v mi r-1&4 IA if A i A."i I Af m 1: - T; A I hWflBir i. '1 "ir," " - : f " : Upon the, signing M the protocol ; ; . ?. . T 7 . -.ra,. " r T' .f"r.-T"t" nt J'W, TTsTZTV ZV'i ' - i -T-' n rTit nrll' '-' t i . ! ? ... : . - .-...;; ;.: A'V I . ' r ; ; l- L ' , I . , --' ', ; "r .Jj " . " J ; I i -. - v ftr's. ' ." i. - ' v ';; .; '.' l pin The City. In DaranesoNorth I .; ; j.-;; .' .r'.u i ; - . -ifrA . .-J ",- ! ' ' L r - r" ' -, ;;: . " Sensttiona Hospitals at Camp Thomas. ; v GENERAL ? After a Thorough ilxatninution of These IIospitalIIe Finds the Clean aiiJ Provided With itfents Have Milk, Ice. Delicacies and Proper Food The Starvation SensationTfiej Faithful,-, and DiUgentOenera l 'IV. ' 4 A,--;l r n v: jiiisnci cu. wasningtfiin, LAugrUst Sl.rBffcretary Alger ret'eived ,the. report cjJ Ipeneral H. V. Boynton u pon ine e or ar- fairs In the tiospltala at Oamp iThomais. I The report 5a datf il August 20th. . .'.' Thej ffepetal -iays 'thaihis! jihstru;-; -j tloris. were to - report the number of , . lck;f charac ter of'. illne'us.V nurnber of i.. tents, floor "pac'f ' p-r patient, .trie ad- ' 'equacy ahd: suitability )f aUjk'ndantisi,- f and .-whether tho medical ofilcifcrii have i i '- ... . r . it. '. ... . dischargea "vtheli duties Jaftf UllyA and ',' with -intelllgerM e and to make any 1 recommendation fri the interest if of all I concrpe3A Hef ays that .heH'iiKited all . the tiospltals in the camp, wjtrisrjut gf- lng notice. f his purpose. Kays C!en erarl Boynton: ,;AA- A ';' AJ'' jii'r-- j ". t ''Believing the death list of thin camp to afford an excellent jstandiaiid by ! vhich.' to . nieaure its conditions as to A health and host ital service,, af full te- port was iot tairif-d-of all deaths in, the camp, and -iri ' its hospitals since its es A, tablishm&nt the Arriiddle jof Sipril last,. A.The result hos a total detithilist Of -l'JS p to the 22nd of this month, whim f; the "breaking uiAof this carhp jbegan. j .Between i these dates,incluin reKti f lars ahd Srolunti'ers, fully TOjOOOj" troops I havei been Jm iatnp in Chickaimauga i wyr. ; .; - rr. R iifl- "I- I . TttE PERMANENT iiOSjJlTAI.S.i f AThe! report takes up in detj;uf first, i -the wo : permani-tit hospitals! ' lie iter and Sternberg,: and .states vH:th thc (rreatest jniiiutefness the eiactf liccorn :f modation 'a'rforded 'by each.L;The : first--f js at'ira.vfibh Sprrngs under i ljiarge of e Major; Odrtr atid was converts from A a ' lSre isulmmer resort' bbtglPlhto a.-. I i hospital. f rdcti-vlng- the 'worst typhofri cases' .from the camp. ; Each patient i-hasi abundant -i'dSm, woven- hair mat . tresses : and abundant (bed. clothing-. 1 The -fixtures, are ; complete, tllei plumb j Ing: entirely . new, and' tjie ? facil A ities arnbleL The number of attend . ' ants;!-! when all Are weJl,' In entirely f. satisfactory and attendants are on 'the way to take the places; of those who r are broken down. j s ! ! - Major. Carter has secured a -herd of I. cows, and has (arrangements; for pas ; turing "them wjithout - expense! to' the Kovernment, lie has sufficient money, i frOm'the rhiospital fund to biiylvvhat Clever. 4s jwahted in , the wayi)f; milk1 iee and other delicacies. . Thpre :i has ! been at this- hospital full smSplics ;of f icer tnilK -commissary stores 4nd 'del jl Icacies, such as the sick pught tt.d have.. 1 The entire hospital is furnished with distilled waterj and the ice lusea is madei from distilled .waifejr.. Tpie.: sew erage ofnhej hospital is texcellht; and, contraryj to persistent assertions, n ne ot' the sewage has-ever drained; into the ChiCkamauga rjver or approached it at any point. ; -.s.. - .r . 1 i Majof Cartert has a. torps! of doc tors which he' regards as amply suffi cienit to care ,fpjr 'all the patfeCs in the liospltal anil ports 'thejni as ifaithful andAe.ffij-Uint iri' (lie. performance: j of .their duties. - - A : TakuigTup the Sternberg hospital in c'harfte jot" Major Giffen, 3eneral Boyn ton show thai, it is one of the most complete Held hospitals ever seen, ac-t-ording !to iyetjerans pf ithe last war. All the Itents are closely floored and they are separate; at 'jpreserii .only four men ar In any tent, and inj ad dition tojihg tebts tefeiare nine large board pvilionsj. Every tent ahd pavil ion has Kroven wire mattresses, - ta-on .f.itnlH nd ! hair matitressesi There are- especial d.'t -cooks, five fold-storage rooms for ia?licaciesj, separate-re-frigeratcs for jeachj rowj of tj nts, and every proper nieasu're ol saigtation is observed; with respect (to- tej sinks. --Further the report .feaysi f ; j " ; CRFljlLLY ; PotiC3 "The i-hole blace is nnst j j. arefully policed " (iaily, aind the wlhole establish-; LmntAwlthiu and without ! its perpia--jiear'buftdifjgs land its tents Is in the most perfect order.- Since the estab " Jishmenti :- Of this hospital everything asked for in the- wttf -.ft supplies of every ' kind , has bf en j promtly f ur nished. "Sixteen to-t.wtrity-four bar rels : of distilled : water: ire purchased daily, andpajtients. getj nothing but distilled: water; to drink! '.From three to five tons of ice are used daily;. TJiree hu ndred gallons of milk tare purchased dairV ahd 150kaltons furnished; by the Red" Cross Society. ; - j - lAli tpohey i necessary-; for; the pur chase of . delicaci.es of every kind suat able to ihe tck has iibeeiji turnished by J-rteia.l Sternberg A careful j inquiry developed the fait that ail va rieties of.medtca: . ' asked fori wee ftirnishjed both from "Washington and front hied leal, head---irtpr at the camp wfith the great- quarters at the camp : est promptrtess..- HOS PIT Ali REFUSE pEMATED.': it 'is stated in additiorr that all the i : hospital Refuse is 'burnr ina i - lory and according to. Miajori Giffen all, A noft-natiehts now tck, Jn the en- i tire- camp could be safely moved now The diseases sire more of a typho-ma- K laria Character tljan typhoid fever stricfly.f the-death rate being: jery low,. nljfvabout 8 jper cent, of the worst leases,:" !, A-: i ' . i -i A THE TlkLD HOiPITAUS. m.' ' n'iWV itvitton fieid hospital, in charge; Pt Major , Drake, lis floored with planed1 lumber!! and-it isbs clean as is possible, bein? .scrubbed Llic aciaSndtreated - with f Woode of merOaTy.eyery other day.; A11 ! the Patients are on cots aiid never have Seen Tn thO" ground for any length f time! None of sthe 60 ente allow nre. Aer man- for -delicacies has -been t aased as it' was not needed. ; - .f n. Jir, tlmoo when The-report siaies nidi; ""--hi- hospital was c,rowed tberev yas ck of nurses, the deficiency .bo ng suDRlied by details from Athe - regi mJnts. which.were not jas eatisfactory j as. trained nurses. -A:rj .A; A A-AA: -A; "A t HOSPITAL. CONVENIENCIES. .: i ' - .: . ' . i J. ', ill f f General Boynton snows imwiiuwe is A; a fun refrigerator capacity for this : hesp'itai, porcelain -lined baths, sterilr i'zed ind iced water, and every con- venieace. In the malignant typhoid ward thfei"e have been but two deaths K out of thirty cases iq three; weeks. :: He says that: both the medical officers and the hooOital attendants rat; this 1 hospital havei undoubtedly performed ' their duty with Wrgyjand ef.iciency, t "and the best test Of all this is shown : by the fact that so many of them t'- bave thoroughly exhausted themselves and fallen bIck unaer inr iaw.org. The liext hospital inspected was hf) Third division hospital,! first corps, , in charge i of Major Thomas Clark. Here the attendant were found, . sufficient, in th earlier idiays there were -not enough surgeons jor. j attendants. - The grounds were in xceuent conai-'- tions, the tents clean, most of the tents looped and all floored between i the cots and in the aisles. , , -; -.. Taking up the last of the field hos pitals, that of the Third corps; Second Rumors as to Condition of 'S REPORT Hos Necessary Conveniences The Surgeons and Nurses" J...' A division, under i Major Smith, the -.r pert states that the- ffftv-three tents are at present not ail occupied, though were rrna-rtwl ' : i Leaving the details aboutj the ho pitals tlje report proceeds to treat th wihole mWect.'- eenerallv as follows, t ORIGIN rOP STORIES ABOUT STAB:- . '--j VATION ' . -, .. i 1. "In t w.o of the hospitals opportuni st's occurred for discovery of .whit r,tid:oubtcdly -originated rhanyjof tlie .sftnsatinnaJ , stor'-.8 .which.: have te.m printed over; the country fo the ciTli that patients in the hospitals . lacked sufficient food, and -in many cases' haid bfen on the vere of starvation. ln tr)e w'ards where? the convalescent; ty-? pfioid fever patients were found maiy of the men were constantly asking" fr food, and as a matter of course,, werej as constantly denied everything except1; the lighter forms of food,- which; ic4n 1 ajone be safely ajtlministered to rc'do ei-ing typhoid, patfentsi -'Jhisi-refuser of food: throughout the hospitals; by -.wjhich care alone, as is -.perfectly ut derstood, can the lives of the typhoid cinyalescents be saved, has been dis torted into the cry which has befn preaJ throughout the country thit patients Were being starved inj' trie 'government hospitals. There has Veen np1, lack of proper food in .these hosi4 141s, and -competent cooks for prepaf ing it have, been present, .and the only reason for depriving- the patients f ahat so many of them have clamored jTir has beeln the necessity of Buch diet irtg as the disease demands. : i p "I am constrained to, believe A that; "There has been no neglect on the paj-t of either the medical of the quarter master - departments to; furnish suqh supplies as. have reachejl the-camp. j j i '.Undoubtedly there -have ! been seri-f. bus inconveniences, and at times .fyf. 4he greatest crowding, tlack of converts-! fences and full-attendance which g') ts make up that painful condition affairs, - which, '-as every veteran. knows, are inseparablje from the field JiCspitals of great arjnies, even wheju aljl' concerned concert themselves to se cure the comfort of the patients. MEDICAL, OFFICERS AND NURSES' ; .... FAITHFUL. . -?.; A'V'So far from beH eving, as a' resufct, of rr observations, that medical offi cers have .been heartless or negligent,' I believe that these officers and the hospital attendants, as a whole, hav.t 'exerted themselves to discharge . their duties faithfully. It would seem 'as if this were sufficiently shown by -the. fact that they havei wrprked unceasing ly! , until a quarter of the. w"hole force nas itself been . stricken oy disease r surting from their exhausting labors. ! GENERAL. TERRTS CHARGES ; -V -. TAKEN UP. - Af. I ; "'My attention was especially direct-. icq, in the. order which 1 received; yo;j fonie; remarks credited to uenerai re(: ry surgeon general or ine state oi -cw i lor k, in rererence to tne conaition tr the camp ,of the Eighth New Yor c. Cifeheral Terry is reported in The N?vv: York Herald; to have said, as ,he V"..a 'leiivirg Camp Thomais: " -. A- AA ;i i I PI 'General Terry found the camp in; a ibad sanitary Condition. It 4s sitimt Vd in an ope i Held in the hot sun, w ih jtio'jwater.tbt be, found -withfn flve nTileis.i The water t iel men drink is haulea in barrels, and is of a kind that in New, Ypt-K would borer'used as" bathing wa iter. This stuff is what' the men'drink daily, and is declared to be the chief causes of the sickness. General" Terry told me that it was the most terribla; jsight he had ever rwitnessed; and "that tub t In the slumsAof New York city . could be found a : place So. filthy arid dirty. He, said he would insist on the; Eighth , regiment being returned v to New . York; arid ' had wired G jvernjr i Black and the .secretary- of war - or the situation. - Camp Thomas hospitals : are unclean -and badly located. Nourishing food is lacking as well as proper med ical attention.' , :r. , j , "This camp was removed to the open field'at the. special request of the '..officers concerned, as . they were,, in clined to thrnk that their camp lis ths open woods had-something to tj with ithe increasing sickness of their men.j t S'-'Here it may be, pertinent to remark in passfng that this regiment had .t ithe time of its. moving, "and had nam: tained,, one of the . filthiest and mosst disgusting canteens to be found in. Ihe entire array. : From personal observa tions Of this canteen, some twb weeks sfnee, I am prepared tb assert that Jit 1 was little better than serving beer lol . i . . . i - . . tt-: V. . . X-... X-, 1 t 1 vue soiu.iei a ui 111c .xi.igiiLii Att: x uiiviiiiii a hog pen. It is also true! that- the rje ports show that since this regimcpt moved its healthconditions have 'irhr L proved. ; iy : j "instead or, tnere oeing no v. atjer iivitbin five' miles of this regiment, two -of the largest -. and; finest springs bf fclearrwater iri f his entire country pro fnounced by . competent medical k; and 'chemical authorities, to be pure water, lare less than two miles - from. thir icamp. The Eighth New York has befcn scamped upon the ground where Gep eral - Terry observed, it, ' less than ten days.- It was perfectly clean ground :i'heh :; they . occupied it and had not been previously occupied by any troops. " "l: v ' ' " Al 1 1 : ' "Whether; General Terry means that twenty-four .died In the . camp vf. the 'New-York or twenty-four in the en, tire camp int one day, 'and that nearly as many would did the day of his de-. parturej cannot be exactly determinedf by his form of' speech, but on the day' that he is quoted as making this re-. -mark, the deaths in the entire armyi'l encamped here were seven -and the deaths in the Eighth New York, twb L days before his visit (being the last report) numbered ,only one, wmen nab been the rate for some Hays. Truth wears wielL People have; learned that '-DeWjtt's Little Early Risers are reliable lititla pills for reg ulating the boWels, curing constipation and sick headache.. They don't gripe. n, R. Bellamy. i .