it - V. 1 , m 1 V! To President McKin U J: 11 :;; - ! i ' , - - . -J lu, . I : ; ceived by the French Ambassador. v;i.; jlr--.;-,, ;-.':-!,- Kvv-' T I V , -V M :H ber that the offJcer attempted tpre- ! -. ! -i-Vi-V " ' ' 4 ! ! , X- V - i .! :CigTl". fi" ! c?lvenuon8- r. . i-. MiJD.or ims; , .- ; ).; ;, ; , : -M v " - M '-"v. p r .1 ; ! . ' - : ' I' . - l lj -- j! -':.; j ' ' . J ' ;. -r!":'v . ' ;'.-,;.; li H;Jt aerve order in a very dlacrderly crowd Nvyv? , ; , - ;f -i -'! . 4 " - ci? o4ght :t&eiipulisrt nomlpataon.: 1 !:.'!; -K .. ! ;. . f' j : j '. j ; : ' : -- " -tU ' 1 ! r;!t '? l:?;FM;: jt-vr --hv:--.;. :..(-;,, .-sj- . - ;jH -? . " m ;y.;:-j-J p. .-- vft-.i Two Pf the .alleged aiianta, jo i ? I; -ulf S4J-- .j aX i; .Cidaei ; DockeryLjtb fconj-. dbwirVin ':A-. itfvM' -Lr :;'JiHr Jl :--it'.: i: i;t- ii -i ' : . i ' V JV if"i'L:".r .- . p ' --! ' ; : : - .j.'..::"' I:-" :-..'','4. 1 isj-;.-i Nick Byd and KleharUfByrd. were ar-. i ' T r- f ' y I'll' t:-. lift 1 . , ', ; i VI hhlf of Mr Kith ! lern hw- "iJv. 'i- .11 " ii 'r L': . JlJ:. -' 1 ' . . ' i. .' ' t U: A-'A S A H -- ) - , . J 1 - '- .. - I i -: : ;. V . i . ! ill r -- , . .rr. . ... ;.- t . , , -, ;, -,; - ! ; 1 I--.-- T . . I ! .: I.I - . . . ...-.. t , I f ! 1 .it: : r ' . . i i . . . . IN Accompanied by Kxtcodtfd Discussion as toan Acceptance Keing Oricrativt; Without Consent of the 12o'r6s-evcral Questions Leff; 'utuPe Discussion Ouention Peace ; Coimnissionirs Shatter pa to Condition of Troops.', Vashingto;h, August 8. The reply r the fjpnlsh government j to tht laid down fey thf pttre cwadition-! lnltl States ts receiveujoy in' Krench anbasHadq f , it; Cam boiij ahoet ly ibefor.e,3 d' this afterhoonJ The 1 niJf-tJ.fMiH, - the - dispatt h ; iSrst '.recelvef ng only th- 4petilHK the Spanish' reply. A." fet' jnihutes later ariot her dispatch! brought ;i: isecond Section" - Irifx uninterrupted :' iiieKsengers Until h.od these ; kfSft com y by , a1 pj-ocMsion ; Jt .even sertloitfi of - ili iLitWh ..' reppjrj'hid !'tgtn -ecetyed all the last iKirt wak4 ' etijir .to aiTrii'e. I iJplir expert w . 430 o' Jttiey . thut portion! of t n .ni! . meanume fl re at wprk-.-and silt err abf-ali of all he reply jret'elved uh t) that tlm and tnere vaa ,a. lull of i4 fibm time, peridiiig the ai'irlyal!; of thje ; concluding tport Lofts. It J wks . I-thought ;. a; Jerrific raih Ktorri whie'li fTwep't over . "Washington h ia,laoijt -.4 o'ciock' i miglit liiive occaslo'ned . ihe dflay of jthe i rfe - ' iriainde.r.' iPehd-ingi the receipts iof i t h j-bmolete : reply, no, steps were taken ;' tli fix a time! for ii conference Mith-tfr : rirefeident,;: as , thq: time for i that j deh piended largely upon Home! of Ithe. feol- ' tures or -'the: reply, ana also upon tn U. -p!lcit Instructions concerjaihg ithe d livery of the .Miswer which unually acl i' bipanies a's' document of I this jsolemji ; i haracter; Nf-iilheit at the White housk nor at the. state 'department was ther ajnyl.tdfficfal knowledge that! ttef reply Tiadf reached iWastfington.r and tJie jusu - hill rojfflce hours:;cloked -wltl .no tp)pofnt '- ' ineiitj made;;for a conferfnee. i Ther - - was felt to be little likelihood, evelu 'thoBgih' the iHmbassador received- th vv c omplete .re pry1 and instructions, that X' i laerel would ;be: a night conference ak thai White! House for the) purpose of ' JWeUinig .Buut-iUMicii.i 2 if: I . rtittttconiciutiinK .'bortloh -pf-'"3th:.Spa'ni i-eply iwai received during: the; eve ning (but it kas jjibt until a late hou -itini it; was deciOhiered airf a .Vvliole-Nanil . . vnni tover iby itbelamhassadorlNo 'ef litrti was made tol communicate U th . iTiuted states, government tonight be Ai.nd a note to Secretary Day advlsiriit: .' hint' that 'the: jdopument had ibeert re ' ceived!; but nqt disclosingHts- content.. : II is probable thit the fepiyfiwill. b , tlellvere to Ithei bresident hefore th cabinet meetlngif although no hour haft been fl,xo .There lis complete reticence in all rply is not Quarters: a$ to tne texij oi me but there isj reason! to "believe ilt an untjualiflied acceptance of ,4hfe American terms; but -Is framea on tjie theory of accepting the essentials an i trusting, to ja hoped-tor j conciliator j .jsl.frit on the parti of .this ' government moderate ; to shme extent the; fea '.. tures which the jSpanish governmert . peeras to xegard as unessential. . i ' JtrPIX'ULATipN fS. ' TO TERMS O ? ).1ri;l!' !rT)riEiNSWER..,. jl;:V: . .: "" lPendil!5 . tliW offipi'al delivery j of tr e - answer, speculation. was rife as to Us conterlts. Tli? fras little or no fur ther doubt that the length of the r. - "plyi mleanit that Spaifi had not given u sjmrtle kndj dlrejc-t affirmative to tie '";; cojidttisHhs. It ivasj jevidet t .that i ' the replyj was an I accptanc . it ivas adcortipanted by extended di: - "cusslon ' iiifid probably by condition 5. - This caused Icorisiderable apprehensic n i, knff clait eiirelesi here, ior wh.U'e' t Vas filt ilast wekrtnat bpaiii wouyi .irJiVvjvi(ild in ev!eryH-particular it b- :.,oU y. i lielt that possibly is these rnid-ht The landither! period of dtsiusss'Jpfc ; v . airld ppssiDiyi an januireci ounniH jv ; Jopejn lip a diplomatic exchange on tHc naturH of the terms. -The prevailirtg : view, however, wisithat the reply . 'on itsi face j an 'ihcceptanee. although ; jiot sueh ia ,one afeprecludpd ali.possW i. ' .hility Sofj further discussion. All vitil joints f weei behead to be." conceded1 '- ': he abiandortmenilofCuba,! Porto Riqb. . - - p L. . . . :. -rrT ' .fc. .v at.'d the Ladrones. and, tne e8iaDiis:- meot of a commission to, pass, uh-jjt. questions relating to tne . f niupp-u-e. liTthe carrying out; of this prograrirrje it Vasl believed, that Spain would seek to secure an unaerstanaing ra -msip them - d ccipmci auic- ..-i--.. 1 f n!-n-h kta imnnpTQiwi). I I.I instance eon:e ttcwDt was raisew hs -u whether .Spajn'13 acceptance- wpuld be erativeintil ref red tct and ratifte 1 Tsy. thei Spanish corts. and it was ur-. .lestood that the reply might call at ntir.T. t.. this condition. The same conditlonii it' w'ai.'