. . ... -. -I . : ... s. .... VQL. XI. NO.; 45, f WILMINGTON. N. C. TrTsnAVpufTA .... ' I . ' 1 'I I'- I' finrrt iTIir nnunhnnn I IIL ILI1 I III. 1 1 II II MM II llll I huu uine mas w w a, ineannff m , , p-mnm : 1 - -'V - .. , . f w m r ir i mm mm - - i v t . l i i va : n a in v v rmmm . - - i u , .,,.-.M - Sweeping Orders by the Commission. PASSENGER RATES GUT. Vierstood. th'ere (was tej be ttu (haringr-oai tfcia matter, -wihereas, ilbere iwas ntone at all and mly. & f ew imintites d5sc5Us- 6'iOTl. Jaldw31 -was tntervievred as to tlhts free pass- ord'er and eaid; "We iwant to test ,tae matter. The counts vrUl hav to dedde-tlh'ether are Higlxt or wiroiigr. 'We don't 'know wihtat particu lar editor (has sa p'asa ' e!o! aa 4o ibrin& eoilt for its isire." V - Governor Russell appoints the . (Pol lowing, delegates to tne national ptore Btrlngent Hesulation as to Free at Washington Mardh 2nd:' Walter Passes-Abbott Stands No Showing Grimes, of Winston; Rawley Jallway, witn ine other Commissioners He I or fTohn C. Cnlngniam, of fluTo Professor Withers, "one of the proantoiter of 'the congress, .wiM atitend. Mrs. Gaston Broughton, stepanlataier or Kiev. L. G. 'Brougfhton, died 2iere to dav She '-w-as afisa Ieidds of Ran dolpfK chunty. v . ' ' . - The 'Progressive iFarmer, !the Farm ers Alliance organ,' tondgtht savs PRICE 5 CENTS jies a Statement Regarding His Position on Reduction of Passenger Kates Railway Case Heard in fiu---, : preinepcjart. ! " :;; 1 - 1 : , ' , j (Special, to The Messenger.) Tne railway commission today de J cided to make fhe' rate of passenger . fare everyWerjahanlCtommiiagion Pear eon .yesterday said it would : go. He Se thlnigs editorially ferilng to The Court Meets to Iifvestigate the r to the Maine and passed close by the wreck. ' The ergnrSSS of Sin! ?LVaPa at e time 01 sating the foreign population weiv ; 'Y. asign. . They cited i j-T-r-" ; SSSgteT He Desires to Stop, the. Railway War. tM:3- 'Abbott iwajn'td.t)he pte to be 2 and 2 cents. ibiat nnally Ugreed to Chadrmian: Caild well's, view fendjintroduced the ! follow ing, -wOmcn wtas adopted, Oaldwelll and Pearson' vojfing for V it and againsit. -j,:. :. -L. -.r- - "iinat on jand after March 23rd next fares for th trato3portatfon of pass-en-grers shall 'be 2 cents, per- male- for fins class tickets, 'and 2 cent . per mile for second Ol'ass tickets en the" follow ing railroadi in (North Carolina, to-, wit: The Wiamington and ' Weldon, froni Wllm'ingticn ito Weldon; and tlhat part of the Wilmilngton and Weldon from in 'line; to Vir- jontentnea to the South Caro Ithe Peteraburg, from Weldon ginia line; tliat part of he j Tarboro MjiwLun irom icocKy Mount to. Tarboro end; the Ncfolk land JCroMhia: from Tariboro to 'Virbinia -.M3 ycTi-v.fisu. xree suver re publicans, populists and ' democrats: '!It strikes us as strange that the popu lists with a baker's dozen f , 'planks Sn tnelr . Platform, should toe willing to 'give up. all of them excepf ther,le)ast one. The quesltion- now Is:' "Is the isiilver plank wide enough?" it seems to us a question of paramount impor tance snould be 'made the Issue. 'Are there not other things, of more impor tance than free sliver. True, ,at V of uiirpoTTance tnan! tariff, oVer Jwhich :twb pM partliea wrangled for' forty years; tout we wohdierif alliance men are wiping jo vote .for a-man who endorses one plank in their platform, but.iopenly opposes other nine." .:"".,. Arrivals today are: E. J. 