Ml r , : :v.:,y.:::' MM mMm' . r-;-t; ; '; .... .. , y ; ' ', I. ft j , I .' ' i ' ' r'-''1 A ' - i r' .' ' '; 1 . - --- -r- - : AM; m, , ! - ! -.- v. i 1 ! -... ! 1 A ; --"'- '' '-'if - 1 ' ! mJ' ." y '-M 1 ' . - - ' ' A- i '-Am- AAU A--mmA" --A,-ii A1'A.I i Zhftiy- At- rvA..MMf . V A-Al ;m m ,;.ma,! mmmA l MAAMfe :.-: ,1 AWM: m-m A :AA Am yAAf.M AA.y - ' - yv ,vi- A-A j . Aca y- -Am A- -- i ; " - '-:'.;- '. ' . , I : ir r : ; -. ,-. I .-M x; -v t-i J - -. - : -''-I 'Mi- Mi P -, I ! :';- -y v : ..- : J . J - 7 '.M ! , ' '.-.' - I - 'M i V- y: - ' f r - - ' 1: M !""7 " I : ' , ; ... !'. , " . . - i . ' . r 1 .. i.' -:. . Ml ' ' ' L:" 1 ' it! i , 1 1 - f - - , , I, : ' , - ! I - ' 1 ! , ! i , In , II . : 1 ' 111 '. 1 ' . j .., i I I XI. No. 1G9. 'A' rA wf ; ': i ' I' . y ' ? -- 1-' " - - -! .- - --y --i - j- n - r . ; .i - ,-x; ; - f -i i . t' - H i I , i )---.---( : j- i ' : .-...I. ' i- x-f . - j : , , . :. .1 f . : j - ! ' i -I - - If r;.i -j -yr -; v ..... -jt J j , .;!;. i ASKING FOR To Qetr the Foreign City of yy :,fy iL y -j'' -y r foreign Consuls Anxious to (ifcjt Their ShkffertKefuseito'iJcnib.cpfiip Beyond Noon of' July !5th. r-rrltisfof Our Officers Killtd'knd 'WounJed.Sp&niarJs Firfti k f ) inu lupott Out WouiiideJ and Surceons--0ur ijoss f I j!J 'ictory A Sortie thl Advance - o ihe Americanj fiif ApUe; $outh..nif. Santiago href CuU;,J jiy 4 . Via I'ort Anfoiito, JamaH I! :S,,. te-. tlW.i," Aiisoi' luted ; Preis&J ku-f ; "ISo at C'ynthla H, via Kfnga-i Jamaica', ;.liily. 9-a. rw -Ait noon? acting uruifr- structionsj . frorti .AVashiiigtoh, ;: .MajM.r Generals t3 h ajf t ? rji 1 1 h ; ' ' 'Wf i ni a n de t I the -Amerl-f to OeXiierall lie v Btianishl icanr-trolp. J teid. a letter : nu r ffBiIfTn,( 1 i rn m a(i d fO'rdi-. Ytfe.njj thg Sa;ntag(j., Tuernanding thtJjiuriil-JKier :of ' -the 'eit.v.l The - mes-l v.. ' Hagi wife -lieVered iJoiutiVl Xor-t.1 Tfirk e htiurs elapsed before the lirinK: tould, Ajt stiipel Jfe resJo.liitj J t promptly .W i UjiareaS t h an absofu te l-efiHai m Hurrender.yr ;hnjl Shaftvr at fx joh today re peated Ma, demand ipry the surrenaed of SheTf ity and, notifNd ieneral a tiisit uhleHH Santiago surreiwler- boBtiiJities would-be ;Jrumed at nootioei s iuuiiiiay.. tujq tnis even- y y :.',.r link itleMf al : Lina'reai link net replied fiitral Liharetii ha tto' llhe nftcohd TeqiueHt jfcr Ihe surren jder or, use cuy. 'Cdnferfincfs with the: consuls or: the near GikeFal Wheeler's headquarters. - v Tiie consuls saiu lime m,) n.. 1 Li 1 .. .. , '.t..-,. . II JKUI -"X xdi.rJ 'KvniHnoti' ii nl i-Vii Id ijf-n fon-fcn Rub-! meril wo 1 t . y.J,i a; '.,-'jecti, :m fiteSHa-tloril of h48tilltles:in;. Srder to en.- i!it to heyremoyed. outside San .I to' be -placed ;uiider the pro- tlg aRO to be-placed ;under the pro-f tM'.'kill t'E Hie L'niieu D.iaies. niia wtia ; - . 1 . . . ... defitfiteljr refuSt-d by ythe American i anv sues responsibility y; - xHrhl theJn tocinsist upon eneraii ii- TiaKk'i surrender. The..coriference was resnined. at ; o viocn -iims . jhii:iiib, n-htii 'the consuls expressed grave doum? ait to peneral .Liinarfrs' ; sujrfen- - ler, loh account or the raise telegrams in rdgarqi to t?;panin victories anq yeir low kever amonK the American troops sentl daifo- to Madrid, wnien .cansea ih Rnflniiardsto thinktney dare'noi KinSrindet, and return to Spain, now vtrl thTforeiern 'consuls -Swill demand -ih surrender of the , city, bat it is oubtfdl whether-they will prevaii- All th 4 negotiations arei suomuieu direM: td Washington, rtnus causing idelav. General Wheeler tele phones H ' General Shatter ana jne .i..ii.t." -K--3t-,F 1 m i I tlrl' - Wi . I J flinp1. 7 f rjnr hi ! "tnt to -.the- cable? iitatloin. at r 4inn1ita.T5lirtio bav communicates airect with Washington. ?- A bourteriof the Associated -Press-, at 4 o'clock ' this afternoon said no con- Wlnstonsf liaLtreen reached.- UeheraB .Shatter, deirtes Ihe ; existence x of a genHfal" armistwg.Tinder the -wmite- t.'-iflagrhanffl Wtuis.. believed : hostilities-' will in the; m&rning. i before whicb time the 3iOdbs lojfythe 21,0iCr-foreigners will be accompliflhed. Thle Btjiti-sh warships - F'allas .-and Alert; an-il the Austrian. wurshipyIa- ria iereffti nae oeen allowed oy inr i Admiral Kampsoi: t( enter- the' harbor I of Saint ilg;o . iitidi reniovie yfQrt'ign . $(ab- , it'ctii-jtWifs HriUPh .vesstH-has already li'ifiie Kin gst o n , Jamaica.. - r - - u . m . 1 ievrM $anish artnored .-crttiser 'CriHRo- bar C, Uia ba! listed on lier beam ids on" the rik'ks umd it ismvv. practicall-y y5mposilbje;- to.-say herr LISl 01 KIM-ED ANp Y UUNDKU SjM "pFFICEHS. . I); Ml. ; j y MHttiidqilartersr of General: ;Shaftdri s Arnivi:ilifllv.4, -ia" I'orti Autunio, ,Ja-..i jmaictij,nJii!ly 5. per ;t,he Associated Pi-ss Xisp tqm Boatjj Cynthia ; II. va:.. Kings ton, amjaica, 'ulyiSi-li:30 44' m.r-T he '0110 ,viii)E) is- a substitute list of J the !, jcilleii.4hpi wounded'wfncers from! p Hi - ! -iaI .Kilir'es so tar j as pptaineuy 1 -Jus-M.;i:.-Wf'rt .lieutenanty ;SS th infaik WAM febVit h.'rfirsi- lieutenajht.t -Teri th cava1rVr.f i C-:-' hWilllaMshipp first lieujenahtTerith 'jjavalry;L M WilUiilih Sal At;, second li-euttwaht. .1 iiiiieenqu HU.aiiiry. , Hi. y 1, Joh ijIL . Hamilton, -lieOtehant .' oncl. Ninth cavalry. 'MUM ;0 , ! -Albert fl. Mbrsei major, .First caiv ry. K. Ni- iiBi unckey,- second ' lieutenant. : Sixth inflantry. - , ' - -'-i-jy ::IH .;. - A.' wp) eauiwiw, cttpiani, i ouui lu 1 M-.- M!:!!vf,y.'"" ' l -y L M :' iennis iM. Michie, second lieutenant. Seventeenth Infantry, - i I ' , ;; V - . ;, Y, MN. pDickinsoh,' s- Grst lieutenant. inetnjEh -ihtantry: M-'i .XJ-' .11' V- WOUNDED. . ' ... ii - Johni l: Kbtertson",M second lieuMhant, Sixth infantry. - ; .' IjH I ; L. II. ! Gross.;-Second lieutenant. H ' B. K. lit. tjscomb, lieutenant colonel, i - .Twenty! -fourth infantry;. Torrenee, ' captaiii. Thirteenth ! Jnfatitry. " r. ' : "Henry Carfoll, li.?ulenant eojonel, Sixth ; cavalry. ' . y' j. p.' ., , : . "; Zenap; Ity, E :. Torrey, captain, Sixth u H-Ar,- Sixteenth in- -. (4. Wliddb ury, ' captain 1 - A. qfL.- S fence; JSixteeftfU -infantry. secand liteutehant, '- W. B. Scott, firit lieutenant, yThir- teenth ihfantrj-. j -i .. , Theodora J. Win(. rrfaor. Tenth! cav : lry: :'i'tW' :: :yf s-il".' v '.V-iiLMy I 1 , .Thomas A. Kobert?, second lieuten- ;y ant, Sixteenth cavalry Keep Xour Eye on this : spape and see what others wii.L7xen .you tabbut Aetna; i .! " r . 