WILMINGTbN, NC., THlJRSDAYl! VVOL. XL No, 7t. -. -i . . - - NGTON, N. C, THURSDAY!; I4AIICH 24, 1898. PRICE 5 CENTS. in TELEGRAPH SOMMARX V THE STATp. - t oas. ,Mcnefran ana r, J. Latham, of fTar- Muiu. ivuMri i-i esi4eni u.ua cannier pi a vlKink at Abbeville. Ga., are .arrested! at : wir pomes, charged with embezillng 512,000 of the bank's funds. Four nen, charged with robbing cars on the lantie Coast Line, are put in. Jail at Tar- , boro. -All the rail-ways, save the Sokit'h ; t ern, except to the commission's ordei irer . -ducirrg freight rates on fire wood. -tT-he .. university base ball team defeats 'trin- ity- i-The car 'superintendents of 1 the railroads of this state -meet at Raleigh today. Not even the state directoijs of , rihe Atlantltt and iNorth Carolina irail- road ever held a. meetiner and ioted - .against a lease of .'the road, Congte&s- , man Pearson wants to know of leaning . !.; popuiists u tney ravor rusion with democrats. , DOMESTIC. ; . the ?i The Bub-eommittete of the house eonv mittee on hanking -sand currency redorts to the full committee ,lts financial bill. Near Moultrie," (Ja., a negro is lyhch- ed 'Tor a daring attempt at criminal as . ..paiTlt on. the. wife pt Professor Infjalls. : i JAn amendment (to the sundry civil apr ' proprianon bill carries "2W,000 . to fuiinish ! supplies for the Cubans.-The president I yet; undecided What course of iiiter V, vention in Cuban affairs be will tajte. i - L . ' i CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLEMENT President and Casbl.r of Bank of A :'i ville Arrested Car Robber. ArVeste i . '. Special to The Messenger.) Tarnxro, N. C, IMarCh 23. The 's' Iff of Aib'bev'ille, Ga., arrived- here- t ; (With, a ben oil tv arrant for Pne: arrest cot. Ja,3. . 'Meheg-aii and T. J. IathSam, the former cashier and ' president! of the Bank of 'Abbeville. The (warran t .i i. . -I .charges these young- men with default - jin-ff' with $12,000 iptf tlh'e nrioney .of the bank ; U'iosi;toir3 ! at A11evirie. r. 'his , "warrant was iseirved on Messrs. M the ft - . i i l ' -'' . . .an and Xjahamj. today. Mr. Mehefcam fwas in town and llr. Latham cvvas. in itlie coumtry. 'Neither one' of live par lies made any attempt Ho escape, Ijbuit gave i themselves! up to the sheriff of this counity. They lelft (this v a'f ternpon Tor Italeigh. "where the icase . will "be ;;heiCrd . tomorrow before. Judge Clairk, . not iUw supreme court. Mr. rehegan" .Mold your tcorresfondeTiit tha't he aniici Fptatedi mo trouble .'W'haJt soever and ha.t 'he expected to He iback here by Sa.iur I day. :The reiuis.i't ipn papers aske4 tor i.wMl le 'postponed 'tJll 'the 28th of ! ohis nonth. ' . . - ' .'!"'" i Four car rolbeT3 rwere brought '1 ere "ffor commitmenitlip this- jail" .tMs.Wi?ek. !The -Atlan't'ic Coast Line has (qeeii .dKthered of late; very much -with these :tfh.ievcs, and this week 'the authorities :'"Jrolce inito a nesi of them ait Whftal ;eirs Q,ne of 'this ""band, iwho at the tfriKr of last Ik-i ail ait Wlnitakers' iwias summoped a.A ajftitness aga,msit Lne lour, inaue his cae "while the trial was goto on. ijle eased himself through the caviwd. and gave clean pair of heels- to the tfTicers. He has not (been-captured since. i Whooping cough is the most distress ing1, malady; btit its duration can be ,cut- short rf the use of On Mjn,Hite lOough Cure, which -is also the (best stniawn remedy for croup and all lung .and bronchial troarbles. ItR. Dellaniy's frongressman Pearson Write, to Populist. ' : ' (Special to The- Messenger.) f Raleigh, 'N. C-t March 23. CongrjBS. ' nun I Pearson has written to 3 eaqing jxjpuldsts who were at Mast week's cpn: f eavnce, saying !he-has Ibeen informed ihat iat. the meeting the' following -oluiti'on nvas adopted: . '. fes- "That the sipirit of the reeommenjila- loiry address ny! the n'ational populist ' . hau'mian and salver .wpiibliican party, I snVolctog union ;of all forces tfayBlng retform iof financial syBem as cordially endorsed, . stoce j such r&tona (was t an inspiration of the populist -Tarty, and ' is now its greatest purpose." " Pearson then Isavs 'that In vievi of S r1iu'bJ'ican-popuiist c'o-opera'tlan in 94 't. and 96, he wants to know -wHether :;hj 1 1 . year 'the- populists favor co-opera ion Hior fusion with the democratic partj. i l ' . , i- ' . i What measure is tnere in uue whjji a. f headache, constipation ' and , biladus 1 riess? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly beaitny hy Viink DeWitfs Little .1 arly. Risers, the famous little pills. R. R. Bellamy. Meeting of Car Superintendents " j (Special to; The Messenger.) RaleifTh.'N. ci March 23.-,.,If. eupeVint'end ent and acting president of ;i the Atlantic and North Carolina fail li Jway ; " and and J. W. Frey, of the cape.fl'ear Yadkin Valjey, are here tc at end a ; meetingr tomorrofw of tthe car isU'per- H intendents to arrange (for prompted re- turn of cars.. . j:, Jt is pos'itivel-' leairned tonighf:,: . ' nAi even the' state directors of , the .hat Ait- lantie-and .Noril .Caroiina railtwav vr Jiad a meeting and voted against i Jeasing. that roajd. : ' i the 1 don't knowj there may be others, 1 h' eaid. "but I have used 'Parker's tToliiCourh. evruD in my. family; for v years and would not be withoutii't. ' He knew het ter ' than to- buy the!, Irt- " ferior 'prj¶taort that .. was hetog f ureed uoon himj" Parker's Tolu Oqugh ? 6yiup" has nd equal. , It will iromledi ately relieve aiiy Cough " or . CoTd, ' Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Hoarse ';ness. Croup. I?rohchitis and Mndredjail inents. Contains; no injurious IngredK i lents, i3 pleasant, to take and a safe cAv for children. For sale by X C. I ShoiaM. J. H. HaavVn. and H. Xu Wen tress. . -: K ; . ' ' v Rase Rail Macon, Ga.. March 23. The Baltimbre- nns--s.fi-ain defeated tne .jvierrer, ,univr&i- '. !-T fm-th'fxiacon bail grounds this after- I V 4noon. ' McGraW. I who has been coaching I -U the Mercer boys, put some new giyger fin-them today and they showed marked i-' ' Hmiirovement.