... -i - .y y, v v. . y .; .w. . , -yy rh A i A' i . h - .1 WOll XI. NO. WILMINGTON, N. O, THURSDAY. MARCH 31, 1898. PRICE5;0EK hi- hp THE HAND-TOTM ON President McKinley Sees it and His Cuban Th c Revolt Among Republicans -Majority of His Party in the House Decides to Force Him to Active Pleasures He. Assures Them of dence Sent to Spainj and; Early Reply DemandedThe President Now. Anxious to Force Measures Spain for the First Time Stoops to Consider the Question of Giving Up Cuba-War Preparations Onjlioth Sides Continued--iisUl Genral Lee Notified of Plots Against His Life---Spairi Pfeading f or' id j from Other European Powers. 'Washing-ton, March. 30. The repub licans pi the house nvho lara aggres lively in -favor of prornpt and energetile action in the Cuban matter and who (met last niht, in conference held anr other meeting1 after .the :iouse ab journexl tonight. At last night's meet ing: fort j-si members weri; present. - .Tonight"" they were re enforced! 'by ftirtyrnine, ahakirts 5t a total - of.- US. . , This constitutes considerably more Mhan a imajority of the republican mein '' In-rrfhip of :ho hou.se and the imam- Ibers present' ton fghf say that it .by-lip :- ineans ;. represents the Ifull strength of ; those who will he satisfied vith jnorn---ing short of the complete Independ j ence ot Cuba. 'Many of tr e radicals favor armed intervention and .a few, "like 'Representative Marsh,, of Illinois, beiieve, the 'blowing up of. ttie. Maine '-.is a casus belli. The speeches at to ' i mig'ht's' meeting-, while J yigorois; land 'yielding-nothing,, were Tieve -theless in . favor of givling tne'ipresidcrtt an oppor- 'it unity to ina'ture his policy and Of com ' ileting the rieg-otiations in w hich he is mow engaged. - Many of the leaders f the ) nrjovement, inclu'dini? -Measrs. ' '(Jlopkins, of j-IUinois; Hull, of Iowaf Taiyney, ' of Minnesota; BrQmwell, , of Ohib'r-IHejyiiii:n, of Iowa, and'.W. A.. : iSmith,!o.f (Mphigan, saw the) president today and 1 he asked was a 'brief d e- iay. :. Action' f -hy congress te fore the v '"pending negotiations are completed,, he told them, 'would tmfbarrass1. him and might result in ai complete rupture. . IMeissrsi HifH';'Bronw-e4l and jfhera-ex-ilaiined this situatinto the conference. rThey counseled aeti1iie,soencp iri. -the president's 4esi.re?- A ruptiure -with a he'-administration as 'greitly 'to h ileplored and! shoul.d, they arkued; only K-cur as a' list resort. TheyT informed , the conferenice that the. president had said that th4 negotiations new-in pro press would either fail or "be sutooessr tful by the eiid of the-- week. ;H1 lived they .would he successful. He ilid-notj indicate their nature, they said, 1 and thpy pointed out that it WHiuld le manifestly rifinous for the defaiilSi to. he tmade pulrtiefat this time. .They said-,.- furthtir', that the president : informed' ' t hem Ihat'hej would, in the eient of the- failure or tne negotiations,, piace tne sjvhole subject ibefore? congjress and t-hare with itjthe responslbilit;-for what wnlght if ollw'l '5Ir ' Adams, of Pennsyl ania, 'the rajnking mem'ber c f the fof cign affairs Committee of the house' in ! the ahsence of Mr. .Hitt. Who is ill, ex ; llained that 1-he sentiment off the com , inittee j was itrongly agains : further. f .lelay although he was himseira con 4 ptervatiye. Bit he sard the -ammittee was willing to defer to the wishes of 1 1 "the president and no action would he taken ; at (the 'meeting tomorrow. On Monday; 'ricii!eyer, if- a 'sajtisfictory so !' lution 4iad",ai,itr. previously 'bet n reached ' action woiini be,. had. 'All' the mem 1 1ers rpresentr brofessed ignora ice of the uletailof thef president's plans and ne- -g-otlations, ialithough' several said . the ' ' president assured them that if-success- , Jfu'l. they woul'd, fhe thought, he. satis- i jartfory. ' , ; - . Ia . ri'je t'hespl kiifferent repsrts were made if the 'conference they were un offleialj and. ihe conference!-c ecidefl as Oast to appoint a committee of eleven id wait upon the president tomorrow and. explain (their views on he situa.-? 1 won. the committee to report 4-t a meetr i,ns to Ae held tomorrow night. Th 1 tmmltte (appointed .consisted ybf the following intfm'bers": ..iMe-ssrs. iHopkina ' ' and Liorrimer. of Illinois; Joy, of Mis- souri ; Suljoway, of . (New. H; impshire; ' ! Cooper, of Wisconsin; 'Arnod, of Penn 1 pylvania; Mercer, of .Xehraska; Knox, ' f Massachusetts; Paris, of Indianaj; lIa"gT, of Iowa, and Smitht of Miohl- an.. '."!. ! "''.'- . ':' . '" ... ' " .Wahing-ton, March. 30. The. vital i;nt. ifi the Cuban .situation, viz: In 1 iitWiidence., Ihas shSPted its-elf from WaiMivs-ton tio Madrid where tne Span- 4sh government is now giv ng grave and i 'earnest jconsideirat ion K 'proposi-ti-Jin prese-nStHl 'by t'hie .governTrtient tit rti ITnited. tart.?. Qn the iflsnw to j-hwe- proposUns, prdbaiily depends " i. h,f (r't it re course J of. the rek ifiions . toe- ; rWn Sr.ain larid his counry. 1 lt:t4 ;i?e-- . aievd ihat U is now 'but a question of iin' exceeding? y sJhort time. Ibefore fhie inevitable orifi ust come. Thte Spn-3 Mh bnin'Lstry kill hold a. caibih'et coun n-il . (tomorrow! after h pr posrtfkwis frvaVe 'been, submdtted o the jueen re pent and as a! result of that cjortference it 4s expefted1 hy the aaminiatrhittan that a definite answer to its prcpsals ;ill. ' 3h received, i . ' ". '..'. J fThe- pi-opoftions suhmitted by this country , contemplate a ojirnolete arid 't,nmdiate cassation of ihosiilities in m "u.va, the ret-unn df. the .reconjeentrados ) to .their usual (avocations, anid. the m d,.videfi of Cuba-, this test feature I to "be eocured.hirbbaJly on an nd,ar,aity 1 fmsis Py 'Whid-h. h ilsland v.-ouM pay a I ubs'tawtiiai.i-". its fretiicni frony I- These "wopoaitto-ns vtak. T.ide. dcope thex.e are .a,ny de- tails in the aJna,ti:r prppoejltjOB,. jhf ' -pun'tos tingi to .present fr' ,-postoV ila 'pixnieinig a soflutioa of the tnJban , -praiem o lo'rfg .as ah ewd et the Cu ?jn war andCutati fndepenence are , ml .Klied in the ultimat- viUt.