a r XI. No. 47. WILMINGTON, N. Ci, THURSDAYV10BKUARY 24; 1898. PRICE 5 CENTS- e : , . . .. . - - . . - v .l- J - . ... ... . --- -; - - r -.-k;. !"!)....: ,4H J ' ' ,lu ! . i : I . ' jepr " 4 F.VANS AGAIN RESPITED. rf; '-ii-U ' - '1 .' I Additional Evidence i His Case Before tfi Governor Wok Began on the Ra-. lelgh and Cape Fear Railroad A Sup posed Case of Forger ! . t . , .- f - . '' . - 'i . ;- : (Special to The 'Messienger.). ! Rlelffh,- N. C., February 23. Work on theJ Raleigh and Cape Fear railway be eraA j today) at Caraleig-h. mills, a njile soiith d Raleigh. j The governor f respites John Evans,! of Rockingham, until March 2Gth. The r'ea soil , given is that a mass pf newly dis covered ev-rdence is -laid before the gov ernor and t requires time to consider. There are, his private secretary tells me, 230; Jetters and thirty (affidavits. j ..! Among today's arrival's are James j A. Bryan, of , New Bern; "W. L. Steele, of Rockingham, and G. H. Smith, of Wil mington, i j " . . i i ," j - j ; ' . ; '-S. The police here are looking for James Langdon, of Philadelphia, son of Samuel P, jLangdon, once, part owner of the cal mine, at Cumnock Young Langdon in duced a friend to endorse a $200 chfe:k signed by vS P, Langdon. Lnd lef t hore .Saturday. tToday the check -was return ed protested. The endorser! thinks thlre wa forgery, I "' l The sMeriff of Sampson coumty brought to the penitentiary a long term convict nanjed Faispn, convicted "of manslaugii- Tl.ae supreme court did not .pass upon Judge Ewart's criminal jurisdiction. overnor uussell s lawyers appear to feelt pretty jcertain that the lease of the Atlantic and-North Carolina railway wall - be jConsummated. . ' 'AJter rears of untold suffering from piles, B: W. Pursell of KnltnersvIBe, Pta-lrf-was cured by using la single box ef DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve. Skin d seases such as eczema, rash, piropiea ent obtinate sore are readily cured by this famous remedy. II. Beaaimy. Held lor Burglary -(Special to- The Messenger.) Raleigh, M. c, February p. Ardell,.jpr Young, alias W. P. Hayes, alias G t tirflgs, the burglar, was sent! to jail tod ty by ; Mayor; .Russ without ail privilege, though "his attorney asked jfor postpore rneat of trial until March 2th, paying he haft- rich and influential friends in New York, who would aid him. He register ?d here from: New York. A 'telegram from the Petersburg chief of police asks tlve chief here to send him 'thr4 in case evi dence as to his crime here Is insufficient, i It Is sufficient to send him to the penitek- ... ti4ry for twenty years. There are three little thing's whih do more work thai any other three lift tie things created they are the ant, tlie Tbee and DeWitfs Little Early Risers, tl ' "Ast 'being the f ambus little pills fo stomach and liver trcables. li. ti ' Bellamy. ;. i ! 1 r " i " A Merry Dance Tonight Harmony" Circle will givei one of ijts delightful dances tonight in its commodi ! ous-and well appointed ball over Mr. jS. "j .31. Fishblate's clothing establishment, j ! .:. The affa promises to be pleasure and enjoyment. one of'mueh i Professor :: Miller's orchesjtra will fi riisfc concert and terpsichorean music. ' & Content of Tbird Page Comparative, description of American and SDanlsh aiavies. A letter from the statevuniversityiH Robert Hanojck's le ter charging Governor Russell with haj. lngiirged lum to assault Jdsephus Daii- iels.t-r-MarKet reports. Reviews or tne Markets. . ' .r. The Tourists at Naples A i telegram to The Messenger, states thae the steaimship Aller. with the Retv. l'eyfon H. Hoge, D. D., and the tourtet larty, arrived at Naples, Italy, lat Suh- " when a man 4s suffering with an aching head, a luig-g! ibody, When ibis . museJ.ee Are lax and lazy, Ilia brain .dul, and his stomach disdainling: f oo, he; tvil'l, if : wise, heed these t warnings and resoirt to the right remedy, before It " la too late. "PfLrkers SarsaparillaL -Jthe?"King of BJood Puriflers," miakfes the Appetite keen end hearty 4nvigcir-' ates the liver punflea the blood and fills it with the life-giving elements of te food. It is a wonderful blood ina T kerff'a,nd flesh builder.- Sold toy J. p. Shepard,' J." H. 'HanUA and H. JL. Feh-i trees. - To Inspect South Atlantic Forte Nw York February 23. Major General Menritt. commander of the department of 4he east, leaves today for an Inspec tion: of. the defences on the Atlantic coast cntth of 'New York. His route is1 undffc tood to include Atlanta, New I Orleans. Mobile, Pensacola and Sayannah, those -itijs. being vLsited in the order namdd. Through one of his aides the general an nounced that his 'trip was his regular ain nual inspection wbich be had In contein- - playoft for about two months. Whooping cough is the most distress ing' malady; but its duration can be cutv short 'by the use of One . Minute Cough Cure, which ia also the "be$t known remedy for, croup and all lung e-nd-bronchial troubles. R. I R. Bellamy. I. i Activity at tori Thomas Cincinnati. . "February 23. There hfus n much aetlyitv at Fort Thomas in Kentucky, for some. days. While all t!he troops were under special discipline with -Trfr.i. ririllinsr. Colonel Oo0ftrane, the commander, and 'Other officers refused o be interviewed. Today tne troops we supplied with 150 rounds each. , J Hattery 'B-, of th Ohio national guard, under Captain Herman, today advertised for recruits. . j j i ITarte Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote and the Hyipphospihites, it faithfully used, is a specific in the treatment of weak lungs, Ocmsump tlOh. Bronchitis, etc. Leading sPh'y ciane recommend it. SoM ! by . J.- jC. Rhward, J. H. Hardin, and H. L. Feh- trese. " 'j' - :::j- fVershlps at Mare Island rllejo, February 23. There are now at the Mare Island navy yard the 'Charleston Torktown. fhiladelphia, Pen-pat-ola.-Hartford-and Adains, A number of -'mechanics' who have been at Part Orchard have, retomed and will assist Spn itishing to completion repairs to the vati- otis ships at the yards. j . 