- The game was called at i Vi-.h nii Af th irferhth inning on 'account a.' rver- oldav .1''!? of. darkness. Another" game will be piay- d Friday by the same teams. The stlore: : ' ' - r . R. II. K. i r 'T(.iiW,rt 5 0 0 4 3 0 0 G--lS 26 0 -.1' -'i ivr "" OflOOl 10 03 10 .1 H;at'rti'?st: Hinrhes and Kitsoh, Clajrke ! :Mercr-Nons and Kitson;- Bowerman, . catcher. ' : mm AbaoJutcly Puro ROYALfcAKINO POWUbw NEW YOBlt . B Royal makes the food pure, S 1 iwholesome and delicious. m WAR PREPARATIONS CONTINUED BY WAR AND NAVY I'i : DEPARTMENTS ' i be Old Monitor, and Revenue Catter. to be Brought Into Service Contrae' a for r Ammunition Beport of the Conrt to Reach jWa.hlngten Tonight Outline of tbe Cour.e to be Part ued by ttie Admin? iatratl 'it , I .. ! . ' . - ! I ' I- - " " I : Malm!,- Fla., March 23. Lieutenant C?ommaihder Marix of t,he Maine court of inqudry-i with the following papty, arrived! herer. this morning from. Iey West. Lieutenant John Hood, Ldeuten ant C W Junger,; Passed) ' Assistant Engineer F. "VV". Uoiwer, Oadet' Anion F. Boyjcj, 'Assi'tant pngineer J. R. Mor ria an4 jCarpenter tr. M. Helm. A few minuted later they left by the Eas.t Coast ftiilway for Washington., . J (Lieutenant Commander Marix was very reticent, fbut jiwhen your corre fpondeirit said-: "It loos like war," j"he repiiedCj 'Tt surely does," Orhcrsj of 'the uartv lit ajiswep a tthie- sam pi-. tion were m'o.re' emxrhatic in their re plies, one saying: it can tev avoided.' "I cannot see how Another,' 'm answer to .the) isame . question,- said: "There -vvU 'beJ no war." His face was as geriial and ibrijght as sunshine, but son-ideply a chanire came over ihis counitenaice, his eyes' flashed and, when asked -when their report would (be made, the reply .-was: '"As soon asiwe reach Washing' ,ton ; there will be no delay," ; The fstron'g dmpressiion left here ! tts that "thei 'board's report wiTl he against the accident theor. , THTE "ORTS'IS NDA'R AT ItfAiND. " Washington, Ma.ijcjh 23. The feeling was mniTOTsal throughout -official Cir cles today that thej culmination of che Spanish crisis was near at' hand. With the 'report of the Maine court Of iln :qiiiry only a little wh'iile off.j wtth the Whftel house the center of Tonlg and earnest iconifeTenoe ''between the presi dent anki the party leaders of congrfas, and with the exceptional aefbivity it'o ward I emergency preparations in jthe War and navy departments, there was a'bundance of evidence that definite jre sults riegardin'g the -Maine disaster &nd the -'Cuban quest'iort in g'enerai wjere about ;to be reached. i; Among the president's callers wjere Senators Cockrell, Turpi e and Foraker, General i Dan. Sickles, former Unfted States rmlnister to Madrid, and Repre sentative Wi'iriam ) 'Ailden' 'Sfmith, j of Michigan, who has recently returhed from, ajtrip to Cuba, The call of Sen ators Cockrell and Turpie was regaTded as particularly eilgnWicant, as they jare represfentativ democrats in the sen ate and their visit followed that of Sen ator Gorman yesterday. It was gen-1 erally j understood that in . the presen t emengency the ipresident desires patri otic unity Without reference to paj-ty. !Secre'tariesi 'Uohg and, , ATger also c!on feTred! with the president during iitlhe day. ' (Secretary jJong said later ' that the IManne report would probably reach Washington tomorrow tiight. If howr ever, jt jdid not come iperore ' ociiocis Thursday evmrag, itMr.- Liong said tie wottlcViprobahl y hotireceive ft until Fri day 'morning; , when it womd be aad- ibafof the president immediately. The eecretary did not think the president Kvould; give tine document ariy consider- Jati'on jatj a late hour tomorrow night. It ;Was.mKre probable, ne 'tnoug'nt.r it jLieutenant IMartx , arrived! at a late hour that he would take the report to a 'hotel tor the high:t. ' v- . ' k n l v. 4u t.-'.- y?oM -xt of sendin'g tlhe report to congress early next week, probafbly CMonday, accorf)-, panied by a messaige . from the presi dent.: Tt is defintely settled, however. ChatI ithe message and tne papers ac companying it wili relate exclusively- to the Maine disaster. It will not t,ake op. the fearful condition . of affairs ; in Ciib. as s-hown 'by the reports of Unit ed States consuls, these 'toeing reser'ed for siuibsieq'Uent actito and a. later mes sage I to j congress. " ISeeretary Long t11.11 it'oday to order the. doublerturreted' monitors Puritan and1 Terror, to Key West; Where they will reinforce the squad ron in those waters He also determin ed to brinig in to service the'eiglht sinigle turrflted monitors at League isiana navy yard, Philadelphia, two of which willj he sent to Postpin, two 'to New York and four held in reserve at Phitr adeliphiia. The Purtitan and Terror take the. Place of the !Battleships Massaxihu set't$ and Texas-. Recently mrfthdraiwin from the squad roiii at Key West. It i.rntt.' ft-;tpifi a fh;A,' navv department timt hlfe move was! in -abcorcraince T$rltte d woofamme previously, greed upon, affhough this ' programme has not (been announced heretofore, The Puritan by many experts s regarded aa the rnost formidable flgltin4, smachine in jthe navy. I " ( 1 TO j ADD. RESNjUE- CUTTERS jTO ;' j ' THE; IUEiBT.- In, addition to its other preparations for possible tromMfe. the navy depart memt today took stjeps toward upili jing ten r of i"the seagoing revenue ouiters far use ialong the 4tlamt!c coast... Cap tiaS:n Whioomaker; chief of the revenue cutter service, conferred. wL'Jh Assistant Secreitafy"Rosevelt during the day on the plans tfof turning over IJiese eu.t-; ters to I the oavy. f They will be first senit to I 'Norfolk' Where additional gums will' 'be mounted, and then will proceed to Key West5 and ibecome a part- of the! gquadronl there,. Their main err vice, hwevef , will he s naval pickets, a ch-aiii of fhese fleet cvutt prs being mainitjafned ouitaidei of the oruisers and battleship's. -The teventie cutter fer--v ic4 ioiw. has ready for instant and aotdve service J24 line offtcers, 74 en gineers,! 900 enlisted men and 19 ves sels, "of (which fourteen are on the At lantic coasit. Two others are to course oif construction, at Cleveland and with "rush'! w-ork can , be completed and' ready , for' sea in fj-om thirty to fdrty five; days. The' Manning, the G res ham, the Aflgonquiri, the Onondaga .nd the Windom are all new, fasjt and effl cJertt vessels. The BVIanning Is consid ered an eighteeoii "knot -iboat. All of them, it Is said, could toe quickly con Verted into torpedoj iboata or dynamite cruisers Whe'ther-fthis last imovo will be made-is not definitely decided,. Seie retary Long said today it had (become evident! that torpedo "boats, could ;not be.V6ught abroad andcould jwt be bviiit soon' eatou's-h to th'is couMry,! so thit we might have to equip other craft with torpedoes. I The n'avy. department openied'bids. to day for extensive1 fimpiwemesnts j at pry Tont!gas and Key West, a formal .transfer having ftoen effected, as jrer Hihi nj&eis Croon, toe treasury to the -war depantimeht.. These consist -tf two .solid s-teel piers toj be. consitructed iat Try Tortiugas, w'itto jtwo extensive eoal shedlsi.and an elaborate mechanical equ'ipaifnt; for loading naval vessels with boal. 