4 . . " " s 1 c j ' - i ' ' , ; , !. i -i x "i r m:n i yyy, -1 . i r. V- . T-: y i r-:-.--k-I', - i - 1 t , V WILMINGTON N. C, TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER (5, 1898. .1 a III i i 7 r i I'd - . 1 A i J i r r.i-1 i ; 9 11 I'M:--; Hit.. ATT ' A LI I - 'i 4 I 3sidns Laid ING jACROSS PORTO RICO ookc and Ills I&cort Nearing San Juan The Greatest Cour own Kvery Whfcre Treated , if r (Annul Sentence of Dreyfus Cortes to Secret Discussion ot the Feace yues- . h : tioii and Strict September &. Cleijeral Jaiir d ' s ad interiu(n governor of the ,lne Islands, replying to-the got? Jit'B Ti-i-Ht ifor information as to t .. .. - .. . 't u ue situation or j anaios in uie- upelgo, reports thatjto aaeure tfiej f Btabllshment of Spanish soverelgh- y lover the L islands wouiq - reqmrej a. ermanent army of 60,'XIQ men, a nfjei nd endLessi quantities 01 maienaisi -MEETING OK SPANISH ?ORTf:. The chambers sfcembl4J hre f oday. At the opening of the t3iat the boc retary rread a lettfcr frorp Senorj Kqd-; riguez, senator roirn Porto fltico, fe Xusing to obey the18unn'tt o atieiid.. The premier, Sepor Sagaafea,; arraiy ed In the insignia if, his office, ascend ed the tribune iu4 read la decree; uu thori2ing the govfnment to: present tto. the chamber a dra,ft of 4 law empow ering the minister.s to rnounce sov ereignty over, the tjoioniea, 16: conform ity vih the 'BtipuIatioiiBiof the'! peace Treliflstnaries betw.Vn Spain and the United States.: v ! i "i The president orthe senate;, proposed a secret discussion! ofjthft defree, and, despite the.i protests -of sj6me senators,. .ordered tht the gaiierif a t ciearey. ; -w hich was Hone, amid loud murmurs or disapproval. . , j i ' ! p i:A j t , The chamber soin bcjame involve?! 1 '. In A discussion of press ifjenssrshlp, antd. a deputy inquired ithe motive underly lrf ;: , circular w hich General Chinchil-. ' la, captain general of Madrid, has ad " dressed, to 'newspapers, regulating thvir reports of the sessIon4 'V cortea,. lie I declared that the censorship was Inconsistently applied, a.nd that, the tf- f-ecrof the circular v?as; o .punish' posx - Bible errors In adviance.! i " Those who had f xpectei sensjional ncenes in the re-opi-ning of tfte tam.b,er w ePe disappointed. Thej general public ueems indifferent. The peoul at large are' apparently;--rorivnoe( that paln mtis-t. accede to wliatever , the United S rates dejnands. i i; ' ' At the c-iose of ti e censorship dlscus: loii,. In which- pluties j Whcj lare- Jour aiallsts' protested emphatically against the attitudoof the; government, Senpr aiomeroxy-rRoliledo accused the -govern-, metat of illegality i n continuing the ' wuspensioii of the constiutiinal guait antees 'after .the re-o'periiig , of the . cortes. He demanded immediate de tree's revoking thej suspension. - r Senor CapdeponJthe minister of .-the Interior, replied thjit the tinle was not opportune to revoke 'the suspension an,d ' reminded Senor Rcnero y Rbble'do that " . . former government, of which Senor 1 Bomero- y Robl'edoj was a member, had dieted in the' same way in 15; . r k The chamber then adjournfd- i , GENERAL'- iBRpOKE'S llARCH' , THROUGH PORTO lilCO. j, San Juan de' Porto Rico, September 6 Major General-John, R.. Brooke his Btaff and escort,' have completed two - thirds of theip'joTirriey: across the jBn land toward this uty. . The march hag ybeen like a march "through a friendly : i terra tory. On' Saturday General Brooke -. stopped at CaYay. Yesterday he reach ed Caguaa, twenty miles from hefe. TMs afternoon hei enters Riff Piedras, me of the arrstoemtie suburbs, J Sdn Juan -Where he will establish his head- narteiB. General Brooke has accept ed the "hospitam of Captain General Maeias. who graciously f' Pte- HOC. wi "1.:- & The .rAiumn. though snuU jsiimpos- lag and is making a deep: impression. ' As it- wound .its j way ii over stately "Vi rm-pred to their summits with coffee and .-tpbacco- piantationa, ' and through broajd ' -'VaUeysj-: pjnera BrooSe with his Staff, rode at its head. The natives who had hews ofahecora- r ,0 -Americans, lined the roads, ' their faces, showing" their .pleasure, al- i ',.-;;ihinahi,thPrfl:wai .ho-demonstrations. v : At intervals alon the way the Pati- . : - ash soldiers of the f:ivic guards present Wd arms as-pvir troops passed. : .. At Cayay -and I aguas, the Spanish - coiuriianders .received General Broooke SvTrharked cojiries and the alcades - Wd offlcialslvW. extending welcome ' to theirtowns ?a r--" t-- :.' ::; - -t I SPANISH I AND I AMERICAN SOt DIERS FRATERNIZING. i : ; AtCaguis whee. a thousand Span. - oh" regulars are siauoucu jw . Ceremony vas pretentious. Tne bpan- 'tsh buglerlgave- ihe flourishes m ho--or of. a major gtesal upon their. &? - -".Or.1:- - And- been set apart U '.IF. iu- JmmKdation ,df General! -iStaff: ;The infantry and " cavaiiTy companies camped in the out- -' ikirits of the tow and were 'visited by 1 v 1. display, w!hateveri oin i Hrri. -arid ! Amerioans mm'" ".f1 i frpptv 1 V n- iraternizifig and exchanging puttons as souvenirs;, Already many ot the r'Se&l soWler4-'re buttons. j AI? onni;h flag flew at Cayay and aua Wt as guests! in an enemy s aguav y ,no imVors save the -rcountrye showed no colors save th i?-Ms and' mssiv reassi fonder to the .,-atives accustomed to men of. small Ifatue and", nimble. footed little ponies. V TH-BRITISH j TLAb ON KAHR j, I.":. . ' .-! - TOUM. - IJ - London.' September 3.-The war of ' fireceed this evening fl.e ioHo Ht : phrom- Senera-l fir Herbert rri : mnrrii Yt s- the Brit xms ? , - Ana. pire- tian flags ere uV- 'e Sar ?ny Iheihartoin1. ' All the, British wounded :have .letti ior Abadia 1 1 1 saw in D arges iowcu in u y - , , Were I all , & ;tnem Dfiorc 1CafMe. rt5.rtable -rhe dicing well and Ayere cjrntnable ine cavalry sent in pursmj -?fjhf ,5 at :wr compellea tj abandjon i the at .: tempt, owing to the exhaustion .IJ" horses. ' hut I have ordered eatoei ; pquads to continijie the pursuit The , official list gives )he number of British Officers killed tn the capture of Obdur- REMOVAL! -.. . Wnmington.fN. :Ci, Sept. 1. 1S9S. i ' on or before Ottpber lstj 1S9S, I will -move Tny'omee aeross the street, to the ! v.-.rTOerlv ' Occupied Jpy ajegsri.. 