1 -?j -. - " -v ':: r- . f - .-; Strr l:-:J?-r r". :4 r 'ji I.m.'a'Ki ' - :: a A! i J Ar- " - V - ' I ii 1 ' ft:- a ; : -ri- CTTo.- -, i-.Mi Ati a ;- ..AM-a------- iv-; I ur-A a aa--: A' - a-TA ,s :. , aa-a : j . .-AAAtn- If vOi ia-! -uHa 11 I . ; '-A aiaaaa J :-1r- , aa-':1-aa- -AtAkjH v - -A-'H"' A tilA1! : ' 29; 1893. Ai AAjf ; a J; I J MllT-a, ! prices gents;:): 4; fi ll; it .r '. i - m h : I i ? 3 V -A V- Hi a U I J i I J I ' . ... ' I 5 5- 1 T- k l it: ; ;ThRDJATTC da dt : T-.7. nrniDiuniiv. nipnun niDimrMiTiiiiiv nnncim: ,; r-r"" . ; ji : ' JLlli VJlWlVl U-UUL i-liVl pSMSS'SStK WUDUttJIIW HllULIlU UIHUrLlil iiniiio ui ruwL t-' i Vf i: ' ;r" i : , . :y'.V . .- i--.:.-- :-! b. r ?rw. From Port nico. ,. : T "Atn -vi : :: ' !. I :: :i! i - : :- I ' 1 f 43 v r "fe v3:; i f : K: "J . JA : i . I' i : U. :! : 'I v., ... .-, .... v. . , i .!: : i ' '.I t.': Madrid.' Ju r ZS. 2-,dJ m. With thA I - i , ., ! -1.1 I ' .i ; ; ... ; . i ! M . I iw. ' Li .CJ . . . i I . ...r , . . Played by the Cruise struction of Cfervera's Fleet. REPORTED, BY'. i he Kncniy Silitcvjl from the IJrooklvq at th4 ;Same Time as From tlc , : -h - -l ' I ' - H i '- i i i , " - ' ' ; i lova nrinjs Ur' Them: in I ive .Minutes---LeaJing the Chase i v -A --'i ', ' 1 -1 J '- '! i f-v A-M.i;- v: .": : : i - .'AWith t)e Oiiej4on a Close SecnJ--tIIer jKaking FireCool- - i jichs- unci Hravcry of the A moUore Schley Number '1 he Kepai j WtfHtilriKn, :rJu)y 'H.Thn navy de-s. artrncnl. to'laV malf public: th; fo(- tuwlnn -rpfirt !f Caitatn '"ookj of thf Uookl.yi, - on t;bt; cle Y era's fl--t: - S: ; i tructfory of Cfjr I'nttd Statin FXnUhMff. Brooklyn, i&t Anchor, llu-intaristmo liiiy-.- , July 7, i i ir At 9 iSkM!k;a. ni., July 3rd, I jr.a vt- orders and arrianB" mollis were -3 iide Tor tMiK.'ral muHitf-r: at 5:'.i0 o'clofk a. m. t he enemy ovva corning out. sihtMj by the ' w ere d men ve redJ A' tlif,fujtrt'i,maHtf on ' watch. M ivatfb, AinJemtK, vf tills, shjp. and refilled ! 'th-t. oil i -t r ut-lv f iWIhhmv rvf tlif (ler k. .I'lie' (-xc- .u mi 1 1 ha ii t ( To ! n in and r. M isorn m bo whs i-tii -dl'pk about to litf 'tbe trdf r.-for Et-i-ral muster, niii tit diutt K ,'.u A bt- t'i'dt i . "Clcsir still I : ' !! i. i ' - j ' : ' 1 ' ' i Jwi at tioil .lii'J (." IH't.il quarlei-h . 'hi?- ill (vas iivatb': at the jsanie time ''Kn-i mv f'iuiiur oiilt. a'triui.'' I went iini tiietlijut'ly torward, HtcJid for tht?-;frimy Und- ea.v. (irdeirs to kcI uteam "in all bojlt'rs.. Wf. st;ii:t'd' with steam n khre,1 biiiltMa at i :i-lioiiit , twelve knotf i pt-ed. I' '! . i The headof llV Spa iirisb squad roir; b roliimn. a.-.: jui;tjut!id the entran ivf tin- barbor .SaniiaKi beajdmu iibtut si.utb wests. , Tb (on cotiai.slt-tl of tbt flaKsbiid:. i .V.iZfiiya, . pa-uish squail Maria Teres; iuu;en!o anil v.o-i1 Jon,, and H'r toll aV boat destroyers- Wt otiiMitfd tin- inn tbt; Matjship in tivt tji'iujules frouL t lit i dist-o ery.i . : I The poU-baHeiy Was lust uigaKfil :' its vvt- .sDiod uTt h poi t bt'lm to head ifl ' iihe li.fidin-ti' sbio. and! ulviris them ij : liakinc lii't-" al about li,5iiu yards ranse, rriie'eiieniy.'- lurne'd to! the westward t i -i 1 1. the laiid.l V then wtn:A . iuihinn.i l.j . starboard. rtruipinK the starr !!." t'd liatterv into ajition. The. enM Hnv hUKKCil the Shol-e !to the westward : H The : l'.j'oklyn leadiijiK, ; was folJ6wed S.y the ' TxnK, ifo'"Ta, lOreon," Imdiana btnd ;iou,ester:i !rl.'he Vixen, which had Jit t n to vtttward of Ins on the bloek-L-iile ran i,ti Uiei southward and it-ast- txvurd t us ahdi kept. lor some time oft; Vur"Prt side, cat ant utKjut i.vw. yacus, LviiU-ntlv !lntetidin.ti iruard agaiiist (torpedo attack: upon j this ship; ?he Shells pas.in? 'over up fell very thick ibt.ut ber, some? pjisslriK over , herfuXt UbiS Unit' tliH IiranK- was :vfry-iiai, nm : -!iht!-whistlinr f -sludil incvusant, jand - k.ur escape with so little dnjury twas iiiiraeious, and can fnly be attribut to bad f tnarkmanRlup on the part mf. the eneihv The" M.H ta Tvresd. uhith. Jiad dropptd astein while Vf were t,. out i ntr imdvi the heavy fim of our j 'ile.t. ianasli"b '!,J- i i I Tlfo Vl'caya.jl. oqufindo land' Colon ! l!,mtinihd art.-train m tr SnAbstanee. Tht- I " fitri-HjklVb. was enRagefl with the thVee lf.s J-h-Oadinp shlps-o-fthe enemj', which. were if ; jtortrinK head, the TeXas. iowa and Tn- !K.Lii.,.vn kfptintr i iiiP'ai heavy fire, ibut v rtcadilv dnippinst! astern. The QreRon i ' wa keepinK "1'-K'le;jid3f flre. and wan coniiiiir tip bi rhe .most Jortous. and kiiiMr'it stvle. oiH-strippiriHl all others Fit if inn1 insiiinriK siirbt sto see this 'l-x rl.-vliiit,- wrtit'-a hi(rnt white vav litini lit-1. and Oitr sniokesiacks belt h- p-nf? fartb i t'liiiitiivueu ...puns noui oi 1 need draft Hp were"8-making jour Iteen knofs At the tnni anil the Oregori .(.'a rue ujT "ofrT.ur Sitarpoard quarter at tubiit: tiOii vards: ami lt'jfition.' ttjough -we pt maintaniou ner on after mcreais- !-d tur ..f Fjd to nftejefi knots, and juti Ibeforc the ' Colon Surrendered werei Jrnakinr ' mearlv sixteen. ; . , -'. Tli.--'Odiirtndo soon .dropped ; astern Lsn im fire.' ran ashoke,,; The, VizcayjJ u.w.i .-l,ii i rontmuedl on. ; under fird fvjm the' Brooklvn and the tjregon iThp .vthtT veh-fls of ohr lleet were tl ,st,m and out of range. Tlu Texa lntlv- - l oinmtr ui) ; fast. Att 'about 1Q :.". o i lock a jm, the Vizcaja iwn stn - to be. on flrfv and . the Colou 'ipaed insi.Je of : hen with- increasojd i.-nee.l. tnok"ithe lead!" and; gradually I iot-ged ahtd. The Vjzcara soon -.aftett- l.rtiii on the beach, ablaze with fire. Wd :igtinlled the Oregon to cease firing ori the -Vlzeaya, as her (lag was down i Virini" imn-fediatelv. it-eased and --...wa i-tiotb continued i the chase off the-.Colon -i riow about 12tKio yards away.; Th ihilw tan from l.rU0 to 3,000 yard; i -villi- the ; Vizraya as jhe kept in anij .mff from the coat '$ steered, straight ! t. -i ' distant point miar Cape Cruz I ,, hii tv." Colon-kept close to the land r?her-ould tit have (ime out without I crossing our bdws ;nd we w ere stead ily, gaining ori hojfj We were getting i-niore steam all the titne and now hac if boilers on and thd l-iMiriaininf-ow andia half nearly ready t ttor vjiMnin-ir "for libout fifty miles Railroad. Engineer ' Testifies to Benefits iRcceivecf From' Dr, Miles' Remedies. be -' .... SiWk.'