II ; .- ; .... -.. I- :.. s - , - - ' .' .,- ' ... I . , . - . . . n ' - . - ' ' i . " .' .'" 1 .' . ' if: ' ; .- ," ciVOL. XL No. .98. WILMINGTON, N. G., SUNDAY! APRIL 2ft, 1898. I i? PRICE 5 CENTS.O 4 4' li i'-v ! I- j A CALL FOR The President Issues ing for 125;000 Soldiers. ' A NEW ARMY' CORPS .ORGANIZED Indications that jthc Regular Army for Mobilization of National Guards to be Issued To-morrow- Three Points Chosen for Concentrating these Soldiers The Southern Grand Army Corps Provision for $500,-000,000 Bond Issue. and $100,r , , 000,000 Cerficates Washington, D. ; C, . !ATriI 23. The president today called upon the people of the United States for the i first ;time in thirty; years to manifest their martial strength, this time the call toeing upon & united people to go" forward to htattle with af foreign, foe. ' The secretary ofj war created a new . ; army corps. The t-wo takenr together nvith other news f today showed fthat : - the regular army soon will move on Cuba and' that neantime the volun teers will ibe equipped and drilled. The president's proclamation while actually issued was not oertifteti to the govern ors of the state? and territories and will not "be until 'Monday. fThe rea- son ds two fold;"- jln the first place the (desires to avoid de war departmenlt stroying the present organization of the national guard which is to ibe Call ed into service first. The guard regi mental are composed of twelve i com panies, and, being officered more num erously than the; regular army ; regi-j ments, would have Ito (be changed to correspond to the army organization in order to comply with the law! as it exists.- The pending- Hull : bill how ever, provides ffr meeting just; such an emergency and permits the use of the national guard as organized.. This consideration is important, inasmuch national ., guard have under condition that as now t organized. as many of the volunteered only they may serve The second consideration, which in fluenced the department in postponing the certification of the caM until Mon i day is a desire toj make sure that ade ; quate arrangements can. ibe completed 'by the quartermaster and commissary departmenits fori ;transpo(rting and - feeding the large; number of men callr ed for.- This, is .no light task as the volunteers must 'be taken by the gov ernment at a certain point in every state where they . are ,to -be collected ' -by the (governors. !i - : FOUNTS' OF MOBILIZATION. r Telegrams h'avfj1 'been coming from almost every section of the country! to (Secretary Alger from, governors and militia i officers ccnveying informatiort as to, the length of time, surprisingly short in many casies, that would be re quired ty them t gather their forces ready ifor muslter.- The men as fast as mustered in (by regular army offi cers in the vari6us states will 'be hrought to one ot three great depots, namely, . Washington, .jRachmond and Atlanta where they iwill ibe organized (to meet the irequirements of modern1 army tactics. Th'4- fact that 'Richmond , is named as one of these points is taken in some quarters as an evidence that Fitzhugh Dee; is to rebeive a vol- unteer commissionj either as one of the four major generals or one of the nine (brigadier generals provided for in the volunteer bill, for It ds Relieved that 3t was largely at his instance that -Richmond was selected as. one of the points of roncent-jration. ; - In anticipation of the certification of the president's call a vast numoer of -telegrams and, letters have ibegun to flow in upon ecrjetary Alger, offering the services of tile senders , as volun teers In the armyj. So numerous are these communications that the secre tary haa fbeen cMiged 'to request the - press to notify the people that such communications- should ibe directed to thergKvemoTe of the respective states and territories as he has no authority under the law to accept volunteers di Trectiiy, j . ..- ji'".