. pointed loutji exists ftJto Ithfe United States; for fPeac? treaty requires f herratiflcatlo of. th Utn ni4 tftlwcnme operative. : In ca? :' Spaing ajiswerdiscussed , these lncS- i :i dental: points theTe. promised to te ; H wide latitude for! controversy and del- i -i lav; uiless, the president . arid4cabindt ! h ' ! . : ileojin4d to enter the field of disc-usior t-"- - ' '.1 i.,. ir.TvnC TXT- A (ICVFII A T . ! rl liter in the afternoon the1 president -received 1 an1 mdlrect intimation nidi the Spanish: reply had corn'e to ths J JFrencJi embassay. A cabinet; officer S, , rho a with hiih! af thte time.said o 1 I aeaving: . . : j ' '-. i -Th intormaticin that has come f rot 1 lladrW about th4 action1 of the Spaii - " "" ish cabinet indicsites the Spanish, hav e t icqepted our teritis in a general way, jbut leaves veral questions open th; t ' M we did hot include in the' terms sut -ITiitted.' i! The ; ccrnmunicatipn ofering -: A ' t'iosel terms wa$ explicit,; ; specificall y ' ta ting f5uchv points as -woilldi be; ie) t l Sr. to -further negotiations.' Wewf-l ' Sad.on ts-ose terms." v - j : ' . j THE PEAt COMMISSIONERS. ' The: administration has not yet gh -; J-TOJfv- nsideration i to the pei - "v ! ' 'Ti'fieace-commission, but It i "e statTM- one not in j i ord Ith13 Ufe'JaS ;i Pines wui i,st Manila , ; vXr Efficient terr! J !i Tound Wsupt PrJ- , :v as members I of !the commlssioC",,; , , I i are . precedenU for rtneH-, ,ppoiuv-?m - notably the treaty 01 unenw , T : . nTTRSIE BATE:- . V ; i .Thi' R-ar :denariment has received a M report frpm;'GeneraIGUmore.sayini i that -the; tiussie.-'wnicir ;. ww ' '. -rrecked, is 6are.k . :; -"v. ii ttV TkAT J,ROUNI -ROBiN.' r ' . General . Shatter has telegrapaed. the president regarding the "round robin . ' : , signed iy: the general officers of ma r----command 3 follows: V ' J -j : ? Ji 1! ;can . very teadlly -see. what ln- r-::..'en3e .excitement :. the, pubUcation, must have occasioned,' a rt great u,.nv nmie r ti situation -Avarranted.-. , ..The situation is , greatty aggravated trom. the lact wiat Dtioru an; were taken ill they" 'were .'thoroughly. 'vov.tri ' A"f least 7 pel1 cent, of the command jias been xidwn with malarial lever, from -wmcn tney-reooTer ,ei:y Binxtrtv and are. in ho condition to stanl ' an attack of yellow fver or dysentery Ttnced here', now in the condition Irt ". which they-were when they came -here, eys .Peace Terms Re- f ' !rm She Proposes ltd ...Aetna's general: WAY $nd Probably Conditions"Doubts Open In the Answer for HI as toPersonnel of Our ' Cablegrams from . ! l ido not believe they would be in any parllcular danger.; Th"e- 'jjre'gilraeht of lmm tines that recently arrived is not suffering at all; and ' I dol not bel.ieve thty will. They cah ."keepiOuitj of' 1 the ..siiii,- are well ;clothd and well- fed; 'What put .my command in it present cunditfon was th twenty- dayi of he campaign w hen, they, shad nothing .'but, bread and ooie, without c hange ; ofl; clojthes, : without ahy shelter what' ever and during itheM period twte a trmyj as it -has lAn slrtt-- the surren der. 1 ; . : V ;;:; -ii-i -...i ,Nb DANGER fO" FRKSII f ROOPS 1 : ; ;! AT SANTIAGO. ' . " .'Fresh' troops reaching Ihere! in i the- 'middlef oft August, with good camps, good: water, . abundance . of ten tag ; which they will find hereHneeol hot.ap piiehend serious danger. . I thank -you for the -high regard in whi. wou hold rny command and thevSlue ofj the sip vibe they: have rendered, j It pays for jail the suffering we- have endured. ; I have read ihUs to Genefals Wheeler,;' Xawton, - Bates and Kentjj.whd concur with me Jn the view1' expressed above." HARDSHIPS U FfRSpC fROOPS :V-,: .;" iAnded. j . General Shafter in a report to the war; department emphatically , denies that he is responsible for the inade quate provision made for the sick jand wou.ndod brought from Santiago to; the United States oh the Seneba and Gen Cho. . ! '- - ' j ' : - ' General Shafter speafcs in high terms of Dr. LaGarde and says that he has Wtsrkedi under; "the .moRtldisadvarita gesous circumstances. From the day the forces, left Tampa until the present time he says that there Have.; never been sufficient "medical : attendants Or "medicines for the-daily wjants of the command. Thsee ; times since) reaching Cuba" has the command,'! he . .says, "'been almost entirely without " medi cines.'1 This statement, .he. says, is made'; by the medical direcitprs, and V 'one ! occasion thoy : suggested taking .medicines away from" the Spanish hos-. pltal. ""- - .- -- ; " . j;; ;;;;.) SECRETARY TO .RETIRE FROM OF- ."s : : ., .'; fice.' j; " ; The published report of: tl;e intention of Secretary Day to Jresignt the 'office of secretary of state upon (the termina tion of the present war is; .based upon, statements that were made at the time he1 assumed office, to the- effept that he would consent to hold it ibut a short time, i,' No official utterance as to the secretary's purposes is- now obtainable, and Secretary' Day himself deelineB to make any -istatemients on the . subject, so;it cannot be ascertained positively -whether or not the period of time which he had- in mind as to the length of his service when he assumed office. ihas 4bout expired. , I; -'. V TYPHOID FEVER IN CAMPS.i ,- The epidemic" of typhoid fever which prevails in so many of the army camps is giving the war department a great deal of concern, and stjebs; are being taken, to check the fever and prevent further spread of the disease. Surgeon' General Sternberg today .issued a cir cular, .calling attention to a. former cir cular issued by. the medical department onfApril 25th. The formers circular was deivoted 'to' reconf!meiidati?ns, for the: health - of : the' troops 1 . and minutely pointed put Vhat. to avoid and how camps should .be conducted from a sanitary point ,of ' view, together with suggestions as to food and elpthing :"fojj. .-the soMiers. It is the opinion of the surgeon general that j-these eondi titeijns have; not' been carried out and in his Circular today he saysi- ;i . ;! !:: .;' "The extensive prevalence of typhoid fever in camps of instruction indicates that : the sanitary recommendations: ilTiiie; ;in 'this circular have. .not-beenr 'carried put. If medical officers have failed to make the proper Jrecommehda tkins as indicated, the jresponsibility1 rests with them.' ' if . the jrecommehda-. tioiis have been Smade and not acted upon.1 by those having authority In the various camps: the responsibility . in not with the medical department,! but these recommendations ; should be re peated and comniianding officers be urg edj to move their camps at frequent in tervals arid t to maintain a strict sani tary ponce.'