'Cronly&: Jklorris :. ht There I tvill continue to Rent. Buy " i o.n peal Estate ! on ' Commission. i ai. to write! and probate deeds, and : to advnUiister oaths as Notary Public. I ant' better Quipped and prepared to' attend i the: Real Estate business than I hariT evr p- r". r glad to serve yi at my new office. Resptu&y,'- , " ' . W. M. MMLNG. yjotary PuVUt and Real 'stite Agent. r- j s The ofni,V of "'The Mechanics' Home Association" wUr also, ofcouree te moved to the same- place; No. l- , Princess street., r '-.c ! CORTES i to Abandon West Indian Posi Before It. as a Friendly Force Saluted - . -I- . !'.,!..' Opposition in Spanish . :. ; , Censorship. tnan a ; to, - vFhile thirteen wer? Iwounded: Of the men twenty-three Iwere kiiaed and ninety-nine were! wounded. . .-i i: ..." : :. i .'ii '! : i-J I THE FRENCH CRISIS. , i Parle, September S. General Zurlinri aen military governor of Paris, c lias accepted ;the ministry of war in "suc esion to M. Cavaignac, resigned. tleheral Zurlinden -was a member of ha Rlbot cabinet which went ; out of ptlie October 2T, 1895. I I: The crisis in the cabinet is not- yet renarded as definitely settled. BothM. Brlsson and M. Cavaignac are believed o be playing for the presidency i.of the, republic and it is thought-that, Bris Bon is growing jealous of Cavalgnac's nereasine popularity. ' ! There is a rumor tonight that 0n- i eral Zurlenden, the jiiew minister, tor ii kakr, will ;advocate a-'mere annulling of h rhef Dreyfus judgment and sentence as i p. safer way out of s the imbroglio i than. a retrial involving all sorts ofj. wkward revelations. ' i , TIIK niUULK-OF-THK-KOADEKS pleetlugo'f the Conventloirat Clneln- uatl .Tlauv -. DUI'erevcen Develop. UoDullv't Deuuuctallon of Senator uuurr. ' Cincinnati, September 5.-The Na tional contention of the middleof-the road populists .was called to order tof JUte, U V .Kf 1 W IX. lUI IUC. 1.11 iULTT J ixotm, the- middle-of-the-roaders! were 3 M an formal conference and exchanged- opinions enough to indicate much difr Terence in their views as to whether they should hold a nominating convene tion or merely a general conference. In ! calling theconvention to order. J. A. Parker, of Louisville, secretary of the Reform Press Association, strongly advocated independent action by the populists, whether it da done at this convention of at some future time ; Ignatius Donnelly was chosen tern1 porary chairman and made a radical speech,; denouncing General Wheeler and all other leaders who had cooper? Btei in fusion with the democrats., He i-ef erred to Grover Cleveland as trait- or to the democrat party, and Senator butler L as a traitor to the populist party, i lie was especially severe in denouncing Senator Butler as a man who reached an ftxalted position by conniving; with the republicans for his Election to theT senate and now under dnstructions;froni W. J. Bryan ! he is ponniving with the democrats. Mn bonnelly advocated a reorganization of Ithe populist party 'on' the line of the njiddle-of-the-roadeTS, as indicated in their conference at Omaha. last i June, and again at Nashville last July. 1 Reception tojCapt." Tlearea - Captain! and- .Mrs'fT. D. Meares Ve-i turned on Sundav from Indianapolis jind other cities west and north.: : s Captain M?res attended the conven-,: ion of the Supreme Lodge, Knights of Pythias, held at -Indianapolis, and was reelected Supreme Master, as hereto fore mentioned. .Last nignt stone wall Lodge, of which he is a member,; held its regular meeting, and after it Adjourned; a delightful reception "was given to Captain Meares. Fifty or more Knights wrere in attendance t to welcome him home and extend their j congratulations upon his reelection i All four lodges were: represented, and they gave , the supreme master Of ex-M chequer a most cordial greeting. Captain W. J. Woodward, ana maae. a bright and 'pithy speech welcoming Captain Meares home and extending the congratulations or nis Drotner Khights. : His remarks were greeted with warm applause. ,i r Captain; Meares responded, and after thanking his brothers for. their warm welcome and good wishes,' made the best speech Of his life. HeUold them of! some of the things done by the sur preine lbdge, and colsed amid enthus iastic applause, t ; 1 DelightfUyl refreshments consisting! of claret punch, ice cream, cake andj . . . ....... j u l( I O. "1?::. iandwicnes were seivt-u uy . fvVarren. l There was . good cheer alii roundJ arwi in the midst of tha sociaDie . hour in response to call, a short talk ! 11 OI a COUgraiUiaiul f uatui v r I I I - , JS Kit I tain Meares reelection was mauc uj Mr. S. Behrends. . - : i' ' 'jis Mr W. II. Yopp then presented a serle of resolutions complimentary tort the supreme master oi excuequei congratulating him upon the reward ed -honor placed upon him by the su: preme Lodge. In response to calls ' remarks .were also made, by Professor Washington Catlett. Captain W. S, Warrock. Cap tain J. M. McGowan,Messrs. :?' J. M. Holmes, J. J. Hopkins, ,W;.P. Robert son, and others. - After partaking of refreshments, the reception came to an end and it was voted one of Jthe -most enjoyable the, Pythians ever held. , . ! CITY HEALTH. monthly Beport of the Superintendent ! - of Health. ' ' The only business of Importance transacted yesterday at the , regular meeting of the'board of health was the acceptarfce' of the monthly report of riK W. D. McMillan, superintendent S.v -..!.; "ot health. - The rVport was in detail, but by cur V-ilman ifis S follOWS'. i I ' Sittvnerght: births, 20 whites and 48; .inrd-i fiftv-fiv deaths, 19 whites 'and Sfi ColurWl. ' -N. ": . i ! Sanitary Inspections of. premises 3 440t fair condition, 23?6: bad con . . . i ii... i, , itlrktt ? oss- cTKwial insnectlon. 248; lime and acid orders issued, 312. . ! " During the month One residence was; quarantined on account of. scarlet fei ver, ind eleven permits were-; granted for the removal of eartfa." h ' ! ,-Th above reporlls for' the past ' ; month, August - ; " 1'- ' : ' v ' ' "' k : : xwo Important Meetlna. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock th BciardJaVNIaaaigeTserihe Hospital will "Sxeet at the court House. i 1 ThKniiT nieht a meeting of th , Finance Compaittee of the county will COIHTY , conaiiioEB ; . . r noathlpjntetlot IleM VUrday Af leruiiTti Boki Tprfned Over. I Jury Drawn far the Next Term of the Superior OonrtOtber TIattera. ' The'regular monthly, meeting of the Board of Health wksj held! yesterday afternoon.' All the members,) Chairman Moore and pommlssloDers Boatwright, lekander,! Cowan anjl Bajrry, were present, aa was theiclerk, Register of. eeds Norwood. :- . I J A petition was granted bharles T. onham to have H. A. Col via appoint led SDecial surveyor !of I rcertain piece t property. : The'report of Colonel John D. Tay lor, clerk of jthe superior, court; for the jpast inohth i was read and j accepted. !He reported ;that up to; the 2Eth of Au gust of, the present year he has col lected from lie estateiof Fi W, Brid- ' gers! inheritance, ?605,G4, and that he holds the sheriff's receipt for the same; that he has collected, ?, jurjy taxes in tudisment No. 4.426;. and that $25 has : been collected from the East Carolina Truck and Fruit Growers Association i W. A.. Ellen wa3 exempted; from poll tax son account of phyeicial disability ; A communication was received trom Mr.i J. W. Norwood, presidentof the Atlantic National Bank. askjCg a re duction of the assessmenton the cap ital stock of nis bank. Mr. Norwood's letter was a lengthjrxone and in it he set forth that he, knew of no bank in North : Carol inawhichi paid tax on any nart nf its yiirnl ns.i' and -snoke about th4' money: the ; bank ;expended in the city tiiroughj theirs business, in the coUrftyj l He- also stated that ! the state treasurer only imposed 'a tax" of; $100 ana reauestea .tue couiuj iu icuuuc its tax to that amount; I After discussion the board decided not to allow ithe reduction, and it was so ' recorded. 1 ' The election ;Of standard keeper was deferred .until the next meeting of the board. . 1 . - 1 1 The. tax i books of thej -county for the present year were turned over to the-couuty 1 and Register of Deeds Norwood Instructed toimake the prop- : . . I 1 ( . i '! I C ,V,nI r.i.nArinl' , ' , L : '1 ... . i i ourt the roiiowing iurv was urawn First Week J. L. Mills, W. II. Fiynn James K. ' Cutlar, M. G.. TienckenT3. F.: Keith, Fi' An Bissemjief, Thomas Ev ans. D.' E.' Prtdgen, FriJ. May, Benja min Wortham. J. O. Wiggs.f Thomas o ii i n 1 1 va n . IB.: Demosey. C. W. Stew- art; Geo. lWilon, ELJ Ennett and C D. Morrill. 1 1 . Second! Ward W. F. Kerf, T. w. Clawson, W.'F. Corbett, James Hart man, Jno. T. Reynolds, J. . Schmidt, R, W: 'Richardson, J. p, l Dosber, Paul Caase, Andrew. Moore, J. C. Gore. God frey Hart, i B.I S. Montford, W. J- Kel logg, Allison''Burnett, Geo. Haar and Jno. W. G afford. ! 1 j: . r The monthly reportjiof Register -of Deeds Norwood showed that ten mar riage licenses were issued dujring Au gust, and $9,50 has be;en turned over to the county! treasurer ' DrJ W. D.: McMillan,! I superintendent of health, presented i .his mo ithly re-, pott,? which J Was, accented. I : was as follows: i "During the month ofi Auguj $t I have treated two hundred i and fifty-five I (255) patients in the county office and made one hufadred and ten (llO) visits rv oihtv'nine 1891 patients at their homes: . i ' 1 . ! i1 : There; has been no atute sickness in the. jail' during the month. , . The County Home is in gopo sani tarv condition. There having tbeen no I sickness in either thel homq or the nrrertion exoect thd chronic inmates of the home : j I ' have made! one postmorter exami- notnn rtiirinc the month." ' r Bids for repairing jPervin4 Creek wre referred' to the roads and! bridges committee. '' ; ' I ' Next, the meeting! was declared ad journe.d. i: f CITV AFFA1KS Keffiilar lleetlns of the Board otf Alder- .niv i.aat I Kiht BulJdlns permits. I 'i A Raid ou th Parlor arket4. The board of aldermim met n regu- ,lar I I session; last, night, at o' clock, Mayor S. Pi Wright presiding Clerk Wm- Struthers was st his . pd st, and i Aldermen Gore. Keith, Gree Nor- Wobd', Hewlett, -Benson! and fMorrill, Were ; in: attendance.) Aldermaf Twin- ntng iwas absent i on account bf sick- n psr. And Alderman Walker; ia still in camp with- the colored Fort Macon.' ' i volunteers at The minutes of the last ; ttneeting were? read and approved. Committee reports w ere caUed. Mayor Wright of the public buildings commit tee: stated that arrangements h;ad been mads 'to paper the: room Mn the .city hall Occupied by the Second rpgim.ent band; and $150 had been allowed for imiipipmpna'tn the iooera. huse. 'A r-ftntmpt hasialso been let tol Mesrs. M. WjiDmne & Co., , to repafnt 'the w-estem sidel of the ,city jhall, ; as it leaks- i) - ; - ...! i;-: The clerk iead an application from q. F' Cumber for license: to open a meat; market at his store on Fnont and Oueen streets:!! upon payment of the $100 license - tax nndei? the market pr dinances. ; - ! ! - i i ; , - Alderman Hewlett -movea cnat tne petition be granted, i i ? - ; Alderman Green opposed th grant ing of I the! license and thought) a stop should be puti to the establishment of meat markets, outsidd of the regular markets. ', ')' . , ' Alderman "Gore said he agreted with Alderman Green, and thought an ordi nance t' should be .adopted doing away with 'tiarlor maTkets. and confining all meat "dealers to the regular market houses. ... ii ! m ii . ' . . Alderman! Hewlett ; said hd agreed -ttith'bdth Aldermen for that matter. and If an ordinance to that effect were h, wotjldlsrladly vote f!or it. : i Aifmah Gore requested theiclerk to Aratt ?an ordinance. rwhereupo4 Alder uaTiiit u-ithdriw his motion; to onVi thp', nrinllcatiort of Mr. Cumber, 'Alderman Keith' said he thought the matter should be, deferred to slome f u tiirei meeting as there weretwo sides n the nnestion. .. 