WILMINGTON N. C, MONDAY, PRIL 25, 188. VOL. XI. NO. 99. PRICE 5 CENTS. ; -i ' . ! ': ' Hf fCv - .- : : : . . . SPANISH Suffering at the Hands ing Guban Ports. MORE MERCHANTMEN CAUGHT Somejpf the.jVessels Attempt to Get Away, But are Soon Run Down The Dauntless Tows One to Key West Fast Time Made by this , . 1 1 -. -- ; ,1 ; . ' ' . - v - - Dispatch Boat New York's Exciting Chase of a Valuable Prize Morro Castle Again Our Fleet The Fleet Separates to Block ade Other Towns on the Island (Copyrightea, Dy Asociatea .tress:: On BOard the Flagship New York, off Havana, April' 23.-2 a. m. Morro cas tle opened fire onVthe fighting squadron of the United States at 11 o'clock last night.- About- ten shots were sent in the direction cf our ships, hut not one of them took e ffect, and no shots were fired in return. The Spaniards had apparently see n the lights of the New . , York while th; latter was signaling to a ship of the squadron. The firing was reported by the officer of deck. Ensign J. R. Edie',; to Captain Chadwick, who was , asleep at the time. The young of ficer asked the captain in somewhat excited tones, wether the New York lra.d " not better' discontinue signaling. VNo,'- i muttered -Captain Chadwick, .With the utmost cpolness; "there is fio necessity for stopping the signals. Go. ".head.M Latej Captain phadwick was on the forward bridge, from whence lie watched tr e tongues of flame sh!ot out from tine Morro castle. He glanced -In-the direction of the .Spanish fortifi cations' for a lew seconds and then turned his bar ' on them in. silent con tempt,! and .went back to his bed, per fectly', certain the Spaniards could do no damageat five miles, which- . wis then the approximate distance. of the flagship from Morro castle. . j v Another dfHcer said: . "The Spaniard probably becatne nervous, and decided they could not: sleep without some fire works. jr They j can't hit anything any tway." , tf !'. - -. ' There was no' excitement on board the flagship during the Morro castla 'futile attempt I at gunnery. The disci pline was really splendid; in fact, kt this hour, many people on board the flagship do not know that Spain's first .guns of war have been fired and that f lu?. New York was their target; j The United States cruiser Cincinnati, Captain C. M. Chester, reported -to the flagship at midnight: "I have a prize!.' It is, therefore, evident that other ships , besides the Nfer York have been busy during the night. AN EXCITING CHASE. About 4:30Wo'clock p. m. yesterday Captain Chadwick sent Chief Engineer C. , J. MeConnell this message: . "Get up all; the steam you can. A stfeanier has been sighteij and the admiral wish es,, to capture1 her," The New : York was soon tearing through the water at a rapidly increasing speed and was fast leaving the squadron' in the rear. Away in the distance, close under the mist covered hills of Cuba, midway be tween Havana and Matanzas, could be seen the outlines pf a large steamer heading to the eastward. Then the old cry of "A chase!" "A shaej" was Re echoed tote and 6 aft, and tha officers and crew of the New York gathered on her decks, eagerly watching the flagr i ship churn through the blue water, foaming at her stern until she wks - malting abput- eighteen knots. ' The' ad- - mirai paced the forward bridge as calmly Us it watching a potato race. It Was evtent that the Spaniard was doing her bast to get away from the cruiser, and Wfas beading in nearer and nearer to the coast, hoping to find safe ty in shallow water where the warship could not dare-to follow her. . t When the Spaniard was about thred miles from-the shore and .about a mile from the New York, an S-inch gun -from the cruiser's forward . turret suddenly belched out a stream of fire, accompan ied by. a crashing' report. It was onjy meant as a warning shot, but the steel projectile 'went riehoehetihg over w$. ter.'in dangerous proximity to the flee ing merchantman. The echo of the re port had hardly died away among iOuba'4 hills when the Spaniard hov0- ; to. About ten ! minutes later, the New York fvas near her. In the distance, a few'towely looking houses could be fceen perched on a wild looking beach. A' prize cretv,; commanded by .Lieuten ant E.E. Capehart and composed of Assistant Engineer Neall, four marines , and a boat's crew, all well armed, were : lowered over ! the side of the cruiser and, amid exultant cheers from their comrades on board the New York, they pulled' over to the Spaniard, which ;roved to be the Pedro, of Bilboa, an excellent prized ;- THE! (FLEET LITTLE DAUNTLESS On Board the Associated Press Dis patch .Boat ; Dauntless, Key West, Aprir -24." The "Associatea rress uia patch boat Dauntless arrived in this: harbor yesterday, before midnight,! having in tow the first sailing vessel -prize: 'of the : campaign, the schooner Mathilde, of Havana, sixty tons, load, : cd with um. I i ' I When the Dauntless left the main ' fleet Hinder Rear "Admiral Sampson $.t , -,:?:15 o'clock on Friday afternoon, what seemed a thorough blockade of Havana, , had f been successfully effected. . The; fleet1 range from eight to ten miles frojm : Bhor.e. along which they are extended ' for fully twenty miles in the following order, running from west to-east: May, flowfer, Iowa, Newport, Detroit, Marble head, Indiana, New York and Wilming ton! with the torpedo boat Porter at iejiding the flagship. ' t Ivorrq castle and the city of Havana are? iil good view from the flagship with glares, but the coast, as is al . -.dD fK Vnaei is covered with a hatel , saon aner v v " "";r- : ,V I ing the Amphitrite. Puritan, Cincm Tiatf, Castinej or Machias. and three; torpedo boats,! after much interchange ..p Lioi. nortwi rnniDany 'ith the ot.n. aniline in a northeasterly &i rectton,' presumably to blockade Ma-j tanzas. Cardenas and Sagua Lai Grajide. '" ' ; ; ' !.'.. ' i: Owiner to her late arrival on the pre - vifiiis nlsrht and with necessary delaiy oh fthe following day, the Associated; Pres dispatch boat Dauntless saw the i las boat of the naval and newspatf erj t fleets leave Key West harbor on FpU 5 lay morning with her anchor still down t .7:50 o'clock, when the stern 6f the TJnftOd States dispatch gunboat Dpi- I philn nearly fouled her while the latter vessel wasi- swinging out from a c6al pier. The captain of the Dolphin saing out: 'I guess Vru are all right. We usually ram with the -other end." J , At 7:55 o'clock a. m., syith her anchor apeak, the Dauntless got underway, -. oVi Tinfised out a-hearty" Cheer waS eiAien for the United States cruiser and her; prize, the Buena Ventura. Therf" cVa snuarea , away ior ins neei, nut even the smoke of which was visible at that time. - The Dauntless dashed ahead until ; 9 o'clock, -when many black streaks were seen making paral lel lines across the southern horizon. Ten o'clock, and the vessels of the fleet could be counted, even to the torpedo boats. .The Dauntless left Ker; West ti.r, twntv minutes behindV t;: Xr bokta but in four hours and the other boats, put " A ne " " had of the pro ,a naii sw t . - session, and quiet Capiam ioya, who i ... - -1 . of the Fleet Blookad- Fires, Ineffectually, on knows the boat better than any other person living, remarked:,. "She can't beat fourteen kriotsr at her "best, but It's funny how many sixteen: and seventeen knotj clippers she does leave astern.