. : i . .; ;j 1, 5 -R. .C- Banks, of Lewisville,, Texas. writes that one box of DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him. It cured his piles Pf ten years standing.! He advises others to tryj Iti It alSo cures.; eczema, - skin diseases and ob- sUnate sores. H. R. Bellamy. ::- A HOHRlflLG DEATH A Yoqng Lady of Klnston Burned . to to Death From Attempting to Kindle a Fire With Kerosene Oil. - ' :( ecial, to The Messenger.) i KinstonNC., August .8. The home of Li. J. Moore, Eso, a prominent ; citi; zen of Kinstori, was Visited with a ter rible calamity yesterday about' noon th's beautifu'l I8-yqaf-old : daugHT EfJe, attempted to light .the fire in thj kitchen stove .to" prepare tea ;fqr dinner. She used kerosene oil to start the Cre.' The fire followed the oil in-j to the can which exploded, scattering the burping oil over her entire body; Her clothing was nearly alrburntroff her person. ' She died at 2 o'clock this morning aodwas buried this afternoon I at 6 o'clock. , -j ; ' ;. ' . " ' Sick headacne. biliousness, constipa tion and all liver and stomachi troubles can foe quickly cured by using those famous little pills known aa DeWitfs Little Earlyl Risers. They are pleasant to take and never rrin.. Jj. 'R..Bel- lamy. I The A. C. L, Base Ball Team f i SThev Atlahkci Coa&VIilnC base Vtolt team hadan en thu si as tie meeting last flight at the Jj. Jil CJub irpomsr on, geeopd s "etreet'.between ; Market f, Prljicess'fctreetsl Mr. GlfM.!? Jones: pre. sidedfe-ncl Vstf p ."-eretenj towada perfecting 'the - - orranization ot the team:-;,; . : ' 'hXtX "MaiiageJ Jpnes tells ua that the! per--sbaihel, of. the teem has about feeen rnadetip, ' but' it 'WJnot ;be.rhven eni iuue;.ui, mm ifc.A-jwuui, rH. h The team has -made an engS-Eeteeht to plaV a game next Saturday after moon;-wlth .the d.;A- N.-teara. :"-v 'The. meeting las nighu was largely attended and the boys are taking great Interest ia .the organization. ; - - '; J.Ir. Jones says the team Is'practic ir? hard and .they propose to; give Wilroln?t'in .some, -good ball the'-, bal s ;e cf tiie season.-' r-) .: j .... . ... r a ; t . - - i . .- m :.!.. . i ' ! r." , . . r . t it, ; :ti . ' i nnm iihtixi Tiir rnri vr-.u in t iiiu r,i iuiirwi i . j . .. i -z ; : i i t -, i - i i 1 ? .-. ; . ilil.rSfff coiumis.1 h Uimmm week. I. Messenger, readers will remem ber that the ofTicer ! attempted to pre serve oirder in a very jilsorderly crowd of negro men. an'd j'hewas. struck'1 in inei; aaj paaiy lnjprea.j: r two pr :the;Taiieged agallantsv Joe Nick Byrd and RichardByrd, were ar rested early Sunday. ! morning. They w ere arraigned In the police court yes terday at noon, but on account of the absence of witnesses f the , trial was postponed until today at noon. r - JUawyer W. E. Henderson represented thelidefndaintri and C.iPi Xbckey. Esq' the state. The counsel had quite a tilt as - to j the ( trial, first one -f wanting a continuance and. the other an , imr mediate trial and then vice versa.) ' . Yestieraay . afternoon . Polfceman C. 0,ft Kn;ox arrested, ion a warrant. Joe Frman,; IwhpW it is alleged,, was also mixed up in the assault. : ;;!;::'- ':-:....:: Choice: of : Shirt Waists, 3ac ; 25c H Pee.' - i ' 19c-; t; Ready Made i Sheets, 59c. Har gain yeek at The; C. W. Polvogt Co. x:nm il v'i-: : i'l n . ; j l esterday lu tlie Police Court 1 .iii.ay)rpib tjcm:iA;.lJ.Hewljett:. jw'asii'ii. it ' i iifj toi;hfeWiecktyeat rdayr! Hej meted out justice jtoi a Regular, as! Chief Mel ton .expressed: it, -Christmas docket. : ' Th'ose found guilty and their ; various; offenses .were, Lou Campbell, colored, disorderly bonduct;! fecwman ; :Greejj colored, ' sliooting a .pistol in the c ity limk;j Anaiie; istubbs, wiiite. unlicensed dog; Charles Fishrr, c'plored, disorder ly t induct; Gjerty ' Willis orderly Conduct, j . j j J i colored dis.'- -. - i - 1 huh Moore, ;of LaFayette, Ind., !saya that if oil constipation llhe .has r found' De Witt's! Lititlj Early Rls s to be per fect, . They never gripe. Try them for stomach and "liver troubles. R. R, Bellamy ,r, . l- !: : ; r - ; Cauip Whltuey A baudoued Brigade - which Carolina beach The Baptist! Boy lias been encamped,, atj the past; wc;ek,' with Captafn Hall G. Whitney In; command, ibroke camp and returned t tm city on the steamer Wij.ininirip estedy-lnibning. :' Tfie: b!cjysjkvWt-pwh Ion Monday of last week :fcrid havf pcp)ipied ";as bar .'racksi;the eiuh house! fortrierly used by .Mr, Hans A, Jvure,: !(. the side 'of the railroad. ias. the beach; is approached. ..They ; slept! 0i straw jj overlaid with blankets ; and Jthough the little fellows have jfbeeni; iroaghing lit 'arid are badly suhburhed,1 1 they grpatlyl enjoyed jheir OWtjng.j;:Thje! old base ball jrrounds were used for .drillis and j parades; and the ! boys jriproVedl greatly (in the company movements : as well as in - the manual of; arms:' They called their camp Ji ''Cajap; jWhitnfey " , in honor : of their ; popular commander; j J 1 1' ". ." Store ; crowded at iTli4'C.;w. Polvpgt Co. i ;Cpftiei! today, iti Is 1 their Bargain week.; ;. i::L;:!i.i; -i- j'l m .; 4-.1 : !'"-"'. ;' : : I " 1 1 f "-. i ini ' , -1 f - - -. " " .1 A Citizen Speak . Worda Of Wisdom , : : Wilmington; N. C, August 8. ; Editors ! Messenger :? j :J ,; :. '' . : Apropos of the reeeni burglaries com mitted in our in the-day time as well as by night,-f woyld suggest that we attach, a large; ;izied electric light to the helmet of ourj .police force so that they might" be: foiundAby the bur glars, as it seema impossible '.for the police to catch any . of 1 the cuprits. It has; reached the points where we must 'organize; a vigilance I committe and patrol the Streets ' with rifles wit' -at least f 100 good; men and J will' gladly devpte my. time to (this purpose, asit seems to me Jthat eu present city gov-H eminent dde ; no ' even -.make an at tempt: to put a stop tb these burglaries. j ; would a.lsP. suggest that the ; city or ooanty offer a hirgf? . reward for the arrest of soma of. these: culprits arid this may be ah incentiye:,to some of Pur -'ilnest'f to at least attend to their duties;. Some stringent measures must bci taken at once, and! I am ready"; to act !at aqy;moinenti f ' ' , " . jQbqnyisitinfe;my;hPuse today I find sevfraiaoprs pro Kenj open ana at least dollars 'worth of property carried awftyf .and. from the 'appearance of the houB j the j: burglars; have evidently boarded there for several days.-: - ; ' liespectfutly. W. , N. JIARRISS. j.'WJri fypUr iiibatitieB; against ; disease by acting promptly. ; One Minute cough, Cure produces Immediate re suits ' When jtaken 1 early; it prevents consumption! 