Hi'- -." -:r'::-"ii:Av;.A-':'A' -e.A y. ::;i -'.' "'A.--A -, ;-:Jh;.?.y;;-'. ii -.1 A:.iA.: ' i ' - - :i :. A :. .!".;.i '-: j . A:A A ' I & mi Ai ?.A AV J 1 1 VOL. XI. NO.1 175, WILMINGTON N. C, WEDNESDA Y, JU1VH 13, 18bi lMUCE 5 CENTS. Mi AA- AAf A'AAh At AHU v itfAAHA- A lllf! . i n i :. A H:A-' j: It 1; H-! i 'lA AI'T A A -Aa-. ft A' -; ;m i; ! 1 1 -1! ,f i .-J i ! i- , 1 i If I ! i t 1 I 1 t-y "! 1 y ..!: . .-. A- .-TvA '". ' .'. :-', ' . :'. " ' li; !7 il. I l i L ? 1 , . E I -! j r 1. N; i - i , - : it: 4 i! rVt; 1- 111' i t' 1 1:1 '1- L : ,S i .i u !;!: :t. ; t 1 ill' ! ( I i V I I. --'. ! THE FLAG OF TRUCE S till Flying from Trenches of the Contending Armies RISK ,WE' RUN :IN THIS DELAY i f w 1 lliral influenced by Official Ahustl dcriijK-JOrders Jssiieil. fori Removal of Torpedoes froni Our a ! - Yi .- -1 i -"M ' ' ' "' 1 i- ' j i " ' - 1 ' "j ! , j ' '" ' ' r ' S ' T Ports A merfean Coal iir Danish West Indies Xot Ayail- i! i i ( ; ! able for Our Warships, French Officer's Glowing. Tribute to the - ;i- :- i'-i' -' -1 - ' ' ! "?:'!!'' r '": i American Soldiers., v-r- Jrmp.rtiisliirt i prevailod- in - rffic-itil cir'ls cyt public bUHinena. ;loH.ed: fori the y thatl the iflaff of trace ist in the Si unlHh Ines at ! Santiago at J2 cloek HterJay .fiftfTinouiii wits Hlill fl-inw, at in 1 tiiati fiff-otiatimnH t-i;ntinijifJ look- i to ai ifurreniifr. 4 itnr i uasis ror ifurrenilfr. 4 Ji;, i uasis He n'Kiitiatins I jialuruHy- i-(ufd in t Jie v-ry broad, i in; view I of thie irj- Ktii.n th i . . - t . ! - l Sli.iftMr to , aoicpli nilnntf b's - i f i' - I 't ti tin uiicmdUi tional i purrenH'P, uut it suppoisedi tliut tune may be. cori.Hum throilKti! Hie indulgence so( (leu'eral after ,in allowjlny! Hie ! Spanish; com- SI i r i U e r to c u i n r 1 1 u n it a t e i by ! t il b 1 1 i vi tb in ptUin ; ( Jfiii-ral iHaneomii the leffort obtain i Iijh !i.4enfc to tlie surrender. to iieiieral -Xural .imtlouhtedly i hug .be-' iln.i -I'Vis the Ivindicativi iabuse li ijt;d him 131 ti unfortunate 'naval -o f 1 1 ri i a i n 1 e r ,i C. '.-. r V e r :k tor surifenUerlng! all uroliably 'will be not i rial fie lilt-' . 11 It f(! I lOIl j of i Hlarac-ii vir iiiit own cartt. It us not t feeiu-rall.y iiJovn tbat in respKiis.i-Lto it he. tnanly a i I 'jiatlietie report i Jy cable itoiBlan aiiHiiunciiu? the IIomh f IhM. siad- rvi'i'i jci't ived a nio,t, hatsh aril it iin?jHuuaHieUe 1 jrepljr, lut- such; is .ease. I BhTnS?t-MUii -Hlaf liAye :n mi this vay o tt?wtuid..' iD-tht-r i rush iiiiiin.iiicJi'i'P, jiulita.ryj anil na- lb b.' vai il, rroiii iMiireinlfiijii under liny con ll lotiHi i ami in tin- icasei of 1'ora.l ii Hptiars ! tlisi l IH-! has made- li .strung itdpiesion- Ne' i tli less, c-onli Jem e Witxi-s iri'illie wptfedy faH m. Santiago, 1 hijaigh manv oflul'ers fear that! the. nest fcw-iir in1 roumi eininy ami me i uinis tlokvn when the AimM-K'an trops, make "tihi-lr entry into i4ie. town.- Still, 'Should Hi s be: thep eaHe i,-if may -be ifairly cl:limi-"I ltii.lt tin- prime objeet if the jnitv.fiwentl -m . Santiago, namely ... the defururtion i of : the-. iSpanish i sniuadron, Jiaviiigi beenf1 achiev'ed, the j campaign as a-whole lias iieen nui'i-essi ui --i : to jjiimovi: Toia'Kuqi:s in : TOUIF'KPQT iiAni)iis, The rno'sfc. iriTpoi iiiint i fesiult of the. binet lHlilieratlDns today , was an or- 1 tiv'reqiove -the mines which guard the coast ports, i Thin Will! be done exjp'udmg- tm-m.l Many , j military :ill 3ll in i veriHuitoseu : to yieiumg to ine iisvinf il lhi ( oqimi;ri l.l jinieiesis lirillMOTiieiof them lire prediiftiing', that if thei of ih IHi a few e wnnmunilit's which the removal of ithe minesv wi-ll- be nticallV! Jamorinfr for protection l he very nrsi rumor oi. ine vresencf ' . ... . ti.. . T - .. . a hostile gunlioat on :eruiter oft 1r t oast. '--v - , Thcv: order of retii'fvnr.iwt istpaid. is ol:iiplv VA localities where tne mter- t'S of -omnve-ce: demand the same. In castp wnere ll is:saie ant euori win madek) remove !t1ie irilnea instead xploding ! WJierever i there is cm d'ouVit thevwill Ikv extilodtMl.-i- The net oill ' of - file .sea. Irtome ! i instanceis- iiscr the ilynamltie. iiT.the -iiron . eii lil feoklal vessels to i ooze: ffrroaigh the ncr'Wi threads -where the plug -is in- seilted and unless t ne givatest. cai ei -ftaHVnl the removal of. the: Jiliug iinay can e( an explosion.:: It (will be some i jtetore the acttuil workiof remov w.f exploding tht mines ican-l be put hi iiuq in operjitloH and thei question s to Avh it i the interests : ot commerce ide- m;mT: wTtr be Irft to the; discretion of 1hf engineer officer 'haying aurisdic-r tio h bvri the various diKtrift ot. the lit,ed States. urdPrs. tori i . rurryinK Unt -fTii tJ tle deci.sSon of tir.H oitanet be xrm to them immediately. - ill fclreat care, will lie exercised by these tlVoet-s.i While ' the i mines; proper are bj llxs removeu i u ine un nun iu cii- 'ka'hentsi necessary toi thelfL install- Unin and Tnt?ration ill no eiaineu, km ,1i-ia ihe. casemates, ancnors. i ine ableiconnep:ins and the ftwuicnooxes. mtr If !lt .IS OlHllI IPl-rai); r triui,r nil- ...... r . v. .... tmiiti.-i it hi nv tie Uone on ' tne isnoriesr fetlicf.-: ' M' A':-, 'j "m:- f 1 f- PA : Hef. re the " war., uega n our govern rnetitj ncvumulated m fftock lot"; coal itjstl Thomas, -West Indies. Most of Ht Was ashore, rut i.imhi tons-were on :. Mchooner Iving in tlie hnrlior. Twice us. 1 J " luinf e!' the: war- broke 'out itheL I'nited ': iHtai.-S! has availed themselves of this 1 k'Oilil, I once: to supiily, the Minneapolis t: (and oiM'e the Monig-omery.r butj.a$; each pvas t)oun.- for the: nearest! hoimr port firul i'took ionly enough coal t;o : qarry kihern it! was fairly assumedthere had : ftieen'Sno breach ofi neutrality, Jlowever, ' tit appears that- there is now; a dlsposi . ; ttioih lexhibVted- by the' Danish authori- i : (jies io prevent the ;llTnited Stages .from - pusim tills co.rl, svnd a there is" no - onstion- tf their : right ! to lay : down Vmctt a rule, the coal itself probably ill ' be U'fc. alonrFortunately! there Hs- n partfcular need'ot.it.asJhere are Vtlier .means .of coaling the . nee(. now- pi usMM The incident is one which will lie tised as a strong-argunienti for'-the Establishment of coaling . stations in K-arious parts of the-globe for the ben- bflti of -the ITnited States navy, i I - ! iNOrPEACE- OVERTURES. ' Although, the statement has been re tpeated day after day that' no overtures 6iaVe!i yet been-! maJe ;to our government or! peace, it may be repeated: once imore in i view of the express denial kriven at the "state. lepyrtment to such kstorh?s emanating: from:: European tioitrt'es as- seek to create the. lmpreu- ks'iohMhat the United states ! govern- AETHft LiTHIA WATER. READ -THE TESTIMONIALS Or -Mff HUMPHREY 1 AND COL. , ROGER MOORE. i. ' FROM MR. B. B. fltJMPHREY. Mr. R."E. Ward:'! -,: :. ; !' ... ! -i - Dear Sir:- I have been; wsihg. the 'Aetna Lithia Water and think that I am justifiable in saying thap It has Jidone" me much good and has1 relieved me of much trouble with- indigestion. , S i ! - 15. H. HUMPHREY, A - Middle Sound. ; - MlA ' J ' '-'" T -l A-1.