. . . . i i;vvv;"vv i. ; !;" ;;! .: y ' :: "-iirr-'i 1 i ij:"''' -.'vV'V".. : - f ' V If i . ":V r V ' j -.. -. v i - - -'v---: -I . j V 21 u u . ;j ' ' - ;-vV'" l 1 1L :-'viJW.-fml pit i c iv.r cents.- ; - WILMINGTON N; C, TH SEPTEMBER 8, 1898 VOL. XL NO. 224. i. i,i i.i.i.. n i.-iii.ii ,i j ,i i I r ' . I 7 t : - ' URSPAfl ff t:H- vM,.--'.'; m mm m -iVf-T rwpPAT wt;vt T7P V; 'Vyy; -Vr-i---" V - vvv V Vr ' ;V m Makes a Speech in the Spanish Senate lently; -Attacking DREYFUS TO the Government. The renclt era! Staff Inipiicated.-.Riotirig itt Ctetc Renewed TJiei Towi A NEW mo- Cabinet Orders a! Revision of the Case-Of fleers of th Candia Again RombardedIany : British Soldiers Killed Christians Miissacred BSritishi and German Hulates Burned Vishes by uritish 1 orces." i Con- Great Slaughter of Der -The .Figaro to- Pariah Sej-tjcmbf-r 7 - day naySith ! unaniinouHly the Drvyfus tase and directed th min . ister.ot Justice,; at.: parrwn,' v i cabinet boUncilj Just held agreed upon a revision! of take the 'necessary steps ta tlutt en. ' " " ' -J Thej Mstln annoiinces jthel discovery ' ot acts impp eating the ttd -rs of the generai staftll adding that General Zeyi- " lenden, Ihe ile.w' minister, fert war, re ported the matter jto the counHt sind urged the riffcjcssity or .reforming tne action has caused the great! : . - - - I i ' tion.i . . - . ;v 1 leg e Gen- of If :f d sensa- etorray The Beiiate sesfiionalso was ai one. i.Geaerals Weyler. Domihifuez Az rnrrasra Pfllir unit RlVer&i attended Gencsral Weyler reminded the senate of how .Count I'Almenas had greeted the f Returning soldiers, ignoring i trje ;;off)r oers.r He declared that this wu a reK nectibri upon the oftleera" i efSciency. "Th misrtakea made I in Cuba are- not toLbetJbtimed upon the arrhyiJ" h'e said. "buti upon the politicians a the stieaji of th Kovernmtntl" I The latter,! he flf f'la!rea. ' were resnonsiblel fbr not sendijur subtiiies 'to the armfea in C j ! ;- jijHOSFlTAii . BOARD Riulir Hontbly NUn JIl4 A rneeting of ith board of managers of; jt!h!;bo!pftal,J-jcmpe.d of , Mayor Wrgnti ;i Alderrna(nj uore jm vuuuy CortimiASibners klorrer Botwrigjht and jliarrif;!va8 heJd j Yesterday afternoon. All Whj member kere""ip iatten:da"nce, ;and Captain W.j P Oldham lookftj. af ter the clerical du ies.- ' -, ') ' -. fj- .'-.;"''. jj -mil; 'for utt4ir .' expenses J 'fbr --the' paat. month of August were carefully audited j ar approved to the amount iqf 57,03.1 ! This Expense was ,cus down $109,to money obtained frorhj pay; pa itiire of $347.63 as ks .per the ' p'ropor '1 the county pays. tients. ; An expend thesi left, jof: which tlbnkl agreement, and the city i Dr. K. . E; Zacharv, the Resident phry feician Sat the hospital, made a very in tefef,ting statemehti In connection' with hifj regulats qnonthly report, lie re portedi that during; August more- pa tlehts had 'been treated at the hospital than during any previous month jin the history of the institution. During that r'time 3.210 iheals were served, and that itne tost'of 1 the supplies' was $1"3.83, which marfc 5 cents per meal ; or 16 ioentA a day. Mrs. P. Ltewts ,faif fleeted matron of the hospital in the ;SJr9.!iRay;l This jeleetioh is only; tem 'pbraryl .Ik -.:,; .-k' I t: f:::!.. '' . . iThe btdatf or furnishing dirrerent sup- plabe then held' by Intellleence'deoartment of the War of IflceS.' whereupon he! was directed ta ah Pftrfco friabora'te p;roject4Heparating the- di)r ties of the; general itaff from those of the lntlHgem?e ,depjartment.1 ! -. '1 PdLAVKIJA'ti MAIIPfeiiTO:--" ' Madrid.: Seittember 7 tSentfral Pola- . vieja, ithe fcirmer- aptain gtneral :!ofjj theT Pblilppiije islands has. issufM a manifesto Jni which) he. says that while he! was rnevei a politician, h; "tanriOt uny longer hktEirke j to j the Horrovn of my eountry. Svithoust protesting. Tje general, asseKing that he ha!s receiyr ied "nmaerous cajls to' place himself at " the head of t neutrality party, addw " "The .parties which ihave: hitherto goi;:-' - frned Spajn are rotten and the pfini- ! Therefore, aacordi'nt -to 'General jpoli . vieja, politltjiViorpanlzdtlon Jsabso lutely' nefsHry. "-ms is alsq-'hej truth .jjirjft-n"br"'flnapce8,.-'' :hat; the ' ptate's i-rt-ditrs niy kn'ow- the meas ures Spain lias , proposed In order, to meet her iengiigeineijts." : U i In conclusion lierteraT iJoiayieja au- vnpotM "ftit! riiifenitrflllziitiori tif the government, Without, Hovvveil, lmpair- ingr natlonaj. tinity.'T j General .Cotrett, ntinister of Kvar, has " prohibited the: publication of General MOR&iPRISpNERS RKACp-t ; SPAIN. The and, .;. iridtied, for "The e;saidf ithe ar- would '- r 'Danish tra4mioxtSa.trustdqui has ar t fiirpfl here from HantlairO . de Cuba. completety abandoning them. ministers of war and marine, "ousrht taliave restgried. Hid not have failed. It wouM ha vej been better for Admiral Cervtra's: squadron to remain t the Canaries, 'fat tip praci- tical lend was served by sending the shipsi to Santiago." j ' :'t - ''kiVA -' "jWiat measures did the government take to protect th iiuadron," general Weyler asked, hotly, j. "Th j responsi bilities for the surrender iof Sfrjtlago rested-wholly upon the government lnr stead! of 4rrf GeneraJ Torai.'f GeneraJ. Wyfef- strongly condfmnedV;:he sieeret sessions, of the .cortes and 'C oncluded 2jis "speech as follows:- "I d'aire to ppeaK to all Spain and not . merely w j the s government." f i ''; j Count D'Almenas," replying to !Gen-J eral Weyler's strictures, saidr "I;;" atlr"" dressed my greetings to tnose ; w no have 'been martyrs fot ; their ieotry-r to : the Spanish soldier's beoaus jheyf deserved such, greetings. ! Iiididfv'not address the generals, fon,they showed i themselves - incapable, pf loading: sol diers :o lattle or of showing theph how toifall wprtfiiiy-on tne neia. j jn : s - Marshal,; I'rimo de Rivera: pijouteo: "That Is not true!" and (iencra( w ey- l, r and others, joined in the ; pratest. ji aftrald of the "biles' to the. hospital were awarded, on recommendation H or : Commissioner EJoatwrifchft chairman of the hoard w.'Vii Tiil otiened the brooosals accord ing to law and estirnateirthetn, As toU 1WS5 . il-Vr.l : .:jj. A.' Springer & ICo.ii fuel; Carolina ice Company, Ice: AV. M. Hays, nieats; gHernberger Brothers, groceries;' JJ. . if. I f ;Thes I bids' were awarded -tlh't;! the!, first of- next year,' and Cltrk Oldham tt-aio oprtered to notff v each bidder that bond' 4f $ioV will he required furbish ied by each for the carrying out 01 tne, contracts ;! ':(.