'At Key West the Improvements eonit of ' a steel pier and two oalsheds;, with similar 'tna chimery for loading jwarships with coal. The ibfcU ranged rm ! for ;the ',w wk down I to albout . 1400000. AirMc the bidders 'for the Pry Tortu . ,, j s. gtas piers, 'uu u.i pii-io Leonard rv.Tviinanv .TfljfkcorrTVliIl $274.- . , j ' j the Key West work the. S. S. Compainy Ibid was $188,000. 700., On Leonard; w. hKiria wfipe made for the enure work at! Tortugas and Key West, as follows'.! R. G, Rackard U.151,000, iamd Graittam & Jennings, (New .York, $797, 000. Other bids'were made Ifor the ma chinery,! tracks, coal oars etc., ranging from $150,000 down, j The award will be made within "the keXt day- or . Jfewo. ITAVAIi OFFICERS AT HAJVIASNA- TO I:- j DB RSEXSAIjLED. : TJie navy depantknent 5ias lairanged. for the practical twithdrawal toff all its naval tofneers at Havana and ithe aban-. donment of the wredk of the 411-tfated S3aJttleshdp,vMalne. Captato CD. Sigs ee, Lfeutenjaait Commander (Richard Wainwrighit, Surgeon 17. O. Heneberg er, Paymaster Ray, Chaplain! John P. Chadwlok, ! Chief Engineer Charles P. Howell, ind Naval Cadets J. A. Holden and W. T. Cluveriu's, who have ibeen at Hayaoa with ithe wretik, will rettirn very soon.: - ' Although It! is not finally settled, ft Is more than! probabile-that the (Fern also will retdrn to -the Und'ted States as soon as ft lis determined that noth ing more is to foe gained Iby her pres ence there. In the event of the aban donment, of the wreck ft is imore than llMy 'that 1 h0- navy department will' arrange for i bs complete des'truction (by the use of dynamite or torpedoes. In its present condition 4t Ss a dangerous, obstruction, toi navlgataon and it is not 1eMeved that W opposition will ibe of fered to Its removal. " , ' i. -j TO ITSE THE NATIOtNTAL. GUARD. Representatiive Marsh, chairman: of the house committee on the militia, called oipon Secretary Alger today and urged (that inj event of hosltilitaes, the recourse of th4 governiment for soldiers be the state militia, who should be in vited to volunteer tfor ithe coiintry'a de fense. SecTetaryAier was .very much dnJterested.. to jthe argument made ty Mr. March and while not committing himself on that subject, seemed to re gard the; suggestion made by him as practlioable: 'Afterwards ; Mr. Marsh called on President McKinley and re peated the statement .he had made to the secretary, j ; ' : ; - During the morn4ng. eioretary 'Alger was also in conference" with. General Miles, comandang the army, respecting J the military occupation, of Fort Jeffer son, on Dry Tortugas island The de terminaitdon tH (garrison this fort has 'been reached toy rthe secretary and the question mow I to he m et are those of what - impiwements dn the .fortitica Jions now tihere may tbe necessary.- Havana, March' 23.r-JRishop Manuel SanJtamder y Trutos, the itajshop of Ha vana, has consecrated tlhe central re lief station and. also the Lee orphanage. He paid high .triSbiutes to Louis Klopsch, the special comimdssiioiner, for his sys tem of relief work., and seemed greatly pleased wlthj all Jthe arrangements made to help the poor, as well as the orphans. ; ; j . .: La Lucha in .an .editorial un'der' the captain of "expectatiion "In. the world" -maintains the) American court of in quiry, owing tio the short time it was here, could not give a sciein'tlflc report on the Maine ; .disaster. . "American naval officers,'' says La Xiucha," are not likely to decide against Ibrother of ficers. The divers could not give ex pert tesitlmony, owing to the ifact that the machineryf was imfbedded four feet in the mud. 'tt ds greatly to be regret ted that moreTt'ime aind-xsare were not given Ito.the preparation of, a report for which the whole world waits and. which is likely .to change the entire feelings of a part of Che :Ameriahi people to ward' Spain and Cuba;" iLa Lucha p'ufblishes also Jan. interview with Gen eral Lee, wWldh quotes ihjim. 'as saytog that he knows jnothdng of t)he nature of the report,! "but is satisfied that Oen-. eral lanco never conceived the disas ter until he heard the shock in 'the har bor. ; j ': ;: DIVERS JJE2ATE ITAVAjNA. Gunner Morgan.' left tor .the fleet af Key West to'day. ; With him went the naval diyers Fisher, Rundquest and and Schluter. e.nd Hanz, the helper. This leaves two navy divers and five civilians on the contract work. , The hody of ja white man. w'as found in the f orwar'4 parft of the ' wreck', to day. It iWiill pptolbobly foe identiified by marks on the clothing When the latter has 'been disinfected - The (body was sent to Key West on the Olivette. ' : BP3ARIINO THE IMPORTANT DOCU- MNT TO W'ASIIINGTOC. , 'Jacksoinvillei fFla,, March 2?. Judge Advocate Marix left Miami at 7:30 o'clodk this morning on the East Coasti railway, reached' Jacksonville at 7:45 o'clock p. m. bn time, and left at 8 o'clock via thie Florida, - Central and; Peninsular and Southern and Will paasi through Savannah, Oolum'bia, (Jnar lotte, ' Creenslboro, ' Danville, Lynch-j burg "and i (Charlottesville, reaching Washington at 9:25 o'clock p. m. eatr ern time, Thursday night, ahe raii-i road wire hay ; carried the message down the Une tto use all dispatch, Th'ia practically makes a special of the Marix train and without unforeseen, accident; Washington will be reached on the dot and the tyortentous document in the White house "by . 9:30 o'clock. The run !f rom Jacksonville is 772 miles, the sche-j du'le time- :"bi?g-.'-,jltt'ier over twenty-j four hours. 11 J ' " J ' ! ' '!Ldetitenant Commander Marix passed, through thi's c4ty this eVeming, having in custody the report of the court ?t Inquiry in ;th'4 Maine case, on which will depend so; much of 'the happenings of the next, few weeks xf the yorld's 'history. ' ' " ' ' - ' j: : " ; " 'I During the short ; frmte of the stay in this city, an socialted ',f ress reporter seoured the - attention jof (Lieutenant Marix 'and showed him a dispatch from Miami that appeared to the aftoernoon papers in which he, was quoted as sayj talg: "Tt looks 'like war; it certainly Idoes." before fthe words had 'been read to hilm, he ejeolaimed; "It : is utterly false'. I have iaid iothinig of (th.?lnd. I don't talk Sibou't 'this matter.'' ' All efforts to get him- to make any express sion of opinion ware equally fufile so. ifar as the present crisis or his relations to it are concerned: Other menabers of the party were eqyaHy noncommittal. During the transfer from one traiih to the ot'her, Lieutenant 5 Marix' .was closely guarded 'by ithe memibers oif his party. He walked ibetwee'n .two of his Mends, idarrylhg a mysterious "box or paWkage, covered with black cloth. Be hind him the officers of his party .walk ed, closely and, the effort was apparent to aWow' no poss'i'&l'e chance for any outsider to come he'tween them. . Tliey Walked rapidly and' did' not stop to speak to any one till they were safely In the car which wa to :take them to the capital. 