n ; ... , . .............. -5 ,w;f .- - - - .... . . .. . : . ! , .,.,., -, ,,. . ,. - ... ., . ' - , : . - - L.. : ' , .' ... . ' ' : "" "" """" """ ...... . , i :,'-'-'....-., ... TT i r '"i -V ( .-- pvtet P -..,--''-:- va r;-y-''--V '" vol. xi. no. 80. . '.. j wtjigto y, ' ") , ; ' yy-f ' ; jgjTsg PRiAjCTI'ClArL BAIRLIAMBNfllAiRy UAfW TOR WOMlE3Nw BY ETLlLiA tBOPlOE KiI'RIK, Chairman of Educatibnal Department ' off FiekJeirafcian of Clulbs f or Stia-te V. .' of iPennsylvtania. . 'FQUIRTH OJBSIS'CHN. IIElSlSIOiNiS. calle-d incidental ' 1 , r - - These i motions aTe motions i Tecause they arise from other motions; and must 'be acted upon be fore tihelmotion that gives rise to them. 'First '1An appeal from the decision of tlie iCihir." - ( . Hxamplel lA question lias been decid ed 'by t'he Cttiialr. (Some one wiho rejects to ihe decision will rise and -say Miadame Chairman, I appeal from the decision of t'he Chair." . This appeal must be seconded. -. The 'Chair then gives her reason for t'he decision,, aind ays, "Shall the Chair be sutataed? or 'IShall ; the de cision of Che Chair stand as the judg ment of . the meeting-f" ' i . II a -majority vote jin the affirmative the Chair is sustained. :!If there are tan equal amMriber of affirmatives and called a ti vote. i negatives, the vote is Ordinarily a (final vo te loses a motion. Ibut in an "appeal frdm tflie decision of t r ' the Chair," a tie' vote! carries.: ,:. be amended. An W Mr VUlllilV V - appeal is not debatable it the decision relates to indecorum or ,a violation of r. .fWhen' . debat- ihe. rulles of ; spealciri, able," a memil?er is allowed to speak (but i once., . ' ; Bec'o'n)d.'Ofejectidn tkwi of a question," to the considerta- (If a motion is made which a member thinks Is not of. enough importance to warrarit; discussion, lor if it is not for the "best; good of the' meeting, she may address ;the Mohair, and when recogniz ed, may1 -say:' . j j .y . . ''Madame Chairman, I reject to the consid'erati'on of the quieistion." ; . , - This- -abjection must be - made when the motion is first-made, and before it question !be has heen debated', i The Chair. 1Shall r considered?'? ; the Ctf a two-thirds neerative vote is firiv en, it cannot he considered. Ht does not require a second! It cannot : he amended. It cannot he debated. v ThiTd,-j-,iRieading of papers." , If. any memlbetr aski? for tlhb fTead'inig of any paper not understood, i the Chair shall direct it to he read.) If there are . - any objections to the reading, the ob jections jshall he put to vote." tAm ofb jec'tion cannot -be amended or debated. TVmrth. "Withdrawal of a motion." If the ( mover; of a motions wish to 'wtithdraiw .tlh'e mlcitioin, "slhe may do so with the consent of. the second, provid ed the motion has. not "been stated py the Chair. If it has heen stated by the Chahv it lean (be withdrawn only by a. formal motion. ,. . . " . . N - ' .: .' ;r: The form is,yUIadami4 Chairman, I move toj'withdraw the motion." This formal motion to withdraw re quires a; second. It cannot ,be amend ed or debated. ; j y . j . . ; . . : - iFJf th.-j-'To suspend the rules." iSome times the regti'lar rules of a body ; interfere with the transacting, of important Ibusiness, and! for this, rea ' on a motion ,to suspend the rules is often practical and convenient. , The form is,. "Madame: Chairman, I move to ' suspend the rules Which in terfere I with the transacting of the Ibusiness 'before 'us." interfere.) . ;: y. OSee rules that This motion requires j a second. It connot !be .amended. jcannot le de hated. It requires a. two-thirds vote. (Review of incidental motions: 1. Ln 'j ' ' ' I" . .- .t y .!. ' - appeal. 2. Ohjection to the cpnsidera a question.1 3. Heading of pa- ion of pers. Withdrawal of a mption. 