--' :ITROM COL. ROGER MOORE. Mr. Rv E. WTard:! f 1 Dear Rir: I take pleasure in stating that a member of my family,: very much troubled with Indigestion, has Tieen greatly benefitted sby .the use of the Aetna Lamia water, i! j j t ' - . Very, truly, I r. :-ki . - I: i T)Omrii.n(nnpi? 'I.! . E. WAKU; Agent, 1; tLJL' forset that -we are 'established L, Vr GREEN'S PHARMACY, and that we are rt-'.y lu 41,1 i ronia : per gallon for pure AETNA" LITHIA -vv A -iTiia Minprsii..srmners jioke, - va. - , in Cuba. J leaped Upon ?Cervera for Surren- Under Neutrality Iivv- merit or any of its. representatives haa rnad- any niove .in thjs tlirecticin. The fact is today aHt has been; The first Ovurtures In the direction lof peace hiuHt come from Spain, -directly or in directly. i 1 I A GLOVVINT, Till BUT K Tii,OUEj V ... . T i!i i I Arajor- (3 Grandprey, 'miliLjary . at tache of the French embassy,!: has-just returned from the American head- quartern-near Santiago, where he has been observing for his government the progress t of military operations.! lie paid- a glowing- tribute .to the! fighting ability of 3ur soldiers. A ! y I have the most complete:! admira- tion for: your men, said Major i de ( Jramlprey ; to an Associated Press re porter today. ."They are a superb body, individually and-, as aavFiarmjv ami I suipos riot ; throughputs thte world is there such; a splendiil ilot of fiiUing men. It is the flghting-: char- acteristlc of . the men which .: isf most apparent, , iney arei aggressive, eaytir j; for actKn h(;ver. needing the ; voice of ani. officer :to push them forward. An-' ot her. marked characteristic is thei self!-: rellanij of each man; what i we call the character: of initiative. It is al most unknown; in! European : armies where every movement, and the movb Jo tru t each , action of . the enemvf,: awaits the initiative! of an'officeri-,; bu!t with jour men they fight to the front, meeting each emergency as it arises:, mvprroming obstacles v iiv their I owq. initiative. : Such self-reliant fiprhtinier men mflke an : exceptionally ' impetuous army, for every, unit contributes in t.ho IrreBisi-ibl-ei'omvard movement, The Spanish. '-troops do not have the. same characterist'ics i They"! are more; passive, more. .cautious;: Resides the Impetuosii ty of eich fighting material, it; has the effect I'lf- inspiring a morale among the troops, makinethem .feel that success is n-ssured, "and at the same timet cat's rylngii diswrdeii and -depression to the ranks of the i'nemv.",. . " '( ;v .!"' I: : Major de flrandprey savs the fight inc: about -Santiago. Is-.something enr t-irely i different from the warfare or European and. other armies of) modern times.'1 The dense vegetation andj tanr; gle of tropical, vine makes, it uhpos--sible j to: tibserve ithe usual tmihtary formation;. As- a result there; is.- lttw tie-or. no -effort to fight. -.in --solid!, -for .matlonj.. F.ifery man js fighting forihim-i self, pushing ; forward through ii th shrubbery, vines and; tall grass?, lit is' impossible .to see the enemy. I ! ;; Major i le . Qiiandnrey : also speaks highly- f ' the 'efficiency, . vitto which -the American : troops-: "were started on their expedition and debarked in (Juba. This has come in' for considerable, flriticism in this country, but i this French officer says that, oonjsldennjj the brief time '.allowed for- eouippingj -the . expeditunn, : remarkable if results i w ere secured, i European military - ex peditions, such as thosepf ?-2nglantl oil- France to .Africa or other jiojnts; he says, are planned six-Tnonths ahead rvyhich .allows ample time for Iworking! out ,the iminute details. j j : . j"l thing De"Witt's iWtch Hazel Salve" i3 the finest preparation on the mar-i ket for pilee.". So writes John C-Dunn, .of Wheeling- W. Va. Try it andi you -L4will thing the same.:: It : als : ourea ehema and i all skin iiiseases. H. ,R, Bella Btyi i i i i 'I don't knerw. there may bej others'! he said, but I haveused "Parker's Tola dough Syiaip In my' family for years and would, not be i wlthoutdt." I He knew better than to buy 'vthel Inferior preparation that was Jbeing urged upon htirn. Parlier s Tolu Cough Syrupi has no equal. : It will immediatel relieve any Cough or Cold, Whoopingl Cough, Sore throat, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron chitis and kindred i ailments.; Contains no Injurious Ingredients, is pleasant to take and a safe remedy for chlldreni Sold by J. C. Shepard, J. H. Hardlni and H. L. Fentress. !!. :-- 1 - I - : - : - Ati.tlXST YELIQW FKVEIl Precaiitions toi lreveut It Getting; Into Our Army at f'-almauera (CorpIcW' ly Ass0eiated Press.) Playifi j de- iEste Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Jnly 12. fThe ,'Jinown; psenc. of, the "yjellow fiver; at Ciamanlera and other towns in the vicinity of -camp McCalla; and along the coastiihajs re suited in the establishment iiQf the no strictest;, quarantine:; Hereafter; communication will be 1 allowed with i ttie nortn sme at tne pay: and! no one will be I permitted to land from ves sels entering the .harbor here ith- ; - : -t : ! ; : ' out a specitl permit from jthe pom manding omcer, This may: result itt considerable: Inconvenience .: ito I the newspaper -dispatch i boatsi' It. also cats offj communication with.!!th in stirgents forces around Guantanamo pnder the command of General Eerez, and the regiment of Colonel Thqmasi -The rules will also be rigidly enforcfr ed at Gamp McCalla; although the . 11 1. 1.1 1. itf' A L 3 I general! jieauu uj. me Aiuencciu mn rines is remarkably good. ; . 1 The Spaniards in and around Cia? manera! have been showing grea act tlyjty during the last two of three (lays -and :their forces there hav apj parenuy teeA jncreasea iron ttuanj-tanamo(.- The boldness of the A,'meri ican launches in venturing up beyond the port, and the presence ofja jlarge numuetf of warships m the bay pave evidently : led the Spaniards jtw believe that: an attack is, intended at that end. ' - - ,'':. I - : - -, 1 - r , J .