it THE TtTLITIHGTON UESSEHGEEK slvTTTRIMY," JULY lC." 1GS3I - ( i JACKSON ' BETA COMPANY. ' j, , v -. . i . .: : i i I, r s "i- i " ' Catered At thFMtoftic at Wilmington, i It. c, as second class matter, April ill. 1897. I ' i tjlEBMS op bubscbipxiqn. r Tt - POSTAGE FUST AID. 1 At rJ -rJ-.-l I '1 I- nrj dait messenger, by mn, n;yar, 17.00; i sigMnonths, 83.60; three months, $1.75; on month, 60 dents. -: Served in the cltyi at wlcents a month; n week, 15 cent: 8L75 for three month r 17.00 a rear.ij l y -.-j. Ivi.J'.'B'N TIIB SEMI-WEEKLY MESSENGER (two I per papers).' by man. one year, DM; six months,' 50 cents.- In advance. ' WILMINGTON. ! N. 3. SATURDAY, JUX.Y 1G, 189S.- DEATH HATE IN BATTLIi 1IKAVV LOSSES, '. The death rate thus far In the war on the ; American i sjde is nor ;.. r . . . : . . . great, but some thing small; The Joss at EantiaKO is' only some 1,500 Not . more than one man 1 In teti has been hJt,-Jn the .great war Ofe Yosties on both eldes were often rightfully i heavy. There- were 23.001 Skilled and wopnded on the northern side at, Get--! tysimrg, or about! per cfnt.ii The north lost at Spotsylvania 18,39, for LQrjie7J5"ger pent. the wifdernes? it 16s; 17,C6(J, ,or JS' per vent. At Sh; rpsburg - it ' loh't 12.410, or IB per cent. At Chamcellorevlle it lost 17,- : 287 jor 22 i per cent. 1 At: Chlckamu ga itToBt 10,179, or 25i per cenu j iAt poll Harbor 1 if JQBt). 12,737, or v33 per i Ceo L At Fredericksburg it lost '-12, ! 653, "or 13 per cent;- ! At. eecondr Ma--Ihafljas it lost 1.4,462, or 42 per i cent. - j i . . . i . : ."V . .'I I? -i . . At smioh tt lost, . 13,047, or 29 per cen:. At Murfreesjboro it-lout 13,249, or JI per cent. These are withi two or three - exceptions the ; figures -of the New York Sun. - Wte suspect! that f-4M-fficld1: report of ; th.eU., S. I War Re. loiul-fl would; i reveal a heavier In. many batlea. The . losses-ln : . J' -f . '1 . ,r 1,1. great war were, for the , .most r-pai heavier than - in many of the grea t European wars. But if you woujld see what heavy losses are read j jiff the Old ' Testament. ; Modern war fomfwith all later inventions of de- ftnltlvfr; guns, jla , ; comparatively chilfl's; play to some of the great! bat- recorded.;. J you are notifamil ith the Bibljcal war records; wou she ' instructed h to i consult that neglected volume. In one tattle Jiecl 600,000 -of the.-Js- meu ahan into battle. they is ouri recollection.- Such the b&ttlM ' were 'e, iyreatily; surpassing any battl battl B nf the last 200 years. At I, of Agincourt the-EngJish- un der Henry " the ifth killed j If ,000 Fffrth, of; nearly aa many as tney le. -The French cntnbmbered-them, four or nve to one. Only twenty-five of the Enilish; werri kiled. The Fayetevile Observer eraents th Sun's .figuring! of supp nortlfern losses, with the following in structive, statement: .1 . r' I f'T) the' above we may. add that the confederate loss at Gettysburg was SO.OOh out 'of J70.000, or .143 per cfnt.;. at Cbancellcirsville. 10.281 out of " 50.- . -t : i OuO, br 20 per cent,; at Chick-amtuga, lO.OQp-out of 40,000, or .25 per cn ; - ail Sijiloh, 10,699 oiit of S0J55, of about pjn cent.; V.v Murfreesboro, 1 19,000 cut df 40,000, or 25 per 'cent. ; iThfe confederate ; losses were also enormous at the V'llderness, at: Siiott syvabia; at Cold 'Harbor, at Antietam ShatDsbure) and at Petersburg, but we have' not the; figures; for these Bat tles. '. 1 "l j Th following'etract from General Lane history of (Lane's ; brigadej not only mentions a loss of 20 per cent, of that heroic body in the; short spaqe pf iwently minutes - in their -assault on -Jtearu's Station,' but also shows that wire fences were in use even jn those days as one of" the means of delaying the rush of an attack .column; 1 MAt Ream's Station, - led; the the brigade in.that. memorable icharge in which it 'Post one fifth" of its num ber In twenty:ui minutes, . crawling through' the' abattis," and cutting through' the fences of telegraph, wire which protected ithe redoubt in front of the brigade:and in' which: the enjemy had massed artillery.'; Here the men under; performed the novel jfeat of flinging dust, ; as they sprang over I the work, in the eyes of j the defend- si ? j I ! v ;i-.i5 i j ' I ! I. ; This ; reminds i us of what .the cele' bratedj Scotch war correspondent jwho lectured in this city some ten or fif teen jfears ago, said to-, whens we told hpm 6TThe"trerand.QHsjDombard men't bf '-Fort JFishr below-Wilmington, and the confederate defences, using earthworks! ; He listened eager ly anc said: That. ' destroys what. I wrote think lot ,4he rbattle of iPlevna (we jit was) and the Russian earJLh- works I claimed ;that the; Russian '. engineer's ideat of such defences was dHeinal. and' here It learn; that in your i- ates resorted to the very, same ;plan." .. Th6. ronfederates Hised also torpedoes, - an i Vm'ptoved plan,; by a North Carb- - "linian.l General Raines. The. more we learn pf the great; war and the im mense! disparity ini the forces of the twol . governments, I we i are 'simply v amazed that it taok: the north four eats to end the j war. .Suppose : the southlhad had half the number the north '4ent into the wan how long think you it would have! lasted? ine first-batfie of Manassas ' would V hav x posiibljr closed the fun. j Suppose Gen eral..Le in the last year; or the; war had commanded jj an "army of j equal ; numbers -with u Grant's ; would there ( bave ' been more than ' one battle. "General! Cooper, I; adjutant general of - the i southern confederate ; army, i said that this south never put into the field more 'than.