i:. Ml WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1898. PRICE 5 CENTS. ; . 4 . -!- ".- - - ' ' - ' 7 - "" : : -' - --- ' .f-"--J V -- ; -i w"-". 7.77 -! - 7 ; 7--i " .7;- ;'f'a? v- L ' : 'i ' ' I - r;- :' - v a - ' -'!; - i ;-';U: ' . . ' 1 : - " . ? rr. VOL. 'XI.- NO. 31. j , fY' 7 Y: 7 : iUfry I " J i i I' .. : 'r " ? s : ' ' I- ' i ' u . . - i "1 j ' t ? -f :.f i ' v - Ii- Hi -.,! ni'Vi ;!'i; f J 3 -f-?r- :: V 'l- -'.V 1 ' r i-' . i : - - i ' . . :.V'f ft t'i :- '- F' I : 1 - ! R - P-: ) "T .TELEGRAPH SUM1IAEY, - :' - ; TUB STATIv. -Nearly .ail thft rxUl roads of, the stale join in asking the railway commission to moaity ; oMer- to ratestiin fertil ze?9.-r-Mr.; Thoittast.Hlil.' of r4o1dsboro has his Teg- amputated in oonsoljuenee of the wound recejveid at iNew ern.- Governor Russell ani other sta. e officers visit the t!ind asy' .4... um ad Raleigh, to see whether the last appropr ation for repairs shall not be I THE DB LO paid. e ix ci dent; - 'Minister de Lome'k resignation is laifl Yic&va. 'Ow . -. - - i -ic uic oimiusn caDinet ana lis accept t-u ana msjirst:seerel ary is put tn charge 'ofjithe lega.tion at Washington. Kxtrii prepautions sire taken ;to pWtect . ' thl premises' off Minister AV'oodfordj twenty! four more guards 'hay-e been plated abou ithe;house.-r Senor VlL- Lome in his cable gram to the cab-rn.-,t admitted that h4 wrote the Canalej-as eigrj represtrttativesi etter. 44 the for at Washiri gton ;.ln form their iK'overnme hts of th kle I LKm4 .affair. Seinor de I omes suciiessor is iuimidy bfiftg ' discujjsed.- Pre. nier &a gasta yays the de Ixne incidenfi will no affe-t. the relations between the United States. ' I iomi:stic. Spa5n and . ienato"r Hanna, M.yor Dick and! other prominent men have tH en, subpoenaed ben lore. tne tiribery invefcHijration t-tmmitte, of the Ohia legisla-tuVe. -Luetidert sav: tne-veraiet ,m his. ease is wromri that hp is. either guilty of murder for i-i-'hifh -hA should be hung or hi is lnnoceift. The- iy?iioi muvp uicii ueny rnat tney nave .tormed u sjtove, trust-.- The N iewl Yorkf. wssw-m'bly passes a i-esoluxion A 4 censurina Senator. Murphy for his vote on the JelA nineteen ler i . resolution. - -Kleyen ' dead injured arnjl ,twehty-Lsix missing is result Of the. big f ir at ' Pittsbiurg; jrop' rty los is place d at $1,500.0. TheJ national aKsembly bf. the Ia 4gue: of . Amprfcan - Wheelmen yest-c-fdaV elected of miH't- Officers -and chose- the next pJ'ace irtHT.! Baroin Hard-on Hic.key. ,!kj nowrt a.s : 'H'rinee of frrin-idad, II! jl'as-o, Texas. commits s uicid-e at I . ! foreign: - . The Korean' court goes Into fiiourning fori the de.ith of tha emperor s mother herj. funeral wi'M be from khe time of he - negiot tat ing ;a loan of United 'States. The held three montlis r death. rr- iJapan is 100,OHOrO()0 y 4n in the death -is announced :-of. -Genera.! Jones, United States: consul at 'hiin KianK. Thei black pi ige has brokt n out in a Chinese provinej ; at one months. praee dca t hs occu rred in "two -Japan mcikes cont racts for m ore war- -ihips-.- Russia will send 31. 00ft troops into Korea.' Ostenibl y as a boipyg-uard fori the ' emjit ror. Guiitemala was shot The pres Went f of w hile walkji n g lieair thtj taOace:- hi.s-assassin. Was j killed by mepioers 01 . yie ,president s stajft; lead ers; of the. revolutionary -party had offer eit $1-vi.f.;i fiir his- drnth.- Japlin noti- nt'S t iiihh- -i na-L viie w in retain powses- Kiop of. Vei-rHai-V'ei norma n-en-tl tin ere fore, will r-ee'tl no foreign Mrs. Dreyfus has been made tod r: China, loan. i lil from" the Zola worry to appear as case. .- I - witness in Why allow. yourse If to be slo-Wly tor- tured at the stake 6t disease? ' Chills and Fever j will undermine, and, event " ually break down the strongest consti tution. "Fe-bri-Cura" (Swedt 'Chill Tdnic withjlrdn) is more effective than Quinine, arid being j-ombined yith Iron is an exceljent tonic and Nerte medi cme. It is pleasant; -to take' and is i sold under, positive guarantee to cure or money refunded. Accept no substitute. The "just as good" . kind don't effect V cures. ': Sold by J. C. Shepard, j J. H. Hardin and IT. L. Fentress MODIFICATION ASKED Of the Order Kednclni; Freight RatB on iFertlHers Mr. ilill'a L.eg Amputated - j - X Special''' to The Messengd r.l. ; - -TRnleich. N. C February 10. Nearly all i raiiways atdv j-the rai way commjission to modify its Oate orde redacin-g rates . on th; They car-load lots' of, fertilizer-? one-six will have a. hearing the lTth ii njst tant. News from .GoldiS'bqro is is 'that! Mrf 1 Jdlty," owinj: Hill's Jegj was - a.inputated tod g to wounds recjL-j ve.d at night. j' -s : Governor Ilusse'l i New Bern , Tuesday nd other tate offi- cei's all wevt to t'hd ins'titutioi for the bliini this afternoon 000! specially, a'ppropr ings a nd i m prove me to see whether $54,- ated.i'for h w build- -i last leg Trustees fits by the iislaturt s'hail . not he paid. fhjrik. they j will at ilast i-edod money. . ' g.-'t It ins roue n The grate' charters the" Ethrj Lumber- Company, of Ether, capital. $5,(kl. " ; Montgomery county, When a man 'is suffering with an aching head, a sluggish. ibody (when 'his .- muscles are lax and lazy, f'hiis -brain J'Ull, and his stumaeft YliaJah-iling food. ted will, if wist, lieed 'these warnings - and res-art j-to the right remedy, hbef are 'Ait is too late. "Farker's Sar.parllla" ' -rthe, "King Of Blood PuTifiers," imakea 'theappetite keen and hearty invigor? 'ates the liver -purines the blood and "-fiMs it -witlh the Ufaf-giVing eldmen'ts of. thie'f'jod- It; is a wonderful alood ma 5c er and flesh builder. Soldi by J- C . hepard, J. H. IlajAiUV and Hi L. Fen : lres3. : . I- '.-;'"'' Vlreiniii to T lit Fertilizers lUi-TunonJ. Va., . J- c'bruary jfij. At t Fit el' ting ofi the ptate Tegular nuan'?rl-ri Aboard' of agriculiijre held toilab'. a corn- -rnittee consis-ting 'oil .' juid MeMath. to wh Messrs. Hurt. Hin-e k-h Presidehit: Buford WH added;, was' appointed to tenure and Dfi'si-iim o t h e i proi r committees ot the treneral assembly h; ving this iriiatter un til e-r consid-eratliSn. a suitable irtpr.esenta- Aion of iilie facts; and matter involved so far -aa tlnlsame .prreent work and Jluties of jdhe I This actiort v.".a,s takn in viewlf th ar connected! wit-h the board. e rec- mmendaiiDn hefaj-i the. genf sal asst-m-be a-boli'.