-'-1 ?lore Troops Ecnbarklng at Charleston Charleston, S. C,, July 12 Thre transports w-ereiported pff tht- bar this mprningxAt 1 o'clock the . Reso. lute cArnf-tiP to quarantine, jfiytng a yellow flag, jshe cast anchor there and few I moments later . the1' lighthouse tender jWisterla went out fo er! with orders I ta proceed to Newport News. one uiu (so aj. jjuizu, vvji noui i Grand Duchess and the "No. 30 icaroe in and were docked. Th work ;pf lload, ing the troops here "on them jWili pe gttj tomorrow. It has not been posi tively decidetl "which ; of the thee reg iments! will go on ; the ships. The! Six teenth ! Pennsylvania i psHll ' probably be one. of i those selected, but a choice be tween the eecppd and Third (Wiscon sin has noi yet beea made. The jships will get -off early fomorror f, : M . Hart's EmulBion of Cod Uver Oil with Creosote and th Hypophosphltes If faithfully used, is a specific in the treatment of weak lungs, Consumption, Bronchitis, etc. Lteadii . physicians recommend It. Sola by J. C. Bhapard, J. H. Hardin. agdH- I. Fen tret ij: A 6ALA DAY Tbe'Creat locoheiM-e of the jted.Tfen ! Arrive Today Address at the 1iii tlaj Association and Banquet To night. ' .Ml i i ; I'M . ' !! " f (Today will 14 Red Men's day, and all bold warriors; of ihia city -jwlll reve! with delight.' All this undue Jubilantly .will be caused i by a visit -.from the Great Incohortee . of the order, Hon. Robert .T. Daniels, ilof .Georgia. This loccasion i hap. been looked forward to expectantly, i and it jeertainly.; will be an auspicious events . ; j i The Joinf committee composed of members from Eyotaand Cherokee Tribes, ando which Mr. : Sol. ,. Stern berger, vof the; former, tribe, is chair man:, ;and Mrj : J. M. Branch, of the latter; i secretary,! 'imet I last night and 'eomWeted ,all arrangemeutsi W'lli. BU CiyEN A DELIGHTFULl 'I ' 'OUTING. ')' . The Great IncoftwfHfe will arrive in the city this afternoon aU2:0G o'clcx:k via the Seaboard Airs Line, and will.. be met at the depot by the committee and a delegation of officers from eich tribe. Jiii will then be escorted to ! She resi dence :i of Mr. : Sternberger.i s No.-:. 110 South iSeverth street; where he will be entertained during his stay. S At 1:30 o'clock the party .will embark in1 car riages and take', a idrive. to Wnghts ville; where they - will catch s . the 2:30 o'clock Seacoast tfiam and to Wrightsville Heach. ) jA stay of several hours iwiU. be made ;dt the bejich,' and then the party will return to Wnghts I ville and Ntnjoy a specially 'S)i-ejared f r 4 ; , . '-. .. ,14 i. gx L..j- . : zS... - - m yster'i roast,: xwith fine trimmisiigs.. The I homeward drivT. will i be made about 7 'o'clock. ' 3 J t!i ;The escorting corps will consist of I -r a. , ti. iiarriss ana, aiess,rs. .ji j i.avis, ; (j. (i. w atts' tsoi ste.rnberge,,! IKL P. II. -Strunch'v F. ! J., H. FUc hs anfjJ j.i i;iopKins, or iiiyottii anu ; u. i. I.ockey, -Esq.it- Captain W. A. iSnell and Messrs, M. MarshbUrm, J.:! M.5Hranch, W. E. Lane, H. II. faiker, J "r. Wal ton an,d W. C. Moore. ; ! ; . !' THE EVENING X'ELBUATION. ' ! At -8;30 o'clock the entertainment in the; auditorium of the Young Men' Christian Assoiatnn, to uhuh the public :is cordially invited, will be com-; meneed. ;-. . , 1 i! ; ' : . . , i ne cniet ueature.i or course, a very magnificent ! onel wilt; be the address by Hop. Daniels) who is an orator of exceptionally eloKiuence i and logic. v t The programme willj be an attractive one, as follows: i r i l:Overture. i .. 1 , t ' I Meeting Calledvto Order-Past Sach em --Js-J. -Hopkins. of 'Eyota Tribe. ! Singing of iOpening Ode By the Red Men., j -j. f j . : if:;i ; : i :!:;. . - ; Invokinir of 'the Great Sniri (Ireat I SeniorSagampre J. li.l Davis; nf . Kyota I Tribe. . I i ; i Visitation -Ode Hy i Red Men. ! i-Introduction of Oraftor C P.1 Iock iey, Esq., of Cherokee jTribe. M ! ! Address Hon. Hobelrt i T. Daniels, j I Quenching 1 of Council I -Fire and In ! vokingi i-of Great! Spinit-i-Past i Sachem A. G. Shrlver, ' ; " V ' A RATTLING FINALLY. : After : the i exercises at the Young I Mens' i Christian i Association the Red LMen and their; distinguished giaesU'will repair to their wigwam and enjoy each. : others society around a richly laden 'banquet table, .i 1. 1 : i ! !: After the feasting Hon. Daniels will delivers a lecture, exemplifying . the work : of the lorder. . ' . NOTES ABOUT THE RED LETTER DAY, ' , The .brav- who are to meet the Ureat : Ineohpnee: must report 'at. the wigwam sharply: at .11:30 o'clock this morning, j -1 , . f , . : . ; Tonight all the brethren will be at the auditorium of the Young; Mens' (Christian Associations not later than :-8: o'clock. ::i.! . -if. I..:'! .'.i j- ;Mr..Pi T. Dicksey, Of Eyota Tribe, is sa memlier of the joint oommittee, but ihe will be unable to participate in the Ifestivities this i afternoon; : However, he will lie right Bide upl with care to nlerht. , - ' , ' r 'Tomorrow morning; a i delegation of jfearlesa children of tHe forest will ac icompany the.Great Incoh'onee. on a trip tt: i Carolina Beach, and -will see per- snallj; that he has af good, time.' - i I " : Siimiiierell-AIiIeriiiau Mr.1 George M. SummerelJ and Miss Elfa T. Alderman, daughter ofMrs. ;Laura: Alderman, all of thiscity, werje' united in marriage yesterday morning at 6 o'clock at the residence ofx the bride's mother, on Fourth and Dock ;streets. ; s It was a quiet home' wedding, ithe ceremony being performed by the 'Rev. Mr. Langsten, pastor of Bladen 'street M. E.i churchy' in , the presence fofi I the ; families; and Aintemiediate tnends. i; . f ,The parlor was, very prettily dex?or jated with palms; 1 ferns, roses and iother;: cut flowers. The couple were itbe. recipients ofqiiite a lot of hand-- pdme presents. t 1 :Mr:j Summerelliands his bride; left on thieT 8j30 su m. train on. the Cape Fear Jand Yadkin Valley' railway for ML iAiry and will spend l a. month at -t the' j"Whit0i Sulphur (Springs ' and in;the mjuntains of western North. Carolina. (When they return they will make their home, on north .Fifth street between Princess and ChestSfrt streets.; s i IE.; C. r Banks,! of ; LewIsvilleJ Texas, writes that one box of De Witt's Wit?h Hazel Salv'e- was worth $50.00 to him. It cured his piles bf ten years standing. ,Hef advises others to; try Jb.w It also -cures r eczema, skin, diseases And ob 'stinate sores, "R. R. Bellamy. . If; ' J. j An Ancient Deed tL' ' ' !f " 1 - ' ; f . j - : - - I sMm i James SprunUJ who' now -owns "The: Oaks" plantation. In "Brunswick county, on the west side of Cape Fear river, has 'coine into 'possession of the original :; grant of the property frbm ?"HiS' it Excellency j Lord John Carteret, Palatine atyd thei rest of the true and absolute k lord proprietors of f Caro : liha," to ; Nathaniel Moore, Who : w as sai brother : of j King ; Roger .Moore and greatj; great great! grand uncle of our townsman;- Colonel Roger MoOre, and also great, great great! grand uncle of the late Hon. George Davis. -n . . The old deed!" was )?ut.into the pos session of Mr. iSprunt , by C6lonel Jno. D. Taylor;: of our city,- who was for mer owner of "The Oaks ? plantation. The deed is dated October 22," 1728, and though it Is 170 years old, the: writing is well preserved, . and' the- signatures are legible.