ; i ' tLet take It who eaa I "bear f t,'? responded Mr. Loud. ;, - r ! .Zlr. Loud proceedied to affirm that the postoffice " officials had, contrary ito law, appointed 289 additional carriers and created a prospective deficiency of $160,000. He said furtrr that ia face of aq, appfoprjaitiKin of $75,000 tor ri-Cidemtal expenses, '$10,700,000 had been spent In six months.- Over j $50,000 of the reported deflciien-cy, he said, toe- longed in that account. ' ' (An amend-n-e-rit offered toy Mr. KeUey, democrat, of South "Dakota, to -increase th'e -n'unxber ot Indiaa pupils at Flan- 'droau,,'S.i5D4 to 200 anTio increase he epproprlalo: iltherefor jSl4,000, wasv te feated.:1: "j..: y -;-f i' The .number of pupii,' ' provided tor at the Oemi Ore., school - was f; in creased bi; fifty. The 'taction on $ia amendment drew outian dndigi; ynt protest frc b, Mr. Kell who paid Jids respects tf'Mr. Shermian" and Mr.-Cun- non, Tor, 'toicinig wixn jravor upon ;an amendm- ofiEered ' toy :a memhe," - of The laltlr replied goOi-; naturedly..ijrut referred. ty-Mr. Kelleygifas a "banf tm rooster, "Und i usually rather od looking,- amiable man.? The (gentleman from. South. Daf jtia was evidently! nettled aT?d ihe (retorted with, consiierable- bitttiirness. ISO f;-)ar as physical characterytics weni he saM, he : ; jought Mr. Jnnon mjht make as :r spectable aooklng. a reoiter as himself I, This was uiiot the ffaX. time h jlh!beeni;1i!nsulpdi toy itheSn itleman jfri.lJlItiola'Tl,,.ikrjlay' mot fefve had thie(Fi&giisJatlve experience of ?)he (genltleman from IlliBgfs," said'.jiie,: 'heitlherif thank. God.ghave I asyet learned- rtfi-aaiism, tolacguardism - hd ungentlemjttnly conduct! I grant-jat he , .-is ; a; jajdept at cheieis-'pairing, '. feut whieinj ff paries to BaijleJ. Bl;f6e- wtei-t3 .eythilnS'!in'si4" ": ' ' 1' Mr.! Cannon -did not 'aaiy'fjly tAt .SiSg hnt;; the hoej adj j CHINESE PIllAIKS Attack Eapean Settlements They ijse tnexorctrand tne s wostt tepuise Dy French 'Voops Many fdll ed ' it' jse - -a-ir- - : 'i i'k7. ! .-( j-l .( i " - : .-I San; iE'lscp. Januar-26. Asiso(it ed . 'Press: iispatiches frmf Vancoyer on the "ti&stanit-co fric counV ojriraid by Cijlhese plries. upon' thlliropean setitppieht' at Jtjii phon. f Thsteamer Ctofc,lwhich)5iias arrived - frtt jthe Orienf, toroughit iili fenders wKl:Were captured. -' V-,! :'.-, -- Theipim fipt at'tacpf ft of mne taii '!TAiOhg, !a.t' 8 1 '$&!ock on - tlsdr. ailight of ( a5cemiber'lith5 Lit- was . reed' in four qu; tritfers simultaneously. ' ,fld half of th,Ii)(rovin'clial oivital was je strOped. vfle iresidentt ioyernor his' family. liX-ere compelii.to aban- pn their residijce during th sort-ie of-pne troops; antaitoe :sheitje;n: ithe'folis. The rl)0Tcie"rai4' t!oo smal to admltlof meetlii!g.ipja't'''trt Were arrtM 'with. rifleWn1 ithe; open. S&'t Phu-Nif ji G'iangiar thee- were no causalities amij'g the iEuropkins. Considerable dalng e was done,'. the tbwnv ;ij;f I i , 'Abou t 3 yclock on t'hlmornlng.lf Becem'bevth,j several f-fiundred -Mfa crossed t'l Hyer ' Lachiy ! in sn ll hands an'dKn'verged upjd iHai-PhoS g.: Shortly, af Prward' se veral fires star; d in the BUKipean ' and ; native quarts rs oh the oujkirts of thej-town. Me.ii while anoti' Iband, abou1tl50 otreJr atacked' tjhlllage of Aipbiir. This' (v;fs headed toy &ii 1 did man jAvho .marc' j?d m 'meicenxvJ(C rour stsaaaras, wj bore the gcr'iptioris : "CStsey the oftgfr of, heaveiif ""Ie3troy the:iEuiropean " ExterminMe he dynasl of Ngu-yti (Abbu t 4ld)acocic a compfeiy of FreJh troops ; In If djyasions tpsftned out i' id c'harieidi jhVlrea,Mn)ardi , of -je pirates wfttfeJ fixed toayojts. Fifn: of. Jthe! pirae inere kiJilefe and seye-jLl were woun-eltjd and ' takeV to hospiVL In the mealtime the piiates h'ad t?