I :! S 4 ; i: It: - I A .PEACE PR0T0G0L ' ' i ' ; - 1 - -I The, trial of the hoodoo doctor. Bb ! ! . I ' ' i Knights of Pythias, of which her dead ' T l I. I - " , . i I - Including pvacuation ! Rico is Agreed Upon. ' ;TV0 IMPORTANT The First Not Satitfactory,--At ScloncLAmbssador Cambon Recedes 'i from His Demands and Agrees itr tiie ProtocoI-'-Ternis of the . ; : v Agreemeni An Arhiistice :nceded Only on Terms . Names Suggested as i l'eacei Troops to be Sent to Ma tions to he Recjoininended. j . Washinxiton, August 10. The prelims ! inary neg'6tiaU(jri.s! ,JiKjkJng toward the t cotifirmatiOn of pfcaj. advanced long Btep. today' when th Becretary 6t Itate ('i and tfie Erench ambassador . aKrd iipri the tk-rrus upori vhl:Ti uturtt ne4 - ? - . - j . - - . .. -gotiations for a treaty of jptral-e are ti be con-duMiedp; andr i-Uiieed these in lh : This protocol, It signed anJ is to be .form . Vfi.aJ protoi-ol la true, is yet to-be rutimitted to tilers !pa n is h go vernrnenl befor the! forjoal .signatures are v af 4 jxeay i)iit ine aumitiistratiorrs view aa to tiii firiiiKrt-HS rnuxle ; todayV was' set : dux, in i Seretafy- Iaiy's snthte "Ttifj exiject'e that. ih Is protocol, will .be exA-ctit.!J.' in I; . Thf re j.-j always lie possibility dealing iv th.tliif- d anisuj gjvernirvent . that-it inay rejde'at the last iioment U f roro', ani Jim plied f aglrefini-n t bu t - i t is j' t scarcely !pjobutarthi It Would be will ing o 'ifivblye Uie" -in the d41Ilcultie.s ;f h rencli ambassador 1 ii . oV j hat would , foil avhat tOMhe . world jviould seem:to be a i 'reDtnttStiofc of 7-hlH beaevoient: efforts it jn -behalf, of Spain r There 'jniiiit be. idlay possibly from Hventyrpour .to noi; .. fore'. th?j liext stt.-pj tiy'-eight hours be- carl -be- taken and he '-protocol made the United States' piridfng1 upon -both and . Spain by the - .atfachrnerlt of the .signatures of 'the J, ;j)leiipot,emtiariesT- cretary : Day - for .the -United States knd Mi Cajnbon-for Spairi. 'he de 4! to-.;.: lay ivlll be largely 'att- rrjbutab e physficalp causes. The jirotoc&l H long: it! tnust be translated jind , t.urhiU " brick iji'i'd forth i Into ;code ttiid '8im plft language ;no less than ;liVe r " 1 IT .--cj: times before it reafi lies Madrid through the 'Ffehcjli foreign office. This work -was not begun uiktil late this aftei noon ; af rtejr : it had consumed the best .-jf the: sta'te. 'depart! ment, ana ai.'t t niet- baut.' sect'etary uf tihe French lembash ?y",in the IprepaYatli in .in formal shape tif ; two copies of tli KnglijSh apd 'bne liji protocol, oni' in French,; . j These fcjvere prepared very care- t variance in the t-o Jangmiges necessitating the .greats ': ' .est rautidn In ordeir4 that the iidentir I i i t-al clia!raj!tervof tl)ej t.wo copies should. ,. : i,e prftserf.ed.' Thf length of I he pro toeol Imposed a reat amount of labor ' : : upon !the cipher c erks, ;or whoever is i;t charged with the work of rendering i V '-the original into cipher; so that alto f ! aether Jt 1p apparent .th- consumption. )t time involved! in purely mechanical f Junctions -will be 30; considerable as to . - :4'- Tinake" the enditlort bf, a very early an . i-wer Improbable, p-j-.'"' . I ' ) -if r TF.RMS OF TH1i3 PROTOCOL. . 1 '- J-T- " -.1 .... 1 i . , , t ' ' Al? td the ehafaeter of ; the protocol it ' 5 V.,. : t. 4 f oil T aiithority that the can fc"; : "T" r. " erms iire in all -practical points those pet out m the.-;aDstraoti ot tne irehi- lent's ' conditions puonsneu uum White hoUBe a" -we t ao. . From thLa I !fact 1t is .deducteij f hiit the extra con f Alitloris oc tduallfiifii ions sought to be X- imposed by-the- sWanish , government i -svere absfridohed, af least in large part. ' jy the Fnendh anlbissador. . 1 This rtoKludtioil iJbl supported, by the -irct.mstanecK that in. the early morn Ine' and before thi- inference, between Secreta'-yi Day and 'M- Cambon, which - Resulted jn" the agr ment; there was ta -imnrpssii in. based upon the mi'rteiiancel & pufib men who talked 1 . -withJ ' the ;! preeideiiiLj : that the .panif.n answer was '-unsatisfactory -. aim. mai, tthe nekotiations looked as if they snisht terminatei feuUdehly. ;i; -As -this- s4tuatiti 'changed so .sud: ieiily after th...Mnference, it may be itfairly assumed that, the ambassador Abandoned theicoijiditions -which th rpreident was i-eputed.to have regarded if .intiKfnrtorv h it fe believed that I fte ' protbcot i earriest I-wtthin itself -pro-Hi vision fon the cessation .of hostilities ; ."TO -ADOPT THE (NAPOLEONIC POL- J'l- -i tit:Y. .i -. j ; - - :y- 'if - .ori this Doint1 the naval- contingent iiirp-P-nt! that'our government iardopt w-'NandlebnJe'; ifoltcyVof refusing itoi -nter intd an a Anbtice' without acquir "ing Bonier substantial i.ledge to secure the consummation j 01 . peacr.., "v v.:- rHcularlv t desire is :that (fur ov'ernment shall! 'dfemand as a- condi x tion Ot -d cessatikiml of -hostilities, the k..,rPiiHpr4o tlie United States mijitary XflMorro castle at the entranejs of Havank ttarbof and some such points Kf -vantape at.thf other .important. Tborts in the ' territory soon to Jail , ub- - Litrr .u u i tviiiiyt- 11 1: d - - ' THE SELECTION OF COMMISSION " ' ,Jili.J' rirritfatiohs-are' inow be-t V.j t - t advanced to" a point wher.s 1. S":. st-fcnst ft.lt h warranted i- in Tiie; pcesw " -:.u iinri - cf thesiofe be arged by lur, k r S" far acan be tively dete.rmine- "r--Sf, head the 'of. Secretary D h"o jvill head th commission.,;: dndJAJV Is no certainty, jvlkbough LfI neent names ha ibeen fT?i ;4ard."!Mr. Woedt rd, pur lt minir to Spaini has f been so ".tf though he is credll ed with enter ains k desire. 'to retujn :to! Madrjd in ne capacity Df Unttei States minister, arr ;; iter- the war. :Th4 two a.nnbitions nigF Conflict, a ueace oromissiioner not ali- ' -ways being welcome . as a minister resident i particujt rjy v where he has Tjeen party to fotejhg- an abnoxlous peace up4n.fh5 count rj" tu which he is ' 44 be accreditekl. j I''. ;i - - i. ' One of; the names that finds u.niver- pal approval amfc persons versed in ' ' diplomacy is tha :of Mr. Eustis, ex ''anTbassador to Prapce. whose staunch Americanism, cbtnbined 1 wnth ' -diplo-' '"anatic characteritids and legal ability, are urged as ftttjifi him especially far ': appointment as j eice commissioner. -The factithat M-. Eustis is a democrat -Tvould n4t militate iugainst his chahces, 1 as it id 1 presumed that the president rould rather prefer tJ make the .com - mission non-parMs4n. --.. ' , I I The nival: officers have' - made up hetr minds ;that pace is at hand and kre planning for: a, Reduction of the na- rval eStaDllSnXnelV llJ a. inratr yaoia. rrhe first step tj.be taken will be the iretiremept of thb nionitors from active fwervice. They are-uncomfortable craft jso live in and afford the men. little dp ! portunity-for general' training. , ' ' PPAIN RECEDES FROMj HER DT3- ';; j '.if-; . i .makds. ' ; ::'',i!;;' ' ' rThe answer of Spain to the terms of peace not being entirely satisfactory .... 