-.- i -V. ..... , . ::: : I Rase Ball. Boston 2. Cleveland 5. ; Pittsburg 2, New York ,3 . . Louisville 3, Baltimore 10. " -Cincinnati 9, Washington 5. i ; 3t, Louis 6, Philadelphia Id.' Second District Democrats. , , (SDecial to The Messenger.) " Wilson, N. C, August 31. The dem-i ocrats of the Second congressional! district met in convention here today.; ueiegates were present uum ,a.u mcs .. .... u. . '!n .ik.i counties ,in the district, except North-; amoton ahd. Green. - HOn. B. F. Ay-' Cock was made chairman and : opened the convention with a ringing speech for white rule. J Resolutions endorsing; the Chicago and state platforms were adopted. It was resolved to adjaurnj subject to the call of the chairman; No one was put in nomination, ! George White, the- negro congressi fcn&p, will te-defeated in the coming election, ' 1 , A ; Upon the. signing ttK-r3 was ,i publish- "the wajrt' dt'B.Hmen te a largerbjijdibf tnir; volunt?er troops! mus tierWd 0 U (2 and .that ; the department would ;Cons(ieit I the jwiahes of the: re- t sjt(ivji;Gtnmahds In 'the 'matter ' St. , Slmo7i'sAfiand,j.;a,i Council tjif war w as jcalled to1 formulate plans where by theomt:jmigrjti continue to draw from; the government -if a stipulation of w-iiich , tney. are not' deemed to- be jvibrttiyj.A Afie! somev Rebate as to the best 5plan jiretaip (he regiment in ta-tj'f and 'after they had frozen out trtei only ftlcH' fGafn D. MacRae) who Advocated fair dealing, the follo'--ing message i was addressed to the ad jutant generaf:of the array: I fcf'j 1 ! '"St. Simon's Island,- Go... . '- '':, j" ' -, "August 18,; 1898. i: "Adjutant General of th- Army.Wash-Inrto-D.fUSft . ; J-rA r-- ' j; ('Acting on' the ;ptiblisrhed intimation froiriiyour department in regard to as certaining the; wlshear.of the volunteer troois. I beg lealvxa to state that my regiment, recruited i. to the war, maxi mum! since Juiy :lit.h, desires to remain irti service land .Is jrj&ady1 for any duty vou rriayi assign. tt.i. military channfls. !; See -letter j through (Signed) .J i BURGWTN. j ! "Colonel Commanding." t is plain, to every one that the intimation: aboye -referred to did not state! that the (department 'would con suit' the: officers : alone of a command, bftir.ifn.ftj has any meaning at all,-'4t mfeinSH that t.i? ' j-'dpartmeh-t. ' would cCinsider itne; sense of the whole com mand. A (.After j- j: thej I meeting1 Sof , the "Jiliputlans'1 the colonel allows : his name to go out to a statement -which wjis not au thientfc : if I .arn mistaken in: this (and I fcffowMlam not) :it i was the ,colohe,rs! duty to ;.;.certaj;n - the will of -the whole . regiim'ent before sendi ing tie above rnessage.; j Having faii- ed to do this, i he was negligent or the -truth, ja excusable, i negligence which was in- . Having ascertained the sense of the enlisted men of this regiment,' I can state, imd -substantiate the fact, that, there, isj notflss than 90 per cent, of the: enliisfed i;' men desirous of" being mustered out j! immediately, and say further! thatAthere has been an .effort madei on the' part of:some bf our com-! missioned offic-rs tb intimidate the enlisted men, jitid restrain - them from expressing: theMli'ivihes: In this' .mat- terA:--!;:, :: ; Mr i Were the enlisted men desiriousA of garrisoning . Cuban , territory they pre fer .service Under, officers Ywhom they can; respect and! under whom; they can Jjerfjorm their i;dutiesj with enthusiasm After, this hjbb : lot", bf j. demagogues had met HJid constituted .themselves a bejard of suri-ey "to retain the regi ment ; intact," ; j Lrieutenant ;;: Colonel telqWles; was pfepatched to Washington post-haste j to jlnform the war depart roferit Ipff the fishes bf .-jthe command. It'b 'bej retained ;!n ithe service,' but; before het lief tjthe qftiders $efe asked to .con trlbute1 enough I money to defray his expenses to Washington and back all this:; done, :as ' they' thought, with the most complete secrecy.: fWhy did they not call on jthe enlisted men to help defray jCqwles' expenses, Since they say 'my regiment I'esireS to; remain in the service?" Are they, too I poor? ' The coonel!;hai put a special; agent selling pictures ofihiimself tb th enlisted men. They are not ; too : poor to buv them. Tien there is a. Young Mens' Christian Association tent to be bought, with; what -enthusiasijn thfyi send forth an iorderlj;, to Lsblicjit ' subscriptions from the enlisted men. -Ni'.,' ijv nyi; ine, onagers tne - oniy ones . m te -ested in this ' great i movement? If they1 believed the j erilisted men were desirout of; staying In the service why a this' -wirepulling? -This stands for itself. r ! l! This s ah argument itt itseif : Washington.! IX 4.. L-Vugust 25. ISPS "Clo.nel AVi ..H.. i'Sl Burgwyn, St, ,Si- nions' Island, Ga.: : :, -- "!'- ' . ' i'Our retention i. (certain. Senalor Pritchard's;re-jtiest did it. Will go. via .Etaleigh tOi tonjbrrotvAevening. Inform oracers,: but;. keep from newspapers. (Signed) f --' . A M ; Cowles, ;"I.ieu tenant Colonel." : "Inform officers but keep from! news-, papers?"-; i !'.!! i; ; ; A; iA ,. How 'often do iw se under ithe robes Of the ; patriot, .the cloven hoof of i the politician! 1 I i I .- ' When i the i hospital tent fly episode becomes generally -rkn0wn thej com manding officer tvill halve to answer. ,- The-ways of, these ,Liliputians are dark. ' i ' . ! A A ; Respectfully, ' V ' ' J. H.r GORE, Jr., . A ! Late, of Second Regiment.;'. Drowned Sat Norforii A A ;; .Monday morning when the exeursitn of thje Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers-; left ; here for Portsmouth by way of the Seaboard Air Line, one bf the; excursionisrsi fro:n-; :-Wilmington was; Joe Cook, colored, who. has been employed about; three years at the of fie'e of the Singer Manufacturing Corn- party, 'In this; city. ; Yesterday morning Thomas BrihkHy, colored, a friend of Cook's, .: received a telegram stating that Cook had Jumped overboard and was drowned. ;;j ' -t ;; ; The excursion returned from Ports mouth t this morning; a few minutes to 2 o'clock, and from; some of the excur-: sionists it is ; learned that Cook -was drowned Tuesday inight at 8 o'clock. The excursion; reached Portsmouth Monday night, and oni Tuesday Cook spent 'the day in Norfolk and vicinity with some friends. That night they in tended . to , go over to I Portsmouth to spend the night, and when they: wept top get on the ferry boat on the Nor folk side the steamer had pushed away from the wharf.; Two of the party succeeded- in getting on; board and shout ed; to-TCook to jump. He Heaped' from "the : wharf to; get on the stern of the boat, but. he ; missed and ;went into the water. He ! immediately sank '-and was drowned, although life preservers were thrown to hnn. His remains had hoi been recovered up to the time the es- cuirsicn left- Portsmouth on the return yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock.:. .Cook came ;to -Wilmington from Au : gUsta: Ga.j about three years ago. He was 2 years or age. -.. a T. 1aB '.'iifi .h I - Change of Schedule to the Ocean.' I Attention Is called to the change-Of schedule of ; the Wilmington Seacoast railroad, to be; foupd in thisVmorning's Messenger. ; Trains will now leave the city at 6.30 a. m., 10:10 a, m., 2:30 p. m., 5 p, m. and 7:15 p. m. Trains will leave, Ocean .View; at -7:30 a. nr., ili30 a.1 m. 3:45 p.i; m.,'. 