.:'.!.: .., .: , .. . ; ii ' i : ' ' . S ., , . - " ' i . . . --...' .: i ; ' f. -4 - - ; "T : ' . n .,--Trr" s r w i" 1 jm?ML --p- . m, , , , , , i... ?.. ,.---. , ,. -,, . t , ,, , , , ,..,. , . .- ... .. . , i " , , - : t : - r - . .. T 1 v."" ? i r-r- ' . . - 11 ox PORTO Gen: Mile as iBegun RUMOR ' AS TO PEACE OVERTURES Report-Tliat,J?r-i" 1 reposes an : Arm - of- Pec Other Itumors Th-i I'eacc .NeKotiations The 1' Activity AinonK 'the Ciirlists -V Britisher's ilp : proval I of Our A nnq ) Poitto Kico An 1 .". . St. .Thomai. ElanliHh V est Indies, .July) 25. Th United rttite i roops are land ing today on the lulan of Porto Iticd - .. ri . . .. ..... J. .. . : London, July Su.-tIt iH annoucl. ir a special dispatchi frorn .Madrid, pub lished here this aCU-rnjxin that ithf Wpamsh : govern mt tit lia drawn up : measagp, addrfstcj to le governnien at Washington propositi an 1 armistice for the - purjf I ofi discussing i th' terms upon iW hifh pwacH with the Unit ?d States canbe arranged Madrid, July 20, j 10 a to a despatc h Troiii Ca in. rAocordin iz to The I in jpardal of thin city, adv tcf a. f nrtii . Tunf ger pay the foreign rnfinister of sMo .rocco declared that if rj-nter Aoroccan ipivtw l titled to leave in I tw. th Americans ley will iii) nty-four, houi$ :and. It 'Is added, f lh.i y refuse ttr.do s. Morocco will place the iirotection of I tht peace trobabilitlts! -are herself unde -powers. Xhf anxiously can - vassed at -TaiiKurii since the arrival there of th iifwr I United States con Hul aiMJU.thkr Npfciali adds,-that the t)tj lief increasrs thai the; United State ' does not iutend- tio "Mcpiive Hpain- o: 4tnythinK but tlier Antilles A private! dwjialch: from San Juan le Porto Jtliio sayH a HtroiiK Ainertcatl .squadron ,hu" appeared before Bahlu Honda (?), i but thit the American at lernjit lo! dTsembai k was repulsed w'llt considerable ; Iosm. f It is announced I toiuht , sthat com plete tramiuillty prevails-, tbroughou , Spain. : - it. r ' i ' t r: i The Cuban H ulonial government,, i Vis -also announc.tfd, 'will confer withy th representatives of Maximo CJomez; anil ut .19; believed that it hv conference inajf result in the insurgents espousing th i bpaivsh - cause. 1 , ! r i. Madrid,, July . t;.". -r- Midnight. TU t?overiinient prorcsKeK : to nave, lull in formatidn". as to'all this cartist doinit?; i and is acting nccorcVingfyi The-icarlib i leaders, it. Is believed, left Madrid . be p cause they fearedi arrest t rather' that i with any ideaof, ipreparing, to risUigl The authorities adsert that the agtta alon . has; been ii'tfectlvely checked rVascOi -the -carlist chief at Bilboa, Iva befen arrested: 'The ejfodus of . carllst from the 'northerni provinces of Spai into France is extremely active. r Vlnrm,; 'July 25.-)-Accufding to a sie finl iilismatch froni Rome the Vatican lias instructed the bapal nuncio at Mad rid to threaten iwith severe punish , ' ment any priest p ' favo ing cailit o nti-d nastic intrigues. i London,, July J5 t A special dispatta i 1 fnrfn.Ronie says; the.T)OPf has commu nicated tJ the poviers peace proposals that he " coiisid?rsi acc;rjable to bo.t Spain anili the Uitittjd-States, namely, ' ;Americaii annexatioh. of "uba and : lwrto Ri(;o, the. reftitutioh of the Phil iPotnes to Stain turn , a commercia ' treat v giving Spain exceptional ad vantages in the (folonfes surrendered i "The I :Ulv 'hronu-l.' this j inoriiin rlflipvs to know boslttvely ! that u peae negotiation of any sort ha ,v 1 ,w.iirriri between! the; i American i am. - Sun nlih gOVer.niTioiiis., ; i lie . ijau ' 'hr6nicleis.'i,vs: MSpam lias i made no abproach 'and apparently ; do.es j .n.dt -mlejiin to veti'It it t understood that, the i 'Spanish .eovernnieht is stiU hopeful to ' organize a Kuropean concert . agains 'ahe United States," . ' .. i i The Paris orresponderft, f The Daily t Sews says: "The prefects of. the iower i Pyrenees reports: a carlist exodus from -' I ypaln. ' Saint Juan de,- Luz, Bayonne,, ,-v. ! and Biarritz are alive f with j carlists.! v The pt-efectS of the! Pyrenees have. been i. ordered to' placef .ciertain ..carlist chiefs t r tinder-' surveillance! and to notifytthe -: '" French government if any organization ' for moving ? arms r or ' ammunition . is 'a.iscovered. r i i ; :,!.! - ' :- J The Madrid correspondent i; of . The ' Daily 'Teteerraph; pays :VAn American lady." 'said ' to bo 1 -Commodore f Sehley s .daughter,1 has arrived heret -but'neith-Vr the .quen-regvnt ntr any responsi .lile personage -ti1I .receive her. She -will probably! be requested to depart at She earliest possiblb .date." : -Presumably, the American i lady re feri'ed to is Miss Jessie Schley, daugh ! ter Mr. Charlesi Schley,, of i Milwau-'- kee, ' a" cousin of iCornniodore Schley. . ' ' Sir O-eOrge Sydenham Clarke, the x- i -peiH ";rti naval tactics, and imperial de ; ! ienses writes to- The Daily Graphic ito-; i dajt stronglyi approving American an i nxatlon bf liawall Tand'Porto Rico.' . ; i . Jhe letter iwas Invoked - by ; an artir - -le 'in The Urapmc -caiung aiiemion . Ithe t' reversal i ft . i England's, tradi- V; I'ioTjal policy to prevent the United ' ' ' Plates from acquiring stagetical posi - ticms in the Atlantic and the Pacific ! enabling it to control the canal. v : i Th Daily -Graphic. In i an ; editorial ihis morning, said it agrees v ith Sir George syndenham .Clarke, but is cuni -tms to know what induced..Lord Salis- ibury to adopt am attitude -which has vo much facilitated the success of the " United States. .-1 . j !,- ' , . The Madrid correspondent of The ' Standard says? "There is still an en ;l. deavor to keep lrve the impression that something isgolng- on behind the ! scenes in the. direction of pence,-but J the prevalent idea is 'that tihe war ; -will fontinae untl the "fall of Manila - and the invasion of Porto Rico. A cabinet crisis has been averted for the ' , .time beinej I Those who succeed the , present cabinet Will certainly be oblige - ea iere long io asn tue uuum.i iu ou "mit to terms profoundly, repugnant to ! the. national' pridg: The prospect is in termediate fcablnets : is marred by the pola-vleJa, who declines to become the - 4nstrui.',cu-, L ! ; vvy-'y"' ; s ; create a third .party."! . "'" ' ' The iiaJrii 1 correspondent of The -! . ' . Times,' noting sref inreas,e n carltst acthjty, ff's: A" lhe le,a ' Ing--members, f le. party -have left Madrid. On the ct" tjand some in- fiuential carlists repjdlat any ille- ' . o-ol .Mnn nnrl tHe best authorities ill , the Monafchial parties! are. 5Js of. the '"''.. opinion that there i . jno danger ora rising, at present,! since few Spait'aras are willing; to increafee the nations : the' monar'chiar parties! are also of . the to the horrowB ofi civiHwar. a cfRMAV lSTEAllAR FIRED ON; ! St. Thomas. iDanish West Indies, July - 'A-Thns. Txitz. of the German steamer ' ',!