'Hate, JEy etteville;. W J." Lanub, .Williams ton; W M. Bbhdi OremvillA' rv' t tt,i, ' ' No Information to Be GFivei.Out'DurinWt.hfi m i ts - ' - 4 ti": . I authori j-riai-uivers at Work mfreckAn! Eye Witness' Description' dl th'it Explosion--A l- genera phonzo XII MoVed Just Mfor t JiJ sion-Another! Warship toffee Sentto J&C vana-- me Vizcaya's Stay : hi New. York to ae Bhort-Her Officers Go ilshdre. . , i M1V U L,U1 Of -War -Al-rVhnne Vn , T . chored rs St; PreVkU3 l thelSsasfer! r? vWW William iJ f i 'JTe.nt so far to say Sat he Jaw a boat go near the Maine aenort time previous to th Vt1 to authorities ;the PTOer FERECTOE OP, THE SPANISH. Holcomb. of Nhw r etii' ri general manager of a street raii' the passengers was outspoken OVERTURES FOR PEAGE Washington, February ' 21. l ?taPes- -1 went to Havana," said Mr, Holcomb. "not n W!: pathy with the insurgents, but on Wed nesday when we arrived there fl be lieve, any of -the 'Americans n lu?Zr JSl&S02? 't9,?nmit murder. The devei were Today's , ter. mayR more nr-riv it x I aS f the Spanish warshirt wa cpmehts .in the j Maine -disaster conduct. the court of inquiry. then at half-mast. The vessels bf all of a negative eh . Ut,. general ee's despatch wa I Ytl S aiities had paid this slisht to the disanbointrrW !' .J u,vTf,: i J i-l ue aeaa. a nad ! a telegram ihia ,;rv,-K- ,!-!- ) , r I.. ' . ' ;-na,vana, 'j?eo, bi. - I - : ""reuuee vx persons wno were look- Assxstan Secretary ato rAr u w"ef. wno is tne son Of ! mv ington:-'r' i - ing for some startling! discoverv hv diver working in the sunken hull i state oepartment, after learning txt : xieu-ienant . Commander Sobral w.as no longer recognized !as an at tchee of .the Spanish legation, dw. ed to ignore 'the interview attributed to him. which it at first was disposed 'to resent. It is now learned that Sec retary Long late Saturday . evening called upon Secretary j Day, j of the state j department, ' and lard -before him newspaper clippings j containing the reported intervie Acting Secretary Jay agreed with .Secretary: ' Long that there was wnrmf ,L..; " - II -''""r.wwwKjn.wtp the and Gastoh, from. Weldon to Rale'isrh: Washington;; Bos-sey Battle. Ror-W "Z' ? 'lled the attention of the h-vtq. floiw , . '1 th- ... ?- . ' Tf "isa-msn. cnarsre trt the Sea'boa: dbn to the and!!Roanbkelfiionx Wei- I Mount;. Graham! imiym- nci". ; a-cuo, H.1CW-. xcrn; lirctTH! d'fnia. an1 ' f v, yr " I lOhfl(rTAs leigh and Augusta Air Ane from Ra- Harris and D. !M; Tedder, Oharlotte. leigh tto Gibson ; the (North 'Carolina ' M- V. Richards, land.' and industrial The from Gbldslboiro to Charlotte ; the Pied mont from Greensboro to the j Virginia" line;' the Northwestern :' North Caro--tina, from Greensboro tb Winston ; the Westerni. 'North Caroiina, from Salis bury to Paintj Rock; the Atlantic, Ten- .nessee and Ohio, " fromi Charlotte o agent of the Sfowthern Railway, arriv ed ftonight, faccompaned hy John P Caap!beW, and W. S. WalcottI ' . A. letter toj ithe adiurant general 'to night froni jurant General . A. D. Ayiing, of- New. ttaropsh'ire, ays : "l have the pleasure today in sending xby Btatesvaile; the Atlanta, and Charlotte Adr-fDine; ?;Cbia varouna aine and the Charlotte Col- Sy stated the flag- fis returned !W licatinn A cnarge, j however. tjrftriW,tW clared Wmt , . -a ; "vai omcerx Was no longer, an attachee of the lee-ation- ,,0 gazetted December 24th liastJ Hft f ur ther explained that it was owing in iireiy to the morp im in" ;r; overlooked the send ing of j the proper notification of thP idTh Jthe State tmeSt, V is l.tter of factithere are -vtu. great delays in the recent express ma'id. flatr f t-ho .v, r-, of such infnrm0i ' .. 