-htdJ It was line .thait! ithe board fr)y..thaj; the board riue-trested "by Mr. ivill tx wilnng 'to trap trteii" npropriation tit off,, and would meet its (regular ex- 4-rises-by la tax of i ! i ce'iis Ifr tun wsmI upo the ferti'lizer nianufacturers Tiiis would He stiff iei-tht . to jnet .the exr ' neneses of thi board. : CorLmissioner Whitehead - a-udvd tpa he, tivqught thjs syo'Jki mwt witti ftif apirjya she fertilizer ''manufacturer of bf most of i ny prom Vircihia . Inence, js all the prominenq jn'anufactr:rs had Always; beejn in favor -of : p;iying t nWS'b 1 to ket-p ii-i the de- apartment of agrievlvire. j . The Merchant TatirS U IWchmofidV t&l FelarjrNio.-The aierchant 'Ta.'e' 'Xatiofiall- exchange at their final meeting, toflay elected ;and installed the officers ! dominated vosterday. There, was dUiSf-alty re fiortd from the Beaver Vajiey (Pa.) : 3Kxcha.iige, and ond of the disjloyaULaiJ irs was' seriously Stacked drtd ordered t.a be ejected '-by. the serge an -at-arms. t )ie privilej ge of the flioor. and! requested vommit; tee of in- K-estia-atirin. whic-hHvas appo nted and itKo 'mattdir ii-aa aTnirablv adjust e. The rmvt imctino- will it in Detroit. Mich. friu?: convention concluded tinight Avith W- gftJ banquet WHIT f Royal makes th food pure, wboicsuine and d Hcloa5. PQVDEB Absolutely Pure ROVAl BAKING POWUtiiCi; NEW VOff. I ,1 B' i CflHADi IN? TAMP I ! U1J11UU 1U UViUU I NO LONGER MINISTER OF SPAIN TO THE ukllED STATES. His KepIgnatioB Promptly Accepted hy tfce JCablnetr-He Now Aamlts fVritiug the Xettr .Extra Onardi Alfoot Mmltr Woodford' Residence D tome's Pres ent Position Comments of Foreign Press Bepresentatlyes at Washlnstoa otlfy their Gorernments. - . t . - ..' I - I - (Madrid, February 10. .At a meeting of fee Spanisli cabinet, taeid today un der the 'presidente' of the queen-regent,. the minii'3ter for foreign .affairs, Senor GullonVread a ldispatoh from Senor; Du puy de Lome, Jthe Spanish imtoisiteT at Washington, saying chat the pu'blish ed 1ttter to Senot Canalejas was writ ten by 'him ; and. 'tjhat Ihis position, con sequ'enitly, toad ibcome untenable and he begged . the government to. accept h:3' -esjgnation. : j ; The teabinet decided' to . accept the , resignafiion of Senor Dupuy , de 'Lome and the" ministers, subsequently met and decided :o telegraph to Senor 'de Lome accepting litis! resignation and entrust ing the riri.t secretary 'with the Cond uct - of the ei rrent -aff airs of the legation. ; i- j v - I The 'news of the de Dome incident was ! received 'too late yesterday even to. dbtfaln I opinions. The .govern ing ment press naturally ascri'bed its au thorship to the j Cuban. Jingoes, the Washington statfe department . an nouncement that jde Lome 'had admit ted the genuineness oif the letter not Ibelrir received i (uri'fil larly -this .Jtforh-iinff- Senor Cam'alitas 'Wais out of town; j ibut pis secretajry aid ie ha!d never, re-- ceivpu iny uun w iter irwir ue uuiiic. THE .AMERICAN LEGATION - GULA. TIDED. L - ' . For some' time ipast, the authorties herer -having been taking extra precau- tion in guarding (the Residence of the U.MtleJd States lji'jsteif, General pstew- art L. Woodford, jiwhich lis on. t;he out skirts of the "cijty: On Sunday the guaM was I reinforced by twenty four men and The 'Heraldo said that even was 'not considered sufficient, AM his day Jong additional .precautions were adopted, evidently . under the impres sion that "public. !order . might ibe di's- turibteld and; a nunjber of mounted ,cil guards iwere posted' (in -the .vicinity. Thereupon,! The' lieraldo asked whence the - necessity, I foi- these -'precautions, since Madrid has jbffered absolutely not a' -single, 'symiptonjt of ! justilfying su'Ch measures.. :j ' 1 ' 'j-- 'J -' : - ( FREiSIS COMMENTS. "' I ,-.' J " . s i - ' ,- All the newspaper comments on the siibiect bitterly denounce "the ibuSi- hess of stealing and publishing a pri vate letter' ; ".:' ' . '-...-'-' . Afijter the cabirfet cp'undil, the pre-. mierj, Senor SagSta, Ntold the corres pondent. of the Associated Press that thati Senor, Dupuj dei.Liome ih'ad brave jy "lad'rnitted the au'tihbrship of the let f ter.t -.-!- . : . :. '".''' i . i The candidate iSenor Muragua to.' sucqeed Senor de lome ha's-heen alban-; dont-d. The 'govern mejn't maintains jits reserve, desiring te- se'ejure the approval of Washington; affording to. diplomatic cust;f)m, 'beforje .appointing - Senorj i de Lo.nie'-s su'dcessor. . --. . - ' .r.l -. The papers al!I f discuss the de Lorn in'cSdent , this morning! and 'Che possible successor of the retixling minister at Washington. La ICorrespondJoi'a de Es pana mention's Senor Muragua, 'but, sky A it is believed that nothing has Ibeeri as yet dejeidfed j ! El! Heraldo de" Madrid, deplores the (incident 'but .. riemjarksi "Here we are olbliged to endureJ not- only confidential .complaints like Senor "de' Lome's, but attacks an accuisatiohs of every kind,. f in American dfficialf, documents and in congress upon our '-ountry, generals, government, and even our highest representatives of state."1 ; ... ..; , Ei Correo recognizes' that Senor de Lome's position T 'became . untenable when the letter ias published. j 'El Erkxiha isaysj "Senor de Lome's resignation having Ibeeri accepted, ithe international. question disappears. INeyertheless .the Cuban- insurgents have succeeded' irj chasing frona Wash dngton a representative .of Spain who has always displayed -great zeal to prevent filibustering .expeditions, but they have done sk) by) tricks on y em ployed by the clients of penitent aries." The CorrespoTidencia M'ilLLar says: "The g'o-vernment should 'not have ac cepted Senor de Lome's resignation. The American attitude is off ensi e and hunTi'lia'tihg to Spain' ' i - ' El Correo," the ICarlist organ says? 