't -1 y n.. m- lYrr- - WTi -'iM', ' Mr. Ii. M. Wtscbtt, .writes.; i i 'v. ' " Wilmington; N.d., : July; 2. R, E.'Wsrd, Esq.: " xf '' )-1 -; ' .. D6ar SifM I have been troubled, with : Indigestldn 5 and ' a Kidney jiaffction which gave m at times-much pain. I ' have used Aetna Lithia Water for a . ehort whjle, iind find great relieL .lt has. proved herding to ineM I hope bth- ers who.pre-.sufferjhg't with similar, I, trouble - -4-iir try' the water and; get j- such .resuitsas liave pome to me. ..To-; it. f - 'Myy!y;f.iM.Mfi- B-V , -S . RcI. WESCOTT, v 11 South Fourth' Street. V 1 . ') Don't forget that we are established at, "W.I H. Ureen Pharmacy, and that we, are readyN to serve you ,aii, the itime at 25 cents.Nper gallon : for pure V Aetna LatJiia Water i from y Virginia Mineral Springs Company, Roanoke, y , yirginia. - . . TIME ; 1 -IN; Population Out of the in l- Santiago; in; i : : : " y i '! j. lly : yliT ': ;f Citizens Out of the City-iien4ral rniy 'Rejoicing Over the Naval y Repulsed Walter, C aptain, Sixth nfan try. .1 Clarence 1). Piirdy, second lieuteh-- ant,ixih. jnrantry ; A-; 1. Miles, first lieutenan cavalry. "SicKoyl- secdnd liteiUT ant, Tertth cavalry w. Hi bimmons, eecond Hetitenant, Sixth infantry John H. 'Patterson, lieutenant toF- jonei,, i weniM-seeona lnianiryi.. : j jonn . sroamanj' captain Twenti WLh Infantry J :f .:. . ...... 7 1 James Bret, captalny Tweri ty- fourth infantry. -I W. S. cavalry. J. It. Uod, ifirs t adjutanij Nihth t- -I'J J, St-ylourn, first enant. i:i6hth . jinfantrt. :: ; 1. A. KUis, -major, Fifteenth infan- try, - 1 i ' i y ; y ! W. S. North, lieutenant coloAel Fif- i r :teenth infantry?. K. Y, Kskridge, ..major1. Tenth nfan- trv ' V ? i Doitw a-;- tanf oijth, acting assistant Kurgeort, ; It. S. Sixth in y ii. Ci U.i S Furman, second lieutenant faetrv. ucaj. captain, Twen;tyirf6urth infantry ITi-y-; colonel,. He-utenahf Sixth Infantry j Charles I. Iirkhurst, capta inJI Third artnleryj O. D.! Ilapgood, second lit-utienant. Second- Massachusetts: . . J. I). :Moniihan, second lieutenant, Sec&ntT'Massadhustetts. : 7." t i ! 1 jff Albert Twenty -fourth' inkntry. .' - U-S -ii yt M- j ;J. Ii Jones; captain, Twenty-fsecond infantry.; ; W. N Lessiter, captain, i Sixteenth infantry.!,.' ca.ptain Sixth; in- fan try. K.. C: tay ffrst lieutenkrjt captain, Second (bt.) J cavalry. . ; B. J. Henry; ry, brigade. I caval- ; A and I'M.. H. Barnutn,, first lieutenant adjutant. Tenth cavalry I B. H. ' Millard, . second lieutenant, Tenth cavalry, -i , , 1 ' ' " nh ! Uii i IS. H. Liinooln, major, Tenth infantry: i W. b. Wammer, y captain, lirassachiiiseltts' infantry. Second It. v.. Van VlikJ captain, T en in- fan try, ; . ! yl i Carl Coop, first lieutenant, I Tenth In fantry. W. E.L-Dnwj lientennnt 4ofp nel, tw-elfthinfahtryL ,1. - i: j iJ. T.jBaskelf, liejjtenanrcoiohe'l, Seyp win intantry. , - j. 1 '. - Mr, I James B, Jackwin, captain, dnfnntrv. . ' . i) ' .-; ' v 1 Seventh 1 11.' jA. j Lafferty acond lieutenant; seven tniBf ant i-j'i v j Himaltoft S.; Hawkins, brigadier geri ii MUl pOW TH K . AUM Y ItECEIVljD TH: NF.WS. . , .- !. i. MM it i At the Front,. Headquarters off Geiv erai Shaftef-'s Army,;. Before Santiago de Cuba,! Sunday, July 3, via; Kingston Jamaica, July . 4.H-Early in tAi j day. a man on the'' lookout had .irdported that the, Spanish ileef, under 'the fom- rnand of j Admiral (Cervera, had' sailed out of the -harbor bf Santiago flei Cuba. but it was not until late this afternoon that the, result the1 tlll.Il. : . . i ii. I As the wordy of it.he rnagnifi.Mht . ; . M - . j . tor y rewr frdm!,sehtry; fco serttryi aflongi the firing lines, and was shouted tn companies, regiments r 1 and gades, a . greatj theer swept line, -of fiyce as jit went, until the rattle of musketry, was drowned in (he poafi .from glad American throats. ' lThe news was flashed iback into the under! brush,, where, the reserves lay,! and the merit almost" startipeded in,, thir T en? thusiastic desireytO get . to the front. The cheepnff continued through ' I th evening, fas th"" Retails of thrf i fight came 1m The me coald not ibjave disr played more enthusiasm had jthe vkv tory .Ixen theirs instead of tha rijayys. Aitnougn tne nring- continrfed i ail day between thej .0 u t pos t s o toy . litle uamage - a dona ,on eitner iaai uen eral Chaftee wa4 wounded. slightly, a title bullet cutting through , his foot,; compelled to! leaei u.. ' ... 1 hi.'! -in but he will not b the field: The only. severe firink durinjrfthepdar? occurred when tli Spanish fiet was leaving me ,iirupr.'. xne enemy :evi. denfly attemittedi to. divert the attend tion ofyour troopsMbufe the'.Arh'ericahl 1 rapoiuicu ouj yiuigi LiittL j ifiitf : f ure. sooni feasea, and was 'only resumed, ati intervlalsldurtrik the remaiftdef of the day.'. .Last '- ii it! night the only aggressive'move- nientthe Spaniards made resulted In: their severe defeat".-At about 1(1 o'clock the enenfy came out or me Breaches about the. ty walls in large force an'd dashed straight for the American lines.:. In; -one or fell back! from two 'places dur nen their; position,!: but: iquickly rallied and , drve the enemy; nacK pen-meu int0 tneir own aitcnes. Thej Spanish tosses must have fbeen frightful, as they were exposed to a I terrific for a:, quarter; of am hour iThe fosses on thfe' American side' were very light, as your soldiers lsejf jin thte rifle pits-land haft every advaijtigje, jjj THE SPANISH i SltARPSHOOTERSJ The most f daring of the Spanish forced ace the khamshootersL t They fake, their position almost at - the wall land fromi the tdense triee tops dp jexe. Jcution with -smokeless powder, J mak ing it difficult to locate them, j Several times! thy httveM shot into (Qprieiial fshafterj 1 tent; which it several , miles ifrom;the front, and they have infested the trail: for ; ten .miles between Ju ragua and the outposts. j li j " ; M (SPANIARDS 1KILX.INO WOpTJDED f m - - m - -1 ANJ3 - fWRGE?i ;t'jitt: 'm ! One of the todst1 horrible feaures ;oif Jthe, war lis that dozen, of men have been killed ass, they lay In litt4rs, and ijthat surgepns- wearing ,the emblem of jthe -Red Cross Society upoi-their arms nave "been the special object tof : at- & - - V i ; - v - - ' - -J ' -'. - I' , r' f : f r ,-! v -- . ; . . i -. . , ; , ; ir i: 1 i EIGJIpENi : HUNDRED KILLED -M ,:;M, j AC WOUNDED. V j-' The I number of jki415Mand wounded lor the week reaches tonlcht about (eighteen hundred. No effort U, ap parently, being made by our officers jto expedite the listing of the casualties, and not one-fifth 1 of the total names fere known even to the commanding- of ficers. Alreadv 800- cases na.V been feandled'aC the 'hospital feej-e, Jjeoause bf the overflow from fhe bosfiltais at the front, ... All tha wounded here yare recovering. I yl ' "1;''- ' - S - - ' X fMi 'M There has been only one data since the hospital wasi established, ithat :,ot. Private Meyers, of the Sixth iwantry. whteh occurred today. He was shot throuKti: the bodyti , ' -.