'I i IVreckers' Preparations Klidston. MaiF.i February 23. The criw Of the l"nderwrltrt worked hard all aay In getting aboard stores, and late this evening the tug left for ew Tork.' She wilj lave New York Friday afteraopn ind it Is expected she will reach Havana about iHsrt Vlnesdav. Her crew will consist of seventeen men. i i i 9 Jloyal cakes the lood pure, : . ; ; j" " wholesome and dellclou. w-iHi1'1 I , IflfP :"!'' 9:,; ' . . fc.at.nw' ,: . i !'-:-.' fi Stffirtf aWSkBQ -v :! j Absolutely Puro ; 4 - - ..'' ,- ' - -V" - " ". ' I" - ' ' : ; . --v ..-. unn ij j p . iMiJV Bwmq PUWUCw new m"n 'ull ! BtBM"""ar,(Bra,S,,E7" i .i ' : " ! ; "7 I' ' " " t' - ; v't ii ' - FURTHER EVIDENCE OP THE MAINE'S WRECK BY OUT ' SIDE EXPIiOSIONV ' ' " . The Boiler; Explosion Theory Exploded. ; Condition of j Forward Plates Negative Explosion L of ithe MaKaxln-Sobmariie Mines Exlsted-Shells Found Unexplcded. Insplcioas Facts as to Mooring of the Vessel Belief That it Was Work of Span, isn Officers! ' Washington,; February 23. The ar-r rival of a mail in Washington from Key West this afternoon bringing sev-! era! 'letters from naval officers lateay attached to the Maine caused a. wave of excitement at the departments and I the capitoi; for there were all eor'ts. of rumors 'as to ,the contents, of the let-, jters, very jfew pf, which rumors in point of fact had; any sound (basis. The only feature so fari as could be discovered of real importance as throwing light jon the cause of the explosion, contain ed in the letters, was the statement that the two after boilers in the after hoiler space were all of the eight boil ers of the. Maine that were under team atj jthe"j time: of the' explosion This fact: had a negative value, for it J disposed .at once of the theo-y that any exploding I boiler had caused the wreck. The experts all say that by no possi bility, could the after-boil explosion have wrecked jthe forepart oj'the Maine, and left the after-part almost unharm ed, i : ; ; . Much interest was shown in a dis patch received Shortly before "3 o'clock from Admiral Sicard, giving the re commendation of -Captain Sampson, of the court iof inquiry, as to the raising '! or the wreck. : The view of naval offi cers was that Captain Sampson and his associates were giving this advice, not as a court, but as officers in a position to speak as to thei best methods to be adopted 'for raising! .the Maine. Va rious in'terpreijatiohs "were put on the expiessiort "forward half completely destroyed," This was regarded as a partial confirmation! of the theory that the forward magazine had exploded, as that is one Of the most imnnrtanf portions 1 of the forward half of the ' ship. ,Af Ithe same 'time, it was -fced I by some naval authorities thait the de- I struction iof. the forward half of the ship did not necessarily mean that, the forward Thagazin'e-1 had exploded, as this might be ; still intact, although a part of the general wreclcage. In the absence pf an' explicit statement as to the forward magazine there was a dispositiori not to accept any implied statement; as to its destruction. Captain j Sampson's recommendation that a contract toe made with the best equipped j wrecking 'company, to re move the; material and lift the ship without delay, ,was in line with, the action-already taken in closing a con tract, with the. two largest wrecking ! concerns in the countrv. bv wbtr'h ! their combined! facilities will be at the service ofj the 'government. The con .tract contains: a clause binding the wreckers" to use their utmose efforts to expedite the work, so that the de partment jfeels that everything1 has been done: to carry out the -views ex-! pressed by Captain: Sampson. A clause, ior me .contract itemizes tne amounts to . be paid for each .branch of wrecking work, vizj Wrecking, tug Underwriter, $150 per day; vjTecking steamer .Jones, ; $200; ! lighter Seymour, $75; derrick! Chief, $75; barge Lone Star, $50; wreck ing tug Right Arm.J $200; Wreckmaster. $15; wreckers, $4.50 each; divers, $30 each. :".- - ; J"-! ; .. ! Evidently the president of the court of inquiry is "fearful of the eff edt upon the public of .ill-judged attempts to account for the destruction of the Maine, for he" telegraphed Secretary Long, doubtless having in mind certain publications of this .morning, as fol lows:, : - ii "Havana, February 23, 1898. '"Any reported interview with divers is untrue. Every S precaution - has been taken. . 'An officer is always pres ent.' This Ibrtef statement disposes of all - the allegations that have: been made pro and con as to the blowing up of j the forward magazines. SPONTANEOUS COMBTJSTrON" I . ! ". -' THEORY. . ' . . ' i The officei-s here are still ' thinking of Captain Sigsbee-'s request of yesterday to toe furnisheqwith the plans of the Maine's section! through the magazines and coal bunker pockets. The refer.- ehce totthe latter is particularly in teresting land leads to a desire to be informed I on the exact quantity and quality of I the lcoal supply at the tme of the explosion. It) is said that these: pocket-bunkers are- rarely emptied; .be-j irig designed as' much for the protection of the ship against; gunshots as for ca pacity to hold; coal. One expert said that these bunkers' in his own experi ence have not been emptied in months. All of this has to do with the sponta neous combustion theory, as the bunk ers albutt &n the magazines and might have set off even -the safe brown pow der, if the latter were exposed to a degree of heat above fOO degrees for some time1. The request, besidesmay show that Captain Sigsbee ,ls not yet satisfied as to the cause of jthe explo- ' sion, notwithstanding the expressions that have been attriButed to him by unauthorized persons. - l ' - One; of the private letters received here today, in speaking of the disaster, says it was all over in five minutes. The writer was ashore and heard the the noise. He hastily. took a'iboat nd started, for the 'Maine, arriving' there in about twenty-five minutes. Then all was quiet sand 'smooth and, in fact, 'as he - said,.; Hre minutes after the blast the Maine was in ahout her pres sent condition.! I "! : Some solicitude was