.'AS. mm 1 ,wv L.HEE.E-13 no more reC'ni5K Bt" r a , fi 1 -." h on eartu than tluitcf a riiiaaenKui I ,r.n ii Ato:td v'aorves. clear brain, brliit eye aud pt.fAMlEtlf cctBHiand, de-i : pen the saicfy of -the tE"aUs a.na vue y. f n.nrr?.1 Pr. IltlciNcrf lab and ?-,iW-i.mdie3 aro especially ftOpted to : i .ia v..rwh ntensl v.- tho braiiKClear ; ,i.4na"tiiiitil f.K-ult ie uuimnairea -tniitecr P W. JiloCuy, formerly of 132o ! Uroad way. Council DltlSs, but now resides I ut34TlUniblo; St., Ionve4Trrite3.thathe ' f-suffered fcr years frpiaconatipatloa. caus ' ins-sick-, aervous and LlUous -headaches and -.9'fi!iv stored to heal'U' by Dr. Jules i Krrve & Liver-Pills. ' I beartily recommend L J)r. Miles' BemeditSs." fC'K Wl' I K Dr. Mllee- Demfedies&VV t)f. A fare sold "by all drug-pn ! Miles i gists. P-iaer a positive it- - - j guarantee, lirsc Dotue itei0UI;c benefits vt taoney- re- fe, A RestOfO ianded. Book on ais- Uath vvf eases of tin Heart and S J? BjeFveafree. A44re3. ' .TTT" MILES US&IGAL CO.. lkbart lad.. :; a- - -i;. A--. - VaVi;a : t ' - - - - - - 1 J - Brooklyn in the.De; .'I APTAIN COOK;1 Y en--rCheered on by Com- of Shots lireJ. r Needed, , ' ; j ''i A.-i!::A' 'v1 ; .'."! wst! fron the entranoft. the Colon ran mljo ia biht .'of land, beached, fired; a rKun to bward and hauled down hej llatr. Thf Oregon and the Brooklyn had jlust previously begun to ilre upAm ithe (polomand were landing: shells close to hftr Ij as isent on board, by Cum modore ,St:hley to rece'lve thei surren der. I Thej caRtain spokie English aiii4 revived ine i pleasantly,: though nat-j urally much depressed.- lie surrender--edii nineonllltionally; Hei wan ; polite,' .sbook harijtbs abd said that hta case was hopeless, jand i that he saw that-- we were-too ifiuclt for him. I: was on board about; i flftli-vri ! inlnutes." As we carrte frorn the JUolon the.' flagship New York came in jith the Texas. I reported on bOArd the llagsbip to- Hear Adndral Sampson. I stated to him; that I be lieved the Colon could be gotten oft the : beach. i . , -' ; lJuring j.the entire- -action I was in foilstanrt i-ommHriication with 'you, so thatU was enabled ta promptly execute j-ur ordttrs and instructions". ; i C'OOLNkA.S AND BUAVEKY OB' THE y MEN. ' The (rit . -ersj and crew behaved w ith, Rrtt ain tiniexceptional i coolness and bravery, fco that it is difncult to dis criminate They were encouraged in their bests eftlorts by your enthusiasm, and your heering words: "Fire steady, tvoys'. and give it to thern," 'aita.in!, Cook t then mentions many offir ers fo.r conspicuous acts of cool-, nt'ss and. bra very. - -. Ve.!had;but two personal casualties, Jeorge Hf Ellife, chief -yoeman, kiljed, and ;j j. iBurns,. firernan, ; first-class, woUmlfd. Tbe ship was struck twenty ttinieii by whole - shot- and rnany; -times by j pnecesi of ; bursting shell and. from small. ,sho of machine guns: No seri ous injury was done to the ship, and all repair, can be tenfporarily done by t.hef ship's jforce-, exofpting to the 5-inch leleyating pear.; The smokestacks were . hit I in; several places; the signal' hal liards, rigging and nags were Yut in many .places. The flag atth'e 5main w as destroyed, being much cut by Ishot and rlyins -pieces! of shell. iThe" 8-'inch guns,;, worked satisfactorily; - some trouble and. delay-swas caused b,y jam mingj of ,lock3 The turrets worked i well, t The. 5-inch battery gave -great itrouble wiith the selecting gear. ... At jthe end several were rendered useless far battle.j Two are ibulged at the ihue sle: -This ship 'should have nev elevat gear for 5-inch guns as soon as practicable;..- We fired 100 rounds of 8-inch, 473 of S-inch, 1,200 of 6-pounder ard 200 ijf 1-pounder- ammunition. '. i .i u ;; . s j Very;. respectfully, ; ' t ; j . F. A. COOK, ' . i Captain, U.. S.. N., Commandmgj n To the ; Commander-inxChtef Second Pquadror, Uv S ,Na.val Force, North Atlanti'cj Squadron. 1 - ' CIIAKGED WITH ni RDF.lt r . Ybung Colored ITlan Arretted tu thif City Vewterda)' Arteruoon for7urder I. . in ear iviarKet and .water streets yesn terday dfte 'young CLfori ernoon; about 5: o'clock :a red man was jarrested as An t a l'leged murderer. -1 le .was taken by (two . colored men and-'carried t.a. Jp.il in -obedience to, a warrant obtain ed ifroin. 'Justice Hunting. It is said that the negro is wanted m "Richmond county fir shooting a boy, and; that Una naincj is Ephridm Stubbs. ') ' i ; tA Mespenger; representative i last night called at the jail and interview ed 'the prisoner, who professed utter ignorance; of having ever committed a crime qf a trivial nature, maeh less . one assuming they enormity of murder. If He, says his name : is John Perry,! that tie nans trom ueonettsvnie, . c, and has been iin this' city several months.. Hero Ilobwou's Cousiu f Lieutenant1 .Richmond Pearson Da vis, who recently made the crack shot vvUh one!of .:the- 8-inch : disappearing guns at Fort; Caswell," at the .mouth vbfi the Capej Fear river, is a cousin of Lieutenai Richmond Pearson Hob-; son, the i hero"-of j jhe Merrimae inci .dent.. . , ii- If -A ; 1-:.U . i . . ' h' i-:A :. Lieutenknt pavisf . shot was fired at the dome' of the boiler of the wreck of tht! old confederate ... blockade runner Ella, which was beached near Fort Caswell during the civil war to pre vent! her ! capture byi the 1 federal war vessels, . -The : distance ; at! which.; ' the shdtvvasf fired by Lieutmant Davis; 'is 4,300;' yards, i and though j' the dome I of iiit : x-itai indue,: a i idi Cl Vlliyy duiiui eight fe, square, he 'j put a shot threugh it at the first discharge of the gun.,;. i ,!4, s ",:-A' i-l -r, i . FUESII JIKAT FOR THE TKOOPS : A Transport Taking on a Carso Gen i eral Gordon Among the Soldiers Tampai Fla., Julyj jS. The transport .Michigan) sister ship to the Mississippi and the Mohawk, arrived at Port Tam pa j today! and commenced .loading for Santiago. AThia is a refrigerator ship and she will take a large cargo of fresh meat as Well as other supplies to the American armyat the front. , L( ; r General J.. B". Gordon, accompanied by ; his. ; daughter, arrived in the; city this morning. General Gordon comes to visit Bis son, Major Hugh Gordon, of the Second, Georgia regiment. Gen eral portion nas oeen snown . great ;at- tentlon by the people of this city and his- stay here will be almost a contin ued ovation'. i t i 1 When questioned! today about the present war and If , he came here to participate, he. replied" that outside of the patriotism of an American, he had very little to do with the present war, owing. to! his age. ' ; Arrangements are being made; for the camps of three regiments-.from Miami, one each from Texas, Louis i&na, and Alabama. . These are to be moved here from Miami within a few 4ays and will , soon ba gent to - the front r The Third Dhlo regiment was moved irom i Port Tampa today to Fernandiina i , r A A-'-!;.' Spark. -'' .