, ' . - H . 7 :.. . 'V,:J-. i i ' 3 NEW BUILDING ASSOCIATION. The Co-Operatl re Building and Loan Ar- oe!atlon Organized Yesteaday Board Of i Directors, Elected , I iA-i large and enthusiastic mi etlng of subscribers of stock to the Co-perative Building and Loan Association was held on yesterday evening at the real estate Office of jfc. Wright & Son, on Princess street, anj an organization of ;1 he' asso ciation, wis perfected. Out of 600 shares so far subscribed for; about 400 shares were represent sd either in person or toy proxy. . ) Major William A. Johnson, 04 motion. was called to the hair and ifr. Wright was requested to act Is T. H sec re- tary. f .. : " ' i. Georre L. Peschau, Esq., stated that the object of the meeting was to perfect gome kind of an organization, and sag. gested that a board of directors jpe .elect ed with power to draft a constitution and 'by-Jaws and report them to a subse- quant meeting of stockholders for rat ification. ., w On - motion. of. Colonel Walker! Taylor, :4ho : chairman was Instructed1 toj appoint a committee with power to select eleven directors .and report them to the meet ing for approval. The committee report ed and Messrs. Walker Taylor, D. O'Con nor, George L. Peschau, Win. El Worth, E. Payson Willard, John D. Belaamy, B. C, Moore, .William A. JohnsoA, S.i A. Schloss, DuBrutz Cutlar, Jr., and ' I. M. Bear were .elected directors pn motion of. DuBrutz Cutlar, Jr. iiiSq., , tne ooara or cirectors were em powered . to elect the officers and to frame a constitution and by-laws and report them ,to a subsequent: meeting to ha called by rthe chairman. .The meet ing of the stockholders then adjourned : The directors then met and elected the following,' officers: . . resldent-Calonel Walker Tatlar, ! Vice President Major W. . A, I Attorney George L. Peschau. Johnson. i Secretary and Treasurer T. H Wright. The association will .begin, business the first Saturday. iri April. f Subscription to stock can be obtained Qli the'oifics- of 1 uhe secretary or by ap- jiying to any one of the directors. , When a 19a.fi ia suff ering with, 'i an f aching head, k sluigglsih ibody, when his j -iivtisclee are lax and lazy, Ms 'brain v dull, and his atomaoh diadalnling food, : tie will, if wise, hoed, these warnings flm4 resoiPt to the right remedy, before it is. too late. j "Parker's Sarsaparilla," t fchtf "King of Blood Purifiers,' ' xroa&eo tovlgor- the appetite keen and hearty- aitea the liver purifies the jblojod and ?.. fills it with the iife-givtaff elements of ? the food. It is a wonderful blood ma il- ker (and flesh 'builder. Sold fby J. C. ! .Shepard, J. H. 'Hardin and Fen- tieaa. ; . ; f ; ". - I ,. - : The Forestry Experts f We riots d in The iMessenger yester- We riots d in The Messenger f lay the arrival here from, New Biern f - 1 I of Professor J, A. 'Holmes-, -Bta!tje geolo t gist;"- Mr. W. W. Ashe, state forester; iDr. B. E. Fernow, of Washington, D. aC.1 chief of the United States eoivern. !Tiienit forestry 'burea)u; iDr.:; j. A', 'Schfneck, forester on. 'Mr. Geo. TV. ;"Van derbilt's place at Biltmore, 'N. C, and - Mr. p. 'M. 'R-iordan, a gentlemar largely, interested to 'the lumiber bus1: nes-a In lArlzoina.. They had been' to Ne wjBera 'lo attend ihe "North Carolina. Srestry Association, whicih adjorned it meet :.ingr .to Wjlm'ins:tan. !. .Yesterday rnornlng' at 10:30 o'clock, Mr.. Jam.es 'II. Chadbourn, Jr., presi f dent of tlieWdlmtagrt'Oii Ohomber &t ! Com-mierce; (Mr. Z. W. White ht ad, edl ior of The Southern (Milling' aT d Lium- er Jounmal, and Mr. J. A. Ar'inf'daie.J of j the Oape 'Fear iLumJber tympany, took the visitors in cajrlag'esj to the several saw mill plarutai in Wilmington, (The mills tvvere visiited iri the fpllowing order: ; S. & W. II. 'Ntorihrop, Kidder - Uumiber ' Company,, Fore & Foster, Hilton Lumber Company, Cape Fear Lumber Company, Jas. H. Chad ibounn. & Co. , .j j .' i They called on Air. James Snruint, at the office of 'Messrs. Alex. Sphint & fckm, and iMr. Sprunt tendered them the jsteaiwer (Marion for a sail around the Iharbor. . ; ' ' r , ' . 'LAfter the visitors Jiad gone through i the JOhampion Compress and witness Vd the operations, Captaiai E. T. Wil J Siams 'too'k them, onj his- s!fceam;r, the Marion, and, gave them an eijoyatole "trip down and up me river. Tpey re turned to the cus'toili house wAarf and then went to the Orion to dine ; A'f ter dkmer the visftors todk a trip to the Imperial Pine Product Works, and also to Messrs. J. F. Garreil' & Co's ; line truck farm. - They expressed .themselves as much ijiterested and impressed with! fWhat .Ihey saw. 1. , Hart's Eihuaslori, r Cod Liver Oil with Creosote and .Oie Hypophbsplhites, if faithfully used,- is a epeolnd in Uhe fineatmnt of weak lungs, Opneumip tiox "Bronohitls, etc. Leading physt ciana recommend :ft. Solid by J. C. Bheoard. J. H. Hasdin, and H. L. Fen tres. . I ' Contents of Third Page Raleigh letter. Proceeding in con i jreess.- 'Future of .the sputh -Relief ! if or. 