- -tered the ouse of -Mr.lj K. Maifjy. an'd '-kl'liiep, j-is toook-keetar,: M. G -'thier afte -horribly .mutilating feSfe.; His - 7-y4ri(i fpliiild alsidi!sappeaiiS.; for ihe FfaiUsse Mto'Lng Xfripaaiy, Id-. left him forlqea'd- He wajs taken ,tb trie hospTtal,. jWfittever, and yrtay recovf.; -. 'On the tfo;dwing Saturday ten of -,Me captured plates were is-secuted ujpn; .the spot j -yiifere M. . Gauhier was" . - f4 sasslnAfiea;-j('-ter theelxecu'tion ffje bodies ;oftS pirates -wf: placed :',3iK stakes j an'dMe't jup in ifepnt- of .(e housesJ (A'Pit 200 'Eurdglahs ;and,;io. natives W;i&ssed the eeuition. ..':V-- ' - i "Tif . .' . M,i ! - -- : ' - 'fi . When. a-'j&n is suffwijng, with, aching ;.hea t sluggish, jffiidy, when, Js muscles afcejj;J&x knd lazyjti$ braSn dtt and his '"'tgiach disdafiing : foodi f p will, if wi'sfejheed . thesevfarniin-gs ajlji resort tb jt!-right"reme, before f's: too ' "aartje-il "Parker's SarsapaVili'; the VKinir;f Ot; ,- BlOoH: L Purifle makes ' thi( . i appetite ' s. keen. , d hearty-ihvtirates . the'tver puri- the tolopda( & fills it wiif the Efegp-. Ing e"lemein)tpif the sfdodSli is a w. derful tolodpimaker andlf flesh biiild . Sold by :T Shepard,i". !H. Har fe and Hi Ly'ifrentitess. 1 ' - V-'' , ; '.--&' .j.- : , ; - '- ' 'ff . No Kew CaL$s of Soaailpojf In Charlotte j The Ohar,te pbserver jof yester4jk There are Jf new devej&pments ire. ;;je smallpox sc-k o new f-ises were ' -ported yestejtpay, and theiivo noted yi -terday.mor n- xg are being -igidly quar -itlned. .-W84sn( r-laxjlown'-'-l-wnlditdoni ijs more soriousi'ihan Saffle Wagner's. Hej fs very slick.: 'ixt'h city andr county plii eiamgrare w?S tnh-i-ng the casc-. cl-osely, &t St (are on i t.h iilrt -t'o eun-yifctrDg -Ch'at -s-vj- -gs-ts smaiU-ft x.. Th' ,'hoiifesi ;aro rtg-i y guarded migt; J 'and day., ilW one has be n allowed (to 4-;tter.ijdr ' leav either hou' Wood. provr-J'pfls and whatever t'ho- i cupainlts mef jjs carried -Ce,nihe door, a! ji they carry , tj. wi'Uhin. jjjef' - Orr hl-'d shiamties erilded iyesterdjl before ea- l gaite as sheOesr for the igujards. Mond-i-MighSt they 'ifTereid f ram? Sthe exposure ; It Js a fei'Sjvil-a.r (fact -taSt while h. p ds a-n initei-elrang- texci-temiii in1 t)he a no real ail-afere-'isi fetttt i-ioncerning ' t, e epreiaxi of: t-ke , -diselase. taiutthorttif, i,' wit-h MayrYProi Tem. ' firevard at -t, ft head, have :!jkeni such prompt and (f fr elded -aotioiilfliat '-they hajvb the diseai 4, as well as'fiip!- now toe lodged, well a (hand. Dtsl Vf-lMer amd Srpng, city a-- 1 county :phyawans, feel mp i apprehe-nst. .ft of its becong epidemics tTihe princi'B. J daager, i as ,r;rS every souhernt town, ; p h. ,groeB Sieir are .belnig! Vaccinal 4 by the hurivyd,laniJ any jono of th. p who does -noSifbaefv -the 'faraTJtine" r -ulatiOns, wdlfJe sent at okes ito -the pcjt houses i- ri.'r -' '-' Ji ' ! Dr. WiSde1f4- assisted! by Irs. Hawl1 b amd McKi'ilt, ySterda.yii s vaoci-nat )l 1,157 5ottciFedJ:jjeopl. Hubacds , of wh;p people jwerierfaicdinaited tertvately. m of theiphyland'. were' fe-pt busy Vi day. The i 6we at the cii5 hall, wh; p flue freer vacbating bee ;was . ih3-d, p intteresiting-,1:;? here- was a Scream .of i t groes. going 'tfg and coinings Out aa da---negroes of ages and vsJS; , Det tive Shaw .