7' v1-" Ki'tQvrr"w,'lv'" vi- -uxmnges among ; ottwe Mepartment. umbia and Augusta, from Charlotte to miss'ion of Mrs, Persis P. Chase' whose'' South Carolhm ttne,: : ; ; hrolther. Colonel C Cr6ss; coiimand- - A subsltdtut J Offered -by Afbbbtt that ; er of ithe frit th New Hampshire Volun--the commission consiider the reduction leers. . . which captured it at Antietam Cores was voted down "by Pearson and MThere ft great need of d to nic tuooies rrom tne wrecfc Two aiw - (Liipioyeo, -out twelve or fif teen couldfbevused. One hundred and forty-thre : bodies have been buried Very few Iperel found today, but over S.I "sattxwed to be confined dn the -erort now in the two Span -' i5h hospital number eleven. I visited them yesterday. All will recover ex cept two, They are comfortable .and well caredtor. , . ; , x , Signed ".Vv1:- "JJESE " The department " believes ' hh n. scarcity o t divers commlainpd General probably has 'been over come by tft arrivaliof the ache with a force ofnMvers from -tfh vsiwt-h a lantlc squron at Tortugas, and with the necessfry apparatus. : j Aidispath -of last night from Cap tain ISIgsbr was as5 follows:1, r "Navy 0eartment,; Washing'ton: - , Nine mjfre bodies -were burled yes terday onLv two of which were identi-fied-JWilim 'Ln and M. P. Harris." . Another -Mispatch was as follows: "I visitef J hospital today. :. The men were ver3 much pleased to see - me. KoehJer Holtzer are very low. I have hop i of Holtzer. ; . Koehler has a fiffhtinB'i p,hanw nttl'v ' : $Srmr. .vA . j JtJ j "vmc uvuica were founi and burled today. Hi No in vestlgatlcyefr of the zone of the ex plosion, teed regular wrecking divers for that. . pee sent to General Blanco a telerai nrela ttrher - tnT- tr-nt : in? JSte11 i vessels." -. '.Uvil v-;v o vivoojnereLix&airjb found that he was among keeper. I the saved. m e contrast between' the Tearing of the Spaniards and Cubans is strong At the funeral o'f the Mia-iTi'e. erorQ the . Cuban women in the streets j were almostall dressed in moiurning, While the Spanish women wore- r.ninr wa only American flags I saw in the whole procession' were two small ons i nAnf three by six. Inches. Alph'onso XII and was received, no- litely. The only exDression of rAcnv t i heard there was from an bfficerr who j ernor wanted the offer accented Doubts. Though; as to Getting ; sent of H is Railway Commission W the Terms Removal of Presidci Hancock Admitted to Be a Policica j Measure Murderer of Engineer Bumgardner in Jail Mormons ITaxw rowiy Escape Mobbing , : Messenger Bureauv ' Kaleigh, (N. C., Feb. 21. It was learned yesterday that tte railway commissioners (or rather Cald well and Pearson) would today redoes passenger rates of fare cnl the leading roads in the state to 2 cen'fs f or first- class and 2 - cents for Wond -class; W reduction of cent per mile. The gov ernpr did hot desire this action takes. e wanted the rate .war and the w. against the lease of the North Carolin railway stopped, provided the Southern railway5 takes- the Atlantic! and Nortlt Carolina railway off the state's hand at ah annual rental of 2 per ceriL oa capital stock. This was the rate tba toouthern offered. Then, too, the gor- complained that the force of the Maine explosion, nad broken toilet bottles. There can be no mistaking the indif ference of ; the Snaniiards over the loss of the warship and those on poara. un Thursday, while driving iu ine ; cemetery with two American friends, I was-assailed with jeers and some, one threw a large stone at our carriage." ..-T- j-" - ,: ' I ' . . F.W3obbett, of this city Who was with Mr. Holcomb in the carriage, ad deds y "That's perfectly .true. In fact: one lor two children yelled after us that they had blown uo the lAmerf.