'It " 1 '' " - i JACKSON & BELL 9OUPANT. -Entered t the Fostofflce at Wilmington, N. jC, as secona class matter, t April. 13. 1897. : '. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. POSTAGE AID. T1K3 DAIL MESSENGER Dy mwii. ne; yar, 17,00; six months, 13.60: three months, JL75; one month, 60 cents. Served! In the city at 60 cents a month; cnejweek,' 15 cents; JL75 for three months or $7.00 .a- year. ''-.. ! T$1B ! SKMI-WEEKI.T MESSENGER (two 8 page papers), by mail, one1 year. tl.00r- six months, 50 cents. In advance. WILMINGTON, N. a WESDXStE2DAiY, MAT 11, 1898. THE HEAL CAUSE OF PRESENT POLITICAL. SEB VICE. Some sentimental northern writer (doubtless) says this: "The "curse of America is the wanton abuse of hon or4ble Imen in high places.: We are driving our best citizens out of our service, The hardened politicians only will be-; left to' conduct our affairs. Al ready the men of culture, refinement anjd delicate sensibility turn their back on public employment." That is the vejriest bosh. The abuse of "honorable men in high places" was more rampant inj George Washington's day. than in McKinley's day. Those who know politi- cii history know this. Later .still in sev eral leading, able administrations, the abuse iand censure of "honorable men iii high places' was more truculent, niore intensely personal and coarse than it ever is in these days. And this was the case -when there- was not one- t4nth bcause f of it then as there" is . . .. . . .1.... 11 now, in tnese aays 01 prusuiuim in- tlce atid personal and political venali ty. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, iackson, were able and patriotic and pure : men above, money, above price, above? all suspicion. Their characters politically and personally were not pmirched, and savage abuse, and broad denunciations fell powerless at tneir feet: -The last thirty years have rer . yealed- aj condition . in pblitics: never ktnown before the war. Under Van feureri, one rascal who stole some mil lion or so and fled, brought great re 'proach to the administration, but the president's character felt no stain and he received no personal reproach that was justified.. But under Grant, Gar field and others who have succeeded them there have been the best reasons for suspecting a great deal of outrage ous vjenallty and political crime in the highest office as in the congress, and perhaps even In the judiciary. When 'the "best citizens", fail to get into the government's service; it is not because of ; violent abuse, or unjust crimination or any unfair criticisms of such men, tout bfecanse of political self-seeking of.j either - inferior or really depraved men, and their success in obtaining the high coveted places by means of cajoi ing and artful manipulation of means and intense energy, and an appeal to -the ways that are dark" so well Known to the corrupt politician who be lieves " in getting there." - Of course, the standard of men in ofllce; is very low and , vulgar now, These are days of decadence and de pressed ideals. Men can do now with Impunity a, score -of 'things that would have blasted their names and pros Tectsi forever if attempted prior to 1861. This is true or we. do not know how to tell it. This low. standard hi rabrality and honor .applies to all-call ings in life, and will be found in trad. in Jaw, in medicine, iin journalism, i the courts, lit the legislatures, Jn tin schools, in the political firena. The people ittiemselves are to iblanre. for ahosf of this. They, have listened rwitlh 1 ittrhlrig ears and easy credulity to the .professional liars, the Jndus- itrlous promises .of good, the uiraiti Wa'ted, vulvar demagogue, who "fret the 'angryim-uititudei" play off upon ignor- lance, bamfbobzle the pliant, good, "un 'isuspectlng, discontented. Well-meaning voter, and is tout really a 1ird of prey, r that shrieks upon tlhe sullen tecipesfs wing" and is ready to devour all and to sw allow his own iEtupifled con tecienpe. Not until the people them selves put the .brand of condemnation jand ; repudiation! upon the trading. V-ecWess.' unprincipled dtemagogues will Che old standard o'f personal and politi jcal rectftude be restored and "the hon prairie men' referred to in the extract Ibe ever in the ;prblic aerVice "again. It 'lis ijot "wanton albuse," but public 'in-. ; difference and a ready yi'elding to the (manipulating palavering, insincere, in- ifamous, mercenary, self-seeking dema. eroETies who Ihold the public ear. That Sb the real cause ' of present serious, most deplorable, conditions in our state land in ot'hei' states, and in the govern nt at large. It is not f wanton tse" of "men of culture, refinement . anddellca'te' sensibility" that causes the -"Biardened politicians only' to 'be Heft' to control our affairs." Oh, no. not that. jThe men of the- hiigher type Rthe irien;. r jicouity ana purity or ' (soul and character are- not Jn . ; not Jn the iBcrahrble,, for it is unseemly and often eivelto all their ideas and instincts,. Iut it is the fault ot theJ people iwho ' have preferred the red-mouth, blatant nl'emagogue to the men X the type de- iscri'bed toy ths jiorthern writer as re jected. IWhenever the people o will it the (best men will figure in tlhe field of Ewtitical "science and civic life. 