f. TEL1SGHAPH S DMMARY, J ! THE STATE.- I . Dr. Fox Terson, a director of the At , lantlc and North Carolina railroad, tells I the ; governor the lease should not be ,'l made. r The penitentiary i report for last ..i year will be laid before the? board at Its . meeting today. The railway cotamis- alon yesterday heard argument on the r question of reduction! of passenger rates; nb decision was made; the! question bf i fertilizer rates on the Carolina Central and the Cape Fear and j Yadkin Valley ii was. brought on and the fate on. the .;! former changed. By anj incendiary fire I Judge Phillips loses a barn and farming1 i; implements on d plantation fcear Tarboito. -t iJ. Q. Mehegan : and iHj T. Lafchajh, ,i president and cashier of "thej Bank of Ab beville, ! GaJ, wblch , bas assigned, are , from T,arboro, the former still residing ! there; he denies that he 1 a fugitive i from justice and says the cashier had simply gone to Atlanta to have the deed ; of assignment recorded, when it was said he -had fled. Tr. Mott I sayst' If the i North Carolina democrats, endorse co-op-i eration of free silver elements Russell ' will raise the republican free silver flag in this state. President McKinley ls ; invited to attend the 20th of May celebra I tron at Charlotte this year, i j ; - DOMESTIC, i ! i : Honore Lane, the. reporter . deported t from'-Cuba, says Spain will "begin war on i the United States ttt fifteen - days. i Three- (hundred artillerymen ordered to i Sandy Hook have been ( transferred to ; thatiplace and hundreds I of soldiers aiid i workmen are busy,, working on "the Ste i fences and mounting guns.- All wp : men, and children, under 16 years of age, ' "hqe been ordered from Sandy Hook. ! J Near Quitman, Ga.', some one assaults s a negro man and his baby by shooting : them through a window of the deceased's bouse while he is fondling bis child.M "John Con no! ley, editor of The Plow Boy, published at West Point, Ga., is shot arid killed by J. C. Cox: the trouble exew oat s oj.; a,' dispute over an estate. ; The Alleged Sea Coast Hall Itoad Thle f ;i .h-f--;---.-. f ' , ' ; i (.--i ' i i Tom .Brown, colored, the alleged 3ur. i glar wTho (broke in 'the office at the imain ; f despot pf tlhe Seacoast Hallway Com- j pany, corner Kignt ana grange streets, i last Friday night, twas placed on trial i in Justilce Bunting'? court yesterday r morning, r . ( ; ; j- y?he ipresiding magistrate decided! tli!at the evidence ' was ufncient o ' Justify the defendant ' ibeing (held for t "trial at the criminal court, and cons-. ' auently 'this disoosliitioni was anade ff; . .the. case, i . 1 . "Herbert McClaimmy, Esq., appeared ' .for- the defendant and A. J. RicauJi Eiswi., represented the state. . j n '.Lizzie Klaw, 'colored,! was tried for receiving property stolen from the of-: flee, but Was acquitted :.!!"' t .' : . Died on the tf rail J N Jerry Lee, a colored ipassenger; died yesterday' morning at 11 o'clock on train Nol 49 on the Atlantic Coast Line, whi ! arrived here at 5iC0 p. to., with Captajn Haywood -Clark as conductor. Lee got oj " board at Norfolk and complained of ne l rwlgla and was suffering .terribly. A pbf i sicjan was on board and did all he cou.d for, Lee, ,but he died in. bis seat about .'f'nfjy' miles out from Nbrfolk. He wits - abput 43 years of age ami was on bis way to his home at Pakniyra, Halif . cotinty, N. C. It is tbouhjt be was sufjf fering from miningitls.j He had ben working on a truck farm inear Norfol c. s His remains were put off the train at his b-ome.' f- . I; '.- ; . J.' i! When a man Is suffering witn an aching bead, a sl-ugg,is!h;ibody, when fopEs -muscles are lax and lazy, biis brain diull, Lnd his dtomiach. d3dalning food,. n will, if- wise,' heed these warnings and resort to the rigb-t remedy, before . it is too late. "Parkers Sansaparillai;" ! the "King of Blood Purifiers,", miafelas ! tha appetite keen and heajrtyhvlgor aites the 'liver purtfles j tihe bload and flits it witsh the life-giving elements bf food.' Tt la a wonderful blood m ) ker and flesn builder. .Sbepard, J. H. IlaxdAa tress. .! Sold toy J. C. land K. Lu Fen- r : Odd Fella ws Orphan Home 'At a meting of 'tbe trustees of the . Fellows' Orphan Home held Monday ' Gbldsboro, the following were elected ot ! fiefers of the borne: '' ( . i (Superintendenit Mr. W; M. . Coble, pi i llaleigfi. ' i. : . :- i Matron Mrs. E. M. Royal, of Clinton, i Seamstress Mrs. Bertbk Davis, pf i GJldsboro. '. -. - .- -' leach of the above officers are will .I qualified: for "the responsible duties thiy i i ate to perform. They will take charge , A!rii 1st. ?ur esteemed townsman, Mr. N. JacopI, . W.io is one of the trustees, attetadea the " meeting.' " : . ", " i 1 ; 'Why allow yourself to be. slowly to: i ttjred at the stake of. disease? Chills 1 uid Fever will nnSermine, and evenit- . i ully break down the strongest consti . tntion. , "Febri-Cura" (Sweet Ohill ! Tbnic with Iron) is more effective than Quinine, and being combined with Iron : is an excellent tonic and Nerve roedi- ' "cine. It Is pleJsant to take, and 1$ : 1 sld under positive guarantee to cure ex. i money refunded. Accept no substitute. I 'Ijhe "just as good" I kind don't effect cUre. Sold by J. c. .sneparu j. . IJardla end H. Ii. Fentress; ! . -i J A New LlebC Hons for Cape Fear JiBy reference to the presp dlspatcnps from Washington, to; be fofund jn .th.is Morning's Messenger, It will be seen that .