- It h.aa ileeik -itnade: perfectly clear , .u -fspain , f hat! horhlng less than the clttee trf , v van land .thindepenidence df the ta r .tand wjjl s'uniioe u sun adequate settae , fnent. if' . j ' '. . It-J rnw fot "Ppain to accept! or reject ' thee tendersi". There is; no dspoitiori to urge oie rather than, aiiotiher. nt long- as the (Oor.cl'us.lon. linalljj- reached ! ;rings the termination f le jwar aad ' !an I indeptWi-d11 f - . i ;Xever lef orb until iixw has tlve Spa-; 4j?i govevzimtint, evn tor a momew, ' entertained Wuch a proposition. .Now, in the stress if he present eneirgency wifh decla.raitontfi .of war intmxiuced in i ' American .congire, jSjpai has re-. I i iw-U-ti v.- consented to. 'wwVjr .'fhem. FhLsl-iH Ji'?elf .ha.s g-iwn livel iape of tajisfaotory fstilts. .But ; It! mvolv. a-grave erisi-ih p-ain1 sLn& )t -caamot le;'-foiviold AVhat ths flrtal Acition at OkDadrld will e. Unta. today, it washe lievtid that Spain would indn;ty re--fio't a rproptjisition in.volvng the in-. i'iVpendetf'ce oflCuiia, or Affna"iSa W." ervejioh or i'dhe disappearance -of the I pani4i l.ag from -the Mand, -i!tver , 'through piM-nase by Culbanslor oftver-, Wise. There as the fbest of reason or the official '.belwf that as!tbetween t geac and war on these propositions, 1 tip'ain svould t-hose war, fbut snlore hope , . omwufently Ss entertamfed here) of Spain ( .bfc1& in a yieidlng mood, as the Aaier i. ean pla-ns for sojution are (bejinig care t. fully rvvebed vrtth a vjew fa a flna.l(,de-' f cilon. " As- "Stated, that ancswver is (be f Jieved to-!be on'' a qstioni of pes'irt.PS ' it wo or .thneie Aa.w: HiVThen it.Of recved .?i futmre course of Wfrnnm: wtil be determined. It is Tf v (lihe wdmhiistration that ' Vtvsi ent neek wJJl shape the policy off the -toire, wtheher dt is to toe onei. of peace pr atte st fvmr. I ?klainy repr;esentatve men of can press istetoaitars and representatives failed lat Wie? "White botise today and THE WAIL Pqlicy Changes. Against Compromise Increases?--A an Ultimatum for Cuban Indepen conferred with the president. To the leaders in congress he stated", that the definite, results were expected from Madrid toy TViday.- This served to al lay., the intense feeling- whiich has "been manifested ; in oongress, and; tihrough. the influence i of the leaders, further radical action "by the senate and house of represenitatives has for 't'he -time (being-(been deferred. i IlXaTKM-EKT AT TSHp CAPITOL. At -tfhe oapitol excitement was unr alba ted. .After fhe" Viote on the Bailey resolution many-republicans went to t'he White house to conifer with - the president atitiL to express to Thim . their hope that something? anight 'be promised whiclh wib-uld relieve the strained 6i'tua ttioni The. assurancie' of t'he president . twos -given tq these rnemljers that 4y .Friday aiighti at fhe latest . some't'luing-definite- could he expected. , T'he situation at the capitiol' is one of invaiyng' expectancy. -: Sejiator? and" repreSentatlivjes are wilTing-, too g-ive the president an opportunity to carry out hits plans, hut there as Smpatfience to Waye some informaton regarding- these plans and some assurances that they will not delajr action too tog, , k , NO AID FRIQM OTHER MO 'SAECH- ! "-. .: EES. : . . Lit was stated today in. a high.' diplo matic quarter that t'he Spani-s-h igovern ment, withm the last ten days had ad dressed a noite to the igTeat powers of tBurope, fully setting' forth ' the grave aspect of the , conitroversy . with, the TJiniteid States and at last, toferenltaliy suggesting -thai ttha time was now op iponturae 'Euroipeain influence to te ex er.ted. It is said that , tihe te led to the utterances cf Premier Kanotaux in. the French chamiler last Saturday; and has been the! pause of the actiivity of ifcmropeain ccantres auring- the fast few days toxjonneerion. with Spanish-tAmer-- icah affairs.-Up to itihe present time, however, ho actual step. rtxward (medi tation' or intervention has-"been taken Wby. any of -the great .powers, although there lis' little jdoubt that France stands" re-ady to .take the initiative- if .there is the slightest evidence that - the United: iSates igovernimenit wd'l yitewi such a move iwitih f aver. ' --' i 'A ,'tender of jgxxd 'officers Is frii3 of .the last' (resorts y jof .-dliRlomacy, when-' all other means of avertn-g war setem to fbe at an end. i ilhere " is additional 'diffi culty (from the fact that w'hen. two na tions a.re ihvolwyl in a cirisis amy "ex ternal 'influence' may be resenited as an intrusion. There is Teason to ibelieve that the 'French, authorities' are fully, conisciouis of jithese delicate and diffi cult phases,; and that no step will ibe made unless it is clearly apparent in advance -tiha tithe United' "States desiires the -firiarfdly Offices . of otiheir natione. (The Spami'Shi government has earnest ly ho;pe.d -w-iithin - the last week that some jCf the t European' powers - and. more "likely i4'utri a or France, woulid tJalCe the .initifiitive witihlout w-aTtirag to consul t tlhe diefeires df this, government; . Th is hope lias proved vain, however, anHl -it is stated .ixuday in- ihigfh auithority that . recent j negotiations' ii Europe have diac-lose4 positively a?hat w:hlle the sympathy of (some ,ctf the coretiinentaU .powers was jtoward' Spaim, no 'one. -of .tTn.'em. stood refidy to espouse her cause, 'by meditaton tor hy arms. i.9ECRKCY-A TO WARPRBPARL- 'i. ";' . tioxs ,: ' . ' j; The greatest secreoy prevails in many ojf tt'tte 'b'ureauial of the war and. navy -dis-part-'mtn'ts in oj-egard to the various pro jects otf defence 'and naval movemenits now goin-g on and tlhe officials in many cases postively refuse, to make ipulblic siteDs that 'have fbeen determinled uwm. I The' m'ost no'table instance of this kind proibaibly is j in the navy departmenit where Captain OrowminsiWielil, of the fbure'au of navigation, thais issued an order fopbiidd -ling- subordinates to make ipulblic any information except on per mission from himself. situattoin:. in arAOKip grtttoml. ; 'Madrid, Makh 30. -'While, the situa' tion here is outwardly of t!he calmest description the actual position of affairs is regarded as critical 8y both, the Uni- ted States legation' and the Spanish government.'