6. Special remarlcsi ffliememfber that the Objection to fehe consideration, of the question requires a two-thirds nega tive vote. Remember that the suspen sion oflthe rules requires a twcnTfoiirds Vote to! "carry! it. .'Remember; that in case of an appeal a tie vote: sustains the. Chair. : -i .1 ! I iSubject for short discoission, Have Women; the Creative (Faculty ?' '-Harper's Bazaar. ! 1 POI'NTEID PAIEllAGJEllADPHS. V cQoVen bfrealthi lis eqiuoivailenjt to . a pttea. ofi gndl'ty j The more "wie thank of some, r people the less; we thlink of itlhJem. A maih seildom g-e'ts so full of emption that he! has no rcom 'for dinner. ' ? . f i Mo, nva n hias the courajgie to 'tell . a wiomtan f thie thing- that hieir miinroir does. SU!IriAlNlA' !DIlSLlSrrtEE. Explosion of a 'Boiler thia't Caused tJhe L6ss of. Six Hundred! I4Ves. " : . Thie 4'esitruictlon Kyf ptlhie TJixi'tied. States Warship CVIainie was 'terriblie1 eniougih, especially im ithe. loss of life, caused' by the blosvinig up, and almost total diem olition of :the magnilfi'oent ahicl, costly marinle struCiture. ibut, so far iasi loss of humia'n lif e is oon'oerned, the Blu'ltaina disaster on thte tMisisi'sisiipipi riiver .in 1S65 stands almtost. without a. pairall'el i'ni thie hisitory of marinie disasitem The snidie- Wheel steamer Sultiana was a fine .boait, 2S5 feet long-, and. was (built for amid run a Jong time tio the' 'Dou'isiville amid ew Orleans tralde, !but at .the tiimfe of the fearful disaster. J Which ened her existence, she. :waisy raumitfe in 'Sater St.: Louis nd. (New Orleans trader Ciaptiaiin Silly Cropper, who tnow cornmteUndlsi thie Big Kanawha, was until a trip or twio before the disaster, j a, clerk on. hier. ' : The Sultana left iMew oneaais lor ex. m j t i n u i.riiir;a n li ii- iiiiaaiivnii. i i. ... .i . w i w .... tt - j mmmmmm -, : : : : " 1 ' i '. I ' i ; i . '''''' ' ' zy mA ;i : :ySA , ! ;- ; :- ; - ' ' f - .' j : - - - - v . - -y r-: .yvy y"----:'-yy:--.-j ;----io--Hy..-;;-.;r:. - -y- my-A hAymy: . I iy KJUTK1BUT1VIS JUSTICE. ' iwukwwu jmrawiiiNaui'iUi.N'i,- .-.... . . i' : J Spanish 'loyalists in Havana cheer- fully contribute I $30,000 or $40,000 to- wrd the' purchase of" a warship for presentation j " to the government at Madrid, but they give little or nothing to feed the- 175,000 starving Cubans who are Demg supported by Amen- can charity, f The cries of the famish- igro olf iyeryiforM ing women and! children throughout ' 'oetotl-y made: lfflecstor of the 0cirtL of the island falj upon heedless ears in the Baivalninah.-'Gt;-lSKae:!y.ias a. reward of. gay capital, j whose inhabitants dance' i?2? X ?cT1xmL and sine an (1 throne in mprrv drnvpa' 1896- This . igU-rtHe! . aptpo-intan-eqlB . has S?V5 aS555f f Z i ..driven hMthie d to their Sundayi bull fights, supremely gf tae&& ixx&ai who voted the mdifierent to the appaling scenes .of i&wjtWdatis 'Wdfi&ty to 1896 ajnd! miigihit suffering anq death which j lie beyond yihaive (W.l-iiliikdield tio eton'tlidniuie vo;t the city walls. There will surely come y inlg :t. yiThietitierv-wlhiidh! We! ifp-uMish a fearful reckoning' for all 1 ! this inhu- - inanity and Crime, and when it ; comes the. standard of Spain will fall into the ! dust 'of humiliation beneath the blows j of retributive justice. New ; York Mail and ISxpressJ Uouis In1 Aipril, 1865. - ISbe had ' & good trip of freight and a' numJoer ox caiam. and deck iasiehfiters. Nothimg occurred of amusual interest on this ; trip unrtal she.reaJdhed Viclksburg. Here sh)e took bn two. thouisalnd onie hundred! 