'W are1 at the bjeginning of - the ierid of our respect tf or the United States.": : L,, Nacioinall ,'fne- Weylerist organ, TATiHoachesi the goVernmen't for yielding to ihe exligencie$8 of Washington knd J addis:. - .ine A-m-ericaiis . uvavtr. - lycywic burj lords and masters." ! H ' , Senor , Sagastai the - premiielr, 'and othir members of thecabinetstatepub. iiidly that the de! Lome incident will n&tlaffect ithe! relation s Ibefeween Spain arid' the United States and that a new envby, competent to conduct the ecim sfnerJcial negotiations, will .be selected. iJmdon, I Febnjiary j 11 The Times thi'i morning,) s4ys ed.'toriaily:. '"It is from every point of view! deplorable and lamentable that so useful a career Shoulld have 'beeni terminated by art act 'r. 3 . .the basest i treachery. Senor de Lcirie has! long ibben the object of pro-1 ,. , . . . . : . . .' ,i. i .v. , .IVhr, ri WHO- Iilinu. aeiesia.uuii iu me Jbecfeusevhe frustrated their, deep lanldj iplots. !HonestJ- iTen. Whether in Ahier tcajior in ! England, must regard with;; 004 tempt i- to pro found - for .words as ' paty . Which sinks 'to isuch methods of ' w-aa-fare. That party is doulbtiess ex uitinsr'in its sudcess: tout dt cannot a;!)Lish the good! work -Senor- de Lome: had actually accomplished, it must oe rec&rded to rrest.aenc ; -ucrvini-y o credit that, although. he might ex'cu's-, ably feel personal resentment; he hast refused to exaggerate the 'incident in any way. , This; has greatly ' disap- oointed .the Cu'bah ring." London; February 10.-The St. James: Gakette tihi's aftejrnoon alone romments; upon the de Lome incident, at says;; , 'Senor de Lome; has (resigned, and lt was the tlzht course, iwhether he wrote or Idid not write, the letter; but tbe in- cidemt is bound tio make unpleasantness, 'between the twq' government and add; it o the chances of trouble about CulbaJ wiftic'h re by -nd means so few as cer-. taiin authorities profess to believe." Havana, - February . ?0. LaLuchaj oommerrting updn the de Lom'e affajr, says: 'At van ous times- during past! J-cars nve have said ' that Senor Dupuyj de Lotrrie is. not. the man Spain needs at t!a:;s:!momerit in; Wasihington. Ir the most prominent Spltfei of; this, Maldrtd ixjiittdaiis have not thought spi Wkl--htaar reliable i anfonma'tvon., 7 oa- the effect that tne feu ter attributed' to Senor deLomewasdn-j teiveinted hefore It Was delivered to iSertiwr' iCanaleiais. Other, things are fi'aid which will ibe efleared-up in time w,u4 cous considerable astonishment.' v- : Havana,. 'FeHjiirary! .10. The putblica- .ti4n Of tbfe ifiew9.--W "genw J.orne; 'letter' pfOdwied profound serrsatiori inNavaiJa, In 1 poljtfcal and milifar iJi, i the taeatresi ana in. the (poii Cra ' ;Vf..i' -a long time ; has o r,kr .r.!a WilT: 'hftn t,7 SUbjCCt Of -CAJiiiJ lS 1UV- VJ. liV " -r ' . . ir toiri such widespread and absorbed twin. Jn all circles the letter is pror no;unced "in.diiswsf. feenpr Muragua is jconsidered as , likely to eyee4 de Lome. -i ; " " '-. Washtogton,' February 10. Ire. vfew of ! the news f roni Madrid of the accept ance of the resignation of the Spanish minister, It i imay .be stated, that our gqvernmerft ianyt disposed to split hairs over the method of wis WWl'sr TH aster's ; retirements In. other words, t is: riot concerned as to whether ti9 re pigns or 53 recalled, &o long as he n leaves ihe capital. ' It 1st true that the; exact, language -the message sent by ithe state departmeit to! Mr. 5Voodfor4 mdiceiteld the presideni's desire tlia the minister be recalled!, but. the lan-j guagtj ivas used as the most proper for; suoh an occasston and j must not ! ibe taken to mean that tAe president ia kliisposed to go; further than- is aieces-j ary In lha ; "pursuit of plr. . Dupuy de; Lome, now no longer aii official of the (Spanish government representing it at Washington, but simply j a Spanish cit izen tinkering at" -. the j capital only longi enough to pack up ana remove his per fects. I- - f i f . DE LOME-S POSITION, The Madrid, cable to the Associated! Press was communicated to the Span ish, miniister arid was Ms first knowl $dge ; th at s action had 'been taken .by the eaJbinel; and queen. - The official notifieation ha!J hot reached him up to 1:30 ;oiel'cckjp. m. The acceptance of the resignatipri was fully expected and tteca&sibnedj no surprise or change otf irlansi The "effect of - the acceptance is to lose- Serior iDupu : de Lome's -services ?as Spanish imishistr at Washing ton, jr-h'e future stabusj of Sen'or xle Lome is a matter of, doubt. One of tvo courses is open to his government ; a recall mt "Spain anothef diplomatic 1110 designation of a transfer to post.- A recall tof another; 4post would jleavei hiim in the ranks of the diipiomatlc serviicel on waiting orders This Isj the iosition of sienor Muragua who preceded de Lome J-here. In ease! of a desire to. transfer himi to' anathei' post there" are a . 'nHrmber of important 'Spanish emibassies tand legations avail! ia'ble. i. In some quarters t it is thought that the sentiment '; of ithe Sipanjish ,peo - pie i.wouta approve a ! wansier - wi x;ra; character, (but it is Ibellieved to he more probable that the Spanish 'government iwill wait until the strain of the inci dent is overbefore deciding the future of itd iretiri'g minister This is the imore iliikely fince ;Scnor de Lome is no:: a li'beral 'buft beiOnigsito ifne'conBewa,, tive party, which is; riiow out of . power .xThej i'eitdorraf thejcabiniet in designaf tog the first "secretary as charge d'af faires leaves a question las-to whether ISenor Pablo Soler. or Senor du Bos will ibe! in temporary charge, 4oth hav ing rank as first secretaries. It had "been understood that Pahlo Soler would Ibe named, tat at the legation it was said nothing definite could -Ibe stated until the official 'notification from 'Spain 'was received. I j ' -:'! cUpfio the close' of office hours the state department had not 'heard from .(Mr.