-." , ' . SOUTHERN GBASO) "AEMT CORPS. The formatiion o a grand army corps; 3n the departmemt of the south, head quarters ant three gilf ports, ias evidence -rthat the government as to move upon Ouha at -once wfith the troops of the ipegnlar army, leaving .the volunteers rs called for t d be disciplined' and worked Into s ha pe for future use in the campaign. The - rormai oraer ior ioe creatlob t this grand army division, isiaed at the waif department at the close of office hours is as follows Headaaarter of the Army, Adjutant Generals Office Washington, iTX April 23, m General Order No. 4. By direction of the secretary of rar the following instrju'c&ione of the presS dent are published! for the information emd1 guidance of fall concerned: 1. The United States troops assem bled in the Chicamauga national park I ill form' an encampment, to to Known as Camp George HJ Thomas and will -coistitulte, temporarily, an army cfrps unA er the command of Major General JohL R- Brooke. The corps will con j slst Kk f one divisions of calvary, one di vision' of infantry ;and" one brigade of Vight ktlllery., . The cavalry and in fantry civisions will each be composed of not m ore than three brigaded, con sisting of three or ;tnOre regiments each The artillery' brigade will be composed of two battalions, each comprising five batteries. T.'ne corps commander will assign 'the se 11 r ; jofficers presen t for duty fwith eacL1 (airjm the command of. divisions and brigades. ; 2. The infantry j regiments concen trated at New) Oipeans Mobile and Tampa, Fla., are cout1 divisions, under the command r Brigadier Gen eral William RJ (Sha1-. Brigadier General John J. Coppingt11 and Briga , -dier General James F. jWade. The His Proclamation Call- will Soon 3Iove on Cuba-The Call of Indebtedness. divtisiont commanders will form th-eir di vision into brigades and assign the senior officers present for duty, to com mand them -1 H. C. CORBUN", i Adjutant General.' : By Command of I ' MAJOR .GHN-BRAL DUItLBS. MOBtlljlZiATBOiN OF I T STATE I ' TROOPS. : The people of he District of! Colum bia will see a great many-soldiers at the Ibeginhing-of.'next week. By direc tion of the president the entire, nation al guard of ' the 'District,- 1,800 strong, has been ordered into camp Monday' at the Soldiers Home under "the command of Brigadier General 'Harries. , The guard will not 'be directly in the service of the United. States, ibut, being in camp fully equipped and armed, will be in a position for instant service in case of. demand. ( - i While it (is ithe purpose of the war department to secure only national guardsmen as far as possible under this, first call for volunteers, ; yet in states where there iare - no j national guards or where the number jfalls below- the quolta fixed in the call the states will be expected to supply the volumteers iregardless of their lack of organization. In fact this must be done uipder the law. -On 'the basis of today's call for 125,000 men the various states and I territories, including the District: of j Columbia j will be called upons to supply each the' -following number of b volunteers: - F ir Alabama, 2,500; Arkansas, 2,025; Cal ifornia, 2.23S; Colorado,- 1,298; Connec ticut, 1,607; Delaware, 341; Florida, 750'; Georgia, 3,174 ; Idaho, 232; ' Illinois, 6,608 ; .Indiana, 4,302 ; Iowa, 3,772; Kan sas, 2,778; Kentucky, 3,407; iitouisiana, l,940;? il!ajinie, 1,1256; CVI:aryland;i,946; ;Mass achusetfts, I 4,721; ' Michigan, 2,368; Min- nescJta, 2,874 ; (Mississippi, 2,257; ai-issouri 5,411; tMon'tanm, 524; Nebraska, 1,90; V 'Nevada, 138 ; - (New Hampshire, 752 ; New Jersey 2,962 ; 'New York, 12,513; North Carolina, 2,584; North Dakota, 461 j Ohio, 7,234; Oregon, 829: Pennsyl vania, 10,769; 'Rhode Island; 710; South Dakota, 1,850; South Carolina, 747; Tennessee, I 3,060; Texas, 4229 Utah, 425;. Vermont, 34;' .Virginia, 2,913; Washington, 1,178; )West Virginia, 1,389; Wiscon'sin, 3,274 Wyoming, 231; Arizona, 181; District of Columbia, 449; New Mexico, 330; Oklahoma, 143. THE FIRST f PRIZE. The navy j department was j consider-: ably excited today over a vast num ber of rumors which came from all sources respecting the seizure of Ships.' At the close of the ddiy Se cretary Long said that he had: a notice of the only one seizure so far, that of the Buena Ventura, already reported. It has not yet ibeen : determinedi what "disposiition to make of this ship nor has it :been de cided' to order her before a prize court. No purtchase of ships; were made during the day, but all the energies of the de partment, are bent toward the speedy -equipment of those; already acquired. It is not believed that any official notice. 