- ' , i;1 i ... m - -r- - flf j, - ' l V.' " " f-V " - - " - - " ' ' :. r --.-.'J-; ' . ' . X i II I 11:1 I- A' I VOL.XI. NO. 115. WILMINGTON N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1898. PRICE 5 CENTS. 4 i - m . r him r. r m r JWJ .;, Jr II ill I I 1 : M w I I I j 'i I i A. CAPE VERDE FLEET j The Navy and State Departments Notified ! of Its Return to Cadiz. TO HASTEN ATTACK ON CUBA. fit ryrrr Transportation Secured for Twenty Thousand Troops The Safety of ' the Oregon From Attack Now Assured Suggestion That the ! Spanish Fleet Mav Be on Its Wav to the Philippines For- leign Representatives Discussing Proposition to 1 I, Urge Spain to Sue for Peace on Terms of - .. ' - f. - -h ' : -' 1 i ' x ; . ,-. ; H- .1' Surrender of Cuba and Indemnity. Washington. May 10. It Is hard to "j tell j whether the naval officials . were relieved or disappointed by the news that! came ilate this afternoon to both the navy and state departments to the effect;- thatl the Spanish flying squad ron had arrived at . Cadiz, Spain. ' The safety of the Oregon from attack is now; completely assured and the way is clear for military operation's: in Cuj-' ba, withouj running: the-risk or having the occupying army's line of communi cation cut off. On the other hand, it is believed, that no enduring peace, caiii besecured until the, Spanish navy has been destroyed and It now appears1 f that to 'do t this ,our sailors must make l.im tHoT? min1a rv crr of fiiF tha QnQnL lardSj a task very much" more difficulf than that of meeting them near our own shores. It was suggested by some of : the members of the war board thai there was Just a possibility that the Spanish squadron might make a quick passage Into the Pacific through the Suez canal and iattack Dewey at Ma .nila. It is said that, contrary t6 the common understanding, the Suez canal is open to the warships of belligerent powers, so! that if the Spanish choose to take this course they would have a long start of any pursuing fleet from our side of the Atlantic. It Is scarcely believed, however, that the Spanish are willing to itake the great risk of ex posing to bur attack their own home ports by the withdrawal of so consid erable a portion of their naval 'strength' as ; would be required to over-match Dew.ey. . .! .4 r ( Nothing was heard from SampSon tof day but there Is a confident expectat tion that interesting news will be com ing from this squadron within the next twenty-four hours. Whether . this means an attack on Porto Rico or not cannot ; be learned. ; I TO HASTEN THE ATTACK ON. j! i .CUBA.. . -.1 One effect of the'retreat of the Span-H ish fleet has been to hasten the prepa rations already under full headway for the dispatching of military expeditions to Cuba. It also has caused a complete change in; the concentration plansi Time is now believed to be the great tfactor. ; There is no longer' opportune ty to indulge in extensive drilling and practice maneuvering. The regular, ar rny' troops do not need these and are to be thrown at once into the' fray; Many of the regiments of the national guaird which are entering" the volun teer service are felt to be sufficiently trained from a military point of view to follow the regulars Immediately and the: department indicated its purpose today of dispatching these volunteer troops directly to the gulf , coast ' for shipment, instead of sending them to Chickaraauga. This disposition was jshow'n by the changes in the new orT ders issued to the troops, although there yet may be a return to the origir inal programme of concentration if I he plans show signs of weakness as ti;ey develop.- The quartermaster genf era I has already gotten under charter tweity-seven merchant steamers for the transport of troops and, rpughly speakirlfc". these should carry, about 20, 000 men. Others are being procured as rapidly I as! possible. - The plan of the war department is to have .these vesr pels assemble at the different gulf ports, Tampa, Mobile, New, Orleans and Galveston to take on troops which will -be. sent- there. The, navy, departf ment is eixpected to furnish iconvoys for these troops, which would be absof lutely helpless against Spanish attack At: this point there are signs of fric tion. First, the troops; Will be obliged to await Admiral Sampson's return in order to secure proper convoy and, secondly, the navy- objects very decid edly to undertaking the task of con vby ing a number of troops. It insists .ot in nssnre.the safety of the con- ,,,r of trrtons. all of the troops should o-othprd In -one fleet to start, from Tampa arid the navy is likely to prevail Sh this. .. , Now that Major General Zewell has been assigned to command the concen tration can;P at Falls Church, prepara tions are ' being rushed . to put the grounds there into shape-for the re ' ception of I the volunteers. , JENERUL M'lUaS GOES TO TAMPA !By Friday morning the commanding general of the United States army, Major General Miles, will ihave assem )ld his staff around thim at .Tampa, ii. He leaves Washington tomorrow njffht, .taking with him Colonel Mich aler, Colonel Maus, Colonel Greenfeaf, Maior Osgood, arajor Huhphries, Cap-. " itaiii Seyburn and Captain Scott. Only one member of the staff. Captain Davis, remain at. 'headquarters- and he wwl fo.Ilow the general within two, or three days, or a? soon ais toe can .turn, oyer the care of t'he lousiness at army head .quarters to' another officer to'be design moa fnr ,.,hat duty. Unless present plins are! dkanged the general' :Wit! go force to Cuta. He is not expected to relieve the majoi' generate already Re jected for that tasrlr- of the conduct of the campaign Ibut bo,h in iFlorida and in Cuba Will exercise ti same general Buperintehdence over the campaign ithat he now does 'from his headquarters in; Washington. i TO URGE, tSiFATN TO SUU3 FOW I':' :t: ' 'r'PEAOE;. As a result of th Spanish reverse at iManil leading memlbers of theaip Jomatic corps; representing some of the cnost infiuenttaj od' tihe great powers of 'Europe have unofficially., excuaiiged views on! the opportuneness of a inove- s ment, dictated by "the most ifriendly spirit and in. the interest of peace, Jo- -iwards urging upon ISpairf the (futility of further prosecuting the fwar, and inducing Iher to sue for peace on the ,uasis of ithe relinquishment of Cuiba. .l.