s v c i t urn. j ax WOL. XL NO. 65. v - -- - - , lr .- lU iU tffc MifiFi i'rf-, . WILMINGTON, N. 0n THDRSDAYlARCk 17, 1898. : . . . . Lgf . PRICE 5 CENTS. TELEGEAPH SUMMARY, -f' ! THE STATE. I-The railway commission " fixes freight rats on firewood. -The -populist confer . ! enie met yesterday in Raleigh; about tieVenty-'five were presents The Pee j Deft- Cotton Mill Company, of Rocking : haife "will build another factory and! put In ! 6,000 spindles.- The statement jthat j jM. fL. ' John H one of the stockholder a of 1 jRklngham's new republican paper is j erroneous; "he is a democrat.- -Peitften-j tiafy directors confirm the'-contract made by fMr. Lezar for artesian wells onj the i Roanoke; river farms The "railway com : mission . will ' render its decision In the ia$.enger rate case today; : the commls , sioh; will also Investigate the charge of . discriminating rates against Wilmington f h : . :. domestic; .4-: ."; . The president atrooints Perrv Glasdoclc" 'S4 or jinaiana. consul at uaraco.. cuo. " Thje foreign relations committee of I the . ' seriate report favorably a resolution !pro- vldiig for the annexation of ;IIawail. 1 Neu- Afton, Ark.,, a man mentally un . balanced, . shoots his daughter and then ' j ! himself, killing both. 'From flye tot fif- i tem persons are1 killed and -thirty malm i ; eMn a fire in a seven-story, building: in Chicago;; there were 400 persons at work ? ; Ifh jthe building; several heroic deeds in i-' reficuing F the people we,re -done. I At Modnt Pleasant, Mich., a savings bank's isaety vault is robbed of $3,000: Peter Maner de-feats Steve O'Donnell. l-The pedrgia (populist convention nominates ThpB. E. Watson tor governor. .1 .! FOREJIG'N," '.. : ranee is mabollzinar hemnavv Ini or der' to support Russia in the east. l-The bark British Princess collides with and Blnks and unknown steamer off Lowes- toftp- the latter sinks immediately. SOLDIERS FOB UNCLE SAM. 1; Men Wi Wanted for the I of an try, Cavalry; and Artillery Service big poster Jvas Ibeen bput up In the MUnlted : Btates Army Rexaruitlng i etVibefWianteid for the United States Ajny ?ible ftitodiesd men of good, chajac- 30 I T9ie mn are .wanted for flh-e dntanltry, cajyjalry a,nd- artillery seripe. (For "the itiiJtJitry land artillery service mien, ffaust jjibef riot;lps3,than, 5 feei aiid ,4 inches fiigh. and must weigh not Hess' than 128 : iJodnds nor mare , than' 180. (BVw the 1. caiilry the required lengtli is not fesk fei( 10 Indhes and the (weight not over 164 '(pounds. The term of ie9ili)Stiment Is fo .3 years for aill armsl ,otf itihe seryice Ajoplican'ts are required) to satisify the reeruitinig officers regtarding age iand chatracter and shooild ibe jprepared to. fuiivish tfhe necessary vi4ence. Only untnarrtted (men need apply. Oriiginal . ehjjstiriients are confined to persons iwiio are I citlzeng of the United States or "who .Jiave made legal declaratioA. of thr intention to ibecome citizens thfre ot, "and. who can speak read and iwjrite thei English langniaige. i I f tie pay for enlisted onep. ris as (fol-loTfv-s: j Serjeant majors $23per (moflth; DPi mental quiartermasters,' 523; chief trnfn'peters and princftpal i musioiins, $23 J sadler' sergeants, $2$ ; first fcer ge'an'ts, ' $25; ordinance jsergeants, $34 r quartermaster sergeants,; $34; Ser geants, $18;. corporals; 15; feoldiers f er rl6rs, artificers and Iblatekmitihs, $15; wagones, $14; i field musicians and privates, '.. $13. The . men are also (fur nished rations, clothing, ibejdding, med lc4neW and medical attenidance. " j , poldlers wiho have serv 4 d honestly an j faithfully for 20 yf airs or who hjave Je$-n di-sChargied for wounds-or disease oie . en t i tled to -admit ta;nce in the ScK ditsrs'j Home at AWiashinjgtosn.. ' TwMve and a half cents per mon,th is deduced fro,m I the monthly pay for! the (beiiefit of the Home. Men who tcrve 30 years will he retired and will be i allojed threw-fourths of their I pay monthly and -$9.50 per month' for clothfing iand etfbsistencei . ! j j "Applications should Ib4 m aide to (Qap talh F Hartz, Captaini llth Inifanjtry, refcruitlng officers 624 tiast ttroaa street, Itichmond, Va. i : -i ! - " ' ' ' -I lowly tor- ! Why allow yourself to1 h slowly tured at the stake of disease? Chills asd Fevr .will undermine; and event ually hreak down the strongest consti tution. ! "Febri-Cura" (Sweet Chill Tmic with Iron) is more effective than "Q'iinine, :and helng comhlnpd with Iron Is'an excellent tonic and, JJerve miedi- cine. It is pleasant to jtake,: and Is sold under positive guarantee to cur? cr Tfwvnev refunded. Accept no substitbte. The "lust as good" kind don't effect cures. Sold by J. C. Shpard, J. H. .JJardin and H. L.. Fentfess I. A Good Democrat In a Pal se right The Messenger publishes -with a great . diial of pleasure the following cara: i a ' Iiurinburg, N.' Ct, March 1G. Editors Messenger: . 1 . 4. : "' i was surprised to isee In your Sundays i W P?r -that i am one of the incorporatora ot the new republican newspaper start ; i Duinmhom ami snniMonaav lele- r i . .., i ; graphed to Raleigh to hava it correeted. T!he New ana uoserver i wi rctiouj Colonel Olds aid not. 'At ino mu j." pflined and urprlsd. I fhaVe never been anything, but a democrat, and I my - friend are disappointed and disgusted to think I could hold any interest adverse ri omwrn I never have, and 'tiope to high heaven I phall never so far -Wan-. dr away irom tne pniK-ipiea racy as to do so. I have ibeen chairman ' of the democratic executive committee ot tlie. county and am advertised as hold ' ixig stock jn a republicans newspapers , ,! Please be so kind as to say that the jre- it)rt is an entire mistake; that I had not VvJs much las heard of the fehterprtee juntU IlBaw ft in The Messenger,, and C"la htive noilnterest in anything antagonls ! .lie to my party's principles. j ,i i ' xours nasiuiy. 