expressed at. the navy department over the report of AdmaFal Sicard'S health. It is said,! however, i that ' there --was no occasion for relieving him nfiwvi thf tne nag ship 'New York is not to leave Ky West, arid even if she: should. Captain Sampson of Captalh Taylor can as sume charge Of the squadron while the admiral takes the two weeks? leave to recuperate from his malarial fever, Which he was "aoyi to grjoy when he voluntarily returned to his 'plac, A formal order was made out this af Jernooh for Lieutenant Commander WainwrtgMt to! take station at Havana and look af ter . the government's In terests while the work of raising the Maine progressed. It has been arrang ed that he shall be subsisted on board one" of the wrecking steamers. . THE TERROK STJli.L' 'AT NORTXML.K. The big double turreted monitor Ter ror remains under orders to stay in Hampton Roads until further notice. It is likely that she will be sent to take the place of the Maine in the North Atlantic; squadron, if not needed elsewhere immediately. The officials, however,! are loath j to encumber the "battleships and speedier craft With the Terror "as se jnlfb retard the execu tion of mahoeuvreir.i - j A HINT FROM CONSUL GEfiERAL ,.':' : J .' "j JJEtEL Consul General Lee, in the course of friendly talk in Havana. wlthAineri cans may have! expressed the view that there are at present; other pjftees more desirable as resorts .forepersons, wh have no particular husiness there than Havana, but the state department au thorizes' the announcement that ft has pot yet heen advised that he has either officially or emJ-offic,ieiIy delivered himself of any expression on the sub ject. The Spanish legation also die credits reports that General Lee has given any such . warning. It la also said at the department that no roes- I sage has been conveyed , to the owners of American, vessels at New Orleans or else where that it -would not 4e safe for them to visit Cuban ports at this time. - . ; j ? t - . :j MORE "WARSHIPS BOIJ!NT FOR KEY ; .. 'WBST. . 1 The battleship Texas and the gunboat jfashville will leave Galveston, Texas,1 today for Key West, where they will rejoin the other: vessels of Admiral $icard's squadron a't that point. No orders for this jhovetnent were sent by the navy department,, as it is stated that it is in accordance with the orders given several weeks, ago by which the two ships were directed' to remain at Galveston from -the 17th to the :23rd instant to participate in the Mardi Oras celebratialn. there and return -to Key Wes on the latter date. - This was before the Maine disaster, so that thei present movement is eaid to have no! possible significance on the recent oc currence! J " . . ! Simultaneous vith the departure of the' Texas amd Nashville from Galves ton for Key West, .the- IMarblehead will leave New Orleans and the Detroit will leave Mobile fur ; Key West These 'movements are also a part of the or ders given early this' month, before the -Maine disaster. The Montgomery is also due at Key West, having, left San Domingo for Key West on the 16th. The result will be to bring ; to gether again the. large fleet of vessels under Admiral SWard , at' Key West and. the Immediate vicinity.; These will be the 'New York, now at; Turtu gas; the Indiana, Massachusetts, Tex as, Iowa, Marblehead, Detroit, Nash- yille, Mohtgomeryr-Erjcsson and Cush-- ing. The torpedo I boats Porter and Dupcmt a;re in drydock at Mobile, and are not expected to be ready to go to Key West for several , days. The Brooklyn is also ; cruising in the West Indies, at present en route from St. Thomas" to Vera Cruz. : The noon mail. brought- to, Secretary Long a letter from Admiral Sicard at Key West. The admiral wrote that. he i has not recovered his health and will ! be -unable to go to sea with the squad -! ron. . He will remain oh -shore at Ms hotel In Key West and retain , command of the squadron from that place so long as it remains in harbor there!,- relin quishtog it only when it becomes neces jsary for the vesslsi to goto: sea as a jsquadron. Should vhe squadron . bf (obliged to go to soi, with the admiral ill at Key West an the. senior officer bf his fleet, Captain Sampson, engaged in the investigation at Havana, prob- iably the command-? Pf . the squadron would" devolve ' uponi ;; Captain Tay ilr. now commanding the battle- ship Massachusetts, and commonly re garded as one of the . brightest- and brainiest officers; in."-- the naval service, j At the Spanish legation affairs have again . resumed their normal aspect. jSenor du Bosc has received no reports pf any character concerning the; Maine or the progress made by the Spanish iauthorities at Havana! in investigating the occurrence. . .-- , " - AID FOR FAMILIES OF THE VTC- ' TIM'S,: . . ', : Assistant Secretary. Roosevelt today received a postal orde'r for $1 from The Evening 'Post Publishing Company, of Bridgeport, Cortnt, with a .statement explaining that it was sent- by a pa triotic little girl ! of "Bridgeport, Conn., who desired to help' some other little girl orphaned by the "disaster to the Maine. The girl's name is Lalla Cook. Assistant Secretary Roosevelt wrote an acknowledgement of the receipt of the money to the editor of The Bridgeport evening Post, and said: 'Through you: 1 wafnt to thank, little Lalla Cook for her gift and to . say, that it shall b'e' iised just! as she de- sires, and that the people in the navy are glad that :the little American girl should have thought of the children of the American sailors who were drown ed while doing their duty." A meeting of -the wives of the chiefs of bureaus of the anvy department was held at the office of the secretary of the navy at 10:30 o'clock this morn ing to devise means for the relief of the families of ; jthe sailors who lost their lives by th wreck of the Maine. The newspapers of the city were re quested to state; that ali persons de siring to contribute' to this fund should communicate . with Mrs.