: YOL. XI. NO. 178. I - i . it f! I ! m V fit tl 9 J. t r- K ) 4 1. ... Her Commissioners Throwing Obstacles ! ."Way of a THpIR SENSELESS Aiiicmanu j nai me ruiuic-F wrui a I f i I i " .- 1 .l ' 4..'.. Their Landing inSpalThis Coiuiiiihhi.iicr.s )NkiAl-s -;it Washington 1 Anxiously Vwiiitint; the Latest News l rom the i l'rotit (Jon- ' ;.i -. i- icrence'at the "NVjiite House Yellow Fever J. in. Qunp The Condition Improved. Vaf-l anfctiwi, July iS.-s-Th-war- ii-'- 1' A it lias j Htcjl a 'list.ifit h from Hstdimt AiJJut Jcinal Alii knt General tj-recnlcar, s' stafE, ,whf h ! a , : i - :, y X; i - l ' three -aaeH if yellow fli-ath r-u('i'teil vMh Hows: 'Only- tw-nfy f-K-r Miid three ir Ahf- "past . twnty-nrtir noved vh.-n er. pructi'-abliMi Jlav-tak'.-n! viuor-,us piecau tfaniK to -preven t t Lie i.ireud i of the ihs'tiiHe ' f ' The war (Itpdijtmnit' also Jut.ted the -ftjdiuWiiiKi I'rablejsrawii;".'.! ..i I'1'" ! 'A ! "lJla-a. Bahiuiri, July 13. '"iteui etury'fcf ar, aKliiugtuti - f"X coiimnsHlori- oit btlialfi of the ilted States v aH aipuniu.d) ooiiHiBt VV litK'ler tndi Iawt(, jnji of. General; aiiiJ I.ii-iliu-iiant ptlley. vvith a fepanisii k-i anne -the details, for mni4HioM to rryiriK into i: ! i 1 . .1 ' ' I -arry iriur lino i: eu eci th eapit-ulatioiK ' . ! ? ; f e- J K ill m t( h Sibt'in y : - I i .' r - I tomori'ikvr' i ; "MILKS" t rrhe . srte Hid d'lsliatch- is sMriiedcJuiii-Hi. nlKnal iillleer frf fhaw -fof - t.lie ter- inlnus'.of lh; rililitury iline atk I'laya f - I; . i v- "I'laya, July 15c 'The ' iii.imniiiinerf?; - appointed -to arra.hKe Uie l-i':iils oft the surrend.-r hHld !a ijitjeUni Vesti-rdav lasting- until a late fc(4i riij.rn'iBfi-i i' ' Tlu-y - met ai?am this 'tt.1l"l II. II VU.fllH IMl-aed J t teillJ Will be i se-lUeu io- j:ly."- J 1 'l'f''' l-.v-j f i f;Nt'oi;RA(JEi)-ijv. yrfLow n:-- ' j ' ,VKH jKKt'ORTS.- L ; rfbo war defiiirtmejit; fottioials . are 4tfWatlv i -ncourag.d . by the rttports on I the rvcHliw:- feverrsitiiation- ifroin- jthe hy-Jtilhf- front: -Tliey weir? fearfuT ; sir t the; r t a t fsmti-JTOfTV uiere, jiiijjn. ,w -Inoroaslntf kaserf, Tmit-etP prrat' (vidk 'tniiaw when a dif-Tiatch amo . from. aiJtii-geon lii-eenleaf. a. member of (.leu-.: Milr- t.iafl, saying that aunng tup I-atit twenty-lourj hours then) nau 'U only tyent M -iu -B-Jifvi" uagBa. U in iharkeJ 1ontra?t wiihi t;h . re- jxiits foe the i pii-evJous , t wertty-tou.r liojirs, tthkh shiiwt-d a mucn Kreaier: l'Veaa, nu; vui pargeuii; wrj-uiei" sKt.emeiit that the sreneral cltaracter the; ctPease. i mild, . leads t-the offl- L. CSfi llsto Iujjk that us ravasesi TMlV-.-btrl 111 jilted and that;-the disease will,: be lit .wtH iwiflnni uoundsi - I fr. . 'Ther'' vas:ailunK and anxious wait ttiay tis tiear 'tui-tner news irt'oni .t "t ortimiS'-ionern vho had been chatted toj niak-e u rr int'nit nts - f r the sui -i I ii wilder' l,f thi PPIinlsh army at S5;inti- ' t stVrW-' Fiv i enrhteeri hours iiin -' I -ateie Tniiii ieithi-b- General Rhafter or .1 (IHheral Miles.- al!ihoKh tberel was. the Xetnet deifiif' onl the part of the presi "deht ahitt hiHi'alifin t advisersi to; learn Avhat had li'Tii done, and aitK'iilarly rrj-inv.HiihiMl th. actual Surrender f -tin n t ialPirntfauiSTi:i ji ish . jlroops 'ii'aLt.i'ieenl carriedi .mtT tfri 4-he eahtf 'met m I 11 1 u I lu k, tlv iv was i tivelv li.AliiriK tioni the fiont which vwfiild st( a- 4 vuide foi tle delib ?'rations. , It ! wa- .th.iusrht the t able t had beei 'interrilptod, but on.-lnquiryi ! f .iGeneral ( Sreelsy.. eltjef ; sisnal officer, i hl; pave hsuraiKje1 that . the cable -was irfht a dfapntohraslvmer for the situation I '.ipi' to'-tfi latest moment, andipartieu-rjiarlv-. imitiiMng-ras to how tar i the sur- ; irefid'-r iiad proceeded, t No! answer i-atne -while the cabinet-was in session; .ilrt th! ifiTeaiHtiine, i General i Greeley hai-' eabltd and h the liist ofli- n-i il io hear from the ftont A,dipatli lJi(,lin KifUtenant1 Jouos. military i'en ir 'at- Pliavavdet iKstiv reported . ttiat tht nu'SRu-pe- -:t rtm t he secretary of -Viir to (?eneral , Khafter was utnly srx -tfciiuirUv'Ai n papriais ff-om Vashlngton. to !Plava..,rhe message neeeivea - y iy MVtieral tlreele.M- ctameit-t TUL .and 'widtc.ateid that !5 o clock p. negotiations war vpttfin rrotiiTss. urn- -ust . irie uim- iSaitchfwa submiitled to the president detail ere g!iA-en out.-: SPANISH tJCIRBLES. owafdi tluT inidiVei of the afternoon 'AUuafclif Troiil General ,ji ues ; itnu General Sliditer bepa" to arrive n re- rpbne to Seci etajry Alereru rat Her im perative requr-At. I Tlu-y were not given i oi in f till, but in,euth portion as, were ijnde' puWic ishoWe'd 'that (he ijiegotia ' ions I were still in progress -ind f that thv Spaniards "had raised rather v?x jv.!cted questions, r The most'iniportani ofj These was I an insist ance tutiat the " flianitoh troopf should retain their arms when thev return t-o Spain. There -was entire willingness oil th'.part of -3neral Toral to turn -over the arms foi Gvnet al 'Shater at the tun of the Kiirrender, but svith this was to be the understanding" that the arms"; iwere -to 1)0 returned to thp Spanish troops when ppinish soil was I reached. This was- a ..oaridition which 3iad not beew antici oaned. The authorities, heretidid not jr-t-ard it seriously, or as likely ;to over cokie a final "settjlenient, as 1c -was at tributed to tne ISpanishi sensitiveness against he humiliation involved! in4he 'Saying doFf! of their arms. :At l the same time It. was a 'point on .which neither siile appeared to; be ready to -vjid... One of th dispatches, firom the a'rbnt, after, specifying that this dif-,Te-enee had arisen. dded that it was fot&ieved a settleijnent would be reach- ; ed before i th4 day closed. '- peneral i Shaf ter himself summed up - TNH LITHIft WftTERr t 1 L- :.' UpAT) ' 'THE' TESTIMONIALS OF - f MR.' it HUMPHREY AND COL. . 1 ROGER i r i - ; - ! '' ' j. - - 11 EROV "ilB 4 B:B HUMPHREY. ; TVTf -m. lV Ward: , ,'. f .'Dear Sir: f have been using the etnai Uthla .Water and think that I -am jastifiable in saying that it has .done tiei imuch good and hasi relieved -lie ot much trouble, with indigestion. I II,; IS. 11. llUAli'tn.ii1x, -i l !"! I J-. i .1 : I- Middle Sound. iob orwr rrvT" "ROCIER M RE. lr. R.-E- Ward: " 1- Dear Sir: I take pleasure in u6 ibat a ikiemtv- of my I family.? very inuch troubled with Indigestion.- has heen irratlv benefitted by the use ; of the Aetrial; batliia water. - i ! ' v-. ' . . .i , . very truly, 1 I ROGER $IOORE I R; E. WAKJJ, Agent. '1 Don't forget that 4 are established A w Hl flREEN'S PHARMACY, and that welare ready, to ierve you all the Itime at 25; cents per gallon tor pure 1A.ETNAI UlnlA WAix-n uum " -inia Mineral SDrines Company.'Rpa 0MBBLES- Settlement. ' . j CONTENTION. I -1 1 V ii u. . i rn..." iJ,.., "UHii 'v iiviui fihu iu i iiwui ;-irii Kj'nt 'ot to be CqnccJed by Our the situation, by saying?: i 'It ifjanncjt, be fariure btf . no.ssible I that there Will in i ornr leHnsr " arrangements No fi'uestion whatever! has been raipod an ti the aurrendei Itself. , Not only has kJeueral, Toral --agreed ). t it, buit this lasrreement has bwn ratified, by Gen , he'- lerah Hlancr;- at"7 1 lavana ' and, by (Spanish -niith-oriUe at Madrid General treeJeM received anotlier disjiatch at & o'clock -containing the; nforrnatioii that .