. The United States minister, General Stewart .11 Woodford, is world ns ener getically and Kvill continue to do so for Spain's peace luntil the first gu-n is firedr. It is known jthe (Spanish government, admits the desirability, or necessity, of com plying with the demands of, the United States'; and it is only in the dis inclination of; the, ministers to put this willingness into'; . concrete form that the danger lies. If a conference 'were to "be h$ld witn British, German or French diplomats the matter would he settled without question. . -w i fhe point .which (General Woodford is now pressing jts that in the 'interests of hutnanit'y, .hos'ilites'in Culba'mus't cease immediately., j date was fixed eith er, in (the first or in the present note, but the. United- States is now dwelling upon the meaning of the word "imme dately" and tinsisting .that Spain ac cept its general interpretation. The public generally is taking little appar ent .in t erst in; the situation, hut there is a general disinclinationi to "believe that war is likely. ''.' . PPA!IN?S iwiAR PREPAR!ATt02CS. 3 iajs savsi four warshins (have (been obtained fey lbigdn in France and . (that negotiations are. eaijing Tor the pur hase of several torpedo iboais in Great 'Britain; The Pais also says tna't o-drs have heen issued to mobilize aH . ths fe'pajuVb warships and the torpedo Tboat Halcori 4" -f sail . immediately from Carthagena; 'fijr (LVdig, where a second torpedo squadron 3s .'befn-a' prepared. Military engineers, according'':' -The fLijs, are starting, tor tne canary, s lands,aiiu thte Balearic islands 'aJfe being forlifiel :' ftaly, it is saidl (by the Pais, has decided" fo fhe armored f$isr Giuseppe Gaiibaliji, of liStf tons arid fji gfniored, a' sister ship "of the .Vareee.' td tS: 7wo Wghrients, .stili according- to the'Pqifi, hr ffping to the Canary islands to fctregtJhyn te ?yj3--ish garrison there. - ' The Armstrongs' Spanistt . Agens, i pnaniaFd, who( is in'touch with the, gov erfuqgjit and! comimerciai people In Spain. ija ipxpressed the (belief that un less the .power 4nereede there, will be, wan (He added: " "l the :Uriitedf States offered money for imr tfjegrmg; fit of Cuiba ve would not accept, iteui') it "the proposition emanated from 'an other powejT 4.1 Is not unlikely that it m&tQ Itbe accepted ' tpU yiew of the, cas fi fchoed ftiy ' a (portion v tp-f Spanish iHresp vhch advises Scgain" '(to wash Jher )ih4 pf'pijfbi. '; I ' 10 Senor Ortiz j de Zwaio, a prominent former Carlist ; deputy, vrk& ba fust been defeated! at Vittoria, expressed the opinion that there would , be no war, f'TVe have neitlher ships, sailors", soldiefft njans nor mohey, and the goverhroeht ' Jtvj it. It; will truggle to the last $n4 thear.tare in." ' Sent- jgaraio, who was rej?entjy Cadip et&d tie, Bpanish! warships Pi. Ulyq and Oiarles V.l irnich the goVern- I ftywt- M pounced 4o be ready, for sea, --a i itt 3 iitv Be imaA rpadv uwuiAr rLondonOIarcto 3.a!J nF FP- ceived' there today from Las 'Palmas, Canary islands, tinder date of March 23rd, Confirm the ."Washington tad vices of the sailing- of the Spanish torpedo flotillai iThe letters received- here", say that oi that-jdate three Spanish torpedo Iboats, three- torpedo boat destroyers and the jescort, the transport X?iudad d Cadiz, I received teJegraphic xtrders to proceed to Oulba. j; Washington, March. 30. The navy der partm,ent has received a dispatch sayr infe th't the armorea cruisers Infanta. (Maria Theresa and Christobal Colon, and the! torpedo " boat destroyer Ie structdr, have 'safled- from Carthagena Spain. iTheili destination has not 'been learnec as yet A FlJOpp OF CUQBlAN IKESOXJUTION1S 'A resolution similar to - that intro duced hy Senator iFora3cer yestenbay recognising- Cuba independence, was in trodftcd in the house today hy Repre sentltLVe Broderiok, of Kansas, (Representative Wheeler, of Alahama, Sntroditeed; the following joint resolti- tion: j - . i ;!.- . I iResolved, That the government of the United States hereby declares that the strtiggyng patriots in the island of Oulba ire Ibelligerents and are -recognized as isueh "by this government," ' Representative Adamson, of Georgia, has inirbduceVl a : resolution recogniz ing the republic ofCuha and authoriz ing the jpresident to accredit to it a minister Of this government. , iRepresentative 'ilaJhany, of .'New York,' introduced a joint resolution re cognizing the (Cuban republic as a free and: ihiiependent .state and welcoming; her. "to the sjsterhood ,of repuiblics in the Western world." Reprisehta:iye Todd, of Michigan, 'introdUcedl ir resolution declaring a state, oif war exists beflween the United States and Spain. THE PRESljiENiT GrlVES UP THE ' limilSTiCE PROPOSAL. Wasfniiigtonj' 'March 30.-The seriaite committee on, foregn relations .hield. two sessions today anil adjourned a few minutes before 5 o'clock without reach ing an agreement. Comimaniiier .Brad ford", of the !buneaiu of equipment, was ibefore the oomimrttiee for several hours, giving Expert testimony .as to the (rela tive st'iemgt'h 1 of -tlhe. naVias of the ' Una' ted j (States! and pain"i and also ad Vocatirisr lithe purohase of the island of; St. Thoanas, of tlhe Danish West indies, as a naval, station, ; Another develop iment d-h- ithe kkHnanilttee was an agree ment to not present the completion or (the com milt tx?e' s sxwk on tlhe. Gulbain- sit uation for a few days in-order to afford; 'time "to the president ito continue nisj diolomatlc nelgotiatiions 'With, the Span-; dsh aufihiorities. This concession wasj the result Of a request m.ade diirect to anemlbers of sthe'commitJt'ee .by the .pres ident and -it was granted toy the eritare cammit'tae without any murmur or dJis-j oenit- 1 : . . I 'Previbus to 1 this ac-tion on the part df t'he commattee, itlhe .presiadent had been Very ifrankly : informed! that xiei'ther the committee aior -tlhe senate twoura e -ttisposea m acquise in aai:y. agreemtent fon an armistice. This op- .portion-is understood to nave itneen made clear on 'behalf of tlhe joint re- pulican' and demooratio . steering com mittees of it?he; senabe, and it is under- stood to: nave.iDeen onet. ipy xne presi dent with 'tihe response that ithiis gov-i ernanenft rwbuld not press the matter. The .presidient treei'y aimiittea to aiM; rvisiiting senators that t'he negotiations ' twtith Spain were rapidly approacihing a ; crisis and said that 'he felt quite con- i ndent a conclusion w-ould he, reached; (by Friday night at the latest, (He ask ed thaiti -in view dt this ffact,- n action :ie xaicen 'oy ei'wier - -iioue u-itui iiuei-L' i i : it L;x. ii . . . . 1 . tihat tsiine or (Until .the .present negotia tions cduild be "brought to a close.