1 I . a : A A t r.x VOL. XL NO. 69. WILMINGTON, N.jG., TUESl) JUAKCH 22, 1898 ERIGE 5 CEKTS r r-8 . 1 'f ' r TELKGEA?H SDMMAEY, l 4 THBi STATE. Gover&br Russell yesterday held a se cret nrtetlnk of the council of state on the tfufestiort of. the lease of the AtlantI6 .: . and V .rthj ; Carolina - railroad to the !Soutierji:---Tb!; jrederai supreme court . eustjilnsi thf state, supreme court In the -case Involving title to the offices of rail - aL commissioners. The governor, sub mits the affidavits and other papers in "the case of j John Evans to his council of state; it is' thought Evans 6 will toe res pited to April 1st.- The wife of Presi dent Dinwiddle, of 'Peace institute dies in. iBaltimoxe.- ( Seven federal i prison ers from Virginia and eight from Ten- taessee arrite at the penitentiary at Ral eigh. -It is .said Bailey gets the Ral- ! eigh nostoffice. LA Johnston county ne- I ero Is attacked and robbed I by a man whose name the negro refuses to make i. RUblic.- h . !" M: . u. r u' ;.: - -;.;y.. DOMESTIC. f I .The Concord H.) Monitor, Senator i Chandler's f paperj says j President Mc- Kinley jis Jabout Jto taki action in the I name of the Un ted States in! relieving I the starving peo;le in Cuba; J with, without Spain's consent she will send i supplies "to, the - iufferers.1- The jOrioles ! again defeat theJMercer college! boys. Major Geo W. ; Raines, an old ; Mexican j veteran, and who bad charge of 1 the powder; mills at Augusta, Ga during the civil war, Was Jusi died and will be buried on the old,?-site of these mills. -George I (Powell,! off La Cfoss, Wis, janswersthe I Spaniard who challenged) Senator" Mason I andoffersj jto .fight with him.-t In. the Carter court-martial yesterday one of the attorneys for thel defense made, a state ; ment of vfhat tie defense expected to I prove; twq ; witnesses were then, examin ! ed. A negro man was lynched in north- i em Alabaijia Sunday night In a shoot - i Bray is "kJTlea and' Deputy ; Sheriff Gil more aangt'rousiy wounaea. r v a t, DEATH OP .MRS. DINWJDblE In CoDifqnence ofTOperatlonfor JAppen- dleltls Federal Penitentiary Prisoners at the State - (Special to Raleigh, N. C, The Messenger.) v iMarch 21.nMrs. 1 Eliiza (born Oarrington), lof .President j James Din institute, died ait Bal- beth Dlnwiddie Virginia, wife of widdie, timore of Peace j-this afternoon.The -operation for . appendicitis was penormea iasx. njgnii. of Richmond cpuny, with the govern(or o regarding John fcvans. f Sheriff Smith, had a conference day, presumably . Seven federal Lynchburg were prisoners ; convicted at brought to;the peniten-. . tiary here today two violators of .the postal aWs nd five counterfeiters. jEight iprisoners, sentenced at. - KnfoxvHlei : also arrived, one for raising a : government moonshining. !, j eheclc, others for; News was circulated this afternoon very freely that Bailey had secured the Raleigh postoffic at Pritchard's hands. coiumous nutcmngs, colored, was at tacked at. his home in Johnston c6unty, by a man whose veal, hut .who is name he refuses to re believed to be S a white man w'bo was discharged by Hutchings' employer. One o Hutchings ears was torn oft, a-nd his kuir fractured. fECls as sailant Tobbed -him Arrangements are toeing completed, for a telephone line from Raleigh to jllen- derson.' . ' There are thre little things which do more work than any other three lit tl itMngs cheated they are the ant, the ibee and DeWittfs Ldttle early Risers, tth Oast being (the famous little Jpills if or stomach and1 liver troubles. R. R. Bellamy. ! ,- i . L.awleshess In Alaska IWlashing'ton, 'March 21. dnformation has reached the! rwar department; that the rowdy lelement of Alaska have seiz ed Bennetts road, leading" 'to and over "White ! pass; "hafe (placed the country In a. state off terror. Instructions were telegraphed today to General iMerriam, commanding the department of the ColumbJa at ancouva "Washington to order, the j infantry axtrison ait tShaguay to cake proper steps ff-p-r the protect ion-- ot person and property in the dlsturbed region, regardless of the expense attending sucto a move ment or. troops. j. - ., ' ' '" - r ; lA- thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough .of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror eoon changes to relief after One MinuteiCough Oiire has ibeen adminis tered ;Safe and Jharmless for children. R. R. Bellamy. Death of Mp j or G. W. Raines j -; f) Augusta, Ga., : jMarohi 21: George. Raines, major irt the United' States; army and -caiptatln on "General Scott's staff; to the "Mexican war.f graduate of West Point arid at one