6:00 p. m. and 10 p. im. i ii f 'f .,(. ... A. -' On Sunday trains will leave the city for the ocean; at 10:10 a. m., 2:30 p. inl and -Zl9- P-i m., and will leave 0ean View at 11130 a. m., 6.00 p; m: and 9:30 m- 1 ' . , , I I ,..'-. :H Kxcnrsionlsts i Returm ! from Parts- 1 ', . ' month . ; The excursion of: the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers which -'left here over the Seaboard Air Line Mon day morninff for Portsmouth, returned here this morning a lew minutes to 2 1.0'clock. j About 3o0 Wilmington people took in itne:) trip, xney report an en joyable trip,; barring the drowning ac cipents wnicn .s mentionea eisev.-nee im this :mornlncr's Messenerer. A . this morning's Messenger. Tike Mew House of worship for South Side Baptist Church: The building committee, of South Side Baptist church gave out the contract last "night : for th,erection of Its new hbusej of worship. ;The contract was awarded to ; Messrs.! Millia & Savage. ai)id they will ; commence work right aray !. The building is to be a pretty one and a concrete walk is to lead up to its front. 1 , i - i The Investigation Begun lv; -!' v-' ' ' -aL1 ?.-' Ai.A: -M ..-: j? -i . 'f"i I ;: a -.A:- -Yesterday. -.; a!;- h A::A GUTIIN& FREIGHT RATES A " . J ;A" "; -: Av., i hp" i :1aAv-; U A':----Ai l-'-,?v A'.l v t;-: i -..-:. Proceeding Before the Hallway Com- mlMklon Kome Second DUIriot Pop- 1 liC to Vote For a Nero C andidate Id 'Preference u 'Tlielr Ouu 'Nonliyte. JHr. ; fiarrlnser'a Good l(li-f . r met'a Argument Agalpat ; Doekerj . .; Hallway Free Pa HeporU. ; " i ! ,1 S "i !' J :-.V.t -i ! ,.-7 1 Messenger Boreau Raleigh! N. C, August 31. j Ther claims of the. various jrailways for' f transpjorting; 'volunteers A to . the camjps here ami at Fort Macon - are coming in. That of the " Southern rail way, U ifofj ?3,80Q.i; f yy' '( A': i The republicans are circulating a re port;: that the: democrats wilt make no congressional;; nomination, ini the Sec ond , 'district, : but! Awill iendoirse J VB, Lloyd, the populist nominee.j There are populists in ha1 district wliq will not vqtej; for Lloyd, but Thb i wilij-vote for George H. White,; the negro republican 'nominee, so firmly are they junited to the Tepublicaiisl'-. A , populist state comr ;. . . .;. mitteeman is ajithority for this state- nnt, ...United States' Marshal. Henry C Dockry:! said ;oilay:i.' t. jjay n myl s"pirtM;bes that; the; republicans and pop ulists 'areTialtJbrbtfiersl"i j f AJ ii The railwaiy. comrrtission -today !re- uucea tne rate or freight on cotton on the-"RalSigr indi Gaston; raiiway,; sp4 to make it conform to that on the North . Carolina, Arail way. ' The - Joint freigh rates on the -Raleigh and Gas ton -are higher than On . other roads and -.later these . Will bej reduced, it la stated .by the commission. . : " Ii" I A letter from Senator Butler says he is I nbw in" Montana: A-; 1 !. -:-.:.!.-: : Henryi M. iBagleiy whbi has been city editor of The Press-Visitor here, leaves tomorrow for Washington, .;D. C. to become one of thef correspondents of The 'Providence Journal. :i i ': v ; The Kilgo-Clark controversy , is at- tracting: much attention once more.' ine regular hearing began at Durham last night, in thei presence of twenty- IA - ;I.A! ' : " : r ;ir. i j; J j . IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE tiffi Two. Troopships Reach Alontauk from Sitiago Of 625 Soldiers on One 145 Were Sick. Fourteeri; (Bjid and Were Buried at Sea. i j : -A ..': ' ' A; ' -' l ; ' ' a: i;; ' The Prisoners Captured from Cervera's f'lietf are Ordered -.Released. ! j"; i a' ji, -. ;:,'.; ;,:: ; Schley atid Gordon Sail for ; The Rough Riders Will be Mustered Out ot Bsriice Todays r General Boynton Awakes a the Hospitals at Camp Thomas, ries as to Tlieir Conditions. ; '- A "The. Montgomery' arid Four x Miss Barfbn Will Have to Pay the i Duties arid' Knes Imposed at Havana. II'- -" -: :'M ' ''''ifl 'v- l-iiff ; A -rU . Spain Will Clear Havana Harbor of Mines arnt Torpedoes. Democrats; of the' Second North Caroliua!l?strict Meet and Adjourn Subject to Call of 'tnei'.'Chairnian.''-. 'ninatidtl 'Was ;aU;f.:;il!7.Ji; .";J,;-,!- A' j-i;. ' 11J; ;A AV ; . Colonel Ilenrv.- Arrestfil ; in r!rn tiftirkn -'.'niSTifl ViHif rit-vfiic $: Case Commits Suicide. He Coufessed to .irSS-jJf: Forged the 2 Xetter on Which Dreyfus was Mainly Convicti4ilThe Case Will 2 be Reopened. "' I -:"vAA' .'--I- AiiA'A.-A-Ui-iA.il- ;.,..-- ; : k:' ! : f ;-'!'- ; i :f : :!; ) : '. ': A : ' sixx out Of thirty-six .trustees of the college. ' The evidence chiefly introduc-. ed; was; to prove that awhile; In- South Carolina Dr. ; ivilgo was " a -wire-puller and manipulator of Methodist confer ences." - : . . . '!. The argufhent of Dr. Rlj M." Nor inent, independent republican nominee tot" congress in, the Six-th district, Is htit Oliver Dockery, the other; repub lican ; candidate, (.was; not it 'regularly jroiminated i and is not a republican 4ut a populist. y ) J MGovernor; Russell appoints! David M. Clark, a son of Associate Justice Wal ter Clark, captain of Company;M, Sec ond regiment, -vice JAW. Cooper,, re signed. ; Clark has been battalion ad jutant. .Great pressure was; brought td; bear; to have the governor, appoint Lieutenant Rowland, who had the en dorsement of all ; the officers:.-; I. ; jt is learned that- Mr. Moreau Bar-ringer,- son of ; the: late' Honj Daniel M. Barringer, of Raleigh, has bv a lucky hit-become the owner of a;mine in Ne vada, for half of which he! is. offered 180,000,- and which; is yielding him an fpcome of $22,000 a year. : The railway;' commission declines to grant the request i of the Wilmington Tariff Association for; a' 2,000 "-anile ticket for $40, h interchangeable on va rious : railways;. It 'says it -hias .given a 1,000 miles ticket if or $25 to be used by a family or a firm, and that to this the railways- assented. The interchange able .ticket .will not . be' ordered, as prayed for..' . . , ' j;i A ; ' i J .. ' : ' Uhgihhed. cotton in Iot of over 2,000 pounds, bujr less than car .load lots, is lowered in 'rate from 5th tq 6th class, ; The report on- free passesi Issued . by the railways to attorneys and agents shows that during the year (the South ern has-: Issued" 65i : Atlantic Coast Line 47, Seaboard Atr; Line 22. Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley; 5. ; "A ii;- ;' AA',.. i: i i-ji'l 1 ' .: : One Minute Coiwrh Cure surprises people by its quick cures and children rriay take: it in i large I quantities with" - out tne least ttianger. it nas won lor itself jthe best reputation of- any prep- aration 1 used j today for colds, 1 croup, tickling in the throat ; or ;:! ; obstinate congns. xt. ii. tseiiamy. ; 1 Slander of "White Women by Noro Editor. ' I A;-'.A:.",' ::A ; ;!. f '" ' ... .. .' ". -iIiBirl',' Jl"A"Aj,-j.' ; - The statement that nine-tenths of (be element will pass unchallenged, and. ing article, copied from tbe Daily Record, on, N. C, by negroes and the orsan of crowd. This l the Wf your new friend regard yourself and families A Every White Man In the; State, bavins any regafd fpr the pnHty of bis mother, sisters and daughters, must determine that heneeforward be will "Peor white men are careless in ESPEfjA.l.t.Y! ON iTHS FAR7IS. They are careless ibf teir conduct toward them, and OUR EXPERIENCE AIONG POOR WHiTji PEOPLE lN: THE COUNTRY, TEACHES US THAT WOMtEST OF THAT. H4CE ARE NOT MORE PARTICULAR IN THE MATTER OF ORED MEN, than are the white man with colored wtnen. MEETINGS OF THIS BLIND GO ON FOR SOME TIME UNTIL THE I'O tlAN'S INFATUATION or the man's boldness, bring attention Every negro lynched is called a blg, of those who have thus; been dealt with bad white tWtjt 6or tbelr (fathers, and were not only not 'blaek and "burley,' bait were St FiciENTl.T ATTRAC TIVE FOR WHITE GIRUS OF CULTURE AND REUSKMENT TO FALL IN LOVE with THEM, as is very well : The above is the opinion or tbe editors of a "Negro papand endorsed by the action and votes of a number of prominent White Men. Wilmlngtom A j Is there another place In North Carolina where a pubafeation of this charac ter would be allowed to pass unnoticed and the authletf without punishment Our country friends are Invited to visifour office to see Original copy of this scandalous sheet.' 1 I AIA-: A'..ti A:.A.i 'A-i' iiA i-A;A Oir Dispery of Forged ; ! ; l ,.. i'S5,fs'i -, .; ' .'if. FflMOUSIICRETiLETTER fesf W W bleb Played f-h Part In Ills Con- 1 vletton CoiSfe by Colonel Henry jto ;' Have JBeeaf" byr-Hltoseir rfe4 Anti-Drey iJf 'A'arty I Dumbfounded Ills FrtendA,K;bllantThe Cabin . , . '. . -5 . r ..... . ; . , Decides to B-tn tbe Case Suicide ' 'of Colonel ijlf .t' ' M. : ' i' i ' h " 1 :- ; -' i ; . 1 v :S:4 1 y 1: j ! I . !'; ; Paris, iAuiJrfLieutenant!, Col-, bhel ;Henr-yij,f ipiid been arreisted ;cn the: disvoveryl he was the author of an 'imporsts&t ietter thit figured in the ; Dreytusj as-fhas' committed sui cideA; -i;lf:lli"-v'V:i AfUU - ;ItLapi)ean :Jffi;so'i"sbpn i asi. M. ;Ca-' valghaq assiitii office 'of; 'minister ; of war, ie. ti.- the ofRciaf ibureaju to make a IthijSfisotgh research .bft he Dreyfu$ cav. Ryy;, it was this in.quitiy which resufeiflllthe,;-' discovery -of fioeqmelnj:, lel'yjjie-ad In ihe i chamb r bf 1 diepuif les ' I iijaiVaigna.c,!; sho win s thai; proof of-A?uilt of Dreyfus was forged. Wheh(l'tSel Heny was-summoned itoi.ithT'&illstry of -.war j. .-ani questioned b f(aaignac, Ain the presence of tiiSifa'l ; Bpisdeffrer ', ana others, he at firltffirmed the autihen ticity .of the , jHiyiinating document; J but when discispajncies were pointed but. he at -first f,5riitted adding .i' ; seri tencies . and - fialfe iiconfessed to -fabril- ratintr tii wtlK.';ltf tar ' ' Ttt i a : a ffl rTntfiit . - hQweverJ thatli this; discovery ajs i not;'bhapged 'M Kavalghac's' J beliefih the jCUlpabilityig)!Dreyfus,:' the- rninis ter is : deterrnjrigd4 to punish A all the guilty parties, :W$. i matter , what: theiif rank -or posktijxS.Siay. be.; :-. -. ; ' Colonel Hcnr Confessed " tb having committea torggij- mowing to tne an ute necesSidfor finding proofs I sol against ainst : Dreyfi's I It . is understood : that! the ; docurSgsntj in question is thfe letter which' h?hthrtObeen allege to havie been, S?f4;tten by. the Qermab military"ttCrpe;0 the Italian; -mill tary attacheeij itt.ber; lf96. It is also said'a.Katr-fcen theiinteroel lation in the Dffus case, witscomlng uo in the chafliM of -deputies t ter was secreil:$orrimunicated tb th.' court-martial .a.figi jwas . ine cnier evi ' -'i ' '-. ?fe H i v- l ' " i : ;: A!,,'':: f:H':il Porto Rico A j ?l if '!.i;. 'ii Full Report oii the Condition of Refuting the? jensatiohal Sto A .- ; ' ., -: Monitors Sail fiiifil'orice .''"A i-1 i" f f.!J i ":'' 2 i-.a-ir 'i; vAVt :f "5 :. .'-.i . dence i upon Iwia 33reyf us " was con- evicted.- ,''! H &t'li !- K! .;: ; ' The j anti-Df-f?yitesl papers are dumb- founded at tn.p&rn on-, tfae; other 4d I of events, while the papers which; have! been sueps-tf ihg thei proposition to re-rbpen theVctl le kre jubilant.. ;Theyt now. demand ,ths.?i'mmediate release of; fcoloniel Picquart-,.;who is imprisoned onl charges. connect ti.: Indirectly with thei Dre-yfus affair :l;:they also Insist! upohja review hei DreyfuSitrial., ; It is reportedTtfeat at today's cabinet'i meeting, the nn3 Meters admitted that a- revision ot . tr. ureytus trial was absolutely un.avtM,able and a public announcement t-iiutf the ministry has decided to lnltiipeJ Isuch a; revision is 'expected soon, . , : , . 10 .p. m. Gcni ais iLemouton de Bois deffre. Chief of t -t, general staff of the French army, h.i.$f tendered his resig nation' to the government, in his let ter of resignatfoivhe. explains- that .he resighs owing' to. tns misplaced confi dence in lJieUfce;n?nt Colonel Henry, which led him io present as genuine, what j was forged videnee.- A;; M.. Cavaignae.'t mihister of war, in reply asked. G"eral de Boisdeffre to. remain to "see; -tiee rendered -in the matter." .'. . Mi General de Bqh ffre thanked Mi. Ca Vaignac for prpoiif of his esteem, Abut persisted in -.hUs designation. He will be replaced, h sisef ore, 1. by A General Renouard, director of the military col- legci : :'rf''Jvl'SS;:A :ti! A '.- 'i . ; ;' Colbnel Heriry : jvas attached .to the war : department. -)hen Dreyfus - was convicted and. he'vwas one of the prom inent; witnesses - tjiho - testified : unfa vorably to H. "Zoii during the latt.er's sensational trial . n the charge of libelihg military 'Officials. I j i-.i . , Nacy,' France, ugust 31 A court martial here has -feist sentenced a pri vate ; soldier to 'tlee months' Impris onmsintand r5(K)fif,ifencs fine for shout ing JTVive Zol.', J f ; m - S: . i : - 'L . ' More than twonly million free sam- pies of DeWrtt-is-Witch Hazel Salve jjave been distributed by ithe ( manu- faotijrers W aa abetter proof of their confidence in ;it's merits do; you want? i It cures pilefl, '.blirns, scalds, sOres, in I the shortest, Space of time. 1 R. R.1 Bel lamy. . , ;, if ;i1ii;; : . "!