VOL.5 XI. No. 85. j WILMINGTON, NJ C4 SATURDAY APKIL 9, 11898. PRICE 5 CENTS. jilt- s i t THE WAR CLOUD MORE THREATENING Neither Spain ment Will DIPLOMATIC NEGOTIATIONS ! ENDED. The Plans of Our Government Unchanged.- Go to Congress Monday.---War sul General Lee to 3Iake Startling Revelations to Congres- ;r. j. . i - ! ,i . - - . . , ' i ! sional Committee.---The Situation at Madrid. Our ! i Consuls Are 'Lea1 'ingj Cuba. Contemplated . ' ' Naval ''Adyahce on Slavana. r Washington,' April 8.Jood' ; Friday passed In Washington with not a, rip- pie on the surface, either at the "Wjhife house or the capitol, 'to. show that the United States "is- on the brink of war. Both houses of congress had-adjb' urn- ed until 'Monday and at the executive j mansion: there was no rusn or eager and excited jublic men. At only the war ,and navy departments were there signs' of an impending conflict, inj the rush of ."immediate," 'orders to a ihost Of 'naval officers to report at Once for duty on vessels "to 'Which they were as- 1 signed, and in conferences among! bu reau chiefs on details of ' war Vrepja-rav tions. A'nd yet, the resolve was firmer than ever . that unless , Spain yielded to " America's Ouban uemands the ; United States by force of arms would : move oh' Havana. There was still j BOtfie! diioussion1; oX Ouban affairs which j revolved around two ' propositions, ' namely, ,Ion of Cuban Intervention, without recqghi- nat ional independence of I the i insurgents and . . intervention ! with 'concurrent cognition of the in- ; - i - .... I dependence of -the present insurgent; government of -Cuba. Some ' public Tnen jhoyered between these two propo-' sttioits and favored .a compromise. j There T-as no definite lead by whi'oh it! cpuld be stated v-ith anything like au-j ihoHtatjiveness which course would., be! adopted', but thw unsettled statf. of public opinion on the matter indicatr 'sd tha.t even for the next few days the . strength of the ars'ments of the (forthcoming presidential message or--a distinct utterance from our consul igen-i "eral .to CuTia might be strong ehpugh to -.turn the balance to either.-. course. f The cabinet held its usual Friday isfKxs.'on. but its meeting brought no chan-gv' in the Spanish situation. In deed. i it was, chieny significant In es- taibll'sh tog that no change had Chtcur- red; that. not;e was expected, ana 'that the ' programme of action on the (part fif thp TTnited Ktates STOvernment was already made up. - : - r The bresident's message remains un Altered, and this-'being the last cajbineti - Kress, alte-rnations are unlikely be t-Wn now and Monday, 'Od.riJng; alto-j krr-thor une-XDected developments from! aiadrid: ' , After the: meeting- of the cabinet -the iomcers stated that the message. 4'ouid ibe sent in on Olanday, no change! in !anv respect having . en considered, . And all causes for delay haviiiW beeni jremoved. t ; '- I I B PPLO'M ACT ENDLl). Tht feeling that an end had come taj hiDlomaii'c talk; and that action jalbne r" emainj?d, was shared in all quarters nwluriihfr'thA foreign embassies amd Fe- ;b-a.finnd whw(i the ambassadors land iminieM:exnre(rd the feeling thht all Jias been deme in Washington that jean 'or will be done in ih- pause of. ejacei What is going on at l4lrid gives i plrght toope of such concessior-3 ther as wili alter the 'present situMionj. There are no negotiations in thejsenst -iyf exchanges, on pending prpposfsjons. i TUifh nartis aoDarently have said, their 3ast' word- concerning 'tne. resppju've propositions. 'Certainly this is trufe as to the! United States, and there were no evidences today that the iSjanish g-overriment would recede. It is ve. doubtful whether a concession m an I armistice ihy'Siain would be sufficient f it this late'm'oment to iurn.the pipua 1 tfvon into "peaceful channels. i ' 1eihe ''hurried to completion, tifnerai i -ilI leave Havana tomdrrow. probably on the naval vessel Fern, jnow : an Itayana harbor, although it wap saia ' at the! state department that he plight .take one of Ha Plant L,inc steamerg. ,At that time alao the other Tfni'ted Rtates consuls and mo.st of the Ameri can citizens residing in 'Ciutoa' Will hp , out of the' island. Official reports re;r i ccived here today stated that large i .number- of Americans were leaving ! ; the several steamer from Havana arvi o'thcr-'ports. 3 Kriftlre qtiiet has prevailed there up ' th4-time. The United States con- ttul at Porto Rico - is : also, preparing i o leave. 'o instructions, it is fetated I definitely... have been to Mjnwt "Woodford concerning his withdrawal ? 'from' jMadrid, that bng left to his dis- creti'oti. Thi prospects of hisjwitn- drawal have ; 1een luuy cpnsiueieu, however, and there is reason to Relieve .'hat m the eyent of his retiremwu. he 2r 'tisih ambajsador at Madrid will 'looTc siftLr" FAmericin Interes'ts " and Jalforia protect. on 10 ""-y in Spain.' 8,it is watea w ,i -rter.- is part Of a an .au Comity 1. i gnited State and Oreat Britian and ' iecii". ocai oil aci;iBiii v the action of the- Um, ed States govern- a; i. T! ti'ali ment 'in-affording prteC"?" fl'VnS ' Fubjec-ts on a former occ-,jai""-,!: p Ppanjish minister at Washi.tltop as received no' itistru'ctions as to JjiS parture, nor has he made prepari.w-"3 to-got although" his establishmeni is in suchija condition that he can leave in a fewi hours after receiving orders from his governmenit to depart. l.s an evidence of the compiec & ees- c-Jti.on of. negotiations it can bei cited that today showed the seventh e-onsec-"utive day since the Spanish minister called ajt the state department. ' j WAR " PREPARATIONS PROCTJEJIi)- j ' : TSG. - 2saval' and vrar preparations are . pro- ctt-ding systematically but the larger details f preparations have beeij shab edand there is little more to di than 10 see these regularly executedJ While there are many naval movement;?, -there The Koval is the biahest orade bakioa oowder luiown. Actual tests show it goes oae- third further than any other braaa. POVDER Absolutely Pure KOVAL SAKIPW PCWOtR CO., NIW VOBK. Nor Our Govern Yield' a Point. -The President's 'Message to iPreparations Proceeding.--Coh- has not yet been any decisive order af fecUng- the movements' of the fleets. SPANISH JTL.KET SAILED. A report was current today that the Spanish fleet of cruisers had-: sailed from Cadifc for American water3. either at the Spanish legation or at the SENATORS CAOSrVASS THE SITUA--'' '. ' ' . ' 7ION. ' ' . j " At the capitol the senators 'Who are devoting- themselves to the task of se- curing a resolution on the Cuban; ques- tioo on Which practical unanimity on the part of the senate can be obtained were quite active apd when the day closed they felt that they had made, appreciable progress. . There . was a joint meeting, of. the leading, members of. thi steering committees of the Var- ioius. parties durimg Abe day. in the rcoms' of the committee. on appropriations,.