11 m 1 fix w :MlY ! MANILA CAPTURED llllaiM COLOSMIAFPAmS m -v " 7 T ,1 VMll- v.' ' ' . ' t . ' - 1 fkJi-vj' Dpirutz ! Cutlar; Esq., one of;Wll -"H.iT . 1. ; .v."' A AA -j,! ; i-!rfe:; I !-;. ; - i i 1 IK' . : i P T1 Pciuif Anal... to civej ? ;,j' atyj, -H;, ' H ;: v. i-'Vj ' . 1 3 ', t ;,:; I ': ."if !'H A-A t !l HlK.!, ByGombmed Attack Forces After SMNISH REN(SHES ST0RMED Uy theInfantry VhileJtW Warshib En e ny Driven front 4-wy-- I he Batteries'' tiiln4 City: Surrejnders Foreign t: -i . . , - - Lined Lp to VitneiUe Bombardinent A. 1 . ' Our Ii4s Lornlon,. Aufiit, 1C A special dhs j.1tti ?i frm, M,iiiri.4 says: "'Tht' ur rrrder of Ala nip 6A- Saturday by Gt-nl t-iral Jaudenresris' yfTicially "annountid Tpe irplted tikes troaiJ immediately ixjeupitfd the y tte.-' fl'. i-t ;7; , .'.. X- til. Aladrid, Auyt 16; i J,;m,-The govt Hparaish consul, at 1 lung Kong of th aurrenuer oi 1 Juanua, ;, lt Js :not ye aware of the riianiit r in Uhich the sur render, was ;efft.4ted'. iieriin, Auguw ',l-JeTiera) August afeordlnKio -ailiyyatcir:: from ilontt Kkmfi datetj yfrfterday,.1J'4'aB dismisHeci ; tl J'fiilit.iiiiiea ttiiaiuiJiunear on AugTist' 5th t Genera Juderhea an jbrdVuitd ito:t;fl: le over th ccjimfnaod at Alaniw. :? I he-tisfatcM says?; ''fife American no t i fled ;t iw; a u t hur.ltks atM anil a t h a a bomtrardmetit by Hx, and 1 land ould commence a"t , noui im Augus 9t,h. The y jsur.rcndvirtd wi the 13tll and the krioan; flaKj- was 'hoisted forthwith. j,rw- punisii .otneers wwrt iiUowed their t judiciary and , rfedum .ifVi parole. ' Th th .iidtiAnistrative ofli-l . ctrs ary 10 rer hinds of the Mi " irttrnain outside Admiral Dew ters are to r-fria in tejfcporarily in thrf" hinds of the Spaniard). The insurgents of ihr town," ' . ! ; ley gave General August . tl an hour in whif Vt to sui-reiider. as t.lje time pf;th' nA demand, mile bd. Saturday. Ger AugUStt: refused tci torn ply. The bombardr nti, ?. AVhich '-;begah aU 9:I!0 o'cIim k a. was: cofttihut-d fori two; hours, i arli' then ' the 'Americans stormed tiie ttTijches,8weeping all be fore them. I !' :. i : , ' ' Thost vviliih. I thf- i walls- attempted ho resistaiXe.jTfie First Colorado vol'-! -uiiteerK: JBtornfdd the outer trenches at)d drfyA; the Spaniiat'da'into the secf ! md line of defj-iiices.f Then, the Ameri cai troops :swjeptl oh, (driving' all the Jrljaniards intol the, inner fortiflcations. ere the Spanish commander, setlng hat; further resistance I was - useless, hoisted the whtrd flag and surrendered. The losses. American -arid Spanish, are not yet knjovn. The Spaniards in ' the trenches pjrebably numbered 3,000 f men. The Arnei ican attacking force numbered 10,000. and thej Americans -were better armed, better, trained,' and ' , jn better eonditicn: j ; . The foreign fleets watfhed the bom ; bardment w 11) acute i interest. . The : American wa-rshi ps engaged . were the : Olympia, I'etrel, ttaleigh. McCnlloch, Uoston, Monten-y, Charleston and Bal- timore. The -Spapia'rds assert that the : lire : of 'the J Aibe,ricans, for -the m"ost j iart,' tell short, the only effective fire i Jbing Tfromr;,!a saiiall ' gunboat armed with quick firing guns that was close c In! "shore. : It Is also , asserted- byf thfe , Spaniards lhau "The Americans lost :4:lieaviiyt In the storming, Jowirig to trfe ifaulty: construt'tipn f their , entrench- : ; mentsC iw hiclv tlie ; Spaniards., could ; command from-ijhe heights and upon hich they ipouf'd a galling fire. j-j. -The ,'.; Spanish trenches "extended- - around Manila, at a distance of from two to- four inites from the Availed city, I - Idrmirig. a, circle' ten mijestth circum : ; f ermee, and ,ii tvas impossible, ' tKo ' j Spanfards sky, t() hold so long a line .against the American attack. Admiral Dewy and General Merfitt, it 'is reported, 1 ad issued i orders to i I spare ill. except, armed; defences ot the t ity, a.nl 'nseju -Atly the town is un- lt derstood to haf e been but'little . dam ': aged Soni&" Stra.4t fighting between; - the insurenut and ;the Spaniards oe curred on .the outskirts, but brder pre- .galled within n walled ; section; ' - The American vej ion ? of the battle iW not yetj obtainable. General Au ; gu.- ti, iormer. ta ptain general of the Philippines, . viil strt for Madrid. to jriorrow by tlrei .German -mail steamer. 1 - JSIadrid, lAngtksll 16. General Wesley Jterritt, iti is- et ortei here, took .the " 'Steatest. precatklons in Ocder, to pre "V vent the iinsurlgelnts from interfering "A Witff' the jcapitullation; of5 Manila or. . approach irk the jcityv : ;'. . ; ' ' ' I The Madrid ' (press- feas - tbafc the : surrender hiayj affect gi'in's position "vtn 'the) iVsbtiatjioiis for; tftef 'futre goy ' '-riuneof ithe Ijhilipplnes. ; I 1 : ' Senor ftagasta, :oii, leaving the palace ' this raftrnobn, ln'ied ' that General -, -ianco andjjottie' igenerals -were op ,Ti)sing;the: government's policy as had .f-teni'' aleged.t lit is now ; known.! from mloHcialrso!urfes, that the govern-' ''i ment ihew-jy'tek-day that Manila ra s Jtul8ied onSatdrday aif ter ' General Jaudfmes had taken oyer th, j com 3iian4 from, General Augustl and the aatteihrfd b.H'ti 4uthoriztd to quit his tposv anil! fo-lenibitrk on a; foreign w-ar-,sbill for; Htig jK ng. Manila app'arent- Dr. Mi e Nervine ' , .- ; si.'1 I ; :); v A REMEDY FOH THE Effects! of Tobacco. ! :: : J - ,.L- f l,iff,-v pcnprialiV rB v routs Eb- ia ai va -injurious sum : " j.' - . . i vl to? -1 V ! ' . - . r 1 " " Costa Aeu.-, . r , -and re-i' . nsea Ur. jv. celved naicliibfe- Izzy .spells ui:i1efplessi -with nervonsiies?. '1 .L., hv tii i-e of tobacco uita t.ai- LU -veloasly gooil rellk a jmsthc.dMzmessy. A'- .quietlns the nrvek. ftnd cnabun-. mo to f : ' -sleep and ro:5t, prov MS it' f Tery i -l :bXeficial remedy Ur.-ilu torative "" ;3ferviiel5efepedially adatecl to rearing f "v, T,PrvnuF.vsw;m to it .5 normal condition AydensMjK' J we sold term ds-lixr-!IVlIles- . gists nnde positive lg. 2 gaarantee, 4&f botfle fe- f6rVine . lnefit3 or money tc .(lestdre8 landed. Book da V. Health - , ases of the heirt apA jyV- , nerves free. Address. 4nM "" ' JDB. MILES MEDICAL CO. ELit) &rt,' Xnd. V--T.; ! :-: -;.t : ... I . i -: lU'i : j: ..- era 11 h.. ,"' v..-- i-'-x: t - J1 .