-TwV ana tnat tney were gladiof it. I did not hear-a single expression of regret for ithe terrible loss of life from any Spaniard during the time I was in.Ha yana.' r-.-.-.-j , j-;,. f. ;-j ,- . AN I "ErrE-WITOTESS OT1 j THE EX Frank Weinhelmer;' of this citv; fen eye-witness of the explosion and a fel lowpassenger of Mr : HoJ corrib, told the be- r . ivery Obvious1 reasons i:- rsaWi I zone of -ft exDos'ion" 4m rht HCT4J"nwtorr t -Havana is making strehu- CaPaln Sjabee means ithat part of the f Tuesday evening ,1 strolled dkwn 'SSf-A? r to hasten 'the recovery of Maln4 foxj4ard of, the mainmast that I to the river front for a .breath of fresh "fsiPlro'baWyineairly 10d in num- sufferfKl Erectly . The reference to I A number of persons fwere wallc- imprisoned in ; the wreck of Leea del tch to . Blanco touches the .. .Caldwell.- "'':J;: ' i ' i I ' I ' It la stated tlhait th&; Wiilways will carry the matter into, the cJourts and that an injunction -will be mTmediately obtained. United States District At torney (Bernard so. s-a'M at the railway - commissiton office this afternoon.- ' j Another racwcal measure was the foil Hawing resolution by Chairman Cald well for which he and Pearsoh voted: Whereas, Section 4, chapter! 320, acts . of the genera . assembly, session 1891, known as the Railroad ! Commlissslon ict, makes it uhlawf ul for-any cbimmion camier wi'thin the or 'indirectly, Ipy? j-Ltf, urawracK or otner device to charge,- demand, collector I receive f rtom any person or persons a greater or less compeisatlon for any service rendered or;ti ibe rendered fin the transporta'tion oif passengers than It charges, demaii'ds collects or receaves from any persons, and : w nereas, section 25, i of . saM Ralilway Commissioner Abbott this evening filed ) a statement wjth . the clerk of the railway, eoanmlssioh,, re garding his vote today: on passenger rate queston. He says he is; not, one of these who bepeve railways the natural enemies of the people, iand .that, the ralilway iwmmiission; . to.wlhicih certain power are delegated, necessarily as sumes responsibiJlty of deaaing i iutly and fairly with railways; ' that over 00 petitions have been Sled since the "Organization of the commission Stmt not one has fares; that no cut: -oxaine. it was a Imhwia captahi's desire that probabiyied honl sal-General Ijee to notify the state de tmfnt of heed of more -drreS. This had the desired effect, for the 'navy de partment; took aoriMi 1. ' formal no itjeations .to . the Spanish au- LiiorLics tere . or the comingi! of the American Wrecking vessels to , Havana. A PHOTQ,$RiAPH OF THE The Incasing mail at the! partment s-oday brought af WREICK. navy . de- Admirai iFHri tJ iJ f. t;""y 'urougnt a inmost in- West h.i aftamr' "r1"- , jMwrinunon to tne hews iijni j 1 1 yt i rm -rid - mm - -five divers to, Captain Rie-ahi i. ed f if that- was snfflfP!Ti rrw- chief of the navigation bureau,- Cap? tain Dickins, at once took the sensible course of directing the .admiral to put itf 5 communication with Cap am Sigsibee !and;leam-his -needs fat first hand. The business of the havy aepartment is getting banki ni a une , aay jtthe shape, of. an excellent Photograph of - the wreck of ; the, Maine as.it nowi-Sfes in Havana. WrhAr rrhHc was forwaXied to the secretary of the navy by' - untenant Hood, -lately at tached to.te Maine, It is a view from the port ie and in general features res.embles last newspaper! cuts of ZT -rw rZ Tv "CT-iTr.