'I And ' in later stages 'it fdrnishes prompt relief;. R. R. Be iamy;i ,;.:f.i-u;- vr 'i i -i!;;; ... . Escaped Prisoner Arrested Sam Marshall, colored, an escaped PfisPherj -vi hoj was -waited for several offenses ; as j recaptured V in' the city Saturday night by , Deputy Sheriff . J Fj Flynn and Policemen Gurfanus and Gjeorgeli';'!!. 1: til'"" "rF-i!:: .-'HI!.';- :; " fcih the l?th ;bf. Juty Marshall assault ed Shis wifie w;itii, art-axe and was ar rested ! and recognized for trlar next day j before' Justice Fowler. Instead of behaving himself, . heweVer, he return ed i home ihdJ assaulted his; wife, with ati gtin!! ba'ifrelj threatening' to kill -her ,1 lei as ;ar;relsted,: ahd;wa required to giV;e; bond ; for; his appearance, but On the way to jail he escaped from Dep uty j Sheriff Bryanti ' : - . jxeateraay. . morningj ; Marshall was given, a hearing before1 Justice- J. J. FoWler On; (the; charge of , assaulting his Wif el with ; a; deadly; weapon, and was bpun;d ! over I to the- next - term of the criminal court. In default of $50 bail was committed to jail. He will have a; hearing; itpday lon-ahother charge of ; assault '-and. battery iwith a deadly 'weapon,- andlprpbably. other , charges will! be laid kwhis idoor before the offipfers:afethrou!gvWith him. 5 .. : .; ; S.tqre 'crpwded at The CWV Polvogt; 'o. r'Come today,, it: $s theirEargain Co; Week, i:'c Ki f Board of Health iThe board hour : regular ,weeklyrj session pf the of health was ield 'at the usual yesterday 1 afternoon., Mayor Wright1 and 'Drs. Wj- p. McMillan, and G. O. 'Thomas were! in attendance. . ;j I The weekly report Of the superinten dent of i health was read and accepted, and ! three; permits: tranted: for. the re-, movial of iarth.s ""T ,: .'-. There was some discussion abpvit the. cleaning or streets ana then th meet- mj aajpurnea, Crowds visited .the ""store of The i C Pblvpgt . Co-, yesterday. , You' coine as tneir - tiargam, wreeie ."T ?, .;: : 'A:,.-. ::i, --::' Betura of Julayor Wright yj ?. MayoS. , P 'Wright .returned from. iJetroii, wemgan, 4 ounaay. -aitprnjon, R bere 'he" attended' last week the' ari- pp al meet ' r.g'.of the ? League 0 Amer I 'lcan : Jiurucipaaues r Tne1' league was atndunt ef ( imppt-tant business vtrans- actey.'i There -were J.&QO delegates, pres ijit repr6ini;ny,sthjrty-fpur-"state's and" seventy . eities. t ; ' - Mayor Wrig-ht;ts loud jin, his, praise gave themj 'and- theopn Lospit'flty extended during their: entire, stay. THE NEW D1FFIGULTI Irelleted as Couuq Alleged : Term of Spain' Be' to nr. Mcltlu- i ley'a; Peace Ten Ssau Iflaa i Dlr-t louim icaflon With Oar Wo- ';.. ' .i 1 frnment ubi . a to When Dlmri ' Si e got I on Will ' Begin To Maiue v! 0 ) i-i- J Commlmlonenk p 1' Madrid, August 8, 9 a. m The Uh - ral this morning says: "The gov ment Accepts the'l United States cbndi U tlons ad referendum, believing that it is not authorized to without j the vote of . McKinley objects the cede territory the cortes. j If cortes will be A fresh note convoked this month. "from Spain President AIcKtnley, replying -to js". reply is expected during the course of this week.1 J Continuing The Liberal 'expresses the opinion that "certain passages ojf Spain's reply may lead to an exchange of cable ::. : i i'-i . possibly messages of a critical nature, .: ' - f.'! ' . . ' ' . 'i creating!: fresh, difficulties : ; Paris;- August 8. The Tenips -today says: "Fresh and energetic instruc, tions have- been i sent 'to .Mv Cainbon, i : : 1; -'i-. " . i t i ' ' !. j ( the French ambassador tat Washing ton) to secure the release of the French feteamer joiinde Rpdriguei,- The mlnk ister for. foreign; affairs, r foP a week past,, has pointed;; out to the United Stated: that her detention is arbitrary and illegal' and has laid stress on the tact that; she has; diplomatic inail bags dn boanl." ' . -; -r- . , j. v if" ; ; ' .f- y'he French steamer Olinde Rodrf-. guez Was captured by the New Or leans on July 17th off San' Juan ;de Portb Rico and was taken as a . prize into. Charleston, S. C. ; ; ' j.i :.. ' '; ' ! Madrid, August 8, 8 p, ni". Senor 'Sagastal when asked today' by the correspoiident of .the Associated Press whether there I Was any truth in the statement cabled ' to tie- United States that .he had cabled direct to Washing ton on thev subject of Spain s accep tance- of tive American peace condi- .denied that hehad sent any such c6n-' inunicatiori. Thel premier" added , The ,nogotiatidris will follow the us-r nal diplomatic cojirse, and M Cambbn 0 il!" : iuiM of pa all IPOETANT EVE5TS OF t A Li Ambassador uiibon Receives Peace Demands NJt is Not Yet 'liven Out.'bjit s Supposed (tp be " an Acceptance in a. General Way; General ShafterSays Troops' Not Suffer from Sickness ' !j Brigadier ville, N. C. j GeneralX Poland Dies of -fy ii At Clarendon, Ark.,a. Woman Men 'are Under Arrest, the Former Charged Twitli Latter to Assassinate jr Husband; july. ;. . ! ; -.'ii;:': ! The Postof fice Safe at t j The Liberal, of Madrid, Answer May Lead tb Fresh Difficulties. A: , F'rance Sends Energetic I nstrnctions as to the Release of the Steamier' Olinde j Embarkation of Spanish JPrisoners at ISaijtiago! Will louay; kr i ;: - -; The Wre ;kers Say the! Cristobal Colon-i in Very Bad Con' . icy Fear She Gmnot bit Raised lllf v ;; I . 1 j !; I f rf ditioh and They. : ; Negro Soldiers Rescue a Prisoner frot and he Flees the State. the French .ambassador at Washing ton, will present; Spain's note to PreBj; identiliMeKinley.'i' , .." .1 .::::.,! f f London, August 9. The Madrid cdr-j respondent of the Times says: i"The promptitude with! which the Spanish cabinet accepted j tlhe terms, on. receipt Of the American explanations' shows -that it does not! desire to waste-time in, dilatory, procedure. The question when direct negotiations will . begjinl is rather doubtful, probably because ; the cabinet is resolved to act sprup- ulously In accordance with the letter, and; spirit of the! constitution, and the best authorities disagree in, the inter-t pretation of the constitutional; lawj It is believed tha; the 'direet hegotia-j tions will occur Iu Paris," , - 1 -1 I ENGLAND OFFERS TO MEDIATE . 