Hi-. 11 I! is ' J! iJ 1 i -.i . I ; . . ., '-; .'..."! '1' C! r ' i 1 ' .1 . " - - . h. i : . j 1 ! r-'TVl" "1 I ' ,".1. . . 9 " : 1 1 '.. -. 1 J.g?H ri 1 1 1 ') ' ! '""?' 11 t vi-fet. !' . '-' ' II ' '-. X . - . Ti :;'!. I' 1 : 1. I - , '- 1 ' , I 1 .. ' ! . ' . 1 '. "J L ' "1 ! 1 !:i' TROOPS R Two Transport svSail V . Soldiers GUNBOATS" UND jThe'Bancroft anil the 31aple ' Attack len From the Former cGo Ashot Schooner Spanish Soldiers 1 a e Pulling Ashore Heroic Conduct of Our Sailors--Th Maple Captures a i Schooner-.-Shafter'sSunatary Report Cop- : pinger's Corps Seat From, Tampa. ! I- Santiago, August 11,13:25 p; m. The transports Mank and Berkshire eail north tpday" with the JTwenty-first and the balance of the Seventy-flrst regl- pients. thusicoinpletlnj? the embarkaf jitlon of t he First diviisioai. The embarkv jatlon of the Second division will begin S: tomorrow. I . i . j; Captain : JacobBoa, i of th,e German iiwarship Geier, was taken over the Ssan i Juan battlefield this morntnj?, escort ed by Major Miley,l o. General Khaf jter's staffs 1 ' ij A SUA ftp KNOOUNTKK. . ; Key West.-Ffa., August; 11' Emanu i '! Kourlourls, a coLpasaer on the gun ;. iboat Bancroft,: was Isho.t and Instantly i ikilled durjny a sharp eingageirtent with LiSpanish riflemen near a point !of land j Ijfuttlng- out in Cortltj bay on trie south i ;coast' of the "p'rovince' ofi Pinar 'del Rio, Hon-August 2nd. ' It Is not known s hw irnany; Spaniards' livea paid for hia, 1 il)ut the Spantsh-Jftss waa undoubtedly evere. -';.- i ' v. ' ;.,; . i On the morning of! that day the Ban icroft waa cruiping labout CortiS bay ' Ion blockade duty, When a sail was seen . . Ictose to-the land, about ,ten miles , to ; jthe northward. The gunboat's steam .launch was armed with a 1-pounder, t&nd Lieutenant Hefiy B. Wilson, with r fourteen nien,r all carrying rifles, was i ment In to Intercept the stranger: She turned out to be aiSpanish schooner. By' th time, the steam launch reached ? lthat point -the schooner had 'worked ; ; jinto a port and, a party of Spaniards. '.i Including e body of; soldiers, was . at ; tempting to haul her ashore. The : Haunch atoodiboldlyr in and a brisk fire i -from her 1 1-pounder : speedily scattered the crowd. ' i i, ; . n DARING 'SEAMEN. Jamesl Monroe, a first class appren-- i' tice, swam to the schoimer and made a i line'fast her, in ordier to' pull her iout. At the same stime ;Valdemar Jlo i thengreenj an ordinary seaman, drop m ned over the side, of. the launch and jnade for.a- pier where a small sloop ?f irigged boat was moored. The launch' ' (then commenced to haul off the schodn L ifcr, i but tle ' linei partedj ahd while " an : ' iotheri w&a beig run to her the Span i : JardsJ'wno had sought shelter in the i i woods, poured in a murderous rifle fire. i i KoulOUTisi- who wad leaning over the I teide of the launch, jwas shot through ! the breast and fell dead. Fortunately, i ! tio one else was eyf.n injured. it (' Tnotntltr Yia msn'ln th launch be- iTlBan rapid return! fire with ; thefr j rifles, fwhile iLieutenant Wilson ma.- incuvred the' launch! so as to take . a. i-line-JhPOW --by Hohengreen from the f email boat, which he had shoved off ' - from the pier. Her-berw was pulled :out ' ' Sand 4h 1-pounder waa opened on the " i ianjbuscade with such ( well directed !"! : aim that I the Spaniards ; were routed i pvlthout a rhanqe to return the Ameri- tcan fire. -. ' J k . f The' schrooner had in the meantime i 'gone' hard aground and being so dam ' -'iged as to -be . almost iuseless, enough ahells were sent-inCo hef- to finish her ! destruction.: The launch then return . d with ther small sloop to the Ban- rott. nf .! , ! i , , j " ': P Commander- Clover warmly praised Kh..e-niHantrv of the launch party which " ilid not falter Under heavy fire, but -di-. , rected all its energies to rescuing tio-f ' ' henzreen. tvho, alone on the wharf, was " "in a perilous situation. i ! The next rooming the Bancroft start ' J.d fonSlgunea bay, where the gunboat staple: had gone to blockade and sound : '4ut afpassaee. ' i - ? . :i- N, THE MAPLE' IN . "A BOUT. : I it 4vlia was seaiDr officer! there, transfer- ire(j nt,p nag to . tne jiviapie, wiiue me iBancroft'S boilers were undergoing re 'palrs. i He took the i launch with him, tunder'. Ensign Vogelsang, still armed ' With ' her ! 1-pounderj .They . proceeded ',to the: northwest extremity of the Isle of Pines" and there saw a sloop and a harge schooner anchored in shore. The launcli-went in after; them, but as soon :;as she was ebserved approaching the U-rews' of the Spanish i yessels took to lhei t small boats. I The sloop was 'aground and towardithis vessel Ensign Vogelsang headed the launch. As the? Ilatte-r8 drew near to jthie, sloop, a party of ' Spaniards on shorei opened' fire ; on the Americans, r Then the ' launch's 5-pounder again 'opened fire on the-en-f my. ? But before she had " fired many, shells', thei Mapler Opened' fire with , her ij-pounder4 and swept the brush-lined ;be ach. While the-den foilage ashore tave,'-th enemy decf;ded advantage, no ; i AmerJcans were hitj but it is safe to 'eay that under the Maple's hea-y fire ii Her Health Restored r realired tho-e,who have esperl- - enced 11. .rv wn sleeplessness. jrt. Miles of this tact thki Ml 4(?sts ajT authorized to refund price -t1 t.rifi. nrovldi'ia it does. C oeeuu .Mrs. Ilenry iimns, ifii ot tho wen known . -w ti...A r.... fini says ! r -a s troubled -tf itt, sIeeplessui.,V0U3'N ; .o i-eadacLe and JTi-irularinciietrU t KiiflFL"ife utitold miserj: for ?ear. I advertised remedies for fmnalftC111' ! plaints Vsldes being under the cue of " physiciansK'wi-nout help. I noticed in Wf ir IMUes' adver isement -the testimonial of Hady cured 6f ailments similar to mine, ana . 1 sha-U never cena.V to thank that lady. Br testimonial induce flt'inc to use Dr. Miles' Servine and Nerve auS Liver Pills, which restored me to health. I oXgot say enough or Dr.Mlles' Remedies." rS-VJJSrl "" Dr. lines. Eemediesj , I -e sold by ll drug j t3 under a positive1 rantee, first bottlai fit3 or money re. : d. Book on dis of the heart and ; f reel Address, Nervine inestore "ILLS MEDICAL CO- Elkhart, loo, St l nmTTTSiTTiT I sEBiocsTBomtemBED HY innnnTiiiT 'natrmmrl iinT.nBU nr Tiir nifin ",U: at cxytr tuotias ' , rT 4 t?i tiV i hr sT-fY A i i i ' ' i b 1. U K'JN'Ln Ij kr- flIlxWlflll li LOT UM Uf HI ill' .Sm ib JMJSIWK., f I ; From Santiago rWith bn'Board " . 