- Orntia which arrived here yesterday -land reported! having Ibeenyfired upon . " three trmes off San Juan de Porto Rico , 'on Saturday night by ah American -warship, understood to be the United 1 States cruiser New Orleans, was quot v . ed in an interview .today! as saying .that the first solid i shot fell within twenty yaras oi f.ne snip. ine siemii ?r .was immediately stopped, but, her N v captain adds, two more shots were ' i ' fired over the Crotia's; bows from close v ; range, i Later, an; officer trom Jher New i " Orleans boarded the Crotia and asked RICO SOIL Landing His Forces istice in Order to Discuss, Xernis Spain Is iiNot Ready, to I'roposi ppe s Plan for PeaccGreat j xation of Hawaii and ; ndiunant German. ;if the. ship .was injured. Captain Lptz III i i : . a T - was highly Indignant at being ,nred upon, as h icohsiaerea nis snip oiitide the- blockading ion. : Hefisays hd saw nothing of the invading fleet, The French gunboat Fulton arrived 1 here' today. She is going in search of thp French Xlne. tfeamer; Ollhde riuez, which! was' captured by a el States warship and taken to Rod- Unit- fchar- Jetton, H, C.J while on a voyage from Hayti to -StilThomas, ' with, passengers. mills, etc. !.-.. -- ' Japan is with us. London jJuly 25. A special 1 dis-Rus-' patch from Shanghai - says four slan men-of-war have left Port AfthuP land it Is supposed their destination is thW Philippine ; islands. j ; f r Another specal dispatch from Shang hai says Hhe Japanese iajship8 Wposhino, Chinyen; Itsukushimf; and Saiyen, have! been hastily dispatched ta Saisho to! reinforce the j Japanese squadron the're, making it the strong est on those waters. It has beeh or- . (It red toj co-operate with the British ard American; admirals jn the ' event ofi international complications.- While thje dispatch does not explain the mat ter it is inferred .the squadron Ss de sired tobe in readiness,for Philippine operations, i' . ,; . SpauUU PrUouer t'lieer the Auierlcau Flag. ; x .''Portsmouth, N. H., July 25. It was learned today that a remarkable i dem onstration, occurred Saturday ; even ing at Camp Long, on Seavey's islandB Where the, captured sailors of Admiral Cervera's fleet are; confined. As the United States gunboat. Frolic passed the island on her way to Cuba, hun dreds of , the prisoners greeted the ves-" se with cheers and waving of . hands. ' The ovation took the-Americans by sur prise. The outburst was regarded J by thjose; In, charge of the camp 'as, a Irei stilt of. the good treatment received ! hare lly the Spaniards who took: this mHhod of expressing their gratitude. urgeon McPherson said todays that thje condtion of ihe prisoners in the. hospital showed ..a marked improve ment. ' -- ;-V:;; ". ; ': V: ilirt '; I ; v Mot enituti at Camp ThOma . J 1'hickamauga National Park,lJuly .25 The -expected movement of the jThird brigade. First i division, ii First icqrps,' ;did hot take place today. Il. ,lo)ks -tonight! as" though the First, Ken tu'ck .will get! out tomorrow afternoon, and the Fifth .Illinois and -Third. i-Ken-, tujeky will reak camp Wednesday, mjprning. This brigade wilj go to the front umler -command of General Fred Gfant, who was recently transferred toj its command from a brigade in the Third corps. The Third battalion- of t h.; Six t leth ! Pennsylvania infan try, which was recruited and sent here af i er:; the rcrgiment left, for Charleston -Mill' go toi1 Porto Rico- attached to the ,F ith Illinois i rrhe:: First South Carolina, ,of the (b.ifet corps Will hot be included! in the Porto; Rlcap expeditioniand It is the hope of Colonel Wilder, of the ;Eour .tejenth New York, "and his men that the Fourteenth will- be assigned sin the pliaee; of the I South. Carolina- regiment Vellow Fever qu Steamer From San- . I' tiago. .... iM ; tTampa, ;Fla., July 25 The transport Aransas arrived at quarantine ;today and will be held. The Aransas has on "board sixty-four people and on the. -trip from Santiago several cases of yellow uf ever ; developed. She was held at the quarantine station at Mullet key land Dr.. Glennan; ot the., marine hospital service, who is in charge here,' went down at once vand .ordered thai the boat he held indefinitely. .Coloneli As tor. is one of the parties on board the Aransas and he has Important 1 1 1 dis patches for the secretary of -war, which hei has orders to deli ever. lnj persons but he will be held until all danger is over. Dr. Glennan says he has orders to hold aijy and everything' "that , comes i from ah infected port and , expects to carry out his orders to the letter. , , Figlitto a Draw ': New York; July 23.-L"Kid" McParjt land, of New York, and "Jack'' Ever hardt ;of New Oi-leans,- fought twenty five rounds tonight at , the Greater New York Athletic Club; Coney Is land, and at the' end ofithJe fight both nien were -j well able to: go- several rounds more; Referee Sam '-Austin sat isfied everyone by declaring the bout a draw. ' This is the third time; these nien have'' met - and ' tonight's contest leaves the question of supremacy be tween the two-m"en to" be - settled ; at some luture time. , i ;i ;, v l ' r: Beeeptlon to Hobson i jNew York, July 25. Lieutenant .Hob son left at midnight. tonight for Bos-. tc n,' for the' purpose of inspecting p mtoons to be used , in raising the wrecks of the Christobal Colon' and tae Maria Teresa. He ; said : before leaving: "i' hope ito finish my. business ii) Bostdn in a day and return to Washington i Wednesday. I doi not khow how soon I shall leave for Cluba." I i; Tonight i he as the recipient i of a formal reception by the members' cf the Army rand Navy Club.- " .f f - :- Our Volunteer Army Washington, July 25. Adjutant: Gen eral Corbin i tonight made public a statement of the progress made in the 'organization of the regular and vol unteer armies .of the. United States; up to and including July 24th. In the ninety .days' which, have elapsed since the president issued his first call for volunteers an arrriy of 261,400 men has been recruited,: mustered, equipped and placed in thi fleldii an achievement that has elicited (surprise and admiration from the best" informed authorities of Europe. The personnel of the j army ii far superior to that of any body of men hitherto raised for military pur poses by the United States. , A Town Wiped Out by Fire Haiifax.! N. S.. July 25. The town of -Fuewash. 