'When, they had once found their quarters,) they became-more com municative "and! - Chatted - pleasantly concerning current topics: One officer of 'the police remarked to one memlber of the party that Florida was ready to send SO.'OOO mea to Cuha when they s-hould ibe wanted,' ''All right; may- "be they will he wanted down there before long," -vvaa the reply. tBeyond this ex pression not a word Was uttered, that could "be construed as an exjpression of opinion that war. was. possible -or ttmnvinent i ' Lieutenant Marine was: asked If the two officers oif the Maine who passed through. Jacksonville Sunday night car ried a part Cf-lhe Maine report; . to which he repliedi very . eJgoSifican tly, t'hiat he could not say, (but admitted 'that two officers .wefe .sent from Key West; to WashJington-. ' . i ' Colonel F,' ft, Osborne, a'gent of the ISoiithern lExpress Comipanyin this cdty, received a telegram in the aif ternoon requesting him. to1 meet : Dieutenant Marix at thie -.train, ' ft was learned that Colonel Osborne had he en request' ed to furnish ian iron safe' in wihich to place the valuable documents on the train. . - ": , ! ' ' ' ; . ' .' . Savannah, Ga., March 24,-Dieu tenant MJatrlx and party passed through Sa vannah at 1 o'clock this morntog. on, tinve, with the court of Inquiry report. They had retired. : ' .vj';." . ' gPAIN Vriyiu DECLAltB WA3V Boston, March. 23. Hon. T. Jefferson CoolMge, ex-mlndsiter 5 France, to an interview today on the Spanish-Oufba sltjuiatiwn eald : ! 1 tbelieve we are going to have war and that? Spain will de clare it when we Interfere with Cuba, I do not think that Ithe Spanish dynasty could .keep, its pftaoe If 4t did- not de clare war when, the United, States un dertakes to f ree Cuhafc" : COiNTRlACT "FOR SHELLS . " AWARD ED. WasWngton, Mardhi 23, nx ibureau of Ordnantpel today awarded cointinaots for supp ot albtm't 1,600 cast Iron pro jectiles ifor sea coast fortifications. As rapidly as compleJted Ithey will be ehapped to 'thef various" placea at .which they are needed. Two "Virginia com panies were given, the conitraots, the Petersburg Iron works and the Trede gar Company f Richmond the awards being distributed as .follows:' For 187 10 inch solid! shot and 745-12 inch, mor tar shells, the latter of 800 pounds, each to the Petersburg Company, and 165 of the 12 Inch mortar shells of 800 pounds each and 600 12 4ncht mortar sheila oif 1,000 pounds each to the. Tre degar company. , j -Madrid, March! 23. Senor Sagasta, the premiier, is quoted in an interview as saying: "The government entirely approves of Captain General Blanco's, conduct in denying that the Maine's magazines were (blown tap with) dyna' mite, as the Americans have alleged.' SPATX WA2STS. FRUINCJE TO fflllEDT ,:';' .J--' '. j TATE, j' j : V Ixmdon, .March 24. The Vienna cor respondent 'f The Standard says j ."I am credibly :talf armed that (Spain has inf ormSally inquired, .at Paris whether 'France, as her- largest creditor; and traditional .friend,- would, : either atone or incon Junction with! other powers, mediate at Washington and also wheth-jer-tt Is possible o plteice a Spanfa loan to 'France. " . -.. ' j' !-' ' THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. . . . tETavana, 'March 23.4Aocord inig to the official summary of news from the east ern part oif he, island, General ; Pando 'advanced toward San Juan, province of Puerto Princfpe, on the 1 20th Instant and was constantly and energetically engaged witti the Insurgents. He cap tpred the Insurgent camps Chomenda and , Guanoles. The '.insurgents lost eight Mlled, four ,takeni prinosenrs, a large quantity of stores and ahimiuni tion and also" their military hospita. The Spanish troops foun'd jwell stocked farms ;,in h'e distriot, with" plenty of horse's : and jca'ttle.: . ; f 'General Berrial continues operating .toward P.aracon de Sierra,; and jColonel Tjed'a is marChing toward i General ' Ca lixto. Garcia, whose wh'ere!albou.ts are not defined in the official" dispatches. It is believed that'the campaign should Ibe principally on the wiestern -side of the trocha. where the Spanish forces are to'' be reintfomed;v!because General Maximo Gomez has Ibeen calling earnest ly for more j ammunition 1 and troops from the eaistem provinces. According to the statements of captured and sur rendered! insurgents, a considerable force of imsurgen'ts has already passed the trocha jand It fs reported that 'a scoutlriig1 party cf thirty Insfurgents, carrying orders, is moving eastward'. General Pando, after due coinsidera-: tion, expresses himself hopeful of be- J' Ing. aTle largely to pacify the: eastern provinces ih about four months. He expects toi enlist many negroes ' 'as 'guerillas to overrun 'the j province of. Puerto Priricdpe and he' reports (that the health! of the Spanish droops s excel-: lent. ' All the foregoing in! ormSaitlon as. to Spanish military movements comes f rom, Spanish sources. . i j - i tCapfa'in iSJgs'bee and the officers of the Maine are still: here,: ibut ate! earn estly looking for orders to go north on the Fern o a mail stetamer, '(''i'i: " CB1 Correol and other daily papers ad vise the government to expel from the island j"all sensational foreign: corre spondents.'" - i: : ' (A Whitehead torpedo was recovered from the wreck tidlay. Some of the div ers complain of not feeling well. At present yellow fever is almost unknown on the Island and the season Ss reparol ed as remarkably healthful. 11 . lYesterday the steamer Colon arrived at Caimanero, nrovinee of Santiago de Cuba,- jwith 1,400 troops fromj Spain.' Uighty sick soldiers were sent ibaok to Spain .:oday. , ."! i:l ' ' j".' '' : . fPOLII TICA'L. EXCITEIMENT IN" 4 ' j ' ' "CU53A. -; '.