-'( t ' il ' "lamv Populist voters long to tbe Farm Ins that Is the elms ref erred to In tbe follow of August 1 8 tb, published In Wllmlng- the Republlcan-Po-pulIst Fusion political take this matter tat4 consideration and fce as a White iriati should. I A ;. : j the matter of -pro vesting their 1 women. CliANDESTINlS -MISTINGS WITH COL to them, and thj USan Is lynched Tor rape;. bnrley, black bute,wben, in tact, man Known to all." . . - iA-:frr.' -if. i- h'. Carolina Soldier .tloted From; Tr be Savannah, dA'Al Zi)$jk thre ; ws no Ibssi! off life tfrbiin la$t night's storm which swept. Safiannah, thj dajtnage to property will fxt up cie to' $500,00451! ; ,!'::' i; ;-;; -i" :! - AM yhej; stprm begrn. early ' Tluesday th't .jand;: ragert'iwithl iricreasmg vio egg -at ;.its height between -4 jand 5 Qpclt. when tiietwinjl reacheii a -y-tiMy pf1.eightyiinilesr8,h jhour: flt was ', j the heaviest damage waa done. Vn;ay,liBht.amei;he1 rstreetjs were ijaissable frpnt debrts; Probably orie hiiVflred buildings; were wholly r par tla.y unroofed and as many moire were damaged in othfir ways.. The, roof was tofsj. half Off thf Savannah theatre and th adUoriumk)fptMat ; buildipg was , trSisfbrrned inibtia lakfr. The First Baptist bhurchlfis jamontr the mwt hea:ily damageiS .buildings. The entire western half oft the, roof was; lifted from the i wallslland.'carriedi into Atfce,- -street below. The handsome organ was filled with water ahd the rich fresco ing ; was ruined. ! Stj John'a Episcopal, the First and Independent Presbyterian- and thei Lltheran church; of the Ascension weres also damaged, i In the business part of- the city dozens' of ; stores .were -unroofed and ; windows were broken in arid; the Interiors wer'e flooded. ; .j. ';A rV. i : -A. ;; : ;:., There was no telegraphic communi cation during the day until late in fjie evening when thM Western Union ; and. Postal Cable linns j. were in partial Awoncjhg order. Stfeet car travscl is ; blocked and : tdhighti the city is in darneps The treets are a network sof tangled wifes."t- A ; 1 - k'-'. '--: A Ir; the I harbor and at quarantine at .Tybjije the damage to shipping is. heajy. The British bark B reamer from Merj.arara was piown eon- a Jetty dur--ingjthe night and is heavily damaged. !Thi Italian barc: Maria ' RafTo broke ilOoity from her anchorage and drifted intjf'the marsh where she is - lying. ; . 4 T;e Norwegian bark Noe broke loose ffo hert imooring's Sat quarantine and W'ei? I ashore on i Daufbskie Island at theii1n0uth of th Savannah river. Her ere. I pf twelve; nen was rescued by ther jug McCauley. She Is a total wreck. Bet een; flfteenl and twenty naptha iajitnes; in tne? river and , at the Sa- an lacntrst-iuD anchorage at- Thrjnderbolt andi as many more smali siof fiS ; and schooners doing a coast ingV.trade with the islands," were sunk or. bst. . The stegmrrs Alpha and, D retta drifted theijr anchors and went ashore and are (heavily damaged. The Steamer Kulala broke: her moorings at Wilmington island, about ten; miles frorh Savannah, and sank. Mrs. J. K. LubasJ wife of the: owner, : was;- on ,a ana was rescued with difficulty. pjj jthe catin and a deck hand: She ivas takeni .tAthtop of the wheel house i and. throWriTinSheEand was capght as -she struck ; the vatef-and 'as. carried safely to land. The rev enuft Steamer Tybee3ia corhrriand of George Maher, i went to the assistance Of the '.stranded Vessels: in the harbor before daylight and; rendered valuable aid , in; saying life fandj property. The Cutter rBDutwelll was A in -Wilmington river and is safely anchored. ' Ati Tybee island; the hotels and cot tages were heavily damaged. The North Carolina troops passed a terri ble night there, but were all brought safely to the city today;. .MA : - i ;: A "Of the railroads' suffered severe ly washouts, and trains -have run wit difficulty all: dayf I -v;f-A . - Tke ric and icbtton i crops have been heavily damaged. It Kvill be impossl-r ble;bbwever, to estimate; the damage foriffeveral days. : Aj..' vA1;; ;; t-;;." ;.) ;. yf ie storm covered ,'a, comparatively sm!? 1 territory. It-extended in the'ln teri jr not. more than thirty- miles and h&rf.ivf that distance north, and south. It if believed to fhav been severe at ; Beaimrd fears lare relit tori; vessels :. off thepast, !:iiAi; i-;;1,ti(i-;:;--Ai.;'A fyM 1 -""'- - " : :;: i: -i ---'i' ' " ' Ah. j White; Government Unions.--', .'; V .TliWhite Governrraent.j Unions A of jtheJjeiond ward.i'arjd the Second di visjb got the Fourfh; ward met last iniguf' and transacted, important; busi ,U.o:$ ;' I; . ; . k 'it . : ; A iv ' -:, ; -ii ; I Tfie fatter uriiort; decided to ete-tfey?r-i eryrWednesday night and invited the uiiqii jl til? X1 irs.LK iui v iioii . . Vf 1 ;-iie Fourth ward to meet wjth them A resolution;- was also adopted, favoring thei nomination of cbpnty officers at a !';- .fij: .,.!;;' FareWeirSnpper;;.' ,; ..'; ; ':;; t Mr. Thomas Ci DeRosset has; gone to Atlanta, Ga.i wjiere he will have his headquarters as ; state agent of the Bell. Telephone Company. :i ; -v ' " ' Lasdnight two of Mrs DeRosset's friends Messrs. ioe ,Yates and ; John D. Bellamy, Jr; 2ad., gave hi,m a. fare well supper at' The Orton Hotel, which was very much enjoyed, j" T - 1 , You invite-disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little : .Early Risers are pleasant, - t easy, thorough little pills-' They cure constituatiim and sick headachp: just as sure a"s you take them.) It: It. . Bellamy. Georgia aud Alabama Colton Crops j Atlantaj Ga., August ;8t.--Cbmnais-sioner of Agriculture. Nesbitt estimates .that the cotton crop bf Georgia will run' from 10 to 20 per cefiL less than it! was last year -He gives the reasons for-this, estimate -as based on the con ditions reported from all sections of the'. State. ; The :: estimate ( is ;i based, however, on the conditions ,at the pres ent time, which are the result of too much rain. i i : ' I - . : 'Montgomery;. ;la., August 31.! The state commissioner bf agriculture to day made public i.the : condition' of the: cotton rop in thi. state as per reports received at his office, He puts it at .74 as against l.lz per cent. July 3lst. i'; A: - -: f! 5r - A ! ' . S ' . The; Knights of Pythias ; Indianapolis, August 31 The special investigating coramittee appointed by the supreme lodge of. the Knights ' of Pythias to I investigate charges - made against: the officers of that lodge and also find out. if: possible, where the information had come from, made Its report -this iimornmgy , 1 ;.