1.300 innaDitants, a aeai snip nine- nort OI consiaera-Qie impurianue on the straits of Northumberland, was w ined out. by; fire today, 200. dwellings. .five-churches, twenty stores, three ho- rteis and several nuns oeing aesiroyea 'The town was little insured; owing to "the absence of fire protection. The in habitants are now encamped In the fields and woods. Several people are reported missing, but It is impossible yet to tell who, if any, lost tneir uvea, Relief is being organized la every ai taction. .. '': '- I . n 1 . . Ilit A R IK ntr 1.111 - ' 1 ' Liv n r m m n .' I flTllttlll M m a i J. I rr ! . . .1 .l ! ' . : I- - . ' t'i ' . L J 'I ' ' " I j l ! 1: . 1 . : . : i ' Board of Aldermen tVIJI be Heuented to luerease tb 5noiber ofTra.tt Cart ' The board of pealth met at thejusual hour ; yesterday iiafternon and were in session about a, hour and a half. May'i or. Wright and tra. McMillan and Rus sell were in attendance. A 4 Mr, A. Bv Ske),dingt general manager of the Wilmington , Street Railway Company, appeared at the meetiiig and -Asked permission for his company to make necessarjl; repays to theiij road Iii cases of.i lemergency, whleh, o( fourse, would Irequire in most l cased the removal of jearth. As this request was an Important, r one, the ! board granted it. :j i . l! ; ; ;-- -. : i ; The .secretary was Instructed to communicate with the board of lalder-i 'men, and request that body, the j-board of audit and finance, iconcurring, ta -Jn-i crease- the number df trash vehicles to meet! the necessity, i There axe now three carts and one wagon, which is not adequate. (So 1$ Is desired ito In crease the nunjber ; tf ' carts tojseven and the 'number of wagons to two. j . One;jermlt was granted for the re moval of earth, : eo as to allow the building of a chimney to a dwelling house. - - ' ';'. OEP FOIl THE TOlBJIiMFST ! ; -u' i'i- Pvi-i iiilii ff .-- 1 il - '-i- Wllialngtons Uelegation Will Depart ! This Mornlua for fcoldboro.' The annual tournament of thelNorth !. k- - !S ' - . : ; ' f I I ii f I . . I - Carolina State f iFiremen's Association (commences : todijiy at Goldsboro, and cohtiiues for 'threes, days. Wllmlng itoii's delegationil (the' major portion of iwJiom - were : mien'tioned in Sunday's .i3suej will leav for Goldsboro - this jriorning via the Atlantic Coast Line, f: The contihgept will embrace : Chief 'Chass Sdhnlbten, i Foreman B. R. Rus isel ; apci . Hosfeian fllerbert Peterson, of iEngine -Com-pekny (No. 1(; and Ltadder men John Yates and Henry . MauUsby, iof ! Hook and iLsidder Compaay.-f?Jo. 1, all in unlformjl Each of the firemen mentioned will represent ; their respec tive :!companIes, except Chief Schnib ben, who will represent the department In itgS 'entirety, ii ; i .; : -, i Hoseman . Wi iA. Gannady was elect ed a delegate by Engine Company No. 1, but Is qnable to attend. Hoseman John,? Mohr ;wap . elected i!an alternate by the same -ohipany. - , i , -While Chief St-hnibben is away, Cap iain f'Rilly'' MojiroeJ of Hook and Lad der Company !?d. X, will have charge of the departmbnt. acting in his of ficial; capacityjuOf assistant chief. The editor of Globe, writes.' Cure is rightly the, Evans City, Pa., "One . Minutei Cough named. Xt cured my 'children s after ; all other remedies fail ed." ; It cures i coughs, colds " and all throat and lung troubles. 1 1 R., R. Bel-,1am-. i -ij -; ; '. i ( j : Ordered to Proeciite . i Dm W. D. McMillan, superintendent of health, was ilyesterday notified ""to prosecute any! person or; persons who throw '" trash, j especially i watermelon rinds, "upon the; streets,! contrary to lawvs This; .violation!, is a great nienace t6 health, f and Dr. iMcMillan wi' im mediately take 'steps to have it stop pi?d. ; H -i ! I : ; !-'; - ., The riotiflcation 10 prosecute - came from the boardji of I health In accord ance' with a resolution to that effect passed by ..that body.l !i;i III' l,-;i:;-s - 3 4- i-.y -, Z:f ' , I 1 Back to Camp ' j -,;!- i'- 1-- 'l!i-l - ;j i ; - ?''!(" ;'! ( Corporals i Ctimp-rMeDt Davis ( and Chas. Green, of jithe; Wilmington Light Infantry,-'mavje returneTlL to i Raleigh-. The fatter Iefjti iSunday evening, and the ; j . - , . " i i ! 1 )j i i l . -! . .. former yesterday morning. ; iRcth corporalp enjoyed their visit ithniensely, but jtiot- as much as tlie.iv fnentJs-, of which they "have a lat:?-? number, - enjoye.(! seeing them. ,E., C. Banks, S; of iLewisvllle, Texas, writes that one "box of DeWltlM Witch Hazel Salve; was worth $50.00 to-him. lit cured his piles of ten. years standing. He advises others to i try lt It also cdfes I eczema skin;-diseases and ob. stin ate sores. lR; Rs Bellamy. - , i Disorderly White Woman :, The "Black! tlaria" or ;rather, the neTrsystem of pa trol wagon, was ,call ed into service lagairt early yesterday , a.'ttrnoon; PolUGi;an Murray arrest ;ed. b white woman,! Rosa Smith, who .was making the ! day ;in a certlain- por tion -of Brooklyn hidieous, with "ile, loud crrses Wjmi tif:fted r"j';rat?fd her epithets of profanity to i loudt-r pitch, and compeij'-:d the officerl ta';sen(T for the patrol '.wagon : before she 'could be transferred to tho guard House.. :X; Shot Him A eel dently ; ! RiU Lee, colorerj, ilo shot Ben Par :ier, an aged coiorolj man, last ween, was ;tried j by sJ ..: riej Lunting. y?st-r-. cay afternooni; li mrned out that the shtotfig was . :eiit'.re:lj accidental, ai'l th c,Msewas flim'-3:(ecl ! ! i ', Lcfc shdt'Larnfr n thr W ' h t' th-., ibullet wai; inter.eH!! IU r ; Marner's rlog, UMi-'ji had "attacK-'i dec. ! The shr-ftii)i; t jt-.iv iplace hear : th.;. uinpinf Run,. Win your ibariies against, disease by iacting 'promptly; One ' - IMinute Cough Cure produces immediate re Suits ,Wrhen ta3cen early It prevents consumption. ;'And irt. later stages it furnishes prompt relief.. R. , li. Bel lamy. ' ; I : " ti . Death ofMr.ilra Hall ! Mr. A. E. Blake, of this jcity, receiv ed! the : sad j information yesterday; that his nephew Mr.i Ira Hall, son of Mr. E. J.1 Hall, of Sloop Point, died yesterday; at 4:30iP. m, of hemor rhagic fever, i The :t deceased.; was- a young man about 21 years of agej The funeral will take place today at Sloop Point Mr. Blake will attend the fun-; eral. rUi- ll'M 1- - "V;:;!:-";! Height of the Season at the Seaside The crowds of ji visitors attracted by 'our - delightful seaside, resorts,, reaehedj the high water;; mark on Sunday. At) Wrighfsvllle Beach: the hotels, - were overflowing, And there was also a large crowd at Carolina ; Beach. 