VOL. XI. NO. 97. WILMINGTON N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, lit PRICE 5 CENTS. 4je ' ' ' '" 1 i ' - , ' THE WAR !: H'.i. ;-4- The Gunboat Nashville, ron, Captures a Spanish Steamer. CUBAN PORTS Position of Our Government as to Privateering Law as to Contraband ; of War To Iritercept-the Oregon The; Volunteer Arnjiy Bill a j Law--The Squadron Sails From Key West On Lookout for Spanish Merchantmen --Fifty Thousand Troops for Cuban invasion General Lee - l f ! .j to Be Appointed to 'Washington, April 22. There w ere two further important steps Washington, L toward actual h in tilitiesj . not to mention the overt .act involved in -the seizure of the ; Spanish vessel Buena Ventura, off Ky Weist The first was the issue by the; president of his proclamation announcing to theworld a blockade of a number of Cuban ' ports and the' see ond was the signing by him of the biff I providing fpr the utilization of the vol unteer forces in war. Then, in addi tion, there was a notable retirement from-the navy department in the case t .Captain Royal .'B, Bradford, chieq 0f j the equipment division. -j Captain Bradr- furd asked to be given command of an active warship. The resignation will be accepted and by virtue of his rank, as well as to mark the high ; regard entertained for him by the administ a- en tion, Captain; Bradford will be gH one of the. best of the available ships' j In the navy, j . . . ):.::, - PRIVATE ER.ING AND NEUTRABI ."'.I:'". TY. " Following lip the formalities, ning with the blockade proclarnatipn, the. state department this " afternoon addressed.:-an identical i note to all of the representatives of foreign jnations accredited to Washington, notify ng them of the policy to be pursued ' by this governm'en"t in the: matter! of j ri "vateering and neutrality. This Vas followed by the sending of cable mes sages to all American embassies .nd legations abroad containing the same information; in ,a little: more succi ict form for presentation ;to the gove m ments . to which they are. accredited. The statement was precisely similar in terms to that teleeraphed by the As sociated Press last Wednesday jand its formal adoption by the; government as the line of , policy to be pursued vas siot-prevented by the criticism! passed upon it in the senate yesterday. by Sen ator Money, of Mississippi. In brief it declares that bur government will not "resort to privateering; that the ene my's goods in neutral bottoms, ss.ve Contraband, are exempt from seizure; that neutral'; goods, not contraband, imder" the enemy's flag are safe, frm seizure, and that blockade to he. birid fng must be: effective. In : substance these are the principles laid downjin the agreement of Paris of 1856. The Officials are not disturbed at the serfii- ifTiciai notice; from .Madrid that Spiin -will , refuse to be bound by the, same j)r!nciples and forbid privateering, for Ihey a,re satisfied-that the great copi : meicial powers will not tolerate he t)ractice of i privateering ' under the f pani"s.h flag. j WHAT ;IS CONTRABAND 1 Inawnueh as there exists a great amount ot misapprehension, not oniy , among foreign countries. but apso i sirhontr American shippers i as. to the r haracter of merchandise that lis con traband .: and i liable to seizure during the progress of. war, the following uti-' ofTiciaf, but authentic, statement las been obtained from a high official of the government; "In determining, according to jthe law of nations, whether merchandise is contraband of" war, it is classified: '1. Absolute contraband. !'2. Occasional or conditional ;Cont:-a- banJ- 1 , ' j "3. Goods not contraband, j 'The first class includes all gOods of ah essenttally warlike character. "The second class includes provis- ions, navai stoit-H, tain kinds of machinery, certain forjms of steel, iron, etc., yvhich are subservi ent to warlike use and w hich ire' des tined fo- the use of the .enemyi. .They are contraband or not: according to : k-caWons and tends as to their charac ler, shipment;and destined use. Evury .such case depends' on its own factsJ - ' "The third class includes articles hot ; suited-to warlike use such as j church i service and musical instruments, household wares and goods, and other-, such like articles, and including ms ny that are purely mercantile in character. -No article of i merchandise is jcontra-...- imioc9 tmnsnorted beyond the erritorial waters and Jurisdiction ojf a jtieutritl statei nor unless destiped for .n enemy's port, or for an enemy's Use, 'for sin enemy's ship upon the high '' which belligerent ships are rter-: Tnitt'ed ' to police, in search of the ehe . uiia. tm! contraband-of war haustive definition .of cntraband articles can be giv.n..They -ir changingl wlth the progress Jin, nrficles were formerly v,ii, now are not. and the .,m.ve,-sP is true. Neither belligerent . ,....J I-,..,, .-r.,,.1' !. r.'mtraband in yio lation of his treaty with nations tiat u,.vai-c t re sards. ine air, iirunai i " ' " - ' - , i, ...,i,t.,nt0 nf tvint nnupr. Any one siting to ship goods to a foreign port in neutral vessels would promapiy Vn treaties between nn nnV txistine snnin and the government of that p6rt Tiu. hKllisrerent right of capture as J-t.at n neutral exists .(tnlv. elither in contraband of war or of, an pn .mv"s e-oAJs abroad or of a violation! of .L3 'fttr 1 blockade, and lii other analogous case vhere 'the onductj of the neutral justly the belligerenj in ,,,nin!hu i.roierir as an enenty s J'.."'.,, Tf:,,nin arlhers to the pin 4,.les of free ships,. free goods. this qover.nment proposes to do, only j cton nods are subject to capture in such ships." -.. ' . f ilUMOn :',OP 'HAWAIIAN; ANNEA I ' - t TION Tnnn.ii'v nt the navy departihent a to ihe story that our government had" ar ranged .for the seizure of the Hawaiian -inlands and the estaDiisnment uu a. vyai-ina- station in Hawaii ! failed td sdure ilnv TKMsitive statement on the- subject h..re. is cood authority for believling .hat the storv is exaggerated land all Uhat has been done is to provide for f f h establishment of a coaling depot land Hs adequate protection, j I NQ ITKAR FOR THE OREGON (!. ' , - . . . i- U The naval! omciais ieei t?vM tupu i dence. in the: ability of the Oregon and -, x . .il r t r Ti,r .t t thelTlr selves from ; the. Spanish gunboat Te -, hut tn iipstrnv that craf .she ever comes within range. I THE CUBAN, BLOCK.AJJE. rr v. n umiinrinn ti rnitf uiULnauc i ' -t . v j Sc,,u. Cuba to a .cerxain o. - one plausible reason advanced iprlthe covernmenfs action was thaUby re. - fj-aining from establishing a blockade r the eastern portion of th island understood to be practically I in ffi S?trol of the insurgents the Way , IS i left open for them to freely as been Jeti . open . & , vas not o"vi t"TZS-Z-V:'l 