-" When the flagship New York, after the hills of Cuba-had been sight ed and she had started off at a twenty knot clip to capture Spanish steamer Pedro, the -Dauntless veered and fol lowed, and was in at the death. Those on the Dauntless saw the first hostile shot! fired, and as the flagship ' swung around for her chase after what proved id be a German trading steamer, they gave the New York the first cheer. Af ter a night of rolling-through a heavy sea, to get underway in the morning the better to see the Iowa and the Indiana, in flghtirfg trim, " start sea ward and better still to follow the New York as ehfi raced eastward to inter cept what proved to be the Italian man-of-war, Glovani Bapsan, .from which vessel Rear - Admiral Sampson received his fleet, rear admiral's saluta from a foreign warship,! came the stir ring Incident of the Mathilde, follow ed by the determination! to return to Key West with dispatches. THE DAUNTLESS' OW. ' ; The Associated ' Press dispatch boat Dauntless was asked through the -megaphone to tow the Spanish prize to Key West, which was a fitting ending for the day. . It was an, example of the grim! irony of fate which gave' to the most famous ex-filibuster the first op portunity to tow a Spanish prize to the United States, for whichl the thanks of Captain Chadwick were received. As the Dauntless passed under the lee -of. the New York,' she received the heart ist of cheers . f ronj " thej blue Jackets, while the officers of thej flagship clap ped their hands, the megaphone roar ed some encouraging words anfr Jleay Admiral Sampson lifted his cap in an swer to the salute of the correspond--ents.:" - . j - i,: , The. sea nicture thrfi Presented had for a background a pale hasse, beyonO. whicn were the mountains or cupa.v and in the middle distance saffron lin ed Havana, 'with a speck of yellow striped with f e,J, floating from Morro castle. How long- wHl jthat standard stay there? This was j Jhe fought which entered every minLd as the.iiajw ser tightened and, the Mathilde, follow ing the Dauntless, was rushed through the water towards Key West. The passage to this port waS a j;ough one, of course, b.ut it was no worse than usual. To the flagship; New York be -longs the honor of firing; the first "shot that announced the intention of the United States to establish a blockade of the port of 'Havana. ' " ' While this was transpiring the; ou-t-linesjof andther steamer jwere seeii sev eral miles to the westward . The New' York then jfired. another blank shot of warning to "heave-to" in the direction of the secQji vessel sight ed, by : the flagship and) upon, gaining proppr distance, the NeV York fired 9--secohd shot this time across the bows of. the second steamer , and the latter hovei-lp at once. Upon investigation it was. learned that she was a German steamer that had Just left Havana and she was allowed to., proceed. This was the second seizure 'of the day, the Apt being that of . the Spanish i steamer Buena Ventura, which the fleet of war ships! met early in the morning, soxm after they left their aicnorage at Jiey West. THE THIRD SEIZURE. 1 A third seizure .occurred this4 morning a few .miles west of the entrance to Havana harbor. It was aj small schoon er, apparently a' fishing eaft,;and she was captured by the Cincinnati. The cruis&r towed -her to th flagship and her captain made satisfactory explana tion to Admiral Bamps.oni who released the vessel. , ! - - ' Ju$t after the New York had ex changed salutes with the Italian war ships, two Schooners were sighted in shore from where the New York and the Italian lay, and the flagship signal ed the Porter to go after them. The1 torpedo boat glided over: the water at a .very rapid pace and passed almost under the bows of the Bansan on her capture of the . Mathilde; As . she ran the JPorter fired shots from her 6-pounder across the bows of both schooners. One of them came about immediately, but she proved to be a fishing boat and was released. But the Mathilde was more obstinate and prob ably! did not appreciate jbelng 'stopped by what looked like a toy boat, or else she fayed to understand what the Por ter Wanted' her to do. But, -when two more shots' were fired from the torpedo loat the Mathilde came about, and the Porter ran alongside, informed her she was! seized by the United States ,and promptly took her prize! . in : tow and started off to the flagship with her. The Mathilde was loaded with barrels of riim, was; sunk 'almost to her rails and the' Potter had much difficulty in dragging the heavy schooner through the Water. Nearly the ;entire crew of the New York assembled on the deck, and as the Porter came up with her prize, they gave-her a great cheering. The! Dauntless was ready to leave for Key West and Admiral Samp son asked the dispatch boat to tow the nrize to that port for him, which was do rife, a prize crew from Ithe New York being piacea on wara ine -jaaiuiiuo. There was a strong wind blowing and a heavy sea running all! the way froni: TTAvana to Key West, but the Daunt less plowed through the water with her tow .which had her rails ;tmaer nan tne time, with great volumes of spray dashing over -the sailors and marines from the New! York, who sat on top of the (schooner's i cargo, each man ready with his rifleJ to prevent any attempt that mteht be made by j the schooner's own crew to cut loose from the Daunt less The latter made the run of eighty miles, from off Havana,' to Key West, with her tow, in eight hours, arriving at Key West before midnight. I tHE CINCINNATI'S PRIZE, Kev West, April 24.r-Ensign Christy, with a crew of sixteen from the cruiser Detroit and four from the flagship, brought info port his afternoon the captured Spanish ' steamer cataima. Captain Fano, 3,491 tons, which let Cadiz March 7th. and was pound from New Orleans for Barcelona via Havana for which latter port- she was making when taken. The Cataiina1 was cap tured about 4. o'clock! this (Sunday) morning, twelve miles (from Havana. mia was taken by the cruiser Detroit. xvrheh'ths first' $hot was fired thercap- tan tviftde a desperate effort to escape his pursuer and the chase yas prolong ed for eight miles. Finally ed ghot brought her to. She .is carrying a cargo of.6,000 bundles of staves. MORE SHOTS FROM; MORRO CAS-''"-.''.;"":.;- tie. j : "i- '- On Board ; United States - Flagship - New York, off Havana, April 24.