1 ' I Alderman MorrilLiialso ithoUght no oot-,T, KhohM be taken without) looking ' It was then agreed to have h called meeting of the board September "loth to take up thei matter oi BiayuB " cense jfor meat markets outsidfc? of the - regular markets. , t ; v-.jji ' fi-Jmr, tKiVinnvni that Air r-ivvwir'a anntication be not granted. arid the i motion ; was unanimously ; Thp rPTorts Of Chief Schlbbenof the fire department, and Dr. W. Di McMil i.. cnrrtrtfPTnlpiit of health, for the mohth nf Julv were ! read and!, ordered ,n ! ! ! !' ' . " I ' rAinnoi Walker; Tavlor applietd to the board to Teseina the license tax of npr month eharged the Brunswick Bridge and: : Ferry I companyj on the ground that the tax Jwas excessive, and that with the state and coumty tax put a burden Of 7 per cent taxes on the gross income oi in? wmjiw Minn nt Alderman Gore, the !tax w On reduced to 52.50 per month. Thei board! then adjourned- ''i l '. II1 i..v ;; v-' ;.-(; ;..".-i:-v lill M MB In the3Iustering.Out of i V Volunteers.1 ft; REPUBLICAN'S V1EW5 to Jtfce' Order to Oibnd llie First fcad RUlu In Service the Second Ueelment Movement, of the Negro Hegiment lor rouucai ,Bci-ua 4enaDt Morton at the CapltalSettle Sore Over Ills Defeat for Keeom ommeu llatlou. 1 Messenger uureau. Raleigh' N.. C:, SSept. 5, firreat ffeosation was caiised herb bv the- sudden change of orders ra gkrdlng" the First and Second N CaptfUna regimenta-musterlng'out thfe Mrmer instead of the latter. Mos people blamed the gonor for it. Hjj denies tnat ne maae any request w-nat ever in regard to the matter. It 1 wlfll known here that practically every ellisted man in the First Lrcglment jlisiresV to go ' to Cubaj with General Lee's jcorp and that thes regiment is perfectly equipped for service there . I i is equally well known that 95 per cant dtf the enlisted men in the. Secon ragiment want to be mustered out alt oace, and valao that the regiment i nt r equipped, has no llgnt weigh tithing, hasnever been In brigade o division drill 'aYid has had nd tareei plaetice. In the face of this and lookl- ei at it from a common sense point of vjew and of merit xjt is : astoundini; tliat the First should"" be mustered out. Blut a republican heres-. said today 'Jt'Du' must put out it sight any idea as to ! merit, or preparation ifor ser vjcei or desire talserve. It isi n.11, poli tifs.j Divest yourself . -of ail adeas save as: Ipf politics. The: government appears , to think of service as "pia aidii.Ka't it Willi equalize; the pie by keeping the regiments in i service a$ Hfar an equal length of ; time. The Iirst was first o be mustered in; ,i isiiby far the best regiment; now it i tl)e first to be mustered oat. Thei will ctoei taie Second,; and then the Third tne negro regiment.- I understand thi oijtlyf ispecial request made of :the war department was i to keep the, negr) regiment in service as long as. possi bie. jpfou see the order says ; it is to leave Fort Macon and go to Knoxj vifSlei l.That will I be politics; simply nioving i ttie 'regiment through ' thi stjate to bring-out: th negro vote.. And ytiu will see: all thel Third voting oil efection day." Now- it w-as 'a ffank spoken republican who said this. 1 j M .. TWnnnmiirTi UTrmrmi nn nni, i.i t iiuruAiAiii Lvtnia or irlfc DAI. , Mr. .ThoS. Fj Bayard is In ari Extremely Critical Condition.' 31r. Gladstone's Will is Adniitted to Probate.ic ) t The Spanish Cortes Meets. : ; J j the West Indian Possesions is f Chaplain Mclntir'e ot the Oregon; is to be CourtMartialed.' I x ne iuiduie-oi-tneKoad. "op u 1 1 nati. Ignatius Donnelly Gives i S Secretary Alger Calls on Gjeneral Wheeler for5! a Report on i the Case of a Sick. Soldier at Gamn Wiknff Allei.(i L i' 'I I . Outrageously'Neglected.' & E : General Brooke's Alarch Through Porto Rict lias Been Liki O'ne Through a Friendly Country. Great Attention Paid llini . A Ln.i nja Cr.i.liVrc Frat'prWWp 7ifHi ," " , r ! Jackson.' Miss., and the State New Orleans, There Being Twoj There are also Two Suci Cases .! 3Iiss Helen Gould will Care Place on the Hudson". ! .The Roumank Arriyes at .Montauk with 600v Soldiers. 200 of 1 hem Sick. eoaoaoaaoaanHaATtTtntt)tat--. I! : l.f. " ! v ' i - : ; ! ' SWalter R. Henry, of Charlotte, th new national bank examiner j is her and today began a-n examination, o thes Raleigh banks.'. "j s-'Labot- day" here' was observed by theS merely nominal closing of; the fedf etal building and the capitol. The of ficials in-both were at work as usual fLIeutenant George L. ; Morton,; com mafiding the North. Carolina flaval; reV srves,; was here yesterday. : He gives gbod news of the! conduct ajidi work of t&ef North Carolina reserves who wert in service.. a i . : ! Trrents of rain fell Saturday; night and, yesterday; Streams are ; quitfe fullj Lowland crops are! injured. . fRceipts of new cotton are rquite lighit. It is opening slowly, for lack of -sunshine. s : i : ; ;: ; . fine contract is awarueu tor int; bjailjding of. the .Baxton Craven memon rial 'hail' at Trinity; college,, Durham! lihei cost is $11,500. TThl building wi0 bfe three stories high, of t grey bricl vfitn stone trimmings, and win con tain; an , auditorium and; chapel.' 1 i ill be completed March ! 1st! and b; dedicated at the commencement i June.- -: - - i ,i jThus far eighth members ; of the Seo oriai! regiment or volunteers nave di ajnd' four of the First regiment, while ope; of the latter regiment, was killed;. I Bx-congressman Settlei raised i. howl' at the repablican fmachine"! toti Sefea.ting him ; for-; renomination for cDrtgre'ssin ; the Fifth district at Oxt- ffcrd Saturday. Settlei got! eleven viates. ; He-didw'ell to eret i that -manVi 1he! populists hate i Settle; they arfe piefiged to support Adams. That is the nlilk in the cocoanut. ' :TNs ! -. 1 ' i -""4.' DlKtlngnlahed Visitors 'torx.: Norma Lj Shaw, of Warrentont, (Ir'and Dictator! of i the Knights Of Honor of North Carolina, and Hon. W' Cf: Carlton, of Statesvllle, Grand Rer pprter of the same lodge, were in thp city yesterday on their way to South pprt to pay an official yisit to the lfcdge-in that city. . They go to South-- nor.t this morning. I ; ; ; White Government I nionj A White Government. Union has een organized in-Harnett township It is a rattler, starting early last week with about eighteen members it has ihcroa awl tn tnirtv-tivo. Aiuone tne members is quite a number of former riopujist' who have decided to hence- fbrthi suDDort the grand, old democratic . . . . ..... - Ia I O V. w4A qarxy.- ui -tne ciuu juii uw. ouci)m ii President and Mr) W. F. Alexander spcretary. ; iy. ; ;. i' I ,il . t Will be Open Till Oetober 1st. Mrs. Mavo.