171 receive u w1-" . j I tions oi " . ,aaaA hvthe war A rormai "T " thp eauiDihent department Increasing the fPS bt batteries of gJgJg ' IS BEGUN of Key West Squad ARE BLOCKADED. High Command. and battery wagon and 100 horses. The enforcement of this order will require 900 additional horses which the quarj termaster's department will purchase in Tennessee. . . , - j FIFTY THOUSAND TROOPS FOR . : CUBA. ' . For purposes off transporting the army' to Cuba the Quartermaster genj eral's office has under consideration the question of the charter of ships hav ing the carrying capacity of 60,000 men No charters have, however, been closed In the engineer ahd ordnance bu- reaus work was being rushed with the greatest possible speed toward the coml pletion of defense projects and the" inr .. i n t : - - T. : ah l- - 1 1 siauuuun ui uig guns, ah iue x mi nute material in me way oi guns ana carriages : are being utilized and . the officials express satisfaction at the re sults obtained in the4 short space of time at their disposal. j SlTTiLEM ELNT OF (THE! . VOTjUN-- ".- !. TEBR BijliL. . . I i The conferees of the two', houses on the. volunteer army bill before congress 'convened': today. According 'to , this agreement the senate receded, from thp first amendment concerning the time in which the organized milua shall serve, but the time for which all vol unteers are to ibe enlisted is reduce from three years to twol !The Warrep amendment authorizing.' the president to organize independents troops was rej tamed, Ibut the rfumiber was limited; to 3,000. The senate receled from its amendment making it compulsory, to' the regimental and company militid officers to receive their commissions from the governors of their rp?,Jtivfe states and leaving it opional las fix-io" j.'oy. the house. The senate also receded from its amendment .attaching- an engit- cter officer, to the staff of each brig.ia commander.: Ail the other senat amendments, reducing the j -rariK staff, officers, etc., were agreed to. BIOOKADB AND . PRTVTATEEJRlNi Members f the diplomatic corps say that no question can be raised as to the right of the United. States to declare a blockade. This 'bein-g conceded, fori eign powers will accept it as binding!. A rumor was circulated during the day that! Spain would cede Cu'ba to Austria. 1 This was dismissed as groundless 'by leading diplomatic offlj cials, whose; position iwould make them aware of. any such move. For several days the foreign emtoasl sies and -legations have been aware that the United States iwould make arV official declaration against privateerj ing and this, "was conveyed to them to night in the form of a circular notej. As a rule: this gives much satisfaction;, particularly to the commercial powers as' it is felt to be only a preliminary step 'toward the enforced abandon ment of privateering .by Spain. SPANISH STEAMER CAPTURED. l H V VV ri 1 'A Mill tl ' Z, III-? atates cruiser Nashville has captured th e gDanish steamer Buena Ventura! for Rotterdam, having on board a -carj-go of lumber. She was on her way from the i coast of Texas. The Nashl ville towed her prize into the harbpjr at 11 o'clock this morning. The news of, the capture of the Spaniard set the people of Key West frantic with enf thusiasm. AH work was suspended and the dockswere soon crowded. . ; I The United States fleet was. 'about twelve miles off Sandy Hook light this morning at 7 o'clock when the Spanish, merchantman was sighted,- bound north. The gunboat Nashville ran her down, and put a shot across her bows from the! 4 -inch gun on the. port side, i aft, manned by Lieutenant Dillinghami. The Spaniard ignored the ; shot; but another, closer to her bows, brought her to. A "prize crew under Ensign T, Magruder was put aboard.! Captain Lucarraga, in command of the steamr er, was astounded. He said he did not know that war had been declared; but : when he iwas informed of the state of affairs, he shrugged his shoulders and accepted j the situation philosophically. The. Nashville has taken on stores and will return to the fleet. Ensign Magruder will be relieved by Ensign. Carlton, of the Snow, A body of .ma rines is pacing the deck of the Spanj iard, and her crew of twenty-eight ar0 lounging about the decks in nonchalant fashion. According to prize laws, Capr tai.n ; May nard will turn the prisoners of war over to the United States diep trict attorney, who . will decide the question of their disposition. ; The monitor Puritan is taking on coal and water and will sail to Join the fleet tonight FLEET - BOUND FOR M ATANZAS. On excellent authority it is reported that th.e destination of the fleet is Mai tanzas. , On board the flagship is Cap tain Arangureri, brother of the .late Brigadier General Nestor Arangureri He will pilot the fleet to Matanaas. The Cuban pilots went on board last night after 1 o clock. ' . Thp Detroit sailed to ioin the fleet i this afternoon. It is believed that Jonfe or two ships will be left at least tern porarily. SAILING OF THE FKEET The North Atlantic squadron, ex! ceDtinar the monitors Terror and Purl tan and the Bmaller cruisers, sailed from key West at 5:45 o'clock this morning, headed for the Florida straits. Reside the two monitors, the ships left behind are the cruisers Detroit and Marblehead; the gunboat Helena, the disnatch boat Dolphin and. the . cable renair boat Mangrove. Xhe Dauntless, the dispatch boat of the Associated Press, left here with the fle. f The departure of the-fleet was not Bn 'imDOsiner as had been anticipated. On the contrary, there was something a nrimhie in eetting away. "When all was ready, the" flagship swung round and came well into the fiarror, signal ing to the other ships about to sail. Aftpr recelvine resDonses. she turnea and headed for the open sea, with the Iowa, and the Indiana closely in her rear. The Indiana had been coaling at the Dry Tortugas,5but was cabled for, and at midnight, she jpined her two o.otav iiiVs at the anchorage held by i the three .while in the harbor. . The ! . , , t n...Hr. 4.'41ia tVirfta -wot. . smpa an(j was first to swing her squat i 11 ; bulk into the line. She was rouowea 1 th Newcort which also lay out- rf the fleet l.vin close to the shore, ithe Ampnitrite' was the leader. ov vt - - - , . - eiia- iiimK'Arecl alone after Jtne macnias ""TTsnins stretching abovtir frhn.rd. She. was the first ot .. mnnitnrs to loin the warlike pro- innkine the deadly instrument she ls.1 Then came the Nashville, her three smoKestacKs oisunguisums u frnm others, with the gunboat vvll- .ir.trtr.n nnjunc' aAnns sldoi The Cas- tine, which was next, littl.e .compared with ttie other members ot tne u.ifw, lent family, but looked game for bl,o6efy W'ork. should tne fortunes oi wsi.r n The Cincinnati was delayeda SUe tlme, as