- I I 1 ii'JJ ;' v i5 aaaa 4mMfk. by the Sea and Land Sharp Contest.4 1 Cannonade tJie Sea Batterieil-"TheJ heir Trtnches rand Forced ' Hack into Silenced by Our Warships, Witflihips LiRhj capitulated b eciau f lack of food, the population and garfttKtn xnaTing buffered the greatest IpriVatlon? TO CAPTURE OTHEIil POKT3. J .Consul General Wildman i today'- re ceived, .a report! frpchj Adm I rai: pewey, ay!lng that it Tjvas inteiidetd 'after th-a capture of. Manila, to dispatch druiaers son August; 14th to lidilu and to Obu to accer.t the surrender of those norts. ind also to send crulaeraj td- iPorit :R4y-;; aiist, in Talawan, to capture the? Kpan luh gunboat3 ; hiding f .tWere. Another i Ship was jdietailefl to. capture Lthel Span steamers ; plying between fcabuan and Hollo. Four1, Spanish gunboats jat fataan, in:PanajT,;-Wertra!s6 to be cap tured, --if V' . rv ':: I j'r 'onsiil Vjldhiin credits ithei frepGirtj and says , that sliould Ijthe vV-sselb have e'ft before' the: (arriykl latf iManiJaUoi rWie iiruisn . steamer Australia, 1 which jyvas chartered : t; carry: thte 5 nejvs of infi signing ac";iq . .proippcpi aria fine lespation; of hosjtiiitli&s ito Ithatl place. fijt-will be art tmpbsslbility to recall the vteBsels-'lh three iveeKs.--1 1 i t : i H ijeiicrt vugusju . voaajq; saia pe : mar hot knuHv that; the alserin. Abfeusta Lwaj to sail for Hong Kong, wHst rntormeu. that a launcn was, awaiting.! liim which; h& btojardedijand) wasfl taken, Ifo the Kaiseriri lAue'uftta' whk'li 1m- mediately started! for this klace ' This fitatement is considered ; aq iequii voca tion as General: ApgUsti evidently khew his destination ariil his escape! was pre- irrani-wl . V-. il tr ' H -' ,' I? f:-fVr.;ni:; -m? -4 Yesterday aJ, dermtation i of ij Hong ; fcstonsr Kiliinnosi. headed b-Atroncillo. Wgh commissiojnejr' and; aml?assaaorjof tihe Philippine provisional government,' waited Uron General Wildman:.: and :onsratulatetl him, n 'behalf of iAgui naldo, up6n the spleiidid. sucicess ;jof Jthp heir congratulations and -assuirances f their allegiancie and .aA'LexprbssiOn ;f their hope thaC the FWiihos yiillbe sjon. Agoncillo, On behalf of the'Fili inos, exp'ressed the, desire that Consul General Wildman; be appointed tin the c-iunmission. ! ".'.:' -; ;:' : vi t .'-'I- AN. ACCOUNT qF.THtt BOMBARP- 'MENT. London, August 16. The Manila, cor respondent of The Daily Telegraph telegraphing Saturday, says? !i:U; ir j t, I "Nothing could be , more; humane than the Americans' capture of, the town. General Merritt and Admiral 1 e w ey' s p lan was to spare levery ob ject but, the armed defences : and the trenches. Apparently the ; American losses were extremely' small. The Span ish entrenchments varied in point -Of distance -from two to 'f pur miles fron the i eentre of OldLMaliila. . , . ! ' "Defending thfsi long 'line of at least teh miles were not over, and probably upder 5,000 Spanish regular troops,! voIt unteers ana natives.. ADout nait .ttiat number were in I hospitals. ,- Thes at tacking force numbered from 10,000; to 20,000 'natives .and 10,000 Americans on re "and aboard the fleet. In every respect the advantage was on the; side of jthe attack. The A mericar field guns threw heavier I mStaJ.and. had Monger range than tly ;55pahisft the,' tnarks nianshlp of the Ulrjited, Btates gunners was much . superior to that of l tne Spaniards1,, and the , me hi were stronger and in better - condition. The Span- lards, 'are -a small race compared with their-,' stalwart : opponentSi .and.. 5 tvotri" out by, a hundred days' siege and dis appointed by the failure to arrive i of the promised Spanish relief squadron, th?y had lost heart.. It -was ' a hopeless struggle. S ; "Looking over the bay it OUs- to notice the foreign; fleets-arrange themselves according, to their: sympa thies. Thel English and Japanese Were near the Americans and the Germans and French , on t ie opposite sides, of thf-bay norih of thePasag river. The British cruiser Inimortalite - and l tier k'Onsorts kept-fairly ;iear the! American line.; The attacking -sqadron formed prt Jirie between .Malate and Old Manila with' the Concorde watching the fort at the mouth of the Pasig. Tne Ameri can: fleet lay outside the breakwater. ' k"The , Olympit fifed the flrfet. shot at 9:40 o'clock and a . fairly continuous, but by noi means furious, .canjronade' hvs:;kept ! up ; untiilM 11:20 olclock By KhaJ; time; the ;Malates f oft was Bllenced I anu tne American troops tnen stormed the entrenchments The . Spaniards hvho were In the earthworks. tell' me khat the quick firijig guns of J:he little bunboat liapido, which lay close to the :horev were far more terrible in-;thelr effects than was the raking fire of the ShlpSj ,:--::S':.. ; -.--:.'(-- : ."'J 3' j -.l.lj M "ResfstaficfeJto thte Ameran atitaclt as imppssi6ie. rhe first-1 Colpfadd' regiment:- w-as f th. earliest to chargp :he- Spaniards w ho retired to j the sec nd line, but, soon, outnumbered, they vere- forced into the old city.- A part f Malate suffered . severely from i the bombardment.- j The" vaunted intra jtiurat defehdes were' .not tried. Th ppanlsh ; .ojTiiijander, convinced that urther resistance ivas- hopeless, holst ;d a .white flag at 11:20 ociot k and. the rder to coase nrifig was Immediately ihetifHl in: ; the centre , of the town. but5! m tha- outskirts .ftieet fighting con- inUed. for udme time afterwards be- ween the refcelsV and Spaniards' : "The1 fear felt In the city his irtj're- ard to the conduct of the insurgents. I " As I write .this in the house of ! tlie ulerman consul a brisk fusillade isi go ing oit -tet ween the combatants 'and usketry nre in rattling all-around-! 4 f-'tjl;; ! AFFAIBsJ iN SPAIN Madr4d, August 16.-r-Accordlng tcf El lempq, the organ . or the .- dissident bjnservatives; Sendr, Silvela, (the lead- ij pf .. the party, intends . to block - the government's policy. ; ' ;,: p j :' 1 (j The;, i queen-regent, i-has- personally thanked the Frencti government forjits' jpppd offices ip obtaining peace and has barged Senor Leon y Castillo, the Spanish artoassadpr at Paris, to inform 4(1. Delcasse, the Frenfih mihister i : of foreign affairs, that her majesty has Conferred upon .him the grand cross at' the oTderj of Carlos', III. A similar distinction is bestowed upon Mi Pa- jenotre, the French ,- ambassador.! at lyadnd. 