1 M. U JOHN, i I rvni- nni.MirVi frtrr8oondent last night nt u's the following special dispatch: j I i-The statemei that Maxcy I. fbhnf Ui the stockholders In th re- pWliean newspaper at Bockinghaanl was t-rroneous, and was inadvertently made.: lis one of the most jsealous of demo- JT don't icnow. there may he others Ke aid. "Inrt I have used 'Parker8 Tolu Couch Svtud' in! my family for years and would not I he without; tt.1 He knew better than to huy th'Q tn- ferior preparationr that : ' was helng lirged upon ham." Parker's Tolu CJpugh igyrup" has no equal. It will lmmeai as tely ; relieve any Cough or Oold, FRTiooplng Cough, Sore; Throat, Htoarse itess. Ctoud. Bronchitis and kindred ail- Sfnents. Contain no Injurious lngredi Itnts. la i nleasant to take and a l eafe Remedy for children. For sale ty J. ;Jhei.ard, J. H. Har "": tnd H. L. jFen Contents of Third; Page 'Raleigh letter. Proceedings in igress, -"Public "OpiniOn.'j Market tat ion a and reviews. con quo- Royal makes the food pure. ' wnolcscmc and delicious. '-f solutely Puro ;. ; ... : ' '--' '.' ';. ROYAL BAKING KWUe v.-j NEW VORIC Mi mum THE FORUID ABLE FLEET ASSEMBLE!) AT; KEY WEST BX r OUR GOVERNMENT. Spain Objects to Thla and to bar War Prop nations, Which arc Still Betoe Actively Madc-Thc President Asks what Camber of Troops Korth Carolina Can Famish , The Work of the Coart About Completed. Situation In Havana More Serlona ' "Washington, IMarch. 16. rrhe' main development , in the Spanish situation today was to connection wffh. the defi nite repetitions submitted by the Span ish foyernment to itie state department con'eerning' the assembling of a I large fleet of American : warships atj Key West the war preparations, and the influence which these have had on the appraoching elections in Cuba. .These representations were exactly in line Vv'ith the semi-official utterances jglven !n these dispatches last night and ac credited : to. a, high, official conversant with, the yiews of the Spanisto, 1 ca"W fiet. "While; these representations con not properly - pe regarded as a! protest against: the attitude and acts of the United States government, it may un que?tloma,'b!y oe set down as a remon strance, calculated to have an effect in European court circles. Not, how ever, ififetog a technical protest, 4- the statement has not called forth and of ficial rejoinder on the 'part of the state department, (for ill is lacking in tan gible accusations, , jbedng rather an ar gumenitatlve; (presentation of J alleged Spanish grievances. .; to wrriitwaAWi the montgom- 2 ERT. The Fern!! salledifor . Havana from Key 'West this afternoon; She goes to relieye the Montgomery as a home for the officers engaged in supervising the wrecking operations in Havana harbor. It may; toe stated!1.; uneo.uivocahly that the Montgomery's'; withdrawal is not .owing i: to jany ! suggestion from Spanish sources that her presence . is ,'not desired. It was the announced in tention j of Secretary Ing when the cruiser (was sent, to Havana to j keep hr there .only eo. long as the Fern should be engaged In the work of dis trihuit'ing relief among the sufferers in eastern ; Cuiba. The task having j been performed and, owing to the return of the court, of inquiry5 from Havana, there teeing (fewer persons to accom modate, the Fern', which " is better equipped than the Montgomery to as sist in the wrecking operations, Is re turned' to hex position. - i . Up to the j close of office hours the navy department, though it knew of . ficially that the court of inquiry j had come over to Key West from Havana, was not informed as to the findings or iplans of .the court. i ':, - , 'THE YAiqiHT MlAiTiFliOIWlER PTO 1 ' . . I -i ; CH5ASE1D.- The lata Mr. Odgen-Coelet's yacht Mayflower "was purchased by the j gov ernmenV,. today. It is said that ;the oS- JcCl vu.. tile uav jr uimi nuttw,. -" vide as auiday as: possiDie -a numoer of nicket boats of good speed and sea going ability, to act as scouts and also to aid our ironcladsv and more expen sive vessels in operations against tor pedo boats. A large number of private yachts have heen offered to the depart ment, and j other t acquisitions or - une same type as the Mayflower may De expected. :') : r : ' IFO'RMIOAtelLB 0FTJE2EJT AT EE'T . . ; . west.:;- The fleet at Key: West wili he aug mented .iwtitihin the next day or ; two by the arrival of the gunboat Ainnapoids, the torpedo iboat Foote, and the naval tues Leyden and Samoset. The , gun boat Helena- is now on her way from the European station under orders to report at Key West. The Helena re- ported her arrival tod ay at IFunchal,' on her I way4 to Join the fleet,' These and the other vessels previously or dered to that podhtj constitute the: larg est assemblage ox war vessels ;maoe sincej the demonstration following the Virginius affair, and considering ef fectiveness and armament it is . the strongest assemblage of ships, for other than review! 'purposes, since tne war. The fleet now at Key West and Tor tugas is as foMow'si cruiser Jfewi York, battleship Massachusetts, toattlship In diana, battleship Iowa, 'battlesbip Tex as, criuser Ie.troati gunlboat Nashvtile, cruisep Marblehead, dispatch boat Fern, torpedo boats Xrupont, Cushing, Porter, avinsjow and Ericsson. Toj these -jS-Hll soon he added the five vessels now en route there. In: adltion to these the Montgomery :4s at Havana and is prac tically a part ?of the fleet, the gunboats. Wilmington 'and Castme and j cruiser Cincinnati are at Barbadoes. the New- oort at Cblon. with the "Puritan, New- wark. - Aimphfitri te and other, ships, or the North (Atlantic squadron at points along I the .coast :- further north ward. In -ooint of; ships, the fleet un der Hear Admiral Case on J anuary 3, 1874, following, the Vlrglnaus affaar, was considerably larger. 