1 w. J V. . . mo a - a -.TTn ii 1 appreheiision early Lin the day that ne ' eotiations might be broken off or fur - ther delayed. A conference between the French ambassador and Secretary - - Day at the state department during the morning, however, ; seemed to re lieve the situation, . as this was fol lowed promtly by- la call of the secre tary on the president with! whom he I i i -r - . 7 rTT- :!.'.. '. ..- f V i - - .1 . . ... -i r - I I . , , . -i . t V- .,-'...,-!.. .;- , , TT- " -T i tttt , . .' ii tl ,, I ill. . . t L - : -' I . ' . . . -r- I ' X O . I . I .- '! m i mi i ii ' -- r"' . 1 ' : I i 1 . I ; r -I- - t 1 1 I " ' U 1. . i- 1 tl .'!.-.- of Cuba and Porto CONFERENCES Cornmissioners--More nila Naval Promo- 1 After IhiS" talk, with the president th. secretary said: ' --i ' . 'We. have: agreed upon- a protocol embodying proposed termslfor the ne gotiations of a treaty of peace, inc luding the evacuation .Of -Cuba and Porto Kico:and it; Is expecited that this protocol will be' executed."! . This was'the- flrat admission that the wo governments : at least! had practl ally . come together on-.-. the basis of peace. It was intimated, that what re Kiained to hi accomplished was purely formal in character and no .doubt w as ntertained that -the signatures requir d would be attached 111 due time.- : i NAVAL PROMOTIONS. I ' ' Another, rnattet: which ba3 received ttentioir is - the jtrotnotions to be ac- ordfd to officers who have disinguish- (fijl thT-mselves-during the hostilities. A tepwas "rnade in this direction today lby the submssion. to the jresient. bt itjinmendations by the secretary of he., navy for thei advancement of ajl. fv. t be t officers of Sampqon'H lleet who istinguished themselves. 1 It was an-" liaui jvou iiauneed Siome time-ago that, a board lid be appointed to decide on all itrornotions -to be recommended, . but r some reason this plan seems to have keen abandoned, so far as- some of the hief .officers were concerned. . The president ha's determined to recommend to co'ngress,- that acting tear Adnairal Sampson- be advanced ight -in umbers and Commodore Schley six numbers: This -will result in mak ing . each a rear admiral,: but 1. with- 'oinmodore Hchlejr - ranking lrnmoui- ately below Admiral Sain pson..i Cap-- Rn Clark, -ot. the: Oregon, will be'.rec--' (htnTtended for an advance ot snqnum- enant , Comniandpr W ainw right . will k( : up eight numbers. . Other promo tions throughout :the fleet, will be rec-; (kmmended. - v ..-.:!:- MERRITT'S FORCES TO BE JN ! " CREASED. General- Merritt's force in the Phil- ppines- is to Dei increased Dy. tne rf.uuu uroops 'nowi at San. Francisco, which will be sent as soon as transports can: ei obtained. ." 1.. . r.- " J -e-cretarvi Aleer said today that 3,000 r4ops 'Nvould sail at once. The de partment nas not sumeient transports atl hand to convey the- remaining!. 5,009 iit I present, but the secretary says with tfiose already arrived and : oh the seal tpgtheri 1 with the Si, 000 ( which aire to If a ye San Frangisco at once, General Merritt Will have a lorce of 18,000,-and thre. will' be no -hurry for' the embark aftion; of ; the remaining troops. - The de partment i nas nao an oner ot i iwo shiips to transport; the trtH)ps, but icon-t skiered the prie 'asked lexcessivei, ! ancj. is probable the return .01 the trans? urirts that first- went to 'Manila iwill be aiwaitedii The secretary 'tiday, dabled (Jener'aJ Merritt- askintr him .when! it was expected the transports would re-r tiirn' to San Francisco,1 anq if, they sare likely to". reach that pqint wlthinjthree weeks. I Their return will be awSaited it ;H11 take at least ! that length of tjtne tiJ get new transports -in readiness ti carry the troops. ik-n-ri, 11) ? KXTJiA SESSION OF SENATE IN T 1 NOVEMBER. ' ; r lit has developed that just' before the Spanish answer was delivered, ate. yesterday '. President McKlnley! 1 ;ani libuncetl that 5 an extra session of j the tifnate would ;be held doubtless in .No itmber to consider any treaty of peace ihich might be agreed; upon.i I "ROOPS ' ORDERED ; !TO DIFFER ENT CAMPS. n , I 1 rTli secretary of -war has ordered one r4tviston of the First :armys corps from ilhattanooga to Knoxville' Tenn.; and inotht5?- division of the. ;i same I corps from-Chickamauga to Lexington. Ky. JV- division of the Fourth corps ntw at Vamptf ha's been orderedto Huntsvill-e, kla. The Second , division (General- Lavis'!) of the Second army corps now it Manassas, Va. has been ordered to Middletown,. Pennsylvanii. The-i ad. iiisability of marching the troops from :;hickamauga to -. Knoxville and Lex ington -i lis under consideration.:! iThe 'irst Ohio and the Fifth United states avalry- ase ordered from .Tampa .' t!o ajontaUk Point. The; Fourth i Ken- uckv, : Colonel . Colson commanding. has 'been : ordered from Lexington -to ffa'cksonville and attached to'the Sev- nth corps. , The movement of j these rotfps is in accordance with the: plans bf th waTii department,; to break up he large camps and spread the jtroops hbout the country, r; : s ! ' jT ffHE THIRD VIRGNTA REGIMENT - 1 . " HUW.V : i : i- The officers and men of vthe (Third In'irginla are - indignant- because of hat tl?ey say are false reports -m rer Monday ' evening. They say that the; Irouble, started in a report .that'a. hos-; bital stewrard had been murdered byi colored man. - rnei ; crowa . .wniciK L-rossed the sentry lines, they sayy was; composed of about thirty Virginia rnen, fifteen or twenty from the First ?onnecticut;and ten to fifteen soldiers from other iregiments, t This crowd, tney say, was-soon orougnt mtoi camp v. an. officer .of T:he ; Third Virginia. Afterwarda-ft much larger number or Soldiers gathered t to learn the cause bf the excitementi- but there was no feetiDus disturbance, General .. Butler It is aid, -arrived on the sceneuiear the ' close of the incident - and, owing tto highly colored stories tnat ; 1 1 naa tt-eached him, took a serious view of he occurrence. iAj statement' signed by wvnty-eight officers of the Third vir giniar,ay that great injustice has1, been