- 600,009 ! men, i all told ' for four yt ars, and that there.' was .never" a. day luring the four years when it could Iiave put into battle at all points i a force aggregating ;200l000. The IX. S. r War Ricbrds show ithat the north ac" tually had over 2,700,000 men in the war exclusive of their huge navy. But there was fighting in those' days. Suppos General Jo Johnston had been at the iead of an army of equal1 num- TPPliiPfl nrrlOO.OK. Xmor? i ill- aj- v . i lection. Ma5y' a Will V i llHLI UCl' ' . S ji &t bf the i-g:r)i tnavj i bers with Bummer . Sherman, ; When the raider and burnernraa " trying: jto go through Georgia, how far would pe have gone?: The first day's battle would have ended the northern army and Sherman with ii.; A 'private In Howard's corps aid to us after ' the. war: ; "You fellows neverj knewj how much General Johnston punished1 Gen eral Sherman. We lost; heivlly almost every day; I telljyou Johnston) wan a great general. If we had had j your generals we would have i whipped.-; yoa In six months.' i i Back len'e Arnica. Salve, j i! 'The befst salve In the; world for jCuts Bruises. Sore, Ulcera, palt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tettr, 'Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and- positively cures PMep, or no pay required. It Is-guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or: money refund ed. Price 25 cents peribox. For sale by R. Jl - Bellamy. IIO.TIE FOLkM . . ! ' . .' 1 .- . ..if ; -.1 : ! The Wilson Daily News is now con ducted by Messrs. E. T.J Peoples and 11, . Connor, Jr. If the latter 'is-"a chip of. the old block' he will make an editor and. prove a map.. ; Success A a W a. . . J I 1 1 I Mr. Edward A. Oldham, a WUming tonian, by nativity, is a (candidate for the Industrial Commission. He has long been a residentrpf Washington and1 has given attention; for'yearsto questions that - the commission will have A to consider.- . He. 1s apt and writes well. He is now manager of Industrial Press Association. " is it - ftrvraf now for the govern ment to compel volunteers who are rejected to walk back home, even If hundreds of miles "away.. Read what the Statesville Landmark reported of negroes who volunteered from Fort Macon. See Statei news today In the Messenger. ;.: ;,- i.f '. j ".. .J The Asheville CitiZcu as Vrong in the statement copied into the Messen ger that' it was the son of the' late Rev. Dr." Buel, of -that town, whowas recently made a priest in the Catholic church.; Dr. Buel's son- i3 named simply Hlllhouse Buel. i Tfie Buel who" hwas- raised to. the priesthood" wis a son of General Buel, of Maryland.. 1 It was, therefore, an errors on our 1 part . to state that it Was a grandson of the late Bishop -Atkinson. Mr. Hillhouse Buel is a .Romanist but; not yet in the priesthood. ;. .. i ; , ! i . ! THE WAII. Santiago and the entire eastern end of j Cuba are nowi in the possessJdn; o.f the American army. The surrender of General Toral I and ; his ' forces on pondition of bemg'sent back to Spain by; our" government -.will lessen j the Spanish in Cuba, by spme 'thousands, six or more, it may be.' ;; The fact that v"llow fever is: now among our isolr ;diers is a; very; seridus matter-and :tiO doubt had much' to do n shaping the p'olicy of the generals iiv command: in cranting terms." The-; Americans have ib fir cnrtnaorlorl Kv ;', qO a and i ;hV lanrlS; The next tpolnt J off attack ; is Porto Rifdistaht from . Havana 1,040 ;-- :- j- : i j vi miles, and Yrn Washington 1,200 miles, i General oKes will ! be In com mand,7 and he wHlave a fresh army, not much of which ver fought a bat tie It Is aid tha l!he ;n.ext move af?t ter the . capture of Porto Rico will be upon Havana. As' the , yellow Yever spreads' among pur soldiers In Cuba great caution - should be 'observed in sending ' them into the south, for if ilj starts ft will spread perhaps through- out the south, as, iit has done in years past. Stamping out yellow fever may noj be so easy if tt" gets: a:-wide start; It may be Tike fire in ai prairie. ; Some of the British soldiers and war critics -openly 'condemn , Shatter's manner of" warring; in Cuba. The cam-r paign is.-, declaredj not j 'to j. have been Weir planned. One- of the highest offi cers in the British army says Shafx ler's '"(advance on Santiago, 'with .his small force and the , huge difficulties io the way, was imprudent. He did not have the requisite force to storm San tiago. The London correspondent of the- New.,Tt)rk Tribune Isupplies ;this; information iand adds -that: this distin-. - ! I i " ' ' ' ' I guished officer declares" ; tbat "Shaf-j ten on landing ought to ih ve; taken upj attStrong defensive position,,: fortified ii, and waited for reinforcements tanq siege- guns ibefore: attempting to carrj by storm i the Spanish; positions. H .believes; that Shafter was in a critlca position after Friday's battle, and. wa only delivered by Cervera's folly ; i pushing- ou of the; harbor and allow ing' Sampson to, win a victory on the easiest terms. i . . " v r,' t;-. .- : :"This. high officer -considers that the American ; campaign was not ; - well planned, and, that the sqrious loss of ljfe was unnecessary. Cither officers, while crediting the ' American armyi with splendid dash, valor, and forti- tude, are disposed to criticise whats they consider grave indiscretions in' the .War department at Washington in publfshing" Shaffer's urgent ' call ; for; reinforcements,; and In pronouncing a' conflict in which the American troops gained and..held advanced positions a. 