- Stewart at 1315 iNew. Hampshire avenue. A form of circular inviting contributiong was submitted and approved, and copies or- dered- to be sent to all navy yards, stations and vessels of. the navy. Secretary Long reeewred the roiio w i . ; m a j . rt: J . ing telegram from Admiral Sicard "Key West, February 23. f "The IRight Arm arrived at Havana this' morning. Captain Magee seems to be an- experienced man wh will be able to give good' ; advice, i Captain Sampson I wires me the condition of ! 'the wreck is such as to require most j. 'powerful appliances the governlnent X can procure. The durt recommends ,a contract with s the best equipped i wrecking company to remove-material fan(j Hft ship without delay. The for- jward haff is completely destroyed, thei 'aftAi. 'V. i '1 f la' onnLrfthtfv intapl PTpnt. In lienor matters, , . t v " . . HANXA SATS iT WAS AN A'COI- .: IENTl: -:''.'' j Sensational reports paving heen cir- culated that Sen;ator fHanna had ex- pressed the belief that' a conflict' toe-; tween the United States and Spain! was imminent, the attention of the senator was catted to them. He em-; phatically denied them, saying: "I do (not believe' there is anything in the Maine incident or In our relations to Spain regarding Cuba that will led to war. I ah -firmly of the opinion that the explosion of the Main was due to an accident, and I think that the naval court of inquiry : will, reach the same; conclusions." : t .. " UNEASIMESS AMONG THE SPAIN The Evening Star has received the following from Its staff correspondent In Cuba; A t "Havana,. Feh. 23rd,i via. Key West. "Inquiry into, the Maine digger pro gresses along definite lines. The re suits so far as may toe summed' up lnj the Statement tfct the probabilties arei that it was an .accident .seem to den crease with the . progress of the investi gation. The most intense anxiety is shown by the Spanish officials here, who- are in constant " communication 'with Madrid. They realize '-thai the relations with the United' States were 'never so much in danger of rupture as now. This is the general feeling. The commercial classes here are hopeful of Xmerlea intervention oh . peaceful lineg.but on Whli' f hey base their haire! is . unknown." ' The insurgents continue to win minor military successes. The autonomists are restless, and some of the leaders seem on the point of break ing away-from the government. Army officers continue to . show a-n anti American sentiment.. They are ap parently the only class that does not 100 jot an earjy crista, . " THE COURT OF PTQUray. . Havana, eb. 23. The United States court of inquiry ; into the loss of the Maine met this morning at 10 o'clock and examined Dr. Hoheberger, Pay master Ray and Chief Engineer Ho w ell. of the battleship, f There was a re cess ordered at noon, and.it lasted un til l;3Q , o'clock p.. in. Several witnesses' whose liames ap no now wainame, were examined during the afternoon. Another visit, was made to the WrecK by Captain fitf son, president of the court "Thf? -captain says he has no Idea of i the length - of time the ' court will renigjn in session' here; IV all ije pends upon the testimony, and pew features requiring further 7 tovestiga tion Tnay be devloped at any time. Captain Sampson added that sooner or later, every ' survivor ; of ; the Maine would be examined by the court, which seems to imply that sessions for that purpose wril be held at Key West- j I3EVESLOFMENTS. 3T. TfiE COURT , KEPT SECRET, Althouffiv this Infonnatloii is meagre, lt -is atosoiutely :all Captaiji -Sampson will give to the press. The correspond ent of the Associated Press; sees him by appointment twice daily but there is a rigid rule to observe silence until the facts in. the case have) developed through the testimony presented, r The - Right Arm,' of the Merritt and Chapman Derrick: and Wrecking Com pany, is moored about 200 yards from the poop of the. Maine. The wrecking -tug looks powerful enough 1 to move a mountain, yet it is reported that ehej is not supplied, owing to her hurried departure for this port, witk-all the apparatus she needs for the work which is before her. Captain McGee, the commander of the Right Arm, has re ported to Captain Sigsbee.as' ordered toy the ;navy department, and vkll act un der Captain Sigsbee's orders, which are not yet formulated, or at least, are not made known. j A strong, wind today made the har bor rough and added to the I difficulties of the. divers, as the electric! lights are worKea from a tbattery on board the lignthouse tender Mangrove, distant : , ; - v ; : i The wounded- are' doinsh 200 yards well. The Olivette may take two bodies to the united States this afternoon. The identity of . the corpses is not tonown at present. It is reported that' : ifive bodies, probably s- of , firemen, were found under the" hatch leading ; to the fire room today. Those engaged in ex amining the -wreck of the! baf'tleship Maine hope today to settle the question definitely as to whether, the 10-inch magazine on the starboard side j f ward blew up. It is sugges ted ' that the, public should bear in mind that a warship is not easy to get about In even when afloat, and the difficulties-are, therefore, much greater. when such a ship is wrecked, and (under wa ter.; This accounts for Jthe slowness of the ; results of the divers' work. Miss Clara OBarton, president of the Red Cross society in the United States, is actively engaged in the relief, work, and system now prevails whbre lack of it was formerly noted. The! survivors hefre of the Maine received today their fir(sti mail advices from home since the wjarship Was destroped. A large quan tlty of clothing has been take i from the wreck, and after IV has .been disinfect ed St will be given to the reconcen trados. The 'bodies of the missing of fiers; Lieutenant Jenkins and Assistant Engineer fMerrit't, have not) been re covered. The divers reached the for mer's room, but it was f ounid t that his body was not there. - ! ' - I Thus far the .sharks have given no trobule, but the vultures have' left. scarcely anything but the skeletons 6t three men who were entangle d in-the debris very near the surface of i the, water. The bodies Were not noticed by any one until the four birds