Hone "one of the best- disciplined jregi- tnftnto in the service Dy a auuemeni that the Virginians would not obey their officers and wete iorceq 10 re turn by other regiments' under armsi I t? R.'TJuff. the hospital steward isaid I o have been killed by Uhe negrp.i has hot been seen since, but ; is not; believed to have suffered fatal frnJunes. ? fi s- Two deatns nave neen reyui ikoh k-pstprdav. Thev were 'Priyates Li . R'an Buskirk, Company A. Thirteenth pPennsyrvaHiararid Private C. J.'Kurtz, Company C, Third Mew xorK ; ; j Desoite fords waist aeep ana muu- dy roads, the pecond sdivision yester day reached Tnorougniare uap, 1 v a.. cbvering two days'; Miarcnes in 1 one aay. ! Tne troops were aremijjsru ! aim had to camp on i ground5 made soft by rain. I'Under thel - circumstances inc. hiihlvr' successful. ! The onnrtermaflterrS department performed its work well. Twenty-one' typhoid fet ver patients will be taken to Fortion roe hospital - ; A Train over a Fifty Foot Embank ment. . . ' ! ' V i. I " -" ! -4 i---" ! 1;. A'.-i S '.;! ' Richmond, Va., August 10. Near Pennington ithis state, last, night i sl westbound passenger train on s. the Louisville and Nash vill railroad went down ' a fifty-foot fill. There were about thirty persons on the train. 'AU were more or less hurt except; the fireman and engineer, but-no one -.was ' I K-.'--l-! .--- AB'mrat'ct'vJAa.-n . ' -, I Ni - I. . :; - T L .. n I A ' . Baiv otikniKK L.t. l. ' .2.1 - i J .;.'J.. Ju'l ' I ' ::- !" ' " ! .: 'J F : ' -Jl .'t'-kX! SL. i .H- -ill - ! I The Hoodoo Dor tor was Tried Yeter f ,! day fol Beluga ulnte THeitrtal of the1 hoodoo doctor. Bb Roblnon, colored, for Wing, a nuis aric4. :00k place yesteij-day ''morning at a 'o'fp.ck in Juptjee. McGowan'a court. AfttJr hearing th'e testimony In. th rasJ'-' Squire j McGowan amended ths warrant and adjudged ! Robinson guilty of SisKrderly t-onducti fining him $3 and W.4stSi : :-f' Rbirisun's I offence Vi'as 'a very ag- Kravatt d -one. . i Lat Saturday after- 1 nooni came t hen? the , steamer Wilmington p to fthe city ktbout 5 i'clock, . -- -. .... therje- was Quite a crowd standing on tlje Jwharf waiting- to igo down to the beach-: i-There waa also a large num ber of; passengers on the Wilmington, and those on the wharf, of course, had to wait -until" those on-the boat dis--emljarked. Itobmson, ;.who- is a burly, strapping negro, was amonp those or the wharf, and for some reason or oth er, he got ;ma& and commenced to act in. a" very disorderly manner. . He was intoxicatedand started -to cursing,: which shocked quite .4 pumber of la dies on the wharf. He fore'ed his way ojaboart the. Wilmuagtpiw but : was speedily putj off. ' Then he raised the devil,' walking Jup and Idown the streets Cursing fast and loud!, w hile , people were constantly; passing to and fro. Justice Fowlfr arrested him and made therwarranti returnable I before Justice McGowan. I I ' I. 1 It, is. stated kh-at a precedent will be mae to the grand jury of the next r-riminaJ couK .charrging Robinson with being- a nuisancei ( .. Win your ibaciie-s ' against , disease, by -F acting promptly -.One Minute' Cough Curei produces iimmedlate re sults iWhen taken, early it prevent.! coTisumptionj" And in: later stages it furnishes prompt relief , It. R. 31el-lamy."-. -:, ; .-i . : ! - '' ' Vouns Folk Kujoy Thertmelve The lads and 'assies of Ayrightsville beach! gave la delightful frolic last night, 1 and ; invited many little people from the city to attend. It wits given in the attractive Carolina jYacht Club building, the use of which was kindly tendered for the purpose - . The guests from the! city went down to ' the beach on the evening Seacoast train, and they were' a jolly. lot.: .When their destination w;as reached they got from aboard theVtrain witl .alacrity, and. were soon shaking nands with the many gallant hosts and! hostesses, who royally welcomed therp.and gracefully evinced great pleasure at their at tendance.. Then dancgng was copi--menced in the " spacious, ball room of the. clubh and never di'd the-iterpsfcho-rean art afford more; pleasure to any one'as it did that merry,- happy, lot of young: folks. The, Atlantic band fur7 nished the -music while the attendants furnished the fun. Dancing was kept up until the l&sX of the, engine whistles announced the'jnear d,eparture of the 10 o'clock train. Then; good-r byes were reluctantly r iaid,1 andi the much 'en joyed s frolic .was not more, except in the imemorie's "of rthei; delighted little folks, where it- will always be'fresh.l I Those who enjoyed the pleasure of the eveninej werei Miss; Belle Latimer with Mr. Ecker,.- Miss Mary Allen Short with Master George Thomas. Miss Jenr nie Burbanki with: Master Willie WatJ ters, Miss Louise Bellamy with Master jllenry Short, Miss Bessie Burruss with Master Burke Bridgers, Miss Del- Bur-, bank with Master Hal. - . Boatwright, Miss Daisy Burbank with Master Har ry West, Miss Jennie iMurchison with Master ! Ceorge Kidder, ' Miss Fannie Murchison with Master Chesleyi Bel lamy'. Miss Marguerite Short with Masf-r ,ter Milton iCalder, Miss Elovine1 Bur russ -with Master, Robert Calder, Miss 1 Margail Bridgers with Master Lewis i Davis; Miss Lucy Bridgers withiMas rter piatt Davis, MissfBessie Bridgers with Master George Catlett, Miss Bes sie Latimer -with - Master Will Gore, Miss Atha Hicks with Master Joe Wat-, ters,; Miss . Viola 'Livingston with Mas ter George: Parsley,! Miss Kate Nor throp with: Master Greer Boatwright, Mr. i Charles Yjbung BidgOod and Misses Ruth and, Ernestine Bridgers. -s . Mrs". Edwin. Northrop performed the duties of -chaperon graciously and well. The participants wish thanks returned to Mr. 'r Walton, the; icustodian of the dlubi who was unremitting t in kind ness,. : ! .1 ' I- ! :. 1 ill :; - I. The Chief Burgess pf Mile ourg, Pa., say DeWltt's Little 1'Early Risers -are the best pills he ever' used in his fam ily du.ri r forty yearns of house keep ing.! They cure constipation, i sick headache, 1 and stomach .; and : liver; Avuibles. i Si-i II In size, but '"great In results. 14R.R.! Bella :.; .1 ' t - Fuueral of ITlr. f. ITlebane J i The remains of Afr. C. P. Mebane'j who died at Washington, N. C, Tlres- days afternoon; arrived here at ,5.:40 o'clock-yesterday afternoon by" the At lantic Coast i '.Line. 1 Jaccompanied by Mrs. Mebane, Mr. Ci j P. Mebane, Jr.j and Mr. Harry S. Fullwood;"of Wash ington, son-in-law o'f the deceased. The casket was met at the depot by rela tives and friends and was bbrne to the grave' at Ookdale cemeteryv where the services . took i place. 