J I : i -.- .:,,,,..;... : . ; - :.r , - .-. . : :: ;- - 1 r,; : i . t. . , : .:-:-4:r - --" ; :j : : .5 . -'.!-- .: i- ' '" ... ! ' 4- i m- ." .-- ! - ' -'- ---.-' '- " -v.- .:-;. . --;.- ; I , r J' 1 i ' : f " : 1 ' : v?J , I ; ! -- ' 1 v''j'rtt- !'! 'v ' p- h - H i ' "- j 4 i - s - jl! -t T - '- jl lj- '"j : ' !r' . ir-: i;i-;H-:v ,: 1 rUi--.ri-i wiv'z !iy:H'm- nm: '-.';:: :- .r-; i-mm M & - ' r1 . 1 - , ,i , '.,.:. ..' ' 'j' i 1 ! . ' , r . " i ' i i '; i . i i 1 1 . i .: i mi j 1- - HP 4-- p 1 r f 'if 4-' V P'f i 1 ' VOL! XL No. 172. THE The Two Houses ot Congress Adjourn in Very Dissimilar EXCITING SCENESIN THE. HOUSE mm The Lie Given ,a vrrsonal Ivcuntcr Narrowly.! A verted- Disorder oil , the I'lohrt-.The Breach i-IIealed'BoisterouH Closinj ('crcmonie.s Clicer for thjf president, Naval Heroes and Joe Vheeier-Dix,ie,":fl,inerfca" and ,Other ,t "Solids Kcndct1:d--Last iin Great I Washington, manner ho Mhnpl as to t)0; alrnOMt prefunctory pl stai t ndte,:,lt the- !pf : 2 :)0a o'tilock this after I noon tidjourh-d without- day. I None of the idfam.itlr anl f x 1 1 1 1 n fe- HvnHUhu- K .allTf-aiteridanti upon t h - adjournment . j !OfjgpHHr wan 1 " fiiaotcd cJurlnK 'the t:lJHillg hollltf rtf: tlli K'Ilat'H, SfHSKJIl. It had brt-ii 'ajcivd,: :h-n 'thi senate !onj'-nfl lij noon I hat the hoitwe rcso- lutlinl providing fon the adjournments: or ofiKrefl att z; cluck p. m.. today xhoiihil b Hdoiiei i and Ah at an execu- live wHBloti i tdiould be Jit'ld to confirm he niornibitlions jiji th'b inilltaTry and nuvitl' esjtaibli.shrtwnta. T Js'o other busi : i'ie,.lfxe-i)t of the m"efH.-Kt routme na- turd, "wan I to be -transacted, i The i .ar- ranje'r j as carried tout to the let- lfr. ! KelnatorjMorftaii, rof Alabama,, oppos ed adJou!riimerit,! inamtalniDK. tttatJt ... ,wouijl s be Ifar. more: des:lrabl' for coh- irrefts ! t 4ake a -recess l until . the- firt H 'Alondky fjn September: He- ,said; 'Tliiere isJ absolutely no rtecessjty or ixn Adjournment at this trmei. It i is -aJ ' PJepi : Thus. Tar the 'president has not i Jndirated i to coiikt-hs.- I.ho far .as . . Ii Itnkv that i he dusires to be ;nd of us i .micrimtil he manifested such a desrre, - ve figBhti to rernarn i here.'' i - . i i fejit Alli-n,"-4 Ntjbraskai also Op-i - p4ri adjourn niea . i - . i fieiitatori Sp'ni'ner.i offered aTes4gtijn i - thanking f Senator Krye; president pri f tempore of the senate, for the able and : ooutfteousi manner i in which. :be'. t had i . presided -over h ideliberations of tfie.i v .. wn4tfr" during: fh present - session. --Itj Vaa adopted. A similatrresoUitiuii ofin J'ere(3?by 4Setiat5r (jockrell, -of Missouri, s thai)ikJng;f Vice ff'resident llobarti-lwas i wdopted with.airousuiR! aye.s i i "V'ite President! Jlobat theri,! the; hour.) tif 2fo'clOf,k belrifr inditated by thr sen- ; ute time i piece, 'lormaTly declared': the ; tsenattf: adjourned 'without day. f , - -: F(jr i nearly an hdur previous tor adr i Joui-inrnertt, ''President -McKinley and sill tW rnemljers of- his'rabinet, except eiitetaties Day and Longt were in the ' - jjiejf dents' room, adjoining the senate i - 'haAiber -During that time the presi-1 "dentf slsrted a largei iiumfier of engross- j id p'ills.i many of i -w hich . would have ; failed! had it been necessary to. send i 3hemf t.v-the executive mansion for his Migni'tuie. i i lekcna 'ol tins l session oi i congress ; in th' h.Nise was marked by two no : tabH"iliH'identsi. i Ones was sensational ly partisan, well ingli resulting in per- onal ffnriietsj upon the! floor of the: f- Jiouse) the other was notably; patriotic f -sind swept away all signs f the orm- t. i h r .. i-r - j I Air. Handy; democrat; sf Dt'la-ware, i Jjy liiovlug to Strike from the h'Cord:a jiart ufthe speech which appeared tas i , that of Air, Hay, republican, of Nev - .Yoik. precipitated" a--ilispute which 1 1 trough IJ on ai- clotjing jncident . of a i s -enrtatinal nature; duriiTK-which a? tiuesitionj of Verasity arose, between 'Mesisrs.i -fiasf anl -Handv, anU finally 3VIr. iCaimonii The (idinoc-r.i of Illinois.-by denouncing fsi fori delaj'lag -i business fy dialling for tellers on: the motion to titrilet out 1 came near, precipttatmg a i lot The-niae wjs hi ought into ser- '."Vie before hrder aw restored . i ;i la n dy , l in; nw v i ng ; t o. exvu nge' a of Air. JkarVs - remarks, declared- 1 M IaM the Jiart in "quest iorf was never utter-. fd vapon 4he; floor of the house .ajiu he readi from the; reporter's notes to cor-l j-ohtjrate his assertiori. i i ; ..-Mlf- i.Kay- declared e hadi uttered; ."t-Yf-jy-ifword-'j; I I I .' ! i i ""Mrjl Spleakor," tesumed Air. Handy,' "a iiiestion of veiasity has arisen lierdj. If- the- gentle'niao from iNwvj ,Yor)k jsays , he uttered 1 the .words in jij4tlOTT I declare upon niy honor- he "iid lHOt . and I UoUl hei'e the reporter's! not ts which sIioav i thatr he thd pot; and; ' I rrtlyi upon the memory of r members; to Substantiate what I fsasT'i . -.- S ' i A I VMS w-as takfn. The house ; dgj ciinedi to strike out thelspeech.- A -hf .visiif m was called forind the vote. -wan annpuncea. . i lie .rreBUVve vuie, again .lire-Mailed. - - .! i.;; i - I " AlK ifannon was, .standing just across ihe after aisle, fae Hushed amLeyeHj iixe 1 upon the minority, growing ap-j jarntly--indignant. rr - I -'-rri : "I hcalled for teller??;" Va id Afr. IIan Vlv: kn3vvTth thatfthe vrieran membe -from; Illinois ste'ppiwl inta the ;ai.sle and ftajdp I'-'You. ifcre deliberately, iobstruct-j me Dublic business in which the enif tirel country . is interested." 'The resu of Tils semarka were lost In-!the jee.rti t?f ihe -minority', calls for the regular v. ordjr and the resulting confusion, as ' 'Sfr.r Cannon charged nr the aisl6 sounng out -a! flood ot vigorous denun-i .iatlon. He had reached a paint op-f - posit Air. Pall; democrat, of Texasi 4Ir. icannon had called ifor the ; yea - xiyid 1 iia saying it wasi manifest that the (democrats wtnild call for then. Air anlhon had repeated hrs charge- , oi .obstruction tvhen -Air. Bail, addressing t he IreisublJilart tside; as lt-eubseqw?ntVv developed,-, declared ."the record U .: false and you knowv it was false wheit youi vuieu against i-urin.-uug . ; i -'That: is a' lie." cried Mr. Cannon; : ana in an Instant the belligerent mem ber$ were struggling to reach each oth$r,i.vhile many others weite pullinf and struggling to ; control' them. Thfc :hois?e; was upon Its feet, Alif.'