'drawn 541116." f; (atai-rb Cannol be Cured t with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of, diseases , Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order tocure it you must take fnternal remidies. Hall's- Catarrh Cure is .taken-lnternally; and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces. Waft's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was .prescribed by one of the best physicians In this coun try for years, and is a regular pre scription, j It is composed -of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, . acting directly; on the mucous surfaces. The perfect" combi nation 'oij the two ingredients is -what p duces such, wonderful results In curT ing Catarrh. Send for : testlmanials free. ' ',- '( ! .-- .'- - ; -;.;: F. J. CHENNET & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio.' Sold by druggists, price 75c;; u- ; . 1 1 BREVITIES. . y r i'' .'; 'A U!'T r& i r i The United restates government : re ceives about ?5,000,000 a-year in im ports upon products shipped, from the Philippines.' ' . 1 ' j ' i: ' Where, oh, where is Gomez? l Is he dead or is he lost or has he been cap tured? He has disappeared. At any rate he. is not heard frpm if war is raging in Cuba l and Uncle"' Sam has gone over to help him. 1 Awake, thou sluggard! . - . .- Stephen Crane, i the flambouyant novelist, is in Cuba,' and makes a plain confession that: when he was' j going -with the army as it advanced upon the enemy that he was well nigh scared 'to death. He writes:. , ' - - 1 ' "For: my part, I declare that I ' was frightened almost jinto convulsions. I was frightened before a ahoi was fired; frightened j because I thought this silly brae force was being led Into a great deal of trouble.' v ; An honest confession is good for the soul. :: Stephen felt like all 'other; men Who Brsjt go under Kftre orT- advance upon an enemyil i IHe simp1yunbo9oms hkmself, and tells ' what others con ceal. A lit , A few Sundays ago at Hyde Park, London, a great! public; meeting! was held honor to the memory of Mr; Gladstone. There werej i speeches from six stands jto over 1 00. oo people. by Newman Hall Hugh Pri Hughes, Fi :3;;:Myer.; 4n4!, Othsers.1': I j ii i'f 'A i -t ' r. .-F ij'.ijl W' 'Ji f bi--The effort to rob Jommodote Schley of his splendid andjwelt win j honors goes i on in ! -certain quarters.;!! But Rear Admiral Cefyera andi; Captain Eulate have fixed tihe place of honor. The Washington fPost ! pts ' it jthat Eulate ' ought to have a very jifair idea of Just how it happened, "and be i'dis- pOs,ed; to place thej fresponjibility on the Brooklyn ; which j was Schley's I flag y ;The Maine was Indeed . "j-emetober-ed" with terrific L vengenarjft , Quite twenty Spanish ships are apthej bot tom of the sea'ComDlete wrecks. I The Maine is avenged. '"A Catarrfi Cbrt. .' The 10 cent trial size of EEjfs Cream Balm which can be had xt tiia druggist IS. sufficient tot demonstrates its great wiftrit-Send lOi cents, we will: mail at. Full size 50c. . I i S ELY BROS.. A .i 66 Warren St.. N. Y. Clty I i Catarrh caused difficulty in:spaking and ito'a gTeati ertent loss q'hearlng. By the use of Ely's CreanvBjalm drop ping of . mucus has t ceased, tvoice i and hearing have great lyi m proved . J, vv. Davidson, Att'y aXJZam, JVIontoauth, III. Nortbi Carolina ard nf Health takes errounn against fhigh priced water for towns.!, It wise: ly contends that itj; Is not "In the in v.J . . . L . --.I ! - - '1. 1 . e -.. J ' terest aof public health." The people of all towns and cities sshoulJ be'am ply i provided, with i pure i iarinkin water;. ' A community that is to Indif ferent to supplying such! water soV; absolutely i ft essential So the comfort and health of; all citizens, is. to be Icensured.'i'Ifj is a bacW-number and should be stirred to-the qiick that a-better order may reign andscommon sense :sbould astjert iitself. C$ he Bui letin' takes a practical, sensib e, i need ed ; view tf the question of water in insisting that it shall be -unde munic- Jpal ownership j easily enfonee th L strictly. Tvvfe I could ' V I - - . i; s truth by .bundant examples. Aforetime we ha"ve done this, and with ample; evidences drawn from the experiences-of citie espeel ally English,' The Bulletin eays per Hnontlir' "Pure water in; abundance, a"t a price Within the reach ! of all i9 onfe of the moBt powerful agencies; for promoting the) health of any cpmmumty. ; It is for; this reason that we believe so strongly in municipal; ownership. We cannot expect those who haVe .; invest ed (their money in such enterprise for the!;. purpose of securing ditidends to look; aV the mattef from the ;eleemosy: narjy point of view theyi have a right both in; law and equity Co make such charges? as will insure thm , a? reason able return on their investments .But whfn the water varks- are owned by thelpeople as a whole the object of the mahagement will inot sbe dividends but heapth,; ;conifort, beauty and! safety from fire. The general tendency is tor ,wards municipal ownership, s and s we trust'that it wiJL spread in North; Car olina, ilt pays. ; Wilson owns: itss own works-1 and sells., water .at; ten bents per 1,000 gallons at a profit."! 1 Observe the prie. of water at Wil son 10 cents per 1,000 gallons! ; ' ii . i I ; r I '. !.:.:' ..I : j " ' .! i: n The Bulletin gives Iprices of -water at other towns: 'Wilmington 2,0 cents; Fayetteyille 25 ;' ;j i Duirham 30 '; Salis bury, Raleigh; Winston, Goldsboro and "Greensboro . 