( ":!;. r;-,. ;f ! . A maenanimous proposition from Dr Ct P. iWertenbaker,; physician in charge; of tm- Marine Hqspltalawas- acceptea. There-were tiEhtv-three deaths on lioard" of heridurlns the voyalge. Gen rai Xiinaresi the former ooftimander of the Spanish forces at Santiago , ie . Cuba, fwas a passehger on board the ; ; Satrystiotltii- IIeis.i-ecoyering : f THE LrI?)TING AT CANDIAJ V Candia, Island of Crete, September 7'iThe British battleship (iimperdown, - avhv on board Sir A. . liiliottl, the Oritlsh consul at Canea, has arrived . Jitb-eV Several other jwarshipSihavf also reached this port.T reinforcements o Mnu (arkda tmve heen 'landed .aJioTTLri early Restoration of;j quiet is expected. I Count D'AlmenaSi- addressing eral Rivera replied: I'l am hot of Vsuch cries -or of epaulets ;br decorations that will have to - k' torn off; the breasts of several officeH-, The sashes of some generals should Ue torn oft artd put around their necks.; . : A .great uproar ensued. ' i -I ;t THI-1 SL.AXTGHTER OF THIS OER-1 .. 'ishes. ! i ,i t,ondon, September 7. The " Jrltish war office has. recejVed a dispatch from General Sir . 'Herbert ! Kitchener, the commander of the Anglo- i f orcesl dated from Omdurman ! dav last.- saylnsr i that over i aVO ' Trinnfil nti Camels. Were ir !tv, - fm-iHv Khalifa. The general- addeu tnat r-: -Wertenbaker intends f to stake charfo of the hiisaital for the prefent; id isuDertn tend all; work at the institu- "tibh and to - fix it up thoroughly! and. jjet it In good running order. He m-V-rids to do all this : gratis, and 'it is certainly a generods'act f a clevef and efflcierit;; highly so, physician. : Nothing else of moment appearing. the meeting was declared adjourned. i GreatewtSeasou lu the History "of Car- II Two Officers! are Swept Out jy the Surf. -!:J GEN. WHEELER S SON It And a Companion, Lieutenant Kirk Patrick, Go In to the KarT Whllie ltl Very High and Are Seea Tio More. Soldiers Patrol line tne Beach lor ilie BodleaMUenerai Wlleeler Has Ins to Kay A boot tbe At-cldent HU Three Daughter With Hint. Camp Wikoff September 7 Patrick., first . while, bathing Young Whu'. t- , Montauk Point; li Tbomas H. Whteeler, son of General Joseph Wheelerj and Kecc'd Lieiutebaiit jewton D, Kirk cavalry, were drbiwied here t:i4s'r Wternociiq Jcrwas a naval cadetjin. his second year. jl-Hsfhadi been acting on his father's fclaju for some time past He wa 17.iyaV3 ict tageij was aj fine fellow nd Kaid ra&de a host of frieiida the was ! Apparently no one. saw the jjoung tuft" jssed. leiio found a short dis- ;ainong'the:;oij61 oKiwrB.'ft . I - i : i osetner witn iL tiicnant; iviritpaiT jrfc-k 4ieiventti) the ieach this iftr- -non to enjoy-; tup t-urj oatning, surf ran. high iiiiil thto; u Very strong. iri,dertow. 'men drowned i und it: was" hot about G o'clock that tlioy -were m ITheir clothes w Egyptian on Mon- Arahs; djeispfetched : AUKiuuan thit rifinrnine. The sreneral ai the 'dervish leader, was fepofftedLto ; be The Ires have been iextinguish,ed. : Dur-qj mavirfs . with such speed that; some; of Ine the rioting,' the British and German hi4 wives had been dropped ialogi the consulates w ere burned. - The customs jroad followed by him. ; The.Sirdajr ays : liniise. barratiks arid court house; were ; aifto: i"Ofncers have, beenountibg, the ' caved. Quiet lis'being rapidiyrrestorfd, defvish bodies on . thejeOd: and jreport erv.siri i eiuoi. the total ' number or , aeaa toimu . a about! JO 0O. xyam. tne nutnoers ; u w-oundedVhoHave crawled to tlieiriyi er and tofrTit is estimated t'hatj 1C.0OO were wrtinded.- Beside the ajboy be-: : t ween '300 and 400 dervishes Were! killed the British consul at .Canea, who went , about to Gandiai on! board fhe British battle- hip Camperd'iown, cables to the foreign office paying that the rioting at Candia; ..roa .kuhbhI in the following-manner: ' : ' a -titici artldier on iruard at the tax" i VliYiilnrman when the town was tak- - office wlis suddenly stabbed: In then,! ., I Ihave as prisoners betweeA OW back and he droppea nis rniewiwciirjx.- ,: hnf4 4,wo.ngnting men - ploded, killing a Musselmanj lb ftr--j; j v thy, hofiimp errtneral -and "O., barty.1. 1 1- ! , $ .;i,:t f-p -i'. l ollnaj. Beach. Caitaini "jlohn W.j j Harper, of j!; the steamer Wilmington, tells us that the seasod: at darolini Beach will ielose. iiett Tujesday; Last; year tne peacn witnessed the largest, business in its falsitoryy! Captain. Harper tells us ' that this season he has1 clone eight j per cent jmre . business! than he' didj last yar., so' tht this! season is a record breaker "fori this popular resort. This ia ai splendid record when it'is consid-' ered-that the war -witn spam ;earfy in the seasop Jiurt'the business, and the Vvfpsan : r:iins 'of 'the , last seven or eieht weeks greatly ! affected the busi iness. li H Stance from Gehtetal Wheeler's X tent bible to. the- ai!r .'.'and itl is . bel jewed Ithat the yourg ola;c-rs j were awpt away by the strong seas. . . j Tonight a-detail of sixty men -from the . first cavalry is stationed . along ihe t oast td watch for the bodies that may be thrown UDoni shore. J While in command at Camp wjkdff General Wheelers headquarters were located! on a high! hill near .the station a (considerable;! distance . back vf rom the water. 