- in the senate yesterday provision jw&s bade for the erection of . lighthouse :, bn the1 pitch of Cape jFear. t the robu h ; hi Cape Fear river, at a cost not to le S- fed 70,000. , , J j ' 1 ,' - -MThia la an "improvenaenit that theimyvl--ation of these waters has long stood in iced of. j---"' 1 ': I Hart's Emulsion or Cod Liver Oil With Creosote and the! HypPb-OBphlties, ' l faithfully used, is a specific In tjie treatment of weak lungs, Oonsuimp ition. BroncMtls, etc. Leading pbysi 1 i Rians recommend Jt. 'BoUd byi ' Bbepard, J. H. Hardin, and H. Ii. J ,C, Fen- r ' Contents of lhlrd Pace Proceedings in oongress.-- Sorosls. Market quotations a?4 reviews- Ftortif ying (Sandy liook. ' , ( J 'Raleigh letter on lSecond page. Royal makesthe tool cure. " ! I wbolessnie and dsilclous. mm i v, . ;-i ! ! T . -.(!, t ROVAJ. BAKING POWUO. C3f EW YORK. ; THE CODRT LEAVES HAVANA s. RETURNS TO KEY WEST ON RUD - DEN DETERMINATION. A Busy Day t the ; department The Amaionaa to ba Manned and Bronbt Orar other Preparatloaa for Defense A Cabinet Officer Talka Not Afraid of i Earopean InterTentien Tlews of Span. ' i lab Cablnet-grbral Again Interviewed. Washing-ton March, 15.-JThia was another husy. day In the war and navy departments. Secretary A?ger was en albled to make an allotment of funds from the lappropra)61on o'f $50,000,000, which wilj greatly (facilitate -the" work df the tbureaus. These touteaus had not (been liable to conclude any con tracts for the procurement' of war euip llies ibecaoise" no allotment jhad been made, but s this afternoon the ordnance bureau was given $2,500,000 and (busi ness 'went! forward with a rush. It Is true that this sum la 'already mortgag ed under j provisional arrangements (made during the past week, but with the assurance' of more funds rto come the work of the "bureau is now Hiov ing rapId'ly. - ! " ' ' . i tSecretary Long was exceedingly busy today, having not only to give a good deal of time to the cabinet, o wh,ich he was obliged to return itwice, tut also being abfiged to see a great many per sons witK ! whom the! department has or expects to. have oontracit relations. Among the latter was -Mr. HerreshQff, the torpedo (boat "builder from Bristol, 'R.. I. fHej turned two of these " boats over to !the departanet'a'few days ago and the secretary's purpose in consult ing .him was to learjr how much he could hasten the . work on one of the boats remaining on Ms hands, which in ordinary times woluld require about two months to complete. " The secre tary also : spent a good deal of Yime at intervals durdng the day In consult ing over the long distance telephone with naval officers Sik New York, and it Is believed much of this consultation concerned t the iproourfetaent of suitable vessels from among the auxiliary navy for war purposes. "Mr. .(Malster, of the Columbian Iron works at Baltimore, has " notified the department that he will be aMe to tarn ioyer tt it the tor pedo . boat Ttodgers next Saturday. The 'Rogers is a llxcat which smashed' her engines in the midst of a trjal trip about six months ago. It was neces sary almost to replace the engines, but under the ; "hiurry orders" frdni' the navy .departmen't his.has been done in good time, j It 3s expected that the boat will ibe taken at once from BaMmore to Norfolk. The debartmen t has no disposition to waste 'time at this junc ture in making trial trips, but 'knowing the boat; to 'be of Satisfactory type, like hen sister iboaty jthe 'Winslow and workmanship according to ithe naval inspectors'; reports, she will, be accept ed out of hand, as were the Grin and Talbot -last week. T0 MAIN TH k'MAZONlAS. . The new cruiser, lAmazonas, accord ing t6 present planswill, toe manned entirely from the ;San!FranCisco. . That vessel eaiiedat 6 o'clook this morning f rpm . X.islbon and wall arrive" in the Tyne about Friday. 37b is expected that she wil divide her officers and creW wtJh t&f jAanazonas,!: placing Lieuten ant Commander Arthur B. INazro, ex ecutive I officer! of the ' San- Francisco, in charge jof the latter vessel. Without douht the Amazonas wiil be gotten across he ocean as soon as possSble, and' Jt is expected that the San Fran cisco wilJji conyoy hep, ; , The torpedo Iboat Foote arrived at Jacksonville this afternoon, ; The Ma chias sailed from NorfoJk to Boston, where she will .undergo some repairs made necessary toy her long 'Asiatic cruise. The Brooklyn went to New port News for coal. The Mantolehead, Which is taking on stores at Tampa, sailed to rejoin ithe squadron at Tor tugas. '; I. r - :: .'.':. ! 'Judge Advocate General Lemly re ceived a telegram this afternoon from 'Havana announcing the arrival there of the derrick' Chief , intow of the tug Underwriteri It i's expected thalt this derrick will greatly facilitate the work of wrecking,the Maine. TILATOREN!BlSS PF CONTRACI ;.! !.-' TORS, The war department Us greatly dis appointed and annoyed at the dilatori ness shown toy -the , contractors who have undertaken to construct the new fortifications a.long the coat. It is said that only one among '$he whole number has finished his contract on time. The department has toeeh greatly embar rassed thereby In placing its guns and has toeen obliged to extend the time al lowed these contractors. The depart -m'enit Was determined not to suitxmiit to f urther Obstruction h prosecuiting the WUl UliyCl I. CL JVC 11, IVU nfll w uu '"via itseir ano reiraan irona eiiieriMf contracts. - . i : REPORT JXPaCTTOD" BRHIS WEEK. "The general expectation 'of he members of .the cabinet," said one of theni aifter the meeting tcday, "is hat some report will be received during the present week from the court of inquiry examining? into the cause of the Maine exptoskmvi "Tet,w -he added,; "it would not toe surprising to