he was in the act of talc ing coaj from a schooner off Fort Tay lor when the .signal to sail was given. But shfe got Into the jagged line next-. The other ships of the fleet followed in navy mathematical formation, as viewed! by the shore .i spectators. The Mayflower brought up the rear of the parade land was one of. the last to fade from view. The torpedo boats did not start until 6 o'clock, when most of the line was under way, but, as if to ex hibit their ! capabilities, they, darted ahead and were soon lost from sight In the forward group. The boats were the Dupont, the i Porter, Winslow, Ericsson, and Cushing. The monitors Puritan and Terror lay side by side coaling from a large barge which was between them, their decks crowded with officers and blue Jackets observ ing the naval pageant. It is believed the tw monitors are to follow the rest of the squadron, i 1 . ' ; Following the floating forts was the fleet of newspaper i dispatch boats, numbering about twenty. , Cuban pilots accompanied the fleet. Juan Santo was on board the New York, Pedro Hernandez was aboard the Cincinnati, and Flize Losa was the pilot of the Indiana. - These three! men are "experts in theif business. They know the Cu ban coast thoroughly and have suc cessfully landed .filibuster expeditions. . THE CAPTURED STEAMER. Galveston, Texas, April 22 The Span ish, steamer .Buena Venturstr 'c'stptured by - the; . United States gunboat Nash ville, is a tramp steamer hailing from Bilboaj Spain. - She belonged to the' Sarrinaga Line. On March 29th.; she arrived at Pascagoula, Miss., from Ha vana, and was on the way to Pensa-cola,- yia.', to load for Holland when captured. The, "Bueria Ventura, from Pascagoula, IMiss., which was captur ed by the Nashville was loaded by Mo bile .parties for- Rotterdam -with 875,000 feet ofi lumber valued at $10,900. . Key (West? Fla., April 22. Comman der Lyons of the Dolphin has deliverT ed to United States! district attorney Stripling the paper's" of the Buena Ven tura captured by the Nashville. He will libel the ship in the "usual way. Thej unfortunate merchantman . is till lying "in the har'bor. Her captain was allowed ' to remain on 'board ; 'but the criew of '.twenty-eight were taken over to the Dolphin and made to assist in the; work of coaling. ; The : guniboat Nashville . steamed proudly out of the harbor late this af ternoon, having achieved the first vic tory of the war, although a bloodles3 one. She had gone about twelve miles when j the Dolphin signaled to return. She steamed back and received orders, the nature of which was not divulged, and ipiit to sea again finally to join the fleet $.ndti incidentally, to pick up any other lyagrant ship of the enemy that happens to "come within range of her guns.. The cruiser (Marlblehead, the moriitpr Puritan, the Algonquin and the Mangjrove sailed this afternoon to join the fi4et. The only ships of the squad ron eemaining here are the Dolphin, the Terror and .the Helena, all of which, are likely to move within a few hours. It reported this; evening that the ; Buena Ventura ran aground on a reef- aboui? a mile out and as leaking. Tugs went (to 'her assistance and pulled her off. iponsiderable mysitery surrounds the affair. '.;-. -- - - -, TQ INTERCEPT OTHER STEAMERS New .Orleans, April 22. Orders have beenfissued to intercept and seize the Catalina and Miguel Jover, the Span ish ships which left here last night. The Louisiana naval reserves will be put into service tomorrow, part going to. Mobile and the main body to the mouth of the river. . LEE TO BE A MAJOR GENERAL. Richmond, April 22. It is understood here that General Lee will unquestion ably! be made a major general in the United States volunteer army, and will Head a division or corps in Cuba. He will leave for Washington on Sun day,! if not ordered there sooner, and immediately upon receiving his com mission will select his staff of nine men; When asked if the Virginia troops would be attached to his com mand," he .stated unhesitatingly that they would be, and it has leaked out that he wired to Secretary Alger , to day, suggesting that the troops destin ed fpr Cuba be uniformed in the light est (possible .clothing. Wheh asked if he would accept anything less than; a major general's commission, General Leei referred to his telegram sent to the Washington authorities, from Key West, offering his services ror any auty he might be called upon to perform, and said: "I am anxious to return to put! to rout the Spanish troops, and I would accept a lieutenant's commis sion1 if it permitted me to lead as much as a squad in Cuba. : - ' . READY FOR ACTION. Flying Squadron lender Strict Rule and Awaiting Orders. Fortress Monroe, Va., April 22. Vis itor's were not; allowed on (board the ships during the day, applicants .being told ' that the squadron was on a ,war footing-and regulations- forbid . recep tions The Minneapolis ihad' suib-cal- ilbr4 .practice the greater part of . the .afternoon and all the ships used their search lights and did signalling toy lan tern tonight. : tithe war bulletin of th Associated Prss were read with, much interest, ibuti many doubts were expressed at the nortMcatiqn that the . Key jwest squadron, had moved. It was general ly admitted that the battleship Oregon was in danger; or attacK, pu)t lew ex pressed, any doubt as to her. aJbllity to taKe care or nerseu. A dispatch late in the evening to the effect that the squadron' would be left here to care for the coast defence is re ceived with a great. deal of incredulity. The fact that two colliers and a hos- pitjal ship have been .rushed to the squadron and that one of the colliers was hurriedly filled yesterday seems to indicate that no such lack of activity is jinltended and that a hurried call to. move is exoeciea. ina opmiwu cm. many officers seems, to be that this fleet will move the instant It 'becomes. .Known, tnat cne nja.pe ue.