1 ;R 'rSHARP PIRE ed by Spanish From; the Shored - e in CortU Bay to Draw off a afge number oP Spaniards were kill- J or wounded. i :- ... The sloop turned out to be a trading easel with no. cargo on board and not ing worth the trouble of-sending to n American port, a few-shots from the a nle, put her under- water The fthooner, however. royed to be oC vaf iie.i She was the Carmita loadediwith, fvood and charcoal. She wa hauled ojut and anchored until the next morn ng, ,when the "Maple, towing the sjchooner and -the launch, resumed her tourney , to Sigunea bay. i ; jSHAFTER'S' SANITARY REPORT.' ' Walshlngton, August! 11. The follow ing; is General Sha-fter's sanitary re port for August 10th: Total number'of -rflck S,25.5, total number of lever eases 4ISl,i totai number- new cases of fe- 'VerK.307, total number - fever' cases re tiurned to duty 235; deaths, August iSth.llO.,1, - , , l Major :i General-a Copping'er's army irrps . formally has been ordered from Klorida to Huntaviile, Ala. It hs been alnnounced that the corps would be rjioved from Florida, but not Until to rJigtit did Adjutant General Corbin pro- i$ulgate the official order for the move- ' rient; of the troops.. : Shortly " before I of clock ..General "Corbin bulletined the fftltow.ing dispatch from General - Cop pinger, informing him that the move ment; of the -corps waa: being executed promptly-': - i i : . : .v '.- . i , '1 "Port Tampa, Fla,, August 11. "Adjutant General, War Department; Washington: :1 : - ! - "Telegram ordering corps to Hunts ville just received. Corps . headquar ters already on .traing wlll therefore, leave for- Huntsvilhe direct and. after s ?le?tion of proper camp (the troops of Ceneral Snyder's command ttfe Tampa fallowed toy those of General Carpen t r's at Fernandina, will be put en mute. V , i 1 f COPPINGER." ; A.1 general order has; been Issued at tie adjutantt general's office . panting o le i month's furlough to the sick; and w ounded soldiers,, and transportation t$ t'helr iliomes.1 At the expiration of fteir .furloughs, if fit for duty,, the1 sol- ers must report to- the nearest army ppst, camp or hospitalj-for 'the pur- bse of being sent to their regiments. A dispatch today received from Gen 'al Shafter at Santiago reports the .dpath this morning of -Lieutenanc Wilr liiani u. Jtiauoic, a weiyia lnianiry. ; m BANKERS IN CONFERENCE Serbnd I)ay' Siealon oi the North Car olina Bankers' Association. - Charfotte, N. cl .August II. Messrs. S . WittKowsky, of Charlotte, and 'W. A ,. Blair, of : Winston, - addressed; the bankers association today at its morn ing, session. : v ;- The following officers were elected and installed for ithe ensuing year: v President "VV. . A. Blair, : Winston. . ; : .First Vice President Thomas ; W Eewey, New: Bern. , . ' i Second - Vice President Joseph G. Brown, Raleigh: ' , ' ifc Third Vice President George W. tontcale, Lexington. ' ; " . . I Secretary 1 and t Treasurer- John Miller, Jr., Charlotte. .7 . ( Executive Committee W. , A. Blair, Winston; W. A. Hunt.-Hendersoa1 W. Borden, Goldsboro;jJ. P Sawyer, Asheville;- A. G. Brenizer, Charlotte. (Mr, Joseph G. Brown, of Raleigh, was elected a delegate to the American Bkukers's Association, which holds ita next meeting at Denver," Colorado, on the 23rd oTthis month. ' 1 jfn the afternoopi vthe bankers ' were shown the cifv's cottoa factories: cbt ton seed oil. mills, and other points of1 interest. Of the 101 banks 'in North Carolina, thirtyfthree are members of the association. , . i . . ; i 5 : I ii IV il C OAi CXV. llT, . . u tfen'and all liver and stomach troubles cnvbe quickly cured toy using ose fimous little pills known as DeWHt's Ljlttle' Early Risers. They are" pleasant tty take and never srriTwv R. R. .Bel- lamy. t 4 I 1 , Strict Regulation to Keep Out Yellow "-" j' j . Feer. - -' - .. . -; Washington, August 11. Every pre tution Js.' being- taken by both' the ar and i the treasury- departments to prevent the introduction of yellow fe- r I into , the United States. Medical I - - - - - :1 . ' I 'icers of the marine hospital service are to be. immediately detailed at San tiago and subsequently at other. Cuban ports, who are to perform the duties of sanitary port inspectors. All mat tersl pertaining ! to, the.- condition 6f transports and crews are to be placed upider their jurisdiction and .each ves sel engaged in.' the transport service li t,o have a medical off icer aboard as aj sanitary inspecter. At Santiago arid eyery chief port there Is to be' placed aj receiving : ship ; for the: retention of those who' take passage for the Unite"d States., This ship, will be practically at detention camp. ana quarantine sta tion pn which passengers for the Unit ed States Will undergo a period of ob- ervatiou and disinfection.. . Qood Health of Troopf t Jacksonville Jacksonville, Fra., August 1L Cor respondents of newspajers -seem to de light in 'making fab-ricated -statements as to the health of . the troops here, and send out highly colored., and dis torted statements tinder the . impres sion doubtless that they are serving their papers. n- ; - ' jAsa matterxof fact, the health of tpe corps continues to be excellent,: al-. though more -or less iVpay day" sick-' npgs has resulted from 1 eating and rinkng many things. . colonel Aiaus, cniei surgeon, saia tbday. however,; that the total sick -is l$ss. than 2 per cent., and these are -yj-Jnclpaliy of a, nuld eharapter. ! . -: HerrlWe Result DrunJkenness r j Newx York, August ' 11. Policeman Henry C, Hawleyi of the Tenderloin station, while-' 'in -a. fit? of ' drunken rage, today shot his wife, his mother, Mary Hawley, his son, 4 years old, and--his daughter, 6 years old. He then shot himaejf in; the head. - He -was taken to the Bellevue hospital where , rtieH soon afterward. The others were taken tome )mw,u,raipiii ionre later he died. : . ir i Th mlT explanation- of the crime as A staUsae.n,' made by Haseley-s Lit AtrtV-e she-last consciousness to Se eft that Vdrjbas caused all 1 i By tbe GTrramtal la Interior Alaka A Battaryjof ArtHIery 1 to M en to Fort Yukon -i-,i '-!.: ;.. -II- -y:iv. San Frariclsco, August 11. -The Call says-: 1 Serious trouble In Interior Alas ka is apprehended by the United Stat en government. Food rlota are feared at Fort Tultoil and other, up-riyer points, growing joit. of the ; failure of the transportation companies- to get sup plies; In thU on tha prevailing high water. 