::-M'- ?Hi:.i - :?: ';;. 1 1; s-. i -ht-ijL VOL. XI. NO. 220. WrLMINGTO&N. C, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER ,3.' 1893. PRICE 51 CENTS. t, V; - ' ' -''.-' !" i I . ; ;; i ' i I !;.... -- II -K. 1 - f : SPAIN'S REQUEST 1 To HaveThose Soldiers'Heid inPrisonin This : .--:--. . ':1Vm l -it. Li--" i - 4 : -: - ': .-:-. Country Released 1 THE .SECOND ,N: G. REGIMENT, Anions 'I hose Troops to he JMusterdil Out of Service-'--Fear.ful Arraign ! merit of the Authorities for i Iicl?of Care of the Volunteer SoH Jicrs by Colonel -Studebake, of 411 Indiana Regiment. I .Mysterv as to Htw the Yellow: I ever Reached Or- i. 1 I - '" - I wood, .Mi.si-.More Hospital Shipsi Keach 1" " - ' " ' ' f V ' ' ' ! i ' " I f , ' - " 1' i, Monfjiuk.I.aAvtons,Keport. Wushirigtion, .--septim-iber 2. SThe I fol lowing trOOpfl -Were .Ordered t'bf' WIUS- t.'iw out ! of ; fiTvice tud:sy: j- -First PtSiu i wnia, .wrcoii!', I'f nsyjlvania, Thlrl; rt'nriiHylvruiia, LiKhlf-oiJUij I'imuj- fi r ul I Thir I HllS Out a Ti it, lma. ma. Fourth- ".ioiisii;4jriivintyi- & : I - t - - Fir'fU '-l''luo aviilry, I0iKj.r (hicv flun.(rit(3 anl Firty-;iptj Irnii-HiiT'Ki-Ohi.v-Si'-iri'l- N'ujrijlii Caro-1 ;Smiouts "Iflanil, fJa., t iitktiffri; i ' . - Flf-tfan.J Srond Alal xrn i TiJi T nit ' il , Jplatrn vu titrt-f c oavalrvl I H''ond ' ' i i l . 3 t s M,a;-sa-hUFt-ttH, and First -iKiljiti' (aro luia.f Oauk.srin villf to (.Jumt)ir..S: (J: -- iilaymtc ajiranj'fd for -t in- niE-i:: and . return to" ."-frim . of ilif SiiainA LsaiJors aijtuVtd aiirr Hi iiji If kin , in --iturt dt.-strut tnai f tr- and .aj Tflrk,i two servants and' t iree LAWTON'S HANITARY KPOlJ Th?i foliowijip' ia General Lawtlph's daily port 3f health cohdltiorij? 'at Santiago Total feitk 220. total ffcVef i',i'J, tital riv -cases fever 7, total re turn d to duty 22. . . -. i I; if Carriji Wikoff, Montauk Point; ii lll .fptembe'r 2.- Oenral Young, wMil walking alont? the-road near the ifail-l road; depot this afternoon tripped! oh a lTl- a piece of wire and fell, : breaking lfiKht. arrn. lJurinK the civil warn lliullet broke some of the bones in arm alnd since then he: has been atle t raise hus hand to his shouKlr V'henthe fell 1hi3- afternoon this ikj"rfi the bone rn patn.sli Kovt'iriinent is thf (M-lijase of ' the Spanish LHoldit is vvho itrej.still-held captives jn.' this;countri-'. .... , Tlfrci lire a : ife.vv vt th-sei confined at FortjJ Alcl'herr, .sun, Slid our iff!wrnrnerit i. entirely vilLinK to be! l td of them. ' Out Kfnvrn Merit 'jhaviiitf Jinally consenLfuj to re- leitstt h salliij-s upon thf Kolt-condition Hhat t1i; Npantsh i Ko.venmient vould transport.: -tli-m,-hor!ne, iM. Thie-bsrut.-ratting in the inn-rest?', of -Hie lainsii Koverjmn'nt, has-i jusl niade -;t-p)ilK'ftticn to -4 hi, state d'tparx-ment for Miioiar treatinn-iit in the i ca.! of-ih ' Spanish sol'lters. 'Ilit lequest is now under oii:-9idt--ra1 ion,- a nd doubt h-ss will .. lie pra-nted. : ' .'' A Fl?,VMFt!T ARKAKiMMISf-rT OF . " i Ti I XJO' E UN M $X , . i 'fodianafiolitf,'- .September l-f-Oolonel ytuc-baker -'Tn?i-i rf," The'-iajie Hun-.-dred iifid Fiftv-.eveUh IndiatJa vtdtin-. teerJ reaehed Indianapolis fomithe " aouth this nioriiitiK- . Tlie rejf wjent! left, its caitip at ,' I'jTiiaridina, , lii.,-.. iaat Tiiesdiiiy oyi'iiiintr. The soldd'jis were 1 given- an -entliusia-Hic receptuw! byi the, - citizens "Colonel Studebakersaid ; . 'Thitf is not Ahe same refipient I 'took away from Indianapolis .1-ist May, " but the personality is the sartjfT but it . i made up- of .a. different lots; of men. They have -feVer u their 'vecy bones: tiiey are hungry and their stengrtlj is ' -vvasfedJ It is . all due to the t'spool in ' which We liveci in' thej sogth-r-Fort Tampa I charge the condition of my jnen to; it and to th (;ouditins sur--oundin-nr it. For eight week-fi.vve vvere in rcabiip tberi. exposed to ijje fevers-. sind th unrelientjjiir sun jf' -rFlonda. .1VU- liavc nol iVn.eii in the :sbi;jdc of a 4- trie fi;iicC' lat Jn,n'- It. was.H haipy I ulay" foit tis when'- u iec'ivil orders to 1 li'avp t here. Uiu ) w lien moved i -e did not- better . -ou. conditejn much. ' ' Ttir ftiVers follow ed ws. and id ay ..by "&A -lh- regiment boi ame weaker..; At Fer-narutina w .had the samrdifficuty '- ; to obtain proper food.' Th; ' Unjted . 'States authontie jseemed-; wulmfji enouph 'to priivide ,n$ -with Sv.b.at . -o jieecledw ;lrut Ft-jjiaii'luia is swell? an ;out- I 'if-tilt-M av .plttoe- that, it is . djlficuki to , -' -i-ei-oi h i 'ni railroad ruiH-s to rtlie I 'i- vow-n. -i pis - i i ' 1 1. -"Wii,"-- tintiiwlio liinv bet i j.investl " 'nt4IfT lin--cjliditioni of tlnf ' Floriida amp rl'' ',t bt'eiiiin attijal 'lu-ed of u-,,rd i-ind rUednar sstanc ,th. do not k.How wliat thej iire taik-up-a hoik My men,i4aniiot tinarch n htiaiKhh ljli.-1,- on .K'PUunt -pi eakne--h Thov atmot tahy rifles alithe nuriit-position. can not march ain ditarjce iitltjut many af th.m hnvint? to tfrop1 : ogil ,of the ranks toj rest. il-thinU . that osr coming liome ha;s t-av'-d the ies o! Hundreds The otHcers Of (7oHneI St islebakei!s xeimenti hesitate -ab.Mit puttjnK blame on any particular jju'vernriient- olficer. - Thev'saV tliey! are still in .tfie. service and-a- cuurt-martial miffiit oeet the, man tvh tal-ksitoo muoh.' .1 - .i MTSTEltr tF .THF.'FEVElf AT. OR- j i YV-OOJ) I Tin hi A r me. oiospitat service vas o-f-o.-i.iu .ihuv'il todai of thi. ten naw . . ' i - : ; v. . vellowi ieveri w nicn. nav e ueen id at Orwood, Miss.:The offl was , ujiderneath and broken. . v i Theri-- w ;s a conference of the Mr fteoiis ; with OeneTal Wheeler ".an til Kenera.1 discussion of affairs, including: the" daiiger of an. outbreak of typhiud lever. . - ... p lii'tieral Wheeler1 announced :afltr waru that on ilonday he would is sue a iet of orders that would regulate many ;things which heeded regulation in relation -to the hospitals and general health of -the, camp. : ' Cher ' . i llih? Stlstu a Treaty tu A hli-b f.eruiauy will . i up port lCuglaud lu ICeypi audAVHl . Have j rla aa Outlet for Her Surplus Population. " : i t " '.