-'i Colonel Allen had anded the orrs cable Jjure ' M)J ; of the: signal aj I'laya from 'the .cable Steamer Adria.' colonel Allen was .not Ullownl to land at flaya on account f the AdrLa comiQ? from ; an infected tomitts fromi an infected were'rKvell on board, bm allowed aphore. CoIon?J UlHtrie'. All w no one was a.1 Allen' fetarna this levening to Baiciuiri to repair tlie French cable att that I'nint and estarbh-sh- repular communi cation between Playa and Santiago dei Cuba' Ro-that the army will be in tel-' firaphic communication with WaMi-' inpton as soon as the city is surrender? H , i The perplexing- problem, now to be lived is how to carry out-the pledge. hiade by General tShafter. to remove the K'paniwh soldiers, who surrender,: to Spain- It would i have 'been no easy Undertaking--to remiSe the ?0,000: men across, the-Atlantic junder the best con diti5ris, but the reports that indicated the exitnce of yellow flever among the 'Spaniards threatened la.ll kinds of difficulties.1 iATter till, it, was decided to be only a matter of money, and ;if the price offered Is large enough, .tteamsh'tp lines cam doubtless .-be foundi P undertake the transportation. 'At the best, several- -wjeeks probably 'Will! Hie reiiuted .to, r.emwe tie) Spaniards,! so that'.it AVill be necessary ; tp main-; Hain a . considerable! proportion of the American ;army in. the neighborhood for some time Still being .under .no care to protect themselves against the foe,- the American 4.roops. can be I, so, disposed ''as lb make themselves; very: rtrtmfortable In comparison with Iwhat. they rhave undergone, and, by remov iiig' into,, the 'hills Jut in the. rear . of Santiago?frts- believed that the, dan ger of an extension of the yellow i feyer lll be reduced so faf that it will no 1nger be cause for grave apprehen sfion. The .snrgeons' reports describe the disease as -wfa mild type,, and it is' said hat this wUl readily yield, to change of location" into higherf'and (TO'oler, ground, i in. -. - yM l ) f SFCRETART ALGER'SSTATE-M'-l 1. r'IENTv. ; ; - - The following .statement ihasi been issued by Secretary . Alger from ithe dispatches he (has received from, the oflicers at Santiago: i - in l il i I "The- coittfhtssioners on the part of wfrrdft:ne ITnited State? ; named -by. General Sbafter were I Geierals Wheeler? and Lawton, ?and, Liuenant Miley. 3Their 1 discussion lasted until late last inignt qnd wbs takeu jip by them at U ofclock this niorning.i?rhis surrender dovers a great' area of tlwii eastern part of Cil-j bn, of-yonrse" the i; detail may take 4omv 1 it t lo time,;i.")ut- thev are ibefng pushed along: as rapidly as possible, u ; 'HEXCE.'AT THE f WHITE IQITSE. I ' S After , an extended conference j with- the- president -tofnght, at AvrT(tuhree' I CTTNl members of; the cabinet were pr;esen4jfo: Lvther t it ::it iiart Secretavv "Alger said: "The situation is just this, i The Spaniards at Santi ago are . prepared to; surrender, but they: want to carry v their arms.- We liavrf determined tol grant no such coi-; ciessiVm nor any concession except the gener.rsity of Una government -to .transport them to; Spain."., i : it; ;l i secretary Algeri: was asked if iit was: riot the expectation tht! when it was llnown that no other terms would be ira nttjd thei I -surrender .would ! take place,' and replied -that such wasH the case. In any event, no other conces sion; would me' afforded by this govf eminent. vi .1 ...,4--- - . h ) It was nearly 1 o'clock when the coir frrertce at liiei White house adjourned. Beside .Secretary! AJprer -there i-isi-ere present Secretaries .Bliss and Wilson and i Postmaster General Srnith4 I Ad jm$tfft -General Corbin was present the ia-st .ipart of the conference. , .Secretary Alger did not say i how mueh. time would be allowed ) the enemy to lreat h aVonclusion, but it is known that the administration will make it very: -short and submit to no further parley; with General Toral. The next move is sur render upon the terms which .the: Unit ed States proposes or immediate at tack upon the Spanish.-forces by .the at niy and navy: li- TIIK KOI TII IiXPEniTION !i ISallatrom San Francisco for Iantla, -''About KIghteeu Hundred JIeu,lnder General Otis, oji Board. I : ? , -p San Francisep,. Cal., July 15. The fourth Manila expedition is under way. Shortly after, 3 o'clock, this afternoon Major General Otis, from' his flagship, the City of Piieblo,, signaled the trans port Peru to get under way. The sig nals were understood by the anxious watfhes on shore and- by those, who hadsurrrounded the two 'vessels lin small boats, and were received with great cheering.- k v. '-'ij. I Long before dusk the last good-byes had been! said to the departing vessels from the! decks of the tug boats and the heavily ladea transports proceeded ten their way to Honolulu, where they .will fctopito participate in the annexa tion ceremonies and to take on fresh provisions and rflJ their coal bunk-. I Major iGeneral OUs and staff-have their headquarters on the City of Pue- bio, 1 which also carries the remaining companies oi the Fourteenth - United States infantry, recruits of the First and Second : battalions of the Eigh teenth and Twenty-second regiments, unlisted men of the First North Da kota:, First Wyoming and ; First; Idaho medical iofficers and members ofjthe .insTiitfii Iroms. a total of 843 men. . ! The troops on the Peru -consist of a squadrori of the Fourth United; States -rnvolrv. ! lieht batteries' bf the Sixth i,JAsitd States artillery, a aetaenmeni . -hirrl TTriited States artulery. detachment of the signal i corps . under Captain Russell, a detachment . or vol unteeers, medical officers and members of the hospital corps, aoout z men. The last orders of General Otis : be fore leaving were that th remaining transports Bhould sail as soon as pqs sible. irrespective of fleets; or other e pected vassels. The Pennsylvania and th Citv of Rid Janeiro tare both near ly ready; and will propably1 be prepared to sail by neit iiiursaay; -t- Sick headacus. fclllousmesa, constipa tion and all liver and. stomach "troubles can he qulckly 'cured hyi usln those famous little Uhj known! as DeWitfs Little Early Risers.- They; are pleasant to taks and never gripe, R. R. Bel- j j i ;i - 'A ? - - - ' ' '. J:,.KFf trt . i - T is L r ,jv .iM'-i h i - 'i '. - -. ' 1:' i- :- - .-.) V- 'it-'! ! . I I 1 1 i i ' ; JNl:5-;--;1-;. ! . "M- 1 !' 1 ... . - jfe "If ' f' :' : ' ' '' . '. ; i t i - -i is rl - -----Is - -I- ' r'f;i! T. . -' l -i ' . : r T r-r I - -, r 1 ; : . -r r-i . . , . i . . - . -.. . . J fejih II.1; r-T- s- : re i ic j-t- r- ; ; . , r-5-v-ar;' ' I -rz ;."'! " . -. i n: ! 