- Noon-Morro batterlesagain openea nre nn th fv arlv this mornine.i but iv.., rrar- k V t CUBAN REFUGEES Land at Jamaica The Armistice End ed Devastation Renewed Insults to American Flag ' . Kingston, Ja., April 24. The United States -consul at Baracoa, Cuba, Al fredo T.. Triay, his. wife. "and two chil dren, two Spanish merchants and twenty-two .Cubans and . Spanish Americans, mostly women and chil dren from Guantanamo, debarked from the Ely here today, after a twen ty-four hours' quarantine. When , the steamer left Guantanamo on Friday last a Spanish mob. Including many soldiers, filled, the public square and adjacent streets, yelling "Death to the y&nkees." "Several American flags were soiled, torn j trampled andttreated with elaborate unmentionable indignaties. Some naturalized Americans were com pelled to take part in the insulting- womc, on the tnreat or : death it they refused. - - Orders to the Spanish army declaring the armistice ended were publicly post ed at Guantanamo last' Friday. Two days previous the troops began concen trating &t the principal seacoast eities, abandoning all the interior towns, and plantations, in - many cases burning theriu The -passengers by -the Ely te lieve the devastation of that part of the island will 3e completed before the Americans invade the ports held by the Spaniards. : r i 1 . : Ordinarily -there - are 2,000 Spanish soldiers at Guantanamo1. Now . there are 7,000. there. " New defenses, earth works chiefly, are under construction and the mounting ''-.of field pieces is in progress. Two rapid fire .' guns, one rapid fire three pounder and four an cient models hay. been received. ; Mr. Triay, Aniericah congUl at Sara cpa; received a.letter'from a Santiago friend, dated April 15th, : saying that the American consul had left, the week before and advising him to eaye. Thp coasting steamer San Jiian happened to be in port at Baracoa. Mr. Triay sailed with his wife and children and With only two , handbags for baggage, leaving the consulate unpecupied and the business unprovided for. -When he reached Santiago he elaimed the pro tection of - fhe British consul and asked why he had not been loolja af ter .when all other consulates weire di rected 'to reach' Jamaica at the earliest Opportunity. He stayed at a hotel in Santiago for week unmolested and then the Brttisp. consul ot him and his family safely to the Ely. :: ' " - ' j Mr. Triay sayp he has been treated isham9f uliy;. As there is rip telegraph kt BftF&poa he 44 hot Know what wa happening en thf? putside. It is assuror fed, as he is an American, thSLf h.e wJl lay the matter before congress.He does hot know who was to blame. Accord imj to his statement, the southern coast garrisons have been weakened to strengthen the defense at Havana. Last Thursday the- San Juan sailed from Santiago with a regiment, and another coast steamer, pressed . irito service by Spain, took troops 'the same jiay t rpKi ManzeniJo for Havana'. ! It was repprted last' Tbirsday af Baraeoa that thp place would be evaer uated by 2,000 Spanish troops. ' ; Base Rail. ! '. ' Cleveland- 8, Lgusville 1. , I : Louisville, April 24. Today's gajne blayed in la drizzling rain; and th- weath jer was" cold. Frazer was very wild and after 'the Indians 'had scored five runs In the sixth Inning .he retired in favor of iMige. Dexter also relieved Wilson. At tehdance '). Tlie score: R. H. E. Cleveland .2 0020500 0-? 12 2 Louipville . .D 0 4 1 0 4 Q 4 1 0-J B 2 ; HBatteries! 'Frazgr, Magee, Wilson and Dexter;' Wilson and O'C&n-n&r, i ' St. Louis 13, ' Pittsiburg 1. I St. Louis, April 24. The Browns let '(themselves loose to. 'the Pittsburgs to day and: simply -wiped the diamond with iitnf," qaiey pounded Killen, out of the ;box th" th'a folittth-.nmiite: and .Gardner 'was substituted, -He did. Wot' farg njuob (better. Mug-hey, the Browna pitcher, Ihad: the' Pirates a'tj his mercy. The crowd Iwas bo large that ground . rules were iiniade. The scorri: ' - R. H. E. St. Louis .........2 0 6 0 1 0 3 1 x 13 17 I Pittsburg ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 1 11 .1 1 'Battrtfes Iluifhey and Clements; Kel ilen, Gardner ailS lchrlv-e.'. ' j f Spain Inslot's on'Prlvateers J : i ; - - l i Madrid, April 24. 1 p, m. A. . royal !decree says Spain maintains her right to have recourse. to privateering, and announces that for. the present only auxiliary cruisers will be. fitted out. All treaties with the United States are annulled. Thirty days are givn tb United States ships to leave Spanish ports and the .rule's Spain will observe during the war are outlined in . five clauses, covering neutral flags and i goods, contraband - of war, what will !be considered a blockade, the right of i search and what constitutes contra band of war, ending with saying for eign' privateerl will be regarded as pi- crates.- : - - m;'1 !;-: . ':: Claims the Buena Ventura . Unlawfully - Captured ; London, April' 24. It is announced in a dispatch from Madrid to The Evening News, dated yesterday evening, that, at h. cabinet council presided over by he, quegn-regerit at noon, on Saturday, summoned to consiaer tne capture yt thet SDanish steamer Buena Ventura by the United States cruiser Nashville, It was decided to claim that tne vessel was Unlawfully captured, and the min ister for foreign affairs, Senor Qullon, was instructed to, seek the support or the representatives of the foreign pow ers at Madrid. ; v - "In a minute" one dose of Hart's Es sence of Ginger will relieve any ordi nary case of Colic, Cramps, or Nausea. An unexcelled iremedy for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus',. Summer complaints and ail Internal pains. Sold hy J. C. Shenard. J. H. Hardin arid H. L. Fen- LPCCML 1;- . To Join the Flying Squadron. ' New York, April 24. JTfoe cruiser Sah FrancSsco and New Orteans, will leave . tomorrow (for Hampton Roads to join the flying squadron. , Under Commander Caspar KJooarLcn, the. .lAmerican1 Mner ' St. IJouis, Will steam out, and the Harvard, formerly the New York, . Will go at the same time in cfharge of Caiptain A. S. iBar ker. Tihe destination and duties of these two-wif't vessels are untoioiwn.,' L Just at dusk the lines of the Convert ed Wasp, formerly the Yacht Colum bia, were . cast off, and she eft- iphe' yard, preSuimabiy for Hampton ROads to join; Coanimodore Schley's fleet. i Children like it, dt saves their lives ;We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infallaible , remedy for coughs, colds, croup, ibronoMtds. grippe, and all throat and Tung troubles, R. R. Bellamy. ' Capturing More Spanish Vessels. New York, April 25. A dispatch to The IPress from Key West, says: The gun boat Wil mingtoij today captured the Spanish schoqn Ipandidia, with a deck load -of chareoswrintenoea Tor wavaaia, Where it is extremely valuable for fuel. - 'At this writing tehe Gushing is bearing (down on a sohooner to the southeast. The Ibreze is slow, and While she 'has on all fail. th Ottshiner will ' overhaul her shortly. She has the start, but the Cuehinir has the steam. . ' The torpedo boat Porter captured; to- laV the SbaniSh schooner Antonio, Jaden with sugar, for Havana. The Antonio was sent to Key West -with a prize c pew ' of four men undflr Nayl Cadet puboise. Buula WUi Help Spain. Uondon. April 25. Th.iSt- Petersiburg corresDondent of The DaUy Teiegrap'h tetegraphing- Saturday,, says: Emperor Nicholas ..sends for Duke? de Tanaane and discussed -with "him the Cuban, ques frtn at firreat leiurth. A conference of, the ambassadors Jof the powers on the sub ject of Cuba-'ha? been held at the for etgn'dff ice and well-informed persons de clare that Russia wm support sjpau .