1 ' I . f i ; It Is estimated that ; more than a thousand visitors were' at the resorts to spend Sunday, and many are to stay over several days. The Seashore Hotel ,and the Ocean View; Hotel were crowd fed with guests. : Charlotte and other points on the Seaboard Air Line sent idown a. big crowd, and : yesterday ; thp train was crowded on its return to the ''Qureen City.'f , , j . ' ' ill!;. Governor Russell Gives Advice -The Raleigh Post, of July 24th says It is stated on,' reliable authority that Governor i Russell has adyised the Republican Board of County com missioners of New Hanover . to yield to the ruling of Judge Robinson and let the Democratic! Board take: poses- ;8ioni;5 f" j;j:if if! '-. "j:''r !::!;j -When i the Democratic Board insti tuted proceedings; 'against the i repub lican board fori posession the i latter wrote to Governor-Russell fori advice and ; asked wh?t coiyse they j should pursue. ' i The; governor replied and ad vised the : republican commissioners to yield their, offices in favor of the democratic coutestabt. i ! 1--H-';.!; i i t ; - . .. I- -.''.',;..: I iiiiifiii iiiii HHn I i hi i linfii lii iii iiH in HrriHi i conwdaouMb s Wnt hvi ii i ry a r 1 1 111 i i n . m is mM v v v. m ' m m - ikv m 'mbib i ui tun J Lun iirnv-i.. i i t v - 1 m m m m m m m i- ; jib. m m , a i m i m .... " it i.vviiv wiu. iiiiii uiiibv viiiiiiiku vuuiiiiu ui I LllL n. am c,- :;... ... 1 I I Ii I i 1 I l V I 1 I j I I Stirring Scenes at New port News. 80LDIER8 ARRIVING .1. At all Hoar of tbe Day and Night Six Tboutand Troopi Mow In - the City Awaiting i Transportation to Porto: Hlco . Others to ! Arrive General Brooke Arrived Embarkation to Be gin Today Arrival of a Transport With Skk Soldier.; , - Newport News, Va;., July 25. Not since the stirring days of tfie sixties. twhen the north was fighting under the Stars and f Stripes to i the tune of "The ?Star Spangled Banner," and the south Sunder the; Stars, and; Bars," to the iStrainsvof?'pixiej" have there-been 'fis Imany troops in Newport News or this rvlcinity aslare now in. camp beyond the jworks -of ithe Newport News Shipbuild ing and Dry Dock Company, : waiting togo aboard transports to be taken; to the"Gem of the; Antilles," Porto Rico, iWhereNthey will strike one; of Spain's richest possessions in the" western hern isphere in-order -that? it may become a free and independent republic or a part of the United" States ior he held as the guarantee! of a: war. Indemnity. In- ;., - i - - . I 1 . ! - ; i ..... I 1). j coming trams iduring the last thirty six hours have brought nearly 6,000 troops to this city. This includes the Second brigade of the First -army corps.;; in command of Brigadier gen eral Haines, from Chickamauga frk, Tenni and five troops of cavalry from Camp .AIger. : ' - The first train reached the city ';at noon Sunday, and from that" time un--til late yesterday afternoon section fol lowed section. The i trains i stopped within a few hundred yards of the camp grounds and as fast as.the troops arrived they were ; marched to the grounds, where they pitched dog tents and made themselves comfortable.! General Haines" brigade is composed!'ofj the Third! Illinois,! I Colonel Bnnet;l Fourth Ohio, Colonel Coight, i and -the Fourth Pennsylvania, Colonel 'Case,; w hich arrived in; the iorder named. The; regimental arrived 'in battalions i onl three trains. 'AH these tro"ops 'went into cami. , ; i ; ! ! ' j ! Major General Brooke's special train,; which left; Chickamauga Sunday! after noon withithe commander of the First army corps: and his staff, pulled In iat 2:30 o'clock: this afternoon and Genw eral Brooke immediately repaired Stoi ithe Warwick hotel, Where he will, re main; till he sails for Porto . Rico . on! . i - IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE. Y. - ! i -.!!! - I . I i 1 ; I . ; ; . An Attempt is Made to Blow S i The Merritt Wrecking Conipany WU1 U'lde take Ithe Raiting of the Oistobal Colon. i The Starving Cubans in Cienfuegos Ala&fj Pitiful AppeiAl to , Admiral Sampson. , j ,j I About 300,000 Persons Will Bonds, The First were Sent Out :r ; Japan's.-Squadron in Philippine Waters j i Ordered to Co- ' operate with the British and American TIe$fsl:ln Case of Iiiter- national Complications, i : 1 i: Spain is to Propose an Peace. 1 I -1 .- - s : ' i - : - 1 : ' A.Madrid Cable Says 3Iiles noiua, Porto Kico. r j i Six Thousand Troops are .now at Nev'tf News Awaiting O Transportatioii to Porto Rico.and Others arr the Way. 1 i 2 I, ' The Aransas Arrives at Tampa Ouarantitielstation with Velr. T ; low Fever Patients Aboard, j The Pope Threatens the Carlists with ;SjVe'e Punishment. f Our Army Now Consists of T ; General Aliles Began Landing Troops , wHortci Rican Soil jYesterday. 4 W J " ;TI th auxiliary cruiser St. Louis. j The last: train to arrive that had 'on board troops-was the one bringing the brigade of; hospital corps from Chicka-i. mauga, which included 350 men, and the train arrived late this evening with the ambulance wagons. : j -i No more troops w ill 'come in till day-( light tomorrow morning. Then the sig- nal corps ; will arrive. At II o'clock four batteries of light artillery will ar rive from; Chickamauga. They are Battery A. .Illinois; Battery B, Penn- sylvania; Battery ;.A, Missouri; and the Twienty-seventh Indiana batteryl r j ; Orders were received at Camp: War-i burton this afternoon, directing "Batter-j iessA and iC, Pennsylvania national guard, to jbe ready; to leave with this rexpeditioni. These two batteries have been stationed here since May 6th, hiv ing been ordered to 'Newport News to .protect the battleships Illinois, Kear sarge and Kentucky, now under course .of construction. Battery A is com manded by Captain H. Warburton.Uof Philadelphia, son-in-law of John Wan amaker. - It is probable . that all seven of the batteries will leave on the saine transport.; x ; ..,!.'.."- . : ; j : ; General 'Haines' ubrigade will begin to embark early m tomorrow mornihgi The transports Massachusetts,! Rou mania and tClty of Washington are now at the piers, taking on provisions. The 1 auxiliary icrutser St. Louis is expects i to come up . Hampton Roads f to morrow morning ;and it is probable that the vessel w-ill sail in the after- noon with General Brooke and his staff and 1,300 troops. The St. Paul is x pected to : steam into port tomorrow momfner from New .York. She will also take on troops and provisions.) ; xne transport juason, rrom aanciar go, arrived In Hampton Roads at noon today.! From the ; foremast floated ) a yellow flag, indicating-sickness aboard. Dr. Pettus, the national quarantine; of -ficer, ; boarded the vessel just ; as 'she cast .anchor. He remained, on tbe ves sel for scraievtimei and .when he came ashore it was learned that he did not feel justified Jn permitting those ion board to land. The Hudson is Tinder stood to carry, a number of sick and wounded fsoldiers from SantiagoJ The bodies of Captain Capron