had completed their ghastly work. From the j hand of one Chaplain- Chadwick removed a deeply chased gold ring for purposes, of identification; .Chaplain Chidwick says that the total number of missing is eighty-five or ;ighty-six, and five have died in. the hospital. Of the missing, - doubtless some were blown to atoms, no portions! of their "bodies being recovered, and there is much doubt that any considerable num ber of those whose remains) are .now being removed will be identified. LEE NOT TO LEAVE HAVANA. : Consul General . Lee, who has receiv ed a number of dispatches today in quiring as to the accuracy of the re- port that he is arranging to go. to Key West! on the torpedo boat Cfushing to, meet Senator Proctor, says he has no present intention -of doing 'so." - . . Today has been the quietesti since the explosion. The wounded are all doing Well except Frederick C. Hojlzer, who is slightly worse. The divers nave been continuously at work, but the results of their labors,- so far as these would throw light on the; cause of the explo sion, I are kept strictly for the court of inquiry. It is reported that twenty fr. bodies have been found under the for ward hatch, but only three haye been. removed, owing to the mass and wreckage in the way. of chair PLATES OFF THE BOTTOM OF THE ,'! 7 ; SHIP. The ! officers of the court of inquiry during their inspection of. the wreck today j discovered, it is said, that the armor plates projecting from the wa ter forward near the bow w ere from the bottom oi ihe ship. There is a good deal of speculation as to what caused this, many contending that the position of the plates shows that the frig maga zine forward did not expljode.. The .divers, it 'is believed by many, will find very . IttVle of the structhre of the ship forward of the 10-inch turret. FURTIIER PROOF OF EXTERNAL ; EXPLOSION. The situation, which may bcuchanged at any time 'by fresh discoveries, may toe summed, when this dispatch' is sent this afternoon,, substantially as fol lows:' : :. 1 : J The i divers having discovered cases of. brown hexagonal powder, for the 10-inch' guns unexploded, and7believing also that others unexplode4 will t f otmd Jn thi lQihch magazine oh ' the starboard side "forward,, the bonviction grows! that this magazine did hot blow up. If this be so. and many have insisted from- the first that it is, the further conviction is forced that the explosion which wrecked the Maine came from, the outside on the port how. f'As Previously wired, the' main portion of the wreck, 'as seen from above; and noted (below was blown to starboard. - BELIEVED TO BE PLOT CF SPAN J ISH OFFICERS. . The highest American officials here are confident that General Blanco and the other high Spanish officials had no knowledge, direct or indirect, of the conception or execution of plot to blow up the Maine, if such,k plot ex isted, but they believe the Junior Span ish officers, who, from 'the nature of thingsi are more conversant with mod ern explosives than their elders and superiors, were at tne. DoitQjtn, 01 a? disaster, ii -tnere were any outsiae. "lagejiey. it is pointed out thaJt it would not be impossible to plant a mine of wet" and dry gun cotton near where a foreign war vessel was directed ' to anchor, such a mine communicatirin with an electric, toattery on ii ia -pegarded n iritera that the Maine for the first he shoreV ing point time duf - ing her stay in th.e harbor, lay at the particular "spot' where she was at . the time of the catasthrope, and though not officially verified, ttt Is said, that the Maine' was the' first ' foreigh warship moored to this particular. tojioy sihee the trouliles in Cuba' grew acute, , KIGSiBiE;?f3. K1UUL UUSUlJjliN hi. All stories as to lax discipline -on the Maine are without a. shadow! of truth. On . the contrary Captain Sigs bee Was complained of. by some for the rigidity of his - rules and the strictness with, whijrti he en forced them. Moreover, the Mains h.as pevn tn"Kmmlssion for yeaVs tThd never had a serioys accident until anchored in this quiet, harbor. IT WOULD MEAN WAR. In reply to a question "put 'by this Correspondent , to a high American f- tial as to wliat the outcoraa would Te if t were proved 'that t-he disaster was due to an outside agency, tne omciai in question said ' rgtr, the American, people be restrained. I mean war. "doubt whether" It would be could not Still, I necessary ito fire a shot. 'Admiral Sicard could anchor the lowk. the Indiana! the Ma bachus6tt9 and the few York outside of Havana Harbor to prevent Tne mr gfess of the food ' supplies, without which -the ofty could not exist a fort night; Cuba 4s a waste cttjshao4 desolation,. Ev&n the hotels; and cafesf here in Havana; Hve fron hand;-to-"mbuth,' on 'supplies boght from." the tTnltea States. ' Adralr Icaryl, fleT mandioiff the surrender of Havana, giv ing twenVyVfour hours for the removal ot the women and chrWren, eurreader wduld follow. .0?h forts and old! struc tures could be '.demolished "toy-1 a -pounder. iSuhiew guns as have ibeen. mounted short ot ammuni' tion and have 4ftnker; been J tried. ' . ; v.It General 'Blanco' stoufd decline to sur render, the Spihiffh - merchants here who represent 83 fer cent, of the prop erty tand pay .7$ -'-cent, of the taxes of theisland, w compel .him to ac c,edeto Admira4s5ards terms. As for the: volunteers,! i,of 'nten are for the most part the $r4pyees of these mer chants and the; Volunteers are largely their sons .or; the junior. partners. It is well to lookffhe things in the face. At the s'ame tjht1-tit is. well for .the Americans to" resJain themselves until there is some ,niaof- of. an outside agency of expiosiL- We can afford to" wait! a little ioair,; seeing that ywe have; waited soihs. .'We could not wait iaftfer it hadace been proven that the CCaine disasei was the result of a dastardly plot.