us if the report should toe delayed for a. longer time. We have nothing on which to base this hone.;' ithat T taiow of, only the feeling seems general that what "have sai'd will be tfhe case. There isi nothing at hand as yet to Indicate what! wiLl be: the nature 6f the findungs - of the court. Today our time was . oeeavi nied in a general discussion of the! imeasure under- way! far the national defense, notably in ; regard to the ac qutisition ; of new vessels of war. We are keeping an eye ion the tjwo ships under' fconsitruction tfor ChJili and the, Arsrentine iRepublic, but it 'is not prob able we-can get them. If .we cannot obtain the ships. It is a source of sat tafacttm S'to tonow that Spain wtiU nvi be atole to purchase-them-either. I TO JSJJILiiy FIVE 'LVRTDOCKS. i The haval committee of the house has rairreed to provide for the construct Mori, of 'fivei dryocks. The docks are to toe located at Boston, Portsmouth; N. dl., (Algiers, (La.; Mare Island, Cat, and League island, ra. TH13 ICACBINET SElSSKXN. iNoithiing of special. ; ompor'tanoe was developed at today's caibinet meeting. A large part of the tjime was consumed in the general duscussion on tne tneas? ures being taken to plaoe the navy oft a proper footing for defense in case' of trOitble. The qwestwn of . the purchase vessels, where they could be flnd; "at what price,, was talked over, but without coming to any detfi nitf (foncluion on any . new proposi tion, informa'tion . in possession of the government in to fhe effect that up to this time Spain his, wot consummated tbe purchase of the Chilian' wasuiu 'Higgins.' The indications, H i stated, seem, to be that this ship Vlll be added ultWn8itelJr, to, the United States navy. i H NOT A'FRAED OF EIUROPEAJN tCOM j ' ' j 'CElRiT. , .1 INot much concern is expressed toy of ficers of the adminlsfcraJtion over the rer ported intention Of European govern ments, at the instigation of Austria, to intervene toetween the United States nd Spam in the settlement of th questions pending (between them. SO far, it can be stated that this has ak en no official shape, or, at least, no indications 'ef such a design has reached the state department. 'What the attitude of our government would toe If representations in that line were : addressed to it toy 'the r -opean powers Is a question that he officials do not care to answer In anticipation. . :" i sA good deal of encouragement Was created, at the navy department today toy the report from the capdtol that a majority of the naval affairs comimdt itee Is disposed to substitute six (bat tleships for tfhte (three provided for In the pending naval appropriation bill. This number Is supposed to represent about the normal working capacity of the three ship building concerns ta this country that are able at present tto undertakethe construction of bat tleships. , OONITRlAOT TO TRAiNSROtRT AR : ! :i- TIIiLERTMESN. : The fortifications .board ; began its session today Jn the war department. The proceedings are guarded zealously against publication. Bids were opened dn the cfuartermaster's office of the war department today for . transporting some of the artillery toa'tterles that are to man the fortification works recently completed. . , ' T fVTlEJWB OF 'SPlAff9illS!H OAJBIIINET.- IA etaternicwt, which is believed to reflect correctly the sentiment of the SpaniiBlhi cabinet: in the present eimer genoy, was flmade today toy a gentle man Intimately associated "with Prem ier Sagasta, and Senor 'More't, minister of the, colonies in the Spanish cabinet. It is not desired to give it tbe form of an official nitterancej tou!t rather an expos'ition from one whose opportuni ties for information are" complete on the views animating the ruling authori ties of Sipain.. .The .statement is as follows: : "The elections in Cuba are about to occur and the government desires them to be - as free as possitole. 'Naturally however, the insurrection will prevent many from voting, and it is felt also that renewed' insurgent; activity, com ing at- such a moment might jeopar dize the successful working out of the autonomist plain. Moreover, the atti tude of the United States in having a squadron so near lOuiba, and the active war preparations In the United States are' of a nature that may exert an in fluence against ! a fair expression of public will under the autonomist plan. It is thought that if the Un'ited States were sincere in its expressions of friendship to Spain .even if it thought that , autonomy could not meet every expectation, she should by friendly acts, and not words, show this sym pathy with the . I'iiberal regime inau gurated in Cuba. If the Washington government made "knbwn indirectly to the insurgents , that it meant to have1 peace : 'in 1 Cuba and that peace meant , an autonomic gov ernment under Spain, the insur rection ! would certainly die out. If later -the Weyler party wanted to in terfere it would then toe time for the United States: to take, action. That ac tion would toe r ju'stmalble. 'jn ow, - to make war on Spain iwould be a crime, and for that crime to civilization and humanity theUni ted States would Be responsible." - Thes foregoing staitement was called to the attention of Serior Polo y Ber- nalbe, the Spanish 'minister, and his vlews; on iit requested but he main tained diplomatic reserve. 