1 disk dhargedl Fedieral f-sbldiiers . ilbounid) . (for ' their homes in thie . "Nor therai ahidi Etalsit emi Stat esu X After leavinig : j-Viclksibung . she made slow time coming up the swift cjurrenit of the MississJipp1!, and in due :tkme.i: reached Memphfe p fwiitto h!er dmmienlse cargo. Shie took on. sulppliles at tMmphiis and left there ahotut mid- ' nii'gh't. iShe had reaichied a -potot about tea mllea ahove Memphis Ibau'fc t 4 , o'cJock the ntext mloroiitag, whtich was Aprdll 26th,. land ; whent everyhodly- on. i "hoard was soomd asfeep, excepit .those who were onj duty, suddenly one of her ' ibbiilers exploded with iterrMc' force. The report was heard for miles. -:Thie scehe was one of holy 'terror. The explosiioin itore the slide but of the hull,, the hoalt loegvn u sojisk. mm vaajwu, vyiumc cvgr- I) The . pof itaioJal f cMy of maikiing negro i atpn'tmenftil) In- 4tlhle;. eouth iwihtch aim i offiensdrve tx ttftiwhii'tle i as tgtreat as m 15 VT- ? ! 0n!St; oofwt tihe- blaJcto a ae- .buit ithieyif Oifuirit! y :t!hei republican Tjiartiyais a Jpoiatraal wgajmz'a'a'oin.! "' 'A n-e 1 jefllseWhieiite! 'flrprye la' iwieH-tiitfioirmedl SJoaittih-:: ennfeir. emiygpsy: tlhnis mtust miq-vijaajbay (be Itlhte effect yssnich. appojinitmien'ts and liite -waainfeigeHpu he'eid'ed. H)t iii a conidiitiiionv'nk j Wheoiry,; wihlifclh oomfnoinlts t itlhie admiinisltjriBtdori r-to tlhiiis matter. ' N'ew York ; 'Janliimg ' Posit. ' 1 . pthfiinig iahovjinatter' ;was : soon j buiin!itng iMore than W;c1 thbusand- human heangrs ttionia arounidVithe M-tfa!ted tookit. Thie cries ,io-tiiieH5lto!& and of the wuhdied Were tieraihie, tany . .Were rescnietd,wMle " others-reacclr. the slhoretsit Oaie thou sand six l hundired li?ves were' lbs't, and in-less thainl &n hours tmaeri By diay . light Jtfhexfii had -hurn)ed off,! the" hiull had sunk ouit df sighit, and not a vestig-e ' was lieft -ittjijairk -the - pot Where 'tthe ..!SuHtanai :.-wap6st. Only - a few cf-the officersi and' ,!ew of the ill-fated boat eisscaped'; wft -their lives--liisviiille CourieTHjoairiiip. There maty, te .nothinlg ttinderj the sun surpass but , the imatEUons frequently thJeordgdnaJ f if . -. -" . , It is1 !bettritk pairchase two centis worthy of nituSjc . daily from the" organ- grinder than'. . owe ifote a grairic 0!nl!y a. feVsy'ears .ago- peopslK grand pdano. e gazed to. wonder atl tthtear last gas IbEll. . THE UN1TEP 0 It ;m m . ! 1 . , . . 1 1 . . i . 1. ) ; t-. ri t : . . . , . - :y:;- ; :y . . "- ' '';'J"tii?rf H:? - - ' , y ft- - Four states have no tramp laws.. In three West Virginia;, Kentucky, and Louisiana the .tramp is. -'worthy poor." They commit him . to f public labor; one,' New Mexico, to labor on the streets and roads; the other, Mis souri, sells him to work six 4 months to the highest bidder., Pennsylvania adds the rigor of solitary confinement to hard labor. , New Hampshire and Con necticut, offer, a .reward for -.his!; appre hension.; In Nevada the district attor ney? gets $10 for convicting him. , Gen erally he is condemned to work in the bridewell, prison, or penitentiary. Il linois sends him to the house of cor rection to work off a fine; but allows local authorities to employ him if they desire. England sends the tramp to the workhouse. , France makes him do convict; labor. ' Germany and Belgium put him on penal farms. Chicago Re cord. y - - IDHEiD TO 3AJVH3 1A' 1PATEE3NT. " iMlary Hoimes, 'the "inuolse, who was biurinfed . by the explosion of am oil lamp, at the ttiGme jof Jerome (H. SWeaip, (No. 1730 iDTamioinld ' sitreelt,' iMonldaiy I indgiht, died early yesiterday,,mtoirniing in the MeidJChliin ' hoEtpiitafl ' from her m juries. Bhe was carilnfe' for a stick WhiBd when the 3almip exploded and set fire to "ithe "bed on which thie ttiifctle one (Bay.