' '' , ,''. . 11 : '-vOmW:" -::r ...''-.:; -I-.:' - ,. -f:'Uf M T,T M'-if '. V-H I -j My:;iL7V -V k h ftfWj - !-l v ;:.!;. :i.:K!:;' hl4iti:4:4k- -': ii.ci.' ' A VOL. XI. NO. VM). WILMINGTON N. G., SATURDAY, JU Y 30, 1898. T : l -1 . ' " i i : j. . " . . . i -.' !-...- ' ; '-. -, , , j i i, . - , . 'l' . . . ,"l''-,;:1 j ., -' ;-,; . ; , vi 1 ' J.lji -rrrr:-- . ....,,1,,,.., i-l..,.-, :" x --' '."4 'li.-'-l k'.-l.tj ' r U . i - i-1 ; .:--" i- ; t- - : - ;- r XrtKC" ! ! ; :i ;' -:- I I ' - - ! 1 1 ' I s - . S I . I- : 1 i . , I ' I: ' v : : -r .9 I .. J , i .V4. .4 'I -4 f5 i SI 1 Mi it- THE i ! Now Absorbing tjie Both Hemispheres. RUMORED FALL Kepirt N lit -Oilieially :Conliiiiicd in Peace ion f American l.undoii ;Preis Advocate? 'I hair ' ! ! 1 .. :.nl... :i i. . j . ) llUkl til lilt -UIIUIlWSS .kf t Ifl Plea to McKinley Mri ! .- ; ,. 1- in Living in I .u V-'f's- July Madrid tojl It.; telegram I rori hjiropifcan edition of Kh ' -N-i.'. Vork U-fJil,l .iij!H that--a ; atll M!rspU h 'tia.s b--n rej.',l ved all 5th' ' lr iiMi c,tf)t4,tj unnouiit in,, ih aur Kt.i S'-r. of JMaiijik to Admiral-Lew'V. .Madrid: Julv :.. Nothifig- is kjiij'.srf; ' , h-t i- orfn. i;l iy K. ) I h' I lOl't J ' tl'i' l' d to lll . U';iStnl'V?ll,IM. ll' ih-rwiH' tli it A I mi!' . r-'iiis.'ijr.i h is I' A ui'cf ican tyre:.' ' .. oly i"j '1 In-' i.ir 1-1. 7 not Ji U.r')MHiill 1' r it j.M.uiil.i. 3i:.i 1 : ll'rllH ;1 U'Ut Thy jl illS I it llll ; urt ml. iol lu Tin- (oiiibitnil Arinjif.il i il. -: . ... . j : , j i i i J- "J ... -: K. i : nuliitury- aai'I naval form;; KathcrcUj ut tlihf shOn-H' of.'. Manila bay uti-i off I 'a VI tt!. HoV'V'K. Jll ltat loy 'I'l: t ll' : if hi ni'.rt li.- Ih.-if. is no oflJial (ion rt foit that was piirrt to !thUl- f lttn t. ii ( a.-j ajil ajt t jii. ;tr u-jartirifiit thtt! all J.-ast tin if ot IK! six military cxiiv iti t Km s Hint n.ijvi' Lbtii'ii dispy iflic" ti t hi!'"r I 'lui i(ii ii' sj Jroni fan l''ra!n i.'jc-. sir mv at Alainl.i, atfonimt, aa afru t)f "f lO.'tlM) lf.n-11. ' hips jind !ail liai kt-iil oji by iov y A if!- I i ,i;'ri:,iMJX,ATpu.' Tj Hoi. i; . rr-in L : i- i PHlll.l .I'l'INKK. ' : , ' I. j Il UaK- Hta(.-d toruglit in sy. -iJugM : ihitlinoatl'' iHiai'l'T in such iiian;i-n-a4, f. lo niw S'iimi!. oil uiali baiaiicr vlo U h' ssioll. Ilia il lAinfjK ari T.ont (" f the Philippines: vn .,i I u 5ilUt-rv-tsioi- ;ill IlidLSpr'li.sab ;is t In- ba,iH , to (iiiidii ion Isud doM iica' negotiation;, it v as lii'iii't icalH M cci'Iaiii th- Siaijil jiovi-rnnn-rit uojil 1 not acvcij'.-. toi hi t -oinliti'ii,i but lu coin in i Ik iieac ! coin tit an Hil'l! dct nniii' -.l itli j As to t tut i then i iiimlci'stood ' to t'liu v hefii uVciib'i! ultoti llv t lie caloncl i to lay, tho.se win 1 rllstpof itjon in n1 I h.Lt ill;..' Ist a hit' Hi jiHl; 1 ( he j spa 1 1 is n ,K(iVr:i w loll- :thcsc ioj'iv: lai' lijud - veti they( to litH present -any j m Miriiiounlable i estyrail ion of iliii rniT to tip-' sit o ,vj. and Wlnle tt) I is no' iii.ii bin iy 9 or sayim; Spain wwili ept Hieni anfl net we lioni I'ubatM'. I'm 1 1 i'.u th re i-t i vi'i v leMK-n ( Ion " 3b.il he u ai til viel'li r;i t her I mm -iS' m :3irtin a. Aisastfi.ius vs it but th" luiaif . t 'tin- I'hdippiH'-s aT.'ai:js by be ofr .isi l nnich i-neei-ii . to tlni- panisn yUviit n " iii'nt aft ins hi t he t American c.-i.bnit i:1iit liou-.: ami-t here is even Kivat.-rj m istai(v o-ii the iiiniimiiance oi npaifis noven lnlV t( -Shall t her.- is (i'l rotiMhoiit. this n-roup r the islands ol I'tibai vinil Port Klc , I.OInlIl, .luj i credri , the I lt ,1 -'l,h'" weekh pap.'i 1 Stiites with a -lb ; in ileal - irp-n.-rojisly, i ith the Spain . . . i ' ; oVe'funvtit, ' f The- ,satiri1ay -i,-iVllaii!'if rlint the pn t id b ' has j-arneil to itml tl-rlit'HK well- as th. f'uban rt'-bvHsi aioi''iiH;iut fr l!e ii'M' savs: , tiT Aihei ica will not .play h k"hnt. now that th ipprecia-te tin bra vei Jlitie;J of the.(,aniard M-oi'thlessness ot t tu be vnll ma-lw.' obvious the' iiireeipitaia v with n hn h s-h'" onti ired union l tl'.'i iwari uy .lealmtf l,t in ' f nt-, " r " -The pihT-rator !:u".'il.- ni, the Willi her opjKin takes a line quit- iurf :lnirlish nress, inot Ktn.ni;l mRinu; - l hel I niteii States ti . l SS 11 fl M i ilit.u t 1t ollUoi ot Liolll v no .unl tli's I'biUl I . :. i -itin!I-''reV 1 i :jll'llf. .llHtor. t. ' pledge to: ci'HK" jitnl MitflHI j in- to rj'Muii i" -jiiiuioTi. I j'rfee ' lile. ' sat VS 'I U-' inn e Washington KWin break an injuliioii ss than to allow li'ub MIS to be llli.epende the u ut I Spam-' d t'is lequally lnadntuss rfnei'tator. 'to ant iiniieperulerice .o to transfer the llhi) ill her power, it is tt ippines'iio iiiij that the : l.'n it 1 States should aswani ... .- l.. .iVv r.;nOllHtll Ity- - 'ivo ilVOI vv tin U Will --tivi to Imiiir out th ViuuUtieKof tlKi-IAjinVMcan .nation. I,iv Ij-nul toes noli lHir. tjie I'hllipbnie .UKl, It she dlJ I -h woul'- Tint til ttinn bt(au-. 4ie l-hb U pioveh Jul KMiifi.ittu Ijor'the I'mted Stat- UUe" ikisintereteil. j - 'Pi. sr.ieet.it ot- tie votes -another aril 'CU' to' i'e . eiilopvrol! the splendid si netted nuiiine- iin which Alt. ;A. v-inipv 'has ai 1-1011110 the requiifintn .- , h'k h .ink .lilt ti ult position I 1 The niesnli-nt has dev eloptd t ilont ihowiutf bun the p, U 'lH'in 'B l. lie- v'ii .- - v " -1 r . .1, - i.-.,iiiif ! reniarkabl-t1, it a :- '. - : . ..o .-..t i-.t r' i il llli'S i ;ihe- second nine nil a tifjicim 'i: i" Mi.' . :. .. ... -, i ... t Aine 1 1 1 in rrcH'ii ireanv an nn.Mi imonaKuny; pro I t s; lt-elt V stl on? t I,..- d.-etl : ltW .1 wf I '.1 1 ,rA..ll ' . riM" 'r.uiop. may hae bem n t m lejtmxM til vef l.ba of an H ni .ninluj as fata. abKe to f - .Natileftiof tle l'hilif pine Inlands pn 1 .niiti-alt subjects vvhO ha-ve tnterests ai i ..i,.V"umT -bv tbie. reports. -that tne pa L M- i-yiJj (rfi.a ; i-eT urn. Ol iiioori to 11 fl Ii UV luw ; ' n.:.." !.- Wn-iint As a., result they na !"-, l". I" 1 T -' . ... ! I. liehl a mtmsi hire .nd attei i.Tu. W;ti-"-r'li. l'hilioblnas in ranc .VfJWL'iiim favf lallod to Pies.enf rM. Kiiilcv ami to Senator; Davis, chair inan'ot .the' lireign relations com" . Th,. "mpsc;,1trJ tci Piesident McKipb ic .is follows f "The PhiUppinas iresi t ilelit m Europe p( a. x . " ,1 Uon thf Philiri-ine islands ior .ineaK i,f Peace j)thj Spain Our loyalty 'an n uicirderat;on atui support To han 1 kiary -to the niiuiaiuiar -Lt vom noble nation and the f tdl'tlasses C.i illation, trade niioi- ler a villi b ? tst if Spanish auoi - :-tlv t-e-estal lishea m any form. J: I The jneas tii Senator Da is saj s . : , iron .