-'A-! vf Captain CatchingsA son of Congresp man ;Catchings : of Mississippi on duty with ! General Lees i compianxidies at Jacksonville, Fla. ; i AAj, At Johannesburg. Von Veltheim who shot and killed WolTHhe trus tee of the eBtate of the. late Barney Barnato, the South African million aire, on March 14th last, has been ac quitted of the charge of murder.' ; the rill understanding; that no indemnity be demanded ajid that Spanish saver eigQty In the Philippine islands IwiH be respejeted, the newspapers here icon slder the tennB of peace attrihuted;to Presldeot McKinley aa being1 aecjept4 able; The papers, however, prptest against ithe continuance of nosUHties by the United ptates after Spain 'bad sued for peace. p .v.; 1 : The minister iof iwar ! General 2or rea, ia arranging "for the reception I of the- Spanish troops! which surrendered at Santiago de Cuba, aad is preparing sanitary stations itt order to prevent the .introduction jof (diseases into Spainj According to , an official dispatch Just received from San jJuan de Porto Rico, ; the Americant forces under Major General" Miles occupy the same posi tions at Port Guaniea as they did1 af ter landing. ? ; j i : "Several American i Warships land transports 'are' reported! to be cruising off the Island- 1 'j , " j j I At jthe close' of ithe' cabinet council toda,y the following semi-official tote was Issued: ' , . ' j ; "The French ambagsador at AVash ington durjng the , afternoon of ! the 26th presented, in ihalf of the Sgian ish government, a; message to Presi dent MKinley witthe view of bring ing the war to anrend and make known the conditions of peacei t The govern tnent has ; received information that the message has been handed to Pres ident; McKinley, who replied that he would consult with his council of min isters 'and requested. 1.!. Carabon !. to come to! the White house again to con fer with; him." 1 The Spanish officials declare that the published "-extracts from the note I are incorrect. 1 ' ' i , 1 - .I-.IXHE FIIIKMKN'S" CONTEST-1 ; Second' Bay of tlie Tournament-Tlte ,: IlMien Ituu aud Virtorie Won. ; : (Special to Thel Messenger.) A - Gojdsboro, N.i C; July !28. The 'last day I of! the firemen's I tournament brought! several thousand visitors; 4o Goldbboro. ' 1 The amphitheatre -scene at the. race course lias never been equaled here op at any fprmer jtournament. $ . I , . :The i.'ftrst race this morning was a hand' reel : race; ofv. 300 yards - for the "Championship of -the; state, and a $400 Madrid, July 23, 2 pj m. With belt.! Fallowing were participants i-andjtfrnent than the report for 1897 iime, :;maae: ureensooro, none; iw Berrt 54i3-5, Salem 54; Atlantic 49 1-5, Goldsboro nonei Jn this race a viola tion ; of rules by- the Atlantic caused lMeW Bern No. 1 to-win ithe champion !hln t Grab Reel'; Racei-Greensboro 21li. Salem 2124, ; Atlantic 21 4-5, New Bern Nov-1 25. Durham 22, (Joldsboro 25. r- Horse 1 Hose Reel Dtirhami 44 2-S, Wilson none, Goldsboroi NoAl none, Eclipse Of GoldSboro 38 2-5, New Bern 43. Atlantic 44. This: race i was the most: exiciting and prettiest 'of this whole tburnament. That Goldsbor"o should even M in it would have been sufficient, but by i going farther and loweringl ; the srecord s of . the yorld is just cause for rejoicing. is. ,; ; TheiABheviJleii hook and ladsJer- had mocomp'etitors, i but they made a run of 300' yards, put up a (30-foofc ladder, a man iascended; and descended the ladder and. the iadder; waaf placed back! onthe ;truck in 43 seconds, ni ; i The ! Atlantic ' engine, ;;of Ne- Bern, won the jprize for throwing water 189 ;feetA.A:.U-.; AlA -A' 1 - Jj. .' !i ; The running race, 100 yards, was won'iby Tesh, of Salem; in 11. ! ( I . CEKVERA'S HE POUT ' A' .- 4f F 1 A i A ' . ' :-S ! !S t'r ; ! Of the Destruction of bis Flet For I warded to Madrid Fi rst Submitted s to our Navy Department.' si a. ! Washington; July 28.4 Ad?mtiraj Cer vera has; forwarded;, itoi the--l Spanish I government through; the Frnch am bassador his- full report of tpq inaval engagenient; which resulted ir ihe an nihilation of - the sSpanish fletJ The report, : is yery long, -' covering ji many pages i in' the ; admiral's own j writing, and is even a more elaborate treatment of the great engagement thaijj that of Admiral! Sampson in? his rgportvto the navydepartment.! i . -:'( - f .i- j Thorough the ;vicissitudes Sol war. Admiral i; Cervera's; report, although addressed to the Spanish minister of marine,: cwjas. submitted; first tov the American I navy : department. In order that 'the precautions -might Be - taken usual in! communications passing be tween prisoners of war nd the ejhemy's government. ; The exapiination 3 made by the naval .authorities here was sole ly "lor the purpose of precautioji, and care was taken not ! toT intrud4 into the privacy of ithe -document!, beyond this necessary inspection.. It was then sent to Xmbassador Cambon to tbe for warded to the Spanish admiraliijy. The strictest i secrecy has jbeen, Deserved while the .document j has: been : in transit, hnd, in; order jto ;avoifl con jectural stories ; as to h contents of thei reports, it! can- be stated ! tliat po intimation as to its contents has been allowed ito: escape from the few per sons. . through whose j hands it has passed route to the Spanish min ister of marine, f If thel Cervera; report ever reaches the r public it swill be through I the Spanish - government, though tit is probable that the; report is not o a. character likely. to be made public at Madrid: I' j f j 1 A "I thine: DeWitf s IWtCh Haxel Salve Is the finest preparation on th6 mar ket for piles." i So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheeling W. Va. Try It laud you will fMngithe same. . lit ' aisof cures eczema And all skin diseases j ii. K. Bellamy ' 1 - s : 1 Sasptclous Death of a Baronera New r York, July 58.4 The Baroness von Puttkammer,; wife jof Baron Franz Von Is Puttkammer,' nephew 6f -J?rince Bismarck, j died suddenly: today at her lioroe in! this city. I i Dr. James F. Ludden who wds call ed in last night, by General Von Putt--; kammeri refused to issue a death cer tificate. He aid.,tor a reporter that he arrived at the house only ail few mo menta before the woman's death.A'She complained of nausea and told me she had been sick for several hours," said the .ohysJcian. ' J - 1 Before any remedy could be admin istered she was dead, i ' ? . Baron Von Puttkammer ia said to have been a favorite j of Prince Bis marck when; hewas a general' in the German; army, but; he theni incurred Bismarck'p displeasure! by entering the Turkish. army. He coon Afterward came to this city, . where he has been an instructor in a. riding academy. 