t t 3 ' J I- - -A 3 -1 i iY,. Jl ill.!-,-, ilr-V-'i Xl. No. 46. WILMINGTON, N. C.i WEDNESDAYjU?EBRUAItY 23-i 1898; PRICE 5 CENTS. ft- ! -.-4 . . , .-t-. - it.-.- I . . . q , -Xj j TO INCREASE THE ARMY. TWO. MORE ARTILLERY ' REGI- MEXTS TO BE FORMED. The Senate Paste the Bill With Only Four ' lie nest Warship Afloat end Name It the Ceorge Washington The Benae Elec trified by a Vigorous Attack on the Proposition to Annex the Hawaiian .Islands i - ' '; '.-A '. '. i' , SENATE. ' ; Wasth'mgEon, February 22. Ai3 soon a the reading of the Mstgrtc fareiwe.1 of Washington miai concluded 'by Sena . tor Lodg-e, ; of "Massachusetts', in the senate- today, Senator I raw ley, of Oon nedtiout, ohiaiirman of ithe military af-fajTs- com nut tee, caflled up, tihe ibill re- ported from, (his comirdtte'e authorizing tiheorganizatGion at 'two. additional regi ments ?f. artiWery. Senator Hawley in (reporting the bill, said:, : ; . t -.The. ?peedy 'passage at tbls'-bill, or . its (equivalent, appears "to he, an atoso dube neoe&rity. Tie governinen't, after long j iand toaireful oonaftd'enatioia ' try those' wihcse offices and studlea quali fy thm to give the most valujaWe ad v 'ice, .has etiite'ed j'uponi the execution .of a systematic antil. elalborate. plan., of -coast idt'fnsd. The great expend! tura will lie .wasted treaeuire unless a euf ttoienii nunuber f artillerymen, care-' jf uHy fleeted .aiid i thoiroug'hily' drlUed, - vctstly inatuintemts of defease. With, 'th-e ; aid of th-e acttV'es of tJiie aniationial tTU'Aird . 'Z tlhrvam nnwi !Vi.av7 jKocn irl;i J lr - - ' v ISM LTfll 'VA.iiJ charged thtrefrorn after years of in Rt'ruction, effective cavalry and in 'fantry oould:!sie' riolleoted in a compara t'lvely. -short j time,- but in case at war t hort iKrtnie - would Abe ..gUven .to the 8Tu?n in Charge of t)he great guns 6n t'he tcuaat.'jwihose costly nvadtipery ire'quires . on u-h. mechanical skill arid practice. ' . The -bin was passed 52 toi 4. The neg ative votes weTe oastiby Senators Bate,' f Tennessee; Clay.jof Georgia; OM1 ,'ton, of Texas, and West," of. Missouri. The rrfeasure proVibes that'the artil Jcr of tlhe army shsill consist of eeven it-egriments, : ;t)hu3 inoeasang the total ''number of earlisted mien 4n t'he army !by i 3,510 'men, to be eroftitioyed exclusively 3n. t'he airtilkrv arm irnf the swnviop .Senator Morgan; of Alaibama, intro "tl'uced the-folliowting iresolutions: . , ; Kesolved. 'Lihat the committee on Jiaval .-afLUira is instructed to Inquire and report s 'Whether a man-of-war, t-ci'iial at least 'to any warship -tn the world, to ibe namdi the George 'VVasih v angton, can ; ibe 'built, -airmed and com missioned within a , period of twelve -tmontlTs by ithe use of the facilities of . ,t'he shlpyardrs, , machine shops, mines : and fore.sta of the . United States, wherever, t'he same are found and that, the comrp.'ittee lhave leave 'to re port atf any time 'by toill or Otherw'ise." The resohition wa3 adopted without debate;. ! : ( At 1:40 o'clock p. m., kwi motion of Senator JAUigon, of Iowa, t!he senate 'went into executi've - seeaton, and : at 4 o'clock, arjounned. . ' '-' ; . HOUSE OF REFRESENTATiVES. i , "Va3hirgton''s tnjrthday -was celebrat- ed in tshe ihquse after a motion of Mr, diailey to adjourn had been voted down with -d yast deal i of ipolitical speech, making, and it wras also signalized by the firing of the first gun in opposr. . itron to Hawaiian annexation, M f. sjofrns'cjiri, an I Indiana irepuibliican, ! deliv-eredi a speech that 'electr'ifled ."thje (house 'and gMIenies in denunciation of .; what tie termed an. attempt to;, .cut ; t loose from the tTadieional policy Of t!he: , United States and e titer uspon a sctheme riOf- coJ'onlzationthat had ' proved'. t'he vTUin of empires, ar d of nations. The speed;, coming er Urely uniheraMed, . iprodutedj a deep im piression. The gen ral debate on the s indry civil bill was conclule today ami tomorrow tihe bil'l ; iwtll 'I taken up fo amendment. (Mr. . Johnsbn IdeliiVered 'l is speech during tthe dba(e on the s indry civil "bill. At 9 o'clock, the general debate clos- -. ied and tii e house adjourned. . , ' I I !. . : ... iA thrill of terror is experienced when. brassy cough i: of cr6up sounds through tthe house! fct night. But the terror soon changes? to relief after One Minute Cougn Ourej 'has been adminis tered.! Safe and 'harmless for children. . 4j.-v j The-Seashore Hotel . There, wasi a called rneetingr of -the ' Stockholders -of the 'Wriiffhtsville Beach Hotel; Company yesterday at noon in Ct Wtlmingtbn. Mr, R. Hicks preside : ert and Mr. J. 8. Worth, 'secretary and 1 treasurer, was present In that capac- 1-. ' - -'''' ' ' Mr. George Campbell; inanag-er of the- Seashore 'Hotel, made his report of the business of . the hotel the last season. He -j stated that the first months of 'the sum met were more prosperous than the mid-, summer and later months; -"He said Jhe accounted for this from the fact that the hotel was finished and opened so " late t that most people had previously made arrangements for spending their summer lsewhere. He announced that he hoped To remedy this condition this summer, by securing guests' from the southwest as far aSjNew Orleans, as it was expected : that many people from that - section : would ibe here and spend the entire sum mer. Wis report, -however, showed that jhe hotel had been a financial success, and had money to Its credit. -Mr. J. S. Worth .the treasurer j made his report of the receiptsi and expendi tures, and showing the amount of money . on harjd. :" ' r - .: , - The, reports show that the' company have declared ai dividend of 10 per cent.; : 1u t unon motion. . it was decided to i- jiund he funds; of the company in the jniproMements outiinea i rue Aiessen- eteraay. Alanager- uampDeu re to 'Charlotte yesterday, but wtll -shortly and will have the plans ind arrangements made to earry out the Improvements. 1 ' '; . 'It was stated a't the meeting, that a ehftrple -was' being built by Captain Kob- ' ert OUo, to be used for giving the guests of the hotel the benefit of fishlng;and ,allinj4 this ' summer. ' - . i lAfte- discussing the future plans of the rompany, i the. meeting adjourned, t . -' I i KeltH for Congress . ' Tlie i Messenger's Raleigh hureaii tele graph last ; night as follows: . -' ;"A ietterj received today from B. F. t hi ' of Wilmington, announces, that he 1 'a free; silver candidate for congress jh tht Sixth district. - Keith sent many atopies cf his paper here today, prasing Aovernor JFUissell and' saying: 'Russell's ''..tandrwill put him with the Bryan ban .itwr lit- hii hand in! J900.'"' " ' Royal makes the food pure, ; - - wholesome and delicious. F0Y7DEH iaDJwteiy Puro fcin-AL BAKIKG KWTDtn C--; NEW VOWt ' if" 8 l !J.'-i''-.