1 1 ;- .v- - b r - Acting 1 Instructions .from - Wash ington. Major General Merriam'will quickly dispatch a battery of artillery to St. Michaels, the officer in charge having orders ta proceed at ., once-, up the f Yukon; riven to Fort Yukon and open; a miljitary post for the coming winter. Th expedition will also carry a large qUjantlty of "extra provisions and; supplies. When St. Michaels is reached, the commanding officer .will promptly; lejvy on any river boats he may ; find,! seizing them if neciessary, and; will transport his troops and aup plles'to their destination with all pos sible: dJepatch. form of - military government will be established -and order maintained in ; Alaslfi even If it requires 1 the; services of the sol diers .and: ar :illeryi i ; . . , Had at Rattlesnake In Ills Cart - ; Mr.. Amos jjSidberry;, of Onslow coun ty, arirvedi'n the city last night about 9 o'clock with a; cart, load of',' harms, eggs ,. and i nbhickensi. While coming along the' Newbern road near Mr. Os car Pearsall's place, ie was startled by t he f ominous rattle . iof a rattlesnake. He thought it was in the road and hur ried over 1 the spot, but . the -rattling started up jagain ;after he had gone a 100 yards.; Her located the sounxl in his cam and was satisfied that he had. a snake as . a passenger. . When.- he -got under the electric ligrht at Twelfth and" Market streets, he cautiously examined ! the bed of his carfc and found a rattle snake about four and a half feet long: The cart wheel had passed over It and nearly cut .it In two about five inches back of its head. - It 'did not take him long to get a stick and; get rid of the ugly customer. If was nearly dead, but still had some use of its body from the cut place out .to' the tail. He doesn't think the snake could have used iits head in-making a Strike, but he took no chances. j 1 -' : fi i He is satisfied the snake was craw.-' ing across the rOad and, that the wfeel of the cart ran' over. him. - It dotfbtless wrapped its icolls around : .he Wheel when It struck him, and as the wheel turned over the snake fell into, the bed- ot the cart. 11 Mr, Sidbury I says ? she' had almost a similar experience 'several- years ; ago, and he begins to think he is in bad luck; That fime he jwas in a- buggy and drove s over a fsnake that wrapped itself around! the wheel one Hay and Iwhirted past j him -several times as- he sat in the buggy, before he could' stop his; horse. I: Two i more Polvbgt Co's days: left ;of The C. W. - Bargain Week The Revi r W. .B..' Costley, of Stock-. birage, Ga.; while attending tohis pas-, toral duties at Ellenwood, that tate, was attacked! by cholera morbus. H says: - ;"By.! cjhance I j happened t9 get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and piarrhoea Remedy, andil thiik: It was i the means of saving my life. ' It relieved me at once," For $ale by; R! I Bellamy.! i I iM ii- i , -41 " ! - - ... ..V" . r: jr-ifr-if j! Stole a Valise i-" . 1 Yesterday j-ivhen the excursion from iDiltan, Si jCj arrived) here, Mr." J.. -S. Wingate, Mt Marion county, got off the train and started up (town with a va lise. ;A colored, boy, whom .he says he would never 'know again If he' laid eyes uponTiim, j stepped up and offered to carry . his valise for a . nickle. He ac cepted ' the ; (proposition; and is out' a valise with aJ suit of clothes and a lot of underclothing too large for the boy as the scamp was not more than 13 or 14 years old. He states that when he-gave the boy his. ivalise he- walked behind him coming dow.n town, and at a icros&-street the iboy ran towards the river ajiaXgot away. The street where the boy gave, Mr. Wingate the dodge was evidently rWaJnut street. ii- i- -;i H r- Cape Fear Acsidemy v v Professor (W ashington Catlett, - prin cipal pf Cape Fear Academy, gives no ,tice that the 26th session of this ex icellent jWDmlngton school will begin September lSth. ; .j ' ' i The i academy off erp j special y ad van tages for yopng hien to prepare them pelves for a successful business career lorj fori a college course. - Primary pu pils are alsdj carefully taught, 1 Professor Catlett is one of the most experienced teachers, in; North Carolina and his method of training boys both lin the! manner: in whioh he develops their- minds, (inculcates fidelity to duty and semcourages the. development of the best , traits of character makes the pcjhool one I njiost desirable for boys, at Ihdme jand frpm abroad, to. attend. See Lfflotessor atietis cara.- 1 ' TBes Remedy for Flux Mr. John Mafhias, S a1 well : known stpek dealer of Pulaski, i iKy., says "After suffering for over a week with jflux, and my physician having : failed to relieve me; i i was ; aavisea to try Chamberlainls Cplic, Cholera and Diar k-hoea - Remeqy, and have the pleasure of! jStating that ithe .half of ; one bottle Cured me." i For sale by R. R. Bellamy. . - - Chicken Thieves. Wednesday rnight thieves (Visited thg residence of Mr. C. Southerland, on Sixth s street, ' betw een - Dock' and Or ange, for thetsecond stime lately. This -i" : i: --il-s I . k J' I ' ' i- -- - -:- time ; a coop sof twenty odd chickens which': Mr. i Southerland had just pur- i : " . t r - - - . chased and placed on the back piazza, was the incentive! All but five of the fowls were i stolen.' ! ! 1 JTwo; more days left of ;The C. W. POlVogt Co'S Bargain; . Week. Three; Excursions Yesterday - iYesterday , morning! about! 10 o'clock an excursion from Clinton arrived here, bringing three car -loads of 'rwhites and two car loads of colored people, mak ing, in all about 175. .They took in the seashore arid returned last evenng- '.- At 10:45 o'clock an excursion arrived from i. Dillon, ;S. C, over the Atlantic C6ast ; Line; bringing; 250 people, most ofj whom'" were white; i They also went toi the ocean and spent the j day. They left for home last night. ! An excursion was run from Concord tcj Wilmington t. yesterday by way of Greensboro; and Goldsborb ' under the management of Mr. J, Thomas Leon atd,. of Concord. The train got here yesterday afternoon; about 5 o'clock. The excursion party! consisted. of 360 people. They will lake In the seaside today i and 1 leave lor sliome tonight at U o'clock. j ; : .Thousands ; of persons ' have been ured;of piles by using DeWltts Witch Hanel Salve.! It heals promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. Jt. R. Bel Made by Our Troops in Porto Rico. 1 SPANIARDS GIVING WAY, Onr Force ; Steadily .AdTanclng-8ev- ( ' h I ; -1 i. I ' :'i - ) - - ' ' 1 j eral Sharp Eneoanter With Spanish i Soldiers Our Luuei Very Slight In all j - j : f ' 1 ' -: i i ' - 1 1 of iThem Spanish Loss Heavy--Tele .1 ' ' 1 : '-':-: t 1 - " '1 ' ... -- 1 i : ; graphic Communication TItb Ge& : - i H i . -: V ; I ---- - ,: : :: . . i oral Brooke's Headquarters-The Car ; ii-' 1 . . j i .. I i '. . i .1 .1 i rlaon ofCoamo !Captnred. - f Washington, ; August :: H.