-. If 'he itook any; of tlhe senaitors into his con- ndencesas to the .basis npon which he was prKjceedin:: they did not repeat 't'heTj tofonmiatiMn in! (the stenate.. i1 CUEsANS W-IlDL, ' ACCEPT, XO '- , .' -'i . AIUIISTICE I ' - - - - ' - (Havaha, via' Key "Weet, FJa., Maircih 30. Sunday arid 'Monday were days oif decided: anxiety Sn the political and Ibusineskcirclei; of Havana, bu t yesterday and today .tlhiere has 'been a much more quiet fueling.1 1' Withouit being able to give any; good .reason. tor tneir oemer many irominient men seem satisfied. that pteace is assured. Thei word armiistjice'' is repeaoed from lip to lip, as if t'liere .were some magic .within it to solve fehe whole prdblem of Cu.ban staiif e.: j Thiose. howaver, wlno i know General -Maximo Gomez, General Gar cia, Senior Bocntolomeo IMasso and the- othea- ftpsurgeht . leaders (best say ' tht all recllon; witihout their host who (be lieve thjjese mejn will agree to an anmis- -tiice, even ar asicea (to ao so, :oy te u.rwi.- ed Staieis, unless it is plainly under stood, 'that (the truce is to he follovt-ed (by a recognition of "Cuiba lilbre." Xt is argued that General amez, af ter holding out al througih the dry sea- eon, "will 1 decline to agree to a trujee duiring (the rainy months in whidh the- an'surgefits would 'hiave itne advantage. On all jsides it is regarded as almost Certain that if war does come it wtill not oonie jwn'tdl all possible plans oif ac H?mimod.ati'ng jdifficultiies fail. A -Spaniard of high (influence, .talking recently with- Consul' General iLee tlaid: '"The Sagast4 m'inls'try will no? 'oe ccmpelted to flghl to' insure selif-prQteation, (Sa gas ta culd quiet Spain by pcoclainiing. i We have made Cuba an asdi-::-: a des ert. ' Itfisi no -longer worth a-iy outlay of "blood or treasure, ilt is only fit for negiroesl'and mixed ibloods. Uat i t go.' " IBut "vpry fenv take such a view of the si tuaticii, -al though ignorant Spaniards anight 'ce deceived "by suoh a dectaira-,tion.- 'ikleaniwhale it seems, ajs of : the Spanish mlMtary and naval powers are either" Kvinced t!hat t'hlere is-no dan-' ger ofiJkcitfive (hostiliitJes c.v' are utberly carelessqi of the grave consequences that the (future may hold. . - rrherel are no visible preparations to 'provisicri T Havana in case cf a (blockade nor as Jthere any notajble increase in tihe coal supply for naval uses. In the opintoniof AaTjcericans here one cf . the gravest! dangers lies' in the . fact . that the ignorant classes of the 'difcy are not 4n any iwav 'advised as to the (chances of Tyaf or seige.. They jbelieye 'Hayaaia 1 mipreg.rtaftfe and the fleet of Spain all- conqueiping, . Jf rudely awakened to other views, . tihey might ibaposme dan- i ' a f , jj a gerjou's pa toscer internal uisoraers. PCLOPS AGAINST IiEE-S HlFE. Consul ' General Iee rian tinues as Tdheerfui as sunlight, despite the fact that he! was warned last Sunday, arid Monday 4tf five diatMict plats against ihiis 4lfe Of course , te docs not give Credanoe to such : stories, and1 he is carefully -guarded by the.geivemmen.t,' but 'coBtianued: .warmings of thi; kmd are notlpieasant mental diet. The last story was that- he would he poisonted hy a hihed 'employee of his hotel. To this General 'Xiee replied Iy asking" the newspaper coirrespondentis who safnef' ihinT at! imeal . time, 5ji case ne ' is sud denay '.t-Mi Sty iflrst to, shoot his wraiter and then to run for v. sumach pump, Since thTe" report; ' of the .'ftwo eoorts H iTJfry, the' American..' and Spanish, faitfe . iea . in the newspapers ciute afod," cafes ha-Ve' f a3iy ' with 'a.13 eojs pf pii 4"ttew, thortyj. . ' rrthe 'rif9 scaadal"; abut ' the drunken dinner h tj lCty r.f Washing ton and 'Che ofber. elbout- eireiess .nd ibad dlspipime on hoard -the Maine are reitredt day 'ht 4ay.-. It is interesting t ieal the' falat that !! the course of an' tarervfew TirMch 'the correspond!!!!! of the Associated Press fead wth Oap taan Peralj who; presided over the Span- ash navfal ! court of inquiry, the officer earnestly Tdenieid all puch stories, pay ing Capain Sigsbee, fcis officers and men a jhfgh: compliment upon tjhe effi ciency Of ftShe discipdlinse on hoard the atainfe, ,' - (. ..nMPLa? RUMORS. ---"'! 'Among Spantsh lower glasses it is rumored thait there Ss a p3ot on foot to ibtowfup 'the Maln'e .wreck iwitfojdy&a mirte and to -blow wp the Vizeaya lor the lAlmirante Oqundo Recently Hhe story gained ttirculatian that three Americans (had toeen arrested during rthe 1X1871(1 &r trying bo 4tow! up th.e nrrecik nd 3eeh ; sent to lOUtaanas r fortress, . The ftnly fojinaikwulfor this was "tihait tlhe Associated Press co-respondent, .-wtth' ft.oaonaiiaioD'yisttJed the Fern after dark for tihe (purpose of reading a' 'bul letin to 'tlhe officers and' had his (boat challenged repeatedly, as is usual, toy the marine.. sentinels. 'i I--. It is now known (here thoit Captain Chadwick: wHas the (last of the memlbers of tihe court of inquiry ltx. make -up his mind that the (eMdence : pointed inoorn. testahly p an external explosion. Cap tain Sanipson,.. Lieutenant ConnmiShder Potter and Judge Advocate JMarix jwere earlier' conorinced. (As soon as Hjaptain Chad wick was satisfied Iby a study of the twreek, the (plans of its submarine conditiian amldj-tihe testimoniyi ofPered, Oaptakn, Siampson said: ( 1 -"Tlheire 4s no use waiting here any longer," and the (Mangrove sailed for Key West four .hours after tiheir aniinds were made up. The decision to, go was 'taken so sud denly that the-re was no tohanoe ltd (send itlfe iba'ttlehipi IOwa for the court as it had' "been thought would toe done.; ' ORDER FOR; EXPULSION" OF COR " : ' .