40 ; Henderson, i Salem, Charlotte and Newbern 50. So we see towns paying five times ?as high as. Wilson 'pays? dtherspay four times and Wilmington twice as high:. Asher ville, Jike Wilson, is under city- owner ship, and the pric is-IS-cents",? besides supplying the s reet ' Lsprinkling,f the sewer flushing,; tlie . public, i hydrants1 and the public fountains, free, j " ; Since the boaid made' its tour of in spection Winston pas ; changed to'. city ownership with jrejluction of rates and reports that it i making a profit, ' ' In Massachusetts ! but of 151 cities and towns in which there are water works 138 have city ownership of these plants. Here ; is something for sensi ble, ; practical nebnie to ,think about. STATE !IK ESS Charlotte Observer: One of the most interesting places Ion Collegei street ia the -broom factory; J The,; output ;is 20 dozen ; brooms ; a iday.s Mr. Carnahan iships to different parts of the Caroli nas and other states, but the most of his sales are. to locl jobbers, n J Raleigh .ws i-ahd- i Observer: The Efird Cotton 'MflFat I Albemarle, which began operations a little over a year ago, has declared a five per cent, divi dend for the first-half year and ,six per cent. :for the second.--? In the .u Nash county republican : convention Govern or Russell was applauded,. for 4ppoint ing negroes to office. Of course! ; And the white man; who votes .with ;them is a traitor to his race. , - i ; i Even a barbed wire Urocha will not keep Governor i Russell from breaking out and making a troublesome s expos ure of himself. He -is still hammering away before the railroad commissioln ers tiyingr to "make a case" tor him and i his Butler combination to dema gogue the people with. Raleigh; Post. ' There; were; two classes of democrats who: bolted the party: in the 1896 cam paign. One. class was composed . .of men who leheved in the republican policy of ' special privilege-, I -; favoritism ' and subservience tct.tnists.' That class has virtually gone ; toxthe republican par ty to stay. They r. in congenial com pany and as glad to be rid of -association; with those who betieVe that "all men were, cieated free and equal", as true? democrats are glad tob'e rid Of them. Raleigh : News and Observer.; .; The' following clipping from r -t The; Buckeye S'ate, published at . Lisbon, Ohio, is sent The Observer .'"As might have been expected, there's Buckeye blood in Lieutenant ' Hobson e voiris and he was bcrn in Ohio. Residents of Board man township, Mahumns? coun ty,:; assert that the: mother, of Lieu tenant Hfrbeon was a daughter rf Christian Kentner.l; a stock dealer of Boardman, and that after her mar riagr Uy Attorney Hobson and n. the birth, of a son, now "lieutenant -: Hob son, the: family moved south." As was said by one of old, "Lod! how this .world is given .to lying." The mother of Lieutenant Hobson Miss : Sallie Pearson was born j in i Yadkin county. North Carolina, His father was born in the adjoining county, of Davie. The couple moved to Alabama after mar riage, : and V in -f that -state Richmond Pearson Hobson was ; bora Charlotte Observer. .J, :.::, JftHK WATER i i Th .Bui etln i of : Smithfteld Herald: . The acreage tn tobacco will be increased In the coun- ty40O per icfnt. next year, ehould this season's' Crop prove a success. . ' Plifteen- telegraph posts were- struck' bj-i lightning i between ; Kinston and Snow Hill The Free Prees say that communication i with Snow Hill was Interrupted. j j Lenoir -Tvpir- "While the little eon of! Mr. A. .11.- Ilarrell was setting1 po4 tato slips Monday afternoon, -he wan struck on the lg by a; flash of light ning. "Two distinct cuts ' were; made wliioh bled profusely.' He'fell against a negro, woman who was working with him and was Munned for an instant. I i t i ! : ' -'(' i: '-v.'-::. !. "Brevard .Hustler: M. Hcwitson.. of Chicago. fio. .with bl .family have, been occupying the "Luckey" House thh'fummer at Tryon, has bought an estate: in ; Henderson county, near Hil Girt; of Wacres, which will be Immr diatHy; improved under the auspices and plans ot, a, celebrated architect: Charlotte ' ! Presbyterian: The El-i ders" and DeaconH- Institute of Fay- ettevilie Presbjtery will begin Tat Red Springs July 29th, ISyH,; and continue: one week. 1 A i large tabernacle capnj ble of hukling 2,0j0 people will give ample ac-prtiinodationi! to the large cmwdw wlwch; .as : heretofore, are? ex-i: pelted to; gather there. ::; :i - s Statesvilte i Landmark:- Mr. ; 11. F Iong. jattorney. for. engineer Kiney David-son County. :-lwho ; secured j m-nt -for damages agalnstthe iSouth ern Railway on account of injuries; sustaineu .in ine tiarrisnurg iwreca, yesterday "received a voitfner from the; Southern for $0.4tX,he amount, of the! damages and coslof the actio'n,' A' number; of, c-olpred" : men who wentx to Fort . Maconxwith the Statesville' com paoy andfrere; rejected, arrived home yesterday morning,; having, walked all theway. I , 1 ' Winston !; Journal; Father Joseph, rectonof ;St.i Agnes Catholic church at Greensborog :has been -appointed rector of the church at Salisbury and left; yesterday for his new; field of labor.; Wprd comiis here of a serious shoting affray; at ; Sandy Ridge, :Stokes county, Sunday. Jfchn Di Iiundley, aed 21 yeasr, ; shot; and killed instantly Bob Ziglar; while : attending ; church.! The excited crowd undertook to capture young-; Huftdley ind ' 'he shot .! three more negroes Hundley has not yet been arrested.;:: ;! m- r - . CARTERS' rilTTLE I jlVER PILLS SICIL HEADACHE ,t IPosiiiTely cqrbd by these I t i little Pills. ' l, ' They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating, i A per fect , remedy jfor Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain In the Side, TORPID LTVER. They Regulate thef Bowels, Purely" Vegetable." ' Small Pill. Small Dose. I . Small Price. substitution I the fraud of the dav. - Ii- .ivIi-i'-H-.