'has been received by the depart ment concerning the; blockading squad ron, although rigid adhesion to the rule of not giving any news as to the move ments of ships might have prevented knowledge of any such, dispatch from leaking out. j l;fi-;:v-v.'-:--;-.. Word ciame during the day in the shape of a cable from Martinique that the Spanish! ships Alicante and Mont seorrat had sailed today from ;St. Pierre for some Cuban port having oh board 800 menv It is likely! ithat this informa tion will be speedily communicated to Captain Sampson. There was little of ' interest in the state denartment today conneoted-with the war save the formal issue there of the .president's piioclamaUon, calling for troops. The message reicommending a declaration of war, which is to go to congress next Monday unless there is a. change of plans has been under prep arationi during the . day and that, in connection with the -study- of some questions connected with the r neutral ity laws was - about all t hat . the de partment had ir? hand connected with t3&e war. . : ; V '- -: THE "WAR REVENUE BILL. - . i ; ; - - r. . i. i--. :.- .- - Chairman Dingley, of the; ways and means committee, this afternoon intro duced in the housei the war revenue measure which the republican members of the ways, and means committee have prepared. It is the intention of Chair man Dingley to press the "bill n Mon day and he hopes , to have it through the house before adjournment Tuesday. It is probable thart this programme will meet with: opposition, from the democrats who haxre not been consult ed in its preparation and who will not have an opportunity to see,.it until it is presented to the full committee; on Monday morning at 10 p'clock. They are inclined to thihk that they have been unfairly treated. As it is dis tinctly a war measure in wlxich they are expected to acquiesce without op position they believe they shouJ-d have been consulted in its preparation- The democrats have already decided o of fer an income amendment. Chaiinia-n Dingley estimates (that the .meastre, as framed, will raise between ISO.OOO.tW) and $100,000,000. u j i ! Tea and coffee, railroad tickets and petroleum, all of which were consider ed at different times as subjects for taxation; are not touched in the bill. The revenue to be derived is distribut ed as follows: Fertnented liquors $35-. 000,000, tobacco $15,000,000, cigars $5,000,- 000, tobacco licenses $5,000,000, stamp tax on documents, telegrams, etc., $30,- 000,000, tonnage tax $2,500,900. The amount' to be raised by the stamp tax on wines,;, mineral : waters, chewing gum,, etc., has hot been estimated. The tax on beer, ale and fermented liquors is increased from $1 to $2 a barrel, but u $50,000 and $100,000, $10;i. betwe-1 $100, no rebate for unused beer or destroyed . 000 and $150,600, $20, and for eMYl addi- stamps is allowed. Thevtax on tobac co and snuff . is increased to 12 cents a pound: on cigars. $4 per 1.000 wehThine more than three pounds and $2oncisrars weighing less than three pounds per The bill alsoj imposes a i system?5 f '. ton 1,000 j $4 upon cigarettes weighing more l nage taxes. ;9f 8 x cents per ton not to than - three pounds per 1,000 and $2 on I exceed S6 cents, per ton per yeir upon pounds. , There is a compensating tax of half that amount (which A is the amount of the increases) upon the stock of cigars and cigarettes on hand. The following licenses are placed on tobacco dealers : Dealers in leaf to bacco whose sales do not exceed $10,000 shall pay $24 license,! those whose sales exceed $10,000, $48; dealers in tobacco, whose sales do not exceed $10,000, '$4.80; in excess of that amount, $12. It is also provided that" in addition to the quan tity of tobacco and snuff, in packages, now authorized by law, there may be a package of f smoking, tobacco, contain ing one and three-fourths ounces," and in