'After read ing it carefully he said It appeared to be given 'by. one thoroughly conversant w3th the situation. SPAtNTSH (MUNlISTER AT TATE'" !DiE- PlAtRfTM'HNT. -This afternoon the Bpanish ministier called at the state department and had a two hours' conference with Assist ant Secretary Day. Tt Was the first ca!M of Senor Polo for .purely .business purposes, the former calls having been those of ceremony. The minister came away looking iWighly gratiiined, tout he asked to toe excused from' discussing the purposes o'f his call. There as little doiiibt. however, that it ipermitted a full exchange on the present situation TUB SIPANISH QUATRON. . iMadrid. March 15.-The Spanish tor- ped flotilla, which sailed-from Cadiz on Sunday last, ostensibly: for Porto Rico, will only j call there for provis ions, etc., and will af terlward leave for Havana 'A second Spanish flotilla will soon start for Cuban waters and will probably toe stationed at Porto Rico, The friends of Senor Kagasta, tne Spanish! premiier, deny , that Senor J, (M. Ceballos, the genarl agent at Mew York of the Spanish Trans-Atlantic Steamship Company, has visited Pres ddent McKinley at the inspiration of the Spanish government. SOBRAIL AGAIN TO THE FRONT. .Lieuitenant Commander Sotoral, ' the former naval attachee of the Spanish lesrationi at Washington, in an inter view at Barcelona on his arrival there, is quoted as saying he is convinced President McKiinley, whos a correct president, and the government of the United States do not wash, for war, "and -Will resist to the utmost the In trigues of the war party." Continuing, (Lieutenant So'bral re marked: "Thoughtful Americans also oppose war, w Men -is solely desireo oy the adventurers and agitators wno compose the jingo party. The majority of the house of representatives is com posed of men without prestige and of littla education, who regard politics as a trade, and who would have already voted the jingo proposals , if they had not encountered. the strength ot cnarac t'er of President McKinley, whose au thority is dictatorial. The serious opin Ion of the country, composed or txusi niess men. dreads war with? Spain, which thev toelieve would toe a veritable misfortune, a "shdwn by 'the fact that the new Spanish squadron had hardly startJed for ! tAmerican waters wnen panic seized aHiconilmerolal: and indusT trial centres.' ! f Th ImDaroial says: "Yesterday, we received two telegrams from New York which have not been published, , They deal with war preparations and con cern not only' Jtagdlsm, but high of ficials of .the American government who, in view of the position, ought to observe a more j discreet .attitude." The Impartial follows wath a truciulant.de ntiinoiatiionidf Americans who, It says "are trying' to frighten Spaniards toy invoking the 'Phantom of war, of Which they ar naore ia'fraid than the Span iards. ' i" ' i- i The United ! States is a country," says The Impaxcial, ,fof toellicose isel? advertiisement. ' iBy anoving vessels tQ and fro, she is trying to make, believe that her forces' are greater than they reallv are. ' Wei sincerel ad Viise these bogeymen not to waste their time and money." i - SPAIN'S BIG TORfPEDOES. Uirrmin'g'h'am. Ensland. IMarcW 15.- The Kynochs Company has "already despatched part! of a large Spanish or der fori special i projectiles, standing 4 feet high, ' the largest;, ever made toy the Kynochs; . THE COURT I'RETTJRINS TO KEY (Havana, fiMarth 15.-HTh!e Mangrove, with the court i of inquiry on boawi, sailed fanflght for Key West. Captain Sampson, president of .thee board, as suired the Assodlated Pres corres.pond ent vthat the decision to leave Havana was not reaonea ainii'U mis ajtternoun after; a consumption of the members Tt was Gecidd "tnat. wmie rurtner xes trmony might lite obtained here, this was not jsuflleierttly- ikely .to justify a longer stay. The court can feurn'if the divers or wreckers make discoveries that add to thd 'stock of knowledge now gathered. The plans, of the. sub merged iwreck,.! in the preparation of which EnsifSrn Poweison- has had a large share," are very elaborate, and Captain Sampson says -the tftmony and records of the divers are very full. Captain Sampson hopes the court will be allowed to resuijn 3t? sittings on the battleship" Iowa, now near Key West with the flagship New York. The greater pant; of the investigation that remains wnl consist, . unless the court returns here, of a careful study of the plans. It ts not thought-that it , will ibe necessary .to again summon the'sur ivlvors of the Maine, officers or men." The court has-no prophecy to ma!ke as to the further 'duration of Its sittings or as to when and where .the findings Will toe promulgated. Captain Sigs- toee : will proibabily remain here with Lieutenants commander wainwrwrht to superintend the wrecking on toehalf of the government. Chaplain Chid' wick is expected to remain to care for any bodies that may toe recovered. least, no orders have been recefvied: to the contrary when this dispatch was sent. . . The court called noon Consul General Lee this afternoon to ibid him farewell, and) subsequently Captain: fiigshee said adieu to the court. The wrecking derrick Chief. a (New York, arrived here today in tow of thle Boston tug Underwriter. 'It ds under, stood the latter will return to the Uriit ed States for a 3,000 ton toarge. The ' body of another victim . of the IMaine disaster was found ! late last night floating near the United States cruiser (Montgomery. (The remains have hot been identified. It is' reported here' that the Spanish cruiser iVizcaya,' at the request of ne Spand'sh residents of Mexico, will visit Vera Cruz. ; It Is further reported that 'the Spaniards at that place' have de cided to present the Spanish govern ment with a warship of the same size as the Vizcaya, - .