-in which the whole situation was canvassed. - .- . '.! I ! .; The" movement to consider the w-hole. Cuban.- question Yin executive session' is gaining ground; The senators , Who have looked tip the precedents -find the only parallel case to the ! present one to b thapwhen war was , declared against Oreat Britian in, 1812, when the declaration Was considered inj secret session. -' . ' " j i ! THE . SITUATION IN CVIAiDRrD. ! " .: ! .- -'--!:' . Madrid,! April 8. 'Morning A imuch calme feeling prevails here today, re flecting the- ne-wrpaper utterances and various, published versions of the caibi pet meeting df last night.' ' i The, minister, -at yesterday's cabinet council considered Greneral Woodford's Ithdrawal- note, the' collective' action of the powers, the warlike preparations and, it is alleged, something else, which h a s. rirtt vpt tramsnired.' ' - ': -t Spain, at present, 'being,: according to' the official points of view, a .specta tor, and not an agent in the negotia tions, it is intimated that the. secret matter refers to somehing officially form'uiated by the pope. , ) I : A cabinet minister, in an interview ( on the present .situaion, is quoted as saying:- . ' '. ,': I ' . "All 'the minfeters -have sunk their individual -Opimiions and are': working -unanitnousTy in the-r-'interests1 of: the ceurtry. 'It is eritirdy useless! tb attempt-to arrange a compromise in the facef -off- the attitude of America; which has decided to see'k a rupture; at any cost.. The Spani'sih, governmemt would wea.ken itself by -eoncessi'ons ahtago nislfc to public sentlmont.: 'Neither the government nor the country desire war, but the govTmment jmoisitj eavej Spain's 'honor.' -'. I I - - ' ! - 'Nc-on General 'Correal the- Spanish minister- for war, "in his interview of yes terdajr, said: ' - ": . I 1 . . "Spato -must; nOt-;be alarmed! if war is declared at the Wih'king: of a Spanish warthip. . What we ' must at., all costs avoid is a 'Spanish warsihip s;trik:ing her colors to the . American flag. !She should rather explode her magazines. I wish Ut God Spain had riot a warship from 'Cuba to the Peninsula.. Weould then ."ay to America: We are . fberfr, 'Meet us ii'hen you please.! " - f j .' 4:4.") p. rn,. 'Genieral Wotolford ' ha? fseiLt a. cable message to Washingt'bn settins forth that "the publication of his tatern;enit yesterday has dqhe eoid in '.Madrid and will do good throughout Srinv but the end is s'tjll. Very donjtbuul. The general is worfeing tram a" sense of duty, rather .than w'i'bh strong faith in sucdess.- The 'basis' of What hope is left!, re'gia upon . the 'evident fact that the sober sense of 'Spain is slowly com ing to the fronts and' that In a fev day&, fif a few days can still .be had). we shall'sCe !'a crystallization of public sent'mefa't that will isu'stain the; present Spanish government, if it has the, ccur a'?e to flo at once-the things that are weees'sary ;fpr peace.". ! r. n. bl-jA dispatch from Washington ju&t rHJeived, sa'ys jo' negotiations have : ben lmtia-tea tnere an. fnat none, win be '-uhdertakn ahoad, except; tbro.ush 'General Woodford, who is wiiStructe Jo r egotiate-Only on the bast's of the ao't'e prPisentedVat 'the recent -:: conference: P'amely, ft'he immediat'ej cessation -t-f hoatiiitfe jand the f urpishing of. aid to tiii; rebcnicetrad!os. . i With reference to the lalbove, Serior Sagasta says th'e 'Spanish fcyernmeht has tio intention cf opening further ne gotiations. The, SSpatnTxitt government today remitted: tr "'Rome 'its full rply t the pope's sugge4i'Hi. :-f an err.is tice. - t.--- v . . - I' . ". ; . : r . 5:1 p. m. The streets weej. mcare crowded today t(ha, yssrerday, large narr.Lers or peopie gainenrag i jir.tss thV reTig'ious process P;i which is one of Jhe'features of Good Friday 1? pars ed neki' the United States legation; in' whic-h -wictnit y he crcwd3 Were; the most dense, but there' wa po darr.'nstration. In1 fact, perfect brderl pyeyaUs everyi' ' " where. :A decree estatoiishing a naticn aiiinavai subscription has been drawn upi The name of he queen-rfgent ap pears fhe head of ttts sybsoription lis't. - ' : "-. ' The mlnJster'for h'e cotorji'es, Se.nor Moreti .is .indispoWed. V On account of hi! indisposition, which; is if4 'to be t.ie result of a cold, there wasf-wo eab-', 'Eft tcumcil today; t-ut, I it Asi expected thit & meeting of the mimfeters; wifl be h-ld tomorrow1 to-deal with Washing taii dispatches, 'ic-h are (hourjly await ed. ' !' .! : 5:30 p. .m The; Liberal sthis eV'ining says the - jwernment has decided to Senad a. note to ef pcJ-thanjktog h4m for M good offlcesv Lnd hogging him to persevere. "Rut," The liberal adds, "the government does not pledgw itself to? accept the. papal decision.' : '' The. Helardo. will ay: "Spain re mains in the same state Of expectation a.nd uncertainty as yesterday. Tt ia' im possible yet to give a -iCe opinion respecting the pope's m-wjiai'fon a,nd the intervention of the great powers- ; ' 6:30 p.' m. The political barometer has. taken another upward 'turn. The bourse today .showed ah advance of 3 -points jn response tol Don don and Ftaris,' amd tip general -talk '.of the town is peaceful. '.': '-)...'.: -".- !" " ''"',' The attitude of England at 'IWaishdng ton Is miuch' approved, as jhad hith t been regarded ' as siding- -4nre-a eervedly with. America, : " ' .. . So far as Information Vet cibtafaiabie goes, the, powers have not addressed a pojlective iwt to Spain similar to tha$ pre?tfd at Washington,' although It isLkno-W fhat?--thir' represeintatives here have loiig fcrni'. wof ifl'nig with the Spanish governme hi t& secure peace. Upon receipt of the ' if patch frcum Senor Polo y Banmbe den'yin'K ih re port that the Spanish legation at Wal ton had ben attacked, am omciai de nial was Issued to the'txublic. Much in- dlgnaiion -was exregsed, even among Spaniards, at;-the sena,fipnal attempt to excite the crowd." . r - . -";.. . j Press censorship ihas' noiw ,alvot reached prohibition, impartial '' news sent to the Asociated- Press, news also obtaimed to roany insrnces dirvt from . - ' - " - i ' th'e Spanish government, meets with the same fat'e as khe most rabid jingo dispatches. Twenty-four hours after fling, the fatal "sin eurso" order reach ed the correspondent. ' ..-4-. ! -'-.