and Lieuten ant Hamilton Fish are 'on the ship en route ! fori interment. -It is - said that Sylvester i Scoval, the New York news paper correspondent,- who was ordered from Cuba because; of insulting, con duct towards General Shatter, Is also aboard. ; ' , i , ; Eleven -i wounded,; principally : offi cers,; arrived: on the Hudson, in eharge of Assistant Surgeon Shannon. Among them was; Private .Stanley Hollister; of the Rough-Riders;. . He. was a famous football player 1 at ; Harvard. He sus tained a shell wound In the left breast and a gunshot wound In -the left hip Joint.. The wounded were transferred to the field hospital ; " : i, L I. 1 Shipping the New Bonds Washington, July 25. A treasury statement shows that there are about 300,000 persons to Jwhombbnds under the government's popular loan will be allotted. ) All -persons offering to take $4,500 or .less will receive bonds. The first shipment of the new bonds was made today. The' bonds will be Bent out as rapidly as possible. ! .; . ToAdnfh i s; - r. ai Sampson for -r - A isistance ! THE : WlJfLER SYSTEr Still Jfambfrij Its VlcUms In the Cltr of Cleurae Flvtp Thoqiaad Old JIn,Womi; 'and Children toytng of Hanger, h tie all th Food Ui field rot the Arhk SpauUh Accodnt or.the Wreck of-Alfonso XII J FreVit (CopyrigM y Associated GuantanamqBayi July 25 Press. 1. 11 a. m, The folowi-g pitiful apieal ; has been addres3e( v by; the starving people of CienfUKosi o; Rear Admiral Samp Eon: l 'Honorabt0: -Ur;! -The pans,, old men, ; wonfcen, s nd ' chUdreti, In the tov?ii c Cienfuegos residents and this neighborhood,; are all 'dying of hun ger. The you g men are: ail In, the field with -the; Juban Itroops land have ;.-;,; i tj - ;..i .... ... - I I -I-.. not shoes.; neis-Jer food. All the pro visions in ;tEJa . town are in the hands- ot: Spaniards; -'Cubanb cannl obtain i .; v - - . r . . ! a piece of jbrjv I, as it is neqissary to , : . .:5 I . .- . ! lv: J send everythji if to j the eld. The Weyler systeif'is in the Way1. The situation; Is ,t 'rible. If yoi Honor able Sir, dp nc come: quick with your squadron i to t s' help eq . ; ' - ; ; . -I1 and tai posses- sion of this o n we fenail be lost We beg you ta pl- ;ipitate your operation. About 5,000 tHii men, iwomen! and chil dren shall ";di -f hunger in tliisitown Some of theisefvold men havd four or five sons SfigBti ig for; his freedom. If the great, pe ig'e 6f the United States do not come: f luick to our help we are lost. I Foif..od's sake coriie quick. (Signed) i "SOME CUBANS." Nothing cam be done for tlte people of CienfuieecBiamtil that place. Is cap tured.', i This fwi i not be for some time. The .lollowre is aitransiaxion, irom a newsDaberrxii Cienfuegos, oi the loss of the Soan?$V steamer Alfonso XII which was (Ki)n asnore ontiue coast .... . ,l,;:-'. 1. of Cuba Uy thef United States Auxiliary eunboat !Hak? "Yesterday ifays' Ml- Corrert, of iia vana, thek-eiari ived here the survivors ot tne : i rai;i5s?i?i-'iauiici sieaiiiBir auuuau XII. which a," : scuttled in the waters - .. 1 m 1 ft;,.-;: ..iii ..a.!' -J l . (Unnnn of Mariel. W -tt a natural 'tiesire to up the Supply; ship Port ldtor. ' I fi" T-, i'; - i . s ' Receive tl .; hw Governuhent Yesterdav ! , ' IV ,.: . i J: t' i 5 i 1 ! t Armistice ! fof ttlini Termi of : ' l J f If It. ' r I . -. . - i f s i ---i - ,. ! . i. Attempted isf 1 Ending at Bhhia , i j , ; ?;" , ' 261,400 Menil -j . ' " - - " ' f 4 . MW- M ! ' 1 -?v obtain inf ora tion which would icalm the anxiety i: tie public we interview ed the surtvt an1, aseertaaned t that H l V , . 'i ! I ; they, were .' JfSf ered nearly ihsensible by , fatigue anxiety, iii Their -i feet were sorefrj iwalking from the head of the vaileji . JMariel to Guantanamo bay and the!4 .arnds Were badly lacer ated in iyio lE-:-; and ! futile . efforts to save the icaroii- ; 1 . I "We will f UtWully irelate tliat which occurred,; ret -erring what in dur iudgr ment it is nci fiermitted to give to the public and hsxt might serve as advice to our enenM i. "The Alfrfis, XII was ifitfll out in Cadiz with cannon, th& necessary crew, three C'o panies of mafinesj and other necessrj articles, i In twenty days I hope! i t - make, port and land the cannon troops immediately. I navigated (Me Alfonso XII with hope in God and To' the; valor of- my crew I ran with a 1 ? lossibJe i epeed to: the heights of C&Hj uegosi, where fcamej out three cruiseSB jt the enemji . Seeing them, the: Aifo iso XII took flights to ward the is-e: of Pines,; in which waters I lost si ht of our pursuers.!; "Believing tiyself ' now! free from pursuits, r I lai&smy course directly to ward Havana ;ith the full intention of , making pa- harbor. Wlien eight miles distanftarfV course was interrupt ed by three',! her cruisersJ which X was unable f: & encounter. dTae Amer4 lean cruiseraf'ltij 'k positions on my port and starbo$ M: and! ahead. I. then steered the Zl6hsoXII tawaijd Marielj where I hoKl to enter witn the ex-r elusive objep rt aisemoarmng. ii ae cided to sav?;' f.ie cargo, as the object In coming W if t to land provisions ! and the cargo on x,e island. ' 1 i , "I saw; as -t v mbarrasing situation,. Th yankeei flsegan throwing shells; which landelijl all (directions around the ship,; wliic: proves,; whall we said a thousand ilsj-es, that -the Americans are no artLEersts and the hrists of the earth. Ots? the hundreds, of ,prot- jectiles throm at the Alfonso XII; on ly eight strt'ek the ship. I "This corf "ob.)rates our; cjpinioh of heii" ' hart ilnlnimr! Tlion f Panlaln ! Moore orderd'the cargo to be thrown overboard Iiij ovder that soma portions might float t tlhe shore which was on ly a pistol she i distance, we got out a boat and ;rs bared to - torpedo the ship-. I saw'U- Americans would not delay destroy! ig the fine sthip ; and therefore, I leafed and explosive bomb fonso XII adi instantly blew up the ship in a cflolnn of smoke so dense and so blactj' 1 kat It appeared like an immense clttir. obscuring tie atmos phere and j&piing breathing difficult. "In this iarient of 4ejeuon cor rosive liuqi'i Are enveloped the ship and lapped Hi fthe wood .like a hungry serpent.; Tlsetcrew,; beihg; hopeless, had only tUaeHo lump Into ithe water to escape thia -lery furnace. Thus has been con8utSe , the best shli of : the Trania-Atlastic ' Compajny pride of the fleetf I Corn. and. flourv has' been sent: by Read Admiral Sampson to, tbe suffer ing Citizens of GQantanamo. Information has. beesi received, of the withdrawal of tbe Spanish troops from! Jibara, from Wh(;h there is a railroad to Holguiml ; lVh& ; auxiliary cruiser Prairie is offiJiiar to keep or- der. A bulletin from, admiral Samp son says that this is otse of the com manding p6ints in eastern Cuba, J , i V ELLOtt iJAt'K AT HOHK I ; The :;Scource .at Gnautanamo -Com uuder TIrCalla'a Strict .Quarantine. Amerleans Fired on by Spaniard, j (Correspondence of Ass-clated Press.) Guantanamo Harb6r,Playa del Este. Sunday Evening, , July IT The corre spondent was infortnedl tnhight that this ipiornlng the j Spaniards , at i ahd near i Calmanera tired -Crn a steahi launch, i which, with Ifs companions, constantly patrols the entrance toi the l lower, bay.