- ' ; - Spanishj troops to the S number of 1,400 arrived here today from Spain.' - Senor Rafael Arazosa, a prominent resident of this place, has presented the Spanish government with the coasting steamer Pilar, in order that she may toe armed as a warship. . . UiUAL VESTTIA.TB OiF lAFFACCRS IN" -Vif;:., ''iJCUBAj'";;;:;;!;::;; N": j -V-' Washlnigton, March 15. Colonel My ron IM. Parker, who was SenatorProc tor's companion lin his trip to Outoa; in an interview with a Star renorter today, said: . i n .i .- ''You ! might (beliieve, but you! could not realize, 'the condition of the recon cen tradoes in Cuba. It passes the com prehension of a m!an accustomed' to the usual phases of life. Their emacia tion is terrible, their suffering inde scribable.' We saw warehouses i full of starving women and children. These people have (been forced ' into the Vil lages and towns toy. the Spaniards, and the whole country where they lived has been devastated. . ! ' .t "In the ride from Havana to SagiuJa de la Grande, a distance of about ' 200 miles or more the country 'presented a picture n of -desolation. For i miles an!d miles the charred staUks of. the burned sugar cane showed where ! the torch had been applied toy the Spanish : and "insurgents alike.. tAt intervals " are iblockhouses, occupied toy Spanish" sol diers. Above each tolookhouse is i .a cupola, where a Slpanish soldier isjal- ways on the lookout. JJr a reconcen trado attempts to go out from the vil lage and across the trocha, he is shot, and If an insurgent tries to come in he is treated likswrse. The trocha serves, however, to prevent sudden dashes toy the (insurgent's into the villages at night to burn them. - -, i i " i 'The Spanish army is largely employ ed along- the railroads. iBut as closely as the road is guarded, the i insurgents do wiith ilt'as they please. .It Is general Qy understood in Cuba that 'the ralilroad company pays tribute to the Insurgents for running the passenger trains. The insurgents don' t wane to toother i the passenger trains, but ; they are alert to interfere with , freight and troop traifns. The day before we reached Ma tanzas the Insurgents tblew up a sugar train only "three miles out of town. They cross the ' railroad' at'amy ipoint they desire, and whenever they please, i In my op'iniion, Ccmez virtually has con trol of i the island. There is not i an estate'in ou'ltivation,' so I was reliably informed, that does not pay tribute to the insurgfnts. ; ; r i i - The best people in Havana told me that the young men of the toest Cuban families in the isIand were in the rank's of the insurgents, just as the best rep-.. resenta fives of our Ibest families were in the southern and northern ranks dur ing the cdvdl war. IMy informants also told me that the insurgent army was never as firm and strong as it is today. It ;gets a very large proportion of its medical supplies from Havana and Its discipline 'is said to be all that can toe desired.! The insurgents have com plete control of the provinces of San tiago de Culba and Principe. They claim to have all the supplies neces sary for their subsistence, having great herds of cattle, beside cultivating! a large proportion of the island in the provinces menttoned. What they need is arms; amimunition and ' dothing; It is generally understood in Cuba that the insurgents known as presentados. who came in and gave themselves up i to the Spaniards in response to the of- i fer of pardon, were all men who had met with the disfavor of Gomez because they had disregarded the discipline ha so rigidly enforces in his army. , i 'Did your investagation lead you to form any opinion on the sUibject of au tonomy?'' inquired the reporter, ; i Wo one "wonts autonomy in Cuba," replied Colonel Parker, with emphasis. lEven the autonomist governors; do not favor it. I know af several al caldes, or mayor's, of towns outside of 'Havana, appointed as autonomists, who are. wholly an sympathy iwith itihe insurgents." . i i - lifR. CUEVEIiAND intervtewed. ' Princeton, N.' J., March 15. (Fonmer President Cleveland was Interviewed today by an. A'ssoclated CPrtiss reporter upon the sutoject of the" Maine affair and therexisting relations between this country! and Spain. tMr. Cleveland at 'firt declined to express any opihdQii upon the matter. "I-should only ite' misunderstood,"" She said. "I i have .been resting i here quietly since leaving Washington and T do not wish to say or dp anything wiiCh may be construed n any way as a comment upon public affairs." -. . ' Ml . Finally, as the reporter turned , to leave, Mr. Cleveland volunteered this statement: '"Though I havei no wish to be interviewed, you may state for me that, in! common with others, I ; think every patriotic citizen ought to -loyally ly support- the government during a period of trial I'ike the present, no mat ter! what ex'igencies my arse. also say that I hope the" present dlffU i-ulties will toe settled withoulti itoloodrr hed. It is 'possible that art i honoraria way out wifl 'be found eventualily, and that there will be no war." Mr. Cleve land' sa'id he preferred to reserve all comment upon the possible! and proib- L able outcome of the Maine affair until after the official publication of the. port of th' "hoajd of tntulry, ' THRE BODIES FOUNID. . Havana, March 15. A toody that was discovered; In the mud! bdlow the. wreckage this . evenimg1 wiH 'b a!fsed tomorrow, This will make three foodies Teeovered within thirty hoursj none of ivyhich can be identiified, : i ii v '- The I congressional party returned Were from gsagua tonight, tout they re port nothing miprtant in addition to what has already been oalbled