1 :11t w'asl bnly;!'toda.y thai : Ibis headquarters were shifted down t(J the. beach, T His tent and .the tents or hte staff officers are not niore than twen ty vards from the water's edg$.' It IXattie Vomluated For Judge; re 'demyofratic; convention of Ml Carrk Into Arm' Ap iJointmentsi - - HE SOLDIERS' I I -'I : ' T ' HOME V reatl y lh of Fund r-Tbe CTudd le !;relona 'omlB- lion In tit Uale nil Dltri i-Dr. W1I4 :t.f . "S . J.i- .;.,- .'. t----f mx, BoH is Cok $retonaI! Nominee, ; iead-yeKk and Cy Tnnipon toi.HaWr4oIifi! lleuIon-Wblte GfTernni rfU Inion Forming. -; Messenger Bureau, Reigh, H.. C, September . The Coneratie soldiers' home here! is!,dut. of : fMd? ahd.; Superintendent William : cH tronLich .says it needs! at leait $600 l i carry, it through, Septem ber! OctoWlff and Novembers The an- ndl apprf".iatidri; for. the hext fiscal, year win t:a.vaiiauie ueceitioer ibu -A ..letter .;! & wHl Jthownf man in western N'Jdth Carolina, a I democrat. . - - j i I 1 - ' , - - " i sraan, n. z.. uinney,( is; j AITCftfip BATTLK Between FacUon of the Sllwer Hepo Mean ol Colorado One Man. Killed ( and Thre WoiiBidd. v;l Coloradd SpittDEs; ColoJ, September. te-A jpttched atlf pecurred. In-il3 ' ro faction cl i the eitverf repubtWaa arty jof this statHVia wh ch on aa A-as killed. an9, tjaree were wounded. be dead s Chlje s. Halrris, of; I)pn Ver. an mplqyef, at pe-ver off lhe Gulf railway. hefwdunxM were rei moved by their friends Land; thbir Identity has noi b',n definitely estAJi- liahed. It is siidthat a man; named Palmer was shot In the, cheek, but .vot eeriously jinjured Another maa tiad fc-ia hand sliot nearly off, ind another received a fltsb- ound in the arm. battalion oHthe and!;CaptaiMl r, 'company! aSuiiat from. shoiwii. Tllma'U wanted- k' staff ip- pqintment n Hjd w'as thqujght Notth uave a Dngaaier gen- Carolina eral ' ' SehtSrlPrEfchard and Congress man Pearsif V hadPendorsed him. L1b- neyj wrote ?4 tlikt tie 'prefwred re publicans tlfdeihibcrata even on the, field of Major TLX GeCi-ge E ; Butler,: of, the Third , - . Sr3.;. Si .l,' .... . ;..-:. - , . 1 1 1 " I - , . T t - -1 . -' ' -- - He i Harris and tbte men who eqV were supposed j to have hers of the attacking force Blood,! A. M. . Steenson were wound been mepj4 Chairman A . and r oilier FUTURE t!it Birmihghani mi n Hit m Secretary Alger Gi ipSlSTQ The Presided Invited to Attend One' "to be rim . 7i re t:iwtiii;eW U t)ttcra Jfjiti Sonie of TTUm Nl M DUKindins Reiit.-ThosRctailied ,t( K" Zfcnt U tainip 1 i Until Needed t Fibrcign Parts-lle Opp First. N.iC ;; toilay oi tMftlr w ville. ' ; '. I : A apUrli";pJ.W. ha resignpS4i reeiment -Jl lbe regiihent St of- the Durham fcgiTient, were nere ay back! tc Jackson n Jefireys. of the Tar he Secondl regimdnt, lv. expecteti that the !hero in-from five to sixl days! HI will prpbabl;y be here eigat or tet 'days. : :. " ; ;r. "j- - .' I -' Tpmbrf of the i .opulist cobgression al eon vent! Wme;ts -here.; ptho Vil sott will Hcpllt i q! order, There j is a queer staff af'airs as to ,the nomi nation of candidate, t he. repupu- .cane are pf stlged po endorse leading Silver! f' Jrepublicins openly eharee Sheriff; Bostnton, of this cou4yj and Internal Revenue Collector Frank Howbert, of DtovteK with leading ;itoe attack '.'; v:! 5.1:1 1: l Sheriff Boynton states that the, Mr Howbert and Chiefiof Police Gaitrisht did not go to the opera 'house tinkilj tie battle began and ttien ooly to i take possession of the place, Five fmjen; ere arrested In the hou se .-and ie, it isT !; claimed by the poli'ce, had ) a smoking IWincheister in his; hands. G The prisoners 'asp Walter . Russell, K W. Lupton, J. J. Long, A. C. Smith t andf A. F. Monge, jail of Cripple Creek.; Th are charged. with the murder or Harris: y ll t ' - -: -f :',';'! il Aj guard of Iterjtynen, under Boyn tonfarid Gaftrigl?tfn bold the opera bouse andHhf TeUerl people are refus: ied 4dmissl6ni; -f i 1.'-! jy ;:.,-'' - Uij a published i statement, Chairniah Blold Intimajtef i thatI: N.. Stevens, vied chairman of the national silver party (luring tine last presidential cam- naism. and others arranged with a gang of thugf ftcJ come rrpm uenver and assist i in! capturing the theatre- Mr Stevens Dnanius tnis- siaieiuet t absolutely falje'1 and says he knows nnthine about Ihe opera house affair for! the nominee The' chief t ' ' .'- :!:"' and vote aspirapts .the Fay- can - race' ing tnen wf c Lr.' '!: AN'J AHM OF THE KEPI f i twenty lit itisn oiue jatci, iwumi j . : ' ( . f ,i the British torpedo, gunboat Hazard was almost annihilated before the sail ors could reat-U ,thelr ship. , In .addition a dfctachmenli of forty-five li;rtish sol-ilers- were, driven from thflr qualrters near tu telegraph iseatio; and. Aiany r,r them I were! 'wounded, j rhe total are tw .voitrWa fir as Known, vuio.t iimi flflfv wouhdtQ. The. fate ol ine vnristians in, umei talnlng refugtin the court houses cas-enty k i :, -: Auuiml SeNslon A Grand Parade-Mem oir.rgan, and Kerby Smith' Com mand- Mlnnllnar "Wltli the Federal Afeteran-t-GovernOr Plngre M(ised ;c incinnjiti. September- 7. The J great annua! pafgeant of the Grand mrmy kv,'is . the event today. V ; The veterans began assembling i i . . . . . . . i. j towns" is uncerjaui out. n ;i iwicu . i - -' - x 4 ' , . .. i , - thaWnlV thke who-succeeded iob- Uofthf.. parade and, were tool tirAd fi Calo- his at Vipeen salved. I M " ; 1 ' " -.'!!-- . The: tiiot.lsh vice .consul, Mr. .'UrinnjiwuHl- burned" to death 4$ . rv, orresforident of The Times tiiArt-anhiner Wednesday, fuHy . I wpfirma the t-arlier reports o( hiost se rious events thepe.! He says: ; t The w-brsttd feared- for. the fate of a mjori,;---tyt'of the ChiUstiarisl. It. is repotted: that - onjy n:,o havie1 been saved out of; over . -i nAn ' "Thff situation was extremely UiffieultLi-ThelTurkteh troops refused to - ai-4 the t British; who. being exjceedingf have i meefiiisrs br anything-; else ; ranks ! were i,- fwJn tne: town, w rrL :'. xiowered. The forty wp.uisded iverte at '.":'. ' ,,i.i tri b-if-the warships. ' The " Mahibmmedans are ; pillaging i - "5V riia : KdhemPasha. the governor . .oiaros that the mob is u.ucontrolla. '. . Mo .Kivt "the Keneral: opinion Js against V. -- !; .'