'Although for midahle 4n Its day, this aggregation was made yp of the old style ; wooden slhlns ' and monitors which had) gone through the civil war and every jayallJ abie craft that could fe:ar guns. oom pared with the modern battleships and cruisers of the new navy, it was insig nificant in tonnage and general; effec tiveness. : It is noteworthy, however, that this formidable gathering of 6hips was at.; ther: same; point as the present gathering tfrid during a enwea penoa with Spain, and that i did not even- tuatcin war. - A . ! nTRArwiIMia ON THE $50.OO0;000, Secretary lAJgcri has made requisl- 'n rwn the loresident for two large al? lotments from the appropriation- of n nno noo for the national defense. One ia 'ffw $5.000.000 forthe use of the. engi t.ac.t nn.rtment of the army 4n the n.mTklP.Mon of - certain fortification txt-v -ftlonsr'the Atlantic and Gulf -rt now in. nrogress, and the other is for $2,226,000 sfo-p use of te prd? :nance department! of the army Jn the -.i-:oi: arms and ammunition. pretty much all this money is needed to over wontraPts ftlreay W"ad the military estatoiishmeHf, An encouraging telegram came to the department (from Admiral is-unce, wui mflndMt of ! the New York navay-yard. t T'Via, mval constructor re ports docioNo. 3 pumped dry last night. no rrf -rti fttructure is sa.tisiactory, The eaisssn JdratKeaJcs, lut J asiljf remedied." The department places the .tin flnnJ i smnletkm of the Ak at Abrir30tli in view of this re port:. ::i" ' ', ' - ';- . AMBjCJIiAIN'CE SHIPS. nneral Van. Reypeft of the- navy returned today from Newport News where he -weMctO cainlne Into the practicaibility of converting tflf Plant 'Lane steamer (Grand Ehichess tor to a JumbuO&nce ior, hospitai ship, for use of. the I navy in ,tB- Yvm : w lilities I wiih Spain. This steamer, which General Van Reypen I says Is large, roomy and ;alry, formerly puea between 'New York! and Savannah, but was lad up because of the disarrange ment of her 'POtlers. So f aras accom modations are eeerwed th yessal teromenecessary wormould, make an admirable ambulaSQce ship, but the 'Jack of boilers which it would take 1 months to replace, i limits her adaptability, for t h . r.ent me. . The surgeon general Jiai in view seyeral other ships wHh' witih hut -a limited expenditure of money, could toe changed into ambu lance ships, but he will be compelled to await the report of the special board which is examining into the question of auxiliary cruisers before taking any action. - - CONTR ACTS : EOR MORE I SHOT SHETJL. The war department 3 making ready for anttither iifig (contract looking tQ the prowulretnent of a krt of ehot and Bhefll, An adtertlseinent has Just "been issued calQnjg for ; ''cast iron iwojeotiles ; for sea coast cannon." The ibids are made returnable next Monxlay at 3 o'clock at ther ordinance offbee, war, department. The shot and shell ere of the heavy description 187 lO-tnush, solid shot, 910 12 -inch mortar shells,,, weighings 800 pouinds each, and 600 12-lnch mortar shells toeing wantted. The projectiles are entirely different frdm. th $1,000 000 1 worth- ordered , yesterday. Those were wrought j steel shot and shell 'known as 'armor piercers and da? tended' for f attack upon toa'ttleshijps, monitors and such' 'armo-redX vessels. Those called for mow are for use either against lightly ; armored or red ships or else ifor 'deck erWers,' tog fired from mortars with a plungingvfire into the deck of vessels lying out at sea. 'Being t cast metal these ' pro jectiles, it is expected, will he muchvl cneaper tnan tne armor : piercers al ready ordered.! The equSpment Ibureau of the navy deipartment has (prepared itself , for the equipment at very short notice of any vessel of the auxiliary navy that may be j acquired .with the , most approved signaling ;j servdoe. Considering .the Qpmipetition off ered iby the navy and marine corps in the enlistment of re cru2t, the .war , department fefels that it is doing very well to securing mien for? the artillery, regiments. ' The ad jutant general's refcort today" was that 2201 men has toeetni . secured, JTh5s is t the rate of 800 Iper month and about as .fjSt' as the tnven ,can be proiperiy taken care -of. ' " WANTS TO INVAiE CUBA. lAdJutant General Coirfbin yesterday recelved a military visitor who said he was fresh from; th'e Uattlefields of Cuba and desired to arrange with him. for the immediate (investment of the port of Havana. He was dressed in a mili tary uniform of green cloth and said he! was ready to take the field at once. He gave his name as Lieutenant Col onel Jorge A. Rivera y Monez, Fourth' army corps, Cuban army, and said (he had come from General Mayrila, Eod- riguiez, second In command."" To use his own words, he was Just from the field and had Wood on his hoots" 'and he gave every indication tof being earn est and eager for the fray. What he desired was ah army of 6,000 men from' the United States with which to begin th'e invasion of Cuba and his plan was to fire dh Morro Castle . and sack the city of Havana. General Cbrbin treated-him courteously and said he would se4 him later about the army "of Jnvas- ion--:" tt : "NO TA!LK OF SAiLE OF CUBA. Madrid. March 16. !A semi-official agency today published the following announcement : "It is useless to talk of jbhe sale jbf Cuiba. The question could not be arranged except by parjiaiment and fit Is tenpossSible that any Spanish chamber could agTee to sell the island at any ipnoe.' ; ' ;. The financial : press commen'ts upon the facility wfth whJch Spaan; has sup ported:' the heavy financial burdens in- curreu. on acwuiiL tw. wutr iils miTOutwia in Cuba and the Phili(ppine islands and poiiinks out that although, since Senor Sagasta has Ibeen (premlier, the coast of the wars were exceeded 300,000,000 pesa tas, itihe note sSrculation of the feank of Spain has- only increased from. 1,174, 926,309 to : 1,259,630,650 . pesatas: Upon hisj sihowmlg he, press asserts that . no on doubts that if a fresh loan should be 'required St could Be raised as easily as iwas the Iban a year ago. ' Bl - Heraldo, I in. a very conciloatory, article, r supposed in official circles to be inspfired'afterfpooh-KSOhdng th1 "fiction that Sipain desires to provoke a, war" says: "If the j United States really wishes ipeace land Spain is resolved to maun tain it, let ! each : go half way, and thta pac'lficatlon of Cuba and the tran-- quality of Europe i will ibe accom plished." fi J-. ;;-!