-' TUe KlgblArm rnreliised. : New York, April 24. The Merrick Charimah ' AVrecklng ' Company , an nounced today that it "sold the tug flight Arm to the government; THE FLYING Still Censorship oil News as ' i '. ; .'- ' i' ' . " j:-:-'" -.V."' - .' to Its Movements. TWO WARSHIPS SAILED, Tne. Minneapolis and the Columbia Depart Hastily ion Secret Mission. Quick Work In Getting to See After Receiving Orders by Signal Frpm" die Flagshp Many 'Conjectures as to ..Their Mission Rush Work on For tification Wurk at Fort Monroe and Adjacent Coast Defenses. Fort -Monroe, Va.!, April 24. (On board flagship Brooklyn.)-For strategic pur poses ajid'for he protection of informa tion that might bei of value to the ene my, Commodore Schley, of the Hying squadron,- has established a, ' practical censorship over those In hisV command relative to the divulgihg of the reason for any movement made or to be made by the squadron, or individual i-shipa' of the squadron.. To more fully; carry out that plan of protection to government in terests, 'only commanding officers', are ma'de aware of such movements and the responsibility- is thus minimized. It : is' for' these reasons that the aotukl destina tion of the Minneapolis' 'and ColumbiaT i merely a matter of newspaper conjec ture. " The aatual mission ' of the rbig; cruisers js .not and wl not be-made public, the 'navy d&prtment,Commodor( Schley and the commanders of the ve sels being tho srole possessors of information-on the subject. . . The conjectures as to the object for which Commodore Schley ordered them to sea last nigh are many. -Protection of the steamship Pajjs, assistance to the battleship Oregon, oaptur' of Spanish gun'boats, and. convoy for the transport 'Panther, now at -Hampton Roads, - are some of them. The latter theory is par tially discredited. TJie Pawther," with her human' freight of nearly TOO oiti-pers amA marines, 'lies in 'safety -with the- remairf lng ships of the squadron ,6ft "Fort' Afoh roe and evidehtly An no hurry to ' move. As a" matter of -fact, the ' pah t her itself has , si)jhp protection, oping pretty well armed with eight rafpidflre rfne, "which couki oe used eitectiveiy. All of the 7w men alboard her are in excellent condi-J -LiLrii, iitj XLitrii La vnuu,iiig tilt? Bit. iv uny. The departure! of the Columbia and Minneapolis last night created a great deal of excitement, but demonstrated in What'fin'e condition all of the vessels of Commodore Schley's-squadron are. From the time the signal Was rnasde otr the flag ship to the time the Minneapolis weiit byloh' hep'way to sea- was less1 than ah hipur',' ap.d. the Columhi$ followed in a few minu tes; ' "Heir the1 mulUtiidiftouS dutje f '4e performed, after 4n order' to put to ea: is gjve'n. are considered, thor- ; IMPOETiST EVEHTS OP THE DAY. England Enforces the Foreign Enlistment pft - f 1 ? . K The Hong Kong Squadron SaUs under $ea0 Orderslr ' The Blpcading Ejef CftPtHreX infttl!?. ish;:S(eauieii'; . -Rush Work is being done on VoviMoro4 ail "Adjacent pa4i' Defenses.' -. :" ;. !:. ,!' v- ' -T,v. fig .':-. ckify-f No Informatiori can be Secured, as to the tiestinaton of, the Minneapolis and the . Columbia of the. Flyinfiuadronl - j: I The Gunboat Helena Captures the Spanislil Steamer Miguel Jouvec,.' ' ;.i .'r':!-M j- ; ' '-. u:': 'W': ' i' ):- The President will, seud a Message to Coffess Asking for a Formal Declaration of War. .,-. j IF-:'::.'' ';' i, - !'. . .r ! Spain Answers our Ultimatum, Accepting It as a. Declaration of War. .. .' '"!'; P TlQ Spnfsli. Vessels were Captturd Yestegpyr-i'v .1- H j Senator Davis Declines tcfCo IntSJhe JCabJnet. on Secretary Sherman's Retirement. ' - . ; The Armistice in Cuba has been Eridelif Devastation of Farms "lias been Renewed. ' Up to Midnight Nothing had been Heard -pom Paris: V ; ;! -I ' . -.-f v Gladstone is Sinkiug Rapidly tgi ' ? L I Morro Castle Again Fires on oughness of discipline and capability of the men are" in splendid! practical "evi-5 dience.- j . - .: MARYLAND NAVAL. RESERVES , ON I . - " , DUTY. . .1. - . Sunday here passed very quietly. The Maryland naval reserves who are to man the -Yosemite and the Dftcie arrived by boat early this morning. The. two con-, verted I boats will "be ready In a day or two, beipg at Newport 'News yards flfc i der ' Improvement. When -the Maryland: reserves passed the Brooklyn they cheer- eo neartny. , . , . ; The isioux, a converrea tug, unaer com-? ; inanld of Lieutenant Gherardj, and which mounts several rapia-nre guns, left this afternoon and the. men on the Brooklyn gave her a hearty cheer as she passed OU't. I - ., i The hospital boat Solace left; Newport News for Norfolk where she '.will take ort medical stores. I j Tonierht the precaution was -begun of 'putting out a patrol fleet of steam cut ters fully equipped to tight ana to give warning if an enemy approaohed. , . The work of strengthening the fortifi cations at Fort Monroe continued all day With a large working force, as did also the work of laying mines in the harbor. Where the old 8 and 10-inch converted, rifles used to' stand.-will be mounted a battery of modern rapid-fire guns, which are expecteo; to command namiiim Roads and Chesapeake bay and, make It impossible for a torpedo boat of the ene my to enter, 'i nese. guns, t is tnouguu, will be in fighting condition, by the end of this week. i , . . j The work is not confined to tne ion it self toy any means, for active prepara tions for a possible connict are oeing made at the "Pines Battery" and on tne beach I of Ohesaipeake (bay, midway oe- tween ! this battery and the fort. - Here four new disaoDearmg guns Jwui De mounted behjjid breastworks of the most modern' ana suDscantiai Kino. irn aiui tion to this ' the immense battery of smnnth iwr fi-uns are ready for use and at a range of one mile will prove-terribly destruetive. r , . At Willoughby Spit, opposite Fort Mon roe, and which point controls the en trance! to Norfolk, Newport-'News and the James and rpotomac rivers a board of naval officers ha made an inspection with a view of constructing a., fort at the point to .co-operate with Fort Mon roe. . It is expected that active opera tions on the forti will begin this week and (be pushed to completion- without de lay, i This fort Is to be erected! on a su perstructure of steel supports, forming art arched chamber with turrets, in which i the guns are to be operated. The fort will (be temporary in structure, but properly manned will prove a formida ble defense in case the enemy' should at- tempt the invasion of the .harbor. Battle of Palm Beach Not Credited Jacksonville, iFla., April 24. A special $o The Times-Union and 'Citizen from (Palm Beach, Fla., says: It is believed here by every one that the report of the battle oft ' Roynton .Friday js without much foundation. ; Several responsible citizens from that section were here to day and said they saw 'the ships going south,! but did not hear' the report of a single gun. The: - only ; explanation for this report is that a number of workmen were engaged unloading lumberrojn a wrecked brigantine on Boynton beach, and that a vessel made direct for the wreck, supposedly to make-an. examina tion, when the workmen became fright ened and went ashore. ' - - . Thousands of 1 afferers from grippe have been restored to toealth, tyy On Minute Cough Ciire. It outlckJy qurea coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneuimonila, grippe, asthma, aoid all throat arad u diseases.