-. -innnia jf. a. war Indemnity and the occupation of Manila by Admiral ' iDewev until the war indemnity is paid. "It was stated tonight by one of 4 dnflu-ftntial memhers Of the diplomatic corps, an embassador, that - euch a step by Spain was the logical ' result of! the crushing Spaniah defeat t iManUa. . m"ith Spanish polltics in . their preeent disordered state and a he did not know .v,, tvio m.n at the. head of .the IVUClUi : w.v. - " ' - -knmm f mo strong . enouah . -. ,,.-v.-n ffsrwLin bv a heroic rtf her pride. 'Unless they did. hft naster of Manila would toe repeated, .for. iiwtnls?ntH the woria inl?r-,,;"-' 'ltlk aval strengtn wa b;T"j united ?e 'm dressing this view Sich .iUvenes, ittor- ward'only as tentative anc move which tne , Several of the embassies and the lega tiions I today that intervention,- in the sense of staying: the teourse ox the unit- ed States, was no longer toeing d-us- cussed. ; - The military authorities1 connected "sith ithei foreign estaJblishments here say that admiral (Montejo and his en tire staff of officers ought to be, and undoubtedly will be.court martialed for alowing themselves to Ibe surprised by Admiral Dewey's fleet. ' There Was; some discussion by the senate in. f executive session today be cause none Of nominations for staff offi eers in the army sent in hy the presi dent yesterday were from the south. Senator Money f raised , the question when the reference of the nominations vrere knade and tie and. Senators Bate, Bacon and Lindsay all commented up on the fact..: Their speeches were not in the nature of fault-finding, but the omission they said was patent to all. They also called attention tor the fact. that the south had comparatively lew officers in the regular army and none of high rank, owing to the effect in this Bespeet of the civil war and said that while, southern states would be just as iyal l!in present war, - whether or not they received any of. president's favors they would prefer to be, treated in this matter as were other, sections of the country. -All the nominations for staff officers were; referred to' the military committee. 1 i ' V ; i : Reports received at Adjutant General Qorbin's office show that 34,354 meij have been mustered into the volunteer army of the United States. Transports About Ready for Loading Tampa, Fla.. May 10. Tlhursaay six of the biz government 'transport at Port IjTampa -vill toe in readiness for actual loading of troops and horses. They ihave already been fully supplied with coal and water, s The work- of building the stalls' for the horses and mules iwas practically completed today and long lines of freight cars filled with iboxesi of ammunition for the Tines of the soldiers and. for "the Gatling and Hotfchkiiss quick-firing guns were back ed up on the tracks along the wharves and - the work of unloading then -was commenced. . i General 8haf ter spent most of the afternoon at. the port In specting. the work which will continue night and day until completed. To-, morrow each transport, . win inave mounted on her bow one or more of the tHotchkiss guns while the Callings which will be taken along .will he .plac ed on the lower decks. The Orizaba, now at the "quarantine station, near Eigmont key,, will arrive here Thursday and will Ibe put into the slip at once for coaling and her load of supplies and ammunition. In the campis, soldiers and officers are alike quietly pre paring for orders for the breaking of camp.? (Practically all their belong ings' lexcept suchthings as are abso lutely necessary have been packed awayi and when the orders come. (but little i Will remain to be' done except "the taking down and loading into the wag ons of the tents. -! The: mobilization of -the state troops at Tampa' will' ' comfmence tomorrow a,nd 'by Thursday nearly a thousand Volunteers will .be encamped here. They will camp on the 'Fort (Brook res ervation. (Major Williams; of the fourth battalion, will be in command as senior major until the colonel' of the regiment is appointed. ', It is expected that cap tain Woodruff, of the lFifth Infantry, for the past five years state instructor of troops as assistant adjutant general, will toe' named. I The ordering to Tampa from Chioka- maugof the: Third and Sixth 'cavalry ree-iments and all the infantry regi ments yet remaining there will. -swell the total i numlber of regulars at this point I. to over 12,000 men -and with the state ! troops and the Cuban volunteers 14,0001 soldiers: will 'be encampea tnere. I TXTTi-ir allnw vmrraP'ir tirt Twv slffWlV tOr- lured at the stake of - disease? Chills am Fever will undermine, anaevent- uallyi break down the strongest consti tution. "Febri-Cura" (Sweet Chill Tonic with Iron) Is more effeoave than Quinine. -and being combined with Iron fe an excellent tonic and Nerve tmedi- .i-n.if Tt.i pleasant to take. and. i sold under positive guarantee to cure cr Wiripv refunded. Accept no auDstiture. Tha "lust as good" kino oon'i eneoi .nr. ild bv J. j. wnepara, j. tx. Hardin and H. I Fentress , Trying to Bun the Blockydet Kev West, : Fla., May 11. The Span ish fishing schooner ernanaiiiv a"" v. iTvrrweeian steamer iBratstoerg are the ony new vessels in the harbor this morning. - The capture oi me 'oihib here- hears many features of resem folanee to that of the French steaimer C . i 1 mmhA -4 TXT 1 lil la Jjayette' out, un.r nm-t v nw Ihe settled 'Witnout, any miiwhi?ii Wmniications. . A!bout two weeks ago .. . , n . 1 fnA.m iPmo-r&cn ,MOTpn. for Havana, -wiun aw ureau cattle; was warned off the Cuban coast i,,, ,-ih!iir.nrt n-sr ueeu ouie put iuw this port and remained a couple of days, when she gaffed, Ostensibly for ,xt, vorir in (find a market for the cattle. She .was piloted out of this harbor April e7h andf was noti seen i--,tv until vesterdav morning When the gun'boat ixsewpori. igicM- c-hB ihajd once (been warned La s- Airvin that she was floating Jeasily and with .cattle pens apparently empty he haiiea; ana -ooarueu, u. tadn Tborsert stoutly denied tljat he -was attempting to slip past the block ade! but fee could hot satisfactorily 'ex plain the disposition of his cargo and in mnder the Mangrove's es- itv romnanv with the fishing Ismoik iFernandito, taken by the Vicks. vesterday. i There is a great deal of sorrow here W me iHneie of CThaplain Chadwick. itattleshiP Maine and "ft cfuiser ClncinnatL He 4. iconfined to the-manne mospitai an aUack olUerysipela but his condi- tion is not at an seriwy. f f WORRYING TH SPANIARDS. Thei Rlockadlns Vessels Interfere Seri- I ously With Their Mn While Put- I tins Up New Forts ana rCopyrlght by Associated Press.) On Board ,he Associated Press Dis I natch Boat Kate Spencer, off Cardenas, Mav 9. Via-Key West, Fla., SJ,y iv.