-' It is signed by '.Richard Everard, colonial governor, ; and the witnesses were E. Gale,"E? Mtoseley, Thomas .Pollock (afterwards governor. Richard Bandown (the first historian of North Carolina), nd Robert Wolf. J deed Conveys consisted of 500 acres and xne, tract ot lano wnicn mis ora ): j9 described in the ideed. Mri Spr-ttCTl has it framed, and will preserve it as a colonial relic; ! Here WJth His Bride (oHI l Mr. Henry B. Fuller, i of Bennetts ville, S. C, : arrived ! here- yesterday with hi3 bride and they are registered at The Orton. ' Theys will spend a few days in our city and: at our seaside fe gorts. . - , . " j Mr j . Fuller was married yesterday morning to Miss i Janie Dudley, the beautiful and charming daughter of Captain Dudley, of Bennettsville, and one of the most highly, esteemed and J popular; youngp ladiea of that city, IIUIM n:::-!;;:r--:i-AA-; fAriiA i -"-'"f-; - ) ii Santiago Cannot Ilold Out 3Iucli Longer. WILL FIGHT TO THE LAST A Toral Kefuses the SerOnd Deniand for : knrreadrr-Dammr Gins aod NoSol diers Found in the Spanish Xrenrbes' j The Auark . jloj be ICenewed Today i Our Troop In' Position to Strike the i:::- :!! M i . 4 ; : : . , , ! . Spaniards In jFlanlt Toral's Kelreat i From Santiago Cut Off. I , ! ! Copyrigliti by Associated Press.) ' 1 General Shafler's Headquarters, iuly 11, 4 p.-m.', via iKlngston, Jamaica, July 12, 10:30 a. f-ni.-Fighting v-xJontinued during the day. Land at this: hour, it Is believed that the! city of Santiago will be captured by the American forces within! the next : twenty-four hours. ': The Atnericans have advanced stead ily all day, I ri several of ithe Spanish trenches- our : Uroo'ps -! found dummy woo'den guns iandl no Spanish soldiers. There was a weak fire from the Span ish troops- and tjhe American officers have-! received: ;further evidence of the great; oistress ! existing in Santiago. Washington; J.uly 12. tTh following disriatch from: iGeneraf'Shaf Iter was- re- Keiced here at 9:30 'o'clock 'a. m.: iVPlaya del Ete,ivia HayCi, July 12. i. Ileadquarters i Fifth Army Corps. "Adjutant General, Washington: "If ! has been ! very quiet, but little fighting. A (lag of truce tup since I 3 oclo(k considering proposition farsur renlering. now that 1 have toww suri rounded on the horth; lines were com pleted at 5 okio:k p. ni. ;by General Ludlow right down the bay.. The line is rather thin but will have it strength ened , in the; morning by General Hen-, ry, who has; just ;arrived at headquar ters . Only three or four casualtiesNNo one killed so farisas I can learn.. Ex pect to' have two of the new batteries in position tomorrow. Great deal of suf- gone iout- ot Santiago. Am doing my best to. irelieveii.it, :but not entirely suc cessful , SHAFTER." TORAL DETERMINED TO RESIST. (Copyright by' Associated Press.) t IJefore iSantiafjoj via Playa del Este, Gtmntanamo Bay,: Julyi 12 This morn ing (Jhitial Toial sent a reply to Gen eral SKaflter'si, second demand for the unconditional "surrender of Santiago made i by the I latter yesterday after noon, i: In his I reply General Toral re ferred ti hisi refusal to accede to the American demand made on Sunday : IMPORTANT EVENTS, OF At 2 ofclock Monday General for the Surrender-oE Santiago On Tuesday Our j.Warships Bombarded Land Forces th Spanish Trenches 1 j Spanish Troops are Seen to General Shafter Claims that ' that the Spanish Troops Cannot Mxijor de'Grandprey, of the the Front With cWI Army in t h e A m e r j ca n fsoi d lens. i Captain Eulate, o the Viscaya, ing of Cerv'era's Fleet. lie Says Escape. I . :-,; t . j!: : ; A Two Explosions .at the Larlin-Rand t Several Buildings and Kills Eighf General Toral .Again j Refuses 5 On Santiago W ill be -Renewed Today j Precautions are Taken to PreVeiit Yellow Ffsver Getting iujto O ur Camp at Caimanera, Our Land Forces Have a Good Santiago by the Shells From the and asain reiterated bis, determination to resist.1 . .' : ; -j ! . i ; . . I- Notwithstanding this, tne American batteries did mot open fire this: morn ing and the renewal of the, bombardr ment will probably be postponed until tomorrow (Wednesday), ' when i- it is hoped that all of General Randolph's J tatteries will be -in position.: guns-landed "yesterday will The siege also be broughtufl afi soon as possibles ? M Torrents "of. 'rain fell i.last !: night (Browning- ;outl thteboys in the trenches and making the! roacKalmost impassa ble. .This: may delay thebatteries and siege guns. .The . volunteerft-vWho are being hurried, to the front are-being located 'along; the right center in the positions which have been occupied by General; Lawton's division while , the latter has moved' forward extendmg our right : .until 'Lit almost touches the road to sCaimenes, over which Generol Toral swould !:have! to retreat, iif .he should: now be foolhardly enought to jmake the;attmbt. The Cubans: under General Oalixto Garcia took Caimenes W,ithout opposition iMonday: night and have entrenchments on either side of he road.-! j-- ' : : 1 TTie i American's are now in position totrike the s enemy on the left flank and1, roll it up, f! making the Spanish entrenchments north- of" the city un tenable.! !... V' rl "' !.r""-'!: !: General'' -ToraU .