adition to the nuniber now authoriz ed by law. in packages of cigarettes there may be packages Containing eight and sixteen! cigarettes each. -The provisions of the stamp tax in clude proprietary medicine and simi lar preparations, a tax of 1 cenf on all packages, boxes,' bottles, etc., which, retail :at 25 cents or less, 2 cents; be tween 25 and 50 cents SLeents; between 50 and 75 cents, and a $1 and for each 50 cent or 'fraction thereof above that amount aitaditional 2 cents. The same schedule applies, to perfumery and cos metics... Chewing gum is to pay 1 cent for packets retailing! at 5 cents . and 2 cents for packets exceeding 5 cents. Ginger ale and mineral waters are to: pay 1 cent per pint and wines 2 cents per pint. Bonds, debentures or other certificates of indebtedness after June 1st, issued. by an association, corpora tion, etc., are to pay 5 cents on each $100 or fraction thereof issued, and on all transfers of shares ' or certificates of stock 2 cents on each $100. On bank checks, and drafts exceeding $20, 2 cents; bills of exchange, drafts at sight, or promissory notes for circula tion v not exceeding $100, . 5 cents; be tween $100 and $200, 10 cents; between $200 and $350, 15 cents; 'between $350-1 and $500 20 cents ; between $500 and $750, .30 cents; between $7,50 and $1,000, between $2,500 and $5,000, $1.50 and for IMPORTANT EVEBTE OF THE DAY. A Transport with 800 Marines on board reaches! NorfU;t bound for Key West. ' : ' I ' - ' - 5!' The Columbia and the Minneapolis of i the flying squadijn were ordered to sea ; last ; night Their i destination was luot know n -:''- : : k The President issues a call for 125,000 Volunteers. The cih ters of mobilization will be Washington, Richmond and Atlanta. The North Carolina Troops will be I'm camp at the Grimes plantation, near Raleigh, by -Tuesday t f , h ; It is. said a regiment of negro county,; ;' .; .; ; General Lee grows restless to Cuba, ' ( . ' A Spanish steamer, not knowing of the war, puts in at Shjp island, Miss. A revenue cutter is sent to:capture her. i ; ? 5 The war revenue bill will Z. day. ' The Democrats will try to Another Spanish ship is captured. 2 The Paris has riot been captured.. . O . The Shenandoah boarded by The Castine captures a fishing q Castle. : " each $2,500 in excess . of $5,000, $1.00 40 cents; between $1,000 and $2,00, $1.00; Foreign bills of exchange, letterp of credit, -including express money orders to pay the same rate as bills of ex change or; promissory notes, except where drawn in sets j of three or more, when for each bill of each set,; where the sum payable does not exceed $150, 3 cents. Above that there is a graduat ed 'scale running $1 for $7,500, and' 30- cents for each $2,500 additional. Bills of lading, receipts for goods, merchan dise, etc., for export 10 cents each ; ex press packages, 1 cent Upon all such as pay not to exceed 25 cents; between 25 cents and $1, 2 cents; in excess of $1, 5 cents. Indemnifying bonds, 50 cents. All other bonds required in legal tran sactions, 25 cents; certificates of profits, on each $100 of face value, 2 cents; cer tificates of damage or otherwise, issued by a port warden, 20 cents. Certifi cates of deposit money in bank or trust companies, 2 cents for sums not ex ceeding $100; 5 cents above ; that amount; certificates of other descrip tions, 10 cents; charter contracts for ship, vessel or steamer which does not exceed 300 tons, $3, or between 300 and 600 tons, $5; exceeding 600 tons, $10; memorandum of sale of goods, stocks, bonds, real estate or - property of any kind issued by brokers, ' 10 cents; con veyances when the consideration ex ceeds $100 and does not exceed $500, 50 cents; between $500 and $1,000, $1.00; be tween $1,000 and $2,500, $2.00; between $5000 and $10,000, $10; between. $10,000 and. $20,000, $20; for each additional $10,000, $10. Telegraphic messages, ex cept press news, dispatches, 1 cent on messages; below the charge of 20 cents and 3 cents where the charge is above 20 cents ; on entry of goods of eustom houses for consumption, not exceeding $100 in value, 25 cents; between $100 and $500, 40 cents; exceeding $500, $1.00; en