- . ; Havana, March 23. Cuha is .now in the throes p!f election excitement. Ev ery effort db heing "made to induce the conservatives, to vote, .but with little success1 thus far. The autonomists are divided into hitter factions, one wing declining to take part in the elections ai ail or uuiiuuaui ueifKaiws. iiie na vana conservatives., say ' that even If ballot as the they consented to vote, i their 'would not Ibe counted fairiy. boxes are i'n " the ihands of autonomlist officials and the stuffed i poll lists will be further jpadded, ! ! I i - ' It is impossible, to predict The out come at present . since :, Sn'ternatlonal questions are jovershadowing; (but it isJ hard to se how the present autono mist government has the least; chance, especially since the 'last move: in the game, -General Pando's mission to the insurgents has proved a failure 'Among ihe most prominent conservative nom inations, of delegatesj to the Bpanish Cortes are Senor Francesco uzirian, former '.president of the cortes,. and Colonel Meh'dz, the present censor In 'Havana. . I1 ''-' ! La' Union) Constitution'al puiblish'es a strong j editorial .today against Messrs: Morgan, Cajl and King because of the stand they have taken ip. congress with reference t the Maine -disaster. It says the United States .will forgive the loss of life, and money if -the Spaniards will hand oyer Ou'ba, although "through American (filibustering and sympathy, thousands c(f Spanish soldiers hiaye lost their lives in. (Cuba and the Island has been made) a desert." i '-;. . ;; The A.dviSador Commercial in an edi 'total on the isame lines, reproaches the American newspaper correspondents for the "bad feeling they display" and says it does not know which to admire the most j"the men who write the lies' or the Tools Who believe them. - On Monday twenty bodies were dis covered near a creek in the outskirts of Guan'abacoa, a suburb of (Havana. They were in a fearful state of decojm position. On the head of one "a . deep miaChetA wound could' 'be seen. The government inyestigafiTlS' 't'h csii Tt .ia Hp)ivvv1 t,hV" bodies arfe those ' 6 men taken out of GuanaSbacoa' and killed during the regime of Coirnnander Fondevielal Dne lias been rHscognizeV as that or Santiago Jttuiz. - j j j i TO BE TWO MHSlSL4GtEB OCf CTTJBIA-. . Washington, March 23. The! prevail ing iJmipression among the republican leaders of ithe house is that the presi dent will intervene m Cuba on human itarian CTounds. Ibut It Is J positively Stated by' one of them who is close to the president that the intervention will not come until after the report of the hoard of inquiry on the Maine disaster goes tj cobgresst "The 'two questipn'S, will Ibe treated separately,' (said he tor day, "and the message relative to Ouha "will he sent to congress soon after the report i on ( the Maine question."' The Cuiban message' as forecaste'd . by a prominent: republican will waive' the question of the Maine disaster, putting aside that awful occurrence,1, will 'be in effect a declaration to Spam .that the present methods of warfare : to Culba must cease, It TO result in inxerven tion in case Spain dennurs. Th met? Sage will be accompanied 'by the re norts of the consuls in Cuba.: I iThe independence of Cuba can be obtained Without war, If President Me Kiniey.ls left alone and is Hot forced by the extreme "uuoan ympapnizer8, said Senator fBlkins todayj who at the same time announced that he was do ing what 'he could to prevent hasty ac tion In ithe senate arid urging senators to. give the president time to carry out his own policy (Mr. lElkins said that to ihis opinion the destiCue should 4e cared for and tlta o peaoef uT meiana would "bring about the ifreed'om of Culba. It Is known that a great deal of work twas done about; the senate! today ' hy senators who are known as Iconserva tives. (Request have Ibeen made that the senate await the action of the pres ident and that no further attempts oe made to ilntenstfy. the strained situa Tt was asserted: (by Senator El Mns that l a great deal of progress had hioni m:no!ji.T Wiat on Ihoth sides oif the chamlber much more conservatism Cjud hum ifminri fhan wtas Runnosed to have existed, J J U-'liU 4 THE fllORT'S FillDIHGS given ;.r Cablegram i to :. . --Ik-- Tkm Mwp :r Tonebea for the Accuracy of! Ita Cortikpondeiit'a Bcport-Tbe Court Flnd ThaVe Explosion Wu From the . . . , uuuiu-in oi nm jSTidenee on IT bleb Tbls JTlodK I Baaed to Mail and Express.) " Key Wei0Fla., March-. 22.-nI have in farm&Qmfpai'a. tturce which admits of tio' osfcje question that the! court of lnq Unreport that the battfle- ship Maints' lw-as destroyed 4ns .the nar ir ; of . HaMnar on the night of Feb ruary I5j a A suhnaarlne mine, pre vaotay:iabypa The repqf J: wH start from Washiing ton at 4 o'f xsfc this afternoon, in, charge of Judge:fyocate Marix. It should reach tbJeir;isome time , Thursday.) - ; TesUnrooH f of the survivors, particu larly office all of whom were jawake at the mjiproved concluslveay. Iat (the t,nlng the sessions of the.; icourt tHr an -Stjptept could not have caused -tihej diisasMfj:,Thi3 -'" conclusfiooji .(was reactied, tfthe if allowing reasops: j 1 - The eitaiiafm.oif the shlip's iboiifler was ifar - affcfehat. d-t .was Impossible it could communicate jwith the (forward magane,gsh'eir toy heat or explosion, ttiiie .explofjjn was all iforward.F The condytkm ffS,the sMo shows (that the dynamo bjJer Could not explode, toe- cause steajv-for dynamos was supplied from the iii'Ln Iboilers. Spontaneous cornJbustioiE4if ith coal in the buhikers V"aS . ImpoJJblle, toecausei they! (were tnoroughJy aspected, as 4s customary. o that d;t The gases arising from the jwreck- mmediately after the ex plosion, .ay f iwitlch overcame ejveral officers amsnen, were not due, fpi the. Judgment &:;the court, to .the 4oaj lin the ; tounkefi (but to high explosives which B;lwa3 throw out a bad) odor and gasses- The gun cotton' could not have explo4 H, because It was regular- jy mspectet- that day and found (to toe thorougly .which was necessary and -besidesf ,;aM gun cotton wad most ly ituatedifit-under he wards room, and not vdf3t!h,e. forward' magazine as supposed lt-he reportersi all Ialong. Lastly, Iha explosion been din)ternal and ;ln comTaindcatlon with anv k5f the four magafijes,, all would hav4igone off , in whSKT event net an atom of 'the ship ; woul &have Ibeen deft and 'the greialterponn of 'Havana, would 'have Anolther i,inrincing proof thal the board' wiUy import that the explosion was -no cat: &d by an accident Is. found . I -told Ju-Vre 'Advocate Marix that I was gome.gljckito Havana today. He. sawi; pxTr?