-- I; - - . . i ! '- i. j'jj; London, September 2. A -report wa9 current here today that a treaty irof allianc? betjveen Oreat , Britain land (iTermatiy, on. the linfs of rthe speechliof Mt. (i'ham.berlairt, the: secretary.rfof tate; tor the coloiiies, was . -actually completed yesterday. It is said that as -a quid pro quo for Germany's sup- port in Egypt, Great Britain wul recn ognize Germany's . claims to - utilizer Syria as an outlet for her surplus poip-i ulation. . - : -t -hi !i" ! The Pall Mall Gazette this afternoon says it has, received from a sourcelm which ;it has every confidence, nfJr-, mation that the Anglo-German' agri'i rnent . was signed this week by Mr Baiforur and the German ambassador in behalf of the respective powejrS." Continuing, The Pall Mall Gazfeft'e: says that while the. agreement isl ie-; strictiiS Jt embraces an offensive, lairtd defensive- alliance in certain eventual ities. " ' -I -j ll-V! It is reported on the stock exchange, that th Anglo-German allianeei li !or understanding, relates to the British purchase of Deagoa bay with Gepnas ny assenting. As a result Kaffir1 rand Portuguese securities are booming. j The Daily Mail,', says this morning; We lea-rn that Mr. Balfour and tjhe German ambassador, Count von Hatz-i teldt, Signed on - Wednesday a docim-i nient preliminary to a treaty , whijih will give Germany a free hand 'in Asia Mmorjand allow England to lease iDe-Jagoa-bay from Portugal'at a costf betvvepn Ju2,000,000 and Xo,0W,0W: Ger-t many 'will, as a further condition, snip--port reat Britain's claim fori the i aib-i olitioii of mixed tribunals in Egypt, Mr. syhomberg Kerr McDonnell, i ijhe 'V 1 i-' i -f ; ) i - ! . ' '-. t The Urrrfui ( o be Iteopened-lt : lf BrtufOB War Biwmii fnere ud t(rmaur-(rnrll'Dr-iiiieMt Lond-i. Hetemb-)- 3 A special dis patch to The 1 Evening Standard from Paris, published this afternoon, says the French cabinetdecided on a revis ion of the Dreyfus -ease. . ; i . ; iParis, S.jptember 2The feeling In. avoir of a revisif n of the Dreyfus case 1b g:roJ!ig stronger in the ; papers, which bavej until now ben hostile to tJi prisoner! olj Devil's island.!. ' Midnight The most pessimistic feel lingM i exi.-ix.. ,: It1i:js ! the common belief :f.hat:, Great Britain land itussia are on the i eve of war and that thei!-ftse-jqu'etices.rof the Dreyfus scandal will involve France In war with Gerrpany i s The rovernment is doing its bst to jstem-tfee? rising tide of agitation ljy a studied quiescence twhich ; scandalizes The Journal des Debats and lother paf pers; it may, succeed in getting o-r the crisis, j M. : Faure ignores the .reK piroachea- of the prS3 and rema'ins at Havre I i i iM.:i Burgetiis, i minister of educatiora, is In : Switzerland. His address is not know n here. . M. Peytral, minister of finance, is at Marseilles, and M. Lock- roy, imlnister .of marine, is at hourg , , In the meantime, M. Cavaignae, min; steriof waf.s and ' M. Sarrienii minister Of justice, are busyi enough. Mr. Sar( ien ;had t wo prolonged conferences with -M., I'.risson' this afternoon and afttT. M.i Cavaignaas . long dnterview! with M. Karnen. Both ministers look ed ruffle':: Thfise and other impromptu ministerial conferences were r devoted io :an endeavor to convince Ulie muiis teri for--war-ijr the necessity im pohtt- t-al; grounds rof a revisioa of the Drey fus , case," which the -whole r country. Including the army, now demands, i High officers confess that the dis CUSHionsiithkil -:will follow revision will probabjyuelltail war, but they say that would be preferable, to having the ar my remain urider a cloud, iiwith the pos-sibilities of .agitaticjn leading to civil strife. . ::; - i - : . j . f It Ss inow ,sa!d that the- fdiamber of deputies will .not assemble until Oc- toben, by which, time it is hope! the $t6rm will h.-ve blown over, h I -Almost aluthe ministers, it is boliev- d,i. -are nowirln favor of revision.' M, ;avaignac is, alone obdurate, -: insisting that he must firf.t , firnsli his depart mental InquirieS"iarld that even: then he will in-ly : act lurtder pressure ol a threat of pubhcatidn abroad of sucli disclosures- a&.vvoiil d leave' him no al- ((ernativeu to revision. . ;i - .i ! Several! officers i of ' the highest ' dis tinction ds-itl alleged, threaten to re- Ishgn itheir commissions and to publish the; facts, in order to force the gov-. iiirnmentir:to act. Among, the ji-rowU of ispecijltioBs and --alleged'" revelations,- however. . litt e that is actnnlv new jhas been 'disclosed. -General -Pel lieux is Wirlous ax riavuii? been decei ved. He ihas' written to. the governor !0f Paris, asking wdth: f' brutal j frankness, to be jflaeed on 'the retired list, as he does motj wish toi be mixed up ivlth "mn lacking all sense-of lhonor."i The gov ernor, has begged-him to reconsider- ifis decision. " . r ' i I . - I M. i: De Pressense. member of the chamber of deputies land foreign editor of: The Temps, is organizing meetings throughout the country in favor o.f re vision.' ! ! .- ' , 1 ' j.- ' .! - : ; London,. September 3. M. d4 Blowitz, the Paris correspondent-of The Times, telegraphs that he i has obtained ithe Views of .a "distinguiished Cerman'-- ons the Dreyfus situation. This individual admitted -that "Germany, by speaking filut Gould,' perhaps, clear up the Dreyfus-affair' but be added that "the in terests of; the nation are superior to hose of any; man, iand if -Germany r ere "listened to, General de' Boisdef fre -.could not refnain an hour at the l)ead of th11 staff, whereas Geimans '.(.tught to w ish to have him stay there as long as possible.-'- their .their premier's private secretary, has London for the continent, to subniit Lord Salisbury-a copy of-the treaty. i- '.:!...::. I 1 Jtlore IiAcIteineiit alPaua. ltfft to ur Paria, Ills., September. 2. Fifty-.fta of tha deputy sheriffs who have baeii the guard during the Springside 'cal imni? j strike made a demonstration 1 I . I ! . - ,i iSffi this affternoon by marching in; a-.body FUSION RIL ALONG THE UlItHE STCM AT SAVANNAH Uarniomous 3Ieeting of Joint Committees. TO SETTEE THE DETAILS The Conimltteett IU-neet. Aralu to Decide i What Candidate of Each Party Miall! Withdraw.--Itepubll-rau Inea.y a. to hklnner'a Chance.. Loekey -trew to kConie Down" "The , Uiitlerltea Defeated by the. "Bolter." ; : Lloyd f-:xpeeta Wemoeratle Snppurt. ij- ; Messenger Bureau, Kajli'igh,' J: C, September 2. n As far as the- republican and pdpu Ist state committees can effect lt:fu srn is again arranged in Xorth' Caro ling, "from top to bottom." ' -.i TiVe republican state committee- 'met last Evening and appointed a -conference Cxommittee composed of A. I E. Holton,E C Duncan, John C. Danej, J. A, Norwood and". William- E. CHark; iThis committer met . with Hhe: popu ilist confereipce' committee, i; of - which Cyrus Thompson,, H. W. Ayer, J. B. Lloyd, J. B. NSchuiken, Zack T. Gar-Tett- and Aj S. Npeace were present, i The conference iwhich was absolute ly setiet Iated until 12 38 .o'clock this morning. -jThen , the Joint conference committee igav-e-i, out a signed skate merit, which was -drawn up by Ayer, the popuhat secretary, and signed by State Chairmen Holtftn and- Thompson. The sta'tement ;saysv the conference resulted in la unanimous and harmoni ous conclusion to the jeffect that it was advisable and -necessary to effect a complete