try for withdrawal or goods from bond ed warehouses, 50 cents; life insurance policies, not including accident policies, for each $1,000, 20 cents; marine and fire Insurance, 25 cents; leases for a aperiod not exceeding three years, 50 cents; ex ceeding that period, $1.00; clearance papers for a cargo destined f orv a for eign port, if the tonnage of the ship does not exceed 300 tons, $1-00; between 300 and 600, $3; exceeding 600, $5. Mort gages ot exceeding $500, 50 cents; be tween $500 and $1,000,. $1; between $1,000 and $2,500, $2; between $2,500 afld $5,000, 5; . between $5,000 and -$10,000, $10; be tween $10,000' and $20,000, $15; for each additional $10,000, $10; f passage tcket for foreign port, if less than $30, .$1; exceed 'Pg $30, $5". Power of attorney;. 25 cents; poiver of attorney to: -;onveyi ! real estate", or rent or lease th: same, $1: probate or will or letters of v admin istration where the estate doesj tot ex-i ceed $2,500, 50 cents; between: $500 and $5,000. $1; between $5,000 and $2( 500, $2; I between. $20,00, .and $50,000, $5 : k etween f tlonal $50,00C,1$10. Protest agal fit any r- note, check, lacceptance, etc., 2 .j cents; j warenuuse receipi lur ;goouji ) i mer ' chandise, eta held in'storasre. 2 i cents from the. receipts from : thesi-.f duties $750,000 Is appropriated for theJnarine hospital:; service. , ; " .-; ." i m 'f-:-: ;,:;v'.!BNDissij!Ej ; : ; v:; - . The loan' provisions of the ' biljS are as follows:. That the secretary -V.it the treasury: is hereby authorized $jo bor- t'l Jf nto 8tsutea the sum of JoOO.000,000, ( or ..asJ much thereof as m,ay . be necessary,and to preparer t he issue therefor at.'Jlpt less than paf,i coupon or registered b4nds .of the United States in such form f as ,he -may prescribe,- and ini denom& Rations of $50, or some multiple of thaffc sum, "redeemable codn at the pleasure of - the UnJited States after ten yea? from the -.date of thedr issue and jayable twenty years from such da!te,tan5 1 bear ing interest, payable quarterllyUj coin, at- the rate of, 3 per cent, per t anum; and . 'the bonds herein authorizeVt. shall .be exempt f rom all taxes Pr da ties of, the.UniJted States,, as well front; i taxa tion" in; anyv form by or!unde1ir s iate or municipal &r; locals authority it rovid-, ed -that; the bonds, authorized I y this section shall be first offered as, i pop ular loanunder such regulationi j to be prescribed toy! the " secretary ' ( it t he treasury, 'as ; will give , bpportu ;ity Ito the oitizens of the United States to tyarticipa'te in -the subscriptions tl such loan and a sum not exceeding o' e half J of one per cent of the amounttif-jof the -bonds herein 'authorizedUs her4cy' ap-j propriated to- pay the expense f pre- Dorin-. " advertising, issuihg, ai 4 dis4 posing of -the same.- ,i Thalt the ; secretary . of the t$ jasury is authorized, ito borrow f rom ine to time, at (the. market rate of ,; interest not exceedngi per cent, .per pniun, such sum isr sums as, in his j u?ment, ; may be' n'reessary to meet put:c ex- iDenaiiuresanKi . issue Mime m mn vevu.! ficates of Ji'rlebteness iriJ such Jtoii he may prt jtcribe and an; denominations and each! certificate so issued s?all be vjo. ajv ul ' efViXic . iii unui trie ; vii. s i-'iirn sjuaii , f troops can be raised! in Waj fee 4 . under the delay in sending trod ps ; be introduced in the House Men add' an income tax, i.; the Spanish ivas a British vess fl' s vessel under tha guns ot Jttor ?o . . o payable; with the intterest accruei: (there on, at such time, not exceedir-? one year from the! date of its issue, the secretary of the treasury -. maj'-j. pre scribe. "Provided, that the amo ,nt of such certiftca'tes. outstanding -.di all at no time exceed $100,000,000 onjd t-1 ": pro visionaj ' ;ofVs. existing law , resi Ejecting coun!t?erfeitin I and other ,f ra ulent practice ireS fereiby extended o the bonds and, certdncates of 1 indebtedness authorized; toy ithis act.' l) u - x ;ffp' - - !v ".-.; . Largest assortment of CBlack boods in the city .are shown at The .t-t? 'iW. Polvogt Co. ( ;: - "( :--:4-.-. 