-vvj.ue jjno-uvia fleet of thei Spanish is in motion, if the fleet stays here ! for any period or time it would nottibe isnirpris'ing if the Columibia and the-; Minneapolis were sent out on prize seeking expeditionis. The sam order about omcers neang on board the ships at 10 o'clock and tbe forbidding of all night shore leave are still the rues for tonight and this too would indicate a move at any (moment. t ,i - iWlhien a man Is -suffering w1!t!h. an aching (head, a slugglsb. body, wben his muscles are lax and lazy, Wis .ram dull, and hia ' stomach draining food. he w5M, if wise, heed these warnings .ahd resort, to the right remedy, berore it is too 'late.; "Parfeers Sarsaparuia," the "King of Blood ; Purifiers," makes tiie appetite keen and hearty 4nVigor- ajtes the llvepun'fles jm& naiood ana mis It witflx tire life-givlnig eaetmen-ts of the food. Tt 4s ar wonderful blood ma ker and flesh, biiirder. Sold ay J. c Sheriard, J. EL Hardin, and H. JU Fen tress. ;-;,- ':;- - :'- Alabama Demo-irato Pledge Support,! U. . . '..' -' i ,,T. , .Washington, April 22-General Wheel- er. representative from AiaDama, to- day returned from the state convention j held yesterday at Montgomery. Tne ijollowing resolution was passed on his rnotion and Is the lirst one coming irom a state convention: "Kesoivea, xnat stanaing to arms as We do today, we pledge our lives and jhojior to. the cause "of our country for Sits defense, for the maintenance or its honor and prestige and -for its support An any conflict with a foreign foe. . Hart's Emulsion or Coa Ulver Ot! with Oreosote and the HypopliOBpihltee, tf faftihfuMy used, la a specific In the treatment of weak lungs, Caaswrtp tionj Droiicihllrtrv etc Lieading-ptoysl-ciansreooOTnie ft Sold ' toy J. C. Shepard, f , Htardln. and 1 Fem- !i Passed byf Both Houses of Congress. WAS HASTILY RATIFIED Tlte Conference Committees on tbe Amendments Make Reports' and the Two Houses! Without Debate Adopt the Reports-The House to Meet Ear ly Today to Take Up the Army Re organization Bill Death of Senator Walthall Reported. " SEfNTATE." Washington, : April 22. -Doiring the (brief opening session of thevsenate to-, day the formal ' announcement of the death of Senator Walthall, of Miss issippi, was made and arrangements were perfected," so far as (the senate is concerned;, for the funeral ceremonies, which iafe to be held in! the ; senate chamber tomorrow at . noon. . A. secret Bessionj of tw (hours vas iheld. during vhich the conference report on the vol unteer ibill was .agreed to1 (but mo tiusi-' ness was done in open session. . it was stated that the doors were closed mere ly for jthe purpose of avoiding the ap pearance of : transacting -tousihess pre vious to the announcement of the death of Senator Walt hall and not for othgr business than that connected, with the army ibill. j ' ; J'' Senator Hawley rftd; the adoption of the report of the conferee's' on the (bill and made a brief explanation of the changes, in responses .to "questions. There jwas no oppoeition jto the; agree ment and when once taken up the bill was soon disposed of. There was, however, considerable delay which was caused by the fact thab it Was neces sary; that the bill should Ibe enrolled and compared -foefore being signed, so , that the executive psesslbn continued for about two hours. The vice pres ident attached his signature to it at 2 o'clock. ' ; j - At 2 o'clock the senate resumed exe cutive .'business in open session. Senator Money, of (Mississippi, offi cially announced : the death of Sena tor Walthall. Tni so doing he delivered a brief eulogy on the dead statesman. He then offered ; the usual resolutions expressing the regret of tbe senate at the death of Senator Walthall and di recting; the vice-president to appoint a comrtiittete of nine senators to rep resent the senate at the funeral. The resolution was adopted and the vice president named as i the commit- U IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE DAY. At North Carolina State Guard tne governor nas onerea to tne VVaf Department to Lead the State Troops in Battle. .- -'.' .' ., V.' :t(-sf 'j':: - U-:.: ' Two Negro Volunteer Companies are formed at New Bern. North Carolina. j; . . ;; '.'; - :. ; ;.;;: I The Gunboat Nashville Captures a Spaiiish ; Steamer loaded with $10,000 wOrth of Lumber. ;. ' t j f i ; ? The Key West Fleet sailed at ah early hojur yesterday. - j Congress Passes the Volunteer A.rmyi8ill L and ;Calls for Troops will be made today. ' ' ; - t f i: " ;! The President Issues , His Blockade of several Cuban Ports It is reported that the Topekaj has been Sunk by Collision with a Bark. . ' I J ' j I Spanish j Cruisers will try. sailed for New York. ' . ;. '.; ;';-.";'; : . . ' :' .' n ' ... A Spanish Cruiser goes in search of the (Jregon and Marietta, j The Hong Kong fleet sails to attack ihe Phillipihe Islands. Secretary Sherman will resign inj a fevvj days.4! - Hi There is a rumor that, an American Monitor yesterday at a tacked and pursued a Spanish Urn tee: ' Senators iMoney, Berry, Bate, Pettus, Spooner, :iGray, Proctor, Pasco, and Cannon. ! ji i :', A resolution offered toy Senator Cock rell,i of; Missouri;? was adopted extend ing invitations to attend, the tuneral, Which is to -be held in the senate cham ber tomorrow at 12 o'clock, to the pres ident, members of the cabinet, Jriem-bers-of the diplomatic corps, the house of ' representatives 'the supreme court, ,the major general commanding .the army and the senior , admiral pf the navy. - ; -- , On motion of ! Senator" Money the senate t,hen, as a mark, of respect ad journed. , :.-. " ;. - ' I - . HOUS3E OF REPRESENTATIVES. .The house today displayed ' its en thusiasm for the war unAn which' the country has entered by rushing oAnti.mr Viae atanai. .nlimoi through, without debate,! the confer ence report on the bill authorizingthe president to" call out the volunteers and agreeing, by unanimous I consent, to meet at -'10 o'clock tomorrow to take up the consideration of thej army reor ganization bill. The passage of the latter bill is considered j imperatively necessary by the war department. The .Patterson-Carmack contested election case was disposed of, the sitting mem ber, Mr. Carmack, being giyen the seat by a vote of 136 to 118. Several repub licans voted w'ith'the democrats and many declined to vote. The democrats' were vfery bitter in their denunciations of Mr. Patterson, who belonged to the gold wing of the party. ' Both the con testant and contestee addressed the house in their own behalf. The leaders were very anxious to get the bill authorizing the, president to call out the' volunteers through the house and into the hands of the presi dent: at the earliest possible moment today, i-. In order to expedite matters, therefore, the conferees met before ad journment .and arranged a complete agreement- on the senate i amendment. As soon as the journal was read, the house went through the; formality of agreeing to a ' conference. Mr. Hull, chairman of the military affairs com mittee,! then explained the imperative necessity of haste and what had been done. Without even" a formal ratifica tion of the informal action of the con ferees,! he, thereupon, presented the conference report. The changes agreed up were briefly: The changes agreed upon wre brief ly explained. ; - There was no debate, although Mr. Dockery, democrat, of Missouri, enter- ed his protest against the amendment permitting the raising orr a.oou troops . f the United states at large. The i rpr)npt , waa then unanimously agreed tO. i ' : . j. The senate resolutions announcing the death of Senator Walthall, of Mississip pi, were presented, , together with the invitation of the senate, requesting the house to attend the funeral in a body. The resolutions were adopted and the invitation was accepted- on motion of RepresentativeAUen. The speaker ap pointed Messrs.; Allen, Fox, . Henry. Love, Sullivan and Williams, of Mis sissippi; Bartlett, of Georgia; Spald ing, or Michigan, and Johnson, of-"In-" diana,1 to attend the funeral. ... At 5:30 o'clock p, m.,; as a further mark of respect. . the house adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. ' v 5 : , ' ' ' : - il '..' 