-Alasoni Keep Your Ey e on this pace l and see what tners will .tel ryou bout Aetna. R. AI-. Wescott-writes :t Wilmington, C July 2. ' Ward, Esq. : ar Sir: t have been troubled with Indigestion and a Kidney. . t affection n a- .whlclj gaye me, at; times much painj - liaVe iseSl 'Aetna. T.ithifi. SViiter for. F . faart while, ! and' iind kreat relief.". It iaai proved helping to me.; i pope otri- era!. who I are suffering t with , similar trouble -Will try ' ; , - t j, : j .'. . f the Vater ; ad.. get such .results as have come ferry; Uhty to me. i; .T- ' n r i i .f.-.w. ,-.,, 11 South Fourth Street. Don't forget .that we are established .; at I W: II. Green's Pharmacy,1 and that wei are ready to -serye you ; all the 1 time ; at 25 k cents ' per gallon for pure Aetna Lithlai IWater ifrom Virginia Mineral Springs Company, Roanoke, ,Te iVtrgmia. :;-..--;. ' ENDS ! ft 'Manner 1 r Great Hours of llic.Senatc Contrast. n-Dublican. 6f Illinois. -siezed Ir, Gan nrm u Fid . I lif-iiKt him. aside and! W hpn Mr-Ball asked ' Mr. Cannon, to M?om4 ontslde'! and tin? latter was movlnte to cominy Mr. Lewia. demorrat. of V asli itiKton, i took : charge tif jlhe Illinoi, niftniben and restramea nim. i.eaniim 111141 hani ize the spak.i tiad been founding h and th4 serceant-at-arms had ise; the bigi silver; mace and .was naovln among jth? member where ithe great .... . . -:! stored-siowiy-anu a roil can priceeu- ed, while the galleries commented lUporij what, they liad seen in .the -course i ofi a visit to Washington. . ' t j ! The roll call upon MrjftHandy's rrto- irn to f striker out resulted yeas, r0; nays, lOfi.-f Later in ! thesession Jdr; Cannon: explained that Air -Ball! 'had! addressed his remarks, -not to him per-i sonally and, . thereforle, he desired t ?toi withdraw .his. offensive statement.' i i tl The house . then passed the bill i I to? reimburse the.-states; for expenses ; in-i wWired in transporting, feeding,. . ifcloth--: ikig andcaring for soldiers In aid ;of! organization of' the- volunteer army. i u The speaker named Air Henderson,. Al r.l Jlopkias of i Illinois, and ' Mr.i Richardson, ot Tennessee-, as. a ! conn! mittee to wait upon the president, iin ornpany with a flenate-.commlttee and nnJilnce--the jeadlness xt congress to. djoiirn. !" ' : f ' i, M i' ; "Mr.'. Speaker," said Air. Henderson,; fter the return, ''the president di rects the committee i to say that he- has no further- communications to make to the house and says he de-' ires to congratulate this--CQRgTS8j uron its. patriotic and faithful worlf..'"H The remaiinder of.- the session ; passed; without: inefdent. r At-2 o'clock,' uwhen; Speaker Tteed announcedv "thjs second1 session ;offthis: congress J adjournedi without: daw" -a great eheer arosgj and: hen begarua soene which, rwhilei sun-! liar to the usual closing scenes of ses sioris, far surpassed .in enthusiasm anas manifest good feeling any similar epinj node in the memory of the oldest mem- er of tfte house. 1 he occupants t or; he iiacUcLIEaileries "who. had risen to; go, paused -as "they heard a half dozen; members begin ' singing '"America, i Other members . , hurriedly - crowded; round the speaker's- stand and joined; he singers i until w:ithin :a -short itime! t seemed all the. members present were; Iding in; swelling; the. volume ofl i thei song. Presently a ivoice here; and there n the galleries joined in atttl'itwas not: ong until ,' 'members pand i spectators; were singing the patriotic: hymn, i ; i W hen the song ceased some imem-j er proposed, three cheers for th il'Naw twin s President, and the roar; - for sound that followed came from a umt- d house, i .; r :: i i . . i - u iv The '-North, Bouth, "neasl, XWest ' a Tnlted- Country," was proposed; i! anJ; hen in;--turn camtjf 1 the heroes of ! tha! war; - jxewey, . Schley, i iiobson, Hamp sn, and .nnaiiy-r?rmer Kepresentatlve; teneraj Joe Wrheeler ; who is! now! Hnging, though J 11, to his command; n "front of 'Santiago, was named-and; he hall resounded'with cheers or tnrii-i ling strength. Then . th5 singing procieeded. ; Mean- Ime Sergeantrat-Arms Russell Ij had; brought in 200 small .American . flags! and every memberl was now waving: one. The Star Spangled uannerr was; sung while fT-ags waved and the ! gal m cries heered. " Later! .followed van-. k(e Doodle!' and "Dixie," the latter,-: perhaos,- forv: the i first time in . the. house, was joined n by members! front-l every . section! of- the country.- Cheers! for the speaker -were given, i The par I riotic demonstration continued U a half hour a;nd then the ' members bet "gan leaving; saying farewell to col leagues.! "Home, Swevt Home it and' 'Auld Lang! Syne" supplanted the pa- trtotic sairsi iand impressed -- Imorei strongly; upon the- hearers -that another; session was 'ended. -1 ", -t " - U Clerk' .Ale Do well i-wn the . singing ceased mounted! the effe'rk's stand . and; 'fi nnounced thai . Atr. Allen, i of Alissis 1-ppij.,had opened a recruiting office in. the ways and means i committee! room; and a few minutes later. Air.' Allen, -Mnnlrlv known afi ; "Priwa.tft John.'?; arose- and said: - The . congressional, t r . . : --.. -" 1 ' rotiffh-riders will report to me in the committee room -and enlist i for Cuba.'!; The announcement iwas 1 suggestive! of his speech delivered a few days ago,' ip which he; proposed! that a company! off congressmen- be recruited. WTiy allow yourself to be slowly tor; tured at the stake of disease? Chills and Fever will undermine, iand e"vent ually break down the strongest consti tution. -T "Febri-Qura'' CSweet i Chill; Tonic with Iron) Is more effective thani Quinine, and being combined with Irons Is an excellent ! Tonic and Nerve I med! Icine. ' It Is pleasant to take, and isi sold under a positive guarantee d curej or money refunded.. Accept no substl- tutes. The 'ust as good"! kind i don't effect cures. Sold by J. C. Shepard,: JJ II.; Hardin and H. L. Fentress. Bob Moore, j of, Fayettevllle,1 l,Ind. says that for constipation he has.sfound DeWiifS. Little; Early Ris-rS to tie peri feet. . They never gripe. T.ry i them for stomath and liver, troubles. !R. R.I Bellamy.- -1: 1 , TinS-Ql'ABANTINE qrESTlOT . Raised by the Iteturu. to Tampa o ' SIek and Wounded- Spjdiers j From CUba. 1 j Tampa, Fla., I July 8.The arrLyal oi! a few the survivor of the 'battle5 r v,J .ntoii ih!n,.arJ r ..v . !- antine, question. The -president jot the state board of! health, said today thai the governmenjt 'ti&d. agreed to j abide by all the Florida, rules and i regula tions. It was left to the- discretion o thie physlciansUn; charge of this auar, antine station whether to pass any o the returning ' transpbrts or not. i'Hft said that if the boata were in good sanitary conuiuon iney wpuiai prouaot lyj be permitted to come tup the bay and land the wounded.