(RESPONDENTS.: ; - r-:jl;;-Ir, Jose Congosto, It'he secretary igen erar,i has oauratersignieki the orders General BlanOo made on Monday that ; the momiemt hostilities. are declared be j tween Spain and the United States all American coaTtespondanlts are to be ex pelled from (Quba.The orders arei mat dated and: caat be enforced at any time; INEWS FROil (KEY WEST, j - Key West, dfla., March 30. The cahde f ram; the- Iry Tontugas Ito ; Key West was completcid today when rtihe Nash-iviHe- 'anid itheoaIble Iboat arrived. Tllhie iwork was speedily done. ' ' '' ' - . - .The 'torpedo 'boat attack upon the Indiana,, Iowa, and New York in :IaHt night's evolutions resulted in a torpedo (boat victory.! The torpedo Ibpat 'imen claim that .the Iowa could have been' (blown up with a loss of only two tor-, ipedo .boats while the Indiana aznd iNew York were in i serious danger. . - The sad l ing of t he-Spamiish warships. presumably for Cuba, 'has created con .sideralble feeling among many o!f the officers, as was the case when the (tor pedo flotilla sailed for Porto Rico, t . (News from; Washington regarding. Spain's reply to 'the ultimaibum of the Uni'ted (States' as eagerly awaited. Cap tain Sampson', Captain Evans and Cap tain Ch'adwick (had a long jconsultaition today on .board the flagship. Captain Evans has Ibelen wairmly greelted on ,nis mew ship, thej Iowa. Five (bodiesi if nam (the' wreck of the IMain arrived i 'thiis afternoon from Ha vana and will 'be Interred tomorrow. The boatswains mate, John Anderson, 'and Seaman (Frank .Andrew are the only tiwo of ithe five Ithat have fbeen Identified. "1 ':'!"' The j Badhe sailed , today fcr the Tfctr- tugas I on regular survey duty. The Annapolis Will eail tomorrow for Brook There Were ninety . (four (passengers from Hay anai by. the Mascotte tonight amid among them aihouit fifty Americans who say t hait Americans are not safe an 'Havana now.. . . I. The Maltary, liine steamer Nueces ar rived tonighti if com 'New York With 3;069 packages of provisions and 'aanmu- nition for (thej government. '; 1 ' ; ANOTHER" VESSEL' PURCHASED. IPaemmo, "Jtlarch! ., 30-The Giomale' di 1 icilia announces .tihat the Unftfed States. 'has '.bought v the. stee1!- steam yacht Aegusaj 'belonging 'to tlhe Florid? fR'Uibatitmo CKMn.pany,' for .. a dispatch boat. The price paid is 00,000 (?3W,- 000.) ; j ' ;'.'!. ; ! i i ' ' The Aegusa was' built at Greehocac by Scott & CO in 1896. She 'has a reg istered tonnage of 75.65, is 264.7 . feet long 31.65 (in (breadth and 18.5 in dipth amid is schooiier rigged. ri ' "i i . .. SPAIN CONCEALTNG THE ISSUES.' Madrid, March 30, 4:30 p. m. A cab inet council was held .this afternoon to ccnsilder ' the American ; proposans. Anat'her will be hold tomrraw' at noan. presided overitoy the .q-u'een regent and at 4 , o'clock toanorrow thcae" will be - a final ccinferenice between. United Spate's MiMjstar : Wojodfordy Senor ' Sagasta, the pre'muer; Senor Gulkn the foreign minister, aindiSenor Moret, the" minisiter for ,th'e colonies. ' ' I ': i "' '. ' 1 The proposition which Spain will an swer covers two points onay amid . its publication wfll be a revelation to1 some of thicee abrjoad who have Ibsen de-; nouhc rng Americas aggresai vea t Li ty de. It is as follows: Spain to proclaim Sm-. mediately an airmistice in Cuba to last. until Ootdber, 'dunsng- whiclh interval the United States wfill u. its rood clf- tfices with th4 .insnrgents to imailce this' temporary peace .permanent ; and. second,! Spain to do Iher .best toward relieving, suffering and starvation on the island, wj-.th America to be allowed' to" assist dn this work. 1 ; ashiingtioiii, March 30.Th)e) above dispatch iwasj shown (to an officjal of tlhe laAiiii'iiiuEiunauvii vv iwjase pos.iLin ssici said thoit iri viieiw cif today's events. tlhe Madrid statement of the president's tproposi'tion. Aas not to be taken serious ly- The armistice scheme referred j to was the vei-y one which had almost caused 'an Operi. revolt in (congress. The adman is'tration was q'ttoitedias say ing today that an. armistice would not be pressed; j ?Phe probable explanation was that the armistice f)tory had been cirCullatied ' "by the gavernmen't i in Madrid for fhome coinsumiptioin. ' SIGSBElj ASSIGNED TO SHORE . ' f ; h' PUTYT ;... '.; .' j Captain p j . igslbee, wiho pommandr ed the .'battlesihip Maine at the time - of the explosiion, (has been assigned to duty as .aide to Secretary ... Longl ; ORDER. OF CONIOENTRATTQN KE " . I'- ' YOKED.. J ; The' Spanish legation here late to night reCejived a cablegram from (the governor general -of Cuba saying (that the cap'taih general reported the pacifi cation of jbhte ; eastern provinces so; far advanced, ithat iit had .been decided to rescind-, the' reooncentrado order, in these proyinces and allow all subjects of this decree to reiturn to their homes in the oouhltry. To 'aid Jn the re-est.alb-lishiing cif jthe .reconcentrados upon tfheiir farms, - the .cablegram staites-the goy ernmenit T'ill grant them protec'tiicn of the Spanish Imilitary forces, augm'ented -by". local reiiieif committees to look after their; immediate heeds, Kcononrfc kitchens, -H says, are" to be esltabltelhed to suppcajt the rocancen trados whale waiting for their first crops to mature 'and. they jaire : to' ; he t umisfhed f ariiii implememts and . seeds by t4ie gowrn ment. T(0 supply (them 'ready money, such of theni as are able, will be given employment of .public work and Q l& asserted (jy the authritles that the measures will result dn the speedy re- (halbalitatiiqn of the rural communities in ; the western provinces. ; ; ! ':' This calblegram was not made pub : ISc till more (than, an 'hour after mid itigh't and; no official comimmt upon' its ; significance could be secured. - BPATN"S' WlA!R FREPATIA.TTQNS. I ad rid,"-?Vf arch" 39. sever 'cehsoc 6h)P i- exercised ty ' preyekt the eaJ age of "news as to th naval ihove- ; ments, while .the war preparations continue "With "the, greatest activity and fc fir" fti? I possible .fhe greatest $e- ; crecy. . ..v ... . y , . . -:: '.. The utmost efforts are making night and dav to set the' first class rrOn'clads Playo arid Carlos V. completed, when it is" regaipded as certain hey yril bf mpjti.taiea( wi,t cpuisefs (jaarja Theresa and Cristobal Colon to. Join vizeaya; and Almirante Oquendo in ;CuJban waters, thus forming a squad - fan. ox six; armored vessels. This wave of patriotism, with -the enrollment of the yolunjteeT corps, is spreading en rhuslasm ( tbP&MS'hout the country, iAU geats "have" "'heeir of4 Tor blnotro Opera ' performance realizing; 'about $25,000 for the navy, (aind similar tvoj I formancei 4fe iilnf iarraaiged in other uLitrs. uxrauriu jKiipers allege vna ithe South -American, repubjics a Xi&Y ibribed eooigh to buUd a warship to Ibe called tRio de La Plata.' while Mexico has sent (huge donations.. The tepamsh army will give a day's pay.5 ' 1 , , . Orders -have been sent to strength the defences at Manilla and, 'DotQ Ric There -la ik good deal of commettf; upon JLmericaJS . purchase f 'iwentyt three heavy guns from the lArmstrongs, and it is alleged thajt both Spain and Ja-! pa had, preyjously Tefused tiim afer : r, a triM, -'Whet,-, impression of the pres9 and tlhe public, generally is that Spain' wiil be afjle "to make a good! show 'in the event pi war although .her men of war are smaller- than the Americans. She would? depend onf hetf greater strength ' hi torpedo 'boats, torpedo catchers tnd torpedo' iboat destroyers. ; Minister i Woodford's proposals are not yet toiown to the pjublic here. The (papers asserC that wihen he gave as surance! -ko . America's friendliness Senor Sagasta pithily retorted toy allud ing to the Warlike preparations f, the United Stat, the ' attitude of .the (American c4ngress and to lAttnerican popular f earing. .General Woodford is said to haJvexplained! . this &4 "only natural in rder to be ready for emer gencies. ; ' .:" j. The' result of tomorrow's conference is awaited xri all sMes with the great est anxiety; and hope.