- Woodford, it Was ' said. ' However, there Mvas no 'disposition to question the correctness . of the areport oif thei Spanish cahinet'S action upon his resign Tvat'ionand the' opinion i'iS' etttertai-nelcL that the matter is noiw practically set tled. ; It is -believed I that, when Mr. Woodfbrid is' heard from It will be in ithe shape of a m'essaie saying that the 'Soaniisih government! escpresses regretl -at the Hncideht; .that t-heires'ignation ofi (Mr. !DuDuy de Lome-makes it nrnnec-l e'ssary i to go further in the direction of; the request of the president for his r-e-call and announces that; the first sec retary of the legation will conduct its 'business in 'Washington ' until another minister is inamed. j ; : QUESTION; OF - XE LOME'S DE- '; ;j 4-j - J-PARTURE.J.; ': - - j".! Under 'theipecuMar .pirctrmstances ex iistrng, I the ceremony attending the de parture of the Spanish minister is at tended1 with much doubt. It is usual whtri-a iforeign irepreseniaiive' leaves the coubtry for him to be received in fcr mai ; audience at (the Iwhtite! 'house, where (an exchahgeof well-wishes takes place 'between himi and (the president. It is hardily: expected) that thlisj formal ity wili he cibserved;iri th present case, owing to the personal aspects of the incident. In cases that approach this in most' respects the mini'siter has -ua-uallyi all'oiwed his letters pf recall to toe presented 'by'hiis successor.- dt- may. be recalled that Senor Muragua Who was Senor .Dupuy de Lcme'4 predecessor, left. Washington r-suddenly on Heave of absence, -shortly' after tide appearance in a ' newspaper of iwhich - he eriticSSed an interview m ' our government. Tfp' idirl not return to Wishingt'on; but Senor -: lupuy de Lome appeared1 with the letters of recall of ins predeces sor; and letters accrediting himself as his successor. So that there as prece Irl an& -rkr a faiihire run the toart bf the re tiiring Imin'ister to take formal leave of our officials. : It is said at the state de partment that there) is ino time limit 'Within which -Mr. Dupiiy de Lome must t leave ' 'Washington-, and, .toeing now mly a private Spariish citizen he may take a reasooame time to arrange his affairs here without calling ttor crit icism;! 'ATTACTrrXGi'ATTEN'TipOFjFOR- i EIGN GOVBRiNMfBNTS. ; ThetideLome letter-has already at tracted the attentio'ri of 'foreign gov.- ernmerits and. appears to he regarded Ibv them as- an important factor in the .o-p-nerai Cniban duestlion.- toome 01 xne foreJlgp- ministers at; (Washington have.1 advises! theur. .governments ruiiy or tne. occurence. These - were ima'slca'ding at the outset; for members! of ;t)he diplo- miaticl coroa 1 assum'ed . that ' the '. letter was' a forgery and soma advices con- vevfldi'this viiew of the case. iNow that i to. p-ein'iiinenies.s ,! has ! 'been established, the facts have been sent o most of the foreign capitals: .'No mctlie-nt an recent rfa.v has caused such . a sensation in t.h'fv, -ranks' - of the , iarptomauc corps Thexet Is universal regret among the ambassadors and minlisters. who have Iben ibrouaht into icliose social i-elations With ! j Senor de . Lame, i t nas aiso aflovJ3ed akeen- oiiscuissioni as iuo meis'in oif - eriicism whiich a minister can in dulhnl under the! seal of a private letteri While there is n& general con- census of opinion among diplomatic authot'i ties, : yet ohany of them take the T,iiew Ihat it is not only diftv ior-'a "minister! to a right tout a ipTfesen't everyj det'aTl! even of a personal! nature, which fin his' judgment may add in. a correal niinrtrta-ndaiwr of a case, i A. distinction l's made toy them ibetWeen othcrai ana (personal letters.). - I - , i ' , Thei original ieoter iwrncten. oy ue jjome to iCanalcjaJs came into the po4 . J , i .J. ; - 1 r .T Ressiron or tne aeparirawu yesLc-i-u.j and was carried toy (Judge Day, as the., secretary of .state J to "the.Qriimster s: residence. The nneeti'ng couil not 'nave been I other : than ! ipalirifuil.' ; ' Therej was ; 110 - denial. on the ' parti tf ,.-th3 minister. "When Judgej Day learned from tjief wltoist'ev tbftt thq. aetter- was genuine, the j cablegram -to-Gen-etal Wbodf ord as sent. JThese inj stxueiion's will go i-before the Madrid authorities along w-!ith ithe -mi-nlster's resighaion. -j ) I 7 I The state department this morning aveiou't'far ipuiblioatiori: the saiibstance of; itji'e cablegTam'Jsent yesterday !tO Genial Wooidfe-rd.l'The tatemtnt yra4 as' follows: - - 1 . '- ' -. '""!' i "There has appeared in the ' puibliip print,- a letter addressed (by the Spanf lish . fhinister tS Mr. Canalejas. Thi iftter, the minister admits, was wrttteii toy Him. It coritains ex.pressions con4 cernng ithe president of: ' -the JJniteJ states of Buch charactet' a t& endl -fb? muhi&ter's-useifulneas as- a irepreienta tive fcf hi government to this country Oeneral Woodford therefore . was ini structeid at once to. say to the Tninaster of. slate, that' the immediate recall o: Mr. Du'puy de Liome is expected toy th president.'' iiOTfr ylll3 LiBTTKR WAS SBCUR " Wen inquires: were! made at tbf iSpianWh legation today as .to how thq lettef -reached the hands of the Cuban junta, t was -sialid that the satements made toy the junta as to Canalejas re-j cfP'S thejetter were aTsoiutely' false IVrvate. inquinres, H was stated, had 'ihoan: mat throiheh a Nw York gentld Ltriani who faa!4 4sclote4 -that 3ariaje3aa never saw te letter. This JriQuiry was sent toy cable direct to Canalejas, TbdW at iMadirid, and he was asked if he had ever received a letter of the character desettitoed, TTo this &enor - Canalejia asver-e!d tnat ha nVe reCeiyea' the ?J4ier'ahd "kufeiw' "nothing iJt-con 1 Itentgj tlhat ;if he had j-eceSydd' t he would jiava raade an urfswer to the let ter. I There has never (been an acknowl edgement or an answer, from Canale--jas. : lAtyjjr this statement j direbt .from Camalejas, the Spanish auithbrittfes. re gard it as plain that tlhe letter was stolen in transit arid thatl 'ih'e reports: of Canalejas receivting it and readSng it to Dr. Oongosto are fafbricatiilons to-; tended to .cover up the plan, by which the letter was jaJbstracteld. The fact that! the envelope w'as not produceld 13 taken as another evidence that the ttet-i iter was taken in transit, as. the .enve lope would have disclosed the post-j mark, with the lime of sending and re-' hceipit, both in irhtts country and 'Havana Sf it ever reached the. latter ' .place. ' MORE FARCICAL PROCEEDINGS Vnder Guise, of a Trial In a LawConrt. Witnesses Contiooe to Decline to Testify In the Zola' C.ase-A Lawyers Clercr Manenvre - - i M Paris,' February 10. The examination of M. Trarieux,. the former j minister of justice, was completed at teUay's ses sion at the assizes court the Seine ! 