- Dr. Porter, the state , health officer, by special f orders went to Key West lasU night ; to look after ! the .situation.: there. I J I i; 1 1 i 'i ;The srovernmejit I has asked that' ! a house to house sanitary Inspection be made of Tampa by the local authori ties, the reports on each inspection : tt be endorsed by the president of the state board of health and returned to the eovernment. This insDection will;! be begun Mondair nd to assist. In it General Coppinger has placedten (purj- mule teams at he disposall of (the lofl cat sanitary detoartment. rnese steps are to preven . any visit of sickness during 'the ilvhg- summer months. i ' .! ; V - , V -' ' . I ' j ' -fi! K';;r!l:r !E C. Banis, of- Lewlsvlllei Texas, wri's thafoUe "box of DWlttf s Witicfb H&1 Salve was worth.-. t.w 1 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises" othera to iry I U J(t . jbo cures eczema, - skin 'diseases ahd - oh- stlnate sores; ;!R. R. Bellamy,' 3 II:!. THE 0,lETIO OF PEACE The Pa Party In fadrld Strength .1 jrned NrBilofBrlal Dental of Peace . HKegoUattOD. I . - I s London, July f. A; pecll from Alad- rid says: tThep-e are numerous ei d 'DM that ths peace party is great ly, strengthened : Miadrid isi tranquil and the -expected I disturbances have not occurred. Probably this will env bolden jtae government to yield to the ktrong diploma ;ic pnt-8sure that is be ing exerted to :ring ithe war to a ter mination. I . , I Ei Nacionail remarks: "Spanish min listers who-jexpleet prodigies' of valor from the army iin Cuba cannot ompel the Americans to iflghi; there. hThe Americans imajf prefer to attack ; the Canaries, Iortd Rico and the Penin sula, and air Ei Naci,onaI says, having (succeeded, I they might 5 : impose; still more distasteful terms." I , u Then, discussung Captain Aunon'8 re liance upon the third squadron,- Li Nacional criticises ;the vessels compos ing it, showing! that. 'nothing tan be hoped from that - quarter. - The 1 In creasing difficulty of; telegraphic Com-, munication witti the?coltjnists is- add ing to the (government's . embarrassr ment since i it cannot ascertain what Is i: needed .fAr defence.; 1 . ; i Ihis evening considered the questions ' of new' cables land military measures necassa.ry in viw of an American at- tack Npon Spanish porta.j . as to peaces negotiations jar All rumors re 'semi-of- Iicially !(Jlared! tQ be unfounded, i- A d ispa tuft from Santiago says that after the Alfcrrimac .prisoners were ex changed General r Shafter again de manded : that thKV towm should surren der, declaring .tjiat otherw Ise the at tack, would ! recommence! at noon. The dispatch gi1es no date ifor the -time bH reHumiBion,:) whjich usVbelieved to be poon tcNoiorifow.! It 'comsludes by ' say. iris inai aunougn Santiago lac-ks pro Visions 'it will defend itsetfi until; the end. (: a THE. AK7II$TIK EXTENDED I ntll Noon 1 Today General , Xlnan ;: ronferrinsi Willi iffadrid bud Havana j'PIaji orActtOnjon'Heiievi-al OH HoKtt- lltle. ' f 1 , r , - I S.AIajoi: General ShafteVS ITeadquar ters, Before Sar tiagio de Cuba, JulyTT Cabled I From- M ingston, Ja., July 8 The armistice has been extended until Roun: jon i Sajurday, iin -orden. to giillow General Linares to communicate pith Captain j General Blanco; and ; With Aladrid.! ;-j; ,;J- ... r; -. j s , -; ;; i General Linares ; informed, General Shafter! that hej had no. telegraph: op erator, and One was; sentinto theicity accompaniedi by the British consul, IA W. Ramsden, under! the 1 British flag. j (Not a shot, has been; fired recently on either side, but work is" being push ed on jthe batteries apd entrench ments. -. Our! position; has I been : great ly strengthened . djuring the last forty eight hours,1 the American lines j ad vancing! to within ,40.0 yards of the en emy's and our hillside batteries over look and command the city. , ' General Lawtbn's i division advanced 00 yards, to the enemy's, great isur- prise. 1 The dynamite ! gun? of Colonel W'ood's rough-riders.! in charge j of Sergeant Hallett Alsop Burrowe, haa been beau tifully placed, hidden in a snugJ pit. The general health .of the-soldiers is: good.; The armistice is affording a long.: needed Irestcfor our imen-iand they ; are-now lit -good, shape to resume ngnting i I , ' I . - General Linares isi evidently weak ening and the mediation of. the bishop of Santiago! and the- consular ; corps may persuade himto surrender.' In case, hostilities iare resumed' the plan ; of assault- is :for: Rear . Admiral Sampson to bombard the forts at the mouth of, the; harbor; drivfng the pnen away, irom tne guns and nen land 1,000 iraen and occupy the1 forts, 'While Jaunches, wiith ! grappling .irons go In and: countermine! the1 harbor. The fleet wilt then enter land: bombard the city, supporting ; the ! land i'assault. , - General Garcia, the insurgent ; pom.- mander, reeejved orders yesterday not to attack the -Spaniards while the Tie- igotiations are on foot.' .K . !'.- n The wrecked Spanish cruisers- are still i filled i with .charred i bodies, j and ithe buzzards -are devouring, the . re mains. ; TheCubans,! by Rear Admiral Sampson's orders, have buried i :. the bodies of over 1100-1 'Spaniards i which .were washed ashore. i - 1 - SPANISH TERROI&AI... ! 1 1: ' I . I Plava del Este. " iGuantanamo "Bay. Cuba, Julys 8, 6 p. m. A -Spar;:h Sol dier, terribly emaciated! and so weak that !he could hardly walk, was picked !up by ; men from the United .States gunboat; ; Annapolis j today : at a point near' the entrance .to the Upper bav". STe had; no rifle; for he was too weak to eanry it. f According tot his s.tory.' ithere are manjp Spanish sSldiersn- In puantanamo! in . the! same condition -"of starvation.. i He says there.fs absolute ly nothing !tb eat there, bit that5 the sSpanisH; i are j daily told thkt if !ithey Burrrender to the . Americans they are sure to. be murdered, i i : ii I! A captain jand three . privates from Baracao came into,; the bay-today in a Ismail sailboat and were picked up iby the cruiser Alarblehead. ; They were ostensibly surprised and claimed riot to have known, that the bay was In 'the possession of the Americans:-. The report is that therejis ai great scarcity of food at Baraeao and that the ;Span- jish troops .there, are Tn bad. shapei Over 20,00( rations cor. reconcen- tradoS 'have, been Janded across the bay by 'Commander AlcCalla,- of ; the Alarblehead, iand the half starved Cu bans are flocking in from the hills for food. I; i l;i .