t'i'm'e instruc . tor there, died ialtj tNewburg, iJN;. Y.; th, s morn!inig. He resigned from, the army in 1856; and -wheb. the la'te Kvar broke? out he I was appointed as supervisor yt manufateture of ipowder atf (Nashville. TVQien the confederate! ipowden mil s were finished , In tiiis city in 1862, he took chsarge of them. fThe Jsfte of the pbwder! trtlll lW now occupied by the Sib ley cotton mill, jbuti the old powder chiney remains! standing aa a manu smerit and at its iiase the deceased w'iil'i probably find his lat resting place, ft facing his often expressed wish. ' ' j Jioyal makes the ood pare, . j wnoiesocae ana aeiicsoas. mm PSIVBSiSJ Absolutely Puro ROVAL RAKING fOmmm J.;f NEW YORK. m REPORT OF THE COURT PIjACCD IN THE HANDS OF THE COMMANDER OF THE FIiEET Its Arrival A nxloasly i Awaited In Wash lngton War Preparations Continued. Besonltlbn. in Congress ' on ' the ' Cuban . Question Senator Than. on on the Sltaa nation Belief That the Explosion Was Worked front the Cruiser Alphotzo-Spain Exhausted - "1 - . ' . 'Washfngrton, jtardh 22; Z;Z0 a. m. Editors Messenger;: I I We are iprfvately informed that 'am eas'tern; paper lhas Ihad access' to the "Maine reop'orit' andl will i print details. 'Mso, It is ne(piOT,teki tlhat .our . legation a't Madrid lias ibeen telosed.; This come3 to us only as a iip land nve have no 'knowledge df ithe authenticity of H'he Infoxtm'atioin. fVe will (hold, open until ft Is denied or confirmed. : I 'C. A. BOTKTON, rManaigier 'A'asocIated Presia. v DATE'.-JNoi -fjurther , ; information rould be secured.7 1 ; i WateOiinig'ton, March (21. JThe . proce dure In conneCition !wi th the submission of :t!he report of the Maine court of in quiry !by j the president 'to congress Is now cleariy outlined, and a caJbinet offi cer today explained tine general line of I action at (present lin tended to ibe per- sued upon rece'ipt idf the report, 'Which la expected to reaih Was5hingi on , next Thursday. A copy of J t will :be laid -before 4he Spanish ig vernnren t, (very early and as soon-las can !be! consistently done the report .wlfTbe 4ent.ltO conlgTess and made puMic.at 'the same time. The re- port 'to congress rwiil be accompanied !by a message f rom - the presided t,4 stating that "after receiving the report the con clusions were laidi Ibefore the Spanish government and appropriate action asked. OCt 5s stated part of the report, from that quarter! postively that no and no intimation of j the ifindings, has reached the executive authorities in Washington as yet. At the same time it is a noticaalble fact. that the ; current olf official opinion 5 beginning ,tb follow that .of the unofficial opinion expressed so positively at 'Havana and Key West, that the cause of the explosion was ex ternal. Officials hign in the adminis tration Stated today that- while they were wholly withojut exact information as to the findings' of the court of In quiry, they fbund! th'emselves sharing in the apparently intanlg'ible conviction that the! cause of the explosion .wafe not fljocidentail. Opinion expressed ' (by ; the 'Maine surviivors who reaiche'd here last, Saturday doufotleiss has ' contributekl largely to Uhls view dn dfficial.-circles. In this connection it Is understood that one of the officers; who 'arrived on Sat urdtay stated; not "ds 'an optnfon'but-as his. personal ooserviation on the night of the disaster, that there were two' distinct explosions, j The tendency of this ds to support the. theory of exter na,! cause, as this' is ibased on the idea, that the ifirst external explosion was if allowed toy a second internal explosion INiTEXtSB INTEREST AT iTHSB JDE- IP!A!RTfMEiNTB. , ' ' -p Intense ' interest in the report was manifested today at j the White house state and navy de- and ait the war, partments. The Ipresiden't received a number -of congressional leaders, among them, toeing Speaker Reed and Ohafrrman Hitt, 3 the ihouse committee on foreign affairs The ' yisit of Mr. Reed naturally attracted much atten tion, as heseldotrti leaves-the conlgres sional sphere, to unake calls on "the ex ecutive oranch, 4nd i it was naturally inferred itihat the purpose of his visit was to confer upon the Cuban situation' and ttts'. future ("beianel congress, -though neither he nor iMij. Hitt was communi cative. Secretary jXiong also had an ex tended conjferenc with the president, Jbut so far as it could; he learned, it de veloped nothing additional relating to the Spanish question. J WA1R PREPAiRATIONS lCXTa3UBr The army and atavy (preparations are continuing -without j dnterruption, , al thou'gh they have .now (become so regu lar as to lapse into routine, on a gigan tic scale. .W ' : ; jTjhe ordnance office of the war de partment "presented a very busy scene today when "bids jtfere opened for fur nishing, the department albout lySOO cast iron projectiles - f or seacoast cannon the (fartifications. with i which, to man The .advertisement 'called If or 187 10 inch solid shot, 910 12j Inch mortar, shells weighing 800 pounds each and 500 12 inch, mortar shells weighing 1,000 pounds -each. There wre ian unusually large numlber of "firms fwho bfd 'for tlhe contract -and the jprices at which they proposed to furhish the projectiles shOwedjL wide range. 