'the murdered postmaster family 1 Killed while Tesistinsr arreiiL -Riv ' er and harbor appropriations. li-Spai&b f officials' atoilssions as to the Maine dis- iai.ter. Market reports. ; j There tere three little thins which do more work than' any other three lit tie things created they are tbd ant, the (bee and IeWitt's: Lottie Earls' Risers, 41 rast toeing the famous iittie pills tot .rtomach and liver, tro'dbiefl. . & Bellamy. , -I : . J Y --T ttHJ... Til -frt-ifW. ond, Va... March 3. Juig"e John "Newton tJfe-hdren, the last treasurer of ithe Southern Confederacy, Us Critically ill wj- hi .rABA.ioe near taunpon, au- irtrvTiTiitv iitA is eufferlng from kidney troubOe. and. -'owing tof his ad vancpd ace. little 'hoDe has recovery Is entertained,. -s Royal mskes the food pure. wholesome and delicious. Absolutely Pura ROYAL BAKINO P0WUi C? NEW YORK. 9 -L A SCHOONER WRECKED. NIN OP THE THIRTEEN PEE" "sjbNS ON BARD DROWNED. Iaetndlng Two W-mea and Vive Children. - Tearf nl Disaster to a Schooner In a Squall Off the Florida Coast Soma of the Party, Atleep In Their Berths, Meet Death. Wlthont a Moment' Warning Search ing for the Dead ii Key West, Fla., March 3. The schoon er Speedwell, Captain Coiner, from Mar co, Fla., for Key .West, was struck by a squall today , while off Marquesas, eigh teen miles from here, and capsized. Nine persons were drowned,.- out of thirteen, all tojd, on board." Among the victims were the three children, of. Captain Col lier; George, Tom and' Wilbur, aged respectively 4, 6 and 8 years, and the en tire! Nichols family, Bradl .Nichols and his wife, their; son and th&latter's wife and; two grandchildren. "The family was from Bridgeport, Conn. Those saved are: Captain ;ColHer,. Samuel Cates. Jesse Green, , deckhands, and It. W. Bates, of ; .My wai:F3' " jassenger( ' ' The Nichols'iarhis'Baid to have been well-to-do. All had been staying for a month or two at a small jhotel kept by Captain Ciliier at Marco, and -they were on their way home, s The survivors say the. Speed well, which Is a small vessel of about twenty flve tons, was making slow headway this morning : against a head wind. About 7 o'clock Captain Collier was at the wheel ana I the Nichols family arid the Collier children were In the cabin asleep Sud denly a . squall came up and the boat was turned over. Collier, the deck hands and Mr: (Bates were swept into the sea, but caught the rigging in time to save themselves.- The men lashed themselves to the! rigging. A.fter toeing there for two hours the sea subsided. .Then they tg6t a dingy loose, hailed her out with a hat, broke a thwart in two prieces and ijHt.h these for oarsr rowed toward' Marquesas. After going three" miles they were picked up exhausted by a j fishing Sloop jand brought here this evening. r , Samuel- Cates, one of the survivors, who was seen at his "home here tonight said: "Captain ; Collier has been sating for ' twenty-five years in these waters. He is not to blame. Before we knetf it, we were lifted off our feet and into the water. ' As for those poor people dpwn belowr, they were penned in like rats. The; wife of the younger Nichols,' rosfe to the iskyllgtit. 1 was clinging to the rig ging. She waved her. hand at me. and: that's the last I saw of her. Whenfwe got Loff two hours later they!, were fail dead. We did not see a thing of the dhiU dren or hear a cry. We had totoale with the hat all the time we were .in ithe dingy and often , came near being swamped.", j: I Soon after being "brought into port Cap tain collier and iJesse Green went oui the yacht Buccarteer, :accompanied bjy, a diver, to try to recover the bodies. AN OLD WAR RELIC. A Loaded Shell Due Up In Raleigh More Money From the Peabody.Fund fur bur Schools' . I...' " ; j . (STfetelal to The (Messenger.) ' Raleigh, N. C, March 3. The soujth- em convention of the Christian 3hujrch is called to mieet in 'Raleigh. April 2th. It 5s 'biennial. ! ; The superintendent olf publ!ic instruc tion has received another check Sfor $850 of the Peaibody sohool montey. I Of this $650 igoes to ithe (Jreensiboro school. $100 to the Normal at Winston and $100 to High Point. : : - The state charters the Park Steam Purrap ; Mamifactuirin'g iCompamy, of Charloitte, cap&al $25,D00,t stotokhol'dfers W-..E. iMofatt, jfohh TL (Pharr, and Wal ter Andrews, i r ? South Carolina fs not includied among 1 -. the :ight states -which are ordered! to jsertd federal prisoners o the Raleigh r . .. penitentiary. ! ;- While a laborer was digging jnear the leastern entrance to the capitol square this' afternoon; "hie du'g up a 6-pound Bhell, ioaded. j , , . t Tomneed Cod Liver Oil, you say put think you can't take it? "Try'uMr. rhuvin". a perfected "Wine of Cod Ijilv er Oil." You can get all the virtues of the oil without the disagreeable ef fects.1 Sold by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardin and H. L. Fentress.' Chanoes of Leasing the Atlantic aad f. I North, Carolina Railway ! (Special to The Messenger.) (RaJleigh, N.. C, March 3. The srtati ment can now be made that IX at its next meeting ; the railway comimtosl lion decides to revoke its order reduqing railway fares,'. Governor ' Russell ban make the lease of . the Atlantic and NOrth Carolina railway to, the South em. The governor desires that oifder revoked. Some persons cloaa to bim say the, railways have made such a strong showing 'i'n. heir lexoeptions to the order, that 'the commission will iriave. ample grounds for relocation. James CPearsaM, of Dunn, offers! his seryjjees to the governor to raise; an infantry pompany in cas? there be war -with Spain, 5 ! . Al thrill. of terror is xterlehced when a crassy cougn or croup sounds through the house at night, But the terror eoon changes to relief after One Minute Cough! Cure has been adminisr tered. Safe and harmless for children, R R. Bellamy.' Evidence far the Defense Closed: Wilkesbarre, Pa, 'March 3. Thej de fense tn the (Martin trial put Its last witnesses on the stand today. Totnor row District Attorney Martin wlij m troduce six or eight iwltmesses in- re. touttall. A number of deputies were ex amtoed tlodlayi They told practicalfy the same story of the assault on Sheriff MartoJCdiaf, JT. Haens was the only one. to admit that h iflreia a snot, itiis evi dence was as jfoliowa; I ! . "I fired oneisfeof. "fcew. the sheriff head up both 'hands t'o sipjp rikers. In one hand he iheld a paper. I s4$r him grab for a main and ' I saw two .strikers with revolvers thrust them at Vhg sherjff,. wihile' another made a dig at him iritb. -a1nife.