1 '.' ' ': V- : . It requires a gobd-ized closet for for sopie ol the famly skeletonsv , v: inn id ii A ainVA A .Mao4- An tx rf& Attempt tQ AITeSt One OI His Attachees ,, ? f ' ! ,the law of nations' as applicable to such I - A. ; ' jTj . - - casesi An efficient force will be posted i; ' r r- '; : . 1 " - - - .-l;so as; to prevent the entrance and exit 1 . j - - jof vessels from the porta aforesaid. TRAIN ATTAGKED BY MOB;fCS?SSrZsEl . j ' . i ', . i ; v ; i '-sfcthe establishment of such blockade, will ; 1 i ' .., . "t, ' " i 1 ", - . ft . i '. , ' 1 ' ! . , . . J;i uch ; warning, where such endorsement The Ex-Mlnlstef's Rold Action Alone i made. and should; the same vessel Prevents Spanish Officials Taking fri.agairis attempt to enter any blockaded .! i ,T . , r if'port. js-he will be captured and sent to the iuemoer oi me Leganou irom ine'nearest convenient port for such: pro- ; ' . r 'tl L AvL!li Traln-A Mob Rreaks the Windows. of His Car-lA Determined Effort of arir if 'Neutral vessels lying m any of Said i . t i i - Sports; at the time of the. establishment of v Enraged Cfosfd to Enter the Car Sich blockade will be allowed thirty.days i fie J.papWr!espondent.Woanded4 ,1 have -Hereunto ' Wo-i fcLX Vfin tAn wVtset njy hand and caused the seat of the ; i J ' n , , " --reunited States jo -be affixed.. ; ' -General Stfevalrt " 'L. Woodford, the K Done at the City of i Washington this United Statlsl Minister : to ' Spain, eonipanied by liis staff , and others, reached the j' frontier at 8fdclools this? morning in safety, after some exciting . experience. .The .Spanish. . "police at tempted to Icapture a memiber'of thef J Jegation an at Valladolid, the tralpj i was. aixacitea., . Mr. United tie ground that! h' is a eulbject o-f Spain, Morenofas the memoer or tneaay icereatea ioric tor tne tmra BtatM legation singled out toy 3 jflS "lX'LXuZVZ. r.f . Spanish fifeice for capture, on the if was -hit. harden. Attendance 3,647. The but' the attemip was frus'trated, owmgii Newt. York .....'...o 0 4 0 20 0 l o 7 7 ; l i wk -,kL--i' tJt a m-a'i Batteries v Piatt and McFarland; Rusie to the preseftef of mmd of the minis-anJ :Warner. njmvlreSt Snyder and Cur- ter. At. VaUadOlid the. United Statesijry. Time, 2:15- . . . . ; : .; minister's traifvvas attacked, and ston-;V. . j . BaltimWe8TlJoston, .0. ed. "Windows were ibroken jand - the pallimore, ' April "22. Pitcher Hughes civil guards 'were icoimpelled. to protecfw j was j &. problem? today whicb,the Boston his carriage-wijh : drawn swords. Genfn,, hits was their portion. The visitors eral Woodfofd, ijhwever, slept fe'h.rough-.ell6d superbly and Baltimore was com v,i j!o11,5., i , jijl-pelled to jbat out the victory: Herman out the (disturbance. .:! . . fLoni wasinjured threeimes and finally be e seriou's. Spanish poLiice' madel'.soii 1 a! determiceaxffort to -capture M'f;-;Raltimore; Jtoretto;-' (but :'(Qeoerat. Woodford stood. Boston ... .j 3 ? ; a i i' - Batteries ing he -should only toe removed (by forced Iff1 'ffi and Connol- liA. detaetinjent jof police axjcxmpanied;J ' w ' : ' -; the trainrotn Toloso to San Sebastian?;' j...' Washington.r, Brooklyn 12. wher the pfilicesofflcial left; on seeing . "vvksihing-ton, i April ;22. The 'Trolley tbat ithe jteteral was determined torV-'Dodgers turned the tables today and niaihtain hil ' rights, "j ; l;&;.through the assistance bf Yeager's good At Begovi4 the: students of the milii?4 work and some stupid playing by the tary college fgathered on the platforni?iSentors i'carried off the victory. Dineen cheering fo Sipain, and there -were sevl lasted- three innings and then Amole and eral slaVinaents at other atoppirigS! ,wre f?11 places. Tlimiter Oeneral Stewart- "L !; Wood- d itiniisterjuenerai fetewart Utwooa ford, .to Bpam-was in keeping with the -v it was a. gTe&t Tenet xo xne minis-s Brooklyn. ter's party- wnenJ the general nnaMyVl - 'rYitA tVSttnr anil. I - fRllt : ClmTHt'X IMcCrllire: Woodford sderhed unconscious of -' an-M 3mshe. and.- Andrews, lime, :30.-.' afvone. lYar.ee. Aril 22. llzi a. m.f ' .' Cincinnati 11, Pittsburg 0. ' "; t,a ..1 ; iiia. TT.TitASii etoraoll Cincinnati, April rJ. Breitenstein bitch dignity lie displayed throughout thJof Ihis delivery and only twentv-seven crisis. W'heii-asked ix ihe had anytning i a-' :': . U ii , - I .l.t . ,:j - - - : Headquarters it is denied that. 5. - . r'f Proclamation! announcing the and jsigns" kht Volunteer Army a 'J:.'--. I- . .y-('.t'. to intercept the Steamer: Paris, mm Cruiser off the Florida coait: to siy he isiajiply. raised his hat ante: saidl 'Good bye." The (Segovia inci-V acuL! wmpaiuciy !uuiinvarar'A Thri fefeudents rUf ih unilitarv r-hv.i iriS? f uU. !inlforni;; (packed the depot. Theyp were; silentf utntil the train I stirteJf, w-heii theref was ; an enthusiastic out-llty private dispatches received by The. burst of chteerihg for ISjpain and "-a-balf l.Times-pnion and .Citizen. , tonight, the The 'vauaiid. attair, thr.eat,ened ro beyifirst naval battle, of the war toolt piace quite serious., t housands excitect A peopje attempted to invade he r'.ft. were commie to form up in front or4 General-' Woodford's carriage witH drawb sivorde,: while other civil; or the local force, issued from: the des pot," 'to protect ?t,he train: The guard did everything Dossible to keen .back'' j. l J .tr. J.i ii j . . . . i ... T me .uiivir, i wnvse -yens ana siifien-Si ?tl sounded On allrsides; Stones weri 4Kr.niTi7i f ':TVi c ittfrst -i n iSJ.nVl itv . nArvaTi'tnFf-rj :1 broken', A newsbaner man wai wounds t ed-lnj the, falo py' ibroken glassj KJharleaM xtaii ftne. rectoraer ot tne city or inuon't. had. a narrofw .escape irom being nit by? stones, antf'-j Mr. Montague l! Hughes Cracken'tbofpefQ. 