-!:.. : r DIAHERtGODOArd FIGHT I Peter Itlaher; Defeat Joe 'Ooddard in fkight Rounds Coddard Not Knocked Out hut Give up the Fight. ' - :NyYork,i July 8 Peter Haher de feated Joe rOoddard iu eight rounds i-tonlght! at ! hG Lenc?s-A.tHletic I Club, iThey had been . scheduled? o--Jnght twenty-five rounds with five ounce oves- Goddard had defeated Aiah-r tn two previous occasions and was the favorite among the sporting element previoua to the fight. - "Goddard administered a 'lot of hard punishment on" his. adversary J but re ceived! a. terrific pounding while h& I doing so. iGoddard Iwas out a cou -. was Pie of times', put the beil saved; himi land I when he. qu4"Toward the end of the" eighth? rujid'he' was scarcely able: to stand on! his feet. " - : " j - At the isajne time, the fast work whlctf both f had: tone - through from the beginr-.in? had told wi Maher and he was unable to i land a blow heavy enough to finish the Australian. When the eighth round ojpened Goddard tried for the head, but- was blocked. Then he tried for. the. jwind, - but was met with a left on thel face. Ataher jabbed left on facer' and swung right to head; Goddard jabbed left on face and swung right; on headi Goddard jabbed left ! to face in nA Maher .-mbt him -arity. a hard right in thei wind. Goddar.1 was now unable tp defend 1 himself and held jhisiheadi; down with! ihisj I arms i crossed In i front Of his, face, i Maher went at him .: but! could t riot ' land a knock out blow. Goddard backed away ana stretched out his hand, saying as he did-so: "This is more .than na ture can stand," as he shook Maher's nana. . . The refree... Charley. White, theri awarded the pout to Maher. Time of roupd two minutes ftnd' flfT - s r WILMINGTON N. CV, SATURDAY?, WlIIA HOF'i'iniiiiii ?! ' - ' ... ,f A I - s - ; ' ; .' lf"H - l . . J- Ilobsori's Account of IIis 1 , Adventure: ALL NIGHT UNDER FIRE - '-if-' ' Tli Batterle, the lzraya and Infan try Along knore Open Flre--A Snbnia- : ! rlne JTIlne Explodel'nder the Veutel. The Tien Lie on Deck I ntij Daylight, Partly lnker Water In Prison LUt- eaing to tlae Bombardment Wl tueM- , the Battle pa Laud, i ''I ii : i !-"'E:.iif i i I i CopyrigM by Associate Press.) ? Off Santiago ide CUba, July t. Cabled "'It i i ' : I I ' Prom Kingston, ;Ja, July 8j 915 a, m, -Th$ retun i of Assistant Taal Con structor Richmond Pj Hobsoni of Mer '!'.!! '-ii !' I 1 . .. g. fimac fame,' to his ship, the.jflagshipi New York, afet night, was m&rked by wild enthusiasm. It-.was dak-when a shout I wt s 'passed along he ship that Ilobsoi was coming. jOnthe' su perstructure clambered : the w, ten deep, and;: )n: the quarter (ck the officers; clus ered aroiind tiie Hea lad- ! ! " ' 5 ' ... j r Z t der and .a hundred hands wtere; stretch ed out to giasp Ilooson's f It -as not until he ! was safe oncie more on deck I i I i Tf .. i T i - - ! . . I 'j . ' that the tcrew of; the New lYork cheer- ea, and thein . they broke out into a wild yell. which was sent ip over and ovelr again until the. men were hoarse. Numbers, of : N .1 . . . J . ' ine crew rusnea iorward on JUre quartjer' deck and a great group of jrn-n struggled- around the.! tall fig- ure of the man who had, dared so much. ' i 1 Hobson salt once more amling. his smates and iold the. story of his expjsrience. escape kand -nil prisonimeiit . in Afbrro castle. watchirvg th shells explode outside his -"! f i' ' .i '' 'it miss the entrance to the said, 'aa ! Ensiguf Powell cell! : ' I did nt ha'i bor," h in .the launc upposed. Ij headed east until Ii got t'UnSV bearings; ana then maae lor it,j strajgnt hi Then : came the: firing. ..-lit wasgrand, flashing out firstfrom one side Xf ' the 'harbor and theiji the oth r from thoset big guns on theihills. the Vizcaya, rying.mside the harbor, ijoini ng. in. I f "Troops-fiom! ;Santiagoj hacf rushed down when the" news uf thfe Alerri macs's cominar was telegraphed, ' and soldiers line I the foot bf the cliffs, firing wildly across and billing ;: each' other with their: cross fire. The Aler rimac's ste'eiting bar broke as she got to. Pstrella point. Only ithree of the torpedoes on "her side exploded when I touched the button. A Ihugesubma- i . i . , t 'fr,k: .l!.J.ri, :.-..--:;, .!.l"--'H:ii. . i IMPOElAjn1. EVENTS OF THE DAt. The Italie of Rome Says the Interveutioii of the Powers." J The Armistice To-dav I at Santiago S Whcn Hostilities Bgin Again Channel Batteries, Theu Land Men bers The inateFaited to! Action Congress Adjourned at 2 p. m.iio'clock .Yeste-diy, the Senate Withont Deilionstrhtiori. She. lToue in Wilcl Tn niiiU. Twrt, Mini- - . I : - " ' i i : 1 I . - i i . M s A . L.aijne ISear toUlowsr;13iiringhe Day. I I ? ! ! " udge ot tne w estejrn Aorth Carolina District and a JSumber oi Military Appointments. , 1 , TlielQuarantin4 Question is Le crilr J!.J 7ji 1--.J b-e r'f Several iArmyl Officers Were r'l j , Several lArmyj Officers Were t J Hobson from IIis Prison Fight of July 1st, I ' . J ! j . Peter Maher Defeats Toe Goddard in Eight Rfounds, ..'.''-..,.-' -' . ' r Hobson Gives a Thrilling Account off His Adventure on fthe iMerrimac. rine mine caught ,hert full amfllships, hurling Jthe water-ingh in the air and tearing a; great rept in (the Merrimac's side. Mer stern ran upon Estrella pointi At that time she was ;across thes-channel, but before I' !.' '( !- I . . ! she settled the We were all tide drifted her around aft lying! on .ftie, deck! Shells and us. Six-inch came tearing bullets whistled around shells from the Vizcay into the Alerrimac, crashing into wood and whll iron and, passing clear through, e; the plunging sholj s Irom the fort broke, through her( decks. It was only owing Ito the splendi4 discipline of the! men not all killed. Shells and minutes i became that we were rained over us hours ot ! sus- pense. The men's .mouths grew parch edj but we mustjlie tljiere until j day light, I. told themi No'-and agap. one or. other of I the men. Joying with , his faqe glued to the deekKand won(ering atiether the next shll would notsoome our way,! would say": i fHadn't we bet ten dropioffi nowsirt' l-but I aid; 'Wait till daylight.' I I . . i " . , t'JIt would have beeiji impossible to get the scatamaran any i where:. but to the shoreywhere the soldiers ! -stood shooting and II hoped that iby day light we might be reedgnized and saved!