- crreement. binding Spain i 'to form a goierjiunent satisfactory tlo " .the inhabitant is preposterous. i'-rf- L..; 'covel-eientv means deceptloft. x CpprosMon anh bigotry. We placed of r,v,..t "m vout bands and piay yda to -ntrwluc the president. ard senate not o Ji itvim trnWting in American honor, igt '-,;, .J.mti hi oft r interests, ., . - I k ,r The agent H of Agumajdo, th- h--" t -A!, ii, in ithe' PhihPPinft! if" 'nds,l has rf exU4 a table d.spatdh "naXi4 no mntlon of ?n la havn i ' ,i tl riar Adnmi Dewey 'Vunboi.; Pllr has arrived i h tym i .fA-,i.v ! siv, Xnorts that when she jet t . iManilA on W d-aeday.' July 2ah tle Lunation thej wh uiu hanged and tHe Um-iKans h. l not Jt attacked the ''.I V ' ' UDVlSED-rofrVNNEX TUB PHIUB-- -.- - - . v ; i ; j j t PINTS. t "iXiTi'jV.. JU y ii Ill F.'Cept (Upon l lie 'uTistttle-i- ponft ot the, fiu.: - .. . '.Ill . 11 i TBaln lme6 of the peace terms v-c.e - Vca-dy Uiscontea nere. ne - tin the naming papers xoaay geiierojr. t froirant .tm evidence of a desire on ihe part of. tlie 'United; States to;treit ' 'iDain' eeneroiisiy . and to . limit, so : fir as possible, te extensloi of America s adminisiratk i responsibility beyoi d : iaens i The nabers agree that .there It. jio limiled liability: in warfare, Spain PHLIPPINES Political I Attention of OF MANIL'A Spaiif' Determined to Oppove Control of the Philippines-"'!!; Annexation by America and tt - Her DciiumiJh en Spain. I'hilippine Citiens - .tirope. is naturally yore, but they point out nh( must put (up with th; loss of Por to Rico an. if she is well advised, she will (jlose with the American terms.- The .spiectaclo of a;. government after a Bucciuaioo ojf victories spending dftyfl in disf.uHsi.ns fi reply to a request for terms ? of peat e i a novelty : by "no nieans! agreeable. The art of : seeing how- ttie wirl blows is Of very little use for directing- a ship in aisorrn. The TJaily 'Ihronlcle is for the annex -iUnn"i. thn- Philippines and thinks:- "It r?.vill not be ani easy tasli to' bring (ion-. eial Alerritt anJ hw army back with nothing to show but a coaling- station.1' Tin- pupen says: "tV'e are impatient with American, modestly; iti believins the tank : of poverniritf the Philippines too inirch for. the United Stales. It,, must be admitted that;it grave danger looms -im f.ierman ajnhitlons, bu no other power -vtt ill object to, annexation. Knglanrl has- already informed W ash irigton,.to that; eff ecu and Europe, with the exception 'of -Spain and Clertnany, would be relieved if the- United States, decided on direct control of the Philip pines.' . r . .;; j- : ; The sturidard advises Spain to accept, the ti-rms arid is not surprised that America does i not intend to annex the Philippines. It says: "If German tem- per had, been' (officially manifested, the Philtppinesi would- have been annexed, j Uh ti to shoiw ihat America w as not to tie. hulliji-d. - K e would be glad if stte dul annex tlM-m arid, in any case, we do hot believe that' she will like the nle:u irSiain sending the Cuban ar- - mv ito i the iPhilipptKes."..: ; - - - The Daily 'Mail ! says: "AV'e cannot be.Jievri ttiat I'residetit McKmley will aliaridon Agumaldo. and the insurgents. It would be tlfeileejH St dishonor, besle sowing the seeds of universal war. A "joint irornmisKion could not jarrivc at an en,durlng, compromise."! - . In The I lasl v Ala il s opinion; an ui-.lemnitv- or from tO.OOil.O(K) to 7.000. mii t$:',u. ooo. (toil to $35,000,000) will be-'demanded for the Iosh Of the Maine., 1;; ;'J -;.'.;;; r .,; . - . '..;TH": .ir - : All Oflli erx I'atrol in Santiago (Uopyi-lglit by Associated Press. Santiago dti Uuba; July 2b. (Delayed in transmission. )-T7f;eneral -Wood, the nrtlitary governor, this afternoon issued 5 an orderestablislTing an oflicers' patrol for ""the city.. The-; first suatrol will make the. rounds, at 5 o clock m the -evening and the next at 10 o'clock. An officer foiindi In, the. city without a written permit from General Wood, -will t requested to j report to head? (piarters. If hje retiises the patrol is to take him there by force I The generab has taken : this precau tionary measure, :owing to then fact that night before last a Spanish caval-' rv offuvr made himself very objection able ati-h cluh her?, "insulting, while in Jiquor, iseveral American officers. None of the ; .Aniiericans, 'paid.! any attention lo him.- but, -later,: i the Sparliard got i ti to t rouble- with'! some. 1 American sol diers on dutv and was lockeif up in the guard diouse fori forty-eight hour.-. ;eiie.ral -AVood wrU report the case it General To-ral, 'saying that; he does so becaiis he would wish a report made to htnvbv General Toral.lif atiV; Amet lean officer were: guilty of such iiff ft nit ' i - i '! K. C. Banks, of Dewisvllle, .- Texast writes fthat: one. box of DWitt'3 Witch Hazel ;Salve was worth; $50.00 to; him. It cured h is) piles of ten years standing;. He advises others to try; it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obt Stinate sores. Tt. Tt.: Bellamy. The marine Salttt-Gold o.mpaiiy Sun- ; i ,..-. peiidH .. c r. i i Quebec, Que.,' July 29. The Electorof lytic Marine Salts 'Company, organizeii for; the. purpose of extracting gold from salt water which has-been brought in to great prominence during thepasj: few-' davs on account of . the -alleged course; of its vice president and ;gen eral manai4:T, Rev.!: P. F. Jernagan,- in buying thousands of dollars 'worth of ;goveTnmen securities just previous to nis ueparture rur r.urope lasi : weeit sciispended operations at the plarttto? day. The company -was organized1 "last vear and it is claimed that 2,400,000 hares of the st,ock had been disposed :it. Superintendent Pierson made an examination of the: accumulations to-t dav and it -is said he found only traces of gold as if adhering! from previous evpeiiments - ( ' " ! . A Hospital Train j i t'lncinnati. July t). A hospital train arrived at Newport,- Ky.-, at 5 i o'clock tonight with" 135 sick-from Tampas and transferred them to. the hospital at Fort Thomas. All except Lee, a wounded soldier, were suftenng'from typhoid fever and dysentary.- M.ytf . CouvalcHceiit Soldiers Return s ' New York, 'July , 29.-Tbe bnited States transport Leona, Captain Wil der, arrived at quarantine todayrfrom Siboney, July 23rd,' via Hampton ;Roads July'iiSth, bringing fifty convalescent soldiers, tTy9 newspaper correspohd-i ents and a "colored boy who jvent with I he Ninth tvavalry, ,. f rom ' Tampa to Santiago, .. -. . - .- . , Ordered to Cantara's Fleet. Gibraltar.j July - 29. The Spanish cruiser Lepanto, now at Cartagenia( has been ordered to join Admiral- Ca mara's squadron, which has been at Cadiz since Wednesday. The cruiser Aionso XIII. is quite unfit for sea: She requires 'extensive alterations. J . i ; ' " I A Twenty Five Kouud Contest , a ; 'pw York. Julv ' 29. After a hard fight which lasted twenty-five rounds, Mvsterious Billy Smith was given "a decision over George Green, of Cal if ornU, at the- Lenox; Athletic f Club 'tonight, Smith was he stronger ana better1 throughout the fight ana out fought and out-pointed his opponents in every round. Green received a se vere hammering and. bore it manful Tty. He was wonderfully paroe find had no excuses to offer, when- the fight-was. over. ' i ; ..'