1 si, EX. iCraparcial published a letter fromH Ilavana, .wlvose writer : asserts that Qeneral Mlanjiarv?'ha4 succeeded il va ndcidwlnking'sihe Americans as to Ad- itrai -rervera s Whepeabouts," , but that the Madrid government "frustratr wl his plans by anTJOUnclng the arrival of the squadron at Santiago de Cuba." The cabinet has decided " to order general Blanirp and all other Spanish grenerals in the- Aptlllea to. remain - at their respective posts unfij the evacja a tlon Is completed. j ' i i1 "I thing DeWitt'B .IWtffh HazeT SalW Ipi the finest preparation oa th mar ket for pfles." So writes JChn C. Di'in, qf : Wheeling W. va,, Try re and tu ill thing the same. It also fctjres ebzema and all 'skin diseases. R, ; Bellamy, ' i . . the happy- terniination ;Of- the war' in favor of America! andequestedii Mr. Wildman t-o "wire President rSjctviriley. bi r pnBrutz Cutlar J Esq mlngtott"s most prominent and great- ly honored citizens, passed peacefully away yesterday ! afternoon at j.5:4o o'l3ck j t A&M&teZ . theparner; hOm; of; his son, Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar, Jf on WrightsvilleOnnd.! A. few years ago' llr,; Cutlar'suffered a stroke of paralyslaand has I had i three or four attaks'ijioc& : He fcas- been an invalid Ltife'fpasc three . years ! and .whilei ihisi friends Jjiave, 'sadly looked forward id his death, - the announcement that the end has !come will! sadden the hearts jOf ? all who knew .the deceased Mr, Cutlar was aged G6 years j and was? was bdtfn in Cumberland; -cotinty. He; was a son qf the late Dr. Fred J. Cutlar, 4n eminent and leadfng citi zen, of rWiltnlngton, who practiced his 4prfeiSsioa ; iere many years, -iThie de- ceaseu was-. on 01 a laiuuy ut tour ers and three sisters, only two .of fwhpinlIrs. ; Jennie C. Lee, of i-this cityj, ain lrijenry W. ;Bradly; of San: Francisco, Jltfornja survive him. Hiii Jasti brother, Dr: RogetvCutlar, of San Francisco, j died last November am cuuar s parents removed Wilmington to Fayetteville, and from when heiwas aj bo" the family went to Ala bama. I While lie was a youth they returned .id imington and hk Jhas7: del; thii ity hj$ -Aioniei; ' ;b0 foundation of his cduca- since made received th foundation of his cduca tidn ..Jn' Wilmington, and graduated at ,th;$taie: ;University;;at ChapeilHill, in j 853. ' being a classmate of- Colonel :K. M. Mu'rchison.' Hon. A .M. Waddell, 'Colqdei .jwhti ' jli:!;, DeRosset, bdlohel John I Dv iTayldr, jMr. ' Walker Meares, the: late Mr. D.-1 G. Wortli, and others whbrq wej do !not :now recall. He read law! under the late Hon. George Davis and fVas . Admitted to the bar in 1855i He, practiced his profession ; at the Wilmington (bar! and was a successful ; practitioner! up to a few f years ago when; he was incapacitated by the sick ? ness1 j) that ultimately ; terminated ) his life, He was for a number of years clerkand piaster dfUhescouft of eiimiiy and -several years ago He was city at torney, these being the only public offices he jever held, preferring tq ;fol-j "lowlhiSjIqfficial! work and allow Hie honors and emolument of office to fall on othersi ; He was in -the secret- ser vice of Hhe Confederate government during th4 civil war. ' r ' " p--C. ' :iMr.-; Giitlai: wasimarried February 22 I865 to. MEss! Marianna Poisson, daugh ter Of theilate Dr. Louis .Julian Pois son and Miss Eliza Davis, sister of the late. I 1 Ion. ; George: Davis and Bishop Thomas i ! Davis of; South, Carolina. They had' fjotiir children, 'three of whom; s'ttryive Hijrni-Mr.l DtrBrutz Cutlar; Jr., bf this cit, MfsJ R. 3. Justice; of Mar-; !;on; N. C.and Mr. Louis J. P. Cutlar, of thei ponsolldated Gold Mines, of Mex ico. ! In their bereavement a large rircle' of friends and) 1 acquaintances will share ; their: eorroy; and sincerely sympathize; with them in the losl of an affectiohate and. devoted father. - Mr. Cutlar. was a man of sterlingi in tegrity and a -high: sense; Of honor marked his life . professionally ' and otherwise, lie was a man . of fine ability, was ever genial and courteous; and there,' was no more chivalric ge?x tlemn that ever lived. He was char-; itablfS kind f hearted s and . brave, : u-n 1 was as modest and unassuming as h? was brave.; He was' truly a Christia l gentleman, and wasl during hi5 activie. life; k; leading; member of St. Paul's; EpiM opal church; Jje'ifig senior war den! find' treasurer since its organiza tionU . -: , tA': i !. "- -:;; -AA ' The remains will bei brought to the citysfjom vriigiitsVilfe. on the 10. o'clGck; train this ; morning and will 'be hofho to the. Cutlar home on Second and Watnut fstreets.; Thei funeral wilt take f place this .afternoon at 4:30 o'cloc k at St. .Paul's! i jnd i Mri!; Cutlar's '.former f ectori theJ Itevi Fi N; Skinner, of Ctin- ton, will officiate. The interment will be madefiatj pakdaie! cemetery. ;: . ji ' -i. Si Dellglited With Wilmlngtou and it . !,.;i;ftH .v Seaside lleworts j '.1 S; Mr, "sta'nle-' G, . Fowler, of : Ports- ' mouth; Va.,1 idtor of 'S, A. 1 . .Magun d,: !Mrs. i.Fdwler i and'their j little :' son. andf r'- Hj Ar Seidell,! official sterid-' graphor of the Seaboar'd ir Line, w ho have been ; mere . sipce Saturday as ; the guests of jthej Chamber .of- (ommerce of- W.ilming;tbhi Sleftlvyes'terday after noon1, by ! the!. Seaboard Air Line for Portsmouth' -, : j :'! A - They: spoilt i-yesterday'-fbrenpon : i in looking about the city; : and'' rounded up a-'vry pjieaSant visit, of thrive da's-. They $peak' : iri , the highest terms oi the o$pitaiitly jand courtesies of which !theyr' havjejbeeh the recipients and the party goes away delighted i'ith ViI ''''' '". :i ''i ' "' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Democrat 'to Orsanle s In the,-advertising columns of. The Messenger., this? morning is published a call 'frqm' the democratic. Executive tm : mitfeej j of !lSei-Hnover: cpunty, . re- ! questing the; democrats (.of the several wards in I the city, to meet tonight, to morrow nighti'kndjNFjjiday night at 8 o'clofck ;. to organize Xor the .campaign. Thejtime and places for the meetings in !tie 'several wards -areN named in, the I call,! U:r;'lRHl-4i-yM' --(A-'i - -'.'1' i , : A full i attendance of all citizens in terested in good .government is expect ed "it.thesei rneeiings,and it: is a duty all owe' to their state hand and .lerjd their aid and enthusiasm to the jnotvement. Read the call. Ai HORBIBLB sight VHacce8fiiii Attempt; fo;: Cremate Sey : euty od!e of Spauil Prisoner who Died at Santiago. ; :.--' : 1': Santiago de Cuba, August 16, 5:30 p. m. Trie Eighth Illinois arrived, this forenoon and will garrison and police the city. r-'!j The ;bodies i of! the dead Spaniards continue to te cremated. Over 100 have beeni S burned i sb5 far. 1 This afternoon Wetitir. wpni to he burned. , Over t rails a dozen', of bodies .are streteKed across hem' another dozen. then about thirty cprpses are stacked in an im mense .funeral pile Jteti' feet high. The pile is (then! siitifated with kerosene and the torubr applied.