'before which M. Zola. and -M. SPei'reux, I manager of The iAurore, -. are being tried. ' 'r '. . -!".'- Major Paty du Clam was called' an refused to reply lo Questions put tq him relative to Mme. de Comminges. The major .alsq refused to reply to othei questions, on the ground of "pro fessional secrecy." ' 1 I i General "Gonse and Colonel x Henry gave an explanation of the indiscre tions of Colonel Picquart, who had knowledge Of some of the secret pa pers of the .ministry for war. The Sitting w'as then' temporarily suspended, and wheri'it was resumed, ijeneral Pellieux, who was appointed case, and to investigate the CDrejf us upon whose report Major was coui t-marialed, was General 'Pellieux said he Esterhazey examined. would tell the whole truth and not plead Vpro- fessional secrecy." . M - M. Trarieux said that while he was minister; of Justice he had; nothing to flo With the Ire-lf us affair.! He- ap proved or ,M. iScheurer-Kestner 's . agi- tat ion of the matter. When Commandant Fornlsetti was called, M. Teiegorgue, presiding judge, refused to allow him to !b' questioned regaramg tne Xreyfus case, and -M.. Labbrie, counsel for iM. Zola announc ed that owing to the action of the court' he -vyould abandon the examina- jvi. vwiuinaiiuain. 01 xiiset'ti ana Captain Lehrun-Renaud. and others whorh he only desired,- to. question re-'J garaing the Dreyfus case. Major d'Ormescheville, Cblonef'Mau- rel and several other members of the Dreyfus court-martial entered the witness stand, but. the presiding -judsre refused to allow any question touching on the (Dreyfus case and so Ml Labor ie abandoned their examination. . General Pellieux. on- the witness stand; said it was time the truth toe came! known. He then proceeded to re late, the story of , the - Bsterhazev in quiry, and said M. Mathieu Dreyfus and M. Scheurer-Kestner both admit ted that they could not i Drove the charges against Major Esterhazey. Gen efal pellieux . then' indulged, amid . ap plause, m an out Durst against Colonel Picqiiart. whom he accused bf divulg ing 4n espionage affair to an putsider, exclaiming: MSuch conduct lis shame ful!'! Referring to the 'bordereau, the Colonel declared that' the. alleged fac similes published were all fictitious. As to the compromising letter sent to Major 'Esterhaze'y, which might raise suspicion that he had shady relations with la foreign agent. General Pellieux said r "It is inconceivable that any one could be so naive as to employ this method of correspondence fn a matter or such ; gravity. . Genera Fellieux here expressed indignation! at the "in excusable action of Colonel Picquart in having Major Esterhazey's rooms burglarized without authority of any kind.) Colonel Picquart' admitted this and when the court-martial; acquitted 'Major Esterhazey I was not! astonish- ed. 1 I iwas proud of having contributed to the acquittal pf Major Esterhazey, which proves that in the French army there7 were not two, ibut only one traitor." - .. . .'M. Dupuy, the former (premier, was then called, , and ,M. 'Lalboriej ibegan- to question ' him regarding the' Case of DDreyifus, which the presiding! judge ve toed, whereupon M., Laborife announedj uiai lie, ivuum iiumw up e--a"ulI11 " tion J of.- M. fDuriuy and other forner ministers, as the ruligs of the .re siding judge. made- it fruitless. . ;' M.t Thevenet, a former minister of justice, w -he could, ho was next examined, said easily tinderstand 1 why M. Zola w-as exercised by the ''veiled lady',' story. !M. Zola, lie added, had acted in good! 'faith, tfor complete light had not ibeenf thrawn upon this matter, and,M. Zola's was not the only mind trouibled. M. .Thevenet expressed satisfaction at the tacquittal of Major Esterhazey, which, he said, proved there were no trait'prs in the French army, but he "boldly insisted" that complete light had hot toeen cast upon this; grave af fair, which, he added, interested the whole" of - Europe. He further express ed regret that the government had not spoken, in order to restore (tranquility for, the country. ' Continuing, IM. Te vehet skid he was astonished that the officers, instead of giving) open testi mony, should have taken refuge behind "professional secrecy. M. Salle, a lalwyeT, followed M. iTe- venet on i the witness stand The bre- siding judge immediately ref-usedj to alloW question to toe ; put cerning the" Dreyfus case, b him . con arid a heat- ed discussion between the judge and M. Laborie ensued. The Jatter asked for a short adjournment in order to draw 'up a formal application that these questions. be allowed . - ,- When the hearing was Resumed, M. Labfrie submlttted the application re ferred to, Clemeneau, -coungel for The Aurore, supporting- him in j a skillful mane&uvre. The latter asked that for mal! notice toe taken of fhe "fact that M. Salle, on the witness stand, "has not denied that he was aware, through a niember of the court-jrtial, that a secret .doc'umenfc was yuhniitted to .the coiirt-tnartial." The jeourt refused botli applications; 'but, M, Clemeneau, toy this ingenius expedient of reading a question in the form of in application practically obtained what, he wantea. The court then adjourned; Whooping' cough is thes ost. distress ing -malady; hut its duration can toe eut shWt toy the use of One, .Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and a11 lung and; bronchial trou'b.ss. R. R. Bellanjy. j The Dry Oowd Market JJiew York, February io.