- " ''""-. i Ieny sj,cievlng. IHoney From Ilooley? London. JiiW ZS. The earte or jAioe mailer Baron GrevHi and Baron -Sat, ville denv that they received penny from Mr. Hooley, the promoter,: fbr Ve-r famine directors in his.company.; The "earle of Albemarle adds that Mr. Hool ey some tune after he (the earl) became a director, voluntarily sent mm check for 9,000. v: - ., j Sick headacne; fciliousnesa, constipa tion and all liver nut scomach iroublea can he quickly cured by using those famous little pilla known as DeWJtt'a -Little Early Risers. ' They are pleasajit to take and never rina, r, Bej, PAI ASK NO ABTIISTICK ays Thtl UoKld he t'ndlgnlned and Admit UrkkncM-KOvrt. to Jlttilu Porto RHo. : i - " i' i : ---'I- -.- ' ; J.jnd4n, Jitly 30, The Madrid cor re .spondeiht of ;The Times says that, ac-. J cording! to a newspaper, j?enor Onmazu,. the-; Spanish hiinisteij; of public instruc tions ari-d public wjjrks! said in the course (of am interview at Madrid yes terday;. : i :..' "Spain has-not asked an armistice or even a suspension jf; hostilities. That would Ibe taiitamoutit to beseeching theenepy. t' strike us. We shall never come - io that. - The message to the United States, while recognizing the superiority .of the yankee forces and ktheir ihilitary operations is confined tij , terms so dignified that w hen the ioumelnt is i published no one will be able to) say jit is humiliating. It asks vrhethelr the! United! States is dispos ed to make peace, but requests neither truces Inor; armistices." - - , The j-orrespondent" says - Senor . Ga raajo addedj "If Manita has surren dered, tbe capitulatron will only apply to the walled town."-. Jit its feared, the I correspondent re ports, that the peace negotiations will not be (very -smooth or expeditious.- Al ready jthereare signs of agitation aga!nstfthe inevitable concessions, and the; co-respondent of; The Times con siders it is very doubtful whetjier all the;mnSisters have the moral courage to accept (the responsibility and to face bodily f certaia mount of un popularity . - j i : . . LOndUm, July 3o.-i-The Madrid cor iesponent of The Daily Mail sa ."The Spanish, government .will comb-.t ;to the last against aicessation of Porta Riep t the United I States. It wouid much rather sacrlfic.one of the Phil ippine islands,! contending that Porto Hi co has--,abways beehi loyal and, outside -the -sconie of the war." .; 1 A special dispatch from Madrid says: "Though it is not likely that the gov ernment will decide io prolong the war becaustl of Porto Rico, considerable feeling Is manifested land every possible diplQmaittJSefTort wtllj foe made to retain i ;it- Apparently, there is little (injection to cedirts? a: coaling station in the Phil ippines,!,, provided Spanish Sovereignty is respocted. in ithe island, which.in the oplriionl of tlV "government and'offieial virolesteneral5t wilt atlord 'Compeasa lion. in( cottimerce fdir the loss of the Anttlle.; beside procuring occupation for theiwest Indian firmy in re-estab- lishhigJPpanjsh rule.J r . The lAmerican "reply ik still rfnxious- lv awated. .Judging Ifrom press opin ions:, everything beyid the' cession of Cuba wulfbe consldeHd harfh and un just. This i the uinlanimous feeling amOnJeven the stromgest advocates of peafre. "itThe; people ffrle beginning to realize ithat peace will mean Almost "a total loss of colonies t and looking to the -'..delicate land difficult position of the qufen-regenl great is still neces sary toiindilce the inatJon to accept the. terms. t , i i I i ! t . "The (.carli'st - and f-epubliqan. papers are making'-the most tof the situation, while nianyiof the t'aithohc prelates de cline u (tinrpjy- with (orders from the Vatican! todnsure theicarhs agitation. Kl iTmparcial's Rome correspondent says the pope-is so: displeased with this attitude of the pnes;tsi-that -.'he has vvashedi-his hands of ! the whyle affair. .Accortding- to Kl Liberal, the govern ment wtould; not 'alio w.ieven . the' loss of some of the Philippines to hinder the corielusOii..of ! peace, because it is very doubtful whether fther country would endorse sending aH army of ..40,000 men to crush the rebeflTon.! . One of the. leadr ilgiparlists :he 'denies the reports of. dissensilon. i--- . I m - Kl 1 Hleralda ;t)ublishes a warning as to; the '.necessity, for "closely vatchfng the -carhsts ias peace approaches..?. It is estimated, ttiat there are 20.000 persons, outiof empLovmenti in Catalonia. ' . A ( horiif f Orpliani . Thfi arrangerhents for the tour .of the singing class lof-; the Oxford Orphan Asylumf was fur them to give a con cert; at Goldsboro itonight.. spend Sun day there and curaif to Wilmington next Monday ito give fa concert here. , As !itj is warm in the interior, Mr; James V. Monroe, who has charge of the- arrangements in oehalf of the Ma sons heirei ever tho"ughtful of the com fort of the. little ipeoiiie of the asylum, wrote Mr W J Ifitks", supei intendent Of thie lasylum, anki -ftid. the arrange ments Changed, :so:-as!to. giv'e(the little folksjan opportunity to! spend Sunday at the peashore. . I : According to the! arlrangements now theisinxing class willlgive a. concert in Goldsboro tdnightiand: will ; arrive in Wil nfi nigton ; r tomorow: , a n-d go to Wrights ville Beach and; spend Sunday and Sunday night at the Seashore Hd tel. J m They will coma i up 'to the . city M-iinda afternoon j and give a concert that4ght at? the opera house. Mr. S. A.. Schlpiss manager of the opera house; has kindly- allowed the orphans the opera house' free of charges and it is hopud -ijiur citizens! will give the i little singerssuch an audience as will make their hearts; :glad. i -r-- ' There! are eleven! or ntne-orpnan-s ana theywull Ue accomjianied by Miss Kva Miner, ta. music teacher,, and .Mr-Will X t'olej, editor of The Oiphan Friend The oonceiti to; be -gi ven by the class will bej an : interesting and- enjoyable affair, and if; you i want; to hear some sweet singing you, should go. It will taudh f- tend&r chord in" your heart and j broaden syour ; sympathies : to pat ronize these ! destitute ' and homeless children" of North i Carolina. . . Tlfeice of admission vF.ll be 2 cents for adults and 15 cents for chil- drenj. jThe entertainment will be for the benefit of thei asylum, and withi such' a worthy object in view, the: chil dren! should have a, big audience.! i The Oxford Asylum is now taking careloffover 200. children, representing sixtjktwo counties,1 f , v. . i- i Thousands :i of persons have i been cured of piles by using; DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and curep eczema and all skin diseases. . It gives unnieaiate reinei. . tt. uei lamy. Churches Tomorrow Immainuel iPresbyierian church, Rev. ; Dr. P. iC. Morton,? pastor. Services at 11 af ml and 8 p. m.; Sunday school at 3:30 p, im. - 1 Services in St.' Johrfs church tomor row,; tJigntn tsunaayi alter irinity, Dy the i; Rector, Rev. iDri Carmichael, at 7:45 and 11: a. m.; Sunday school at 5 P;. m, j-!.: U:'-. ; !