-'the war 1 - department j! has received two ais patdhes from General Miles-under date pf Ponce, August 10th, as follows 'Secretary of Warj Washington: "The following is t list of wounded in the? Sixteenth Pennsylvania; in ' the skirmish beyond CoyWmo, August Jth!! CorporaX Barnes, Company E, left side Private: C C4 Frankj Company C, right Sideijj Privat George! Whltlock, Com 4 pany ,; rigjit side; Private L. Ubbld Company E; right elbow'; Private! E; V, Jolly; Company A, left arm. ; '' I j j . ;" Tj ; "mjles." "Secpetaf-y of War, Washington: i ! Itave esl ablishedf telegraphic com munjcation Jwith General Brooke "who repotts- tliaij linr a skirmish on the 8th with th4 1 ei(iemy . about ; three miles north of Gjuayama.i General Haines forced Ithe nemy tot petreat. The fol4- lowing.imenj of the JPourth Ohiowere wounded, none killed: Captain iEd- ward 0. 1 Thompson,1 Company K, in rightl breast;! Private! Samuel J. Jolesj right knee; PrivateNoble W. Haniack- er, Cpmpanjt C, jn ankle;: Private Har-j ry a, I -Haines, Company C, iit right foot; i PriVlate William JeddingtonJ Company Ai, in right hip. j i-i r:i' (fi. 1 .1' - it-..- -j ,; 'lWTf .TTSS1'';- S Another dispatch) from General Miles transmitted! the follo.wing message he haa received I from General Schvvan: "Camp Near Hormigueros, Aug. 10. - 1 "Advance! guard, including cavalry; of this command, while reconnoiteningi northwest of ;Rosari6 river, near Hor-'j migupros, developedl strong Spani3iil forcel f which lay ; concealed in hillsi north 1 of ; Mayaguez. In a - general ;; en-i gagement that v followed, Lieutenant! Byroti, Eighth cavalry, my aidede-i camp. ; was 1 wounded in" foot and Pri-; Ferhberger, Company D. Elev-j infantjry, and ibne other private,' killed I and fourteen enlisted meal Vate enth vrere Sv'ere wounded. It -Is reported that! the most, if jnot the entire Spanish erar rispn Iof ! Miayaguez i and " surrounding1 countipy consisting of 1,000 regulars and' r IMPORTAJIT EVENTS1 OF THE Di F. The Spanish Cabinet Agrees Miles and Merritt are Not Ordered to Cease Hostilities, l Miles is Making Rapid Advance Santiago Tariff Regulations Rican Ports. t t ' . A Smokeless Powder is Secured for .Our Springfield; Rifles J Plans for the Temporary Government7 of uba!and Islands vu-u ij'iojjaiuarc uiiucr donsiaeraiion oy iua-hdiuci The Eighth Illinois Regiment Nine Thousand More TroopS : 1 L I Ail. 'i ii- - - .- : . i oer iuiii. -i The Government Fears Serious Trouble in'j laskk4 The President Appoints Judge boro, Ala. ,-!! ; 1 ni.ii .1 1 1 I It is Expected that the Peace apd That This Will bcthe Last Day of the War'- j 1 1 Russia Will Adopt Dynamite Guns for HerlrSavy. '4 1 A New York 'Polieeman Kills Her Mother and Himself. v . I r s " - 'i, ; - Good Health PrevailsAmona !On'e Month's ! Fiu-rougli Hag v.uunaeu soiaiers, . v -1 plunteersi, took part in the engage-: ment.Ve drove the ; enemy fromi his1 position aTwkJ it is believed inflicted heavy" los0. r t 1 ! :: ."A pounded 'Spanish lieutenant "was foundi in the, field and jbrought into Our; lines, j Coriduct of officers and men was' beyonid : all. praise. 1 'propose to con tinue jmy march on Mayaguez at early; hour tomrrow." a . - y i Later iif the day the following-1 de layed telegram was tmade public: H : -: j ' I'PoneeJ August 9, 188." 1 A'Seoretary f f War, Washington: u i i "The following received from Gen-.! eral Wilson: ; '.General Ernst's brl-: gade.daptUredi Comaoiat 8:30 this morn-i ingj Bixeenth Pennsylvania, Colonel Hulings, ; pommanding.Med by Lieuten ant Colonel Ridde, of my staff, having made pi turning movement through the mountains, striking the Aibonito road half at mijle beyond the town, captured the entire garrison of Coamo, about 150 men Spanish Commander, Illerao nnd Captajn Lopez killed,! Our 16ss reported six iwounded, only one severely. Men and officers behaved ! excellently.' ; "Colonel Hujings and Colonel Biddle are i especially to be is a Very, important executed.! . . J : commended. This capture and well MILES." i Washinigtonl August 12. At 1 o'clock this rmprning the wart . department! post ed the! following: 1 .j f i ; . I - "Ponce, August 11. j "Secretaify of War, (Washington: !i- j "The following from Schwan:' Im mediately after-- repulse yesterday the Spani$h troops, joined , by what were left hi Mayaguez, 1 moved in the direc tion of L&resJ Have sent scouts in that directiioni My; command entered Maya guez ' ali Schwan.'j 9 n'rlrwl- I this morning. I MILES." "The edlltor iof the Ervans City, Pa., Globe i writes. ; "One! Minute Cough Cure Is iriehtly named. 1 Xt 1 cured my children lafter all other remedies fall ed." It cures coughs; colds and alf throati and rune troubles. B. Bel- lam. Two Men and a Woman Shot i Deadwbod, !S. IJ., August 11. Three men dead and a woman dying is i the net result of a shooting affray at Cen tral City today. Judge ' J. P.. UJddings, -Ed.- Shannon.: and Jack Wear are the men and Mrs.' Ed. Shannon is the wo man. I The woman Is still alive, but cannot recover. AH lihe parties 1 are pioneers and; were well-to-do. 1 ? ; Gldding has had many political offl ces. Intimacy between Giddings- and Mrs. Shannon is given as the cause-of the tragedy.:! Wear -tried to separate Shannon and Giddings and -was shot.-- - i Russia to Adopt Dynamite Gnus '- ! St., Petersburg, August ll.-It is an nounced: here that in :view of the sue1? cess vhich lias attended the use !; of dynamite guns in Cuba, the minister of matinee Vice Admiral Tyrtoffr pro poses xd mount each weapons on four Russian! i warships, fjlielr use will 4 be extended; if they turn; out to' be satis factory.!: i s I 'ITMDI SU1 10T BUUUU New York.; August U-tTbe auxiliary cruiser Yale, with the i Eighth Illinois 3lunteers and a number of nurses on boardj sailed for Santiago this after noon. lrms Accepted ifr Spain ;p1 m to be Signed T(jDA, a -- i - fit .rt ; : 5.x The Slenlng eV the Protocol tol be Fol- - . -i: i .. 1 i. - t .. 