- j i u ; A The comtnittee" paid special, atten tfenl toif the? discovery of the authpf; of cnarges, dut; , tne 1 report rails 10 snpw: inati 11 was succesesiui 111 uu.. The cojnmfttee found that; jthejehargea were riot true. iThe leommitteep appointed to recom mnd khe 'time aind;; place of holding theR encampment, ; uniform , rani: Ktsights tfohi of bf Pythias,! and the conven Ithe suprertie h lodge, has re- ported iri favor of Detroit and set the data of the mating as the second Tud4-y in Septernber, ,1900. t s Abuse of Americans "Nwi York, August 31.-HThe London Sakirdav Review i which recently said thaS Ohauncev Depew was a Tpainted puie and snob,rv expresses' tlje views hei & below, ana , wnicn cauuiu leiyrts sioi4 is being quoted in English finan ciap ahd .other newspapers averse td Anitrican interests jn Great j Britain ar-tistb EngUsh interests embarked, in thiV' country: - fe:J V ; A !-, '. i- ":.':'. , 'f 'here are, of course,- manyf Worthy private .persons in the unuedl States pufeSwhat we, have to, think of now are the7; people of that country . as repre seated; in their social, civil, and bolit ical customs J Socially, it Is : sordid to the last degrees; lit fcourtsof ;law arid all Its ; civil institutions are .'corrupts , the metods of its political parties are no better, it nas contrtbated; nothing to" the self-respect of ; hunianit jr- On the contrary,: it has shown all- the world to what a depth off public depravity civilization is capable of descending. Deprecating 'Unfounded -I-' -i Cohdiohrof THEiM ": .-;?- At Our Lack of SoidifEalitiJ Barton Must I'av A ; V . ' i: i : ics and Duties Imp wcJ at II I to Remove Mini'vi in Havana K "..:- ; v i -j, . ! oners to H; Rcleiiscd i. ' ; Soldierss;frqm Cairip 2ilajrk;larid .-'A't lit-: f .--..'' A!il.;M;,5 Lf; Washington, August "apThf Anil-yi 'i rvM.i uilir i utus j I trt ai T v.Jr ii;.'"' r'y f? t-. ... . 1 r..' Ct ; '.t.-j;l that "the I'uritah. Am ph:rit'. ;Ter Hahnibal 4nd Mntgonit ai8 frx; irpaw;-, tnisj morqing i jy ; u i' po Newpbrtf R. I.' he nafijb otg(-t: 18 get the crewa'or hi vesiils 3'iy.fr the tropical cliniaV, fl.rf h:Ans ters. :; A A A I A ; :;A- MISS BARTON MI'S 5IAYiTHl h. KAjfu,;. FINK. Mrisyi-.Clira' iiartn prabjy; wll 'obliged to pay the ;dutii;h'.:'9h's''i bfj posed by the Spanish . tSfcialsAoi 1 la- i f-- ! '- , - -,- J. 1 A A 7'. : , 1 vana- uyun; me cargo or fflijit jreilf f . si ip, Comal if she desires to p'tjure tljj ad- missiprtpf itlie supplies; ;-iH.Kavank?ahd!;l their distribution, f that reached- our" gov ThlMoitio,i ernfent as, to thaM V . . ' imposition ;of these; charj-fs . came from: the British consul j at liLfvina who charged .with, the care ofiSfrnUed ijta 3; interests:; AAftdr bnsideliingAthe' inki-A ter the officials herfe havfffj dildtd. th until the United; States fljUtary icohi- mission, which is tp, arfnt for the evacuation or. tne psianai icpoja i 11 discharged ; that . duty, tin'' administra tion of the -Spanish ometals"niiist ':. .is I fespectea, 1 and so long is it appea mat tnere is nothing unusual-' oir un; lawful j in their action tt.ey Hntist; be allowed to; coriduct the ftftstoni! boust? in their owir way. i.fflAf ? !''' ALGER DEPRECATE. IriKPOBt AS TOi CONDITION Sf i'AATP It cannot be! said thktikfoletary": J Air ger-.;l8 Indifferent .tb majcyj; mthsaiiomal iai- stories that arjej printed Hfc thej eu rt, ditionS"tbat prevail In' mes great Sinlli tary camps.VfQr hlis fir.;;Snterest -j ilea in the welfare pf the! individual trpois; but he said today that -with a- fbll knowledge -of the ;lack f . foundation for most Of these he dtlirecjited iiich ptrhicatrons, not i because of jf ear ,AMat the AmeTh?ttpeople wpiid lj!l 'mistake en in" their undrtidinf Ihe a-tipal facts; but rather frbm airit ppjvh en P ' n of the evil effect ; sucrtifpubli would produce abroad. "Kere the? Pro- pie who, with their, full ff..Irtary'tra ing, knew Just what hisgips . mast be encountered by' tfoofeiih a -i cam paign, and especially . In Military canils and . maneuvers, would irgard - with amused- surprise the ihnuijSerable com-; plaints 1 that, "are pourinj!--forth . upon the - government- - here -un;.. pretexts. that , would be; disregard!" entirely I in Europe, and they .iCouldMc'aroely-., Jail to gain the .impression th?t the, Amer- ii lean t people are ' lacking Mri S; soldte ly qualities.' ;;;-.. ; : h ; ; , -M; ' f T The following dispatch iswAs fcnt to GeneYal Wheeler this mbtjningi i i 1 ;" Wash i rjgt o n , ; iigutt ; 3 1 10 the Commandant, campjvtkofr T h e A p fe s iden 1 7 W ill P4XA you? coin visit' f'h'.tSatunlJty, mand an informal .accompanied jby1; the! .sreta.f-:pr8 m 1 TO CLEAR t IIAVANA ILABBOlt OFjHPageant e-ei seen ilj JacHsonvllle. A: ' .MINES: ASIA;i ,i .; V II. i.i if,, n The French tambassadbf rai't in: for the Spanish Sbverrimeht rfi;is j aofified' the istate department thaf).riae4 Siive heen i,isaued to- the4'Panfttiut!liortties at Havana' tb 'remove; thAirr1i: iand other pbstructlb'ns tp .nivigst'lji in that naroor as- rapidly; as ; poss3r-, -1 SPANISH SAIL0RS TCrJjK I I LEASED. Alleix 3ts .-tutho Of all1 SMliisl rized i the':; release; naval- prisoners captured )the jhattle ,! of Juv 3rd from f'prvn-a'ii'tiiScl !ThUi.-; are now at Annapolis, 'Sea-fe1'slah'd... Portsmouth:, harbor ; and Nii-HoJ It. he officers being at the acadenjy and sailors at" the; Islahd. Tht'i prionk-rs are to be returned to Spain' sit the pense of the Spanish government. That was the condition ;upon- which our gov ernment agreed to releasfl. them: wn Iv,. out parole or other restrictitins.i -li 1 RUMORS OF GARCIA'S X)EPC TION. Senor Albertini,. in charged f the; 1u- baii legation here during -q j absence of Senor Quesada in New - 'orli;, said tonight the. legation either -yrfi on in ing ral jL.ev ioih. jiau no: liiiormaLf-n: v?n Ch-r Calixto Garcia has been rem vm f; nom command of the Cuban trooi s Iti east ern cuba and that General had oeen appointeu nis 'suceessoi j SHAFTER'S SANITARY"?! EHORT. The following 'Is-. General' :Lawtin's daily health report recelvedj i "the war1 department ; tonight: . -; ; . -I- "Santiago, AagUft 31. "Adjutant General, Washington! ; ! : t otal sick 6W, total rev'' tftai new eases fever 9,: returned' t 8dutyi;54, deaths 5." i ; ; ; ', t- Santiago; de Cuba, ; AugufeVTin Eighf- hundred and fifty men of tyi Twenty- third Kansas volunteers arjivid today oh the steamer VigilanciaSArThey are all well. , ; i 1 Prominent Cubans here (ki line to Jje- lievie lthe report that Genial - Caliscto Garcia has : been relieved -Ar- his curni mand by General Maximojyonjez. ;Un- aer; instructions irorp nie 3l;urjan n- surgenr. government ; s .s ,; ; -SICK SOLDIERS FRQJJC FAMT Tirnv ii I xa.' i : 1. .1 A i.'mn. 91.; -rrl.l. : ;-: , 1 . . York volunteers arrived t&iiayti"fiam Camp ; Thomas, Chickamaava- i: I. Th men were 1 convalsoent' ' from rheumatismi malaria and ili'ohoid !fe yer and were in fairly go?si condition. Ordeily Robert btanley, 1 13 whose charge the men were, wa 'Vpecially bit fer against some of the;3f irgoris at Chickamauga. 