--- !.----;. - i- Berlin, March 16.-4senor Sando-al, the Spanish agent, is negotliating for th4 purchase Ipif a number of old and slow steamers of the 'North, German Ldoyld steamship company.' ; c PRESTPENT'S INQUIRY- 'AS TO 1 NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS, j KALETGH. N- C. aiARCII 16. GOV- BENOR . RUSSEIvLi TODAY RECEIV ED A (MESSIAOE FROM (PRESIIBNT M'KSNLEY .'ASKING HOWI MAiNY TROOPS THE STATE COUliD' FUR- NISH IN CASE OF HOSTlIiETTES. THE REPDY! OF THE GOVERNOR GAVE 245,000 AS THE INUMBER. Havana, 'March J.6. The offlcers of the Maine who remainhere are dis appbinted at not being ordered north, and believe1 they will hot Dae sent back to the United- States until It "is certam the court of inquiry into the loss of the battleships will njpt etturn to Havana. EXPEDITING WORK ON THE i WRECK. With the arrival of the Ibig derrick Chief and other machinery the wreck ing work already shtowis sttgns of prog ress. The naval e wers are situ wont ing about the wreck, ninder the direcr tlon of CaptaSn Sigsbee and .SLaeutenr ant Commander iWatniwright, with En sign Powelson, to make; any changes in the drawings which, may" ibe called for by new discoveries. - . SPAIN NOT 'AFRAIC! OF WAR. Iva Luteha in its leading editqrtal this afternoon sjays H is unable to explain the bellicose f attitude of the United States and inclines to the belief -that this is the fault of business syndicates like the sugar trust, or due to some neW . desire to annex Cuba which has "changed the physiognomy of the American t people."' It claimsi that Spain has done nothing " to hurt the pride of the United States and refers to the friendliness of Spain, for ' the American colonies when they were fightihlg Eng-lanid, and .' also "o the "strict ' neutrality iniaihtained during the civil war;" La liucha soys it can only explain the helping of. the insur gents, from iAmerican sources during the present insurrection in Cuba (by "defective law, varying Sn the differ ent states of the American; tmkm." The editorial; Concludes: "The end, the Journey wfjl ghow "Whfch nation has the mere to "kxse in a contest may come now No doufbt Spain does' not lear war. Public opinion, ' if ' hot . de manding, does uo ir-epa lhbstliiSies. it Jg heleved by tqpatny" lhat this way is the only means of reaching an end of the present knotty state of affairs.". ' HEADQUARTERS AT ATLJAJNTA. ; Atlanta,-. Ga., March 16. Brigader General 'William II. Graham; the com mdnder ot the nsciv department of the south, and his chief of staff, iUeuten ant Adams, arrived tn. Atlanta today. General Graham will, it is said, at once; establish his headquarters and renoye the : offices of himself and ' staff frojn San Antonio, f - -; ' " ' ' ;-".:l'- - . Munitions7 of war are passing through Atlanta to gult and AtlantJc ports daily Raiiirbad TOen; expect thSrty cars I of war vmaterfal during the balance ojE the weif : Uyi :-v '; ..." ; -: ". London, (March 16.-JThe final contract providing for the sale of the warships Amazonas and Almlrante Aisrouall, to the United States has been signed. The price is something, over 500,000' pounds sterling ($2,500,000 for both T5h4ps. An American crew. 8s expected here from Lisbon tonight, to take posessSon otf Amazonas n Friday", " , TENfO. GRdWKsRIOUS AT HA- Havana, via Key "West, Fla., March 16. With, the departnre of the court of tnauiry. after a secorja visit to - tAie j scene of th wreek of the "Maine, the tension grows serious. The court,; a body like a grand jury In Its functions, is nearly, ready to report. Uples? theye are new discoveries here, which is un likely, there is" nothimg to be done, ,bu for the- members to seclude thmselvea In. the Iowa and formulate the convic tions already firmly held. , : u . There is no reason toVhange the be lief that the court will find that the disaster was caused by an explosion outside the MaineV T3k cMef officers have been feolutely : discreet while talk of the divers has been contradic tory. ; From bits of evidence that have come out during the three weeks' ex- aminatSoni it seems as sure as anything' m zwa latitude can he that the plans before the court show that the ship was broken in two and the forward ; part rent asunder by an explosion from the outside. ; Captain Sampson).- intimated to the correspondent yesterday that the testimony waa. "gratiilfyingly .com plete." This might mean that an acci dental cause had been discovered , but the. indlcationfl are all the.othe vay. No one believes that any Spanish of ficials or offlcers, or rank will be impli cated,' whatever may be the findings of the court. Captain-Sampson, before leaving, said the court's departure was not due to orders received, but was decided upon solely, by the. members themselves. ; r . -' ; The wreefcihg work' has been very I slow, but Ht is hoped that now, , with tne aaaea raciuties and the others that are to come, work will be - advanced with greater rapidity. . i . ; The volunteers are apparently more quSeti. though many of the leaders are angered' by private' advices, from Mad rid to, the effect that Senor Sagasta is as firmlyvresolved as ever oh their dis armament., ' x ; ( ADVISED TOLEAVE CUBA. ! This correspondent has seen cable messages fromljondon to several Eng lish tobacco merchajaPts telling them to leave the island at onoe" and: hinting that ;war! seems Inevitable. . - I i The Associated Press correspondent at Matanzas tells a said story, ; not "only of the suffering there; buit of the diffi culties which, the bureaucratic methods of the