as to the death of. -Mrs. Thurston, he was ta tensely Seasick at Matanzas i and at Sagua. and this undoubtedly aggra vated the heart troulble. president Me Klnley Invited to Charlotte Washington, March la. Senator FTiitch ard, of North CaroLina, on behalf of the people of his state, has imyited President McKinley te attend the celebration of the Mecklenlburg Declaration of Inde pendence at 'Charlotte, N. C.'May 20th. This is to be a greait occasion In North Carolina, The people of that state claim that the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence, made May 20, 1776," was the model for tin 4th of July -Declaration. A menumeu't t the signers of tHp. Meek lenbuTg Decrar'ation is'to"be unveiled. ProoMont M.K'inlov "hna -nrfwnlsuxT tn ev( Ithe Invitation consideration,' with the 'After yearg of untold suffering from pries, B. W. Pursell of KnitnersvUle, Pa., was cured, by using a single box of DeWitfs Witc Hazel Salve. Skin 'd 3eases such as eczema, rash plm-ples and obtlnate sore are readily cured by Ma famous. . -me3y. Tv, Bellamy.- NOT FUGITftSS FROM JV TICB. Fr!dnt . UeVfu, of the A bavllle Baak, Daalevjia Cltargea Against Him and :CaahIt Latham Iaoandlarr T-lra Nar Taboro'j - (Speciaf f The Messenger.) - s TarbBro, N. March 15, Judge Phil4 rips laBt a lar'rbarn on his Knlghtland' farm. Tuesday torning at 4 o'clock. All his i farming piements on this farm ,were jdestrow, Tt was an iricendlary' fircl Judge. PBlfps estimates hisMoss at $1,000. . He hadJ" 40 insurance. 1 ' ; In yesterday Sedation' of The News and Oterver us;a dispatch taken from The Telegraijl of Macon,- Ga., stating that the Banljof Abbeville, . Ga., had beenrlosed that, the cashier had left fop partai Unknown. It also seemed that-' the Cas&i y- had made -an assigns ment f the .b ik-, and before he left thai wrong coiribin icm'to, the- bank safe thad been purpoself -igiven o- the assignee; This article "coi 4luded by ..saying that or ders of arrest -id. Ibeen sent out for the ealsbier; H; TS abhantj and the president, J. G. 'MeheganVt " ' It is; a faoil hat -the bank has -made an asslgntoenibut it is not a fact 'that the cashier ptthe president "have ab sconded. .Mri atham and Mr. Mehegun are botb frpmt;his county. Mr. Latham la now resi,db,'ri in Abbeville, and has charge!jf thiTnk of Abbeville, of which Mr. Mehegan r ho resides (here. Is pf es-, ident.'jThese i'ro ; young men left here several month? A&go and went to Abbe ville and bougJ out the bank of Abbe ville, il ;i'-' " i Mr. Mehfegaii1 :pf Tarboro, informs your correspondent! hat the statement as made In Thellegraph is untrue. Soon after the ass&ment papers' were writ ten, tMr. LathiiM left Abbeville for At lanta to ha vefih em recorded, and his absenc oh . bess was heralded over the country. Jfieelng: from prosecution. Mr. Mehegan?;-.yis' that the cause of the assignment wadae to a heavy run on the 'bank hy p& 'depositors who were drawing inter fi t on these deposits, and whose jtlme fojj;withdrawal was not due until the 1st b&f'uly. . He says 'that' there are .sufficient- tsetst to pay ' off all the ' indebtedness ilih'e bank and this will be done within tlnext thirty days, when the 'bank wulresume business as toe- fore, i ' !; Snprta -Court Decision ? , . (ISpeciaClb The Messenger.). Raleigh , N;' 'March 15! The Isu-r premecburtjes the following opin ions t j latef (Blake, from .Walce, motion 'to rfigta'te appeal) 'denied; Whitney. Glaa Works vs. need, from Durh'am, motkyito docket and dismiss defendant's gipeal lunder rule 17, al" Towed j- Staltvs.' Hanna, frohi New (Hanover, " -peal dismissed, upon ground that lim same cannot toe taken from the crijsit court directly to the supreme oonrlj .'Ross -vs Davis, from Granvtitle, afrmed; .hoe Company vs. 4ock v& StrailXro'm; Orange, error; Oarner; vs. W6rth from Wake, revers ed; Scarboroh-,vs. Scarborough, from Wakej afftrm'; Fort vs. Penny, from Wake) - revised; . McCracken vs. Smatihers, fr5Jyn:k Haywood, affirmed;.' Jausey ys..Syw, from Guilford, affirm ed; Catole .ysVJtailroad, from Guilford, new triail; (Anifrews vs. Andrews, from Chatham, twy appals, decidedv In fa vor of iplaintaVriiVass vs. (Brewer, from Wake, . affirm ; iNarron vs. Railroad, from Jiohnst'j,-, new trial; State i vs. Hester," froj'hvjake, affirmed; (Ray mond' vs. Nt'iman, ho error. The! case 6;G-arner": vs. Worth is one - whichi'lnvol'vfj s-the costs dn the Pamti co and Cartgi ptj oyster cases. The su preme ! court i , jilds thalt the costs ad judged agai?( t the state are not gen eral expense the state; that no ap propriation provided toy law for the payment, an thalt the judgment df the lower ci'Virt making the state liable is mt ty recommendatory . to the legislatujcwhich will have to pro vide for it. Heather i Worth is in a sta'te of joy ?ipt;this decision. He was greatly depi;?sed earlier in the day ibecause he L forced to pay for a mileage tooofor Chairman Caldlwell of the rallwi f commission. i (.-'.- i:-v - , . : ! . Magistrate tfast,Work Pabl o Boada iCSpeclajft3' The Messenger.) ' j . iRaleigh, .NvC.-, March 15. The attor ney general' opinion iwas asked today whether a jpsiice! of the peace has to woVk fthe ihig$ Jfcays'. The attorney gn- eral says( "Tfefi that section 2059 of The Code, which -MYe exemption, is repealed by chapter, 9cts of 1888.