- This hostile act. was som- thing of a surprise, 'because the -trodps Onder' Perez had jeen Informed the dV before that Santiago was to i sur render formally i at noon today i ahd that he; and his' trodps were Includjed in tYse who must lay down their arms andreturn to Spain.: ''..? - i : : To Vrim famine in .GuantaAamocity and -;ls environs is 'aded; the ravages of yellow fever, i iwhich iseems to-ibe ff?nh?,lf"'nLn-rhTP? thav! ,U is further westward. Deathe from 1 e.N low Jacl4 average -fifteen .per day. This reoort isVofficial and i from Perez him; i. i i 4 A- vmt - tiivJ... , . L i 1 i - I Vlr- , y M V ui.,J,- la, off the'iiai'blehead. Is Infinitely more stritiX; than any health officer. i-the states can boast. ; ! r .tj ;-i : ii ; General Miles, who came hap re Urn the Yale yesterday, was not alloed itoiiand until het showed sai medical Certificate to the effect that 'immediately after ih,is visi t ito I the Santiago army - his ; person and his: apparel - had been fumigated. The-general has 'gone so far-as to sac rificeihis moustache to the exlgienoies pf - the oefcasion. - Sick h'eadaene, biliousness, constipa tion and all. liver and stomach troubles can be quickly 'cured hy using those famous little ip ills known as iDeWitt's Little Early Risers4 -They &r4 pleasant to. take and never i gripe,! 3 Rs R. Bel lamy, j i.: . I -:' J!.j j : . '!!'; - ' r ! -V1' f :" 'i;i' .; I The Jury; lTuable to Agr'e !, r x: Wilmington, Del J.July 2$ After-having been' locked up since la-4t Friday at 12s o'clock, the jury in the casHof United States Senator Richard R.;K!en ney, :who is charged with; aiding and abetting ..in the Jooting of Jrhe First National bankof (Dover, ttnighf; was still unable-'to agree upon a. verdict and was -discharge by Judge Bradford from! further consideration of. the; ca-se. It is; said' since the- case -went to the- jury'i twenty-five I j; ballots; were taken and -in early every instance the vyle-4 stood 7 to 5 for acquittal, i it Another Record Broken ' U Stoiughtbn, Mass.- : July I ?5.rP"Ank Waller, who started at Norwobd yes-. terday against the twenty four hour paced road record,! finished herejat :49 o'clock tHis afternoon, '; one yninute short of the twenty-four ;hours, Jiaving covered 368 4-10 raileSi thereby break Ing the; previous record of 355 miles, 90 feet; His finish waSj Strong, i j j The Chief Burgess of Mile Durg, iPa., says i DeWitt's Little Early Riserg iare the best -pills he ever used In his fam ily durt; g forty years of house keep ing. They cure j i constipation, r-slck headache I and ! stomach'- .and Sliver mMibles. . Sr- U In size ; T3ut rgreatf In results. R.R. Bellas . ; ittore Gold From Klondike Seattle, (Wash., July 25.-The steam er Charles Nelson i arrived here today from St. Michaels Iwith 173; passengers from Dawson and! gold ITust estima;ted all the way from $1,000,000; to $1,500,W)0 When the Nelson i left. St Michaels! '. i l twenty-six vessolij" were , there.. iNane river steamers . loiaaed to the guards had iistarted up-the :rlver.;i There isi a large, amount of tnerohandise a: jSt. Hichaels which will insure plenty Upf food nextl.winter if It can be gotten! up before ice closes navigation, : ! -,, (; I - - - !.. . ..!--Ilabnouta Fiancee J, 1 n Ntiblesville, Ind, July. 25. Quite a a Miss Lettie Cook, near' this city.f She pretty young lady, is i visiting1 friends is from Oswego. Kan.,- and it; isi naw an open secret thitiShe is the fiiirieee of Lieutenant Hobson, - of; Mernpiac fame. Miss Cook met the lieutenant at a (wedding In iNorfolk, Va., s&'eral- months ; ago, a corresponoenee iciqw ed and-engagement later. r! "1 thing DeWitfjs lWtch Hazel Salve Is the finest preparation on the mar ket for piles." So writes John C. Duhn,' of Wheeling W. Va. Try it and you wilt thing the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. R. .R. Bellamy. li " '.'I : !''!"! Sparks i J.f ;- Mrs. Sallie Hobson, mother of Lieu tenant Hobson,-arrives at. Atlanta pn a Visit ito her s6n, John N. Hojjsjsn. Mrs. Hobson' expects to meet the: lieu tenant; there before he returns to San "tiagou (. Private Walter . Lee. Company i-G, Second i Georgia volunteers, dies; iof typhoid 'f ever In the Fort Thomas rrtil- itaryj hospital. . : . ! :: -jf ! The United Statts - steamship Hud soni arrived -in .Hampton Roads with Tthe! bodies of Captain Chas. Caption and Lieutenant Hamilton Fish yester day. -' ,;-;;:; Vp -;. I , !. ;:! 1 ! ' ; The earl of Minto;has been appoifity ed governor general ; of .'Canada, in soc- cesslon of the earl of Aberdeen i ! l rr- J 1 KlMln; the Book; If a new. argument was needefi- which it was not gaihst the proctice of kissingithe cover? of a dirty Testa ment! irt order to lend aditfonal icred- i , ( . , , . .i - - -...; I . ibillty to -evidence jin courts .of jus tice, that .argument has . now. been supled. I We know i before that j the custom , is stupid, - prof ane, dirty; and dangerous to health..:' We know now from ! the letter of Mr. F. A- Stringer to the Times that t is, compara tively -speaking;; a kiew -fangled k ab surdity,; witho'ut ; even the sanction of historical tradition, .to; gvve -it respec tability.; -Mr. Stringier, who has been, investigating i the isubilct,. .declares that, I down to the 'end f the seven teenth century, ; the witness merely laid his hand on the -Bfble in swear ing and that no mention of kissing the bok can be found before the mid dle of the . eighteenth century- That ought to setle the matter. , -'" . It would be interesting if "Mr, Strin ger Would find out for us next who In Ct i88i?.f volume.? and why,' Ass the custom does, not exist in any other country, ; it -could hardly i have Keen imported, yet; one wuld think there -mtift have beeni some reason for starting such a strange practice.- If: kissing had to be done at all, I wonder that our fore fathers did. not start kissing ; the ush er tor the judge; both of whom wash their faceoccasionally,, whereas the court testament goes ,uncteaned from beginning to end f Its existence. True, I have seen an usher wipe the book, with ' his pocket handkerchief before ; han&ing It to a witness, ! but, though well meant this attention is not as comforting as might" be wish ed. And tt was only offered to1 a duke' not an ordinary witness. Lon don Truth. 