Spanish officials ; place in the way of the relief even of those who are actually starving. For instance, - a bridge has to be crossed in conveying the stores froto the .' : vessel to , the warehouse. The local authorities ac tually tried to change a; toll for eacjh cart ioad and m were only -prevented by an order (from the governor. In, the hearing of the Associated Press ' cor respondent "ait Matanzas ' a ! custom house officer, on the wharf called out to a crowd of starving people who were crying (for food : "po you think th 'Americans sent this food? Well, they did not. It was sent you by ! the rich Spanish in New York city." ! ' CUBACSrS TO RAH) HAVANA, Important advices from the insur gents, show that General ; Maximo Go mez has sent a mission to the insurgent chiefs in middle and western Cuba tell ing them of -a great movement' that Is likely to go- through successfully. Gen eral Pando, from Santiago de Cuba, ordered the Spanish generals; Caste-llanos: and Tenquo, to entrap I the in surgents, numbering from; 2,500 to 3,000, under Menical, Capote and Cebreco, in Puerto Principe province.. His plans, he supposed, were perfect,, but the in surgents flanked ; the Spanish land are . now moving toward the Jucaro trocha. If able to get through, as they- have done before, by the use of dynamite, these leaders and 'a large fonce are ex pected to raid Matanzas, Havana and possibly Pinar del Rio during -the next fifteen or eighteen days. j j i TROOPS 'LjEAjVE (PORT RILEY, Fort 'Riley, Kas., TMaaich 16. Battery F., Fifth artillery, destined for Savan nah, GaJ and attery B,, !Fourth ar tillery, for New Orleans,' leftS here at 10 o'clock tonight In two special trains over the Union (Pacific road f Battery F., of the 'Fourth artillery, destined for Fort Monroe, win not leave until tomorrow.-' t . . i WORK OF TH E COURT ABOUT : - ! - ' FINISHED, ! j . ; iKey West, Fla., March 16. rThe ar rival "of the court of inquiry from Ha vanafcnJhe Mangrove today was nxjtt un expected, but the excitement and mys tery which has sturrounded -the behav ior of its members during the day is in strong contrast (with their former con duct at Key West.i The most definite statement obtainable was from a mem ber of the. court who, af ter supuiaiung that his natoie-should be suppressed said ? Among naval officers an4 others, . it generally believed that, the court of inquiry has come to ftlne definite con clusion thai tne exp$osionj was external and that the court la now only busied over minor technical - details'." One of the officers of .the Maine said to the correspondent: "I believe the Maine was blown up from the outside; buit Judging from the -questions asked .by members of the cour when previously here, I am utterly unable to' ascertain whether they have even countenanced such a solution of the disaster. I have talked with fellow-officers, an4 basing thieir opinions ool. th character of the questions asked, they too,' were bound to confess that they were Just as much in the dark." - Amid cheers from (the f eMow survi vors and friends a number-of the offi cers of the Maine -4at jt,onight on the Pliant Line 'steamer Olivette; via Tampa for their bonnes. ' j I . Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting, a cold. One Minute Cough, Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. R R. Bellamy. ! Georgia FopqlUt Convention ; f Atlanta. (3a March 1 18. The populist state" convention adjourned shortly -before 1 o'clock this morning after a long and stormy session. Hon. Thomas ' E. Watson was nominated for governor, and although he had repeatedly declined to accept, it is believed by some that h wilj yet consent to. make the race. j . " rr '; . '" i"Whjen a man is suffering wfth an aching head, "a sluggish bqdy, when his I muscles" are lax and lazy, his brain he will, "if wse, lte4 these" warnings aiwl reajit to the' right; remedy, before it is too late. "Parker's Sarsaparllla," the "King of Blood turifiers,f miaksa the appetite keen; and. hearty--lnvtgor-aites the iiver-rpurtfles the blood, and fills ft with the life-giving elejrien't ol the food. It is a wonderful blood ma ker and fietfh builder. Sod by J. " C. Shepad, j(. H. H'arAbi and & Fen,, tress." '"' . ... . - ":' '. . '; ' !Whoophg co? i 4 tive most distress its duration can be maiady ; but tout' short by the use of One ; Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. R. R. Belany's 4 Rouble Tragedy Memphis, Tenn., March 16. News comes from Afton, Ark., a village fifty miles west of here, of a double tragedy. Jefferson' Taylor, a well-to-do t farmer. who has for ' some : thne -been meiifaTlV unbalanced, found an old pistol. He shotf hia fiaua-htr killine- h(r InstaMlv. Then 1 hig daughter, killing her instantly. Then he killed himself. : - A thrill .of terror 13 experlejiice 11 a Jbrasay cough , - of roup, sounds through the fcos fy orhtV But ttie terror QQ "ch'aSigea to relief after One Minute Cough - Oure (has fbeen adminis tered. Safe and harmless for children. R. R. Bellamy.' ! i . : v" ; A Buk Bobbed 7 'Mount Pleasant, Mioh., March The People's .ving Sank fetjrvault was roOea oi ?3,00$ last wight," licat'ke .-eriiBhed. (The toank Is In th ibtand's of a. receiver. - y Hartls Etonlston x Coa Ulver Oil with Creosote end the H-yphpspiltag, tf faithfully -used, apeno tn ' the treatment of weak iunga,x Oonsumtp-. tton, ; Bronohlt etc. leading phys4 ciaTts recoqamend , ' SdH by J, Shepard, J. H. Hardin, o;. . i treasj, . . We are anxloaia to do a little cock) la th3s world lan4 can think of no pkes anter of toettor way to do T than by recommending One Minute Cougb Cure as a preventive of pneTimonSa,' oon sumptton and - other serteua hxn& troufblea 'that . follow nelocexi eolda. R, R. Bellamy. III ifFIRE TRAP. CIS FOUR HUNTED PERSONS IN A BUilf Q BUILDIKO. 