-hirn ReJnfreemerits are expected I t -from Canea 5 and the Qhristlab ipsur - ' Rents are "massing arousid the cordon. ; 2 1 -'.-". As this dispatch goes reinforcements ' are : arriving in the Italian flagship - ' jPraficesco Alorosini " ' ' . - "4 The Times correspondent, tqleglraph- i-' ' "'-ine : later1, says: - Refugees are .now oming dn board I ihe, Camperofown, tnaaT of i thimi :. wounueu, w T" " tele of great massacre." . A - j f C'4nea. ilslknd .of Crete. Wednesday.! LwHWOni Paris:) Numerous .in-.! WsenJe have attacked the Ottoman--Wrtls ai! Candia ind are fomipg a cordon around the city. ere sopn over-; t arlv, throughout southern diirine the war: There . were mj.ny -confederates- here who werf with t-Lnmnr-jil kirhv Smith when' flf Tttarch- -a shortlv broken The Parade- occurred i hinder andjij'witlh ey o'dlock -i ' the: brightest bluel sky early fiksterh Criminal Circuit met in ettf villei yesterday to nominate a didat..- for Hudtre. to- 'mike, ; the aainstiaudge Thos. ;H.. Sutton, the re p4blicanS!nonithee.; The Messehgerjlast veiling received at i telegram stating thrft Dpssfjy: Battle! 1 Esq... of Kix-ky Mount, Vas nominajted by acclamation. - Mr.. Battle ls a Avell known news,pa-v beri man-5 and . for 'many L vears v. edited Th Taroorql Southejiiner.l He also srv ed the -Messenger tjxyice jas city editor, a4 iiishVigpr ahd ; Wprigtitliness aft an ink siijipelrHsfragrbint ih 'the meijriory. Of;: kll- otir raiet-s. - h -i' ; r M i m Mr.MBfittle is an able (lawyer and is p-rii-errtolv . booulap Everywhere he! us known!; i f pi lh' hiso)wh fcali wfek. "every man IS !his' friend, and o&ilhehij to fswell vembe: in Wilmington ;;hiS','Vote; ph tie has n ,nost who1 will 'help the Sth of No- afte the after 4 yerythiiig ijri its favor, - it surpassedjall lexHeetatiohs. 'Some men met during he parad'e today ' who had i n( ince they were mustered- out, over hlrtyi.yeirsi:aeo. Among -the specta. tors ''were many of the old confederate Ohio river Morgan Haiders," who crossed the and' foraged all' around Gin Ohio also r1 igwww H.-!:r hv;- '.-;. i:numnQpinT WrwT'ci nr . TnttrnvJ :'.- ;;. ' t President Mckinley is itivited tt racpfubilee. to be held In Birmingham. Ala., in Octofeer. j j ; j-V tM; ' 1 The First South Carolink jjlegiment Ofcts to Beingus- tered Out of Service." ; . ' 1 '- p ' ' i;i'. "J -; lih , : X''r,. "7 The French Cabinet Orders a Revision the Dreyfus Case j Facts are Discovered Implicatiug Of ficers ol ?he G&neral Stall. - Another Transport;! With ' prisoners R.epes. ppain. j XI Were Ei2htvThree Deaths On the A oyageB ; Ul v f i Ideneral Polaviej Issued rflanifestoi;Smirig ffhere Must be? 9 an Independent Part in Spain anu.uenouigiug ine rrescu lirminislrationl J ! l-sij. ' .-IV.fr;-".r "j J 1"t ? - J t ""ivi l i in- Snin Kecmires Full Duties Paid ion theKHatiohs Sent toi -: t t r- -r - . . - K-s. There varia fni' storvmti I iihans. TH It.'-' ! J: - b-' KiK:.: -II (.--.- :.' -f 5Tf .During the Rioting at Cahdia. Cr?te theffAtish ahd Gerinanr 1 : Consulates w ere curnau anu pieDruisin itiMvuusi" "f " . . 0 to Death in his Residence. Iii. Three Virainia- Republican! CongrefMonai Conventions ! f Thee are Bolts-and Two Candidates Nomini-ted. i In W li:ttth titween Fsiirtions of tlieX Shver Silver Repub-1 J ir." Were Stormv Scenes in the Spi 4ish Cortes Tester- ft V Battle Jicans One! Man; is Killed andj Three Wounde;'!. .;'.. There uay. i . -K- ,-' ! .. ' " - luA . ..i ll - - : - 5 iv il . -.! -: i ; Keith Nominated fori the Senate i The i'pouplist senatoriail convention, oompoieid.;jt; is statedjj oft from Brnnswiickrcounty, anet at south Port Tuesday.! and InbhiinatediMr. B.;F Keith,;xff. this city, for the state Senate from this senatorial! 'district, composes oi New Hartover and Brunswick coun -tieJ.-;:;;i iv- !': X v r.f . -vr.-i - ', The wopulists of. New HanoVer ..claim ; tjhjajt, the f Brunswick i poip judgment on them .ana thej; convention rwithput . kriowl of lit. f:it.isistja ted W.;! Drew, chairman : senit toria' - committee.' , : Brunswick populist got togetnor,; ana, castrBrunswick's sixteen jyotes tor Mr. Klelth.! Mr., Julius A-jTay-lpr, with prox ies .for the isixl votes to which ;3Sfew Hanover is entitled, went: to Southport to i tend the j,;converitiori. -: When he lea-nod bf Mr. Drew's choice for the nomination he refused 'to: take part in the; nomination. '' ,; !.' : i ; -.; - ; , t tried to hold lettinsr them that Mr. W. the p'Opulist and anotter Hm T:TSha. the governor, has, urjr I'.. ,.,.ir,,5rais of the ! internataonin .... ,A n.-l immediate ; 'steps. ; The' fighting continues, but Candiaj ttself is istt navai . vu"m.'c.- The Brlti t6n has t . :: threatened- tb re-bottibard the '.. i the disturbances are renewed;. ! CANDIA, 5AGAIN BQMBAKDKD General Kirby Smith when' he march edl over--, the- Kentucky: hilts- within sieht of this city. 5 ! , As those" in blue and gray mingiea. thev lauehed over the raid; on uinem naki'as well as Morgan's raid. With "h .demonstration today the, series of festivities is almost , ciosea , ana me business, sessions of the Grand Army of the Repblic and its auxiliaries. ' be gin tomorrow. I ' . ' Cj ; ' -r. -ADD, CINCINNATI . - . 