'But the people will have, first to be edu teated upward. (Like people tike poll- 1 ' Z m ,ticians in office. , . 4 .Who j js ; ; president of the United . Kia-Jes? It Is a man politloally owned ja-od Iwssed .iby a!bout the most corrupt rascal ct his times. lark B&nna. has prdKinley'3 bond for $114,000. Mark ' Selected (McKinley iby the use of money. 1 Tby' corTuptingv buying! and ' intlmi dating' voters; -t (He resorted to the most petoasin plans of poftical , venality jandlvice to jwln. iMcljlnley Is bis crea- I iture 'the workmans,h4 pin ipoli tlcal -sue-jce.sa'of Hanna's hands. lAnd all know : Hanjia. lAnd yet within two (months we kaw1' a -prominent newspaper a . so balled' democrat -at that, we think.'-It' was actually praising' and de!fen'din.g jHanna. 1 '':- ..'! i. . ( j Free Pills, i Sen4 your1 address to H. E. fBnok en. & o.,- Chicago, and get & free ample i'ox of Or. King's New (Life (Pills. A-lMal' .wili convince you of I -tlveir "meritsVvThese pills are. easy in taction and are particularly effective in .the cure of Cuns'tlpatloin-and Sick ttleadache. tFor . Malaria and Over troubles they have teSB proved Inval !ua1le. They are guaranteed to -be jterfeotly Ifree from- every deleterious eutistance and to .be (purely yeyetable. fTtoey do not weaken try their ftgtjoh,' fciut; by giving1' tone . to'atomach and Jboweis gTeatly invigorate the system. Re-g-u-lar size 25c. .per tooz. ; Sold 'by R. Jt. SBellamy' drug-gist." . ;:. , THE St'STIlL ?IAGAJ2INLJ "Sunshine'-' for May is to liana. It Is published -In the interest of the Chris--tlan Endeavor, and otfhef Young Peoples Societies. Price 50 cents a year. 5 It la neatly printedlf Published at Nashville, ; Term. "The Whitsett Student" for April is a "NorthCarolina. literary number. Among the contrlbutot are sudi well known accomplished 'home writers as W. . E. Christian-, H. Stockard, Edward Gil-. Ham, (Miss iRebecca Cameron and others. Price 10 cents. ' Published at Whitsett, N. C. jlt is a quarterly journal devoted 10 education. . . 'A. jM. E. Zion Quarterly Review" for April has quite an array of contributions from prominent colored preachers .and others. It!: is a creditable publication tq the race Jt represents. Price 51.00 a year. Singlet copy 23 cents. Published at Char lotte, Johil C. Dancy. custom -4iouse of ficer in this city, is editor. r 'The Wake Forest Student" for May has' contributions by Professor . G. W. Paschal, Professor W.f L. Poteat, T. H. Lacy, Theodore B. Kingsbury and-others. Mr. Kingsbury writes? a nineteen page (.sketch of ! General Thomas Person, of Granyille, j one of I the most conspicuous leaders and truest patriots1 in the pro tracted era so important in North Caro lina (history, "between 1765 and 1792. It would be impossible in 1898 to gatlher the imatertal embodied In. .the sketch. The dhlef matter was collected in 1876. One of the members of the faculty of t;he lealibe Babtlst college in the" south .writes to the autihor of the sketch: "t want to assure you that the 'Stu denfl and. Wake Forest college appreci ate t'he nonor of having the privilege or nublishlnsr an article, or such wortn. am certain all good people Of the-state will loin In gratitude to you lor wnat you fhave cone to commemorafe irm ger vices of one of her patriotic sons. : itrust that in the pages of the "Student' youif work will t rree'irom tn wrecK of time, and available for the stuoVnt'of generations to come. ; , ;; Sketches "by Mt. K. mpon two distin guished citizens of Granville will proba- 'bly' appear John Penn, the signer of the National Declaration of Independence, and Chief Justice Leonard Henderson. Theire are three or four typographical er rara in the sketch on General Person, but (none important put the; one on page 627. It should b J43 and not 1643. CUBK A COLD IN ON DA? Take liaxatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alii druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. Q. on eoh. tfawt. 'AMERICANS CRITICISED, The Spanish people with all of their vast prde and courage and acquirements are T&ther a qfer lot. They do not see the World at largft' tihTpugh the glasses otter peoples' and powers study tt. Ifepce the principles, dominating opinions and general get-up is different from.' all oth ers. In peace this is so, and in war It breaks out fiercely. At war with a great country they are split up among them selves, ri They oragged of cheir -splendid nayy and how it' would destroy the America) iEfiips. and now they are about to enter upon a. revolution because the Jiaivy is insufficient a4 dffjcient. Even Senor Sa.srasta, an, able Spaniard ii4i4 full ofj diplomacy, at the head of the present government,, is talking nonsense about the "behavior of the 'Americans .in the.' conduct of war. The New .York Times ofj satjirday, givea this: 'Senbr Sagasta's camiiaiMt shout the way 11T wnicn Amerrcans wage: was i au mpst as pathetic as it is laughable.. It was unchivairous, he said, tor us to attack Manila and .to 'blockade Havana; ,we ehould.. .have waited until Spain's best ship cWre ready to fight, and then have met thf i.i the notnt selected tv their commaAders for satjing the pending con troversy. 