-'- 10:15 p. m. The ministers corntinue their reserve reip'ecting : yesterday's 'cabinet csouncil. dt it is believed to have been occupied ; principally -. with a telegram . from Cardinal . utampolla, papal ' sieoretary of instate, relative ' to papM action. v : : I The correspondeiit of the Associated Press learns thatl the discussion was very animated .Jbeiween those favoring and those opposed to. further attempts ait mediation or negotiation. Senor Moret, 'reCretary for the colonies, en i. .jetically su&tainjed h'js conciliatory vLe.ws and was lifteriied to witli great aittentibn. The council terminated af ter agreeing; as to the draft of the re sponlse to be sent to Ordinal Rampolla. Tonight the papal nunicio called upon S;.nor Sagasta an received from him the reply decided upon. r I - 11 p. - in. Senor ? GuIIoa, the foreign minister, has; held several conferences with the ambassadors of the powers. Rumors having .been circulated that the failure of th'e; pope's efforts Was owing io the attitude of the United States, the nunciature 'here has. Issued hg following, note: , . "The nunciature 'has1 today higher, hopes than ever for the ' success of papal Intervention lit is not true that President ifMctKiinly has rejected the pope's in terventioai; in favor; of peace. Such impoliteness would .be; the more impolitic,-' not only ; because however much ar-' person might be the .pope's enemy, it would be" impossible to. mis interpret the voiqe of -the venerable' old man who recommends the preser-, vation of peace. On the ether hand the ; Catholics of "North ; America would never pardon such a disregard .of the vicar-general of their church." The general tone of the evening papers is' one of 'sa!tifaCition with the interference of the European. 'powers, as showing that the latter realize Spain5 3-. determined attitude against further concession r to America, j Some doubt is expressed, ' however,! as I to the result of intervention,, tost the 'Euro pean concert repeat the Cretan per formance. El Correo Espan(l, the Carlist organ, publishes a letter; from ; the Marqaiis Cavro. a Carlisit g-eneral '; lii' the last war", addrecsec" to Oount XiqUena, min is'ter of putolic works, onering his ser vice' in case bf warL . - 1 , . 12 p. m. At this; hour there is aoso luitely nn .news. . The government offices are empty and political circles and places of puWic , resort . are deserted, owing to Good Friday. '! General Woodford remained at the United States legation until a late hour. J " i ' I '-. -.-j.. ; 'cOCSTSFULiS 'LiEiAVING CUBA. '. ' kingston, Jamaica, April S.-It Is ex pectal that tomorrow at rtoon a steam er chartered !by thc American state de .partmen't -w-ill leave (here under orders t proceed to -the f southern 'coast of Ctrfla and take up! the United- State's consuls and other f Americans at four pforts. At the time this dispatch is. fiied the nams fa the Vessel is nt made ..-pufljHc rior are her . destinies, khowii. Ttoe'sWaiifer everlyy Captain 'Andersen, 'sailed from Cienfuegos to day with the United Sttates consul, Mr. Owen iMcGarr, and other .Americans, for Boston, by way, of Key West. ' Kingston, Ja., Aril 8. The steamer Brookline. arrived Port Antonio this moEning.from the city of Santiago de Cuba, : having on jboard the. : United State consul, Pulaski ; F. Hyatt, the staff of the consulate and twenty-five Z-tnericans, chlldrefi included: All was quiet at Santiago Kvheai -thei Brookline left the port. There j are: three ; small Spanish- warships f there ana the en trance of the harborj as- prbtected to-V torpedoes. American interests at San tiago de Cuba hafe been left ixi care of the British ccnsul. Mr. 'Hyatt has not determined whether he Jwill go to Boston, or stay inj quarantines at Port Antonio. . - - ' i 1'ort 'Antonio, vi;i Kingston, Jamaica, April 8. The steaiiyier Brookilrne was released .Trom , qiiarantiine after a few hours' dbserva'tionC .IMr. ' . Pulaski F. Hyatt, United 'States con'su'l at Santi ago de Cuba; :Dr. paimanero, the hos pital .insp'ec'tor ; 'Stationed ' there, aind .rK."arly all the other passengers brought ' by ''the 'Brookline thiS 'Tniorning, debark ed and Will remean here. A ft'w sail ed on the Brookllhe for Boston tonight. ; .Mr, Hyatt said: "I.left under in structions frtwn the department that I was not- to interpret 'the withdrawal as precedent to a declaiiation of war. and I am to remain. ;in Jamaica uinder dn'struc tions to ibe -received. IPersomi&Hy, I assuihe 'that the; situation: in Cuba 5s gnave. iSantiago, however," -i;s. quiet' a?nd very rntich the same fas it "hjas been for the last two years The insurgehts are , greatly inspired1 by the prdbalbility; of OPPOSTTTON TO CUBAN INDEPBN- ' PBX'OE, ' . . ':. ' ' i Washington, April' . 8.-r-Tonight the conservative senators -Who iare oppos ing any rccognBti.m pf the present Cu ban government -claim thatja majority of ,the eomtmittee ;OJi foreign relations Will now supporti this position, con tentlng them'selvejWi'th! - t'he general deClaralt'ion for tle' freedlani and jinde . pedtjifi'e of . the 'island, cc!i:r'.ed with a. proposition "fnf' htervent ; in the 'present war ' bet weefhr 3pain and ' Cuba. They count u,pon getting the voteis of six 'of the eleven members cf the com mittee and say this! .number may still be increased - ( -, .1 IJVm VQ MAKEj, STARTliNGt .BIS- ; " ;,cixsiniS. . t . . Representative vLorrinier,! of Illinois j? authority 'for the statement' that Geaeral Ijee NWill!make some "startling disclosures bef orejthe senate committea on, foreign "relatlona when he arriyes here, regarding 'the con6$irjjy. o .ibiQW up the' Maine. - It was announced yes t-Tday that General Le'e would be call ed 'before thecommittee, (but the natnire of the testimony expfected from him was not disclosed.! 'T; understood that Gen eral Lee is to supply, the missing link Jn the testimony," ,said-"Mr.' Lorrimer. "My inroriflatioji is r that Captain Sigs bee is in "pOSessio tf the facts hut doejr not f eel atS liberty : to give them untH the person who gave. them to him .releases ixim froh the secrecy imposed It is said that he information General Jje'e js expected to 'testify to relates to tlie e'tiiiiMrhinentof the etettric lights In Havana at ttte nstant or the riw ing up of the 'Maine: aaecjripal ex perts have said t!.at if the light went t out . In Havana at the time of the'ex- ploslori it would be conclusive evidence that the mint -under the Maine must have 'Lppn fired from a ;Wre, electrical connection. Capf.an Sigsbee, " biere the foreign relations. ommlt tee, ," said he had informatibn that the 'lights. had. gone-out, but did not think it advisable to give the name of hte informant whiie he was in Cuba, i His informant is said to Ibe General lieL . ;, i -. -fJXA!NCES OF CUBAN' TXSI7R : GENTS. ' - ' Some -very intet-esj-ing facts were, de veloped fbefore the foreign ;affairs com-, Biittee of the house -today.. : The deputy treasurer of tfieiCuban republic,- F, !B. Guerra, : appeared-1 with " hi books and they were 'inspected fry-the committee. He explained that 6f th? J19,OQO,000 bonds, authorized only $122,000 had been actually disposed of. Some of these :v,,r? in paymen' of provisions sent to Cupa. ?or som of the bonds .par had been' ' otit-ihe. . These .