'I ; i-- S ii kfei)eiutkiioits ; nniHiTiTiiTinu 1 finnnrnnrn nnmrn TinT nrnrimrnnr ngotitiirrV1pt:jafe-wi'iady'ikin Ixt-" - "a i 't T-nrMlT: r t irS rrvx ytn i 1 1 1 1 1 rJ V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rJ UkJ H I Ufl rJ xlflVI H-ukn Hy rl thha wmm Nurth Carolina' UpportuDlty col Invade I II lf 1 1 1 1 1 1 II III : 1 1 1 1 f 1 K I 1 1 1 1 1 I I II HI II ( 1 ' I Hi 1 1 I Ml I I II I ll 111 ll lulriM 'PKardrtwr the leirms of .Vmeci- r T I ? ; L' I--1'! SaI r T ' ' Pi I I V ' Y I I IV'I 1 Atlanta With the jnxlt IlegaUoQ UUllU 1 1 lU I lull UUUI LllLLU vNlUI V I UU I T ULI LllULllVlL c which i?Pin ight4Hept! It'lac&St- I :J TV lL -i I M VJl i - ji'- 1 V ! 1 V 1 A' ) 1 1 I I J Vf-'';. to the lleonlon ofiVeteran. -Nt i I i ' I I) ' Tl rtl that M Camttii-.-th'-- FWnch i. : '"j- .tu I .rtlf -1 171 '"! t; -v. " liri; H--Til i n. i i n:" TttT:.-: i' if-fH- tk-Hflp the H1 ! Soldier on the um ' I ' i ' i . Cap Fear Caip No. 'M, l. Cj. V., will leave here 'next. Tu ?feday( for -Atlanta to i attend lithe; gres.i jt-onfet trate reunion that is to take tpee Jutj :20th, 21 et, 22nd and 23rl ' ' h - . f i i Colonel , Jifi AVjoodward;: squarter manter of jiei'NorthNarolina "diviHion, who returned la Jew days ago from I At - .i - v . i -a"- i ! i i- -ji. --. ; . . , i , - fanta, makjes S a godd- point Ini Haying Northi Caiioljina ( furoishlkl : more1 Bbliinjrs anii spilt n?ore blood for the confederacy thaik arty other stsjte, rarid ln suggesting and; urging ;an lattitniU ance4 of Jthe? veterins of, ' OUr state commensurate with? her- sacrifices -un the civil war. It ib therefoTfe to be hoped ! that i North Carolina ill Offve the largest! delegation at the reumon. This i can be secufeVl If som'f . of our -men-fof . means Will? aid I poorl conresd eratei soldiers to go to Atlanta. iVhy cannot thoi.e -who Kael thel means make an effort to help te olJ veth? All soldiers who get t(J Atl.rtita kvill be. takeni care oft:. The ci;tizeni bf that live and: enterprising citjy haiit made arrangements, to -lodge and f eed I all who are inot able j to pjiy!foi lit; All who desire to pay itheir fwn" expenses can d"to In the; most ecbnomfcal way, :as :arnnngement'si have been friade jto give Jodglng atmlo centis an9 ineals atf very low figures; running! frorn 5 cents ; upwards.: The hotels hae offer ed rates at ifromil ft. 50 to i $3.00 qjer day for th6se who care ,for bettei4 accom modations, ri! ') keeping i iit'ii thtir Jfiaf-iniW-h' !-iHf4iJ' ' I -f'tj '.. f : Let the Old Nortnf3ate Hernia great delegation to Atlanta. : tt-- -)-- j-1 ;l;i--f j" '; ... i " ji : f i j ; i- . ; " M i Thousands)- of n pons ha'e been eured of piles byiiusin DeWitti WlUh ifazeli Salve It n hels i promptly and cures leczema and all tekin-diseiisesJ lit v gives iimme.diatel; relief.- Itj ; k i Bel lamy.) i: ,: . .! j -h 3f j.,-..i-! ut 'H- li ' i ' J - ' . ' -I I -i -fl' - l- I - I ' .'r- r-.i ,f I I . t h Colored l'"xrUrMloit prom Hlllon ' Ther colored Missionary Baptists and the A..-M. !e. fchurch ik Madi- son, joined n in arrived - here at; i 6:30 o'clock a n i excursio'ii whuJt" i: yesterday j jevening by .way : of the Cape jFear and ,Yadkin Valley Rail vyay. .The party numbered 1 150.'; . Most i of. j them came ' from Madisdn; : but . a few are from Fayetteville; and other 1 1 points. .They 'will spend rtoday at tlie seashore and; leave i for: homeaat 6 o'clock -fhis fevehingj-j :,' .,;! ;::':i! m' . -:M;'l! :-' L The editor or dlie ...Cvans City, Pa., Globe,: 'writes, if 'One.. -Minute i Cough Cure fs rightly inatped. It cured .my children after all other remedies; fail ed.": It cures coughs, colds: and I all fhroat and lurig troubles. It. RJ Bel- lanf-. - - ( ;- ; - . !?, j;" ' I' M-i i - r ;;.i; : - ' ;-i " I ' "1 ''! !. " ' 2 -. -I Eiomt toal, Watch and Money I f i Wednesday --. . af teraoon ' whileji Mr;: .Hampton rnithi . wasleomin a from 1 WnghtsviHej Bach -fqn the Seasoast trarn i he pulled io.ff! his coat.i contain- sy. i, -i : I: i. r i ;-v !i , . ; i : rng a: watch and' a fewr dollars, land i1 - : I j I ! . 5 - ' i i . I .other articles ins the pockets and hung 'itron the door ofjthe baggage car. Near the mineral i spring a coupler of miles from the, 'city,' the fwlnd blew his coat out, with the ofhe things, anid" 'thev .were lost. - ., Hi-' i . i - ' 1 Pobllc Comfort for Exoursloult -Hundreds of excursionists come to our seaside iduring , the i summer, but- -when they-' are; fti i the jetty itheretis o place for them to go andfsit-down faa, rest or have other comforts. in i-view the : fact ' that; these excursionists , worth, a great deal Jto our oit or are our . business vmen ouglijt jto ig'et' . together ia.d -devise means .tj( ere;ct ;a.!paviliQn and public -Com fort! for tin visitors, U would, makes ouTjieltyl all ! the inoreat-i tractive foritherri: and would bf$ advian-i tageous to tlie city. ; 'sj : ; ;j. i : i . I 1 I f. U. 'liarujs, of Lewisvllle,' Texas 1,- Te writes that Cme. Ijox of DeWiLfs TViteh Ilaaeli Salvei waa worth $0.00 itohim. It cured his rule ant, tn vea t- at a n ii I n r- cures-f-eczenia. iskiit -diseases kind lob- stinate sores. "II 'i R. Bellamy. f A Delightful Coiiipliuientary lttecptlon Thursday home of rMr evening the s h,a-ndsome E. II. 'Sneed, No .16 Nvru le scene of muth;nleasure street, was the -and. merriment j6n- the part "pit thirty ode) , of Wilmington's - jyounq.' folks. ;Thp occasion i was. a receplion, tenj dered by iMr. j" iSneedfe : gharming daughter, ' MissL May JJellflg jSneed, complimentary :;ttt her I fril 'id and guest, Miss iMary Harvey, of fv'inston The past timesiiof the evening wrere , many and greatbonpoyed.whllehe re freshments- twerei choicp and elaborate ly ,&erved. Mr. and Mrs. ,Swed ere charming .-in their; home, afid most hospitable .and. 'gracious as liost land hostess. I :j j fz i f I v - j j .': ' "' i Among the. visitors' present; was ;Miss Mary !Philipg, bf Tarboro. i i ; !: Win your:, battles against by ! - acting! ipromptly. One ! disease Minute- Cough Ce iproduces immediate , re sults WheG ! taken early U;i'vents iconsunrptlo. I .'And n later sstages it furhiaiiea prompt Relief. ; ; ri R. ; Bel- 1 a mv r ! : i i s ; ; i The Churehfa Tomorrow. i ! First ! Presbyterian chdrchj i Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, D. sD., pastors Divine service at U a. ;ni, ;and 6 ! p, lkl, con ducted by Ithe pastor.' Prayer meet ing on Thnrs;day at 8:lS p. ml Seats Troa -l. f.. fit I ! I , 1 . Ji i t ! ;. I - , -,- ! ;.- 1 fl : i - i I ! - . , First Baptist ilchurch, corner t Mar ket and I Fifth streets. Preaching; to morrow at 11 a.1 m. .and 8:15 ;pu m. by RevJ B. I Lacy Hoge of Selma; N. C. Sundalv school at 9: 30 a.i mJ I Prayer meeting iThursday! night at (i'.l p- m. Public cordially invited, i i i j ,' Services' "at iFiflh street 5Methodist church tomorrow ! as follows: Preach ing at 11 m. pastor, -ft- Rev. and: 8:15 p. m.i by the W. ! L. Cuninggim. at 14 'p. m. i I'ublic cor Sunday school dially: invited to All services. I Grace M-1 If- church, Rev. A. , P. Tver pastor.; BerSfices on. tomorrow .11 a. m.,ianfl 8:15 p.lm. Sunday school ,.nn 'in .2 J i . ln V, 4:3(1 p. m. iperjeuce meeiiug iu iuc Lecture Room at jM a. m.i r ' . : Services In SU John's church tomor row Sixth Sunday after Trinity by the Rector Rev,r Dr. ICrmichafel; jat 7:45 and li a.; m. -SumdayV school J at p. - .