'Among the bid ders were the Petersburg, (Virginia,) Iron works and the Balk & Murdock Iron Company, of jOhairlestan, 6. C. So far as figures are concerned the (Peters iburg Iron works ns'ere the flowest bid ders, although, other conditions may ex tst which will .prevent them from get ting the contract. j The cotmpany- offer ed to supply the' 10 inch shot at $12.66 each, one-half to (be: delivered in forty days and the remainder in seventy -days. The 12 inch shells of 800 and' 1;000 pounds eadhl the company fbid to (furnish at $21.28 and $23.97 respectively, offering to supply 50 of each ikind in forty days and the remainder at quick intervals. The 10 jinch shot "the Rome, ON. Y.) machine works offered "to sup ply ta?t-$14.25 each, in one week "and to toegin the delivery they agreed i to turn over the entire- amount In four weeks. j-;;' rTHE TEXAS M'3;NCdCTH. , The battleship iPexas started north ward from Key West today, thus set tling the question as to the formation of a second squadron at or near Hamp ton Roads. It fs; expected, tflaat the Massachusetts will- follow in a few days, tout the "final! orders for that ctfove ihave not "been made. : . V The navy department received a pre liminary report today from one of its agents who is in Havana watching the progress of the wrecking? It Is under stood that this refers oainly to th technical j. work of the salvage! and not to the question of cause. The -Judge advocate general's office where the re port was received -will not disclose the details of the report. . . NO IIORE SHIPS PURCHASED. The government (has made no further purchases of warships, buft its negotia tions in tihtat Ime have 'been producive at least of one toportant result, name ly, in establ'isshing that Ximlessl the bat tleship General CHiggins tecomes the property of .the TJrifted ' States it will not be sold tat all. Spain, Tt is confident ly asserted, wH not toe able j to secure this war vessel, nor are her chances any; better or; as good as those of the United 'States. Proctcariy ; the same condition prevails as to the jArgen'tine armored cruiiser San iMartino,' which wTil become the property of: this gov ernment if St passes out of the hands of Argentina.) -;: .": ; i . . :. The Spanish iminisster daU'eVi' at the. s'tate department today and j presented Messrs. Angulo, "Valero and; Cadenas, who are j the direct representatives of the autonomous cabinet at Cuba. With tlhis presentation, negotiations toward a commercial treaty will 'be! loipened. . : A thigh officer of the navy! who has intimate knowledge of its affairs said today:, "The greatest difficulty is toe ing experienced by. the government in pro during ships from abroad1,! tout it is har'd at work and is making; as much progress ; ias could: reasonably be ex pected under (the circumstances. Sipain is. rushing wVark ons their' war vessels. The Pelayo, its largest and. ; best, toa't tleshlp, is practically ready for sea and its second .biggest ship, tlhe Carlos V., wfill be ready In a (fortnight or three weeks. The officials of the tnayy depart ment are doling everything in their pow er to prepare for eoiy possible con flict." : I j; : y" - . . . :"H ..; ! lAccording to the orders to naval of ficers issued by the navy department, today, the "battleship 'Maine is still in existence. 'At least two of the orders would; seem to give thalt impression. They read" as follows: "Lleu'tenant A. W. Catlin, UJ C. 31. C., detached Mairre, and at toome; Lieutenant G. 4 F.' W.' HoTnuan; dea'tched tMaine; h'ome and ,wa5t orders.'t Tt Is presumed thait the ill-fated toattleship w-iH noft j be s'trick en (from the i naval reg'ister until ; after ft has been finally established beyond the possibility of doufb't that the j shat tered hull cannot toe raised; from" its present bed df' mud in the harbor of Havana and reconstructed into, at least a semblance! (of Its former; self; Al though there is scarcely -ground: for the hope that the vessel can ibe raised and restored to the navy, the department will not abandon its efforts In that di rection until the wreckers now at work upon it report that It is Impossible. . 