9 p. m. It is said that as soon isi the American reply, is received Senor Sagasta will nominate peace commis sioners. El Liberal saysk -"The government from . England to deceived an offer mediate. .The offer was favorably re garded, but was1 1 not accepted." The paper j says further: "The , presence of a large British squadron near Gi braltar is clear evidence of an under standing, if not j an alliance, between England and ;theUnited jStates.'J ui : The Chief Burgess of Mile BUrg, Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are. the best pills he ever used in his fam-; ily duxi forty years 1 of house ieep-j ing. They cure ponsnpationr i sicm headache' and fitomach and I liver roubles, St 11 in size-but great Jni results. R.R. Bellar- .pi; . J . t ; V 1 . . :: - : f 1; turday and Sunday Mi's. Mayo'S superior hotel ort Wrightsville Beach was thronged with guests..' Some noted were:!'.-. .,' ', s. r; A. M. Clark and wife, Southern ines; M. C; aijss Em Jtsutier, : Alle gheny, Pa.;- Miss Rose Butler, Pitts burg; Pa.; Miss Janie ; Clark,, West Kna; Miss iiien McDonald, west n;na; Mf. McDonald, West, End; A. J. Moore family and nurse,' Marion, S. C-P Miss H. Barnes, Elm City: J. P. Swaim ah ltnanlv Vu'ltt hanu O. C. pocrane and lottet F. A. Cocrahet and S?4 wire, ,t;nar lO'tteifW.-' P.tCocrane- and twife, -Char lptte; .Jphn Alexander.. Charlotte; ti. R. McEachin, Laufinburg; W, K. Mc- iauu.,i',. j wnariente ; Mra. j vim y gel,' 4" Charlotte; - Misar Emma , ybgel, Charlotte: A. J. Cramptori, Charlotte; J.- J.r'McCauslandi- wife,- wo. ctaarfen OKorffttrfl (Iaa T T a rt tn ft n a n v wuruue, . oil; Air j , t-t. . ..-j- t J Charlotte; Miss Ada .Thomas, i-Greens-borof I. H, Howell Charlotte; C. W Parker, V Charlotte, and D. O.- Rase, Rocky ""Mount. v- i " il" ;. ' ' ,t c-.'v;::,!:.: .:-.f - :n wr: . -. ..- ' . ----..!::... . '- Hawaiian Coiuuussloners to f all Tu .. ; . ', ; morrow. . ' I " . v.- '': . . ' ' .-. . ' '"' : . ' r- San -FrajicLaco, i August 8. The- Ha waiian comrr;slcners, Ser.ators CuUcrj and.LIora'i, ,ad(Beprer -r.tative. II;::, have arrived. in this, city .and" will take passage for Ksnoralu on the Mariposa earns?; w &li.izzy; . '.-. ; t . . .j t -; 1 i-im -r- K rust's JerTi lBrl;-,iIe Supported bar lArtil- Fpit& tne , Center4fkwa With the BlerentbiRnaularJ and Two Batteries m on tne :t?i-- ' ! tert-Brooke n tne Kllglit -'S'he Conference Between khlps t ;: : S-. . : i ' . Miles : Ponce, I Ponce, an Hrooke ?lore itt;. i' f . i H It-:.". r - I .: -: --' : PqiN(dieo, August tfA 6eP- eral adv antQf the Amerjckni forces began : thiasiteclrning. The temainder of Genenai 2rn4sts brigade, Jcchstiturti ing th,e. adtatit'fe center, '. supported $y two batteri' ihbyed oiit at to o'clock. and a pkrtujthe Eleventh ijjifantry. of General f Henry's diyisiom n ". 1 .v started to the left, Ibard Adjunias. ! ITrnoh iA fo-IlNew York: tliel Phila- delphial Cit.'Lirjjbps, j and ftrJo H, of the Sixth regulars, are 4oH tovin'g ili '"cpl- General Br&okCs transportijtia I -1- i i umnalohg fticoast irqad tMi rougji Salinas 'to L'r?tM; . '.. 1 . - i- 5 - :- e ' General -Wihn has moved fchbhea- quarters of division frqtn Ponce to Juana! Di ! ( Sh1yan, with the .5.. . - Eleventih regular ihfalt.y : and two; ek; ' s - . . ' batteries, moved itpda? ' through Yaudb- itpwarkl Mnvne'iiei- ' '.) .! ' ' . ii Geheral'Mrooke is mo vine !': north v n r- .. .... J . . ; 1 ' I . fromp Gufivasaa with 10.000 mn!l! 1 . " Wire fcor&anication ; with; ' general Brooke, qn the right, has not ypi been estatilishid.itf'i-S ."!-'; j; 'S 1" ' - Colonel Rij;fe,gxjf General staff," will probabl;jbVassigned to tlj coni .mand of j the .Sixth Massaen! isetts. Madrid) AeguHt 7 An off 'Ml , dis patch f roin pprtb Rico says ie .Amer icans ysiterdaV seized the custom house IpJ : iel village ;pf Fajdrjito, which plaeej was witiaojiit a) garriso a. f i ! An Ainjrilab. column, thd jdspatci also adds supported .by art! lery, aci vanced ' oh Guayama. . The "Spaniards made a t jav'fe defense but wifn forced to withdraw tc? Alturasi sevemeen 01 ifho . Snnriilarda lwere I killed J ill I' I ENCE. . 'I. j, r. Ponce, Island of Poncej Island :;of Porto Ric, uAugusit 8, : (Morniiig)-General BrooMe lii here i'-r X V -l : ' .A'l I S 9990p Jeply to I Spafn.'s McKin With iiMayiisfoints Left Open Going to Satitiago Now Will i IK 'Fever at Named ?rC and Two N fgro Hirin the .!( Vh -as . Murder en Mil Monroe is Burglarized. HEIMY hinks; Certain Passages, in Spain's tolut'fessador Caaribon; Koo-igues.. i i.r .fc :- " I ' 1-1 in - Bbginl itlitjail at in con: prence ce - with Major 1 Gemera Mile's. Jfore; is ' still ajt tdayamaj A force . AbM 400 reguiarj Spanish; troops areVWtiblied; about eiib?t'mire; away. I.--, .'ftt.b' - i -i t" 11 -li ;The umtfu: "states cruiser Mdntgom ery and -the ,'b.aspital ship (Relief have arrived: at tha -port of Ported 4 'I thine EfeWtets iWtch bafeel sklva is the fines, tjcenaration 011 th mar-i ket for pilesv -writes JpjhnCl Dpin,1 of Wheeiing . w.; ya. Try it iand txiuj will thing 4fcsathe,: It talsoj curea Bellamy. "f i ; . '' -- ii :'-: JFrgn!-, Nantucket Two Iverj-flcome "tfisijtdrs arrived. in the city,3u. day.. Thvyj V? rl - nd purmer'a; Engineep WfA5tT,urlong y& Mate T. Aa Whitney, froin 1ihe Nan . 4fv, - nvrrt j;i . -., '. . . J--, . . ; i 1 ; . lUCKei.J KOI "brought man from pur." b'jys, . whp are hearty. Mate Royal ': ,: Wtney: lasts; bight, long will be Wit us. until sorhe weekj !':'; ?.:-; i I." - i". y Excursion R. E. sipn to Pipkin Will run anpthf Norfolk;? Washington timore Augftst -2rd. i Price! from Goads boro to Norfolk: and return I $2.50 i 1 Baltimore aWU Washington 1 City nc return is Train leavfes dloldslporq Tuesday, mpRittigr on arrival. of .train. froni : Wilmmetoa; you two dayP: Baltimbre ;dr i Wash4 ingtoni CityCKTehants land t business" inen,1 take; al vantage "of this JlowJ tate and visit : Ba iit-iore prj i Washihftonj city, ior r thr par ticularsr; write ta manager. R. Ej. PIFKINJ Goldiboril: N. C. - aug a. 2t aiy 4&;t s-s I - I SI J i teii.'i i 'J Fine sermon : ;.The RevJj Martfn i4C Salemj Va., preached r ai il o'clock 'oi' Sunflajf for theVcohgigdtwn of (tb.e f rst Bapj tj-t church.. i;i:j ' tUt Waa Jud res vil,. l &rtA Yia rtietlirso! '. kthiit fJideon'fi Gidebn'A i JEII serfmGntwas a tnd one -and -a. hhi-t",tlatediby. a lareeeon llXiJtfL. U- Wf?L- iM mts - -?v,. --ij ' . -"'-: -.t ' aI.iMncb; Ife anablef ojf preach I "H feth "birthdll; Next Sunday ' the Re"v., G. K'Finch WiaiiameU'tta will, "breach morning j md night" it Hhe Flrsti 3apti$t, church,:,: He is' a younr and egpabler minister, find the. congregation will be fortunate tn;ba"' conduet;thiseryice$: JSoldJer ?ie of Typhoid Fever - Fernandini? i:-Augdst t8Captala Weaver of coinnanr A. of Third Ch'io, md "Harry .11 Adams of a company tn -Thlrtyfsecc-if&.l-l; Michigan ..j, 1 regimer pth: .dled.j. fliglay;" of yricjidsfever. I lanes.