-. DEMOCRATIC CONFERENCE. M.eeHnt of the Stat exeeetlve Commit : iee Convention Called io- Meet In Ba v elgh May 26tb Bodorsemcnt of Cbalr nan Jonek' Address i'.t'-'i i . , - (Special to : .The. Messenger. ) - Italeign, m C?. February 22.-JThe democratic state committee met here at 8 j o'clock. Piere vwere present Clement (Ma nay, cnatrmanT John W, Thompson, secretary; T. Jarvis, F. Kluttz, 1J R. "Webster, E. J. Hale, R. J. Brey- ad, W. G. Jjamfb, J.i J. - UaugM-ng- fhAuae, T. Gr Skinner. ! J W. Grainger. 1 C.;Beddlncflejd L Ht iA.:3Jondon.F: Sj Sprual'l, J. R. lYoung-, E. A. Wallers, eimuel'I GattlW, IlerJot I Oarkson, Walter H. NeaJ. Paul; B. Means,; S. J. (Efe-mberton, A. D. 'Watts,' H. (B. Varner. iRL'N. Hackem.: J.. Rj UwweHyn,' and SJ Gallert. The followinig were iDresent as proxies: (R.1 W. Winstn; Wirt F. B. Arendell, Bond, H. G. Connor, C B. Ayerl W..-A1 vWood. R. B. Pieetdes. There was ; consMetaole disksussion as to the time of holdiing the state con yentkm.: One resolution; offered named Jane &tih. , "TUvere were -also a lot trf resr ' olutlonsffCTed py Jairvls, wWoli ov- eieo quute a (Wide range, .jTneser were rt f erred to special committee to con st der and report. j . j ,.'t ' The : committee: adjourned' at 12:10 p m., .nothing given iout but the fol 1c wing resolution whfoh was adopted without a dissenting vote: ' ... "WTierCas, The democratic organiza tion of (North Carolina Is a part of t'he national democratic organization arid. wmereas, u"hi9 . committee is the enstodian of ttae J interest !.of said or- gknization in Xortli, "Carolina Resolved, That the obminiittee. en- dorses the patriotic addres of our nat ional oharrman, Honorable I James IC. Jones, seeking to unite the silver. forces iln the impending congressional contest. . " . ; . : j- ; i' "Resolved, That the: chairman of oiir executive committee he requested to cUl a state convention to meet in Ra leigh on the .26th day of May, 1898; wntch early convention has supreme authority and 'will iane All man ert i aptnoruy ana win snape. an mattery or party policy, h 'Resolved', That in accordance with tie resolution heretofore adopted all hite electors1 who intend to vote with tils in the next! election and who' desire the re-es tablishmen t of; Anglo-Saxon supremecy and 'honest government in. "Iforth - Carolina are cordially invited t participate in all of our primarfies and conventions..'!; , Tou need Cod Idveri Oil. you say but think you can't! take It? ;Try "Mor- rhuvin" a perfected "Wins of Cod JAvy cf Oil. '. You tcan get jail the virtues of the oil ' Without the j disagreeable ef fects. Sold by! J. Ct Shepard. J. H. ardin and i. L. Fentress. TWO BURGLARIES. A Narse Steals Money at the Fxeentlve- Mansion A Residence Burglarised The Bnrclar Qaptored-Ho Is a Professional v a - . - ' i From the North (Special .toi The Messenger.-) Raleigh JJ. C February 22 .At h pt- ! tlve mansion today a negro girl em- loyed as a nurse to. fiurdie Anderson, of ub, who is a. guest! of the ' governor. t'ole J26.00from Mrs. Anderson. A po- ceman was telephoned for toy "Mrs. Rus- ell and he arrested the thief. ' Last night the residence of Fredi roolcott, in a few' yards of the Capitol uare, was. entered through a window hile all the family Were absent and a. ft ' of valuables taken. The burglar is. inorning sold some to a jeweler and was immediately spotted. He -was ar iested th'is afternoon! just as he -was itaxting for Charlotte.! A jeweler identl- ed him and finally he confessed, saying e stole because he wanted money . It turns out he was here: two years ago on bicycle tour from New "York to New rleans and-'was entertained by Wool- tt. He hails from New York- The re ainder of the stolen property was found him,- : i . : ;t.- -t - ,.. r- II is found tonight that ithe burglar's eal name is Rj F. Ardell. or G. R. oulig, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and that n the night of the 13tjh Instant, he bur- larized three houses jat; Petersburg and esime here the next dayL EHe was prepar ed to comimit murder jlast j night if. sur prised. Of this there is perfect proof. He has an accomplice pot yet captured. ! : '- 1 ! "In a minute" one dose of Hart s Es aWnee of G.Inger will jrel!teve any ordi nary case of Colic, Cramps, or Nausea, An unexcelled . remedy ; for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Summer ; complaints 4-nd 'all mternal pains. Sold by J. C. $hepard, J. H. Hardin amd II. L. Fen tress. . " ' : i ,j i ; 1 . , r, Hancock's Sensational -Charge Against - : . j - " Rnsselli " i . (Special to The? Messenger.) j Raleigh, N. C, ; February j 22. Robert Hancock read a' veryj sensational state inerit to the Atlantic and North Carolina i aiiway directors tonight atj New Bern. ' le jsays ;in it-.that Goyerhbr Russell told mini -if he would come ; to Raleigh and at- ack the editor! of The News and- Ob server he .would be, srestored to favor. Hancock came and when he was asked by la person near to khe governor if he had acted, he said "Xo," and from.-thait moment was blacklisted.. Hancock fur- ther: declares that the 5 governor said In hei presence 'of ; seven directors .that? he Vas ' innocent of the Charges as made. , f r . '. - i i ! -( ' i . Jadge Ewsrt Without Civil Jurisdiction : " (Special to The Messenger.) ' i Raleigh, N. Ci-, February 1 22. The su preme court decides (that i Judge Ewart, pf the Western criminal covert, has no Itlvil jurlsdlotion, whatever. Jt holds that ;khe superior court is at -the head, of the bourt system Ibelow the supreme court land from, it alone can; appeals come to ithe supreme court. H i j ! Populists ' today denied that Editor Ramsey wrote that editorial in The Pro- gresslve. Farmer attacking silver. ! San Jose scalej was jtoday. discovered at ilGlbsonville by W. F. Massey. il H h: President Hancock Depoied by the Dl- .r. . - rectors ' j- . . . .... ;; -,, , 1 (Special to The Messenger.) Raleigh.'N.' C.J February 22. The meet ing of the directors kl the Atlantic and North Caroi)n3- tallwayi today was quiet, there being no ; unpleasantness. A reso iuiion asking for Hancock's f eslgnation was decared irregujar by Hancock under the charter.