-were : taken mainly 'by Te ifriepA? if Cuba. The lowest pricesat: which they1' were old wa i26 eiKt -oft-. the dollar, ia' lbatch of $0,000 w-eri sold (or 43X19 in press; ing emergency. 4 One iniltiqni ftf the bonds, he said, were locked UP in the saf 9 at Belmont 1 & ' Co. to ibe- sold whfen the price- ?ftxed,v45 cen.ts- on the fto.ll h-ad .been obtain Three millions ! o'f'the'reHiainder 'fli'ad been i-ened but HOW' THE iMfljO&ffi JaTiaTVVAS -u - ;s .- ; :SECTjjiED,'j;; ; ;; "The deputy treasurer was asked if he knew the stcry ox the.pulflicatioii cf the Da (Lome leUr.'and, without names he told the first authentic story of how It was obained. He explained that it was absracted fby a, clerk in the postoffice' at Havana who was in, sympathy with the Cuban- cause and sent back to New York. There; its Importance was at ence realized and It was given out for publication, the action (being justified because it sho.-ed "conclusively what the Cubans had always contended, that Spain was double dealing, . AMRTCANS IN SUI7TED SPAN- j ) ' i ' . I ARDS. : Washington, April 8. (A New Orleans special to The Post says: i )! i "The st earner Utstein. arrived at Port .Bada' this morning from Matanzas. On board ! were Messrs. I Curtis and Richardson, of the Kansas City Star, who: represented . Kansas; City in the distribution 'of 600 ton's of relief sup plied .to suffering reconcentrados. On Monday the "eupplies were landed, but only ! with great difficuly and amid the abuse and insults of the Spanish popu-. lace.! ' The presence of the:food distrib- utors in Matanzr created! such intense excitement and 'bitterness that a riot was imminent to suoh a pojn t that botih! the British .'and American comsulg aa vised the two newspaper .en ito re. tunl ontktan-a h-mittfrif?iTSfiv -4 They were followed from their hotel to the landing by; a howling iholb who r . ! - . ... j hissed, spat upon and otherwise insult ed the Americans, crowded in..' front of them,- jostled them and at one time threatened to push them .bodily into the "bay. The Utstein ' is now at the quarantine station at the mouth of the river and "vrill ibe 'SUibjected to -.three days) detention by the - health bfficers. Injspi'te of (the fact, that the Sspanish .g.o.rfS'nnienit, through Washington, bad promised an unhindered entrance ; and to jl.-jic-'ilitate in every ipossibl manner the unloading of. the stores for the s-tarying,. it was not until after much difficulty, and delay that the jship Was perniitted to! enter and discharge her cargo. The greatest suspicion was en tertained, c- feigned to-be entertained,' by j the Spanish officials, who .inspected the .entire cargo of provisions! with the utmost scrutiny and greatest consump tion jof time.! - A Mr. . Richardson and (Mr. Courtis tell a story of fearful suffering in the city. Thejf had a fvery exciting . experience. Leaving the 'vessel on airivjing, . they -went, into the city and registered at a hotel. It was not long before the 'Span ish found it out and, theitr identity be-i-nr. discovered,' every evidence of pos sible! violence was manifested. '-' Both th4 American and British consols in sisted that they go back to; the vessel asiflttickly as. possible arid remain -on board. ' !:-- :-''' S M4 . Richardson expressed the convlc . tiofn J that American' life is extremely unjsajfe in this section of the; island. A A SPANISH CRISIS NARROWLY - j j.' '' .-: AVHILTEiD. ! . -. 1 1 " 'i- - ' j Madrtd, 'April 8.' -The mam opposi tion? -to the arimistiice ' in Cuba, which -iw4s -suggesitea 'by the queem ?regent and the -minister for the colonies, Semor (Moret; came from the. ministers of war .and I marine, General ; Correa and Ad m'irsiH . Bermej-o. , If Sen'or Slagiasita, the prtjhier, bad hot yielded they would, have resigned and, at a critical junc tue Spain would have 'been deprived of th heads'for the principal departmen ts and.jit was f elared!, it' .would uave bee,n im'poss2ble to replace these m'toister-s, in j view of the present temiper of .the army and navy" " . .'-,.. ATIiNTA FOR POINT OF MOBILIZ- ! ING, THE ARMY. iAtlanta, Ga., Apral 8. general Gra ham, commander of the department o the gulf, -tonight wired "the-war depart-, menlt at "Washington rfecbm'miendtng Atlanta as a point for the mobilization of troops in case of war. 'General OiU hiim has, 'on orders from AVashington, b4en devoting his entire, time -since his return from the tour of inspectionx to visiting the-different pla'cjes pointed out jto him in th is x vicinity as available for pclnt-s, of Concent ra tion While the general has not recommended ' any certain tocabicn, it is known that he 'has 'three in view. , His fldal deci'sdon is .biased on the pleiradid; railroad fa ciiitjes, 'the high altitude and pure wa ter of ' Atlanta. The eity :bouacil of 'Atlanta Jtoday agreed' to 'appropriate $7,000 for laying the water mains -, io any point the .war department may de eido 'Uiwn. ' - !,! .. j ' j Ooloniel iHf L. Law ton, inspector gen eral of the southern district of th'e army pfa'sied through Atlanta j tonight en- rtouteto Wa'shington. . i'.'i 1 I ! "' WELiCOIMTNQ THE REFUGEES, j 'Jacksonville, Fla., April' 8. 'A special 'to The Times-Union and Citizen from Tampa, Fa., saj-s: The ,earjy trains this afterno'on took large crowds ' to Port TampU, nine mil'es away, to wit ness the arrival off the retu'gees from Cuba, ! . Americansi, Cubain's anid Spah iiards "joined in ? forming ; an' eager throng.. The boat was latej not fyrriv ing! until 9 o'clock, tout those- await'ng .were put into a feverish .state, aibout ' 8f O'clock by an? 'illumination of the .heavens frem the 'Masc-Otte's powerful Searchlight, used near 'the enti"ance of tihe !h arbor.; The flash came; as a signal that loved: ones; dear' ; because : they Were Americans if not hearer kin, were coming to the land of the free. As the bo'at dre'yv up to the dodk; jthose waiit ing sent up shou'bs of welciome to rela tives and ; friends. Then : ..foilowcd a crush for the gangway that almost Overcame the officers stationed there." Cries cif children mingled j wjtli '-.