11 me 'iiisitx nre weii in formed. Napoleon was criticise,; 14 much litis ActJllc ixiaiiiici wiiru nc, tuu, liiaiLtm ori conducting military operations with out any regard for the 'habits or theories or nis toes. enor oaeasia snouia re member that t4i Object, of war The di Tect object, that inriai.. tf win, and that preliminary attacks upisn' an enemy's wak points are well calculated to nsjjr(e Although Spain is an old Roman Cath ol(c eoyntry. it is very 'gratifying to see the many evinces of-.the' loyalty of this class of citlzans i& gixr owtv vast coun tr. They are how1fLg- tenasplyes true citizens of theiirepuolic, and, wjti po sort of sympathy with Spanish outrages, brutalities and oppressions.. The Catholic CftJzeri speaks out patriotically. Others alf areund 'have spoken openly and patri- atlcally. CaralnaJ. Gibbons, well, known In Wilmington,' where hte long resided says, and it 'Is ! very pleaslngj : TJ receive the leading Cath otic paper Of England, The Tablet, in which ex pressih from 'bishops K and' prominent clergy v constantly appear, such expres sions show general 'symoathy with the United! , States, j Th Irish Catholics are alttnost entirely in accord with nl couh; try. Catholics In th United States hay but one sentiment. Whatever may have (been their opinions as to the expediency of i the war, now that it is on they are united in' upholding the government. Nothing could ibe more appropriate and better deserved tlha for 'the American- congress to vote thfc men in the sea bat tie at 'Manila a medal each, a sword to the gallant, dashing Commodore pewey arid a commi3Kon of adnijrl to him for his splendid service. The waf between the American states (has about pndd at last, and soutlhern men of -tihe geaun stamp J of- devotioji to the confederate cause can rejoice in victories now under th American flag 4y northern captains 'and eeamefl. Although of (New England nativity, the south gladly honors the- ex eel lent fighter; arid commander, Admiral Dewey, Europe is becoming volcanic. , Spain. is in a state of eruption, ariJ Milan in Italy, (has boiled over so completely as to cause severe fighting and much destruction of life: Turmoil, uneasiness, dissatisfaction are in w&rLl. many iof the kingdoms of the Chronic complaints and continued 1 j-w.jw -f b"s 'es"wnaie onspnwc, stria is not sate xrom st: revolution. Spain. a4 Jtaiy are boiling- now. Even Germany is not coiv tent altogether, while (France is really n condition of distemper, that mxy is sue at any tme tn a movement against ttf corruptions in pivil and military mus me. .reat abuses in. army aindr civic Kdvernment are known, to exist. The Surprise at A II Mr. Jaanes Jon kw3 w ' D1-.ln-,,eata OTjir. js.ings JNew Discovery,' says the last winter this wife was attaMred -with Grippe, and her case grew so se rious that -physicians at Cowden and Pana could do -nothing; tor her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Con-' sumption. Having: (Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and seliing lots of it. I he ook .botUe home, and to the surprise Of aM she .'began to get ibetter from Crit A&sp, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her hqzw4. and well. Dr. King's ; New- (Dlseoyeryi fop Oonsump-' tion, CJoug-hs and Cold is fuaranteed to j do this good work. Try it Free trial ibottles'at OR. R. OBellamy's drug store. ' ' ' r Important news may be expected soon from the English army in" Africa. It is not far. from the tjragtpl Khartoum where the noble, gallant General Gor do wa sacrificed by the EnglisTi gov ernment -and brutaljy murdered by the Arabs. Sir Herbert Kitdhener commands thej expedition. If he has to meet an en emy ofj resistance, the battl cry out tjuerp In the desert may be. "Remember Gor don," af the 'American cry now is "Re member ; the : Maine" Englishmen are now wisely talking of erecting a monu ment, toj tiher heroic Christian) soldier in the very, city In which he was toutchered. The .time "has come, if late, for England to remember its duty In, commemorating a most faithful and noble Englishman who was so strangely allowed to be sac llflced at the (hands of the iMohammedani of tha wllJ desert Gordon's work in th Soudan . was simply heroic. ' - ' 'Wnmlrigton N. C, ;May 9, 1898. . Editdrs Messenger: -.'. I While the people of this great coun try are elated over tne enlevements of Commodore George . Dewey and his gallant officers and men of the Asiatic squadron, and the admiration of the armies and navies of the; world elicited and proclaimed at his old, dashing fighting qualities in the J complete de struction of the Spanish squadron and forts in the harbor of Manila, those who know him personally feel a thrill of joy In knowing these honors are de-; servedly . heaped upon him. . - Commodore George Dewey was born in Vermont on the 26th of December. 