- Jfn s.:... :-'Al Vi First Presbyterian 'church. Rev. P. H. Hoge, D. :D., pastor. Divine ser vices at 11 a. m. and 6 p., m; prayer meetingon Thursday at 8:1 p. m. The public tijrdially invited. t. : : i . Grace! M. E. church,; Rev. A. P. Tyer, pastor.! Services on tomorrow at 11 a. m- and! 8:15 p, m:; Sunday school at 4:30' p. !m.; experience meeting in the lecture! room at 10 ;a.; m.; weekly pray-r er meetling and lecture Wednesday eve ning at 8:15: o'clock. j : Strangers and visitors are cordially Jnyited to attend these.: services.-1 i i .. . - - i.- : i Services at Fifth Street "Mf E. church tomorrow ; as follows: Preaching at 11 a. m.! and 8:15 p.! mi, by the pastor. Rev. W. L. Cuhingglm; Sunday school at i p.: m. Public i cordially invited to all service. . i I t ,; I ill:. -I , J-- , First! Baptist church, corner -.Fifth and Market streets I Preaching tomoirr row at' 11 a. m- and S;15 p: m., by Rev.: JL R. Mosley, of Florence, S. C. ; Sun Say school at 9:30 ;ai m,;4prajTer meet-, ing Thursday at 8:ld p. nj. Public cor-diajl-y invited.: ; ,cr-jt - - ( ' R?v. D. P. MceacinLr wMI preach at Bt, i lAndrew's Presbjkterian chu.rGh, corner i Campbell : aid jFoUrth streets, Sunday at u a. m.i an a:l5 p. ra. IMiAIflP' ' ' ,. . " . Panicky Feeling Among i Business THEY FEAR GUBAN RULE i It Tlf r-ntll t'ontideuc Destroyed Jtf Apprelieulin of the City Betas ' Turned Over to 'Cuban "or Honie Kule General ; M after Kepudlatr Alleged Interview as . to tiarcla At titude Civil-Governor Xto Keaenta i - . i ' ;.. '1 military Supers l.lou. -. ..;;' : (r'opyright. bA As-sociated Press.) fl j Santiago do Cuba, July 25, 5:10 p. hi. Delayed in transmission.) A panicky feeling prevails in business circle here, owing "to a fear thVt the Americans wnl, turn the city over to the' Cubans for- self government. V No . confidenc e-xists, owing to the uneextatnties of the future.' Orders that were, "given during th brst days of the American occu pation have j been countermanded i by cable. Even! European merchandise on through bills of 'lading via Kew York ha,s bt'tn ordered unshipped and. sold in New York even -at a sacrifice The same feeling extends to the'Cuj- ban tnerchahts themselves whoVseeih to have1- lost falith in the ability thtir own people to control affairs. 'The rebels demand independence; but the better classes, the merchants and land owners, 'dread taueh a possibility a)T hope terventjly that the United States will retain tHe inland, as. the only guart an tee of stability and ; prosperity. -. -. ..'j Senbr Julian Uerfdoja, agent of the Ward Line jif steamers, says that 100 Spanish r merchants have applied $br ;eabim-and bajggage room on the return trip of the stieanier Philadelphia, which is expected, ioday, and, they will leave the -ei-ty : unless there is. some assurance from the Anferican government that it intends to: dontr)l the administration of public affairs' in Cuba, i v This- is,, trie, question uppermost 'in every bodS''s Inand. ' Spanish, foreigners and natives rare ail alike anxious? for a definite expression fronr Washington of the policy' of the I'nfted States wjth regard to C4ba &nd until that expres sion is made no resumption of trade or commerce caji be expected in Santi ago, v here, today, : both 'are in a de moralized and choatic - state. Major Genjeral: Shatter is desirous that it should. bej known that the Unit ed 'States war department has in no way interfered ,withthe conduct of the campaign. . "The general adds that he was niver hampered by the war de partment anji that if the campaign in this vicinfty jha'd! fallefd the fault would IMPORTANT. EVENTS OF THE DAY. V 9 . . - I- 9 . The r.ahinit Haft Affreerl ITtSnn Which it Whl Treat With Spain, Probably bu Made Today. The pt. Paul, with Troops Aboard; !eavefevport Neivs for . '..ii.TiJ .-' m-' ' -d- r--L 2 . J -r.J.iUa':4 :! . I.' i- fil.l - ! i I rorio .co. uiner a roups Arrive A Madrid Dispatch Announces the Siirrtnder of Manjila to Admiral Dewey.': : : Theiie isjia Panicky; Feeline Ow ing "tit the Fear that the City bans for-Self-(jovernment. ; The Civil Governor of Santiago is AngefejS Because General Shaffer Countermands Some of His Ordersif.; ; Therje are Now 1 5,000 Aiiierican Soldiemstt Manila. Peoplle iii Havana are Dying negun. . :!.;;;:; - 'x,:- . ;, Yellow Fever Got Into Our Santiago in the Ambulances, I ;. The London Press j Express Americans Peace Demands and i Annex the Philippines. ; . i - r. ' L , .-I ' . ' ' ..:!t.'.,.; ii i ne At a on ni a t-ampaign mioses xonignti 5 :: ,; ::. : -l..'l !r - , l. , i y V have been all his town. The denart- mlnt's only participation in the opera-: ihiiiS Avas ii -1 tiiii nig. -tne ,iei iu;-. 01 surrender of the Spanish forces. t General : Shafter has : requested tha.t these statements be published - in view ofi the fact: -ihat ithe war department has been;! c ritjicised fer-faulty management.,- i ' . . ; k - I, '; General Shafter :has received, advices that twoUSp!inish! transports, one of them, being a hospital ship, have left the island off Martinique; They- llare expected here tomorrow. In addit: oh, three Spanish transports left ; Cadiz vesterday and four others are. to leave Cadiz on July 30th. j These Vessels 'are capable of carrying about 15.000 troops,, and the embarkation will begin when all the vessels are hereT It is expected that all the Spanish prisoners of war wiilJe erobai-ked by, .August, 15th. : -. The'sAmek-iil'an commander has hu tfiorrzed the Spanish officers who com manded the!" troop's 'ithat Came to San-' tiago' during the siege from Manzanillo, : toi send for 'their wiives and familiesj in order: that they '-may be ! able to take them . back to Spain at -the r ' gevojrn- - merit's expense. In all, there are ahbut. 730 uomen ;ahd: children. v; '-;; ,' .:i' J- Major General Shafter says be has not made1 certain statements attribufted to him in anl interview on the subjefit of the attitude assumed by General Garcia,' and he explains that the alleg ed trouble ..between himself and Sejibr Ros, the civil governor of Santiago is a very small hiatter indeed. Sehor Rof? considers hiniself the supreme civil Auf thority, ibasiing his' claims ' upon the-- state- paper Issued! by President Mc Kinley on July 18th and providing in general terms for the government of the province of Santiago de Cuba. 