- j J ,-. '-: f -l. THE OABUXET COUJCIL. - MnSNTOIJTF-iAt the cabineit oaunci:l' Senior KUapdepion, ministieAr of the inter-, ior,- explained 'the rasults "of (the elec tions and Snor Moret nead a Series oif Smportant d-ixrumfents relative to the eit- (Uatilon of . itUSe. recomcentradoa in Cuiba. and t'he ireeults of the efforts' Ihithierto made tor .their (relief. ; In' view (of these 'dkcuments; Senor Moret proposed and itlhe- councikpproved on open ciredilt of 3,wo,oo . peroaa' to .be placed; at the disposition of General (Blanco 'hy cajbTe to .be used 'rirt succoring necessatous 're oonaeinftradioa and to' faciil'itjiate wk for ithose williDig,to retum to their hoQd lings,. with njte supply of needful ad vances to j-enalble them to (till the ground. - . -' i:. Senor Sagasta gave an account of ithe cohf erenca-ftVloh United '"'States 'Minister Wioford and explained America's pro posals, tihetrtchaTacter and Bignlificahioe. The; oouncit deliberated at great length and; after 'ignsidenation; of tihe iimport anlt issues id'eipendintg (upon its decision, resolved to submit the (results lof the de!lberati)o.m, tomorrdrw - to the qiieen trelgenlt. " f, . .. ' . ' -' . T,;; The (report that the governmlemt has obtained -th1 .queen regent's signature to a: new cawdit from the "bank of Spain is unfounded. ' j I ; l'f DEPORTED FROM HAVANA. j-?; iHavana,,Mtrch 30. A man named Gar cia, "who na acted as interpreter here tor. a 'Netvfyork' newspaper, leaves (for Key ! West t3iday by order of the chief of pollc, who accuses him of being ;the author, of .many sensational stories, and of having ..been ut'' communication with the-'insurgen'tl, . 1 'll 'Victor iMoanstein, a German subject, was arrested "On landing here this morn ing rronv cneiaiascotte. He claims to ibe a "member;, of the, German Red Cross So- ciety, but when 1 searched, it is ! said ; heTNsioner, Jls.OOO; one at .Cold Spring: -Mer destroyed docannents. The police' secureiyriwether county; Georgia, $15,000. some, of the pieces ox paper iwhiCh, when put: together. ; -are - understood to bel an insurgent document. - - I i Very few1, newspaper ' correspondents are, left here; now .Many 'wM'.'go north beforfe tom-orccw-- evening, bedause of "the (quarantine, riana it is probable that only seven American correspondents -twill ire main, in Havana. - : .,-. .- : f George C?;Musrrave.'-the corresoondeht a New ork newspaper, - was deported kuuu. . , .v ..,A.,vv. ,,,,,, ,. iiavjug come direct rom the. camp of j General Maximo Gomes' Mr. Musgrave claims to be a Brfrlh subject and British Consul Gollannot l& ifcnown to have made an --effort o, prev Ant the- deportation. The young maa tvtos- sfent on- board the mail steamer pyeN&s Ayres without his bag-: gage. t "f- ! 'J-,.- i y i i.'- SPArN BE3GGING FOR BUROp?3AN - J ' JdifTBRVENTJpX. - j' I London, ifarch 30. The Vienna corre spondent of.The Standard says: The oueen regents of Spain, I ,iearh. wrote personally last week to Emperor j Frartcs Joseph . ands other sovereigns, including Emperor 'Nfcholas,,, requesting, hot pre cisely intervention,' but the fexercise' of such influence at Washington as might conduce t-a,. -peaceful settlement with out injury, to -Spain's dignity and vital interests 't a"m in a difficult position!" she wroter-1'h.i.Mng to act; as the guarr dian of the dynasty, which I' must not expose to any danger, and at the same time as the. defender of the rights, honor and. tnterests" 'Of 'Spain. To : siStrrender Cu'baun any-form would unquestionably injure the? ilynasty under 'which It'-'joc'-s curred: -wTiereas to ' fight for iu would keep thoseiH.tjrst intaeU twether vi,ixn my count ty?s honor. But the disadvan tages Spaiji would have to fight under are , (obvlou, ..--and a peaceful '(solution would best", serve -every purposei i .; McKinley nd Henna Hatiged in-i EflHgy Hidhmtid- Va., March -30. in t-bte iweisbern suburbs of the city tohig'ht a crowd beaded by Vpliant llotoess a -w-elt-to-do rbotcher and tvell knowirt demopraticvorker, hanged and ;ibaiirn0d Presidient "rcKihley and- Senator Mat-k iiamna in etpg'y. Tne crjjwijM ca'ltea ithemelveafthe Pii Hill UMiigado and durinjg the ijemform,ainoei 'Hatbess mount- oj'a box atad nmae a funeral oration, fie cnticd-sl t'he presidenit and jlHanaia severely, tssstfrLimg tnat irney inaxa, ty tbeir-failoirl call oipon Spain , to !at once cease; jho&tiluties (in Cuba, idishoji- orea i this country and the jomoes thtey holdj ''He jarzes loudly 'cheered! asi'lh'e iriiade this'Statetmetnt and in. ordter,; ibe explawiedko emphasize Ms dsgust ait the mannjer'inf 'wihSch the Epainii quvs- itKm has lbert 'dealt with he Jerked a iPisto? from.'his ipocifcet and opeinied ;up. a? fuenilade upon -the-iftgilireis, tairiy rid djing tlheoif "wt(h bullets. JThis n-as 4 signal (for thie.re.'st of h crowd, to klo 1- A. .little boy"4Lsked fer a 'bottle 'of ''get p in the morning as fast a? you ctn," the druggtst recogniied a hmisehofd name for "eiWitfs Little j Early Risers," and' ave him .a bottle qt thqse famous little pills for constipation, stick headache, jUver and stomach troubles R. R. Bellamy. -' " i y--- ..:.! i, ' - ; - Cbarlestonj Baslnesa Men Want'Peacb Chdrlestoi & C, March ,30.-rie, ciim mejrcial bo'rKes of Qigtwrit the eotton exchange. tSw'fhambero? commerce. t,he merehantst f exchange ghd the j young men's busing league, 111 met today and Unanimously- adopted resolutions calling on the senators and . representatives Sof ?uf -Carolina, to stand by Pi-esidftni McKinley in his "efforts : to nkaintiJh peace. The.'