-' Then they usih ed: "upon us arid witj5phey got Within jfll or fifteen; fee t'e-Tis TS-tsed my gtk n-ltd. firedi' 'thought jpny; Iffej in dangey "and felt: if, they 'got.- 4t- tis they woufd js?ii - " "" J ' V - On cross examinatlqin': the witness said far di(d AOt fire"at any artafaular point of ,th mm' bodies; that If-s dfd not take aim and ttet fee dud no; de sire' 'to fcil'l. ' S . ' Sheriff Martin, was recalled and ask ed if he observed any weapons 04 the strikers at West Hazeiton. He answer i that he saw hree men with reolv-1-rs iV ieir hip pockets. On cross ex afiiination So said he 'did not converse Vita any of Shrn nor dild 'hje arrest hm, J Asked if any rf "he men tri -line at Lattimer 'had hot 'been 9&rorn on as deputies !?ve said: '"Wen.'tliiere ckere not many who had not txeen' sworr ,frL" He could. not tell how my. v ' "l don't know, hre may toe otJjersf he said, btrtLl toave used 'PaiScer' Tj?lu Cough Syrup Ita my famaiyi tor yearf and, would not toe withou tt." He kpe.y toetter than o 'buy tb in ferior preparafton .that sra?e urged upon. Ihm-'' 'arlcer'o Tola Oough Syrup" 'has .n eqS4. ft Will tafciedi- ateiy reueve any t-swgi? -. jyw, . 9 f v ca , - - -1 - K - tt neas. Croup, Bronchatis and kanareji aji mjentSi Contains no Injurtou ingredi ents, ia peasant to ak and a safe remedy for children, For sale by SJ. C. Shepard, J. H, Hardin, and H. L. Fen- ' CLAIM SETTLED. ! The Cltr Pay a Forfeit of 8IOO to Mmrr. Thompson and 8tory, Artesian Well Contraetora Departed Testerd ay l The city has paid Messrs. Ricaud & Bryan, attorneys for Messrs. Thompson and Storey, of Wheeling, W. Va., the sum of $100, -money forfeited under a con tract made toy Mayor S. . Wright and Aldermen B. F. Keith and' H. C. Twin ing, . a special committee from the board of aldermen,' for the drilling of an arte sian well on Fifth street, between Chest nvtf. and Princess. ; :; v - (Messrs. Thompson & Storey was the firm with which the 'Clarendon Waters works Company contracted for the drill ing of an artesian, well Jat their station, at Iilton; and the drilling of which .well .was j. abandoned about two weeks ; ago, Messrs. Thompson & Storey giving up the worki ; " It will 'be remembered that about the same time the Clarendon Waterworks Company bargained: for the drilling of thejarteslan well, Mayor Wright and Al dermen Keith and Twining, a special committee . from, the board of aldermen, ' contracted with, the same firm for the drilling si Jan artesian well on Fifth street. A clause dn this contract stipu lated ht If the Swell was not drilled then Messrs. Thompson & Storey would be paid for the transportation to the city of certain maohinery to be used in drill ing the well. j Messrs. Thompson & Storey .shipped vthe machinery to this city and placed it at the Jocality designated for the drilling of the well, and aftef wards it was decidr ed by the city not to have a well drilled. So last Tuesday Messrs. Ricaud & BryL an', ;attorneys for Thompson & Storey, placed a claim before the city offioials for something like' $300. This amount! was not: fllowed, but the matter was settled yesterday toy giving Messrs Thompson & Storey $100. .. : ') TOOfC 'THEIR DEPARTURE : YESfER- il . day. ; Mri James- Storey, : one of the contrac tors s of .thd recently abandoned, arflesion well j at Hilton, and ; his three workmen, Messrs. Engfield, Storey and Connors, left lyesterday morning;: for Wheeling, W. ya. j . -'.; . y: :::,. ,. : The machinery, tools, etc., belonging to Mr. Storey, were shipped to Wheeling several days ago. it.-. The expense incurred by the attempt to Grill' the well was " considerable, the Clarendon Waterworks Comnanv alone having lost about $2,000. I After years of untoki suffering from piles, B. W. . Pursell of Knltnersyille. Pa.,j was cured by" using a single box of DeWitt's Wltoh: Hazel Salve. fSkin d seases such as eczema, rash, pimples andjobtinate sore are readily cured by this lamous remeay. xi. jseuaimyj. A Nivel and Enjoyable Occasion Last night was a decidedly disagree ables night- (as every body in Wilming ton are aware of)' and of :course, peo ple much preferred to, and a large! ma jority did, I "bug";? ,the fire. However, those twho 'braved the very inclement weather lin xxrder ; to. toe presenll at the en'tjertaiinment given by the' Oxford League of . Fifth S treet M. E. church at the residence ctf !Mrs. J. W. -Booker, on Second, street, 'between Wiun and Church streets, were fully repaid if or the venture, and spent a most enjoy able evening. ' ' . - ! The .parlors of the residemee- Were very prettily decorated, and .it wt is in them that the guests. assembled. . During the early part of the evening a fine programme of .music andY recita tions was f rendered, land closed'- iwii th Lilliputian" exhibtt, tMaster 'Geo. - B rown and j little Miss Sadie, Booker tj.king part and highly amused the -audience toy singing comic? songs and . reditlng humorous .pieces. The programme em braced several enjoyable Instrumental and -vocal selections by (Miss Olie Pen ny, :a delightful vocal druet toy Mrs. Ben I Penny and Miss Olie Penny and a Arte piano solo and a witty recitation toy. Miss Mildred .Hunt. : . The latter par't of the evening Was spent to .partaking of refreshnuenits, daintily served, i; - In Charge of the ice cream depart ment were lira. J. J. LeGwln, CM -s. F. P. Risley and Miss Sue Daniels, while Mrs! Cihairies' 'Davis ,nd" Mrs. Oarrie G-ardiner presided over, the salal de partment. - Mrs. W, L. Cuninggiim acted as cash ier, and Rev. IMr. Curiiinggim announc ed the different programmed nuritoers. , 'As Ithe inclement iweather detained a large number of people 'from attending the delightful entertainment, the ladies have decided! to repeat the affair, and the te of the repetttipn Will te an nounced shortly. ( . : ' - ' ' . ' THE OXFORD" LEAGUE. The entertarnment was 'given by .the Oxford League of Fifth-Street 31. E. church to raise money to help pay the ohuroh debt. -.: The officers of, this society are ils fol lowsf '' - r ' , ' Resident Mrs. L, P, Way. VJce Presiderat Mrs. Geo. H. ames. !Tieasurer--iMrs. 'J, S, F'uchs, Secretary--Mr. Okas. 'B. jAjlen. The iLeague has aixspmplished a aioble work for many years past. What pleasure is there ta life wHb a headache . constipation and touuous ness? Thousands experience theip who could become perfectly toealtby ' by uring DeWitt's Little I arly Risejrs.-Oie famous little pills.' R. R. Bellamy. gform Warning Message : The. f oUowmg 1 Joess'age was r ece'i ved at'his office for jth informatioii of the public: prvserver, Wilmington,. N.C: ' Change to ,'aiortheast storm! l.:3d'p. va. jbpnditjo arp more -enlng. oil tlre'fSbuttt: -; Atlan'tio signal ithreat- cit. 'Northeast gales will" occur off' h coast froin Hatteras ' southward 1 tonight, efdrm centre remains near- Tampa, jfri'.1". ' MOpRB. - 1 wvasn4ngton( tJ: It:., mcm. Obseryer, WHrrdnon,. iNortheast &tfcm eignals 'ord' 10:45 p. tn. at Noff ok. rpfyef stojrm of considerable energy near Jackson ville," probably' northeast and- llkely . to cause danger ous gales on the middle Atlantic coast Friday and high winds on the south- eiit New EJnglamd coast Friday night. '"Northeast tale, now prevail- or the Bouitto Ataaaac coast.i v juistriouce lmor- jrtatron tondght.- - - - ; . . Wbjr allow ypjui&f to owjytor tured at the gta? :pf disease? Chills and Fever wilR undermine, ind event ually break down the strongest loons tf tution. "Febii-Cura" (Sweet CblU Tonic with Iron)' is more effeotiye than Quinine, and being combined with Iron, if an excellent 4bnic and Neryd medl 6p9. It JspleJ9ant i to take,- and is Bofo vmef posittve guarantee to (cure c money refuV. Accept no substitute. The "Just as gooa kind dont effect cures. Sold toy J. C. , Stfepardi t ' II. Hardin and H. L. Fentresa, ,; ' ' ?red at eis'a inoyins STIMAITIHG FOR HEWS. NOTHING DEFINITE AS TO THE - WRECK OF THE MAINE. ! The Government Making War Prepara tiona While the Court la Awaiting Or ders From Washington The Old Moni tor to Be Tested Uttle Work Done on the Wreek Tittlent iSenaaelatlon of Oar Uerernme t hy Madrid Press Signifi cant mark of an American Ziaval Officer fyvashfagton, IMaroh 3.-ecrea,try Long said today at the' close of his day at the navy department that no fword had been received from- the court of inquiry and that no- orders lhad! been or would ,be given as tc the movemieinits of the; court from Key West, as the court is fully authorized to shape Its own. movements. The; original orders to the court were issued by Admiral Slcard as' commander jof itlbe fleet to 'which' the Malnie belonged and .It has tfe. tc(hn4cal status of ami admdral'a court, reporting directly to, Mm, both as ttS-fcs snrovemem'tsi iand as to "Its flnal report on the cause of the disaster. The undierstandmg Ihe-re is that the court 1 has not concluded its s work, tout will take testimony return to Havana to which has been 'delayed by the difficul ties (in the way of the divers.- That Admiral Sioard expected , this move 'back to Havana was shown toy a dis- J jateh from him a. few! days ago,- sug gesting that arrangements be made for a vessel to,' take the court hack. As the; ligh'thouse tender Mangrove had ibeen doing .this!; service, the treasury die-! parturient was asked :to assign the Mangrove for the return' of the court to Key West and this jwas done. With these arrangements ctocluded, it -is said at the navy department that the court will proceed without consultrng officials here. . j . . SUPPLIES FOR STARVING CU-. ' - - ! - 7 (BAINS.) '' 'Arran'gemeiits are toeing ma'die if or 'the trip of the cruiser Montgomery and gunlboat 'Nashville to Cuban ports with relief supplies. The mavy : department Was advised today that 'the MaHory Line steamer leaving New York inext Saturday rwould carryirfree of charge, seventy-ifive tons Of supplies, , to ibe "transiferred to the Motrrtgomery and 'Nas:hviile at Key West. The CMaJiaory steamer is expected to take. about four days dn the run) down, the coast, so that the transfer to 'the warships and their start to Cutba cannot be made "before next Thursday, j The two war ships are poorly adapted for carry ing supplies, having scant quarters for tiheir own supplies of cordage, ' pro ivisions, canvas and ship's equipment. It is only i because they can make the run in daylight that- any attempt is made to carry the seventy-five tons of supplies. These will toe stored "on the spar deck and wi'tlh good weaJther the daylight run will not Subject them to, damage. The relief j measures .are proving unexpectedly j suceesslf ul, the supplies running in to the carloads and hundreds of tons. The state 'depart ment; bias 'had notice' from the Cuban relief - committee at iNew.s York that 'there were Shipped on March, 1st from (New York to Santiago 100,000 (pounds of relief supplies; on the 2nd,-to Ha vana 75,000 pounds; today to Matanzas 100,000 pounds and i ta Sagua La Grande 100,000 pounds, j In these ship ments are i 500,000 graani- of . qtmntoe coinsi'gn'eid tS each of 'Khe porta except Havana. .,') -:- !