'I ! iSenor Ros, it e ' understood, resents General Shaffer's so-called; interference with his duties. . A little cloud arpse over the-fact that Senor, Ros dischajrg ed three employes and substituted ijfbr them ! three tf his own . .friends. L The discharged employes .' eamblained to. General Shafter, WTho ordered their Irer instatement. J Since then, .Senor- Ros has been slightly ruffled, but he. is' coa tnuifig' tdfdisieharge his duties a:&ar eral Shafter'3 subordinate. Senor Ros obeyed "General Shaffer's orders with out protest, though he may have mur mured behind his back, i The work of cleanings the city js jbe- ing pushed with great activity. Over . ' : . - . . 200 carts fare employed in transporting t the outskirts of Santiago! the , dirt and refuse removed from the houses, Thiss wnrk howPl'M -will tflke some time, as ibefore every house door; iiea ai great pile df rubbish which has ljeen dumped into) he street by General Wood's orders. , The rubbish is being collected andl burned in huge bonfires. The steamer Philadelphia hasi arriv ed here. She! is the first regular mail, passenger and freight steamer to reach here since the city surrendered. She belongs--to the Ward Line. ? J J. B. Lloyd Nominated, for Congress - i i (Special! to The Messenger, ) j , Wilson, N. Ic. July 29. Captain Jas. B. Lloyd, doorkeeper of the United States, senael was nominated by accla mation here tjoday by the people's pari ty eongreSaipnal convention as their candidate for cprujresa in the - Second district, r .- I - -.-'.; . ' s . i. I i u in an J o v f ull Re c e i vbd By Porto Ricaiis PONGE CAPITULATES :- It General Illea . at Ponce Our Troopa Stilt Landing Thf Troois Pushtu g qu Toward the fountains The Spau- ish Routed at A aneo GeA eral Titles Issues a Proclamation to Bbe'.People The Campaign to. be Vtaorous-tlii Troops iu Good Spirits. Copyright by Associated Press ) Pnw r,f Pnnrf." Porto, Ritk Julv 2S -: t 1 via the. Island of St. Thomis. D. W.I July 2S. The port; ered to Commander auxiliary gunboat1 lof Pono sUrre-ndr C. H. D tvis, of the Dixie, yesterday. the Amer- There vvas ho resistance and leans were-wlcomeld .with Enthusiasm Major General M(!es arrived here this morning at daylight -iwith General Kent's brigade and ' General Wilson s division on board transports. General Kent's brigade immediately started for the town of Ponce, tw$J miles i in land, which ; capitulated The American troops are' tfushingi to ward the mountains, and, will join General Henry with his brigade at Yauco, 'Vhleh has been caltured i by our troops. A fight before the, latter place' on Tuesday, last was vfon by th4 American volunteers. The Spanish ambushed on the right the . com pa nil's of the ixth .MassaChu-sett and th Sixth li- linois regiments, but the enemy i was reoulsea ana a riven DacK-a niile, to a ridge, - where- the Spanis cavalry inir i in- changed and wero routed fan fry. 1 .. Jl I ' : ' . General Garretson led the fight with the men from' ILfiSiOis and IMassachu- setts, and the enemy retreated to Ya UCO, lead ing lour uea.o 4jii "i several ; woundvd. : None oq 'were killed and only three; Mere slight v wminnwi - ;i The PortRicans are gladj " : - the Amer-r ican troopsihave landed and say: ihey join lour are all Anf ericans and wil army. r i The: roadSiare good for military pur poses. OuRrtroopfe I are healthy, and General MiMs says the campaign will be short atS) vigorous. . General Jqiles. has I issued ing prociaifetiortMl-j ;f .' 'I ! "In.. tio. iroiaef iiit !o;n of tlhe follow- the; War aginst the"f'Sngdom:-of Spa n, by ithe people Of .e United Stated iin the cause of lilf J-ty, justi.ee and hpmanityv its militarf ijrcep ;have cOrtje r to- occu- "Nearlv 'fflf the TrniS ttJnon and the Prl'enfs RepW Vil1 ; i ; Ii 4: io tiunarh. j I .';". :' --. , f f . , . ' ; : in Santjatsti Business CirclesV Will be Tii6d-6r-.''to tlJefCu- I ; ; 1 of Hunger a Id Bread Riots plave i ri'Y--YM Army by Hattling Refugees from H iiyli Surprise at ;the -Moderati in of Express ; th-l Jlope that Shie Will s ' ' . 1 ''. .,.,. Ssl! !:. py the islan! o Porto Rico. They come bearing thSsfbnriers of freadom, .in the spired by a noble purpose, t seek enemies- of jituif--: governmen, : 'and of ybur,s and iiiestroy or cap ure all in armed resistor; te. They bring you! the fostering artDa lof a free peo ile, whose greatest pofefel is justice an 1 huriiani ty to all liviTftirl within, their field. Hence,' they release; yia frura your f irmer po litical relatioitt- and it is hbped that this vviIl;beiiilowed by; your cheerful acceptance ff ;'.jthe' goVernme: it of i the United StitHh ..: "f. : ;.!;! t- ' . "The chieybject of the ' American military f pr will be to, :; iverthrow the armed aii iority of Spair and give thej people o iis beautiful .stand the largest, meaf'e ;of . liberty: L'onsis.tent with this Jirrtlf tarv occuoati in. They have not eo3.i to make war on the people of tht jountry, yho or . centu ries have be:ijt: oppressed, but, on the contrary',' ; ih'C'j bring prote -tion, pot only t'o' ypuf-f'jres, j but to your 'proper ty, i promote ijfjuif :p'rbsperu and be stow -the impianities and' blessings, of our; enlighter-rt prvt and' liberal institu t ions' and govi-nment. 1 i. "It is their ;;;iurposo not t'i Interfere with the" exiting Haws andl customs, wmcn are wn lesome ana t( nenciat.to the people, so png- as they jc jn form to the rules of t e; military a ministra tioh, --orders 'ani I justicie.-Thi: is 'not a wa'r.of devastiiion and des itionj but onei to- givlaM within the jcbntrol of the militarS: rtM3 , nav.1 foripefe the- ad- i o.iiitteessv&'AM. jjiessiugs oj. emiigULeueu civiiizaiion.;!; j5 : , -.1 X ' Washins-toniviJulv ,29. The results ; thus far achi ted : by Genietal Miles a.' t.r. : r . --l: . . - theS naVai Eqftfjjron: in the j occupation of. Porto Rk . liave created a feeling of intense saJS faction amohs theioffir cials off the :-ininistrat4on.f llnforma-i tiori received jfi-day directlyf ffrom Gen era!4 Miles arid"' through dispatches i to the Associated; ress Was very gratify ing Ito the pre dent and his advisers. It indicates s s one official expressed it, that .'