1 The Rev. P, H. Hoge,' D.f D.J pastdV of the Firsts Pres-i byterian'5 church, who was with hs family at Raleigh, returned to the city last;: evening, and conducted the ser vices.';, After the remains . had been laid away,.many beautiful floral de signs were 'iaia upon .tne. grave as a token' of respect to the memory of-the deceased.. ;j ' - i ; j . , s ! The following acted as pallbearers: Honorary, -Messrs. C. :H. Robinson, B. G. Worth, B. F. Hall and Samuel Northrop; I active, Messrs. H. C. Mc Queen, C Y. Worth, John W. Monroe P. Pearsall,' R. W. Price, Captain W. R. Kenan, Colonel Roger Moore and Colonel s W alker Taylor. 1 , Bob Moore.jof LaFayette, Ind., says that for constipation he has found DeWitt's Little Early Ris-.a to 'be- per fect. They never- gripe. Try them for stomach ajid liver troubles. R. K. Bellamy. u ; . ' .- : A Day's Sport at Carolina BeacU 'there was another day's sport at Carolina Beach yesterday under . the auspices of Hanoven Seaside Club. The Steamer! Wilmington carried down be tween 25piand S00 tpeople and they hat a "most enjoyable time. ' I After the steamer arrived, at the Beach on her 2:30 p. im trip, there was a shooting match, with quite a num ber Of entries to sfiooi for the prizes.. The possible Tseore waa 15, and Mr; C. F. VanKampen won the first prize with a sqore of l. Mr. John; H. Boesch came second, with1, a score! of 6. Mr.-Von-Kaippen won the first prize, a Winches ter; 'rifle; ,and Mit i Boesch the second, a- season1 ticket an I the steamer Wil mington. ' . V ... : " During i the afternoon there was an exciting bowling tournament- in the club's bowling alley There were quite a number of rollers, but all of them oould not win. Mr; D. MeEachern won the first prize, -a leather satchel. ' Mr Adoplh Ahreps was second man, and got a ticket op the stamer; Wilmington for the balance of the season. The third prize Was a. path suit, which was carried off by Mr. M. Kathjen, The Italian harpers played in 1 the dance hall of the club house and there was dancing al the (afternoon.. Last night the regular Wednesday; night hop of the club was given, and it prov ed quite . a pleasant affair. ,' i The steamer Wilmington brought the I J i - . - . - - - . L - I.. I ,1 U VV '. I UV V- 44S,-4 CUUVIH UWh1 I : I . k1 I : P" H . -. .BW 'V- I ' B ! m ! A .-ST i city people bade at midnight. . ;:'.-&;. :!--:-";--:diNi:---?v-JUv:--:.i'-?r:-- ii iiniiii n iivv 1 1 V hh iv fl rrSSrSl'UA A U W DPlT nmtrv . in un r n jrou uu iulll l iu uu nuu uu uiul t i m -v !a n , m SB .' I S . H BHBIHBBBBBB B M Tm h B . I : m - Bl I IBB I . Bl M BB . - Bl m 1 ' ' Bl -Bk. .. -Bt.I'BlBl BI Bl M Bl 'BB st ..- I i! I ! .;.'.. ! , reus oana was a prominent raemper. I r- - ! ! . - -'' i. ! Regiments in the Camp FOUR MORE ASSIGNED 1 la.klug! It t!ie:eeAd Lar(;eit tu tlie ( ouutry Two Soldier Arrested ou 1 ' - . ; CharsMoi "rtmlnal Assaulc Gover- uor, Shaiv XMeaaedXAVltli tVbat lit Se- le Vlhit tue Camp at Fernan- dlua o Drill Kxcept Early Late lu tlie Hay. 1 Jack.spnville, Fla August lft, Two private:! tiif the Second VirginiaXand ne of the Fourth i Virginia regiments are under arrest and confined in the founty jail, Charged With making' ' a j-iminajl: assault en' a colored girl. tThey are to have &. pfeliminary hear ing, toniorrow inort ing. i :, ; . ?" Enis, a pnest of the'order of t. lominlc has been assigned d to. the staff of Colonel Hines, of the Sec ond Ntjw Jersey, ri giment,' ' and wil look, after the spiritual, neeos of tti Catholic soldiers ol .the Second divis- f 4' - ' I ' T- k " ' : j The Fourth Illirois, haying been' transfej-red -from he Second to the First -d5 vision, moved JpdaH from the isKpringfield cjamp i Panama -park, a LaJis.tance of three 'mtUes',..-' 1 .Governor Shaw ahd- party, of Iowa, after a pleasant visit to the two' lowa- regiments here, left this morning- for Fernaudina,7! and iili -go fronxr there home. He' expressddii'mself as'being 'highly ileased, not iofily. with the loca tion of the Iowa bjys here, but with their treatrrient by the people' of the city,, and said that it cpd. hat be stat ed'in ti 6 strong language. - - t Kighteen regiments; are- now in camp, ivith.fobr more assigned yet to arrive. making this camp at present the -sec ond largest in -the Country.: . j i' ernajndina!,: I'la.', August lq. The small detachment of seventeenv men from the Seventy-firsti New York regi ment haveyre:ceived orders to move, at once to AIontauk, there to rejoin their regiment when it arrives from Cuba. John Wilkes, Company M. First Florida , from Waldo': died this nyornT ing.- 1IU was ill with measles' and was attacked with a violent coughing spell; during which hei ruptured a; blood vessel, t'ausirig deajtlfe.' : . :- ;.; I Geneital Carpenter; today issued an order directing that no drilling be done between thes hours of 8 o'clock a. tii and 1 o'clock! p; m. '1 .(Governor Shaw "and party arrived to day.. They dined fit.h General Lincoln at his headquarter, 'but were prevent-! een ?j I IMPOETANT EVENTS OF THE Mfi lecretaryiijay and Minister Negotiating a Peace.. : I - 1 i. I - - At Lakeland, FIa..Twnnty-five ment) Enter a Train and Take AiSM- - - Sheriff. Aguinaldo Loses Influence With .the Tnsun t)ts and MaUe$ Preparatiensifor Flight, In Arkansas Five Negroes mils Suicide, (the Result pf-the Murder of the li-.trrs Husband The Schooner S. G. Hart is. Crew are Saved. ; V ., . -" rV 1 Admiral Dewey Writes to Congressman iM riogstone Thamk:- Ilim for Introducing the Resolution of Thnf ; left in Concptis4. II ' The:American Troops Capture Coamo. i. irta Rico'Aftar a :. Sharp bkirniish; Having Only Seven Men- W01M -Jed. :U jTroops ai Tampa Embarking i m dered to Debark. ' " jThe. Camp at Jacksonville The, Japanese Have Offered to War Material if Our Government ed from reviewing the brigade on the beach tn account! of irain. I PTampa, pKla., ( August; 10. Orders were receid hre j tJiis: morning to the ; efljeet that no more troops were needed at; Prvrtn T? if to be pent from i here,1 : The Fifth in- iantry was already on board the San tiago ready to sail,- ana naa to oe un- loaded : They will remain here, un til further orders.. This also stops the trip contemplated by General Coppin- ger ! and his on thik 'trip. staff as -.they were to go Two batteries of heavy artillety were- so being loaded ' for the trip; and operations were; stopped. ! , -. P l i i . ' Sick headatcnej hlliousness.' constipa tion aritl all liver, and stomach troubles can be quickly 'cured, by using- tl.ose famous little1. pi!ls-known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are pleasant Ao-take and ! never BTirA. ; R. R. Bel lamy NORTH CAROLINA BANKERS Hold Tlieiri Auui Convention In CharJotteSubjecta Ulscnased If ester- day. rf Chatlottje, August 10.