- tWlhile putoffinig out "the iflre a spark f ell uponi her 'dress, which luckily ignat ed, owing to" some of .the oil having (beteinf )is.pffiled" upomi fi!L lMiem?beiis iotf the hloiuls'ejhoM rata tk ' ther asslstatalce, Ibut iye!flore -the 'fi'ames .: wiere "exttinlgtuiiished she was terrlhly (burned aibout the body 4Plhiladelphia Record.. : . Ybu can draw .yoHir own doncdiusaon from . the . fact that : there isn't enough truth in exigence . to keep tongiues of gossips constanttay vwag!g5lng. - . STATES BATTl.gfSy . I, . v.. ... .' THIE. OMtEJN OCP THE OTWlLw " fTou heah dat?" said Uncle Wflllam td the little' .pieOcanitnh'y , who: was crouchinlg at his: feet. "You heah dat. don't you?" It was late at hight and am owi had , screamed von the roof ; ,!r l'1'Dar's a murder gwine on some- " vWhars,'. he continu'ed, "em . somebody wuz killed, whm . dait " owl hollered. I ; never knlawed it ter. fail. De oiwl in de. killin': 'business hisself,' en he know des' whut gwine on in; de dark night:" : The pickaninny crawled1 under; the bed rlotheis and covered (his h!eaidy,Thie' ' ' owl screamsed again and flew away. . Truible, .trouibae !" mnttered -the old ' man, "en, eichi ' a .colldi raiimy nftgtot fer it ! 1 shouldn't wonder ef some er dem tow-uh'try ; niggers: ain't turn stool ergin en putidey neck- in' de noose." There Was -a, knock on' -Ithe door, a shuffling of feet outside, and he, heard flils name called, in .trembling tones:. . "Open de do, Uncde fWdlllam, fer. God sake!" .. . fi ...4:. ,.x ; 'He knew the vo'icLr huit he was sus- ' . pociKKus, and Jhe called through the win- oow-cinxniKr. : .... ... , . ; 1 "Whut has you ibeen a-doin of now? Whuit fotch you heah, so late?" "'Open de do!. Open de! do quick!" Uncle William loosened : the chain) a dSttle way, when the man.' outside threw his weight against the door and iforcted an entrahce. -! y t.- !He crouched, panting, din a dark cor- " ner of 'the cafbjinw;.fv: -aA'y.: -"yrimt has "you done nkw?" repeated : tTnl'-'Waiiiw.l. .tSTgfyfab !harloir yonr'less! you ftell me-nwhut .has you done? Don't you see you scart die hoy ter deth?" , . , - .- . -:- . -r. . - The little pickaninny was sSttlnig Hp in hed, screaming lustily. Dey's ou'tsMe dar." said the man 'on: de grbun' : hut wai't twell d trpiJh . my breath. Go out en f ottch enr to!" Uncle William peered out in ithe d'ar3c- J ness,- anQ saw. What appeared Itfo. Ibe a well wfliiied-crocus sateOc lying on the ground. , . . , - t "You's Med somelbody," he said, ' en cuit him up, en put him in diat sack, en dragged him ter, my do' you devil, iyOU!".:: ..' '--j y-j- ':-- "TNo. 1 a'ta't said 'the .mati. Hindi ih reached out looked furtively around1 listening and then draggedt tine ; sadk Inside.. . . .!.-,'. . r lAnd then ': He drew! forth: Omipt 1 1 lrrfcv v .Ifrtxrirt ducks and five fat hens! -! ''TJey gimme a. close Tace fer half er : mlile," said the man, 'Ibut I dodged 'env en miade fer yo' place." ; .Well, I declar" ! " said Uncle William, reeirag me fowls, xhoughit If rum de way you come, dat you'd been a-MlTin'-some-bodyj !En heah it is muttin but ' cMcOoensJ ' IBuit dey,des ez fat ez hut-' ter! (Stir dat fire, n put on de pot. But Tawdj iLwdl i T thought fum-de way dat owl hollered dat some'body haki (been a-dbin' rer- somethin' wrong, en-hit tu'ns! out ten he mi-ttin' ihnut chickens P Well,, well! , tBut, Jim!" I (Here he held up a. warning fi-nger. , f "I IWeniin' ter you?' .r. '.'"You orter quit yo meanness en jine de ohurch! ; You pick the turkey; en I'll pick de ducks !"-4Atlan)ta, Cotnstitru-' tion ; Meo,iana wTom'en have morte faith in -each other thaim they have an their own sex.- ; r . . vy :. . . J Most men are; generous to a fault when the fault happens to tob their own j When a man tsars a leaf off - oal endlar he realizes - that his days are ' niumlbered. -y ,- :y ;: -; v We have to guess. wh!at the- future ajriKi' the merchant who never adver- cisas nas m stxjjr'e. IOVA -