$ do it. Qulgley. Havana w3U I5e a place wheft .the lflnainigs of the courTf'.re; known. It 5s as; tnuch -s your &jre3 worth to go there!?! W, S. QUTGIJiE. - " - I m refere'jtfK to the aibove The Mall and Exprey says editorially: j "The exc'fe sive news which we iDrint today In tJi cable-dispatch from our correspondR at Key West. Mr. I W. S. Quigley, ls? such a startling charac- tar -that wifeel that, we should ; take our reatfersis' flto our confi'dence regard- jus u. '.'igiey naajoeeii employed toy this tfwspaper . for frearfy ten years, amVfjiurlng that time has dis charged wi 4ateolute fidelity and: good jutigiiieno .pe or its most im'pqjr.tant missions. - t;Ae news which, we! jprint from him tolay was catoled In 'brief late last' night. )fd he .was instructed in reply to bi.1a!bsoIutely certain oif the accuracy of. ds inf orma'tloni .bef ore cator inns it jjor , luiication. we jcnow that he has- tf-qi.-.. Ved his In-structtons: and we are -infi med' reeardlner his knnWoA of information, '' . ' , ' 1- v THE C SBENCY QUESTION : Synopsis of BUI Prepared by Sab Com M'"i t, no use committee on Bank. log sod Cxpnfij. i - ;, WasningtoTAf farc tv 23.The housl' com mittee . on ;M-nklng and currency j today u'uu6,,u u.ie pivposeu general curren cy legislation for this session. The re port of thetJub-committee appointed to draft the . gf V eral measure, was made to tne full ctsi imittee bv RsnrftspntaHva MfcCleary, o-Mmnesota, It was read in s.eotlons.. an i; ed to much discussion.. "X The sub-dAmittee took as theii basis the four bil:'i!in;lrw?iirvi. at 0Loc.;, Known as t monetary commission, the Gage,- the "Vn lker and the Fowler bills, and considtf jd the features ofi those1 measures, Vii 1 did not coRflne themselves w v': Din is tne result of about sax weeks fee cohferencft rf thi1 mik committee ,U.Jb ..met mast of tim o the private -sisldence of a member The bili iisjWhUtled: "A Bill to Provide for Strength ung the Public Credit rnr the Relief ck the. United States Treasury, "iu xvi iire-.aiieiijiivni or xne-iiaws lating to wsational Banking Associa tions." ' k j .. ; The methw-of dealing with' the 'green backs is. r?t Ji by direct retirement, ' but by the subs utlon of a lesral tender note. which the f.ks are required to assume and. for thj 'emption of which they aye required tofTfd "the gold so long as they are i-uuuugjf a solvent Dusmess.j The principal. pKfMrisions of the hill are as follows: j-'-j , - -'.' 'i 'j r 1. A divlglf.; of Issue and redemption is estaibli&hed r the treasury, for 1 which the seeretaTwLlof. the treasury is author ized to aetSside the general cash bal ances In exfs of $50,000,000. This 1 excess on March 1?1898, was $176,139,532. iUnited States noel eceived by this division, for redemption J y gold are, to be oaaceled and retpred 'proportlan. as certain sub stitute currflicy Is issued. No note re- aeemea in (a is to De again paid out, 2. Natlonaifi banks ar reauired itr siime the -crent redemption of United States dem?r fl notes in oader to i obtain irculatfon :ved -upon, their commercial asset. . A tT r class of notes, called na- lieu of legakijder notes deposited jbv Se f . ...... ,wr. if aim Liicpe ic- ser-e notes! e "to be redeemed upon de mand by- tfe -hanks out of the redemp tion fund" .ch they are required : to rtiaintaln Infold. .' . . The bass? vof national bank note cir culation wlieventually , be the commer cial asset? i-S the banks, but this will be reached on after a series of years. f . 4. National ihanks are to be permuted to issue cutSncy notes to them in re turn for debits of United States notes.. 5. Treasury hot'es Issued under the act of July 14,JS90,- are to be deatt1 wltih eventually v'n. the same basis as United Stati notev'J : ' v. -. . . - 6. A tax .w' per cent, is levied upon currency nodp Issuei in excess of j 60 per of 6 per ceij 'i when in excess of j 86 per cent. f 3 , 7. The" naS nal currency notesJ based -upon- oo'm.m"j:ial assets are to be secured by a. bank f .'te guaranty fund, made up toy the eont$ ution in gold coin of 5 per cent, ef thaS; entire circulation; of the toank, a'nd SAivision is made for" replen ishment of-4.1this fund within certain limits. 1 - , -. , The naR-hal reserve notes will con tinue to bengal tender until received into the tr-it fury from failed and liqui dating bark4 ;when liability for them will toe assumed if. the government and- they will be redi pied and canceled. . Standarigi&ilver dollars are tobe re deemable ihgold, but silver certificates are redeem jle only in standard silver dollars. Th&jparlty of silver with gold is secured "b a ffold redemption fund, -r Silver cfklflcates. are hereafter to be Issued only? 'mn denominations of; $1, 2 and J5, Leg, tender notes, reserve, notes, and eurrenftjra are not to toe issued, in de ncmlnatlomt ielow $10. ' . T-tl-! 1 : ! :.' i . , f . 4 - - - 2 EicepUorJ lo ITrelgbt Bate on wood , ::. , ' - . - . - -- . ? - - ; - (Speciv to The Messepger.) Raleigh, r. C, MarcW 23. (AH the railways - 4dfc$ie state, save the South -mar today i Jed exceptticms to the rakl-. Vay coangp js loners' . recent order re aucin raASi woo4 to carload. njta, : GOVERNMENT AID FOR CUBANS. Con cress to Appropriate 250,000 for 8tarTlDg .Cubans President tTndeclded IIM to Coarse ot Intervention to Fnrsne Washington, March 23. An amendment to the sundry civil bill is pending before the Senate j committee on appropriations, apprbpriaUig 250,000 to furnish 'supplies to the destitute people of Cuba The sub-committee has not yet. consid ered the amendment, tout it is stated that It will probably itoe adopted. The suggestion is one of the results of the conference yesterday between the president and Senators Allison and Gor man, and it is the understanding in the committee ithat. the president follow the ; suggestion' With a request to con gress that f the appropriation be made. He thinks it as well tthat the money with whiehto relieve the distress of the Cu bans should come from the national treasury as that It should, toe collected toy private subscriptions. Na doubt, is expressed that the com mittee will report favorably on the rec- oiumenaaxion or -tnat congress will pass it. In. certain quarters it is though the provision should be accomplished by a declaration jfavorlng the recognition of Phe belligerency, of the Cubans, tout the indications tare that this will not tbe at tempted unless such recognition should be recommended toy the president. The senators w.o have seen the president within the past day or two bave formed tlhe impression that he has not yet form ed ar?y definite idea as to what general course he may pursue. - They expect him to take some action at ence, but are in doubt whether it will be in the nature of the recognition of belligerency or of in dependence .or direct intervention. 