- the SOb o!f women Impressed all wjiith the firsjt serious aspect of w)ar.i j. One hundred and seventy-eight anx iotts -souls : brea'thed relief as they jboarded .the awaiting carsl The pas sengers report 'havuingj j experienced great difficulty in securirir passports, owing to Spanish espionage." ; pRjAFTING SlOLITERS IiN IL41ANA. 'All able bodied men -are; pdraf ted and Watchfulness is 'nwintained to prevent jthetn leavirag. Those, l'iatble to draft in 'the regular. aTmy are joining the voltin teer column-, cf Havana, which has swelled wu'thin 'the past 'few days 'from i 1,500 to 20,000. This they prefer to reg ular service, which would call them into 'thej. field and take - themi away from the prctectiing walls and Inviting cafjes. iThe volunteers are verging upon revolt against AmerMains ahd ultra S'pain-' ! ExIInited SJtales kUonul Albert Broth er, of Matanzas; and family, were pas sanger?, " .' - -1 ij. ".':-; .;". V Presrident 'Plant today" tesiied: notice it Hat upon tne return oihe steiajiruer Olivette from Havana and the steamer Florida from Mobile these1 lined would cease - u ntil further n'o t'ice. The Oii ;vette Will arrive from .'Havana on Sun day with General Lee. 'and jother' Americans.- j.-- '-.-- '..'. ;!- -J .- j Kew. Wpt, Fla., 'April'. 8. The day here Was Ken one of expectancy and 't-OMjectUi-w, " Therp -h"-;YP 'ben no ad vices from; Wa.i,hliigoh jtndica'tin any! change5 in the 'situation, and the little jt emaining ; preparations j' hate gone' on wfth tncessant vigor-' : j '-.- '.'. T j A, f?AD 'ACOTDBNT, . ' f : j Apart from the arfiLof ths Man grove from Havana and' the Monitor Amphitrite from Port RoyalS. C, the hniy Incident of the day was cf a triv ial character. Chief punner Mt4 Johnson, of the gunboat Newprt,, while rnkk'ir.g an examinatfon of the ship's pojttajn, . iwet W4tb. gu-dden deatli froni asphyxiatieH, 'he exaot'teause is .ns taiown, bu"t it is thoyg'ht , the arrpipe Ijecaroe entangled m some! way, - He was down oroe time and, as he gay ftp signals, : toe was diiaiwn up, , -when he! wad found to be dead. ! The accident has cast a gl'oom over the ship's company.!-The remains will : -be . interred taere' tomorrow lnoj-nii-ng. The examina. ttoa was a reutthe anlaif and not roaJa because of aiiy supposed -defeet, 'EXTRiEM'EJ ' ' KEOAtJTIOCNS ON j j BOARD THE UNITHD STATES I I - STEAiajSHTP DETRJOrT. ' Thi? ship steamed out for patrol duty "tonight with deck rails swung do vvn, ' sfetting .fpread or catch, sprinters and, everything" bare'for aleadert teall. Th. pi'ecztuiiicms In, watohang the incoming vessels;, were redoubled. The Puritan 4 passed the Detroit aa she proceeded to her station at the aravtana entrance to the-tearbor The usual courtesies, were exchanged. There was riot a naval of ficer 4mt breathed easier iwftien the mon itor joined "her (Smaller sisters, the Terror and Amphitrite. A navtgation ;lieutcmnto.n.!boiyrd' . one , of the larger ships . as he lookd through has glasses ,at these formMable craft said to the x?:-respondentof the Associated Press: "Those- three i?.ating Iforts could, by thennselveS, w-hip the whole Slpanish navy." :, , , ; .; - , --, - . . ? ; , . v FIOAiNAnJdlRJS ANXIOUS ' . FOR WAR. ,' .' - ; .. Wen .knowledge -, of -'the plain of blockade of , Havana as C rep-tei la?t hightspfeaid 'through the' lleet; Itcday, n'o end "f- diiscusBii'oni ensued. The 'general impression Us that the mer on itbe torpedo ibmM would: stand' btl iit tle 'chanice of e-ver coming out - oB am eugagemeti't alive.f This view was thore oughly confirmed by the torpedo ' ix.t men themeives,v'!and the matter-of-fact way in whic.h;'-they. discussed thei.--chances was a gcriking villustratioh of American 'pJuckfand -of- indifference" to 0im. .1.,- - '. . ' Tl ' ueatn an xneir country: cause. Intense na3Sf-?m reigns among--officers land 'w:,.;-, mu . 1 j. 1 W-r ui-u .un-c. . xit. cmciix 'upon, na- yana Ms eagerly lltfoJced forward. So and. 'is thought to Ibe "certain to "occur, 'be ginning next' weieik, unless i Spain backs down completely. In spirit and. in (pre paration. ICaptaiji' Sam'psOn's . squadron is ready to, fight., and -on all. siid'es the complaih't- is ihe&rd that the expected 'oppositioiri is ofsuoh poor'oaTibre, While it may be irut;ully said that there is very little sympathy for the Cubans thenaselves amng the officers; this long period of suspense and.uncerfainlfy fol lowing :the Maijie disaster has' wrought them up to anOnequal'led pitch of ex citement.; ( ' . :. : ' , ' -'Xyta- steamer? "Olivette, from' Tarhra. wifh-ber -rrTseftgers, lay to eigh'njii!es 4- -r . ---- - -- v-.-.-j. .v nwvii. vv'jls considrable excitement over the report that she was ; fagraunid. The arfents here Faid t-ha't tehe was. at ani-hbr awaiting nigh tide and w-ould soon taro c-tu to avena jon ner regular tiip Up ijiiQjiignt snej -still lay off shqre had not v'-f.nided -mail or passengers and Aire vveice arrived tonight daniiaged'.;, . S?h&; discharged her- cargo ' and will proceed to Havaria," there to await orders" - - ' COiMPLnfcQNTARY TO- LBE. Havana; Aprjl Z ' 10:26 p; m.-r-La Lucha today, ;cmmenting on the atti tude of i Consul" General- iLeej ecHnjes" to Ibelieve thatJ e; has sent word to the papers in ihe United States that the Americans in. Havana are lin danger. The. article, wlftch is -ery fair, fays that General JLte represents the United States and not 'Snain and tha.t- this If a st n n 'must 'be.; remetntered. As for dangers, ia xjuc-na reminds . its- readers that General Lee was bere during the .dem onstration last ' January and frieely walked .the streets unmolested. . i Thi3 morning ) : MiUtary Govejrnor Aroles, chdef pagliery of 'the Orden Publica- guards, and . others, with a mounted staff, Jit'sp'ected-. the military defences t of Havana. . ': .).' '-The usual ceremonies attending Good Friday were, Carried out today.. This afternoon Iher-e was a flight rainfall. PREPARATIQNS , FOR WAR t(RE VE-U:- . NUES. " - . ' V ; -. . . Washington,:,;. April' .-8.- The- members of the Ways and means committee of the house are 'busily engaged .with the , treasuryofficlals is the w'ork preliminary to the' draf tins tf a war revenue meas to 'b'e "introduced - in cohgressj im mediately upon-M-he 'Opening of hostili ties with Spain. 