-ssyfpd at ithe' h'-gad' of -the V'f coming H'toe, ind I gave earh personi i number- Th.tsline reached from the eh f of poCice's o$ee 'to (the -sidewalk. Th&--? in Charge recjsftjsd! Ht quickly s'to a sclent, andr brohe ar Records to thSniuni.ber v' cdnated in- tVj?! hours prescribed. Vac natimg was-ttie one buaintsss of yestt . v y- ! , - i g - p The foUowjig &a -the vawptnatkm: onjH nance "a-ddpt Monday mtjjht y t$ board of alanen . ; j ' " ; The boardvirf aidennsn! , of the . 'of of Chartatite-2tl) ordains ' ' v; Section t at all personst who .hak' not been van(aited heretofore, and .-( persons whoavei. been, vaccinated iherti tofore, buti ww have upon them no maf or " car, i shoatfng that the j vacciniajfii was successful shall procure themseil' i to be vaccinat,5d wfthin! ithwea -dsys frcii the passage fi this ordinance. ProvtVi that any person, may have; biav.-! yi i Cinated bv t3ia firv ThwtliWT - . -eiiarge. o?f1,f T My Prao "ho shall vK (tefe this ordititnce shall pay a penalty $o0 doXars ftieacJi and every day thi J -w W?1WJV)llBiitVetl tamer SeirV Mu-scait, of Owhu. Jannihrv The British;, gtboUt- LapwUfig1 has seiz Tfra Btaa&er-a?aiuchisttan, oft here aii her arg !-df cirina and ajnaMunltiion h been co-nflscafced. Her cargo' is held M the Brtttis'hJf-c&nsuL - Ml - 26.. t London, Jajtfary 26. Th weizure of th t - 'ioniums i V CJLlllUJfr the mystery 4 to whende tfrtS AfridJs cured their fma TJie owiiers of tfr; BaSudhistaii she has feeiem, reaeasS and has pfofc-pdedL They-at$d that In. arms were s'pped to a daea difrerei RuasCan firmly ( - ; . particuTarsKgtt jthe murderous affair f nd t'he'puniishiehit meted 'lt to the tt- 'AfJt MORE WARSHIPS AT HAVANA EUROPEAN POWERS ARE REPRE MJM. m 0. Ill MT This Simplifies Matters and Prerents Spain Complaining of Presence of the Maine. t Powerful Spanish BatUeshlp; to (Tlsit onr Ports Additional Guards at Amet lean Consulate Spanish Nayal Oficers ' ' to Attend a Banquet by Lee crul- Havana. January .26. The German ser Charlotte (schoolshl-p), has just ar rived here, a British warship has reach ed here from Key West and eomo Freioh warships are expected from New Orleans. The goverrnnen-i has re-enforced, the po lice ait the Amertoaht consulate, alonj the wharves and on the principal streets Sua a pnecau'tion, aga-inistt amy attempts- to provoke', a colliistfon' 'where the mariniea and crew of the United States warship Main dome ashore. MaklrM,' Jamuary 26. Th-e Spanish bat tleslhip Vizoaya, of 7,000 I tons displace menit, has- been .ord'ered -to visit American ports. '" y.",; I' '.' .'.'' '.;' eenor Sagasta, tlhe premier, read to the qu)eeca regeiut - .today what described as a very "satisfactory despatch" frbin Washington.;; - i": - ' ' '"--; . j Admiral Bermejo,. aninirster of marine has authoriaed the Officers of the. Spaaul- ish uadirou at Havana, ito attend th mavafl, banquet, to be given- toy Unit- State Consu l Generai Lee. London, January 27. The Madrid cor respondent of- The Daily Mail says the government wEl ask the next cortes to Vote ?,OOQ,000 pounds for strengthening the navy', - VD -. - .',' v ' .-'' ' 1 Havana,, Vjanuary 26. TMs aftemooii Uniited tartes Ooneul tieniera-l Lee visirt. ed thie M'aine, returning -the official visitJ paid imm yes teroay by Clap tai n Sigsbee. He was accorded the usual salute. " The locai papers in-sist Jthat the Maine is (here -on a friendly visit and -with the view-1 of "offsettittig . jingo' speedhes in WasMngtoni."' . ; - - , i . Wash-m-g-toai, Ja-ijiuary 26. The bfCiciala here are pleased at the success attends in-g (t!heir -movement in dispatching -the Maine to Havana and at the reception, ac