1' . lowed by Ce ttlon of Oeenpatlon Manila losttlkles and and paw JF.ua n fey the Imefan Forces Oar jpeenpaa Uoh of Cabfl; Porta V be j Delayed Dlsensslns fersonne Iof UiW Peare rommlMloB ' I: ' MadrldJ Adjust 1L 1 A.! m.In offl cial circles beH the ireply Of kie Unit ed States; to : aln in jthe mfctter jof peace negotiai - ns is; regarded M satis factory, i 5 I - ; 1 10:30 p. m. he day has beep diplo matically jone f the bpstest is bee the outbreak f..ttr!iwar i There have been no fewer thaiithree cabinet! councils, in addition to various diplomatic con- t:- - -- : - - i f. i j .' i-i - ferenees. v!i!:i ; 1' i 'i -.;.!-Though the txt of the protocol was not received -&til the j' evening was well, advancecr.sthe ! gove'rnme it had been rnade ful-y; acquainted; ultlfrlts contents through. Ports, j .J-j-T : j; The matter as pradtlcally settled, as already cabifsd, at th4 cablnt meet ing this afterit on and (the r,e reipt of the actaal dot iment; -hrefoie, only required a me dng of th. icab net for a formal accep. ance. ; j (. j !.-. 'i Ministers adre - to jthe ' st. tement that the protoc-! contains mo rrpdlflca-: tion of the o,vglnal tefms, to lit dnly new suggestions They expeeti it will be signed ; at yashington! to morrow (Friday) and.ltt a suspehsioin of hos tilities .Will i b J nnounced. j ! ; . I Duke Almod; ar de RioJ !minister of foreign affair&iissures the! porrspond-ent- of the ; Ass ociated-Press ; t iat the negotiations tor .the peace tret ty will take place irf 1 aris ' but heisi ;ys the commissioners have not yet tb- en ap pointed. ; ; i . i !.!'l' i ' -' . j The terms of the ' protocbl ! 111 not be-published fcrtil the nstrum nt has Jseen signed. 3 j , , r 11 p. m. Th,;p-ess how" considers peace a, f orerone ; rohelusion iandl echoes the general imp tttedce to see a termi nation 'of hostilities) and to krow the programme' fir' the peace 'commission, at which it - ia 4 believed eEtheif Senor f Moret or Duke, Almodovar! de Itio will preside. ' It is betievejl that ithe negotia tions will exteftS into thesecoKl half of September. ri ' 1 1 p Washington: August Tl.fTh Asso- Madrid an- nouncing thatv;ie Spanish eabihet had -?- - to the Peace Pr?'tocol. in Porto Rid h are Applied -t Captured Porto ; r Sails for Santiago, j . Will be Sent t Manila1 by Octo- i .' - - i-i . .:r H ! 1 . i " I. - j " j . 4 t Ilobson Postnjaster of Greens- 1 - : -t m 1 1 1 i . ' 1 Protocol Will fe Signed Today His .Two Cti Idrettj His: Wiffe, . I i-M I , ! ! a J . j 1 . 4 ! it the Troops at Jacksonville. Been Granted to all Sick dnd . j j 1 m - r?.; r approved the tisace. protocol and: that the French aiPiiassadiorl would J receive instructions toj Men itli wasi very grati fying, to the 8d.iiftistratidn;, but it was expected thatts ich. wo)uld:be the course of the Spanish $ to vemment. It Is con fidently expert id : that the signatures will be affixed ro this, document tomor row and: immes lately, therearner 1 Dotn governments sttvll begini qarry ng out Its provisions. The first f will, be the cessation of h-tilities, followed im- mediately by ti.. occupation ofj Manila by General Mfritt and ' the United States troops tinder hlsi commind, the occupation of K4n Juan 1 In Poto Rico by General.; Mjt 'is ana the evj cuation of that island fey thel Spanish forces, it is believed triat there wiirt e delay in the evacaatCan of Havana, Matan- zas and .otherj-Upanish Strong lOlds in Cuba, "as sGmHdifficulties are antici pated, in arranging for &'prop;r form or government aor vjMua anq pwause there is no dSe tot jhurry American tt-rons ; Into tlvJ.i island at thei present time.1 the prefi. Since being toi iwalt for cooler weatheii 1 - I hi i-il The near apjftbach tip the signing of the protocol ha; Irequired; the discussion of the persqnn.i l of th peace ommis"- ston. Ther Is .; jrood vuthprltyifor the statement tliai i IBecretary f Day I will be at the head o that two tr3te States; senators will be mem'bers-ofs It- Senator1 AUtaon, of Iowa, and Senvtor Gorman, 01 Mary land, have foeeC prominently iriientlon ed for places ow the commissioij,' and It is known tnar tney nave oeem unaer consideration then President. It is not' bellied by lmetnberk of the ad ministration, ttat the commission .Will complete its wwk in time to cause an extra session congress -to Consider legislation whica the i treaty will ne cessitate, althojigh .there Is a prospect that an extra Sessions of the senate might be called in November tol consld er the treaty oft peace.! LAST DA" OFTHEVAk - Up to the hou of midnight, ti e presi dent had received no official ccmmunl cation as toi-tht ? action; of the Spanish government, b I it was stated-1 y; those who saw him fV sight that he was very expectant that-'this was the fast day of the war. - h -j 1 .-. 1 The French .t nbassyl has as yet re ceived no communication from Madrid authorizing 3tl. lajabon Ito-slgn the pro tocol. but the 8- iretarles of thel embas sy left orders ' n retiring to be called if a.ny messag? was 1 received and it will be immediately translated With the Flet, off GuantaBamo, via Playa del Eft te. August jll, 7 p. Jm. The Associated reiis "bulletin announcing that the tread'' protocol ttald been agreed uponiwarthe first defUnite news received he'te regarding! 1 thet progress of the peace net b-tiatlons, J Notlnlng had been : receivea rom n.nei navy ueyaii ment or from a 4y other isoure. ' The dispatch. : iaused the most intense satisfaction? thioughoulSi thei I?6 - Is expected thai several warships will soon be able to ygo northj and flhe great fleet no-w lyinljg here is in 'readiness to . . . J o. i,2 J,-t.: A.X.. I wf Ji.H .t AWkB ' UlSLriOULTUr Kit- lUtf! aittUViW. C Bahkss at Xwlsviae, Texas, iteS that xmtfc'box of IeWltf Witch Hizel Satve -Wts wortn to him. red his eft's of ten years standing, advises otl ers to try IU i It alsq eczeraar akin diseasea ana On- sores, m K. SBeiiayay. Peace b.bw at uae uapi i f .r.'ickamauga National Park, August ilVTfie, principal -'order recelVed. at Caf f P Thomas today was one directing B readier Cenerals McKee and Sau g ! to' proceed at once to j the ; new Caf jlp" . grounds selected , for , the en caiipment df the Second and Third divisions of the First corps respectlve lyi JJeneral McKee,; commanding j the SaAad divigion, -waa ordered to Kaox tU , : Tenn.. and General (Sanger, commanding the Third, division, was on.red 1 to Lexington,' Ky. General Mblee leXt this morula while Gen erl'iisSanger expects to leave tomorrow, It 'fll perhaps be ten -days before any ofSre regiments are " ordered, out. Wj ?e, according to v present plans, abs it half of the troops at this camp arf HO be removed to the new camp jrrviands,j there is not the least abate m"f&. in the plans Inaugurated to.im pnti the sanitary conditions of Camp Tb tjxias and to rid it of such fever as ex, among the soldiers. " New 'Jios piV"a "are being erected,: )im is being sciVed I throughout 1 the (camp and reaenta are being provide ,witlrwa.ter bovsrs. I Major Griffln -began this miiaing near Lyttles the erection of a ha jital of "tents sufficient in sizetor al ; , ' ' vlverjiof Holcom, of Nebraska, ar rli today and inspected' the Ne- kbr;Ja. troops.. f-rhe Suprentendeut of School 1 l "Wilmington, Q. August li. EM'oirs Messenger: . 