co-operation of the two parties - for the. ehection of 1898, the Retails of such eo-ofwration to be ar ranged in defe-rence to the lexpressions of -the variious; conventions.! of the two parties, ; and -recommends1 thatvthe va- ious counties and 'districts' proceed to nominate eo-operative tickets on mu tually agreeable, conditions.? TheNcom- mittees igive the assurances thart their best offices and assistance will be given n any other matter: necessary to effect he co-operationi above recommend(l and advised, i: 1 i ? i ' ' lhe populist ;conimittee: did not meet oday. It, was: learned that the popu lists demanded that that party should have all the congressmen it had nam ed so . far-and , all Ahe judges arid so- -i- ii - ri 1 r ' ' More than i twenty i million free sam ples of DeMitt's , Witch Hazel SaHe have been diistributed by, the manufacturers.,'-; What better proof of their r-onfldence in! it's merits .do you want? Jit- cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, m tilie -shortest ispacei. of time.- It. R. Bel- ,am ii ! i ,..' '' - Ii ' ' ! . J i I .' ' ; lu Honor of Two Charmins jVIsltor-. j There was a delightful and thorough Jy enjoyed boat rid on the old Cape iFea yesterday. The ride was taken on Captain EdgarrWilliam's Iiandsome and swift steamer Marion, which was Ti :.: - .! .!::'; T 1 - - ' " ! ; ttlaced fbrthe s day I m the hands of Captain William's: clever son, Quarter master James: S. Williams; of the Nan th.oiigh the principal streets of - jlfej tucbet ho ',a a sklile(land Jicensed city ith loaded Springfield rifles cH- in- Qu!artermaster Ui.msand -.ase oi discovert fixed bayonets to City' Hall park wihere j they rested on their arms for half Ian I- ho.ur.1 They were in charge of Mayor j Penwell and : Chief Deputy ' -William Baldwin. Later they returned toi the Springside mine: ' All along the- ililne of march citizens hissed the deputies and applied all manner of , epithets !lto f s . . ; . . i ft . , ti iw i'r, rkf tll, . ,.- , , . . , - . -. . i . s - . . . It i ciais are ai i-tvi) a.-, ui im- v.ij,..., ;' tnemi out tne aeputies cooiy : couljiit- fever thtfre ana nux f no ut-isnur .mr rii''S to work. upon. i , . , -i..-. ,.n,qk-.:i-i,iincr tot Irnrp ;a,'" Thre i,.a tdibilit tjiat the on orders of Governor Tanner, '-but victim"- brought the-i eermsl in theic . the state secretary the labor bureil, -lotliis ' no . irwpoa irom. . sDit. poon. ; uaviu .oss,- tue -govei iioi a i eiJieai?" i - . . a . . , i i; Durriiit " where tnj- epHiei-Jsiiu iouch xl inL Air 'n tfe',rS' A-.-.rm wf ithr-'h'uij-l haie. brought ...it, 1.1-1 fivev .fc?rwoirt is faJfomiany railroad dnd -the: fHfrTi not have l been tivougi A MhorouEh invest icat.wn iiiiide. Tliere ib- -uo 0 nun - anvr.otheri pom TROOPSHIPS ARI t 'I ,T L fr. AHintr, - i ikotf.r.'Mon 5septmbw -'. The d rtl' hosifital tiiday ued the march. ? Mayor . Penwell s4id np' the deputies were brought to the clty 'lieretoforr intw,; hut.ther-i-afestrpne ,. tative looking -into the situation,! i aer nied ! the statement of the. mayn Mayor Penwell said it wad fearediiiie lives of the deputies and " operatolrs families were in danger. The demon! stration- created great excitement. the general hospital Kick, af the iietciiuou 1 is fa Ji'jjpoi -trht r. f t by. tiyt t might means. 1M to, be di-'O uieftig news sav? itVwood. ' IS' r S if iuk t'tijit. lu. fac-Kfculey- Joina a Military Funeral i Procession. j -.: i New York, September 2-.- PreslJen McKinlev. accompanied by Mrs. Mc-t itlis . ire sthe gen-: i Kinle"Vj MajorWebb C.'Hayes, CcJotiel uifiberii ten, At . .? ' m v,---, irtiJ- there hop tut 1 071; .I.I11J n One ' DCo'rtelyou, the president's secretary:. frmndred-inen were tidrloMghid today.: - General 'jiafter -.deelines ts enter in- tn i con-trover$y.' n .says'-witn iii.,i arrived! at Jersey City over the Pennj sylvania railroad. TJie party Vere driven to the Manhattan hot-!, where capta Sir. - E. D. Warren gave the . bo party, complimentary to: two. charm ajng ladies Miss Maymie G. -Bennett of Savannahs Gaj. and Mrs. Pauline Hett rSmith.tof Augusta, Ga., who are iguests in the city 'of Miss .,Maymie Donnelly. s j The boat ride was: participated in by d number of lyoung jadies and gentle-l men,i and was of ai extremely jolly and : pleasurable nature. Stops were made at several places of interest, and -ths boat returned to the city at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. ,; '.! Delicious -refreshments, varied and t-hoiee, were dainty i served: the guest iduring the delightful trip 11 : 1 1 DeWtt's Witch; Hazel Salve has the .largest 'sale -of any salve in the world This fact: and its merit has led disnon est53eople to attempt to counterfeit it Look out! for i tne, man wno attempt: t'o deceive yon when you call, for De Witt's. Witch Hazel Salve, the grea pilej cure.; R. iR. r Bellamy, i ' i: - I i - ' i ' ' News From Manila. Manila, i September -Several shi Reports of Additional Damage Received. : a-:. n.??:i ) - . i .' . ! DEoTRlilflONJMMENSE 4- All Hallroaj( (tunuiuK Into Savannah - I r- " -.' ! - t Kloclted eept the one from ithe N. , , . -, - w - 4 r - l- i. ,.:i'. -)A lP iTraet of Country I nder r -. ' t - i-. , . - . ...I.. and : Rice Crops IA1- inoutb- fater 'M tx most DesCTf "d More Wrecked -Ves- " 'xJl-fe-T ' t :- - it i . nj - . sels Discover t-dt-IIeaTjr. Loss , of: tile . . V." I A Feared. X; Savannah.vsa iatedthat at leart twentjy miles oi -.track are under w;ter. In .stme placets (JteiLrly two feet tdeejtt. The railroad' arut Enable to form any estim-ate o? 'tht Jamax or repair t,h traoKi vtH ih f'ater: falls: Inatetld of "falling, hw-i 5er. the water is rtslne.: Ttie- CK'onne-e. jgigeechee. Ocmutg-pt and Altatnisihit vers and thfir trlbutari.- -are;-ovt-r- iJoK-d and the- waiter tit flooding th. tountry - f ' " o The pame, eondiilons" exift--n: th? Georgia and , Alabama an ttie Florida Central and ivnui tfTort was made toijlsljt to Vn a train north over the Char lesion and .Savan- hah. but was abai ef the rallrijads are The condition of Hula railroad-t An -d Tbe los mt i -st I mat dont- towns a'ud isses in i th- Septemiieir a.