- j onanish soldiers. are displaying much activity along the Jine of coast from Bahla Honda; forty-five mues of Havana, to Cardenas, sixty- j :.M Bwfl five miles eastward. As the ships or theblcekadlng fleet have instructlpns tn pvpnt ia erection of new fortifl: cations: and have at various points shelled working parties, the task of strengthening existing defences and throwing up earih .works is carried on principally at njght, save in the im mediate vicinity bf Havana. Along the coast fresh sand batteries are being thrown up almost every night, but these works are 'of. a flimsy: character and would be reduced by the fire of the big guns In a few minutes. The Hornet and the WInslow, now blockading Matanzas, have had a live ly time for several days shelling Span ish details at work on batteries and telegraph lines outside of the entrance of the harbor. I There, as at other points most of the work is done at night, and each 'morning sees fresh earthworks thrown up. On Sunday, morning the Hornet found a party putting a -telegraph line from the lighthouse and signal station a mile east of Matanzas harbor t6 the batteries west off Point Sabanilla, on the other side of the bay. The batteries here are said to be of some magnitude, mounting a few ; high power guns. To stop this telegraphic activity the Hor net steamed quietly in and dropped a shell in the . midst of the workmen. They scattered like rabbits, and the line grounded then and there. Several other telegraph parties have been dis couraged in, the., same way at other points. It is evidently the intention of the Spanish to establish communica tion by wire with all coast blockhouses and batteries, wijh a view, posibly, of 'massing trdops and guns to oppose a landing whenever threatened, i Here after they will probably ; carry their wires behind the i first range of hills, where they -will! be less subject to sudden interruption. i It Is not possible that there are enough guns at )the command of the Spaniards to mojint them in all the new sand batteries .springing up, but; as there- is a railway from Havana to Matanzas, quite close to the coast the authorities mayf delude : themselves with the idea that they can transport .heavy guns to thef batteries nearest the threatened landing point whenever their . watches, telegraph the appear ance of the , American troops off . the coast..-' - " ! i FOUR 1HTAR MEASURES Were Passed by tne Senate Yesterdaj. A Motion Lodged to Reconsider the Vote Increasing jtlie Number of Rear Admirals, r.,. :. i. . . SENATE. Washington; ,May! 10. .Four war meas ures were -passed by the senate today. One, of them provides for carrying on the additional work in; ihe adjutant general's office;' the second authorizes the enlist ment .of a- Volunteer signal corps, two- thirds of the members of which must be expert .electricians (or ' telegraphers; the ithird was the so-called ."immune, bill" . 4 passed by the house of representatives and the fourth wasj a measure suspend ing existing- laws so that additional hos pital stewards can! toe appointed. The postoffice appropriation 'bill, carrying ap propriations whic?h.- aggregate more than $99,000,000; was . pased. after a debate wihich has lasted ..f or several days. A determined effort i wts made toy Mr. But ler, populist, of North Carolina, 1 to cut off tone sum of $1711238 appropriated for the fast mail service 'between New York and Washington ;toi Atlanta and New Orleans, and to prof ide for two commit tees to investigate postal affairs, but it was unsuccessful,- all amendments, ex cept those offered by the committee on appropriations, .being voted down. After an extended? and interesting de bate, f he resolution! submitting to the legislatures of , the Svarious states, an amendment to the 1 constitution of the United States, changing the date of the beginning of the terms of the president, vice president and mem'bers of congress from the 4th of March to the 4th of May, was adopted. I i : i v Soon after the opening, of ' today's ses sion! of the senate,? Senator Hale, of Maine, entered a motion to reconsider the vote by which the senate yesterday pass ed the bill increasing the number :Ot rear admirals from six to seven. i The motion created some surprise, but it is the opinion o t'he . committee . on naval affairs that the president has am ple authority .to ; nominate Commodore Dewey as rear admiral without the bill passed yesterday; - Senator Morrill; oxj 'Vermont, canea up the house bill to re-admit Mrs. I Nellie Grant Sartoris to icitizensihip in the United States. Theibill was passed. It has already passed the house. Senator Hawley moved thatlthe senate nonconcur in the house amendments to the bill providing assistance to thfe in habitants of Cuba anH arms and ammuni tion for the puiban insurgents. The mo tion was carried ( ami;, conferees Were ap pointed. J I At 5:45 o clock ' the j senate aajournea. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES; . The house .was today in session only fifty minutes, the i-early adjournment being due to no : urgent measwes of im portance being before the .house and to a general indisposltiop to take up minor matters. The consideration' of District of Columbia business occupied most of the short session. ; . When a roan : Js AufEering with an aching head, a sluggish (body, When his 1 muscles are lax and lazy, nis brain dull, and his stomach, dl'sdalnling. food,, he will, it wise, heed these Warnings and res out to the right remedy, before it is too liate. Barker's Sarsaparilla," the "King of . Blood! Puiriflers," miakea the appetite keen and hearty 4nvlgor aitea the liver "putifiea the blood and flUS St with the life-givimg elements of the food. Tt- is a wonderful blood ma ker and flesh builder. Sold by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardsia and H. I. Fen- Troops at Chickamauga to go to Tarn ' pa at Once, Chickamauga National Park, May 10 Major General Brooke today received orders from the war department di recting him to send all the. cavalry and infantry troops now In camp at Chick amauga Park, about 6,000, to Tampa, Fla., without delay.? The order Is ac companied with instructions to provide the men with a full supply of ammuni tion for sixty days. There are five reg iments of infantry iiow in camp, the Second, Seventh, Eighth, Twelfth and Sixteenth, all of Which are ordered to Tampa under command of Colonel Guy V. Henry and Colonel Adna R. Chaffee Two regiments of cavalry, the Third and the Sixth, will proceed at once to Tampa under command of General b S. Sumner. These troops will march from the park s to Ringgold tomorrow afternoon and take.