1837 of '38, and was appointed to the naval academy from that state Sep tember 23, 1854. After Jgraduating in 1858 he was ordered to the steam frig ate. Wabash, then flttingr out for the Mediterranean station at the Brooklyn naVy-yard," and it was at this time the writer first met him, having been or dered for duty on the same ship.; We sailed for the above, named station in June, 1858, atid returned! to the United States the last of December, 1853. mak ing a cruise of about nineteen months: Dewey was a genial, pleasant ship mate and possessed many fine traits of character. Here , may it be said that one's good and bad qualiti.es are bet ter drawn out and known aboard ship when men are so intimately and con stantly together,, than J iji any other association in life. Dewey was gentle and considerate in his deportment Lto his brother officers and was of a strong sympathetic nature., It fwas this qual ity in his makeup that recalled an in terview I had With : hinf in 1893, while he was chief of bureau of equipment, etc., at department, in Washington. D. C. I called upon him in his office when the adjoining offices of his department were occupied by the numerous clerks, approached t him with Ithe familiarity Of an old friend ;and laid: "Dewey, this is Manning, your pia snipmaie m the cruise of the Wabash in '58 and '59." He quickly arose from his chair, shook me cordially by the .hand, at the same time placing his left hand on my should der as if to assure me ,pf the sincerity of. his - pleasure ,6n meeting me, and said: "Well, well, Manning, it has been over thirty-three years sjnee last we met- and many, many ; have been th changes; be seated," While we were chatting over our ex periences during and since the war, a messenger brought him a letter which revealed a very singular coincidence. It was from an old mutual friend and hjpma,te of ours who resigned from the United States navy at the same time I did at' the breaking out pf the war between the state to cast our lots with the . southern; confederacy, f The commodore read the . letter to me, in which was related, some of his' experi ences during and ' since- thei war, and that'aJi he had to show for the sacrir fices' made, were' ah empy PHrse and no employment, and earnestly request ed the commodore to use his influence, in getting him something to do.-. As he placed the letter on KA desk he said:' t-How terrible! How wjsh I could do someChing for poop Datpn," and saW a tear trickle down his cheek. Bo jrou knew, reader, i that the officers of the army and .navy who resigned their positions to fight for r the southern cause sacrificed, more j than those who lost all by the results -of that long and terrible struggle?! This 'was a life-time work, sick or well. Their positions gave them a passport "into the best cir cles in this and foreign contries arid iheir advantages were enviable. In the face o all this they Jaid all upon the altar of their southland. ant what of it? 1 !v- ED. WILSON MANNING. Bucklen's Arnica Salve TJlp best galve in the world for Cuts, bruises, gores, Ulcers, Salt , Rheum, "ever Sores, Tetter, iChapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. . It .is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ; or money refunds ed. Price 25 cents pjerf tKvr. JJVr ale by p. K. Bellamy. : , Haurinibug Exchange'iThree quarters of an hour after Cattie .SmiCh, a Croatan woman, left her 'house! oii- Mr. M. M. .Mc Kinnon's' place, near Jtown. .Monday af ternoon for work in fthe field' close by, the building was discovered .on- fire.- Air though th.e greatest' possible haste was made- to reach the,'-tfuilding and . rescue the three uUUdren ; Heft there by the mother, nothing- eouti be done. Three Innocent prattling children perished fn that dreadful flamej one of them- were old enough to look out for self. It was the decision of the .cOurt at Rockingham th'at Henry Covingtoa has not been sell ing whiskey and alii this talk we have been hearing about itfmust be a mistake. The gui-ity go scot free and the innocent are punished. New f nepe Is Henry '0oy lnfrton, confessed to selling whiskey with put license, and he fjvent free and poor innocent John Russefl'l 'has to suffer six months imprisonmenf for a thing he said he didn't do. I f . ': ?; '1. : ' ' ' v Jonesboro Progres: Those who know sayv we are to have! a itremendous fruit crop this year. I I it , ' v ; lim: WTiether itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply; or blotchy, vliether simple, scrofulous, or hersditiiry, from infancy to age, Bpeodily cured by warfn baths with Ccticura Soap, gentlo anointings -with CuTicuha (oint ment), the great Bkib cure, and mild doses - of CimqjBl Resolvest,, greatest of blool puriirs humor ( lures. 