-r-While Savannah srjjt&rexed heavilyl: from i'lthe cyclone whtf': swept I oveil the fifty miles of corH 'co!untry' Wednesday day morning, xhH llamage. on the toa-t )is-lands- ana .Mthe interior! us. far as the storm rftt hed in ;probatly greater. The ftoodtt,ij,5onditiOiv of he country renders coni-jnlcation difficult ! and in i many seq4is j itijs 1 entire'ly cut: off and no newf'iiias: been received tuiin- ' : : : :'; '' I - - t 1 dicate whats&He conditions are. . i J v The first rfJjri from, the. South' Caro-? lima sea islajs whicfif werp: the swene of the great ti.il jwave in 18p3, in whicte. thousands tif4eople perished, wasi reV :ceiVed! toda? i'hilei I theistorm iivas rrothmg like,rj jit Of five yeirs ago. the loss is- heavi The beaches nor.th of Ty bee are liVtdj with wrecks f : small crait and a'J.iBlufftoni an the small settlements t.sarly all- the. houses were unroofed amvMnany were destroyed. !; Thse Norwf.fian bark Ragna; wiiich wenti ashore?Wi! Gaskm bapk. vs al to tal reck tJVay.l - The: ciptain jand t-rewwere saild- ' The barkj Noe. jni at-tempiing-to :. wsciie the creivj'iof which Lieutenant Si -Irran i and one. of! his compsinions S tt their lives, has abotH disai.')i.)eared..ISmall:-i steam Lirsi .hjave patrolled Cabogue i souniB ali da,y, searching fowr thei bodies of the. heroic rescuers, bu: t they have mot : been ! .re--.covered. , V' . 1 i''; '!" ii T ; The loss trt.he rice cro-n on the Sa vannah rive!(5'iilo:ne l is! estimated at $200,000 to . $tfy'.)00. fThree-ffourths of the crop liasveen,-destroyed. i Th& loss to planters .ptweeii' Saviannah and Augusta Willi. Kip into the Jiyndredss of thousands. 1 I A-heavy d is reported-in--thejup-- eri; anu .messengers t sparceij settled 'sections of the ffx'd ed ,cfouptr-,rif the f5ods continue l and contmunication is hot i sood re-isnib-iished. Will jbe seriousi iTher. ha bfen great loss of btotk lii the cantrvjanl tio 'floods from the-fupper iwirt of the state are likely , to da still grtd ter rains age. All the higMands in the fl'Hd-.i districts are filled I with w ild " pame which has taken refuge frotlr ihiwa- .teit, .'-'Ml :.:;,:!.-: i.-.'i :;..-: ivr j -. In - Savannah thoiirneat isuppl- r is aljout exhau'sted.i Al the cold wtorage warehouses -are enkidy anjli -therf i is jiii likelihood -of further supplies bulm? received for several days., , : . u- 1 Taking the losses l ; in Savfnhah, nyhere ts mmdr pari)' of 't.hdamaKe as done, ajid thosifi sustair ed .bv-i the rlc plater-j, the grpw ers.of ottin t'y farmers generally and bv' rallroa-ds-iand jjiipping, it will be found that an rf-stU Vate ' of. "tl-.(0.0XiJrdaihagt : will! be yasonably w ithin 'bounda ; Beaufort'S X'. September i The 'fhooner May'O'Nejll i is ashore 'l i.rp vchards Island; schooner ii. C. Fosr-( -t fajn- and mizzen niasts , pone i iand 'htire on IIuntyiK island; s lvoone:r: S. J' Raon, arrivj d quaiaiiitlne sta Vnj' last night, toNjied by Ittigr Juno. .mastejd;-.-. schooner kelson Hartlett, ,srtasted. , ashore, at. -fj lUon Ilead: VNiisiooner; name .unitnown, ashmrei :at ATTT) UUIV Erroneous Imbiessionslas to Their Cond CorrecfeU sby General Wheelejr. OUR TROOPS i-0uth Edisto,, brfgl' Ventui Flirt Royal bar-7 Cnt-ws of a sels;- namel safe.; ' - , , l rTruth i wears wl. ;learined that DeWitt'k i-ei Lit 4. n inside 1 the ves- ple in have le 1 Early Risers are reliable little pdlk for reg .ulating the bowels; curing constipation O-lllJ1 CS11. tv IirilUAl. 1. R. Bellamy.: '! Thtyr don't ignpe. . '', '. .1 -j: r . r; : :.; t. ,; -NO JOIXTCAINV.SS .- .! .' Kepubllraus W HIMotjMeet Ileniot-rats on the Stump lopiHt toi ote ifor White If Ordered to Do So."! J : . f 1 (Special to Thfe-Messe-tlger.) . I. Raleigh, N 'c, Sbptembei 2 1 ho iieavy no u iji Ier ' Savanni'j riv Were seht ovt-? fro warn planter ...iOf Jits approkch, m here tonight -. to 4 i iKPOEiiurr" events' of m iy: r ax riaW fiiipc; r; i ! V' 1 The Express Companies Agree to Pay thef 'ax on Receipts. The Second North Carolina Regiment 4$ VTdered to ble Mus! tered Out of Service. ' ; . iMiss Winnie Davis Condition Becomes Cif?ieal. L Yellow Fever Appears at Taylor's Station Mss, i 1 : The Recent Storni Did an I Immense Anuht of Damage to j the Rice and Cotton Crops of Southeast Georja. j V Z Kepublicans.Will not Have Joint Canvas.4."fs With the Dem ocrats; in This State, ii ; : t ' ' V i Populists Will Not Vote for White 'UnlesSSHe is Included in the Co-operation." i ?i Y Germany Reduces Her Naval Forces at M;kia (general Joe Wheeler Gives Out a Statert&nt Showing that Our( Soldiers are not Subjected to the T&fible I Pri Rations Charged in the Sensational Press. 1 - ,11 :U! i ! . ! Colonel Stijidebaker, vho Returns to Ind; inaptxlis With His I Regiment From Florida, Makes a Terrible Aif kigmnent Against ! J the LVuthorities for Incompetency in Providing tor the Troops. ! Sentiment in Paris is Growing in Favor of Dreyfus. I i f- , jGeiferal Lawton Puts Men, to Work Codiiog the antiago. - . , . 'ti ' , Laws for i f Sa lienors it vihad nominated. The re publicans want -the congressman in the Third district.--.: It looks like they will get turn, as the populist contmittee has. no regard : whatever for i John E. Fowler, popuhst ngminee there, whom trre republicans are bent on crushing. jno ; agreement was: i, reached today. populist camnnrteemen say. They, fur ther :say that the conference commit tees will probably have another meet ing in fifteen days and then fix mat--tors as to "taking dow:n and putting up candidates.: . They . want to ascertain, pthey say, the Avishes of the various dlS-fictS. ii'!: , . . Congressman Skinner,- who was cer tainly exnected to- be here; and enjoy his i triumph avr Senator - Butler, was kept at home by "sickness. , ; Jpmes B.s Lloyd, , popTilist ' nominee in tha.i Second district, says, he will de- feat Georgif H. Whitei in tRe congress, nortal race.: lie says. he expects the full democratic vote, and that he-ill greatly dislike; Lloyd!1 and want him taken down. i - nn in rerarl!io vjuow. ltrr. anions ' ..-.i.v.lA . AM 't'anhatro, ;aid as he thev will occupy the state apartments was slightlv maisped. tod denied i WKile'- on its way to the hotel this htnwelf' t interjoewm-,- sj '. - i - I afternoon, the president's' carriage! met Four t ran?jwts ajjnCed -.tpring , the a 'detail of the Seventy-flrst New Tork nitrht." TUwy v ere h'' OTy.,ai .the '..regiment escorting the remains of Cor-. iierkshirei the (sJy crt ashuigton n-i.d pfe sheild and.Jmmen, . who tvere . the Neuei?. -- t-nii reiii-t.. Mj-fuyiu .iUPd 'in the charge of San Juan hilt ' ,Santia so-j brought oj men tnei ieg- t0 tt;t cemetery.. .uilar infantry .and d?tac-ipntnt. pi. : with reverential respect the ' pNsi- - vix Urn , iui-noi?i iiif uut. brought .'J4S conValscems froio various tommandf- i.bie1ly of the regiiiar armv ; -Threo die.d -otrthe t-ax days! voyage " from p-iUpaw; Oneihundred: and skv 1 'i-ntv-'five" -!pf ' ther convalscenu are still "-uite sickf but no ccauagious,! .cases are ftrnnm- -thrrf.'i- 1-ne oau were,, uuiku sea TheiOri-aDa oijoui;iiL pa inaBLiri l residrent Mcivintey has wired Major Mnd'clerks; tw e.nty-t'fiur alto-ther, and General Wheeler that' he desires!1 j to $1 000-000 4-ash: in tii.4 treasure chest, i ntaka iie visit to Camp" Wikoff as Ifn-t Tiio ritv W 'WflshirtCOn brought Col- I formnJ. as mav be. One troon of itwii onel Humprev. quarterm&ter: U. S- A., airy ;wili act as the president's i-esKfort- A- satuie oi twenty-one guns will iDe flredi . . .'