1 rj,' ' V -.. ;: , -Mt-A-n.. GENEUAL. JaEE ItKSTLES 5 . Under the Delay in Sending Tro. ips to Cuba Anxious to Meet Blanc' and4 AVeyler. ' .-;"; -.-;-; i-AA ' ; Richmond, Vai-, ? April ' 23. q sheral Fitzhugh Lee will leave : on th noon train; Monday for ; Washingtop.f i The general appears somewhat restl te un der the! restraints placed upon Hm by the delay in sending troops to Ct ; bar as he i anxious to . get back to the'lsland" and attack the Spaniards and p! edicts that if i he s is put in charge of ;roops down there, he will make ; quiclt work of Blahco's'.army. The announcement from Spaipi today that Weyler n4 J con ferred with ! the - queen-regej and would retuJnitQ Cuba at the,heat::;of an army project interesting: reading for Qeneral -Le,- who said after 1-? bad read it that he would like nothii f bet ter than toi face Weyler with an army. General Lee appears to think tl. it the L proposed delay in sending, trood . to. uuuii win prpve Bumcwiitti?u4M;.wwuo. The rainy season sets in on thV Jsland about the middle of June or it Jrst or July, and he had hoped that thev troops would bei sent at once to Cubtj' . and that the fights as far as drivjf g the Spaniards frpn the island, wott'J have been over i before the rain bf , ran to fall, for it. Americans, . unaccF iaated, are caught on the island after f e wet season begins, they will we ver apt to . contract fever. It having- been suggested to general Lee that the Richmond troops wjo had at first been somewhat Joth t& go to Cuba, i had reconsidered and we;)re' de claring themselves as prepared,, to go wherever ordered, he 1 exefimed : "Richmond and Virginia j will d.) their duty. 1 1 never knew thetn to t U and certainly -theyi can be .depended upon now,' V if?rii w.a..fc?vii4?.aStd --'L' ' 1 ' 11 ' - - . TM A ATT A T T "fe T T rim Causes Consternation the SpaniardCin Havajia. CAPTURE UNDERlMORRO, GASTLE The Castine Chases Vessel Under th&Castle's Guns and Captures Her ! Another Prize Towed into Key Wrt- The Vessels of the Squad ron Separatehe 3Ianrbvo Cut Cuban Cables Con- flicting Rumors as to Sailiig of the Spanish Fleet a, from Cape Verde Iiipgnation in 3Iadrid over Capture of Key West, Fla., April 24. The fleet captured another prize yesterday after noon, the schooner Mathilde, of Ha vana, laden with rum. The schooner was, taken by -the' torpedo boat Porter after a lively 'chase, during which a number of solid shots were fired." A prize crew from the flagship was put on board the schooner, but no : ship could, be spared to tow her and she was brought into Key West in tow of 1 the Associated Press dispatch boat Dailit less, which arrived about midnight. (The Dauntless reports that the fleet j has been divided. The Nashville and the Machiasor Castine sailed west at 10 o'clock this morning, while ; the Amphitrite, the Puritan, the' Cincinnati and the Castine or Macbias sailed east latere. The rest of the fleet at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon was blockad ing' Havana, which" is distant ten miles to the southward. ' F !Ori board the Flagship New York, off Havana', April 23. 9 a. m. The Amer ican fleet is till off, Morror castle.. No casualty has occurred up to the pres ent time to any of the American ves sels and everything remains .quiet." !The torpedo boat Ericsson during the night sighted a fishing boat and gave chase, capturing the vessel under , the guns of Morro Castle. EXCITEMENT .OVER THE BLOCK : ADE. v'-.v -:;-r: ! (Copyrighted by Associated Press.) Havana, April 22.-8:30 p. m. (Delays ed in transmission.) At 4:4 this (Fri day) afternoon the' -semaphore signal ed that a fleet had been sighted on the ;eastern side of the island. Xt was said to be without any colors ,to show its nationality. --;.X-:;-l;;' f;p:-; i At. 6 p. m. lthe semaphore signaled that it was the - United States fleet which was in sight, and at 6:15 o'clock p. m. a red flag was run up at the sig nal station, warning guns were" fired from Marro castle and afterwards. Cabanas fortress, 'adjoining it. This caused excitement throughout the city and was the first real note of war. When the first signal came from the semaphore station, a . British, schooner which was in the harbor put to 1 sea. She