- - -1 L" A fall of rain put out the fire, causing I the, -bodies to be only " half burned. iArouna tnejpue ; lay j twenty-two epi flne 5coitailnS erPses in- a state! of were strewn upon the ground in a state of putrefaction. Altogether, about seventy j unburied ;and -.. unconsumed bodies lay around. The .stench ' was terrible. This haPPned at a cemetery within th? city limits,; The authorities: and the cemetery officials say it is im possible to get men to work .at the cremation. Wages of, a' dollar a day prove no Inducement ',ta the natives o work at this gruesome toll, i? 1 v n 4 T&' unconsumed will be left upon the earth until tomorrow, when fins weather, may help the work of crema tion. These seventy corpses represent two days dead from the Spanish camp. The danger to the population from the stench, 1 the presence f tne , buzzards, voltures and. files is Incalculable. : 1 : mA ilferiDg the Commissary; THIEF SHOT BY SENTRY The OrmnutAure Kezretted' buBx- peetd "to ; IlaVeJ Salutary IvittWi The r - .:;-;- i i - : ; -. ! -v x Olivette Salt "With ?0O Sick.' Soldier Iecoud Iniuiuue lleglmeut It e mo red rom the (tty Becue of UwIm f tfuduct-The Klghtb Illlnoi,7 CoU 4r4d, Take Their PlaceJ ' ;' : ';"' j. .. J '.-. , - vA'l-':; !j 4. V'v. i " ;! -!; ! iSantiago die Cuba, August 15, 4 p. ni; i (Delayed ;in tranBijaission.) The Oit-vi-tte jailed tihis af teriioon; fqrMon t4uk I'oint with , between ' 200 ' and 300 sick. M iss. y heele.r: is a j passenger, Early this iiorWng a Cuban' was shot pj;;a sentry. '" jfKjp" -Caught! hlnri steaiing bmmissaryfitores it th dck.! 'Tes-; tef day ts was'i discovered, that enough odr had:;ben stoljen-'to hxatkeJ;; three ifjalrt : 'itcli .-'w'h'ki''iad been ..aken! put srri3titiiisiy . - Misly iov the Cubans in the field. The man underx sUspibioh ' !. re- Fh61 ;tb th vi:harf .lasj., night;' vi4 dfritly wit t'e intention of epntintiing; : his Uefts, bnt he was, JS warned off .1 'Jarly;-; this j rhoriing he.;-r 'wis pa-ainl fiu nd then. WhJn the sentry chalPeng- 'ed: hirn he: ran, refusing ito bbey i the order to halt.; As he . was likely to: es-. $lipe-'. the- :seji'tiy jbred- ui8 .killed n'imrf .f ! i'lhe occurrence! is regretted! by Gen ral Wood and he . American officers generally, but it.jprobably i will have a Sajutary effect. a.s raids, on the cora .missary and the' "iedical and Redv Cross' stores ha4 ben .altogether i too frequent '.luAb tpeijated' any -long ;r.i ' : ; The rainy season; : has' how se . in with torrents Ldaiyi j The troops, tl ere fore are? moved ndne too soon, as the physicians are alij agreed that the -on-, dition f the; men -.would' have been greatiy"!aggTevat6d by- the rain, damp .ness and consequent miasmi. , ' ;! i Ml rejoice it ; the fprpspect- bf p iiice and; an early return home; , f ; i '' t August 16. TO a.. m. General : Shaf tbr today! ordered -the Second yojun- ti?er regiment of ii mmunes to. lea yd the c it y-. a no go into camp outside.) ;UThe feg.iment ,had fbeein-, placed here afc ' i gaf nson,, to preserve order s and , pro tect property, i , rj V, , - . :v i, --';i " I! There .(has: fyettt firing of .arms inside of .the town by members of, this regi mesrit, without iorders,o far as kndwn,' some of the rmm have Indulged in': lijqiior until theyjj have . verged upon abjts of license and disorder; tne: inhab itants in some quarters- have! alleged w 1 . : !.- .v-1'i :!-: - k! ; -i.'. . :, . I I If. - 6 J r- : runnnm t mi nmtirinn Aw wurn v vr l ;- i . ! llllf UtLlAfll LVtWlS Ui inti. JJAi. i 4 ;- -At :i VA :A. !::--'- ..-.;' :!:l!!;i 'i -f: ' U : 1 :; i : : . -i ! i Havana ts Fast Assuming : .1 ;: it:;!: V" At Santiago a gentry Shoots imissary Stores. , " "'?)-- . ' I f . M . (! ! : Silyeld, Leader of the Dissident Const;vatives, Will Balk th'e-.Plans 'ibl.thQ palnislh Goyerhlinlih'' . . H K Henry Neill Estimates the 1 0,500,000 and 12,000,000 Bjales. ltKey!Wesffi! A'.-? I- fatizeris. of a Porto Ricaki .T6wnfarela'eheted: by Soldiers fdr Raising an American X , Hie Fa'iier of Jms Ju Cotbett brakes His O Cvh Life, j I ! Miss ECr Keynoms is! Murdered in! HertfKoom' at t H lotel, New York City. Ambassador Iliy AeeebtS the i-The Pr-esident .'A points thd missioners ( )ur" Goveriunent G.Vcs aj ! 000 Cartridges; lofeis of property: by force and ihtim : ; a.; -. tiipih and ; therein his grown X pp a. jfteel- oat ing of. uneasiness! concerning theni, if not. of alarm General Shafter, has therefore, orffler- ed this regiment .into the hills, ; wllere discipline: can .be more severely ! jniiin-i. tained. v t ,'.! '" lii place of the 'Second volunteer fim miine tve-i in fn 1 1 General Shafter ; jhas ordered intp the jcity the Kierhth .Uli hois volunteer j regiment, bf -1 colored' troops, in Whose , sobriety 3 and disci pline he -hajs confidence And1 bf ,wiosei sturdy enforcement of orjdeir hoi doubt is felt by those in command. A " .! "lr : ' ! ' i- I . ' 7 ' ! The Chief Burgess of Mile ourg, Pa., Bays DeWltt's Little Early j Risers lire the best pills he ever used, in his fam ily duri i forty years of house i keen ing. Theyj cure- constipation.1 sick neaaacne iandi stomach land 1 J: A. : 1 5 live' roubles. ;;Sv Hi in size but-greas la- results. -li.ti. ienaj- AFFAIRS 'HAVANA; . : I ' N Aitwiimlng Old-Xime Condltlouo Tran. .... t 1 I , r 1, : , . ' ' , Ising the Peace Termrni tlavana;!-; August : lo,. (Delayed iri transmission.) -(- Yesterday ; (Sunday) and today are holy days of the Bless ed , Virgin and ; the churches, theaires and; parks have been" crowded vith pjepple, tlife city ; having its old' t ime normal aspect Everywhere, in pthe cafs i and on the streets, the" con,di ticms of peace ard still the subject' of anxious inquiry M .; thus far i.not!o ing defifaite is known, j The various re jprts r-eived are: made' the subjects j'of a thousand -commehts,, each man suit ing his own desire or wfitm, . Jt jis1nb t.iceable, however, that- the iiforme'r roughness f tone that: character zed the, Havana press in all'allus.ons to Anjerica . and Americans has ? dinap ieared altfipugfi'uhes jlmrnali: istjll protect! J.heir dignity and rassrt t leir lovjd-toward the mother couAtrv ,: The Spanish; residents'! in Cilha have conducted themselves with exemplary discretion since the report w4s receiv ed 'of the signing of the, protocol. jIa yana is '. tranquil and its people fare turning ,their attenUon.Wheirl dkily advocations; in the hope of retrieving, partly, the losses, suatainedi daring the period of the inurrectica, and 'frar. Their! present temper is jga ' guarantee that, publfci order will jLe obseryedL Thus far there has beealno symptom of j finatlcar-disturbances? It is safe to say wherever the condi tions of peace are discussed the! opin- those who . realze the importance of maintaining: order, thac under eiist