'C had the! same. 4 -I - ' -- To Recomiiend Declaration jof war Washingtn,lApril 22. The Washing- josti -says -fn-at j tne president jwiii. tq-t" morrow send: al .message to congress! suggesting that, a declaration of war be1, passea. . i nei message was .in course oi? preparation), al -the state departmerit. this afterndoni This action wlas has4;1 tened by - the jseizure ; of the Spanish; merchantman Aff the Florida coast and. the desire te nrevent anv nossoble mm plication;- .he "right -f of seizufle of the-j Buena Ventura, however, is not ques-; tioned by the; administration1, since Spain herself Accepted our - ultimatum; as a! declaration of war, v ;! I - : . . - : - i r M. was L. Tocim, Cameron, Pa;,i says T;M a effete?: or ten yeari, trying!;. miose 8 Kiaoa or pile remedies, but... "without success. IeWiU's Witch, j wo,ii aiv, mm 4 I used one ho.l ".It has affected a per manent oore:;As a: ipeirouiM dim for piles Hewitt's vVutch Hazel Salvf has no equal. f.R. ,Bellatny A PROCLAMATION I By the President . Declaring CertaltW Cnbwn Ports Blockaded "Washingt5n, 1 April 22. The . followini" proclamation. 4nnouncTr!fe a blockade ov Cuban porfe was Issued todays : f Byj the prjesient of the. United. States-f J a proclamation;, - - j- - " ' ' r Whereas, : By a joint resolution passed . by the congress ;and approved j April 2f& 1898, and cjwnmunlca ted to the govern men'i of Spln;?;lt was demanded; thai aiL- government, at once relinquish its auS Cuba, and. withdraw its iana ana navaj; tsvrrta rvtT'C !"! i Ka an1 Vo nt una rai' am "the president of he United States waP directed and empowered 4o -use- the eiT Tire land aott navai rorce or tne umtef.. vice i of the iJnjted'States - the militia osPJ me several Bxates to sucn extent: as mig-n; be necessary : to carry said resolutioni 'ii into effect;: and ' . . i if. i Whereas, I In carrying Into effect saii . .resolution, the president of the Unite Statw 3ems ft neceasarv to .set on foct! anai TOamtam Diocnaxle of the nortffl coast of Cuba!; .including ail ports on sal coast betwftel; Cardenas an tsama tiori f da and the port bf Cienf uegos on. the t-;'eouth! side of Cuba. i'i Now, therefore.- I. "William !McKlnley. president of the "United States, In order t jto enforce the said resolution, do hereby ; 'declare ancl proclaim ; that the Unked States of America have instituted and rcoastl of Cuba. Including the ports' on said coast 'between'Cardenas and Bahia if tHonda and the port of Cienfuegos on the f( soux coast or uuoa, aioresaia, in. pursu : l(ance of the laws of the United States and il -oe duly warned by the commander of iif'ithe blockading forces, who will endorse iion tier register the fact, and-the date of ceehng against her and her cargo as 'fprize, may be deemed advisable. - the one! 'hundred anj twenty-second.-' '. WIXLJA'M .McKINLEY: j Secretary ot State :. Base Ball; r Philadelphia 13,. New York "7. Philadelphia, April 22. The tPhillies . lo- .,hililnhi:, s 3 n o 4 n o W s R. H. E. in - favor of Kiester. Attendance The scorei ' R. II. E. ...v..3 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 x 8 13 3 ..L...0 000 0 0 000-0 0 0 Hughes and Clark; Lewis R. H. E. Washington ; .1 2 0 2 00 0 2 7 14 2 -.1 5 1 2 2 0 1 x 12 15 2 Batteries: EWneen, Amole Ionbvan and Yeager and Ryan. Umpires, one of the-most remarkable games on record against the (Pirates this afternoon, N)t semblance of a hit was made off ,.men faced, him in' the. nine innings. Not it man, got as' far as second base. His support , was briljiant. Attendance 3,467. The score: ... R. H. E. f lCincinnati 0 0 .1 1 ET 0 0 3 111 10 1 tePititsburg . ....... .6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 51 Batteries: ' Breitenste1' and .Peitz; Hastimgs and Shriver. Umpires, O'Day f and "VjcIonald, Time, l:5o. S. 11 " - ; L ' ' '. Iypuisville 1, Chicago 2.: f r ;liouisville April, 22. ODowling pitched a '? i fine game this afternoon and deserved to V- win, but the Colonels threw away several ; chances for .victory .by stupid base run- lining, and twogerrors-at critical stages jjgave the ColtsFtheir only runs. Attend- ti,ance i.iw. . rne score: t. n. su. Ixtuisville ;.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 1 7 3 Tii. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 6 0- .rv -.Batteries: ixiwnng ana vvnson;. rnorn- th ton and Iona.hue. TJmpries. Swartwood 4ind Wood 4 . i - Time, 2:30, f - -t. iuis v, vieveianu i. j it' ' St. Louis, April 22. The Clevelands put . irij young Powell today. The grounds were fa.'ini verv bad condition, being ankle deep. Willi 1I1UU. -rtLLCIIUaiiVP JWV. t ovviv.. I : : ' !' V-i- ' .' ' R. h: e. Si si: Louis o o'oo o o o o oo so WCleveland ...1 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 x-7 1 i Batteries: Sudhoff 'and Clements; Pbw- f ?f; ell and; O'Connor, ' Umpires, Cushman and Heydler. -Time, 1:47. . Mosby.WantsJto jPight Saa Francisco. April 22. Colonel John 5.!.JYiosDy,. or guenna iame, w iiv re vw a.4 i .' ffa 'Miles for aut-honty to raise a Dattai- K1'- ion or regiment of volunteers for special service: in the front. ' HI MOBS OF .A BATTLE. Reported Attack on and Pursuit of a Spaniftb- Cruiser by American jJloni- L i; . .. - j Jacksonville, Fla.'. April 22. According opposite .Boynton, , about twenty-five miles south of Palm Beach at 10 o"c:ock lGeorgw Lyman' a reliable man' and othersj:. who were fishing, iri Lake Worth, guarJs-ti.wbich is separated from the ocean by 4 narrow strip or land,; heard heavy bring and ran to. the beach. They reported to e ranroaa agent ana posnmaster railroad agent and postmaster at Lantana that a United States monitor wis furiously chasing and firing 'upon a Spanish man-of-war or gunboat couvoy- ihg a. icoal or transport snipt The Span iard . replied . shot for shot. All the ships were traveling bith a; bone in their teeth. The men say , they, watched the battle for -an hour.i or until only- the smoke from : the funnels was visible on the southern -horizon In which direction they were travelini?. i A dispatch to The Times-Union - and Citizen from Lantana, says: "At eye witness has just arrived irom jsoynaon and reports a supposed transport vessel southward bound guarded by a man-of-war, pursued by a monitor, keeping. "up a iheavy running lire. f ANOTHER STEAMER CAPTURED. I Kpv West: Fla.. April 23.-2:20 a, m. An incoming tiig reports that the New Xork; has captured a Spanish passenger steamer plying bat ween Havana ana Porto Rico. -;"- The torpedo fleet is coming in. WAI REVKNIJjE BIjLIj Rough Draft'of tlie Act Completed by? Republican of the War and! iTIeans Committee. ' Washington, vApril 2. The republi- can membets of the ways and means : .u 1 t committee completed the war revenue measure today and sent it to the prdn rterj it will "be gone over again tomor- rfJ nd mrrtbaiblv submitted to the full MhJmI.nlW. Seral i mi i r.n cr O-t Drill lTkrMn TV O 1 5151 ff f noW prepared, it is estimated will raise Ibetween $95,000,000 and $100,000,000 .an nually. . ' The principal ' decisdoh made oday was the. definite determination not to. place? a tax upon either railroad and other transportation tickets or petrol eum. It was decided, however, to place a tax of 1 cent upon chewing gunr ana 2 and 4 cents upon mineral , -waters. ginger ale 'and. foreign) and (native wines. 