- jr; messages fall well andl returned i tto -Port! but 1 Chief t Vui itlme next ;if exeur4 fend Ban i it.' Jsunaay was pis T)n-maay ana a.n i :-Be ev.: v.- JKayner u. pas- i s a married! man! there will; inom l'tai Btp AndWa; a0,!! ironrietv-iii istatinthati ttfcaa i hid &liffl I 2mn2, . . - ,'L.. - - t i .. i. . i. i-uiDnpn .T'nniiwi wi iiiTiinrn . niLU .4.uil V": Dockeryj ;to fcome'. dowh-'V in behalf of Mr. Keith. v Wfe! learnt bow- eyer. that colonel Oockejry -will not consent to do sol t' He clkjms that the nomination this j; iixaf b in'g -to; the republicans, according t iu the. agfee meent; with thef populii ts iW-hen the : fusion arrangements made' .two years ago. The republicans claim that, the populists agreed that if the repub licans would support Mr Martin, who was elected in 1896 and .' 10 served in Gcingress the previous Herm. !' they would support the, republican nominee Ir. Bellamy, the democratic nomi nee, will therefore have Colonel IKicR erV 'a.3 his opponent and Ie has some hot i shot to fire into i bid h Dr. li. M. rs or ment, 01 1 uumperton. another republican, is still in the ftelJ, and if he is not. induced ;to quit the race; there will be two re jjublicaii can didates to vote; fori f : Crowds visited the i s-tPrv of The. xt. W", polvogt Co. yestexday: You ct today, it is their iBargaiin; i'WVfk. ' : 4- A-TOInister's-House Entered Lais t night about 8:30 o'clock, fhe resikjenee of the; -Rev. J. 710 North FourthV s'tpieet. W. . K ranier, 1 was entered, hutl inottiing was carried; .away, con- to the rule whjicli has;, been iri vogue of late On the; contrary s sonve- thirig was left for MH" Kramer, and his family. A " t-V( A ' ' "' . The persons Who entered! the "parson age were a lot of the members of Mr. Itramer's congregatioh an 1 they caime loaded diwn with fgodd .things. : It vi'as a leavy poundingi that Mr. ' Kramer gotjf and, cf . course, Vbt'n the good peo plecallecL he was-'taken etkmpleteiyiby surprise . In a feiy : ' neartelt and e!o-quei-t words he expressed ljjis t hakns to his jriends for their-kind remembrance. Xfy. Kramer ihas j been 1 pastor of Brooklyn, Baptist church nearly three yeaf-s, . and" there is. ho "pastor in the" citjj who! holds -a yarmeri)lace in! ;j.he hearts o'fj his flock.! The hurch 'has prospered: and grown in strength un der, his ministration, "and tie-, grows in popularity with his p longer. Jhei stays.- with themi ; iargain Week, and .Clearance ale at The C. W. Polvogt Co. , I; 1:1 i FELL FKO.TI iA HOUSE TOP : J i ; ,.j A Painter Falls Thirty Feet and Badly Jttturt. ff ' t L ". ' Yesterday afternoon a ccflored paint- r,J Tony Black, while at Work on the -house of Mr. B. G. Worth; oh Secpnd Street between Chestnut ;and Grace, fell a distance pf about thirty;f eet, sus-i Italnihg serious! injur.: ' 'j :' :;..; ' I o'clock Black ; placed ihiSi stage inr place atj! top of 'the"' residence on tne nortn- siae. ; tie tnen goltfiiponj the stage; and commenced j ; to iwqij,. when suddenly one of the -tjwo. hooks, which are always attached over theves. came unfastened, and Black aniqSthe tage wenei precipitated to the grbjipd below. - It was a fall of about thirty feet; and it was truly a miracre that! 'Black was not killed. As it was, hej Struck the ground in iah dpright; popipon, ieei nrsc. .vons(?queiiM , lie wds3 saved from fatal! injury, . but one of has leg's was broken; his 1 head badly cutMjia'-jpint of a finger torn off and 4 matr .other painful hurts-, intlictea. ; Medical aid was at ontp, sought, and Dtsi; I Frank H. Russell and Thos ! h: Biirbp,nk brought to the injured .'man. They made an examination, and then had. him. removed to the city hospital;, where his wounds-; were dressed.- At lastiS accounts last night the sufferer swaii.' Resting easy. . :! . :-Blfck lis an employe .of , Mr. -A. I. CPokseyj and is af mlrried man. At the time of iTthe 'accident he was one of several hands at work on the same building: -1 : i ;-;rri - -f.s'Al ':! :-; ':! I' V ''" -i ''.'.;' l.-T'- . -' BargainWeek and Clearance i tie at The; p.. Wolvogt'TCP-i: . !; ..,;-! jlSuueral otMr. James O. Bom den . :; A that was mortal fof the lamented artdi venerable Mr.-i James; O. Bqwden laid in the graye. Sunday after fat! Oakdale cemejteryj. j The fu- nocffi neml ; services took: place : at St. An drew's Presbyterian x church at 5 o'cfiCk that afternoon andTvas con d defied by the Rev. B. E. Wallace, in theabsence !pf the pastor, RevV. A.. D. Mcflure. ' A special Choir( Consisting or! ir. and Mrs JanieS ;D. Smithi Miss CaHiie White ! arraj Mr- R. .H. ' Grant, i j sai?f theK hymns, .andl .Miss: f pcaaontas.V Brift presided at ! the prganl As the- . s . ..'-.- . . - j . . ... . . ' rerriains ,were entering the church the choiT touchingly sang th? nymn oe giniig, "Sleep on. Beloved,' Sleep,' and Take "Thy Rest.", f hen followed J ap oroorlate scripture ; reading, after j' whych . was sung j the bymh .beginnings Crne, xe( uisponsoiaie.; Aiijer prayc; ahd Scripture reading the choir tender ly sang the hymn beginning ""Asleep In Jesfs," while the remains were being carried from! the' churchv !!!-: ;.''. : s., t A' large number of, persons, attended, nef funeral. Including ?L John's Lodge No;l, A. F. &;Ai M4 pf which the de ceased I was a member; ' From the chJ-ch a large conppurse followed the renjains to ' the cemetery!: where the ser-flces : were concluded with Masonic ojjprs conducted by Mr.. Richard r(e, acting- as Wpt'shipful Master of SurJohn's Lodge, i At the! gitave the' chir sang "Nearer My God to Thee." Th- i grave was laid with . many beauti ful mowers as a token "Of affection and resaeet te the.; memory of, the deceas ed .The honorary pallbearers were Drj W X Love andT Mr. Alfred' Alder ma'o, old friends of the deceased, and MisrS.H. H. ;Munson and'C. H. Rob inson, representing St. Jphn's Uodge. Th? active pidl bearers were Past Mas- loi W VV 111. i vllaut,uu ml v1-: .