-fu lliltitN ?Bob Moore, of LaFayette, "Ind., says that for constipation he has found DeWitfs Little .Early Ris ra to he per- fect." Thev never isrrine. ' jTry, I them for stomach and hver trohbles. R- R- I 'ceiiauiy. ..r. -ii: j. i :.-: i i t r--. '- I ;.. Hester's Cotton Market V New Orleans, I July 15. Secretary Hester's statement; of the world's, visr ibte' supply of cctcin shows a decrease during the week i Just closed of 89,16 bales, against a decrease 5 of 147,431 vast year, i .' ! . r i - The total visible supply Is 2,274,215 bales against 2,363,881 ,lasWtreek and 1.608.879 last year, i Of this 'the total of 'American cotton is 2,019,175 bales aeaiiist 2.102.8eil ilast weel and -1,318, 679 last year: iof all other kinds the fetal is 255,000,! against 1 261,000 hfist week ftndWOD. ;st year. i- I .t ' ' ' ' I l i t t - "t amuMPa.wr at w asninaTTf.n. nn.i ir i ii ;ia8- ' --, . a ... y i. : . - r i - Spain tearful of Donies- ;. W'iu i- hi Li t i. tic Revolt. OVERTURES FOR PEACE. -Ii iHartlai Vdw Ie-lrel ao aa to be Able to iippieM any TprUlug Abnolute euorliip of 'ubllcatlontM-Spaln'a like Teruuvou, lflilth" the America a OQverniueut "rt ill Agree to s' i Peaee Itespousiblllty of Surrender i 'of Sautlaigo Thrown I pou Toral. I "--j - i i s !- i -a '). :' j, : " '' 'a : j Madrid, July 15, & a. m. The official gazette- today publishes a royal de- cree temporarily suspending through- ';l j ; ' ' ; -I .-! li .. ;; : i J : t -; f j i out ithe b janish 'peninsulajj" the rights ot individuals as guaranteed py the constitution. i i Th? deciiee adds that the government wijl' render an account to! parliament of tlie use it: may make ofi this meas ure.: The: jjublication i of the decree is generally iic'eepted las being? convincing proof that Spain is now ready to sue for peace arid that negotiations ,to that t flee aie actually la progress. The! govfcfliimont wishes to ihave full pjosvt-r toi Suppress any evidences : of discontent or rebellion i whenever they itar The; Carlists are iunous and a pi- are sure 1) attempt to create trouble. : One minister exjprfssed the conviction that official i overtures ; for peace -will be made: before Sunday and there lis reason to I believe France hasi: offered her i services to ;Spain and that. Spain has j drawr :up conditions ; fori peace which offer a base for negotiation. r ; ; Premier agasta Ss cruoted aa saying that Spain wants peace, but that -'-fit must be an honorable peace, as-Spain deserves.'' i "The army," the premier is said ito haVei added; Via anxious to re st! to. the lastj but! the" government fannot otisenf to uch useless secri- tice.i. Had we .ourj lleet the : situation ould be liffererit.f' t :. i i si A dec-ret Of the icaptain- general o Madrid; which has 1 been affixed! to ,the w,alls :of this city, I i-says decrees sus pending tlie iconstitutjional , ;guarantees tllroughou): the kingdom, have been published and a statei of war .existing. it I is ordenedi ; that mo i meetings; take plb.ee - without the previous ! autboriza tnln of 'the military authorities It :is alJso forbidden to publish without pre- vitius authorization any writings, en gravings oir designs' whatever. Thede-.,-Le concludes ;:; with specifying the punishment which Iwill be: meted out toj those Who do:not regard ; the "orders issued SPAIN'S 1DE:AS OF PEACE TERMS. Clhe min ster of war,i General; Correa, i IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THii Of. In tlie Twenty-four Hours ; Twenty-three New Cases of - Yellow Fever f- lid t Therefrom in Our Army! Before fjter Agreeing to Surrender a Conditional on Approval of the ..-.:'( lj. - i i . -! ' i ; Shaftir Would Not Consent to. S ! The Spa'nish I Commissioners' i I I! ' I . . -a 'i Muchrrime by Raising all Kinds 41 ! Minister Correa Will Agree 0 to liejain orto Kico and the Philippines and: Evacuate Cubi Nirie'Months. j '. Mi , j e The Troops at Charleston Have Been Noticed that they W : p go to Porto Rico. Tlae Spanish-Troops IlaverAbandoned thTrenches and Ke- tired, into Santiago i :. " ' I.!: r Tlpe Spaniards Insist that ArnisL they Must be Returned ''' SpainL i ; - - 1 J The Attitude of the German tNaval ' ' l .-;:-- i . . ; I . : Philippines Causes Apprehension m i No Peace Overtures Have j Oflicer from Spanish Authorities : '." t ' :, ! 1 .-. i I -H- - J: it - f':.;, - 19 quoted! as, sayiiig-in an inter.view taat he-1 thought peace mights .be ar ranged on the following terms; .' . Thd XTnf ted Sta tes, ' and Spain - to agree) to: let the 'Cubans decide by a .plebiscite whether they desire Indepen fdjbnce on autonomy under the suzerain-: ity if Sparn, the two governments to- agree to, abide by the result: of the jJebi4-ite. In the event of ithe Cubans ciiting for independence, i the ; i United States to allow Snain nine months in Vhiclii to nvilhdraw her ajrmy gradual ly i and. dijg-mliedly from Cuba, as sol -qiersi shotild rafter . having fought like heroes, 'i ! 1 ' i- -.i ' continuing,, ine inuiiHiei ui war said: I "we ought to retain Porto Rico alt ali costs, in order to be always near Cuba, of pvhich the Americans will be ible to-; despoil us in icourse iof time, jjnd in oriier ita -more easily communi daie with the South American repub lics, whicjli daily, display the greatest enthusiasm for Spain. As to the Phi lippines islands, it' is certain iwe wiH retain them. ; even -though the LAmerl cjans succeed in 'occupying Manila, of which place : their occupation will be most brief. 'An official dispatch an. nounces that the rebel chief :and the Americans- will ; not always: agree. Which is to Spain's advantage. The government i has formed a i scheme which wifl- not only assure Spain the possessipn ; of- the - Philippines, but Which Willi re-establish tranquility." I j Premier Sagasta declares that neith er the Madrid nor thei Cuban govern ment have intervened,! in the negotia tions for Ithe surrender of Santiago de Cuba.1' He adds', that the surrender came within the province of General Toral ancfr under : his responsibility and the; general simply announced that the garrison had capitulated, Tbe ancient Greeks 'believed ; that the Penates iwere the gods who attended ttrthe 'Welfare and prosperity of the family, i h They , i were t worshipped as household gods i In tevery home. The household god of today is Dr. King's New Discovery.' For consumption. coughs; cold and for all affections of Throat, Chesta and Lungs it is invahi able. It lhas been rle,d for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to core. or money i returned, ij: No . household should be -without this good angel. It is ipleastnt to take and a safe and sure remedy fer old and young. Free trial botltles at R. R.ij Bellamy's drug store. Regular Size 50c and JLOO. . ., r, ,, ,L ! I l. .