was immediately followed by the German steamer Remus. Sometime af terward the - American steamer Sara toga put to sea." . r The cannon shots from the fortresses stirred up the regular troops and vol unteers throughout Havana and its vi cinity and there was a rush to quarters.? The signal guns from the fortifications j! reported, to the palace and throuhout the streets, causing people to rush from the houses with the result that all thoroughfares were, soon crowded with excited . inhabitants. There was no sign of I alarm anywhere. The Span iards are confident that Havana is prepared for any eventuality and they have great faith In the strength of their forts, batteries, etc., and, in the effectiveness of their heavy artillery. As this dispatch is sent the civil and military authorities of Havana are in consultation at the palace and every precaution possible to the Sphiards has been takeiy to guard . against a night surprise and to resist an attack if the bombardment is commenced. Throughout the evening the scenes of enthusiasm continued in the harbor .district. When the news of the cap-: ture" of the Spanish steamer Buena Ventura by the United States cruiser Nashville, twenty , miles off Key West, reached : here, Admiral Manterola, the Spanish naval commander, ; wished to prevent the sailing of ? the American steamer Saratoga, but Captain General Blanco was opposed to this step, and she was allowed to sail. -,;. '"' i ! ' It was ; estimated this evening that there were from 45,000 to 50,000 men un der arms in Havana proper. The dis trict outside of Havana, at the same time was held by the battalions of engineers.. i Scout boats were sent-out from . the harbor, always in a straight line, and they will be coming and going through out the. night. All doctors, lawyers and professional men have been compelled to render ser- vice to the government; under penalty of being severely dealt with. Captain General Blanco has been re ceiving telegrams expressing patriot ism' and loyalty, it is aid, from all parts of the island. It is alleged that the former insurgent, Brigadier-;. General Masso, has offered to organize forces in the country to fight the Americans. EXCITEMENT IN MADRID. Madrid, April 23. The war enthusi asm continues here and in the provin- 1 cesu Patriotic demonstrations are re- ported to have occurred everywhere. Special religious services - of. prayer, i day and night, are being organized for the success of the Spanish arms. " . The capture of the Spanish steamer Buena Ventura by the United States ., XTvltlA aroused the' latest in- j aignation, tne apaniaras claiming mac nosttiities are not yet supposea to nave begun. Newspapers of this city charac terize capture, of. the ship as an act of piracy and being in defiance of the in-.- ternational law, characteristic of the yankees. - RUMORED SASUESGf OP THE : .FLEET. . It is again rumoredthat the Spanish :aa Excitement Amdngg. ;-r;u thtpBuena Ventura.! fettadron has sailed! from Ithe Oajie- erde islands, but its destination iss- given, though it is b lie vtni Ijponish 4 warships will! suddenly y&vsssxx tpa create surprised1 J . ;' - j,- -. ; fThe stories of a ministerial crisis aase lnjed smtf-U5 is understood that '&er freeing to the financial prograisaaw. ftAe cortes will adjourn untiV May Ualu 5,Sehor Morel, the minister for feber 6lohiest declare It is impossible -JVjj-?egraphic communications jwfth CsSiac m be Interrupted even if the! Key Weal cbie is cut as three other cables, pro Incited. " by ; the guarantee of the e2e Sophie convention, ! reach; the- ishwusX. llThe. Spanish fleet in the Antilles mSH commanded by Admiral ManteroSa e Spanfish naval commander at lEa- na, and the flying squadron of "SpeOn to-te commaawied' by Admiral Cfer ffThe Spanish senate was organized -few-. 