15. , C.l Banks. - of LewisvUle. Texas, writes that one 'box of DeWitt?3 Witch. Hasel Sarve was worth. JMI.OO Ho him, It ciued hia pilefc f ten years standing B ed vises others try it,j It also curec -ecaema, skin, diseases ana ob tinate tores. JR.; R, BeJlaur, By the Proddings From the Public. RU88ELLA BY. MEDDLING .K 1 In natter TCbleh : do not Concert lilts, Get Ilia Party Into Trouble by , Wntlng a Letter mo Senrrlloaa that Even Bntlr Cannot Approve of ItL , Solallera Dellshted at the Idea of Leaving Camp Knaell Valuable Dog PoUoned. 1 , Messenger Bureau i ' Raleigh,' N. C, July 28. The penitentiary ; officials are angry becausejthe public; is prodding them for i the unconscionable delav in makr- hng the; report for! 1897. That ia the report which iohn! R. Smith ought tb have promptlyjmade as superintendeni. AJ penitentiary official says the' report will be made this week; that it has been placed in the hands of two men in Raleigh in order that they may put it in shape. He isays Smith has sworn to it, and that it is; up. to January l 1898. i He admits that it : should have been ready by February or -March. -He says it will show a little balance on the. right side of the; ledger. i A ; -'--'-i i ! : - ! 1 f i ; - - ' r I;"- -f In jiast years Ithei reports have abi ways been at the service of the news paper men.iand Df the public. But it is not so now. ;The present pen'itenj tiary people will admit the -mismanf agement and rundown condition of afi fairs under Smith's; managements with convicts shbrt , on, supplies ; o Clothing in orderi to try to make a betj ter financial showing. Many of them did' pot even have two shirts. 1: Democratic rState ; Chairman Sim mo'ns asked f6r ithe report for 189J7f but igot only 'an! insulting, personally insulting, letter which itiisonfessed1 was written by Governor "RusseH and not by the; present superintendent of the penitentiarylt . is another time when Governor " Russell has -"put hia foot intf' . He has furnished thel democrats with a better campaign doe-! Sen-i ator Butler in an editorial today says, of the letter: ."On Superintendent, Mewboomes account we would like for the reply to have been more dlgni4 fled." II.: -j;--. AA ! :!.- Vi -A:'- -- H -. v-' i' li'ijiifiifcHAia.a.lilllfiiiltlllillklill Pf WVWFWvW VWvwVwvWVWW fWrWTW?TlTeTWTTflTTyTT I I IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE; DAY. i . . f J The1 ; Achjiimstration has iAbout Decided on the Terms of Peace it Will Demand from Spain. i The Spanish Char ee of Bad ment as to Attack on Porto Rico resentatives at Washington. i J. Pierce,! of the Wilmington CompanJv Dies at Ciinp Russell. , i . -.,.:.... i ! ! ! . 1 ' ! ': : 1 -' - :'. J j- i ; The Navy pepartment Gives of the Brooklyn on the Destruction of Cervera'a Fleet. r : More Troops Sail from Newport iNews b Join General Miles. I . . ' i , Secretary Alger is Much Concerned Over'.thtf Number of in-Shatter's Army. -. ' . 1 , ' . ?? t ,S , A Transport is Taking on Fresh Meat at Taijipa for Shaffi Army, s - in- General Gordon Visits the Camp at Tamra. On the 27th in .Shafter's Army There Wfci?& 4,122 Sick diers, 3,133 of Them Fever Patients ; There ?Vere Three Ded ,The Circuit Court at Chicago! pames Must Pay the lax. ;;'! ;:; I A Member of Company A," North Carolina Volunteers', at Savannah of Typhoid Fever. Chairman Simmons today "roasts" Superintendent Mewboorne, that being merely another name for the governor, and 'uses the most direct language in referring to him.i ; r . ' The news that! the remaining com panies of the Second regiment are to leave here at once was hailed with joy. - Officers and, men alike- ace thor oughly! tired of i this camp. All 'are glad to leaye. They are pleased with the station! to which they are ; to be sent Of these Land's End not far from Port Rbyal, is said ito be the, inmost undesirable. Headquarters will : be at 'St. : Simons island, Ga, This, is said to be a delightful place. ! The. regiment has at ; last, after quite two months' -delay, received cartridge belts' aud bayonet scabbards.; A very f ewf, recruits are yet to. be equipped, j Private llagler,' who died yesterday, was buried at the national cemetery, and is Che third man of this regiment buried there.1 'Chaplain Osborne con ducted the seryices at the grave, i . There is;jan outcry here by the own ers of dogs. No; less than iyne dogs have been I poisoned in the ' capitol square in the past; three weeks. It is morethaii intimated that the; poison ing is-done by one or two state offi cials. Today a fine dog ate ; of some poisoned meat and died in his master's presence, j Arsenic jis the poison ; used. ; Today the work began of installing the heating plant at the. Baptist female university here. ;: j S ;--. U ; V ... , A letter from Camp puba Librfe says the Captain of Company I, First North Carolina volunteers has been promoted . The secretary of state is sending out 10,000 copies of the new election law.. 1 Larger : shipments of grapes are be ing made frpm here and from South ern Pines. , ;'. -" : n , -; ;--' -n M ' :- .iMajor pixon-tdls me that it; is; fully; expected Ithe Second regiment will leave here on Sunday. ' As yet trans nortation has not been received. -It is fvrnectert lbv tomorrow. . - i . i I i ;! k1: : 1V.;A; : vTA-A: Win - your, ib'axxiea against disease; by. acting promptly. One Minute Cdugh Cure produces Immediate re- suits When taken early It prevent. eonsumipition. 