corded the sihiip at -tihajfc port. The report thait ; British ared; French ships are to! join the Americani and German warships; In Havama harbor are Tegarded' h-ere, as bighay favorable;-ail-thou-cth no official no- i t'i-ce of such. Inlfenitions on: the part of the! lirinsn anict i-Tencn governments has been received. The presence of vessels -of -these (nationaii-tdes sulong-sidie of the United Staltw warship -will go far, It is believed, towonvince the people of Ha vana and Mdurid that there is Tto sinister .purpose in , jtih'e Maine's -arrival, whil1 t wtlfi make it exceedingly difficult for the Spanish governiment .to find any rea sonable ground' -for compiaJrat against the United States governnienit without laying ttsMt Open -to -the ( Charge of -discrimana-itloft, (since the : same Objection, must lie agalns-t the, presen-ce' of the warships of any and all nations1. - i .- Secretary Long, ffchas morrJinig-' received, a telegram from AdmiraH Stoard, saying unai xn-e jNorcn- A.tiianino squadron had (gone hneo the toner anchorage at Dry Tor tug-as. The telegram was broughit to Key west by the Fern, which is serving as a dispatch, and supply .boat for the fleet. . j ; ; . , Secretary Long- said today thiat the had received n-o notice from -the Spanish min ister or from amy other source that Span-, isih m'enHol-war ihave been ordered to visit United States ports; They were perfectly welcoifte to come and go as they pleased,' he said; and so f ar 'as 'he was concerned he would toe delighted to ' have t'hem come. Spanish, warships have frequent ay vis-i'ted Che - United Sbalt'ea s4nce - tbe Insurrectionary movemlemt broke out in Ouba three years; ago, without having excised the least Unfriendly commenit and -th-ere was no reason why aiiy igruifi'cance should be atstaohied to their coming agai n whenever they felt .disposed to do so. Secretary Sherman- also saJid-he saw no reason why (the Spanish ships should not visit the. United States and in fact he would be glad if they did come. . They would be welcome! j ... l AM the advices i received by the state diepartmenit anQ; aa'avy departanwit from Ouba today were satisfactory. General Le at 2 d'clock. reported tha all was quiet and order prevailed in Havana. At about the same 'hour a cablegram came (to -the department from 'Captain Sigsbee of the Maine saying t-hat general inter est was -manifested on (the arrival of the Maine in Havana harbor, but there had been, . no demonstration. He had been ashore himself . several, times off ioially and had been received with the 'greatest courtesy. -He expected to visit the pal ace tohorrow , j '. . j- : . The infoTrnatlon; from Madrid by the Associated Press -that fth,e i Spanl-sh g-ov-mmenit -had: 'decMad. o semd the warship Vizeaya. or a visit to Amwjcan ports caused no commenj in official circles. She is a formidable craft, .larger, raster and snore powerful than th'e. Maine. Her points are recorded .here as follows-Lenfe-th 340 feet, beani 65 feet, draught 21 feet, 6 inches; two propellers, 13,000 horsp power., with a lS-inch armor belt and , barbette 1014 dnebes-,. amd I an armored deck varying ' in thickness from 2 to 3 hicheis. Her .battery, "la made up of two 28-cenitimeter, tenii 14-Ceretfmeter, one 9-cen-tameter (air nonoria, gains made a Spain) ; eight 5imillmetre, four' 37-milime ter and two machine sguns. -There are six torpedo tubes. The ?hip was launched ip 1891, cost $3,000,000; and is- caipab-le of 21 knots speed, while the Malune is but 17V4 knots. Altogether the Vizeaya is. a for midable ship. v .