- but the resolution., was adopted. S. Lt' lMll was notified to act as president. The board; adjourned to meet at New-Bern March ' 8th. , j . . J . r-- -f- M ' ; r '- Uelongs to the DenoocraUc Tiee Preslden- '' tial Candidate ': 'y1' ' The American schooner Talof a, Cap-, tain Fletcher, was towed , up to theclty yesterday by the. tug; Alexander . JooesJ and was taken -up to the Navassa Guano factory. She brings a jcargo of about tons of phosphate rock. - - --- - ' Th Talofa Is a four-masted schooner ! of l,06rmK . net burthen, and Is said to ' toe the largest fphooner'hat ever came to ! this port. She bVUngs" in Bath, Me., and j Is owned by-the Hori"Arthur Sewell, who i .was the democratic candtdaio , for vice ' JW!3"? JB" tb" t campaign,-- THE MAINE DISASTER. EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS BY WRECKING, COMPANIES. ' The Wreck to b Thoroughly Examined - as Soon as Possible DlTers Now at Work la the. Teasel The Court of Inquiry. , Fashing Work at Norfolk Mavy Yard. Activity Aoione . National. Qnard Men. Factories are Shipping War jManitipnr, Spanish Press Gloomy, ' f ' . ;j Washington, February ' 22. All -fthe,' government departments were closed in Washington rtoday, save-; ithe- navy, where- a fewof the officials 'assembled to receive any dispatches ,that might arrive and ita dose the contract, with the wreckers' for the recovery of the effects -on the Maine and the vessel herself, if- that be practiia3ble. Tae signing of the wrecking contract ivas the -most important even of the day, and, this concluded,' .the; officials closed up shop and went -home S enjoy a respite from the rush of the past week. Captain Slgshee -was heard Ifrom fn a dipa'tch, --yhtcJa Andlcates that cW;-aik tentlon would ibe given the coal hunkers by the naval court of Yriqtisf? at Jla yana. Officials unquestionably . have been for some time preparing for any emergency that rnayarise, but appear ances at'the department "today would Indicate' that necessary "orders have al ready been given and that thje situation was riot one '-calling for immediate "ac tivity at Washington. The Caitine and the Cincinnati, in accordance wtth orders mad known soane.tinia-ago by the Associat'ed Press, are to move fur ther north to West. Indian waters, iond at "Norfolk the monitor Terror"; Was been ordered to Ibe in readliness and may be sent to New York liter.; The senate passed a (bill tb add two artUlery regiments to the strength of the, army. This measure1 has (been urged for many months 'by officials of the war department w'ho foresaw that while congress of late years had taken measures for? the protection ; of our coasts by considerable'i appropriations ' tor -aetensive; "works and great guns, it had not provided, the men :npcesaary to operate these engines of war. Should the house pass the bill it wjiH enable department, to carry ou plans :it .h- n ihni, - ; " . inviut lain v passed upon fhe state of the carmy and uur roruncatijons nave caused increas ed activity irl military matters and'to some extent this is responsible for-reports arriving from various' quarters of movements at army posts. iA'-re-port. was circulated. ihat General Miles, as commander of the army, had , Is sued additional orders for ttoops , at all .forts to be on the alert and ready for Immediate, action. Taut this was promptly denied by the general's chief of stafT. Nothing whatever pf a sen sational character, occurred ' in Wash ington and on the wherfe the? day was free of rumors by comparison -with Its immediate . predecessors for' jthe past week or more. r. 1 W irURRTING; UP THE WRECKING '; - ; COMPANIES.- - j . -. The. plans : of the wrecking "expedi tion for the relief of the Maine were completed today after long conferences between Secretary Ixmg and' the rep resentatives of the Merri'tt- and Chap- V man Company, of New Tork,fandf the Boston Towboat Company. Th? com- : ipanies naa expected to oeirm work in ?. . . , , .. . ... . . .. apavana harbor in about a-yeak, .but tne la-st iimoment-Secretirjr .Lohg lnsistea mat r a provision' . shouia be made for sending forward at once at least 'one large wrecking boat, . vith divers andj equipments. This ' was t agreed to. a-pd a dispatoh wis sent, t the, captain or tne sea wrecker ,Kight Arm,- now ; at Key West, .to suspend .his private work there and proceed at once to-Hayaria. 1 . If the Right . Arm "has started iiorth, a torpedo-boat will he sent afteif her with -orders to pro ceed to Hvaha. At the same- time ;; a dispatch -was sent to ' the ' New Y-irk offices of thej company to send two :of the 'most experienced divers; -by train io Key West,; where they will 'go to Ha vana! and join the :divefs and; wreckers on the Right: Arm. ' . . ; - fi; vThe commander of the Right Arm" is ordered to place himseif, with his div ers and machine, under, the. j orders j;o f Captain Sigsbee, who thus will be free to avail himself of their sejrvices f in rhe recovery of bodies or anr particu larly desirable piece- of equipment, or property - before the regular wrecking operations begin. These are emergency steps which precede the main' wreckihg' expedition, which will be Outfitted at Boston, Newi York and. Norfolk,; , with a view to ibeginnirig extensive Opera tions within a week. 1 j ; ' TEPJMS OF THE CSOttT-RACTJ j The .terms of the contract as con cluded and signed today provide -for' the payment !to the wrecking compan ies of the sura of $871 per dat, for their regular plant, and an aditional pay ment of $500 per day for the fuse of the Monarch, while the latter 1? actually employed. An express proyision : j is made that the government ) may ter minate the contract at anyf. moment. It is also provided that the Compensa tion shall not exceed the sumj of money ($200,000) appropriated by cohgress for- n i puryiat; iu 1,11-3 jkuivi. iiciviu.i.iw passed yesterday. Finally, St is pro vided that if the companies ucceed jin raising the Maine and towing her !to- Norfolk thev shall receive a? iboriOs lof $100,000. ' j ' i . In view of- the large first $ost of the about $5,000,000. and the nation- al desire thkt'she shall 'be fralsed, as. widenced by the prompt apa unani mous action'of congress upon the joint resolution, Secretary iLongj jbelieves that he is fully justified in niaking the above terms- with the .wreckers, cnougn jfX first thought the per dieni compen sation seems large, rt must 'be borne in mind, however, he said today, that this - will corurtitute the -largest wtcj iner expedition ever equipped in i this miintrv. (A (clause of- the contract re! ouires the comoante to proceed With all dispatch! and - 4n , bupriness-like manner with the work of thelwreck.n and, though ithis haste adds p the cost of- the work,' it is (believed toi be neces ary, in view of the possibility of ihe irlv aDoearances of yellow fever Rt Havana harjbor jvith the approach "of the rainy season a;t montli PUAINS OF jTHE WRS3KJ3)a COM- : ' I , PAINIES:- - . Caotato Humphreys and IMr. Chap man, ' representing the two Companies who will do the work, explained to the Associated Press the plans - they will adopt ift raising the Mairiie. In -ad-drtion to . the emergency wfrk-to be prosecuted (by the Right Arm the Thain expedition, will be made up of about 100 men, including six skilled divers, the wrecking stesmer Underwriter, of Boston, of 600 horse power, he wreck ing steamef, John, G. 3om$t ot Norfolk,, of s-imilar power; the lro Jrgie Lone Star, of Boston; capable 0 carryrDg 3,000 