- of the Ocean r view loteli on-WrightsvIlle Beach tlls us that hr house has done a fine business this season. The .Messenger i can sa(y of its own knowledge that; Mrs. Mayofs management has even exceeded it9 popularity of former seasons, and ft is a wldelv known fact that the Ocean View Hotel now has a firmly establish i-cTvntatlnn ! Its ; natrons i Will iri tQt t w tmeil uemi.; au ui imjiuuuiuuiict s as till ithe 1st of octooer, as on toi seasons. i mm cob t' -''-' ''f"f ;-if'!'i ''v '" j"'"iiir - i - ; ;'ii ' 1 .T-y. . ;. ' '-I- . ! ' :,' More nvmence Against the, Latter. THREE! TELEGKAM3 Ar- U'hlebjpie Kanaaa City Star Say go to Slovv the InetfrreetneM of the Scml- XOrBelal StateueiMThat General JTIlle IV as ?Tot In Command of the Santiago Expedition up to the Time It Left Tampa for Cuba-itlllee Conduct the Preliminaries AT 1th Garcia. Kansas CityMcj, September 5.-i-The Star this afternoon prints the follow ing: from rtsipeejial war ' correspon dent, Mr. WJ. Wlhelpley, touchiidg on .the Alger-Mljei ci )ntroversyj. i. K , '"The statement made semi-officially from WashinQon trjat Major: General Miles was not4n c inimand .of thei San tiago expedUiji u ) to the time it left Tampa is not Horn e out byi the official' records of wihe ! War Department. These records, nrbve that f Miles not only conductefithe preliminaries! with General Garcf butj-was then recog- nized by the ar eral commandtog, ter's army jdepartment as: gen- even General' Shaf- ."The details of!i General Shatter's actual equipment and method of moye ment were ; iilturajly left to Shaftef, but as. a general pian wasdevised by General Milesandl directions were is sued to General Shafter by him, which, after leavirjgf Tana'pa, thet laltet en tirely ignored. General Shafter- left Tampa with the f ujl knowledge that he was subject" Id orders from General Miles and up t0 that: time the wajr de partment recogniied; rthis -v. state' of affairs whielrjifs provided for -ia the federal statute paganizing the army of the United StateK" ' 1 j " 'The, above Sis s$own,- according to The Star, bjf-.thrbe telegrams. The first of these; tffegi'ams is from Gen eral Miles to gJeneifal Garcia-aid is as follows: f '; , "Headquarters o the 'Army in the Field, Tampa j Fia:.,' June 2; 18&8. i ''Lieutenant General Garcia duban Army. ' j ; ' , j i TDear GeneJalr-I i am very glad to have received your qfRcersl Generail En rique Collazo5and 'jLieutcnant Colonel Carlos Hernacdfiz, ithe latter of whom The Decree of Renouncement of Laid Before the Senate list Convention Meets at Cincin Senator Butler a Sound Druhhini : f ; ,! " .""D:,!" IP'-'; W JVVli . ' , s ' i r.on;i. t;.. .t i . 1 ym toe narnson of Alabama Oiiatit'ine Against Suspicious Caseslof Fever Thei-e, " Near Meridian. I5! 1 i i for Twenty Sick'Soldiers'at lier " 1 ' I . I I returns to-night, with our h'est! sh for your succeed. ' ! , r ! I "It would bef a very great assinfA if you could hye ass large a force as possible in theS ,vicfnty of the harbor of Santiago ide;Cuba' and cpmmunicate tuy iiuormation, ; Dy signals, i which Colonel Hernandez will explain to you, either to Ohr navy or to our army on its arrival, ;Wbic,h we hope wil be It would also assist us. rerv much if you 'could drive I in and harass1 anv Spanish troops" near or iiTSanua I I Cuba, theatening them., at all events,! ana preventing by every means any; possible reinforcements coming to I that garrison. While this is being done and before the arriyal of our army; if you can seize andjhold any comaniding position to the ea&t or west of Santia go, or iboth-,1 that, would be advantage ous for the luse, of our artillery; it! will ,be exceedingly gratifying ito us. i i With great respect and bestiwishes; "I remain, very! respectfully,.! : .-,,' .4 "NELSQN A.' MILESj : "Major General commanding:; United ' States Army."" I ; ( , The second dfcpatch is Garcia'4 re ply, showing, T&fv Star .asserts,! an! un derstanding witKj general Miles as to a plan of campaign)! and is as follows 'Trtlo VipVirfloo Time Q 1D9 "To General Miiesj rieadquarters i of the Armyr TanSp, Fla. 'Garcia's reply": on June 6th to your . letter June zna4i ' ', n r ; , ." 'Will take measures at oncei to car ry out your! recommendation, but con centratlon of forces will require some time. Roads bad and Cubans scatter ed. Will (mysterftjus ?) march . wlth-j out delay, ! Santiago de Cuba well ,for tified, with r abvanqed intrenchmentsj but good artllery position can be. ta ken. Spanish5, forces japproximatet 12, 000 between rsinti4go ' de J Cuba ! and Guantanamo $,Q00 militia; i will main tain a Cuban: force near Holguin to prevent seniing:i. reinforcements to Santiago:): ; ;:;;.''':j ?: y i if ' r-.. 1 "The above igiverx to me. by Admiral Sampson to forward to you. i if it'! ::Ji' j''-;::.o:h'''::--'-lfili-i"ALto I 1 i "Lieutenant. Colonel," 1 , -The third dispatch Is from thejwar department I at Wasjtilngton i and reads : ' "Washington, D. 'C., June 12, 188. i "Major General Miles, Tampa, Flal 1 f'The following extract of telegram Admiral Sampson to Secretary of avy repeated for your information:!! -. j r ' ; " ;MoleSti Nicholas, HaytL 1 ' 'General Alilesf ! letter i received through Colonel Hernandez . on June ibth.' Garcia regards, l his wishes ! and ifsuggestions as orders and ImmedSater forces at the point indicated, but he la unable to do so as early as desired, on - ! account of bis expedition to Banes PV I x V"i wm-.-v ; dered to assist to: disembark the Uni ted States troops and td place themr ; minton favorite. yytmyim 1.4 1'-.. -1 le-i: ill v-r selves under orders. ; Santiago de Cuba w-ell.fortified,1wtth atiTanced entrench ments, but j be believes position for artillery can, be taken1 as mile? desire. (Approximate! ' 1S.