1 A A i' lbs Flames i t jtdly Sweep Through the Tell ?ntldl$ pPaale 4moag tb I - . ntos-TK4feystoreBd8teIrwaye Soon U4lea-iT; u$ fifteen Dtbg add Thir ty Peraeoe Jn ifard flereie Deeda In Env- leg the Fenlt stricken People - ' " f ' .ChJcago,- MLrb ,16.-it'. required Jtist twenty minuv,thls afternoon for one qf -the most sav i fires Chicago has seen since the tfafafus cold storage ware house fire onjr'fe: World's Fair grounds In 1893 to talnywhere from five to fifteen lives, piim thirty people and reduce a sevH ory;toricfc',bulldfimg toa pile krfi MajtUittimJber,' red- hot , bricks and "twisted? f & ni The-nottrSber of.deada is still in dotand probably' will not be v definlteli known until the debris' is suffioientliJjf cooled to admit of a search toetng ade for the bodies of hose'who ar" indoubtedly in, the ruins. This will (retire two days at least. Three men ak imown-to be dead. They j are ; Samuefe'f , Clark, - -book-keeper for (the JCW4MI ad Scientific Company; Milear'A.1 SteSl 'eiaiesman for the same company, asr ."Edwardi Binz, cashier for Sweeit.V'Wt'l "ace & Co." ' ' The ibuildlit vwas seven. Stories high, had a 'front i o fifty -eight: feet on Wabash avef and extended back 160 feet to" an a It was of what is iknown i as tsr-Mlll Cons tr action, had : -two elevator-haft s, one In front, one in the rear, a? foching from the third J story to thei-joof was a slight shaft which gave e flames every; chance. It was becat' tetpfthis shaft that: the, fire spread tJi such rapidity. - The I (building was -:ccu pled by a number of j concerns, .sofei -. of themi employing large numbe - bf people. It is esti mated that t0 ;persons vlere at work in the buildi' when the fire was dis covered. Thi origin of the fire is in disputei Theweight of evidence seems to be that trr explosion was in ; the lower ' parti J 4 the .building, ; for . the flames shot i$t the light shaft at once.'! The sound loathe . explosion hrew the inmates of tie 'building into a panic and on sever floors a wildstampede began; for th Stairways and 'elevators: , To add; to th, panic the men in charge of the elevaf trs ran their cars up; to the top of thl biildng; shouttng ."fire" at every floo When they reached the top both 'eleLtors took a load f of : frightened: wiett and started fori the bottom. Th? front elevator was ; ( in j bjarge' of rHNrry .Gleason, a boy, and the rear one as handled by William St. Johns a jyung man. . Both of these kept their i hfjads,. showed much cool ness and brei ,.',ery and were instrumen tal in saving aiany lives. . - ' The elevato in the front of the, build ing wasan ef.-borate affair and in good order, but ""calculated ' to produce speed.; Gleafa .made one "trip tOs the seventh floof parried down a load of women, anqVk although the. smokewas rolling thronr-th the huildirig in dense clouds, he suited up again,- At i the fourth, floor . je ' stopped to take on a crowd of g"iii; from the rooms of the National Muc Company, being assist ed In hi we- by Miss Katherine Carney, the t terewontan. A- man i at tempted to fpce his way. into the'ele jvator, but C-Reason" shoved "him back into the hal' that the women might have the ftr jehanee. Miss Carne was a true heroine, f Al jthou&h at thiocibset she had opportuni ty toj escape -Vith the other women: she seemed to fe 4 it her duty to stay and help the escae. f the girls over whom she -had -chs ge. Her voice could be heard above irlhe shrieks of the panio stricken gmU advisin'g thecn to pre serve order id reassuring ien again and again, fjthe stood near the stairway-and attempted to-seize the fore mast womenti they dashed down to the- next flor, '.but was .thrown side. . When she ww there was no hope of stopping the'pnfic,' she darted .to the elevator cagf ;vf calm the others. Aja the elevator. p$&nded. Miss Carney, or dered the codActor o stop," She then turned and jj'nl'ped her .frightened charges intotth cage. During ail the excitement sT'rematned calm and Is sued orders though directing - the women ; at 4-ovk. As1 the4 elevator- started to d( !gnd without Miss Carney one of. the g-ls cried to the" conductor to stop; butrh braVe woman, though staring deatl i the face, shouted fcr them not to'.-ind her,, that he would take care of &r??e!f. jh girls, she sent down the elu''ajr escaped unharmed. Miss .anaey escaped by 'the fire es- pe-:-:h f K'f . - After reaef'intr the bottom with his load of girls iQieason was about to . .-r. rvn T Jl . 1 L .. 11. elevatft mad rry at the top of the shaft caught;-!? and seeing. that they wowldigive ;-tl before (his alow ee-va-tor could ..mAkrlanother trip, he gave H up,.! - -'" v- - At the reaSi John did equally good work, but wj-Si 'not able to, make more than one trpf the fire swept through that portions p.the building before it attacked th.fi piit. In less tl,n rn minutes af tef!' ie explosion .that stair t ed the fire 4a 'Escape Ifor the. inmates by theTBtairsT a d- elevators was cut off. There remfejf ec toniy the wndjows and me single n -9 escape, a, ajfow iron thing ; not orK bf t -dighteen inches from side, to skje..bs "was speedily cover ed wtth a, stsa' peonl, some on one side, some oi 'tie other. Many of those .who eouW 494 reach- the fire escape made their, pJ to the front Windows and it wasft of these that da.tk. Snfith and llrs hurted th.emeves -d dea'th.V W - :.;"-:-. Clark .wftn jbfe-keeper 'for the Olln fta4 Srientf ft Company ,'on. th siy ehth fioorf id remained to pit the books , in llh sfe. Re- might have es caped had hy rMnpon the- first alarm. He was ftrsffn at one jof the seventh tory -wtndo:iand a' few. minutes af ter showed B -nBelf in a window of the sixth floor. 5 ?