'And in later stages it furnishes .prompt relief. R. K. Bel-; lamy. - ' ! Xeelareda Lawful Prize ; ; j Savannah, Ga., July 28. The Brit-? ish steamship Adula, captured ! off Guan'anamo bay by the Marblehead; was today declared a lawful prize of war by Judge .Emery Speer. i She was chartered by a Spaniard and. was on the way; to Guantanamo to ; take out refugees. An appeal to the; ; supreme court will be taken. - j i Death of a North j Carolina Soldier j Savannah,- Gai j July ., 28. Private Henry A. ' Taylor,! Company: A, Sec ond regiment, North Carolina volun teers, died today- at the Savannah hos pital of typhoid feverv His i company is stationed at Tybee. : . , Prbspets of Holding Conference.! DIREGf' NEGOTIATIONS. Dlrd b j Jopaln Advene lUrlm i Coiment4 a oh. by the London Time. Spanish Cl,bt net Induced to Tlake th - Proposal t j Our Continued I ar Prep a ration -f Caioara' Fleet t Cadlz Mi SchK y Leave Madrid- Italy Be come Iniatlnu London, uly29. The Vienha corre spondent o THt Daily Telegrtvpb $aya "The proBpfrct -ht a European tcohfer- ence regarflFinh the Phlllppanea was brought fofWar 1 long agd, ana there Is every prospect hat the conference will meet insParls.' . J i The .Daily. Ms tl understand tha-t the British traisff.ft" . Jolunga, carrying grenadiers to Q nraltar, was stopped In the bay of Biscay by an American cruiser. -; 1 A 1 !. A ?a- . The Berlin i correspondent! od The Times ayss t ' i "The terms .vi peace ; which America proposes caUsoaino surprise here. The National Gafe&lfje remarks hat the United; Staffs rjave not won k victory signal enotffh Ho warrant, sich ! ihard terms and tfx presses the opinion! -that -. J I ,J prospects . ofi-pef e are in consequence, gloomy.'' i J I The Times, Acknmenting epitorially upon the, suggestion of The National Gazette, that ' t?e Unused Staltesi have not won a-i Vic ory signal enough to warrant the hs rd . terms thdy ; would impose,-; sayi r 'Thls suggestion i from .would-be friends of i Spain! merely shows thatJthee critics fail to grasp the militarj-i significance of America's sea power.tisnlyi by prompt and straight forwards dettluiffs with President rlic KinleV can: flSpain hope: to prefvent the fruition ox American imperial policy. in w - i . . the Paeifiv alie advantages (bf which even peace-loving moderate Americans caniiot ignore." SPAIN WA'NTS DIRECT NEGQTIA TION A special dJXpatch from Madrid says: "The governiaent does not! conceal s to go that it hesitatfed for some das beyond - ar r unofficial 1 exploitation at Washington,? because the diaplomatic agents employed: to make th sound ings gave coSfiieting accounts of Pres- ident , McKintey-' s; disposition pne rep- resented hinx as eager to term nate? the war on moderate? conditions; the; other. that the most pnerous conditions j would be imposed,- sq much so that the Slad- Faith on theiPgri of Our Gov rn- is Refuted fey? t 'le Foreign Rep " ' -'i - . -H . : . -I - : 1 II Out the Report of Captain Ooolk Sick Bol- ths. Decides tha- i irte Express tm Dies v 1 rid government thought it useless sue offlcialiy: ' l , to "When. howve'r. . It was seen that the America (Var preparations contin ued, Duke Amodevar de Rio, minister of foreign affairs, was instructed, to send the notfe.'-The cabinet niet Wed nesday evenly to deliberate ia to the best means Taiid channel of negotia tions. Pans; find. London w re both discussed.- "Sfo1 decision was arrived at, but a majority favored sending Senor Moret." former minister of the! colonies. On a speciafJ.rrtisSion to Londdn to ne gotiate the treaty of peace v ith Am bassador Iiay. j : ) - ; h . j, A'Officiar f feeling favors 'dirt ct Jnego-. illations, without interference roni out siders,: even EWit.h regard; to tl;e Philip pines. .There is little doubt that if President MyKlnley's reply proves an acceptable Dasis. the negotiat ions will not be pro-rac,ted, since Si ainj for many reasons, ;is desirous of a speedy settlement ;,-Sin'J not the leas t so be-, cause 1 at: the; present ; moment public opinion is c$lm. ! s- I "After todriy's cabinet cbun :iL; Senor Sagasta, i.h& premier, "" said ; he ! had grounds (fori hoping that : an Under standing might be arrived ui , but ' he eouid say nothing definite. Du ce Almo devar de Ri said thei Europe an Icabi- nets had b en 1 informed of the step Spain had t&ken, but not as td the text of the note &nf to President McKinley. The cabinet Siounc'il will not -meet again until Friday evening, i by wbjich j time President: MtxKinley's reply -ii expect ed." , I ! , I CAMARfS, FLEET AT CADIZ. ' Madrid," uly 28.--Captain Aunon, minister oflCJaHne, has received a dis, patch from seidmiral Camari, inndunc ing that hi1 fJeet has cast anchor at Cadiz. ' . , !; .- :i The papefs generally;; expr;ss ii the opinion that?, the cortes will w assemble in September , ' I ; Miss i Jess! - Schley, i who. cf me I here in the hope idf a.n interview w th Senor Sagastaj ortl bhalf of peace, started for Paris tlt;s evening. . i , i i ' London, JJJly . According to a dis patch fromBelin a newspa er (there professes tf know that tr e Porto Rican coloriaP legislature has adopted autonomy Slid shaa resol-vd: to protest against Am'Ticno occupation , f the is land as a violation of the prin -iples the United States. v?ent to war to enforce. Berlin," Jtfly The London corre spondent of Tk'- Cologne Gaz tte says: "I learn' that th; United States recent ly requested ItUy to abstain from forcible meiseur s to compel Colombia's compliance Jitli Mr. Cleveland's award in the Cerrgtl aim, promising Amer ican . influei&e insure the payment -- Italy repld. fthat N her ! patience was exhausted ijnd .that she woild abide by the ultU-datvm of Admlrkl . Cam boast 4Th Washington gok'ernment thereupon applied unofficially to Great Britain asking er to use herj influence at Rome i& support of the (American request. 1. 1 E igltnd's reply iaf not yet divulged. .: . -. r , j .i . Goorf Pint New Cot ton Savannah! Ga July 28. The, first new bale trfiJGeorgla cotton oil the com ing crop m& received" here!" tonight from AlbariK It was raised In Dough erty county ax,d will be sold at auction at the cott?! exchange tomorrow. 