&yanish officers from the old country ?MM to the Unaccountt able Relief thatiP arms would overf come! us in a ftspeekf; btitlthe Cutoaii -merchants avMi such delusion, and they would con ti-jthe situation. Hence I toeiieve that ibUhot;!' fromi a big American gun' MK'fbe-necessary." f The sentiment37jply" represent those of the ibes't in ffef id Americans, here, A-nv moment, hov 'fiver, may (chronicle discoveries j at-'7ftf-f 'wreck that would change all. this. feTO thing seems cerj an outside' ageae' the agent was a mine I and not -a ttMedo, as ho torpedo known could .hav$rduced such ,tre-j medous results,! f,;5Ji"7; - - 7 The'explosion;tinues the main; topic in all cirolesKt especially Amer-' ican. lit is uaeieto: deny-that many! believe In: fan, ot1de, .agenfcy. These, assert that evettiiHcursoryJ examina-, tion of the wrecBlshows conclusively; that the disasteKlild not have origi nated from witBi'Xis pointed out that the Maine -magazlSSl forward was filled with brown hex,f mal powder in prop er cases amd "wo7-be slow! to ignite, while! all the highrPlosive,4 were af t.1 It is 1 generally iftfifeded that neither j the boilers, the eSitWC wires,! nor spon taneous comlbustiCJi could, from ther .very condition ofj-iipngs, be respond sitole,. J....-; The wreck ih 'ifrtk several feet al- ready to itte.'idmUim: and iwiTi proD- ably continue tQHtie. SUBMARlE;fQfMES' ..'EXISTED, An American offitSfAof rank sufficient to entitle him to tafnimah of a ship is authority fo7 tatem.'0n't that a Spanish naval r .some j time agt" sold to the WaSWton state dpartr ment & map of K!aha. harbor, showr tog- sutomarineiy$oSves. The Spanish residents deny fif 'statement and ajT .that the inines. only ari imagina- tloiu The Cubailfli-the other hand, claim that there.: ermine galleries "un der ithe harbor tef ig from utoterraiv ean passages, kal'ji-to have existed If or ! years be tweni! fort' Cabanas .and Morro Castle aiiSfeifcis -port. , ' General Blancq.'n the night of the- j Marinas, in thelridor of the palacei. When he heard!tlJi explpsiori Ihe jump edf rom his ohairxclaiming "At last they haye7 puty shell in the pal ace!" 7 . yj ' .; :Ci '. .' ' : The'censorshiSiMVery strict and ac cording to-a recencfrder all dispatches I must toe sftfbariiite.in Sipanish as well as EngBsh.7 T!hasSj6uJbles he- trotKtle of the corresponf s and quadrupjea delayJ ' The meailof ooanmunlcatlon itt Havana alaHif ?clty.' are rather primitive and thrk of visiting the shiips in the "har5? Ss tedious. At the palace! .during iailhour3. wnen ueu tp-nant -Colpneinairp-aez, 1 the censor Is irirRATi.t.!-tjr'hre- ?1S-talwavs be found aiixiou'S'iy along line of .neviiper men awaiting- his- af Val or disapproval of theiu matter afta his affixing of the official stamp. tamp. XmP:r W . X-.y THE SEMiSATlV CQXCERT Fine instrumental 'aid Vocal y dnstftjlfKoteB . ' ' i i . ..--'' i 1 .1 Maslcln- (Cof respondencettf -The Messenger.) - FayetteHeie C.j, February 23. Rev.! Mr. Verddprinchl of Red Springs. Female kthinary, ' accompanied by Mrs. Verdell. faiart of the faculty, a' large number of 5't;-' studepts and many friends from RfrVHprings And points along ! the: line Cttailway, visited Fay etteville by speefcjfiain yesterday after noon, giving ani ifi'trumental and vocal concert In the.oper; ,. bouse. ' ; The j performacs jwas very Jine,' the tplaho j recitals betf'i a. most gratifying guarantee of the;'fcgiciehcy of the intru-. mental instructor? ,pt the 'Red Springs Seminary. Miss ajtice, well en titled; to be classed a the gstar" on) the pro-gramme,- has a, 6 rb voice, perfectly true, bellrhke in io aAcliess and seeminffiy of limitless comps; - With,?, so ihuch to prajse, surely this, irresponaent may be pardoned!, fdr regreiiigiithat the develop ment of the dramC and Jiiitrionic tai net,: with-which stogy girted Imusieian " is endowed has beeaUnsglected in her ca. Reinforced by ViOcnltjvM-! these qualities, Migq M4 y'Voulf hardly have a pter in Norths af5.rolna, 'The vocal quartette was dQl&itful, and was jce peatedlyi encored 5, ; , ' I ii . j lately reorganize.ralready shwiag tiie salutary eitects jWTBew wood ana new life. The -day l4 tf7xrt-far distant when the hum ,ef its mhlnery will swell the volume of Indussrfeibrant music. 7 : The toleachery.jStioned by yoyr r respondent, a. fewQAy since, is" slowly gaitherin-g form HJ.shapv'- t- is -One of the pressing ;nel9 1$ the "inilling world Of North 3ar6Mni.y.rid -ho point is com parable to' "FayeCte4Je in the advantages offered.) '. --;:l'.. .'- . -: -I - - Mr. VV. L. Holt ' fsterracing and' other wise beautifying jlt.: Haymount lot, and iwill erect a -beautiful dwelling theru," Mr. and Mrs." JH Menefea will,' it is learned, - soon octNjiH- the residence of joipnei T lent taste, ave jppTeasant dance at, ti armory (on Mondsjgiht: ' ; j . . " " "In'a'mlnut9'ftri3e of ilarf-s Es sence or. mger vt reireve any orui nary case m vo iet vramps, bar Nausea. An unexoeiled Jedy ror Piarrhoea, Cholera Morbus? .Summer. complaints and f all lnternatTtiains. SoU by J. C. Shepard, J. H, tress. ; ':S.a'r: '-' ''-. . ' ' '7 : CapUIn Eiiliji In No Hurry New York Febary 23. Sensational reports that the iicaya' jofRcers Had ordered tliat icoa6vSe taken aboard in haste, and, that; irft had been kept at work day awH$tf$$$ -t in- wriis eievfoe' "were - authortti-eJ denied I today. 7 On the contrary, . fwiaoje dispatch has (been -used in coafij than is usual, and no efforts will berj' trade to complete the floadiing of -the S0(:itns required 'by he bruiser, - ftefor ibmorrow. It. was learned at the 'IShish consulate that Captain Eulat .1 jrepeived. lio sailing, orders. He ' Trajsered, jiefore leav ing t4 Palroiliend "one week In Anerjcii (watensgfore sailing- to Ha vaiia and up to time !has receiv- j-ed no tastructionipiQhflfcflng with this j order. ; : : - -ri 7-' 4;'. I- ' '" . :' .. ; iA thrill of tertJ. Jexperlenced when a lrassy coug'V , of croup sounds through the houf j -at . night. ' But the terror soon hanga!, to relief after One iOnu'te Cbugli Qtfg; has leen admlnlST tered-: Cafe and J jrmless for children. R. R. Bellamy -lr-;; i . - :; 1.7- 1 - r'ly-' ' "w ' :7-'"'. ' i th Uomt WiT HhM Tampa, :Fla., . Fejiiary ?3.-Tbe cruiser Montgomery arriy it -here this morning from.: San Doming-: direct with Chief CrowinshieM; of il -fee 'board f naviga tion, on board at once left for Washington. -CMCJrowlnshild. refused .v "-il J .