- R. RnrBellamy. - vnniiiv yen nwwm lirfl it VH . llHIilr filllll va aaaKB w,- m. mmmm waaaiaa aaswaa .. - . - K - !&'A - - - i V- ;. v- ; - Settled at a Meeting o - Board Sf Admirals hi PI AfMFPT SFnRFTmpst lm,hediately iretu toKey 1 LHW IVLl 1 OLUIAL I Wt iwitfh dispatahes. Ab W Qclock MedlterraneabiInsurrcctlon InJ Portj.- Vk 1, u . V JIIco MartliU I Law Americans Danger SpatuS Adopts Pplvaterlnv Appllcatlons'fr' Letters of 'Marque . The Pope Bles the Spanish Arm .- Spain to Declare War Demonstraw." , tlon in Madrid : ! ' , 'S Madrid, Aprig ;j24. It 19 believed tha he. Spanish airals,? at their meeting yesterday, appf&ed -of a olan of -ca.mi paign. agamet ilf United States. "l Airiiii formatiori on ,jho subject, naturally, jsn refused, . ; f gjfi r .-l,- : The y-ush vto llnge paper currehcy .for; silver "has: ceasiI, thus ending the mon4 etary crisis. -. j . T ' -.i, A high fficiljisert3 that the powers, are still confeplig, with results whiclit are expected t6neflt Spain. ' The ton of the Portuglsgj press Is friendly tj Spain", : ';-;- -i:;..-::ll' - :. . The JmpareiaV.prlnts a list of 'triSi American shJpsJJn the1 "'Mediterranean Si umub wui,: suuia- Dointlns- rtt i? : ' ' afing well in toward the coast. The flag S preI." the cruiser. Martolehead and thf .tor Ahe .pamsigwarships. ; ; ; : , , - guniboat Wfillmington Imnvediaitely turn. i no cabinet .cncil today approved theIed opt of the course ta head the war general budgetEeplte statements pubyViiaMp off. The remaBnder of the sqttad lshe n New igrkr to the contrary, -it igHron proceeded to the westHvard. Smoke declared her Jflftt thB Spanish; navy f 'PP1 from, the ships. The flagshlf) fully suppiiedith CoaLf ThW govern gWS ffhteOT rlmolts waKJQe ment has 'receipt nooffieia L in1ormItioi5fVfsfa ,t'rtWS.i with the vibrations of the capturej any American vessels'f' r t win screws. :sThe little Wil- St. -Thoma,-'wst Indies, April 24. Acif mT1Srton' steamed ui 4n epilendid style, cording to the ig;est advices frdm Portbf and the fastf, cruiser Marblehead. Hept Rico, the agitori there is, increasing f nearly ahreast. . Tfie formiidaib trio ?hrM? PZzFm? 'Z111 "!a'-i Wf thonties tiave fejen steps to prevent thf departure of raftjgees. At MaVaguesVi seventy; miles lifouthwest -of San : JuanMTl . j there is talk .f S a revolution. Uef n a-Wf ; me?1t was ti from Porto JWcjwho reached here by aSiParated ' ' this ! -i-enina: rnm-t. that- tViAit condition of tf. island- is critical.' MariiS'Wenitity. 'She 'was thought to ih the. tiat' law' b p$M prlaimed'. ahd 'Anierl.Afizcaya or "Almirante Oquendo ottlcfi1 l"1 f;ading hard, for Ha T United Statelonl yartKjIoni her-vR .'Jn Ve- tfWW shi'ted. -With has" -boug.ht irf tohi at coal l th lhe ' stokers off duty (below United States gernment. which will arij rive here 'tomofnw, .and) he is negotiate i img ior-more. -: . . .. i SPAINT ADOPTS PRIVATEERING. ' J cers crowded on the quarterdeck as - . : ! ' ilh , . . j elated as the im&n, though, jinder be t- LKndon, . Aprfiia.The -Madrid icOrrer M.ter . control. Tne tbu&ler bie.w f 'iGeneral spondent of Th4 Daily -Mail telegrapinU Quarters ' All hahdii' fled to ' their .In the decree' iiued wrea'ns ; vSry raittlefp I6- vhe 4re: Unee vanished from and what the 'ftcellation of agreements;rh ! ie-; Re-r Admiral Sampson, with the Unite&iStaites means can werfv standdnig on tlie 'bridge, sai4 dedliberate appfeciatet'rtlcutorry.- tbyi Ameay tgi "Captaiin " Oia-d'Wci'' "Test- t he cans Temainjnfeihlnd inba:aIldtho(bq.ue(nao or the VUzsaya," and. Men whq own prPf there.:-Five "I- sWoolldl like: to tog them - x-;4' i o 5 .'i' - the Steamer our Fleet, Without Effect. granted for AJierican vessels '. to .: leaves Spanish ports.Si i . ' APPLYINQ-IOR LETTERS OF. - ., ;- .-; ..marque. . ; Urffent orders have (been issued for'ihtf Many Frenon gftipowners, and, not a, few- private' Frenchmen "have 'applied' for; let ters ot marque-s-ainst the united States, The- cabinet?i"4couincil "this iaf ternoor (Sunday) 'tasousel the ponduct -of th war measures It iji proposed to submit! 1 3 the cortes, iSnor -Puigoerver, minister of flnance, will submit .his projects on-- Tuesday next.'ijEvery occasion is beings seized throughout thV country for patEifS otic demonstrations. ' . . -i- j? Vienna, Apris gf. The (Deutche ZeitungJ the ipan-Germnic organ, contiry tgt most papers, - tsupports the United Statek J ort the grounds ; that "After Berlin Ian Vienna. New York ranks as the larges German town f l-h the -wprld.'f and '.aJs ""i because the IfUhited States . .representr; liberty as otppt$ed to'absjoltiteisnl." f.:. Madrid. Awrii-'Xi.- 7 :45 D.I m.--There slig.ht.-demonstiatlons early this morniny aim, aaui uiijj jeveiMus, iuui uiey weic5 dispersed by Governor Aguilera. The on suibject of cOii,eTsation tthroughout j i,h day lias. beenthe -ca-ptum of he 'Buenfir Ventura prior ap a formal declaration', cS hostiliities or ths lapse' of the time Uinfe in the Americais ultimatum. The pasper---- describe it is aff?aetof piracy. Manyi rtf mors are afloiif i as to captures on hot5"; sides. - The pas. warn he populace nwj to be elated or depressed -by such s.taiteN menus, ansiswng:? tnait many of-them oria,e mate on foreign bourses for i gamblint A purposes. ! ' :' .'' t.-.'L?'ll The iattitHrlw&Vvf ithft i.Hin.a vf M'aiST .... r- - "-r . A-t--VJi today . is irreproachable.f Several AmerS? can correspondents : left iby the Sud ex press. Probatay the fact that the cabf net council we held In the morning in stead of, this afternoon, as had be'en ar4 ranged, mean's? ihat- nejfrshas been, re-' ceived! necesstia'ting prompt action, but nothing .has been divulged. -1 I - r Advices ha-vy been received - from Manila, P'hilippSne Islands, that when news was received there of the saiiiBa? of the; American squadroni from Hohfej kong an im'poging popular demonstration took place,: all,: classes offering their -Drbti erty ana Jives?, m oeiense or the country? i'ub einniuoiaouviis ,uecioeu, as tremeiri Ama " i iii ! . . : I- JJ Rumors are Jbelng circulated that t'h Philippine filibusters - are : co-operatint3 with- the Amrjeam squadron, tout thera is no official feaflrmation of them, t I ilk . (A .UTTT'-D tr A rvf ii, r A nUrnCf : TAT ri 4 XT- T7-1-, The Madrid papers point put that spmll excellent prize are now obtainable ' 4i " the Mediterranean in the yachts. of mi;r lionaire Amer.etns. J i j THE. POPE BLESSES SPANrSH ARMi.JJ -r ... , i r ioiiuoi. Apciff zo. i ne itome corr spondent Of 1pQ Daily Mail say: Cad' nai Kampolia the papal secretary i 6 ,3.!.. - l- .. 