--'' - '!-' j : , ..; -i:: j 1 Jji y - - -I ' .f- ' - -I j ' :i dent-and his party removed their hats The president s head ijow-ered and !he iseemed to be deeply affected by ' the spectacle.. The president's carriage (ol lowed the funeral .cortege a'couplenof blocks down Fifth avenue below Twen- -ty-iiuru ! (.jjeei i auu men 1 returned 1 10 tlie hotel. AT House -dorf, 2nd an5 Graee ! Ann St-t between pnd and rd. i ;Jecond St;, betw-eep Ann and Nun. Market ; St., between 2nd, and 3rd.: Chestnut St., between 2nd and 3rd. Walnut ISt., be"twet?n 3rd and-4th. "Princes St:, between. 8th and Hn. i iFront St., betweeii Walnut and Red ' " : r '.-t ; 1 - i "ii, -i !'"'' i-i . Cros ThlTd Grace. Also others -' I have .places." i - ; t., between Chestpiit and 'QR SALK Bevenai desirable I J 1 W. M. GUMMING, Jleal Estate Agent frntj Notary Public. i 'ept 2 'iillow Fever at Another Mississippi Points--:' :-::-; k,- ;J:; Jackson, Miss., September Z.-Vfihe board, of health has received a telen gram .from Inspector Grint stating that yellow fever has appeared &t-Tay? lot's station. No report of the number of cases- is made. , -i : - u Secretary Hunter-makes the ifollow'. 1 1 ing i statement for the Associated i Pretss: "There seems to.be coneiderable excitement over- the yellow fever t in LaFayette county. The board feels ftx ceedingly hopeful ef being able to con fine the fever to the infected .districts, which is very healthy and not d'ecse- If- populated. The conditions are very favorable. In case of a spread trains will be provided to carry the people north." . v . t , loads of insurgent troops i have rnvad id ' the southern. Islands, iwith aview qf seizing ever'. thing possible pnoHo: the; settlement' of ithe peace conditions. -Seheral Rios, the. Spanish commandei. : with a flotilla vofi. gunboats, is acting energ'etically.-but! the insurgents have captured the 'outlying -islands of Rom blon 'and Palawan, where they found treasure to the amount of $42,000. The prisoners : captured have arrived here.! Delegates t from ithe Hong Kong in surgent junta areito have an interview With United Spates iConsul i W llliams tonight anil It, is tho,ught this may possibly result! in: a settlement of the insurgent! question. t ; : i 1 -c. Berlin,; September A semi-ofiicial iiote issued todays Says: A state of peace- Having', Jttii ,itrTirLa.uii?inru: . kic- tween the United States and Spain or ders have been given fthat the German haval forces: :at ManiJa be reduced to one: or two ships,-, which, pending- the comolete! restorationl fof order in the Philippine islands, will suffice for the protection of sGermanj subjects and in terests in that region, -iVf ; - ; ; ' ; ;.; , :; :l i j Short in Ills Accounts ' :i . .-' f' 1 : 1 I j . : i, l!:,-,,-i,.': : ! Concord, N. IH., September 2. -The shortage of $3,000 in the account of former Deputy State Treasurer Hiram F. ! Grerrish was announced tonight by? State Treasurer! Carter. s The state Joses nothing by I the shprtageC as Major Gerrish's bondsmen havemade good the amount. Treasurer 'Carter eays that he discovered the shortage and jGerrisJi confessed liability and that the : money, not i exceeding $5,000 was abstracted from the' treasury. No proceeding will be taiea against Qr I rlsh. ! President! George T.; Winston, .-of'the it has 1,000 students. He has: been in Xew England a couple of months. t Republicans are isaymg that. C. P. Ijockey will be taken down for judge n the Fifth1 district. uLockey was here last .night. It Is claimed that he will assent to. this change in favor of Lof tin, .for whom the populists' are par ticularly desirous;. Republicans "arei worried ; about the First district and-s.y they now -begin to believe .Marry Skinner .-will have: a desperately hard i fight" "there'. They ay they hope to i carry" aJf! save two counties ui that distripr. It is quite .clear that the "minority The cotton (.ion in the.cbunties Tad- joimng Savami-thi is practically ruined. The latest i --ports from ' the : storm indicate, that ,iavannah Was " in ithe southern edgeSsfi it. Its full force pass ed ten to tw-taty miles north,- across Beaufort courV, 'S. C. Tht full extent of 4the damagv?,.there is : not yet" known and may not t tor several: days, owing to. the: lnaccelbitity of- the country.' .The entire tifritory which the storm rava'ged, althigl! limited - to a radius of ifif ty mllei! damaged beyond esti mate, i As, thej- rejports come in the in dications are-yhat the storrh was se verer than ii g 'that has .--swept this section in yea- 3. Th loss of life, so: far as i known, hi A been ii small,': but: it! is expected that Jhe reports i oi trie next few days will fihow largj fatality ; ! The steam liilH boat J. H. EstelL arrived -in Ti-ee roads tonight aJi'er a day! and ! nt-JhiS cruise, and reported six wrecks of: ?coaSt wise schooners' : off Martin's Ind .try lightship,, fifteen republican state adopted. a resdlutionj ladvismg against a- joint -canvass, M. where, : with democriiLs ' i 4 i - ' . " " :-5 thcre be a joint caji and i populists wherw?yerit tbi advantage of ifiision; , trtJ was a populist who -told me this : )': I I I ' " . 1 f i I ' " .! ,i 1 mxwntng that ihisi people wbuld naVe aj canvasi separate jjfrom th;e republi- committiee . today any kind or any It. hrges that ass of 'renjiblicaiVH will be -to NOT NEGLE r..,- ny r-r:i -.mm?: Many Relatives of SuWlfts ; I ' f 4- tional Rcpt.rts riU rGo fv ; -: "'!. i-.-- . : 1 !.-' : - '': -il i-t ' "eral Wheeler Ntio lui - c T .' . I " ! ! leniber Wikoff, M.inta.ik Jvitnt tions1 ED t Ounp WikotT.MuJc I'ncajsy b iu i-ersMMi to lAKik Alter i iioni t the TrtHips iu, Cubu and 1 lii Scoi at the Canu-tHsI rR :ceivini;- lf.vcry Attention 1 1 -v-.-l; i : - : --:ltf fri ' !':-J--i -i ::".- fi ' , . I i MotjjcV3in I'l-oxidc--! he Soldiers -: !!.; I. vi -'I - -i i ?S No Complaint. As- I l a (' ; Lii! the Major O.f . 'fi .t : J J-rh hil-ler gave tho fnUow-Kr.th socla'led Pross. tod i t "? ' f anu )Vikvff I. I , f-5V.mhi ij : ''The Jfollow mg. in lettera-We are i-.ini garding the n-ldlers in tls fjinp. in n-gaid to rnv w e; J very uneasy about him vti; --ouibt of f bti newf paper! reports if$ji(Tivaio6 -.. . i ... . . ( . ed of 111 r ors ute. riot lea ) L -hen the ittotdiera, j int-f tihelr ari ! rl-y '.'a.t0ij mwj low fever dl":r r soidiets Although he ht-"; ui( a eomplauit silnet he; ha-vjiKA'! ii army, w e hear f rum ! ot.l--j.giri e truj cruel andj horrible fiiiwriSi'iitj flieted mi our isoldiers ub'fe'hi tense of hunl;fi:uiy tor ".ti't)$igiJl and thtS wholii country n-nfat )t of ten Mile VxHti.mi nt tI5.i-iuM h" hut prised it tlu tocl nij;0htuild to i a revolution ot soiih-.iiwI. f a-suie you I hear on all s,iV- ,-"jhe iok-nt And bitter di-nun ifc.'' o war department -and .th'SJ)t-Slmi tion. It i- indeed n gn atSf-H-y ;ha glory of our triumph! sfiftUj,Me jikmi ov tin n . Mi.tiiiciut ui.iijr a-s ill treatment land ht'.nj.iJoii of own brave soldiers, whtlf hn Sin prisoners have the bi-t '.AiM.myo't' the: cirtant rv a .1 afford..' '.ii, :'t?i "It. will hi- sein that titVvii that not: a word of comjflitAi 3as received: from 'this soi.li,.r tnj s, iiiji- jiiyr.