tons; the floating derrick Mob arch, capaible of lifting 260 j tons,; the largest floating derrick in . the country, and another' derrick, jcapaiblel of .lifting thirty tons. The forwardirfi' of -: the . tobats, derrtokjs and- men wilj begin at oncei i Telegrams were sentj today to begin the outflttinr, She taking on of col and assembling ojf me and equip ment. ,Ti Sboats are ready to ?fart at any time. Put it wiH take a day bjr two to get together the excetioffa" fa ciMties required for ta4si large un4er taking. The' wrecking companjej -of-flcials ay it. will be impossible, to ar serobie this material and get it into Havana "harbor ready -for-(Ork for a iweeK. ,'i"ney wui maae evfrr ey-vr however, to expedite ' the work, fa Underwriter has a crew of -seventeen men, including her own- start of div$ys,: who are veterans in this line of work. The Jones has a Mke crew and equip ment' of divers The crews. are avail able for jsyecklng work, but, "aside from them men .there will toe forty ex perienced j wreckers. -Each 'wrecking vessel , has a large complement of pumps, anchors,! Iron masts with toeavy hoisting gear, , -cables,' etc. Who '-will command-the expedition has not been determined ;thn3 far, as the companies have several'" experienced -wrecking masters available. The wrecking mas ter will -be in complete charge, -as the government will trust entirely, .to - the experience of " the : wreckerB,. although a naval officer, will he detailed to - in spect the work as it proceeds. ' V The officers of the two wrecking com panies said tod'ay that after the ex pedition was assemibled in Havana har bor a complete Inspection of the work would be made ' and the exact line of will 4e s6 ample that all of the divers I "will be able -toi work at one time on different ' parts of the wreck. .Most of the lifting will' he done .by the smaller derrick, which is of sufficient capacity for the lighter upper ' wprics of -the Maine, - but it- will take- the. -monster . derrick, Monarch, to lift the hugetur rets of the iMaine and the guns mount ed within them.-- i . ...- t. . ;' TO LIFT "iTURRETS ,A.NT" GUiNS TOr i"-. -GETHBlt V'5 ri'f, - ' ,'tf ' m r ..i'V . . li, r y , - . Captain Humphreys stated: that the purpose was , not : to , separate the b!s guns from the turret, but to lift thenTt as a whole.: This will be a tremandous . undertaking, - sli,the . comlbined weight. of each turret and -guns is 166' tons. The (Monarch can lift 260 tonsw so there is an ample margin of liftlnig power. The wreckers were loath" to express an opinion as ;to their ability to. raise; the hull of 'the ; Maine, j Mr. (Chapman and Captain Humphreys stated that noth ing 'but a . close personal inspection would permit a decision on that point. They are 'hopeful, however, that, the ship can be -brought to the surface. The iron (barge lione Star will be used to receive the turret guns and wreck age and as fast as loads are. made up she will !be towed-to the Norfolk navy? yard. - : " ' . . r . , -...' ' ' NO CABLEGRAM S. OVER-?NIG,HT. " The most potent sign that the first and rexciting, stage of the Maine dis aster has been ; passed was the fact that not a single cablegram, was t re ceived over-night or this morning at the navy department relating in . any manner-to that, event. . ' Acting Secretary Day spent some time at ihls office, but he hadlittle news to .communSca'te. . He. had Te- ceived Only one dispatch since yester day from Consul' General Lee and that related, to );he .shipment or cuoan to bacco to the United States, rme. ae rartment had heard nothing of the reported reviVat!! of the Weyler .edict prohibiting; the exportation of tobacco front Cuba: On the contrary, General Lee's reports show that the movements are in regular progress, or at least, had not been checked; up to the Sth instants Judge Day had received no news ox the rumored 'capture of the. Dauntless, and. in fact, the above telegram was all that he had had from Havana Jn the last twenty-four hours. MOVEMENT OF BOUTTH ATLANTIC ' ' .-SQUADRON. ' The naval officials assert that the re port to the effect that the movements of the South Atlantic squadron now under way are with, a view jto the early assembling j of the vessels near Havana is without foundation. "This movementj they say, is in.-direct accord with the plan outlined in December last by Captain Chester, of the Cincin nati, in command of the squadron, and approved fbyj the department. This plan is about as ;follows: ; After the smaller vessels wi&rei. docked' at (Buenos Ayres he would assemble the squadron 'and , proceed up; the coast Of South America for squadron arm, visiting an the ports -Where American interests ex ist, going. asif arias Para. Upon the return of the squadron rrora tne north he would make a long visit; to Rio" Janeiro, wnth all the vessels. 'Near Rio Janeiro is the harbor of Isle de, Grande, where the? vessels would have lare-et practice arid other (squadron ex- ercises. Thi would also give the small er vessels an opportunity for torpedo practice. Si ' In further explanation of the move ment of the two ships of the South At lantic "squadron, it is said at the navy department that some time ago word came that-they were in need of coal, but that yellow fever prevailed at Para where they were then and south of kthem in Brazil. They were authorized to proceed to' some healthy' port for their coal,, and this,' it is stated, is how they came, to go to iBarbadoes. THE MONITOR TERROR. In explanation ' of the. order .given yesterday i to the Norfolk navy-yard of ficials to have the Terror in condition for service, Secretary Long said this order had (been given to replace the Maine, it being deemed desirable-that the armored fleet should not, fall below a certain ! number. .There was very little work to be done on the Terror, and forty-height hours should suffice to finish it. The Terror is our most pow erful double-turreted monitor and, al though ' not as ' effective as a - seahdat as a 'battleship, in the smooth waters of a harbor she probably would be able to hold her; own against, almost any craft. . ; . . - ' . A .(CABLEGRAM, FROM BIG SREE. The following telegram was receiv ed "by the navy department this after noon, from Captain Sigsbee:- "Send to Forsythe for Sigsbee for a transverse, sectional, drawing , of the .'Maine through forward. 10-inch maga zine and - shell room, showing pocket coal -bunkers." 'If -; ; This request was immediately eom niifwi with. It is s'uooosed that Cap tain Sigsbee wants there , drawings to assist in the work of wrecking the ship, as' they would be of great aid to the divers. - They will ibe.maeful also as the. (basis for the testimony now, be ink taken y the! court of inquiry ?. at Havana, The fact that- it is dieemed essential that the drawings shall show the pocket coal "bunkers, which abutt on the Tnagazine," Is evidence that Cap tain Sigsbee has in mind the ' sponta neous combustion theory, though it does notifolWw by any means that he is committeed to it.