2 cents on- pints and 4 cents on quarts. These additions are made to the: stapap taic act of .1896 which is re- enacted with modifications. "iA tonnage tax which is expected to raise $2,500,000 is also incorporated "In the Ibill. The addition of $1 per tarrel Upon beer Is expected to raise $35,000,000, the doubly Ing of the tobacco tax and the provis ions of the stamp -tax over w,uiw,w. "- :'; Tee Itliantonomaii Sail - ; Philadelphia, April 22. The double mr- rati rrWn1Af Ml a n tmnmah sailed from the League 'Island navy yard at J:30 o'clock hr vifftsitninn - -tti- WtestitTation, is " be- lieved to "be Charleston. J, xne man- ionotnah has on warjraint and Is fully prepared for action. - s " ' c ' AFFAIRS IX MADRID. Q-reat , Enusiasm Among the People j and Clamoring It, FEARS E0R THE Ml . ki i . t.iM ; : . . - Cruisers Snt to tercept the Paris A Torpedo Boat In Waiting for the Oregon at the Marietta Engineers BreaK the Machinery '". of the Spanish Torpedo Boats, to Prevent Their Sailing. Rumorfd Foundering of Porfca Rico Blanco Withdraws His Amesty - 4 - - ' .--'!,'.-',.'.- , ; :-' ' - Iftroclamation td Cuban Insurgents. . , Madrid, April 22.9 a. m. A royal . decree has ibeen ggjzetted calling -out JU.wo men of the rirves of 1897. ; . All persons who fcve been consulted by the queeii-regenhave advised a. continuance of the .gasta cabinet. It is probable, -howevei, that the' minister of marine, Admirat Bermejo, will in sist upon resignin'dn order ' to' take command -of; a squafon. Patriotic ejnthusial.n reigns through out Madrid knd thefpanish provinces. The queen-regeat td a long confer ence today Vith' . General Weyler and the European diplogjats had. frequent conferences with Sjbr Gullon, ' , ; 2:30 p. m.4 An,' ingifiense crowd wit-- neessed the military! parade in front of the palace this morisilig and intense en- thusiasm . was diiglayed when the young king appeared on a baleens'. The premter... on leaving the palace at 2 0 clock this afternoon, declared that tKere was abJlutely no founda tion in the rumors Iff. a cabinet crisis. Senor Sagastaj hasWeceived grandilo quent accounts of he demonstrations in favor of Spain. -syiaicK have, recently taken place at Havana. - London, April 22.fThe- Madrid cor respondent of 'Theibaily Mail tele graphing Friday, s: ,",The patriots' demonstrations we! renewed today. On the return of 1 gruard from the palace the crowd Procured a Soanish flag and-paraded tfp principal streets. cneenng tne soiais ana eventually taking up a posittsft in front -of the military club. Theffiwere no disorders. In the opinion ofSAdmiral Bereneer. the Spanish ; torpedpi destroyers ought to have arrived in uban waters days ago and to have stzytcU to attack the American squadroialoff the Tortugas. He thinks the Spaht&h vessels ought to be detached as ' mirsn as possible, in order to subdivide tf American squad - luu aiiu 111 jio-eveiffl; ouKiii. uiey 10 ue obliged to. fight forafes much superior. REPORTED; FOUlgt)ERING OF THE ; TU-tTglVA. The Daily i Mali" My s this mornimr that it is stated irgFalmouth shipping T 1 Al A i. . - - - a " . . cucies iiia.i me aisencan cruiser 10- peka, formerly the iogenes, which left Falmouth on the evening of Tuesday, April 19 foundered n. collision with the bark Albatross tphidnight on Tues day.. According to f he Daily Mail the captain of the 'AlrStross asserts that after, the collision, we steamer, whose name ne 0.10.1 not atertain, nashed a light and suddenly disappeared. - He believes she foundjed. PROCLAMATION 0F AMNESTY . Havana, April 22p-The colonial gov ernment has publkfhed a manifesto protesting against Ithe intervention of the United States fat the moment of establishment of . tMe- regime and po litical liberty, and kvheri Cuba, for the first time, was goin to elect a colonial parliament, i replag . Spain's sov ereignty in Cuba wJH autonomy. The manifesto alsd ihtiraates that it is the intention of the UriSed States to annex Cuba. ! - . m--- ' :-' ; Captain General &5anco has publish ed a decree confirmMg his previous de cree and declaring ie island to be In a state of war. -Hlalso annuls ; his former decrees grat'ijting pardon to in surgents and placeunder martial law all those who are guilty of treason, es pionage, crimes aga5st peace or aginst the independence w the . nation, sedi tious revolts attacra against the form of government, or gainst the authori ties and against .thogg, who "disturb pub lic order. : ; ' Mr ; 1 : The ladles.; of the:Red Cross Society have offered their rvices during the war; , - ' : '' mi Business today if f paralyzed and ex change is weaken.sgt; The Ward Line steamer Saratoga! bound for. New xorK, carries ov. 200 passengers, $1,000,000 in gold shipped by Upman & Co., and $265, 000 liwgold shipped by J. M. Borjes. "; -- - : W ,- There is no foundation for the rumor circulated in the united States that the Spanish icruiser Alfonso XIII has a been blown tip. 0tf -. . m " 'TD INTERCEI THE PARIS. , ' Southampton,-ApMl -22. The steamer Paris, of the AmerilTL Line, chartered by the United Statfil government, sail ed at 2:15 o'clock i-ani. today for New York, though her Jbgular sailing day is Saturday, She faa on . board 150 passengers and heH cargo Included a quantity of ) gunsi and . ammunition. There was great .enthusiasm among the crowds on the dock'nd the band of the Union bteamshlp asompany s steamer Britain played "Yjafekee Doodle" as the Paris steamed seisward. The Paris passed Hurst CaUle at 3:35 o'clock P- m. ; ' -gr London, April T 2$g-The Daily Mail says: "The; bpanun embassy immedi ately notified the aladrid government of the departure 6J;the Paris and it is believed that fast Mrulsers from Cadiz and Corunna will fy to intercept her. . IN SEARCH 0tHEv OREGON. Buenos Aires, Aiiril 22.-ri-3;20 n. m - The Spanish torpio boat Temerarlo left here tpday. Its believed she has gone to attack the iJnited States bat- gunboat Marletta,Ssvhlch left Valpa raiso on monaay gfst.ior Montevideo Madrid, April 2-1,1:45 p. m. This evening a crowd oiO.OOO stroner." deliH ous, carrying flagsnd shouting "Viva Espaha" "We wat war!" and "Down witn tne laniceesr? Durnea tne stars and stripes! in frpt of the residence of Senor Sagaiita,,he. premier,, who was acdorded an Ration, The people then went to the sldence of M. Pa- ( tentore, the! Prenejn! ambassador, '. and insisted' that he siuld make: his ap pearance, but theSif rencfi t 'ambassador was,not at home. !ff- " - '. Conferences between the queen-regent and the polUcal leaders have been in progress tp. whq evening. ENGINEERS ibMpBJLE. THE SPAiN- ISH TOfKPtX) BOATS. : ' Galveston, Texasprll ffiTheBrH ish steamerj Ashuf,- Captain P.. H. Barnett, arrived, fis morning from Ias .Palmas, GraMe. Canary, one of the 'Canary; island ;i group. Captain Barnett-arrived at&as Palmas March 31st two days afteri the 'Spanish tor pedo . flotilla left Shat port. He -was rellaoly -informed fat the toachlnery of the several torplo ; boats and tor pedo hoat , destroylp was purposely disabled in pureuate of a pktt Jby the engineers. They r ijji "not relish the trip across the ocejn. m torpedo, boats and flndln'g tb& unlsfh. syvBrmment determdned to7:fna&e them as a last, resort. .1 cripplt the . machinery. None of the engine's were allowed to repair it,, the-iworW eing done toy a locaJ maxlne shoj at lias Palmas. k Captain Barnett f fays . the - torpedo flotilla did -not wnjnt tor encounter a United States fleet, it cduld be avoid- J.I!13. lor War. ' STEAMER PARIS. ll n the Topeka A Revolt in ed. They will likely keep out of the track of our vessels and may content 4Km0ailY,Ao - .nrl.V, mivVtnflp on nn if- - h. i l-v. 111. v. L 1 V.O 'TT 1 L1V r lft J Hll VX. V. t. eaonal prize. 