1 He said th4 did not show any respect for the f-ad. The orderly declared that wh?. Private Charles Nunn died betwej f ? :and B o'clock last Saturday evenffif his body wasnot permitted to rest Jj:nuiet 'He declared that before 10 o t jck f t-m. the; surgeons were at warU-t putting' up. ii his'; body to perform an :atiipsy. The 1 orderly also cited the case? f private 5 Graham and declared thai,n autopsy. .was being made on his bOf 'an hour j aiier nis uemise. 1 . ' ; .i;', , j; 1 Chickamagua Military PV. Augpst ) 31. The exodus of the Third; orps from j Chickamauga park began f 3ay, only one regiment, I however, ; ,t!? ; ;Secofid i Nebraska, -getting away. , -1ie first -of ; the artillery batteries alsp, ot .away. I Battery B.,: of I Georgia, goiifto Qrif- i fin. The First! Missourl rece ed wders I to proceed on iFriday to St fjovtm and report at Jefferson barrackt i ," ' 1 RECRUITS ORDERED 1,) MOJ- ; A j' ;' A; :V;. tr L.TAUK. ; " J- . ; Atlanta. Ga,, August siil-jThe ide- ed to send all the recruits vfr the reg- ular army now; In this department ; to Montauk Point at once. T,e general 1 recruiting station for the'!3gular; ar- may was located at 1 Fort iMcPherann 1 until the -demands -of the general boa-1 iReports as to . ' 1 I 1. 1 M 1 .- '.. !:. . MiliUiry Camps f:. ;': ' - j ; ; xJi u 1 t- siMonitonf Laaving .:-;) i - ii. ""i- i .1' ;; i Porto Kico..3m -J-fi-t uvuita Spain ; , - IrKf5 ilaAKjr Sp inUh N 1 i . ; I -The tMivctt Thomas at uMontatik -:;;'; ; ' v I aVtaPrU i' ' . :: i: lliispifal Trailn. pitalflhere tpa.bf It u 111 he KVUftiHK skin as. tatis'pot-taM.i.'p tn bji e-;? ;;' . !r; , 'I'M AHYLAkl) Lilos " I i . Jt I ..I ' I- ; Atlanta.. a.. ; A.aunt':':Sl. Haiti, nurw hospittl train! provided by, th' ftaic of Maryland; ,y Vrinrf It nw. ; lit Iwk Holdii'rsl reached Fprt M Phetfuin m ' the Mfti3 Ea nd . H;j i nve nijf',- wdr? boa rd: k ix Hi.-n a n mlil t : -1 u I left K The trliin left Itimitht tM liunta- vill.'- h-tiTi.v;fralt Othr XI r lii.l 'linen are In line howpluij j ... .. . "-V-- T . . 1 ,r-rnanqinH. . r ia.. i August, pi-Th government j MajispArt ; atwunihip .-joil- . vtu, ;un,k y,t; 3 b'ooW ' thirrhMrnlnff - f whife 'taklnw on coal at Ihe qatrafajirt statioti. $h suddenly j made" ik hea II... ... . . .... : ...... .. ;.. J 1 . . , - jn JVent .isi iy iwi yiiiifn sjoiir'u cinto; ner . 1 . , . ' i m .:l . . . 1 fine lriiuim im1 unuonii y ium'i or m iiwr. mm 19 .,a Atirel'y subni ft ged, e5(oeptHig .h r upper dt-flt. Ko;o w; was liuuBeU.- m 1 Wa.hint.4j. August i. It jHh utati t'nited Suites officers, f lie sifeamship" Htfiipany ;ofninif jh 'vessel' already has; orerM o raise hctV An;;fxplan tlon. has; Uech asked rWtfwurr Ithe ,offi- cer IU chartre - of the tplivettkr--: s - Vl": VXJ A ' , ' "1 '"- V' j jlBH K SICK OLIKItf(. Rpsrli Moiitauk from Kautlatcf- Font teen UleAnd are' Hurled at Nea." V I 1 Xi; York! Augus .31. M A lirobklyn Eagle sivn-iiJl ' from bntauk i PbiPt say: . . i;i,j;Thj trapHtitUii All gh ny a lid Pan- tl ther! arrived I rhi's. tniirnlHK , fitini San- tiago. Tile iwlegheny -cast aiw hoi? . n the buy abailt a o'clock. She left Jthe south coast j.f Cubal on August .24th and made al slow v iyage. Oh board are Cpmpan,lt9VV. B, ?;.1,;E, 4h.:0 iijd'- II.L'hlf of dhie ! Ninth ' MaasarthusettA in , &U ; tm so; Iters."' of "Whom 145 sick. I Fourte n men Idled on 'the voy md all were buried at sepu This is the hOnjber of ideathk at sea on any of th the' deaths 4 mg ran8orts anu ere mauTr$MlL tic ccHnrfH ; erf those wh were critically when placed aboaril at Santiago. 1 diers: were. . iii .command bf ! Sullivan. The Panther left twb .daB laker than ; the Alleghenyf and got in Hhor tly after 1 o cloick this morning riakintr:'a com- paratively faHt trin. C-t. Ll ,:lA members of vo,m pa n fie s 1 1 atid 1 - i- V atid M, of fifteen Jthe Ninth Miassachu etts an.: are on the sick list: Private Daddeti. - of Cmpany RI, ! died arid wak. burled at sea . Review bf the Keyruih Corps ' JackspnvitleL Fla.,i Auteust sni.J-The parade of; thej Hoventa army florpa to1 f-r'ay was the most- lnagnllleentimiiltary Nearly y 30)00 men; weti In line; anl (every? regirnehtpresentlil ft Jfljife .ap- Ipearaiire. Fiirtunatejy good Uvea llit-jr tavorea the r. sijiera iand not ;a; Urbp or rain. fell during th;May. Th cession stai-tt'd past the rivlp?inK stand j occuplekl. by eneral 1'b and staff at 3:10 K' clock JaMd It Was fi.aO o'clock before he lastregiriient; rnarcli- led by; The s reets along th i ine of march were I ned wkhi thoutanils. of pcopbi who ch ered ahd lappla i-d the saldit-rs, each ting its full ifihaia of applause. Colo nel William . Jlmningsl: Urya'n. i-n. cbnt- mand of the Third Nybraska reifiment I) irecelved a continuouslovation kUl alonx ii:iH ,-iine 01 rnjircn. i ne,marqn was a l very tedious orte for some of the regl- ii;.ments - that afe encajmped pitslde of ;the city Iimitsand tht' ambulance car-. i:;o. lai as.; reported, ruD.wevetrj there " -tvere no serious effect) as the result Of the'pirade .1 be : soldiers made! ai spienaid . ap- pearance in their kh; bkl troubsers and blue shirt. A I carried their ponchos as well, but gi eat ; parade, for tl.tm. ! for thej J'St.-t'l V ha! tne In a in the no , ue j(. ' Another Record Itrraker , j ,1 ; Roston; Augwst 5l.--Ai; Gha -Its Riv er park tonight , McTJuffle bef.t Frank Rutler. one lap In a ten - mile, paced pursuit (tandebi) tacdUTirne 20:46 .'hich 1 breaks I the world's record: for this class of rice of 2! iilK held by Har ry Eikes. M ul. t. . rrivate warren Wilsons fl omnanv K. Second NeKv Tbrk ivioTuntebrs,; died at Fort McPhtreon ol' typhoid fever. ! The iThird division headqual-bers ; of I r.kiziai v.d.i ifrmer s oumnictiiu Will leave today Mr Huntsvllle, Ala. 1 I 1 Frank" Pulna m, Corhpany M Second .New irrlc regiment, dies .-at Fer nan- Uina, Ja. : j New Mampshlrd Ilemocritts Concord, NJ. H., August n.-J-The : today democratic 'stfltp- e4nlentlon j adopted a platform ecpriessing adihlra- .1 tlon for and I tonfideiic In W llliaim J. LBryan. The .war deartmer) t was accused of incompetency; and: the policy. 4r tern- V tonal .expansi -n was opposed; F, ptone, of Lacoriia, waa nominated fori governor. I rrorv ! , , - Ball for Dunt-sn i .Washington,) August 131. ThW Fair fax Ya.) authorities have fixed bail In the sum of 1;100 in the case of Sur geon puncanj of the "Twenty-second "Kansas, under indictment charged , With grave desecration Counsel hope i to secure theit client's release -in a few ! days, i . ; j - II.' t. 1 !; i 1 1 1 1 tt TIm Roy si is Um highest; grade haldaf powosr ; USWi. - ACtMl tMt Show it tN OS ;: thirafiMtber tbasaay eUWhfM4. i POWDER Absolutely Pure '. sorAt-BAiuiM rcwoc eon, sew voskJ ftr liinc trl.int ! ' : arrarry- '!: ;. ;;- ki Ai . -H. ; ... Ail- h. A i 1 H - - La t x"VA A V .L'A't . hi 'AAJ. I; I f I X .1 Ml