'I - -. . Music Hall was again packed to' its fullest i capacity tonignt ior inercamy re. As Governor Hingree, or Micm alnnvas Compelled to take train ;at 1:30 virt,-k' for Detroit." he was .given, the1. rst place on the . programmer f ine. overnor referred to the mismanage-: nent and destitution , ot tne sqiuiers. He Cited j several cases t.of abuse and bnfferine ito the delay ot "Tea ftape, i and became very vehement in denun-. Hation of such formalities at tne sac- Hfice of comfort, neaitn anu nuiuau Ffe. Atter-ciimg a pariicuiai iac . was-his change qf , location! that gjare young W'heeler-arid young Klrkpat-icji an opportunity toindulge themse ves in: the Surf Th iKaTaP1 ;IkiE ? tf so doing., . j ' ; j ;'; 'IK' . " ' - Hi ' ( - Every one Is nyincedijthat t iiey were drowned today. ; l;: -.. Of the accident, t General Whecler has nothing fo saiyi - His 'three dauigh,-. ters. two. of whom have been acting as nurses in the general hospital, anil the "other as a! Jiurse- iii. the detention5 hospital,; are with him,; grief-stricken. Lieraenant i Kirkpa'trick; was fnom ia. ife was appointed .second Any f t. if lit Army Rati :. - 'I - on 1 oscs Sold ie rs 1 1 n v ns"l ull Th j far $tar inii Caibaivs , ' - - - - , i--' :: ' . ' Si ?rfeised Military Paradi.-i !'?vi.ident Mc- A-'!W;f':.! th:e;a-,4te:Octtber, 1 1- lfef(.eaoe;.Ju- Washihgto'n, .1 . -t?e pief Vita (ion was extended Klnley today by- a de Inent-' Alabamians to BirminKham aJbout when It I is. proposed lleeher?. The del. ir;& Sras mad up of Represehtatiw ilXihi, Stall iries a Ad "Underwood". 'tHft4-!5V Hughes, Colonel S 11: Bingha Bass. The members had I - ?v ry pleas ant and fnYprmal ' talk giV"gfh.e' presi den't,but the latter. !vSiifa;xprosslng a. desire to visit .the citv iiujd iglve no rs tht ieral :, Uev. great ian Followintr Duties PuM c Pro. ery extertl4i4-ed orttoerl 'know f -- nl.-n died of! hinieickhrif.' thAt:: th 'd irtH"it:n'. thit eitsuflit ; upn homelcH"ies9 ri;ie ..ther jnlJi'i lom.-i-K-k SviHiiT rail an nJ 11 i. iinpsitl' to urse.;. Aovv. to my Riuivi -people"!; should t ry to men .. to eiiur.tc lhm' hfn t n-member that they' Sounbod. K. J'.arrett , 3J fam. Walker l-lrlhd J W. "-"-.-'. ij P l ' - : '. . '. p opera hoi the subject said: y er be better guaran- army, thor- Dedham llavaril hel day; and tonightw i-nmrror William' Peace Maker ' Porta. West pblla., . September ; 7.-r Emperor William speaking at a Ban quet here jthis fy4ning on of the government labors, ; "Peace, ytll pe teed, than by the JGerman 6uehlv efficient; and prepared for war aipf ions of whith we now have I the "rvf-r r i - i. J i n'.pBSine onnortTinity; of seeing ana aa miring; Gpd grant we may always oe ablel to .care; forj the worms - peace with this keen jafid well, preserved vv-eapon!, "fir. BayaW .a. aaa ms'b Arasl..i Sentember 7,--M.r. d histsffight improvement all hsuquite com tor ta Die lieutenant June 121 $96; London. September ;"7..i. J fz t v, 3 r tre. could- not nroceedl and everi with o nArmennnilplit nf The Dalli' h graphing Wednesday., says: T1' have "been received here of flerce pgnti ! Jng in the streets of Candia tdday and : o v.risk Vinmbardment by t ne . Cam4 oerdowrtl Nearly 100 British soldier iire among those already ik'lie? jvountjed. ' :- ' , ''.':.!' STORMY SCENES IN SPANISH ' r-M j IV. ,- CORTES. .1. : ;- I' 'v'-W-i'.l.;. StDtember -'a. The chaniber MiA-ed the senEfte li discussing the late wa4 behihd closed doors-. This ; statement for him. In this' he Hi L.U w,oCTwont lr .th diatribultlon of LXXVl J 1,(1 , v ... .. . ... r . r - disenfectant-i. he said ;if Secretary never finished but- I Governor that; sert tehee i. i . , -: nyuac 4 .v . Ann: St.. between 2nd and rd. f ; Second St. between Ann .and Nun; Marked Sli. ""between 2nd and Jrd. Chestnut St., between 2nd and Srd. Walnut Si. between 3rd and 4th. ! Princess St.. between 8th and Stlu. S hettveen w ainui anq between . Chestnut Front St.. Cross. Third St.. Grace. i ft lan others. 1 have FOR SALE several desirable places. W. M. UMMINjGr, Jteal Estate! AgehtJind Notary public Red and he most nersistent efforts of Chairman Melish.tlw governor was Unable I to ut er another word; : A ivoloe in the au-iit-ncer cried: - "Hurrah 'for Algerl" Tiie cry was; taken up in a boisterous -horus. ;V .;.. ' .; : j ?'V;-!' I V Governor Pinffree continued HiS ef forts to resume .and "only inflamed the Liirtience more and . soon there were shouts of ''Take hinr j pff!" 1 W4 'don'r vant to hear him!" and the; like were rd throuehout the hall. i The chairman made futile attempts 'trtiniienthe disturbance, but those who Started the racket persisted in, kieeping it uo. I The governor tnen reureu,, (. t: c! i '.' ' ; Ir. Hge' PoMtlon . Dr.lloge desires us to "say that he was f c rday's paper when he was reported as unintentionally misrepresented in . yes- ill-:-,, : 1.. ,- : -! , --. i 1 - ! . . coriftiming correctness of statements in thej New York.. World. lie understood. :usl(bver!the telephone to refer to; an article in the Herald". .What he said w hs that; 'it relieved him ;of the neces 'UiW :;"': i- 1 ;, ! 1 r .1 - ; - ,1 . iit. oi. .limKiug any I hich -wp had askerk ; farted; tq!th folbwingf paragraph: f 1 if!Th'e KeV:! Or. Hogb w-ill preach in Pf IIHaJI's ichurch wnxt j Sunday, He was I invited 'to; ; do sd by the committee ifiiph has i-oharge of , "supplying! the pulpit,' ; to vse ! the Tresbyterian idiom. ''Mr. Bonner; told ,me yesterday that tk invitation to Dr. .Hoge must not beiconstrued into a request that hfi ap pear before ithe; congregation as a can didate.i He said- that such a course jwoiild not be considered dignrfied. The ntiiiifcter is simply coming here to preach", in response! fto ah ' ihyitation similar to those sent to other known! clef gymen.'l .; I u .-l Our Commlialoneri lit San Juan S San Juan de Porto Itlco, September 7. this afternoon Captain General Ma-r eiasj returned the f visit of co.urtsy paidlhirri yesterday! afternoon by Ma jor General Brooke, Rear Admijral Schliej and Brigadier. General Gordon, the United Stales military c6mmissin4 ers. - " i:- ''-A i-:. f-; .';;!;' .