-realizing: the weak ness of this flank, has been busy dur ing the1 existence of -the truce in; doub ling back with entrenchments and fix ing his I gunsii in the direction! from whichi he is threatened. Most of Gen eral Randolph gunsr will i be located. upon tne neignts in tne centerjjii--cfen- erai , iiuawtons-1 new -jiojahtuu. i wnere they 'command the town. Yesterday afternoon ; the1: Capron and Hanes bat teries son thei! right;' succeeded, in teap-- ing up the emplacements fora-fpalm" battery i as : itj is ; called) and in plump ing shells intoiseve'ral blockhouses on salients, but the shots .flirected! at the Spaniards in the trenches; did not ap pear to have much - effect. Shrapnel was rapidly jbroken directly over the trenches, yet i in i five minutes ' the trenches at every points of explosion would be alive rwith the enemy. They would watch -for the flash- of our guns and drop before the shells exploded. : Our . mortar fire was directed at the Spanish bull ring and tore up almost everything in the i vicinity; It i is un derstood that the : bull ring 4s being used as .barracks, i ,U--T i : Three! tarp(vih.flTners lie In the har- Ibor, alongside tthe Philadelphia - Iron harf and a small Span ish i gunboat is i anchored at the head of Ithe bay? Alii these could beiplainly seep by: thed Associated Press corre spomlentj The First Illinois volunteers and the-District Of Columbia ; volun teers are ! now located in the trenches that were occupied last week. -by Gen eral Chaffee's brigade. rrT A Republican Bolt in Llnney's Distritf I ' Charlotte, N. C;-July 12. Congress man 'R. Z. Linney was renominated by the republican .congressional con vention ! of the Eighth district at Wilkesboro today. The t an tir Linney men, rcomplaining of a lack of repre sentation ; on the credentials committee bolted and called a convention to nom inate another candidate, : , j l, I . I' ,f " ' ' 1 Sh6 the iHain Caiise Of Cei;veras Defeat. 4.1 TRIBUTE OF A SPANIARD The Captain oft the Vizraya Ires an Account of tb- Hattle The jBrooklyn j the Center or-AUack Her TerHne a.ud i Aceurale Fir Into the Spauiajrd-IIt r : Clever Tlaueuier to PreVeuk Ham- mlus by the IVlzraya Tb arnase on Ills easel. I i . i I ; ' i - ' i Santiago! de Cuba, July 6; jViaNChafr i I ii--Li .-L i F. : I V . !f !' lestoa.i s, v., July 12, 'lhrioiud stoo.i s., fj., July 1, lhrioiugpi I4eu tenant! of Marines Thomas $ Bordepi I ' ;" V : who cpnversed in French prisoner, an Interview wa with the, obtained fdr-the Associated Press witth bap tain Eulate, of khefspanishi armprefi cruis er) i!:cayaL He said: I j I'The entjre kquadron was lord e red to devof; the! fire of -their gu! ns I to the-' t'ruisejr Brooklyn, because it l as bej-j lievedj , thati she was the I only ship; in th American squadron : that could overtake u$. w hen we got jou of the harbo my ship was seconid in' line and In sawi inimediately I thfe flagship Marian Teresal was getting terrible baptism of-fire It 1 was 1 m - i - I : - . V J. : ' frfightful. The Texas and .he Brooklyn w .... K t fire rid- pung ifler, ana j in s ntteen jmi putes I saw she was d( fire. The Iowa, and the-Oregonjw ?rC;nring on the Q-iuendo and as yetf II h'jd been badlly pit. 'ITheBroDkbli was a half mile clos er to us thanlaf V other ship arid I de termined to trfc and ram her ho that thi: Onion sand i Oniienriri Mcnnld eet. m t;.. r-r-..K . . i r . " R away and I stalled for herl She was II- : L ..ill-. . - . . . I ... ;a gooa marki Ftn her big; br ladsuie and ai I starte' ! I thought s irely 1 wvould'get th(re: but she haijl e iden.Iy seen us and vey- quickly she turtied about and making, a short qircliicame at our port, sidf ; so that I thotu ht she would r ram j its.' 'I moved in ' toward shore rso that i a could - avoitl h er and then I; saw hat ; he. Oquepcld) hrd gone ashor alsoj, lie" steam pipes evident ly f having heen evered by! a. shell. "The marleuvy of the Brooklyn, was bedutiful.. Ve Opened a f ap d 1 fire atv.faef wittt'air tHir, big guns, out she returnied. ftjwitL terrible efiect. "'The' Oregon also hit .us " teeveral times'. hut ithe:- Brooklyn's broadsides THE DA l Shaftetr Made Another Demand n hi i S$ ntiago -and t J! Leave Santia go. - he has thejCit soi Stirrounded Leave Santiago French! Army, $vho Has Been Cuba Pays a Gh?vins,Tribute fett ko r.5.. Giyes anfAcciiunt of tlieiSinSv- the Brooklyn l't-evented t - ;.:.fr,: V4fer Mills AVjrec Ks i I. Persons to Surreinde. and Our Attack;. . i : - ! t .- View of the"? Havoc Done o Fleet. crashing into-; our superstructure simply terrorized the men. IWa work1 ed all our guns ,t hler at one time and don'tJ seej hoWr she escaped us She dimply unuve ' iuiu suiie, ft, one time fighting afavatj -1,1 W yard i One shell wenthalonf? the entiret gut deck killing half; the nerl on- it, apxl wounds ing nearly la.Il f;ie rest, A she in from the Oregonljhit !-he superstructure and it was then tha w ounded and know ing ;that we co ild not get! away , we struck tthenflagranq started ?fqr the beach I did net instruct the enns at ell and I do n men to load the gups tiot know why they rtverelloaided. We;wl ere on 4jre badly ana rvnqn tnosei iueir wno were alive start d to swim ashore, the Cubans-oji ishorc:' shot at ua unjtil the American ships arrived and stopped tnem. The rokklyir had prevented me from getting ay ay, or- I couM have beaten the mije start Ore :n out as ihad a two were i of : er. My orders to: try and! sint j the Brooklyn nd J fhini tried to carlry th'-ai c)ut. Idid not that her b$.tter$cotrfd be so tefrible.T The Chief! Buf 'ess of Milei.Durte, Pa. says DeWitirs JJttie Jariy JSisars are tile 'Oetr-L 'puis lie. ever usm iu ins law ny:: auxu g ioriy years- oi nousei jceep ing. , rney cu ft i constipation headache i 'and stomach and roubles. $rr--ilv -in size Xiut grfeat resultsi---.K. ? euar-- , l . 4i. - SSi- i : -' A livncb. tag iu Virglaia Charlotteville. i Va., July 12.-The negro-lJohijL He iry James, iwhcf crim- dnally assaulted Miss Julia If otapp. on the Ipublic raid near her. home yes terday morhingj Svas : lynched aout 10 o'clock thi$ imq'ning two miles west of thie-(city by Ji armed posse lof 200 men. ' It was rfAde evident las ; night abqut -j9 ofelocK-that he was tie man who madei jthe fissault and :the excite ment ran ib s'ui-H a pitch that 1 he au thorities slipped the prisoner ou Lof the backs way )f th ; jail and sent ahnTto Staunton on. a jpecial train' for safekeeping- "4 spt-lial gramjr ju ry ; had heen sumnione( to trythe case -this morning atl 10: ,3J o'clock and ths court was: in seBision f-when the newi came that the tib-in "ff hich bore the p -isoner had been btoppd jby 200 .'.-fmei . near Wood's crossing and the - prisoner taken off and Uung to a treenhfs: body riddled mtn Duiiets. ; uiuzens who ; wit4essedf the lynching! ' " h a VA reached the city and; testify , to the -fact ot tb" lyoihing. Judge' White and Common wt alth s Attorney Woods and Sheriiff WHtts dia all ithe could to preyentjithe ynchklg and allow the -man a lair: iris i i uciuic iuo i.uuiw the ; lynching tarty- outgeneraiea the authorities' 1 ! The' leditor of : the Ervansi Citr, Pa., G-lobe, t writes. . "One Minute Cougn Cure Is rigMl named; It! cned my children after u otner renieuifs xji ed. - It cures toughs, colas And all throat and , lun troubles, R. K. Bel- lamr- - V rTeral BaUdlass-or tne Llnin-Kand .mil Blown ns-EUst .Ufa KllletT and Twenty Wonnded. - - ' .!