-: -;j 1 S:ih-A5 See you get Ca.rter's, ' Ask fori Carter's, 1 Insist and demand Carters Little Liver Pills. WESTPHALIA HAMS I 'Amy y -fr&-j-A'-rri NORTH CAROLINA KOK HERRING, EXTRA NICE CHIP BEEF,' , CACTllS' GRATED PINEAPPLE, 0 LIVES, ' PICKLES, CHOW, CHOW, i : j j 1 J agent FOR - ' . j-i JACKSQN SPRINGS WATER.' "j S. W. SANDERS. A n .i A Large Stock of Sheathing, - Flooring, l '-u:i -1 r f.--.;; -v: . v 1 1 Ii .PARTITIONING, ; ; ; n . ; j ji 1 U! -; 1 . r- hi y Ceiling and Mouldings WHICH WE CAN OFFER CHEAP with PROMPT, rELIVERYL t j S AX APAHA! LUMBER COMPANY, fH;f ! ; 1 mi -! : L Worth Building;. apl 8 ; . SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Wilmington I and Weldon 4' R. Ccj. -Jj'"'!' T.'J- ';; ! ? ; ' ;i 't: ' l ' . h . I ; .: ,"! ; OrricsOF THE Secbetart of thi ' Wilmington and .! Weldon R. jC Co;, , : : Wilmington, N. p., June 21; 189S. A ;T I A MEETING OP THE BOARD i i ! - . of Directors of the L Wilmington and Wielddn Railroad Company, ; duly call ed and held at Roomi No. 16, Chamber of Commerce building, Jn the City of Baltimore, Md., On Friday, the 17th day of; June, 1898,' it was ft . Resolved, ;That a special meeting of the I Stockholders , of this Company be,' andi-the same is hereby called by this Board.ito be held ; at . the off ice of the Company in. the ; City1 of; Wilmington, North Carolina, at llfo'clock a. m., on Monday,; the 18th day of July. 1898, -to consider such matters as may "be brought to the attention of the Stock holders. I I i ' j JAMES If. POST, Jr., 1 Secretary, W. & W. R. R. Co. Jun l,,tfJ i I 4- The! Piii? Apples Are Sold -"A ' '-'JlJl '-y- I.;."-;- - iAlt.;: 7 h WE HAVE A GOOD f " Mountain.:: butter 1 ; ?K "AT il 5c PER j POUND I - Best Tolde -Baifer ttlM That 'CROCKERY Is not all gone and yoa canj get it almost at your owt THE KING GROCERY C(L ) KING. Manager 1 PHONE- .387. I Fourth Street Brtdg The North CaroHna" College of Agriculture 1 ' jj j0 1 t Mechanic Arts Will; re-opea September 1, ; 1898, with Improved equipment In every depart ment. Twenty-three experienced spe ciallsta In Faculty Full course In Ag riculture, Science;-, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Eqgneering.' Expenses very moderate. - - ' For catalogue aSdNs, , ' . - 1 PresA. i- knbLLAlA.V; Juin 27 tt I 1 RAJjEIGH, N. C. UNLUCKY 1 ! i A. . -1 - - . ; - : ;0Ijf(?I' DAVIDSOH G0UE6E, i.i'ftWri : r27 1 ' "I V-Mi1 -i-'fl. :; ' ,k... rf ? ; ! . I WAM&iMAi fAlikriiMMBM I' : f.-.r u.r.l, Lot M rr-r,-it.4-e.VAmi.itU In .l " 1; ir.k.iai mifnnr-? ' .I' I " ' . " v i : : rt l. o-ireLtj BY A 1.M ' Commencing 5thinBt., we will ofier 'AjJi OUR REMAINING; STOCK OF SUMMER it Actual New York Cost. ,; See Cair Spleidid Underwciirp i We re' 'receiving broideries every week. ! '. " ' . ' 1 i - T TQHNSON m MARKET STREET. i ! I' Wiv . - a eai itore notei. y i mAAm-mA WKIGHTSYILLE BEACH,W. C.1 i y GEORGE C;JIP3ELL, Proprnitor, L V - J THE SEA SaORE HOTEL OPENS. .NEW ANEf BEAUTIFUL. BUILDING, BEACH,! Nj. C.,: FRONTING THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. THIS HOTEL. 13 ENTIRELY NEW, HANDSOMELY ALL THE CONVENIENCES AND TT-RTtr'a rt-NTTiv , tt a t :u rrnTTT)la n5TT-tr A -li .J. I VIA. &9 .! ill AX.. HWUIM IVH WRTOTITSV tf.T.E REACT IIS NOT UlVliU.K liKi Z.Ja AISt AlAXUilijlliaS iVliUVV, UP Tilili UKAXN1J UluU ATLANTIC; OCCAN, BUTjIT IB THE ON THE CiONXlNENT. i 1 ' . NOTHING .WILL BE LEFT! UNDONE BY THE : MANAGEMENT OF - I r- . i , ' . h 1 1 .1 -. LENCE.j DRINKING WATER FURNISHED BY ARTESIAN WELL. . 1 i 1 I i - - ' ' -; .- ; . WttXi . HUXl!i XS I J(ir4 K.1j1!.1J- J3 X YET, ITi IS T"V?.ENTY. MILES AWAY BY INVASION.- ! i' HOTEL! OR 2HESTRA RE5TDERS SPECIAL R ULROAD RATES. i may 4 tf v j T T at tss. ! PE LCE INSTITUTE Raleigh, N.! c. A -Famous : Ichool for Gir s. l Very Judge Geo. Dvirajr, Culpeper Va: says: - school of which; have any knowledge.'" Illustrated catalogue free to all who apply. W 21 TTfi. ,.S. : I " ii'-'ii'.'; ' 2,000 Yards Fliae CraUr re-ju lar price 5c,jfor Stc. -h Fails from 3c up. i -a Ai- Ladles' Sbrt Walat 50c. L Gent's VegHsef Shirts 75c ; Colored Drop Stfi :1 Ladles' ICo4 Lisle Thread, fc taierly 50e, fo 25c ::: ' ;;.: p t r ' I A beautiful Lilt of White and Colored Par a so U. : :,: White and bona...' 1 Colored Sash Rib 'A'Mi -.i ll ' ;:L;; ; -t- . , i :'..jii One lot of K e Kinbroldierj lnsertlDg and C ored Embroid ery, worth from : Oc to ,3 5c, for fid peryard.-1' - - : 1 J; .; i- -One lot ofjEm roldery wortli from 35c to 75c,- or 20c per yd. . Suede Kid; Kj.ivea,! 8-bnttonj length, onlyilu j ?htte, formerly (i.w auu ti m,r ow)l. :i' " I- ' Ladles' and Gel I's Neckwear. 7h ' New Hue of V j Laces 25 cents! a piece. . ' : rt: j ' Jewel Belt at '5c t ; , Make 1 gur1 idle aioniy Earn - - - v(J U'hri- I iir.i ;;':. ' & ' THE WIEMiNGTON .SAVINGS iAND TRUST GOMPftNY, I ' 1 . Which has th9 largest Paid ih Capital of. any Strictly Savings Banklllo , - A II K rth Interest Paid on epositsat'Rat of 4 I 1 I . " Call at Bank Loans made ai Low Rates on 1 my Good Security for Short or Lose Time. r .' I i-'t - ""..y r ' 4 . I . n...jf., : ; -. . f - : ' 'i I ;-- . g - . 