111! Is Mid Ihroortoot (he world. CoRr.. Sole Proo., Boston. t' Pnrrra Dhuu.ikd Che. Cj 'Uuw to Cure Kvery JBlood Homor," (tee. j TIPS UllltnQC tallin? Hlr an' Bab B1-m. Ask. Your Druggist f ; for a generou v 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. ELY'S J GREAttTBALM contains no cocaine, mercury nor anyoth-j er injurious drug. ; It is ouicktv Ab- sorbed. fg Gives reuet at once.j It opens and cleanses the Nasal Passae-es. ' Allays Inflammation Seals and Protects the Membrane. Restores yhe Senses of Taste and Smell Fuji sUe 50pj Trial Size 10c at Drug gists or by mail. J - , ELY BKOTBlfiRS, 55 Warren St , New Yprk NEARLY EVERYTHIIIG IN THE GROCERY LTNB is rapidly advancing in price. Hadn't you bet ter stock up your larder before prices go any higher?! There is no place where you cart do ihis. to heCter ad vantage than, at out store. We Bell exclusively for cash, and can give you advantages that those who credit can ot. Try ani see. Granulated Sugar -B. cents 'pep pound. THE Sing I GROCERY CO., ': B. F. KING, Manager. PHONE 387. may 7 I Fourth Street Bridge, f Restored Manhood. DRndTT'S HERVERINE PILLS. The great reme dy tor nervous prostration and all nervous dis- eases 01 the gen- s cruT8 . organs O 5 either' sex, -w ; j such as Nervous W. ... Prostratinn ; kmmw aIB ARM lkisa ; Failing pr Lost fii .Ia5Pot?nf?irNirttIy Emi3Bions,Yor 1 t ul Errors, Mental Worry, excessive use of ?o DaccoorOpum,whica leadtoConumpUo'j.'jid Insanity. With every S3 orderw rive r4vri6 wn guarantee to ,cure or refund be money.' ZlJ'oa P' box. 6 boxes for 5.00. DB. For Sale iy W, n. Greep & Co., Vfl I Or mm I i;- i - 'i I ft I IIW u M5n ni nik. ur An lulu iii-nu m mm 1 v . .A. I lf 'medicine so good. "With such a medicine as Wine of CarCr&i offered her how can any woman refuse to seek? relief ? .oL.i- She must know she need not suffer. "Wine of Cardui will do just as much for her as it is doing for the thousands who take it every day. IT COSTS S. P. McTiAIR, WHOLESALE. GEOCEE AND . , . - Commission Merchant N. Water St.. Wllmlnjtton, N O Offers to the Trade: FEED OATS. FLOUR. NAILS.' SHOT SUGAR, CANDIES, CRACKERS, CON CENTRATED LYE, BUTTER, MOLAS SES,1 VINEGAR, PEANUTS, CORN FISH, BAKING POWDER, MATCHES. CANNED qOOpS, COFF.EE,- SPICES AND RICE.! " . f '.- ' : ': foii'M Sce'EBCfMHp mr cm Him ib it;-JH- .''!,.".' A GOOD BUGGY HORSE . FOR SALE . On Easy Terms BY . . J.C. al 30 ALL :-: STRAIGHT OUR DAMAGED STOCK IS ABOUT ALL DISPOSED OP AND WE HAVE A RAILROAD- If'- FLOUB. VIRGINIA MEAT, WHITE CORN, CAKES AND CRACKERS JUST AR RIVED,; D. McEachern 204 and 20G N. Water St. may i ' ALL PAID. Received, Wilmington, N. C, May 2, 1898, of Messrs. Willard & Giles, Agents of the Aetna Insurance Co., three hun dred, ninety-one and 83-100 dollars; in full satisfaction of all claims against said company for loss and damage by Are of April 27, 1898. Loss paid in full without discount. ! (Signed.) , D. McEACHBRN. Received, Wilmington, N. C, May 2, 1898, of Messrs. Willard & Giles, Agents, of the Carolina Insurance Co., three hun dred, ninety rone and 83-100 dod'lairjj In full satisfaction, of all claims against said Oomrpariy for loss and damages by fire April 27, 1898. Loss paid in full without discbunt. I i 1 1 (Signed,.) i D. McEACHERN. Received, Wilmington, N. C, May 2, 1898, of Messrs. Wiilard & Giles, Agents of the Philadelphia Underwriters, thTee hundred ninety-one and 83-100 dollars In -fulj satisfaction 'of all cjalms against said company- ror loss and damage by fire of April 27, 1898. Loss pail in full .without discount, v 1 - - - . . (Signed.) 1 ! D. McEACHBRN. ' -' i' -J 1-f ' ' i ! "' Received, ; Witaiington, N. C., May 2, ,1898, of Messrs. Willard & Giles, Agents of the Sun Mutual Insurance Co., three hundred, ninety-one and 83-100 dollars in full satisfaction of all claims against said company for loss and damage by fire of April 27, 1898. Loss paid in full with out discount. - Signed.) ! D. McEACHERN. 'Received, Wilmington-, N. C, May 2, 1888, of (Messrs. WUlard c Giles, Agents of ttfhe Paimiico Insurance Ck., (three hun of the Pamlico Insurance nd Ranking Co., three hundred, ninety-one and 83-100 dollars, in full satisfaction of all claims against said .company for loss and dam age by fire of April' 27,. 1898. Lose paid in full without discount. . (Signed.) c D. McEACHERN. Received, Wflnrtngtop, N. C, April 90, a98rf Messrs. "Willard & Giles, Agents of the Carolina Insurance Co., two hun dred, one end 83-100 VdeAlars to fu41 satis-. faetiop of all claims against said com. pany for loss and damage by fire of April 27, 1S98. - Los9 paid In full without dis count. . . i (Signed.) 1 i JOHN H. GORE. Received, Wilmington, N. C, Aprir 30. 1898, -of Messrs. Willard. A Giles, Agents of the 'Niagara Fire Insurance Co., thirty-three and 66-100 dollars In-full satis t aotion. of all claims against said com party for loss and damage by fire of April 27, 1898. Loss paid to full without dis count. : -4 :;v. J.. -?:'.--' '.,;.-; . 1 -. ; SIgned.) i - JOHN HJ GORE. ' None but the BEST companies' repre sented.. When insuring why not always get the (BEST? I TAYLOR II IJUJM PERSONALLY RECOMMENDS IT. Atkins, Pope Co., Ark., C4t! 3th, 1897. jl was suffering greatly' bm irregular and painful, menstruation f hen I read a Ladies' Birthday Almanac Hd first heard of Wine of Cardui. I decif d at once to givl it a trial. I have usedu.wo bottles of Wine of Cardui and afiittle Black Draught. My mensesare pow regular, and the periods are not g;jnful as they used to be. I do not thinf there is anv- thinfto equal Wine of C( luu ' I have I personally recommended to every ; afflicted girl and . womat .n my com- f ' munity. ' ' t LIZZIEKi.,DlGGS. , It is a geat favor to any afflicted woman to bring: W yt of Cardui; to her attention. SlU will never forget ft. If she is suffel. from any of those common ailments familiarly known as female trot ')les, "Wine