-e - fire -was close upou him, the flc4 I and iwajls eshind him were' crashii jj-do,. anil it was cer tain datl. t iyeteain where he , was. Thepa was rposslblHty f help- and h ttook hianly chancell ' Three- sec onds later h'i was dead on the navs ment belowAft " - ; - -j Miles A; Jjith, a salesnaan for the Oimstead i Jmtifio Company, - also leaped from , il window-. In the sixth floor. - He hSf- stated some time beSore taking the le p. but Ijhe Clark, under- itooA hiat. Jf , wm k Mite w n BTOOO U tWM tt ODiy Hope, e .was insfcanOis.ciUied. ; Bd-ward- Btc5)s, the caahler of weet, Waiach & ' on "toe sixth floor, fell a vSctrm- to )ts desire to save others and to srot t hia 'books frokn-haxsn. He, upon he Ing'the alarm, ran to the rear of the $ jre, to -warn the employ g to run 'for stives. A fimrtajieMstm-ed hlmsel toy a daring resj gv w-aa upon a ladder dose 4o 4Ue rictmg when he heard a cry, ftrt-CSan taw & man in a win dow o the -th story carrying an In mate Thetie rescuer was about to throw . the -tlsoonscktus bunyaju lelng into the stoe?;Vki th aip hre of eav ing, tihte tna$va&k a death toy roasts tog evr$t. CThe fire was; roarftrg-l io that no v- rfee could oe 4teard. Put ting -up hia'.nida as a sfeiial 1i wait until he (got'i; ?ady, tbe fireman braced himeelf-uUt 4e eadder and then wav ed his atrms r the rescuer to drop the unconscious In to "hkn. iWtth, a shock that nearly cteed the heroic fireman from 9vi pos& Jon, the tody of the man truck the ft tighter. But it did not get away frt't hftn ..He held the-un scious mata trougibi all the thmyiag and swlivgin' -"of the ladder. Hastily descending; i je ftreman turned Ms burden over the police and returned to his posL' he man who tad saved the work2naij$ lad disappeared. He had I , anc V P lie tieen hrY enough to dash through the smoke and flame.- But iC he did not immediately f ollow the fireman who bore away the man he had 'pJcked1.; up onf - the fifth floor his charred remains wlM he found tn the ruins when the search for th dead 1s made. : : George inters, property man at the Great Northern theatre, and B. D. Cul len saved several lives. Ffenters was passing tHrough the. alley In- the rear of , the . building when he saw flames bursting from the roof. He rushed to the fire alarm- box at Jackson and Wabash avenue! and turned' in an alarm. He met Cullen running down the street with a blanket and followed hiin. " The . men stood In front of the burning building and held the blanket extended, shouting 1 to several ' girls on 'the second floor to Jump. Among those who leaped were Josie and Annie Baxav Several others jumped into the blanket ?und thus escaped injury. The men stood;-at the spot until . driven from It by the heat. ' . -FREIGHT RATES QUESTIONS. Tertlllcer Ketea on the Carolina. Central o Stand Qaeatlon of TIserImInatton Againat Wilmington on Bates on Molaa ; sea to be Inveatlgated Passenger Kate Question to be Decided Today (Special to The Messenger.) ; ' Raleigh, N. C, March 16. The railway commission's rates . allowed the Carolina Central railway on fertilizers in car load lots stand. C. B. IBorden: acknowledged they were proper, j He . wanted them cut to the same special r rate on ( the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley, or as Chairman Caldwell puts it, wanted a double cut.' 1 ;.R. VW. Hicks appeared before the com mission regarding freight rates- on mo lasses to ipiterior points of the state from Wilmington. . He made a, strong presen tation of his claim that there was' dis crimination fin this matter against Wil mington, and- in favor of Richmond and Norfolk. The commission served notices on the Tallways; to show, cause why the molasses' rate to interior points in 'North Carolina should hot be as low as from RioHmond and Norfolk, considering dif ference in mileage. - ' " J The commission gives notice that - it will meet tomorrow morning and render a decision as to whether its order reducr tng passenger rates shall stand or be re voked.-;4'- :' -::" -' "' : . ,i f What pleasure lcnere in life with a headache, , constipation and billious ness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by Using DeWltt's Little 2 arly Risers, the famous little pills. R. R. Bellamy. ' Artesian Wells for State Farms j Raleigh, N. (C.'t March 16. The peniten tiary diredtors; endorse the contract made by ex-Superintehdent Leasar for sinking an artesian . well at each of the Calidonia- farms on Roanoke- river, ' and award - the contract to Henry E. . Knox, Jr., of Charlotte. ' There was a discussionr about the con dition of the penitentiary farms. If Was the opinion; 'that good progress is being made, considering the fact that there is no appropriation. ; f - ; i There wag also discussion of the plan to secure the continuance of arrange ments for keeping federal prisoners here as both' Atlanta and Asheville are work ing againteit! the! arrangement. : , I i Ton need Cod Liver OU. you say but think you can't take It? Try ' Mor rhuvin" a perfected "Wine of Cod LiV- ' er OH." You can get all the virtues of the oil without the disagreeable ef fects. " Sold by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardin and H. L. Fentress. Tne Popnllat Conference j (Special to The Messenger.) ; ; Raleigh, N. C4 March 16. The populist conference metiat 6 o'clock in the senate chamber. Ayer- called it to order ; and palled Cy. Thompson to the chair. Ayer jwas then made secretary, with Dajly and Riverd assistants. Letters from pop ulists were read for two hours and then a- recess was taken. Tt is claimed that seventy-five populists are present. They epent most of the day caucusing and conferring and fairly swarmed in the of fices in the capital. - .There are three little things which do more work than any other three lit tle, things created they are the ant, the and le Witt's Little early Risers. $hje Hast being' the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. R. R. Bellamy. - Freignt Bates on Fire Wood (Special to The' Messenger.) I Raleigh, N. C March 16. The railway commission orders the following as the rate, of freight on firewood in car loads, released,' loaded and unloaded by the shipper ten cords minimum: One to ten miles, per cord, 40 cents; 10 to 13 miles, 45 jcents; 15 to 30 miles, 50 cents; 30 to 40 miles, 55 