(...Jt tfl ILLS hast Captain ersi said iie had or-, ders to go to W if; West at . onca, hc took on a supplyU fcoal ,anl watec. fh& i Parts. TTthru&fr A L 'MZola wa tAav found firuilty Ty-tSii Jury and nmt.n. to . one year's Imfa isoni..e!it -and t aV a finr'of 8,600 fraffe L." v" " ' he- young ii'S CJer man Club. Which RUSSELL AND HANCOCK FURNISH THE liATEST CAIi SENSATION. politi- Tho Oovernor on Bolng Charged With Crime by Hancock Says the Latter Is a Liar Talk of Impeachment of RnsselT. The Burglar Ardell Desperate Charac terThe Foarth Regiment ng Receiv ed Knssell's New Railway Scheming : J 7 Messenger Bureau, 1 7 j Raleigh, N. February 23.. The sensation "today was the open let ter by Robert Hancock, ex-president pf the Atlantic and North Carolina railway, to Governor Russell, Jn which he charges the latter with inlcitihg him to cohMnit a crime; thait is, made, a personal assault upon Editor Josephus Ianiels, of The Ne?ws and Observer.; Governor Russell says Hancock is a "liar," and Hancock . says he 'will present proof and names. It was this affair which, caused the remark that . no matter what the complexion of (the next legislature may be, the im peachment of Governor Russell is cer-Itaih.- The Hancdck7letter is published in full on the thira page. - , Republicans say today Governor Rus sell is now. out of their party;, that he1 is "merely a free , silver man, nothing more." . . " ,' The discovery of the San Jose fruit scale at GJbsonville, near Greensboro is qutte a surprise to the expert The capture of Ardell or Young the youthfi burglar, here ' yesterday, no doubt, removes & dangerous criminal There is a dressing case belonging 'to the map which is, missing and which, no doubt, contains property stolen at Peters hurg. The man captured tried1 to make it appear he was - not a "burglar but merely in need of money, but he 'is an experienced hand and clearly had an ac complice. He went prepared to -kill in case he was distuHbed,.as, the drippings irom his candje on his revolver show This morning the flag of the Fourth regiment. North Carolina volunteers was received at the. adjutant general's office Jrom Adjutant General Ayling, -of New Hampshire. It is returned to the- s-t'ate by Mrs. Persis iF, Chase, whose brother the late Colonel Edward E. Cross, com manded' ; the Fifth New "Hampshire regi ment, which, at Antietam; captured This flag and many men Of the Fourth. The latter regiment was one, of the first ten to volunteer and later became the Four teepth. The flag -is the:; stata flag, of heavy dark -blue flail, with the coat of arms of the state in, oil in its centre in' an) oval, and the words "Fourth Regi meht. North Carolina Volunteers " ap pear above and below. It la the flo- . whjch the state gave the regiment upon- ivrriiig initscei t-u jruto service. The flag will be placed In ithej state-library. The democratic state committee was in session until very late - last night. The mepttng- was one of the largest ever held. It did not decide anything as to fu sion; but left all that matter to the state convention of May 26th. The address -of National Chairman - Jones was endorsed but; theommittee does not understand that Jones advises the Uayinaf aiide of the party's name. Thefa were some very direot speeches,; but ithe harmony was marked. The prevailing 'opinion is that special atteptiori .must be paid to county organization and x county work as the importance of havinga legislative major ity j is obvious. The great, preponderance ofsentiment is f or straight, earnest and zealous fight, and v then if there is failure it will be honorable defeat. The decisfon of the suprAhe court last evening that Judge Ewart, as judge of the yetern criminal circuit, has no con current civil jurisdiction, is quite a sur-1 prise.. Sitting as a civil judge he has heard' a number of cases. The court, savs the legislature had ho authority to iv i him such powers. . ' - X I s a ''Ws- Play1! which Governor Rus-' ! sell is making, o trying to make, aboufN Jfa3lue- th. Atlantic and North Carolina railway.; He knows it is. his greatest stroke of policy so far as the east is wx ceriaed. It is asserted by lgadinc repub licans that it is. the S governer who has ! made the advances as' 10 this lease to the I Southern, tke stopping of the war on the 1 of the North. Carolina railroad and ! rso of the rate war.but that he desires it to . appear .that - tfte overtures were made by the Southerni'railway. . r - :? 5 ' : Proceedings in Congress. '. ., 7 " ;'. SBNATBt . ' ' :;7: VTashington, February 23.' While the senato bad under consideration the. diplo matic and consular appropriation 'biy to day, a sharp debate- on - the Cuban situa tion was precipitated by -Senator." Allen, of Nebraska, who Offered as an amend ment the resolution Passed by the senate a year ago recognizing the belligerent rights of the Cuban insurgents. The de ibate became general 'and occupied nearly four hours. '- ' ; ' " Senator Hahmade the7point of order agaiost the amendmefit -that it was gen eral legislation and hadj under the rul9. no place in the bill..; The vies president sustained' the point and Senator Alien took an appeaj from the ruling. ' , Senator Hale moved to lay the appeal en the table, and Senator Alle.;v demaiid ed the yeas and nays, Senator Hale's motion was carried, ?i to 5, those voting against the motion being Senators Allen Cannon, eitfeld, Mason and. Teller. :' I?9 further amendments being offered the bill was passed.