- ','' -. : The Maine relief !f unad, under Mr. Long's management, today reached a total of $3,113., , j The only' telegram! relating to the - Mame disaster that came to. the navy department ' during th day was the following from Commander Forsyth at Key West: ' j ' ; . ' "The IBache has arrived. She Ibrougfht one body, unidentified, tus," a private marine; and Paul (Loef- Jieremttali Bhea, coal-passer; : Johns Heffner, seaman; Thomasi J. Waters, ordlinary ordinary seamanr j from the prtugas. The wounded will toe sent to the armyihos pi'tal. The funeral of the body has started for the cemetery."' TO TEST THE OLID MONITORS. In Uhe course of the inquiry into the naval resources of thie 'United States, an order has been issued to make a test of the machinery of the old wot monitors at the (League Island havy- yArd. These are single turreted , craf t uhat are armed with big smooth-toore guns in turretH that could likely be pierced' by tlhe modern high powered rifles on the battleships but they would still'-. -toe of, service inj an emergency. There, are eight of these monitors at League 'Island! and ; tihe government owns several others that are now loan ed to the naval militia organizations of some of the states. Those at League Island are the fojilowtlng; Canonicus, Mahopac, Manhattan, jqatskill, Jason, Lehigh, Mon'tauk -and Nahartt. They are all between 1.800" and 2,100 tons displacement and draw very little wa ter, so. that they can take up aavan itageous 'posi tiofls on shoals command -imer dhannel approaches: ; The Inten tion is to turn over thel old engine and work the machinery that is made to turn the. turrets, if it can toe made to work at ali, ' f - During, ttie course of ( the day similar dnlauiries 'to that made toy the Jap anese fetation, as to the number of her subjects aboard the "Maine, came to the navy department !f rom the German and the Swedish legations, and it isr expected that others will follow. Near Jy every nationality . was representee jn taie Maine's toif sresf. ' ' v NO REPORT FROM ISTHE COURT. Secretary Long-today authorized an absplu'te and positive denial olf a report asserting that a partial or preHpninasy report had ltoeeni received toy the gov iWiimnt froim the Maine inquiry board Sndicatijig pr declaring that the loss ot .lie' 'Maine was du4 ;ah xteiljal W plosion. " He said" that no report of any jcixwi naq loeen receivu euiin uie publ!p Tum ajl f ne iniorman-oii iit come W band. -.1 ' ' . If the progress of the Inquiry at Ha vana depends upon the work of the -.wreckers, as seems to toe the case, for notlbJinsr of substantial importance can toeNachieved until the jheavy debris is removed! from the wretek, considerable eiiav?Wi!sit inevitably I occur. To tow the iar'.'devricks from Boston and' New York to Havana weyST' speedy, and seldom a satisfactory un dertaking. As a matter of fac t, the derrick Chief . at Norfolk, is now storm bound just i'nsddef the ; Chegapeake capes, although It- was fuHy expected that by thls'time eVonld toe far bel low Hatteras. This makes it impr aible " that . the derrick' lean reach- Ha vana : harbor and get at " wnOrk 'muicH. before -U rnaddle of next wM' 'As for the toig aerricK aoiuKm, ivOiSn 19 re buired to raise- th ' turrets and ex tremely" heavy weights' fropi the huJi, fn:v'ij fb'hr sayngs'ha3 -toast beef set. aitmougn PTLm WW tH quired of the " ntraetor n ttat ponit, A .most substantial evidence of Bym patihy for the urvivors of the Maine and the famffides of the vtctimls came to hand at the navy department today in the shape of a check of 5500 from President Dole, of 'Hawaii. The money wa -tUfTnd o. Maine relief fund.. icEjf rs'arge -j:wcgBty:: U is denied $k 'nav 'dewj1? tha)t g,ny fequest lias toeeu made upon toe Kewort-'tfewg shlpjbujlding coins pany to hasten the launch of th 'bat tleships Kearsarge an4 TCentucky, get for the 24th of this morrth vexm time ago. These two toattleships,4h!e largest ever buijt for the Unites sstates navy, are to toe ; completed and' turned jover to the government wrtlhin ten months, W finished under the terms of the con- I (tract. ' They ere now under construc- ' ' ' . tlonbytheKeS-portiN-ews Shiplbulldinig Company and'are to 'be : 'launched- on the 24th, instai. .. . . "1 ; . The coal my?ig companies ithrough out the count 1 especiatUy tibose near tb'e seaboard, rve been prompt In their offers to the.f );vy department to fur wish coal in, event of trouble wath Spain and tb department has taken steps to .asceirn 'the probalMe supply and Its iocatii etc, ayailalbile, ra the case of an e jprgency d'emand. 