-Mif;liiJir t-j.-'. ill US cans. Chairman. ,Holton says this Is an; errpr;; that therp. is to he a: joint A canvass. j- populist comtiiittoeman tonight about the 1 Second waa asked V 1 1 disxrict; status and whether Ithe popu lists; wjuld vote for RVhite. I-i e-replied-: 'White iwill not be voted foi unless he is included in the: general scheme for cooperation He 1 will 1 not pe soiin eluded. You can ray . -.1- -:.- I -1 :i fi lie wassasked if Llojyd would be taken down kaiid be,replidd3 "Nq.V '.; 1 ; that 'much Kilso's Attack fl (Speciarl to Tjie Messenger.) Wilson, ; Iv. C, sHptember '.2 Mr.1 'J. A. Crews, travelingji representatives of Thev Wilmington Messenger Was in the city today- 1 anc .... --r u J. A rei u s eu far In lm n. th- s iom. isyf - ferrng. and--ma-ny -of theip- la'ard iliaL iiit-ii: 1 iJia ti uri Jii-i-.rifiiii :iion of' starvation." Most of th.4iit-:pt-ipli are little- able to expend th Jin'aev fot sufl-h a journey ! and: they ailA-sjjriirlsed w nen. iney . come nere loipii ai relatives' surroundt?d ...with; ;J. - j to eat whifh can be pjt7!nid money, and, if sick in tli 2lJSI thev. 'are ratified : and- fiiil&Sisei find that they are given sS$1r. pissi ble: carej i-; ; .- Jn reply Ao a direct retsa-a tli plaint- has been made .bynns ;of brae oldn-is who lmoidil f to nour arms m I ne t.'uhaittnifii A great; many anxious fa?--Jrii. 111 ors; brothers or sisters, friitp : ux-ri from all pai tH! f the l;? eOr-Stta tei to look after their reLat w thevsavi the pupers tell h nxifivp :OSt the ra, "it he UilMH ,the Kiur nisli that lio-.-.llv 1 n-t I i t anions not i.inil-ji ia 'ub. but rival at ittua tiliU'e. .Veil -went. NrMiitht front-; ye: tii.t, lm th. rmted S"taite tl w ouM hi 11 Tbi'en'. ". rlmm! have landed thi-in tnud; u!Kv-J ttu-ifu Kt.: iri- 1111s.-u.Hisl3f l1nifc.n1e t he. I pi-ople.! It has I be. it; Hialfdi by r jih vsit'tHii.i ' tliat I if It j bad j ie-;-n I done: I'VelloW ! fViif would I ljae umaj throughout all our utate. 1 To liv.udj sUi'h a tCHtft-arophe. a point, wlin-h'ls inon- tlvroUKhly iMolai-i-.l from: ill'5 1 people than any other to.- i-itlut y 11, hfti i-kjjld bn found, . was.(. n'-f l.-i tid lijth)-.-.w !,) njieattH the i-oun-trv hamtH-eii da.d fini: a scourge of this featful dis!e. - Kvery otifr will.re altzei that to 1-nad 1.(H ini-n and put thi in un bare HeUia without anybulM iiorH.whatt r 1 ould noft be: thine with) ., uui-miitti'i h.trJ.-hlps. iliver 6.0tK very,: su-K viiii-n - n.vu tie-ti riceiWj i in the, 1 general hospital and -.. i man"y--rrtirI 1 sHk'havjit b.inrcaivd for In th campH' and yet; only aUmt tixt-y 'deaths havtfH oeiUi red !in 'theM hospitals. ' I Ti-ntJii had tm be eriv-ted and ho a- i pit;Ms cjinsiruirte! mid preparations I niad t.supji iliuv ISOiKi men wttlv w lioloKoiitu water, foodj medieliien, phy-'" -iiuni. rnirseM. cooks.l hospital furnl- tnre. wagons, atiibulaiiei-s atrd ih? oth-'. r net tis eisnitial to artng for . l8,0Kh nn: r. full v half of w ho;ni are very Blt-k i :on in '. ii-nfi'fblii T.hvsical Condition. In.! addition j ti tin, monitor the bedding 1 11M fi'iiiijh of the i-lothing was left In -1 Hani tag fi'-llil,K ' hail to lllll'i lf- !' an.li jKonetiiiics 1 to iprtrvom tellow fever In- AlITof thes rtitloiencli have; lhe supplieil. We had . hut ;on lilroad lu lu-iijg these supplies there jhive been de- i ' ' i ' 1 : ! , I ' i - -i; I- ' I ''!-'.' 'i !' : ' ! Op.5- N heir arn tion tfckhjng roughs. Imutie C'ouKiit; "ure surprises I-ople bkvitsi ijuirk cures and children ay tako it in. la rue iouantltles with. 1 out the let dimirer. 1 It has, won for i Itself thij best reputation of any prep-: used; today for, voids, croup. 111. the throat 1 or obntlnate JJ It Bellamy. . 1 t'odlfyluK Liwt tor Niullago ! I Sanmiro. September 2.- Lieutenant" "? ; Jl H. Blount. Jr., of the Third Immune ital. to it I them. expressed very great surprise that: without the sslight- est intimation to hi: n that! his charac- -. - : - - .. i -,- 1 .f ! ;: : ter was made the subject f attack in the !lark-Kilgo invjestigation at i Dur ham. ' He ifeela thau pot having taken any part in the controversy neks or otherwise id ia 'Very himvto have madeian attaeW v- . - ' !i f- 1 1 1 - .1 1 a:- character, i Jlrj Crews, has Wilson many, yean .willing to submit-td of the town thei ques acter for truth, hon as a wit--unjtist to up'on 'his lived j. in U and . i us entirely the gocjd citizens ion as to- his char- sty and morality. I i 1 : 1 : ' get some negro votes.!; The republicajtsJ miles . from js-bee. : S'everal of 1 th'ern Weje sunk, otrs bottoniupwards 3nd all "apparently ; having been anchored when the.4Sto-h i struck fhem. None of the vessels" -n tties were distinguished. There were n. ;signs of--the crews and it is believedr3iey .-.penshetkAll sorts of Iwreckage I Eaes th: coast indicating heavy losses 1 sea. n I ! , "T-l ! The steamsjfp city 01 .tiirmingiiiajsrr 'You :rhviteTXdisapp. expf r.ii?if nt. I 'peWi Risers? are; pleasant little -pills.; .'They --dura cOristituation. and sick headache s) take them K. RJtellamy t Miss Barton SatM for Tathpa.. ' Havana, SeptembirX 2, 9 lai. m. The steaaner Clinton, whac-h, had been plao ed at .the disposal society temporarily tion :of relief here, the, government. instructed Miss Cla -r iiiniinent rwhen yii t's -Little Eariv easyf 1 thorough ,: ustias sure as you of he : Red I Cross forthei dlstrihii' beingwanted for esidenti 1 McKinlev BarohJ to return and others ve-'els arriving during (the day .reported V iaJ a short? distance off thi coast thej'torm was not felt indi cating its; Untied area. ! ;. . j i : u Of the five JEes of'railroads. entering here, the onlii outlet : is i by the Plant system , soutfe to Jacksonville. tThe Central of Georgia,, the Georgia hnd Alabama, i the4;?Florida,- Central , &nd Peninsular am' the Charleston 'and a- or-; an ti-Bdtler populists control that 1 vamnah.railros are practically aban doned within the storm -I radius. No mails have be?h received for two days. Three car .lols'of Florida mail are awaiting an -atlet north.l Business is practically af . a standstill; owing to the -blockading ?.of the : railroads. I I 1 For fifty mijis west-of Savannah the country is pBtctically : under .water; On the Centres of Georgia? railway sthe track is washf.jd in placesi-all the wa;y from Savannta to Macor). ilt is estS- arrived from ew York this morrting pfUn ton's cargo, making thet payment to, the; United States- for thejthe pres ent! Miss Barton, si' accompanied : by her staff, sailed oni-the Clinton last evening for Tampai Before leaving she paid the customs fine of! ?500 im posed for her lack of a manliest ofhe will give the'exacf facts a LVS I will state, I V : J'Kvery officer and sohiey-4o Vent tosCuba regarded that h..i:S given a great and special piiil.