-- yjim c loce,. andMessrs. S. P: McNair, Jesse Wllder. j WV'M. Poisson, j Thomas F. e."Jt : 1," ial.tteHd theVfuneral: JCr.'J TmCoU I liuiB: Mrs. : JoVn W. Cowan,: Mrs. I Wifl CSpllins andMr. George.CoUins., of liEDKam an and. Mrs, Celestia J,ColUns,V of I pom ; jWden tonfiected himself ' wjth 'that ireh. itelerraphed : sympathy -and rds of - consolation. the , bereaved iily. - He -said he etted; that " he - prevented ' from mingf' to IWU- kgton to; attend, tha J , - ITefbre tbe Jad budget Bcrnemann:, hadAtwo cases yeiterday; and; will, have' mto; todays Wuliam Fisher, colored, wai ytred for isortJferiy, conduct, buti : deteVobIti the oass -w-as' reserved until noon to-, diy. Then Clayton: McLanrin, color - cdl sSbniitt?d 'torcharo assault aiii battery, i and JudsTnent,, waajf us- " r 1 -I ' - - V his reei do cun Reported by the AVrecl to in i': 1 i possibility to .Raiseier-A-Mbre off Shatter's1 Ann y v ; .'i : : ;!" Ml " j : - Itt l--t! i I- ii k - hH 1 t Xi j 1 Uauo Spauish Mst)iner tbt Hcgin Eoihorkintt Admiral jSaiJrt Expressed Desire U be Reriw ; r; seated jCcftotiatloa :J:' - il - T - t . Canttago' de C.uba, m.fhd;"tra.B8portjs. Mta .Mttea.ns; and! ii igilancia. loaded r,?n - n Crilted. States - troop sailed ! fori Mi United 1 Statfs this 'irncuTih.fiT h tradsprt i;;(3.r'and 11HSui;Ui 1 laa yej ' .w-ith ,it ;rmM.and ;omcers( Am' Thlri the! Se-ven'ty-iiyst NeW:' f flMirkt-i P&ya dl KstevP de :ubii, August's, Npon,? elMltt' -C hapman w rWckihg jsteairj "otdjri acj :.has UirriYdi'it' 'hf sc-jene theittl of -, f u i y 3r. i. ; h d Ih asiti i s iKgtij Cr is !o -bal (.Um. Th 'wreckers import her U be j in a lery;l bad situatilsiiiai jtriey f is impossible ittS ive !beki!i l ! t - i'The Maria ; Teresa iaW' f t:ryet flouted. j,'":-' j"", -! '-r'fSTijjf.r Lf "' ' - " !'" ..- CIS?'!-.!-. m ;, .ihe-auxaliatiy .gunbrve-lbaa ie iui ivu :.vuauiuuaiTio pa jrom-ottn-' tiatj). . Otherw ise there", hi- been i Wo moiemet. of the vessels '!c&p$lng!. the American . tl-et. The 'wS?j8hi,pS fare rsady to sail; at twelve hot is notieel I Sajntiago o! Cuba, ' Augll 5:29 p.: m.-4feneral Shafter and f a Spahibh genleraiv' iToral, held -a Suitatton jat 'the ('palace this afternoons slth' regard to the embarkation of the,ipanlsh pris oners of war. 1 s a result "of the iwii--ferehce-, '1,060 Spanish slck.ind WoUnflJ i ed Will be taken on boaidi Alicnjte ipmprrow' morning aAd .,-C't:M sSaan as soon as 'the vessel Is pperly load- eu. tj inere, is n ip oe no: canciiings: tr waiting of transj)orts. .Kth iwlll jsill as soon as it rival here. Washington can be i lea3;3 after vai"- "."J.eiai ; August S.&f opd dekl of light is thrown upon. Jie relatloha between the .jajrmyl and! fiaj; during the critical period; just pBOpetfiJfe the ur , render of Sahtiagp, by eaacts frPkni Aanurai ampson s report gated July 15jth, which; is( now madRttilie: by the navy department.' "- 1 -' X."' ' ! i ' Jt; had been the adirilrJs - desire- to do : everything., possible .t co-operate with General! Shafterj j Triji attack kg proposed by; the gen?ra)n Santtaio was in complete accprid wfth ithe rvjpws held by the admiral aad dSScu,98ed ith his staff. A fo'mal arrangement under date Pf July 6th was myefor te attack' by-' Captain ChadWiv.: repre senting Adm.iral Sampson' ntl, General Shafter.: ; This was followed by consid erable correspoftden.cei .1T?l-w,'l. On - J uljr 6th General ShMter seat ' o the commanding general lit 4 Spaa ishj forces ai- propdsitioii ti surrender andsayirig -that unless is ' was ar ranged by noon spf the 9tnpa bonibar, ment of the city Would-bi begun 'arid Eonuoneajwun me .neavyisguns; o: tee ships,; the city being- withij&isyi range of the guns.('; GeneraUSMfr.f.saidi T? make tbluggesU(Sii;;Misurre$i der ; purely In a oumanilfrlnsplrtt: 7 -dP: not .wish to cause-, 'tfeyaughttr bf any, more' men eltbeiLjydufxcel lency's f orces : oj,.Tmy" m& the final result under circumstanais fity: dlsaiw vantageous td. your exllcy. peingTk foregone concluslon.!nrr!a'V w July 9th! General &af tfigsifnew orct A i A 'J t , 1. . " i m ; Aumii i oaKiiyavTi inR. ish i commarfder . roposeFtb abandqA SafTtlagMf permitted ; to jmrch Jbatr to .Ilolguin and; hBtbe attacjd en.rpute. j. utr -iruc-e win cununiK iaff-tn pre; andI will nqtlfy'you-of fJ dig-c'ontis uance."; j " -: -4 .-.-r-- ing-or the next-morningifaiow1ni;:"this vuiougu no aate'is ncateqrtne gen eral Said. "I desire .you Vf begin fif ing uppn Santiago d GWalgs, riear4 t. mi todavi as possible." ':. 'r ten Jul "Messages I sent yuU,yt&dayanid today have ' apparentlyteRen TeeeiveJd by.: you. I have Justi asfd; that iyou commence firing on Santiago, at 4 fc. i;,5 and sent; you thisSrn6t2inig-our,-laJ est; map of 1our-positlin,Iap'you; b-' gin, bombardment toraorrwr morning? .If ybili cani. .please da" sodr;ontliiUe If ia!s 1 arranged with a&ln -''Chad' lck.'. ;. -' t- 4 -J4; .4 i i , iOh the-morhingtpf Qi a! the navy' position ' Was takea- v&lc$wl& Ijjto-;" tllo oeacn, ai. Aguaaores, wneu tt&e ,fc!roo- bombardment!, of Sarttiars from i$;27 o'clpck a. m.i until 1 pttpte p.' ra,.' at Which! hour ;it was req'u?seu jby Gen eral tnaiter; that: it shpuiWl eease ;-:pn July 12th, a report iWsenX trorli he army as; to the .faH.;sh.lJ.isbowfr i Jiisr n??T il ih that vithe iflre had beev-" vtrrY. effed tiviTtand ithat; several flrei"ha'Started in; j the city and ,nearjy the"; shell fell within the citv UmitS. ' Admiral Sampson notiflf-d' General Shafter bn. the 12th that 'be? -proposed to: pegin tne1 bombardqeOT ext morn ing jwith 3-inch ! shelly J(jieN,prego Aiassacnusetts .. ana iWJatuz werv promptly on ihand oni.thtjk tv.irnmg""jf the 13th prepared tp nre&s On the-wv ening pf the 02th the adrulral was- no tified jthat truce existefsand that ail firing mustxl be u discoatff tieti. ' during hostilities.! To' this1 tte iiedmirat-re- piied:!--. '- -t- - ; j'-: ! :- J-'r fl&-VT V "I am. now prepared -toijlieh -the- cltv of ISaintiagp Jwithi threes my largest iron can awa 1 1 July L l4th 'i the I enemy-igsurrenderea without further actio "bthe-Vneet u 1 Admiral Sampson had t th' previ ous day Informed Generithafter'.tbat he desired to be represenlyi m.-the ne- gotiations for1! surrenoeri -apt it, was tne result ef the fprces.' ;! .I; iL work 1 1-. m,$i -1,1.'. f -, :-iStii-tsrxT til' pHiJi 'DEFENSE : OP Wa8hingtoiil "August Tbeseer94 tary of the navy has rr vlved several letter ; violently attacu5B violently attac:jB i .Admiral Sampson. In 'reply to o t them, .the secretary; partpa.-F;4;V.i i V- A 1 - iui i-A it, '"Nairn'.. Ttoati-r tertian : i ' !mrWashington; .Ptrt-Augtist'i: "M7 'Deai-' Sir:,i am' Mi? receipt - of tnati wnaii you ; say i,,aDj.ut - Aomirai Samp3oaria Sd u'niustithaM ftin only ,be, pardoned on the grour pf 'yout; lgi i ,'.1. l t - -r - . i (Sampsort. wafeselected jfdr di ritt&rf$mnz f Atlantic squadron - because tbe idi(aKment 1 txt the exercise of fits et ttgmamv witn 1 am-eyet Single- to? the. py$j$14h IntereatSj believed that he -was esitecfallv firtel for .the.plaee; The movetent on Porto K.cq ya? ot a aiowmestw its cap ture,,, :- ;-iiV--V m '-" $ Owrytv.m-emem :VrlWi; Rico th -as beeap", - ?nr o!?sancMpina .Itoirerf 1 .