- . , A -subsnitaal' addition to the relief fund being coa-eoted- for ithe Cuban suflerers at the state department, was received to day through Senator Hoar, who handed to Secretary Sherman a check for 014 senit -ham by George H.' X.ywiani, of Bos ton, itihe itrustee for ia.publSO collection in thait city.. j: . ': ,:- ' -: .''- Why allow, yourself to be slowly tor tured at the stake I of disease? Chills and Fever will undermine, and event ually break down the strongest consti tution, 'Febri-CuraM (Sweet .Chill Tonic with Iron) lis more effective than Quinine, and being combined with Iron Is an excellent tonic and .'Nerve medi cine. It is pleasant to take, and is sold, under positive guarantee to cure or money refunded.'-: Accept no substitute. The "just as good" . kind don't effect cures. Sold by Jj C. Shepard', J, H. Hardin and H. L. Fentress, . - i ... 1.4-.1-. , ' Funeral of Mjrs,: Clara ?. Springer This Morning . . j ' , The remains of the lamented Mrs.- Cla ra W. Springer, I who passed; away in Philadelphia at 4:40 a. ro. Tuesday, arriv ed here yesterday mornCng at 9:30 o'clock accompanied -by ijjer .sonis and daughters, Mr. Horace P. Springer, of; Washington D. C, Mr. "and Mrs. j: A. Springer,; th city, awdi Mrs. P.m. King ajad Miss Ad dfe Spriniger, of Philadelphia. Mr. R. w. Wallace, wO met them at- 'Wilson, came oown, witn-tnem. s -The casket was' borne to the residence. on ,F4ft'l'; and Princess streetsr and tee- runerai win take place there this mora ing at 11 o'clock, f - r " , J Aaotber Approaching Happy Kreat va-ros are ; out : annotmclnr the prcachrpg .nupttaieof Miss Edith Da w ap- TSieea and Mr. James B. -Waddell, both of this ctt'y. The wedding wisa take place at 9 o'clock on) the ever-rng of Februa.ry. 2nd ait the Tmce' of the brielect'i mother. Mrs. J.'A. Tbeese, If'ik Doc street. v, - " , -Th groym eect was foraerly of B'tv UeKsviHe, S. C and la now sitenographer at the cotton mills. lx. iiuell Bell.ixnjp mmL in,, Trenholm to "l-.-"- Marry ..''. - ; - ifhie Charlotte Observer of ye9terd;a,y says'; ,..';f'-' ' "ij ;'r' : - "Cards are out announcing ithie mar riage, February th, of Dr. EBussell "Bellamy, of Wijmlngtonv ! jainxJ MJs Oon'5t!ance -Trenholm, kJaughfeer of ex Oevendr Trehblm of South CaToriirea The bride and- grooTBHelect are? "both living to iNeiy 'Yerfc a-t preseuit ' The writer fcaj$ lsfe 'ipleasuje of meetilns Shem, the annual reeeprtfemi oif the Southern eociety Cotnikw ClUb'ait the nldjorf-Asfcorta, ta Decetober. Miss Trenholnn r handsome blonde, of charming nnera and person-aTity,'1 1 .r : ... NICE BUILDING .ff:'AS ''s WHEEL BE GIgDEIX BY ... .. - ' K' ; : v - tpu PAEEXTSriS YOUR LITTJiE BOY Oil GIRL LONG ON AN EB EAND ? IT IS BECAUSE T&E Y CANNOT BESIST THE TEMPTA I TI0N TO STQ?, ADMIRE AND LONG FOE ONE OF THOSE JUVENILE CRESCENT&TAT - - f' " " : ' Also full line of Bicycle Sundries always on hand,' . - fle23 . STOj.l NORTH SECfOlID STREET. : '- e - ';r,' i . . . BELL PHONE 108. .. : & .7 , . : " THE MPflMICS ; h.. 1 - : ' ,. 1 M ! SUBSCRIPTION STOCK NEW SERIES Is Now Open ' That investment in this Stock is' the best and safest form of Savings Bank, has toen sq fully demonstrated that you have only to inquire of ?J! any one of its "stockholders. rjlTHANIEL JACOBI, PSES. In answer-to igtany applications The Association will issue FIFTY SH ARES only of its FIVEER CENT. PAID tJP STOCK, the best investment in the State. . - ;, -; , . ;.