-. ;, , ' The senate then ai 5:15 ' o'clock p. rn. went into executive Session ahd tea mlit. utes afterward, adjourned.; ' - . HOUS-E OF RKPRKSiSNTATIVES. ... - A varPty- subjects occupied the at tutHKi .ot the bouse during the cbnsider atioft of the sundry civil 'appropriation bllL today. Mr, 'Mahany, ' of New "York made an attack im the patriotism of some of the social leaders of New York, whom he iald held bigh re'erwhHe the nation was bowed with grief Over the -loss of life .resulting from the. Maine explosion' He referred -to the "vegetable party" given by Abram S. Hewitt, of New York on the evening of February 17th,' H- also made a vicious assault a New York paper for its oppoatqoa to the pneumatic tubs system for transmission of the mails in Nw York. Boston, . Philadelphia and iBrooklyn. The item appropriating $25,000 for power for this system occasioned a good deal of debate. but tood in the bill. . . - . . The appropriation ot $73,000 for the de tection ?f violations -of the internal reve wue laws caused sbth debate, and was stricken out on motion -of Mr. Ifitchin," of 5forth Creltna. -".' You need Cod Liver Oil-, you say but thmk you . can't tike it? Try "Mor rhuvin" .a, perfected !Wne of Cod Liv er Oil." You in get all the virtues of th$ gS1 without the disagreeable ef fects. Sold by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardin and H. L. Fentress.' . ' ' Mis TVMlard' Remains IA In State Chicago, .February 23. The remains of iMiss Frances E. Willard, late presi dent of the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, (lay Jin state at Willardj hall in the woman's temple from' noon till 5 o'clock this evenings Thousands! of ipeople Viewed the remains durtng that times. ; At 5:30' the casket was es corted to "Rest Cottage," - Evans ton. Miss Willardte home. Students at 'Northwestern" University acted as -a guard of honor and "as " pall. (Bearers. Tomorrow at 9 o'clock private ser vices will "be neld te "Rest Cotta.M The 'body will be taken to tha First M. E. churdh, of Evansn. werei the last " '"in Tara to tne oeaa tem perana leader. .The 7 interment will take place at Rose 'Hill oemetery. Why allow yourself to lae slowly tor tured at the stake I of disease? Cfcills end Fever; will undermine, and; event ually break d-arvra the strongest consti tution, , "Febri-Cura"- (Sweet; Chill Tonic with Iron Is more effective than Quinine, and being combtaed w4fch Iron 5s an excellent tonic and Nerve medi cine. It is pleasant to take, and is sold under positive guarantee to cure cz money refunaed. Accept no 6ubstitite. The "Juat as good" kind don't effect cures. Sold by J. C. Shepard, J, JI. Hardin and H.' I. Featren I Ivk City Ptistoffloe Olsntin Washington, Fehnrary - 23. The " post master general has offered a yerird of 1300 for the arrest rfnd cgvtetion of the persons who burned tbe poatoft 4 at Lake City, fi. C,, enlfonday nlgM and ft reward jf t&Ofii for the arrest and .onvle tion foe th person Who nrardej'tl the postmaster at he same tim. He has issued an order to dieconttnue the offic at Lk City from this time ' 7": Beginning Monday, 21st lost., . ' . -; i ' '. . I1 Stock Heinsberser Store This Stock consists of Miscellaneotis - J t " "Musical -Instruments, Etc.. Etc. t -' Also, one 30 Ibot Walnut Wall Case, with plate glass doors. . , Eleven Volumes "Wilmington Journal." 1862 tq 73. . i ! - - - ' 1 WILMINGTON. N.i C. J. W. NORWOOD, 7 President!,; " -D. L. GORE, Vice President Atlantic National Banki " '. . : ! -' " ; - . . I -i' ' -.' ':' i 'f. ' - . . I. 1 .WILMINGTON, Ni C. " ; CAPITAL $125,000. SURPLUS AND PROFITS S75.0.C0, Average Deposits TojOjOOO. - 7 G-STATE AND CITY DEPOSITORy,) " ' " ! .1 ' ; !-. i .-.-.' ! . j , -.. We desire ew accounts, both large and small endeavoring at all times to please our Customers. We;eitend good business. Safety DepositJBoxes JSC. S ARMSTRONG, PRESn)EHT , XJB. CASHER THEMTIOHAtBAMOFWILiffl .' ; v WILAIINGTON, N. C. THIS I3ANK HAS BEEN IX BUSINESS THBeIb AND A HAiLP YEARS 7 AND HAS PAID OUT $12,000 IN DIVIDENDS WItJh $19,000 TO SURPLUS - -AND PROFITS. ; 7 ' ; .'7 ; v WB OFFER YOTJ OUR SERVICES. LOANED 1 ON CHOTCT3 BECURITT: OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT WITH US. DIRECTORS; GEO; R. FRENCH WILLIAM O LDER CHAS. E BORDEN. JNO. S. ARMSTRONG, GABRIEL HOLMfiS, -H0GH MpRAE, -J" James h. chadbourn. jb CISP()UNT; ;lEEE:! Tlio Oo. Beginning Monday, Feb; 21st to March 1st, will offer their entire Stock at Ten per Gent Discount ON ALL GASH PURCHASES .WE MAKE THIS OFFER IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR ! SPRING STOCK, WinCII IS BEGINNING TO ARRIVE. '" ".' 7.7' '7 - - V:7J" -:" " . 1 "' DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, MAT TINGS, TRtHNKS, RUGS, LACE CUR TAINS, WINDOW SHADES, LACES, -EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES! AND 7 OORSIETS ARE LL INCLUDED N THIS DISCOUNT SALE, - j '. j BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, LADIES AND '. HISSES WRAPS VflLL BE OFFERED; AT STRp6tTYCOST. - V '' 1, - 7.'' " l ' BEHEMBER BATES AND PLACE fflfe ou Sen Them ? Itviiot you had better come down. They I won't last long at the prices joffered. j LADIES REto ' !- 7 , 1 ;' -;; ' I - ::"' 1 ' -. - ' ' ;. Corsets, Muslin and Merino! Underwear, Milliori aoMs, GliRsfeoHfl CJD837 liloots ; tor DDil Dress ; GflDffS. ( 1 All sold for the next two weeks AT COST, but for CASH .ONLY at 118 MARKET STREET. LIE US AID 7 . . :;; I . i -i - i THIS WEEK AT I ! i TQBINSpN You will find a most Elegant Assortment of New Goods at very close prices. j :! - ! We have little competition in these1 lines, as our Stock surpasses; any ever shown in this city. " i ." --j 1 .. - " j - - - - . - New Things In Embroideries. Laces in Ask; to see the BEDFERN CORSET. . :.. ".J ': 7js; " -' ' . .-'. " . . i .., -f.i. n- ' . ! No. 11 Market Street. -PLUMBERS H AYE YOU i E ; THINK HOW MANY -HOURS ARE WASTED ON THE STREET ? L ; , -I . v7- :--,1.v '-!v - . . ",..-,- ir'-' . .' .".- .f -YXs--'-- . ' .': X ' , . :'X" : - .' . ' ' ' . ' ; j '.:', ""-' .''-- .,';-Aj7. You Pay by the Hour. TRY BS AIID SEE OweiniFo: we will sell loff the balance of . -'. ' In the . : i " . - 7 ".' 7:" I"" -. . at Auction Prices. ' - Roots. PiiniiRvuiii TAn ntit Tlfn To 1 i LEE H BATTLE7 lT'' Cashier. erery accommodation consistent -with : for rent at a nominal price. " '. ' . WILL. PL0ASE YOU. MONEY AT fER CENT." SATISiAtznTON GUAKAiNTEBD 7: 7'J' - a w. yatJes, J G. L. GIESCHEN, Wtt E WORTH 4 . William gilchrist 1 WHITE GOODS. & FORE'S, EndlessL Variety i OK BICYCLES- VERISTOPPED TO THE D1FFEREHCE. ': -f . Lid yM'S" i J

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