-it-re ' - this t - ' . king ' I"' : 'iBl ia at ? the rate. Inural explicit . arm - : . tnen jr? a-: y . "W. , : 1 into,; the i rt Sampson 3 ; orders of t., .- d his arm ore 1 si.; by j' mines a- t -- the' -,-fC- 0. sin. :l.e . t dom: pi ti-.s -f , ; if thqty.;!, Santiago.' li f.naii-i.':-;7-ftb 'Vjji.j.- v j.1 :-Nett- ;day ;lhe general torhwd' ih adrnlral thai; Mt was expe'id th boh , bardment' wofild begin thSarneevea Then appeairs this lWteWffbW Sfcat- to Sampson undei dai'i'tJ.Btbotiey; -ciaos wiin. i-Kicnfi'projecuiesj commence at dshPrttotice WiU E'vour; sifimai '1. . L7;t.-a .--im.e.i w - .. , - - Very Bad Condition-Fean of X Luvie San Tfjaj... for.SurTCnvler of I I": . i :- ii. believe.; univernally s ahowledged: by naval authdrUle V wlalted. as he should have dune, the i . oberation of the army. How effectuA ' ' lji!uBar' tb!' co-opiftratlon ; th. reaxl wis accomplUhed, is now a matter; iV h)stpry. : Il "; -i'r . ' ' 'B : ::' '( I . t ': :';i-t' :a.1 '.ca'aT.veliv'.'''ndtVtaa4 -! hjr tb ffiends of other aracers would bf.w, enthusiastic!; and earhestas I am In - g!tnR themtb credit-they so richly ei-ery. ne or them deerv for their- lorlpus.woirk, I cannot conceive of anybody noj mean ) as t detract by a : . single ibalr! from their merit, i But I anotVutiderstaud why such' a bitter ' feeling'; manifested fin many quarter tuwaxds-N Admiral tsampson.; when u s these QlBcrs r subordinate - u him In their rervoris. -clearly and eordislly ree V tnise the f,act, although et the begin. rjig he was, by orders from Wsshi i tfm.'rslng to confer, with General SA ' J J wn Jvl pav.'"; was .. luugm ; unv ;. 1 his orders, ;arrt that the victory 'wai . u; y. . .,i,i.i.itA.i L.r :ki., J-' " .i v prparatipn.;!l Fori myselfy.lij. . 'A Cham vith lAHral ; I or Jiave their Just desert Eve hem deserves ; unstinted pr 4ne pf : them J deserves ianyth "J f than full measure for that davy v tnore erui'I than a depreclatioh ot merit! of the faithful devoted; 4atrUt-i c , 4 commander-in-chiefs physically. fraii, 1 worn "with t sleepless . vigilance Weighed down with measureless-sf pbnsjbliitiee ; and details, ietung ;tQ uty go: undvme: .(Js .v.-l :i . ,f lm ; ;, 1 1 i" ; ' i- ; i . -i ?i:;;. :rxjj Tha' editor: of the nEnrans ?ity Pa.. ; otoe. i writes. . "One Mlnutej. COUglt ure Is rightly named. . It cared my hlldrea after all other: remedies fall- e d." It f ures coughs, oolds ana all, throat ana lungr troubles. w- R. Del- iam-.- ; ' : f -1 ":; ::.t':'!:i:.f .-.; ;;-.; jlij;.". Thrtlllns Adreuture vlth a Bl Alla tor. ;ift Yesterday afternoon Messrs;; 'S. popes and J. Boyd went in adiatt',!'U; Khrouan Katries isiana on a, . lexpeditlon. : They rowfiTJ md bridge on the causewa over Allga Creek." and" in-ihea bay that lav lust beiotHfhe. brldga they sbied a W jtgator' e wimrnlng" across tjhjp ' creek. They .made for him and Mr. Jones ytjjlicktjm.? .mitb . an oarJi Tha . gator" was a large one and he gsve a furious jfllrt ;thati Upset the small boat throW-j 3ng both ocxAipanta into the water. They were(, nearly frightened "out! of tbelp fwltSr-but the saurian evidently did not -; -iupsetthemf on: purpose.- as he disan-' peared under .' the .water ahd did not . 1mcnest;them:tf 'v' f ', "--'' ;"'' ! Hose to shore and they had jnot soon- ", SerstruQk the water than; they Bcram-t bled .onto tne- .bottpm of the upturned :. ; boat and eot-is ashore, where .they ud Vighted It. and 'balled tha water out. '- : ' Both -ot thena - have sworn off from , ; ta'ckHngr aligators when-they go fish- s V iog. Then say the gator appeared to ba Tl?."" . about' eleven ffeet' lon&! and fit 'is . f " lievedthe fJsithesblR saurlai Odtt ' i year xjie 'sovhad bis- haunt 4eVr"tfc f; . bridge overt Brunswick rfveri : parties " ' ' passing in : ooais got after mm several -. times.- andl warrled the. catotf so much ! - ihatjverythhe;a .' boat 1 eame In bis y ; neighborhood he wduld attack H. vlt-w f w'tllfbei remembered that Th. Mesen- ' , j?er .iast summer warned .fish trig rpar- - . ;1 ties tp ttoeep a sharp wok ouf for hial . tfH wnen tney passea.- urunswicis: eriue, as . - , ; they .might not know; 6f the rrndge tha r. 1 gator bsdagaJnst -boaU'rUsHall7-,J'a;i-W - Jcaforsi. doti't' mblest anybody ;;. "unless theyare iinterfered. with." r f ' V-? "'g''1 " " i;' y ' '" ' :" ': -?"f-Y. ou'sandis ,JbCpersona';hate1"'ni ! Jrj, cufed or piiesiDy, using; pewutt -wrtctt ; . ' JIarfel SalVei; ! It I heals promptly.aBd i;! cutea ecaema and all skin diieasss. Ik - . " glyes immediate .relief. Ji. ; It. -' BeU - V lamy. '; , . ''U '. ..-v tr f'i ' -l N - . t - IIfrls 5Iuntatns! , ' V-lTia annual; excurst-m bver ithe, Cape , ear and !Yadkhr Valley railroad -rotrr. thfacity"toMt.; Airy', will be' r tin, on,", . the 18th instant,- returning ibtta days later," although v any of the excursion fets, an-remalrt over and return- at, a Sri vial 6ost of 'IZ.S,' Thee excursion have always ' been- vt br Vt-llghtt u'l r i ture-and . a source -dt great pleasure tf ; manytand.'thls .pnewjH "sltriply b H ' rtpetltienv -Last , year Mr. J. - Wallf1 Tbdrbhrn- had charge of tha'excurfe,; andUhevsame Jplly, .fafele, "hustli, gent wilfofnciatii la t..o sari" capacii w ,i una time. . - . .1 - . . - , Aciuaxiuiis liner .t . . ' 4 Mr. M. '"AJ "Whisnantj " of Reancke. '"'.' Ya.i Is in the city the Interest of the Aetna Lithla -Water Company, and will" darry on the bc-'nsa as . usual for Mr R, Ward, fit Dr. W. It. Gre'n's pharmacy. Mr. ' irar is convalescing. t and we, expect hLa on? the streets soon ' aigaln iWe" solicit'-former pati"onage . and your order wiP. be promptly filled, r- 4 AETNA LdTHIA WATER CO. -."- ;J R.rEWARD,-Agent, Z't; i .- ?v "".-.-'. .-'' r. ;'!. -..1 ;- i':r, '; - Services at t!i IaalaiK.:; 'Steel CV Jill .Jtli3"J iL, JiWlUI. Vi, ,(?feek church; t Mecklenbi.rjk.'wumty. : beld',rellglous gervicp at thel hbtel - Sunday, r: ' ' -. ins "a t and' tit , the -,yt l. v p : ear, 5 plocii Sqnay'ft Vttooni jaod i andyat thati : ' congt both- services. ( btioha' at -'both ervc- the,.Sl; Silver : Cross. : Tas Rsyal is the k'est arstis f; ! ; ; fcawa act I ttsssois i ' !: t : . tLirdturtlMr tasa aav al f : liiill I la Jli w ip . . i . - 4- ' ! i . '" i ; ' w i 4 . somtaiy stam&: r mm -3 "'.ijnt flw ' "J ovJB fob; the 1 .-4;:.' -.: . - ! wmmm A ' !;.rr:iL ; H;H;-'1X-- : It j. i 7 '"k. ')Xa' X4A'Ma - ,1 ' " . ' 'V''-'-' :.;.- ' fcr : : . . .: ' , i 'i mm ;-i! :WJJ --,:ii!:f;; i j!!';-:;;;-:; fj :"i-v 3.;B.?u;; if ft' ' o s