-ii ,.; Wilson AsaIn-0feat Tarboro s (Special! to The Messeger.) ; i Wilsoi; N. :C.; July ji 15 Wilson had a walk-lover with ; STarboro today. j , : I -ivJ !' 1 ' ! " " J ' Petty was; easy and! Hollwell invin Icible, He struck out: nine of his op- ponenis itin'g of jwilson. The features--were the bat Woodard and Hollwell for Woodard got three ; twc base a 'single and Hollwell a hits and Single; a double and trigple.. i . r I The i scored ! -R.H.E . ...I ..11 12 4 Wijson.f.' Tarbord ; . . . . . .. t.. ...'.i.6' 7 7 ' Batteries; i Hollwell and :LeGrand, PettyX land i Accorsini. Umpire lr. Sherwddd Upchurch pf Raleigh.! For Defeat P f Ame ricaii Fon.es Cuba i V YELLOW ? EVER SCOURGE 4- Relied I pu tKelp tieneral 'f ; rnl Oiit eflflla Ijpere (Poaltlon at .antla ' gfSupufd; r; the; Cou Jirtutlon Cautlng utwilnru Atiiink tli People-Spalt lleplorableCdndltJc u Mbeu-hed by 'lUe (Tlinlitterlal onut i : I Spain' ifeaf nej to Secure Pfc SPAIN S jLArr- DEFENCE London, Jyyi -r i ne Mad cor The responden Ti raesi say . sus4 tending throughou t Spanish peninsula i the rights of ipd;duijlS' as guaranteed b"y the consttuin probably make a greater ini -es on abroad han 'at home. ; The : . . 1 J . . . . . vary well that, like ills: tedeiesfcor proolal iniiig a state of steidf -wtjiqh r issued IiymediT ately af te - t 'e nivs of -the at i Cavitc, defee)ill iisaster te -very sparingly (apt 'ed Jirid will not! incon- venience tjlie vtuieu and well portion ;of ithtjpopilation., i spotted The newp ofi the 'iapitulalion k.f San- ! I ' ' a : ' i : .- "I . - f tiago was re?tiveot too iate.acr. com ment by tlje jTornitig: papers. 1 causes helped ii n dfsappointriiei bedafuse it, waa thati -.althougs r. General. Toral was in aj desperate o imdiaion, i the sp ead -16f yellow fevf r i ighti irit ai few daysi have compelled th 'Vmencans to raise the siege : and re- i-e. iPffcial i info rmation regarding the. conditions of sur lynior is anxiously ?warted. i; :The govt rryent f tunusual reticence concerning! tr&' .lon' dispatches Jreceiv eq from Ja!pt iejneral BLancd causes anxiety.! i - ? - i iRegardinsg tt . ijirospects. on peace, senor sagasrs.- lntf ryiewed oyi a rep resentative .o:..t1 Cbrrespondenlia Milf itar, is ireprefeffttetl as i sayingt . it. is certain, ' nost tertlin, that tile gov ernment has ( ndedvored to aicertairis extra-off lcially., ther disposition! of the Washingtojn 3csbinei I res pectin id a pa- eific solutpon, .:)utiifor the. motnent I can say jbBMteljf inothlng,; because the; enemy-tmug'Jft WTongly suppdse that we.desired pat-e at any price and ac-. fordinelv tshcttt . hiimself morel exact- ingi I haie te Id i the proposals cabled to ifjl -dmparci. J, ; wnilcn are s ihpposed: to have i been i' omrhUnicated b 3 'res- idept McKint y tb I M. Cabc P. .' the. French :anaba3- iadoif at i Was aing'ton. These conditio is , rure so hard that I - . VH? propO- considered! tl m'J inadmis.-il government h-.-s neKvs of otheri J Ending ' st rJay There Wire- Three Iea hs Santiago. Toral Tried 1. Mane the Terlijis ii Madrid! (J .verfiijient. ihlis :;!. ... .a .ill -i- .i.i t . on Details i'f 'Surrender Kill of Objections ? ' to a" Peace W'nch (Allows Spain5 in rill : 1 lthougli thfi u Surrender Tl eir to Them oti.?Thejir Arrival! in li! !l OS -niiiaiHiers in the to Our Gpi rnment Been Receive! fey Any American i f ! i) s- ', v sals much nKre acceptable."- In reply to question an to K bother he intended to.-remaih in olTic elude peaqe, 3f snon Sagasci siid tha such w-as-hisisiiiteliians, and. h b added, res-pecting tlf-?? ministerial: erf: feis, this. statement: "Ian nffirm .cateroricaliy that .it ; does Aot : formally exist arid that there is,i- .o danger of its ar sing iso ! easily sas iL e - ptess ; lndicatl'a.1 The official g.'teette1 publishes! a" orandum froin the1 president j of the: council' to I the .fiuaen regent,; ixplaha tory of: tlje:1 r:yall'decrtee:. suspending. the: 'constitutional guaranttlps and briefly sketching i the : militar situa- tion.tIt dwells especially upon the fact that.! the. conmana or i the ; seal is now enemy completely in the ;aa.nlsi of; th and. that: jth;.probal:!)i!lity; ! is tlmt ..an American sqlrf-dron will ; soonl : appear on the Spaninn coast. ii Thje; nimoran dum drawjs ti-e eonclusiom tmaf"the I . - :. "S ' I . I ;, 1 ' 1 time has arrived tvheni; the ladmini'stra tion: should strmgthen. itself." The Madrid:, correspondent 6f The Daily Tlagr2j'h says: i i ''The government has- definitely, de cided, to oiieni.oea.iN' neeotiatiohss with ... - . ... - : i . ,'--- out uelav. iprono?!ine.as a basit thare- nunf-istionj of flt rights over Cjuba land the immedjati : djisqussion of any other "reasonable ? Xnoposals" the! United States .may it Ake, j t. h "'.The reporl' iSthat I an i armed Carlist band has mavis ltsf appearance in the neighborhood Leon are unjfounded. Neither in ti-t" district norj in the province of C ialdnia I has pvublie dis satisfactoipn ? dn4nated in any vio lent or lawKSp; here that tie abts. ! Ht lis Immored government intends,- among other paeifibatory .plank; io ap point Lieuten mti iGeneral j Wteyler as captain genet tl .of Catalonia!, ! "Although have not spoke i to him on the subje? I feel convinced that under present conditions; he -w puid not feel Justified accepting the! position. Informal ne-vtiapions for p ace are continuing!. i.Tk e ebvernment. it is re- ported, retfeiv. d tciday a long dispatch in cipher Containing i the: results up to aate." -1 j. The .Madrid c correspondent Standard' pay .i illji: iii "The Carli ; agitation i Is proportions ii ? many of the of The assuming northern provinces, I wh ?:h may serve a s a fresh argument f ot action on ' the part of the' governmt nt. .The civl ! und mili tary autnpru s acting unaen Jnstruc- tions or the t- mister of rwar.i s :watch-t ing the mov merits f of u Chrl st emis- saries who i Tequently flit atbdut the old haunts , ? f Cartism. ' ! coming i to Madrid. ; goit : tq Brussels, and Bau ta:ripor the resulte of their j; i Special at intipn : is heing the Pyrennet-1 frontier; where smug glers on- both sides, and ithe Ifreneh' le- gitimists lafe lending a will The . authotl ies tare convinced that arms andi stores have been intro-; duced and tf ;t the; Carlists have been supplied wit: money from abroad I! i -Represeflfc' t ionts ! have" been made against th $ i-esepce of Don Carlos in wttl spqn Brussels, ttit re pon Jaime loin him." H : . Join him.T .!!!!- ; -'! '; , PEAlir, NEGOTIATIONS. ! The Midrf i gspondei of The Daily. MaiL i June als. It is sUtrperlor q ftrt H that preliminary negotiatiina for, Tace. ;aife already- un der way in the shape if; indirect ; in quiries iregardmir the ieijms of Ameri ca which Spain might asjtseptl It'ia; s.erttI that M Camtojriij the' French ambassador!; ati Washijhtoni : andijlSir Henify' Drummond-Wolf. BritiBjtt m' ba-)idor at Madrid aiiiactih:Tesfcr-tiel- nn'Wtalf of SpaaW and America In itrje conduct of inquiries which i: ati present -artfi qufte JuioM.-:.-fnt' ; -ilV'rf tpiuker Almodevar- Dei t RELminiWf- or iareign..aLatr. -ana rnor Gamazu. 