-The North Carolina Bankers' .Association. is holding its second afinual conven- tion here today, f Prominent . bankers are here from all; over the state. The morning ! session today was opened by a cordial address of wel come j by ! James A. Bell, of this ; city, which was responded to by Joseph G, Br6wn,j president of the Citizens Na tional! hank.! ofii Raleieh. Thomas H. Battle:. : president of -the Bank of Rocky Mounts made ;his annual address as 1 president) of the. association. I i At the fafternoon sesSioA, J. W, Nor wood, president of the Atlantic: Na tional ..bank,1 jpf i Wilmington; read a paperl oni the : subject: "Why ; Should the ' Nol-th Carolina Banking Associa tion fee Maintained?" i ; : ;i William B JBlairJ vice; presSdeht of the Peoples; National bank, of jWln- ston, discussed "Banks of Issue," 1'Uniformityt iin Collection Charges', and. How - it j May "be .Accomplished, was thej theme of thei paper presented by John H. IMUler, Ur.,vcashier of the Merchants- J land Farmers' National bankj of Charlotte. ! "Wjhat Banking Legislation is Need ed bjf Us," was discussed by Thomas A, Green, president ' of i the Citizens bank, of New Bern. Cnlna Gives Way-to Russia ij London, Augusts 11. The Pekin cor respondent of The Times says: jt'Th'e Tsung 14 Yamen'1 (Chinese foreign, of fice) has giten. formal assent to all the conditions imposed by the Russian charge; d'affaires, ,M. Payloff, regard ing the contract for- the Niu-Chwang railway extension loan. These coridi-tionsj- are in 'direct conflict with - the terms pf the' signed contract and. aa designed t& block i pie completion of tlie final contract." j Swiff Retribution Cbr a Murder THE ORpSSASSlNATION -t- 1 - -. ::' -it ! ' i ! : Followed by tfeXyucblns of V te Ke i groe, tlie Sul tde tu Jail of 71 r. Orr tud tlie F-lIa? ' Jof mam lorrl ."! r Orr .Tlake a t 'rtlal Confeli 1 After Taking Foi 4-Tbe Object of. tbe A aluation tficera Searebl ng for Ifliwa .Tlorrl...- j !, - - .. -. - v ':. i- I, . I! Little Jlock rk., August Iti.-FivB negroes are ing from the li mbs of trees near th ?Ailroaa track, .a nd the widow of Johf lr. Orr. is dead, in her cell. This is I- le tragic denqjement of f he assassf; it ion. of John T. Orr, & "wealthy mercfevat at Clarend6r a few nights ago. Ti wife died fronrj a dose of poison s '-administered,; while the negroes, .f'-V associates im crime, were , strung u:f by a: mob of ititizens. The lynched? ire Manse Castl ?, Den4 nis Ricard, .Rilla-r Weaver Susie, Jacobs and AV I f Saunders. ... j At mid-nighS -i mob fof 300! i itizens visited'the Mot county jail a' Clar endon,. took" f sfrfrom the prisoners charged with Ses murdeT of Orr and lynched them:-Khe mob was ; orderly one, rit: i word being aNmost - . being essarily spokei fid not a sho fired. . - mii j. i- They-marched -2to the jail, akd -de manded the KgJ'i of - Deputy! Frank Milwee,Ao is In cvhaige. He at first - refused,- 'their j demands, but . ; pi- '- i , i .1 .1 seeing their ojbestness. turnKd oyer to them the ke! 1 1 A committer mob went insi. the jail -nd Urought out the prisonf, 'and hanged itliem' to the tramway? ?i the Halperh saw. mill, which stfdb about 100 y the rear of th Jail, 1 i 1 . f krds in ; Will Sander" was the one wjliiij'fired. the snot tnatr skiweo .air. urrj rtiiia Weaver, was mother ot Sanders, and cook'in tb i Orr ihousehblc ; l3en nis Ricard. w. i the i"hoodoo doctor and conjurer" f jio tried to poi: .on Orr with boiledV sfe ike heads, an.1 Manse Castle vbluntei ,'ed to do the jpb and transferred it I,' Sanders. Mii3 ael Morris, acSed of being an xvacu acces-! sory before- tli fact, has disappeared Lambon Aerefc m a protocol for ' - J - . ' '-i- Negro Solr irs tTenthRefei a Negro IV saner from ',; ,: -,i ".-!!;!.., ::fi Ul ' '. 4he f- i - ;-..v.;s - M. Orr (jo are Ilanged a( lfMrs tar. Wrecked Ned ; 3ilatteras, lithe .v,v j ; , :. i , for Porto Ri' . JIave Beeii Or , - - is the Seco:- Largest in e the Furnish the. ?iilippinos With, Gives up the'iljslands. , and her when it!its! are unknown to the officers. " i i ! A placard !baing these wotds was attached "to t4ebodies "This penalty for n iJer and rape, The negroe ;:,- remained where they were hung utitJ 9 o'clock a. imi. today, Great crowds: 3 riewed ; the sgft. The negroes seem endorse the 'lynching and. many of ?-!?m are! open; in their expression: of iatisf action : over. ;the death or i jJenf i iKicard,- wnse arts of hoodoo an conjuring mafia him an ' object! of read to themi. While . the Jys bodies swung in the eary 'morningjfieeze,! the bqdr ,of the widow or tne i&raerea manj (lies aeaa in her cell in't 'eicounty-jailwfith only the soft sweet . voice of her S-year old child to break the midnight silence of the gloomy csTas the innooekit little tot vainly crl d for mamma. A LADY FLT( TIVE FROM ! JUSTICE Somewhere young womajn, once prominent in Clarendon sociejty, is a fugitive from justice hunted! by the officers of ther aWf. charged wwh mur; der. Her natf" is Miss Rachiel Mor ris and she is; W only survivqr of the coterie of sef a named inn tie coro- nor's verdict! i 5; being responlible for the tragic dej i. of John T. O Mrs. Orr dfe; i s by her own harfd, after" compleW y i breaking ddwn and making a pan .11 confession t iin some way she obtafed; a quantity Jot poison and took the .,; about 2 o'clock Mon day afternoxw.; She : never! Regained consciousness.