- the i Western ana Atlantic trains at that pbint. i The me)icai corps of each regiment I wnll tnflnv tn Vw- nrnvidprl With medical supplies ior sixty aays. Spaniards Celebrating Four Victories Mobile, Ala., May lO.-'-Gustave de Cardenos, a prominent Cuban i of this city, received the following letter from Havana yesterday, L dated April 2bth "The Spanish are celebrating the vie tory of the capture of four American ports. Mobile. Boston, Charleston and Pensacola. i i "Blanco has given- a very large ban quet to the army and navy. The elty is really decoraTfl and thousands or people in processions. The city is wild with enthusiasm.' The First Expedition Starts for Cuba Tampa, Fla., May 10. At 1 o'clock p. m. orders came for the departure of the Gussie. and shortly after she cast loose .frpm her moorings and started on her long journey south, i A large crowa or soldiers had gathered on the docks to see their comrades depart. As' the boats steamed slowly away hearty cheers were sent after the fortunate boys in blue on her decks. i "I don't know, -tnere may -oe others, he daid, "Wt I have used 'Parker's Tolu Oough-SyTup'lin iny faroily for years and would not be without , It." He Knew better than to buy; tne in ferior pre para tfrp that was toeog urged upon toha." Parker's Tolu Cough Syrup", has no equal, rt win immedi ately relieve any cough or .txrci, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Hoarse nees, Croup, Bronchitis and kindred ail ments. Con tanas no insurious ingreai- ents. is pleasant to take and a safe remedy for chEldren. Foe sale py J. C. Elieiard, J. H. Ilaiviju acid u. Ij. ,en- Ir-HIIIIITIBG Winslow Enters Carde nas Harbor. SHE RUNS INTO DANGER While Nosing Around' In the Harbor She IsJFired on and Three Little Gun boats make a Dash for Her She makes a Run lor Open "Sea, Firing on Her Pursuers as She Goes The Ha chlas Conies to Her Rescue and Puts the Spaniards to Flight. (Otopyright 'by lAsBociated iPress.) On" board the lAs-sociated (Press dis patch boat Kate Spencer, off Cardenas, May 9." (yia Key"iWes't,"Pla., May lO.r The little i torpedo hoat iWinslow yes terday morning (precipitated the first naval engagement fouigh'ts' in Cuban waters. On a reconnoissa'nee in Cad denas harbor she 'drew the.ifire of three Sp.anisih coastguard vessels and a live ly vest-docket seatfight followed with the tiny i gunboa'ts.'-'lA's the WinBlovy was decidedly in the iminority she ran for the open sea, -where her big station mate, the! gunboat, Machias, who ad been .called' ..ud by the -firinig.! took a hand in the, Tame with h.eF four indh rifles andt tossed several shells over the low sand spit behind which the Span ish boats were sheltered. It was im possible to see whether any of these landed. .The Winslow was not touched. but she claims to have knocked a few splinters ;out of the larger coastguard boat. r j ' ' The most important result of the the 'dis- Wi-n'slow'te reconnoissance was covery that Cardenas harbor is mined. If there were any batteries oh shore. the Spaniard's did not think it worth while toi disclose their position. That there are mines in the channel is im portant, in view of the report that it is Cartlenas and not (Matanzas, where the landing o'f United States forces wHl be made. i ....,!.:.. The (fight with the guardia costas oc curred yesterday morning. .. .Cardenas coast, the .' little i town of the same name lying at! the south ern end. From the 'western shore Icicas i-oint ; reaches out like long index finger, almofet (touching Piedras 'Key light, which in peaceful days beaconed the harbor entrance. the lighthouse -; has , been in darkness arid deserted Jfor many nights.; Feeling safe in the desolation of the ighthouse and the silence ashore, the ittle Winslow crept quietly in, under the early morning Iblaze, for a closer inspection of the harbor. TherQ had IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE DAY; The Spanish Flying Squadron Has returned to Cadiz. Preparations for Invasion, of Cuba Acs Being Hastened.. Heavy Cannonading Was Heard Off Cape lookout Yesterday ! The Winslow is Attacked in Cardenas Harbor by Three Span ish Gunboats. A Norwegian "Bark is Captured While Trying' to Run the Ha vana Blockade. , i . , . - , .', General Miles Leaves for Tampa to Establish His Headquart ers There.. :,-r The Gussie Sails for Some Cuban Point With Soldiers, Arms and Ammunition. , i ' The Bread Riots ill Spain Continue. Yesterday Was ah Exciting One in the Spanish Cortes. Rioting Continues in Various Towns of Italy. . Iii Milan Stu dents 'Attack Troops From a Monastery. Building is Stormed. Foreign Diplomats at Washington Are Discussing the Ques tion of - the Powers Urging Spain to Sue for Peace onTerms Most Favorable to the United States. : " ! All the Troops at Chickamauga Have Been Ordered to Tampa 5 at Once. i ' .9 The Return of' the i Cape Verde Fleet is Unconfirmed .at S a Lonaon. . , .,- i. "1 evidently (been a-' look out among the dunes along the sand spit for the (Wins low was allowed to feel her way into the harbor, taking notes of changed buoys and false- marks, designed to lead a hostile fleet on to torpedo fields. But, suddenly, there was a i puff 'of smoke, from among the mangrove clumps along one of the inlets and a six pound shell screeched out of the bushes, i- Crack came another from the shelter of a tiny key in the (bay, and a third from further . down the coast. Then three coastguardi boats darted from their cover, under a full head o'f steam, like a big' garpiike after min now. The Wi-nislaw's crew jumped to the two pounders ;ifjore and aft and let the Spaniards have it, port and star boad, as they chased, in. The little gunboats came along, shooting, tbut,af- ter the usual Spanish fashion, hit noth ing but the .adjacent scenery, i - Then the Winslow scuttled along for the open sea using her after gun as a stern chaser .and defiantly shooting as she went along. ; The Spanish boats wasted about sixty hots, and the big gest boat; mounting a. 12 pounder, kept iup the bombardment as long as the 'Wintelow was in range. TThe Span7 iards, who had probatoly heard the news from Manila, were evidently as mad as a ne.st of hornets and -.ept up ihe chase until all four of the little craft were rooking in the swell past Piedras keys. Just then . there was a roar to seaward and the Machias, bear ing in under a canopy of smoke sent a shell smashing into the pursuing fleet.. The little patrol- boats spun about like water spiders and ran to shelter- i bevond the sand spit. 