'An increase in the in ternal revenue.' tax on 'beer from to 9Q a barrel an dvai large increase in the tax on' manufactured tobacco, including cigars and cigarettes,, has "been pcac tically agreed v. upon.' - Bank chicks, bills of exchangee; drafts, deed's, mort gages and .'others papers of this( class, patent mediciaes and nostrums, lb. all probability-algb jwill. be added, to -the list. A rough estimate of;- the receipts , to be derived frpm these sources is I that the increase on -these articles alone1 will approximate, -if" not exceed, $.100,000,000, a year. ' -i , , ; j - A 'bill prdviditig for a temporary loan ."of $100,000,000 id a permanent loin of. frbm $300,000,000 to $500,000,000 at 3 .per cent, paya-fe in cpin, bas. beenprepar-" ed by the wastand means committee j:.n"d wni -De.irBmiediately introducid. in cae of war. i ' r- - 1 ld Point? 'Comfort,- Varf April 8 It is learned .04 good authority' that the masterrat-farnls'-f the cruiser Cokim lia, a native orn Spaniard, has fbeen Iransf erred to; the -receiving ; shipj He has been, a naturalized American, cit izen! sixteen yars and it ia ibelteved that .-the,transf;r is merely a, preeau -ionary'lmea sure "and hot because df. any chargesi" of disloyalty , against hirti. ; A rumotr was" prevalent this inprning that he had 'been arrested and put in -irons because of iltged betrayal of &ecreta to the Spanish! government. This, ;how- ever. w- denut ripy tne orncers 01 tne . Columbia.. -Whii It . is true that the rnan was;nOjt.dl,ec,tly accused '05 -put in irons, it .is perfectly plain, that the government J taking unusual precau tions to guajref f gainst , any information being- given'out '. . v : ' v. " , ' STEASHIINE , WITHP R1aw1N. j f 'New York,' April S. R. A.C. Smith, of the Ward -Line CSteanitship Company, returned frtrmjWasftlrigton today. To reporter he said that ..all- the Ward Line-. steume-rsj service today 'Were withdrawn 1 rem SFtANJISB "'tiTTTTTJiDD TOWARD .. ' .; ; :;iiHRiQA;' ilonxion. 'Aau'rif. : The Madridi dor- , respondent of, The Standard,, ' telegraph -. in& x; ritxa,y .ii'i55Hi - "SurAr'&e and 'perplexity, have caused in Madrid bv the news of the steps of the European ptowers in Wash Ington, 'which .tjnds to confirm, t'he pre- valent idea ".that the same lnnuemces- are actinig in concert with' the media tion 'of the. -noiift t'o induee: the govern ment "and theV ijueenregent to j-meef President fl4'dJS?ejr half ' w-ay.' ' fficSal circles are . mw?h pleased (by 'the . new aspect of thei crisis, -which ds said -to increase thejipTOspect' of a patelflc gQ-i lutton. v . ' - ' ' '!'"'- ' '.' !"" ' Xp$ mO'St :fprfs ffea'tawe thrcughiout thetiisa jhas-Sbfeeh ' the fact' thai "dur ing ihe .7ast::Stx montihss, tne p,aiits.'i people aind .'the5r, rulers have n'ot : jseem.. ed to! reaJizeP.hkt th'Aanei'fean jeople and" presidtit'iwere in earnest, though riujdtant to jOfi( war. In the United States diploiaiey . and the execu'tive seem hard 1 y to have resized how dif ficult it w'ouTd 'be to, induce proud lit tle Spain o reiinquinsh. her .hold vpoh Cuha and Porto Rico, "Up: to th .!yjf,iast "mwmjEtot. Amierl-' can diplomacy:: af.d' the president have-so'-iitt le'. .understoo4 he real Btate of tMngs in thefd'omesti; affairs of Spain as tofan'cy:,i!h'at; the pressure of ifinian- , cial and mon'yfd interests, the. argni-. ments.or a f e'W, tar-ee-vnf and enligiht ned, meiV'likft (eporeg iSIoret, G'uilon nd Pulgcerver and. the alleged im-n-ens.;ir.fluehie cf, the pope over -she Span ish -cjourl and the Catholics could' weigh in the faiajitoe asainat', the piopu 'lar and -miJ4$;cJasses, -aigalnst ' the deep j and- widespread hostility of all classes .fowarcj the -United Statei nd, agatost.th; "af in e tsoiuxt a 'the' g;nrern-nent 't.P laying in'tp'iihe hands Of Cafiista and the republicans of Wy-ler- and pOlftfeal agtttv, ' 4i, jTOBjCyltj,of the nation' fTom- the highest ,io fh' .lowest, believe if, Cuba must be lost it.ia (better to toose' ft af ter ftaving. intticted seTfous ndif pos sflble, prolongsd' harm upon the hatkMl tl:at: has .so lng and deeply wronged Spain to-Ouba,. ; . -;.-:;:;';-...'... 'Despite th profound flnimositv pre valltnig ' against America,' so far fnot a sinleact- of asgre-S9iVeness ha.9 lyeen s reporbe4 - tSSinst America "privsute TVtUeBrs or i?ha ofncial representatives' ipf the United States. . iNeverliheless, the government ra-tid "the aufihorftie3 - are taking precautions a't -iMJa'drfd and ir Jtihe provmce lest Vhs , vfoen't . articles of the republican!. a-nO indepcandent press should fan the ' popular lexcXte-ment.y- . , -'.rf j " HOW WILLIAM J. BRYAN Wants the Democrats to Stop Their Attack on Senator Butler Rumors as to Propos ed .CbaoKa iu Railway Comissloa (Special to The Messenger.) Raleigh, N. C, April 8. There has been a sort of "rumor today that Gov ernor Russell was. thinking of appoimt dng John. A. SimmiS as railway commis sioner, vice Caldwell, (but Caldwell ap pears to be quite- solid with, the gov-, ernor. Simms was at all the confer-, ences today in the auditor's office. Ayer says at the conferences today the railway commission's report for last year was discussed, particularly that part in relation ' to groiss and net earn-, ings of railiways. : It ds reported that W. J. Bryan has written a letter to a ' prominent Bem ocrat 'here, say ing- the attacks by the. press on Senator Butler ought to stop; suggesting that this is advisable when looked, at from a standpoint of reform movement; . that Butler has the confi dence of the- western people' where the greatec part of the' reform strength lies; and that i-f Butler is supported (by -hts state ' people if "will '; obviate- any break in the .line. ' : ". The auditor says there is ample pro-; vision for meeting out of the; general fund the expenses of any. moibilization of the state guard-upon, a call for ser vice and that this will cause no trouble whatever. . - Children like it, it saves their lives We mean One Minute Cough Cure the infallible remedy- for coughs, colds, croup, (bronchaitis, grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. R. R. 'Bellamy. Caldwell Snubs the Governor' f . ,' .. (Special to The.;iMessenger;) .! -Raleigh,, N.' C., April 8. Accurate in formation is obtained tonight as to the failure of 'Governor "Russell's scheme to again get up the railway passenger rate matte.'' -He wanted to reduce rates on the North Carolina -railway and today , urged Chairman CaldwelU of the railway commission, to agree to make such reduction; : but Caldwell plainly - told the governor that if the latter wanted tfvget . a case. before the courts he 'mustrake-complaint .to the railway commission , just as any one else would do; that 1 no -complaint 'had ever been made before the commission that passenger rates were too high: that if the governor "made such com plaint the commission - would :hear ;' 5t, biit that it must z ..made against all" the lines ,and not against one alo-ne; that be wbuld not assent to such sing ling' out of one line alone, and he, also gave the 'governor .no'tice that in' the hearin,-of such complait he would sit as judge and not as a partisan. It 'is vsaid the governor cannot and will- nut suspend Caldwell; after his statement before the railway commission' that he believed Caldwell was conscientious in voting to. reconsider 'the order reducing passenger rates. ' The governor's hands are tied by his action in thus endors ing Caldwell's sincerity! -, i ' -. i It is a "great leap from the old fash ioned doses of blue-mass and .nauseous physiiosj. to ;i the pleasant little pill's lihown at peWitt's Little Early Risers. They cure constipation, sack headache, and. biliousness. R. R.; Bellamy. . : Chlnlge Open For-s "London.