(K0;. regulars and 3.000 jmillUa beweea: Santiago and Guantan&mo. He haa sent; fo&c? in or der to prevent aid going to Santiago: from Holguinl Repeats vejr assur ance of good -will and desire: tior second plans SAMPSCN j . "3. C. GILMQRE, , Assistant adjutant general." ' IIO.ttE FllOU THE WAK I A Wtlmlnctonlan Who Partlrlpatd In . the Bloekade of; Havana Hetarned .. Yeterday.: . . :.i A Wilmington by who bias- Wen tlghtlng'for Uncle: Sam and who has been under Spanish fljre, returned home yestrerday. H is Mf. B. F. MHewlett. oiler of the revenue cutter Lotj M. Mor rill,: and comes to spend a wetek's fur lough. j Mr.' Hewlett tell many interesting stories; about the blockade. of Havana, In which the Morriif took i aty active part, j and relates th thrilling-1 experi ence of the cutter wfien fired jupon ;.by the Jand battery of Havana!, which came; near sinking i the gaUant craft with its fearless crey lie bfihgs.wlth hfm , .. a" historical, .' but by . n means pretentious in nappearapce, com panion.; It is a. large . : Irpn screw which was usd in elvating'ohe of the two old fashioned ( broadside the Spanish bruiser -fVIzcaya, guns, of sunk off Santiago, together ivifvith thel Cervera's fleet; by the America! rest of n squad- ron.-t: ! . -. r t rn! Bath of the iVizciysi's broadside guns were! cacried j to 'Portsmouth. Va board the Morrill and; then shipped to Washington, tt. C. '. The Morrill is now in the-dry do-sk at; Pirtsmouti. i. When the I Morrill;! received! such a ji terrible baptism of flne off Havana, af-; ter bravely chasmg ; (two Spanish gun boats; ; Mr .-Hewlett ;Was dovji .ln the hole of: the ! jcutter jj atten.dinig to Ins duties as oileh His was In a rrjiost dan "gerous spositien, fof tjhe sinkirjg of the craft nieant sure death to hinn.wlth no hope, no chance of getting out of the hole. : He say3 the; ntise-of ttte battle was terrific .nd that jhe could jhear the shells screeching through the air and bursting 1 with terrible force every-, where. : , ; '. x :. '; j 1 I'-' ' If i if ' . !'! Capt, utlacBae Accept e . ! 'Yesterday in the county .democratic convention Captain Walter G. MacRae was unanimously nominated .for sheriff in?spite of his frequent declarations "beforehand that, he Would not accept th$ nonjinatibn.! 'Under the ) motion adopted.by the conve4tIon,its'c!hairman Mr. James Ai Montgomery, yesterday afternoon appointed the following com piittee to call? pn Capfain Mactlae and urge upen him the duty ot . accepting th nomination for "ithe good of the Nw Hanoven countyj and thej sake of the democratize party; viz Messrs. C H. GaBzer and fcaptain-l John Barry,; of the First Waid; ; Messrs. M: V. Jacob! and H. P. Wf?t,-of the Second Wardj Mr. D. C. LovVahd1 Ciptain J. B. Hugi gins, of the U Third Ward ; . Colonel Thomas 'W. Strange and Majojr W. H. Bernard, i of Ithe: Fourth Ward,! and Messrs. B.; J. ryan ahd J. R, Dayls,' of the Fifth 'Ward. j , r' Last night 'at 8:30 jo'clock the com mittee called ;upon Captain MacRae at his residence bn south Fifth street be tween Orang arid Ann . streets., and after presenting the natter to, bis care ful consideration, he j informed fthem that he) will kccept tjie nomiqatiofl. i , There 1 is much i gratification over CaptainlMacRae's acceptance jand the democrats of j New Hanover ; will now go Into the light wih a solid ticket that will challenge the enthusiasm and hearty support, of the democrats of the city and coufejty. j i'j i : y .'- Hi, 11 i LH I- i-'":; " . vi'j-; ir-:' '! 1 i Aljthe JThieatrej ... p'-.Q-'-f The thJeatrifLl season ' in ..this city formally opened at sjthe operja house last nigtit,: alid the anagempnt was well prepare I for ij the j auspicious event. The theatre ppeared jas if it had donned apandsomei new 'drjess, and made a. fine sowingj jj f. I .. r i i The' ; many! ? incanaencent : i. electric. lights, shaded by yariagateq giooes, made the house Druijiant, j wnn, -a nne and bright efffCt upon - the beau,tiful papering andj jhe artistic work of the decorator tnatjean be! descerned to ad vantage most everywhere. ; . I- - ' ! The opening attraction was Chas. E. Blaney's big extravaganza, TA . Boy AVanted," artdl If the old adage "laugh; and grow fat;" is true everjrpne who. was present, last niglW can this morn ing discuss corpulencjy -with ,an ettvia-j We pride to sdme i lean brother t (whq didn't see thS, shoy. The play had been heralded: as a big one and ad- jectives of this kind now- run ! In trip- lets big show, big audience, big comi mendation. ' t. '' . ; '-. .. The play has no particular plot nut s a ! collection of ingeii iusi Ideas, which serve to dishOut plenty of fun and pleasing specialties., i Mr. Louis Martinet i stared fas the; boy and; did it" excellently. : His imper sonation of the rvBoyj" j witp atpropen-r sity f6r having fun ijn any- shape and under agy circumstances was Inimita-; ble and las for the langhter hei caused. tho midJence ' will heartily vouch for.: oroiidink their sides are ! not) aching from th& Jubilant fonciblfe shaking re sulting rom' his ludicrous antices Several I mirth ! provoking specialties weft also cleverly introduced (by Mr. Martlnefti. . I - 'I . Thejsupport; to Mr. Martipetti was in capable hands. sMiss .Julia Taylor, a briyhli and winsome oubrette.i assum inetehis task." f s ' 4 ?5Knox Wilson- pprtrayed lone of thertost difficult roHs in the- play. It was that of Herman Highball, edi tor iC the"'Eyening Ieg," and' he cer taiiky issued nany editions oft VKegsTi fulj of howling laughiter to the au dience, i His specialities were im mense, and, tn ithe Vernacular Of the "Boy," he wai the "first dat wuz." Mr." E. S. Morey played .Willie Set tle, manager Qt the Barnstown. Sisters, and contributed; his part; to the even-: ing'S entertainment.' fHis singing ; of 'his latest New Y6k success. VMy Lou."! insade "ciuite a hit, 1 and secured: a double encode... ... ( f,; -fr- ., .' r . j Misses Kitty I Lenon n and f nyina Ruffell Scored" several! well merited: enr cores ot theiF duet singing ofj "Break the iNes to .Mother.")! ; ' h i .; Howlnd mnt wasta crustiea trage dian and -the manners ' in whiich Mr.; Fred Waltz impersonated thi3 icharac-i ten, was rich and highly appreciated.; In the last alct, he and Miss; Jeanne Ardelleldid almost ludicrous travesty; concluding ! witih a 1? refined ' musical sketch, in which MissArdelle Sang and was accompanied onii the piano in an artistic manner by Mr. Waltz A.' portrayal pf -the typical country boy w:as cleverly given by Mr. E-; T Murray. the Chesterfield of modern.an-t cientor any fold comedy." He la per iectly at home in any roie you may cast ihim.f and a hit with the- laudiehce Is inevitable.;? i , r fi t -. "i Last but not least h(he weighs some w here in 'the1 neighborhood i of ; 300 pounds) was Mr. Jaai A. . Marcus. He was simply great. , ' , Th'eFe are many niore . who - deserve snecial mention, butii lack of i space caused us to cry "quif,3,"aIthougb sorry we areijto do so. But by way of pa-t renthesls we are forced to'add that the company Is isnderi the personal' direc tion, of; MrJ ieo. E-; Gill. -a clever and icourtecjus gentleman and able man-t ager I : 1; s i ;. 