ing! condiUonsannexatson to any cither government would be! the best' solu tion of the problepi 1 -!, ";:f';l ii. I;: !jbod xaoore, or jjatfavetce. Inflj sava that for constipation I he' - haa found UeWitfa Little Early B Us-; s to "be (per fect, i They never gifipe. Try them f or stomach, and live- troubles. H. K. Bellamy, I With in a Motel. :"1i;:! !.'). ROBBIRY THE 8 T1VI min E. .Heynold Taki a Room a !he GC Bd Hotel, New York, l Bdf u iMt nd name She) la lted t au jtit4wa ?Ian-Puiid the ei WklerIIead'CriIhedl-A Kohlj hery at Same Tlme-4A :i Arret$ f 1 i 4 v on Suf ftton. ; Ne:7r,; August .ifci-Mii :e.I .cS Reynbldwis murdered ef me ime las nigljt (hJjCfradholyTwMyfirs1! Bireet . a'ji Mroadway. xtte Wad: ihatp. pe&Xi nbeffcSea in,: appareritly. wim a. piiroe-lof Mmli pipe. row aa.r informaitioA it jappears -that MiSi&yndl'ds. wttlto ie hotel auiz:4tt ccjiactc yesterday fefterhooru in the i.rfgferyjshe ;wrdef -j'E. '.fejjakivell Hjbwa'j&ridl a room " waisi assigned tof her. Betiiv'ieen 5 rand 6 sen ;WalJ:in through4 thel dining room. With A liajifappatentlaBoutf 35 yearjr 'ofit ige? KThef couple efq thb f hotel J 'abputi;7 frlldck but tlidj. tamejiof! ; their '. return is? iifi?t known. $pp- e time a'ter 'thpy ijhal: Sffturned. a jtlo tie jjof , wine 'was ordflred to be. sent h their: room.: 'i t'- ; s ; 1 ' ; - -:f I- - -.': : At' 9-45)io.:ilock this niorr ing la, phamt ,bepmiaidfd"iind the wbphah- lyng dead 1 on.i tne rxgirz i ne manj jv the b(j)dy?Si Jthe iwomaii; s gone. ; By y a . blood - stalned''V.-&wc.e bf i lead I p sixteen ne-half Inches. - -rig: ' and on id inches th3;k.: One end bf he pipe had iece dtblbth 'W'rappeicJ round ft as af ha.ndlekfA' yet the jpjoli tainedViicf Srace of the tna e have ob- WhenVtos Reynolds! j whs r itiforfmed of Ihef tdsetthter's deatmj isle shrieked "They! hgMmUrderedHmr tAil!d for hejf mioney-l'lshe . af tertfaitd said :thati her daugatfp had intemtle l; visiting a dentist' ylMeiday and hac gone! ip . bank :jjtniwn som4iLri0riey. Mrs. Reynolds her daughter had drawn noti lesis- MiM $500." ; 1 i J'- Theodo vail, ex-chief if the sdni tary dpdmWent of A'tlatitp- Qa.J .whol arrived iibfchis city yestielriay, 1 joccui ed a rOorti adjoining that if thv m un der d Woi'tani. Chief .' Va.ili; says that be- fore retiri.fig -last .night hetpinh injlbilia tler his pillo 10 th helpinhleij $180 mat- tress. :W;ven .; he awokep jtt the .moriej1; was gone.. J t; is mormng Dr. sawuei j. K-ennea young i denUst fo$ this -city, wajsl Irresied ';tb- :!iLi 1 !.t..i . .. i wi L i : night ancSiisf being- helfl ipon suspi- cioq of the murder. i its Old-TiiJie Conditions Trail- -J"' ' -il -, ;: &S- . ."; . ii i ' 1 . i U af Cuban Tfyine to ; Steal LConii- ry to it Next k (dot tfnrop at Between h . l m -S ' at; 3Iarine' Barracks ' M .! !:-' Pi amsn Flag; ' i; KUlffllis Wife iim then i ?t -r; .' .1 he trand i ; " ,- i! Position tif Sefcretarv d State. Cuban aiitfJPorto Ricahl C6m- if- British Firm mi; Order for ,000 THt r. l -1 'KAIIOAim CMSK. argnmeut &f JIotion to Hai e 'th! Offl er! ProdiVy the filoofa ibr luiipei A tooj.! llir:;.-! i" ; :.-r AV-A . ; AiihvillefajN.' C., Auguait 16.-ArgU-rneh t on tfM question -of. ,!o rdering in ; inspejtip a -p'idP ; examinai( n . Of: - the dollcaj' idf Recounts ; of tf Seaboard Air jtine i a suit brough by Thos. F. iHyah, 'New Tdrk, lia 'gesti !in4i yid ua ihapiolder, ; can ie" ., up today hefe beforijh.iudge Simonto: i, of the United !!Stig?: circuit court Suit his .'.been ! jnj prjjjess hearly ja j ear ajndit invblyes lfc:&febif of the Isfes board! Air --: i ! i :-i V. -i t -- : ! ' i 'i i .: Iine. j .-! Sefcious accusation against .President ff man, l : Ge!ncr il Council ; Watts!, Jni&thers,:; ldoking to perpet uatipri of cgftiroi of that pre perty have been niadeSJy Mr. Ryan inj 1 is bill and today's liefefitigf was nVarkefl by i 'sub-' ; mission of jmi affidavit bis jRyari suppibmentSSrsbyi one .frcini i the! and for Mr, mer geerajfnahager of : tAa roid, John-4 j H.t gander, in j wh ich; f Ryan sweir$ lie fi; prepared tp iroye ! ithat President: H';'ff man is ing large profits for h'mself which He could and shoutdi hav made for j th railroad company; Jtf at: he unlawfu ly and in ylolatipri bCQils iduty- asj.'sjri sidenti re,--ceivediibbmSssibns from ipe -sons (sell ing subpliet6 tbe company and ithat Hoff min aj General Godn sel ; tyktS, have tjuriniv! A number of j y ?ars, been in thfj habs of dishursitigj 1 irge sums of : money, fanpunting ; tq aehrly - $100,;- 000 fqri purifpses prohibited by Jaw GeneJral tfeuhsel; W.tls, , jwhoj present iatheHtearini dfenied charges sanlfC: his i counsel asked Was the for their juppfessldn !. becaiisel IheV Were indemilte. 1 ;he tnprning ai giimnt delivered xifounsel for Ryan iri W he made itter attack c nt Presi was Which President Hoff min, Iif supply agency dud hldj al- Jeged purpol of perpetuating his fcon- xrot ox tne;iateanoard Compahy. V-A C, KiJti of Atlanta, cbunsel fpr Hoffman- as Jed that the jrutt be missed, claiming that the; Isked examinatioiSp Of ,'books 1 ; was unneces-i sary toi tteg? case, yet ..ended. 5 : ' : Argumeht is. not 4 ', I Win yp&;jDaniea vagafafet- !disease by ajctlnsrsa-promptlyi lOnd '-MlnoM O.-11, art. Our4 produces Immediate I re-. I suits Whet taken early jtf prevents wnsiimpitioiEi And In later furnishes a tlmvt relief. stages it V A&. lamy. Tli DefMae lit Dr. Jaeceif Caa ; Lynchhurife iya.; August! i;i4 -: 6. -TesU- mony : for ; 14 e defense was begun to day before ie ecclesiastical court try ing Dr. ;AfJaeger. i Mr. ft redrge ::- E, FinchJhtSegkeeper at Hust rnrg; with whom j Drj Paeger boarded f or , three years whettJ e first came t this coun try thirtef years, ago- se rera ber sons who i ie near the orph in asylum and former Inmates and em doyees at the 'asylum; I testified td Di , Jaeger's tnifjifitlnjealli gincerlty chai itableness of dispositltt and correctnei 3 in deal ings with Mjtbers." Some ol the wit nesses spoii in most eulogistic terms of him. .1 mX-!' :3el -1 A IIORRIBLB DOrBLK nt RDEK The Father 6f Jamea J. Corhetc K Ill- . t -i ...--( - It ia VlfThen Take III Own Llf 111 nimd C'jibalanced fr Nome Tate The Pntilltl Aniloa to tire FiehUat. j; f ;.'ij , : AA'Ali -' ' San Franpisfo, August 16 U, ICorbett, fatierj of K Jamea G'Sbr6t!ti the. heavy-wpight pugilist, ;thls m6frir ngj ihot in( killed hlai wife- iadtjihein turned th weapon upon himself with fatal effert Iti ,1a belleTed" that the murderer was demented. .' He had beeso! lh extremel I dorhealth for some' time. Death, was both ; cases. instanta,hepus ! in " I :r? :;: i i -New :York,l iAugnst il6. James-G. 