1 1 -,.-,. J ' Tie War Department patch oi iTrqopa AWAITING XEWSVOF LANDING The Work ot Lmhaikioi; Trop? at I)ifficultyBallcMinv f.r j(icncr;il Sampson's Repft Re Med ' t ion of Thanhs Ii Warded Southern Brigaile Ordexcid to: Porto Rico. .It Condition: of WashangtonV July he wihf de parthietit was busied .Jtojuy hu fying li the ltioo," the disixatch St the remainder-.j .MiieB:i- expeuuion aga;nsf, rr)rii( Svcb progress has been iud. is ho4ed; that: all of th;, trooj Ije on-the Portg Rlcan s with iat tt ; will n a IS. IS un week at the latest. . Gdnral Mj.1 not exjected to defer Csnbdi,n til that! time, but. presumably wil pick Ut a suitable VUce for Scam?, iglns ,, r.,. ij .-. v 0. . hiifl-lf awaiting, the arrival of ,fee e-oth-itt- de- tachmebts no w on i thenit way. fiWar depart nient officials "exti'jipt tha'V.the first news, received f ronv i-ienerul MlltT tches ! far will conve through the lSiijs disipa as the. general -has no wjb him.i i as kn(Wn, any dispuh jwttji. I lv at'lea-t Saturday befjjv d1re ble communication i an jff established with him. !-and,; in the antimk 1 rw liance! must be had Otii'the disjmtch boats . running across t.vt, I fi'limas, distant about four ttnirnJiruii. Ut was expected at the ;departnn np-t that Gen eral Brcxjke amiXJenerul '.llaitiesj wiuli sai I tod a y . f rni 'r Ne wporHtKewg t I 1 .. - - . . i,r . .j V- .... . 1. , . 1 B Ji'Ul Miles' iandthat; miost fr B r o A ke ' s-'o mmand o u b s - e m b by - Wednefcday . ! , I. V'i';;.- - ineral rked The work of embatkafeKin at Newport News l is beinir iconducftl'-l- with less, difficulty and dt'lyifhun v.ik ex pected: i '. .CoJonel IIi'ckif.r,i.,'!U churge of the-transiortall-fni div;lstiai of th department,! who lhas j-Jusi n-tuirned from that' place, has rej-jirtetl V retary: Alger that it; is ej jiineutiy ed to the -shipment f tf jiops. . . iuently,; the secretary ,iHhiy . oi all of 'tSeneriil -Oranll's fTnirale. uit-,inse-1inm1 3,li(hJ men, from ChiekamaMgjf to Newport r Ncrws.i' ; It j Is not expectr-'il: thuti all of ine transporisfequn eu -.f. iir ini commodaMoh will have wnrri veil Mi ere Y t ir--r V-i it vti Hh t ha cilihui : ir. r dn but Ult.y u, t,ncamp w JlWul there, and it is believtHt ill hi h ne- fitt-etl by the l-i.. . . V..-. AV,n.mJ .1 SL...... - l1kjE.lr viiaugo J7j(.ii vj .1,1 -. - mauea BALIXKDNS FOR GENgUiAL MILES. ' The i signal service has succeeded in reclaiming from thtf biittlefieldiofltTari- tiago ithe-tubes which supplied ; the: military, balloon with pure hydifogen gas ana they, witn ; tnej nanoon the s tamer- Aana. l nefctuoes w h recnargea ; immeaiateiyi ana Ubl . . ...... ..... . apparatus win oe aispjcveird at oVc to Porto Kico to assiaf' Genera I RfiJ is said to nave prrea 6il greHj v.ilu in the Santiago impagfn, and from the character of Ji hei country 4ni T'ortoi Kico w nere military ?p.yatijii 1 Imifi be; ; conducted" 1 K ',is'biieved : t)Lt iti also canf be used to adotage thin SAMI'SON'S IIEI'ORTJIIIECEIVIED. it was announced tofty at thd na vy; department that -thjlJing exptotedi report from Admiral SaMp.oii upoh th destruction of cerj-era-soji'-et. witit the! accompanying reports . the c ii mo-i dore and captains of lilhSsiiuadron had a ;. j . -I. . yi . . reached me aepartmciQ it is nup-i : posed to have been prukht by ap-" hich' arul, taini tain Sigsbee, on the, st. Paul,w arrived t New York-ftst. Friday, to nave oeen sent Dytnjjui ,py ta Sigsbee; It is the int4nn.n or tbe sec retary; of the - navy v'irlve thesd re- ports to the. public! tn , their enri rety. They will be given out for public Wednesday -morning.; r jf' ation - Secretary Long todfayc! forwardil -toi Admirals Dewey the Jopn?t sresolutiiin iof; congress extending th?!hanks o'f lconti gress Cor: the victory-ahieved al-jaj vite. The- resolution usas be.-vutifuMy ogTossed- and - prefacfe. by a fo -mal Attestation of Ub authenticity by Sec retary; of State Day, te whole being enclosed' in a highly g11i;RussTa. 1 ath efcase;' It is to be remarked -that Sec retary Long in his letter'fnf tarnhmittal makes; reference to a lifter trom te secretary of state complimenting Ad miral Dewey upon his, direction ,ol af fairs; since the great nval valor y, a formal evidence that Wif Vt'ate dei art meijt is thoroughly well satisfied ith the displomatlc qualities he has. ex hibited.: The letter of ..fi-retary Long is as follows: ;' ' ' i "Navy Department ""Washington, D. C, July l'u is. "SirThe department, has reci-ived from the secretary of st 4te an engioss ed aid 'certified copy of fai Joint refolu tJo'n of congress, tendering the h; nks of ' oohrres3, to you, and the officers and men of the: squadron under your om- .mand, , for transmission to you ai.'l I herewith enclose the' same. .' ' V A pftmna nvinp- tha rjrtrtv of the lolnt f resolution the department recelv. d a letter from the secretary; of state requesting-that there be tonveyed to you his appreciation of your jcharacte as a naval officer and of ,lhi gooxl ju.lge; ment and prudence yoij hjiv.e shew i in directing affairs isince th? date ot your gret achievement in Tdetroying . the SDanish fleets This.. I titk great pi -as- ure in. doing, and joid fmost. heariily, on behalf iof the navyj department,! as well, as personally. In? the commeAda tion of the secretary 0 state, r. .- . "Verv s-esi-.ectfullv. "-JOH5C D. LONG t . "Secretary 'To Rear Admiral George Dewey, f United States Navyi, iCommander-ln- Chief . United States- ' , Naval F'irce, Asiatic. Squadron. t ' REPORT FR5m SHAFTER I The war department at &:15 o'c t, m.. tostdU'he following: ;; lock V ' "Santiago. July 23, IS). ''Adjutant General United States i my, Washington: ; Ar- f "Number : of new fever cases, on the 24th Inst . about Wk At least 430 returned to fiufy." Actual fig ureg will be given heratter. Notwith standing these ' fignrf-a.O the situation seems somewhat Impovd.: One: death. Sergeant D.; Lamnen Troop O, Third cavalry, yellow fever jiboney. j . - - "S.HAFTER, t --' "ajfjr General." r The w ar! departmenl' has! decided s to send the First Floridif sWond Georgia and Fifth Maryland regiments, no at Tamna rt Pnrtft Tiirc . 