1 TFn , t n ..til 1 .1 asgnk tii trtMu tuuiiMlllir - Th. nuui't desires prayers 4 only 'for a speed yvcosLxjii'ted States gunboat; Helena Com elusion' of ipeacg'i He considers the &in mg of ' Te 'teur.is ror- vtstories an- utt ; congruous proceeding, -.a i . ' ' : ( The Rome e&rrespondlent of .The Stanii ard, says:. Thai queen regent ! asked -t blessing of the "pope upon Spanish, arms. His holiness replied ifchat Ae sent.i't frojrji his ijieart 'and oped to see .a, vindica tion of Spain!' 8 rights Whloh had beesi trampled upon.-a - ' i ; ' - - - '. London, April 25. The Ro"m corrj spondent of The Times .says: I am a thorlzed by the Spanish ambassador i the Vatican to "deny the report that theif i has "beenf any (Question of submitting tH matter of Cuhasni Independence to. the aj " bitration of ths pope. I also am ln-forrj ; ed hat the - United States .offered i Spain te submit the Maine disaster to aj hit t ion. Soarrv accepted the offer, bi nothing niore-hJas been heard from -thetJ" PUR SAIIXRS DISAPPOINTED I ;Xhe"Nw York Steams Down Upon a Man of War Supposed, to be Spanish. All Hands Eager fo.t.'a Fight Proves to dc liaitan (Copyrigh.t by Associated Press.) On tooard ttie tflagsihlp iNiew-. York, off j Havana, Apfii 23. ip. ml (Filed Key HlWeat, mldnJ&ht April 23.) The. ipiurl- an. jashvtlle, CMaxtolehad amd. Urle- . eon arrived from Key- West -i 4.1-1 ".. - una . morning. , The Ericsson ei -;tMs morntog mitot Puritan, the VJ mVTT1 . ;. irne- -gumbo-ats v, Mac!haas,:,Naiiviite, Castane and )New-, ikv.. .u -uy-e i.vTtejai jooats .oote and jVyimslow lett the squaxlroH to blockade MaitanjSas, Mariel and; Cardenas, iThey formed separate dfvfisions, landj ufter they . haul oassed noif cf orfv. 4 "" vi..--wi agmt tne re- iWKKf of line ncet took; mp regular forsrWon :havnig drif ted some fifteen miles frtJm- 'Morro cattle. The geroeral ad vantee was onade at half speedy Cap italn Evans, nost quite certain of the pos'itkmi he was entitled to take wlch the Iowa. c&aleWt lulo ajbraati e I fliaigship and shouted through. 'the meg 1 aphon?r "powr near may I go," Rear la-umunaii toampgon, who was tandjnig on the atflter bridge, replied; "Aa near as you ca witaiout drawkig the fire 01 fh faatteries." "All rteih-t rrvfa?,. Sns 'shouted hack In, tontw f ipressed: -the keenest dissaaxyintmi The Ipwa theni went aiheiad. About half ah. hour aifter the squad ron was well linnder way the cruiser" CdnclaBati was; stee-n! on the pastern horizohV the eimoke - fnouvi'og .'from 5ier iftinn,. Stoe h'ad. been' headed mr iMa- Wanzas and evideinitly nad turned (back t". cnase some-vessel. The, G.btec her pursuit was soon (made out, stand-J bore dowri -uiKn ttoe warsnip- Tihen.a shout -went lib "She-is a Sbaniard w wa ?'-ifji? Wiuara.. twlflc. Thie distance;- wjiph we vessels rendered St im- oossibl'ei to miake ' oii.t." 11i nvirstVi-inNa cjred "vobif erously and begged to , be alio-wed to go on deck to help 'shoot at uhe ifirst armed enemv net Tihe ofR- mihptii." Then It -was seen that the f-iha,se ws, llyin?? an Italian flag, but .this was 'no proof .that .behimd her f still Invisible-gmns S'paiH'iara were not conj .ft of sujbterfusge. . 'All the guns of the - 4New York's port side and in the for X fi war'iand: after Sturreits ivvrf 'trained on ;i:thV I "straijigtef . '-' ;'A'" ewi : niinutW 'garter, Wsi e?i ;a1bi,t' -'fl'fteeq- 'liwa-r yards, ae$. .rfaraie.avn.e -?sew forK, trom er larg-ei, V,ll r. xQ1 tia 'wao iuii .vv v111 : warshp, and then It vas knoiwn. she fowas no't a Spamiard. ,' . f . A puff .of smoke issued from her sides., 41. and the boom, 'of guhsoiinded aqrosa lif'th-s water.?. It was ojnly salutes fyat ;:kt 'first many on .lbolard.J?th'OUght Rear ::- Admiral Sampson haiU' ibeen oeceivea. tout the warship fired, fifteen guns as - a salute, wmen was retumea ioy tne .flagship which also flew a national flag., 'The stranger was then made out .to. foe the Giovanni Baijsan, a5 iQiwerfi ruiiser. -; W5thkiUt -'Urther formaliitieg ; she 'pursued her "course and entered 'Havana harbor. Thus an exciting in cident ended In disappointment, .but it ser'ed to show now anxious aai. flatus are for a real fight and hoiw splendid the diol'pline is wherni' a contingency. 1" seems iim'Tn?nnt. . . . ; j Looking for Sherniau's Successor. a Washington, April 24,-While there kf is every reason, to', believe that Secre tary Sherman contemplates a retire- J ment from the cabinet at no very dis tant date',; the indications now are that tne change will not take place im mediately He declined to discuss the question today. .There is no. doubt, however, that the president considers the secretary's retirement among the -probabilities. . He discussed, the' . con tingency with some of his callers today and it Is understood that Senator Davis was asked whether in case there should be a vapancy in the ' secretaryship of state he would favorably consider an invitation to fill It and that he replied in the negative,, as he prefers to re main In the senate. ; "' No News Froni tlie Parts. i . Londbtw Aprtl 25. XJlp to- aniidjnlght there was absolutely no news as to the liner Paris at Southampton. ; . r : S!pa9n'8 adherence to the right of pri vateering, if expedienlt, has given great satisfaction In Spain, where the public plressi anarkedily tapproVes the, attitude of the goverranent.- Fears are express ed! onthe continent that (the United States 'WiH find 'ft necessary to retal iate, despite the adhesion of Wie gov-, erramenit to tiie 'declaration of Paris, ; ; '-"-. Arrived From Havana New York, (April 24. The steamier City of Washtogtooi, -from Havana ar rivevl today, bntoging;-ninety 'five Ou- ban (passengers, two thirds of them women and) ch'Pldren. She was the last vessel to leave Havana before the ..United States fleet I established the tWocikade 'haviner detparted last Wed nesday. She brofutgiht 1,050,000 francs of -Fremcfa gold and a general cargo. . To L.ook After Families Volunteers. ; rxaixoit. Anril 24. At a meeting of fif ty- eig'ht representiv6 citizens held in the mayor's office today; the lonowmg. reo lution. was adopted r . Resolved, That it, is the sense of this meeting that we, as. citizens of Detroit, recommend and - promise (that ' those , en listing and going to the. front of the ser vice of their country irxay. go with the assurance - that those dependent upon them at Home shall be well' cared for. i Germany Not Inimical to Us. London, April 25. The" Berlin corre spondent of The Standard, tays: Ger ma.n-v- -will take no steps prejudicial to the United States, nor probably. Join any Intervention oh . Spain's behalf . It Ls evident, therefore; that the meeting yes terday (Saturday) at Dresden, ' between Emperor William and Emperor Francis Joseph signally failed to (bring Germany into line-with Ausrria, Another Prixe fPaplnred. k-v West. April 24. Another prize iir.a VlTVllcht In-; thlS mOrhmg - Dy Hie mander W. T. Swinburne, bhe turned out to" be the Spanish steamer Miguel Jouver, bound frpm, New'Qrleans. for Rnroelona- wlthja careo amounting to .about 2,000 tons' of cotton' and grain. V. : '";' Spain , to Declare War. . ! London, April 24. It is announced In a special dispatch- from (Madrid that Spain may formally declare war against the United States as a result of the capture of the Spanish steamer Buena Ventura-., ' '. - : 1;,: '. Gladstone Sinking Bapldly. . ; London, April 2. The newspapers lay Mr. Gladstone, is sinking, fast. 