-; f : j; 1 .Last Satun iy ? night John :T. Orr was assassin tqd while making a glass of lerat 5ade. He had ust re-' turned; from? si loir practice w; terliis wife was -org nist The erlrie was shrouded In. t tery until Mi ss Mor ris told some? fiy that sheiknew who nred tne snovj . After ac0r tipr's inquest extending over two days -.a, verdict waa tendered charging ; Mr1 Orr,' the ' Iniurdered man's 'wife, 'v' :- beifig thel instigator or tne crime?; , miss Kacnaeu Manse Castle; Will Sanders, DennisJ Ricard Rilla WeaveSV and Susie Jadobs, the five last nan: J negroes, were charged 1 with, complicl y.n the crime MRSJ' QV'l'S CONFESSION. - After the 335. lest of 1 Mrs: Orr and ihe five negroesi Jrs; Orr made a confes sion. She L. Aitted ! t,hat j she i "had said to -her' t .k.that she Wlihed her husband deSind that she"v ould be willing to -gC ,$200 to anybody, to kill him; but -s; 'said J this was uttered while' in a h- of - anger, andi Jiat sh.e was innoc ;of 11 any criminal In ten tion. i HAT' husband ; 1 abused f her. she said, an?" nce struck tier and she, being of - bi.1 temper herself, some 'iimes said Ines in anger; that she Slid not meaV - - 1 1 Um lrin E ulncr That 'clid wrvllld ineet death S- the hands pf khh law. gp referred art .her route janp conse- kraently tooB i poison. She died late ftresterday; aitrtfioon jn wt ujuai before she lWped Into unconsciousness she willed all' of her property! to her 4-year-old daughter, Neva and placed It iri trust j with the 'Clarendon! Lodge Knights of Pythias, of which her dead husband was a prominent member. -John Orr was' severar years; ago a theatrical man and in 1SS0 was man ager of a theatre lna small Wisconsin town; .There he met, and martred hi wife. The i marrla'ge was. clandest,ine and) the bride's parents were bitterly opposed to. it. The Orr's lived hap pily but aiShort time. Orr prospered and? was considered wealthy at the time of his death. His life, was insured for 15,000. ' - !.-; : ! MOTIVE FOR THE CRIME. - 1 . . It appears from letters received by Mrs. Orr -in the name of her cook, Rilla Weaver, through whom all the correspondence was conducted, that Mrs. Orr and Rachaef -Morris were to remain here until Mr. Orr'a insurance money was ' collected and then go'- to New York ; where- -they were to imeet two men and form a theatrical com pany. Mrs. Orr was also in corre spondence with olJier men.. A tllMSTEH ON TRIAL Invetlgatliuof tue Cbarxea Agalntt Hev. Dr. A. Jaeger of tbe Soutberu Vlrglula Dloceae. ; . Lynchburg-, Va., August 10. The ;?c clsiastical court of the Southern Dio cese of Virginia, Protestant. Episcopal church, to Jry, Rev. )r. A. Jaegeru perintendent of the colored orphan y - lum here, convened' in iGracer"church this morning. ' . RoberJ Scott, Eq., of Roanoke, .a! memberof the original i.nV yestigatiohj committee, is conducting thfe prosecution ,and Dr. Jaejger con ducts his own defense. A motion for a conf jhuance in ordejr to: summon two witnesses f from a distance was made by Ir. .Jaegvr and over-rujed, 'the pros ecution . holding that '"Df. Jaeger i had hadf plenty of tim to? get them here. The indictment Von tains - several Courfts. amonir which ire the nap- nt drugs, improper .and -immoral 5ehav-- i I i ivi , 'la-iseiy accusing- teacners-, associat ed with' the accused, and -with sending a telegram with the purpose bf deceiv ing. To all of these Dr. Jaeger pleads "not gulty.' - , ' :-;- '- .;;. ' Onjy'-three witnesses -were exarpiped today. A-former, clerk in a drug store here testified t. selling: to-rDr. : Jaeger drugs mentioned iln the iSndictrtient. Another witness, a resident of: th'js county, testified toNDr. SJaeger's goJd character for truthfulness charity ajfd mownlitv. 1 ; . i V - ' '.' I J' mbrrllty. Florida RepubUcau. ..... -. 4 Jcksonyllejf Fla., August J.O.--aV the ; republican j state Jconventionxheld at Ocala yesterday, state cahdidateswere norjiinated and . at the Second district republican Iconvention hild at the:sainfe ' place today,- H. L. Anderson, a lawyer;. or pcala, was nominated as a candi date for congressman. r! Both . corivenr , tions were controlled bv- the Lone fad-r xion 01 me party, juage. i-iong, national repliblican j committeeman from Flori da,! being chairman of the 'state con venjlon. The; Eagan-Stillmaii ' wing of thejparty twas completely routed. The republicans for "the first time Jin many yeafis intend to wage! an aggressive carlSaigni j The administratidni was en U ' i. i I 1 , i N ' ' p' "! t '..!., -..",- v ! ;. ; : .XCaptured Steamers Released : West, Fla., August JO. Acting unpr orders' from Washington, Com nidlfor Rmey has releasedL the: Nor- welan steamers Aladdin and Bergen, recently captured ' by the r. gunboats Hawk 'and (Viking; respectively,; while bound fromJ T,amplco: and Vera Cruz, Mexico, for Sagua La Grande, Cuba. The ground for their release is that Sagua is not a blockaded port. Both steamers left here for their original destination, j ; '.' : 1 : T i. : - . jiiKe aisposiiiou,: wjji--upu.Duess ne made "pf the case : of the Norwegian steamer. Franklin,' captured by the Hifrk,' while bound for. Sagua. ; ; ': -I ; "I thing tieWitt's fWtch Hazel Salve Is the finest- preparation ' on , tin mar keter piles." So writes. John C. Dunn, of ;WheelIng W, Va., Try : it and- ixi will thing; I the same, j Its: also cures, eczema and) all skin diseases. R. R. Bellamy, j I " -. ' v j :. ' Hattera& 'Aueust 10.H-The schooner S. G. Hart: Captain Sawyer, from Bal timore to Femandinai'with a. cargo of J cpfcl, stranded. 1 at kittle s.mneKeei, twenty miHes- north Of Hatteras, at 2 o'dpek this: morning; during a , heavy Sqia.ll. ,Iti had a crew of eight men. Alif were saved by . Captain Hooper, of Bo?5ti vessel and cargo are. a -total .loss. l4f "' :'r- ''. .' ' ":- --- l -a 1 f : A ire on the IJncas Ttlille JLoaded Witb Ammnnition Vnder Fire From apanlsb Battery. . ; j'",; -: jr.; ; j Key West, Fla. August lO.--The. tug Uncas, commandpd by Ljieutenant R. Brainerd, j j reached here jthis morriing after an exciting fortnight pf . blockaxle duty on the north. Cuban coast." ;:'.-, Qri: thisjUrip, the Tineas, put ashore 1 ail. ner xpeauion ior uame anu imu . : A J 11..-. j J I a dangerous fire in her hqld, Just above thel magazine. In spite of air this she looked none- the 'w orse when she steaen ed 'into Key Wist; harbor today fpr niore coal i arid provisions. -: rfhen; the Uncas left here two weeks; ag she; carried Captain; Stable, of Go- ' mef's staff,' with sjxj other Cubans and 500 Remington carbines . and; ammuhi- insurgent commander's forces. '. The next morning lan over turiied cookstove in the ! forecastle started ; a : fire.- i The iUncas was then on two or three miles -off Havana,-al-mofet- in range of the enemy's guns. Af ter extinguishing thei fire by chopping away the woodwork the tug; proceeded to Cayi Con'fites.i near' Caibarien, -.where! she; put her little Cuban I party ashore; without encountering a fapaniara. i - .1 il (was .while lying; off i Matanzas, ; a day,! or two; ago, the; Uncas: was fired upon. She was within two miles of the soore when, without any warning, the s?.nd battery of 6-inch guns, began 1 1jd throw shells at her. I Fully twenty of the missies fell around the tug within a radius of 100 yards- before, she coud get out of range. As , I she f. steamed .away theiUncas returned the fire wih her threes forward and after 6-poand.-ers. r ,-i ,; v,'--!