'The Machias sent a few shells skipping in between the sand dunes, but with what effect could not be seen. . t i At anv ratatherS are three protepective additions to our mosquito fleet hottledJ up in TCardenas harbor, waiting ship ment. !'.'!'.,-'. I Hartls Emulsion or Cod XJlver OH with Creosote and the Hypophosphitee, if faithfully used, is a specific in the treatment of weak lungs, Ooosump. Oon, : Bronchitis, etc. Leading physi cians recommend ft. SoM. by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardin, and H; Tj. Fen tress. ' ;: The French Steamer LaFayette (Ootyyright "by Associated Press.) 4 WII irxfaiu 1111c in.zx3AJix tcrvj. x icas vio- ,T J mUA 1 A r.LA; Tit.Mn T 1 Cf patch (Boat Kate Spencer. Off Havana, May Si (via Key West, (Fla.,) May 10. The officers of the blockading fleet are veby 1 much chagrined 'because the French line steamer UaJFayette was al lowed to i enter Havana harbor last Friday, as they are convinced that he carried arms and munition of war. The courtesy asked by the (French govern ment was that the TjaiFayette be 'al lowed: to land 150 paengers. 'A, vlgi-" lant watch is being kept and 3shert she leaves Havana she' will ..toe required to show affirmatively that her cargo la un broken. 'Failing, she may. yet became a sulbject for the iprize court. " The human machine starts "but once and stops" fut once. Tou can keep it going! longes't and most regularly by pslng DeWStfs OLfltte tErly iR5sers, the famous .little pills for constipation and "all stomach and. liver troubles.' IFor eal Tjy R. R, Bellamy.' :'.'..' in The First Regiment to Go to Tampa. 1 . - ! THE SEGOND REGIMENT 3 Two or. Its Companies Consolidated and Others Frorn the West, to Be Ad ded Raleigh Camp of Veterans Vol nnteer.as a Home ;Guard-Unveiling of the Vance Monument Memorial Day Exerclse-Meetlng of Grand Lodge of Volunteers. Messenger Bureau, . Raleigh,' N. C, May 1Q, .The .adjutant general today 'received notice from the war department that the First ireglroent of volunteers will be sent to Tamfta instead of to Chick amauga. This makes it clear that it is to be part of the i'army of occupation of Cuba or Porto Rico.'- The adjutant general says he "adheres to his. belief that it will be a' week before the regi ment ie moved,-, as the order today says that- the regiment "as soon as completely equipped" will go to Tampa Requests to rush:Kthe "uniforms and arms here haVeeen sent and repeated. There . will toe some changes in the4 Second regiment the companies from Reidsville and Ccford, consolidating.. It was thought yesterday that a company from Henderson! might be in the regi ment, but its captain said it could hot raise enough mpij '--The adjutant gen eral says the Miirphy and Lenoir com panies, each of which has 100 men,- will be ordered here and complete the regiment. Ther- are many companies of volunteers on,' the" waiting list, but the state guard companies had to be giveh' the preference ' : Taking the . regiments here in camp as a, test, it must be that the type of men volunteering is a fine one. The surgeons so remark. In South Caro lina the percentage of men- falling to pass the surgeons is very large, -wlile here it is small. The physical examination of the ne gro volunteers was completed today. The 256 who pass' Will be sent at once to' Fort Macon.' . The cost of the mobilization of. troops so far as the state is concerned will ,not be $1,000, this being mainly for duty pay of officers who arranged the mobi lization. T?he ' government pays all charges for transportation: and main tenance of recruits, etc. One company of the Second regiment came in this t afternoon from Burling ton and the other seven come j tomor row. . -" ' -i' The appointment of Dr. .BN. F. Dixon , . . a , - i ; - , - , 5' -r as one of the maiors of: the Second regiment gives much satisfaction. One of the leading advocates of fu sion or democrats and populists , de clares that democrats who , oppose it are committing suicide. The demo cratic masses clearly do not think so, for as the troll of counties is called they are i answering in conveltlon "no fusion." The unveiling of the Vande monu ment at Asheville today was made a memorable ' . occasion; Asheville has acted while the' state has delayed in rearing a monument to Vance. ; , Ten car loads ' of commissary stores are arriving . at:; pamp Grimes for the. volunteers. The-i local bakers are at work .night and day making crackers! for travel and: held rations for the First regiment. ; , The name: of the consolidated after noon paper here? is The Times-Visitor. The subscriptions for the purchase of the site for the $xmjf post here are be rapidly made t is expected all the funds will be io hand by the end. of this week. .! . Last 1 evening Si Miss Eva Johnston while riding 0 a bicycle here was Btruun. uy a. nurse aim luiucubu the hdrse falling. on her. It is yet im- possslble to tell? the extent of her in juries. . . 'ti - ' : : There was .'frost yesterday' morning: at points west .off here. .- The local camp of confederate ; vet erans here tenders its services to Gov ernor Russell 'as a home guard, to ake the place, of the; Governor's Guard un til the latter returns from, the war. The camp will furnish eighty-four men. Jt is said all the state arms in the hands of volunteers will' be turned into the' arsenal before the volunteers leave here. The same course will no doubt be taken as t(J the clothing. 1 . . General LO'S. Branch camp, con federate veterans, send as delegates topi the reunion at Atlanta R. H. Bradley and G. B. Alfqrd. , memuniu uaj. r waa uanauonieiy : oo- served nere. ah business houses cios - ed. city was H. The exercises were held at' the4 nan,, . tne stage of 1 which handsomely .decorated. .R. Bradley ? was chief . marshal and Kev. A. M. bimms chaplain me orator or xne aay was coionei w.j H. SJ Burgwyn, the commander of theh. Second regiment North Carolina vol-f lintepers. tt. s. A., and his them waS the life and military services of BrigariPatch Boat Kate Spencer, Off Car rier General Thomas L. Clinerman: The ' Jdenas, "May, 9. via Key West, !Fla., 'weather was. nprfect. and the; nttend - ance very large, f The parade was largi fstrathdee, ?aptain Currie, attempted er than usual, and in it were the-mar4 , to run the ibiockade yesterday, but was shal and aides, the. ladies memorial-:? overhauled by the funboat Machias. association, the! boys brigade, a chap-rj The icaptaln of ifhe. Strathdee- claimed -ter 'of girls In 5 white attire, the local . Hhat "the vesel was loaded with sugar camD confederate veterans in new uni-i -and that he had on "board a number forma.' th iflpt hattAiion. of the Asrri - cultural and- Mechanical college, the fire department, state, county and mu4;.Was bound .for Mfan?ae, where It -was riicinai nfficprs. Owinp'tn the fact t.h at half the First regiment of volunteers1.?; gees. The cofriMder of the Machias is not uniformed it: did not .parade. , . was skeptical of this story, . however, Revenue Collector Duncan appoints--; and warned the captain of the StfatJh John D. Grimsley. of Kinston. tempore -d,4e that if he attempted to take; the ary deputy collector to succeed the late; vessel into ,i Matanzas, she would 'be R. C. Hill. ';" f flred oh, w.berupon-the? Strathdee, put , The attendance of Odd Fellows at thei- j about and.