-4The situa tion, in dry , goods is practically uri- ' Changed, ibut the market tone in tooth cottons arid woolens is well sustairied. In staple cottons the market is quiet, with a fair demand recorded as ooTniing' fxorh iobbers and cpn;e!r.ersi for brown fpooqsr, vviae neeiip-s jare m steaay teue-.t wichout .feature in any grade. BleaJched 'goodai are firm and with a fair, demand recorded for the cheaper grades. Sellers are very firm in their position on ail Iine3 of jstaple cottons. Print clothes remain stationary at 2 3-16c for extras. Pr in ti are quiet in all j . grades; . Ginghams j shew . 110. change, toeing in, teuiy request. In woolen goods the market is quiet. Correspondence on the Froi Embargo Washington February i. ?3te sec retary of state, n answer to a senate irfsiTiit.Mn toffaV smbmitted the corres- ipdhderice' wSth'the Gerriiart government , relative to the exclusion of 'American trhlt. ' The oor-responderice' failed 'to j Owing forth any if acts that have not ' I ready toeen putolished, XHI'A!RTIN TRIAL. , - 1 - More Witnessed' Testify to the Shooting Dewn of i! the i Strikers by the Officers. Facts AgredTpon, to Expedite tlie Trial Wjlikesibare ! Pa. February 10. The first) wi'tnefcsj Jnw the Lat'timer fcase this morh'irig wsfMorris Dngleman, Of West Hazel ton. : H,-aid that on. the "day of the -jhootiijg sJhb" wa-s on the -road -near the ideputiiiyhis-.'was at-the itime. the Btrikers wtftooding Lattimer. He tes tified that vh&1v'as,' told by the deputies .to go Into louse as he wis in dan ger of 'beln--rot. . l . Oh cross 4 examination by - cluBsel f or the 'defens ; gsigleman said 'that he thought , the 'Tjvutiea were doing all that they could : -40) preserve the peace-and to disperse the sTrjkers in a peaceatole man ner without "y lenoe. ' Daniel Ferry., grocer of Hazelton, who was drrvlngr .afong the road: at Lattimer on the day'fiUji-e shooting, testified that after the- 'hooting he saw a wounded man who iyas lying on the railroad get up and tr ; to j walk away, hut he was shot' down a&gai'n. - J Counsel fpr the defense asked the wit mess! if .Sheriff Martin was not in as much danger of t)ln shot as were the strik ers when- the shots were fired 'by . the deputies? '.o;iisir," replied the witness, "he was quife out of danger. He was out of line of th: fifing." . August OalskS said that he was; stand ing tnear tfrw troMey car on which the deputies einbarked to Laittimer , and, he nearu unw -tik? uepuues wnora ne ooes rtit knftO- '.l V": "T.lt. tVrfxrm ov until ta Itt SK'to r8Ut t them." , I- . The defcftl agreed to admit the fol lowing: faefcsfirhij order to hurry-the -fri-al along by avoiiaipg continued repetition of i the fsatno auesgions: First; the- meeting of the striklefB t Harwoods ; sedonid, the presence ofJ ie-d'epu ties and- strikers at Wpst tTa7!f(t--n -if ithirT htf f af--h.nt tha deputies w6; ftrmed; fourth, the fact that apparj'nttl the strikers were not armed. -i Jdhnl . III rteh pointed out Thomas H. ait .Wet HaC3tbn, cutting hi head andl1 "f business with the state breaking- hisjar-rm. i. . jeorg-e laOTSon'a'cK saia ne jomea tine strikers "aloru?;.the road and they made him! throw ifyy a smatt stick ;he car-riCd:-"At Lasfijier he said' the: sheriff grabbed'- GepftNovarny. and pushed his revolver in,himce; then the witness got hold of . Georg-nd pulled him loose. The" sheriff - then j&rgiobed another man and Npyatny , pultetj ! him loose. The1 Shooting lt)heri!commnc4. Joseph Meltfeij of HumbOld't, sid the deputies called': out at West .'Hazelton to ome Of the itrikers: '"If you do not get out of fhe rbardf we will shoot you down like' dogs." i-,r f !: - - . - : - . .7 j'r, -i - : .CYCLISt3;IN CONVENTION. . t H h -: : Yesterday's ge&sipn of the L.eagne of Am erican Wheeltnen Officers Elected jjitxt riace or meetlvg III i 1 - - : -. 'I .. S.y Louist-F..bruary 10. Thej national assfmtoly 0 League of vAmeriean- Wheelmen tfrot sloKyn to 'business today. But little timevas taken up wfth the reports of! ithe. officers and- standing commit teeslw-hi fch had been printed, and circulated I toafore they began 7 These wererprompt adapted. The assembly thei ; proceeded' to the election T6f of ficers who v?r all. chosen toefore the wras iaiveu. 'me .jrui- I, i-rrUSi WJT? witho,muca vcVkf whn VK1SfIh ,J (tt.ter- i evT '! !l-n re-et.on, rcCeiyed j Llr, W r -D- 'Gideon, ex-ciairman of .the racing i board. WheiJ the result of the, ballot became known iMr. Gideon mov?d that the! election'lgff President Potter toe .made jinahjAioiis and this' nyass. done amid :mii'ch. ehthusiasm. Other rncers were i elected-i-'afe. follows: Firs t3 vice - president, .Thomas J.. Keenan, Pcnr.sji- f.Hines, "Michigah; treasurer, James C. Tattersall, INw Jersey.1 Secretary Bas-. The afternhoj session was giVeh 'up, to the consideration and disposal ' of miscellaneous usiness and the flnaJ discussion ofSaSnendments to Ltfte' con stitution andUy-Iaws. The ' delegates decided they iSiu not wanfnrofesaldnals admitted : to; ihe. league and'idefeated that amendriiijrtt. . .: .. 'An amendnveht was adopted giving thei'boardl of;-4nicers of any state di vision 'povver,festablish a junior mem ibership of tr;jteague of -American Wheelmen, f-V ;: J'i';; '"-''' : - Invitations wpre received on behalf lof 'Philadelphia! and Providene; R. I., fori the natioisl assemlbly toehold its next convetin ip 1&59 in tmfe pr the other : of thos cities. ' Provid Awie was" chosen by a 51afge majorty. he next lanniial mpptltrnt nf ihp Ipaeujiwil! 7hf held in Indlajiapolis.- . . . f. ili 7 A motion i3Ft,uniei vonsw ams,- or Maryland,' topay to Chiirfriani Mott, of the national: racing boar-1, the bal- ance or- rumw-jn cue treasury 701 mt: board, some $,400 as compensation for . . -.--.i. ,.,.1.A i nis, worKi iari iue 'ifast yeai, -is unanimously7adopted. , 7:. .. - I i. ' -' -: "In a nluitc?? one dose of Hart's Es sence of Gingei? will 'reMev anyordlT nary case of-igd-lic, Cramps, or Nausea. An unexceiecs jremeay ror j-iarrnoea, Cholera Morbus. ' Summer -complainta and all internal pains. Sold toy-J, C. Shepard, J..H4 Hardin and H.-1 Fen tress. ! , f-earfal fKeatt9 of the Pittsburg Fire Pittsburg: Pa.1 February 10. Eleven people dead, v twenty-six1 -missing and nineteen injured,, and property losses of .