'A change for he worse was observed last mn v DECLARE WAR Prsidento Ask Congress; Today to Mako Such a Declaration. ,1 WILL The President t&Give His Reasons in a Message to That BodyBoth Houses Eired to Make ;he Declaration Without Debate. Spain -pdwledges Receipt of Our Ultimatum j and Conrs it a Virtual Declaration of WarA Con- wa Expected in the jRevenue BUI The Wah-i n gtiyn , ident sends a mtornoiw., as'kdn IPifil 25.-0: the jres- -e congress o- a ' decaaration, of war, as is . now ipated, the,- re- sponse iwri be Cbiw that war trf Inpit and ejnphlaitlc. i'been entered upon even those cone Sr men, like Mr. John- tsOn Imf ..TriilirQiriiii t). t (Mir. .JJoud, of Cal- Ifoiniia, w!ho4uf4)ack, protesting to the last, have '1e? theSr, inddvidital. vieiws in the confe cause aiuj oji are nxw anxious to 'to the presfident a united! suppofi'fr JF? every . measure, deemed ; f pnoseoute he wSEur to a slpeedyirtdj successful1 con clu&ioin. In ord4"'vo"i show t!he. world that all I actional?j sjons have ceased and that the ' rMitttoitive' of the American peopltetaa-rayed: in sblSd and! r imiDosiPns: ' jSkinx- behind the ohfie executive !j j'? declaration of war Will -be passed tr.nArt- a word of de- bate and upon l, ;roai call It 1 Is not likely thait there ?sv311fbf a dtasenitdng voice. .FoliKotwfng the' eWairatlon of wur the house will proceeA tth - work oV. pro vlding the sjnew&'h.'wihlo-h to rvmsp. cute it. But , urfin.ythis, there will not toe wnainilmity, 'fhii- r epubljcains and democpaifcs. ihoid tidily-divergent views as to the metlhoqiai'Sl'WlhLch the reve nue to carry cji jhe war should -(be raised. No ': fact rioppotion,' ihow ever. will Ibe off:iby the minoriity. The leadero; of; tferuty - will , lnsbt: so far as they. dl? j&Me, "upoai present ing' such suibsti'ttRe-filsO'posdtilons as ar to tine, fwitia. their i0a& and doetrines for the Mllfram';ir. 'the repuMlcans meantbers of the 'w and jmeans com- j troduce in tne ioit -tomorrow.; - Tihe democraits of itna 1i$itie, especially the leaders audi the jpftjlaere of the ways and aneans j comlaiaiee, feel aggrieved because they hiaa.!either. been con sulted nor ha.d aSVfie in the prepara- the face of, la foifeiiiieiiemy, they say they (have sunk iiN(fiy corisaderationa and hlav voted ittrj Mtold the hands of the president ana Aey ibeKeve that in raising war reveilm' ' m asmuch as .they are expeted .'tJt'' 5eec'e, they sihould nave naa a isnana'diw tou wnii not De presented to th n formally until ' to moirroiw mornlhg; av'jd Chadrman ting- ley expeots rto g4tst ?!betfore,;tihethi0.u during the day. j (f b ;rthiinikis v w bill should pass and! gt?j t'o- the senate by Tuesday wight at'W?J latest.- The dem ocrats rwA pro'teat f,gadnst this exipedTi- iioji, but wBl prab4ttly not carry i'heir oppoisStion beyooip i&t'halt'..- (Mr, ; Baiiley said they would itynt -bably be willing to fiorego'genemr dbsWte, if, an airrange-e xneoit could (be im )to wnatctvthe en tire 'bill ftw amerldtsyerct under the five miniute1 (rule. FTllerMehief amendment the demooratsde. fb offer fcs an in come tax, iw'hdcJh fcey believe can1 be framed to meet tie;deteisiion of the su preme court. Tfejfl .'bell eve "a consid eraible pr'oportioinio'khe'war' sho'uld e raised from this softs foe Tfaey may of fer in- 8'ieu of itW Uiimpi tax a. tx of 50 tenta per baryalEjn . petroleum and a graduia'ted 'tax oi lroad and 1 owier -transpor't'ation -tlflO. -'both of which propositions werelqisidered ihy the re- -mTLtee, bu. reject d There s also; con eScterable oppositlq'to tihe Jboind . fea ture f the bill oil j democratic -side and - whether iwita panlmity or not & mbttort will iftijdiuUedly be (made tfo strike out. .'Mr. Bar, liojww'er, Is tin deretood. to !reVxgb, ihe necessity for an; aJu'thordzUtion Tbtfrrbwimg momey. Tihe whole week ij fthe (house jis likely to be given1 largte-J! toV'the considera tion of war ,meaji5s, but ucii tame ais remains -:wtW .BrWjjaJbty t;be consumed ini dlspoaiing otfj if Vix eretotSon. cases. . 'SEATrv; TODlAY. -It s the expeet)iion, in the; senate that the week wilBegfe w3tlttihe re- ceiDlt of a mesterfroint- the president asking that cohge; shall make a for mal declaration f;JiAar and that there iwdll be a onilGk res wiisie to the reques t. There 'has i teen itjawe apprenensaon that there might a renewal of the effort to secure al-fjqgnrtiion of tlie In dependence) of ti Clu'bain inisurgents to-wonineotion wltfh- he War declaration. Sviit tbe ibest anfbraHation now as that th'is,: will not toe iuf i-lerlaken, and that. there, will te pjacv cauy no opposiraon in the seriate to a tSiar resoiu'tton. ' It Is suggested Iby isoMtof thfe -memibera of tihe cornm4ttee,'jT orelgn r&lalttons tnat it, wlM not (even "b necessary to. refer the president's nieq age to the comimlt tee iwhm reevd,J,bait 'that a resolu-. lutlon can toe iafirneidiateyr iniroduced and passedy mvd cerinlmittee will report promptly In any' ev ent. . The senate wilt. resume consideration of the naval apprcpriation Mil at the earliest Tnoftieailt. irhe only disputed point undisposed jn oonnectkm with the -naval bill W ptvlstan. in re gard to- the pr5c4-f ighlcto' Senators Till man and Buitler a i anaMng" an effort to have reduced iffiSrh; 400, to $300 af-. ter the three Ibaiiihiipsinoiw building are supphed.- ' iBdtpthefle" senators and piroblaMy others K snake speeches in support of ' thesa 'ien,d,mnt and the rio.Knte .will hi a4 ' f rotoabdllty (be sharp. It does mot. appfpWbaible -that the amendment ; jWi'U ue. aioceptea .py xne senate. '-; w'''. ' -VA.;- r. The senate alsT wail take up he army reorganlzaiini i bill as soon as it can. dm reacihiedi (tr It is , reported from tihe comtaitftei 1 on military affairs by wWch, 'wsaihj!;,g4ven promipt con- sideratloh. t '.'.'.frf "!; '' ' Lvfl It Us -not beTieveV . that the. -war reve nue ibidl ll,receiJs cOneM'emtion tniM week, owlng to HbaWfSln will meet wieh ctent tfi.O0fflt?- 'will for me r--- . . tiie Seek to stubborn .contest JMI3! senate -the comrnlttee an Pthe senate , lnsTspatowSlle introduced in the omr rwTbe- d ecasloYJ o do so has (been IS,ed, after mWir deliberation to order to s,afeguaK lthe interests of the United 6ftvtes. 