-" The- grand- old Alernmaci kept sinking. I wanted to go. forward t and see the damage done there where near lyj all the fire was directed, but' one man said that; if tl rose it would-draw all the fire on: thet rest. I lay motion less. Itnwas splendidj the way - these men behaved. . The fin e or the soldiers. the batteries and the Vizcaya was on full. : When I the water came upon the Alerrimac's decks, ' the ; . catamaran J floated i amid: the wreckage, ; but! was J .1,111 i a i I 1 A. A. J.l' . : j. 1 suiu niaut ii iu me uoom ana caughtrhold! bf the edge and slung on, our ' heads berrifabovje water, i "A Spanish iaunchr-fcanie toward -the Aferrimac We agreed titr--capture her and ran. u Just as she earner close the Spaniards saw usUand half a en marines j jumped up and pointed their rifles at our heads. ; 'Is there any officer in that boat to receivej lia. surrender'riof prisoners! ! of war?' til shouted, ; Ati i old man leaned out under the awning and fwaved his hand. . It was Admiral Cerverai f The marines ' lowered their rifles i and we were helped.-into thej launch, i i . "Then we were putjin cells In Alorro castle.: It was, a grand ' sight a! tevt days later to see the . bombardmenti the - shelte i striking ; and bursting around El Alorroi Then we were taken Into Santiago. ' I had1 the court-martial room in the barracks. My men were Ikept prisoners in the hospital. . From my window I could see the army mov ing and It was i terrible to see those &iiu ii . tio i ici 1 1 iyic ui oirrr? iiose poor lads moving across the opeji and being shot down by the Spaniards in i:"'-'"' :'-r"fy-VL ; fier - ?ay l"e Paniaras jDecame as fflpoiite rCi " r," "JU .LrrJ?!- changed." I ; j " f 1 1 ii i if .xnow tnat Camara has passed through Mie aaez canai ana uervera is wiped put .Bostons ought tt: Be able to leepi souna jenougn to maxe up for olst time. Cervera did not hear of the affairs t Manila uitil ;he was captnrea. That iwas a (rather large-sized shunk of hard luck story for one day. . i 14- ... i .' " , fT!tT" -.4 !; '! ' . .L ! - IV. !'"; '" . I! ; i -.11 ..!. f i '-'!,. ir - J , . '- ' ''."J1.,. I ii .. . " -s . ; 1 ! . Continual Pgace !.Ta?k. IFURTHES tVIDEKGES Of Spaing InteUtldt tuBrli the War to a Close Tl.e Action of Admiral Ca- nara4inert 1 Llit are Actio n (lvea 1 i .Reasonable (f ope of Hi In !l. : : , 1- I - V I i ntlou to Surrender QWeatjion a to Dipol tlon Adraifl Crvera-D LandlnS SupleaiFron&Tra eultjr iu port. tjjjl- is' .Wash nton, 8.-r-Ther was ; a ay and n. those continuation oi peace taik' t m'ore evidence; in (this line tl of !3'e5ttrday jjjre roming S t the fur- Siclji for?:insstance waa Jthe con flrmatloin iat tle. til !, I i .L-f'i'i tate deparrlment of he Cadiz ! Aett was toe; ! report. inai rei rning-(to Spairt since 5t is scarcely cnceivabie thfit he Spanisl'il govern menu puid dotmrthis last iy nnant of , Jit ' f LJi ,tin ''i J, their nuet to-d'-Sfsuction at tie hands r i i j i, i i. n ii ,- of W aUson s squadron, whi-Ii in- all ; s-u, probability couJd 7 head it off: lefore it reached adiz.i-iij home por There-, fore thej apsuini-'t n is that t e Span- ish j govefnmejf .ti calculates ; precedent! that at least! art drmisUieJ e peace will' be cbtainei before the-ships reach I Spain. :f-An uriuauallva uafinite repoir was in tes had f peace circulation;! that Jthje' United St beensoiknded itf the interest by the i: British inibas-sador, 'I t when it: was i broughttoj Sir Juliaraj jPaunae fote s attention hit1 authorizeit , an o pjlicU dejnial ari'1 said he. had.l lot. com municated! witlViithji. government in any way regiardmg'iihe, termination of the war; ' 1 ; ! j j j . . ;14 ! niUonditaons at-; Santiago aisKH are. re garded i&sl favorable just nor accord ing to iGeneral Shafter's- dislpateh re ceived! quring v.he! forenoon Nothing more calmp froi?-i hMm during the -day, but ' tl&e ihipresioh prevails;) :hat. the Spanish; are hf al ' desperat plight within th4 linesi of the, city iuul Gen eral Shifter's actjon in JaUa.ni'g 1J nareS tp jcomnunhcate - free' v Willi Aladrid lis an implication i -:t Bi it i there isi at least a reasonable hopejljthat th Bender, i Howevler fhat may flue every preparation is 3! mai aiding for a ireat en- gagemeiSit,! th4-1 fin al -one at Santiago, it! is. hoped, which may begirt even- as early aa Itomorro'w if Shaftt't-'.s rem foreenieht8 are! on hand. Thief depart ment has not! Jieaitd &o far an the ar- rival of . tHese So9iliers. butl beiioves .they have! reacilled1 Shafterj rlii' - rti' ..(if. I ;.:,,.. I Si ;! . Spanish c abirtet Opposes" Pleiiice S 4 isi ContinuediAJiitil 12 o'cabek Sampson Ai'ill Bombard jthe and Take Them. the No'mmat Irk ill. rtf Vurort A Vii Raised m. Tamajby (he Ret irri JiJ -. . i i j Prom jc j Prombtedelstklrday, Aiiibng Window Iliad a JFill Yiewot the i , ,) i : i -i , -T 1 i ! ! L The gfeatefet difficulty that! has been ncb.unteried J is i in. the-lariffl ing of trpops jarid supplies. JfTh-is Wing the hurricai44 sasdjti, Land! tiie wBnd'.'set ting tjraighl ccithe -southerh coast the masters pf fle transports "nave be come alaj-mjed' nl have- taken their simps .many.fimHs-s lout: to sea,' Inecessi fating loSg journeys, by tlwl ships boats, :.jwhih jnake j their andings through th suf f with the t greatest 3iffc'ult: r i "a id latie. - So 's ow and tjedious lias b&n ithfe seryic ? , under ,tihese con(ditionSj tpat 1 SecretaJy Alger tias ordbtfea GOTietal SShaf ter Ito seize tlhe transpcrts hnk .and: ail iji ldplace them as near. tie (coast as ,he. chooses without ifei ard;i tq the fears i of their m astern . ;: i A - ; - - --x The gbyernmnt has ; not yat deter mined how I to msptose of Admiral Cer- yera..vjA flireg jof .!$he higpiest ad miration pTevaigs here at thej4gal!ant tjyi displjayid .bjr- tihe' 'old' ivarfior and he noble) fPirifi eihi'dited ibyjtiim u,n- aer mistog-tunea ne. disposition is , to treat htai withj as great: litlrty as iiohdJtiorisj I willy permit, .k it Has been proposed; ithat h Uo released -if l parie but itf Wasi moll yet been; decided whether! ttp dolthis or to -ftodfirie . the admiral Wchnifalfy within tae limits of the al irsefrvaticn 1 at:i.nnapo- :-.!ll-;: . j'1."'!!-;-: :' : rbp6rt !o3 the (appearance of a Spanish brif: Off the fo'ist. of 'British Cplum which appears te have created s commotion ou the northwestern tame.ftlme one of j the- gov emmgnl agents . in hat. sec tion .of Ki' worfd." Aloreover, ihe same person! said that two : vessels wera taking L on coaE ait a' British Coliurl-t blan port! whic! ik was I resu ed .was intended for tlie Bpatiish should Pacific it have made its hvay intp th .Ocean through th; Suez can U Jl k ! ' w aJb Washington, (July 8. The president today i siemt "thse nominations to the S&nateC ' I Brigapifr getierjals of volunteers to be major! genefalHamiIton US. Haw- ikins, Hehry WUiawtfflfit : Jdna- R. .Chaffee ind Jh. Bates. ii To Ibel - britfadier " eeheal si Colonel Ionard Iwood, First regiment United States volunteer cavalryT ,-Lleutenant Colonel) Clhambera, Twenty-fiilst infan try. To &el colonel Lieutenant .Colonel Theodore Roosevelt,'! First ilregiment United ! States Volunteer! cava nr. These! - nominations Were ali con- .firmed; i n.; The Spanish Consul OflTon His Faeta ! -r Jt J I T.