- - - Nrw York, July IS. Tw'ol explosions whK'h killed eight men. wounded about twenty others and wrecked! two bulld ing occurred at the plant er the Laf linrtand powder works7 at Pompton" N. J.. this morning. The' first fx pison was ih,; the house wherv gun esjaton,1 was being made and the src oni. presumably superinduct-d by con cussion, was in the; drying house, cloe by. Three mew vere lin ithe mixing room when the explosion occurred, and theyi -were blown to atoms.' Chletlin the engine gi;neer:Cruig, who: was In m, had his head crushed to a leilv in the wreckage of the boiler hous,e, Side of-whiifh was blown out. John thy PlblUips was standing near a tree some distance from the mixing, house. His hdad, was blown from his! body and wfs ipicked up .eighty feet away.' 'The fOtPijnan of tha drying room wks blo'wln to .pieces and. a number of Ital ians. who. wertu ditching in the' rear of! the buildings, wre killed, .f i The most 'senoufcly. wounded Was William H. Emmons, s private of Com Vifity I. Third New Jersey 1 volunteers. It Hsu not likely that he will recover. "Charlts Lukes, of Butler, was also proljably fatally injured. 1 - i f iTThfe rtplosionis. were followed - by 'a firti. -which threatened to spread to the other buildings kf the -plant in which, tons of the highest explosives - were st5rel.,tYe companies ofj the Thhfd N'itjj.v 'Jersey "KtoiiHrtfeersi-haVfe beenti-'" ijbajied at the plant since Ithle warwith Sptlin lKg;iii! 'and. they, were Ordered unijer armaland W-ent u the Scene of thti eplosirAi at double tjulck tim: Within teW minutes the soldiers had Jrpied a cordoni about the works. The; f.re as soon QUenchenl ahdi'the search! foi'l cither dead land missing was itil- mediately begun.: v i j. . . ; i ;i - The . Ia'fiintRaJid Company i has ' been engaged in theinanufacture lof brown lewder, nitro-glycei'ine, guncotton and s,m(keless pbwdtsr under" eopvract with1 th-j government.' The! loss to the com pany, will beKraat. but it 18 said that1 l i f-c onstructioiiHjf the wrecked build 'ing(i iwili begin Fat,' daylight tomorrow and that' the plant win be: in full run ingj or&r in t wo weeks. ! ! . . After the explosion : there was some. talk' of a. SDanish sov belncf imrilieaMiil l .in, ine attempt to destroy the nowder ' ;-' -. - . . . -milt, but the. theiry'pf themin con 1iTecied with the : works "is that a grain of- (sand got into some powder' which wasj in process of handlingjln the mix- lngSroom, and that as it, went I through thei machinery the foreign substance came in contact, with a ' metal surfam. ami t,hrew out a spark which Ignited the "explosive, ii ; ' !. j-Ai-.i -.; .. ' : ., -;:- :-A "VThen d man Is suffering with an achfing head, a sluggish body, when his mvscles are lax I and lazy, his brain dull, and his .stomach disdaining food, he will, if wisej-j heed, these wajrnings and, resort to the right remedy, before Jtiia too lafe "Parker's Sarsaparilla" "King of "Blood ! Purifiers'r makes the Appetite keen and- s hearty invigorates thej Hver-purifies the blOod and fills lt;with life-giving elements of the food. It isia wonderful; blood maker and flesh J bunder. Sold by J. C. Shepeid, J. H, Hardin, and H. 1A ! Fentress.' ' '-. TUB PKAC: QI KSTIOV ' Spain lteady for feaote If She Can Oet it on Her Own Terms. 1 i : Paris, July 12,-The officials of the Spahish embassy here communicated to the press, this evning ia ' dispatch froiiii iMadrid, declaVi-ng i i came from an authoritative source, fit set' forth i' I ! ' -V ' !:::-:: . ! -.!: in.: substance that.; although Spain was "qnlyl fighting in l order ; to maintain her fight to repel : unjust j aggresison," she will continue ithe struggle "until she obtains an honorable i peace, whatf ever j sacrifices : may. be necessary, to attain! this end. " . I 1 ; 'i Madrid, July 12, 9 a; mAThe possir bility of peace with tile' United States' is beiijig; widely 'discu.ssed sin the news papens and by the public. -The;cohf servatjiye papers; declare Spain is' pre pared ; tb accept peace provideflt Jm pliek 'only the loss of .Chba, But, tiey assert Spain would prefer War a.l outf . L : ..-ttL!!'. j . 1- i!j i aiiceji ii: wie'- - uiiju" oiaws.j susjubi claimHPbrto Rico;", ithe .-.Philippine. is lands or an immense indemnity which wodlcV; be impos"siblie, for Spain to pay; -. A.- ' A: ' -i :-' A Sickj headaene,1 biliousness, constipa-' tion and all. liver! and stomach troubles can be Quickly cured by using thosie famous little pilS1 known -as. DeWitty Little "Karly Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. R. It. 15el-: lamy.v. ". , '-! i! K. ' ! 1 f a: .- i -t , i , .1 , ' ri'"i - X-y. Two ofa Kind, .Mr. T. Runge, kfie clever an .effiA cient operator , who. takes such" periorl Associated . tTes teports j'-s . . : ' : . .-: - su4 1 1 fop Thei Messenger, is Son-a;tnonth's va cation and ..Mr;! M: Van alkenv befg,- ff Chicagoj jj-riyedb.ere. Sunday to talte the reports .ana relieve f- ii: J . - it I - t i .' - i .unger - . -t i; !i, . : - - - : f -.- i yi x Mr. !Vaa. Valknberg is ; anrexpert; press -reporter a'nd, is bright and tip to date in his business-' He is also as genial 'and clever!; a)s he is qualified and isj making many, friends in Wii- mingttin. ---f Tind fierfOBpysJeni Atl HEART TROU6L.E. I li, r.DWAKI H AElDV, the Jolly man-! ifeij'bf Shcppard Co's. gifeat storo-at BracevUie, 111.-L writs.-.: "I had never beeii sieik a day Ja! my life untjll in 1300. I: got ko bad with nervou pr03tiStion that I; haa; to give up and; commence to doctor. L tried our local physicians and one In JolietJ sffiopuagajve me any relief and I thought I iras ppingt to die.: l ptcame desponden and:su!Tered cctolii ago)! j1. I could-noteatil sleep r. rest, and it seemed p lt I could; not! eit. "At? the! end,' of sionthsl was reduced to but a shadow of myself, and at. last my heirt became affected, and I was truly laiserable. I tooi ; six or eight bottles of 4r.Mlle' Kervine. It gave me relief from the btart, and at last a cure, the great est blessing of my fife. I. Miles' Eemedies are sold ty aU drbg gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefit br money lire funded, Book on dis eases of the heart and VS W rlsrvinea v.. Health P.- '. I.I ,.v nerve3 free.! Address,: UU. JHLE3 JUUiCAL tX- Elkhart, lad, !: iPOWDKltniLL DISAMTEB FIN RettorsdAo Health by Or. Miles' Nervine, j SICK M 1- ' Tj-JII-X ".-.: : V I liver ; ib' ";. .i-7.i- r i AU'lmJA-r: ifii SIEGE iOF A Concerted Movement oh the City by Amer- 1 ican Army ; : -:A ' V ; :: " ": i' ' T :: CITYr ENTIRELY Aj : !; -A :il.5-!:-. ; - A , ',. The Problem of Destruction of the 1- i . '-'.;. vi --i-.i . .. . I: I ticability Deiiunstratv-d"..Monday'. Homhardnicnt Another Dc- maiid on Toral to! S.iirrcndcr .1- !!i-- -if".' : 4. AttackedTheir Soldiers .':: : ; I- j--r-.