'Although there is not mudh prospect df raising the Maine with its reported brokeni .backbone, there is gojod reason to believe from the reports' of the div ers that many, if not all, of; the guns j may toe recoyered eventualtLyj from the wrecK ana put in. places wihere they may be able to render good srvice. ; The j etolistnientis of Gemreral William CM. Graham, assuming command of the new military; department of : the gulf, have toeen received at the army head "Quarters ; liere.Alth Informa tion to thiait -effect has yet ibeen receiv ed, it 4s though, that General Graham has 'taken tup tons -.station) I at Aaltnta, which - is to toe the toeadquarters of the ; new department. It ;is said here that j no Immediate movement ol troops as a resuut ox icne onanige of the mmes of the military divlsioinis .recenitly put into effect is contemiplated-, ibut that the movements for the presehit will toe con- fined to tlhe transfer of artillery troops j to man the fortifications recentlly com pletoed. . -',''. ! I - ---".' RBORUrrS (FOR THE NAVY WAJNT- lEH. The . enl'iisrment toranch of .the navy department today issued a large poster' advertising for1 men for , the United States navy. The recent , putting into commission of the cruisers Columbia and Minneapolis and the, proispective demands that wall be necessary as a resule of the 'acquisition of itihe Brizil iaii shfp Aimazonas and the i American yacht I Mayflower, ' requires the enlidt- menit of aidid'Jtl'onail .men. SENATE WATTGDNG PCR BEVEUOiP- ' i" ' ; MENTIS. Tne short -session of the senate today was quite unusual for the firt work ing day of the" week. Thiat no one was prepared to go oA with any pending measure Was given as the explanationr but (priva;tely the qpinionj was stated toy some of Jthe senators thiait, ! while the Cuban question remained in such suspense there was no desire to take up important! legislation. The outlook as 'to Cuba was d iscussed amon g sen ac tors almost to the exclusion; olf other topics and the belief was quSte decided that the administra'tioni Sis! preparing to take a positive position, j Several senaltors made the prediction, that the United (States would intervene. JBeing pressed ' for a reason, they stated that they bad reached this conclusloin after more or less conference with, executive officers, but at the anne time saying quite emphatically that 'they iiad no pos'itive iniformajtion on this point. Oth er senators thought the recognition of J Cuban independence more .protoaible than inftervenffion1. 'Almost all grassed the vielw ttlhai some action surely will follow the report of the Maine court of inquiry regardless of Its purport. ; 'A' COMMTTTEE OF INVESTIGiATIQN (Representative Wheelear, of Alabama, today introduced in the house the fol lowing resolution: OElesol ved. That a joint i committee. 'consisting of seven memtoers of the appointed toy the vice senate, to be president arid senren' members of Hhe, house, to toe appointed toy the; speaker, toe created, to: consider the question off -our relations with; Spain growing out of the Cuban question. That all messages heretofore (received or which may here after fbe received from the president re ferring to this question !be referred to said committee. - , j, (Resolved, That sucht committee toe authorized to send 1 oar persons and papers, to take evidence and to? admin ister oaths to witnesses. That- said committee toe f authorized to employ a clerk, and one assistant, a stenogra pher and messenger, and that said conv mittee report j with as little delay as possible the true conditions which ' pre vail dn Cuba, what portion of the Span ish debt is a burden upon revenues col lected ; in the; island, the protection given to Aimericans and Ainerloan in-1 terests in t'.t island toy the Spanish government' Ja.nd the truth regarding the inhunaitties and atrocitie's wlhich toiave cpme lV our- knowledge, through, semi-official! kI other sources. The committee ttiBL also recommend to con gress what Action should toe (taken toy this toodyy ihe committee shall have authority to Report at any 'time. JtEJSOLUTl( N" TO ACKNOWLEDGE 1TTT1 r Represertti -ve' King of Utah Intro duced todajjBjhe following joint. resolu tion recognng the independence of Outoa. m ; . i ; : ;-o I ; L ! '.. . iResolved 'Jy ' (the senate and house; of representiives, that the reputolic of Cuba, fhavitw established arid main tained an independent government cap atole of perrming those duties, for eign and dbSsestic, which appertain to indepdenvernments, and it ap pearing thi'tc? there is no longer any reasonalbleiVrospect of the successful prosecu"tiot vfe.ttoe war toy Spain against said state,lp is :expedierit arid proper and m jcorijnity -with "the la'ws of na tions and ie practice of this govern ment 4ri lil.cases that-the -lndeperid-ent political Existence of said state toe acknOw.ledl toy the government of the'Unitedktates. M ; Tampa, 1a., (March 21. Three car loads of aiiriunition arrived j here this morning an' "rush", orders jwas sent down to PTampa by a special train and load-Sri'the MaftoleheadJ - - Key; W&Plai; IMatrch. 