-! .V;l;l Earlier in the., day Admiral Schley, with his ; personal I statfjl VLleutenant Sears and Lieutenant Wells? returned the official visit paid him yesterday, jby Brigadier Vallorino, oS the Spanish marine corps. Tbward f evening Ajd miral Schley ,a-nd General Gordon wnt to Rio Piedras,; the suburb OfSan-Juin, where General Brooke has established his headquarters jat..tj&b. country ' refei.-t .dence.of Captain General Macias, airid conferred respecting their instrucuqns -as jmuitary commissioners. il-The leom-j mlstjon' will probably not I -meet- for busihess;:for several: days;! 1:1 '"; ' it vi J Admira! Schley expects 'to. occupy; a cottage at Rio Fiectras while tnere, ow ihg-ito the extreme heatl pfi the city. :K ;. The gunboat Wasp,- Captain Ward sailed for Charlestonftbnight with Cap tain:; W: Mi Folger. Ensign Blackley and, CadeV Nelson, of the New prleans;. Lieutenant commanaer. -tey lsieit command of the New OrleansI i nisa lavl nesting Well Narragansett Pier- rV'.I.V:: September 7. Miss Winnie Davis had, -a comfort able day and" was ; resting well tonight. in to he 'be are Sheriff rMkinsi -of 'Chathtim, 5t,acp arretri CoKiitessniarn Strowd J Cade, ddlpb Haiyer. fova understood j jjei in the -rfSf but last Bight said l had "withdra'tn. He may desire to a dark horsiS Though the! refpub'licins have been Rearing that thky wouhl never" supj"prt Stiowd, Whjom.- they hate, ; yet 4V -a populist .who hates Strowd saif 6day "The; repuDiicans are such mal .coward? that! they will. support anybody. It would not sur- vivrse me atfcUftpbwd is rfriominaL ed; because't'ill be thought he can get more, v'ites. Y .lenAins, is ine -iuau the'.republlB'w.iiti--iywd- is! ;a close frien(?cto Senator Butler, '"that accounts folthe repubiyan Hatred; and for that of ;ti)e anti-Butler action 01 the populisiV. ; vi, :-l-; 'ih ;-.;'; 1 -' "I he. popu; "St judicial convention or this district, llso meets here tomorrow,- anti as alrejtf agreea, wiu seuwio Oliver H. D rcKery, Jr., republican, tor solicitor.! C ;hi WUson-. is - the ehair- man of the -udicial district feommiUee also.. ! i ' 'X T" I- IV-.' ''vj; !'.,.. Vow a rer. hes hore of thd death T-r' :T O W.'!f ''x. ot Ashe county, "who wai the BOTf ttiee of the bolting repub licans of t tlrtiEighth disiricti rress. II i? it-aid that they n'.ike ano.tlir l ho' h'rat on. t----.-' I': V ; - .1 I .-:;: .,- "VI ! Died Suddetiljr in a Drug StorQ . -i - - , , ; i t i ; 'The lessengefs :pr$ss dispatches- on YTnesdav ini fa. drug store I on York, stated "that Mrs. Frank Boyles Jacksonlllle. Fla., wife Of Mr. Frank Boyl'estpq. k passenger ageht. of the, Aaltntic Go4sti Line, died suddenly on. Wednesday Jn ai drug . store, on Broadway. I The! dispatch s&ys: ' 4 ' "aia otairo-orpil Ih'the store and In a' chokiriff voice! dried t to thb ' fountain .V-wlr--t-SW-GodT sf sake Rive, me stme ammonia quickS-.l- The wdman's face vjasi white 'as feath and she seemed to be in agony. 1 The: clerk told her to gt ,to the rfar of the store." She stag gered toward. sojnfe. seats, and whet al most" there fell juiconseiouii Into the arms of a physician, -who y is in atten danceJat thje stdre.., Three ninu-tes af-, terwafd shl was dead. It s said; that Mrs.' Boylepton hajd been ait invalid for -some time iandihftd. -just returned; to i'Ne York fromsthe White Mountaihs." i . S Afrs. Bovlestoh kvas the daughter of Captain R.1 G. fRoss, : formerly of our city, ana she was nigniy esiemrar a large circle of frjiends in Wilmington. The sad cirpums t'anes of heir death are shocking to ' to?r acquaintances-, and deep sympathy is felt for the husband -who suffers! sufch a terrible bereave ment. Mr Boylestdm as also wen Known here and hs Imaiiyi friends' Ivho offer him their heartfelt condolence in this sad hour .01; his me. ih r-t trr fife definittj assurance to rkis". i.'!b he VvouM- do- s.; M: who; tsj S& coqi.mnd ,ofitf hl-bops at Jack so n v i U e, . t he ; pr es i jj?r'Ja & w.a very ahx'i jus that hfi4vlif iMthat camp iri'i. review the tvnC ntatloned threm. if he fbundl! i-j?p if able, to cnnplyj' w ith bene.ral I iiliiiSii'juest he would atfthe isame; t.imlipiti visit to the Alabaina Icity., ; TH!(siition as-; sured ; th , president th4:t-jy- ichanRo nwosijirv" whiilii be fnutfisii'f.thV date "of - the! peace I jubilee! tt ISwifibis; Sts vem.ence 11 n t o u n u -. 1 1 -af 0,1 v.? 1 . go south.V ' .' -r' ' ;' 4 1 v' -'i '' ' - Major John Earle, of ; f iQUltst rtiuth .Carolina regiment, statogJ-!it. Jackr sonvilie,, was' at the Wttitlii-tist- Hnd war . department nidayj; tP-'-s.-''-t'iVg the officers of Ithat r-Rinn-i :yt"i protest strongly against' the : niusifjig-'out .of the regiment. He isays !tlh4 bftlc'ew and-men bf -the; regiment 'li'; ;iit want to be' frttustered' -u t, . buii: -fiifit? -to con tinue in strvi'ce. They are ifi fir anainst Governor 1 El lefebe - for liftm'endtne that-they ibe mustered (iaiii.it -threaten to-make It warm fori tI"i i41rnr ln the primary election sthf ilibe. held. FULL DUTIES RAID ii f JtATlOXS V SENT, TO STARVINd 'plllSAN '. V A cable message wasfirfe )ed -.-from Havana today, stating I thlhe SpH4 5'sh authorities absoTirtslAMfused to allow the t'omaf to la'hdi't gijlrovisM yis which; she-carried; for thei frving in habitants of Gufeaj unless jv-ffltfujli -duty was paid. - .Secetttry AJgg riiereupon ordered 'the d ii tiffs , upon iiju . 1 ,X)0,00" rations to be paW and!; (iV Jffjted that they be 'distributed under Hi- jlupervis inn of the United States: wrlferiH. W hat ever the opinion; the--deprVfit)miKht have or the action or tne; thoritres to which t c-a.y vii-tim i Chock their! the Ailutfifat prare up t and cause It ane Soldier A Isohlier'sij Country sh VU presion tllt. army a 1S o lid are (.t.jvecled I0'liwl, lufios. -Th.o Kple of this tnt t not bi1- Kiv-n iha fheyhaye ni fnu'th : i f Uiy.'i unfit ti !iun-i 'tl ; i I utiUyoiditblp ;k-"i!ii.iutiirf i-canvp' lf. 1 1 '-' Some if the i-bmiflalms ihAt- have t-i-u ' published ar cat. uUli'd to niak mericaa. ilrniv appeikr In! t poor hifht l the eyes-f the American pe;tj1. and ais.i to those iif the" nat iin Of the world."' . j I I ' - . . - ' , - 4 r. j The Eeerejtariy gavje earnest u(vuranc ofs his purplnsti to Sf:trryl oul -strU-tiy tho uectslun heh3ci annunieil! to. hoio nria -otllcefj r-si4.risll)l'' (! th'? condition jijii. iruTT m4n-i. L. I 1 -' : THE I'ARADIE I N NEwMVfItKl t'ON- :j: .: .. I; 1 UTltlNALr ! n r e w r iti k . jstpt-rn oer it. Wyck' rcf.