.'Miles; s cleaning : ujp every thing as i he gi a. ' ; . . i Theri surrehdji I of Pohce, practically Without a stf t Igie, is! regarded by the war orTicials th especial satisfaction. In importance t is the sectoAd city of tne lsiana,: ittt ?ias a population or Tl, 000; jwith; aJjUjdictioh jiumqering 47,-, UUU. - t .?;; : -S- i ; I-: ' ; . .1 ..:'! - ' . , 5 .. t :t;-i; . - t : I While nothL.gi definite is known to I the iwar loffieM3 yet of Gendral Miles' plans ! for j thf immediate fiiture,! the i statement .' in-Tlvis dispatch that the trnnns ti-111 . si. n hp In Oia troops will ; sti in be in th mountain country is; jtal?ii to mean that hei pro poses to pusKirapidly on toward: San Juan. The'iUVhters itakens at Playa will enable ft. hi to speedily fland1 the troops of th. expedition as tthey. ar rive and it is believed there will be no delay in thej Eduction of the entire is land, It is peeted that the Spanish forces will :fer no vieorouk oDtosi-i tion- to-the V lited States troops until San Juan i? reached. There the great battle in tbeif apture bf jthei ibland will be fought Inless meantime Spain should conewtle to ; yield to -the inevi table. , I ! trhe eHt; it the EJvans City,! Pa., Globe, : writCl i j "Dne Minute Cough Cure is ri&.y named. It iured my children, afte rail other reaiefdies.1 fail ed." It cum coughs, coldsl and! all throat and Ml iff .troubles, .i B. B. Bel- The Ku Faal Sails With a KegtDtnt. .: Others Awaltlot Embtrkallon -Norfolk, July The auxUiary i. - i cruiser St. Paul th last of the trains- ports of thef first Pono Rican. expedi tion, did not get away from Old .Point until daybreak this morning, having been detained over night to receive the full supply of stores consigned to her.. The-'Fourth Ohio is aboard ithe St.: Paul which will easily overtake the other ships of the expedition! bv tomorrow, j -; .-' . j . . All of the troops for the second .'ex pedition in command of General Fred Grant h.ave arrived in the city expect ing the One Hundred and Sixtieth Uu dtana regiment of infant ryt which is due here tomorrow. This morning the fir.st and serond battalions, of the Third Kentucky, Colonel Smith, came in from Chickamauga and the. third battalion arrived this afternoon. These troops, together with batteries A and C and . two troops of cavalry, will sail for Porto Rfco .Tuesday, j How ellovv Fever Got Into our Army. Chicago, 'July 29.-The first deflate statement was made today as to. how yellow feveri .was brought into kh ranks of Thei American arhiy in Cuba Mr.. H. L. Beach, who 'represented the Associated :, Press along , the fighting line at Santiago and who has j ustj re turned! to Chicago, made the state ment as follows: , .' i j'lts an i actual fact1 somethurg 1 saw with' my own eyes that our ai!my ambulances were used to carry Cuban refugees who had fled from Santiago and who were carrying the germs, of the dread fever with them. The peo ple waued through the. mud and Were packed!" up by i ambulances. Then bur sick and wounded were hauled in fthe. I same ambulances; but worst of all, it seems to me; is the: fact that the com missary wagons, which always -were going to Siboney and back, : carrying J food, weirtrout i with food and return ed with .refugees : and " went back again Soadod withi food. No yellow fever appeared in the army before jthe lines were opened to those people ftfom Santiago, and Dr. Ducker, of Chicgij, who was with the correspondent "told us justv two days before fever appear ed, that it! must- come in forty-eight hours, ji Ire: also told Major -Pope, ithe surgeop, b,ut the latter said he could do nothingi toavoid.it. ; " , : -j DiHtressiug (Condition iiulla vaun London.,iJuly i 30.-j-.The-' Havana; cor respondent ' of The Times m ; a letter dater June 19th,-paints a terrible' pic ture oC. the despair that is fallingsupoii thei city in. the ; absence of news fiom the: outside world. He says: . I jt "Wild rumors aFe 'affoat. The jjtioo timid people imagine all ki Js -of? dis asters jand,; . foretell- terribte tilings. whilevJialways a few miles off ? and steaming to and fro, , are the vessels I of the ; blockading' fleet,, jwjith the im- tentionr to starve Havanalnto submis Bion; for that apparentiy, is the safe and certain, if not Very, heroic Amer ican plan. ;l 'of j :.'' ; I. The attitude. of the population- un- dr calamity ! is indeedi! admirable,? as ia' nWA'tKoi Af H Tn a i viAna Huonltl' !t li',; is also-' that of jthe troops, despit !hc aDsence oi .pay: anu i,neir scaniy jia tions. But they aref eating the hearts out w.ith helpless, dull": rage, becuiso?- j they cannot! get; at jand try conclusions w'ith the ever Visible, but -unattainable foefiiiBlaneioj the jincorruptable, pa triotic humane;' soldier, stands out a noble figure, in this crisis, .trusted -and respected by kit." j" . i - l ' -i ' i -.. .II'' , fl thing DeWitt's iWtch Hazel Salve is the finest preparation on the Inar ket for piles." So writes' John C.ljunn. of Wheeling W. Va, Try it and yuu will thing the same It. also cures eczema and all skin? aiseases. ,-R.i R. Bellamy. .';.-.! j' ' I ;' -L ; Criticisms of tierniauj 's Action ' Berlin, July ; 29. The Frankfurter Zeitung, reviewing, the, war and jthe role Germany has played, regrets Ithe attacks df the : German; press n jthe United ; States iand arrives, at the con clusion ; that Germany has behaved; in a "thoroughly injudicious1 manner.' It says "two German vessels af Manila would have sufficed amply; and in ithe future we hope . the foreign office Will take intov its ;own hands the settle ment of all incidents1 in connection with Germany's, 'foreikn: policy includ ing those relating to!--Manila. !; I' i. !- -1 ! ..r-'i- :' Kl 31 AV BOMBAKD CARTAGliNA Italian Admiral' lias. Instructions If Colombia Ioes Not Pay up the Cerrutl .Claim. 1' .''. I - ! j 1 ; .- ! V - fl- 4 ! Panama, Jul yi. 28. The Italian mm-" istcr afj Eogota: arrived at Gjolon! last evening. His leaving the capital; is '! !' ' ! . f i :; ' i not looked upon as a good omen as! he must have been instructed by his gov ernment to pet to the coast o be pre pared in an 1 emergency to -eave- the country. ,' ' i I . The Italian cruiser Calabria is still at' Colon. Of: the three S Italian ves sels i. remaining at Cartagena one has sailed, the Fanta Marta. s The cruiser Etna is at Buena Bentura. ; i u .-v. New orK July 28. A dispatch from Colon,. Colombia today says:, . The po sition, of the Cerruti case ; is now ;ex tremely seripiia.- Three Italian war ships are in; front . of Cartagena, ! one is here and another is lying at Buena Ventura. .'-.-'' !; M : I l !'' " ' ! :'- The Italian 'mipisf er j at Bogota .is here! on loard: the Eteamef- AtratO; en routd for Europe. ; J i k ' ' 1 1: The Italian i adm'ral hk$ received' orders, to bombard Cartagena, fj ... Great. Britian and the. United States Vre; interviewing . &nd the admiral, ha'ving. represented , t Re- ii situation t to his government.! js now awaiting final insti-ucticns."H - f - ! ii , -' . I ' . I s 'Those Cuban Bonds ) : (BaltimprelSon.) . ' ' sp it is one of the conjplicatlbns of ithe Cuban business .we iave mixed our selves up in that thre is . a debti of some $300,000,000 contracted DXSSain iKSpa .eresix oa Cuba's account, and the Interestspn this debt has been paid hitherto 'out of revenue derived :rom1 Cuba. :The island is the security? for the principal and interest of this ! large sum, which J- am agreement on them and that pos is represented bv bonds held chieflv in i sibly a ; considerable Japse 'of time France.)