-.l-rrt c! 9 n ln ni On.n i i 1 r b . A. f '' Msh coflstll at Hong Kong cables that I the insurgents at Cavite, Manila bay, . nave , "reyoiteoj against met - Amen Cans.! I He adds that a. sharp! fusillade ts exchanged and that the result Is I not known. : j j In, another part of his dispatch the SpahlsBL fconsul makes :the lassertios( I that, the majority of the Philippine in surgents have; received the American I reinforcements wkh hostility "because they inclladed nnmhers of negroes; -t i- r-- ;Spah Is being severely ilpunished ion of 1 aieer :Ria isch! a foast. for fightmg on Sunday, : BADLY INJI BED SOLDIER 1 Private Hazier Who W a Hurt r the ! Premature Dlx-harge of a Cannon at j Fort ytmeon Broaght Here and (obi- !-mltted to the Hospital. j Hospiul! Steward ! F. P. Connol ly, of the Igarrison t of regular i Unit ed States oldier at Fort Macon, near Beaufort, X? C, arrived here yesterday Afternoon with PriVat'a J. . J. Rotier, who was so terribly injured on the! 4th ot July while . firing a salute at .the fort. Thei injured isoldier was . com mitted to (the Unitedj States Marine hospital and Mr.i Con nolly returned to his post: : ' j . ..' -. ' j ''.'. i At 12 o'clotE nf th' 4th the. battery detachment started itofire a salute of 45 guns. Private Rozier was swabbing out the-cannon add' 'after about !i 15 shots had been discharged he rammed another load and; before the rammer could be withdrawn! there was a pre mature discharge;' It lis presumed that a piece of jburni?g iBponge had been left in the gun afadftjie vent hole was not securely plugged. ; i ! ! When the discharge took place the rammer was splintered and shot out otfhe cannon with such force that it wasNnever seen afterwards. Private Rozierxreeeived a bad bash, across the abdomen.xa splinter entered his right thigh and ?ame 6ui -bear the! knee, ,f !.,. 2 I T . , .'. and several splinters stuck in his right -,. x!i,ui. I; Vf; fine nierof Riilintr nn ; inch and a half long rwasj pulled from the eyeball by Steward Epnnolly. Private Rozier had hi's chin stripped of the skin so that it hung fdow,nf. under his throat, and his' left hand was badly lacerated. .His face and hands ' were badly burned,! but with -alP hta ter rible injuries he; borc4' up' withNthe most superb courage . i 11 .It is hop.ed the injured soldier will not lose the sight of, his eye, but no dduibt he will bedisfigured forji life. He I is about 22 years of age, I and; is the bnls son of at widowed mother who lives in? Indiana. ' las.i Texas, when war .He was inJ Dal with Spain; was" declared, and though he had a good jab in the railway mail service' he resign ed and e'nlisted in- the regular artil lery .-service. ; You need Cod LiveriCll, you say bjut i think you can t takel it 7 Try "Aior srhuvln" a perfected! - ''Wine of Codl iLIver Oil." You get all the virtue! of the Oil, without the I disagreeable ef fects. Sold by J. C. Shepard, J.iiH. i Hardin and H. L... .Fentress. . ;i Mr.. Jouck in tlie Newport Yacht Hacea ., ! -!. r ;. ' ',, . h ri .'"-..;..!':!:, A Newport, R. I.' dispatch in The jNewrYork Herald of lJuly 5th sayai: i "Mr. Cornelius Vahderbuilt, Jr.,- Won the .race of 2t footers,! for sweepstak ers today by the cteverest kind of seamanship on the wind in the second round. The North parohna, which vas sailed by Captain SamnH. Seaman: ia the absence of i her owner, 'Mr Pem1 broke oJnes, led at the end of thei first i round," with ithe! Hera; i Vaquero HI., Veda. and Wawa following in the order named. Ther was no change in i the positions of ,the boats, on: the second round except tht the. Veda worked up: to the front of the fleet and Lwon by twenty-three seconds.".: i i ;i . i Mr. Jones' yacht iwas third in, the race for- the Kavadai camp'j The Herr ajd i of the 6th contains a dispatch which says:- .J v ' : ' i - - ,i-r.t. j "The ' thirty ! footers j raced today for the ' second- annual Narada cup, 'given by Air. Henry. Walters,1 owner of ithe steam -yacht Narada, ,' , ' i i ''The Vaquero III.;ldd on the run out before the wind, and on the beat back, being especially wel)' handled, winning by over two minjitas lover the Wawa. fu'Mi6 Cornelius: yknderbilt, Jr., -got the Veda off forty-nine seconds behind the! gun, but sailed , a pretty . race. The start' was at. iten minutes -e3 o'clock.?' '11 ' ' ! "! ' t "!).-'- - ' 'VV'.f.. I ! 1 K. ' '' ! H - .i j '- ! !!: Repnblicau AVard Meetlns ; j r iThe republicans ! of the-fourth divisr ! ion of the Fifth Ward I met last night to select delegates "and. committeemen !to be. submitted; for ehdirsement , at ithe primaries to be held nexttThurs ! i day night jWilliam Sheridan i was chairman and James tary. . ' ' S ' 1"--; F .' G. Blain sacre- s The following delegates to the coun ty convention Iwete'agreed upon: E. M ... r - , i j ... . ' ; ' i- r Green, C. Wj Norwood, George Bell, alternates, James, GV Blain, Benjamin Barge, John "il. Slikw. Precinct com mittee. 3.' N. ; McUuffy, Wm. Evans, Wm. Johnson. . -.'5 i Win -your!-- baictifea,! against disease toy .. acting ' promptly. One Minute ' r.n1iifa Immediate re- Cough Cure sultsi When!' takri early , It prevents consumption. And later stages :nt "furnishes prompt relief. R. K. BeU -. lamy. . j; -!- Tarborp Shuts out. Wilson (Special I to The Messenger.) Wilson; N.'C.,. July 8. Tarboro shut the home . team out " today, j only two men going as far; as second. .Withers .for .-the yisjtjors pitched elegant I ball allowing joiiiy five hitp, no two in the same ipriing Fenher's catch of Rob- 1 ertson f,tne: :s fly w as the finest seen here.; " ' " It H E Tarboro .. U jr. Wtilson . . . . . : C. ...5 '11 ..a. 0 1 5 ' iBatteries-Withers and . - Accorsini HjOlloWay and LeQrand LITEST FH(n SHAFTER Tlie Soldiers Improvlnst Their Posi tion -Wounded j ipolng Well Few Amputatlona Mereary. : ! Washingt on, July 8. Thel war de-dis- '! ;1 ' ' pirtment posted patch today!: fthe : following! i"Camp" Near Santiago, July T, 1898. tHoni R. A. Algeri Secretary of Waf; - 'Perfect a.uit , today. At the ! ; re quest of Spanish general enniloyees of njngtisn came company; were sent into him 40 telegraph; his government as! to- -surrendering. Alenj ate in good -spirits and are . making : themselves more se cure every hour,' (i Wounds are muoh less dangerous thin similar wounds made with ; calibre 45. Among the large number wounded there are ! few amputations.! jeraaps ten wur cover it.! General! health) of the command is good. .One hundred: and fifty cases of fever, which runs! its , course in. four or uve aayn, jeui u noi senous. , 1 am feeling muehetter.. - , , (Signed) I ?vV -. f ; "SHAFTERJ "Maj joij Genf ; eral Commanding." I Camara Heluaward Bound ! :i - Cairo, Egypt, Jul3T8. Admiral Ca mara, the .commander of the Spanish fleet, which was bound for-the Philip pines and I . which, . recently passed through the Suez! caaal, has informed the Egyptian government that he! has been ordered to return to Spain- There fore, his ships will go through 1 the canal immediately! and will, proceed westward. I The Spanish warships! will now be allowed to coal, as tb,ey are THB BQ()K Report of Senate Committee on Investigation ! -' it Ii-"'-ul"-' - of the Fee to CENSURE ON . ! I 'if 1 !' 