1 f f lthe midst of a'circle of intelligent geemei this morningj the question w at i Asked If . Professor Noble had ac-ceP-,d ihe chair of pedagogy 1 tendered byfile state university at Chapel Hill. Orftof the party replied: "Yesterday heiild me he had."' J 1 1 IJKas then asked who would be his suijlssoiv It will not be well to note th Answers given but1 when Professor Wt Kington Catlett's 3 name was men tlo ed It seemed to; be the opinion of alljvhat he was the--man;for the place vei-Wlstrongly emphasized by: "I hope he' Mget It." ,11 1; "ashington, Catlett is too well knsft'n! in this community to need any in Eduction, 1 for he is- a teacher t of m.'5i i: years experience: one of ac knj)jledge ability, and a : gentleman lot hiiiharacter andj withHall a; good tra 'er of boys. Can any ' one who lov4 ,to see his own citizens exhaulted naMbi one better fitted for the posl-tio-?;! , f S E.1W. M. i ijlfi I ; ,"p H 1 j ' ' ' -" --h '. " ; ': I ; Lk Broken jlfeterday ; afternoon j while Amos "Firjiteir and Sandy Johnson, . colored, we1 $ amoving some timber at the Pilie safsYmill, two logs 1 jammed together, anjlaught Johnson's left leg between thig::, ;The leg was broken just above tht""3tnee. , It was setand he. is gct- MfTln your ibatitleo against disease byv? acting promptly. One Minutfli Co1 '.fg'bi! Cure produces (Immediate re su :i When taken early It prevents co- f.utniptin. 'And in later stages - It fuidiahes prompt relief. R. R. Bel- "a.crp 1 tuur iuuuvj ai iivuiv tjftjrmington -ought ;- to:; have a god guA.ntee ! and Investment company. ThTe; is a good opportunity for such a coEnpany tq do a good business here anfSsiri! :tlw snrrnnndiner counties. There ar tnany bended clerks and Officials ant- employes here and companies m Basmore and elsewhere get a good roijpd! sum out of , Wilmington for eiv iic- i bonds for thpm. Whv : ca.nnot thi 4noney be kept at home? 1 i 'illHit.i: 1 ' i .. ;' ;-:,-' ..' :"' :, -(":.; Elitl iof Loom, iyard wide. 6Ms cent Ba, i-ain. Week price at The C. W. Pol Vo if Co. ' . - ' ; H- 4 i - :1 ;;- HS', '' Chief Burgess of Mile urg, -Pa., sai f PeWitt's, Little Early Risers are thq-vtest pills he ever used In his fam- ilypsuxi o forty years or nouse Keep ing y : They cure constipation, 1 sick ro -ies. t 11 in size out great- in rest Jm, 1 R.R. Bellas- - . . . ,rf - Fire Last Evening . Jl& alarm of fire last evening; a.t 7.:2it' -O'clock from box 41', was Ion. ac oovit'-jOf ! a small blaze in the, two sto?ijft house 215 Market street, own ed I py; Mr; W. B. McKay and pecupted upijS.lrs as a residence by Mr. ; Hiram .Mo V if K . '. - :-.f.: ; j;..;; k'-- i - T . fire caught in the roof of ,Mr. Mois-ps's kitchen and was-caused by: a def rive flue. The fire communicated to roof of the residence at 217 Mar kesJtreet, next door, owned by i Mrs. Fi 'ffcll; Potter, but the fire department wason 1 hand promptly and had the firelSut before much damage was done to father house..! ' f. s 1 r Tij houses of Mr. McKoy and Mrs. Porter were each1 damaged to theexi ten? of $15, and 3Ir. Moore's kitchen fUivj&ure iwas 'da'maged to the extent of sjaut $10. All "the losses are coy-erej-by Insurance. . i; 1 1. -tWiji '; '' r ! R'?jMoore, of LaFayette, Ind., says tha--iior constipation he has found DeT Itt's Little Early Rls-.s to 'be per- fecv $ . They never gripe. ! Try them forrtomach and liver troubles., R.-H, :'!' Death at CaAip Gordon - n.! .following article is clipped frof.,the Savannah ,-(Ga.,) News of Wednesday: ' ' ' I E Sins wick. Gal. Alfeust 9. Private Roft Ruth, of Company A, North Cat4nas; died last night. 'His ser iouf. ? illness .was mentioned in these J!..'f.J..L - 1 f . . , 1 ... 1 uiBiicuea, auu 11 was leareu lie wouiu notify e. ( I Surgeon Brevard states-th'at hisr'f1'ith wan . diiA- tn . fiirknenn icnn- trad while camping' in; North Caro J lin' Iwhich afterwards developed here. 1 s sei iunerai tnis arceraoon was ue firf- -held in camp,and It was an Impres- sirrfiight. The 'chaplain ; and an es cortof eight men, with .sx; pallbearers, neayea ; oy tne Dana, iormea tne pro- thai? was ' resting om a wagon. The waa lonely and pathetic ' sight to seetivhei body of the poor fellow, being caroled away to his grave -at Frder-. icari'in the other side of. the island.: ' ; &"; who thinks ai soldier s life is fasfhating, has only to. witness a fun eral;; like this to change his. mind. Evi I military honor, that his rank al- kmu te shown the deceased, but 1 when a htn is taken awajr without an' ap pal 'ht; tear being snea or oniy mute toll S of grief ' being- displayed 1 -it ma - s- one want to die amongst home foli?- iwhere all feel 4 sympathetic, In- ier?-if iu mm. . . 1 , . . , - Soldiers are just as sympthetic and. as ind-hearted as any other mortals, butwhen men are picked up from jail ovtjNfthe .country, it cannot be expected Ithl their comrades In arms will feel forhem like home folk, would. There wew many in camp today who felt for frivate Kutn and. mourned ills ue pas'-nre, 'but the rfuneral procession cotfa i not help but Impress one with the idea that a man who goes into ser- I Tie and lays down; his, life for his coiUry's sake,' deserves j more honors ati8 death, than is sallowed privates at military funerals. i J 1: VWTrtt Tt-tnttval . of 1 Anxiously AwbStediby : V: i ' Mi $t iWashiUgton, , HOST lLifiHs!;N(lT TO CE:ASE. Official Denial of Ke ports of prtlcrs to Stop Campaigns in Porto RJco HOA I , 4 the Phih'ppines Rapi J Advance Toivard San Juan-.TarifT Rcgu- ' l j lations for Capture Ports ot Porto Rico Arranging De- i 1 :r ! tails for SpatnH Evacuation 11 - I- -t-a.