-steaaned away in the direc session of the grand lodge; which be4" , tion of New "York., " ' - gan here at 4 o'ejock this afternoon, is l - f ' 11 if -1'--the largest on record. P. Sawyer is 'A "One (Minute Cough Cure 'O'the best presiding as grand master, B. H preparation I have ever sr 1 tor used WoodeH is grand secretary and R. jy land I can"t say ioo'imich Jn its praise." Jones grand treasurer. The ordeiMIi. iM. Kennon, CMerchant, Odl'l Ga. now has 4.00Q members In North Caro-i Una, in 13S lodges. Deputy Grand Sire Fihkerion, f Massachusetts, arrived jhis morning and will tomorrow after noon lay the corner stone of the.audi- fLorium at the blind institute. He will omorrow: evening at the city hall de liver an address. - ; If- majorily of the lodges are repr'e-4-,nted. Sixty were given the grand i'?dge degree this afternoon. P. W. Pel kftier, depuy grand master, being" un- Avoidably sjbsept R, W. Mauney lis I jfetihg in that capacity during the ses i Jon. ' Grand Marshal Claude Kitchin Ixld Representative John F. Bruton are ' he only other grand lodge officers ab sent. There1 was rather a heated dis cussion tonight over certain rules re garding government o'f admissions to he orphanage at Goldsboro, and some changes were made. The grand lodge idjourns Thursday at 10 o'clock a. m. l is personnef is particularly fine. i 5,f;The state Charters the Moore County ;rick Company, of Southern , Pines, capital $10,000? William F. Junge, pres i' lent. . I ' I ; tThe statej buildings were closed tb-r- ay, and the national and state flags displayed! The banks were also clos- &. There were quite a display of na i;'.bnal and confederate flags blendedJ f ;R. A. Cdbb, of the populist state com itte,e, ays Senator Butler will not ;how where he is "at" after the popu ti st convention sits down on him week .;ter next."i f j 1;':; : -;-v- . ' ., - -; --.i " . ,5 THE DAY IN CAMP. j 5"ln lliasI nt f iIpb. of Rotnr tn ifiilia. The State Weather Crop Report. ! (Special to The Messenger.) i f. f Raleigh, -5sT. C, May 10. The state Vop report j today says: Crops have & early all improved materially, and Considerable progress is made in plant ing cotton, ;orn, peanuts and tobacco. tfehere was' p slight set back by local i torms with! some heavy rains and hall jhd high J winds.t Precipitation was s ieaviest in ihe central section, averag j!.;Jg an inch! The' fall in temperature f 'aturday and Sunday checked crop fvVowth, butfeaused -no damage whichfa . jw warm days will not rectify. "Rain now ; needed in both the eastern and i; iestern sections. ' - i t '.-'Men at Cahip Grimes were. pleased to ij.Btt they aire o- be sent to JTampa. v jjhey say they want to go to Cuba and siee real sertf; - .j Captain Gdner, of Shelby, was offi cer of the cay tdday and Lieutenant iievers, of Raleigh, officer of the guard, 'jil There wa' regimental dress parade ibday. The tregiment was in battalion jporm, closed; to half distance. Orders Announced Captain J. C. Bessant, of "-Vinston, .asf officer of the day tomoV- ; bw and Lieutenant A. J. Woodall as lia'cer of jthe guard.' . fCaptainj Holt's new company froim I iurlingtqn was found putting up its ;i nts in the Seeond regiment "camp, jit V'-id seventy tnen when it left home, but ' pt there with only fifty-two. It has as c.let np officers. It expects thirty men i.jmorrow. '. - .'.-... 1 . j Major W. G. Smith -is designated as 14 eld officer court-martial. There is now a telegraph office at r amp. Officers have -admirable mess j-rangements. This' evening the field ? hd staff officers Of the First regi Iv, jent entertained at sppper the faqulty j;Jid pupils of Peace institute, also Goiv- rnor and. Mrs. Russell, Adjutant Geln- ral dowles,Cotonel Burgwyn, Mrs. T. i'tt Robertson and-Misses Julia and fessie Robertson, of Charlotte; Mrs. An ; Andrews!' of Raleigh; Major ' apd i trs. E. M. Hayes, of Raleigh; Mrs. IT. : Patton and daughter and Mrs. IT. '. Bookharfc, of Asheville. Handsome buvenir badges were given the guests, 'fjily eight men are in the hospital, all 5tth trifHngleamp ailments. j ... jNorflee't camp of confederate vete- vns. today telegraphed from- Winston so the Winston company of the First Regiment its! " -'Greetings to Captain essant anc his gallant company C" j'; The quartermaster, at Camp' Grimes jsays no supplies, save in the way lof fbodk arrive "today; ' Tents are eagerly Spoked for apd so is clothing. - 4- ki S. Parlcer, sKaronr Wfs., writes j VI . have 'tried DeWitt's Witch 'Hazel fcj-Jalve for, itching piles and . it a ways ftops .tnem an two minutes, a consid per IDaWiUt'i Witch Hazel Salve the ?-reatet oils cure on the market. !FVr C fale by R. R. Bellamy. . t HEAVY CANNONADING b.ileard off Cape Lookout Xle Crew of s a Schooner Supposed to be Lost Pick ed up at Sea. J. (Special to TheMessenger.) . '1 i Beaufort, ST. ;C, "May I0.-Oaptain ;; Ilen (Mason, of 4he .schooner Alert, fnd many others of the ocean (fleet I of g henhaden fishermen of this place re- t-;ortv hearing heavy cannonading off vape Tjookout" ! 'at 10 o'clock today, . ' - . $ 1 ' , " i counting forty-seven distinct shots. - "'"''!-' ' - ' ' I ' duch excitement and alarm is felt here hs our harbjr has no protection what ever, ! - . 