1 -!!- ' . . I ", ."' l - i - :L ::':".:!-;. 'y:p: No Moiijey IaiJ tu ltarhc and Smith Tor Personal l!s:;or t Any Sinator . J : tM 5 W J ! - 1 ....-'ri-l "v::" i --:-.----:-1 :J";l"l- - or KercM.'ntatic.-tablinan IufjHcly Misled Senators on tho v I i s". I i .: iliestion ot-OmtrUct for a Fee Stahlman an I tar bee Testify as ito Their f :i r I Uecertci(li of ;Sentors In tins .natter- tL i - ! i, . .. if of Compensation. I ; Wasluhgtpn, Uuty .; S.41thl enato committed on ;!ajn todfly nad.' U i : i -t ' 'i 4 .: ln the ijn-vestlgajumi madj reporr-' by the of the comn4ttie,li into life- Ipayinent cld-im mf the Metl5di9t Rook -.J. '3 ' L '- ! 'i l ' Concern H. Stah getting Vort of ' The atid Vfle pajmetu f -Mijor.K inan tiof : $100,800, i HKent m tle -claiin ;i throusrli Tl;& re ft he cm m ft t eei ! efetinwny before the eommlt- - -. .1 - i -i .. . . . tee cleuqly shdwjH that' no pa f the sum rec ed ;py Stahl-man was pa tit to Atessris Barbee and Smith. ; i ' ; ; . 1 . ',.! i I fop their ator or personal use r to artjt ' tei member congress any - OLh.-r person lor -corrup.1 purpi-s.j ft The ebort; j also payb ? that "Air. Stahlma' in conversations aiid cotre with j senators nd repre corlcaled -front, them ail vspondencfe entJitivtJ krmwled rd 'of 'the existence: of a' con traet w trtheiq from then all Infor- mationxgardlng it land purposely and wiiiiuiiy, wy iTinsieaaing, ii. non uy iais statementi.iimpressed them with the belief that!- Alr.Stahlman -as not- act - of th.t !n as the agetttjor attorp book agents withVl he expectiation f pecuniary tmli6eraiin- for ihi ser- vices, but as iif persoNJ friend of the book ageilts aiwtft' !t me(Vb-r in i lie church Iteferrin If? to. thei assuraji5 received from AIesrs. JJarbee and MBiiSth, the committee ''No ::ca hdiil I person- whoi examines Ihis correspondence can, eath iny other contlusiOn, than thats th 'nuU- jcii ui iijn.t.iii:iu'iy' was iiiij jfiitiience of such -mi contract and no the ,pei ceiye. Thel replies of the'bdok a'gent-s , to .the letter and telegram snake--It. manifest! that I the: policy; of !' silence with reference! to!the contract was maintained to . the end-even 'to the exi tent of 'Withholding the truth and mis leading and . deceiving .. tpose 'who made an earnest- effort . t : Obtain It." With reference to the, chuTCh,- itself. th ie committee I says: ; - 5 "The committee deems 'it -proper to state that too cenBure should? rest upon the Alethpdist ,-Episeopal Church, South, for thes acjts'of : lts'4j(ijk agents; The soutl has been.1 Injur5dby the misconduct ofHts agents anS-lfor such misconduct It sis I held entirely blanvy less." : -: . - hi V . " ? I The teat.mony taken was aJlmade public. The principal; w-lUaf were Mr. Stahltnan and MrJFj.We. Air. Stahlman sa'fcrjFL Sn-t been giv- ing- more cr less &tte.:,; tlhe claim since 1892. but, that I v B,onrkct for 35 v?r hcenft. had! bee ft 554 (W n 1895. Air. Stahlman! said he had! cautioned the book agents lagainst.'marKijng , the contract public "because," Sie 'contin ued, "if I went to Washingtfn as their repfesentauve for a'fee of arfy amount. I would Just, be! hounded i dfcy in and day: out knd that I . wouhBi probably fall into the hands -of. the yutures who hang aroUhd the capitol, whiiqh would involve the passage of. the; iftdasure in questionable methods.. Theya agreed to that.-' I i '. I 1 : i" ;!! I I - ,.- Air. Stahlman iaid he had iiuild Sena tor Easco hat! he had no coiwtifact with the book agents.' Technically this was correct, as( his contract wasl vith the book committee.!" I .fi ' . Senator j- Fairbanks ;"DiiPt Henattfr Pasco ask youi whether or nijlvou had a contingent -feel in hi.s-claiftiP ' ! - Afr. Stahlman4-"Ie did ingtl I will say thisv thoughj for Senaoi; paaco-.he had a right to jassume thato Contract- existjed.'l 'j ; i , ! j ft' The Chairman 'jADd ! tAaf j ho was to be paid?" i - - j- I 1 1. fee Mr. ;i;$t hltria&Tes.'' Jill said he had allowed SenatOfs Bacon j ("lay and Lindsay t understand thai no ah torneys' ft eswere! to be received. He had told' 'enatkr! Turley subsequently to, the ; passage I ofj the bill; that, the money; was all jgoihg inta? Giei church treasury,. and .'they could do jthat they pleased w fh St afterward!. 1 In reply to. frl q-uestion frorni Senator Teller as to whether members of the book committee or jthe book agents had receivea a ly snare or. tne. pronts,- Mr. Stahlman -eplieil in the negaitive, also stating thi t he had paid no 'money to attorneys Ti lth! the intention. if . Its reaching congress.. ! -ri ' ; j Afr. Stahlmanj; said' he ; was 'ilhhg to be held entirely responsible, .adding ! Fven if f taMman, be made thei mar tyr, peter d.enIe(p!his, Lord three times. He told a! story:". I do: not clajimito be) betterj tha 1 Beter. If Peter jwap for given, and if kael church Waai founded upon the 'ilackj f peter, Stahlman can be forgiVeA fo- tfirf ;crime heiTia: "com mitted?' .1 . I , .' -- , i .Mr, Barbeef n . his explanation of the ireply, 6f hiirtseiif and AIr.lSmith; to. oenaior fascora telegram, saip":; v - i "Senator. P"asio I cjonVeyed to us5 per picuousiyi max you ;Qia not want any mformatioi, but hie'agked us to- deny a rumor; to thjefefffct that we were to pay 40 iper cerit of! the claim. lt iseem- ed to us as If the inquiry ; Waa pro Bounded to us : in such a way as to elicit a categorical (answer; in the. form or a aeniai, and we, answered accord ingly, I.We stated jthe exact fact that ha MlAl ! WAtf ..n..-r. V. . ! . . ' . ...vj x 1., w E3 ifijuuc inai Lwtr'. were 0?aylne 40 Percent.?