1 mlffif ter i of i fpublic instrucliona and publjc work&, have been! appointed by the: govern"ment to conduct the nego tiations. ; Senor tjamazo! ald yesterday to a,' newspaper report .-j"! -jfasiftot talk on: ithei subject,-; aWahy lndiaciref turn might sood the wrrk. and might crte ditficuUies.'- Probably thelnew? or fa termination of h0stijuiie: will' inot be' published until the cbd'ons l re arranged. ' No suspensiiri -of ; arms will I -ret ede- t he" neg t la tiopiU- because ' i -tihe s-4rrity of food, In Cuba) would cause t hev armistice to operate disadvanta gutvuSly to the Srniards whot mlgnti cohTji me ; t heir remaining' "stores, 'during its ti'ontmuance In any! case, the gov ernment is absolutely ;! decided 'ii ijon, pkpee l ny queen-regent; has i had hi-ee lnuriews as ith LSeutenant Chm- tVal itrrea(l mihister; o jwsr.,-anctLas pvrs'u'add him to eas4 jits opposition to-ieace. I ressing dispatches .Ini! the r amVi sense have beenlisht tolCa&taln GemVal :Blanco.' : 1.". i.; ";J'h i"(Jne of the chief res$s which have, clrlvenyhe governmeht! ijtoward peace If a feaV that the Americans- majitfept a.' footing in Porto( Ric;d-; thus i estab lifilurjft aistronfcer t lafmitlo Include (that inland . in; their demands for. territory.' iThft A'lenW corresgofident !! Of ; (The raily ChrwnVle savs:, ; j' learn oil; ire liabl" authoWt) that ! the "'Aiitirian c&uit was lnfWnitd today , 'that! $Mit was (prepared io cede ; piiba andij! I to i' uiiufinniiy, out rsojt to abandon lfortt Jiico, SenW J3agasta .trusts! i-,to be; able to retain Xhfr-PWllppines; ksa Spanish posfeessionX the jpjowers prefer ring jthe lislarids; toVemajn in Spanileh l i.ther th!an Amenicat hands.? 1 1- ' ji- . JvTl allow yourself x? be slowly tor tiired; at Uhe stake of disease? . Chills ana Fever will undermine, and event ually: break Bown jthe strongest cpnstl-l ttitioh. "Febrl-Ciira" eet Chill Tiahlct with Iron) is mord effective than Quinine, and being combined With Iron is; anj excellent TOhlc and Nerve med Iclnej . Itj is,, pleasant to take and is sold Under af positive guajntee to cure or money refunded. Accept no aiibsti-, tutesL, The 'just as good" kind njrt eueci cures. ! ssoia Dy J. g. Shepard, J tjl..,fjjarain ana H..L.--Fentress, yfit ' t i r:i SPAMSH Pit I SON KltK lli,f-I Harvard ReacheN iPortumoutl;, r . 'Ith Otr a Thounaud o foardyrhelr Pftlable erudition. I; : Potsniouth, N. L Hi,' ; ; Jtiy '15; The United States' auxiliary ";k-nuW' Har vurdj: in command of Captkiri Charles F.' ; Cotton, from Santiago, .haying on 'h)arjl .1,008 j Spanish prisbners,- arrit-,. in Portsmouth -harbor at 6:30 o jcjlock this j" morhing;; ; . Ttbr port? ph sicans boarded the vessel'! arm"nl-i Iany wth ; Spanish doctors made anV inspection, i His visit' disclosed the. fact phat nearly half of .those on board are vlll. SixTTSpaniaM-s-! died on the' passage ;from Santiago tof .Portsmouth, ' zr'Z2Z..rz-irr ;ui umis occurred .ooay alter tne a tientp aije not; expected tc live: 'There werej forty serious , cases ; in the sick baj- andl forty; eqttally asrbad' in'oth'r portiorisj of shipj" Alii- thfese I.'pi tiients afe said to be Victims of ma larial fever,' With which disease thofee who 'died were, affected. J ! : h : ' v i j: Trie Harvard left Santiagq Sunday at ; 4, o clock and made -fair; progress.! Tlie .'prisoners shj brought were near-; ly i ajl 1" captured in skirmishes which; ejeouirrd in ; the advance on Santiago,' Tl.ey were?;a sorry looking lot,v eyvjni tl t-se who were not ill, as seen - from the jdeckiV of a tag alongside ;, today were in far worse condition than thcisei who; came last Monday. . I - ' j i tVjhile Admiral Cervera's mefl thoW e'i: raan signgjjf 'privatidn, Those seen today Were tattered, dirty "and ' un-f kempt. The physicians said .that half of the 1,008 i were ailing, j No one was allowed on board the cruiser. The bodies of the deadl wer? buried ati sea with! military honors The doctors completed their exara- ifettioh this afternoon' and at once pir&ented their report to Adimral Carpenter. . The joint finding of the pil ysicians was to the effect that there was nothing ; more, serious - on hoard than ! malarial fever. 1 ' - i . i t i. f After a consultation it" was thought hei- tj riot i to take the men off the ship ttiay, hiit the work of landing will be undertaken at 9 j o'clock tomorrow -forenoon land; wirr be accomplished as qnickly as possible., As soon as t ie Spaniards have been removed the Harvard! will b'e fee tied.;'' ;-HJi;: thoroughly disin- t ' : M in ! On board the Harvard Was a forei oflicier wlicKwas "Jn the American linies ati t the land battle, of Santiago., j fn speaking bf ,the event he complimented ghly on the- thd i Americans most i h way theyj fought, saying; it was one- Iof tjieffiercest ! conflicts , in history.' i You heed Cod Liver C 11, you say but think you can't take it? Try "Mor rhuvin" a ) perfected "fwlne 'of Cod Liver OIL" You get all, the (virtue iof the Oil, without the I disagreeable ef fects. Sold by J; C. Shepard, J. H. "Hardin and H..L. Fentress. . SO PEACE OllRTl'RES Have Been Reeelved by any American Ofllelala From Spanish' AulhorlHen. ; .Washington, July 15.-H There have . ;: 11 I- . i-; ' :-' t . if-; "j ;'':.'M!, --;-' is-i been no overtures for peace received by j any United States embassy or jfe gation abroad or by the . department of state at. Washington" That t wjais the statement made hy a member (of th cabinet Who is thoroughly famil iar with the conditions' as they exist today, and was called forth by var ious reports; that ranged: jail the way from an .announcement that the basts for a treaty of peace -already had been !!4- mrai en! Q 'iiil ail :rla)l!lhl. ICOtUCU, lU VllvT lliUIC; 6vfu,uv.u .vv-v.. conveyed in1 an unofficial , manner to the United States government an inti mation of some of the! concessions; It was prepared to make to secure peace. The prospects for the ispeedy Insti tution ' of peace negotiations have brightened decidedly since the col- lapse of ithe jSpanish resistance at San- tiago. ) '-: ';;!" v-f-J-f (! If I .ii! I! iPresident McKlnley gavie expression id a strong hope for an ! early peace. Responding to congratulations on the success !of the Santiago campaign i he said: "I hope for. early peace now." Ia the course of other interviewa he gavel voice to the same sentiment,, not expressing .! his : entire ; belief , but . a Slrvlig llUyV LIIO-L JIC(c nvruiu vyjuc, ii:t. 'I: Fatal Boilar Explosion ' ' , " ''I Richmond, 1 Va., - 'July! 15. James ! West, a negro, was.' Instantly killed 'and Hayes Gangetrand : I Fred Seidl, HwcT'white. men, and Edward Boland, John K Brown, Richard and Samuel Jones, negroes, were seriously injur ed by the explosion of l a threshing machine boiler on " the ; Varina farts, about twelve miles below, this city about o'clock thia morning, General SurW6b Agreed rUpoiiw '.- YM'i 1 -i" " PTi. ' J i- TEMPORIZING This : rir.nSti.tenlei.tti Vom ;.i tf; '-: ::;i. eneral ' - I Terms ComniU.sij fliers in Over the jNewa iT 'Surre itder - - , - ' ; I t ; ! . . 