-" j jju.ng .took xn to the White?ious'e and gave it to w is getting back to ta asked for . reduction) of JJ-" conditions, as is evidenced hy the president, ho was much -interested in o political party b'as a dt to the detail shown on theflXto- .icvKu Ltitjgrapn ser- iekate! either directly 'p!lank in its platform demanding lower vice'wrhich ws eskblihed wtth Ke any special irate, re- ' if 8 that railway coinnilsionflis West and hereafter the office at that 1 : r.-m.nlri'n.. rus J -.-is u... ': 1 V.." .- -.'i ' i DlaCC Will OlrjCft 'Qit 1A -w1l 4ij. . . , . graph. act enumerates the exceptions alone per mit td, and "Whereas, Absolute demand of . the ! law : Resolved, That -said act and, prohibits fpee passes or free nrile age transportations to all editors, staff correspondents and employeesi of the newspapers of ;he stalte; that! said "act applies with let.ual force to free pass or free mileag transportaitaon to at 'torneys wlthhxj (the state notj actually ' employed by the common carrier for a certain and definite sum and not the actual and bona fide employees of the eame." equality is the condemns MadRae AJOtt ;dtr not vote and eaid he un- Rpyal makes the food pare, - A I ; wholesome and delicious.' I . m - ,ii pase 9 I llbo ' B V BrKBBIVT- ail 8 Pi : . .1 fuM IK? SS2 s I liAjv . U l-MKS 1 - II I Absolutely Pure I I I . .. II AL BAUWQ P0WUct' NEW YORK. - ; I making this tnvesitigation upon its own volition. Evidence all. in: --shows . ; that local passenger traffic ds not even prof itable at present rates, 'and unless it is shown that the railways are making unreasonable ixroht on passenger : traffic in the state-theomnussion has neither legal nor moral 3right toi reduce 'those rates. He contends, (further,', that the greatest good to the greatest numlber will, be ; secured, not by reduction; in passenger, but in freight rates and he concludes by saying that the passenger mre iwuciion now made Will : so de- ease railway revenues as tb" make Tt absolutely impossible to makW anv reigmt rate redfuctfcn. ',,:.' This afternoon ex -Judge seJ. for Railway Commissioners aid wen and Pearson, received a tele- 'am from W. H. Day at Washington ay3ng the United States had heard the ra'ilwayf comm'is- uon case iby brief and . .without oral t and has taken -;the papers mor 'itusseU and Pearson declar-, they .were elated at this news. Cald- ren and Pearson feared a division of e case. . . By Assodrated Press Washington, (February 2lL-ln fh orth Carolina railroad . onfm-mivr. which came uo '5ti !hii samr-am urt.of the United States' todav a m. on to dismliss was sirhm,itii ivv4, t . ladRae. W. H. 3ay and A. C. Averv to .affirm itnr vt r r. las' 'N Hill. .A. aiMiWn rtVvU o. ent for contenmt iajnvi i . urrs an error to offio. .k. ed by Mr. Burton and Mr.i Hili and ed 'by Messrs. MadRae. iAv a-nri place will close at 10 o'clock bit -ni as formerly. Commander Forsythe the commandant at Key West ' has also asked " permission ; of the depart rnent to stop, his daily bulletins and this has been, granted, with an under standing that he will report any deaths that, may occur among the sufferers in luv aospicai tnere. Today he rwrti 4J HAVAIN'A. The navv lepartmen t has not yet de ing iODwit tne pier near .the cusfcam house. Out in the harbor 1 could see the ' dim outlines! of the Maine,1 land close by the Spanish warship. I was about 300 yards from the Matne.j The first intimation I- had of ah explosion was a crunching ; sound. Then there came a ' terrible i roar. Immense pieces of debris flew sky ward from the Maine. Some of them must have been thrown at Jeast 300 feet, jit looked as though the whole inside of the' ship had been blown out. Many persons on ; the pier were nearly thrown from their feet by the. force of the explosion. The air he-, i came stifling with smoke. jThe crowd on ; the