21.-Tudge Advoea'te a-ix, x)if the court of inquiry, came ;as!hop; at 3 bidlock this; after onon, : accoi'ieki toy an armed , or-?' derly, frpriphd Iowa who carried a bulky package of officSal i dopuments, wlhich wasilanded over to Rear Ad anlral -SkxififytM is toelieved the , Qocu meints are4 fuli findlingsi of jthe count of I , ta-.J8e!utnali!tJ. f Command er Marix -i-vyli-tiitlionfidi'- on this sub ject, refuseffeithef to deny oj:j confirm, ; tout an offtlp- from tftie Iowa said the dlocumenfefre 'the long; expected re-, pont on thelVjaine disaster. I The pap 3rs were finirh;! ately exfaminedf'! by the rea?r adriajnrind:Com!maer West. It Is ipresUmfe'itlhat If these v documents are; t! anrisly alwa'Jted; repiort they wili; be; 'ta ,.to Wastoliinigt'ori j to mor row py 'I4fentah,t Commander Mjarix. IIiondon Strch .22. fTne CMadrrd oor-respondent3- Tlie Daily Mail soys: Senor iSaga'ta,' the premier,) 1 declares that the gvfrnmen t has not received the repor t If lorn.' the Spanish n aval court on jf, iMaine; disaster I that no definite nevvf,has cpirie from - W ashing-ton.-iriefmatterand that all state men tswlthireference to j the United iSlates clalprig indemnity or .i offering ito submit iMaine question to arbi tration areure inventloni j - i. y jMadrldiIli;.Iiiuteriarit Com mandir Jog) G. Sobral,. (former naval atiiachee 'the Spanish lemtoassy at Washingtdril was ' in ; conference . with th queen "ent today. , SENKlTOR tltURSTON ON THE QUESTION. : Oinahii,").;fMarc for the linjryention' of -,the United Stitein ilfiffairs of Cuba is not here mo ,'4t w Thurston t ;a , reporter this j morning."' T i wdred Se? lator . 'Allen to . announce that 'I wOUfepeak on the Cuban' ques tion in... thsenate next Thursday." The senSstoisays that the only solu tion; of the lluble IS such intferiventlon, unless the;ople of the United .States are wiliing " look on and see ; the work of starvatioalready so far advanced, coriipleted; ithe reconcentrados are a!bsolutelyi"Mthout hopes arid If . itlhe death ;lists-a any parts of the island are decreas4)g' it 3 only Ibeoause the material f starvation to work upon Is giving op? All that the ecoricen trados' canito, With their (homes and amplements-Hestroyed toy fire, i their lit-' tie farms 4vasted and growing: in yeCds, theiitock driven, off to furnish food for Spanish, soldier's, ' and themselvesj elated and! diseased, is to Iremainfa; their pens with a look' of quiet despi and; . take the little : .food ; that they. M get, sent oy xie "unairity of th; Uild states. It is perfectly true, says iww senator, tnat tne msur gents I prajsa'lly have the wihoie is land. liAll (jtf k the Spanish hold. is Ha vana, landieNri while the congressional party Svas tre, there was (fighting in the subur that city. : - if i I - -- Senator jiorston was asked wlhat ef flect interV'-Bon would lhave in increas ing, tne vOiUChe of the insurgent move ment effect He isltd that it would have some in -t4't direction, (for then - the s ger-rally would rise f and de Cubans clare then&yes. The members of the party I saw ; classes of Spaniards In Cuba .and hKCan opportunity: to learn their tempyrth regard to the Amer icans there; Se! said thai toy the "better classes he a vhis friends were treated with respfeciparid if any toitterness was entertained ft , was kept concealed. Rut he ,hadheard that toy the ratotole of j,Ha;yahaisome insulting jremarks were madth reference to the ladies of their parf'.;: : He said it was the tea pressiO'nv sisM'nS tAmeriicans 5ri Havana that the iffrid was blown up toy an external Dsiori. rWlhlle :he disclaim ed .having it-Jbrmation from any official source ion wfich to form an opinion, he said "at5-:C!a4- no doubt j-that the sOiip wasIirn up from without. ' r "If, toe : wj;i asked," . the report of the naval tooar should be that such was the case,' btif that the agency could not toe defini tejX-ascertained, jwhat course would'you Tdvise. :, '- ; '; '' - v''I would:4he answered," 4etermine wh-at .wOuld ,e a proper indemnity and demand it.'