-;'-' p-i tireatly Strengthened Artillery ! and : Infantrv i' tCcpyright by Associated Press.y i : Siboney Jily : 11. p. in., .via Kings ton, Jamaica, Julje- 12. 'A : eoncertJ, movement hats been made by the. Unit- ed States army land navy, cltvof Santiago de t'uba durinit thei past twentyfour: hours, which," the American officers here believe -will rer suit in the almost immediate All of ihe -city. The fleet lying tiff : A guadores, ihree ; i mil esias t -of : ' MoffS j-.tas tl4. -14 rati the bombardment 'of Santiago' on Sunday, afternoon; and continued It this morning. ; Notwithstanding the fact that our ships: had to tire at an extreme elevation fand although the range was nearly five mlleivthe- aim was so arciiratet that miinv ,'if ili.J shellir feJlLii-W-ik-.l -t -iw V.J-ir sneuji-ui-MWM-K-yt-aiid et, -lire... to. It in four placesOjjiiirsh,eU -struck-tjJaerlvej-fciosteo! I Michael's church. Ins which a- yuanlH ty of powder! - and '-ammunition was . -t 4 t)uring thei bombardment from lh sea the army extended its I ine.4' and drew in closer to th city, o atpioii? today every road 4nd trail leading out of the city was guarded and the- es cape of 1 the Spanish soldiers seemed iiupossioie. ine oniy. way uiey -k'uii , get out of the city is to frry across the bay to the western side uf the ltr bor and; evert then thy i-ould not: get into the intwtUr without encountering: American tronps. . ) . ;' . ' . j TOR SPANISH FALL BACK."--i i)uring thef time the .warships were bombarding 'Santiago1 this morning the batteries of artillery on the hill shelN ed, the Sjianish entrenchments and- re-t-eivU but a light response. The Amer- lean sharpshoiotersatso sent in, a dead ly fire and the Spaniards fell back to tpeir fntrenchments resistance. I. I; i ' offering but little 1 The Americans suffered no loss. At about n6on 'today General Shafter f ommuriicated , jby signal, iwith i Reap Admiral Sampson, requesting the lat- tfr to cease firing. 1 1'hen he--general sent General Wheelerj Into the Spanish lines, under a flag of truce,..- with' a message to General Toral, the Spanish commander, reciting the fact that' th American ships, had . given ;, complete: demonstration that. .they could throw shells into the city and destrdy It , ati will; that; the. American troops h'aJ the city practically surrounded and i thai A here ; were; 18,000 Spanish and Cuban. refugees (starving to death, at K1 tja'-. ! iiey, anu taisu. pointing. .out cnav our army i nau no; means or rej-i-vug them. General fhafier demaridorf the.uncon-j dltlonal ;urrfnder : if- the-; city. !" and coupled this emahdj Ivvlith f,he- atate4 ment ithajt unless Geni-ral j Toral ' ac ceeded the assault iilpon the city, both hyi"th"e"la!nd and se'.i ;forces would be renewed at once. -r- ' ; n-r., :-Several ihours elapsed before any re ply was Received from General Toralf 'anTd then lie sebt a message to General Shafter ti thie effect that the matter was of siieh great importance that he" had been! obliged to ' refer, it to the Madrid government-and that he would send his kinaj answ'er as soon as ' he could j receive I instructions from Mkd- 'iri;d.-:''AA:;j 't'-' . 1: yt.: -J-! : It was then late in: the afternoon, and General Shatter gave orders to all thi tnxps to jget as mlich rest as possible and be prepared 6o resume! the attack at any moment.; No other answer had been' received frpml General Toral up to 6 oclock this evening. .. .1 :' During Ithe time! (the negotiations were pending Major; General Miles ar rived Offj Jvguadores, on board 1 "the: Yale from Charleston. ' Admiral. Samp son went bn board the Xae -and iheld A iconference with Gewral Miles, then the latter jwent to .Siboney,; landed, for! a-1 enort. wniie,, rana neia a. teieppone: coilnmiinlciition with General Shafter, seiven 'piiles aWay. : 'i -;i i-General. Miles will go to the front tomorrow hTiSesday) . morning- - f r ' ITU VrAt7"V:a TTrTT TT'X . ? i Iff Agujidoresr July! 11; 2 .pt m., yia Kingston. Jamaica, July 12. 2:10 p: "jrni-J The United ; States navy has the fol lowing prijblern presented tifi it:, What Is the best! "manner of effectively: b'orni-: .barding aifcityi distant f our land a half miJes and concealed from "View by a vltitA .ftr A'v.. :i.r. L. it. .: range tof Wilts. 1250 feetihigh at Its low- est? part ? fThe problem has been satfs- Lfajctorily sAlved. So, If the a'rmy here- atter never vteo. a- snot dnd merely guarded the roads, th navy could make Santiiago untenable, if indeed it Laiu; noi .iaiiy J : .1 : . . iSl.ll j destroy it in a,. few .aays. f . fry ,i 'I- ;..::-.. j! :.: Ih persuthce bf Genera request, CHrmhodore Schley oni ii Sbirday afternoon,. .Shaffer's af 3 o'clock ranged the Brooklyn,! Indiana land Tgxas within SOlyards Af the shore, at ia point al most due jf outh of the ciy! of .Santia go,: distant a little oyer .four-arid a half miles.- Th. ships' were about half a mtle aoart t . The army signal men were on tl e beach ; opposite the ships and also on the crest of a hill overlpok- j ing; both tr e ships and the;. pity. These : men wig-wagged ithe result of .each I shjot, tellin z the i gunners if the; shell , ws albied ttKjrhTgTiTprtTovand not In ! line. Sunday's practice j was good, but it was fetter today, when the firing was opened ' by the;- New Y"ork, which etyrned from X3uantanam (bay. during ;v,,i I L- .1! ' : i . ' ':- i! nijiiu j - i j :: - -i -- - The Newi York, Brooklyn and In- n imL nutria -ajKlfFt I na Irtifi ra I- I ed in the siheiting tms morning.- ine ships ran bu-t their big gon on the side opposljte fhe firing, in order! ; to secure theiaesireaxiisi lo.pori-or to starboard. !' "i i Aij. . '- j ';' ' . " Jeneraljhafteri signaled about noon that i"some; of the shells fell: in the bay n the city.j The latter do to do great! damages" ! r : on this subject was chang arid some not appear Comment ed immediately by a message paying: "The - last shot struck i St Nicholas church, t whfre powder was stored, blowing1 up the same and doing great damage' 'j ll I I Ty i : ; : -if" .' The bombardment closed ifor the day at 1, o'clock, p. m., at General Shafter's reiauest. as ihe was about to1 send a flag of truce into the city. In order-to de mand its surrender for tne.tnira anA last . time.!;' j-.r -: '"- . " , . ' . ' ' 15 The whole proceeding was business like in- the extreme The ordinary avo cations on hipboad went on, punctu-1 ated i at intervals Jof five .minutes -py the roar of ithe big guns, the scream of . projectiles - and the schoes from j the mountains hi the rear of, Morrp castle, f plainly visible to the westward , and , having the bombarding ships well In range. . But; not a gun was fired by the Spaniards, j J : : - i . j y . '; -.: The effect of the shells when they did hit ca$ be easly imagined ; when it : luteitywir-thrrachf-th 250i; pounds of ' explosives and travels 950 feet peri second. When such a mis sile; lands at a distance of four and a hab! miles from the muzzle it occupies WXW BAnAnHa in 'Mm fllo-ht - ! : - . . today started fires. In different parts of SANTIAGO AAAAAl ..iAtf: and. Navy, A ' ;' " ; t A Hi .: fr't .'i 0 U i . - iJ !;.i;-::..