1 I 'i if-'L..,- ; SrrmO. and irre5ent; savings ylell large resuats. A Savings Bank account baa been tlhe foundatw a of many fortui es. ' p ne DoUarS Deposited In The Wilmington Savings and True Co. today is -wlorth to you throve dollars you expect tode-' Ksiir "i luviua, . . I i .: 6 it IS IS H : J. W, NORTfOOl, ! :.; i : ' .: iPreSent. H. WALTERS,' : Comfort for Am Fittihg, -.-.' . - -.1. i. ;.'' loot vis a desideratum. We have theiufor Gentlemen; LadiesMisses and Ohildren-and Wfj do n6t for get the Baby. GILL AMD SELECT A GEO! Ri FHENGH & , SONS, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. July 10 ASHEVILLE SIMMER Aahevjlle. N. CL, in Tbe Laad of the ky.'' Grand sceDwry.deligbUul climate, avera&e lem- peratirre for summer 70 degrees fatady 4 pleasure. . .. . . .. j . . -.: WHAT ? BUDerb advanraees IH M ut Art. T.itvratftni KrionKM Clnnnflnn rtr. !Pnl,ni,. moei dtstingTiished artists apd teachers df America ensaeed.' Series of grand concerts, lectures and entertainments offered. - ;Mr. iimorgf W. Vaniterbilt's exceUent arboretum and'extensive 3otanKl Gardens tne finest in thus oouniry are open to students i Jgotany and Biolosr. lane circular and full inrticulars address. wu juiv m, ma oiukb iuD sale Tuesday Morning the "i DRESS GOODS Line of Ladies' Muslin New: .Laces and Em- '.'.II & FORE. - inAA--:U b-: t - Jl'-. 1 R. E. CRAWFORD Manacer. i- r . mAr A. : :AA Al:A JUNS 1st, SEASON i OF lfe98. SITUATED ON .WRIGHTyiLJ-LE FURNISHED AND FITTEP WITH IMPROVEMENTS OF MODERN TTtn-nr mnr nirTXTriTflrsxH xT' 7-t' i . v lit '1. X, 1. f XJLAXXn J A Vll. 11. V (1NT.V NOTTn VCtTt. TTS PODT.TNfl MOST FAMOUS SUMMER RfiSORT ' j ; THE HIGHESTt STANDARD OF' EXCEL ii i t , i , THE: SPRAY UD VLJJ' OCEAN AND: FROM THE SLIGHTEST DANGER: K ' ' ' L ,A,'. : CONCERTS- PAILY, . " 3& T lorough and bf High Grade. '1 Bineerely believe it la le very best female 1 Ja?.; Dinwiddje, M.jA., Prlnoipal. -Fruit of Loom Sheeting at 7c. i r ' ;- . i -. , .;; eephyr Gingham at 1,5 and 25. i40-lnch Batiste and Lawn, col ored, at 10c per yard. , i" . a Vhlte Goods. )u Persian Lawn, Fjrench Nainsook India Linen, ojrgandlea, i Ac, at the Lowest AAll'rAXA:U: granite Suitings 1 for Skirts at 11 12 and 15c per yard. tAgents for Butterlck Pattern. R "i i ; ! '--; iWash Goods, &ti 4 . Oriental and Grenadine Organ dies 3Uc per yard New Colored Dimities, Percales and Madras at 12 l-2c. I i I - j Freueh madras Cjloth a yrd- ''..1. ' h?;fii- 20c pe "! . - I f t-tr Linen Crash, for Skirts, at 15c per yard. i White ; Pique from 20c to 50c per yard. 1 I r 5 ; I r Interest by Depositing in .;4if .7t-.i;;;-i-.v: Hr 1 :;-, i-: t.-.ii:. ; i.'I n ; S-' .-!,;, ii: Ki--f ;!:,, ; -, WimilNGTONK'C. ! i - 1 :H-;1 V --,!.-. ir- HwV':f;s ii Carolina, ) m t ', . 1 . ' per cent per annum. 'f ' . for Regulations Governing Deposits; -.: -fj GEO, SLOAN- . i - - Cashier, j v ice f resident. Warm Weather I soft Shoe for th6 .- u -, r .(: i. T . -. ; . PAIR OF ODa COHTOETS. SCHOOL AMD COMSERVATOSY win. men na wamra amitna xor ABt-UliiALD A. fOSBS, Prw-, mr WlUitUI U. MOBTOS, Bw. . aSPBBaHSMBJBSSBBSSRTaiaSWB a : 1 r pi"en'PTOfei!pnf ThiW Curses toi Iajitfeathfjuil ki t Beautiful. tefhd:: for .a !caUlogtiJf ' ' IsilitflRERrJ J.'t y:Mresldn nsr. o. - I :AA fmAAy Lives D.1 S, SIDES, BACKS BElLIf iPLiTES t Flour All trades GET OUR m3- . -F- .1 'i' tt gM "WHOLESALE (iROCEKi"!. I i i; NUTT 'AND MULfeK'RRY STB. ; ' .I3uiyj7;1":; h1:-f i-"4-y.- - time Table luf EffeeiSjune 19, 189$. KARTROTTNn H 4ttNSj -. Leave Uoldshoro. 7 .- 4.;- ni.., lJMO p m.,; 6:20 p. m. : 1 ! Leave KI nst oh fl : 1 4 i 4:32 p. m 6:12 p. m flu I " ' 1 f ' C:'J, pi ,j7:5 p. wmyy ywr .; ; Arrive More-head 3:46f4.' m., 6:57 p m., 8:3 p. m. ..; . . .i $ V W'ESTBfiUND feSdAlNS ' AJ- .. 820 a. m. r " k KM f " I Iave New Bern 6:05fc.,l m.,' 9:J0 U ih.r 2:B0'p,:m. f sH 1 .. ' i. ; Leafe Kinston 6:07 10:12 6;13 Pi m. ' : ; . , i:if . ; ' I; Arrive Goldsboro 7:0-ft. m., 11 2 ft- m. 05 1$ x: iri. I Stf, "Ss6t- dill,-.; Superintendent. -; . nl: tt. TO Af L points !; SOUTHWEST U :':!'"- :;' I .'(Hi. ,. i V-',.- r chedue In Effeet pteyi l. 1J3S. Train 41. Leave 'Wilmington I :feT.-m. arrive Lumberton j S:26 sp.i rd., Pembrok i:46 p. tn.. Maxton 6:13 St. fssn.j Laurlnburi trtln fori Portsmouth, jllfe4morid. wash-t- 4. . -i i. . v'L.n .4 ..9 ... . ..i i Train 41. Leaves PortsmoHitli S:Z9 a. im. arrives Weldon 11:41 a. m... RalelKh S:S0 n Sanford i:0& p. m., Ilaislet 6:61 p. im. -Aniens j: a. m..ano ysiinta h:m a. m ' Train 40S. Leavas Wasnimrton 4:10 o. m. Richmond 8:66 p. m.," Pqrtamouth 8:45 D; tn. Arrives weldon . u:lf p. m., Raleigh 1:07. a. mi, Sanford x3 al Hainletf fi :lf a. m., Rockingham 621 .8 Wadegboro 1:64 a. m.k Monroe '-43 a. iin.j Charlotte IM in, Athens 1:45 a. i n.. and Atlanta 8:20 a m. Cdnnectkri at WeldoS miih train froni Richmond and ait Northern points. ' Pullf man sleeper. Por nouhtHA Nashville! m., Lincoln ton a.1. 10 a t, Shelby 11:1 a. m., Kuthertordton tMnon; Athens 1:15 p. i. Atlanta 3;50 p JngTt i ( I 'Train 8S. lavasAtladt4.-1. 8 :50 p, m.f Athens 1M1 i tif., Moaroi 6i55 a, ' jnf Leaves Chirlotte :I(T . a-'fa;-' .Monroe 5:3 a. m., WaOiesboro .7:01 aiiiri.i Hamlet 8:ls a. m.. Raleigh" '11:40 a. 'H'S We Won 2 ;5U p. m.. arrives Portamoufiij jE:25 p.'yn. j 1 I Train . Leaves Hamlet k-20 aj th. Ari rives Laurlnburg 8:46 a. ivca,- Maxtoa i:0l a. m., Fembroks '8:31 a.' 13., Lumbertcoi 8.