1 f .4 The schooner iMattie, which was re- ported .lost n the night of April' 23itih, )as been heard; from. IA letter and a jKjlspatch have been received from the ; . , . ,: rm,ow, ,o.mQ;n nn iho hooner "until (May ,2nd, when they Vere rescued off Georgetown, S..C, by the government transport steamer De 'caftur H. afiller from Baltimore and ''taken to port Tampa, Fla. Captain f'Henry reports having suffered untold imisery. They were, six days without water and very 'littlfe food, Seamen here thing if wonderful how the vessel ;kept from Byreaiking to pieces. Tihey 5lost the rudder, (both masts, both'ian ichors, and Ja fact, everything except Ithe hull and it-heir iivesF' - ' t k One Minute is not long, yet relief is : Stained in, lihalf that time by the (use One; Mlliut) Cough Uure. dt pre ?': Wwta rn.nsiinTon n.nd onicklv cures - knl rmmi 'hrntirnnmn.. nnenimonlaJ4a U'-rimve iuivI All 4hat and lune trouble. iVi. . - S : : British Steamer Turned Back From r , navana v 1 ' .,.,'.. . ' ;. , '. '' -L (Copyright by Associated Press.) On .Board The Associated Press Iis riMay 10. .The British tramp steamer atof Sryauaisfh refugees fromi Sugua la - , Grande. Healso said that the steamer, desired to disero' rk some of the refu- f For sale by K. R. Bellamy. . .... , SPANISH ' WARFARE. Scheming to Destroy Admiral Dewey's Fleet . V--' ' . I ' ' -1 1 : ' - :'- After the. Surrender. ' ATTEMPTS TO POISON TROOPS. Information Given in Pretended Gratitude as io i Location or Torpedoes Found to Be False'-Rumors of Massacres by Philippine Insiir- gonts Riots in Spain Continued Stormy Scene' in the Cprtes-Attempts of Spanish Spies to Poisdn the V i Troops at Mobile Return of ,! he Cape Verde Fleet Not Confirmed in London. ' ' London, May 10. A special dispatch from Shanghai says that It is report ed there that 1 Admiral Montej o, the commander of the Spanish fieetj who 'escaped from Cavite'by running along the shore to . Manila, with his two sons, was killed by - the populace of the lat- ' ter place. jtis added that the hos pital of San Roque, filled with Spanish i soldiers, was set on fire by shells from the Boston and that some sisters of charity were killed while removing the wounded. Massacres' are reported to have occurred , outside: of Manila, the insurgents butchering even the Spanish women and children. 4 " J J Hong Kong, May 10. -10 a. m.,- Green-' wich time. A' freshejtample of Span ish -treachery seems have, come v to light. It is said hereNthat the: priests and sisters of charily ft the Cavite hos pital in a procession.bearing crosses, i etc.; petitioned Rear : Admiral Dewey not to massacre the sick and wounded, which, naturally, he did- not do.! The Spaniards, it is asserted, thereupon thanked ' the Americans f&r ther hu manity and repaid them by informing them of a narrow channel which; they said, was not mined, while the broad channel, they explained, was fully min ed. An investigation .upon the part of the f Americans, however, revealed the contrary to be the case and the mines were blown up , by. the sailors of the American fleet. . - 5 v Rear Admiral Dewey, it is said here flntis the , insurgents - growing danger ous. It is added that. he cannot control them, nor can he enable the Span iards to do so. There is one Japanese warship at Manila. ,1 BREAD RIOTS. Madrid, May 10. 8 a, m. The ibread riots at Alicante, the seaport of Va lencia, which began yesterday "were continued all night, the women taking a prominent part in the work of de struction. The mob sacked the octroi bureau and burned' the furniture and archives. r A strong force of gendarmes was sent to the scene and a charge was made upon the mob, which - was tem porarily dispersed, but reformed and attacked anl (burned all the bonded warehouses, after possessing them selves of the wheat In storage. 10 a. m. The government intends to insist that the cortes sit continuously until the war measures are adopted. The minister of finance declares that until the credits are voted it is Im possible to meet the demands for, am munition and provisions for Cuba Por to Rico, the Balearic islands and! the Canary Islands or to obtain the neces sary stocks of coal. Captain General Blanco has cabled an urgent request for considerable supplies of . provisions, which" the government cannot dispatch until the cortes have voted the war measures The authorities here are greatly! con .this cerned about the provisions for city. It is estimated that the stock of wheat will be consumed- inside of a month, and measures ace being taken to purchase wheat abroad. .. . i CLAIM OF SUCCESSFULi BLOCK ADE RUNNING, i . - V;i- - - i ' 4 p. m. A dispatch received here from Havana this afternoon says the Span ish steamer Montserrat, which, with a valuable cargo, troops and- a large sum of money, Intended lor Havana, escap ed the United States fleet and entered the port of : . Cienfuegos, Cuba, . f has now run the blockade of the American squadron and has entered, the port of Havana in safety.. It is claimed here that this . proves the; blockade of the Cuban ports is ineffective. , The Spanish mail, steamship Mont serrat, which is alleged fco have run the, blockade at Havana,, appears to have reached ' Cienfuegos on April 27th, with 1,000 Spanish soildeirs, .$500,000 1 in silver and eighteen guns of large cali bre, in addition to a very .valuable cargo, including a quantity of ammuni tion. The Spaniards claim tne Mont serrat was sighted by -an American man-of-war, which fired on her. The mail steamer, it is alleged, mounting guns, as an auxiliary cruiser, returned the fire and eventually reached Cien fuegos. So many utterly false reports have been given out In Madrid recently that American confirmation of xhe ar rival of the Montserrat at Havana will be required before the story of her Talockade running is accepted as, truth, j 9 p. m. The. chamber (lower house) had a prolonged sitting .this evening with a view of passing .the; current po litical measures giving the-'government authority to procure 'funds to continue the war. , Senor Salmeron, the republican lead er., alluded to the rumors of the queen regent's abdication and declared; that the republicans were ready to form a government forthwith. His remarks evoked a storm of protests, ajd Senor Salmeron was unable to proceed for fully ten minutes. Monarchists j, and republicans shrieked; at each other and bandied threats. -Thepresident's ivolce was completely : drowned. When he finally Obtained a hearing, the presi dent requested Senor salmeron to with draw the calumny. Senor Salmeron re fused. Whereupon the president nam ed him and threatened to name him thrice if he continued his attacks upon the throne. As a result of this caution and of the persistent monarchist inter ruptions, Senor Salmeron.; was compel led to desist from continuing his speech 10 p. m. The debate' in tne chamber tonight left the impression that Senor Moret, secretary for the colonies, .will have to be sacrificed, ;but that Sagasta probably will remain fpremier. WHEREABOUTS OF CAPE VERDE ' V ': , FLEljT. . . ' ,1 ;. - ' London, May 11. There is ' no con firmation of the report that the Span ish fleet from thet;Cpe Venle islands has returned to Cadiz,! but it is general ly regarded as the .ik1l3r "JJJ to be made and a I Indication that Spain has decided to let her West In dian possessions eojjhe question is generally asked: ''What posslbhv use has Spain for continuing a hopeless struggle as it is considered next to impossible that she has any alternative plan or that the, retreat of the squadron hides some strategic design. The Madrid correspondent of The Daily News says: -. "The latest news -ia good and bad. The good is the rise in .the peseta. Ex change has dropped to - 80. The bank refused - to cash foreign checks ; until the - end of the week,' not knowing where exchange will be the next min ute. In fact, exchanging money is a pure gamble.. The reason of the fall of the peseta was the immense purchases of foreign bills by the Bank of Spain to meet the , coupons." ; Nobody until yesterday suspected how much gold ex isted in Spain.. Yesterday morning crowds might have been seen' in front of the . Credit Xyonnais and all other foreign banks, consisting"of Madrilinese arid provincials, "bringing for exchanges non-descrlpt coins, twenty, fifty and 100 years ;oId, Spanish, Portuguese. French! and English. The financiers were-takenj completely by surprise and probably there are substantial hoards , still left. - 'The badinews is the bread ActtftHnn The ise in,bread must be prevented at all costs on political grounds, and the , government is negotiating for the pur- - nause oi iw,wd sacKs or, Hour in Bel gium. - ' ? i . . , V . , Atlanta, G-a.. IMay 0.0.-AA. anecia.! ta -The Constitution from Mobile an-- !A second distardly attempt ' to poison " une uwanxry .regulars at Cattnp4 Mobile has been made. Several-days ago some - soldiers found in the creek whlch ronj k" alongside he r grounds a sack. .flWed with albsorbent cotton whioh had been saturated- with arsenic and tied down 'beneath a rock which juts out into the stream at a point just above the place where, the-soldiers ret . their drinking water. (By accident a trooper discovered the deadly trap,' removed . the sack and upon the. contents bein.ff revealed, riported his (find to the com manding officer.- Strict orders were given not to mention the intident and so the matter was hushed .up. Since that day, however, the creek has been closely watched and vigilance was re-- warded when Corporal John Sullivan of Company 'A., (Nineteenth infantry. found a poison (bag loaded with arsenic and anchored, down Just as in the first instance. Tjh.e correspondent toy chance overheard two. soldiers talking of the . plot of poison, and Instituted an inves tigation. The officers preferred not to discuss the matter, .but amoitg the privates feeling is running high and they do not fail to express themselves. Spanish spies are known b, be "Jury ing in the neighlborhood twhere a num ber of Spaniards resiSf. They are all under strict scrutiny and sensational disclosures are looked for. ; iNo one ' doubts that ; the agents of Spain are responsible, . . -. i ii i .- i - ' - RIOTING IN ITALY Martial Law in Naples Troops Atack ed by Students From a. Monastery The Building. Stormed Monks' ! Ar rested, j J ' jr - S :: !:':: ttome, May 10. Martial law has been proclaimed! In the province of Naples. Advices jrecelved from Milan today' give details Of the arrest of 200 rioters in a monastery there. It appears, that -the students from Pavia, whd joined in the disturbances. entrenched them selves in the Capuchin monastery and, while a detachment of troops was pass- - - ing. fired upon them. The military au thorities sent two "field guns to "the scene, opened fire on the monastery. made a breach in its walls and entered : the building, but the students escaped. All' the monks were arrested and they " will be imprisoned previously .to being distributed; among the other monaster- v ies of the order. For the present .the monks will be, held at the disposal of the military I authorities. ' IX Catholic newspaper' of Milan was confiscated, to- ? day. The town is resumine its normal condition, j i , . a state or siege nas Deen proclaimed in the province of Florence and at Ll-y-vourno, Pisa, Sinea, Massa and Gros- '' seto, and also in the town of Spezzia, the naval port of Spezzia being, except ed, from the decree. - At Messina a crowd ol, women and children proceeded to the town hall demanding food. They were dispersed by the police and the crowd then -be gan breaking street lamps and tried to sack a provision store. The proprietor shot one of the rioters with a gun, which- increased the disturbance. Troops are now occupying the town. S. C P. Jones, (Milesburg, Pa., writes:'. "I have used DeWitt's Little EaTly Risers- ever since they were introdVuc- : ed here and "must say I have never . used any j .pills in my family during forty years of house jkeepinig that gave such satisfactory results as a Jaxatlve or cathartic. t iFor sale iby R. R.. !Bel almv - i 1- p ;.' , i' More Troops for Fort Caswell The following 'Associated Press dis patch walai received toy The Messenger last night) Washingtpn, May" 10. Battery C, of the Sixth artillery, which is aiow at the arsenal in this city," will Jeave to morrow via the Atlantic Coast iLine for Wilmington, N. IC., where it will be stationed at Fort Caswell. , .f ' A Shattered Ilervous System. finaLuy heart trouble. Restored to Health by Dr. Mitis' ftorvina, 7JJnrB.EDWAIID HAEDY, the Jolly man 1 V a ager ' Sbeppard Co'a. great store at m Bricevmc, 111, writes: "I hadnever been sick i day In my life until f! i390. I ;ot so bad with nervous prostration that X bad to give up and commence to doctor. I tried our local physicians and one in Joliet, but none gave trie any relief and I thought Iwas going to die. I became despondent and suffered untold agony, yl could not eat, deep nor rest, and it seemed as If I could lot exist; At the end of six months I was reduced to buf a shadow of myself,' and at last my heart became affected and I was truly miserable. I took six o'$lght bottles of Dr. Miles Kerrine. It gate me relief from the btart, and at last a cure, the great est blessing or my life. Dr. Miles' Itemedles. are sold by all drug gists under a -positive -guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dls sasesbf the heart and aerves freb. Address,' WV- Dr.. ' -ucrvtno: ' Mi ' DE. MILE3 MEDICAL CO., Llkhar Izt, J

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