$1,500,000, -fi-th about $1,000,000 : -Insurance, is th'awful recor :he big fireof last hi-ght. - . ' All day tengQflfiRemen, polk;.entan and pther eity ein'pjqyes have toeen Workiinfi, at the risk; uf their lives, tout up to night fainiri progress had been made in -clearing laay - tke- debris The work Will toecontfrjueu 'vithout cessation un til lt: i knoV'n'that no .bodies .jremain 'burled. t . ' i-i ' . . 1 Rai Testifies t(j E?iflts Keceived From Dr. Mites' Remedies! T HEEE sspro. rssnonsible poaltipn on iBaEth feifca that of a railroaci ensin eetf. On h.s steady nerres, clear brain. bright eyo and; perfect sel command, de pend the safe f the, train and the lives of its passenijey. Dr. Miles Nervine and other remedies- kre esneclally adapted ' to keeping the rierjvpg steady, tlie brain clear ) anu me mental 3cuiiieauniinpairea. Engineer .F"4"t"'McCdyi 9e?iy of 1323 Broadway. .ConJ;I Biuffs,bu6 now residing at 3411 IlumOold'tiSt.. Denver, writes tbat he 'suffered tof years from constipation, caus ing sick, toeryous and bilious headaches and xas fully restproa to health by V. SiUes Nerve & Liver jwS. I hPSvUiy. WCQiJifoend Dr. Miles' RerojVS ; f" Vv?n"" "" i DCl K.hraeaiesl A Or. ( larantee oenefit funded. Dt5 . - Restore Vrf MUM 4 DU. MLLE3 iJSDICAL.CO Elkhart. lad, 1. : t-m "THE INCIDENT CLOSED" SO THE SUPREME COURT CLOSES V . :. .. M'MUliliAN'S CASE Collector Dnnean Hampered by Civil Ser ' ' riee Politics In the First Dlstrlct-Boys DefaelnK ' the Exposition Car Shaffer Pays the Judgment Republicans Expect the Wilsona to be Reinstated as Railway Commissioners Robt. Hancock to Make Things Warm for Somebody - ; 7 Messenger Bureavf Raleigh,'". C, 'February 10- . , feditor iStevens, ;. of -.The New-Bern Journal, today . called ont Presideriti Holliday, f the Agricultural and Me chanical college,- and invited him, the faculty -and .corps of cadets to attend ' the New Bern fair February' 28-th to IMarth 5tlt 'iPTegiidient Holliday " said that owing to , examinations it would toe impossible : for the cadets to attend.' ' Revenue Collector Duncan when ask ed today if he had made 'any more ap pointments said: A 'JI have Written a -lt'tpr tin the Vivil CMWiyva onmSimicciAn - t. - " . . - - . 'V. V.MUUAlWlUlljl inquiiring whether! I .' cannot appoint alTJ storekeepers' and gaugers. , As" yet I avehad'.o reply! ;l thrnk':! know the sentimerit of the president and others as to the appoin'tment of deputy col- lectors and clerks. My action has been in accordance with that 'belief.'- Dun can reaoDointed thpi-clerkia a.n .rianii- ;;'-r;.-j 7J.a,.J, ' ,, . . . . ' s. is evident that he. has-'heen' told that they arie fully., protected by civil service. . -'' '' . 7 - 'Railway Commissibner Pearson ar- 1 treasurer. He-; saVs -ithere will toe no session, of the commission, until- the 17th instant: v 7 -i '-. . .. ' . 7. -. v Starkey Hare, republican member of ,the -lower house of ithe legislature from thle first district, saW that co-operation of populists and republicans there is a sure thing and that so t Harry Skin ner's renom in ation for congress on the fusion ticket, v He'; says the talk that G. : W.; Cobb, of Elizabeth City, would 5n jure the reputoliica'n ticket' amounts ' to -nothing; ' that fGoWb can't- carry a single county in the district. : ' Frank S. prui,!,asssistan't district -attorney, . says, he, regards the demo . cra'ts as entire too apathetic, arid de clares they outht I to organize and be gin (missionary 'work now. ' The -.beautiful arid costly rolling ex position, car, damaged at Concord toy a iboy, has toeen dtfaced toy another at KernersviiUe,, The tast damage, is said !'t(. - '41naamt.t(.4800. One huTKirea -and . twenty Of -the cadets of : the A'gripukural and Me chanical ' college have 'been vaccinated and as a Tesuft fifty are unable to" driH.' !" .. ' !f:' - f,.7 . 7 1 "The supreme court makes a very sensible order that in future all ex amQnations of applicants for 'license as attorneys shall toeV in writing and not oral. Quite a hum'ber of people have "ainM inlrt Arol ivoivw toe aarce. The court did mt take any action in regard to granting a .license to young MtLM-ullan, Who answered all - questions, yet was irefused one.' A jus- .oi, ';L mrn 7 Mullan will have Jtoi try again. , Today exPostmaster A. W. IShaffer of Raleigh,, paid-the costs, ietc., in the case ; ire which against Governor udgment -Was igiven" Russell and some s bondsmen. Shaf others of Shaffer fer claimed- that ithe (government ought t pay him a percentage on the money order deposits imade. here, Raleigh toe ting a deposit offlee. "But. he was told that in ' no orfioe in- the 'United States is this done'; Yet he insisted in daim 5 rag Ithe money, and deduct ed-the com miis ' BLoins. The- case f.went against him In court. ; .' t . Republicans 1 sayj they expect ' to see the Wilsons restored as railway com m'issioniers and to see C. C Fagan hack as deputy clerk of - the commis-' sion.7 This "makesl it "'plain that they expect the United ' States supreme court to. decide adversely to Governor Russell. .'- 'i 77' f '. - ' ; The autlioriities of iCalbarirus county notify the superihittmdent df the peni tentiary that , they intends Ito have the state convicts (40)f promised, for road work, I seems that, there . will toe a suit. The superiri'tendent does not" want to furnish "any cohvicts,. saying all arte needed on the - f airms. 'It is how a; sieitled if act that this year's totoaeco crop will ibe toy far: the largest ever . planted in eastern Jjjorth Carolina. '- -.' .-- i -: - , " Judge Dick is repcirted ito. toe rapidly fimproving. . He is yet In Johns Hop-. kins hospital. , - -V- - Dr. S. II K-oonce, the now first as sistarit physician, 'ait the insane asylum here, has begun' his duties there. 7 This evenm'gf 'Durhflrn'a ' v. an public library i was! opened, with ap pYoprlattt ceremonies. The shock of earthquake last Satur day afternoon,, it jnow turnis.-out, was 'felt In this city, j -i ; - Rofbert 'Hancock, president of the' Atlantic arid- (Nor-th Carolina rail-' way, has gone o' 'Washington. After he is ki'ck ;ouj -of ofSce February 22rid hd tnitends to make thfogs Warm. SSw w i'U have a -newepaper. . 'Hon. 