of Cardui will bring her- complete relief, j It cures thousand of the worst; cases of whites, falling of the womb flooding, painful ; (iJ frregularj . menstruation every year It helps girls properly develop i-Vo women. It3 equips young wives for approaching motherhood, and 'f sists them to bear strong, healthy children.' For the turn of life the is no other LADIES' A&VISCF Jf DEPARTMENT. For advice tn tea requiring 1 dal directtona, esa, firing bj toms. Ladies' A(si$ort) Dtpartm Ttae ChAttsnof .MmIIcIbc Chattanooga, Ta. . - :' - - . ONLY $1.00 PER BOTTLE AT THE DRUQ CAPITAL $125,000.00. SURI&US AND PROFITS $75,000 100 Atlantic Natipnal Bank, h ; wilmingtCIn, n. c. MAKES A SPECIALTY. OP SUPPLYING UURKUW ON GOOD SECURITY, AT LOWJ ST RATES. NO INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. : SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXH TO RENT AT FROM $4 TO $3 PER ANNUM. WE STUDY THE INT RESra F OUR CUSTOMERS AND SO LICIT YOTTR PATRONAGE. . . . Vc f T J, ,L- J. W. PRWaOD, D. L. GOli President " ' . . .''" Vice Presl Ht . ' " D1RECTQ tS:. J. W. NORWOOD, J. S. WORTH, - ' S-L 1 McNAIR, H. L. VOLLBRS, - ! D. L. GORE, . J. H.'WUttTa,!..V I Xr. L. UKIIXJERS, - ' A made Best - - T7" " 1 W 1 ! Johnson & F(e!s 111 31 ARRET STREETf WILMING-TON," WHY 1 . ' t ( . 1 PAY $5.00 AN0 $5.50 FOR - - ;r . s GENTS' TIN SHOES When-you can buy as gtTbd'at ouri Stores for S3.00 audi S3.SO ? PETERSONf; & RXJLES. nri 24.. , .' , 'i ':.' ". ' ' ' . ' "' . ti ,v" ',.'.":.. f REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM 6 Something new. minute. . - Garden : Hose Fishing Tackle. . Screens. K. JACOB! HARDWARE CflHPMlY. ,TO. THE . NOTWITHlSTiANDlNG' WB ARE CHINES AWAY FfROM HERE, "WE ST Ml, HAVE A CJAPACITT TO MAKE 85 TON8 OF ICE PER DtAT, WHICH ,fs FOUR (4) TIMES AS MUCH AS HAS EVER BEEN CONSUMED . I NiJ(VIIMINGTONrl INCLUDING THE BOUNDS, BEACHES AND SOUTHPOfT, IN ANT ONB DAT. I JunNTTL FURTHER NOTICE WE PRTCES In Lots of 10 to 25oundL In Lots of 125 Pounds andjiess than a 'Ton, -In One to Two Ton Lois, ;! ' In Lots of .One Ton or Ibver at Factory, - - i: - WE KESPEjCfTFUIiLT SOIiTCTT T Wffl. E; Wftrth". i& : Go. BELL TELEPE02S 6 si n 1 - f. STC IE. HjLi CUSTOMERS DESIRING TO LEE H. BATTLE, " . Cashier. W. E. SPRINGER G A-"NORWOOD, KAAl lj BEAR, Jr. E, si. POWERS -!S 1 1 i I w and Beautiful Assortment r-if' ' ' ' ' I o Singer Sewipg Machines from Qi lity of Materials Jfst Opined air - '?"-' ' - Jt- t i, .1 fiST. C. r FREEZERS, 17 ."W ill freeze in half a .H- i . and! : Reels. "Window a!nd Door ' r' ! ' 1PUBLIC ! MOVING ONE OP " OUR ' TCTJ MA Wll SELL TOU! ICE AT FOLLOW 35c per 100 25c per 100 !$3.50 per Ton 2.50 per Ton 61 m PATRONA1GE. IKTEESTATE .146, "Touch", The "toucV of a piano la th Ufa of it. a'nere's "touch" ia thm to be found no whero else that weet expressive tone so dear o Singers and flayers the world over. No, other pianos have it. The Stieff rules Bunreme In Pianodom. J v Standard Organs Tuning and Repairing Pianos for Rent Terms to Suit 9. N Liberty St. BALTIMORE, ea 11th St. N W WASHINGTON. 41? Main St. NORFOLK. VA. 213 N. Txyon St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. API 14 . . 4 UNCLE SAM'S HOVE TO EXPEL SPAIN FROM THE WEST ERN CONTINEN'l MEETS WITH HEARTY AND UNANIMOUS APPROV AL. OUR1 EFFORT IN MEETING WITH OUR PATRONS WANTS FOR EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF HARDWARE AT BED-ROCK PRICES ADMITS OF AS HEARTY APPROVAL DEALERS ' AND CONSUMERS CAN FIND HERE THE LARGEST ASSORT MENT FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE, AND TERMS 'AND' PRICES SAFE FROM SUCCESSFUL COMPETITION. GOODS DELIVERED -AT DEPOT. PACKED' FREE OF EXPENSE ' Peninsular Steel Range IS STILL WITHOUT 'A PEER. CALL AND SEE THEM, IT WILL BE- A PLEASURE FOR US TO SHOW THEM, WE CARRY THE MOST VARIED LINE IN COOKING AND HEATING STOVES TO BE FOUND IN THE. CITY, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. - . J.W.lUECfflSOI OETON BUILDING, i mar 20. copefiiif ifl li iiey hij JOHN GILL, RECEIVER. i Schedule in .Effect -April 10, 1S38. South "NorTbT Bound Dally No. 2. Jjound Daily No. l. MAIN LINE. 7 20p 410p 4 OOp 3 65 p 2 36p 12 45 p 12 17 p 11 55 a 1106a 10 33 a 10 04 a 40a m m m m Ar.. Lv.. . Wilmington ...Lv 00am . Fayettevllle ...Ar 10 pm 18 p m 25 pm 48 pm Ar.. . Fayettevllle ..Lv Lv Fayette vUUe Jun Lv .... Sanford .....Lv Lv. Lv. m Climax ..,...Lv .. Greenebofo ...Ar 47 Dm m m Lv. 20 p. na Ar., ,'. Greensboro ..Lv .. Stokesdale ...Lv 30 pm 17 em m Lv. Lv. m Walnut Cove ..Lv ... Rural Hall .;.Lv 47 pm 15 p m 45pm mfliV .... alt:1 Airy .....Ar South Bound Dajly No. 3. "North" Bound; BENNETTS VILLE. Daily No. 4. 