cents; 4Q to 5j miles, 60 cents. This Is a reduction from 10 to 20 per cent, per cord. ! ' ' . -:- f "In a nrfnufte one dose of Hart's Es sence of Ginger will e5ieve any ordi nary case of Colic, Cramps, or Nausea. An unexcelled remedy for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, ' Summer complain ta and all Internal pains. Bold by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardin and; Hi L. Fen tress. . Another Ge.tton Mill for Rooktacbasa !' (Special o The Messenger.) Raleigh, N. C.,- Mar oh 18. The Pee Dee Cotton Mill Company, "Of Rockingham, ; today decided to duplicate its 'mill y OUUdinsr another there wlth-,0Q!J spin idles. This will give the town Rocking ham eight cotton mills lAfter years -of untold suffering from piles, Bt W, PurseU of Knltnersville, P- was cured by using a Binle box of DeWttt's Witch Hazel Salve. Kkin d seases such as epzetna, rah, pimples 1 and obtlnate sbra-iR leadlly cured by this famom remedy. Ji. R. Bellamy. THE KINfrSj DAUGHTERS. Ideation ef the Shelter of the Silver Cross WIU Kote Changed This Sessoa ; No ibusiness of general . Importance was transacted at the meeting'' held yesterday afternoon by the Ministering CJicle of The King's Daughters, at which Mrs. C. "H. King, the president, acted as presldl'hig "ofBoer1 afid Mrs. Ci O. Byerly filled iter duties' of secretary. .Tliere was, on matter, of Inter est and Importance decided upon, and that wasVnot'to change thejocatlon of the Shelter of the (Silver Cross, on WirghtsvSUe Seaob, wMcii had been cpntemplaJted for everal weeks, as an nouBeed long since In The Messenger. This decision jwas made necessary owing- to the lalenese of the season, and other clrowmstancea. The iBhelter will open .to aJbouJ two months, and , of course there! Is , not time enough - for the Circle to dispose ' of the present luildinig, and. purchase another ste, and erect a suitaWe structure thereon. The Shelter is badly tn need of paint ins "and new (blinds, as the old ones are too detapidated for use. - ' It was also- decided to hold the elec tion of matron for the Shelter on the first Wednesday' afternoon! 1 next whose time on ear'th, laa been nearly there will be no business of Importance to transact. Wall Paper I Wall Paper ! :.. 100,000 Rolls in Stocky from which to make selection. Suitable Celling and Bor ders to match. Agents for Alfred Peats & Co. - Call and sea sample new books. -WINDOW SHADES We make a specialty of fine SCOTCH HOLLAND Win dow Shales. All sizes made to order. . r j . ; , Fiofrixre All kind and sizes of PICTPRE FRAMES manufactured, from the latest : styles of Mouldings. A full line of Pictures, Easels. EtL always on hnd. ..-Ws C guarantee lowest prices. , J - . o. w. : "s-.'tjpes :;oo. WILMINGTON, N. C. - mar 6 .' ' . ' h r -! "-...- T " ... . -v - : ' : ' . - - ;- : " v I---.- . - '.'.---""(."" - - i I Have For Rent i I . i ; 1 . ' . i 2 DESIRABLE" RESIDENCES.: ! - t - - - .-.:--. -';':- ' I " " i. ' - - 1 ' '' J. - ' ' .-,! 1 AT $25.00 A MONTH. . . i " ' ' ! ; ' 1 . v i 1 AT $20.00 A MONTH. i -- - ';': " "'' ' r : ' ALSO A NJCB j ! HOUSE AND -LOT - - ' -.'. . FOR SALE AND ONE OR TWO BUILD - . , ::f ; ';,: " ing lots. ; . r-: v !::;;-3 f'"-V.'"!'' W. M.' GUMMING-, -V----, -,-!,'-' :-':! v--"i -:"' ' i i- !. ' '. ,.; ; .''.; '-.,:Sv: i Real Estate Agent and Notary Public. x ; , .. . .: i mar 2 tf ex sun u- .- ... .1 . . ; ; JT. W. NORWOOD, Pres. H. WALTERS, V. Pres.! GEO. SLOAN, Cashier . . Resultsf You Deposit in . . . " THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY $1 ... S2 ... $3 ... $4 ... $5 ... $10... $15. 1 ... $2 ... $3 ... $4 ... $5 ... $10... $15... . a week for 5 yeaf for lO years CS? STEP BY STEP YOU AT .Tlie' No. 9l NORTH FRONT STREET. I" New Black G-oods, New Black Silks, " " JTew Fancy Silks, 1 j " ' (' I I New Shades Liberty Silk. New Pretty Organdies, ; i j New Wash New Call and eee our assortment. before purchasing. All new goods. No last Sea.-'., son's Goods to show you. - V j - L ! ! ' New Carpets, Matting, Window Shades, Floor Oil Cloth,. Trunks, Etc., Etc. Agents for Standard Patterns' and. America's leading Corset, theW. B. mar 6 i; . ; -: : "::")-"-- : . . " i " ' i "'";: for Shirt "Waists, Skirts and Dresses in price i from 19c a yard up at 118 MARKET STREET. The Most Interesting Display of Novelty Ribbons, Sashes and Scarfs in this City. JOHNSON: & iFORE, No. Ill Market Street. New WRITE US FOR "TTL e announce this week, the arrival of the bulk of our SPRING FABRICS. "We cannot say enough, in praise of the qualitj and style of the dainty fabrics to be found upon oor counters. We invite our patrons and the residents of (he city to call and examine them, l' ' i t : Foreign Fancv Wash Goods, exclusive stvles in Organdies, G-inghams Shadow Cloths Di mities Plaid Zephews, Tnfted Ginghams,Lace Strides, Lattice Checks, Pinefe, etc. Silks -olain chanedble and Striped Tafletas, Roman Strides and Ilaids Black Brocades. Trimmings. Passementries, Jets, Novelty Braids, Handsome Braided Sets and white and Cream: "Laces. . I White Goods. India Linens, Victoria Lawns Nainsook Checks, Dimities. French Nainsook Persian Lawns Long Cloths Piques, English ISTamsooks and Fancy White Goods. j A special lot ol Gentlemen's Fancy, and White shirts, iormer, price tpi.xo ana $i.ou each- they will go now for 76c each. It will pav you to see these o-oods. One Lot of Remnants r consisting of Black and Colored Dress Goods, Half Value. Agents for Buttericks Patterns. ; v . 30- . 3HJa"73!. SUCCESSOETOlBEOWK & EODDICK, . No. 29 North Front Street r 3 yoil will have $ 2S8 .,...:;......$ 672 $ 858 : -i $2860 ...v.. 4. .....$4290 - " ...,......$ 637 .....,;$1274 - $1911 $2548 : ........;... $31S3 , $6370 .$9555 c: GO A LONG WAY.J "W. FQ3Li"V"OC3-T Co. Goods, i Ginghams, New Laces. GREAT BARGAIN SALE OF JUST RECEIVED. - ---- Springy Goods, the Hand- somest ever Shown by this Up-fo-JDate House , Now on Sale. SAMPLES, f r"