!1 - .11; v J. ' "If the reV ,4rt of the naval tooard of inquiry shjId implicate responsible Spanish ofOals in the (blowing up of the 'Maine:0rhat course do you, think would itoe per?'' : : "11 j : ' 'y "I wouldrfeider that Iblowlng' up of the ship anict of war and declare war atonoe." W't;;;:' ;,:'.vf;:4j:t ;.; --1, "To you lilrik the" administration would cons; to submit either, jthe gen eral Cutoarispute or a question of in demnity f oVi ' the destruction ' of the CMaine to artration.' ,i I do nbtiiee how It could' replied the i s&naicm: "1 do not believe !it WOUld.ft;: 'v'V'ttr''-"--V."' views off a: cuhan officerJ (New Yot&& March 21. 'Dr. Trank. CShado, whvtor the past two years has served withe rank of. colonel In the ICutoan; arr3)F tindee Gerierall Oalixto Garcia; aric2 who -was present when Young Gtncw35 committed suicide, on seeing his Eader, General aiaceo, fall, opa is in this city. JHe came toy the steam ship Conchas, taking passage at Ha vana. CHe eluded the vigilance of the Spanish authorities and traveled under a-rts assumed name. When' Colonel Chado left New York two years 'ago he weighed 210 pounds; today he weighs 115 poundsC have heard something of the stor ies published in this country of the distress in Cuba and of the thousands that have died and are dying of star vation," hesaid today." iNothlng that has been .published nothing that could toe published, could tell the story as it really Is- I know of my own knowledge that in many sections of Cutoa they are digging up the earth for the worms thatthey may find. , lit is not every one who is atole to dig. , Most of the people are so. weak that they are unable to move. They are dying toy the thous andsnot the men who are doing or hope to do the (fighting that eventually must end in triumph, tout the poor women, the children and the Teconcen-trados.- Ruin is I everywhere visible. Spain has been (guilty of acts that must make civilization ' stand appalled, and tShe; fact is that they ; are . infinitely worse off today than at any time since the war.began. Victory is certain for the Cubans M the near future." THE TORPEDO EXPLODED FROM , THE AliPHONZO. ! Of tlhe present feeling among Span iards at Havana Colonel Chado gays that it was toecoming more hostile for tAmericans every day; , ' There is a jfeel ing among them," he said, -."that the United States is afraid' to fight, and that they can do anything they please. I am as firmly convinced as a man can toe that, the Maine horror was not due to any submarine mine. This toelief Is shared toy all Outoans -that the Maine was blown up iby" a torpedo IFurther, I v toelieve that the torpedo came from the Spanish warship . 'Alphonso XII. As to our reasons for thinking so; First, there is ttihe ttact that the night Ibefore the Maine explosion the Al phonso, which had fbeen anchored near, fwas moved to a safe -distance; away; second; the fact thait not once since, the day of the eexplots'ion 'has any sea man or marine from the "Alphonso toeen al lowed -to go ashore. The only infer ence is - that the officials are afraid the sailors might ibecome intoxicated and talk too much." ---V ''--u Colonel Chado has come to (New York for Qnedical and surgical treatment, his right arm, Side, and leg' toeing paralyz ed from privation, - exposure, and ; a wound. iHe is a native (ban and one of 'the most active of the insurgents. Hi2s wife and three grown children still remain in Havana. He , has served as surgeon general under General Oalixto Garcia (for the past three years. CLlATEST HAPPENINGS IN HA- ;-:ry':- '-K.:-; VANA.' .'- ;; V'O' Havana, (March k.-Genral Spando and Saliedo, dt is announced at the pal ace today, ."continue 'advancing, with considerable forces of all arms toward Puerto Principe. ' .1 The insurgents' on Saturday; night dynamited the iron railroad, bridge near Madruga, province of Matanzas, partly destroying the structure, arid last night itheyestroyedwlth dynamdtte a culvert tojetween Rotoles arid iMadruga. ' " ; ' The Unilted State's consul at Sagua la Grande, Walter 'B. Barker, In a letter jiist received here, says he is not suf fering from nervous prostration!, tout, is irffine health and spirits, "owing to the ifood supplies which are at last on hand and sufficient to afford relief." CMr. Barker adds: 4 As consul, or ex-consul, I will continue here, giving, all the aid in my power to these people, who have won all my sympattoies."1 . j. ; The surrender " is announced to this province of the irisurgent colonel Gufl lermo Sabato, and Major Altoerto. Du tousche, with