-' ,.' " ! ' 'I Adjutant WjaodJIof the Ninth ! fcaval- a y. wno was shot through the face, and who -waa not expected to recover. Us. Improving rapidly and wlU ifc sent to Key fwest next week. - I There has been much conjecture to day as to thei safety of Lleuteiant M. A. Hahon, i of the Ninth cavalry, who la the acting- topographical officer of th staff, and 'made the Snaps of tfie trails before Frtday'B battle. He has been at wrk ever since, tnost . of the time In and! around the Spanish lines. He has almost always refused an ea-. cort, and though : he has lieen ehot at several times, he has not een wound ed. Thursday, while ott v?ith to men he' encountered a detachment of ; ten Spaniards and ans officer and took all .prisoners. A!totaior prisoners -were captured in;; battle-at Caney on Friday of whom 4$ were-regular Spanish soli diers in uniforms,: two officers and the 1 remainder armed residents of the town rsineywounped were-.left ia the- blocki house attended by a. native, bhy'siciarj. Thje.. -Other j prisoners were brough t to Juragua tdilay in charge f of Captain aiclArthur iand two companies of f the Thirty-third, Michigan regintent and camped along the railroad. The Cult ban? followed them fn gf tat : crowds and hurled: epithets at -the frightened captives. ! !ITV Fl!VAN'Ki Report of fl'elerday'n 5Ietliis of ibe Board of Audit and Fluauce-Several Honda Approved. ' '" .-.-. ': l The! board of audit and. inance met fn J.sigular : Jsemi-monthly J eslon t :o yesterday ajfternoon at 3 o-i-r, ck, thera .beifiyipreseliiiitj H. jC. ,: McQieeh, ,-cbir mahl C. W.j yateis jand J. H ebber.--' , A;n (Ordinance 4fi the boaftl ijof alder men published in yesterday's Messen ger) S kuthonzing. I the'oiWincr J bi tOM fronthe!,bjanks Of h city t3 metj Ju-ly; fcbupbns, was approved, rateiif 6 peril cerit.j per anhtini. ".-':, ; ThH y clerk? Ibreseated a! sdatement thej Examination of ' the bolk uf ; thd treasurer and tax coUectJr (for "the mahth of May, showtl> c ash, on hand ( May ill '-$1,303.Q7; ; ' r&.-epts.. -ti4 month of May, $28,j948.24; tbfal $30,251,- 31 Hispursements for! monthj,of .May,' $9,OTJ.e; baiajnce to June,, $a,0B0.G5; ; tfi'i tai . The, bond of Chadbourii Lumber. Company' t4 f Ornish lumber ifor ; the) current flscilj1 year f in accordance with their ; contract, .in f the sunt- $1,000- with j James H. Chadboiirn arid James H. Chadboufn as su retiesjj'waB ap- proved. - The! bond dt S. F. Co want for stabi-j ling; j feeding and I shoeing!, the' city . muies, nor toe current nscsfi- year, jni the sum of $1,000, with Jutiius Daviss as sureties. was approved. J i Bills for qurrent jexpensest aggreg'ati ing $6,446.31, were-audited apd iapprov-i ed. 1 -M 'yte.l C. Banks, of - LewisviileJi Texas,1 3 that piie 103t' of 'De Witt's WiWhi writes Hazel ; Salyd was wufiu ,. iu nun.! biles of, ten years standing. It cured liis He (advises jothers (to try t 1 It. also: cures eczema, skiii diseases 'and - obi st'ina-te : sorest j R.- -1.- Bellamy. . Iliutou-Siiepiier s- , m: Mr.i!J- Ospar Hihtort, of ! this city, and Miss Estelle Shepherd, lof Ra-j leigli,' daughtef of Mr. W. OJ Shephef dy of that citykvefe limited in the holy bonds "of . matrimony yesterflay afterH noon at 12: of Mrs; Jyi o'.cloqk Lat the! residence Divine on Eighth and Dock streets!. The teere"mony was per- formed by-'the Rev.f James Carmichael. D. . D., rector jof Si.j John's Episcopal cHurch,.in the a -few friends presence 01 relatives ana of the coupler ; t The: jcoUpli;- 'were'ithe recinients of many nice presentsiM They will make their residence in Wilmington. -- y allowf yourself to-be slowly tor tured at. "th stake 'of disease? Chills and Fever; will -undermine,- and event--ually break down the strongest consti--tution. "Febri-Cura" (Sweet Chill Tonio With Iron) is more effective than jipiiinine, andj being combinedj w.ith Irojri is an. excellent Tonlcand Nervei med icine. It ls pleasant to take,- and Is i sqld under alpositive guarantee to cure orj money refunded,! Accept io substi tutes. The I'just as good"; kind don't effect cures. Sold by J. C.yShepard, J. H, Hardin and H. ii Fentres. L;Jj-vi-;!:i ; hi. A'r' . i . ( j - Tbe Fir.t Nationat Bauk pMrl; jJamledj Hi Robinson, tof. Golds boroi is here -assisting Receiver. A. G. jRicaud lof ftiefdefubct First National bank in njdihg up. his "receivership. We learn that the; jaffair of the bank will be closed up probably .by fally, and that thei creditjdrs "vjill yet receive a dividend of about' 2 p'er :ent. mu ' i ;4i'- f'-t 1 r ' u.:r-: i ! Sick jheadacn'e, biliousbess.i constipk- tion arid all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured "by usirgn those iTamoUa littJei iriills knordn asi DeWitfs LiWtle ;j3arly'Pers. 'j qSiiy Ar' pleasant t-o take and inever grips. f t. ..isei- lamyljll ' j ; ! M-U- f : 1 1. NigbtH o Pytliias lustailation At I tlie regular ineeti ng of yciaren- don tjodgej Noj Knights of Pyth: as, hold last nij ht, tej "f djjqwipjg- joff icers were: lnstaiitHi lOT tne ensuirur iterm: il C;ci-WK. jWilifonJJr. j I -irw ! CV-Ci n BrandiVt y . P. T. Dixie.; yfl .'- of. R. W.I Catlett. ; -I M. of A. J. F. Li'ttleibn., I. '. W. A-j Weeks. ' 4 ', 6. G.4-WI P. Pldhariv - j The jchancelldr coibmariderMahnoune- ed the follo-stirig committees: ( : Finance iJl F., King, ItSeo. LeGrand il Supervision-W- .Clatletti yaw, W". P. 1 0ldham. I I 6. M. Fill- 1:1 ii 'Hait-H. l Wi t Collins, 'Jas4-D.', Nutt, Walker Taylor J ' M . ' i 1 S Local Relief First Kvard, O. ' M. Sloan; Fourth Fillyaw;- Sedohd ward, ;Geo. Third!) ward, I W. GI' Fartnei; WardJrW. A4 Willsoh, Jr-:- Ffth ward T -C f Ittlotnn ' Sniithimrl T? W TTar. 1. .- i - t . i I - i v Per- X fl : j S I ;.'-; 1 1" j "In a. minute't one dose of Hart's Es nf Glnter. swill relieve any ordi- Kkry case of Colic, Cramps or N,ausea. an unexcelled remedy for Dtarrnea, Cholera Morbus, Summer ppmplainta and aU Interfaal pains. Sold by J. C. Shepard, J, H. Hardin and I?.. I Fenr tress: t y - Onlfusi'ViimbM-or fjasis. j : Justice was' ;meted out yeBterday i-ilht (and lelSt by Maistrat Bunlteji ! Doilie Mei-M tt, Haney Blocker and Rebecca Ker jail colored,! -wrs charg ed with assault with p- deadly weapon. Each r case ; wa dismissed, except the bne against the' Kfrf woman, which was' bfenttbthe crimibal rt?ut..; 1 A ; y I Ifj Judrinent jvar sullpdnded fipon pay 'nent of costs j in ases agiiinst Jno. LoftihU charged. -with throwing tocks, and Annie Jane and, "tony TAte, charg ed with assaiut andj batteryf All these 'offenders are Colored-1 i f t 4 ii -,. I !TT rrTTt ' tmnrf ' iKaTifljM : A era fntef- -vliaMl CO by acting promptly.