'No fear IS expresseed that Spain will refuse to fallow this government to of ficially furnish aid to tihe sufferers, aiid it is pointed yout that if she should she would torlng upon herself the condem nation 'of the civilized world. It Is "also suggested that there is little difference between;. thej.present method of supplying help through private American subscrip tions and assistance officially" supplied as is now proposed. . ; University Defeats Trinity ; (Special to The Messenger.) . Chapel hii, n. -iC., ' March.: 23.r-Onl-erslty deflated Trinity college today toy the. score of ,sl to n'oithing. Large crowds came over ithls "evening' from Durharn. to see the game. !Mir. iMason, "of tDurhamV! umpired. Thejifeams lined up' as follows: . Catch, pitch", first second, third, short, left centre, right, respecltlvelyl: Carolina GwaUtney Low son, Winston, Oelden, Hume, Woodward McKee, B0geW Williams; Trinity Deaver, OhJumWr, Nicholson, Johnson, Crawford, ; Anderson, North, : . Card, Boharinon.' Base .hits," Trdhflty, ' 1;; Carolina 6. truck ou t. toy (Dawson 5, toy Chambers' 7. Home " runs, iBelden, oif CarollnaJ Doutole playsr Carolina 1. Three' toaselhi'ts, Woodward, Oajroiina. There was tmuCh exctttemen't, a (fine game and good playing. Salisbury to Retire s - ' London, March 24. The iDadly Chiron -lole says:. j"We leam, that - the long cabinet coufiC!!l on Monday was to com siider an injtimatlon from the Marquis of Sallsburjf cf his desire, acting under medical advice, to realign both the pre-", mltership and the foreign secretaryship. OuVnews IsJ obtaiined from a source us-' uall'y truelj! worthy tout the crisis may take a few (weeks to develop, the queen being atoroa'd. Lord Salisbury's suc cessors ..are- almost certain to toe the Duke of DevonBhiire" as premier, and Arthur J. Balfour as secretary of state ror. iroreign affairs... SPECIAL NOTICES. COURT Of Ln'QUIRY HAS JUST E cided tha thej new Country Produce store opented by II. J. Blerman at 215 Market street, is the neatest store of this kind ik the city, and a mogl Tella ble place to trade. At Hiram Moore's eld. stand, just across from-Jones' Liv ery Stable..". mar 24 A GOOD CABINET ORGAN IN FINE cunamon to sell low on Installments or still lower! for cash. Examine it. Be-A. time of year' now to have vour niann tuned and! renovated. JOHN G. RUS BEDL, 413 Orange St. . - mar 24 - ACETYLENE GAS, THE LIGHT. OF the futureV Why not be independent and own vour own little gas plant which wilf give four times more light than ordinary gas or' electric lights at one-half the cost? Applicable for use .In churches, stores, factories, .hotels, 'residences! and country homes; - safer than ordinary gas or kerosene lamps. Apprived toy all the Boards of Under writers throughout the United States. We want fa nrst-class agent in every town. Write for catalogue and. prices. THE ACpTYLENH GAS MACHINE CO., Akron-, Ohio. mar 24, lw . wanted Musis pupils, by a young lady who has studied the Boston Conservatory and Cincinnati Conserva tory methods. Best recommendations from' Grass, .German composer and :planigt. ' Terms ; reasonable. Residence corner of Second and Nun. mar 23, 3t A TYPEWRITER OF FIRST QUALITY, the Blickfrsderfe. Price 135.00. Weight tout 6 lbs. It does pretty work, and Is capable of ' fast writing. Several have been soldi here. A. J. HOWELL, Jr., Agt., 305 fforth Front St. ' 1 ' mar .16, St a w, if !FLORIIA EARD FROM FINE Fresh 1 Snap Beans just arrived. Bananas, : sweet, lueious' and cheap; Oranges, fine N. C Hams 10c. Fresh Butter, and all kinds of , fresh Vegetables. . R. K. ; WARP, J , 1 . mar 22 , WANTEbJ-BOARid ON OCEAN VIEW Beach for gentleman, wife, one child and nurae. Child under 4 years, for three or four;, months. Address . "K," care Messenger. Private family, mar - 22, tf WANTED PORTRAIT AGENTS TO write fori our new 1898 catalogue. Por traits ati reduced prkses. ELEONORA ART Cd, 1W-204 S.. Halsted St., Chi cago, 111. - mar 22, lm. L "THE MICE ATE MY! PIANO!" TJONT let the mice eat your Piano, when, you can have it made mouseoroof cheaolV. If you desire a bargain in an Organ or" Square Piano, call and see me. Send , all orders for tuning, etc., either by mall or messenger ; this week direct to JOHN G: RUSSELL, 413 Orange Street. i j ;) ::-- cvar 8ft AN EXCEILENT PIANO TO trade for a parlor organ, in struction on Piano and Mando lin by successful teachers, who make teaching a specialty. j. n. AB BOTT, Piano and Organ Tuner, 112 Ann Street, - ! iua.r TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE. Ex cellent sW Rice. THE WORTH CO. ." i j " : . ' . feb 10. OPIUM, MORPHINE, WHISKEY. IF interested in the cure of these habits write for my book, on these diseases, mailed freei B. M. W.OOLLEY, M, D., Atlanto,iGaj- fe 13, mr 20, ap 25, ma 29 FOR SALE A FOURTEEN INCH MA- rine engine, keel condenser; brasses, eoDDer Droes. shaft and Wheel, in first. class condition. Cheap for cash. Ad- ? dress HUDSON & BRO., Box 83, Nor ' lfolk, Va ...4 .V " .:'. mar ls, tt N. C. HAMS 10c POUND, BUTTER 15c Have plenty Turkeys and Chickens for oaxuraay s traae, an xresn. 'vegexaoies every day. R. E. WARD, mar 10 FRESH CRQUND GRAHAM FLOUR, Big Hominy, N. C. Head Rice, choice Hay and rtf kinds of . Feed. Lowest rii ariHN f. WnKAOHERN. Bell Phone No. 92; Inter-State No. 22. de 9 tf THE ELSGANT LARGE COTTAGE OF Mr. I W, Pond, (formerly Butter's cottage), i on Ocean View Beach, for sale. GFumiture. Billiard Table. Etc.. In same. Location wneurpassed. Apply to J., a,i WKJUiiT jsum, -iteal instate ; and Renting Agents. mar . IT HOUSEKEEPERS TAKE NOTICE tbat N. C. iHama, Turkeys, Chickens 7 and Eggt can be" had at very low prices of N. J. BIERMAN, Wholesale and Re tall Commission1 Merchant, ,105 South -Front street. - feb 12 FOR RENT DWELLINGS. Stores, Offices and Halls. For . Sale Dwellings. Stores, Vacant I Lots: Cash or time payments. 'Cash advanced on improved city pronertr. ArDly to D. O'CONNOR. Real Estate agent, Wilmington, H C, de 7 - Money Conld Not Bay Them . ; . - j The following letter from 'blre. ai. 