1 - ! ! II S & TRANSPORTATION THE SPAN- ' h . ISH PRISONERS. , - i The .war department' hao. received a letter from a New, Yor.k; attorney (rep resenting J-jL. St. 3ohu.! protesting against ' the; award ifon i transporting the v Spjanlsh prisoners in Spanish ships, i In addition tot -Abe, claims that have been i made in tms 'matter hrref tofore, hs alleged thai bis client fca not been heard respecting a bidjwhich he had nut in. Colons Hecker repjled to the attorney today.' aytn . that Mr, St.vJohna bid was up)n a . letter ae noting him a paper manufacturer," and Mr. St- John ' had not responded a telegram, requesting - txa presence.! in Washington.! save by.iletter saying that he was glad that Che contract .had been rjlaced so advantageously to ( the Busy Over the Dis to Porto -Rico. ' t Newport "ews Conducted with LittI 31ilv'j r.s.pcditionAdiniraI '$ , -' ijt Washington The Rcsol to Admiral Dewey. i- ; f.; li i i v Shafter'H Armv. f ) i roverninviit. -titin-l lie. hat: thv jt-plurtmttt wa eoker kki'MIl fully- advised- Jis t the lM)illoni of Ihj ,pnlsh ship jli.ftre- th ij.nirHft;-ai iiJ(i. ' i.; Probably efintt the tnd f the week the M'imich company will Ik-kIiv! U ii i ,hurg- of ilt olj-llssition nd luvc ihi!-d at 'Sanuas'o at least 10.'W of the Nj'anlfh s-'lilier on the Iojvk Journ- ry t I. Spam Wiiru." oafl t. t)u-vir j.li-paiitirii nt toJayFthrough the mediunt f t rj I'nitd Stut.-n -onsul at Fort le . Kri ut, isljtrni of Martliviciu, that Ithe Spanish ttam1bip: Alicnt, tilt h Jhas leen lying there tr 'several-vnk. wis Ixiiil to sail for; Saiilliiiro. to ftup. Hivmeiof. the prisoners. She i'ilu. 1 ti tirrlve there about Thura.Jay iiVorntnjf. g$:1:ral shaftkii's ahmyj, li-uwoi .of various kinds ha.. lVii .m-t-lrcuhUlon;-- as ;tii life dip.i.sitktni of General; Shafter'si army; but the war department : Ivh - rwol come to tiny; con clusion til t in lli.-.matNr. A sufll t h nt , f.r.. h l ! k-pt at Snntl.mrn to mnlin.un lh- fiiKitinii the l'nlle.1 State h.ta tiik-n anl l(iiiirenerve' iir. ia-r. ;! 'Whll.? i-herei. Is yellow; fever In- f i.rf. i a I M In .n : tk i , . . a 1 1 1 t riTndi'l tia hririK tluf t roi to th Culted Ailek ts Thi war .department, U iiay -; i ; be ifitlitsl.i i.-r WW lxMidlrig every effort t sj'i-uri. fi.r t ii-neral -: Shafter's arlny ( . ampU' siipplv of nutritious food, and ; r 1ho will that the Hold lent liave'M a ti. rent! alul oiiireful uttentlon iso they may , i get 1n thtj, very best condition. . The iiiedt:aft'orp fs now making a careful u f t exrtTrijntttion f th army with it ylew , of adi-dng th- ih-pai tinent art tn the , r , Ix-Mt nn-ttvuls of rt-sl.'rlriK the Hick to , . healttit and jr-vWitlrtg .j any further ; ipii-atl-of ikseiisi;. Jt Is pot believed . ati- --i , : a , . ". ... ... . .. . . i. . .. . . . . ...... '. . . I . . . ' i I 111- Ml-J HI! lllll-ll I, 111(11 iiuy 1(11(41" iiuiiiinr i ; of troops iwtJI be nei-efiHiiry at Santla- : i i; f go aft. -r Ihef.Spaiiish prisoners :haVe ; h i 3 - pcen uleporteil. L Bob; Moore, r of IiFayette, ! Ind.r eaya that for cnstif?at ion he has found. DeWitt's Little rarly RIs is to be rect. a 1 hy never gripe for stiomabh and Bellamy. ' 'I k.TIOM itIII.'MkFK! -' Onljjf I ':' " - i'.r , ;i -:..:! -"Tee ll.oa.anil More ? TrOop. farr)-uUr-.rl- iv a l:j -i rfelea.ins ( ub., rrv, ,.h,oi.. ii "i Pyiighl by Associated P..a Santlag.. !.. r'Uba. July gjl-Every. thing hen- is ,.. ful Tnv j.i0u0 g h soldiers at r5u.mtan.im,; lay down the,rla,mH todayv The a.Sr.o.from Pal HiH. SeriHtm. San Lu.s and Lngo mir. nend.reil yesterday - to lieutenant - Y ?id today packtralnnl w-Jih , r.'.n'in. tnem.ij .Th- onjy oth- rsi .included.' ji t J ik - vapitulatlon are -.''! u.r.ps at Har.h.ifci. arid l,m at hagrta.! .Thc-y hav l)'f-r, Kilt ll.f,v a .... . - I - eral Garciu's . v,lr Inlty. ll in a,t Mi: today and ri-ached thare without iT- ' countering any Spaniards. ii i : i i Oeneraf iShafter authoifze' an- absi ! lutf con t rati icthjii of tire report that I Gar l.- encountered a force of Snftn-V .lards whu wn-e returning t. Santiago i to surrender and was defeated" by J them , ' ( j Colonel Ezr P. Kwern, of the Nihth 1 lnianiry, acting Tor lienerai; Bhafter, will ifftceive this - formal surrender i of Guanianamo. Yesterday ' (leneral Shaf ter' released - loi.-y t'ubans who ; had i lx.env nonfilled . in the local Jail on po liticali charges.. Indeed" some of thurm? werenJonflncd without 'charges of any. ch a rairter; others on- the most trivial , pretexts' and yet 'others solely because . of sympathy i' with . the Insurgents' cause. I The" Jail In till filled whi many -whoso crimes and sentences avu . not on record and are; absolutely, un know'n, no far as has yet -been! a.sciT-n ' tameid.h A- general investigation , ha been i Ordered immediately, ; 1 1 -f-ni: I Amerioapi newspapers7 .which ,' liiltye, arrived here contain articles written apparently, under ; a misapprehension of facts regarding the;-conduct iof the campaign and; the dictation ; of ihe terrps if surrender. General Miles was here ! Kirn ply as a visitor and- ad'lsl?ri" la his bfTictal -capacity hehad nothipjf t-0 d.. with the term' of the capitula tion, the entlrn credit for which lie lirigtit0 General Shafter, who, on July 10th. j-eceUed the following' .'rnx , Washington, of that fiate:! i n i ;-! ! "tieneral Shafter, Slboney: "The inform here at secretary of war- directs sne to you that ' CJeneral i Miles left 10:40 o'cJiK'k. last night fo? San- tiago; but with Instructions whlcn- 1 not iji any- manner supersede you' at the eotinmander of tint L'niled Stales trrxr) in the field near- Santlagro so you are able. for duty. , i;; ;; , "CORklX "Adjutdnt Oeneral." ! ' L: iiL, - --; t-.; ij.' ,;:. r! ii long ms - Thdusfands of 'lSJ", have been cured ot piles by usiriKfrWlUs Witch Hazel Salve. - It t heajs'j' promptly and cures-eczema ahd all 'sKin diseases, ilt givea Immediate relief. R. H. Bel-' lamy. 1 1 ' - i; J .j At Camp In Fentaudlna Fernandina, Fla.. : , July 2k The re mains of W. E. Jenny, pof the Second - - ; 1 ;- .-ii - J - i . .--.; division) of hospital corpv were brought in today jfuwm '"Highlands, where the unfortunate young man was killed by the train;. His "body will orobablv be sent to; his home at halllpolis, Ohio. ' Companies I. and K arrived today from "Phlladeliihia to fill I the Third Pennsylvania regiment now enca,mpd at Tampa; The two ' companies will Join their regiment t when it arrives here; . -::h A : ' y' . - r j -;;; ;l V' ' rt '! -- ''.''i i' The; Sixty-ninth, of New York, ar rived today from Tampa, i i ; The fUrfi is the highest fraoa bhia niar kaowa. ; Actmmt tacts ' it j i tUifartbor taMaayotaarhraad, t ; FBl'ESR Absolutely Puro ; m m W ;jl ' 1 ! x; i i ; 1 I OWL UM POWMH CO., tNMC 11 ;4 , yt f.:- i ;'lr!;,'-:' r"'H " Mf:-'iI!i ;- -;- -;r;-j-v; ;- ;-iv -,..r :.;Si- t.:;; i ? . !.! ''-!: -"" k- ,ilJ.'-'.:---.'-'.--f;V --; f lfm :j'.' ;:.'-,- r; -:',:, i". .'-!? :'-:' r-.; j' fv ,-;--:"; v ( . 3 . q I - i -: 7 I f .- ; . ; . . ...;.! 1 r . -S '." i- ! Lvi ; i ''''ft'k ' n r

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