-w ff li ing permitted to en-gage m tria iapip.iigii Thev knew they were to eacon-r Kiel- low fever and iothcr diseaerf, ;as iKvell as i the torrid heat of the runtry, (land they .weie proud and glad' totdl so They knew, that it was ihi"s,'iblE foi thm to have the advaritu.i:riif-.w jfgon transportation iwhich useaJiJ. sacom pafnes armies, and i yet," .'-rs - wtnd men were glad to go, td their bUnkets and their f.UnmVr ,ti their backs and to be subjer tf d,; tv,ut jaj shelter, to: the isun 1 and e:V.Jy ilday and the heavy dews b ?t,.Sf' TJIwy cetitainly knew that the hjji.ij tiM lae spttint years in 1 erectmo -f,ijis isind it iwas their ' pleasure toa.sifcvdt .and their duty, tp' 1 capture . liesSpariisli works. They -were more lf.'i4i;-tid , to incur the hardships and. thjo dant' gers". They went there and 3oyl tjhelr duty, each man seemlngi1'--;1 hat; American; honor and prefvifc-twal Un be measured by his condutj TfbjAvnf men who won the ii tone" -Jid I oi; complain of the neglect o thitovj-i-- 'then I, but on the .contrarytJ&feeened; grateful' to the riresiden --:l(rw,Be-re- tary of war for guing th 711 ? oppor- tuyity to lncui these il'uf-TH. md hardships.-:. r ''4fW : " - l :"3"hey realizeVthat in 1i-jtiif.ieJ(.or ganization ot an expeditHiTt gov trnment 'which had no ith any experience in such rnlti -8"it .was irriiosMble -to. ra. e-l rS. . ng 'ar- raric-i-d to perfection. ,aaii -.tftiV . Null assauJtina Mrs. 1 Frederick aged -ticrman womani lie lesly sayng he was going .: testify that under, the-:. antarte4 the1 conditions were niuchtjc prr.-ct . thnn' any! one would ha vfr? r a;-oniji: to expect and thati the presKk tife jijii ie.c-i retary of war and others tTi fUaDim-d 1 .ami diDatchid the expflioj--. de serVe high comnieiidation ; ? f S J "One ieason v.hv our orfts lai k- intj m some respects in Hltui. ge svvas a l telezram vaess sotivca Admiral Samiin - ' Stating rvgimenlj, has been aHlgned by : Gen- eral Lawton, commander ot the de- partmen t of Sanriagoi 1 to the task of. I codifying the Spanish audGuban laws, i with .thq view of arranging a syatem fciriuse Ika that part of the province of Santiago de; Cuba which Is under Ame.ricaa control. He has begun the work with a large corns of assistants. The undertaking Is a ibig one and will require some time for its completion. ; The Unltied States transport-Mis- , sour i-.-. will sail for Moiitauki Point to-- morrow mortiing i with 2B0j convales cents from I the .various regiments! of thei Fifth! army curps.i The fvessel Jhas been equlppi-d fuf tho trip with great care and the jineuj wil'bo comfortaibta. - - I llaujed for C riminal Attttault Dallas, A TexasJ ! September i2.-4iJoe Malone, iotoredj was hanged In Ithe ' county jail liereftodaV Tor criminally e richly dewerved Stein; an died fear- to heayea hlaj fatel and that li I.- Oir Fla-t The pr-sent flag is h modeled I after the first -t'tiited . States' flag, Which was approved Washington on that mem orable dayJ June 14tlr.-U"7, when shown the design 'by Betsy Ross at her home on-i Arch ptreei,- : PhtladelphlaJ : Mra. -Bops showed! GeoVge Washington, who had taken her the design fdr -the" flag t agrepd on by congress, ihow to' clip oit' a fi ve; polntjiMf Mar -wllp one tlip of. her patriotic i Mi3sors coinage aiM lall ish style skats, arid, utt tradition Bays;. Washington drew but phe stUrk to lie star, anldi in The stars on the iT-l.olntoil th Rrll. : thJiit from . u . .: thXi if the army readied h'jTe'lim mediated the icould tak ahs ?ity at oncfe. but! if there should bf-.,diyi.tHer fortifications of: the Sp'anfijiirilaf would be jso perfected that thpret txEht " be greiat ditfii ulty in taking 4 ? Cjjn ire- ceiying this dispatch trisiiomirai: Sampson,! the: war d-epartwfit .-.n-cted. thfH army! to move, at onc 'Qii j.a-! all oonnerted with the army r.i-lliAr call, the orders wre re ivi i? fetA dark nd the :arrny wias in morwjnflj shad . . . , 1 ... J - I :1 A.. n IrV fit :: llH.. hips at daylight. When ths axsdltlon sail.'d for ruba it went in .f -jseori- V -L :' "I.-: " V j-,. . - I- - (I -7i.. ! a J. ei.by a large neet or thati time it was regarded; g impossi ble for a. merchant ship to" f &rtr$n. the ocejah, safely trorn any Amf -ntifi port to Santiago, but a- c 1 a-41ti .Sp-ah- Hh flec was it stroyed n;t'Ji;U Was Tio4;ih!f fnn linarrmd shit. n- to kail safely t Santiago the' -r-c-iiV ii Ieo-! pie of thA, United State- ;;t1bjrf ribeij ni' hey without limit and 5 patchfd ship after !hlp : loaded witf Ipxuries and delicacies for the Sa.nl it. g. .army. and everything that cpul.j iV'-ffMQiri' phshed for their comtorta,; cene Dy tnn i.ressKK-ni ana ncLifid.-vvuifMar. After'-lhe- surrender ihad'tteiHi com pleted and iarrangementSB.?v;.fct-jEfeclud 1 or i transporting ? the !-parJsfya-jf-riiyr to Spin, the 1 presiderft - and fe'ft'fciry of war s.'nt shipping t Sntmn and trali-sporteii our .arm 10 sin;,r ifr ; tne most-healthful localities r ;ti5iMJnited Stajtes. The point ,selocte( tjv-tH -sec. retary of v,ar was solsturd! that thorough protection was givcOctlfe peo ple of the I, nited States fs.n1.tft dan-i geri; of-yellow fever contag3or-?-ri;he sol diers upjn their 'arrival Jtv'-Ais- place rfcened every care and !uV hich rould be procured by monev.t iM prei- loeiu anu secrecary ot w aw ; jw e-.-i.fu that their health! and iromfit? I f-jhould be pared! for WLthout referelSse ,tfiJ ex-, pen'-e, and. in addition, tl' p.pple within a circle bf 100 miles i wed. with each .other -In 'shipping to, - shem i fear loads and steamboat loads ij luxuries s-.r kite 1 -1 . i . r ,-.