'Al , Xamto, a lady well known in' Wil mington, will toe read 'with interest toy those who are afflicted' w-ith defective vision, j ia a word, it expresses all thai could . !be written in acknowledgement oi merited' skill' and ;' atollTty. Those rwho fail to take advanltjageJ . oi Drl Matthea pTeaence In WflmlnS-tioh, ai th Orton, will miss a most exceJlehi oppotruini'ty. . -; - -;:;.! MRS. LdAMBIS liETirrMU. ? j - Wl'lmlnigton, N. C, March 23, 1898. I (Tt gives me no Tittle pleasure, to say that tWo 'veara aevk T iQ n.i-J,; w -rv-i -Matthez for relief, which I had almost ujwpaurea ox ever securing. ; (Not only did I suffer almost constantly from ex- viuviaiujs p-ajHis an' my neaa and 'back of my neck,, tout could .not use my eyes or glasses without suffering nausea. So far as serine- '.o-i es, that I cou'ld. not do at all. Apply- lng to jjir. .Matthez I was assured, after others had totally failed, of relief and oenent. i win admit .that many tried to dissuade me from, having his- ser vice, referring to the cost. iFortu-nately for me, ;I placed my case in his hands and now, after two years hardest ser vice and trial, I can -say that I. have had -perfect and absolute relief, and that I can see. as well as I ever did In my life, his service, and glances toe ing to me one of the greatest 'blessings I have ever had, and I can tout say; if I could hot duplicate my glasses, those Tr. Matthez made fop me, no. money could touy them from me. I hope my testimonial may prove of toenefit to other unfortunates, like myself-who suf fer from defective Vision J ' - ! .. Respectfully, ' : MRS. M. A. LAMB, ' ; ";"':'. f ; 810 Market Stiree't. The Carter Conrt Martial i Savannah,' Ga. (March 23. In the CarA ter court-martial today the cross exami nation of the expert engineer,' George JY. Wisner, of Detroit, was ; continued ;by Colcihel Barr, Judge advocate,! whose ex amination has- now lasted longer than the direct examination by the defense Many "engineering details of the work and points iii the construction of con tracts and specifications were gone over. His examination will be concluded by the court tomorrow. if ' i YOUR BOY Does his Shoes wear well ? " ' ' -.'!-- ' ' ' .-- :- - .-I-': ; '. - " ;-r .1 ' " ' :.. - v- - -v;;; If not, see us. PETERSON err i . 2-' ' Ml mi We announce this week, tlie arrival We cannot say enough in praise of the quality and style of the dainty fabrics to be found upon oar counters. We invite our patrons and the residents of the city to. call and examine them. ' f - T v . For eiern Fane v Wash in Organdies, G-inghams Rtnuts, jjatuce unecKS, xriues, exc. chlbls mam cnaneaoie ana ompea i anetas, Roman Strroes and Plaids, Black Brocades. -Trimmings. Passementries, Jets, Novelty Braids: Handsome Braided Sets and whitA and Cream "Laces. white G-oods; India Linens, Victoria Lawns Nainsook Checks, Dimitids. French Nainsook Persian Lawns Long Cloths Piques, English Nainsooks and Fancy White Goods. White Shirts, former price 1.25 and $1.50 each they will o now for 76c each. It will pay you to see these coods. une Xiot; oi cemnantsj consisting or lilack and Colored Dress Goods,! Half Value. Agents tor Buttericks SUCCESS0E TO BfiOWJf. & RODDICK. No. 29 North Front Street 7 Blank Soblks. S WHY BN3 OUT OF. TOWN FOR TOUR OFFICE SUPPLIED? VH3 BUY, (FROM JFIRST HANDS, FOR ! ; CAJSH, AND WE CUlA-RiAiN'-s TEE TO ME1ET OOtMITETITION, (NO MATTER FROM WHAT! DIREC TION. :-;'-.,:!; .. .-i'.- !;. , .h - ' .j... - -. v. ;.....;;'.,. BUAJNK (BOOKS, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, FITTNG- APPXilAlNCES. (ENVELOPES PRINTED TO ORDER. ' I INKS', ."ENGR AVED OHfiCK AND - DRAIFT BOOKS, TYPEWRITERS, TYPEWRITER AND (STENOGRAiPlH ERS' SUPPXJDS, ETC. AULi AT BOTTOM PRICES. . WILMINGTON, N. C. mar 20. The Smile of SIOSBEE NOT BLAMED Commander of the Maine is Restored to Ac Its Dnty. .J (Special to The Chicago diiter-Ocean.) (Havana, Via Key West, March 20. That the American, court of inquiry (has decided that the explosion which, de-' stroyed the Maine was not an accident ,1s assured ; toy tihe news whichf 'has reached here that Captain Sigstoee has received secret Instructions from Wash ington that he Is to toe returned to ac tive duty. ' , - This announcement seta all idoutofi aslde,! for the reason that any other finding than the destruction' of the Maine toy means of force, externally ap plied, iwould "mean a court martial for Captain tSigstoee. A Verdict declaring the destruction of the Maine the result of art accident would: Ibe followed toy' the immediate request 'from igstoee for a court imar-r tial. i ';- iNo date has toeen set .for the cap tain's departure tfrom Havana, tout he understands that as soon as the wreck ing of the Maine proceeis a little (fur ther he WHI toe called to Washington and his ship will technically go out of commission. ' - . " ' As soon as the arrangemenits can toe made and a crew of men and officers begathterea together, he wHl take charge of one of the additions to -theC navy. : IShould! President McKinley (be successful In his efforts' to purchase the O'Hlgglna and. the San Martino Captain BigsbeC will toe given command? : of one of these flighting monsters, so his friends have toeen assured,1 It Is stafed toy a friend of the officer. that his ifrien'ds, very close to Presi dent MoKmley, knowing the strain -he" kihas ibeen under, sent Captain Siigsbee the bare announcement that aa soon ao ' possible he will be given command, of another ship. , . - Betlremert of Admiral SIcard Key: West, 'Fla, 'March 23. The board of survey, . which" sat on the (flagship ' New York yesterday .to constdeT the re- tirement of Rear Admiral Sicard. jf or physical VHsatollity, has completed "its work. Its recommendations will toe for warded to the naval department, where action win Ibe taken. (Dt ds impossitole ; to learn the decdsiion of the Iboard, but -it is 'beHied that It ireoommends ce- -tirememt; . . i i- & RULFS. "IN TIME OF PEACE Prepare for War" and never sit down in seeming securi ty and call your home 'your own, with-' out It is properly Insured. Negligence seems to Invite disaster. We will in sure .you in the Carolina) Insurance Company-at a low premium .and see that you get your money promptly in' case, of fire. Willard & Giles, ! AG-ENTS. " of the bulk of oar SPRING FARTtirjs. G - ood s. enr nl n ri stirlPQ Shadow Cloths Di- ( I 4 0 Pfatterns. : v i . Satisfaction g EEN ON THIS f GBNTLiDM'AlN'S ' . face will ibe nothing -in. comparison to ' that .which )w5U flit across your counte nance rwhen you toehold yourself array- ed in one of .our (handsomely made and perfecting fitting suits, rwhfcn rtve are . maktag to-order this season at prices ; 'wihf -will astonish you. Our stock of Clay Serges, Diagonals, Cheviots, Wor-' s teds, Mixed Casslmers, ' etc.,- are. "things of ibeauty," -wihile the i styles ' shawm in Pants Patterns"' will ; toe to you "a joy forever." It -will not 'be a. fwaste'of time to give ms a call nor will rare "measure arms" iwrtih, you on prices. . The act Is we "have the goods and you -want them you, give the order; we do the Test 'touff ced." . - : ntiiison & co mar 22 if: :i