- . . There arerf;liree little things which do more wor than any other three lit tle things crt &2ed they are the ant, the toeeand Jei,W-a Little early Risers, the ""Hast beljjfj"; the famous little pills for stoma;chaid Jiver tfoubleg, R. R. Bellamy, j . '. . I: A SopQ'ble DouT)la Marder : Savan'naht March 15. A special to The Momin)fiews f renv Quitman, Ga., trays: ' One -olXshe blackest crimes in the 'history of tr fe toounty' occurred twelve miles! noTth J JQultman last night at o clock. An f liRn'0wn party slipped up to the !windKr Of the house of Henry Raines, a -pr ijfnenit - negro and shot him ani his 2-veS tfld baby to death. Eleven' buckshot ;e fred Raines' he4,' " our lodged tn t j 'oamy itq weiye m the wall, i -Ralnife Nwifft was stttiner between him "and ' tha witidQw,' and i't is 'believed that the mtt aerer" intended to kill her .also ! Rainpsi ?fajd been tPotMnsr tha hahv on his knee,;.nd had1. the gun bee fired I While that W' going on ths babv would I. not 'have- bet killed. ' did'-nre;, he.'a in-the act of kissing It. It is thought .ijhat the coroner's jury'now ta session w-- v4 find an indictment. t 1 r ) ''In a wlriTf one dose oi Hats Ea entse of - -Giyrer -will ellev any ordi nary case o4)bolic, Crampa. or Nausea; An unexoeV: id remedy for Diarrhoea, Cholera Melius, SFu'mmfer compladnts and all fa-mad. ijaiiis; Sold by J. C. Snepard, J. C Hardiin and H. K Pen tress.' J -. . i s- . 4, a Editor Killad Atlanta,' ICS, March 17, 'John Connol ley, editor ofChe Plow. 'Boy, published at West! Point, i-a. was hot and killed to-ntgh-t by Ji.7l, . Cox, a- Welshman. The crime wasv If ,aTesult of litigation over an iestatef :$:,?fi Gonnoley, who is well known, wast omelme ago removed es administratoT' sett: the John. Broad estate. , It was charvd that he had misappro priated t'hei ds of this estate and had bougbt pro& iy and, turned -It over to bis wife. Ts;4 were several judgments obtained agaiist ' Connolley and part of the property S f'lairped his wife was sgld at : shetv t sale last Saturday and purchased b j -J R. Ttedwrne. The prop erty was 'stt 'J claimed by1 Mr."' Connoley and Redwirn. jiployed -Cox to . watch it. l donH lo?V, toere may be oiaierB," he. gaid, . y"WtS, I -toav used 'Parker's Tolu Cotiglha rup' to my ifaanaiy- for yearw and w" trtd not be without it." Ipe knew. Hei fer than to 'buy v the in ferior preparl Spni ' that was , betng urgedupon ajl'a.'. Parloer8 Tolu Cougb Syrup' nas-M "equal. Tt will immedi ately reUeyny Oough or Cold," Whooptog Cb'1 rb.Sore Throat, Hoarse ness, Crouu; tenonitis and Mndreid all merits. ; totRia no lriurlou ingredi ents,. Is pk'Pnt ta tJ.ire- and & r".fe re:.iedy for fatiren. .H.""or sale 4v' J. C Ehej.ard, J. Ilexdin, wad U. U t"en- PASSENGER RATES. 1HB QUESTION AS TO REDUCTION . HELD IN ABEYANCE. Bailwayi Lay their Caaa Btfora tbaCom- mlulon If Daelaloa Not Made by 28od, Data for Bedaeed Rates to Become Ef fetiTt, to btf Extended EqaaJJaatloB f Fertlllier Ratei-Qaettlon of Nambex of Tom to the Car-9pat Between Otho TCllaon and Caldwell . I (Special to The Messemg) i Raleigh, IN. C 'Maxoh Today's session of the railiway comihfisslon was of special Snterest, as, the matter in band was ithie passenger' rate. The ex ceptions of the great.stems to the re duction-of thle -rate to 2 cents for first class and 2 cents for second Cclass Which were filed, tiwo days ago were icad, and; there were special state ments byi prcWinent railway officials. TV. G. milottland T. M. Emerson rep resented the Atlantic Coast 'Line; W. W. Finieyj, W. A. Turk,. W. A. Hender son, K'Faiiirfax Harrison and FV H. Bus bee the Southern;" E. St. John H. W. "By 'Glover, and L. R. Watts the Sea! board Air Jjine. The small office of the eommlissSon was crowded, there ' being a nuimlber of ;promlnlent 'listeners. ! : The first half of .the session1 wais . de voted' to evidence in pppositionvto the passenger rate -reduction. , This- was presented toy St. John, FMey, Elmer son and Glover., The last half was de- Voted to argument Iby Henderson, 33a y Jiaiuottt and TBuslbee. The railways made a powerful presentation. -"The Southern and the-, Seaiboard Air One presented sowve mew matter of marked value. The, most eloquent passage in the. speeches of counsel was the eulogy by Day of R. R. Bridgers, and John C. Winder, deceased-, and A. B. Ahdrews, Jiving, as ' three men who more than any others developed North. Carolina, i ; Day says the case which was argued today- ought to fee en'Rtled; "politics vs. prosperity," This lis a pretty sharp slap at the commission. The commis sion did not decif the case today, ..but gave notice .thatlff it did not decide it before March 22nd it would extend the time for the new rates to go into effect. Its order names March 23rd as the date when they are: effective. ' At this evening's session" of the oom mli&sion C." E. Borden, of Wilmington, asked that the rates for fertilizers on the- Cape Fear rand Yadkin Valley, rail way and those on the Carolina Cen tral rbe made the same. There, was quite a discussion (between him and Glover, of the! Seaiboard Air , Line. Orders toy! the commission are that .the rates on the Carolina Central shall conform to those oh the Cape Fear and hYadkiin Valley, but the question Is rais ed .whether this imeans joint rate al lowed from Wilmin'gton on local rate. ,The commission will, decide tomorrow. D. iB.)Kimiball, off Charlotte, askedlthat -the car load of fertilizer toa reduced from fifteen to ten tons and said Charlotte iwas. perfectly willing to pay last year's rate on ten 'ton lots. Orainman Caldwell said this matter had been be fore -the comhifissiion four times" and he referred' the Charlotte , people to the good graces of the railways. The com mission declined to make . the change Kimball desired, j , i Otho Wilson spoke in favor of ten tons, to ,the car and he ahd Caldwell banded some ' rather lively words, re