- .i! I -. party.. Theonly, question ; is ;vhether the f actipjy then in power can i deliver the goods. That the populist party Us .spur is certain. - - ine ; only:; uncertain-. Lt-Jfvis the. size of the split. " - I 'inev governor pardons .Tom Lee, i a w hite convict, a native of Orange, who was sent to the penitentiary fourteen years; ago itoserve twenty: years for murder in ;the second degree. He was only 14 years old w-hen convicted. I Slander of White Women by f regro Editor,: The statement that nine-tenths of the Populist votej belong to-the Farming element will pass unchallenged, and that ts the class gferred. to. in the follow ing article, eopled from the Dally Record of August 18t5 published In Wllming on, Ni C, toy negroes and the organ ot the Republl-an4' tapullst Fusion political crowd. This Is the vav your new friends: regard, yoi J-self and families. : - Every-Whlte ITlan In the State, having any. rega $. for the purity of his mother, sisters and daughters, must take this matter; into consideration and determine thai henceforward he will act as a AVnlte in h should, i ! 1 - ln.1 ! savs J A horrible adcident occur I : , i : - ; 1 . -. 1 - .: v .. 1 -.'j' j-: ' I rt iat stinesvtlle iii the (afternoon in I "Poor wmte men are careless In the matter, of p Electing their women, ,wh f0ur men wre instantly killed ESPISCIAL.I.V ON THK FARWS. They are careless I their oondurt toward KVi, a dvnamite exblosion and miny them, and OUR EXPERIENCE AMONG POOR iWIJ jTE PEOPLE .' IN THE others seriously injufed. The men wiere under protest, as directed by iPresident Mckinley. ' , !Advices irom coian say mat tnree battalions of Spanijkh infantry - arriv ed here last Saturday and! similar ad vices fromii other paints In the jisland indeate that the Spanish government is making 1 preparations to ! embark its trops for ; Spain. ; , j-' j The ; stock of leaJj tobacco is I small asd is; pelling at fancy price's! The lnarket is 6verrun 'with the principal Am,erican buyers, wo are bidding fur iously for 'what the;f can get..-1 f ! i f -I : I : f i: f -'..-'," j :; ;li; ' Storm at Camp Thomas , ' Chicakamauga 'Xitional Park, Sep tember 2. There hais .been a constant downpour of rain at'iChickamauga park today, i Hrecautionsj were taken yes terday vas to protection of the hospital tents against-1 any ! possible overflow The wind iwas very jhighi at times and many ; regimental tints i were r; blow n oVer All camp exertises ;were omitted General Frank and ftaff iand jail head quarters supplies.; were .niovifrd 1 today to Annisont. 1 . , 1 Fonr .Tteii Killed V i .! t ! Indianapolis, September 2 A ppecial to The Sentinel frim Bloomingdalfr COUNTRY TEACHES CS THAT WO.TIEN OP THAT 14 ACE ARE NOT. MORE" PARTICULAR IN THE MATTER OF CLANDESTINE MEETINGS WITH COL, ORED MEN, than; are -the white man with, colored Stomen, MEETINGS OF THIS KIND GO ON FOR SOME TIME UNTIL, THE "OMAN'S INFATUATION or the man's boldness, bring attention to them, and the man Is lynched for rape. Every negro lynched is called a 'big, burley, black brjite,' when, In taet man V ofthose who have thus been dealt with had white uin for their fathers, and were not only not 'black' and burley, but were SttfFICIENTLY ATTRAC TIVE FOR WHITE GIRLS OF CULTURE AND REFINEMENT .TO FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM, as Is very well known to all." ' JH . . 1 k . 1 j ' - . The above is the opinion of the editors of aegro pig ter, and endorsed by the action and rotes of a number of prominent White Tttt a j In Wilmington, j" ! ' I Is there another place In North Carolina where a pt blleaUan of this charac ter would be allowed to pass unnoticed and the author o without punishment Our country friepds are Invited to viait.our office to se- he original copy of thl scandalous sheet. : blasting for a. new pike, when a tern no. explosion pf dynamite; pcqurred K i ' I 1 j Total Rank! Clearings 1 J 1 STew York, Septeinber 2 The total 'biftik ! clearings in4(the United States o0t. .-increase,! 12.4; j exclusive of i New rk, J45S.93L071; per cent. Increase 15. r i. i. E;tpress Companies Agree! to Pay Tax Chicago, i Septemb er 2. At a special cctiferencei today of the representatives oi the Adams, American i and United st j.tes express companies ii . was c:,led ! that , the companies would from tVjB date; bean the (expense of the war instead of requiring the pobhd to etfcmp consignmenta. then for Mrs. RoB the flve-polnted Gal ;h'at forfn they have eversincr UTmain(fu. I ne resolution or. the tvritifil-htal qongrens creating the tiag rf-al apBoiio-s. " That tne nag or thei.'!thn.efi thirteen njti white, that; ; white, Jn sa new i eonstfl United ' States shall be Mies. : alternate red; and lie union be thirteen stars. blue field, i representing! ' ationl"! -When i Kentucky aftd, fVermrnttl were admitted) as states in 9.J91, tTdjnew( ntars : werejadded, ani-liin 179$, Ithe utripesi weVe increased to fifteen..! tly 18, when the hurnber. of Ptatess ifcal; rufi: up ito twenty, : the inartustic eiffBct of adding to the num ber ijif stri09 wan perceived, and con gress naijft that the flag for the fu ture -shout. I1V thirteen stripes with a star! for each state, i Briefly, this, Is the; history of the! flag and its develop ment-; rhfS,-flact thati-stars form part of the heraldic Washington Coat pearitoihav had theiirt adoption for th Tirtnfis: t-mbia?.oning .of ;the bf hrmn does not ap-- anything to do with i iag. Cincinnati s t Itlauro' Political Fukure His BlanV's) position Is made worse i ; by his asking to be relieved of his -command)! i s hss business to arrange i ; for and jeffect the evacuation of Cu- i; ba in: theij nrnost icowira leal and expl ditioUs manner, and Isoj as to aave fo'r" Spain the i greatest possible number of - Vs mien -and ciuantity or materials That ia a i plain plHe of miiiiUiiy i biislineHS, htical; opinions hs administrative! ; anS J i: with! which his po- hav'e ihothing whatever to diX InstcTfiA of doing what service he t still kan, tor his countrv. he aeem; tn 1 imagine that ' hl -r Tpoiitlcal future" Willi he Injtined II h superintends th evactiation. ISt. will not be ' creditable ti the-Spamsn heopli if it; turns out that suchi a. majnhhasi any- political future at an. AeWii York ! Times.' : ; I T i; i - ' : ; - n . i . : i I i- i ':--::; :. of alk kinds. "I I have jut, finished niy Sajy in-' spection iof the'; hospitalajj n-: fitii.Srare exceptions,; the sick are SfhVjrfgl- and improving.; I have nursed a. ft doctors to care for them, and in ll-?iiysiriany tours I have not found a , insde pa- tient who made the slisrhl' t? com- plaint, it is true tnere tift Jten sur f erlng, and great suffering, Tlie?' cli mate of Cuba was very; si' -Sent ;non ail iof our soldiers, but In-stja r com plaining, i tne uncarts or inf ieBv Drave men are filled with , graUttt te -J.toi the people for the bounteou. Jrerosity which has been extended jovlhtmd-; ' i been individual . cases of eut&rteg and 1 The Royal is ts-a highest grade bafciaa Boarder fcaowa. , Actaa tasts show R omm 1 1 third farther tha asjf ather bread. !-!: . - I 1 t t t i 1. I i . S L . 3J 4 ! 1 Hi! r . I I I FQVDER soiuteiy Puro sennit. 'smmw Mwoca Co., Htm vomt. J i" . I K. 1 5, r a