3 Mr. . duBoscJ the Spanish clhiarge d'affaires thas,,t is understood,- present-, ed a complete yemioranduim on the al leged fllilbusfc? gng .trip of, the Daunt Jess, with a Jw to ihaving th'e vesstell appreh'ended." jiV'hile tbie iinformatloni is asserted bjfe legation to establish the recent ea?ditionary cftiaracter of the Daun'taasJftirips, it deolaires it was not succeesfu'j.nd submli'tted evidence to the state jBartm'enit 'to. show that; the exjped i tl dproper faiHed to affect, a landing- bulatGeneral Aigramonre, a Cuban Tead- got ashore in a sanari boat and ds' f&fif wandering In the in terior withou'avrng made a Juncture .with the inst''fents. .1 NEGRO MTLvtiA. RlEJADY FOR WAR : Coaumtoia, 'S-, iManch 3. One thou and colored ni$ tiameii of SouChi Caro-; Wna tendered ii'felr services to ciovenor Elerbee todayn case.iof war. The: of - Jfer T-as made'f wough Colonel Rabert- son, colored,' Ofear lies ton. fJovernor Elerbee als ?ceived a voluaiteeir as the -war thus gt jr. . , ? , NOTHING JM--pRT(AiNT FROM HA- IvainlaJ -: . i; ; ' Havan'a, fflfai4i 3. -It is (believed now that the toaly ..recovered last Friday . -1 n 1 itif K A 1 k - m and buried leij was that of Quarter master 'Robirt3urfchjaird!t, a German. It was Sd'ent. ;i- by. a discription, (by a iplece of cUot.i d a papar toeartog his jiame. It asltfelbie; ibuit'not certain, itlhialtaniath'er h I'vlburiedlastweek wais that of OhairL Scott, of Orange. N. J.. carpenter sj'ite. CLt (had Odd Fel-' lows links tatti'2.d"bn Ith'e arm. ' The Spanisrt-rtivers. "did not go down ftoday, toujt th-. lAmerican divers got Bomie fix'ed amunitioiri out of the for ward part of wreck. f Oeneral Bitco returned, at the Hotel Ingla&nrlthei recent call of cour tesy of SJator Proctor. General Hyde, preiifO't "of the -Bath iron (hnorks, (Mainteftilled ion Genieral Blanco and Captairi qgsoee today. 'He-is on the wiav to M ico. on a trin for health and i pleasui&.nd says his presence fn Havana hyto political signnncance. parent vigof ij afternoon. The Mer ritt was aTBcraject - on tne starDoana side aft, of: ' Maine,' with a big toarge oppo'her, on the port side.- The Right littA was wretotly astetrn of tttie wreck. iXRie 'body was" recovered todayi It v-aft that of a white rmajn about 30 yea.rsi.io'r age It is not identi fied.! : tl''i-.i' -i ' 'V'l ' iTfhe welccPinlc' to (be extended to the officers of th?J ")caya and.of the AJlmi-' rante Oqueftd. hfen the latter arrives here Will oojiTtS of a igirand bafla at the casino, .wWhromlses to tote a toril--liant afiaii5 ' " : - "'if' !- u.ne conrespc went 01 'jua. jjusuisixm at MantanzJjsiays "Seniator Parker' (Dossibly iyr Proctor or Colonel Parker, his (ra veiling companion) gave a' check for to the fund for:; the relief of thei offerers ! of Mamtanzas and its vicinl'tf. , j ' 1 : line , steamepfeguran;ca,: wnicn j na iuat. arrived lire, toroute'bjt additlonial supplies, conJff wed to' Consul . Geneiral Lie&, xrom iNej xotk. hot a-tu'ei. 0 axie destitute. , , I - General ado ' has assured the colonels of tfhx lumWer battal'ions chac the govemmfeTri had no intention of dis- armmer th'em Mi A- renort to the effect that it was UMil)ied .fo dlsartm. the 0- unteers caiFae-f3. consideraioie excite-. ment amnrflr.Te latter, -and. distur- Jbances were aJ-J jrahended. . , THE OOUH5 V. WAITING ORDERS. Key 'West,' ?, -March, 3. Judge Ad vocate Mari i a as thei only ofnoer of the court otiiluiry on shore today, Captain SarUp n remained on board the Iowa arm Japtain icnaawick ana Lieuten'ant o?-rnapder iPotter on the New-; York. 07& " th'e stenographers; took a, hnlidy! 'Some Mtch 'has occur ed In the plant-of the Oourt, though it has. 'been HWN.itood ithat.the members arei avyaitin jers from Washington though AAifttt JT fcjajrd. ' I 'AnnidienwH 'Doay rrom tne Maine wreck was &'nSff hit here this morning on board ithfeKasb isurveyi steamer Baohe One! -n division . from "the Marblehead i Qf ier t)h!e commahd of Lieutenant Ars-rson, received the re- mains, vuiiuit. juei u.tj.uvkiiw ouvcuu tended all thifljrranigements. Only a small number V.ipeoplej gathered at the UlOC.. A. lm-l-m 'mil iwaiuug uui 11. proved to ibeis small for the coffin., which was tal n to the city cemetery covered with 5 stars and stripes, In a 'plain wago .3 - Four' wreaths were placed on-the. :-4ag w"hicih -covered the ooffin. The crta'd, prfeSent Increased, qn huimber as fhj V-:W6oession passed and stood toareheav-id ;as the remains were itaken to the ''jmetery. At the cjenje- tery, the chp-n read a short sjrviee. Te survivortj 01 -tne !mame iwere among 'those VV8'611 at. thie interment. There was notemonstrationis. , . I Lujokin. Wa-Jlrs; Shea and Hefrron," wounded met F of ithe Maine, were (brought Were Krom the Tortugas, ,on' iboard the' BacC" today! 'and were taken- ,to tne : iDaTrat . 'iuey j c njvjSMis well, j The flv'diioriial survivors w?ho were left at tlJ-Tortugas by ithe Baohe covery." ; . i ' J . . V : : THE 'SNISH UNIEASY. Madrid, Mklh 3. The public is much! iftxierc'ig ;over the report of the presence of.l'R ua4ron of" Urhited . ... : . . tit 1 .. -i.1i tt-.: ' 4 states war?n at ng jvons, as -t presumed j the vessels imten-a to tficeat'eli atanjgpt, I Xtoa capita Philliptine isl)aFsJ In1 'the evenit of the m -1 111 cf vim, nai, between I the i The Imiparoi in an arttlicle headed "to- Maniiiaa, '-tSjNew York," quoted an UTmamedi .