- i ' . ' .',-.. del ft' 1 tune. Nine rich mernt North Carolina out of every ten commenced life poor. They be(ame rich! byt landing less than they made. No one" gets rich who does not spend less han ; makes. Any one will get rich who continually spends ness than he makes. Ery young man of ordinary ability in Wilmington can and should save something esfi month. The man who will not save a portion of a small sal ary will not savolportlon of a large salary. The boy who saves something every month will be proted before the boy who spends all he makes. True manhood Is required to denne's self and" save. It is weakness and folly to spend all. re gardless of the.ny day." ' .v - - (gfe g't:ffi.: tjSllf SlJiifJ,;; Industry," econrjmy and Integrity cause prosperity not "T.iicki' or "(innA Vnr. For reasonable interest and absolute security, deposit your savings In THE: WttiHGTOiT SATlNGS AHD TRDSt COEEPAHL Mdl I i 1....' JKO. SJ AMSTMNG, PRESIDENT THE HITIOHAL BANK OF WiLfflHGTOli. Superior facilities f Banking Byisiness. Accounts Solicited. Corre spondence fhvited. i' - JNO. S. AEMSTRtf f(3, GABRIEL HOLMEftl HUGH MACRAE, if , UUaS. E JAMES Hi fiiHADBOURN. Ja - - c- 1 n Ghooirig Stish Fabrics 'co'pvftiCHT'.e WE Ait THE W. B, CORSET. O . SOLD Tlxe CV.W. Every pair warranted by us. Do not pay fancy prices fer other makes when I -j we warrant every pair of "W. B. we selL " No.. " . . . i' Price 412 ...f,.'-.f, Medium and extra long waist..:..... 7s -i..iii-.Medmm and extfa long waist. i 00 SOO..I ......Krtralong waist. 6 hook. "' 1 nn 428......,.........&o.Medium Wth.' SS 164.. ....-............Extra long waist, 6 hook... ....'. .....11" 1 75 ?Af'v"" .Era quality satine, medium length... ...... 2 BO - l-y"yto fn J nrsin4T..v.A-i.i I OO J"-- ....fx. Abdominal for very stout persons.......... 1 00 i3o......-....i...u.,s.For young ladies....!.,.............. . T'i 420.... ..fj;.MissesCorst. :' : .: ...... .............. e' iffs?' Perns Waists... .... . v . . . ;. . :::;;;f5o and a k Dr. Warner; I health Corset , ; . . i. . . , .. 1 25 Sole Agent forhe Standard Paper Patterns. Write for Fashion Sheet. Tlie 'C. W. POLVOGT Co, U.i.l H. KUST. STEBE Plum)ing ... '. J-- m u-. . WITIi NEW iMPROVEDuTOOLS COMPETENT PROMPT BUSINESS -3METH0DS WE mm YOU SATISFACTIOtl. iff. Dwfl F. Liove Coo FOR RENT ' , . A VERT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE j ' WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; ON CORNER FRONT AND CHURCH V STREETS, 120.00 PER MONTH. t - ' ' ALSO A RESIDENCE ON FIFTH BE TWEEN NUN and CHURCH STREETS. ; V I ALSO HAVE SEVERAL . VERY . i" LOTS ON SEVENTH, - FIFTH. ORANGE, SECOND AND ' OTHER STREETS. W. M. GUMMING-, . Real Esitlate Agent and Nottuy Public." '. ja 25 tf -lit-.' --: '.- A - '''"..l:;'--;:'.'K:,-;:;:;"Urv m . - . t - .. THE0UGH LIFE . . THE VICTOR! . - - fs ' .. - HOHE ASSOCIATION. . . LIST FOR THE , Apply to 1 W. M. CUIM1NG, SECEETAEY. F. E. EAWE8, CASBEE or - Transactinji Genera Ci"0IR183OTOR,SD ' QEOi B FRENCH.: c. W.IYATES, WILLIAM WtDiSfi' JJ Q, u GDSSCHKNi BORDSN, - , WM. E WORTH1 WILLIAM GILCHRIST .FOR YOUR-SUIT OF CIX)THING OR OVERCOAT WILL BE (A PLEASURE WHEN YOU EXAMINE THE KOjCH elbqance and' fine qaltty, pf the miaterial that we gdis-. play for your choice in the best imported and domestic! Serges, chetviots, dtaoonals, stripe trouserings, etc. iwb will melt" you tnto a suit ofi ixxthes that will stamp you! -AS A GBNTIjEMAIN J WHEN YOtJ PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US. ' 107 Prlnoess Street. - . OSLY BV . , . - C, jraaaNGTOif. N. c. fiepartment. . 1 - . , ..-.'. WORKMEN, i; - - 1 M '1 .5- ' '; u '.' . 1 ! ';' ' ' . I'-':' .1

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