7 lo p m 6 15 p m Ar.. Bennettaville ..Lv Lv..... Maxton .....Lv Lv.. Red Springs ..Lvj Lv... Hope. Mills ...Lv 8 00am 9 07 a m 9 85am 5 43 p m 5 07 p m 10 20 am 4 50 p m Lv... Fayettevllle ...Ar io 40 am No. 15. South Bound (Mixed. Daily Ex. Sun l No. It North ! Bound j Mixed.! J Daily ! Ex. Sun. MADISON BRANCH 30D 50V in Ar.... Ramseur .....Lv 6 40 am 8 30 am 9 17 a in 9 35 a m 3 Lv Climax ,i....Lv 2 45 pm 2 30 pm 1 15 p m Lv... Greensboro ...Ari Ar... Greensboro , ...Lv Lv... Stokesdale ....Lv Lv..... Madison- .....Ar ill 07 a m 11 55am 12 30 p m Freight train Njo. 8 oa, the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley now leaves Wilming ton at 4:45 p. m.; arrives at FayetteviLle at 11:15 p. m. Passenger car ori this train. - .. i Connections at Fayettevllle wl.tl At lantic Coast Line, HtMaxtott -with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with, the Red Springs and Bowmore Rail road, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line., at Gulf with the Durham and Char lotte Railroad, at Greensboro -with the Southern Railway Company, at 'Walnut Cove with the Norfolk and Western Railway. 1 J. W. FRY, V W. E. KYLE, den'l Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agent. mm TO AXUk POINTS : y Schedule to Effect May 1, 193. - Train 4L Leaves Wilmington 1:20 p. m., arrives Lumberton 5:26 p. m., Pembroke 6:46 p. m.; Maxton 6:12 p m., Laurinburg C:23 p m., Hanilet 6:53 d. tcu, Wadesboro 8:li p. m., Momrde 9:12r p. n., ' Charlotte 10:25 p. in. Connects 'at Harriet with, train for Portsmouthi '. Riobmond,'- T-aa'u itigton, and at Monroe with triu foe At lanta. ; -'.-.- t.:,---"-':r -- j ' Train 4L Leaves Portsmouth 9:20 a. m, arrives Weldon 11:41 a. m., Raleigh 3:30 D m., Sanford 5:03 p. m.. Hamlet p. m. Athens 3:45 a. m., and Atlanta 6:20 a. oj, Train 403. Leaves Washington 4:10 9, m., Richmond 8:56 p. m., Portsmouth 8:45 p. m. Arrives Weldon 11:10 p. 10., Raleigh 2:07 a. m., Sanford 1:3b a. m., .Hamlet 5:10 a.' m., Rockingham -JU a. m.k Wattesboro 5:54 a. tn.. Monroe 6:43 a. m., Charlotte 7:50 rtu, Athens' 3:45 a. m. and Atlanta 6:20 a, m Connection at Weldon with train from Richmond and all Northern -points. Pull man sleeper. Portsmouth to Nashville, a. m., Lincolnton 10:30 a. m., Shelby 11:18 a. m., -Rutherf ordton 12:30 noon, Athena 1:15 p. m., Atlanta 8:50 p. xn, . - i Train 3S. Leaves Atlanta 8:50 p. m.!. Leaves Charlotte 6:10 a. m., Monroe 5:55 a. m., -Wadesboro 7:01 a. m., Hamlet 8:15 a. m., Raleigh 11:40 a, m. Weldon 2:50 p. m., arrives Portsmouth 5:25 p. m.y(V Train 38. Leaves Hamlet 8:20 a. m. Ar rives Laurinburg 8:46 a m.. Maxton 9:0J a. m., Pembroke 9:31 a. m., Lumberton 9:63 a. ,m., wumington iz:o& noon. i Train 402. Leaves Atlanta 1:00 tv. m. Ar- rives Athens 3:16 p. m., Monroe 9:30 p. m. Leaves Rutherf ordton 4:85 p. m., arrives Shelby 5:55 p. jm., Lincolnton 8:56 p. m Charlotte 8:18 'p. m., Monroe 9:10 p, m.. Wades boro 10:31 p. m.. Rockingham 11:01 p. m. Hamlet ill 20 p. xn.. Baniord 1:03 m., Raleigh 2:16 a, m., weldon 4; a. a, Portsmouth 7:Zo a. m., Kichmona bos m.. Washington 12:31 noon-. Train 18. Leaves Hamlet 7:11 p. m., ar rives GiDson buo p. m. tteturmng, leaves Gibson 7:00 a. m., arrives Hamlet 7:50 a. m. . Train 17. weaves Mamiet 8:40 a. m.. ar lives Cheraw 10:00 a. m. Returning, leaves cneraw :w p. m., arrives .Hamlet 1:20 p. m. . ; -; - All trains dally except Hoe. 17 and 18. Trains maKe immediate- connections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Or leans. Texas, California,1 Mexico, Chatta nooga, xNasnyuie, Jaemphls, Maoon, For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to f THOS. D. MEARE3, Gen'l Agent, Wilmington, N. a B. FT. JOHN, ! - . Vice President and Gep'l Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. V. E. McBEE, Gen'l Superintendent. I. J. ANDERSON, Gen'l Pass A A gent. General Qfftcn. Portsmaath. Va, YiURSELF? : CwJigSfor nnuatnrt f lcnrgeii, lBfimtioi. irriUtioiM or nlcermtiot i of u c o u mem branoc 1 ces lilul 4m. ' wu(h4 ' . - -.vn, BUU not I rnnf a V 0, 8. A. V , or lent in plain irrappei mwm- -H f i nfJ. M 8 bottles, 2.75. " Cu-iiJ'4r neat imm MM -Ml lifiS'fil- I Fully Guarantee the " BLUE RIBBOIl HOSE ' At 15 pents Per Foot. I HAVE LOWER PRICED STOCK AI4SO OF GOOD QUALITY. 305 North Front Street. . ' apl-29 -'- j V ' "( TLftlHTIG COAST LINE. Schedule Effect April 15, 1898. : 4 Departures from Wilmington. NORTHBOUND. DAILY No. I 48 Passenger Oue Mair- - .w a. iu. uuua iu.vi a. ui., w arsaw U.Vf . a. mu. Golds boro 12:06 p. m. . y Wilson 12:55 1 p. m.. Rocky ....... Mount 1:37 p.' m., Tarboro 2:31 ' P. nai Weldon 4:33 d. m.. Ptfir burg: 1:22: p. m.. Richmond 7:1 p. mi, Norfolk 5:55 p. m., Waah ' ington 11:30 p. m.. Baltimore 1:03 a. xn., Philadelphia 3:50 a. v m.. New - York f :U a. m, 1 Bos ton 3:00 p. m. DAILY No. 1 40 Passenger Due Magw 7:16 P. M. nolla 85 p. au, Warsaw 9:10 p. m., Goldsboro 10:10 p. m., Wil- ' eon, 1 11:06 p, m., Tarboro 6:45 a. ml. Rocky Mount 117 p. m., . Weldon 1:42 a. m., (Norfolk 10:15 a. m., Petersburer 3:14 a. m., . Richm- d 4:00 a. m., Washing ton 7:41 a. m., BalUmore 9:02 a, . m., Philadelphia 11:28 a. m., New York 2:03 n m., Boston) 9:00 p. m. DAILY No. 50 Passenger Due Jack except, s-jnvllle 4:13 p. m., New Bens Sunday. 6:40 p. m. -2:25 p. m. . . SOUTHBOUND. ' ' ,! . DAILY woii 65 Passenger Due Lake 4:00 p. m. Waccamaw 6:09 p. m., Chad . - bourn 6:41 p. m.. Marion 6:43 p. . m., Florence 75 p. m.. Sumter 9:10 p. m., Columbia 10:30 p. tn.. , Denmark 6:12 a. m.. August 7:55 a.tm., Macon 11:15 a. m. Atlanta 12:35 p. m.. Charleston' 10:50 p. m., Savannah 1:50 a. m.. .' Jacksonville 7:30 a. m'., SL Au gustine 10:30 a. m., Tampa. 