- : Replyingl to t this Senator Psc sai that, his letter called for a full; istate ment of tlbe case and called! attfntlon, to ; the fact that . Ao f urtheii ifekfolana- tion had been : made in res6ons I " "'.! to Senator Hate's dispatch aski-ng V for information as; to the 40 perspentVconi tract, "or contracts iat anvi oflher ratea. To this Mr.iBarbeej'f?aid Cher llharl not intended to reply, to Senator ate at all. lie had. he said. undfirtrrtrl that both Bate arid Pasco w-ere l. Jthe friejicy of the book agents.hd the supportersl of the claim. iHeMthoujght. he isaid. that 1 the senate had- Wrfgiit to .Inquire what a litigant was paying an attorney, j He did not.J he saldj n tend tp convey tof the senate; the jim pressidn that there was ind payment to be made to anjy claim dfeent. f Follqwinig is - a specimen t page from his testimony: -. j :i I Hi i Senator iTeBer-J-Did vou! think Um. tor Bate'a .question applied only to a" ree or-w percent,'? ' Mr, uarbeet That is all. J ! . Senator Teiier-f-wThat answer - did to the fronds,? "and j other you' give fee?" -N i-i . - L , ,: -M Mr. Barbee-sNohe. arid! wef did not intend 1 to 1 because we aid not ifeel that was a proper -thing to.be inquir ed into.- j i .; '. " ;. 'I: :, Senator Paeco ITou ireaHze-i 1'41enl that you .were - Withholding informa- uon rrom, senator Bate. il I ; - , j ii Air.: Barbe4-Thw wav T rir-nnM-Wi it is that, we realized we were doing a - thing 1 the propriety, of - which !tbe senator himself must see. Senator Bate made inquiry which he hlmseif .vould- xenciiieu uituer BJinuar ; oircum stances, and we felt that he was, pot enuueu no a statement tor wnat ree CONCERN I - w . :L;'r' ' ( I Matter: THE CHURCH , ; -,' from , the IUoV : iAi2ent Willful j h ' Senator Varfir-rj Why did nin pav.su in your ipIeramTi i ' ."i r. Mai iw i "fli uum aav urtn ofTfii!lve. We did Hot: want -tt ntlttu- that. Mtatenient, lt'.hrr"pH a aml o- Junt Senator Pastit Vuu till (1I- IU1 lid" tt hpldl;ig!'i Vou Utiw; oiir the MaiKl twnaiti the-i term ; "wl that uf wltneaa tall ,' I Iriilh Ifh.k. ki-h, , l nt Ii 4rk.li noining out- in -n rwin, ,--i,i4- you ii-ir vou fWf re: tip tot lhurrtandri J . Air. Barb. Yl,!ir. 1 ilM ' Senator Stewartl f Tou vioiiM" hkvk? ilenwl lhat it wai 4) jer wiH. if ybttr contract had beenifor f0 prr emt. Air. Uarbe' S. a Jl nutlet ci'urse. Understanding It lnvlb.it yen.';-,4,--; i '': i ST Ml :' .. . i; Of hi -! Senator Warrenl-XaklnK the gfoilHJ that. Senator l'!i- wauted:- a denial what would have toffti yupraniftCfiit' if the contract had b'en "for t percent? Air. yllarbee I .--v.it 1 1 tell .yiai exactly 1 would navw naldt Kxcuhh un. ator. but that 1m i and our attorn y which we d nit mattes and is a; quenu'in m-ogplae- the right of anybody to Jmiuire Senator Warren? Thert Pasji-o had happrrled to right Hum yniip.i answer .-.-... . i. ' : f ! Vi i,T-r-u iiirr ruiiit . .1 Mr.! Barbee YH. ' Mr. ; Barbee -saWl "ceived heme of thi k tliiVL- l I ll t . n v "tl ti hurch had. - ' J . -Mr. kStanimnn ruf hlmnn fufy Of pefpil j money: f tee- a ills t paid the m rmly- the Hems it ; itlori ,With the' rr; were made imb tTaptHin Baker U ' Donaldson $:I.2imS ;. in the case. Alfc' . .pnciiiy more he t iiui puia a rent y nected wfth the affatrs of ' tht 1 i.nurch, South. t x ne ancient uree.K VVJSPTJ that thrv- xenaies were in? 5 attended to the-welfaxe.,;a Profatlly ot the famly. ,Ihey; wtere wifshlpped Us bousehoKl gvids iral evervdi hum Th lihousettoid.god of today ji Dr. King's iew ujscovery. I I For bonsumptlbn. -"eoug-Ka, icold and for all affections! of Throat, Chests and Lunges it Is invalu jftile.! H has been ! tried .for a quarter of a century and l guaranteed to cure, or .money returned ,10 household should be without 1 this 'good: angel, f u is: pleasaht -to take and! a", safe and sure; remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles ati Hi R. litellamy'a drug store. Regular sua 60c and l.00 : -:l !- t " I tieu, tnilea ITIilltary Keeord ! (Washington Ptist) EilitorVost:-! read your baoer with much interest, hue oecafcUonally I have 1 ; :- - -. i il : 1 - to differ with Vii: t There! have jun- g r. dohbtedly been: mjanyki Military men'. 1 of splendidabllltyiv w lie I have . jiver ( l i been to West Poinlt, JiiBtJ as there have ? ij been West Pointers w)(o never amount ed to anything.- Butl lake- exception , toiyour Btatemehtthatu' Allies washot-' i a West Pointer, and. yi-t he. made a , brilliant record" His scolef claimMto notoriety Is the f4ct thtt will always 1 bej ftemembered' byl soutlierners, of is " ' having shackeled feeble old - man, at -Olid Point, many I years aio. What ehe -wasieyer done by hlmftbai. could ibb characteTized as "brilliant? llet was - sent after Geropimo, btt people' who kijew; say peronimo. wis the better , ; geiheral.. And. but f or the political p!ull . hej got through;; his 'father-in-law jhe -;.!: wpu,iu never: nave mttauieu uis present rank. ,-..:;. ; . '- 2 ,U .l .r : ' U ' U. AYLETt Richmond. Va. July 6. ' 1 . r A North Carolina fcjuzgeptlou (Washington Post.1 v Editor -Post: Would St l pot be - :. . - . ; - - Mk- J. 1 J' -..A V . T M i m I -' 1. : -tVV"" II th - ptloper thing to . do aflJe.n Santiago lia-i-i cajptured- by Shafter to haveia; big cI- j ebratioa and banquet alt Santiago and! injvite Captain Sarpson as.tB nation's jest. If he Is iivitei formally and ' i the proper authorities, he would doubtless not I refuse, provided, p of rse. that an escort be sent for nim and all the Spaniards penned up i so thleyi could not hiirt himi In any way. Apolllnaris wateri will bell free j and aliiindant V' j ! - i i- C. A. JORDA? rham, Ni C, July 6. "In a minute" one dope of Hart's Es- - '- sence ot umger, win reneveiany arai- EiH.ry caBe of Collcj cramps, or Nausea. ! ail i unexcelled - remedy for s Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, Buminer complaints aiid all Internal pains. Sold by J.! C tress..,., , ii : 8 ; . .; lf. f ! ! ! . 1- n r- 4- Sick headacne, biliousness, constipa tion and all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly scored j by Ujslnr th famous- lltOe plrMknohvm as DeWitt's Lmle Early lUsers. They ate pleasant toutake and ! never grfbe. R. R. Bel- "tiad rid Cabinet Oppose "Peace, ERpme, Julyr8.-4talie says, the nego tiations have been openel among European powers;! with a View of ranging peace. -j i . j "'A ; -,l ' ar- The best Intenllona," the Ipaper as- serta, are manifested at Washington bit the' Madrid: cabinet1 strongly op- poses any ideas 'of peace. nBoralUUMaigbetgr4aUaowar fcaawa. Actaal tacts mow it 01 tUrtf lartfew Uaa aar otbar Wsad, V' Absolutely pare ! ".''.41 c I - f ;'ii S I i ii ; .Ji 'i M i i!N . ' 3 : ,1 en- . j v; i y v returning home. we were : to pay. T1 i .1. ;r-i 9IL tJOtH wtKD CO., w OWC. V 1 i 'I . 3 II ry-Bve f ecopas,