- - t: ::.; i-r7X-j--,r-l SURROUNDED' AA ' - A A'-' Al- City hy the Fleet Solved It; Prac. I . : :-": - :. - r : -. f.: ,i . . - - Spantsh - Lines Vigorously; !' ;::.'. " -; " ' ' -, -' ' v" ' - I Driven Hack Our LincT ! Reinforced.' , "T . Al ! 1- ' 0. : f'.. i; '-:! ' . i: 'J - ':.!' - ' . the city, pnvvlng the feajilbllty of bqrn-. ing the plai-. Uy-ualng the guns Of;th fleet alone, i J .( . - -. ! "..:.':. I: -It was strange to me oUr soldiers! re pairing a locomotive- oil the ratlnoad .. track running along the beach, 4hile. like he stiMkes of anlow cloc.k, the gunsiwere Itrd ii sent Kln-lls sereSm- ' ing ter the mn at work. : i I I - -t -j i Desilh mut. havoc come to many In tlirt city by reason of the shelling, but it isvtmposslblelito do morv- now than surmise as! to the extent, (j -j : ' .') I jrIN:.THli5..TRENCIlEsj i When the ' fir1 ppenetl from ; !f- -the V : American line after the conclusion of 1 the armistice; oijr men were in t much better position-j Capron s. and lIUierf' batteries were posted on the heights, tin the left of the line and in the-rear of Hates' lines the. ,-IfotvHfcissj G4ttP" ling and dynamite guns occupied a 1 frest.l on th erljjht centrei and on,; the j TtPt.h.u it -ftt.- sii.t 'itPtnsr tt.-L irte eenire oi Uwiun a division. he Sixth and six-j . teenth reguiarsjand the Seventyvflrst. . w Yu k. hieh 1 was pushed to the i westward until,'! with tJjftroia's ltne it , formed an arc reachlnir within ajjuar , terl of a "mile of! Camera, which skirts the bay and forts spaxush ' soldi tiuk-LE'AxaiA - jA A THE-eiTY.;;.i;:;i.iA'J: oadby which t'Jetierai JP .;: apel was' thus wmmaiff jl ' I The only roa rat could est Small detached .jlxwlles of ;. SpanJjT , had -.been,-observed skipping 'ofif town westward early In the tnoH including -inn.' sijuad of eavalrt'f move twiis. made jto eutifl their 'T and. a land bombardment begy, shot ronh Grl.tueii battery 'was . ed by lone of Caprori'sguns onjn and in tne right centre tM aiYi " llotchkiss . batteries " For; the first ten minutes th .general., the Spnlards replj ediy, but the rijle tire houii waneq, anu;irom o l it- 'o'clock when the action ce firing ; was confined 1 almost 1 ly to the. ai-till.Ty. A -firA iTllrv ttlw.1 W,.-l t, r.Y dn&ff)'. f-i . - -. i - -. - ...... . . u ...... . . . - . . ur! e n trenchments. The '"""'j-'lhit'" l.ul. Jl ' swept) j the ! outer nfbf,t- the entrenih ments back g,jfrxru .jnMntc down the brush,., like a scythe: ithe1 ,Spanishyv.er .;,),! forced; to the bloek4 h"U'Z Spanish battery on the left of th tovn. engaged by Capron's bati' feryj- flhed only a -few? shots, but 1M. -batteryl fi the- iiKhU-lb-tid-jiplrltediy .Until minnI.4t.-.ri u..tl r ' ' :iir .k f dynamitej gun exploded, directly " :lri front of It, tearing m p jl wo trees and: dismounting the gun. Iti was the last Shot; of . the afternoon-and was gretjt-f jed withcheers. ? Two men In fK-neral Kent's division were, killed by a shell and iseveral wre::wou"hded. : -r I, A Spanish": deserter ranie to our ljnes this afternoon for food . ; He said: -"the Spaniards are as good fighters as tha" Americans and ;lf , we had i food arnl cigarettes in abundance we would flphti forever." ' , j; ! y. General Kent recommends the ! fol4 lowing, officers o his division . for gallantry- urWer fire: Majors Sharp ahd I'hll Reade, Captain.' McAlexander. ;Lleu tenants Cart wrieht and Johnson LXtG!i'ir'lunteer Alder de tCamp Monroe, no was wounded, and wjll be recom mended' for a commission. '' fjrj Why allow yourself to bef slowly tor-L tureu at ine stake of dtseaee?' Chills and Fever will , undermine, and event ually break down this strongest consti tution. "Febri-Cura" . (Sweet Chill Tonic with Irort) is more effective than Quinine, and being combined with Iron is an excellent Tonic and ! Nerve med icine. It j is " pleasant to take, and is sold under a positive guarantee to cure or money refunded. Accept.. no substi tutes. The "lust fas good" Mri.d don't effect cures. Sold by 3; C. SheDard. J. Ill Hirdln and IL I Fentress,.1 i -. -- riuri i.anir irat was." , .: The Chestnut and .Grace ii streeters had a controversy 1 yesterday ater noon. At least two juvenile 'ball teams . hailing from the! Ideations mentioned (hence ther isoubriqilets) 1 "crossed ! - -r - Jl 1 bats" I (we belieVe thls is the antiquat- ' ed expression. 1 ' The Xormer team! --"tlean ;: licked1 thej latter, 'by accrc of 24 to 21. The -victors, with their ofScial , appella tions, were 46hn't Myers, catch; Clar!- I encf flyers, pitch; Emmet Crow, first , base; Jim Loder second base;, Adolph -Rosenmann, third! base;"- Joe. Frank!, short stop; Clarence Crart, left field; M. i, us, center; field,-,and his ;twirt brother right field.: i ' l ' ; ! 1. i , The "other - side" was composed of IT - I . Tl- . .1 , 1. . U . TI'ilM.. T)A.. ancr kwuciaiii tiiutiij-YV line xeu chati, pitch; Willie Sperlce, first base Royal Calder. (not " purple),! second base; !i Pat Duffyj; J.blrd ' base;' Roy Woodburry, short stop; Tom Taylor left J field; G:. E. T, Left, center-field and likewise right field.r - The game was !"pulled roll" in the Hemenwary school; yard, and Mr. Sam tie! lHall, Jr., portrayed iwell -the -role of umpire. : r t Ir Mereer lor Congress 'i The. convention for the Second con 4 gressional distrlct! to nominate a eon gressman. -has been called to meet af Wilaon nn tha Jlsf dv rtt Aut-usit. T)rl W. 1 P- t Mercer, rone of Edgeconfria county's most prominent citixens,. ham been endorsed by that county, and wef leam, stands a splendid chance of get--ting the- nomination,' It will be re4 membered that Dr. Mercer . was before the, convention two years ago when Itj met; at Goldsboro and that he- received a large vote. . !-p yf, v; . i t-! '! Tbs Rsysiistas higssst srs4s eaktef aoweW Imow s. Actual tssts shaw it gssss ! tkirs farther thee aay otksr kraa f:sm Fir;0En Absolutely Pure t-' y''"y: ' a' .A--t !,V-v.M "f 1 : i' ;i ' I Hi, f sovm. smoms sowers eo., sew vdsk. '?! -ly i mi - mm a J - -S : 1 :H;.! -'ir:.. iV' !- j . r. --'. f J i ifffrr h i - ' ':'-' i r,. ! -t i j! i i r- vi A :f. ; f fs tj ii , " "I .he bun M fit ma tA mmv:-- a ' Sft.nt.ta.?A ,--. 7 -

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