- April 9. ThePekan correspond ent -of The Times says: "China has vol untarily declared wu Sung a treaty port and given- England . formal notice of a e'sire for a revision of the tariff in ac cordance with article 27 of tine treaty of Tien Tsan. The recent voluntary .open ing of treaty; ports is Intended to induce England to -accept this "proposal. Went' Tung Ho,, who is regarded as the -most powerful man in the government, is se riously ill." : : : .. . . Thousands of sufferers from eninne have been restored to health bv on Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, ' colds, ..bronchitis, pneumonia. grippe, asthma, and all throat and iu.s diseases. R. R, .Bellamy. . - ' England Sends Troops to Jamaica y Kingston,. ' Jamaica, ! April " 8. 'Major General! Hallow es, Commanding the Brit ish forces in Jamaica, received a cable gram fsom the. war .office -a-t London to dayMnstrueting him to prepare immedi ately quarters for 2,000" additional troons. They will be drawn from the Leinster regiment, from the West India regiment at St; ljucia and from the Barbadoes. No official explanation is given for the ac tion. . j . . ' . : Why allow yourself to be slowly tor tured at the stake of 'disease? Chills and Fever will undermine, and everiU ually break down the strongest consti tution.!. "Febrl-Cura": .(Sweet Chill Tonic with Iron) is more effective than Quinine, and being combined- with Jron Is an excellent tonic and Nerve medi cine. It is pleisaflt to take, ,and la sold under positive guarantee to cure ct money1 refunded. Accept no substitute.. The "iust as goad" kind don't effect' cures. Sold by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardin and H. tu Fentress . M. 1 Yocum, ; Cameron, Pa., says "I was a,' sufferer ' for ten years, trying most -all kinds of . pile remedies, bi$ without success. :: DeWitt's' W-tteh "Hazel Salve was reeomm,cded to one. , I used one box. has affected a per manent cure.'-' As a permanent cure for piles DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve aaas n4 equal. R. R. . Bellamy. ,i -L . : - : "In a minute" one doge Kart's Es sence of Ginger will 'relieve any ordi nary case ofr Colic. Cramps, or Nausea. A,n, unexcelled remedy, for Diarrhoea, Oholierla Morbus, Summer complaints and aiH . toternai paina. Sold Toy J. C. Shepard. J. H. Hardin and; H. L. Fen trew. :--"' A little boy asked for' a 'bottle ol st up in the morning as fast as yoi ean." the druggist- recognized, a 'houisehold name : ior "DeWitt'fc Little Early .Risers," and save him a bottle of those famous little pills for; constipation, sick headache, liver" and 'stomach troubles P.. R. Bellamy. ' ' ' - ; When va, man- Is suseiring wfth an aching head, a tftiggi&h body,- when his muscles ie lax and lazy, his brain dull, and his stomach disdaining food. We w2H, if- wise, heed these warnings, and resort to- the right ! remedy, before It to top late. "Parker's 9arsapariUa,r the "Kins oi Blood Purifiers," waJCes the a-ppetite keen and heao'ty In vigor ares the li ver purifies the Wood and fills It wltfli th,e' Itfe-givmg ehsoent3 of the food. 11 Is a wonderful "blood ma ker and flesh huiTdeJr,. Sold by J. C Shepard, J. Il&rO asd H. I Fen tress.'' ' '! .!: ;r - :,!. Thlrty-flve years make a generation. That lis how long Adolph Fisher, of -ZanesvlOe, O., (suffered .from the piles; Be was cured . by using three boxes of DeWtftt's Witch Hazel Salve. R. BeHamy. :: . : . TTarfa Emu4sT6n j. Ooi fJtvetr- OH Creosote ap4 fifee Hypchospbitea, tf falthifulfly msed la a specific In Vhe treatBaent of weak tames, Contgunwp tion," BronchJftas,'" etc. Iieadtosr pbysi ctana jcommend" ft. Bold! , fey J. C. Shepard J. H. Hardix. ad! H- L. Fen tress, , "'- . . r rA torpid Myer rolw you- f" amlblMon and rums your 'health. ,Te Witt's Little- Early Risers leanse the liver, cure enatrpation and all s,,:-.iac3i and Mver, troTibles. iR,- II.- Bellamy. t : . . : . 'ji r - .gf . Net Earnings of euj Railways. (Special to The Messenger.) -'Raleigh. C, 'iApfll 8. Railway Commissioner Abbott ; tnight complet ed 'a table which shows! that the aver age earnings per mile tf the railways in Corth Carolina are. Jess than in any other state in the union : that .the aver age gross earnings, are $2,846 per mile; that:the taxes and average cost of op erating Is 70 per cent of this, leaving 30 per cent or 859, w-hh is . 6 per cent. on the valuation of i,320 per mile. While the average vrali' is $30,000 per mile, thus making" ; pM earnings less than 3 per cent. Hl ' - ''' . -3d i tor j Ramsey, of 'Jhe 'Progressive Farmer,.! at GoldSborbilthis' afternoon; fn the criminal libel 4-se iwaived ex amination and gave' $o0 justified bond for appearance at the term of Wayne COUrt.- - ".' 7 '. . A : Ji -i .Kiii . - : .: : Mehegan' anjd Lath.ith, of Tarboro, who are charged with wrecking" the bank they owned at A'bbeville, Oa. will .'.i' ; '..ifl'.Hj .'.v - The. Coast I4ne protests ' " , -(Special . "to fThe 3pssener.)r. ' ' Raleigh, N. C.,' Aprii 8. Robert O. Burltohj- of counsel j fj the' AtSantiw Coast -Line, 'today ; fileiwith 'the rail Way commisslcm. excepitlon Co the or der of :the cohMnissfoni! lallowinig any num'ber of persons toViravel on 1,000 and 2,000 tockets M i-f I "-: - ' Governor 'RUssell .Aiitor Ayer and Ra'Ewjay ComnSisfeiOn! 'dlidiweil were In oonferenfpe' many? hojur3; today.. ' They declined to talk aboatKv-'hat they dis cussed jor did. j -flj - The farmer,; thni'efeHanic and the iaiicycld rider. !are'Tabl&!to unexpected cuts and ; bruisei9!jIiWdtt's Witch Hazel Salve is thejjblesithing to keep on hand. It hea!3 dulckly, ' and is . a wen Known cure forvvDHes. R. R. Rei. lamy. .. ...-:.4i: t- . ... r - -;. - a. or.,. ' , j. ; ; .. ; Base Bafl Newport News, Va.,f jfeH-l 8. The Yale university base ball tSatit, today defeated the Hampton aggregation War' this city by a score of! 12. 