'j ! js: . -i : - .. ,- - " Corbett was - greatl- shex ked when; he learned f tjhe'deatii of his parents. At first he refused to believe it, but V when the "news was confirmed, h broke down aindwept like a child. - His i tralnersvMcVjey Tand White,H tried ,.- to console him, but, to no purpose. Cori bett said that j bis father I mustJ "have become , insane or hie; would not ha v p ommitted ;suc.h. a terrible deed fV Corbett after a consultation with some of 1 his! '; ftiends had something further to; say alout tne traced y in Sap f Francisco. I He. said that his parents ;were each about , 53 years' of age and that the family j relations Were always jpleasant. . H received letters orj Satf ju rd ay i n f or hi ihg ' h i m that h Is' fajth er'4 mind had ; befeonie unbalanced, and hej therefore. thinks that! while suffering mentally ! his ; ; father committed the double crime. : Corbett said he- had telegraphed tjoV San! Francisco and that he j would Jeajvejfof. the- coast this' ev- evening ir tne,ruies are neid untti na can arrive. He says he will send his brother Joseph horqe any way.1 At pres-i ent he could not about his fight say what will be done with McCoy. IH.e de clared that if.it was necessary .-he -would. forfeit the $1500 he -had paid' up- He. would not fight again, he' declared, had ltf.not oeen torrine iaec inat ne was the chief : support spf the family,: He says that! what he thakes, heraftef wilt go to- help support his brothers and : srsters. He therefore says that it might be necessary for him to fight. McCoy in order to obtain money t tuyput i nit; a.iUM. ' l Sick' headaone,; btliousrness. edhstipa-i tlon and all Uyer and stomach troubles can be! qulcjtjy cured byl using t .ose femous little'ipills, knoWnas DeWitt's Little Early RisersUThey are pleasant to take and never erin. ; R. . R. Bel lamy. ' ',' :-'i-'f ! .i 5:-1 ,: -' -AA' ,1,-1 1 ASS ACRED BY, : SPABil A It DS ,rA j '- CItizeut of a porto Rlcan Town Maeh- : eted by Soldier lor Haitrins au Auier- - lean Flag,:! ( Copyright by Associated Press.) r , Ponce, Pprtq Ricb, August 15, j (even ing.) White- flags flutter at the Span ish and American, outposts and till is iiuitri4: The first report of outrages by the Spaniards ! within i their, lines; was brought to the headquarters bf Gen eral Wilson today1! by! a Lpriest twho headed a'deipuati'6n'froni Ciales, twen- ty miles northteast of "Utuado.- iThe in-' ; habitants of t place raised an : Anter--ican flag after' the Spanish troops.'had leff. ! The trodps returned,; tore, down the flag and hiicheted ninety. :of -the inhabitants, j This 'occurred on 'Satur day. J The j pfciests : appealed to the Americans, fort protection, but the lat ter.' are powerless-' to interfere ip the preen't circumstances jeveh ; though-, reign! of tefrb r be . inaugurated, i" j - The: Chester, with the first engineers. Colonel Griffin,' arrived today. - Bat teries! A arid1 thef Pennsylvania Light Artillery, the Governor's.' Troop; and. the. Sheridan. Trpbp, disembar-ked from, the- Manitoba and are -camped oh ihe outskirts of the town.' ' No ' disposition of .these troop!s! h&Sv yt beenfdecided upon.; The Cojumbii willrsail tonight for New YOrk,i"via!St. Thomas.and. Key : West! : ; -- f A'A-Ai -( i AA- i The warships Puritan, Terror, Prai rie, (Jloucestei, Wasp,; : Leyden and Annapolis will' go- to -Guanica tomor row and will , remain there until they rec-iy further orders. : The harbor theiejis a good one. , . ,, j' ' ; ! The editor of thei L'vans City,. Pa., "Glbbej, writes,; "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after: all other remedies fail ed.'' It. cures ,'cbughs, -t colds and all throat and lung troubles., . It. Bel-lamf- J ::;::-! Mi j j ' A r, ,' A ' ' Ai t -i' ' AA' U : ':i:'Ar'i -:,.;.-:!':-!:.:.-;!.: CITBAN SECVRlTlES AIVAXCE - :l' On te New of Cessatiou: of : the War, Sliver HUe General Peeling of Re lief Among all Claea. "' .; Havana, August 15jDelayed ' in transmissiol)--TJheeports put Id c'ir culatipn some dayi .since kvithi respect ; to 'the progress of the peace negotia tions ! between! Spain!'! andi; the United States have! had the effect of stimulat ing orders sent' from Europe, and other 'countries bylcable jio buy Cuba's pub lic stock. So far back as August '0th, the rise in all securities of this class began, and pn! Thursday and Friday of : last week Silver rose from AO per cent, discount io 2 per cent, discount, Mocks TbserJfrbmi 25 to '30 points in j some instances late Fri day afternoon,; although the rumors that the protocol : had already '.been signed were belived -by many to be speculators to affect the tricks of the market.- When the facts were known on the following day the - rise was maintained, 'ji'--ij-r-j'i.; A:-';A :A ' A The news that General Blanco had received dispatches from M. Cambon the French ambassador, at AVashing ton, definitely declaring, that peace pre limiriaries . were settled and signed, spread with lightning rapidity through out 1 the city and'there was general re lief at the prospect of a treaty of peace that would put, an end to the spilling of blood and the long era of desolation and ruin from; which the island has suffered, as there is scarcely- any fam iiy, Cuban 01 Spanish, which i has not felt the terrible depression of war. ; T Tv.X-:,. iu J- :n 1 1! it. ni : it, a! lm AW A il uespue lue uuv mc- uuiui a. ui the; signing of hd" protocol were conr firmed, news came ; almost simulta neously that on! Friday last,! about &sii an American boat, flying j at flag of truce, f carried !! an j officer .! from, the American warships off f Manzanillo with -a formal demand for! the surren der; of the town ;on the same conditions as acconip'anded the capitulatioa of Santiago de Cuba. ': Op the demand be ing refused, a j)xmbardmeut ; was be gun at 3 o clock in. tne arternoon Dy three warships, which resulted in the destruction pf the wounding some seriously. eixty-five houses and 1q. I fifteen SpaDtiard j Thousands' i of . persons have been cured of piles by using DeWltts Witch Hazel Salve. It -.heals promptly and Cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives Immediate ' relief. R. R. . . BeN -aiby.:ii: AA A : AA.jAAAiAaAAA i The hospital -and signal corps leave Tampa for Huntsville. The Fifth Maryland was to go, but it Is. the same old story of countermanding? Officials ;Pin?arii m z ; W a im V- , w&f $ :a : m h Cubans Mt Qrei Our df cei-to ;.r-i;-., ' V---f.&- '--' ( -'t - il Open Cable lmnecti n With pointed S4rtary f iltatcl .'l.:i- ' - - t to be Pif4; Coin m itsuutersTn 31 uster itut How Fi Mi Tritnsport.4 Washington. . Alft 5 l.