-e.sorutions adapted,! "which were' signed 'by tha 'prestderitsi of the bodre? rma, were " addressed to Seiia for Tillman vnd are a-s follows: ' ' . strong, sentiment' and desire ix ists among -the business tncn"v ehatlls- ivi' m" uumteiK ins pians to main fain peace jtb Spam," eonsistanitJntfre nuuwr xi our country,) rge our' senator and as 1 presjdtsiU jrfNSuch efforts, Please vontmu-4 ;slegram to the- .wiBa.iii iv iae- entire toutn lA torpid iVHtf robs yoa of aittbiitaon and ruihis -jlour health. 3eWitt'a Lit tle Early Risers tleanse the liver, cure oonstipatiorrrid ail stomach arid liver trooioies. iR. -pi. Bellamy. Vr? Jyew Tork.'UArch saChauocey IM.' De pew toda aufhorlred' the- statement that oe wotridi pn-Aprll 20th, retire from the, presidency, f Ithe New Tork Centra,! ana Hudson RiverJ Railroad '.Company and Sfe- ff hp. 5fe ,VrV (Sfentral arid Hudson Kiver. Lake lore, iiew York, phkraigq and St. Louis, and the "Michigan; .Oen tral railroad rS. R. Galloway will suc ceed Mr. Defw a nrfrkjj fef te New CHrfttj3iusi' Vanderbllt tn. retiring fri--' lA-Aavmancfn ,V, w XT ' .1 the the Michigan QentraJ ' J'X V LV? liam K 'Vii n1 - ' ; - v.om!pany,-aid Wil- chldVmi-f111- ;retiringr from chalrm the 1ake -adjof v..e New York. Ohica and St. Loiii3 wmpames, -yji) mmaln In the directories, : Por CbUdra Burned to DeatU , CharlestoiG .S; C. March 9ft. A mwrtal to The. News jand Cejuritsr frvn Orange- burg, S. C-i say en iast Sunday night ! th$ pWo jut Mr, . E. Oweni in Or taHgburg Vsouitty, four, negro children were burned to deatfi The house was -occupied by-Qmlla jrar,. and It seems that the children -we left in the house alone, t The - children who were j burned were three f Quia Evans andtbe Oth- .Tf7.n,e vnnerty, a 13ryearold son ContpaUef ThlrVage . Excitmr elsio Jtongress yedter 2ay, -McKinley bArned fcC effigy bjrj a mbb-H" itaieigh leiter !Leea 'Itoona-LaBoch ef-JMarfce't uotaUons an4 reyies. T ft- mm .ure .fiuitur 01 our country, wp r spectfully urge ouf' sehatr and jJpie 0 KassvIVOTetrnlea His Council lit the I ISvd Case . j ': . -. (Special to The Messenger:) -. Raleigh, N.- ., March 30. The curious discovery is made today that the reason ,wyh the council of .state refused to di vulge jits action yesterday j regarding the case of John Evans, the negro charged wiiii rape,, was mat arter tne new evi dence had been considered every member of the. council voted that, the dath sen tence?. should be commuted to life im prisonment and their opinions' were put in writing and on file. The governor re jected their advice and said he! could not interfere, Fallman Condaetors Mast , Be More' AN .-'.;..!"... teiitiTe ' (Special, to Th Messenger.), r ," . Raleigh, N; .c:, March) i 30. In conse quence of conmlaJnts of inattention and incivility made by John Tull, of Mor gan ton, against the Pullman Car Com pany, the railway commission orders the latter to have a porter at the door of cars at all regular stations, .the1" porter to have steps ready for use-by passen gers. ' . . - The Snadry Civil Appropriation .Bill Washington; March 30.-The sundry civil appropriation' bill was, reported to the senate today from the committee on appropriations. The committee 'made a large number- of .amendments, , .the total net increase in the iamottnt carried by the senate amendments 'being $4,938,878. : One of the ,1 most I important of ' the amendments Is 1 one japproprlating $491, 163 for the payment of the services of the two additional , regiments ! of artillery provided for by recfent legislation. The general . appropriation 'for the " enlarge ment of military posts, is increased from $420,000 to $920,000. . . Forty thousand dollars is appropriated for the purchase of Point Park on Look out . Mountain as a part of Chicamauga Park. . Light and fog signal-stations are .'ai thorized as follows: At Ragged' Point, : Potomac river, Virgihia; 'light and fog signal, $20,000; at or -near the pitch of Cape (Fear, North Carolina, light Station, $35,-000, total cost $70,000; jat Hillsboro in let, east coast of Florraa, light station, ($45,000, total cost $90,000. ! Revenue steamers' are authorized as follows: One for the Boston harbor, $45, 000; one for the Philadelphia harbor, $45. 000; one in the Gulf., of Mexico,. $160,000;' one for. Charleston, S; C, $100,000; at the mouth of the Columbia river, $150,000, the present appropriation; being $125,000.. New flsh cultural stations are- orovided for as follows: One. in North-Carolina... site to be selected by the fish commis- '"Children like it, dt saves their lives We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infaiUffibl'e) remedy for couighsj- colds, croup, bronchitis, gTdppe. and all throat and lung (troubles. R. R. Bellamy. ' ' Sparks The,sub-committee on naval affairs has unanimously recommended . j a favorable report on the" naval persoiinel bill. , -! The "remains of., Lieutenant Jenkins," who perished on- the hattleship Elaine, reached Pittsburg Wednesday morning and later in the day were accorded a pub lic funeraLy y - - -- " . - , '' The iRusso-Chihese bank at Pekln. ! it. -is asserted in a' special disuatch from Shanghai, disbursed 28000.000 taels just prior to the signature of the 'lease of Port Arthur to' Russia; It is reported hyt a Cuban merchant, at Key West that iseventy-one Spanish sol diers were killed in an explosion Wed nesday afternoon at Matanzas. It is im possible as .yet toj verify this rumor. I Two heavy freight trains on 'the West ern and Atlantic railroad collided Wed nesday morning near Adairsville, Ga. Engineer E. S. Elliott (was instantly kill ed and Engineer John McDa'de "was fa tally injured. ; - ; .-' - Major William Arthur, why has been located at Atlanta, for some years as as sistant paymaster, has turned over . his office to t'he neiw department of the gulf j Major Arthur is a brother of ex-President Arthur, ; -. .At - Yokohama the 'official organs con sider the British naval display 'in- Chi nese waters a mere bluff and not likely to-be followed by action. 