'Af;he arguments pro and con-ere das 'sed this afternoon a.t Mua- White hotjJat a conference In wSsioh Presiderit gkcKdnleyi Attorney General" Grigg,Xf issiisitant , Secretary Day .r.d Senatorj i ,)avls and Hale 'par-, tkripated, and wnjfits breaktag up An nouncement iwiaiade that congress tomorrow wouid He asked to declare what tt ls beldr;Hady (exists. This was the most iftlrtant iWashington devtiopmeots on first .war Sunday. SPAIN'S lACKi!)r!IJE3DGBMT - ' THli IJftEXLATUiax. The presldeiit WlW ;snd a message to IT ACT PROMPTLY. House Over the wir Asiatic Squadron. congress tomorrow to Ibe delivered im mediately; after Its convening, eefctlng forth ther facts in the case and asking congress fonmally to declare war to or der that .there anay (be -no roieninder standing son the part of, the -nations. The most:fimportiai t point in th tnes-' sage, from, a news point of view twill be the announcement that Swuta. has made frmal reply to otur tiltimattim. -, This reply has not been given- to the : puiblte and it was snipposed Wiat none had (been received.. The document is a foxmaa acknowledgement toy Spain, ,nd . aliso an accep'tan'ce, by tihat country of -the lultlmatum aa a virtuat dectewttion' of -war. Congress wffl therefore toe asked to recognize this cmidiitLan of af-" ' fairs and to declare it to the .world, us ing Spain's concession as' a-' reason for It- :-r. . ' - . " ; ' v . - . The war resolution Jias ibeien. pnepar- ' ed, and it is understood that the t'wo " commitltees having in charge the (for- ' eign affa&rs of the two; (houses of oon 1 gress will be prepared to report upon it very epeedtiiy -pifolbalbJy Imimediately after reading of the message. tAn. ef fort will then be..- made to ihave the (resfolutiori taken up and. passed fortfth-f (With; and it. Is not now .believed (tha-t - L there .-wlH. (be any fbrmlflaJbie opposi- : I f Issn v . V. 1 n . - ,.T - . , a . ... Sunday; among tub offiicsails. For the presadent . and Jhis eabMet" circle Sunday paseed quietly and-un- -even't'fulliy. The president attended '. , divine! service at tihe -Metropolis tan Methodist- churdh, accoimpainled by : Secretary and Mrs. Gage andlM'isa iAl ger. Mrs; MteilCnley hasnot yet returned ' '" ed from her trip to 'New York city. AJdJuitant (General CJorbin and Secretary Alger conferred iii. the afternoon re specting the arrangements: for calttng on the governors of the sitaies and' ter- , rltortes for the quota, of troops they'' are to ; furnish Under the president's proclamation rsking- for 125,,000. men. In the state, war and navy depart ments, many ' of .the officials were a t their desks directing the execution "of polici'es theretofore detenmlnedi - luipon. Neitfeher Secretary Alger nor'Sebretiairy, Ijong were on 'hand,- (but Assistant Sac- retary, (MeSkeljothirf and, Assistant Sec retary (Roosevelt were on duty for sev eral hours. The assistant secretary Is -buslily ettigaged .Pn supervfemg the gen eral preparations for the transporta tion sof :he troops dyertand and; also to puWa,, for which a large numiber of vessels widl be chartered. I in itve quar- -; termaster's office nearly the whoJ eler- , ieal; force was on hand. The details -are 'If ar 'from complete,' (but Quarter master General (Dudihgton ibeLieves ev ery th tog j wMJ (ba to re'adfimess by. they t'Lme the troops are ready to move.' Sotme understand injg wl'tli the raM ways on the ,basSs of uwiform rates of travel wilt be jarranged, if (possiible, bo Ibha't the soldiers may be sent by twe short- I est. possible route with stive least charge to the j government, Questions of equipment of tih- troops with uniforms and tents re: also to toe settled al though many of the state organiza- . tw-ns are prepared in 'this respect. ' THE tNAAL. RESEiRiVTEJS. . . i . . . - . It is said at . the waVy department that all jtih'e naVal mliJi tLa; jiiwMc8i' .will be used An the deep sea "patrol vessels- . Wready Shave Ibeem- torderedi to tsiem.' .; Those remaining "will (be utilized In ' : manning- the eiSRal stations along the ; coast and..tbei ".'essels of the close shore , auxiilia'ry fleet, - vPornxnander (Richardson . Dlover ex petotS that .thevgunlboat 'Bancroft, whtohj : he is to command i and which is. no(w undergoin'g repairs at Boston, will sail -for. Norfoak In a few days to. take on ner ammunition.- The protbaMUty la J that the vessel then wHl be sent to join Admimal l Sampson's fleet. : v ' It Is said to 'be definitely settled that Ca.ptadm AOlbert S. 'Barker; member of the Joint array and (navy defense plan board, will comm'and tiie (protect-, ed cruiser NeW York,, now fttkihg.out at.tNo-nfollc. She 'will (be ready for ser- . Vices some' time In- May. ' (ANOTHER STEAMER PURJOH1ASED. Assistant Secretary Roosevelt today . annoumced hat the government toaxl purdhased the steam yacht Alleen for the auxiliary navy. This yessel, like bo many ottfhers fhiait have been asoqutr ed, 5s of; light draught and excellently fitted for patrol duty In efhafllow "waters. She is of 151 tons gross register, 119 feet long: and 20 feet ibeam. NO NEWTS PROM SPANISH! TTJEET. It ways eald at the n'avy department today that no additional information had '(been, received of the movements of the Spanish fleets, rendezvoused at Cadlis and at the . Cape Yerde- islands. Every: step takeri by these- fleets is promptly! reported to the department by 'tJie agents abroad- One .office ex-v pUalned today tbat It was very, neces- v sary to rticeive wlltih the greatest cau tion reports of fhe movements of the 'j Spanlsih snips as Spain naturally will try In every way to'imSslead the United States. ! ' - ' . - '' ; TH'li lASOVATBC SlTtAIXRON. " Most of the vessels ot the Asiatic"' squadron j whibh, according to the As-, sociated iPress" dispatches, is to eall with sealed orders,,-- according' to the -latest published advices were rendez voused at. Hong Kong. The squadron; is under command of Commodore. Dewey and i;S made up ot seven ves- . sels, including the coal colliers recently purchased by the dejpartment. The 01ympia? xu protected cruiser. Is the . fcagship.-wlth a speed of; over twenty one l0nkti(, whtle 'the Other ehips are , the protected cruiser i Baltdmore; of twenty knots, the .-. protected! cruiser FJalelgh. of nineteen 'knots ; . the pro tected cruiser Boston, of ifljf teen and a half knots, tShe1 gunboat Concord,, of nearly; seventeen kriots, the gumboa'c Petrel,' of nearly twelve knots and the iron ship Monocacy of eleven, .knots. - More Troop sent to New Orleons Q Atranita Ga., April 24. The light battery of artillery has (been,, ordered from Fort McHency to Fort St.Ptoflip. near iNCw Orleans. .The orderi from ' IWashihgton sending- lieutenant: Sam utel Reber, 'chief signal officer of the department of the 4gulf to Key (West for s6gnal service on the staff of Gen eral :Wade has been countermanded by tiie war -department. - , .. - . i .. i When a man 9a suffering with an aching bead, a islrugglsb body, wben tds muscles are. lax and lazy, bis brain dull, and bis stomach disdaining food, ne Jtm, It wise, heed these wrntnsa amd resort, to the rtgbft remedy, before ft to too alte. "Parker's Saraaparlila,M the "King of Blood Partners," tmatoea tttue.iappetfte keen, and Ireaary-nvigor-ates the liver purifies tihe blood and fills It wlBh. tSie life-giving eaanentis of the food. Tt la a wonderful blood ma ker and fleen buiTder. Sold by J. c Shepaxd, J. H, HirsUa and a. I Fen. tress, -. . .' i w... 41 1 i -

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