1', -V - 1 Alh tne imusic; used was -tne composi-tion-of Mr; W.L Wi Newcomer,! & WH- i " ! AX IN1ESTIGATI0N To be Made Infe; PlitirgesJrof. Nejglect Soldiers, at Camp Wikofi. TO COURT-MRTI SiMfl St Chaplain .Mclntirc lcnckjthj General Sternbergci KeHrt --T . r.-. ii. i. : . iiiJu f on f dcrs Her IIudHoirJiijnl; e port From Wic k a hd ginia Regnt; fhrvatciicd. 3 Washington, September it-'Jj'-i Alger sent Ihe following orjifr'.M'" tauk today: 4 ;j.' j "To th Commanding Jrj!t-AS I'M tauk ' N Y - 1 ' t ' "The New fork World f l.t. 2Sth vultimo published a - s'W-S8iut the death of Private PariS'-J Kighth, regulars In w hich il'ri4iliru that when he begged of Ir;v t i him to the hospital thtma:-J ilf Ke; i fill ea 1 him that the howpltn i.t ioti k it men, and it is .reported ttiaViparh died that night. This aofouti . nt me uy iiepreBeniaiive irf,mir Ohio, who says there Is grWit;'t5ii.g tion In his fommuinty tvvr ,and if it Is as reported. th -f ."-lo be.", I "ivlsh an Inquiry linm'fiifiiv uf it - e Id n f r sututed ,to. find out abtiat !!!: ri4at and report made to inc. I nife. xvg tn d one ssergeant men, or stnitrnvtHpa iv e l n y 'ir h tlOUH, 4"'lv"' men ill among the regulars ti.th tents that ae not nrovideii vl titAn w to know the reason wlw an.'.k'fc'Mii also the names of the tifnVt?r& iw " maud 6f the regiment and ojtiiiiy 111 each tease. ! - I. "P. A Al:fi.K, .' "Secret ary.r,f;:r ' Secretary Alger received-. t lift' ll ing. ' . y X r ': "Camp Wikoff, . .S-tlirr '"To Secretary ot War: 1 Kv, f .jiiia a thorough fnspytlon .of tin? I: frn tf day: The steam laundry in;. jfpn: is in full . operation : vuterwfr.s; again .working satisfaf tofil-, S t health of the trw)ps improv :, 2 Vi. of the president waS very'b.ntojiil, - J , enrjyk, CHAPLAIN MclNTYKK COV RT- MARTI A Lll W 1, It Ever since the printed repi!l -sifjr the sensational, utterance's, . of iAtfc.:l&v chaplain, Joseph P. M-Intyrf. sl hid the navv deDartment, the wftioisiiijnave been making a : quiet iniiuiry , f-f t accuracy of the newspape. jfc-slic tions.- The chaplain, who vusi !tac ed'to the Oregon and wasf 2f6'ta when the battle of July 3rd asCi'Uglit. was accredited with some tva;:crlit-' icism of .Admiral Sampsoti. . - fi)tapn. Evans and various others- jf tf j offi cers of the Ame'rlcan Meet? Iistiiig that to the ; officers and lyiercif tlie Oregon 'alone ' belonged ttie.?- Vtory achieved; over ' trie Spanish tf-jMrMi. He was particularly severe'. onj'VXjtajn Robley D. Evans, . who-. -hr --jargd with cowardice. Apparently l?:pafy department has i now satisfic!jR!t8ijlf 'that the chaplain really utU't tBie 'language ascribed to hfm, sfoigti his ordered his trial by courtpw:f3al -on charges prejudicial to gotd;ejs-,a- ar d discipline and urtbecomin a? art -jft fic r. The chaplain is snow, on , n ab scence in- Denver. t f ' ; San Francisco, i September - ;!-,' at tain Joseph P. 'McIntyre. r. 3-d . In an 1 Associated Press dc-sf.tl: fro n Washington as having ,beml d; rd Court-martialed for certain suanefs said to have been: made by hint . JjHinbt a naval of fif-er arrived here so:-t& las ago.' He pBofessed to be grw :.j lsu)--prised when' told; of the ac tiVv.f the department! and says he has M3pjmis quoted and; misrepresented : the newspapers! and that the repoi d in terviews wjth him, pubHshed ' se.v-( era! easter Daoers-were gart j.i BRYAN'S. (REGIMENT XQT I AJ.FfjE I" :!f - I DISBANDED.' (. t J 'No request has been refevetl tne war department for the f lrdiate muster-out of Colonel Bryan? regi ment, the Third Nebraska.-; Itzfl! also aatd that If such reauest -VwiiHiVade It could not be compiled with ,tr) quota for Nebraska, to be nrsJ.t?re out has been filled. ' s :? ' SURGEON GENERAL STKRminU GER ATCAMP WlKOfV. Camp. Wikoff, Montauk PoiiT iU , September 6. Surgeon Genr;f &terji berg arrived here today fgomt . Tasfli- Ington to see for ht.-l tl r.' . t camp looked and to Inqtn t, o tile sanitary' arrangements, Geuer:; Stern berg tonight said that he. bad 4s1teJ tbe hospitals and that he t h.'ss' ftiurld their condition excellent. ; Jlfei ??nsid- ered that the camp site had b'e. vi wJll chosen. ! He was gratified t byf 531 he had seen. i . I "i The transport Rqumania arrl 1 yes terday morning, with 600 froo( Ifrofn Santiago. - Of tne uou men on xt ,!itou mania, about 200 hwere , so sfe :;i:that they bad to be put in thvb;foitajl Although there were enough ; f pr th 800 sick soldiers there i not sDace under fcanvass to placrc-i.herh Therefore as a mattress on .'f.fflo6r takes uo less space than a c.ot,.T jnui ber of patient3 were taken f(:.cots and placed upon, matuessJ-tti t-be floor and the cots removed.' r!j - : While the sick men were bnf)akn from the Roumania to the a 'Vltloti hospitals two of them died, . - I MISS GOULD'S HOUSE A HqHtTA Miss Helen GJould has nwi f-f3";..tke hrnifal authorities that sh.?iti 'pre pared quarters for twenty-si; aiek-s at her plate at Irvmgton on n;;iiup Ron. That number of sick .mewtfuii pe sent there, mi- I ' '.. - i'iyj.-'- General Wheeler has res-tf, corii mand s' of the! cavalry andiD,nerial Young will perform executivt nti-s nhont the ramti. General . SI jer lis now in full command of caujriVi,rkotff SANITARYREPORTlr.il Washington, September 5f-41a B- nort to the - war departmer4tv Bis!111 rioneral Wheelpr announces. I itendeatth of ten men at Camp Wikilodiy one of them being an "uakif ; stbl- flier." In anotner dispatch.' ;.V Wheeler reports .the death - eigiht menin addition to those whe? latbs were given in ine ursL mi3,ju.tt.i.j i . finpral I AWtnn's reDOrt. ti. Htlid p' , . . . . ' - '3.1. .Iu the war department tonigntjs t?r -v following conditions of the jtncn forces at Santiago: Total, s'ojj 2 i0, total fever 18, total-new" K&ios L2, total returned to duty 17, det J.t.3, General Breckinridge in coiljrihd at Chlekamauga Park reported t w ar department tonight that J. AljJjin';y, n nrivate of Campany H- FIfsaMi ss- J issippi entered Colonel Govangnt on Saturday nieht ana inreai?; u colonel; with i a ! loaded reveb-fer ney Is being tried by court-mljil. THE THIRD VIRGINIA 5ipl ' , ' .CATED ""5 j. nrti. innr rt fnnnirv iv.tX Med to investigate the trouble ln?thf Ttird or Tegiment; is ujidi-r arrt-ht f J. 1 li it-v i complained, of this v .mai t(T.