- One Minute Cough Cure produces j Immediate re sults. !When; taken, early it prevents cbnsuajxtkmjf And lh later stages it furnishes pronspt relief. ; R. R. Bel lamy. 4A I, .1 lT 4- -ftr The colored Volume Ira The! cploreli ivolubteers ; 10, enlist- e.d under Lieutenant Walkeft oh the occasion of his yecept; yisiC here, are requested to j meet git SiZQ ojclock Fri day night, ati the city hall, fr the pur- bose of making arfi.ngemeiijB to j leave for. Fort Macon, i. j. -. .y.-.w.i :.-. p ": Any further informatien! regarding the volunteers, which may !e wanted hy any one, ;may be had b applying to Bpjamip. - Howard, :at tie postofr nee, - 1- - 111 III IB M! m ifflS 1 m - OJM'Jil N -BD W l:AGK";:ii j ' J ii' ;yy I i ; A y - ' ' i ' i ! . i I ti! j, - ' . another chaogej of Jorders today) from -' 1 L-y ;1 K'l ." ' "I !1 - ' ' . V j ,' : '.y- 'H v 'i :V - . y yi t" . - , Of the Defeat of Their Cuban Fleet . 1 f CONGEALING THE FACTS. i-r - .u-mi -Hr'- : V Iewtru-tlou of o of IbF VeMtliOffii dally Adnilttd-Tbe "orrect New PublHhed by tbe Afternobn Papers TIadrid oUl-rve of HeToIutloa-The ; Cabinet iecidea fAfeaInt- Suing for !Pee-FOreig:J VarbIp fceavs.,Ma . nllaA Spaulkh M'ai kbip Burned, ' MadrldJ July . m.-4Senor Sa- igasta, : the premier, has announced 'of- jficially that Adjniral -C-eryefr-a's 'squad-! - ron has been defeated and j that the Oquendo j-svla- burnedi and ti' Infanta Maria I Teresa slunk and thtajt Admiral Cervera himself is aj prisoner of war.' The; dilspatch: containing the informa tion hats not yet.beeri, fully deciphered. I Noon-There riiulch comment here over the 'news if thej deparjtute of the foreign warships fropn i Manila a't the Aiotnent; (of j; thej aij-rival. there of -the American Irelhfiorcernents.' j Only two German, Uvoj French) and lour British IwarshipS; now remain ;at- Manila, and ipeoplelare asking ii International poll-! iL'-.' 11..: . , v , , .i pics nave undergone .a 1 cnange aiixi, 14 the Americans are t be given a free hand' iln-jtlje ;Pliiijyff ne 'islands.:-..:. .The news ; received -herej that thej British Consul at Hong If ong : jy haa feent a dispatch; boat, to Manila for the. purpose of ihformine riear Admir-i Sil Dew ey of thej fact that, Admiral' Ca-j j 'squadron has traversed ; the iimara si Suez c anal, is much commented upon; and the, i newispapersj assert that thej tagybtiian : and British authorities pur- !sijly plac-i- obstacles in ,the way of! AdnSfiral' Camara's departure, in order to delay his arrival at "Manila as long; as possible;' adding 1 that the British; have been more scrjupulods 1 in man-i ainingi thecneutralitKr' of , the: Suez ca-i rial than they weie hen they allowed: a steamer to leave 1 long 1 Kong; laden Kvith 'arms f(fr stheiManilaj insurgents. : I London,- Ju3vi.i6. The . Madrid -'corre-i spondent-of The, Times says: Admiral r ervera's. fatally "'received k telegram,; jirofessedly fEom hirii, stathijg- that Ie ; Is a prisonerg - i but its, .authority . '-. is loubted. y,-The follow n'g is .the only pf hcial dispatch the i government ha'$ rec', tfeiyed. isince-i yesterday--- j '4. ' ! v4 fit 'At dusk : last: niaht -theireii reached ! t;he Socapa battery1 seven: srjip;4wrreckef !i men irom tne sunnitorpeaoDoat ae- stroyers. They said he Infailta Maria I Teresa -i was steamils- tin i. 'damaged condition behind: PO11 ht Buzer. out Of tp-w h and hat the Almirante Z I ;'l : :S i : M M " : 1 t . ' i-( ' r I" IMPORTANT EVENTS OF IHEjBAYi Sdaniards at Caracas, Colombia, are A of Cervera's NavAJ Victory at' Santiago. "5 The rirst aiJ Sectkit Brigades) oi: he Firs Cliickamatma itave Been Ordered to Charleston. 5 ' ! The Bombardment of Santiago ll L'- i ! HP! ' S A : tne. f oreigners, iime to uei.trui the British jConsdl at Hong yr 1 '- ,J :-tj:;j; T , . 1 ' .uauiut 10 .MHiiy .ucwey uiai f-, Through th'eStlezCaual. ' f' i.,-'. rhe First Steamer from Alaska Keaches Vancouver. Eleven Versions: Ilave Been iMuraerot tneiiostniaster atiKe -T- ' : . ... I ' .111 1 11' ,1 .,1 ..4. . i j uui iviutu uiiu uouuueu it 5 About ItSOmi ll.- ;'. l ;: ..., !When Cervefa's Fleet Left ship, the Bropkyn, was the Only ThemJ lie Fought to HeriAid. I - '4 A Resolution is Introduced in ;Tha,nkiiig Coniniodore Schley for ' Fleet. l "In - "1 - V " ' ' A'Train is 1 1 eld! Up in Texas "i: : : tA :- . -. , Was afirp .$ubs)tqu4ntly other sail os, j I jd not, kHjovy how imany, A got ashore and confjfme 1 the above. The enemy attacked our i forces during the brningj ; causing ; us ,a iqss of seven wounded. : Colonel 1 Escarlos' ; column has arrived.'-' i .. . ' - r . . The disiUitch gOes on. to describe the 'intervention of the ' foreign consuls at SintiagQ. ajnd thi offer of. the! Aiperi cins yto;!! delay" ' porbbardment; toV the .mipr.hing! bf iJijils ;"5tji, ; .provided ;.th'e j thjem. it ..tbndqdes jwith thesei words: "i! haT'el agreed;" I, iA -HV -.' " : "FJREiON A' SPANISH CRTJ5SER. V Cadiz, ! July 5.-Dispatches; -j received. hre this' evenngl report a fire, j contin uing! fof: twelve hours, on; board the Sabishi! cruiser Alfltiso XIH- Jt is but thefac4ident (wiil delay Ker depar ture for some time. ' Mi.i , MADRID OX EVE OF CIVIL WAR. ! London, July 6. The Madrfd corre SDionident of .The Times says-:. ; y DisS "patches; !! .received frop American sobrbes I reporting, the' destructitm v of A(iniiral,:Ceryera's--s(iuadron, which the morning p ipers j 'considered wild ex aggeration, . and consequently held back, ' have now been published iri spe cial editions. They are generally re garded; as substantially true ' and ha e produced at most painful impression among all classes, but there is perfect tranquility M! ; pierceive nb 1 symptoms ofdahgro!us populbr excitenient. - - y The Madrid cjorrespondentl of The Dalily "Telegraph,! , teiegraphingi .Tues day j-nighit, says: . Disorder is. Spread ing among the.. military; herciowds in the city are getting riotous, ahd ' ev erywhere signs are apparent 5hat the population jie-. cryinf for cvil war. Marshal Campos and the captain gen eral of Madrid have herd. lbng consul tations as to ways iind means of pre serving order, .y. . - : j y.y: y -'-A ; 1' - -.TO THE jLAST DITCH. ' ! Madrid, July 6,!ll:j0 p. m. The cabi net QUncil tonight after a shott ses sion,! 