'to fin' a featureless game. ' . H. - p Atlanta, Ga... April .he Wake For est, N. C, . college- nfn$.:oday defeated the Atlanta team by .2. v Lynchburg, Va., VAifi8. Johns Hop kins defeated BelieViii msh. sohoor here today-fey the score of.to 6. Batteries: Jtfhns ; Hopkhis, . Swarte.. and Wright; Bellevue, Baker and C Abbott. Columbia, S. C., Aprjp. &;i-.LaFayette 21, South Carolina 5. ? 't-f - Ttichmond. . Va.,' AP 1 The Boston '0i in a close game 'score:. R. H: E. club beat the RichmQ! today by the followip fRipihTnnrnl "' ft 9 fl- 0 00 0 20 7 11 ' 4 'Boston .. r.i...O O 360 3 0 10 1-r-S 12 4 ------'---J---- ........ V M J pV V. V V M V 1 Batteries: Stockdal&ad Hess; Willis, wtivetts ancl Hicknaag, Meager and Ber kett Contents of hd Page uti&" Cow's tideWeview. -Letter from MountOiive. --Qeigh Letter.- - vveeKiy panic, ciearisgiit Market re ports, i ' :.' j -hi ' I: HAVE "'II' : ! S:l: 1 IP DESIRABLE LOT i ; iAlso one on ., besides Others. .'2B-S- Princess Street,.' apr 3. . ' -tgj s Til OjitW. v Our This Season's Assortment of Silks : and Mxgss oods il': Is now complete; and. Tfcy again come be fore the public witb th request for an early ,visit ot lnpect5oh. It's an ac knowledged, faet'that te otter superior goods and our prices gre Invariably the lowat- Those ladles l jclng out of , town who are prevented fr calling in per son - should communicate with our Mall Order Department, amt'w wilt mall sam- 1 - .1 1 j . 1 . . - . . . m . . pies immediately MWtt Receipt tu appii- A.t 5do, the largest Cg&4rtment of Fancy , Worsted Suitings, X arly sold at 65c. and" 75c. At 35e, Novelty Sultirrs. regularly sold at 50c. - ' j: Atv 35c Covert Clofthr, regularly sold at 60c. I .- g j At 59c, Black. Fig BtailanUne, "regularly 73c value. nt:$ . At 5QC, a 50-lnah Na.jf Serge, regularly 7c value, j - ? " : 4 . ' il Astonishing We Be.ij You Know a Com and 100 LadiesSWrt Waists worth $1.X $I.25j $1.50, $2.00 and 100 Towels-td $re sacrificcd--2 STAMPED LINENS AT COST. Gentlemen' eligee Shirts 75 eents each. 4 f Black and 7mU Navy Blue .. . 1- K 1 ..'?! - only 25 cents yaraj r ' ' '.'! v - . ' OAgeAts;;f or Butterick ' ' F-.".-r ' ... -''.. . ..-'. fi, : 03. SUCCESSOR TO R &l 29 North Robbery This Morning ' Early this morning some one smashed a large pane of glass in the show window of Mr. A. E. ReVille, on. Front street, be tween Grace: arid -Walnut, and stole a guitar and several other articles . which Were on exhfbitibn. 'The store ties within . the ibeat - of Policeman Geo: 'Bell,- who a few minutes previous to the robbery passed by and everything was all right; but when he, returned a short while later the theft -had been committed. - . : There -is absolutely no clue, as yet, to. the unraveling-of the crime. . Meat Car Bobbed - i At the Atlantic Coast Line depot this morning about 2:30 d' clock a car con taining meat was broken Jnte and robbed. Mr. Tom Price, the wattihman, made his rounds a$! nsual, and at the time dee ignated, disobvered the car broken' open and robbed: i 3 . Ice Cream' for Easter from 75c . per gallon up. Parlors open till 10 p. m. E. Warren & Son. . r r You need Cod Liver Oil, you Bay, but think you can't take it?. Try "Mot rhuvin" a ereoted "Wine of Cod Liver OIL' - You can get all - the virtues of tihe oil without I the disagreeatble effects. Sold by, J. C. Shepaird, J. HaaKiln and II. L. Fentress. . f The Churches Tommorrow - - - - - - !'.- . ', First Presbyterian., church Divine service at 11 a. 'tti. conducted by Rev; Joseph R. Wilsn, D. D. Sunday school at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting at p. tA. , on Thursdayp. Seats free. ' . First 'Baptist church 'corner of (Mar ket and Fif Ch streets,. Rev. W." B. Oliver pastor. Serives tomorrow at 11 a. " m. and 8 p. m. Prayer tneetins Thursday 8 p. m.. Strangers and vis-, itors cordially invited. Services at -'Fifth street Methodist church tomorrow as follows: At 11 a- m'., Easter Missionary exercises by : the children of the Bright Jewel Band; and at 7:45 p. m. preaching iby the pas tor, Rev. W.L. Cuninggim, Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. , - i . . ., Bladen street M. E. .church, souths, west comer of Bladen and ' Fifth streets. Rev. Dr. Langston,' pastor. Services on tomorrow at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school-, at; 9:30 a. m. Weekly prayer meeting on i Thursday night lat 8 o'clock. Stran i gers and visitors' are cordially invited 4 to attend .these services. :. . '1 don' t know, there may be others," he said, "but I have used 'Parker's Tolu Cougli ;Syrupf in my family for years and would not be without tt." He knew better than to tuy the in- i ferior preparation! that was being; ; urged uponi him." Parker's TOlu Cough Syrup"- has no' equal. It will Immedi ately relieve, any Cough or CoTd, . Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Hoarse ness, Croup, Bronchitis and kindred ail ments. Contains no Injurious Ingredi ents, Is pleasant to take and a safe . remedy for children. For sale toy J. C. Shet-ard, J. H. Hardji. and H. L. Fen tress. - ,f . - i-1' ';:. -.;: FOR SALE '! - ONE . . f f . . - I. - OS NORTH S0 ST,; - South Second Street, ' TO THOSE WHO IJIKE TO BE3 .waaLL 1 ,' :-.' - ! ... - r -r - . , AGSTD FASHIONABLY IDRflEJSISBDWIEJ ARE REUVPY TO MAKE OUR, HlAiNlD- SOMB 'AND STTL1SIH PABBJICS3 1N"- TO PERFECT FrTTTNKJ SUTT3 m THE IJATEST STYUBSy fWH AtNTtEH . A PERFECT. ITT, HIAiND-. SOME -FINISH, ELEOAiqlOH - 'AiNID STYLiE jWrrH1 EVERYI : CSAEIMHN1T! WE TURIN OUT. j- ;' "' "-- "';'' 'f 'V-j;::1,: JYOU SHOULD SEE OUR TJENB CXF FURNISHDirG GOODS, THET iA!RE; UP TO DATE, ' . .. ,', tr 4 Co. At 75c, i all shades of Silk Finish Hen rietta, i ' . At $S.50, a beautiful line of Imported Pattern Suits. i 27-lnch iBlki Satin Duchesse special for J1.25 a yard. , i " 22-inch Blk. Satin Dachesse, 85c. 27-inch :Jap. Silk, all shades, 65c. ' - Full assortment of Armoure. Falfle, Taffetta Sliks, Chiffon and Liberty fillk In all shades, 7Sc and 85c. . ' . - : i OSIew shades of Silk Velvet, good dual ity, $1.00.! , - i Our best Imported French Organdies, 20 cents. ! ' - ' " , . t At 15c jwe are showing a beautiful ilae of Domestic Organdies. , j SECOND FLOOR Carpets, "Trunks, Window Shades, Mattings-. i Ladies' Shirt . Waists and Parasol on display. ! ' . , Agents for Standard Patterns and W. B. Corsets. .- ' i -' i v, ' - mar 29 : Bargains 1 Bargain When Vou Sec It. Se0; These. for 5 cents! worth $1,00, $1.25 and $150, only . ' i ' " - . : figiu - ed China Silks, regular 37 l-2c, .. f . I. - - . ''.- -, - Patterns.O 1 . i BROWff ArEODDICK. - Fron Streets I ! '-:- - -T-- ' t it V'