-.4 1 na heard much of- the , . n'K)Fg --t nu-ii. much' of which rn diiutiTif ti- but if there 1 -anv ;fi Sick AL A CHAPLAIN of ntcrviews Alleged tr . Him Strrccon -. '! ?l,,-iM Camp Wiko n .ni.H(,oi itld Iwii- for a '.llopita Sanitarv : Third Xli Iiwton Th inJiciitcd". An Officer's i ' r- Virginia vohi nwrs at Camp Altfer re laiKs to thf .war dvpart- porul us fin nitnt. The ijp6rt. It ial rcportil.l ac- qultH the -rctlnx nt as 5t lwdv t ! all riotous and ilnlH-coinitiK iconductt iuch as was indii toted In Uf itral UiUn's ordr. Tho iteprt ftprtw.sPH it jw tha opinion of th b oUirt ihatihWd tieral Hutler tn ngiilatu i't aUtln1 fait , i, cunt? of jjusiice-'k-ouKl not have perimltt d bini to l-ju, ir tlras'tic an or der. 5i Qua ranting Agalnal Orlru.. Jackson. At Uf .) S'pt.inber U-The n his, e9titb.llhfi a,ltrtct cltyjf Jai k quartintine i i 1U1 tt ; raffle against Newl Orleans. No Ihf IlJlfnols eil tn stop, w entral railrdad kliow. Ihln the city limit! Tim 3 ; 'i HMHplcloJIB I Uar: Ci e-k lf.rer rirrted f rn'. iH'lKhtKirli'tod in tsoplsti county ius.i(fn invent lKitted andfound IQ Wi of a rfalarlal type. One humoU ... .i -. .. . cl.ms case Is reported l M?ndi;th and . rnuig InveMlKated MitntKomery . .. Ala.. Ri-ptern le 5 IV-ndln; tli Invest igati!n of trie re- portal Huspl lwus -i-asfB nf veirowlfver ; at -Nfw ,)r-ebnMi Monigniiieri' hm put 1 n ruurtwit-itt- agalnat 'that city- N ,N w. i Mien ii. Seyiteniber G. Ir. Car ter. Iff the Tiifirine h.iumf il iun'1,'.i.. today fiofu Kriuiklin and wnt' tn Hl- the "two tutu whlehl Dr; Dunn, of MitxsMfttppK'-'thutiKht w rd "yellow ever. ; that : yet- ; II ,be. de- , lit llILd IK) lefiit.'ittun. ity saying; one or t Ue ;ueH was hy id tneaii luvi fever The fit her eae- w studied -fullv there' b.-ilnu doubt J he nmy .announce ermng it ai ilotif tumor 'iw. . .. i .-.;;:-... Th- loi al x penis are tlrrn In the b... "lier mat nei her? ;iHe l vellw ifd-ver and liaive f ulp mfld-uce that' thetr de- clsiorii will M nialntaln)J. The Miissis- t sjppii towns icfutd to J Itl'itig the gHjjf coast hav;" ln in th vigorous iiuar- t n nt inn eHtato Uwhed by;. that- (ttatf and f have: nnnour ced that -they will main- ! i tain daylight communication withj New ; f Orleans. ' Mobile, -A1i September 5. ThJ Mo- tiile JwarI of) health today advised; that ' Alabama declare fquaran- : . ' the state! of tine against persons knd baggage ffrom --A New jrlean until the suaplctouB rasea : i in .rsew Mrniiins arei pronounced upon. ; State.; Health Officer ganders adjvlsed ii (Wivetnor Johnston who is no hfei to the same eflftK.t ndi the ; governo this I -I' afternoon issued a prtoclamatli)n deciar- I - i ing tne quaifantln' as suggested. 1 y Meridian, Ms"SLp September 6-1 4-Two suspieioiis lascsj of feyer are under i sOrveJHance. city.- tThey Meridjian a sevifn mllc went , of! this are negroes who came to m : . : - rew aays iafo and IWerw taken) sick wii iith fvfr a fi'w days latter I, Or; H, S. Gully; .member .board of health ha the, they linived of th state cases pn change alvaitlng' clevelopntenta ; i A ptrK t qua rantlne is being by thf stat otti ..: MiHSlssltioi agajhst New jrirleanHli - ; .t AV AI'W.tLrjIili At llKNT I.lliu-en 1'rnwuK Killed and Teu l-'. tally Injure,!-A; Trolley r -ni6l ' Iwbeil by a If -ft. I'atwucer fralii. " conoes, i. .t September. 5.!-rA'0 ap- palling disaster bcciirrt d" in this! tity road t shortly beforje H o'clock! ton gut. Ral trolley car of the Trov Citv Company was shrink 3 , i i by the tight boat epeciai Of the Delaware ind Hud son railroad at a! crossing at the west erfd of the Hudson river bridge which connects this city with Lanslngjjurg. Eighteen iof he ithirty-flve ftaserlgera are dead and at least ten ofj th re- . diej s I t malnder will The cars, entering the city from Lan- slngbnrg .werf crowded with passen gers returning fr?m a labor, day pjenic at Rensselaeri; park. . I I i ;- Thei motor can was 'struck directly in the eenteif by the chginj of f the train (which Was -going at high Hpeed. With la crash that was hr-ard for blocks ..l. - i - -. L.L : .... L. nit; eiigiue, ciitHueni into trie iignier ve hicle.'! The niotor car phrte in two," both Sections b'Ing hurlod intto t hie air in' splinters. The massof hurninity was torn ana mangled, i Bellies-were hurled into the air and theirl headless and jimblcES trunks were ifound ln some;ca8es flfty -feet from the crowaing. ?:;,-'- U- ; I : ' ( I KEV. nit ivto.n it.iioat:. IITIay urced Ir. Itall "aa iPaMorof the Wealth v-Flftb A venire Preab-) lr lau niur b, at New York. Ji - ,1 ' An Assoctatpd" IPress dispatch- from New t York nddf " 'I i - y -; i j 4th says:, i. 1 1 .'. date bf Siyptembor It is said a maloritv nf the memiieTai of the' wealth Klfth Avenu4 Prfesby terfan! church i are favorably) indlned toward extending a call to Re vj: Dr. Peyton H. Hogr, of Wilmington, 2s C. as assistant pastor.i Nothing can be done until aftlprjthe nw-eting ofi -thel . trustees and Presbyteries in I October. I Drt John Ha 1, the venerate pastorr of the church, i oiie time! ago resigned,! but was Induced fto withdrawl thej res ignation, ,and thfi caused a number of influential mentbers to leave, t Otie Jof , the conditions eiade by Dr. Hall .when he withdrew. jrsignitlon waaj that he should :be jdivWm an asslsiantji and if Dr- JIoee-rccehfes the ball and Is se lected. It virtuallt means that hej.wlll in Limje- ijr: ii.i ifiaii a BULrSfiUl J Mall's Dr. Hall Is now in Europe.) 1 ! I be RrJ is tba kigliest rae bmkimpmwdtt aaewa. Actaal teta rtm it om- tkird farther taa ay atfcer httrnd. PQVDER Absolutely Pure I ! - . nwi wm wKXHX CO., MEW ' !'cp?a I Secretary and Treasurer be held at the sain$ jwace, 5:st Ax 0