'They believe that were England in earnest she would not have allowed matters to reach the .present crisis. y i It is a great .leap from the old fash ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous pfhyslcs to the pleasam ti litthe pills known at rxeWltt.Ns J4ttle Eaa-ly Risers. They cure constipation; sack headache and hjj jousn'eas :,R. R. Bellamy. ' t Charged With Bigamy' , Charleston, S. C.. March 30. Hunter E. Sharp, a well , known man about town was arrested here tonight at . the instance of Dr. J.-L. Miller, of iFitzgerald. The charge against; Sharp is 'bigamy. Dr. Mfller's' only daughter. 'Bessie, came to Charleston some months ago to be treat ed for some trouble with'ttier eyes. Sharp, under fh name of W. C. Wilson, paid hor. marked attention, subsequently foil lowing her to Fitzgerald, wlf ere he mar ried her on February 3rd. " Ho remained at her father's house yvh her for some weeks, but 'then, "without her father's knowledge, toak her to Macon and then brought Jier kere, arriving last night. The girl wis sent to a board in sr house, while Sharp wept to the : Charleston hotel. At the boarding "bouse the, girl was told that, -sharp wa already married, having1 a wire anq. iwa eaudren living here. She laxed him with it at once and then hearing -that her father -was in: 'town, looking' for her, she went to him. The authorities were notified at once and Sharp was arrested and locked up, Dr Miller is a well known physician In Ftt gerald and his daughter 4 v pretty etrl of about 18 years $f g. - ; ; . " TW H Cod Liiver Oil. you say, but uik you, can'-t take It? Try "Mpr-rhuTm"- a -erected "Wine of'CQd" Liver .Oil." You can gt all the virtues of the Oil "without the disagreeable; effects. Sold by J. C. Shepaid, J. H. Hardlu ana ti. jj. jj'entretss. . . . n the Hoh of Commons ' Landon, . March - 30. Sir Charles- Dilke gave notice in the house of commons-today of a motion , to the effect that the conduct of foreign affair during the past twelve monta has shown; that It is not t, Ithe mterest-'of the country to have the, premiership and. the foreign secre taryship combined in pne -person, - and asked the government to fix a day to "de bate the-motion. ' ' . iMf. Balfour, the .government leader in the 'house, first lord of the treasury and acting secretary of state for foreign af fairs, replied that the government, could not do so, as the discussion waulj . Te solve itself 'into a' direct attack upon the conduct of foreign affairs, and, he ex plained, if this was desired it would be more convenient in the form Ot vat or censure. - - y : , Basfli all ... i Ciiarleston. 'S. C, 'March 3a Charles ton ' Southern League team playd th Baltimore Orioles to a tjBdtrll at th ball pa-rk here this SklternooB, After nlrx? Innings t'h scaM. stood: f Charlest 1 0 i & 2 0 ll- Baltimore ' 9 VI 10- Base hits, "Chariestaw 1- BtaUtmo'. Zr. errors, Charleston gaHimor" teriea, KiPb Heiberg ai- Goodheart- ll Ro- tatfc Mflfcast grade brtfa powder Mu mmv II n QUI third fvthcr tfcu tey etker braad. -1 AOVAL &AKWQ PO? CO-r YOWC NoWi is the time Make Your THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS AND TRUSI GOMP. All deposits maae.on gin to jbeariinterest at per annum. : ' . WILLARD & None but tke BEST 1 Have For Rent 2 DESIRABLE RESIDENCES. ' , -1 AT $25.00 Al MONTH. ' ' ",' 1 AT $20.00 A MONTH. ALSO A NICE FOR SALE -AND ONE OR TWO BUILD ING LOTS. ' i - W. M. " CUMMING-, Real Estate Agent and Notary Public mar 2 tf ex sun 4 TTO (THE A Cry- has been r raised for many years in Wilmington for anotlK Ice Factory. We now take pleasure in announcing that, we nave s: deeded in satisfying the desires of the people. Our plant is now cor pleted, being. fitted with the latest and most Improved. Machinery.' 11 water used, is from an Artesian Well Condensed and Purified, thus e abling us to make the finest Crystal Ice., . And we are now prepared t furnish, jtne public in any part of the city and elsewhere at prices wit hi the reach of all. Now is your c nance - to show - whether or not you wis! to encourage new industries and have competition in the ice Dusinec Ice in the Summer is a comfort to all and to some a necessity. Now I giving us a share of your patronage and enabling us so make our bus ness payi you will keen the price of ice within .the reach of all. All r of town Orders given prompt attention. Respectfully, Call Bell Phone No. 308. Interstate No. 133. , . m(.i,. Our Grand MILLINERY : AND Sp CZVTIHj take 'plaob THURSDftY. MftRGH 31, AND FRIDAY, APRIL 1, ISi ALL ARE CORDIALLY It is saift that theytvearing of something new on Easter brines vckxl lir . We oner aai extraordinary opportunity g-ood iooks, at a very reasonable price. uipiay an . Easter Millinery, Dress Here they are! Behold the Opportunity ! ! Grasp if Quick ! 1 1 1 i TRIMMED HAtS AT lots among our .materials. :no job! iesignea 'py tne leaoing milliners, ax jx vvjsJilT - PRIC7E3S. . - , EASTER OPPORTUNITIES IN 'DRESS GOOD. " - .We do not hesitate to say we now offer the most complete line of fan Dress Goods in the city, such as Easter La-whs, OB aster : Oreandles. .Ea' Dimity. Easter lFrench Dress Ginghams, Easter Silks, at popular iprlees. "We offer a beautiful line of these popular prices.- . y " A beautiful lot .of Ohamgieable Silks 118 MARKET STREET. JOHNSON ARE FULLY PREPARED es Their Beautiful Exhibit, praised by of their ability to please the EASTER :: HATS :: SHOULD BE GIVEN AS Our Tuntire Stock p Goods is NEW are as low as any reputable Styl i PERFECT SATISFACTION TO ALL. " No. Ill Market Street. march Zl, WITH ICE AT 25c PER 100 LBS, REFRIGERATOR. The Celebrated Blizzarc IS THE GHEUPESTREFRIGERflTOR Ml pSOLD , . . , ,: ----- . - to - Depo: or beifbf e Afil lst 1 tharate of 4 percc M: GlfliffflllLT of tour home by pirh 13 cOnkquencb.. op nieglec: ITO INiSURE t IN (TIME. ' fTIEC ". ITIEAT. FAlfS TO' INSIIRIJ .PROPERTY MUST (HAVE A BC CLOOSD ISOMiEWlIBiESE3 WIHEN WILi. INSURE IT IN - A: FT CLIAiSS OOilPANY AT SUCII 'A (HATE OF PRBMHUM. ' GILES, AGENTS. Companies Represented. . , HOUSE AND : LOT T T PUBEIO: CAROLINA ICE COMPANY. Op ring enin : DEESS ; GOOT INVITED TO ATTEND. to buy good luck, and incWenta.. To 'begin with, we make our attiru Goods and Fancy Goc POPULAR PRICES. ' The most styiish. and laurntv IT EASTER SHIRT WAISTS. ' . goods, made In the latest style and , - , at 19c a yard. & FOME, TO FILL ALL ORDERS FOR in Milliner" everj;body, is satisfactory gvidci most fastidious. Orders for AND :: BONNE! EARLY AS POSSIBLES . AND DESIRABLE, and our pn' house can offer. We guarantee Sc FORE You Can Afford to Buv a BEST AND ONLX BYp F,,Loye(S j-