- . . . Some of the employees of Ihe navy department have' been making estimat es of the amount of money that will be required to meet the demands of .the lolnt ireeouition i which Mr. Boutelle proposes to introduce in the house al lowing a-year's sea pa.' tp the families of the dead sailors and money for J.st iijthing and effects, not to exceed! a yearns fU J, to the survivors. They fix the sum .at o exceed 4150,000;- ; THEiTERROR TO jbtAJL. TppAY. Norfolk, Va,, February 22. The re pairs on ifhe niQfiitor Terror were' com- pleted tonight an4 Jt is understood she will sail for New York In tfte mornjnif. Repairs' ron the torpedo iboats Foofe and Winslow are also practically com pleted and they are readf to leave the drydock. The puman ;win maraiy do ready. to leave theJyard under ten days, All of her boilers have -been repaired iut one. - :.' ::''.-;v.-:i It Is f&l4 f&at the gunboat Machiaa will be repaifea at this yard, 'and; a -requisition for more tnen . &ai? peen made. The number of men at Ithe yartj will prohably ibe douMed fby (March lstv : THE COURT OF TNOUIRY. . .-: Havana, February' .22. Consul-; Gen eral Lee and fhe meonbers ot the Unit ed taiei coTirt of ihquiry.ainto the loss of 'thtoates'prlne ''called i this morning on' CaptaipV"" 0enerai- 'piaTeo and Admiral- Mant'e"roIa; en"the paremohies were ended the, court ret turned to fhi pntedtaes lighthouse tender .Mangroye ap4 . resupneaf tf 8W ,sion. (The" court opened "at 10:30 6,'cfock Opjt a recess it J2;30 o'clock. Lieu' ien&nt,s! f, -foJWn3 navigator Jan"cf' ordnance officer ot tsel Mai no, . svif -exg amlned at the mornmg" session, Th "t-:- - .1: ' ' ;V-' - t. T . --ft- .. . .J'" -j-';. -f ? - . ";-- ct 5 court met for the' afternoon' sessiokt 1;30 o'clock and Lieutenant Coram er RJ "WainwrigkU executive offii if;.. the "Maine. Iwas called! to the , wlj stand.- He ihaa kteen ; in '.-. r immeS-ate A- charge of the wreck since the' .ettw-. sion. -t - '.'';- ' '' ;'.ir;;; THE OVERS AT WORK'; Four divers are. at work, two itile forepart of the ship and the.otheirst The task is most laborious; and'JKie men arej naturally extremely ' car&iil, and ;hey have had to' work in; comitjte darkhess, and several have j had jj$td falls. Electric lights, worked from- he iMangrove, are now- available, C ' ijnd much good; is expected! 1 fromi ttfjdi. Nearly all the 'tossible. " salvage fas now-jbeen made from the cabin af U - ;i jie efforts to . reach , tne ward "and rctss rooms are frustrated by someunknt V'n obstaclej It is expeoted to find ibexes In those rooms. Two cases of 10j 1ch, ammunition have "been found, the-;?ie having exploded, the other full orpjR- der. j These; were found forward. "'.Jie "work (of securing the, bodies tinder he hatch has been most difficult in-.he dark, but it is hoped that -the elee.-ic lights will (be of great assastanc'JLme bodies are irrrucfc. .mutilated and he are paTtlallyi hurned. '.'' V ! 4'-ti! -,The officers of the. court, or lnq : j-y paid! another visit Jo the 'wreck tof iy. Captain i Sampson,- after the: visitif.of the memiberst of the court to; thfc m p- tam general .-and, Admiral Mantgcila this I morning' siid the receptipftS, Tx- .tended them 1ad. been polite and dial.l ; The caotaiffgBeneral ahd adtnlfal had expressed deep sympathy and fjfie hope that nothing would interferto iwevent a thorOuarh investigation. "P-'i ev offered to give any help in their 'Jr- er. , Captain . Sampson referred' to f ;fte visits as "tendipg to promote' abfttjfr understanding, s. . , . ; : i- .' .;.,,? Among the salvage were the. , i&jle war and silvet service belonging' Jo the iMaine.! : :v; !;. , 'An additional 10-ihch' casing cha" ge was' found today exploded., A nuni Jer of such casings are believed 'to-3e in side i the :. hull,;iut it is not. Hh-irn whefher ithey exploded or " hot) J ?yfee divers havfr recovered, dn addiiotfo Captain ': Sigsbee's silverware;' as ready cabled,' some Of his cutleyis rifle and a huniber 'of his" book4"a: is : . George; W. Koeler, of Brooklyn d today at the military hospital; .'All;3 other injured show some improvlettiti CRITrCISM OF HAVANA PRg ' La VLuchai. in and editorial' tai comments upon, the "unfairness of!- united States in making CaRtaln ws bee the advlsoc nd ass'itanfi bf'he cduit of inc(uiry."r" "The ;editorlai;is', evidently 'basdd? on incorrect inforf a"-, tion from -the United Statesr a4t?!a4' the rules constituting naval court of inquiry, j that the captain; commsrij the J ship, destroyed should have, thing to do with the , findings-; court, being in one 'sense- on triaU-pSt-. self It is made Captain" Sigai's , duty to : give ' all the testimony ' the facts 'in his possession. - La.Lusj;ha' claims also - that the court ' of 'iriqry;1 is npt constituted as It -would ,bby any other of the great -powers,- butj. In thisf particular ithe paper . is eVidJty laboring: under misinformation.:- -SOfi1 ') Judge Peral, 'mot the .Span'isnTj; miri-lty Icqurt.. today has bee'n; takgig . the depositions ,ot the-officers! of; e Spanish vessels and -the harbor oficijs; on the subject of the disaster vtot 4e (Maire. "t 1 ,'.:" " ' "(f' The military; commander' of Gva- bocoa has ordered . the suspensSonl -.Sf n public festivities as a mark of. teyisBt to the memory of. - the. Maine's i Thef prohibition, will continue-' foryj(n&e' days. " "' -r Gunner Chariest "3I6rgan,; bf:-gje. i .t -1. 1 si. -.-unW" ij Won! to -examining tha ajmrmaltioiKi the rorepart of the Maine's uU,aAdi;:5Q ascertaining ' the ' 'condition'- Qt ite places,, magazines ,and! ; engine. i QSda, a graduate ot gunnery ana w regTn ed as entirely competent, as indeed &e all- ithe divers under 4iis directioh?Jle is ijtnder- strict orders not to giveiit. anything on the subject of his invOt gatons exdept to the officers ofljfelje court of j inquiry when called 'upoLs Tfie autonomist 'government, hasat firnied the-appointment of SenorMt uel jRalfael Angulo, as delegate; of 3? he colonial government in Washington o prepare a commercial treaty, -accor pg to instructions, which he will, reoe-e from Senor "Montoro and Senor Ro;i guez, colonial secretaries of the tJl ury and of commerce respect ryelyt,! . .'-. '. .'BODIES RECOVERED ,f-itj : Tie bodies of twelve of the'; riji.n havs been" taken out from; under t'te hat;h heading from the 8uperstructJe fire room.) (Nine -were recognized id' all wereJ necessarily dlsmembereitViri; course of removal. . - !";l5' ' Oh the Mangrove the sessions f je cOUi't were; held 4n! the captatn's gofefii aft. The officers were not - iijlil dress, hut Iln full unifbrm )used evpl day aboard , ship. ,h The. itrocedls were veryj quiet, .no one .