-S3 a, m.. Wilmington 12:05 noon. - fl . tn, Af4 JO pfisv arrives Shelby B:6S . p. m.. Llncolnton 8:56. p. tn, Charlotte 8:18 p. m., 'NIonroe .1:10. mil Wadesboro 10:51 p. r. f I Rockingham 11:08 p. m., Hamlet 11:80 p in.. Sanford 1:03 al m., Kaieign z:ii a. m., weldon 4:M a, mJ, i-oriMuiuuin i .a a. m.,. xuenmona 8:18 hmond 8:18 a 1:1 p. m.. arj m.,i wasmngton 12:31 noon. ii Train !18. Leaves' Hamlet 7 rives Gibson 8:10 d. m. ii Returning iaa Gibson 7t00 a. m;, airlvea Hamlet 7:80 a. .! I Train 17. Leaves Hamlet B:40 a, m.. ari rives Cheraw 10:& a.' m: Returning, laaves Voeraw :uu. p. . m., arrives Hamlat 8:38 m.' i . 1 . , All trains dally except Nos. 17 and 18. 'H Trains make -lmmedlata !cr.nnMtlnna- mi Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Or-i leans,. Texas, California Mextco, Chatta nooga, i 1 NaahvlU; t MsoiDhl. Macon. Florida, i I,--.;'-, , i- -; ;..:....-.,; For TlcksU.f Bleepers, etc:, apply to 1 I , ! 1 THOS. D. ME ARES. . E. BT. JOHN. "Tr.- -1 hi Vice President and Gn'l ManaEtr. r OH m TkirxT'D i rr T , ; . i Hj W. B. GIJOVGRJ Tratrin Mnnao..r Vtj E;. McBEE, Gen'l Superintendent. ' W ANDERSON; Gen'l Pass. Agonf I Qenarali omoM.. Portamaaita. Vs. cace Fear rnmwi voiiei Rairwaj ! JOHN aiLdX RECEIVER. Schedule in, Effect JuJy 3. 1S9S.- . . South; Bound Dally No. 1. "North Round Dally No. 8. 8 .30 a ra MAIN LINE. 5 05 p m P2 p ra 8 t2 p m 3 48 p m 2 30pm 12 42 pm 12 13 p m It 55 a rn 11 07 am 10 $6 a m 10 09 a m 8 45 a m r.i. Wllmine-tonsi ...Lv X.V.L. Fayettevllla ...Ar 11 40 am Ar... i-ayettevllreii :-..'Lv 11 50 p m Lv Favetteville Jim l-.v 11 54 a m Iyv...., Sanford 4....tiv lWpm 3 19 p m 3 40 pm 3 -60 p srn 4 33' am 5;07 p m 5 35 pm 700 p m l.v...... Climax .:.....L,v JUy... 3reensboro, ...Ari Ar.ii ' Greensboro ;.,I,v Lvi. Stokeadale i ...Lv Lv s..Wainot Cov i..L.v X,v.;. Rural Hall ;..t.v i.v.: .. ; Alt;; Airy -t.i.Ar, South Bound Dally No. 1. Nortlf Bound Daur ; No. 4." , a-'-- ;;-;'i ; .. "; r ;;i;r -!- : BENNETT aVlxQtjl.' k U ; J 1 1 . 7 15 p rn 6 15pm S S5 p m 4 2 p m 4 13 pm Ar.. BennettavlUe! ..Lv L,v..,..' ilaxton .v.,.Lv X.V.. Red; Springs; I.L.V Lv... Hone Mills J.T.T.v 8 00am 8 07ajn 83 a m 10 20 am 10 40 a m Lv,."J FayetieTtUd?;$ri - :;r .!" 'i TI-; : No. 15 South Bound MUed, Dally North Bound Mixed. rail Ex 8un. ;t lEx. Sun. 8 30 p tn Ar. Ramseue .lLv 8 40am 8 30 a m 8 17 am 8 BOpmiLv... ' 3 00 Dam .... V'UUUi',,ril.T Climax i Lv., Greensboro iiiAr i 2 30pm Ar, Greensboro i.-Lv 8 85 am ; I 15 pm 12 30 pm Lv... Stokesdale .Lvll 07 a tn Lv..... Madison J.(.Ari 11 65am j " : ' 1 ' . r i Freight train No. on m Cape rear and. Yadkin Valley now leave Wilming ton at 4;4 p. m.; arrive at Fayettevll. at 11:15 (p. tn. Fasscnger car on this train. .- j., . ;;;'"'; ;ii; ... , .Hr$i-:rV. x i Connection at FayettevUf with At lantic Coast Line, at Maxtoa with the Carolina Central Railroad,- af Red Springs With the Red Springs and Bymore Rail road, at .Sanford with the aboard Air Lane, at Gulf with th Durhag ; and Char- tot itiurww,. at weens txif j with the Southern Railway Company! At Walnut Cove with - th Norfolk afcf WMtern Railway. . . , 1 'h W. FRT, W. EXTLE. i -.-Oea'X Manager. : Gen'l 2a Agent. r.fE YQUSSEIFJ iCKE I ' t Blgf oanatnn. t iadm. I OitharBs. rauhanimaltuiu. Ocan.tMd U irntatlous stsr: nlceratioc. . BM 1. Itmtiw, Of n uc.l i itll(imLr.iM. tPratau wfio. ; : Pamleta, tod sot antrit LCtanMTi.o.rMl mM ferDracriita. .' B. a. a. i . pr aent-ln pidain wranner .'lull IlJiO- nr a - Vt .8 Virotti"jr SSJ-jt rano.' mmmxt-hAi i ; I . W i &PEPSAU r, ' . iun 22 !: ' mm. MmmAii iv m m aw v y t '. ):-: 1' i t'tR AA--J m ERFECT. TYPES ? - d - it a rood taMnnneot ahooM be art 1 r. S .. I 6 Vv. 1 v3v .1 r e. . ... iMKi.-ar-;-mTk!sea.. uy r-.rj w; rtlt, untiotlngly reOonv! StaadarU fc . rtas)i.:T8'jrt "1 orgaina. For Hmt. Itepalrtag i oavrnleat Trati XTaJl anJl eramira our stock or wrtta iuutrttd Oatalocue, yt II HL n. TIKFF. I m umtxf St.; ;$ fw utii atf-N. m -i i !:' I.; ! iiaumoro, Ms ' wavhtngtofv. i ;h . ;t ' a 1 TLniHTlG GOflST LINE, J8chetlul to Effect May S3. tSU. ; i lcftaxxiirM rroai Wumlngtoo.. I , J NORTirnoc?t. v ; .j y h DAILY No. S-rrier-Dua ' liaan :35.Ai'M4 oll W:4; . m.. War lt:i a. n i tioiiooro 12.14 p. j eaU Wltwa if 13:4s p. . I Kockv 1" Mount, 1:30 p. tn.. Tirbpro t il. p. n.. nNuw . it.ii ni-.yretra.. . ura- 8:84 P. m.. lUctuaoivd ic.ti : p. in.. NorroUc C:5S pL m.J WaaiiW ins ton ai jo p. m.. Xialtlmore 1:03 a. ii,. Philadelpht 8:5 a jn.. New Fork I.U a. nwriBoa ' Ion 1:00 p. ta.- : . - T . . .- DAILY f :18 P.M. No. 40t-PaangM-rIua M nolla 8.-36 p. m.. Warsaw 8:18 a. ti., C-oiAboro 10:10 p. m.J WU4 on. II :M p. m., ITarboro 4 1 .'- . m,. Rocky Moun t U Al av n.j i piVeJaon l:4S p. tn., .Vorf;ii toal m.i J'elcrburt; J:14 Itlchnrtd : . tn.. WMhtngi ' i. ton :4t a. m., tMUiiutor i.ui aj ;'-i"New. :tk f.U ' pL . ., uimm" .u0 a. m. Iv-Li - : 1 u DAILY -io. Bo-tfaaangar t)us ' Jack- cpi;;anvUie 4:U p. u , Naw Bars Buiiday :4U p. m. , -i, -u; , . ; 8:p,imi'. : S fi-A A:L.: 4 ".--'.y iBovTHBorjND. ; ' 1 1 . i; . j ' v PAILT. JWw.., ; KHPA4senger-Dne Lake M;Vaoca.iria.wi-'.4:56: p.stn.i-.. Chad-:"hi.' um't:fS p. Itn.j Mjurlon 4:43 o. " ;? !:33 p. '.-. Columbia 10;W -p. . Mnmark 8.13; a. nj.. Auguat . ;55 . tn.. Maoon tlUlJ a. ta.-. , ttlanta jl3:35 p. n, Cfi.trloalo -U:6o p. i..tavann3i t:W a . atkBonvll) 7:30 k. m.. tu, Au- -" ) guatlne 0:30 a. m., Tampa 8 08 ARRty. -AT i wniuri.NaTONrKoai m ' T W M. 1U-1- DA li x no., iiraHirlMTk: Tbau! 1:40 P. M: ton'l:03!. rnU Nw iYork is i A Baltimore 3:W a. nv. : WajiWOir- ton 4:301 aj m.. Richmond o8 a, ta.i IVtersburg lyrfo a. Norfolk! p:l a. ;hi., I VV juon lis hi a. m. j iTarboro 13; : p. ; m. Hocky-!ount4:10 py mvv Wllaoa 3:20 p. In., Ooldstbord" ; 4.0u p. m Warsaw 3 :M tn.JMagoolja. 