5&y. - The Cu'ban senator S'enor ZUrn&n ffgicitaited Captain General Blanco enna e Spanish army in Cuba on the ea- Usiasm they ore showing in the a jr?nce or fepanisn. territory. . I i:fThe Leon battalion started for SJs Balearic islands this evenings r jA. conference of leading bankers can- v4ked by the minJer of finance. Seinsr ligcerver, was veld tonight at whxcl ' nor Puigceryer appealed to Ithe hearite- ,e to stop the ibourse Sparaieh. Thuos- f, resent agreed to do their utmost to ying about the desired- result . - . libout j 10,000,000 pesetas has torn bscribed to. the "fund: in aid off -ate' yy;--j : i ' fW--'". '4i - tJOSOaEIR: -JPtRiT25iB4 . -A-fKey Kest, lApril'l 23. The Bpaxdslx pamp steamer PedW Captain Bonel. Ipm Antwerp on: March 25th f for tte pinta Cruz and' 'Pensacola was csajh- -lred by. the United ' S'tates' ffaEsMr- ew York yesterday aftemoon . scnat brou ght tn here at- 6": 30 ' o'cSoEan raomrng unjaer. iner own iteam,S3QJX fj charge of a prize crew. She is onn mk by the Navigation Company of KJ Ipto, and is of 1,628 f tons net registEr 'fhe was built at New Castle in atid has on board a crew of j tbirty-sSac: feh.' The Pedro had been unload&g' icargo of rice, iron "and beer at 'Hat auna, when the news of the desceavt -ol tie United' States fleet upon CaffiA . loused her to' put to sea irt a hmif, he made off in an easterl y di redtisey x tut was not ' quick enough in gettios" Sway. The torpedo; boat Foote "ras. scouting- - about twelve miles off Hje ana shortly after 5 o'clock j yesterdays .afternJoonv - The weather was 'h&zrfw Suddenly the Foote signalled the 2Tjar -Tork; that strange ship had . beea.'-. "slgMed and the flagship started. ossL. W"iser than the Buena Ventura whea -he saw Uihe mighty flagship IteacSss: : "for-.her the Sponfiard scudded away sic : ia; fast . clip. The 'New York then firea phe usual first shot as a j signal ss -ieave-to, but the Pedro continued! rr-. pher course. Then came a.Drettv chasceu The cruiser fired severar more suxaZ guns at the fleeing vessel, and finalrir .. sent a solid shot across her boncsi ' -This brought the enemy to foTma xaiS she promptly hove-to. A small boaS was lowered' Ifromthe New York . nsign Marble with a,, crew put e3L. aipe - wildest excitement prevatksd crowded with men, scurrying ato&nsk 1J ke tfrfightened' rats as the iNew Yorar n,sn. clambered up the sdde of the s-hijpt. ; Meantime the Foote had sighted a- . Qrman coasting vessel and; signalled. jtesythe flagship and a ishots was prbat"' across the vessels bows. No resistaxnae- , was offered, ahd the New (York zntsxv boarded her, found her papers to - ; correct and her German register Tcaes.-. established. She was turned IbBcSc. The actkm- of the fleet in refusing ' alsow. the German vessel to enter iEL-r Vina. shows Uhat the blockade is prac tically established. ,. ! " , rhe United States steamer Mangrvre - . lett here at 5:30 o'clock . this mornfns? ft ily equipped " as a cableship, S2ht -' hladed southeast and her destinaUaxr. tsaid to be south of Cuba. ' .Therev fit iswbelieved, she wiilcut off cable cqaai- ' munication with the Island properv sk far as the southern cables are concern ed..' It is understood she is to be ctzn royed by one or more warships. AooQ ec report has it, on the authority cBt oxie of her officers, that she is goirxsr -jto the Key West ship channel to re- , move tne buoys. ! , PRESS CENSORSHIP. The government has taken control cffT tl e telegraph wires at this point xsoS' all press matter will be handled snbjectt: to the decision of the Censor Tp graphic . communication with Harxsa. -has been abandoned. ' ' . ! , ' The torpedo bpat Ericsson arrfcE; -here from the fleet off Havana this af ternoon. She reported that when fcat-' left ilavana at 10 o'clock this mora . Ing, there had been no bbmbardnussX-. and .that the fleet had established at.. peaceful blockade. : - ThQ dispatch boat' Dolphin 'and f5sr. U tpedo boat Cushing are the - cn5r -, si wa of. the fleet which remain to tSsae ' b; trbor. The monitor Terror and gunboat Helena sailed early this mg. - - St. Vincent, Cape Verde Island, ApaS. 23. The Spanish fleet is still here, et3bt er . awaiting orders or reinforcemenlst. Thousands of "offerers sfrom gxipzafe toave been restored to toealth iby' 'MihUite Cough . Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneunjorSav grippe asthma, and all throat and n diseases. ueiiamy. W;.t; -Ai-:- 'S!-i. ' ' ' : ?: i---A- $1 i' M-

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