--4l-raduaUy the frame work of .r govern hietH I fbr iir in n aamtnisrtsJiau of affairs 'it it-Hioa, jarto: Itieo a,iui.-hip rtlori 'ft. jtiePhlippihy: a tjpwern -nentoti-jtr., ip 'being ;firjTh deveto knent f Jthfs planllterrUl adnkiri )stration iocuiied . 'of.' the attert- jtitn-'o ' Ihe'j. cabine,0liiy.: an4 ilatr. Secretary GagepriMQtMy ' enral Pf?s'! "-ostjmasfcri rHlmith Jjl feting j Secrkaryj' ' of iitf.j MiJore he-il a ! two jhuri' .crmffr4-' fit ith etaV department,! going re!r j-thU del! tilt. details, jof .eabltrhi-. civtltadmini 2 jtraUoni -; General! tOin:-.'war '. prt-seHt tarj- -of j t he f time. "iTf tht' wiktst- tlii piijjUry autihoritis lll be' j'httrgjp bf an admiiistrativffairs: irTjcubil. Porto" Rico ind othef!icquireil posses sions; lut the nulit-i;",fdrcesidans ilU tittle niore than ;:di ret ftie briier!ly ekl ecu tlon of affairs, " 4 lie! carrying .on or postal -onimunicfc tiou, tht collet; j.iim;;of , feus&msj : etc are" civil f fupc ;tiOns fwhich fwill bo. fcftfh: in Shand ! by ' the4 appropriate bareifi' here, ; the en tire Work being.undt ln' irotectiiiL tne military tauthpritit's. j Th re suit: of the' conferenSj: .today wili:b hiade known througMJih various dei- tiartmcnts i ?' ' i ;! J ! RESTORATION 'o&AIL FAIU t Already steps hay4t !Kri.fi taken ito ret store- mail ! commuii1aion Ibetweer) this ;country: and CUbaKfbirtj thefplani nawfunder consideritftlrl are ilikely to jtakei in 'the questlbif dsi fiahdlin mail: (n,siBe 01 uuoa, i'oriqfattco andotnet poirits. A mail steafttejwid leav New -,-i.ofKi tomorrow, .caTSTiiAIr the; first lo lo s of !raJI;'to, Cuba! whii:!has. left Ne fl-T! ie. Spanish VovertSfnt haal bee solicitbus' as; to the afiDd . of admini 1 . T1 'l-i i.' 1 Tl -: i I iBirfnp auatifi. u in;.' niuies. owing to, Che large ; Spanisl ifs.ts remain-i there. j - ; .,;,.- , . ;l - to qpen"Cable vnfii iA- f- AA ;-!! .: A: -rtWl '-X-AA:' A. During the day, the -pof ernment , be gan I an effort, "ihroCijl diplomatic Channels, :; to re-establs thj cable: aStii- tnunlcatioh with Manif L lltj was be-I 1'ieved' by officials i ton liitl that 'tftje ef-i forts Would prove; succjisf ul, although soroe'dava niav larii's.ertr. Ith itr-: jibrriitie representatiqrjJfil aarVfruit.; une caoie out or iMams '.is under the control of a British cpypny. , The line, is- understood to .be fSrfr near Manila,-, but Admiral Dewey TiXaj buoyed the: sewred ends, .so that 3h.hectloh n' he restored if the comjiy; will :permit ' theiline to -be;. toperatei Pending the renewal pf this, cablejbute,.' .jthe .au Jhojities ; here remainV';avithouq direct $ advices of ; the reporf.e2j-; bombardment anI surrender of: Manila -last Satur day. . ; -. ,;.-'-.; ' j .-- :. I: ;; :,t i -'-"r, j: The-tfact; that the icjty jhas passed Into American; i4sses.sioh ,ls ac-eepted as practically rtaih i by-:,the authorities here, although there5 nothing yet from! Admiral Dewey M Ge!neral . Mer-: rift confirming the: is.. L-It! is: ex pected that a. dispatdj;fhoat -riay bring aovices to Hong Kon fit any time, as a move of this lmpt jtant- chamotet would not be allowedlla pass without getting v speedy-reorpnunicatlon r tb Washington,-r-As a ;Geh'a.n cruiser has made the' trip from TvStoila sroee the repo-r t ed!,surrendec,'ii t;Si' p rp b abl e ; tha t an American .ship !Islf;itiot iari behind .with'fuJl: information! t f: 1 ' . ; ine war aepartmej; na not maite public a; dippatcrt l rePed ' frojm Gen ral Lawton relative fi .the Cubans fu Santiago, but the ordM Jwhich General Corbin sent to Geneta rXawton indi cates something of it4l,ture: jGenral f " r" lTs - ejneamped -ibOut -thelrSty ' and! do1 hot ,sieem! disposed: to accent thw conditions imposed by: the armi sand some ; trouble- has occurred. , ipiecrstary; Alger, jin- speaking' pjf . the matter 'today, isaid ithat it' might as wrll&$$ ffiilyf under stood that the United tat"s wophl con trol .the' surrendered territory And that it: would j , manage i, the sffajrsj of the) 'territory. H Those who' r-rhaifteI within tfhe jurisdiction "would jhjave.' to .-; obey; ithe-laws and-iofficers the United iStites, as General La7ton wias S in formed. j TO MUSTER OUT VOLUNTEERS. The war. department bljfrart the work' of mustering -out the vwanteeri which Mir' not be ineeded' 4n,' tfti'rvtlce.1'The. brder was. prepared for 'flustering, out 50,000 rrten, but was npftjisBued. aa It was; deemed best- to "-jwlii . news from jManila! before disband im i any ; of-S the troops. It is eitnecteffi !t ha t a II : th rivalry and artillery : oflhe yoluftteer force now; in the unitedv nates will b Mustered .put,'! Unless Rere ta aide it'ided ch,ange in the p& jent plans of the wir 'department,, 105 volunteers will be mustered out -vtf jiin the next tniriv aavs. . - a , --u Ji ' . i Reports of better cot It ions in 1 the I variHis camni ar twin,. jre'eivixl. -ant . Y 7-" 7"f VI" 1 especially, da. flatterlneporti com from IMontaukj Pofnt hMingthatjthe Soldiers are being W114ed fo DTSPATTHKS . PROi-i.! T)PWFT i -.t?.: .A'.j.-JliE'.f.:. J I Th'e state department feScetved notice h ?-ts-..Ve late tonight! bf the aiMral ai lloriif If1 remainea out ipr ,1 nve- mnths, advices from Adrniral Dey and QetAfffT uT to Wedlock 0 Mmessagw fflm theta had o messages crem tnem naa I era! Merri morning no them tdon, reac h'ed the admi nls t ratio h.- Ambassador ; Hayl otLondon, has accepted -, the office : S fir secretary of state. - ti- :"-; t MM,- fl!,.' A -t' 1'!-: The : president tpdapprtintd ft he two commissions to &Ji$t the; evacu iitlon of Cuba vnnd a- JiV: lUcoy They follow: ' -"::-r ; "ip':f---; ): For CUba-MaJor J:iral . Jamea F. Wide,;;r'Bear i; AdmirJ Willfint.j T. Sampson J Major Genel tj Matthew C. Eutler. f ;: Cf. 1 jjklf I -' ':.Por"PortO''ftteo4-MaJ!Sefterai'o'hn k.. Brooke. Rear j Admi ilr'Winfield - S. Schley, Brigadie.-; G$rt4 g FWilliam S W. Y -General William Wr. Iprdon. .one- of the, commissioners f;?TtoRio and the only ; one" of the.sijj jappotntees to the two commiseioris wht; is not; widely . .known, is a well known titizc-n !of Sa- . vannah, Ga. He IS the Senior' polonel 01 ine (Ureorgia siate mnjiia an er,v- ed In the ranks of the fenfe-1erate:ar- -my. He is 61 years oid.elohgsj t one f the wealthiet familit-i of th4 state, and, is cpnspicuous socly there, j He was largely indorsed iiplthe , state for brigadier general. : ; . . : i M ? CUBANS MUST RECOGNIZE OUR. - A A A rli;AUTHORir-!H:':;T F,. ). i The war! department 1 te this after-' noon1 potted the follow g reply . to an inqtiry from Major ieral Lawton, cpnimanding; the departf lent .oi FanfJ ago, for Instructions asVj the policy to be : obs-erved toward tlx Cubans t that are' within his mlUty??deDaitiaen:; "Commanding General,ieparlment of - Santiago de Cuba; mhAAA' A:AnAA'AmA AAA rk iof Govern- aIa-'a I H. ,- iA: -. a :l :-, - -!: I' ! i- -t : kestJ)r j C - - ' - lanila.i-A Allison !inJ (lol :. - ., .