71 ore Troop Sail Frona NewprtKew . Other Arrive And Await Transport. Kewport News, Va.;f July 2S. With the exception of the Fourth Ohio reg-j iment, the Second brigade of the First: armyf corps, in command of Brigadier; General Haines, sailed for; Porto Rlcof this; jafternoon at' ; ft-o'clock. General; rlaines- and his staff and the. Fourth Ohio regiment are j on the auxiliary cruiser St Paul and 1 is not likely! that this ship will leave Old Point be-; fore daylight tomorrow, as there is yet; a large quantity of supplies to be load ed pp the cruiser. The transports thatj got off are the City of Washington, the Massachusetts, the i Seneca and ithe Roumania Aand .the auxiliaryi cruiser St Louis. , ' " . I Batteries Aand C, of Pennsylvanlaj and two troops of cavalry from the same istate did not gowlth this expel dltion. but expect to . sail.' withGen J eralJ Fred !Grant's brigade next week : The First Kentticky regiment, van-i guard of the Third brigade. First di4 vision. First army corps,? in command of General Fred Grant which Atatd make up the second Porto Rican ex pedition from Newport News, arrived here from; Chickamauga "today and is! now In camp on the site where Camp Haines stood before the;, departure of the second brigade troops yesterday. i General Grant ,' arrived on . the laslj train,: traveling in; a private Pullman coach with his staff. ; f . j The third battalion of j Sixteenth Pennsylvania arrived late ;this even-i ing and will be followed by. theThird Kentucky and the Sixteenth . Indiana DIED AT CAMP Kt'SSELL. Th Wllnilugton Company! X.oe member A Fight tu the Court. He t tween Two Coal Mining Conipanle! ' (Special to The Messenger.)' i ' j Raleigh. N C., July 28. J. Pierce, af member of Jthe; Wilmington company died in the 1-hos.pital at Camp Russell today of typhoid pneumonia. He. was from Lake Waccamawj His- father ar4 rives tomorrow morning. ; i I Director Charles ; E. Johnson of the Richmond, Petersburg and i railway, returned here tolay Caroling , froma visit of inspection. ! He says trains are; running on ten miles of the road. ! S, P. Langdon; of Philadelphia, who lately bought the "Taylor Place" coal mine,; whicli' adjoins u tije Cumnock mines, yesterday without warrant of Taw cut through! the 'prade of the Raleigh and Western j railway, which! is owned and operated byhe Cumnock Company. , Today Samuef Henszey; o the . latter company,; secured .from Judge Timberlake a restraining order against Langdon. f 1 . . " r. .Thei editor, of tbe Evans icity, Pa Globe, writes, s "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named, ft jcured my children after ail other remedies fall ed." It cures coughs, ; colds and , all throat and lung troubles. R. R. Bel-lam-- ' I; 1 ; -if j ; ! ;i i- f , . v A i A i - '-; j., f To Inveatlgate the Lov of the Borgogne "Paris, July 28. Edward Lockey ministefi of tmarine has decidedj to rt der a, fresh Inquiry into the loss of the LaBorgogne. If it; is found that any of the crew failed to do their duty they will be punished. iM. Lockey has also decided to submit to i the, chamber ot deputies a bill providing; 'for the beti ter safeguarding' of ocean navigation. " Halifax, N. S.,; July" 28. The decisl ion o the .court of inquiry given'here today exonerates Captain Henderson and the officers of the ship Cromarty shire from all : blame In the matter of the Bourgogne disaster.; The court finds; that .La Bourgogne was out of the regular-steamship Jine-course and at the time of the disaster; was runs ning at unusual speed.- ' ;- , i- ; i- s X ! ' ' A Preparing: to Raise the Colon t; ' Norfolk,- Va.l . July28.The Merritt Wrecking Company' will send a second expedition out; from Norfolk late: to night or tomorrow morning bound for Santiago; with; a full ! wrecking outfit, to work on the Spanish cruiser Cris tobal Colon. The expedition is the outcome iof Lieutenant Hobson's pres-i ent trip to the United States. The expedition-will go on the German steam er Senior, which is under charter, by the wrecking company. No pontoons will be towed down on this trip, but will be taken hence later, when the job is readyj for them. There i are two pontoons here, of a lifting capacity, of 1,000 tons each and the' company have fours pontoons in Nejv, york. - Othjers willlikely be needed in raising such a heavy vessel as the 'Colon, and they will have, to he bulitf The Elder aud. Deacon' Institute i (Correspondence of The; Messenger. j Red .Springs,. N. C, July 27. l The elders and. deacons institute be- L ginB. here tomorrow night, with a ser mon on "The Church and its Author ity" by Rev.:J.; M. Rose. D- D. !' V Saturdajr is ("Preparation"; day and the! speakers! are Revs Law, McLauch lin,l English I and Rose? I f ' Sunday-,, ffCphsecration" day, five prominent ministers willj take part in thei exercises. I A .JL -- ' -' 1-: iA k Monday will be "Church .Workers" day.i; ,-A. AA!' - .'A ! A A' 1. A- '-i If- There will; be about - 10Q good Angers in the choir, Mr. W.! F. Blount is jeader of the orchestra. The Maxtonj choir will' sing a noted anthem. ; I Railroad fare and board are cheap. A large crowd is ; expected.! 1 11 j England our Ally j Ldndon, July 29.4-The A Dally j Mail says this morning: . r witn i. ine h re markable speech pf United Stated Sen-r ator Davis, of St. Paul, ! two peoples have boried. the past. Senator Davis 8oeech Is a final and complete answer to. the speech of Mr. Chamberlain - at Birmingham. England has no need to go whining for an Hainance. uor some ' years- her : navy; has . been strengthened, the oyer-sea; possessions of America must be held more or less on sufferance, ; with the1 certainty; that the. British fleet is on ! the side of our kinsmen, all peril, to e LUnited States vanishes A Back Set to the CarlUt . London,' July 28. The Madrid corre snondent of The! Daily 'Mail remark- mg the ; ifcng or satisfaction ano re - " . T t' 7 - . A ... . - liet .tne peiwe overtures nave proauc - ed.". savs: 1 There is little probability of, "popular discontent and none' at all if Spain is allowed ito retain the Phil ippines .and- is riot. comtelle i to pay iniemnity;JvThe attitude cf the. peo ple makes ;the chances of t Ion ' Car lop ! sn-.alL ' Moreover,! the carlisls are said to disagree about the advisability of rising, the Marquis De Cerralbo and other leaders opposing the step. Nev ertheless, tti is feared that Don Carlos will insist pon it. ? ' (j , 1 w J London,; July 29.