-iv. d toiiar. fr Mi-KinU-Nv 111 llansWer to reqpfsting pefmisotioM for -th regular arhd yoltin'teerL ral in. this xlity at the": a peHce-Jubil-j'-.'- The ans lows: ' j; ;- i pYour nw'ssfiit f the It would Im- i e ry . ra 1 i f y the health, oft the soldlerii tof permit a revi.-w whlf thy-fiiple of the. ejjfy of show their aiitireciaiiori rnih who in tile'last; t.hri'ii perfoi ineii sul h b''ril''' country. I u ill dirfct 'tl minding getie-ji-flls, a.i -wt-ll j-a officers on thj arfiiy.! York: hd arrN-ig-'thTTt lion the in-dbabl fTr- l upoji tho -4 health of tho jtroops of th propose., 'If -they report Mayor Van Jn li?esU1ent - the tit. irr;rn he troop of army to pa- lfbrntion or er is as fol- (fth-rtiefived.!-! tig to tne; if wUl :alhy;V will enable x 1 PSVw YorktO' the ' brave nirthths ha-ve rvlnes to the' it- I he com4 its the m-U- noit- li I injiriliw Ui: t b 1 their -..prdserdt ht4tt'l tern tlm,; ofllcers St Will, affor sold if rH, in duiring j this , agi-eeahle to thflllHflVOS. pleasure t4' j-omply with suggesUivn. WIKOONSIN!!TRM01,S S The nine .cifmpa-nies of ' Wisconsin- -volunteers, ovy in -jnv. snan ; rfport 4 upon tho parade !-ii hat it. will alth of the condition , and" It. it ind tioldtent me '. Kpectal urf patriotic States Icannot afford to j i'lj? S .811: of for cdn- will ! hot Dtx Wil ithe,blip.d - . ! . I . . . , cox was thf!Vuiost prtirentt; ;pnyBi-: cian in Ms tfcnknd a L'.&d ot large means.-., i !$i'i-'v,! ."The en roll! ""tint of pupils of institution,; Mi; has; increasejd tauring the nast. twollVears from lu to dou. I There VKlllT tie a aoint aiscmssion at coTicord nerffi Satutrday by 1 U , B. I: Ay- cock, one ol,-iae pery aoiesi. ui dernrrat1fiV:ieaker8. and Dr. oyi ua Thnmnsrm. UtlDUllSt State; cnairwiitii who is the hei speaker max party naa. 'Aycock is dovig magnificent fampaign w-hrk. li ' i Tnn, &norn m en t ' ' Unions . .1 are beBgtprmtvitb! remackable rapid hy iii the iaStern counties. ; Well 1 This is the only point he is in posi- Of the, rest he t'.on ' to ; confirm, 'knows? "nothing except ;vhat sean j in the papers. importance to Jt, as he has seen in the Ikgt week or do similar statements with regard ' to Sanother? Fifteen- Ilti Handicap Bicycle Race. J ; 'An important meetmgf "the League- he has and: attaches little in Inister. Slander of White Women byiNegro Editor, f i;'"-vJ ' ! !V ' ' -1 . .1 1 - Petition of theTHuUngifon Vi . ' -, Moelation. V Tf vas announcfed i from Ralleigh - a few days ago-that the petition of the nfjiinrftnn'i Toirtff rAssoclation to ithe iriilroad commfssUoh 1 for the issueV ot fen order requiring!; the rallrrtads of this istate to seiijiorif a- i,uw-nnc v,. ...... Itatioh .ticket; interchangeable on. the -ifllfPeront" raJlroadsl was denied. Mr ' V ry...v. w. -., . .-5 . , . -- . ' c Simla wan inoti the case; ; The oraer oa the' icbmmissioA -st-ash that a copy: or the complaint ot tie Wilminlgton Tarirt "Association ; be i setved' on -the Uefend tifH torriioat4 tolnnswer. A dair for' hearing Hvill be set; on receipt 01 me iaisweH to t)ie poniplaiint. . 1 ' :y t Tariff A- : I..,- - 1- ; -!i -,;;;- . DeWltt's Wttfch jHazel Salve has ;th;e Uairgest sale ;of iinjj-. salv.e in I the world Thls fact and l)s merit nas tea -aisnoij- ffioK out for the, man who attempts An' deceive youiwnen you call for De- Pitt's J Witch - Haiel ' Salve, , the great Deatli flif'UIri Tltpma nnett S&The friends pf Mr. Thbmias, Ennet,t sswell knowm iarmer; wno resiaes ; o Srte-htsvilleU'1 Soulndi - will fearn ; With &rnv that he Dassedrawav yesterday Whrnlne at 2 li'cldck'atr'hld home.HHe; l'vea a wife and daughteri who have! .i.M aim'inoihvl if majiv friendsi 1 The funeral Willi take place this af terhoon and fie interiinent will be made; in. the famijy burjfing; grou hish ail- e United the peo I because payment tateu. uy d .States t,si:orders where; it holds possessi.wi-it. the au- IL .1M uriitvcu xi.ttt: nle w;ho are hungry to the Spaniards Insist uprjfl the fill! dlltV- It iSL-&lI:. the secretary that ttiei TW$ nsists .upon conformity .VJnsg thoriltV of Spain in-iCuba if-m osi)ied Where its flag stft.l!ifes,. OFFICERS PROM0--i:p. . The president has made, i:);ffvno'wing nromotions for distingucpfa i t services at. Santiago:- . j ; , : . ' . :- To be major general r Brigadier t Jeneral .Wiilia rn;-y.. and Kj-igadter General Stx 2.;' To. be ; brigadier gem-i Fifth inlf Richard r Comha, Lieutenant: Colonel JosepltS?!; seven teentn lnianiry. knteers Ludlow jSumer. ; jj-Colonel Haskell. NTIONS pott today -,! board- the ,t d'ahi,', were Uai tided alt' 12: nil at the Erh1-' railroad y hawken, whej-o a special waiting to coiiivey them w Truth weirs wv-Jl learned! that 1 DeWitf s Riiera '.are- rojiable little iilating th, bowels, c tiring anil sick he.j(a'che.' -They iNT WESTi the Second whfe-h. Reached Jans port Ob5? 1) o'clock p: r rd) lftl.'Wee-i traifi w-i stvyatid.l v People ?; havi ; lil t tie Karly f lllfflsifolr Teg-- const lp;ltlon : do h t - gripeJ af- THE GOVERNMENTS llSTfc r ; ...TOWARD TI1E' fAtSV-j' 1 Secretary 'Alger is , pijtttffc'j hiss fairs in shape to admitiof il:VJ absence rrom wasningion on a inun-ii inin-i- tio'nof; the army camps" h Mi J;ntut the couhtry.'. 'He will, leave ,ionftkw ev?- t (I1U) , III at. -0.;, v-,rt.ti,.. f :i. ...yv.,-, . Pennsylvania, and thent&fj'yj Detroit. . Now that the active wr5fJerations have closed, the secretary f?jlp free to express -certain I views errtej;iined by the" president " and hjmstifspecting the plans if or the 'treatmepff&f! the sol diers and! 