-,r 1- j 1 ; s , The Cabitjt Discussing .s ifis.T ."' I - II . I i- I f.- . me rf PArtn Ii yWaahihKtOnAugusjt ho-iftr-est :ln government offlclcles (cen tered today Inthe press diacihes from Madrid, as the first news sgthp decis ion ofthe Spanish " govetr4'pnt wpuld be-made public theref ani j'jiere was no likelihood of anything fc!'r-gkiibwn Officially -. in Washingtari? ing the day, as to Spalnj's dec($i!?spe ting signatures to the, peacf (. p'r fyiol. Af ter the close of pffice hqurg ecreary Day drove over, to the Wi fte liiiuse and had half han hour's A fnferi nee with the president. HerstaVf:thail ho farther' word had beeni rt-ed t -om Ambassador Cambon. Jbu? dmll ted that he expected a call jlroiti lat gen tleman tomorrow. - . . F Certain members of the 15 -a&netj ex-, pressed the opinion that .thf president would' have some news f5r hatj body when it 1 meets tomorrow. 1 &U'h ;was construed into an IntinVatio. 1(hat' tht ambassadpr's call probably ' fuuld, be made in ; the morning. - Qrfli(s sOJow no loss of confidence lit !tht Original option that the . Spanish iv f smitten t will authorize M.I Cambbiij t iignilthe protocol 1 Just as 1 It was . t mlttjted from Washington 1 to Madrid- even-ing.-: -; iur;;jT1-J -tii :f "1'iJ.i p . The naval war boararled ya Acting Secretary ' Allen, called pn f igeA)ay I about no9nJ It Is believed ' fieir pur. ' pose, was toi impress upon ,r 1jJ Secre tary; the importance of- nj kngTthe surrender of Important strategic points at the; entrance of ?hat fos, slich as ; Morro castle; at Havana- arboi a condition for the I cessation-f: fl-hostiM- ttes, .it is, : questionable, however, wnetner-.it is not now tot '.late- to amend the protocol In Its su stance, as proposea py the war board- 1 M t FALSE RUMORS AS T0t: CI jSATIDN A rumor was put afloiit ' iis after .noon to the effect th.at $eo itaryiAt gerk inranticipatlon of thei icgin-rlng of the formal peace neeotiri Jons -:Ari cabled General Miles and G ral Mier- jntt, in PortO: Rico; and the l ijiHppihes respectively, orders ; that . ; E Jtfd I koir, ward a cessation of hostilitl '. ' When Mis attention was directed this 1 ru mor,. Secretary Alger prona fly pfo Enounced it . to be without J indatljonL and as absurd and his . Jds - were practically repeated with er( iasis jby Adjutant General . Corbio; 'i through whose hand, any such, mest Jres must pass. The publication of s p stones moreover, was deprecated tending to encourage! the Spanish fernrnent to .5 further delay and pa?g resist ance... - 4 . V jl j RAPID ADVjANCE IN Pp jO Rtccj. ii As -a matter of jfaet. Gen, ral Miles seems to be pressing f orwar, iwithl the greatest energy, .and a cabugram ref ceived from him late in th$ jj.f teraoon reported thei forward I ino nent of General Schwari, in charge.. f i one of, the divisions of the Amefl In? arm'yj and the ensuing-sirmish. Et pBt's ibrirT gaae is aiso; advancing rag liy along the road to Aibonito and t jkle -.that Aliles described as a very mpoilslnt . 4vui v ca.t vavuiv y cdici uaic -; : 1 -j-"; n MERRITTS CAMPAt; Vn1 Merritt Undoubtedly lis pi -juing Jils campaign in - Luzon. It l iSed ooisi- tiveiy that , he , is under ; if irestrain ing prder- from the war1, 1 jartmeht. but that it 18 left; entirely k i hie oW Manila. 1 Inasmuch: as It "ti ;r;beeni re ported from Cavlte that b .-is simply waiting thef arrival thereof 4e double turreted; monitor Monadni j-V;. Ut Is pre-. Dunicu - mis uiiiLctv. win 1 fiJii.ynoiio.il if it has Hot been made alia-a, fir1 acf cording to the calcuhatio( j ot he navy department the Monads sJckis about due now at Cavite. WleiApt quite clear , ass to General Meifittti purpose in deferring his attack untp ithe yesr sel arrives; it Is the op4hl& t of i the military 1 omciais. that hi3 jan is jtj plant1 the1 two monitors,' Mprey and Monadnock, diregtly ; withinfj-ange' of the Manila batteries and .'If it demahd for surrender Is'' refused.ii'i. t, battjer down these defences. - Only ; fully I ar mored vessels can be safely employed 111 eucu wutr, neiice me (jn on:aiCi count 1 of! I the- non-arrival ; &t Uhe Mo4 nadnock.; .. 5' l,j-'..f .-?i'-J;f T-j -H ' TARIFFS FOR I PORTQ ? RICA4 ;! - - PORTS, jf.'-r, i Secretary Aleer; todai' t .i abled to General i Miles to supply- hn fiedlately to the E,orto Riean. ports aj fared y him 1 the j tariff dratvn up? f y'lthe gov ernment for Santiago and i ifir Cuhan ports. This is in line wttfc;??? policy of the war department -x,f -:i jxtendlag M' Ainerit-iui siein ul iferji- as rap Idly as ; possible over cau aj pd tern torv. I ! - -I v i 1 . 1. 1 Arranging details evac uation OFCUBA Afi IORTO j y-Rico. X1 ' ! I The settlement of the 'dfe'4 Is of tl evacuation . of Cuba - and ;? rto pi the Co -13: ail cau; ICVCiTlllfi llicif at tention or the officials. . i oraviS Ion As to4be madefor the 'Imer.t pf the Spanish prisoners an3; j ;1 the di position 1 of, the : small-armgivhe ertil Ion. o.n tnt.:.tUi rriv.. iVil J.a 4-1 J a.1111 " J SbUlCll.. llinCtl naval property of lvalue' joining . in Cuban and Porto, Rican portjKand Tt is a question whether or not tfes shou d be demanded by us or t. flowed ;dt remain in Spanish possesssbn gThe conH elusion has been reached yi ecretaiy Alger rtoi refer these mattes' o a mid tary 1 commission and Aufint 'Gef .eral Corbin Is now lookMg Jjp prece-! dents for the guidance of suw a oomW mission. ; Possibly; this, j c,.nmissj4 would meet the question traUit it by t&e naval war board vas to thfpr?riety pf the formal signature of.-a ,vjj-eaty peace, j . , . A J f iX.UUtVt.ljC.DO POWDER 'itm THE 1 I' SPRINGFIELD -RlfJ3-, The ordnance i departm 28 ft -of I the army has succeeded at laJtHecurliig a smokeless powder adapts r ue in the Springfield rifle with ?teh near ly all th? volunteer troopi,.t$e armed. ine powaer usea witn tne.iaii Dore repeating rifles was too.ppt?rful iaid a special powaer naa ,to :p,f?rocureja. This. Is now comlnsr in froths ihe man ufacturers and being turnsflnto fixed ammunition; in such quat&dle" so as to warrant the belief that?en should me w an- conunue our sd ats wcuaa ret be. again exposed (t$H$e danger encountered at thei battlers fjsl Gney through the betrayal of tie j presence Dy tne Ditnaing snKe ox psprin: fleldS. -v'jj. i' t v::-i;!7.if WA PLANS FOR GOVEI NM?jfiQF t -i BA AND P0RT6 -UQ.r Plans for the temporary .jvernmenfc of Cuba and the territory Wich 1 will be acquired from Spain sj-if result of I the wan are now under s? 4V is consid eration by the president 4t;the memr bers of the cabinet, ,' '11 5f r , Porto Rico, as an actuqulsKi,Qa Qoveniment Officials ' . . of the West Indies ,f - 1 v. ., t ... -j. . , Plans tor, Goycrn t ii; ! ' ; i r i.