-v - at Montaiik.' "R''P ng to you tructfoni j th prs yqU, hi? inform! that i re"!ixn-iible ; for i i iinaintam, rd-r An. ,vi .must vrotHt all proir'y vit.nin ald;j terfereiu-' fnofi a:iy ou irndtitt'd.'.'.;iTJW i Cubs pbouid l. tr '.itt-U l-iitly '. but they, v. tth aU it !itr. S ti lie ': the jrtii ! i ' r j -. vt cit pati ttority o rite i'ritf'-d StaH Cessation or h tHtiiitteM -prtKl this government insurgent ALLISON! . i.i.- .... ;.:. AS iu UUitMAi JJl, 1'KAt PrCtJMMISSlCNSHl The prnsl kfc-rtt .today tendered nti;r AUIson of i Jdwa. ! ant Satinolii as a ,mcm bpri of .the. ueacte'cohVmi franwr Mia. miwfyfr,lTOUIU fit his way ''tear -to accept the ini Senator A in nr I n , ack no wjedgi n& iionor.. oijTrwi.- leMMarnea mat tne terestu of his desire tun state In the. senate cpntina; hi: former: vii orous purU.-lpation in the shaping- IeglHlailon! In that body and other ties, - would preclude hiai taklni; arduous wduthMV at: I'arU that Hwiwim.i Tiiucrt tune- and ;i j. i .' -. . .. . . it; i i twoik. . si :' .. !V '; i . : It ' is .tit'id.Tstoft.1 that the'- president ".' tendered; tbJSenator Gorman, pt Miiryiknd a rj.la: e -on the- peac cum nlssioti and that decltn-! oner, jne president . now.; it is stated. Is looking or. anniner i'noctatl i hen "lttM- ':-:: :- i y - ;-:! :.-if."-';:i'7i.1! - d burgeon Gennrat KterntMrir ha t-JiL. eelved t he" ffo Mowing dlspah front Key ' iei resurqing.tre yellow ;teyer!thet: r , -.j-. iveyivef, August- 16. h Surgeon -General, , l7.'-i". Washing- V .tonr-v- ;-- , ji.'j!:: ! :f U -:ivj :'.- 11- "The thri-e cases of v'llbw foir nnrt ' A imree -Buspected cases officially report pd at niarine barracks here. Have fifty men at thl! hostdtaL noatIvffffim thA , (Fifth corps, ready for dutyiand thir-j": ijr-uuc , iMiivuiescents aoM to - travel. tnignea.) j .. : j t BORDEN. , ,:-! : :J. IVK-i-;: .-..i- '"Surgeon " Similar information to that py General Sternberg came, td Surgeon' KJeneral Wyman, of the mtirino hospl- ine, latter aj oncej inti for the" DUrntiSe if Inhtatn.' mg data, showing the origin I of the , I,' r: f' IM't1'.- " 4I.:.1 ; faor L ..S UAil :'. J ! : t r ; - h I : ,Ai, xUi- - ;!. :-:a:TA ; -i,' :, '-V- .!-;- !- : ' !':.-,i'i I I . v J : ; ,r i ! - --i i a, ....L' i.j :a:a, r r ti W M U If P; i H au : -. if... . 1 H 1 a "iuul t itHUS-f t " i ,J 't I -i..: ,j i 5i..-H- S- I ta, ..t. t. .: 1-s ;:m I Pl, .n.l - :r : !, .i-i!-l dkiA,, Ai ft. i .1 ' - KAAiiA Tv Mi'-.-Xl ittj-wyiilp.-iitA . W! :: t - I nit.-, a .1 ': k ....i 4uA AWi rv ll fc.Mi.t:-M1'- J v. -"-il 1 i Vou- abmriV.5.'-1 .: '. ' - -' "i ItiE; A A V te a nd- to , pre ven t , 1 ts spread place. :$A- representative, tof ' ar. f e hospital, service has -beeif A't'tilV bther ifnarfne lo Key West to confer with tb naval putcer ana wttn the state officials, anJ aU necessary meaaivps 1i intri.t ti.I fever to Its iresent ' limJta ' wiu : f.i akep; DrJ Wyman lH honeful in vie 1'f the lolate4d poriton- of- Key1, Wt v,ai oe sccessrujiy - accom ilished.' .;,4 K;;;- : I ;i-t :: A-i.- , According to reports received kt thA .marine nospitai rvtce fw of the vea sela which have :n..rimA t Montauk ftnt, Long Island,- with iltroopHf frOrri '' I i Mfter-a- army were, Jnf.ciel. 'On of V tiese, th (JirandiDuchosBvj who rlv'-!;' ryai na: just been reported to Jlxiarc and inunrHTTr of SMHpectH. - A ine-warraeijartment h;i ri.pivr..i tu '"'usaxLii, r; :- ,j :':::! a :, - - 'i "PonCC PortO Rico Animal 1S adjutant General. Washiarton i T A, mrpijioK jiu your caDiegram,! iFri re -. t,aauKe has ibeen- convicted urt-rnartlal for kiliinir Private sta rd; sentenced to life lmDriainmonr Vf hi tentlaryiiLeaven worth! designated 1 -He is now UndeTgdard here awntitn --; tiiansportatlon.! f .- : .- OILMORK. Pf. L C. Banks, of LeWisrllle. . T Htes that one ii bfe DeWitt1 wit xuucei caive waa: wortn. ijb.oo ihim 1 IB cured his plle& of ten years standing ijip aa vises owners tprtry It. .ji .It alad qures eczema, ajcin dlseaeaftn4 ob frtlnate norea. i It .Tt TWn- ,w , . ,; :,i .i. rrri. -r---,x - , - T ! mi L i i hi THE RIOTIKC fll IS ERS j I Determined That the 'fiaa-ii'olo'Ilft "ihs ; , Shall Not I IVork-fireater iTronbtW eared Wbcn Nesro Laborer are Im. orted.' - '. - I - - -'';-,.(. ' : -i : ana,-Ill.; August dSiA iarge! 'tore off armed LdepUty;1 sheriff a lalneiAi pbipe were onl-guard a tHenVoft.toJ jdiy and the'union mlrers weri fLnawJ- g,k ed c-4 the; highways jf anything, in ' r atr; numbers; na 'apparen tly! more i d ?i ermine thati vcr f'thajt; k! non-i ': jU -i oh men' should pa ; , ddrn of : the' 411b; 'on .miners appeared -od '.the iscne ' Nw rifles andt t shotguna.T butt their .. jlriaiaers.lnducejl therh to take the fire -arrivs j home, it ;-: ,t 1 ' l" X I ,1 A I ! What few, lit-n ; went , to i Work were 'conveyed - In Jtiarrlages Iri charge- of .arnjied deputi I and pblice. jthe opera -'ii? ot the.luri rnines baV.now ex hausted everi'! effort to indite- thdt tin. 'krJnl ii - l,. t . . T . i'Hv?1 ww. peiow- . oaje price, without ;juccen!it : The operators ijfpfcpose now ta bHnK to? ThiPgrocs'Who be wected. . on. tne mining- Kjorapany'A property. The inin members! ; are 'desb4ra.t. hv. remained ('out fbr 1 five- mbnths. toT 'n Gilding S8iatlons'and it Nifiared. eriousrlotinc W" follow) the ,i J.nkrtatlon- of, dhtldara'..f- S i;t -MJii- if Tl e residence &t George jnj'Hler, who has been working, in Springiae mine, was attacked and partially idejmolUhed ibv-' lnknowTi'' oarfJea last, 'nliht !! anit inyfler : and .family driven i tlerefrom. A pthir hon-dnionj wiinera . hou. les -;were served likewise. .Extra poiiice were on hand, but did not succeed ih; (leteetlrtgN i .ihe' 'guilty :-partiea. :.'''-;':: 1! i:l ' i'U'. i - The Reysl is taa Wgaea grade bak) powaw fcaowa. Actaal taata aaaw it (oeicM- - taira farther taaa artW arapc .1 ; -if ' FOUDZR Absolutely Pure. ! I A-'1-- ;-H- - OVAL SMUNO MWOCR CO UtW. VCmK. : , mm A m;AAi,X ' lt til ; " ' ' J : ? bo - : m.l I ! : '!l;M iV-P:: ! I r ' . i I n :', WAX Aa'H- up h- : .v:-Kv.-; wpluldll; Ahr herious V l.if .:- '- .- .-?.: V . h VAAVA th : ' - - - I ! ' . r !v.--..V l-i-" ; ," t"i ..-'--j t i - ,i i A A AA ; f M ";-:;r : ' :i: m MA 4. '.':, ' wm mm h'f- i - f r Am M r Mr- D

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