(but the nesAes'-and' -he- shortha nd-reportri5ji Ing admitted. The arrangement is tJ-tt the stenographer shall write out jds notes day (by day, and;:the cburt;H adjurn-;f rom time iff time to glve;Qt the opportlnity, as. was the case fojsjff. when the court again visited the wkH andJ spent some time in aaajtronaifsgir: spection.j -The pomp and circumstaj as of Wie tribunal are not as much ai ordfnary garrison court-martial, ipri itid sLow, but jt-he high! charactei? "bfts members and the evident. earnest? ;j3 of their -purpose to "find the trutlrit posslbif, giye qifniiy. to tne wpi inquiry. . '- ' "". . -" ;; ..-.- J-.f, HAVANA BATi ,:,.-, fi0Vp the last day of the earn Vat; Thts was and tonight-the city is gay as tavps the parado and principal streets afc&n ceriedj But the display ' rio ' greft as m former years; for; arefin mourning and others are fiitpr; or-feel so.) Of merrymakers, how!?. In carriages "and on foot, frher wfcb i?ckl ' ';f r ORDER FOB HOTCHKIgS GgS ;: New HaveaiCona..- February American Ordnance w Company of. Bridgeporc, conn-v nas received. ; -os t- legraph from its -vice presidentat wasnington an oraer lor.ioriy r flriijig v-pounder Hotchkiss guns.K order is; for quick - delivery, and forgihgs for them ' have already er "Jn' r aboat - three , months.? American rlwe'tinifli -pt&iJ' say that -tney 'do noi nifi :ance to the order. WAR MUNITIONS FOR THE NA! Cleveland, O.. February' 22. Wor' tfce "big government contract isC.; jf&w undef 'rapld keaJway at the Otis Siel WoHcs." ( FJve1 eorrrtous gttn erii:! . are oeing ponstructea uiere. uneyje for 13-inch guns, to ibe. used on 13&jjd States Ibattlesh'ips. ' A similar cafre was completed me r'F? "9?& shipped east, here It met ntlie appf-Vj al ij)f the fiaval department' : f' 4 (New, York. February 25, The Spt of (the - expected projectiles Xrbu&t&itfc Carpenter jSteeL Works arrived .at .i.e Brooklyn navy- yard today- TJvire were about 2,000 of them for the lt andj 10-inch guns of the cru-isers;?'Rnd battleships;.-' A' numher -pt , torjjvdo heads front New England manufac1t ers lare expected hy tomorrow. .- 4 ;il;S, "The collection of am-nuhitiqnj'fitjid: an loruinanee ; omoer," qoea -not. srrn thki "we -ecpeetH imThedJat 'war.'Tre supplies- were 'ordered . isome mtajjrfts ago when) some ' representatives iSJd in cdngress that we had -' hot e r powder or shot enough to last .the vy a' day; Powder has been 'afri Yinf Pm.. pi-9) just euc weeks.- or1 roJMs aret expecte4. tind; wheH fhey get we shall have1 ammunition enovui ci fit hand fto.lasV d tiring1 six , months - -kfef AMONG STATE TROf?JfS. - Nip vark. jH, J.. .Ferbruarx , -fct mander Irving, of the division pirns eas, Jeiy d"ess5 lnvaV reserves, fe- grapned to the navy, departments ("ii Washington: ..today offering his .com-: hfand for immediate service should it he required. There -are several hun dred men in the division. ' Philadelphia,' February! 22. Major General! Snowden, comnaander of ;f the national s guard of (Pennsylvania, I has issued general order to every officer in the (state, to reitult .his command up to the full quota s required by ilaav. The . officers were instructed to have their men ready to march,' fully armed .and equipped, at twenty-four hours' notice. i The national guard of Pennsyl vania comprises nearly 9,000 men. '. GLOOMY VTEW OF FADRID PRESS. Madrid, FebruAry 22. A gloomy) tone pervades jpolitieal circles on the- re ports of a split in -tihfe Cuban jninistry. The autonomlsits,. Sehor Gi'berga ard Senor Amblard," are, fit is believed, se cretly treating .witji the separatlonls'ts in the I direction of (independence for 7uba. Senor Govin, ithe Cuban secre tary of the' interior is accused of treason by The ImbirCial, which pud lishes a fac simile rof a letter from Senor Covin to a friend, . in which tne -formeri.says: - A f I . i. . "How would you JlMnk that iSagasta, a man inferior to Canovas and liberal only in name, has jlnspired my atti tude and not -tmy; ideks and sentiments as a Cuban? MoKiipley, as; well- as Cuba, j will determihfe whether I am a Spaniard. Long liVej our country and liberty!" : " . " ' H I .' ; El , Pais says:; j "Spain should treat .with, the rebels direct rather , than tol erate the traitor Goyln." El Correo (Espanollasks: "How (will Senor (Moret, the patron of Govin, and Senor Sagasta, the ' patron of both and Govin; stand now ' that Go- Moret Vin is a traitor to his country? Who 1 ever supports a traitor is likewise a traitor!" - . . - f The official press On the other hand cdunsdls prudence and confidence n the patriotism Of tliel Cubans. 1 - A squadron of tbrpedo boats i has left Cadiz for Havajnja. harbor. PROVfsiONS FORVrCTIMS OF THE ! - 'j--';. ;,v MAIIE.' '-'---" Washington; February 22.-Legi3lar tive provision for tha relief of the vic tims of-' the Maine Edisaster occupied the-house committee, on naval aftaiTS all day, a general measure being agreed, on late this afternoon5 similar to the re lief mea'sure that followed -the Samoan disaster in 1889. The resolution : will be finally passed on at a special neet kig of! the committee tomorrow .morn ing -and will be' Immediately reported 'bytChairman - Boutelle'' and its pasage by the "house expedited. j' ' ' , Anyjlosses s tallied toy the survivors will bi made good ibfthe extent Of not exceeding twelve - months' pay and provision is to be raaue for bringing the remains back to- this country at the discretion of the inaval authorities. - -.-';-. , i Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady: but its;'duratton can'she cut short "by the' use of One Minute Cougn Cure, which ia also the "best known remedy for croup and a11 lung and bronchial troubjles. R- R. Bellamy. i Sapreme Cocirt Decisions , (Special to JTel 'Messenger.) ' 'I Raleigh,, N. C." February 22. The su pfeme court today fijed the first opinions at this term a follows : Cowan vs. j Phil lips,, from Beaufort ioiurity, modified and afflnmed;-Tate vs. Commissioners, j from Haywood, actlofl f dlplni.ssed; State vs.. Ray, from BuneoDfbe,f appeal dismissed; Rhynfe va, Lipscomb, from Buncombe, -judgment quashed and cause remanded to "Buncombe superior! court;. Wilson vs. Bank, , from Pitt. ! a'fntmed ; Evans y s, CuHens, from Hertiotd, altirmed; San- j oeriirt vs. oanaerjuij -iruu . vauwi -xi- derlin vs. Sanderlin; -Jrom Camden, af- ton, reversed; Timbrj Co vs. ' Rountfee, from Chowan, new trigi;- Vick vs. Baker, from Northampton; f ejrror;'- ; Staten jvs. .Wimberly. from i Edgecombe, affirmed; "Manni-ng.va.- Railrba, ifrom Bertie, 'afflmJ ed;' Brlrton Vs.' Ruffjnj from Bertie; new' trlal; .Bryd; vs; (Bazerfiore, from Bertie, affirmed; Parker'vsJ Harden, from Ber- 'tle, appeal dismissed; Vhi'taker vs. Dun-. na, rrom ftaura. appeal oismissea. -. . Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, -injuries; eczema or, skin diseases - may secure - ftjstant relief by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is-the great Pile! remedy. Robt. R. Bellamy. - : i ! "- A fashionable Wedding at Goldsboro (Special to Tlie Messenger.) !, ,; Goldsboro, N. CI., February 22,-rThe marriage - of ;Mr. Aljofph ; Oettinger, of New York, and (Miss ldna. Weil, daiight er 5 of Mr. and Mrst Sol. Weil, Of this city, took place th; s j afternoon af 4:30 o'clock at the synagogue. Elaborate jprep aratlons have 'bpenpiajle fqr the celebra tion of this happy vent 'both at the home of the bride ard - at the Hotel ;Keni' non, where the wedding' dinner was jserv-" ed from' 6 to 8 o'clock; this, evening; and a reception held af uerwardsr The joyous event has 'brought- many ' visitors to' our city. An orchestra; frpm 'Norfolk furni'sh'r ed the music. There was a galaxy of rich bridal presents, jaggregating many thousands of dollars. .. j . i - What pleasure is. there in life with a headache, constipation and billious hess? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using DeWitt's Little;-, arly, Risers, thet -famous little pills., j R.. B. Bellamy. . '. Virginia Bankers Association j ; Richmoiid,. Va., February The Vir ginia, Bankers' Association rriet here to day and ; elected officers with Wllljain Hill! of Richmond, bresidgot. The assa ciation almost unanimously adopted the Indianapolis monetary; plan, there being only two votes in the negative.; - .; i A Shattered Ne FINALLY HEAT TRgyg Resteted to Health "by Br, M'lcs' fiervine. ME. EDWAED HAEDY, the jolly man--: aser of Sheppatd Co's. great store at ; BraceriUe, IU., nirltes t "I had never been sick a day in j llfo mjAII InIES0. .I. got so bad with nervous "prostration that T had to giro up and cdmmence to doctor. I ' tried our local physicians and one In Jdlit f'bnt none gave me any relief an(J J Vought .Iwas going g g,; : ttuaine aespondent ana su.Hfed untold aeony, , I coujd not eat, sleep nor rest, and. It! eeed asif I could ,not exist. At the end f six months J was reduced to bat a shadow; of myself, and at last my heart- became; affected and r4i3 truly ndserable, I took sis or eish pottles t ?rtKUes-V lrine,w'rlt gave-P me relief trom ae fetarx, ana at last a cure, the great- uimig oi my me. .' Dr. Miles Eemedi3 are sold hf aU 2Trugt gists nndeje poslti.xe guarantee; first bottle"; benefits i&&w tiiz ' funded.' . Book 09 dis eases 0.1 tne heart aac? nerves free. Addewia,- 1 J". T I M,i . m x ".DB. MILES MEDiQ Elkhart, Ind. , RDSSELL" ANGRY AT COMMISSLONERS' REDUCTION OF PASSENGER .RATES. . Bastell's Railway Attorneys Eager- for the Compromise WItU the 8oather-Ieels-; Ira of Federal -Court Uim Cut Anxleasly AwaltedT-Order of.tbo Cinetn : natl How 81 ate Troops Would Be Mo . blllzed la Case of Hostilities !, , k( - i. Messenger Bureau, ; v ;,:':, .Raleigh. N. C. Feb. 22. i . The only observance of the holiday here , ivas the raising of the national and state flags orf the capitol and the closing of the banks and nome of the public offices. The state ollicfals don't appear to. know exactly how to Tceep a holiday, and some were at i work in every, office. . The fla on the govern- Jment (building remains, at half-mast.' i One of the railway! - commissioners says- he thinks the" governor is angry .because of the reduction of passenger 'fares in the face of his expressed wish that itve not done.., But one of the governor's ' la wyers. "said" this 'mbrhlng : ,'It is not true tliat the ' governor is angry.' That matter'of the lease of the Atlantic .and .North 'idaroiiria'' railway to the Southern is going through," ",' The state 'auditor says that" ail jthe newspapers are off as to the matter lof what 'the council 'of state did re garding the1 albove lease.-- But" from, another isource, at is, learned that... the governor says the action of the rail- ticm master, which is, of 'course, : rut at tne tjoutnern ..railway which gets, the full benefit of ; the cut, i not at all -agreeable to him, , as it breaks ,up his plans;' One of .the" queer as t ithmgs is to see ' the eagerness with which some of the. governor's. lawyers- who, had, oeen after the Southern so J ,ho,tf now want the compromise carried through. ' " -: - -- -.'. RJ O. Burton, of counsel for - J.- W. and -Oth'o - Wilson, was asked , . today jsvhat the United States supreme court Jnig'ht- do in the railwky commission ease. . "He' said the prayer pf ' the Wil sons' was for contempt, so far as Cald ' well-and. Pearson .are . concerned, . and "Restoration ,; to- office, of the Wilsons. He added: ' "Wait a couple of "'weeks ind You will hear something drop,- It s quite plain that the Wilsons are in ne-; spirits,, while, Caldwell and- Pear son are worried. Nine repuibilcahs out of ten say they; want the governor to kvse' in this railway- eommtos-ionj -nght. ,' -The tak yesterday where republicans gathered ,.was that . "in flnancrali mat ter the governor is a; Bu'tier imah' and ,iWlV 'follow '' the senator wherever- he may go." '' s - -v . -" -.-.-'- 'Rail way. iCommlssioner. , Abbott says he is told the railways will get out an injunction at once to prevent "the 2 'and' 2 cent - per -mile rate - from- going into effect March 23rd, as ordered yes terday by the commission;- He under 'stflnds that the roads will. mot obey "the order. -He does not know whether 'the -newspapers -will make- a - test case or not &s to the. order of the-commission ' forbidding thcissae of free-passes.' ' To some persons the new- commis sioners have stated 'that this last; or-, fler is aimed principally at the-country weeklies. - ' ' - -' . f The North Carolina Order of --the Cin- cirihati" met. in 'annual session at the stdtef library ' this morn-ing. Wilson G; Lamb,1 of " Williamston,' presiding. Ma jor ;DaveS 1s secretary.- Eleven heredi tary' members were admitted and a seal aha'ulpTom&' -adopted;' fashioned after the original of 1784. The new members re,i rRqwiand, 'Alston,: who represents Captain. Samuel Ashe'; Bertram ' DaVis,' representing '"Captain -James rReed; ; J. A. H-adley, representing -Captain Joshua Hatdley;.-Jno. . "B- ..Lord, representing Lieutenant, : William Lord; R R. Little, representing Captain (William' Little-; M. D. Little, representing Lieutenant Colonel Archibald -'Little;. Jos.