-iThe iMadrld icprre spondent of The pally Telegraph sayst "However ('unpalatable i the terms iof peace may be,-they -will not provoke the slightest ; disturbance in Spain, where listless indifference is predomi nant. TERMS Acceptable to the United States Being Drafted at tlie JTai" OUR Spain to Surreuder Cuba and lortt .' a fAiilirL, .....I SJi. iK f- m .i .- .-.. -. 1 ' - TheAe Mar be Uhangcd aA I GOVERN MiENT i Charge of ld "Faith Refuted by Foreign Anib: sadors Anxiety as to From ; mx ; . . i'- ' i .- . . Washington,! July Dsi-The ', terms which the Cnltedj States f-governnienll will find acceptable as & bals of peace are being reduced to form, by Secrtai;y Day. the president having Reached a conclusion' on their : outlines terms were ithe formal pubject our lHf- terest and; discussion; todag In otrjclml circles. If the rrnH"ritfrMnwU "" I to secure a j free exprvasioit of rjuiiuj' opinion on, this subject, be has Jbeen gratified with the. response tn&d through the newapfpers' an In thp ex niuuian or interest Dy giAeminienn Ofllr- clala In the complex probleigi ng prel sented Although It was iltated terday that no announceitYcnt on tbt position? assumed by the IjEited StateB. in this matter would be forthco pilii before It : had been fl-mally dtsednseiS in the cabinet- tomorrow,? tjere Ia the thf hub hit hiji hah Di-ii beat reason ito believe tha.t after tul iconferenpes the pre8idf3t has! inutviauaiiy jwith the metnhers o cabinet. ; he has already m4ile up own mind ai'd that Secret aV l,a1 even now practically reauej to the reply . tha,t the United States erhment Wllliniake to the Sfeiinish fcOVr gov ernment's fverturea throujgli?iAmb43sa dor CarnCon.l - ;- I OUR TERMS- OF VCE. On. the main point of tlte tern s or peace the1 adnJinistration'ti'osltionl wak so wen. aennieiand: stated by tht sociated Press yesterday taat the little Iff1 to co,njeCture ? About e i& the oniy point mat seems to. pe, open amendment of an extensive charf ctef" is "the disposition Of the Jhilipp newj. While the; administration hks not faiK ed to take notice of lhe-;estent of the demand for the acquisition 4f the Unitf ed States; as. exhibited in 'certain seci tlons of" the country, it can be- stjate that the conclusion; has-been rea .-hed to abide by the fimt decision on this point, namely, to relinquish the isla ndH. retaining a coalfng station there sun rounded by a suYUclent sshe of lane)! to make it elf-supportittgr. This1 de) .cision, it is possible, though not p robt able, may'' be -again changfd before the cabinet disposes of the Tptter jtoinort row, as strong-Influences iare at ', ork to Induce the president iter insist upon the substitution of at least an ihde pendent government -over the Phlll Hhall ha rUfTifiiTf nt aatt lament 'rfjT ' ! ,l pwci iu .pyani uiay: uui ue wrcndered to morrow, but may lhave Jft wait hnrL another cabinet meetinfnext Tuefea SPANIARDS CIaRGING ba P FL iTH. There was a dippl'ay of in.) 'gn;itio in officials circles today upon tbe luVjl liv.liuu wi niiAk w o i rrKfi leu IV 1M 'to statement from thA Spanish premieit, imputing! bad ' faitp to. ithe. Uiilted States in pursuing jthe war and coritinp Uing to make conquests.- . However, ithip feeling sooni wore off as it became ap- parent upon reflection that - the stajte4 nnent was either apocryphal or that if genuine it -was simply one in a sdries of complex amoves on. thte.' board . ot Sjanish politics and was intended p ireH ly for home; consumption,- The re or from Madrid toward the .close of fhe dayi that the newspaper : there had given , their approval' to ' the term); olj peace described by the president vtenfl towkrd relieving a certaici feeling ofj discouragement that; . was ;rnanife stetl at the opening of the"day,, for it was) patent that members of 'the "admlnis tratlon (apprehended a-rejection of ourj demands by Spain at theibeglnning If, however. Jt stiall appear, that this Mad -i rid. statenTent. is well foundl and that the i ?td.drid: papers fairly reflect the views of the mass: of the Spanish' eo-f pie, then it seems probablesfhat the dif Acuities that will lie beforei the admin istratiori iniaccomplishing peace wouldi be rather internal "than external, and ;would be 'based upon the preparation of a treaty that shall se.ctjre the rati;' ficatlon of the UnlteqL-'t Bfates .senate.t It-may be pointed, out' nf this connec-j ; tion, that' if. we are reailly as- near toj peace as many people Suppose It will; become' necessary ! to . issuer a call for, an extra session of ; thes sjoate to act; upon the peace treaty .with all of the: promptness that the importance of ttye; subject deiriands.. j . x , . !!!" CONCERN OVER THI SICK IN - A ! , SriAFTER'S ARJIY. ; j j - i i -- - -l- Secretary Alget Is , deeplyr concerned over the welfare) of the 'gallant troops under Shafter's, command now en camped, on' the outskirts of Santiago. The health report shows & rsurprisir gly large number 6f cases o sickness, but army surgfonsiauthorizeithe statement that these figures are misleading 1 1 i certain sense, and thatpthei situation may not be nearly i as liad as tiey would 'seem to Indicates The sllgh est ailment,- of the most temporary na? ture, suffices to place a.' soldier's,. n.me on the sick reports, which inrfhelr pi?s ent shape -would not distlngulshx be tween such a case and one-of mortal Illness. The Inference is that many of these cae9 In Shafter's' camp are of a trivial nature, but get to jswell its' to tal of sick ; and wounded. Notwith standing this fact, Secretary Algei is going to remove the soldiers at the very earliest opportunity i to a- more healthful; clime. ). - ' ' . I S The surgeon general' under . the di rection of the secretary a few days ago Inspected a tract; of land adjoining Montaulk, L. I., belonging J$ the Long Island Rail: Road 'ConnpanyA.whieh iad been offered to the governjpe'ftt as s fin able ! for ; a large j-j encampment The tract is three, miles square- contains! an abundance iof fresh water? ; consider able lake, a hill 150 feet in height ind many other ; sanitary advantages,- In cluding salt water bathing?1 The ne cessary orders to equirj this as a carpp ing ground; will go forward immediate ly, and every advantage will be taken of the experience gained in the fonha tlcjn i of-ithe great jcaraps at Chieka mauga and Camp Alger Jo make-the conditions1 fas comf ortifble as possible jfors - the; battle-' scarred . veterans of Shafter's army. - The' time' for their re moval is left to General Shafter.f the only limitation placed'upon "him being UU1J -I.tlUliai.lVll WKft-VCU ;wu VI a'"'- i that be 8hall not delay the Tnomewkrd r f. h, troons bevond the mo ment when it shall be safe for then! to leave Santiago, having regard to the jfever conditions, r Meanwhile.' details arc. being made of troops to supply the force that! shall garrison; Santiago so lonar as it tshall be found fiecesaaryi to continue troops there. 