-higpersonage who outs Ithe tdea of a itnminert Tupture and. sfrysr "The Behc''oI "ItM warships ait 1 Hong Koi?' is nly ' 'Washington's policy, wOtti tlfview of contenting the jmgo&s.'1 Thi'hib .eqwicjiiage," is said to ye 4 : iBt America has wot so many j VArships as itb' warrant sut'h 'bcTd acti. the kankees go to the Phillipinejh-e S-mniard? will go tQ Nlw'YorH H . i. . . ; The Glcbo. ;.niarks: 'The govern ment, is -alive t, 4he ! critical situaitioa and is silentllyXeparing for the worst. But, it is (too :4"lomatic to disclose (the procedure lbygt?,ich it is preparing for emergenCies'J Z . " ' SPANISH PRlS ON A RLMPAGE. '(Correspo'nde. of Associated Press.) : Madrid, Fej 17. Fire, indlgnatior.. characterises fe Spanish papers that are not' suppoiers of the government at its' alleged weakness to replying in genlfle term? 'Aihe Aifnerioan d'emand for 'expianat about the (Dupuy de Lome Ietitet.' " t' ! fe ' $ i'The Imparcif4-says:; "It Is the height of weaknessv f ?sui?ipose we are going o 4isarrn tih, jranikees toy means of paiien'Qe. Fro?.' ;thiem we , shall . gain nothing by itJld,' !an ,th other toand, we shaill Jose esteem for the dignity and bravery xk Spain, obtained from tjie other najgins. 'Paraphasing . the never- to-ibe-frotten1 Spartan words' ol iMendes fNunett Oalllan: 'suffice ft to eay Spain io Uvmor more witto out Cuba than Cija without honor.'J We (have saorificeq jjtar youth; we have sac rifleed our mUjpns. (Must we also; sac rifice our natijisnal h.oncr? 'fcfot tht Great Anfflla.iHo a BdfVd Antilles youM toe Hvori so Igreiat saJcrifloe.'' '. The' TMparcitnien: jpsropeeds to arguv M p4'T? -OBicwsBiona wlU be ueiesa if 1hf $fnted States really seeks to toreak off f0dly relations, adding: "If a pretext sought, it will toe found, .for Instaniltstoos ;aga3nst apifnwiars ATMtimg to. Amerlcanl pj-rta, or. a demand tor a pension cor tt? -widow or the dentist, Ruts. : In fitj.iope,'' ' the - article on tinues, "every -jie has already .perceive- . " ' ' ed this. Tbe: omSversal consJcience ts" with us and it is really a sfhaineful fact thlat the actton of the Unlited, States rouses more todignation; In) foreign minds than in some Spanish. We toe-" Sieve we interpret toetter , the spirit of the Spanish people, and we energtically protest against what has .been done, In order that outs-de of. Spain it may toe known that her rulers do not reflect the feelings of the Spanish people to such acts as the explanationi to MoKinley, and also that this nation of brave men has no t toesorhie a flock of lamtos." The Correospano arter recapitulating all the injuries it alleges that Spain has suffered at the hands of the Unit ed States, says: "The last affair that of 'Dupuy de; Lome has given . the measure of 5our decay and sufferings. Any other governmient than that we emdiure ancient ' mummies and', she mten when drawling up the note iin yes terday 'a council In reply to the, inad missible, uncalled for, and! ruffianly demand's -of the president of the repub lic of the United States, would. ' have accompanied it with IMr. Woodford's passports. For it is clear that (neither concessions nor the humiilitations of the Spanish government change in the slightest degree the plan drawn up toy the American government and people. They want war, and war will come." WAR ALREADY (EXISTS. - . The Pals, is not so moderate, Jfor it declares that . war is already raging, (esta yai declarada), saying":' "The -orth Amerlcansi have mot their sol ders,: their sWips,. in Cuba, but among the insurgents they have what is ibet ter, they have their money turned into ammuitioin, guns, cannon and dyna mite. Why,"; asked The Pais, "should an official declaration toe made when war already, exists- under the most' fa voralble 'terms for the United States? cAh official declaration might alarm the European powers, who would not tol era'te McKinSey placing his hand on the Antilles. ! Instead of-exposimg their , soldliers ori their own' soil, they j send themi in' the guise of Insurgents.' to , Cutoai To avoid a catastrophe to their (warships, they send, men and ammuni-. tion to the insurgents in merchant ves sels, j American politicians . would in deed1 Itoe most foolish if they abandon ed toy a declaration of war, the favor able position they have taken: up in Cuba against Spain' .- . "iNo," this paper continues, "we ican not hope for a declaration of war. Cau tious or bold, hfumlble or active, : our government rieed not fear that Wash ington will declare war. It is already declared. Alady .it has caused havoc 4n Spain, ancrin the United States they Qaugh-at the idea that they are capable of the folly of declaring war against us, a war . already aflame through themv a war fed .toy them, a war In which they run none of the risks and have: all the advantages that , would accruejfrom am. open war between the two countries." , t . ;' . A STGNIFrCANT ' ADMISSION. Havana, March 3. Via Key - West, FlaA naval officer here today in re ply to a suggestion that it was a pity (such an important diecision as the ver dict of the court of Inquiry into the Maine explosibm should rest solely uponi the testimony of divers, who seem'ed men of only average' . intelligence,- replied 1 : "The court of inquiry has not had to' depend! uporw divers' testimony alone;' Then, realizing that he had said more than he intended, the officer resumed his habitual reserve. It is toeTteved that the testimony - of Lieutenant Commander Wainrwright was highly Important as bearing on. the question , of the existence of submarine mines. . ." . i . . ' 'RUSHING WAR PREPARATIONS. .' Reading, Pa., March 3. Beginning next . Monday the Carpenter steel .works will go on double turn, working on projectiles, for?. the -government and empldydng 350 instead of 225 hands. Portsmouth, N. H., March 3. Orders have been received at the navy-yard to make tihe outfit for the Unitied States ship Lancaster with the quickest pos sible dispatch. It is expected that the, Machlas and Essex will be nade ready for service at the Portsmouth yard at once.''