1 London, -April 22. Spain, it is semi officially announced; has declined to act I in coufortnity :with the declaration of Paris 'respecting neutral goods. L REVOLT IN 'POiRTO iR31CO. . New! York, April April 22j Ai dis patch to The Herald from' Bt Thomas, says: A revolution has (broken out in the Ponce dls'trict of Porto Rico, and there Is rioting alii through1- the Island. A steamer which arrived here yes- Teruay ifJiJ. ja.Jj.uJ. uiuu&iul tuna . of coal. On a. steamer which ts due r froim IPhHadelphia tomorrow there are 4,000 tons, the -(bulk of which is on the market. One 'thousand tons will go to Porto Rico, i f ' . London, April 23. The Daily CShron- icle publishes' a dispatch from. liver pool which ijsays a private catolegtara received there reports that the 'Ameri can fleet off Key. West has captured a British steamer, prolbably the Gracta. flying the Spanish flag, which cleared Pensaeola 'April -18 and was Ibound for . Liverpool, tfv ..... : , . The Daily Chronicle also publishes a ' rumor i that I the American liner Paris has .already; been captured toy Spanish .warships... ; ; . ? : : ; " --..' ':.: 1 . OFFICIAL DENIAL. ' Of Governor Kussell'n Offer to Lead the BNortliCarolina Troop in Battle? , . . (Special to The Messenger.) ; Raleigh, N. C., April 22, At head quarters it j. is said .the. governor has sent no telegram off ering to lead the North Carolina troops, and has had' no - communication with the war depart ment. He expected a call for troops all day and was absent from his office but a little time, so as to be ready to lm-' mediately issue an order mobilizing the guard here.! ' I - W. T. Caho, at Bayboro, today ten- dered the governor a company, of J00 men. . ; - . ' j Applications for formation, of addi-- tional divisions of the naval 'reserves at Jacksonville, New Bern and; Greens boro have been rejected, as there, are ( now as ma n V riiviinna aa thai o-nvon - ' ment needs at present, but all these must be recruited to full strength. If there is a? call for more, hew divisions will be created. Persons who arrived from New Bern say two negro companies formed there and are drilling nightly.. ! j The Call for State Treop Issued . (Special to The Messenger.) " -Raleigh, . C, April 22. Up; to 1030 o'clock the governor has received no call for trdopsl Majorj Hayes tele graphs lhat the call was 'sent frpm Washingtonj this afternoon. lie also telegraphs that the 'government ,lpays all the expenses of mobilization, dating from date of call. " '. - ! - . A Jittle boy. asked for a 'bottle nt "e-e up In -the morning as fast as you can." ' tne oruggoart recognized a bouaefhold name for 'I "DeWJtfs Littla TOart w Bisers," and gave him a battle bf, those " famous little iills for conistliMjtiioin. t&te headaohe, live and stomach troubles. - . t - 1 . - J . . , : - - - r : - ; ' Mobilizing State ITlroops. Detroit,- Mich., -April 22 Governor Pingree and the state militanr hnorri after a conference here today, conclud ed, to prderj mobilization of the Michi gan national guard at . the state en campment grounds at Island Lake. Th. .troops will jstart Tuesday. 1 xiaitimore April 22. The First bri gade of the Maryland national guard has been drdered Into camp at the Pimlico driyiiig park by Major General L. Allison jWilmer, and on i Monday 1,500 milit;ia, will be In readiness to march at command. ' , Secretry Sheman to Rslgn Washington, April 22. The Post to morrow will say: "There ls every rea son to believe that Secretary Sherman will resign jfrom the cabinet within the next few days. It is felt by the friends off the .secretary that the present crisis' Is too sev4re a tax upon his .failing strength, and for this reason ; he will retire, to private life. His successor will be Assistant Secretary Day, In all prob ably, but it can be stated that Judge Day has. nb desire tp remain in public life. - - :.: - t HongKong Siuadron to Attack AlanUa London,. April 23.-,The American squad ron at Wong Kong, according to a special dispatch f roni Shanghai,' nas: sailed for 'Manila, wljich it will attack, i The dis patch says: Three steamers ! recently purchased (by the United State govern ment will follow the fleet with coal. Thef approaches! to Manila are mined. It .'is reported , here that the priests and tha commercial classes in the Philippines are in favor of a peaceful surrender rather than to suffer a bombardment, but that the (military are determined 'to resist." - -f ; - ' ' Death Dealing Tornado AtlantajTexas, April 22. There was a destructive tornado about four miles southwest: or this place today. : Mr. and Mrs, Jackson were killed outright, . A man named McDuffle died from hia' In. juries and several people were serious ly injured. . . t -.') :;r: i Sailed ior Havana . : New Tork, April 22. The British' steam ship Aloedetie, heavily- laden wtth pro visions, sailed for Havana today.5 Her captain said Just before ehe left her pier that he did not believe the Aloedetie woull reah her destination. . Pre Censorship Key West, April 22. The IJnlted Stuff a government has estabfttfied censorship of telegrams,; for forbidding the transmis sion of code messages to or from Havana. This begins at once'. - Why, allow; yourseir to te elowly tor tured at the stake of disease? -Chills and Fever will undermine, end event ually break down the strongest consti tution. fFebrl-Cura" ?. (Sweet Ohill Tonic with Iron) Is more effective than Quinine, and being com'Mned with Iron is an excellent ionic ana nerve cnedi-. raw xt as pieasani co taKe, and Is old under positive guarantee to cure cr money refunded. Accept no substftme. The f Just as .good" kind don't effect cures. Sold hy J. C. Shpard, J. H. Hardin and H. I Fenttesa. : i Personal magnetism enables a man to make others 'believe he Is rtght when they lawiyf he is wrong, . . I---'' T-"-':-:-;- 1 5 ' ' f p. -