1 s"This force will be made up almost altogether of ra manes. Ht'' j ::-u A- h'i,f ; i-ff-'i'.;. A-V A ' NO NEWS FROMf MILES. No I word came from General Miles todays and the war department las- sumes that he Is pursuing his advance across the Island of Porto Rico towkrd San Juan. They attach little credence 10 xnje epaxiisn account vi .a uat-iic cll Yauqa, resting confident in the belief that rwhen the facts are known It trill OP PEACE pepartment. ! 'ShDEMANDS , : :i 1; Rico -To Cede U hfi United States T,rrit.irv!ln llil' IM,UlnnU.u ! - - - K: : . - ' I l-s 1 1 to the Philirrine,s-..Spftrnjt 4 . Our Sick at Santiago. General Miles. be found that this wan a victory of the usual Spanish ty.ie. , rultln; i In thei .complete achievement of the object of the: American - commander.' Consider able retnfortmetii are -now arriving to iupport Mile , and before the week1 Is over the campaign ;there will e in full swing, tjv i . : I- i i PLANS TOK RAISING THE COLON, i Lieutenant Hobaon returned to Wa-th-ilngton last i bight and called ai tho: navy i department ttWlay to se 'Aijit-' ant "Secretary Alles in connection it h ,th prosecution of the work of ratline I the Sianish cruiser - Crlwtolal 'Ji ilan. i Mr. Allen linrnt-diatj-ly called i meeting i iof the- aaval board; comjiosed iif him-- ! self. Captain Bradford and VciiiBlrui i tor Glltnore; to go.oviT the preparations. that Mr -ilubson brought Mlhl him from New York .Mr. Hobnon's recim mendati(Hi. in brief, in the purchase of all the jiontoonM.to he had in thin coun- : try, some tx. In -number, and Art' e pendjture of $20,000 Ur air bugs t a slst in lifting jthe nhtp ji SPAIN'S CI I A HUES F, BAD FAITH j FALSE. i ' It rati beMBtated.'bn -the-authorttk,' of fUie state diyiartmenj and .the foreign embassies that there were no ovtr-tui-es in behalf of j Spain for peat). i or a -cessation," '-of ' MoDtlliJleir 'untlli the French . ambassador lat Tuesday ax-: iernoon presented. his nte, to tho prea-i ! Ident; This statement Is" made with full' knowledge of . European dentals: and must lx accepted ks that of the.igov j'rnnieiit Of tth. Uriited States. There fore, all of I the tk about bad faith shown by our! govirnment i In pressing the i'oFto Rican campaign during the last revv - davs is la rouniiation and fotr governmer done nothing; thatj can criticism on this acore. ! 'SHAFTER'S 1 HO ; The -war depart re the -following:;., f ; "Condition, for 4,122, toV few tot" lay : 41 Blclr Vii. n?Ti.Tfia t. .! "De pany r, lcyr? Cor- er; Rrlvate W fi m y' " i , J y D. SevenJi '" By. Com- .A i ipoplexv. ifantry, cerebral " i (Signed) NO UNEASINESS , Major General " ABOUT GENERAL Mr i-to.mlJ,iijrht ad received nftrrmWnr dt"nl m Miles or "ny vJrTnflVi trom Q' n Porto 1 nil Trh, hi Lomm" day; tho offlriL..0' JJh.rouut l the he momentarily t0. r?. "Peking son's expedition 'owev-r, becau,J the dei.Vs HO' Communis...! announce, his lanSM further ti,.. Jt .is necessarv. In urdw ihsi ; ponmunicate with Washington, fha.t be jBhould sendva vessel to St. Thomas, jw nich hag the nearest Cable station, i ; L Sick, head acne, biiioUiess, con'stlpa- -n J an1 mach troubles can be -quickly xiured by using those famous little-pills; known a Dwit f. Little Early Risers I Thev ari J2 J" ! to take ah d never grlne. R. R. :Bel lamy I .j.JxaJ I r !, ! A, y . : -I . ' ;-' AT CAnif TflO.TlAS - :'"tJ-:. i .- . " ' C.w Que! Iteglmeut Leave for the Front. f Why, the Fifth lllluolaMVa- Twice. Turned Hack. !!:-'. j , - S' 1 Chickamauga National Park HJulv 28. The SixteenthUndiana, command-!, ed by Colonel Gunder. was the iofelv' regiment that left Camp Thomas to day... i: ' , : ii ..SI i I (! ' ! ! : The Tirst South TCarbllna leavea to morrow for Jacksonville to reporv to Major General, Fitzhugh "Lee. . i Tiie disappointment of the Fifth Ilii- . nois in being turned Sack yesterday'af Jter It had marched tb Roasvllle. has so disheartened many that, theyi have no further ambition; for military life. . ioionei v-uiver aen-res ana responstnit , ity for the orders catling the men ;baclc I to camp and claims that he was anxl- ous to go with the regiment to Porto Rico.' Having twi(te .been shifted jfrom ; brigades that werei ordered to the front.' the Fifth ; Illinois feels" greatly i Irritated and although they were much , more tractible. today they were by no; means' placated.;! : j- ' f A- Washington, July 28.-4The war -department officials i declare most post-! -tlvely that Colonel; Culver, of the Fifth Illinois volunteer regiment at Chicka mauga, la an innocent victim of j mis representation, j lit; Is said at the;;. de; partment that jthie jcolonel has done all ii his power ; to meet the demands '; of the regiment in regard to going to the front, but he has been a vlet.lm of cir cumstances over which he had no con trol. It happened that of three 1111 nols regiments available two had been sent forward in: advance of the Fifth, so the department felt obliged, in or der to avoid a charge of discrimination, to substitute" an Indiana regiment - for this particular Illinois regiment., ' ' j ' . . -Spanish Voluntary Fund. London, July. 28. The Madrid corre- irsrv The naj tlonal voluntary war fund how .exceed 25.Sooo,ooo pesetas: ! La CotrespondenciA De.Espana, announces, that In .the vlew of the capitulation of Manila,; General Rice, captain general of ; the Vlzayas islands, has ; been ordered to assume charge of all the territory formerly ad ministered by Captain General Augus- ' tl. .' Thus, General August! will be able to ' sign onlyy the capitulation of the jcUy-of Manila and Its environs." i Tb Rorai istlM kigkett r4 fcaldf luwwa. Actaal UU hw it MM- . ? tkk4 frtar tkM say otker kf M4, f ; FOVDEt? Absolutely Pure OVM. HUCIX CVMtll OO., tW VOWK. No uneasmess lsrelt,h with 1 A; j ,i j ' ';..A, IA' KB:.' 'Mi : A IA. t:;H.:. -! ; ! 'i f fA ;A I 'A- A ii I " A. : -, ! . " 'aaa ; A -': 1 . a'! -i - ' " - ' . : "" ';.''! '! i-

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