'decided : not i to open ! negotiations- rotl, peaces but - to jcontinue fhe war, VithyiallTrss, while ajj singlel soldier remains in Cuba.1 'The government has no newB of a bombardment of Santia go! and has . cabled Governor ! General Blabpo for details of the naval bat tlejb, j ji M'y : 1A:f :M!' Mi.: ' " v ' ' I ':" r i; . - j The- editor; of !the Evans CJty, Pa.. Globe, writs.',-,i'One :Mlnut Cough CUr is f rightly jnalhed. jit -tured' ' my children l after all other frexnedies-f ail ed I It curbs coughs; colds and all throat and lting troubles. X R.j R- Bel-lm- j'-- ( A: --A At - - " A:!'.A - -!'"'- ' ' M . ; . - i :- Ittore Men Arrested for Mnrdeir-ins yilA'- ''' InMter Baiter ' i N ' i iWashlngton, July! The chief n7?st- offipe inspector j i bias . beetf V informed that Alex I Rogers H Was Arrested ; at Lake City, jS, a-jon July. 2nd, i charged with, the murder! Pf tbe negrp post master 4at that place in February last Today the following named 'persons wet arrested charged 'with the sa,me crime : .Oscar Kelly, y ; Marion ; Clark, Edmund Rogers and . Charles 3 Jainer. .Eleven persons suspected of Complic ity in this crime have Cp to tiii$ time, oeea arreeted. H: . i '; " -:y. ;i iTo Due Gervera's Sifea, ; A- AN E8G iPE PREVENTED FBrtbe Bol4 Attack of tbe Brooklyn Slngtfi-Ilae rd! I pon the panUb Fleet-Cerriyra'i . Fatal .TlUtake in Tarinlns lo Wel After Leaving S4b- tlaico J HarborPlanning tbe Sortie.4 -' T- -y.l : . ..: - I .. j 1- - ;.; Why Cervera Lrft the Harbor to Face , Defeat Outside, -il . -Myy J , 'K " .i-.. J. ' , ' y : ' I '-" ' ' 'l--'!.:-. .', ' i 1 tCopyrighttl by!. Associated Prss. -) ( Off Santiagp die Cuba, . Monday July i. i p.!:m., 'per the Associated Press dispatch Bokt Jytitb.ia II, va Port ntonio, Ja., Tuesday Morning, July $, by Way of Kingston. Ja., July , 'i m,-Afteri a 'chase .bfsixtsj :nihjs i to.'rthe" westward, the Brooklynlosely.' followed , hy th Oregon,; overhauled the cjiristobaj Colon after she hiad run ashof and hid Ifauled (down . her flag. Captain CJfoli , of the Brooklyn, weiit On 1 board .her and :tbe Ocjmmander M- Mi 't,yy !". i-! - i: ' - -. - m of the SpaoiMi armored - cruiser cam forward to s-jirn ;nder and - was: taken on board the! New York, which caihe : up' an "hoii: cafter the "JBrooklyh and Oregon had completed the capture ; of the Cristobal ' Colon, The latter was mot seriously c amaged; though she was struck several times by shots from the Brooklyn .and Oregon. . : TO SCHLKYi tAe, HONOR IS: DUE. ; f : During -the chase .a- clever: maneu- . ver of pommoddre; Schley's in. head ling duel w-est' t(-Cai.eCane'yi while the: Cristobal Cotonibad 'taken' a more aoutherly; direcl with a , much greater :! distanc, toi the Spaniard's es i There seems tol Cristobal Colon, a cape iBfpossiplery be no doxrtrt that the nd, perhaps, the oth 5 armored ' icruisers eV three: Spams wpuld have escaped' :' had " .'it rto:.'. ben for -i the prompt Action j of Commodore Schley1. The BrAoklyri, his flagship, alone was in a ptosition to atfjaclc the Spanish vessels as they left . the . har bor and, the oorimodore steamed-di rectly ;t toward thfem and engdged ill four cmisers, i inflicting great damage upon them. ..- Mvj ' ' c ', j. . vThe- Oregon: was. the first tp, jojin the Brooklyn and! afterward the Iowa, IhdlanayM Texas ,'and. i Vixen closed around the Spaniards,, all pouring in a deadlyi fire, ibutj, from the , beginning- WHiie eimvi ,in ligiii, T.e . rrouKi ii., Oregon and-'- Gloucester took the" mojs.t 1 llipUI I XJCLli L III LUC " UCD L I ULKI . JL the, !enimj. ' m J ' ...' "!-. I . one man;,: Gof-tee Henry; 'Ellis, wa', .-, lil ;. r r ?- y ''I'M''1 Rejoicing Over the News y j - y- -- : j i- jm !.rriiy Gjorps at .Has Been Postponed to Allow 01 tpe jiy.. s 1 - .'rt C 1 5 ' - T : . ... Kong fiends a l)ispaitch Boat to the Spanish Fleet has Passed !" iiil . M I'M : )' .7 I I ' I Arrested : for -Cohinlinitv iri tMe ty, .c. : 1 roaiiiiniiu iu 1741c iiiiuuiil iaj t' t lilt . - ' 4. Santiago Harbor Schley's Flag Warship in Position to Attack all Four of Them Until Other Vessels Came - ' I ;i the lipase of Representatives ttheyOstructiob of Cervera t-yy-M "-: .- ' - -:-r;-- by Three Mexicans, - i killed on ifboard the- Brooklyn! 'His. head was blown . iff .by a shell. One other mart, -J. Bu ns, ' was injured on board ..'' A- .'"'.'': ' iji''A! The Brooklyn ' was struck hji'lf a dozen times, but 10 injury wasi done to anv rif the other American sjiips. ; ' PLANNING 'THE SdliTIK. i! M M. . fi M1 '.t v- : '. ii :. - 'i : IjOff Santiago de Cuba, July '4, (&t ternooni,! Via PorU" Antonio- Jail! July . S.ii per i:b47As50c'ied' Press .Dispatch Boat Cynthia II, via Kii.i.crftoii, Ja, Tuesday, -, July a: , (no.oiii A;1mirai Cervera hl-i a cdnsultittioii with-his officers lefoie soiling out of, harbor- of" Santiago- jde vCuba,- and fby a spciall majority tfie' move' was agceed upon. AThe minority said th4t destrtic-: Von 'was pure asymany o; Jh$; hadnnujtihr&d jand ph best in en .in the fleet Kwre " worn dut I by sarvins.the gttiS; lnj''-.ihe sHore f batteries. ! -' M'. "i . Jiirly on the mcjrnifegsi the fsortie.t careful tobservtioil was taken bf the sea, east) ;and ywesjt. Admiral Cervera decided ! upon j taking the ? wrestwarQ course! iw ith I Manzanillo.' Cienfueges,: OV if jpassibV,! Havana,, thei por! jto b'etj -reachetii :we vouiai. nave- gone east, out;,, for the lighti? g- of a la-e transffioi- tloct of? iSiboriv ah(!J 'the assuran?. that a cJ-ivVoy ; 6f ar vessois AyaS stiiV With thb trans ports' f As' a! matter of fact, lhiet;wwa4 nd war -yv ewiel ; Virtrer than a isobverijed iyachtA except the NeWiVq'k; tbai,i qoild "hWt obstruct-?!, Admiral -i CeryMrafa ..escape. pastvard.! Nayal men! hre; re sure that ythei SJa nishl Vessers c uld have ' disabled jori pun the few ydrlr and" escaped had thej eastwfird :6urse l'eej phsen. f iit. aistl fearl dr a .inie-'by majiy that 0c-me!: OC'Kh4 tailors And officers who swam astydreN from the Vizcaya,! the Al.niifant i)qu ndo and thf Maria Teressf iere Killed bs the, Ihisurgents, !who MvVeSre! seerfyin fthe bhapparel near the beathi This culd: not be yefiJSfecl at this I writing as bo "accurate lesti- mate .of the lofes 6 the Spanish Jfl&et was obtainable.' i J " J v . - j. Alt .is lelaimefl that one; shell kiHed lOft i meb t on 4 ke Vizcaylk,'r'"raking the vessel : fore an I aft. A V. Ml- li ': Ti fcfeVlri'k'H I'li'Tit'T.TTS'lV'ia 1 ST'AT-P.1 -Mi:,:' iV'M :1ft , : :-T"",J1t2. '.. ivrC' :- V I !' I . lOfT; iSantiag:? de CubkM Jujy 4, ,-via Port Antonio, i fa., Jtaly 5, .Be trie AS- sociatd' Prss;,Dispatch Bbatpynthia m. The ftrat" ( hd only statement ci: cerningrthe rf Sent" naval battle made y .i thef t Spahil e?minaner, ' Admiral, Ceryeral' i wa4 ? to Sa correspondebt, pt the Associated! Press on board the bat-t tleship Jowav'i t was as follows: . Vi: ' 'j "I would ra ther .lose my ships )at sea, like! a sorlierj than inl a harbbr. It was the .0 ly thing "left jor me t6.'do.Myi.:y; ir I i-,- M :.M yyMM Mi: 4-k The CJni a Itlen Downed Ch'icarol Illtu July 6th. For the ?rst time since lasjjt .Friday morning Xfje- Tribune, The Kecora-unronicie, Tj,y Times-ueraiq,; ana lne inter Oeeaffi" ve i138"" tomorrow muni? tic :, Huniciem iiumutr - oi; uuiaiui rionunionfteitybers have Been im- ported ihtO fa r ' xim.e tuts sible. rpy. TXTJyera nave oeen :i ijuu- "r r,oo-i siK hnt this will lished la four h Increased as rapidly as possible. willf, also Chicago, afteraoon Dublish tomorrow inyXeaucea 8e Cbarltoo at One Chickamauga, Juir 5. There! ,was of 'orders today from another cbangej Washington renewing the order made yesterday and prescinded later lb the day. General ames H. Wilson - -J ,:( . if' , .,.-: -.--Ii: I -and once Stan are oraereo jto- proceed at toi Cha . ifiton, with the Firtet and i . j , i ; . ii' ... t A', .. . . -1 . r . . 1 . - '. . .1 ! cxyona Drigaaes orj tne Kirst) ,orps reorginired by JG tteial Brooke,1 as fol lows:, v. I: j .' ' f' i Ml '.;' ' - :. ' First prlgi-ieneraiyOlwWd IT. Krnest, commainding,, Tlilfd L Wiscon sin; Colonel Mi j Mwre-. . cothabdihg: Second Wisconsin. i.ColoneU CJiarles' S. Born corbmantling; Sixteenth ('Penn sylvania. Colonel. Willis -3. ibiulings. commanding. :;!;.;: ; J',' M. -' ' 't''' -Secand Brigade General Pf ter C Halns, comtnandiitigl ; Thirdj j IlllnOisy Colonel Fred Bennett, comtnalnaing: Fourth Ohio. Colonel A. B. Cbit, com: manding; j Fourth Pennsylvahia, i CoW onel D. B. Case, comanding General! Wilson left- this afternoon av u tivtiv. otiuuiyauit-u I uy pis Stan,: The firsf brigade of General Wil- son's division .broke camb this after- noonand marched to. Riqggold I where they wil embark early tpmoj-row for Charleston. Tbe Second Jrigkde yvlH leave in the miorningi by the Southern 1 v r ' from Rossvilla Nothing wa4 giyeb out , afei the. movement of any additional troops. I . M ' ill , : ; ' - Third Iteginient Surseotaai. .(Special toti.he.j-.Metssengjeil.) , RalelghMN. July 5DjsI jSplieet,; senior and junior of GoIdsBdro. 1 and Dr. ' Rpge$. -k Raleigh,; cottppkingl the uoara . aepignatea to ; exam ne-; 'the surgeons for jthe "third! regifrient at Fort Macon reported! to the adjutant general today, Drs. Mask, of! WMlmipgtJon ; Delebger, of Ooldsboro, ana . Poia bf Chatkittei v 1 Mask hadpheenipqintied tbl ur- geon'by- Jh.eMgdvern0r and Detehger'l and Pope assistant sbrgeons. but: the examining board reports s that after rigid examinajtion; laBting tw! b '"days. it- found Delengerthe best equ pped, of thi three and il'ope second. Tftiel gov er'nor will. therefore make "tine- l ap- point me nti accordingly, giving! Delen- ger the position of chief surgeon, Pope, first assistant afad Mask) second assistant. " Thej board renort ithat! as thus .constituted the biedical tbtaflj of the regiment Is excellent. J i ; W.. AVMratspn,Mpf Rocky Mbiintj, is Appointed, pgiiriental adjutant! otjthe iH'ird, -Vice "Abe Middleton who refus ed the commission.! y 1 ' ! 11 i -J. Henry Hall, of Statesville, is sent 3o Jacksonyille bv the adjutant sien- as pharmacist , at the bbipitat of the Seventh army corpse. 1i !l T. It is learned oriieht that Burke and Cabarrus counties will furnish wenty- .six men to complete tjie Seconid regi ment; . -ii j The ancient Greeks Relieved' that the fenates i we're the ' g.ods who attended to the .welfare and prosperity of he family. : Theyy were .worshjpped I as household gods In i every home. The household god of today Is Dr,. (King's New Discoverv. Fox . consumption. coughs, cold' and for all affections ; of Throat, Chests and Lungs itns fnvalu a.ble.It ihaa fbeen fried, for a Quarter of a century and is guaranteed te-cure. or money returned. : xso nousenoia should be without this good angel, t it is pleaslnt to take and a safe -and sure remedy for old and youUgj Free tj-ial bottles at R. jR. Bellamy's drug store Regular sizel;50c! and $1.00. The Mar Way of Egypt ypntprda Vi afternoob 1 about 3:30 ojclock there -was a. big row on pamp bell street, best wejtri Third and Fourth streets. A telephone message ! was spht tn"' the ritv Hall Iftir a -Doliceman. and it was stated thit?! a., rhan- Had cut a woman. ,i A : : J'i ". : It seems that! Fraakairter, . dolored, J nad a row with a wonwi nameu tiuy, and he aVe i-her 'a-oelatiner ahd at tempted to jcut hef i With; a knifje-. fie slashed her dress apl"ospf the breast and shoulder, but did not succeed' in in flicting a youndi The locality where; the row occur- red- is nick-named' Egypt," and it (i s th scene of much noise and many dls turbances, though': it., thej midst of; I a respectable jieighb6rhobd. One of the residents tells 1 us. thkt ot the night ' bef ore'v the i 4th of, July hej woke up l a!: few minutes. ! before", midntght and just as the clock was - strjling '12 o'clock, "ushering 4nM rthe : fclorykus. Fourth,' some musician -began to sawj on a fiddle and .a racket, of a dance wsbeeg'un and kept . up" till daylightj Frolics and rowsare the order of the -day in "Egpyt," and the. neighborhoo is' subiected to freauentianhoyance!b .thei class of reotle ho . infest . th :T thing DeWitfs iWtch Hazel Salve ji: the' finest preparation on the mar test for -piles." So writes Jcchn C Dunn, .of; Wheeling "W. VaL Try it arid you Tu tmng tne same.' it aiso curea eczema and, all skin iiiseases. , RJ R, rllamy. q A - ';' A .!" I t - v . 1 iM ( : - 1 kMiraciiJoiis Ben efitj h.:" A L DECEIVED FROM - Dr. Miles' New Heart .' Cure. IM A - f LI IP. BABCOCST of t Avoci, N.T veteran pf the - Y. Artillery ana for thirty yearstt tho Eabcock Sc JJunsel Carriage ,Co4 sof.;Aubnrn,saysf ! I write to extxress my gratttude lorthemirac- 1 lous benefit fjeceediiia DrJircsf Ucart Cur. I su"TodQty ears, as result or army itf, frotn eciltk t7hlch:A?ctpd my heart ii the worst fcrtn, -ny 'llsabs welled trom the ar.Ule3 up. !I bloated-until I was unable t button lay clotting; haS' ihafp pains about 'the heart, smothering spells jand shortness' of j breathy For three months I was unable to liotown, and all the sleep I got waain anjarm chair J. T iras tiate4 by the best doctors but gradually gre w wprse. About a ycal ago I connacuced taking! Dr. flfiles New Heart Cure and It saved my life gilfhir9 mit"pl": ' .'I"""1' , ;Xk Ulles'i Eeqicdics ie Sold by all drug gists Wder a positive guarantee, first! bottle benefilsxor money Mt funded. Book ou dis SO- UOOH OU OlS- ;rf , r v , of the heart andf ? eases niferves free. Address, utx i I MpK, MILES MEDINA 00- Elxhart, lad. Mf !' Sf40-A -A?