- As debt follows territory, ifj we. annex uuoa :we Decome, accoramg to international! usage, liable for the debt If we Interfere by force I to make Cuba free, we still incur a moral obligation, and all the . more because the. freedom of Cuba' was the avowed object of our - war, not an. Incidental result. ,It would not- therefore, be 8 ne cessarily a' hostile act -6n the parf of France jto ask our government ita:,in tentions with , regard, to the Cuban deht ! It may not unreasonably i-be assumed that our government; in ; un 'dertaking to alter the political status of Cuba,1 took Into consideration-all. the equities of the situation. illl iVDI lu ll lW Ol rn : ; ( 1 '-'ir---', 'i " - f .' : 'I t i I- ..j : 1 . .-I-" ,. . !-:i--r-!.n !. '..,-. . ; ,.i...,.--ir-r; . r '. I'" Ii1 V !;; Mm Completed iii Its' Leading Features by, he rresiaent ana THE PHILIPPIN J-:.; .-'.: .; :'llt - - 1 to What The Unsettled Question ijs as t ing Their Future Form of GoveriiuientT" I heir Censioni to tliei United States Noti to hc.l i- - - i .. . All Her Territorv in ) Ouestt" Spain the quest of Porto Washington, July 2S. Near!y r fi hours .earnest discussien bv the pr. idenl and fus icorisitutSonal advn ers of: the natuiof til' reponsf to made bv the government; tj. the J-pah ish overture for iHeace:-irouiKht ' rn. :oti- . : -. ' , i . i elusion ana the suojec? nectssurily wjm .... . I ! 1, -i postponl for ;f u rt htsr 1 1 H in ' ' t ion-h t anotner meeting uit tne i.ir..nt i to ic - - . . ' ': -i J I .::-- I : ' held at; 10:0 o clock tomi.froW- inorlir lwg. Such was the formal statene iit qX the situation at the '.iiic1tislon f the day's work! by each - member 'f the cabinet who ;w as (jiieslined uRm. the subject. . ever. Is; much . tlnal i'oih Ipslon. IhoW nearer than this slat ment-woul.d seenij to indicajiv, and, iu deed( there is little:1 fiensoh to dou it that an agreement has b.-n :A hfd, upon all the tubstantlal-)inis vit I -r sue arid, thai-what remains-ito be doin tomorrow is rather to smooth u-wa;;lA-' equalities and adjust somv ive.ry: mtwn points .of difference befiVr maktitK.it answer expected,. .by :M. Cilmbon. The point under discussion dnt'iiig the greater part if t he iAeeim . w .iss what disposif ions i shfjiiilil lie made': the Pbilippmee. ! I ; On the other issues unani. nity devt (lied. There was I to be - mjilpeiideinl aenianoei ior i :udu ; - rort.f lciifo w to be ceded to this ctaintfy; coaling stations weie to be acqulieil at Guam in the iLadrone islands ami 'jiu of lie Caroline islands, .; These roposit 101 w ere disposed nf quicklv. lilut when It came to the . Philippines; xm dlvt sity tit: opinion was reveal4l. As n sss earn -ue : galherea. this ia. not r late inainly -to the: retentioii of the it lands; on that projiosltion (he rnajof ity of : the cabinet was ssieedily r.i corded-; in the negative; bull . a acceptiinr the broad proposition that to be iallowed. to i keep -th sions. ot her questions oY developed and it was felt Spam was S;' poSMt jmpitrta ml thai thette must be answered ieflnltlv subject: could be disposed before tlie of. Thele v'tvaa noi question -as to the pr-opriety qt demanding .a coaling .stiitilni- Sn tlia Philippines, ; and, w hile there reason bly might be a difference of lopiriion -as to the location and extent ok this sti tionr little oirricuuy wa expecteit y encountered in rsolying. that j)iror 1 a.m i.i ca,. fl-.,, mo H.ir ,.,l,?i lr. M ffrrert In thi. n:i vji I . wni- ho;itti! wHi . ...iii. .i... . . Lii euiii peieni iii uecii i im i o. siury-v.. THE PERPLEXING rnSTiox TO THE PHITPPfi.'i The w tn what I firm ! of;, governm ent . should. I f instii tuted -iiit the Ph ilippines.i "'f whiit should be the nature of the required of Spa'vn j that the i-' .i ran tee Kov ernment should be liberal- iitd autoni. innus in Its character t These tun questions' hingeii on the' .primary rde- ision to interfere; nt all in jtrescribing a: change in the conditions irt thi Phil ippines.: Some oj the: cabinet) felt that, the . insurgents under Agmnsildo -having acted indepenientlv (if tfve United States from the very beginning of the insurrectionary movements; and having lately, shown a Imposition to : make trouble i for us, had nri nmral claim upon the I'nited 'states in tjh setth-4 ment of terms of ;i peace. On the . oth er hand, it was urged that our government- should (lose no; opportunity t6 extend its principles throughout the world and that this would beidone-best in the present case by r-(?quling Spain to' extend 'autonomy to., the Philippines. It was jupon just such points as this that the discussion proceeded all day..-. Admiral. Dewey , may be 'alled- to Washington lateron to consult.' with thet admihlfctration as to the general situation ' in j the ' Philippines,-! ! Ihe.;; rf forms that, are needed) in the pres ent .form: of government , of . the; is lands and. the location that sjhould be reserved for pgr coaling; station there. NO FOREIGN INTERFERENCE AND NO ARMISTICE- ' A point which was quickly established was that there should be no reference of any ; phase of the iuestion-of the disposition ;of thet islands to any- con cert pr individual action by, outside powers. ; , , i i . Another ; point J that - was settled, though there was-'no forfnal . action, on it,! was- th,at" no (protest aga'inst ithe continuance i of .military or naval ;opR erations pend'ingi: i the peacfe negotia-r tions would avail Jn;the sltghtestj that there would be . no armistice, no sus pension of operations por any rhodifl catlon whatever of present plans until the Spanish government had agreed to the terms' proposed. : j r SPAIN TO ABANDON WESTERN ' r," HEMISPHERE. j 1 ; 1 , - '- !-.- . ; . .i. ' : "; r ; ' ' . .. -t-- i '.Incident to th cessation of - Pirto Rico and the recognition of Cuban (in dependence hy Spain was -the .