6:05 - ' D. m. ARRIVALS AT WILMINGTON FROM THE JNOKTii. . . DAILY No. 49 -Passenger Leave Bo .11 rft3 rt m Maw n i. m.m 5:60 p. m. ton " luiiuiciy uia : xa :uo a. m.. Baltimore 2:50 a. m.. Washing ton 4:30 a. m., Richmond 9:05. a. m., Petersburg 10:00 a.- m Norfolk 9:10 a. ,m., Weldon 12;0fit ?T -.Tarboro 12:38 p. m.. i Rocky Mount 1:10 p. m., WIlso -r 2:37 p. m.. Golds bore 3:20 r" m., Warsaw 4:11 p. m., Magar,jia ' . ! 4:24 P. m. DAILY NoJ 41 Passenger Leave R. 9:40 a. m. ton (12:00 night. New -Yo-fk 9 a. m.. Philadelphia oy; " Baltimore 2:2S p. m.. wAlng- J , v" oumond 7:30 p. tn., Petersburg :12 d m INorfolk 29 . m W- ' don j 9:43 p. ni., Tarboro 6:00 p. - leave WUson 6:23 a. m.. Gold! a m.. Warsaw 7:53 a, :tt Magnolia 8:05 a. m. DAlY No. 161 Passenger Leave iStnv except Bern 9:00. a. m.. JacksonvSI Sunday 10:28 a. m. ; Jacasonvius . 12:15 p. m. FROM THE SOUTH. 1 - NL WPas'senger-xeaeTan,'. I. 20 p. m. pa :10 a. m.h Sanford 3:07 p. m , Jacksonville 8:00 p. m., Savan nahj 1:45 a. m., Charleston 6:8 a, m., Columbia 6:45 a. ra., At lanta. 7:50 a. m., Macon 9:00 ;a m.. I Augusta 2:30 p. m., Den- mark s; p. m., Sumter 8:12 a. : m., JFlorent-e. 9:58 ek m., Marioa : 10:36 a. m., Chad bourn. 11:38 a. , , Lake Waccamaw-12:09 nw so. - Daily except Sunday. - .Trains on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 3:55 'p. m., Halifax 4:30 p. m., arrives ScoUtind Neck at 6:20 p.-m., Greenfille 6:57,p. m., Kinston 7:5 p..m. Returning jeave Kinston 7i50 a. m, Greenville 8:52 a. m., arriving Halifax at II. 18 a. m., Weldon 11:33 a. m., daily ex cept Sunday. ' . Trains cn I Washington Branch leavs Washington $:20 a. m. and 2:30 p. m.. ar rive Parmele 9:10 a. m. and 4:00 p. m' re- turning leave Parmele 9:35 a. m. and 6:30 ' I-"- arrive Washington 11:00 a. m. ah p. m. Daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. daily ex oept Sunday 6:30 p. m.. Sunday 4:15 p. arrives Plymoum 7:4u p. m. and 6:10 p. mT -Sunday 7:50 a. m., and Sunday 9:00 a. m.. ato7 on--Midland N. O. Branch leaves) Goldsboro daily except Sunday 7:10 a. m. arriving Smithfleid 8:30 a. Returnina leaves Smithfleid :00 a. m.; arrives as Goldsboro 10:25 a. . Train on i Nashvme trjntn .iar-rmm Sni 0un at4:3 p- m- arrives Nash ville 5:05 p..m.,!jS.iring Hope 5:30 p. m, Returning leaves Spring Hope at 8:00 m., Nash vilU 8:35 a. m.. arrives at Rockj Mount 9:06 a. m., daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Wa aw for, Clinton, dally except SunV -"..wuu -a.A 47. 4X1. XVfcJLUmillK 16 AVP1 Clinton 7:00 a. m. and 10:00 a. m. AVea-' Florence Railroad leave Pee Dee 10 -M 5r.w"X" Latta W:26 a. m. Dillon 10:38 a. m.. Rowland 11:54 a. m:, turnlna iaa&!ff 6:46 -v.ri$ 5?oariF0asr rAnch leave Hub .& a. m., Chaxi bourn H:45 p. m.. .arrive mL0 IP' leave Conway 2Vp! m., Chadbourn 6:45 p. m.. arrive Hub 6tS P.m. Daily except Sundav. . n o ? South Carolina Railroad leava Sumter 6:35 p. m,. Manning 7:04 pv V"43 p- leaves LanS i11411? 9:08 a. arrivsj Sumter 9:37 a. m. dally. Georgetown and Western BallroaA Leave Lanes 9:30 a. in. and 7:40 p. a rive Georgetown 12:00 m., 9:00 p. In., leave. Georgetown 7:00 a. m. and 3:30 p. m.. ar rive Lanes 8:25 a.Mm. and 5:56 p. m" datly except Sunday. - ' "ajJ on C. & D. K. K. leave Florence dally except Sunday 9:55 p. m., rArrtvs Darlington 10:28 a. m.. Cheraw U:4Q aTm. Wadesboro 12:35 p. m. Leave I'loTenoS daily except Sunday 8:00 p. m.. . arrive. Darlington 8?25 p. m., Hartevke 9:20 n?m. BennettevUle 91. in.. Gibson Y5 ra? ' v iiujouto ouuuay only i:u m , iave uibson dally sxcept Sunday 6 aiVmB6ttavm :69 m., arrive Dar lington 7 :o0 a. m. Leave Hartsville daila PSunday 7.-00 a. m., axxWeDtoi--irliJr m" ,e:ve Iarlington 8:55 Unt, arrive Florence 9:20 a. m. Leave Wades! Darn aaDv AvnAm.' 3.. j . if m.. Darlington 6:2& p. m.. a5l 1 Sunday only; 8:15 a m., DarUngton 9U m.. arrive Florence 9:20 a. m JSi"n,..f4 FayetteVUle Branch le-aV4 WiH 2:15 11:16 P- m- arrive Sel!. ma 3:15. p. tn., Smithfleid 3:23 p. m., 'rZ 4:0o p, m., Fayettevllle 4:45 pTm.. 17 Rowland: p. m.. returniiV leave W.and 10:54 a, m., FayettevluT'iiiTT? HiSO- P. m.L- Dunn 1:01 p. i? field 1:39 p. m., Seima 1:47 p. BJ5Z Wilson 2:35 p. m., 12)9 a, m. t' rrtT oMvucicr ot Augusta B, Rl. rin leave Sumter 4:29 a. m.. Creiton kT0 nv, arrive Denmark 4:12 a. !rl leave Denmark 4:47 p. nC CresSs8 m., Sumter 6:33, p. mT dai)V 6'43 9 Pregnalis Branca traps' leave Cremtn 6:43 a. m. arrives PregTis S" Returning leaves Prjgnall8 10 00 arrive Creston 8:54 i?Sf xS excJ Lucknow Lw t: anf 8?30 ' jnB turning, leave Lucknow : Si p'. ..Py 1 except Sunday. IDally except Sunday. Sunday only H. M. EMERSON7 2. n t.? Agsit. m r juanagsr. nw, ITUUt The Cljfde Steamship. Co. jyEW -YOR . 9ILMINGTON. N. OL AND GEORGEOWN. 8. & UNE.. IEyE NETW TORKL S. S..ONEIDAl.......Saturday, May Tin S. S. CROATAN...,..Saturday. May 14tS FROM WOaONGTON. S. S. CROATANI .... .Saturday, May 7th S. S. ONEIDA.t......Saturday, May 141b FdR GEORGETOWN. S: S. CROATAN... r..:.Tuesdav. ,vrv. 5n,i S. S. ONEIDA.. ...... ..Tuesday, May 20tlK eieamsmp uneida does not carry pas sengers. , f.--: -...-v. ;.-:." -Through bnis of lading and low- points in North and South Carolina. t . ciii rutHijsg V'PPiy XO ! B-JQ. SMALLBONE3, . THEO. a raER,' Trafflo Manager. J W. E, CLYD3 & OQ CWmeriii3z"