5i.si.--i - - I '-. t : i . - : . -- ; u: draw' from! jfe; Trekichesi " I ;' ? : -ii- ' : :: - i Cuban 1 gfpa Allowed I M f ronilthe TNf' yright hjp' A8socl;A? iPresfcj' : -, ; the. U n 1 1 ed S t a t tifc aT r oo p He. ntlago eituoa, Jm i t, pi nv.. ji?yi, 6 p. Kingston Jamaica,. 8". Jy 13,i p. m.j The' reverse to the tt , f i ;-. i -! -: -. i : . ' in eastern Cuba is compliJ Sar ms uba is compli.'; Santiago hasli fallen.': andj with ftfipiw'eag ern end of the island. (YeiTorioral,. (.he Spanish . 'commander, t a'fHd to th general eral terms bf1 the iisuririder atl a personal inter vi r e!w y. 'fjt h". p Stie ra I s his rilb.ori.lat:! 4hh ; Genl uif- ter this afteri Va . ; -r.i; Miles: was prese iitJ.irh,' after a i A merioan ..army, i-npaigiir of , i1- - . ' r -. i- ree weeks of almost irei.eueiiiea hardships . fdrfh&th otiic&t and accept the fi.ws liwilh hefiielt relief. . The , victory is greater & m:appvi; ted at first- r'All the iSpaniships In the -Fijgkr thj ' corps,-. ' h'.mtl.tat f-vislor of Santiago provihee. from M ne lri wh qrth f rom. Asseraderos, f Jbteetl moles est pi, Rantiago,i inrougn i'ainta. 3aima- Sorlanh. Alcant ua dieS .Tanamo, on the norfcR last, kna eastward :; to . Cape May-ei3i' sunt ered and the 'territory MQisbando Hetwfe'en 18.000 iand 20.000 fiWiish pj'is oherslare taken about PiSofi of n liom ! L. C . 1- . rwt . .I'-! , I are an Santlapp at Guantananio 3 ine reir jynier re and iothfelare ir- risoneq in tne towns, or f kmim Ctilia- Ajl these'- troops' are j to i e- embarted, ahd isent bacfc :t Spaiti. ter parole. :: PLAYING FOR , E. !enerai Shafte bears' sMs hoiilirH irtodestly.' To a.: correspti4ent pfthe .Vciated Press he itiaid:.. . , ;- - "T.he enemy has surrendered all lyiTiiory ana trocais. eass ot santiaKo The rerais were dk'tate'd ' f;om Wa -h IhgohX It hasi herCai hrj; campal rtti onei -of h.e htidest I eieij jsaw,' ; The diflicUltiep ,tO;contend with were v -ry sreat., Never iduring ". bur: Civil werei moret difflciklt prqbl4ms soHled. The 'character pf the .coijjnSry and. roads made It iseem alm0siii.iimpossiple f,.:;flJflK.n ,::iiuA 1 The tf anspOrt&t ion problriv- was 1 hard, nut.-. au- tne ainicmties ha, been sbc- cessf ully; ; surmounted, -.tlir ! troops have! behaved gaMantly. .jiihey fou like -heroes and lam jirf- id to h them. Duiatff- an hirdshlDs thev haveVuffsrt!r thev ha showh resolution .andxspf.rt: i serve . to -cbjnquer. , . The r jp'iance the, enemy has been wrjfojjyjgjy . st of born.! ; General TpralJ yihivjBd h aevt.fi. ioeman wPTiry- WnHmT. tn feteelfv,; ,;.;; ;..-;; i-rv :$mft :. "The negotiation whfchM ulminnied In: the surrender bl Genepti1oral h4ve been - dragging - on Sfor tn:flyR, with the ihtermisslon iof SunaS pt)d M.ln day, when -our batteries plei?t btln .barded the enemy's posl.i. jThVouh- ?ut these periods i of . trVi-ii. on(-fai oral has shrewdly; pliJ4 fur tjiW alwa'ys decliningj to , surfiSQer 'uncwni- IditijOiially and falling bafKhen hard presaeu, I upou ine smigihfm, mat ne was ASllmpiy " a subrdihaei'id !powr less 'itol agree to jthe: pjro;fajB withdut tne ; sanction j. or riis 'sjuutHfs;: exc pt under penalty of being pijuft-m.arti il ed.j; !At ;the same time ,i'V itemed, toi in t im a t e! t h a t , : r per so n al ij'g " he thought it useless to hold but ariivt loneer. B it. he and his garrison, wejjhtsoldiers. fie said, and .'could die, if n4fi3ary, -oby-intr orders.'." ; ;:- fif,j i I i TEMPORISING M . -, ; L r - : t, :.l J ; i i . 1 , It was at the personal j-terview;Mid oy general snatter witatseneraii to ral yesterday : that the M:iericiaih igeln- eral made the Spanish' cPh Oliot maHa . f l GrtaloW V.airrrnQnJlotJ iiin: derstahdl that itemporlziif-;must ceake ind that before noon toife's a categoti caT afflrmation t his off,gnust bf 'ije cei ved or j the bombardm'etil; of the! cijty Would begin in earnest. Mir; i tne' meah time,:iall our plans' had ? tj perfected The delaiy had been: liWid to good advantage.. Our) :-ilinesft,' been ,'. ex tended until Santiago iwSf-rnearlyv stir rounded, ancf our; -light 0Ktterle8 ; bad. oeen :So posxea, iq aBfe-axo aoi-jnjire effective work. In addition. !ajfing'encj:s had been made to land troops at W iiartais. wast of the entrance of the pfe'bori of ' Sah tiago. SI ' -!.! K: -. Kffef ' 1 1 f jThei Spanish batteries fr.i- osite! Morfeb cfastle wlere -.j'jjoi be ; iigi.bardied and I stormed, 'heir! guns' wSnyMheni; to pe turned upon the city, 3 ?id Geneiial !La wton'H. tdivi'iion , 'at ; rri'.f'ame tinrle; was to fall on the enerrf left flajk unoericQver .of our arti w nre. i we could j then have : ertfilaS I. their ; Hnps and Ihayfe dciven f themi,Pghe c j j rt-.l tq: tAL.y . ifEW IlioGBi' i ;!!.;' .: .; ' i I: vt-.i i ; f. is: - : ;; Gerierajj Tbrali must :hvAe - rpalize that I he was trapped. ad.?'nat to he? longer, meant a uBeiessjiieriflce; of lii menj but he irtiade one r,a.f ; effort t gain: more tinie this i HQttring. ! Whl nominally yieiaing'io His,ierni uc: eral iShafter proposed, .fcelfire. 8. o'clb: he Sent a communicatjifv to General Shafter, enclosing a 'i$i of. a ! tefcr gram i from i Captain CJe it ral Blaniio, explaining; that! the sufrf'inijer of! swh ah ihipor:ant position Sse 3$ntiago, a ,the kbandonmeht "J of .M: Merft x Cu would require! the dirpi sanction the Madrid! Kovirnmentls ii reouesti more time to hear from! 5 idrid. Att same time. Captain 4 tral Blah auwiviitu ... ....... ... -. . V ' - - , , .4 ( agreeable to the AmeracLi general. o e I appoint- '-. commissioners t meet f li V.Vfll-illlii5ni viitti n v . vi3 iici ivail e to arrange thev terms 'of f nitulatipn the forces under his : darf hand, om -the m hand, osh tr .condition of their! parolef? kid tranlsi)dr of the iMadrict i governtrffftw j! He 'alfeo communicatedj ihej nari9eSf the1 corb- . . I j: ' .rj?.-. L i oenerai Torai's Chier fc a-arr. C i uuutiuv iuiu ueiienu ycrajao i SHAFTER INSISTS Off: DEFINITE ANSWERS igL- - This- communication! ivs so am ous that it, might ajl ;b, upset byt the refusal of Madrid to! if janction Ithe terras agreed to by tBef ommissioniars and General Shafter jref ilved to hajve ail lue amoigunr reirjUT ?u, wiure who- ceedlng further, i A l ). o'clock i V he mounted his horse ami;, together with General Miles and thSrf itaffs, he rtide to. thp front. ! At I Gainful WheolJr'ii headquarters,! Generalsf" Shafter aVid Miles and Colonel Mau and an 'inter preter left their lines- ai J passed oifer ouri trenches, i with afl y: of truce, jto the; mango tree.' undrf irhich the iti- terview : was- held ysst-srl y. They wer soon Joined by Gener! .ral. his ehsiJ or stair, and the two euF commission ers .appointed by hjntk 3 V I : General t Miles tools ii iN part in the negotiation. : He ha tbeen ; care-fuI since his arrival here'-bt to assupne the; directions of affajf jior to detract in the least from thef.flory of uen eral Shaffer's achievei nta. f j General Shafter lnitis at the out set that the coromiajtk sers to be ap- pointed should hays v Paramount au thorjty to make : anxjionsiude 'he I .1 i -, ... : . t: ! 