1 Ml llll'ttlfli. I. : J; - :, l-f4. DAILT No; 41Ha8nirer Leave Oomi 8:30-A4 U. ton 12:y0! ntglit, Xii York: fcst ll a. ro.,1 l'lilladelphia 13:if jk' n : Baltimdra 8:S p. ra., ; Washing i ; ton 8;48 ! o.-nt., Richmond 7:3 U p. m.i l l?etraburg ,8:11- p. mJ if ; (Norfolk 4 8 :20j p. WeU . don Ulp.. jTarboo 8:J p. I Bl Kofky vlWiulit 6:40. a m.. 1 iff' leave Wflsbn 6. a a. an., flolda-, ; 4-1 , -- .v ui.f ; iiqj ma w 4 .M ; '! II ' tn.. Magnolia H;05 a. m. ; M -)' . DAhuT-No.- ftll'assenffer Ieave rNs Rem; ?:l a. gta-i, J ackson vU j ta. a ,-z 1 . . 14 U:15 p. 01., . FROM THE !, SOUTH. 'f - DAILY' No. J BtraaBenger Tain 11:20 p, ta. pa 8:10 a. mTBanford 1.07 p. bu Jacksonville" 8 ; p. Sjivan- naa.t.t.46 a. n.. Chariottton S'.J8 a. nv, Columbia 6:45 aV. m., At lanta 7:50 a. jn., Macon 8:00 J tn. Augusta 2:30 p.; m., Deiik. ; mark 4:171 pv rn.j Sumter :06 ia. m.. Fiorehca 8:66 a. ntu, Marion :34 aj ni. Chadboum loas j : i I J a.J Lake Waecumaw 11:0$ ii. ta, -:.ipaly-xcept Sunday f-y-i - uu 1 m ; Dcotiana NecK. RrsnrM Road leave wwidon 4U6 p. ro.' VHaltfawi 4:30 p. P- m.,! ... v. a .ecft at a:je Greenville 6:5r-4.; 61., Kinston 7:84 Returntna leava TClnrnn. 7-Sii m p..m. OreeaVUle:54at arriving Halifax a 11:18 a. WeIJinll:ai . in ,1 1. 1 iv. ac cept Sunday. - l a - -.. i; , -j 1 tv i54 Trams-wWiasrirngtoit Branch leava Washington 8 JsO. a.; m. anif 8:80 p. ttaL at rive Pa-mele 8:10 a. m. and 4:(W p. m re turning leave Parmele 9:36 a, nu and 8;M p. m.,j arrive WAahington! 11.00 a. uil ana! IM p.! m. Dail. except auiday, ii i Train: leaves Tarooro, N. V. dally ax. cept Sunday 6:3 pi rn.. , Sunday 4.1S p. J arrive Plymouth 7:40 p. tow aud. 4:10 p.I Returijiing leaves Plying dally excep3 eunday-7:66 a. m . and Monday 8:od a. ixtJ. arrivef Tarboro 10:06 a,' p Jand 11:00 a. nil -''Tr.1il on 'WWtand, N. 4 Branoh leavei aoldaboro'dally oept Sunday 7:10 a.. iu7 arriving Sraithfleid 8:304 ni. ReturalnJ leaves timlthfH'ia o ai m.1 arrivoa al .Oold-boro 10;WWik47, fyf.: WT . Train on ; i Nshvia -raca tm Rocky Moun(ar4:3d p. ... arrive. NaS! .Ule ;t'J& -;h. ika.i !nrlna 'itnk r..a : L xwsinrnuig leaves gpriag; HoDe at 8:00 1 11 . . - -. , . v - . w.uv v. urn m., JiashvUl 8:3u a. m.. arrives at Rock' Motifit 6:06 a-TO.,! daily; except Sunday. ...... jiuiuu. nrnnca: leavea , Wan iT il'n4 4:1? ! Returning leave Cloton3:00 a; Jm-ffnd 10:00 a. m. T: v-jPflce Hauroao leave Pea Dee 808 -Rowlnl 6:0KPJ;-: a7rlv pn -., iiiu.w . ro.,' urnlM laava -a v -wwy s ranch lea re Has) S11- lea Conway 2:45 p" ?"l5b.? 'f 6130 P-'-J rrlv Hub 8ll -. "1-. cepi ounuay. : ; i. ; iiJCnt- f J?th Carolfn Railroad leayeSumter 8:0 p. m . Manning 63 pw Vll1'6 H?$'7:13-- wiTleovea Labm 8.34 a4 lanning-: 8,-os m.. imvi Sumter :3J a? m.j daily. , lV 1 j iT; ' peorgetaa'n; aha KWeitefit RallrwU ' Iffeve iLanes 8:3Q a, m. aa.l 7:40 p. m.j ari ! rie Gorgetawn!12:00 m.J:0O p. m., leavaj Gborgetwn TjOO a, m. arld 3p. m.fai5 I t! - i -frralMlon ftli). ii R.; leave Florenc- dilly except Sunday 8:45 a., m... arrlva Darlington 8:18 am.Cheratr 10:30 a n. ' Wadesboro 2:S p'vm.; Leave Flprenr diily except Sunday : 8:2a p. m- arrive Darlington 8:50: Pt: Bennetteavllle 8.48 PA m. ,Ul&SOn 10:10-IPX invdVeava- Ftrrpriy Sfcnday only 8 1 tn arrive Darltnrtota J :aj l: m. . a tava ojbsoh Idally a.) ta.i - Bennettsvlll except Sunday 8.-3 1 8:4 aJ m.; arrive ; Dariinigtoa 7:40 a, m 7:45 a. m.. ie,tn i, i leave XJaUnartoia, Wadesboro daily except Sunday 3:U0 m , Cheraw 5:15 P.htrilartsviile 2:15 ol mi. Darllngto 6:29-j. m.j arrive Floianc p.:m. ii Leave Darlington, Sunday oola " 7 M a. ;tu a rrive Florence 8 :15 a, m. i . , Wilson and Favetteville Branch, leav.a i Wi aoa 2.11 p. m., U:12 p. tn.. arrive Selnus ' 2.50 p.j m.,: 11-.58 pi ta. Smitbflel.l 8:02 p. f. m , Dunp 3;J0 pi m Fayettevllla -4:3e pZ; i mi, l:07 ,a ra., Rowland 6i00 p. i m Trel. i turning! -leav Rowland 8:60 a. m.JFasi j etjte villa 14 ;10 pJ in-i 1015 p. m,lun i llf&O PL. m Smithfteld 138 p. m.' Selnwa ' . 12)35 p. in, H;44 p ta.t arrive Wiiaoa lll j p. m., 12:18 a, m. i . -. r i'.. ; Manchester & Augtata Railroad tratnv- si! lv Sumter 4:28 aj nu, Creaton, koi 5;, rn.L arrlv Denmark t;U aT ra.i RettninjiV ' ml, Sumter 8:83 p. tn, dally, ji - Tlf P.A t Pr-egnail graach jraxa W CrestM' f N M6 a m-j arises, pxtiia iai tj Returning . leave -.Preyaall . 10:00 a? tt. A l Sunday. ' .;'" . ; 1:-;:.!"'- BUhopvlll Braach train, leav EU i hdtt UOO a. m. . .and 7:30 taj arty? t IPSJ' ?t'.,arriv EUtott 8:86 a. m. and lt uscisow fuit a. IDally except Sunday. 8unday only. 1 , H. U. EMERSON, - ' .9?r1 Pengar Agaat. xv., tejs.xvxz,' ueDrat jaanaxar. , T. M. laMERaOM. TraxtlaMaisiii. The Clyde i'StcamshipiCdJ WIW IOHK. i 71LMTMrprnnj i J NEW" YORK FOR WILMINGTON. N. cA!l SAS, BENEFACTOR-Saturdayr-July'ld H..B. CKQATAN,.;... Saturday, July 2i WILMINGTON, N. C, FOR ffdw XORld S. S. CROATAN..I...Satur(fayj July 1C o. o. xjcii.-t. AiuK.aaturdayJuay 23 FROM WILMINGTON, , Ni ; C. FOR GEORGETOWN, 8 . C. S. S. BENEFACTOR; Tuesday, July?i S. S. CROATAN...... Tuesday, July za a urooga oiiis . or lading and kM tnrougn rates guaranteed taand froaa, Points in North and South f-oH.:. rl it For Fraiybt r-Paasara apply tot -i' W ' . - i , H. G. SMALLBONES, : ji " THEO'J RjMES, ' Trafflf Mal I IT. a?, CX.TDS GO. Gwaaraj aJ, - r 1. 1 -4

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