-'! I- : ; :l':-r . '.""j)"'-: - .1 . Handsome Offlee Bailding .' ' ' j The'; Messenger learns ; that : - the Southern ; Guarantee and Investment Company! of : Greensboro, ; C. has decided upon the' erection of a fine five i stry office building, Ivt that city." If w:fjr be constructed jof brick,i granite aid: brpwnstone an4 will be. located orjjthe east side of Market street' next tojj-the 'postoff ice. (- 1 j . - he building lis to be a modern struc ture --and will be a credit to the state. "Tt'wilk Have a! t rdntage,Tol eighty feet 05 moreand -will; contain ! handsome stores on the first floor, 'ahd offices on ty&t other floors. It will be; heated by steam, and lighted by electricity knd gas, and the , five floors will be con .nected by! an elevator and staircases, i The plans have been v made byt1 a Charlotte i: architect, and ( work on the building! will be commenceja in thirty Driven Out of Qdama eral Officers arid T NOW . STRONGu At a River Four Miles llack-ncral seiges IIolgiun.-The Ariuy-I)charMncnt Of Santiao Formed A Spanish Schooner Capture i Japan Offers to Aid thfc IhiUr!pinos in Case of With- - i J drawal of thd United! StutSesSpaniardH IV - ; -1 r- i :- . ing BrasH-Gmted ltullct.s. ; 1 ' (Copyright by A-ssoolated Press ( . Coamo, r Porto Rico.- August SJ 1 Noon, via St. Thomas, K. I; Gjen Tl Wilson. ca-ptuwd the; town of Co amo this morntng With a luss of univ seven men woundej, one mortiUiy.' all xnembers of th'dUfcfeth Pehnsylv id. : ;;. r'- ; r ' in Th-e Spa.nish .are kri.wri t. hs tneir comma nd-r. s- -Major Yeliesifaw, apiaLniicanie, captain iJopez - an, fln privates,, all killed, andto hiv had thirty-five- woundedl' .-1 - " : P The Americana captured ls0 prison ers,. practically . thtf .vhol - tot$4 o Spani'ard's excepL the cavalry. I t 1 he bpaniards, had destroyed ' ;th4 stone bridge across the River Coamo leading into th tovvn.but it Was vi dent that they wer ' not prep'ared tc make strong resistance, as narUlBen was posted there. " . -- , The natives received the Ameficjina with delight; . : - - J General .Wilson. :' immedlatf ty atei faking; the town pushed it he. WlHCorisii troops a ! mile out beyond,- wher they win camp ron tne night.- ... . j . Coamo,; Porto, Rico, August 10,- 12 "m. via , Ppnce. Trotjp C, jof s New ; Ydr-k pursued -the party oJ$reUig Spanish engineers, after the capture of Coamii yesterday, a distance . four mlei aiong uie roaq to AiDonito. The Anier icans were checked atUhe CuyoB rEv-e wnere tne sspaniards- had Blown j up fche bridge, and were, shelled froii si- Spanish -battery on- the-rsf-of "Aspn4 mie -mouniaii rrie- aismuuntea eav airy returned V the .fire, recefving damage knd holding the .position:: f -A -1 battalidn bf the Third Wiscorisiii .Volunteers canie to theh- support. Today General .Wilson's column 14 resting, repairing; eonnoitering the the bridge and re enemy's! 1 position There are formidable gorges oh! eitihei (-.side and the Spanish works, 'are on kh tirests of the mountains conynandang the road. The Spaniards have sev eral guns mounted, among tfienf ,twa machine guns sent: 0acfc.in.t9 fheicoun try from the torpedo boat . tles.txoyef n . it..-.. . rrvv. l&K..f.j ..! 11 ; win : oe airricuit- 10 uanK; - All the men wounded In-yeisterd"ay'$ fighting . will re,cover. ; THE DEPARTMENT OF SANT4AUOj w asnington . Augu.st lO.-rA; qetach ment 'of the army to be kno'nas the department of Santiago "wjtal (jrected tonight. Majo.r General La.ti)nis as signed to its command. BriteioieJ- Gen eral Wood will continue lrj'4otiman of Santiago city. General Staffer -re turns to this country with-, ih$ FiftS army,'eorps.f He Will be irrornmancl i,,f;i v... .1 ...... ! ,. f 'SHAFTER'S SANITARY EfOHT . The, war. department" ; t'jinVs-lit made jv...; 1.. v. , Aviruniii ( i.iirj t .Ar-ijiri tiu Shafter Sanitary: report; foM August 9th Total number of. sick, 3-,S3or total number of fever r cases,- 1 -2,Wfi - total number or,new cases," 233; ttijl numt bertof fever--cases returnedj$V duty), 327;i deaths- August 8th, fg August ?th,' ten. , ,, i - I 1 .UAltUlA p ALT! i (Copyright by lAssociated:ft Tpess.) Santiago de Cuba, Angus? 10 p. b-m. Lieutenant-Colonel Janv1bf Genf- erai anxco uaTCias Stay, njipust ar--rived . t rom the front, with knatches Announcing; the !ecupa,tQrifl;Gibara. on . the north coast of . the ipMnce of troops. -, :.' ! " M " - i jf ! i' y .' CJibara.was evacuated byVt'ie .Span iards. They leftr 1,000 sllj ifelwoundi -ed; who are being taken caryf jiyrth Cuban commander. . " V 44- y. 1' 1! General Garcia, j with S;00?ip9i: is besieging Holguuv now j o;cu pied, by the Spanish. General Lugue,;hose sur'-J-ehder has -been-demandeot.$ ,it ri - i Cavite; .! ManitaTrfbay, -iAujisi. 'S,f via Hong Kong, August 9.Hfj5layed; tn transmission. 7The ' AbnJ'ig-uns. fare -disgusted with the condief bf Agui n.aldo, the insurgent . ledr, . . whose power is weakening, . owir ;i'th;e?Tact that the Fllippinos. are: freizig? the unsubstantiallty lof his "prhpsesf . jTwo insurgent Steamers are n6wh: f.nlla bay: -provisioning,: in orderfrto' rreure .Agdinaldo'siesdape, if, neeess;ayy f U S The American 1 field ;hpspljlal jerked splendidly, under St gallfng fire, fat the battle of i Malate and . the renvtfrkable courage and steadinesa of alt 'ranks. iTjegulars and , volunteer, causfC pen- troops. : i -j-; : .-f jt ". -. -- f i' I ' The Spaniards : used' Mauser and Remington riff es with 5 bra4 .- ieoated Dunets. ( . - - . japan:s offer to the;philip : f . - i PINE'S. . . i liOndon. August.ll. The Hong Kong correspondent of The Daily- s,faJI Bays: i i "A delegation, from the ; liiliijplne Junta has informed United.! ates Con sul iWildman here thatcertf w officers of the Jananese cruisers lif Tsushima and Takaaaga; which haveshce gone from'Mamla, had a confe'ren jfwlth the Junta last Saturday, in th bourse of authorized -by the Japanej r?oVem ment to offer to supply, GeL rai Agul 1. , V 1. V A... J - UUV . ku. --.. - k- J, ' " - naldo with 1 arms 'and jmjinition gratis in the event of Amif 'caaban doning the Philippines and;, he, insur gents wishing to: fight fofe independ ence. The Junta-did mot rj1y ta the offer "and-the Japanese wia'repeat f to General Agulnaldo on rtvlr Arrival, at Manila. , . ; " A SPANISH SCHOONER cl-JTURElD ; Key West, Fla.,: August UB-The aux- ilnarj" gunboatil Hornet arrived - j.here rn 1 aiTPTTioon wnn Lne , k mameu scnoontsr on va. mhi ca.pvureu I whiie running from Batami ; to the Isle of Pines fof food. Tht Slva Maria tarries biA iiicii,.. ltui ntx anso, i i r This afternoon; Coinmao Remey received orders; 'from 1 Washfngton ; to release' the steamer Tabasueno, -captured by: the" gunboat T Hawk, 1 while' making for Sagua la Grtgide under the French flag.; Her" case; falls I in the same category, as the Bergen, Aladdin and ' Franklin, "under the, Contention I rt ' J " . i Ijondon, August lO.f-fThe; afternoon newspapers comment upon ; the,, battle of Malate -as being a repetltfoa of the now familiar story, "the.; Spaniards, brave and Sncompetenj, fifing wildly nd attacking Itoo. late, and he Amer icans brave, rcfd and, ateilfu-i: notwlth standings t thejVjperatins "-were cqn iducted ia the'jlst of avtrvpical mon aeon,; s- s; : ' -fc 'f t-S;::f k v ' I u The peper aj k-cfer.ta the oipI nous neutrality ox. AFJUttJnos" as be ing evidence of CCs, J If;, store lor the Americans, i ' i POLITICAL SITUAujnv4N SPAljN, 1 Madrid, August ' 10. 