eight unarmed 'insurgents. Divers are working to clear a pas sage to 'the 10 inch magazine aft, in Order to remove the ammunition, tout a! strong shore Ibreeze, which has toeen iblowlng daily for a fortnight, somewh'at Relays the work all around. I The cru'iser Alfonso XH 'Is ready to occupy the floating' dock and to be . cleared. . Capitain Sigsbee and XJeuteniaint Com mander Cowles entertained Consul General iDee,- Special Commissioner 'KTopsch and Mrs. Klopsoh this morn ing at toreakf ast on the (Fern. ' (Politics and (the election next month are occupying ; local aittention, to the expMsidn of most other topics, tout t he cities and towns outside of Havana are preparing f or-(functions, in, aid of t the Spanish naval fund. " - , j ' Today seventy officers and 600 soldiers who . are on the sick list returned to Spain. . . " fTomorrow morning. Bishop , Manuel Trutos, of Havana, will consecrate' the Xee orphanage, of ; whichj Dr Xiesser and his wife are to have charge. The" institution; will do an admiratole work. Consul. General iLee expects to toe pres ent at -the consecration. ; ; i I (Reports from Matanzas say that the governor has postponed coasiderat3ori of the resignation of members of the relief committee. In spite Of the fact that more than ; $14,000 has (been set aside for the relief of the reconcentra dos there, it Is said that many of the sick have, neither medicines nor. milk. There is a sharp .rivalry among mem jbers of the relief committee, ' 1 El Corre says that at the end of 18JM there were on file In the Spanisn navy department 45,000 petitions of men who desired to enlist and that in case war toroke out now the number ready for enlistment would be found to exceed 200,000. - WASHINGTON CTTY DEFENSES. vl Washington, March.' 21- The prep orations ff or the defense of the national capital (have toeen practicairy complet ed, so far as its approach, by water is concerned The ibattery at Sheridan's Point, on? the IFofiomacJ just atoove Mount Vernon, Is now completety man ned; and wfll prove a powerful auxili ary to the main 'battery at Fort Wasn-; ington, on the ; opposite shore of 'the rtver nearer Hhis cSty. A' garrfean, was establfehed at Fort Washington sev eral months ago. : Tt consists of a de tiachmentt'Of the Fourth artillery from Washington toarracks, under ctommaiid of Captain (Howe. fThe work of build ing the emplacements and mounting tlhe guns at Sheridan's "Point was com pleted only a short . time ago and its establishment a!s a post was accom plished only withto the paSt few; days, when toattery "K, of .the. Fourth artil lery, arrived there from Fort Monroe and went into" camp. There are sixty- five tmen in the detachment under mand of George G. Greenough, of ttvs . Fourth artillery. . ' t ' IMIXJ'RT'A'NT COINERENCEL !An important conference was held 5xi the office of the secretafy of war today in regard to the fortificlLtlonj of Torta , gas harbor. There were present Sao retary Alger, Assistant Secretasy Roosevelt, of the navy dpartmeirt: . General MUes, 'General Wilson, cnief sT ' engineers, ; and CoJonel Henry M. Ho2 ert, corps of engineers, j A trouiblesanafe- S question has arisen, in connection wiSx 'the proposed system of jfortificatiVm Torrugas. f The engineer officers w9ms have been! investigatmgi the j matter es timate that St will cost jatoout $l,0OfitCSD -and take nearly two years j to put "Che Island in a proper state of defense fronts sea arttack, and Secretary Alger so3 t hls associates hesitate t4 emtoark ona. undertaking of that extent,! uriteaa f Tip navy 'departmeht considers the ivwkSc:. ' albsolutelyi necessary, ipefinfte actaara was postponed in order! to give SeJare tary Long an opportunity' j to investi gate the matter, further and report as-- to the advisability of the proposed en-1 f gineering works at this! outpost of the Unied Stiates. j NEW CRUISERS RENAMED. " ' Secretary Dong has issued an, order" today that the Amazonas, the cruiser': recently purchased at New Castle-on ; Tyne, from the Brazilian government (hereafter shall bear the; name, of Ne?r Orleans, in honor of the- principal cJtsr of Louisiana. The cruiser Abro-oacIS has been renamed the Afbahy, in horrjrr of 'the capital Of the Empire State. NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILH- The ttiouse 'comma t tee! on' naval af .' fairs complted the naval apprbprlatin . hill this afternoon and It will be I re ported to the .house tomorrow. Wlre the footings df. the various items weres not; completed when the cdmrnlttee Journed, the bill is roughly calculate a's carrying ibe'tween $36,000,000. aoji' . $37,000,000,: of 'which $3,000,000 wiU toe- expended on Jthis, year's! wfork on three new, bat tleshipsv six torpedo boats aogr -ix torpedo (boat destroyers. The K2J may toe (brought up in thei house WS-I nesday. v ! ' ; '. j . SPRAIN EXHAiUSTEO: -. Brussels, x 'March 21.T-A fltepatch J lie Soir from 'Madrid describes anp fo -terview with Senor Pi y iMargalf, t" one time president of the Spanish fe3 eral pUblio , and 'chief of the ministiy ' in which he'iis repreBented as,declar3crK:" that Cuba Is practically; lost to Spainu .MSpain is exhausted," he is reportedT as saying. 