pier rushed -back toward j the city. ; The Wreck humed for1 about two hours and by its flaring light we could aee the work of rescue in the bay) ibut were; nuable to render any assistanbe." cause it embraced the payment .by th Sou thern of all the expenses 1 of the governor's war against the (North Car bjina railway, lease to . the Southetav amounting tosome" $12,00j) qr 1SJDG9l Th'e governor at' last sees1, what tha public has seen all the while, that ha; cuts no figure in the -No-th Carolhm. lease fight. It we -expec ed the gor ; irnbr would .be very angry when he found the, very cornmissiohers he ere -aited were intent on reducing rates and .' spoiling his . plans. Chabrman Cald-. well, of the commission. "Was invited to meet vwith the council of - state tate . Saturday afternoon when 'the matter' of leasing the Atlantic and North Car--olina .' '; rail way . was - considered. ' tThe governor was anxious to know what Caldwell and Pearson proposed to dou It is the Argument of the latter that , they had aid they , would reduce rates , and-must, do tt; Now the question, arises ' Jttni"ractionsi nralMyjall-Jth(& , gar-' : ernor s prospects; v; Thejr - wiwh, course, to show, their mdependence "int -the public is asking "How will thia--J 'set on the governor's imind?" The commissioners argue, further, that they -have nothing in the world to do with- .railway 'leases. v :It was officially givien out Saturday ' thatno one would until next Septem- , her -be elected as presideht of the At- 1 Jantic and North Carolina railway tot fill the vacancy caused ty Hancock, y- t Is asserted today positively that if the governor had mado. tk announcement when the .directors aC ' the road met here d3 omn iortty of the directors wxjM have re-' tamed Hancock, as several f 4w wanted to be president. :V i I As to the resignation of I E. H. Mead ' a director of the Atlantic audi ' North Carolina railway, it was-tendered because Governor Russell propose! to look at the Hancock matter from a. purely political standpoint and Mead iMr.Weinheimer said henli&a.rd -ant'n TO SEND'A'Nyvrw.PR : wa pWTt 7 auiuiuuwiare snorxiy arter the ex i vws, as-a aemocrat, could not afford D NOTHER WARSHIP TO plosion that if. the Americanos' sent: : j lake the repTiblikn viwGoru- yi 'vusseii, as your, correspondent has another warship it also would be blown termined fiMtely which of our war- Ships shallfepiace 'the Main V 1 TiXZZXY1 vana harbor, although it habeen de- he was seed InTfroht tT't oTC" Sr " a matier i oil policy I wnen tne explosion occurred It i was stated, wanted to oust Hancock on the ground that it was good politics ondc would sound well on the . hustings. fGovernor Russell, it is, said, cursed:'.. Hancock for employing F M. Simmon; nu . a. AVCOCK as fllttomvja TTvn ' tf. the 'gomery. much louder onei We thoueht ! the I so. Been employtas deSocrata x i5 tJtnange or omcial condolenc I " r TJ " cst- tt"u 'ne -tw asn- I iir. iNaugnton. still continues. Today Secretary Long sent 'Some said I. the had p AycocK as attorney . to : the railway case. - The governor aid fHr i H I ticinatine-' itl, . J 'IT. "i. aJia wnue.. case now Ha a. tPiP- i t iirauvues, x-iipu vui ;nat icnorFOi uasLie I was douxics tvnci .wkniYi gram' as follows to Captain Eulate: ttlt ,f U terminate some ; time this was blown up. . i ; V i . , - f . I leading democratic politicians m Cruiser Vizcaya, Tompkinsvllle. N.Y1 z I have the honor to laknnwrT.d-a - a lare cab stand. sel selected jfor the trip 7 I emanute after the explosion was Steps ha-l t- been .taken hv I thi I heV the cabmen; cracked their whips jOrl ..t r " r&&n oy the