'Jfhe-s Imparciial says today,! In. ree-ard ? toe political situation; ,TThe DoliticJf atifd military personages who have jnfefMl : with With the Loss ot Sev- Soldiers Killed n i - I-;-.: :; . .-.-I ENTRENCHBUi V (iarcia Captures Ciibara aud Ilo,' d Aguinaldo Ising INm'tr. ( i i - '' !nif Sa:a.ta are ffenrally of thd V op go nin that a. new cabinet shout! n- late pt-MA ', 8-inor Saxrast a. ha1iu4 - uommuitift rne ; imtrrlal nniioiirice ' it it favors ,ohanK- In the o.ihlnc anil Remands that th c.M"t-s be aum- nejrt and that--the susjH-nnloh' uf th 00 rt "uiuuiin ! onupo. in oraer ihtt '-this. pr4 sv may . friHMv exirsit tiulilio uiln-. toil .-!: ,, .. .: , ,. .nr V- The Tlfmrvi.?;tH.n!-rvatlv'. lay4 ttuun s soveitelnty over the Phtlib- piU! Island sh.iihl ikC be abaindomr' u.n jvni.-3-Kn.n; -acil.ns cnouldi U, re- sis ' j. -ut in it. finurrrimer 11 flAtnii iue.-Hii ry.it nhotild bo ho d-rie an iinxt 'tu d.d nye.the country of liu-rty of aictton ht- future." ' A i ';'' 1. 111 The Ministerial Glr.be itx ..pillion that ti fortes should bo aunio moheil lmnrdiately "to approy, grave a departure ns-; contained! in tht. IH-uK-e jH-nKowawons. -i. ' i ipe eauor or-the ;vans Cltv. Glope, writes, t "One Minuted diu tu. Is rlghtlyr-named. It cured I. rhiiflren after all other remedies f eo. v it cures couehs. coi.is and tnrijat and. lung tjoubles.'V . It. j l ... ' V. Wllmlugtott's IMIcbU ' the ureensbord Telejrram iii meriting on the reticle from thu Charlotte Observer under the heanl of "I'rthappy ) Wilmington V whlclh twai prlnjted in yesterday's Messenger;, If bait, the jfoilowihg in its' luaue of Tiiesayi Ami tjther towns and, cities (ri tftistf ern Carolina suffer the sanio nieUHnro of shame . "and J degradation -kt II ih hands of the i present administration The most incmpeterit i ooloredHPrj and the most lieslgnlng'fof white men! are argely Dr control of towns all nverl th'e eastern end of the tate. Then are colored men' down 1 there wh would be a credit to those in offlc;! but jtne most competent and reupecta- fof the colored raY-o inii in ha,' ble left but; Men whom the white BklpWci S iiugKiera can tyt apoie. tr.et tneir 1 designjnrr&hd greed y- ends aro the jmen ajjpjyt'd-to safat the pie stant' ' ' ' 1 And Russell.1 ihe k iier! hiB must indeed, 1 be proud of the; creatures o: his mandlwork! Being no more Im pressionable than a cast iron, statue nothing can be said which he -would feel:) but how about his friends ancl admirers,, and J those ..populists rwhd placed him in power? -We ask them to honestly.cornpar the Results of his administration! wlttt; what , he "claimed in has i campaign; speehea it would be. In t speech at Wigiton hei said that after) he should havei become governor, and the people saw pie good government which yould follow,- northern capitalists ; woul(i flock to our ! towns and cities toi Invest their- surplus capital; the Old, Nortlt Stat w.ould boom; as she never hail. booried and never could boom: under democratic rule.; . J ... m- ,;. -J : j '- 'jf Ha. was' going Ja. hang the latch string on the outside and, extend ani inijatlon in the shape ofj hospitality to strangers and capitalist thatjcoul hot fair to be accepted. ' It was inrhat speech he said that foreign capitalists might as' well rent a . ten ucr$: lot In hell (for a summer resort as top look for hospitality in .North ' Carolina un der, a democratic administration; ; , : I!qw has it turned out? : Whole are all those who were coming, to siiTmllld and; honey , from ; North Carolina j streams? 'Isn't! It more than probable that they have . peeped I through thu window and-caught glimpse if tho varied complexion of . .the- -political household?. Pi'- A XETTKIt FKO.TI VliU KV IleThauk CvnitreMnsn UvliuTstona; i forjlatroductne in ingress the Resu ; latlon off banks of the Natlou. I " . Aiianta, Ga.,! August io.Gonkress-j - man . jjrvingsion.t pi ;Veorgia, nas re- eeiyd thefdllowing -from Admiral "Flagship' Olympla.- Off avite, Phrtl Ippirjes Islands! June- 17th,! . ' 1 , ! "aiyJ Dear ' Sir: I have Just learned' frpnj the last papers that J artfl idebt-ij . fd til vmi fnr tho lnrnif.tlnn In kJi hoiik "rif . rriracirig Ivm W. -i..r,iJJ- "V- tions extending to met the- thai&ks od. congjress for, the- naval! engagifrntnt ofj ' Manila bay; May lst.f i j ; - .. t ; ., i f "I j need hardly tell , yoii . .that Li arnj , most sincerely grateful tu you as thoi . autblor of the resolution;. brtngng a It dbes th; highest! honor- that - carti ) comf to an American nival officer la-1 his professional career. ! j But it is m-l grea pleasure to acktiowlodgei my del of gratitude, and to thank yu la uo stinted measure for the part you - took In obtaining for me that greatest dls4 tinction- -'' !.,.'M iV '.:: i ii i . ii- ? 'It is a source of ' additional pleas ure to me,- aermonter. that thfe nnv. er of .the rRolutlon was i ncjt a tnanr ' frori the north, but; one from the fail ' south. This is one of the good signs of the. times, . In the hour of danger L therje is .no south, no; north, but one' ! unitied 'country. May ive never heir of - sectmnaiism again. ; There are ho lln rawn in tne navy, ja need1 not sav it majt interest you to know that tnv flaj lieutenant; Lieutenant Brnmlek , isi p&oish twpnGofgian ly birth and appointment s'"- uiviwug yu most Cqralally' -1 k remain very graterui and si n der el y T - ! ' ThAltoralistswlHiMstflrsUUMi saowa. acumn sastssssw it ai ... . . . . - wira tsruMf umi my ttkr ( FOVDZn Aosomwiy pu f Mt SMONS kr IU.. I ' ' -JM, :.' rf T- : :V !': Ail V iV; - . 1 : I ' . r "i: i. :;;.,;! - S'',; ir ; 1 1 ; . r K r J -: " .1 - i. r ' i : - jremained some time. ; ; j 1 t - - . . 1 t .. 1 . . . . , 7 -;K: I i: . :, ! ! .-'V i-.;: t'l ) fl k-f : . -f i Ml

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