1 i-'. rj i 1 . M.-t L' ' fc . i' a, ; Miauer firms' " Spaniard It - ' - ' I Y- I ili! I !.. . ;.!-.i Confcrence-Our Trtmps Rejoicing :,-;;.... ; r , .::.,.. . - . . i- . ; r . Trtnips on Both Sides Vith - : - - i - . : i .-: - ' i i ! . Hi. ! : i - - j ; -i. i ..-! j;'! -i " ! - - .Neither Ainerican lih U V , i' - '( I':f U tntertlw City-N6 ColniiiiiAsioncn. I P. J ' LU' la -:Vi-' f ' :H run ,f (surrender. In AIK-4 ;,:'-' Tritl ith ( our deiniida. After.; :p,arley'mir, t ac-; t r.'deil til,! t hi a. V x t ! ai rii n ir hat, tjpc !i Wia Ait trnmun(allon he h4 .miv i t-kl authority fropi the Captain trnkr- j : 111 a nivi Vil. nr: t d tVnt ill r Ml Wit tne. interview, w as;; vhu f ciivivi- . i. : . . . i i ;-v. i ... t i.. i U:. . .i..v.w. f... .." ..,: ."-. - T 7 T JI . t I ........ I .... ' uAAn 1,1.1, ... - iii fore ipartlnir. i! jVreiieral TShaftWr j 4inpUnif.nte.i , tleneral TToral ; hlifhiy J iHn- the fkill and garfantry: i,hik r- j instance. -:-- i:-;-r --At -,j : 1! Upon the return jtk Gpct l ,YisiH er s. I, htaviquarieisr:? tne ews nour otnulete victory 'Vv a.4-M!ilii:ilfi Hindi' MX 'sUlei Mted :. o ;.'!iral I.aivton rteral Keiit land to j the Hrigaae i Mtntnat4-S -r. A jcenv or ,,'t-iirrai irejoivjuiK :ur-i iowed., ! i . rii r ; ti.Y:ii''.!:-.' . GitiefS.1 .-Shaffer held a iregulaX. )vhh is before:" he. 4i8ininnteil aid Vtn-,!: tfatulaie!, antrompttnielited i by4aU. lie. immediately appointed tiVnerabi ii (Wheeler n.i jLaVt'tn- aid ' ; Captain i Miley ,to : be oomtni..4Unefii oil hl i half to treat: vjth those appintedf b Gienkral ToriU.;! He then lanued rOers to, permit our I 1 rciirhi.s..; ti-f ph t! rl Ire I Jifom . I. ; i. j ... i . . ;j ; i.Hk.i a the Kill i HUSOIUUfiy ding any; one ho tiller orciviHan jk gi4ng Into I hi; jSjiiHiish liprji.; ; !" p ; L ' 1 !I?BANS N&T TO KN'fTKU THE ITT The..refug. Hjaf e ti ! bi permitted to i return.; to their ihonity.) but uoUlie.' pur renjpsi tiiM- ilio! Cubiirt airxlluirles jjara to W ipe'rini'tt d -fitrlithe, cTty at preserif. . Th.e'iorcpr ft-f toj thei Gubana U ii'erji sjHnJWi f Th(y have. showh . disposiitloii jtiiri(it Wvery rand-!jiny 4ilve ; j b'ujt, " they j lirej po to have the pi ijiiei;f jit Igtuj Kfiling IfWir: lappeilll-a j for Ipi luniieri i;li j Huntiagi., A: iTtm r.f i t t ( wuvintatii-ed arioHt , hMe c'lty and th j Rami's f '11' f'Wdier - are. tol b '. reimkved jusff livi (h.i j tronjt' or .to 'jthV reimkv ate; most; pactic.:ibl.fJ! The cluttigei oi th camp sitfM will ; undoubtedly, m jnvye the he;tl' ".r- the . troops fornnianiler' nowKlj jaa'8lt'ah heklth of i hVH -rmyHT lit "l I,e -tl, i : -v, . "If np.euia)lV' from in ureaiieo.i MinLrv' l, s ; : -thctre' la m0P:L clf is All!" y mmm ' IHfl- SIT' JIMnU!.l I.i Irt.v t . MHe bays An th& -At orbnt of the butcoSite .t tho : :"-J tla- ij'iin uhui a npavv; hinr-httni. r,f harl i tack J and- .corned I beef.. Then Genera Shafter,npPtlnte- Colonel " Zr and, c aPta ! Mr KitrrEck- to convey - 7 the welcome! tiUings atopic" h ' ll'-ij i'v--. ah0! th- ifnrs fJvred iCejeKl tingheyictOTtyJwjth.' bnds.; and Aii t-.!,' rmopMrattp rmt -iirGenHraH: ,'Slalt' 1'- ! vetoed' the jprdp0(,itlon.-1He said tkiere rJ; J ;was no oqeasint to humiliate ihalknI ' i, emy whoihad mught bjravv-lv. Not T-"'-; v. . . . 1. 1 : . .. ; . - . - : ii -v.ii.k jwas -ip me- permlttei, but b. ?V'T '9n' iAfr.' and,i.Captaln4 Met V rvninicK cpuid j warn the,' Holdiem th lattct broke ; out , Into wild' hurrahs. .son; ..abe nd, abmit. thrw their, hut into J4 the air. hilgKed ea h other iand ConKrattolmONl. i t:WrnseHes unnn the a a he prwpect ox getting r Kit? of Cuba A'f?1 'Mil; f fti i fU'H'rtN u'tNl 1 Oeneral Shafter InstrtXM the t.l'.-the;irivniU'!' missioner j that! thenHBtde harbor trahqe le -tinimliately pened to f. ni- al- low mara HartAm' !h- r.i Bocjeiy-andrfhfe fHuppfy; ships to -eater, V and that the-trpllroatl from Biboney i " -be opened Tor a plmllar purpose. ! ! ; - Wej are to -supply, the Spanish prl- i onohiiwith food f lending helr concen- ; J trationj-and embarkation j Oeperal To ral j requested jtiiisi, -saying that ; ther' ' was j very "lit tle j food. sW It i probabl ; . ;I that thelSpaniiflii steametjs In the harf' I borp .wiil: be; Uasetl ln::part;f tor -HiiAlM ' transportatiun of the surrendered solr - i-:; .diets to Spain . It l-i r : I - si SPANIARDS ABANDON Til Spanish! troops,, abandoned i the entrjv.nchments early ; : this afternoon . andl 'went into; the, cityrr j. ' A .. - h Oft.IR COMMlSSfONEP,$ IN THE 1 . i r.usrp.H . -a 1 . il'--: -vf;j;-;!- - - -: i ;!T? Ti-V -,, ; ;' '. . : iur commissioners, Accompanied by aty Interpreter,' t ntered th Spanish HrieiSj! shcrtly (affer lo'tlock and Wad hit!-' returned n; ! the-jeorre.Hpqndent n;f t. with this-diHpatch. J '" ; ' H i Gienerafe Miles and his staff .arrived t Biboney frorjrijthe friont this evenlnir ni wen t aboard- the Conchlai On ; th harr he said:! f Santiago ha aurren- erd. on pur tcms after) vainly trying for; a long 4lm lo; get; better oneslThe ressiiH is- highly 'gratifying. The Span ish f'riionjers i will b'.. transported j; ito Spairt : by us.ij The' IsurrfendetV 'ieaYrles wlthi it not i only, (the tfty of Santiaerv. but! ithei. entire j jptiago militarf jdlsf triot being, the! puitern.', portion of jCu ba, Twesitt-jto a tipe, down! frdm Agsera 3eion;oni the south ott .tj SaRurW on the' north -cpastj ! Manzanillo and Hoi giiin "are) not ; included.. The posssjjttori of the surrendered district will j. be yieldied at oncei and a. Ommlssloa ibf sixi'j three f romj : each side, t w ill meet this i. afternoon i 16 arranjge - the' detains of the: transfer The" American trbop win bp left whefe they are" for a, tirnw, i until they, are i needed for service: itsen' j ii' -iwhere,--;'!' m not,wihto say, wnat poilnt. will biattacKed jnext-i IJ may come ashore again here, but hardly think so.V . I- - -I1 i "I don't know." there may be others" J he said; but I have used 'Parker'a Tola ; Cough-Syrup an my "family ror yeara and ; would not ! ;be ; wi thou t it." rue : knew better than to i buy the Inferior preparation that was being urged tipon . hlnii .Fanteri .xom v;ougn esyrupinaa j no teaukU It ii will immediately relieve a Sore throat Hoarseness, Croup. Bron- cbitis and kindred ailments. - Contains ..a I.MMlMif. I nln.aant no injurkras ingredients,! is pleasant to. take and a safe ! remedy for children. SOld by J. C-Shepard, J.IL Hardin and - H. L. Fieiwreaa.ii ; .; i J, -.- Te Rayal ia tfcaalgaeat yraaa kakiag watr ma. Actaal testa show n tmtrA Imrlmmd tk UV ntmm ttrmmA II PQVDZR ! Absolutely Puro - -r ' 1 ; "- MMI,' aUCllta CWOC OO., FW -rtVMC. ii -!r!. :1 I '' !:'J"-!j:):;- it ' ii: ' '':''-- ' flgll .1 (!( : I i ; y f : !i I Ji! mi i ftii-i n .: 4 i i: i "' ili vs- 11- I tl.y . r. ' i ""-h -. 1 . f s: . i . A-K,:' ... ; f 1 IT f ' -li . . . - ;- ii - ! ' , .' !:' -I' i ,rk . ..;.-- i . , , . ouoty, , mm . .ji-Tf-

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