navy I and wpnt Ttw r.Tr. w akiki n? rect or. your telegram of con- 'L"i'2t,D tne.navy enlisted brifh of th. CTnvmfKw iv ! or- the loss of moftt. f ' . w out- an 'bodies of sympathy. IA similar response was also made to a telegram from Vice Admiral j Spawn, at Vienna, j expressive of sympathy for the disaster of the Maine. :(-, ' Inquiry at leading embassies and le gations today; fails to - confirm rumors Maine. Th legal quota 3 now about .300 short. vlln arranremie.nt hd. made for tCs' hnmediate enlistment of wut uia.jiuniDer.' of mep.p;'Tele gTaphic orders have been siit recruiUng oncers in. charge of -the re mrantry rusned through! ! the streets. There was no sleep in Havana that night.. The Spanish officials , were quick to express their sympathy and acted very well as a whole, but I think tneir expressions of regret lacked Ithe 7;i .:i.-:"?i sh! a w lWr-l Ponxaneity.ana warmth which would SrrItfiS.4 ? ?matlc 3TPS Dhia and iffinwi. JZ3l ave cbeen characteristic; of an crisis : in; Spanish affairs is near '"at I Sn f iKT immcdiately. ;; There hand and- that several of I the foreign I BO,f tBcu"y whatever, in secur- representatives have , notified their goverhments that war is inevitable. The rumbrs mentioned the French and and the British embassies as having aavisea. tneir governments to this ef fect; but it can be stated1 positively that no such reports have been'! made from these quarters. NOTHING TEDINTTE FOR SBVER- i j'v 'Y ..'.") :: : A- 'AL DATS. j' j Several reports came by teleeraDh to the state department ffoni Havana. All of the naval telegrams,: however, bore date; of yesterday, while thai from General Iee to the state department prooaDiy j was 4 sent late last j night, inougn marKed, as received jthis morn ing -men, ina smuch as there are' annii. cations on fl?e far, in excess of the re quirements jf the navy for some time to come, untesd congress! srhali im mediately comply with the recommen dation of e department for an in crease of moo men in the i enlisted strength of-the navy, Numerous let ters and telegrams have been j received at the department from indivfduaJs de siring to the navy, asking to be enlisted htf Mediately . A toleeTtain wa reueiveu tn, morning from an organi can city had4 s-uch a disaster occurred under similar carcumStances." p William Li. Carbin, he! passenger who professed to have important in formation about -the explosion; refuses maK any- further statement ..than he made at quarantine. The other pas sengers on the Serguranca did iot take Mr. Carbin as seriously as he took 'him sel'f. ;j . ..;.. ', ;L:-,..,; ; ..-',:,. ; i ,-; MESTTTNG OF THE COURT OF IN- ti possession or secrete of his administrk tion. . ...... The North Carolina Society of (he Order of ,The Cincinnati meets here to morrow. Major Charles 'I Diavia, S.j A., of Asheville, is here to attend it. . No' more cigars are allowed to lie sold in this city on .Sundays, not even in. hotels. ;- -f , , - Osborne Lambert, the! 19-yearyoli -white youth, who murdered Engineer- 4u j m. ; thsumgardnef, of: the Southern railway h in Henderson county last No ' vember. Is at last ini - Jail, v For him oyer t800 reward was offered. . He aaj he has not since the crime 'been nrarch than three miles from? his home. Ukr mother and friends had aided him bide. ;- r- ,: ; . . ,. CMormons in Cabarras county are re ported to have narrowly escaped toeing: mobbed last Saturday. ' :. . . Judge T. C. Fuller, of j the V Unfee& States court of land : claims, retumedt . ; QUTRY. ' A-i, .if.; ; Havana; , February 1. The United States lighthouse tender Mangrove ar- zation in Droit offering the immediate