- ;h'A-1 ixriti0 ' . i: i! -- . .-V : fltfyrs ... - .1 : m Mv.''i .1. 'J iiV.-'K;1 :: y : A ii '; ; 'A.- To Be Made ..on the City cjf Santiago by Our : ; Land and Naval; J? prces. SAl TO ENTER The Bombardment Postponed to AccomplLsh This and 1 l . "i ' : 1 . , ers :td Leave the City False I 1 . - r . . ' . , Watson's Fleet ito Spain- vera -and I Thanks td Com y Washington, July 5. As; a result xof. the cablnejt meeting today instructions wei.seht by! thie president to. Admiral Saibpisoji ; ihd yGienerai Shaf ter to con?, fer togetr er concerning aAjoint j lan of jbttatK upon 1 Santiago XTpon' tbt? " " 1 - - - - , - outcomti ,c f ; this conf eYence ! depends theline. t f utt fdn for the lnmedi:tt. futuie.jFvr Ihe : present th'w land bdin barvJmetit by Ceneral Shaftur s forci -s has ! beeh deerrkdd, as j th situation has so 'ooripletejy changed by the att nihiiatioii ofMthe.' Spaniah ' lieet that ltd3 manif sstly ihe part 0 vi:sd"m for this:: land bombardment j-to awaltj ih ito-operatli n j "and support of,, a bom bardment ftjom Adrph-arySampson'S tleet. V-A to the close of "off ice hours today nci t ,,or'fljad'1eome' eHber to the war or n. .vy. department," so far a$ was ilscilo sed, as to, what " determina-i Tlon ,had( t een reached at the conrfer- ! 1 ' - ' ! r -. : V -- --- - ' ' enc. At he same .time. U ,is the ex pectation f ' thej authorities rieri thai the confer "hct w ill' result in . a detef minatibiij 1 y the! admiral, to ' take hi fleet through the nartow ntck of the harbori maHe. bis way' past -the! shore Ijatteriisi dnd fortifications - and talie oSitio bifore 'tne ycity for a-bbm- bardme'nt.-j lhei reason, to believe that the 1rstruciions sent 'to -Admiral at. least corfveyed' -the de- Sampson! '.fiire, if : riot .the instruct ions, that he enter tne aarbor. But it-Is said that the admirall .and the general continue to be1, the- supreme officials 'in author ity; and that, belHg off the scene, fUlly alive, ttf iilti the conditions, -their Judg ment will be taken j as final inyth course toi bfe adopted,; j1 A CHANEL TO HARBOR OPJEJN. ! i There is jsald to be ho. obstacle, so far as navigation . Is concerned, tot. the entrance int the harbor of the rAmer lean fleet. The Christobal icblon which t cleafied ' thej aterripiac . and goput of inches,: whi is. Within.'? injehes of the draft of thej batt,ieship Iowa, Indiana, Massachusetts aid Oregon, -a.nd is 'greater thah the'draft"pf the battle-, shipfeTe xasj . Moreover, the navy de, partnJenfe has kndnlfor the '.,) ten days that tl ie neck of, theS-s iopenj despil e. th kibkjr Clfer rimac, and ; hat thereV 3 clear &ea way-of sev n fathoms, iJugh which any ship in our1 navy ou satlj This removes all, difficulty, V except from spbmarine mines, or from! the srore Daiteries., as y the mines, little ac count is" takfen'of- them since the Span ish fleet t payseci: over them ThSpan- laras are in ftnip; habit r using Contact mines, so that 'iherre is little likelli hood of there being mines- operated by eiecinc ; connection with the shores The ; forts and - batteries ha" been badly weakened by the constat t'-fire of the ffeet for many weeks past, and while still a factor,, they are-greatly disabled.: Onfce up to the city, theWet ana army cquio combine in a terrific double fire. No less Jthan 592 heAvv guns ican would qe trained1 if rom the Amef warships bn j the city, and at -tli same time : the big siege guns, which it is expected have been 'broueht tn the .fron-t of Shaf ter's line, WTbuld, rain down a; torrent of steel from that quarter. The- siegej guns !throW shells of 135 pounds. Aside from ! them are four Morton jhowitzsers and a large number of siball howitzers'; These are in. the heavy artillery, i while! the lleht artillery embraces a great . number of guns of 3.2 calibre. Combined, this fire from land ard sea would beytefrific; in euect i The action lf the foreign , represen tativesjat Santiago! has been an addi tional reason for! deferring the bom bardment. It was! made known late today .that one ofMGeheral ;: Shaf ter's dispatches stated Ithat these "represen tatives had Joined In a request'- to him to put off- the shilling! of the cit( for another brief period, until their res pective colonjes Tould be : remyved. This accounts for the departure of .the foreign wajrships froip Santiago har bor, as they are bearing away the foreign residents ; before the bombard ment begins. The activity of the con suls at Santiago has led to no diplo matic compllcatiob thus far, and ' the authorities 'her! feel ' that .nothing of that nature wll develop.' - liiA't U: The. state department today took oc casion te dispel some of the! Spanish, musiwis over ine; escape' of . Admiral Cervera's fleet, lit Seem that: XTaiH.i Is not alone in the belief that the fleet made a handsoihe; ortle from i Santia go and left the Abierlcan shipjn far in fhe rear. Today ( a. cablegram come from United States! Minister LUnls. at Caracas wayihg thej Spanish residents there wer&glofijryIng in the 'Spanish naval victory.: The., minister was In formed briefly Mtaia - Cervera's fleet had been destroyed., th admiral made piiauiiar, 1 uqu Mnai s,xenerai. 3hafter had . demanded th surrender of the vity. . ' . L. The definite official report reaching here today that hr Spanish fle?t had entered the; Sue j canal' made no change in' .the planst of the navy .de partment.! ,as tQL pending Commodore Watson's- squadfen to the coast of I Spain.: Secretary xng said Jt jvoyld fistart at the earliest possible Fwomebti hut' he did not careVto frive flic day of depf iture. 