garding co-operation and fusion. ' Em erson of the Atlantic Coast Line said it', would 'be (better for farmers to make twentytons a car load. i Children and adults tortured by L burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases, may secure instant relief toy using DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. It is; the great Pile remedy. Robt. R. Bellamy. ; . ,, i , . r ; v Opposition to the Lease (Special tx The " Messenger. ) j 'Raleigh, N. C.f iMarch 15. Dr. Fox Person, director of ithe Atlantic and 'North Carolina railway, arrived today and told the governor that the road is making money and ought not to toe leased. r ' ' , The penitentiary directors meet to morrow, and the clerk, says t'he report for jhe last year will, toe ready. I Ton't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your lite toy neglecting a cold. One Minute Cougto Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. R. R. Bellamy. i w Russell to Ralsa tbe Frea Silver Flag j (Special to The. Messenger.) j Raleigh, N. i C4 March 15. Dr. J, j, Motte makes ithe inspired announcement that If the democrats endorse ithe co-operation of all the free silver elements in North Carolina, I Chairman Town and Governor Russell stand ready to raise the republican free silver standard in this state. i, i, i Miraculous Benefit, l?EOEVED FROM V i Dr. Miles' Niw Heart Cari LI P. B ABOOCK, ot Avdca, K.Y., a veteran of the 3rd N. Y. Artillery and for thirty years of tho Babcock & Munsel Carrias C3o., ef Auburn, aaysr I write to express my gratitude for the mlrac lous benefit received from Dr. Miles Heart Cure. I suffered lor yeare, as result of army life, from sciatica vrhlch affected my heart In the .worst form, my limbs swelled from -the ankles np. I bloated until I was unable to. button my clothing;, had sharp pains about the heart, smothering spells "and shortness of breath. For three months I was unable to lie down, and ail the sleep I goiTras in an arm chair. I was treated by the best doctors but gradually grew worse. About a year ajo X commenced taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and It saved my life as ii oy a miracle." Dr. Miles Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address. . Eli. UIL.ES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. : '"it'-t Wall Paper I .100.000 Rolls in Stock, from" which to make selection. Suitable Ceiling and ;Bor- ders to; matcti., Agents for Alfred Peats & Co. Call and see sample new books. WINDOW SHADES We make a spejrialtyj of fine SCOTCH HOLLAND Win dow Shales. Au sizes made to order. 3Piotxre . All kinds and sizes of PICTPRE FRAMES manufactured, from th lateit styles of Mouldings. A full line of Picturea, Eaaela.1 ec. always a hand. We guarantee lowest prices. I ' - ". " WILMINGTON, N. C. mar 6 I Have 2 DESIRABLE 1 AT, $23.00 A MONTH. 1 AT $20.00 A MONTH. ALSO A NICE HOUSE : AND LOT ! FOR SALE AND ING LOTS. W. M. GUMMING-, Real Estate Agent and Notary Public. . mar 2 tf ex sun I i : J, W. NORWOOD, Pres. ,H. WAIT13RS, V. Pres. GEO. SLOAN, Cashier . . Results if Youj Deposit in , ; THE -WILMINGTON SAVINGS; AND TRUST COMPANY ti .... S2 .... J3 .... $4 55 .... $10.... $15...; $1 .... $2 .... $3 .... $4 .... $5 .... $10..,. $15.... a week for 5 years for 10 years GSTEP BY STEP YOU GO A LONG WAY. Til O. "W. 'OIj-OCS-X Co. No. 9 NORTH IfRONX STREET; t New Black G-oods, New Black Silks, ' -New Fancy Silks, New Shades Libert Silk. New Pretty Organdies', j . New Wash G-oods, j New G-inghams, New Laces. Call and see our assortment before purchasing. , All new goods. No last Sea-W son's Goods to show you. j . i a : I , NeWi Carpets, Matting, Window Shades, Floor Oil Cloth, Trunks, Etc., 'Etc. Agents for Standard Patterns and America's leading Corset, the W. mar 6 v - . -..!. . .-.C't '.:..-.'.;-:, -.v . ": W; : ' - r -.' ' - . .. for Shirt Waists , Skirts and Dresses in rprice from 19c a 118 MARKET STREET. Tl;e Most Interesting Display V.-" ' ; ) ! of Novelty Ribbons Sashes arid Scarfs in this City.; TOHNSON No. Ill Market Street. New WHITE US FOR We announce this week, the arrival of the balk of our SPRING FABRICS. Wc cannot say enough in praise of the quality and style of the dainty fabrics to De ronna upon otir counters, we invite our patrons ana me resmenuoi ue city to call and examine them. 1 . . r - - Foreign Fancv Wash G-oods, exclusive stvles in Of gandies, Ginghams Shadow Cloths Di mities Plaid Zephews, Tufted Gringhams,I.ace $trites, Lattice Checks; Pioues, etc. Silks T)lain chancreable and Striped Taftetas, Roman Stri-oes and Plaids, Black Brocades. Trimmings. Passementries, Jets, Novelty Braids Handsome Braided Sets and white and Cream Laces. - - t! k ' White Goods. India Linens, Victoria Lawns Nainsook Checks, Dimities. French Nainsook Persian Lawns Long: Cloths Piques. English Nainsooks and Fancy White Shirts, former price $1.25 and $1.50 each they will go now for 75c each. It will pav you to see these oods. One Lot of Remnants consisting of Black and Colored Dress Goods, Half Value Agents for Buttericks Patterns. 3D. IHJlbQTIJ, J . SUCCESS0K T0 BKO'WN & E0DDICK. No. 29 North Front'SStreeti Wall Paper 1 Framing For Rent RESIDENCES. ONE OR TWO BUILD you will have ...!.$ 286 ..-.!. 572. ....$ m ....$1144 ...;$1430' ...;.$28C0 ....$4290 .;..$ 637 ....$1274 .-..$1911 ....$2348 :...$318o - ...L$6370 ....$9555 f. B. GREAT BARGAIN SALE OF JUST RECEIVED. & FORE, Spring Goods, the Hand - StiPiniiiiniflUkMiSi . 7 " - ' i '-L i ' - --v. i . . yard up at ' x. , - - somest ever Shown by this Up-to-Date House Now on Sale. ! SAMPLES. White Goods. v "J. j " ? 1 I