. . - ' !" j-'-. ; . . "In a minute", one dose of Hart's Es sence of Ginger will elieve any ordi nary case of .Colic, Cramps, or Nausea. An unexcelled remedy for Diarrhoea Cholera Morbus, Summer complaints and all totarnal pains. Sold by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardin and H. L. Fen tress. ';v - I ' . . - W. Bryan in Mobile - Mobile, Alaj, "Mrch 3,W, J. CBryan lectured here tonight to a large crowd upon toimetaH Ism in Princess theatre.He treated his theme in the usual manner, declaring j silver's position) at present was due to' adverse legislation and that favorable legislation would be of Im mediate 'benefit to silver and all classes of population. After the lecture Mr. iBryah wast .eaitertalne'd at supper at the Battle house, leaving at midnight tor Pensaoola. ' : , We are anxious to' do a little good In this world and can think of no pk4as anter of better way to do It than toy recommending; One Minute Cougi, Cure as a prevenitive of rjewnonQa, ' con sumption and 'Oer . serious lung troulbies tha;t ifollowi.l' neglected colds. R. R. Bellamy. . ' . - Killed nis Brother and Himielf Cordele, Ga.i March. 'Wood, a prominent young farmer living near here, today aipo arid 'killed hs ihroer, Thonias -obdV . Seeing he result of the deed, he turned the v revolver on himself and sent :butlet through, big own ihead.l ik'Uligv himself , tostaufUy. The jbrothers had quarreled ovei 'busU ness' mattfers. i . : ' Suffered 20 Years. MRS. MARY; LiJWIS, wif e -of a promi nent farmer, and well known by all Y old residents near Belmont, N. Y,. writes: "For twenty-geveij jears Jliad been constant suffgrer Irom nervous prostra rion,.aad paid large suras of money for dec ora and advertised rcmeilies without bene IV j Three years a-SO tny condition was darmins; the least noise would atartle and innervo jne. I "was' Unable, to 6ioep, had a lumber of sinking spells' and slowly grv worse. I began using Dr. Miles' RegtMaUTe ferruie and Nerre and Llri At first ihebedicinescemslaye pa effect, but if ter taidjsj e wattles I began to notice t, change; I rested better at night, my appe tite' began to imprcTD and I rapidly grew etter, until bow I am as nearlv restored o health as one of my age may expect. God 3lessD.lIlle3'XerTine, i ' i i Dr. Miles' Remedies jesold by ail drug-, tsrSr a positive larantee, first bti : lenefita or money re anded. Book on dis ases of the heart and jerves free. Address,', 1; Health v DE. UILES 11TEPICAI, OQ p, IndjT ' ; e. et , LBISEIS AFJD TOHNSON i. : - "" . . . . - j -' . . . , i ; .'. . t " . -- . "- - . You will find a most Elegant Assortment of New Goods at very close prices; " 1 We have little competition in these lines, as our Stock surpasses any ever shown in this city. : New Things in Embroideries. 7 Laces in Endless Yarietyt Ask to see the REDPERN CORSET. S ;:!;..':V.v.''NllMaket Street. The Worth Successors to Worth & Worth, j : WhoUsalo Grocers and Commission Merchants. -' EXCELLENT RICE. : , y. k y, : .:. - -,:- Fine Rice Straw at Very Low Prices. ' Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes. General Groceries. The Worth Company. SAMTARY i" i EALTH, PROGRESS, DEVELOPLIEIJT Defective Means Disease, Doctor's Bills. Funerals and the expense of unnecessary Plumbing Repairs, j W6 EmDiou sanitary Plumbers: mar 3 I lilt OF THE UNITED STATES. Outstanding Assurance Dec. , 31, 1897. - -! - . $951,165,837.00 New Assurance written in 1 . ! 'ri897.p.-;;v;i-;::;:. r--;-: Proposals for Assurance Ex- 1 1 amin ed and Declined. Income, . ' ' ' i-- . ': - ;'. Assets Dec. 31, 1897, Reserve on all existing poli cies (4 per cent, standard) and all other liabilities, - Surplus 4 per cent standard Paid Policy Holders in H. SWINEFORD & Va., and N. C, Richmond,, Va. E.' P; pMKERAgen ' WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 I I PEPPER. 8PIGE. GINGER ! 500 POUNDS BLACK PEPPER. 25 BOXES GROUND PEPPER. I 800 POUNDS 6PICEA . r. .s - 50 POUNDS NJTMEGS. - ; 60 BOXES CELLULOID STARCH. 200, BOXES PIEIS Iiump Starch. E0BT. E: STOKE & CO WHOLESALE 6E0CESS. '5 m4 T WATER STREET. P iha,v ptr load Oenolne Early Rqa Potatoes Just arrived; bought at tow pflces, -J . ; ma' 3 GET A HOVE OH , YOD AND INSURE TOUR PROPERTT BE-' PORE,. IT IS DESTROYED BY SOMB UNPORSEEN ACCIDENT. THERE IS NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT. ', , Willard & Giles ; None but he BEST Intnranco Companies. - " t Carolina :-: Building. mar 4 VBITE GOOBC THIS WEEK AT t & iFORE'S, ny, FLD1K 156,955,693.00 24,491,973.00 48,572,269.53 26,876,308.04 i86,333;i33.20 $0,543,174.84 1897, ,21,106 , 314.14 CO. , G-en'l Agents, For Rent. HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. MAR1TKT arrf between Second and Third atreeti. SM HOUSE on PrinceM, between Ftfth and Bixth. 7 rooms, mod arm Improvements. . - j- .. HOUSE on PrlnceM, between Niotti and Tenth, 8 rooms. Cistern, Etc STORE on- Water etreet,- tetween Mar ket and Dock.' v; - STORE on Water street, between Prta- I cess ana; LT&estnut streets. . Apply to D. O'CONNOR,! EEAL ESTATE AGEXT febll " t ' t 1 : -, i 1 "" , i J'"' v V- t f "... .11- , i ,- , . . I I It I . 'uompa Plumbing i ' : . ; ' . " - " l "- .; ; ." " Bit 101. ..-'. ; . i . n : - , 4 '

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