I Tf raJving on services offO.OOO citizens ot tnat.crty lA .?fl;comiK.0OTit in vase fxr nieu. . , 'I'atrfofcic offers: also haye been received from other places. wuuui.iiweri unawiey,-- or. the bureau Daaebters of the Revolution ashington. Fehruarv 2L rrht- ntinental congress of the National So ?ty of -the Iauffhtr of :Amb.i.n evolution began here todavi at th I this belief is that the oneration of thw frand jpera house. Mrs. Adial E. Ste- J divers upon the Wreck of. the Maine are ensontfte preeldent general, presided, -being confined I at present to the re- n-iuRicit. vvae suasion was ttus offer- I covery of the bodies of thp. oHii ig and manimous adoption of a reso- pntane-ld in tJzLZl a Zf itirtn. nf .-ftnrirT&. V I entangieoi in the wreck, and the re- the officer and' men of the Maine de- - oarverJ of valuables, neither of which rjrne arDernoon- an evenjpg sessions we j I orancn or xne work, namely; the in- wuiuiiTvrianx, ; , .. j yes ligation 01 the cause of the -a vwwa. fu bUA auvi xa I t--1 ii . ' ing. i None of J these messages, throw I VA vpwV. navy department, has any light upon the cause of the Maine j 4 tri following comprehensive disaster, and in fact, the officer in th I statement in. regard to the survivors navy department have about resigned I ti1 YflfP-Maine, to which Is ad themselves to the fbelief that nothina-1 a Us.t 91 the men- recoveredf from definite on this point can be known for several days to come. -Their reason for . . - . ' - . : - ure wreoK -wno sunsequentlyaied in nosprtais, If. shows nineteen uninjured. fifty-two wounded and I four died in hospital in Havana. - : - signotcaW movbJof shanish New YorT j February, 21. The) Ward Xiine s$eamiK I Sefguranca arrived at quarantine ?.3day from . Tamrrfco and Havana. TiieSerguranca reached Ha vana at 10 a chKikr on the morning after of inquiry appointed by Read Admiral Sicard , t'o inquire into the loss of the battleship .Maine. The commander; of the Fern sent a boat at 10 o'clock a. m., for Captain Peral, and his secre tary, ; lieutenant Salas, of . the. Span ish siavy, who. are to take part In the Spanish investigations In the disaster. 4 The 'board met- on the Mangrove I at 10 o'clock this morning, with Captain? Sampson and Chad wick and Lieutenant Commahders Potter andJMarix pres ent. Captain Sampson, presided and Lieu tenant Commander iMarix, recent- iy executive otneer of theMaine, acted as recorder. :AA':'f A -! A j , ' t Capain . Sigsbee, the conrnsahder 'A 'of the .Maine, was the first witness called. , (Continue on Foxrrth Page.) L here today from Santa! f "Fe,. Mexico. ,-..; ; I . J : ' - J. B. Barnes, the white man. of Wil son, charged wi th rape, who is in Jatt here for safe keeping. Is called hy the sherifl the "iStar boarder," as he UtexUX ly wants everything. (He is to the cor ridor with W. S. (Browning, who - lr the measles. Barnes yesterday swart if he was not let. out of this corridor he; would break out of Jail- He wtos a.' once put in close confinement. 7 - " Senator (Butler was here yesterday-' for, a few-hours, on his way to Waaih- v ington from Minneapolis, He came ts. see something about his newspaper. ' Raleigh Ss designated as! the ofiSdt' residence of XJlaude Bernard, cleric- cT" ' the United States district! court. Z The XTharlotte Mechanics' BufldSarf and Loan Association made report tee the state auditor today, showing tZSXm-L 501 ! assets,with only $200 "borrowed torao ey. It pays $100 state tax; and is the?' largest in the state. - j The cotton mills here are now nm . n ing seven and a half . days a weelc' with orders for all products.' . . II1- :- . tt" i ' ,