-jJ-HT-Jiai- feik'a n.t fnK ; 11 1 to jthe territory of the United Stats, wil be placed In chrg?6r a military goyemor.. who will iexercls a super vlitry control of airhhe functions; of goTemment. under tjU direction ot th prfldent. until tongresa shail i deter mine upon a permanent form of gov ernment for the Island. The president, unier the eonstifutlba 'and laws.! haa no authority to go beyond this: prelim inary or temporary star In the estab lishment of ' any iym of governmea- ; prdbabterthat In ;hts" message to con- ;' ' prejss 6n- th subject he will .exercise ' his) constitutional ; prtvilegefdf 'making 1 reepmrnenaa iions. iupon ( . congress alone wlll devolve the-'responslbtlltjr ' and duty of determining the character U of the political relations iw-hlch;( Port I; Rldq shall permanently : hear j,to Vttii : Un ted States, There are reasons tU ; in .uener jtijat the trrftdent himself fa1ors a colonial form-Vf government ' and thar,this view is-shared by ftit- ; here; of the cabinet. J danada la as having a model colonial government v which is satisfactory ; alike to a majorM ' ty pf Its people and tol: the mother couni i! tryj xnis system; however, It Is ;b- lieved. can he put! into operation on Iv after.the lapse of a considerable perl odbf time,, and after; 'the. people have demonstrated satisfactorily their abil ity I to govern themseives lntelligei In -aia local niatterai. ;-4j" i :. jli-.i -i: 1. UIH)n fk AVUPIlAt rtn ftf r'l.K. I: ' believed to" be the Intention of tl island a teiriporaryr?fmilitary grove,rn . - ,w -. c.airimii iu. iiir n nui. meiiiBimiiar t.o mat now in operation In Santiago. ' '- U U. i - ,;l 1 , :ir,hii When order haii been fully reatorieii anJ the people hive Settled! down i U their peaceful oeeupationa It f If be-' llevled to be the view of the; taresidVnt that a convention of representatives af the people should be bailed to vote up-! on, the question, of form of governmentl 1 I .iiivi : in: iicicuve ui me nr t my or the.United Stabesiwould be a guarantee that every j citizea who WOtSld SuhHCrfii in an nlk'., Klnir... himself to support whatever form of Bovernment spouia be agreed -, upon, i should have the 'unquestioned right to --' votfe for wh'ortiSbever he pleased to rep-resent- him at this convention.! . Th ' action of - this body,:! however, would haveMto be submitted to the United 1 States for- approval or dlsappr-ovi-Jti is pointed out that this convenhon if representatives of the whole people In the free exercise, of their Choice might express a vlsh to tocome a colonial ide- f pendency of the United l States,! or ' might favor a republican form of goy eminent,; or, possibly, i a; ii tnajorityi'-'l might ask- to be annexed to the United i Dunes. ,in any or tnese contingencies it . i believed -that their wishes would - 1 meet the aporftval of the d resident sni 1 his advisors. !: m ; i . , . : i a ,. t -i-.. i . hi ,-vj;: i - "riri'H ; "It thing DeWltfs IWtcn HazeJ Salra Is the finest preparation, a th mar ket for piles." So writes John c. DunnJ of Wheeling W. Va. rTry lttd'itu- wiu xmng tne .same. :l jrr also: care eczema and all Bellamy. The Trial oriler. Dr. JTaegan. Ly; nchburg, Va.s August 11-rThe trM ot Dr. Al iaepr before a fcpurt of the Protestant 'Episcopal diocese of South ern, Virginia, was continued today. Dr.' Baker, an; .oculist, was the first wit ness andtestljie tht j.D! aeger--i(J been under his care for what is term ed !mlddl ear pitftrrh"' a nroptlpallu Incurable trouble, whleh might be iln-j creaaea Dy continued excitement Dr. Jaeger's ailment would not necessarily disable him from continuing ,the trial,1 .though -it;; might - excite himj i f !::.' j Alj: the afternoon session Ithe V first witness was Miss Lucy Page WilmerJ sister of i; Dr. ; Jaeger's wife, who read a statement of her: experience ' with pr.'i Jaeger while she (was. connected, with! the colored orphan asylum. Mlssl Ada Mead, of , New TorkJ who recent ly taught several nvinth at:!tj- iayj4 um under Dr. I Jaegeri jvas VM r las t witness of the day. She declared DrZ Jaeger's mariner toward ' hef had been ; exceedingly repulsive ahd ldiaaerea-;i bie. j She stated, amone other thlne-n. that she had. been compelled ! bv Dr. Jaeger's conduct to) leave! the asyhimUi: anajsne aia so, remaining1 at the homeip Of Er.JJ.- Xloyd until; Dr. Jaeger left;" tor junicago, wnen ne went back iltoiit thei asylums )n Dr. Jaeger's return, ; however, she said, matters again oe. 'come so disagreeable that she left the institution with - the f determination - never to return. I fc : fi, ih tj, -mr ! V- V I I : : ' Ui'.n- ' ':-J Commissary Stores tot fieneral Aiarntt Sin Francisco, ; August 1 11. Five thousand" tons, of j commissary stores Will be sent to General Merritt bvf a spec ial steamer. The provisions will be rations for 20,000 soldiers for; sey-j eral months. All . the I stores ! 'will I be purchased from flrmson the Pacific coast. , - -' '. I i H'-'lh-ii'-; -:'-JJ,;-lM The transport; Aronsa with the'Set- enth California 'regiment end enough recrjuits to make up the ghipscompIe- merit, will sail Sunday! abOBt (be f middle of next week: with recruits from! - . u j kn.auuioi 111 iva.v V : various: regiments. ;:: ;j . - H .fl ii j The. -Alliance, which , will carry about 400 of fhe first New York; volan- teerjs, will arrive late tonight ana 111 be ready to leave in, about a week. Tammany Kicks Against the Election f I - -I - J ' ' - I-W;::" Vi.- ;:-if.llj New Tork, August IL At; the meet ing; this afternoon of the executlvis committee ;of -Tammany Hall,t decided to net recognize the new state election law.- "i i:i si fi 1 ,.i i- 1- 3 - . i ! .I i !. -; I t 71- - : - 17 i ! Its lUyal to tasafrSt arasa sasJaf f4m ' '! V-fl. - sms, Actaal tsstssaow ft as. vi fH - j: tWa fsrtW Ums asy atW arssd, ' ' iWilpil' lawtMIMmwcll Ce.,MVOW. :v.-: "ft . f - -(:' :-,.t- I ..i. 1 f ... 7l ilj-'-f :-- ---A 'i - v-U''. :;;:f 1 ' ' '1"1-:fflll ''';- H't i ? ' ; ' L r ..,-.. .' J1 t i - K - 7 -.BUiljrM,!.' . - t. - I .-i - - , - ;: j V?, . : . . . ! - ' - . It; Wa; -41::." :': -;.- T- A V t - !-:.:.. 'i--f-'.-..-: ,t-"f-:.-.l -i S.?35J- f fill! ' -. -! -

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