- McLean representing. . Surgeon? JWilliamj . Mc Lean; William Polk, reprgaetHing . Mar jor Vil j'iam ' f'oik j B. D. Waddell, rep ireiieTiting General Francis Nash; tB, F. Carter, representing Captain 'Benjamin Carter: .W, Dv earing, representing Lieutenant Thomas Pasteur. The next meeting will be held July 4th, elther.at Guilford -battle ground or at (Benehan Cameron's 'country . seat, Fartntosh. Membera of , the .society say that the bill appropriating $10,000 for the monu ments to Generals . (Nash and Davie will soon become law. 5 . Four convicts from . Edgecomhe ar-. rived at the penitentiary today-v , ; Sam Daniel, a egro who was one of foyr wq. several years ago committed burglary at the home of Sol. Gill, -in thisjcountyi and who, escaped from a state arm about. a year ago, has sur rendered and is in the penitentiary. Jq expects to -get his thirty year aennce. commuted ep,' yefaw.; : V '-" 1 Tfh'e ecfetarit . of the board of agrt cultiresays the sales. Of fertilizer tags so far this season ape about 15 per cent: less than to t nis' date' last year. -; There 1s quite, an- expression of sur prise at 'the official -declaration of the organ 01 the State (Farmers Alliance that, free silver isone of the least im-i p;rtant of the planks, m the platform. 'Inquiry was made as-to--the Pla t be. followed in this state prodd. iiyi president ,mak- -tj eal "or. troops, say S.Ottd. ." Y.h qtwte guard,' now of "tour f eirnehts of ' eight-' compantea eaeh. would tie mobiljze a.n ordered to In crease, its strength to -the, .war, footing of twelve eonipanjea -to each regiment each; of 100 men, making in all 4,800. This! tncresase' would ibe madeby call ing to the colors men: who had served ln..theguard,,for. tb.e(pastsix.or eshA years. Then all necessary ,wo,uAdi tne'-urriforTOiife'i ' fqtuipipJJnaf o tttM dfll?e.l tnew. " Here Raleigh, the jor ernor! ' guard- - ha arranged - to make its strength 150. The . naval reserves would, be Increased to 500 and trans f erred to the- navy depaTtment . and mustered into the United States ser vlce.j TUe. zzd ; force -would " be , mus-I itTed Into the -United State service by the war denarlR-eat. The secttoa of artillery ai Charlotte would be tnadft a full battery, with a strength of abont 200, "thus making 5,000 of the Jand; Joree,; 1 besides the 500 of; he lavat force. The organization is complete "in all particu lars, and there would he ho hitch or dday; ' - - ' : His attorney today told Barnes, the "Wilson -man" in jail here for rape, that the supreme court' will give,'" him new;. trial. ': ; ' " '.'' -t - Senator . Butler says he will .do hts 'best , to defeat I, 0, Bwart for the tnlted. States judeshlp, and declares that Bwart is unflt;for -office. - Louteburg has suffered $22,000 loss by a'nre: ' -'.--" - v--;- -.-i.-'-v- a!barras county wilf not sue the, su perintendent f the penitentiary in orv der to setjure convicts for public road w-3rk; a her has c'ompronW the 'ter ;by agreeing fiiPnish twetity-nve in the toex fiUr- 4ays- ' ; -Th amall-pox. scare now appears tq ave entirely ended In. this state. feeorge Parker, whose wife .was tak en from him toy her mother, in Greejus boro,: a few hours after laearriaae, has secured a habeas oorpus. writ . to get possession her.' '"'Her mother claim tfe.firi ia not held in restraint, e' Boblnson :. wlllj hear 1,he TOetv "Why allow youral se aiowly- toy itured aVAV-M of dflsease CfatUa aa Feyer win undermine, tan eveaS uaviy break down the. Wrongest consti tution. . , 'FirtvOttr . .. fSweeV ,C5!1 Tonk -ft Iwn -a nvar than jujinina, and; beh matoi m Iron' Wid ILder positive guarantee to cur ci. tmoney refurided;' Accept rro substitute. The ''just as good" kind don't e?ct cures. Sold', by X C. Shepardj, 4. H. . Hardin' and H. L. Fentrssa- , , . .', - Beginning Monday, 21st tost, . . stoCt ' Heihsberger Store This Stock consists of Miscellaneous Books, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sheet Music, i ' Mnslcallnstramerits, Etc., Etc,.. . j Also, one 30 foot Walnut Waa Case,' with plate glass doors, , -. Eleven Volumes "Wilmingtoo Journal.' 186J3 to '73. j O- "Tir. Y A.TiE3 cfb CO. V WILM INGTON. N; C. J. W.' NORWOOD, P. L. x ' President Vice V - - 1 , Atlantic National Bank, : : WILMINGTON, N. C. I CAPITAL $125,000. SURPM 1 - i Average Deposits $7o6,6(lo. ' H J y;.-;- -: oSTATB AND niTDEBOSITORY; '"We desire new accounts, both large and aaialf, endeavoring at all times to please our customers, We3'extend every kccoinmodation consistent with, pood bufiinftm . jSafptv npnncit jmo for rent at a nominal crice. -" ' ' - J50. S AEMSTE05G, PEESTDENT Wilmington; N. c. - . t . ! ! i " ' THIS OSAlNK HAS BEEN ' ff BUS fNESS THREE AND A HALF TEAR3 AND' liAS PAirit OUT J12.000 IN DOCVIDENPS WITH ?19,(X)0 TO SURPLUS! AND-PROFITS.'", ' ''" "' "' 'V'i1'.X;v'!t '" ! "'- '! ' ' - " .. . . ..WiD . OFFER TOU OUR SBRVICEk. lWILL PLEASE YOU. J.IONET3 LOANED; ON -CHOICE s SECURITY AT. 6 PER CENT, . tV. OPEN- YOUR: ACCOUNT WITH US. j SATISFACTION GUARANTEED : '-' ""-'-".. -u -, ;.:., voir tCOTORSiSD f C.'.;' l . JNO. a ARMSTRONO, . GBOi R." FRKNOR - 'f a w. "YATES, ! .GABEIEO HOLMES, . WDLLlAM Ci LDKK i ; J. O. L. GIESCHKN, HUGH MACRAE, . V CliAS. Ef BORDEX, ; ,.; WM. E WORTH JAMES H. CHADBOURN. JB... , " 1 ''' ' ! "' WILLIAM' GILCH HIST ' 1 BISGOUN'T WEEKlf Tlie CC W. POLVOGT Co, Beginning Monday, Feb. Slst to March 1st, offer their entire Stock at ,! per ;Oent; Discount ON ALL CASH PURCHASES W MAKE? ,TH3S OFFER ;IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SPRING STOCK, -WHICH 19 " BEGINNING TO ARRrvE.- " " " "- . t I ' ' -'".,'') ' . : ' . ;' ; , DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, MAT TINGS, TRUNKS, RUGS, LACE CUR-. TATNS, WINDOW SHADES, LACES, EMBROIDERIES GLOVES . AND CORSETS .ARE V-LL INCLUDED UN THI DISCOUNT, S.LE.' -""' , " i liLAiNKETS, COMFORTERS; LADIES AND MISSES WRAPS WILL' tWl -rfN M WWPrCTTl UAH iC-TDTrwnT tr vworn f ' i' M-TM , :-A. LV01 '. i .' P 4 v-.--ii- r-i,.- ,.U , - - . . . am m 1 on aen 1 nem T , ;V.li i.,..:- . . . . '-'" ''.:. -.- 1. 1 ,;; : ...,. .u.,.i ; ijl If not you had better come down. They ! ! ; won t last long at tlie prices offered; -i - Corsets, Muslin and Merino Underwear, j mmm, ' ciodks onu caoes, M k Bros Goods-: 1 All sold for the next two weeks AT, COST, but I ; i or C ASH ONLY at , : I... US MARKET STREET. LMHS AMD OTDTE GOODS. THIS WEEK AT JOHNSON i You will find a most Elegant Assortment of NeV Goods at very close prices.. J ' . : '--j i I We have little competition in these Stock surpasses any ever New. Things in Embroideries. Laces in Endles1 Variety Ask to see the REDFERN CORSET. eXOli33.SCli!rlrore r .., J is.-;! . No. 11 Market Street.! '. . PLDldBERS ' HAVE- YOU lEVERISTOPFED TO r;v.,...;, ,., -,,:r;, -.r, ...,- J'.r.,.::-:v THINK HOW MANY -HOtTRS ARE ..I-;-, - -: m-r: 1 .-.' '-: H'vvv-: -WASTED. ON THE STREET,? You Pay1 by i - - '- TRY US IHD SEE I 4 .44-, i 1 -t - Owee If . toye S Co, we will sell off the balance of . ' mine j. - 1 -at Auotion Prices." GORE, , LEE H- BATTLE President Cashier. - "i ' F E. H4WES, jCSfflEB ,1 i ; .--j,i S : . -. . ; ( ; ; ; i ' . j , ' 'i f . - j & FORE'S, lines, asour shown in this city, OH BIGYCLES- 11 .:. I - , the Hour. THE DIFFERENCE. It,' K!tl - '? 5 ' . " JB ' 1 f, -i vv