4The annihilation: of the 'Spanish fleetd continues- to be ap absorbing topic asrwng. naval offiaials. and they are giving most; generous praise to Com -mddore Schley fori the notable man ner in which he directed the 'fight;, when the Immediate; command fell la his lot. . The commodore's friends have long predicted .thai i if he secured an opportunity he would render ood ac count: of j the .fighting -ability! of the American! navy and! they are glad this opportunity was! afforded. . It is one more, r 'and perhaps the (greatest achievement, in a'ilohg line with which Copamodore irSchley'H name has been associated, others i including the relief "of. tfc Greely Arctic ! expedition Aand the command of theiBaltimore at Val paraiso whn' war was imminent as a result of a mob attaclTon tn Amer ican Wue Jackets. j " : y f COURTESIES TO jSPANISH PRIS : - ONERS. j s ' 'A graceful "courtesy, was today,ex tend'ed to the captured Spanish ad miral, Cervera, v byf the president Through General QreelyJ chief signal oicer, permission -was sent to Cer-j vera to communicate with his family I In Spain by cable. Permission was also ' granted to other Spanish officers to use, the cable to transmit personal , messages to friends In Spain. The mes-; sages will, of course,! be carefully -censored and nothing-will be allowed to pass that would be 'of asslsstance In any manner .to the enemy. N'4val BattleIIastening Prlpa rations for. Departurc! c f ;'' ; :-M i !::. yy .- , r-. rf.- ; -r y.fii'; I -'ytt.-li'-. ys -f: -i h. ;-y y - i 1 :. !- - . . ' . Reports by the Spanish asTvto the 1 I 7 a I - ' : . .. - - Courtciij $ :Ul!-t ' .vi 4y iy -.y: r i !-:. - 1 i : -I ; - t 1 - t- . "i tV Allow Forcfin 'ry , ; j : j Other Iri4oncrs"i-Resolution ' of modorcl Sehle cv y-i - 4 r j Rl?SOLtTIpNS TIjANHINai i . A A, I SCHLEY. A: A'.mA :RenrijsniaiV Brry. of i K4ntcki". a membf.r or in nou xomnuiie'. on foreign aff aim today introdul:d tti followlK-aiht: resolution: t- M "Re4ivd,HThiat th Jthanit bf V-ari- grss alnd ofj the Amer can pKjpleai hereby ftenderd to Ctn modorc SchW); t'nit States!, niavy.Vand the - offlcrH und- ine)ti under hi command for thet-; heroic and qitlnguisltl! conduct l destroying tlM S)artlh flet n u yubi waters on-tWeystd of JUly UsUV The jresolutloni was referred to th I naval atrairsl commlttei. I ' ' LMr. Berry,1 in ixsaklnir of his rolu tionj said: Tl! iirepose that the ottU Vy U jefer to whom! the glory -In-d4. lt b AV4 ' ! j recognlied.- Schley la tti r the incident,! He an ttoe br of bfneera -ami nin"u ndjer hl ate dirH ticm iare the imk- ,wh ed thie Vlctori arid all the hon rbe given the WHAT TO O WITH THE I ERS The yuestldn? of what dlspos make df tbe Spanish prisoner.' by the United Stated is catwr !war department some nerptexl matter jwas .Btvler discussion but' -fcrtrtarv ;Alr!,iAtl init is6in had beeri reiacheq' as to the to d jaaen. 5 i . Av RtCRUITIN'G OFFICERS. Recru lting-ofneiers for the Thii iment of voluhtelrr eiigi peers" ar Htabllsltied at Richnkotid,J Va.; pjja N. C.-;i aVanriahl-j Ga.;. lAia-;, Nw Orleans, Austin. Texan; uquerqfueMN; j M.; Nabhville-. ffjoulsvllley KV,5 St Little Kkick, Ark the; regiment Kvill be racks, Missourli SBWS FltOTI m f 1 A ' Ml PA C WuTy 5.-The first s earner of aj.,lv on rj, khi.!tuL "riew E,L "f11- t ft looked in-fet Manmalmb" nn r.'.i.t 1 - . i 1 1 : . y, iu.ird on. htor .wail tA Spbmus t. ' .e xukbm rlvt-r andiO. H. St. rnli " ook tn; 'OpprtrjulMtYMtA p08ti to .Van ouver some Intefrestintf Dartlcuiam at ne stace .of kffdlrs in the K!KindiSiif eglon' and oh hn ri4i .1 .Z.- Yukon itself: Me says:! M A V-J, ; .A. i'T"1 W letl l t. 'Michaels bn 'June.j 40m. ine Newj England was the first Steamer i that arrived af t imui,i. where tteveral hntk-rni TY'lf hOT inP V"k(in river traffic river boats buildlngf for the 1 Yukon 'opened -: at Dawson .is trade. The . Yluk'n rlvtr JJawsoni on, May fefht uoouea. I - -; ; n 1 1 i -mere is a gredt dieal of sickness In Dawson. the death irale being three to I four sdailv. TvrihrttH ,.r,A..,.iy ;.. scurvy , Jrel , thi i pfc-evblllng ailments. ' flt is HortM thM, there are 16.000 v cjtalms it-cprded dny 1 about ; 200 a are on al paying basis. It is estimated '' that from itio.w.qod jto i4a,ooo,ooQ will cbmerout 6f. the touhtry thl soring. ' Cpl "1 sooa an on ims will be: composed last year's dutput. Oatcominsr mln- 8 say Chat nw miners will have to of to i feiitii-ely J iievv y irrbund for f di. fangs. At ii-'ort,- Yukon on Jun. bmi iinre was ?9 hAurSlEUTriinutes' ' "iMany j claims are, obuinab; J20. , ,M ) :'.'The pll ta!i at Dawson. e :inrPIe rtira ja Soex y i':y .; 1 -. Canaf ' M'M r .-.rr-! Port Said, July BTli Spaaish 'fleet funder thd command of Admiral Cama- ra,: consisting ftf jthet Pelayo, Carlos v. Patriota, Rapldo. ! Buebosl Avres. isia ae Pfenay, -Hart FraAcisco' Luzon. san Augustin. fend San Ignacio I'ida ix)yata ;h 4s i entered he TSuez canal. TheSpiinish torpedo boats! whleb ordered were witK thei fleet hav4 been tpMessiiia, Sic: ly. KlHIorceraeuta fori fttaarfr.- 1 . 1 .( ... , . 1 . Washington July k-hThe' Sedond brl- D-yv. ui iBCjcirm uivcsion. 01 tne bec- .4. j - i - ' s . -. . : 1 - Hiiia army corps, Woke chmo at Camn Alger this afterjnobn.f-ana started on Its Journefy to Santiago to reinforce General .hafterjs rmy. ' Thei-Second-brigade .1 composed lof the ! Eighth1, Ohlo. Slxtih Illinois; and Sixth! Masaa- chusetts, Gerterat Garfetsn rcotnmand- lnT-' KiM-y y :'" "-: '.'. - Charlestpn. S.i Jbly b.-Theruis-' ers Yale jand'.Wmblaj arvd ofT-' Charleston' ar; f tHis .j mirnFngj They come to tarry i an expedition of - 2.500 soldiers 1 reinforce General Shafter. Te troona are ien route - to - the citv and will arrive herfe tombrrowc I Tampa, Fla!( July 5. Severail ! trans ports jhavle sailed from PorU Tampa within 'the past! .wtek ckirVinig larire quantities) 6f wair I m'unltlnri9; hnrw light artillery anklboutf3,800t tnen t reinforce General Shafteir .at. Santiago.'- A -, -t- -j J - ' j j ;,.; - Tbe Cqban Cable. Kingston,. Ja,; July 5J The opera tors id tHfi' W'eit India land Panama cable station at Santiago de Cuba have ! susplendd; business "ypri account of the ifighting ItneTie. I Cbnimunication With! RanHST! ls !- tflncatftn nnaa.. nnpiM 1 !Ay1 Te,ft:li Louis. Mo., I I'lri L The rend-" V.VLy- A 1 AsKAA-j : ofsun.. : i 16 for V W7l45: do i A! li - :.M-....-i 'i'-'i. qfiently.-la dlos, but bbt' with. Cuba.,"5 '' j li i ne. cable-: to Santiago bad. been con4 hpcteqV wib Clehf Qegos I by the j San4 tiago cable, and jthe line' from here Is. now wording, toj5CJeiifuegos, aid di rect ibencte jto Havana.. -1. , .y f f ! yA 1 uamwu. ActaM imu mmtmw ft 4 . tUrt farther tjMaaavatfer ABsomtcly Puro .-. I 1 . . AA1 Cv!--F l I MM:-'-" r-'M,'M:-" WQVM. MMOHQ OW0M CO., NEW tOUK. Ha - ' y 7(y i'- - - y mmu l!Ai !I - .A A ' . I tA' a Ir il i,l!-:-1; As": I mm MWMnlV !A j kA : y i i ! lit p -II 3 I .- it t i I it -:; ! I. : : F-W J-.4, I . ,AA': "iltftiArA ly -';!-'-!';' ,i'-- ,t-' ! t"; A M 1 Mi: 117 M$ TS ' - " ' ; ' v: ''- . :::. v ' '. fy y !'