-decision that every vestige of Spanish'-government- and authority in' the Caribbean and West Indian waters must be ire moved,' effecting a-;,materlal- acquisition of !i numerous islands over which .the Spanish iflag flies, lone of the most im portant 'of which is the Isle of Pines. Furthermore, this : sweeping change! of authority from. Spain tq nhe. United tatein our nearby waters ;is to jbe viieciiyej itiso iu quatiauil io-' a.ii iiii- debtedness assumed by the ; Spanish government and charged i by- - her to, those islands so. far as ' the ' United States is v.concerned, and all commer cial treaties now existing Jjetween the Spanish i government and ; her posses sions there and outside ppwerp are iext, tinguished. ! ; .i " i - QUESTION OF SPAIN'S -"ACCEPT- ' :"!M' :'" j''-- " : 'ance! i , X Y".Y Somrji .discussion; was.'i had -as to. the probability of Spanish acceptance of our terms. The views differed, though it can: be stated .that several of the more influential -members of; the cab inet believed that ithel terms substan tially agreed on iwould not be :ac cepted by Spain at . once. , While ;ber lieving : that the; proposition made ...should in. ail reason: constitute the ihipimum to! be considered, some ex- pre&sed the "-belief i that Spain would not besimmediately disposed to reach would i ensue vbef ore that -government would : i be readyv:to yleldy meantime seeking a compromise which, it was asserted; was not to he entertained for a moment. Others took the; ground that; there was every indication , that she had decided to make teTms and that what was now proposed- would soon be acceded to to avold further disaster.l -.!- . - i ' .-ii .; av i ps-, Qnifactor in the protractt?d discuses! sion of the Philippine "problem : was the absence of advices- as to the ex isting ''situation there oh this date. ; a point? which might be of considerable importance in the adjustment of the question. The unconfirmed ' dispatch reporting- that Manila had. surrendered was read and commented m as indi cating i that definite action ; without ms vjiiumox; E INLANDS STATUS h : 1 ! .-I''. . M .!!'!' . j . : ' i i : 1. 1 )ctnands hall be Made Regard cmandcd-Spaiti Must (iive lp J: Western Hemlsphcrc Acocptancc--Lasy. (.on- i R( co F.xpected. k bow -Jeds.1 f the -xaci situation at, .Nlanila irflnht iniiusc a t:itfmnl r-i girdtng-oiMiditiHiva that iiiid not exjt. LSswi:i;-fu i-ti: mim: today. Flie -i formal pat'f.erw cr.ysiiiltilnif Xlf rdfiuit.i or the two session today win b4 prepared bv Riniorrow , A formal vtlte will thi!i imi had and the innwet on th'in; Koveninnelil Is likely t In- com- , rob nli 4 ted trt Sp.ln befoie nightfall , ksy 'covgcr.sT op PoitTo Rico " ? r - KXI,ECTK1. " - I :.!: ' . The war depjirtmt-nt mpwls tn eay ritiiqueHt "of Porto itio. and. no'tvilih nthnitmg the overtures tor ieae made by ' Spain,:: th war 'will be pn u ted , ikoroUalvi In that island. . ' a'r-'V l'llef ii general In the r dt-- litrtiiieiit;th.it, i.ienernl Mef-ntt has landed ' iir Manila. ; IhoUKh- no cable . 111- formation to that effev't lian been re- eiiivea.i'i ne r.ct tnat ne suiieo a monin aiio anil has had: ample time tt ,rearl MnnllUi Is ithe. ground for the lellef i tf-ji d.'pa rtiiutTf! - . ! I r AUK P,H'K AND Ol'M)i:U, fTher caiit of tfKik. ,'ind won tided and; ps looking to their greater comfoir krosrfed j oflteei K of the war depsfa a i lit durliiijf the day. An ofTlCeritf1! . ii flispati heit t.'i MontauK : I oil. I I.iing -laikd.- ti prepan -r hospital fll tile siik if :. n.ial Shutter s aimv ion-tUoi shall haVe arrived again In tlje. t. 'filled Slal'S. OpiIoi'm also hHV bien i.ssuitd. bioking to the aocomniO- diiion ii.if! ?lck . soldlorH .on firrlougb, ei abling ihem to visit thelr homeM. ItJ ;ha t'een di'termlned . to semi! a c.fmniisioorr to visit tho, hospitals (.iuf the .various aimv camps, with a vtM ii? amirioratliig'i .the condition of th isirk. A .: -surgeon of the? army an J'r Hopkins, of the adjutant irii will compose thbt iv n pert)4ps Home ott arjiny. ; Major Hopkins gfr s military ialde. er il's off li e hIho i isabllltv of i alio w linen iasi nurse tli. large itamj) Jeiieral Shaf aftternooir in a r w a s h . rd frm tTi. transporiB wonted Urnx "io wheh r ' and that ihe YiicWhii aii iP0-"--'' polmal and Km .'' "eghetiey, Tampa' "tVir?vi. Miami n,i ,. "" l"' 'Kuran- t bday. Th. d,.,,;,,;, , tvere 'to sail! t U.,.:r; .i ePSPartment wants at Ki , " I1' t once t TaVn . - . . - 4 t inn iy "thkrr i to- i.impa Eleventh a,i .' . "ave 'Jntry. under I Gene a r"fI ln" ,f's C arid M nfo,. R. Second artillery. Tr.m.... a valry nltv and A,' Fifth itkv- trfrnspofrtli,nff J. root a, e i wa,tlnff- artillely. pr"VtHe, K and M,1 Fifth Seventh: and O, of'vtJth;. H of ihJ, Fiirth Infantry Fifth (a a!ryvfc.h . Hudson's ;n brigade, consisting lof the. Seji-ond Georgia, Fifth Maryland and v rt Florida, jand I General t Snyder's' hebdqnarters and 'the division head quwrters. ,n . . -. - i . i '. ; Win your ibattlea against ' A I.m hyj acting I-promptly. One I Mlnur4 Ciwigh- Curi produces Immediate-re suit When taken early It prevents eoi sumption. And In later stages U furnishes prompt relief. R. R. Bel j lathy, A VritOMill'ltOTKKT Against i Laudlnx 3Iore , Mi k Noldlsra From Santiago at Newport. News or., erf bWysSriTCt Ri( hniifrvl, 1 t"a , July ' 21 -Gover'nor'T' Ty let- tonight, at ' tin? Urgent request i of th tiuarantine offlde.rs at 4N(9wporfcl-: Ne i s n.J Old Point' sent to Surgeon G ier,al ...Sternberg, j ot ithe army, a str mgprtejit against more Wounded sol iiera from Cuba being landed "ait Fort Monroe i besause the breaking out of i yellow fever epidemic there, besld4 endangering the, lives of thousands folj per. pie in Virginia, would also; weaken 1 f It. did -not absol-utely. unman .'Fcirt Monroe, which guards the entrance ; to s Washington;; would suspend work at ': the government navy yard i at; Norfolk! am would also cause the stoppage of i all work on, the menof-viarj now iri f profess of construction . at thrt. private 1 yards at Newport News. ' The NeWport I Ne is and Old Point quarantine offl- ' cer i filed similar protests.' ' 4 i . il f ' -i i Norfolk, pome years before the! civil . i war, surrereu terribly; from an: cp1 wensic oi yenow rever. Bpb' Moorej of LaFayette, Ind.J says LI1HI DeW ror constipation he has found' Itt's Little Early RJS rs to be per; feed 'iney never gripe : Try .'them for stomach: and liver troubles. R. Bellamy.; t Bread Kiots in Havana. S Ii ch Ntw York.. July 29. -A L dispai frorii .Key "West to the Journal Bays-.V Hungers 1? claiming many, victims', rich and-poor In Havana. : , Since ' the' : I extended blocjjade has , iclOfied Ithtf- ' i ports of Sagua, la Grande, Kipe and Batanabo, no provisions -have! entered! the Cuban capital and General Elan-1. ' co.'s scanty fstore the warehouses; ' has been exhausted. i j - "' j i . Bt tad riots have-already t begun.? l Two brothers, baker s.3werei killed by -a mc b for defending two dozen loaves.; Char ity is dtmd, because he I wealthy! then selves are- in need of assistance. : i Tsa Royal is Us highest grade baklsg pbasst p Hsows. Actaal tests show it aeesea: tairs farther taaa say ether br sad. ' FQVDZf? Absolutely Pure sovai sWma Kwf 004 stw vosx. J..:il:i!-!ll;- 1 I: Is-'.' m "- U' V r :fr Y i' '" i 'jv 'V i J;.!! 1' ; t ! ..... i. -.!;' l-Y Y I. I. it- ! ;. -. V ' Si1 i