1She must, withdraw Isr troops and recognize Cuban IndepeixS erice toefore It fs too la'telv By an im- , mediate recognitio- she jwoulid . obtsun i (payment of a por'tifli of jithd war deBt and commercial advantages.' - ' STRICT CENSORSHIP ATT MADHTO, iNew York, March 22. (A d'ispatctoi taiv The World from Madrid says: ' Instructions "have -toeen ; given sfneae Friday night to the; press 'censor to afcoff' ' all foreign and domestic press tele- -grams and even telephone messages j contairig news unpalatable to the gov- ernnient. Unauthorized;1 details of ' naval and military preparations, of ttnovements of ; war vessels, particuSatrtbr ' of the flying squadron;, of the purobasss--of vessels Of war and s.tores abroad am'; especially interdicted jj Hitherto bo step had toeen 'taken to 'prevent ttaet Madrid press from putoUshlng' atounfl ant information. The same press ceop sor will atoolish telegrams sent: froaa , iMadrid to newspaper in 'America, Eug- land and 'France when they contBSii news which is deemed likely to creafce alarm. Therelfore, they are now at S&e mercy of rumors toy word of mouth ct. the post, wh.ich 'is mudh worse. - i The LIberad says that on SafuroTay. several hundred telegraph and tefe- -phone messages were stopped toy Hie -? ' press censor in (Madrid. s , . I . (The governmet's action has causecf a -profound' sensation, not only, in.'Mswl rid but throughout the provinces. ; . 'Even the ministerial newspaper, TJie aJiberal, sides with the; majority of tSxgt -press in censuring vigorously a meats- - ure which It says ds calculated to to- -crease Uhe national anxiety, IbecarasB--most people surmise ithat the relatlaiiaat between Spain and the United Stafcesr have got into a very critical stage 5far deed when a fiber?! catoinet decides- 4o toe imOre (rigorous -with the press than, was Canovas, and worse than : the x--actionary catoinets of . 1884 and 1SS5L EMERGENCT CONTiaACTS 'POS. : 1 1 , ' ; 'NAVY RIAJTIONS. 1 ;iNew York, March 2l. It was aa-- -nounced on the produce exchange , klay ;that tlhe-navy department (had eag tered into emergency contracts for X&fU haif barrels of port and 1,000 half bur rels of saflt beef. These (contracts wtere In! addition to the contracts for reguffsar supplies for -the department, and tSa 1 terms were, I that the pork and toesfcf' should be delivered at once. i " 1 , 'For two years a large part of the fx2L suppiles for tooth the Spanish and "Co- -"ban forces has. been contracted for rat New ' York. The chief supplies j are eJcGt pork, toacon, lard, codfish, flour ' ' ibeans. William B. Craigkn, 1 of NArrixrHT" & Co., said that, the la,test coritract S-' , knew of I was one made last week" fc supply the Spanish pounds of toacon. wfth, 1,500JG83D- Kingston, Ja., iMarch 2l.-rhe umc!ki Staltes cruiser Cincinnati arrived tfas morning at Port Antonio, from Bai&- . does, and the ' United States guribosrSCR Wilmlngtori and Casfine reached same port shortiy afterward from asc. Lucias.' The nhree warships are coal- -5ng. - ; i ': ; v ' p ,. ;;:;:- .! :; ; '-t ;-' We arte anxious to do a litGe good In -this world and can think of no plsw anter of jtoetter way to do t than jtrjr recommending One 3Ihnrte Cougto Ctecb -as i a- preventive of pneumonSa -- -ojkj .. sunrptfon' and othef serious YxnrsL"' Iroutoles that follow i neglected : cola R. R. Bellamy. , -. ' i r i ) ; v J i ,, . i - - j-'.:. ' J . i Jobs Eari to ba Aeain Betpltetf , j 1 CSpecIal ; to The Messenger.) Raleigh, N. C., March 2L The - coxEsmeT of. state was called today in its advfsterjr capacity in the John Evans case to freax all the evidence and all the afffdarSas read. The papers in the case are1' ceedlngly voluminous. fThe reading not completed 'and there will be anoUasa-r meeting. jA member of the council ssgas the governor 4 will respite Evans from March 26th to April 1st This Is the ffttli thne date for his execution has toeen set- i i ' ' . . -; .. . .1 ,i ; v - :i - "- - i : -. ." v--v ? ' ' ' i !-. J 7J. ";lif V

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