'George; M, Rose, of Cuinlber land, say",tt?ere is an Improving political-feeling there and that many popu Wstis are returning to the democrats,. Thev Fayetteville dispensary is a 5' cess, metting over $600 last morith. (Revenue officers made a toMi near Gaston yesterday and , catured one illicit distillery, i : ''.' ' 7' ,.7 ': Tr'aklaying y fthe.iSouthern ori the new MoiylH-e ' and MooresA'-ille" lirik WTO iegto - Aprtl 1st. ,. ', ,r I - - 7 lW; prisoners,- TTterritoers of the road gang, escaped ifrom. the work house here last oigh-. . It; was- due to negli gen'ce, j AH are colbfed and for long terms ftom wo and. aihalf to five years. One, Dick Bridgers, was caught to day. He was ? sihoti at five times : la6. night. I They got out toy prying tp. the- "bricks ;otf a hearth and then rawlin-ff out. ' . 7-- ; 7 :f '- - 7 - - We are anxlcAis do a little good In tMs 'wjor1!1 '(j 'sjajn, think of no pleas-' an'tef .of toeffctetr- way to do lit than 'by remriiendahig One Minute Cougdv Cure as a .prevenitive of. pneum.oriSa, con suimpitabni and other ser'ioua lung, troubles , that - follow neglected' coTdts R. R. BelDalmjv Wholesat PoIsoemb ' : Washington,-. iJ'errary 10. The 'boarders and seevjan at.2l5 East Cap itol street,, a large bca;rdmg house, sev eral 'VKalss Crom ,the Capitol, were badly scared; last nighi as the result 'of poisoning foUoiefipg dinner. Twenty-six- of 'the (boarders and servants- were riiade ill, Ibut, -while some of them are still suffering quite severely from the attack, it is believed the recovery of all of them -is assured. Represetiarvea Bodine and Loyd,; of MiRaourl, were among those attacked,. tut (were able to ."be! out today." -ifcias. iBodine and Mrs. ! Tioyd, and, tie lattters - two chi!dre wer no sq. iorcunaie, ana were. xun- jVelfed'tO remain, abed todav. A. M. Shelton and T. IS. 0'F9c31 .prtvate .secretaries to the tvo congressmieE ana captain ?vtwjn, a QoorKec!?? ' . the hous o representatiyea, . moijed. have hen,: iW -J.ns sum the'eause "'-' Vet. to tell - ; '!- ' l'- - , -.doning. . . : ; No StoTe Trait Formed Detroit, Mich., February 10. Officials of all the Detroit stJove -works requested the Associated Press to deny in: their he-, half the statement recently telegraphea by "oorrespondenits of -certair papers, to the effect that a "stove trust," or any comhinatlon of stove Interes-ts In this city has "been or is being effected. The stoVe companies have formally demanded retraction from such newspapers as pub lished Che rumoTv mentioned. TAYIOR'S i ENTIRE STOCK OF . - Mil mery Goods, iDiy and Notions," At and beloVlCost for the must make ritom for New ing reserved but everything ;in every department miict cm iaM t 111'' 118 aiARKET i STREET, - i 'i - I iff . 1 .-j .- - 7 The j Horth: IGoinpany bucessors to Worth & Worth, : WhoUsaleroc&rs and - v.: - :: HANDLE Cottoiii arid iSELL G-eneral Groceries, -Farm Supplies, Lime, . ! mettt, Nails, Hay and Grain. i Best Terms and ;.i:'-'-VK''V';-.-' (WILMINGTON, N. O. !( Ji We are compellefato move some of our IMMENSE purchases of Spring Goods. weeks at 11 1 No9 North) iTSblJT 50 (FRENICH WOEX . CORSEra. SIZES 25 TQ -29 M0i . 7 : I'.l - STAMPED LI'NEteAT'COST.- UACK CURTAllll-BElJOW COT. GENTLEMEN'S li!REYi SHIRTS WOO L -No.; 99, REGjJpAR PRICE, $1; SALE PRICE, 75c. Jfef - : -'.': GENTLEMEN'S IjfiEvVVT WIITTE SiHIRTS A!NT TRyt?fER'S No. 1450 REGULAR i PRICSl $i.'50.;' SALE PRICE, $1.00.7 ' 7iiS T'-.: GENTLEMDEJN'S t BljEAry ' GREY SHIRTS AND DRfTERS No. 1430 SHIELD BREAST ND SEAT 'REG ULAR PRICE, - jlSpY r SALE PRICE, $1.00. ".a ::!-' -i .-a;-!-- G EJNTLEIMEN' S iSlCfHT WEIGHT ECRU .WOOL-REBULAR PRICE, $1.00). SiAlJERRICfjTSc, ' GENTLEMEN'S !(pLDEN BROWN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS No. 745- REGULAR PRICE; $1,50; SALE PRICE $1.00. -v- 7-K ; ..-'! ..- . 7 -V. Smyrna Ruglr-All Wool DOOR :MATs4fJc, REGULAR PRibe $.1007 r- r i tSi L ." ' bureau; size.jm.25; regular prtce; $1.50.' '3'', 26x54--$1.7o, REGUpAR PRICE, $2.25. 30x60 $2.00, REGUfeAR PRICE $2.50, S6x72-i-$3.0(), REGtaSAR PRICE. $4.00, 4 jf t7 ft.-$5.50, GULAR PRICE $7.50. !. I- Is offered fdfe the arrest person; wheret fire to. the building owned'by O. MFiUy sdsituate dn the east side of Eighth betrpeen Brunswick and Bladen ; Sts. Date ot iirThursday 1 & -FLDIBERS r- -Wi- " i . :-- ' 1.7:'. . 1 y V : fiff - ' - 7- i - " :; ', r' - "' -; HATHfYOU EVER thineMow - '-Mi' i . ' - J'Jtr' I . -. - - WASTM) ON THE - STREET ? - - :i i',i'i- a Yoxilfiay by TBTJIS AND SEE J. W. NOEbODf I '-. :'. t 7 ' !-' "rU' V ' S '.-"-' D. L. GOKE, "Vice President Atlaiitic National Bank, CAPITAL $121000. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $75,000. Average Deposits $700,000. ; CSTATll A3STD CITY DEPOSITORY. j We desire nevjlcoounts. both large and small, endeavoring at all times , to please bur cusptfra. We extend erery accommodation consistent, with good business, fihttty Deposit Boxes for rent at a nominal price, - j. BAZAAR. Goods, Fancy Goods next two weeks, as we doods coming in. Not h-. Commission Merchants. - - 'M Navalf Stores. Ge-. Lowest Prices ' -i ' . " .. '.' on 11: our present Stock to make room to The Sale will continue for two - v ". Front Street, RESERVE. - ALL WOOL CARPET INGRAIN! EXTRA SUPER 50c A YARD; RBG- ULAK PRICE, 60c. . . . REGULAR 50c CARPETS FOR 37q A XA'UJJ. NEW GOODS. (NEW PLAID SILKS. BLACK' BRO CADES, PLAIN 'AND TWO-TONB TAFFETAS. PLEATED LIBERTY, SILKS IN EVENING SHADES. ' i 7 . ; Black and Colored Dress Goods. ROTATINE, BEDFORD, ORAYEN- ette; broad cloths, granite, DRAPi ' D' ETE, ; f-STORM " AND SURAH '. SERGES,! - EPTNGLES, ' BLACfC BROQADES AJND COVERTS. WHITE GOODS. - - 1 . , . - . . PERSI AN LAWNS, : FRENCH NAINSOOK, DIMITIES, PQIUBSJ IN DIA LINEN'S, LONG CLOTH, 'ENG LISH SNAINSOOK, EMBROIDERIES MANX; NEW. STYLES JUST AR RIVED. ' , ,. . - WE ARE MAKING A' SPBCJAJLTYJ OF HER MAJESTY'S AND C- & !B. ALA SPERTE QORSETS. ALL SIZES AND SHAPES. JSK TO SEE THEM, and convidtion of the night, Jb'eb. ard, 1898 GILES, Agents. 01 BICYCLES- IS IT? STOPPED TO ' M- - -:: ' ' MANY JhOURS J ARE ' 'i ' ' - . - -.,. . the Hour. THE DIFFEBENCE. LEE'H. BATTLE Cashier. - ,. i ... f X -