'touching thepptfrfj'fis upon whom IresporisibiTi tie's shoulfft- placed f6r some-iof the 'mattersy Oftiteiplaint, In this connection he' saisf J l ' f V "The ..regiments- that haf itteen or dered mustered out willl! Ifc -ustred out.".: The! regiments, that' rVfje been designated, by Ithe president, -Ml rerriaih in. thelservice w'Hl have5.to. --main. As soon as we have musteiidyjt Jtl0,0wr more or less, we shall jfafrggpize ,th army, every (brigade, --Jdilipn .and corps, and' put them into i hnfortable camps Until- such of then), al-V jtrel need ed" are 'withdrawn for servklM f" Cuba, Porto, Rico and ! the ; Phill? "Nines. ..In these camps, -with experietli'i of Vthe past- to; guiide us, , sanitf ry?fc4nditions will : be strictly ; enrorcw. Mrjpe4 nen composing the army wtjAeat;ed ;as soldiers; ! They- will beshwSn j every possible consideration and Ptjr (health -will be; nreSferved. The fB: irs com- Snaridinff reeiments and 4torri?fBie8 will be held stnetly aecountabitijifor the sanitary conditions ofthf . "qRps. iney are .the ones who shouli ' &fchteld re sponsible. During the ai?s!jnany of these officers diwegard-??! specific Instruetions that! had been HstMtn look ing to ' the proper care' of fehiir men NAw.1 it i is :time for then;;tcvt!ike - this Governor Pingree "t was reading his ! 0! Americkh' Whejemen T Bicyele! plubS srech from manuscript. After he had ' left' and quiet had been restored Chair-- Melish i finished . tne ; senience .pan given never turned rtMrh the audience liad refused perrriiit t Governor Pingree to read ran as lotnwp. 1 ;m f !'If Secretary M$f - had been full power :6uch thlngu tyoula have happened.' 1 ; - ; i Thi tiisses of derision were krka rheers and repeated calls for Gov ernor Pingree,: but he had left the hall apd refused to return, ' - l: ....; V; ,-...; . ': - :"! ! Tou invite disappointment when yciu oiiwHment. DeWitt's Little Early I Risers arepleasaot, j easy.i . thorough little pills. They ure ' constltuation and sick headache Just as sure s.you was held last . night at its rooms on? Second street ';- between ; Market- and' Princess,!-1 Mr. John' E. Piatt presided; and 'Mr.'A. P. Yopp, . secretary and treasurer, was at his post, j '.-.; r . , ;On motion, a I committee was ap-? nninted to make '.arrangements i for a fifteen . miles ; handicap bicycle race to; be run. n " Friday. 1 September 23. The committee aprKipted V- S consists !- o liessra. K. Forshee, Ej U Helnsber o-er'nnd'.l H. TGwth. A '? v S .The : caee lis to j take place , on the Wrightsvllle turnpike, and entrance will be received from now until Sep tember 20th. Handsoncte prizes 'i will b offered to the jwumeta. i The statement that nlne-tentha ofjtke Piulit ojers be ong to the Farming element will pass unchallenged, and fha Is the clar refef 1 ed to In the follow ing article, copied from the Dally Iteeord of Aagoat lb, ptjl lUhed in WIlnrdnK on,N. C, by negroes and the orsah oi the Bepablieai-Popu list Fusion political crowd. This Is the way your new friends regard f toursell and families. ..S irp,vn-kii -nan in the: State. haTinsf any reiitrd foi ! the, purity of his iH n....J uk vthls mati fcr into consideration and determine thai henceforward he will act as a White, In horrid. : . r r ... .' I ! C- n.i... i I- 'i "I ,1 .i f f- i i . if "Poor white men are careless In he matter of ! protecting their women, vcn t.i.v nv nrtiK TARVS. Thev anecareleirif of their eondncl toward them, and OUR EXPERIENCE AMONG- POOR WHITE PKOl-LB n itm. COrNTRV TEACHES X9 THAT WOJIES OF THAT AC5 ABE SOTMOBK . ut-.t i i n . Ttiv nr iTTGB OF CLASDESTI5B iwsmww " .y- ORED itl EN. than are'the white man with eoFort womten. MEETINGS OF THIS KIND GO ON FOR SOME TIM UNTIE. THEW pi'S mrrA or the man's boldness, brh!-attention to them, anu He rnai. ,., ETery negro lynched 1. i caUed a 'M, Imrley, Wacfc Brute,' When, m iwiffl" of those who u e were not only not 'Wsck' sna "oaf ltj,'. u r," X .1 nNnru. ,D, rrtTrRV ASD REFINEMENT TO FAlilrTlM LOVE WITH THEM, as is very welj ImoWn TU alL'- V ' ;i .-lit 1 -P''V' The Above is the opinion of the editors of a lVesroper, ind endorsed by th action and Totes of a number of prominent White gMHsn U WUmlDSton. j is there another place In North CaroUna where ibUcf tlon of this cnarac- to.M h allowed to vim unnoticed and the antll jco without pnnUhhient m.Ji. nvii MWaitinaaiiM ta Ae& the rllnal!copy" of th u a v .. . .. . m.tw . - .. l---- -i ' '- 1 . ii'- ' - . iThlt r.ovritnmeDt I" jiip.hA "White; Govetnment Utrlon of the feWonSJ division ot thei Third ward 'as.. iheld list night list ithe south room, of ithe 'old First National bank building. Mri'"Asa Allen,1 th president, presided?, lani Mr. G. G. Watts, the secretaryf, wag on hand. Five new metnbers were ientered on the roll. The regular rou tine business Aj as transacted, and there J these troops, were several iuuh pecvura , r 'tne union oi uib: otuiw ui . u.- toom of the old hank building, air. j. w--i Reillv tiresiaecu ana ! ivir. j-. Ttrowrt was .secretary.- ine regular husSness was transacted and arrange Uents were ntadei for a thorough can- vass of the ) lwad. V Several rousing cnewhM were? made. rr . . i.-.i.i--e. w.--n.:ii hld a meeting tonignt at o ciocn in th the n ;in work.1 upon themselves.; ;an3'kff knowledge 'that they arcf tS serviee. they will be expect?: rj,aevoie vnere be these compe. jmakel it their best energies to the wMi rnen are incompetent to dls$ it 'duties,! they must give wavsj tent men. for again i wife-i clear that these company 1 li rjegimen - j . . ."; i .: . i tar ofneere are to oe neia;? -n account for 'the; Welfare of their, m4V -1 1 ARMY RATIONS GOOpft pUGH, "Now a word as thei . wing to rhPR.- trnona. The - army: 't Atm is all that is neseesary for aiB&HajLI hope that, there ; WJl be less" ..fcMlvensj o the men from outside Sct-Cts. The dainties gratify the -taste j'tie men. but they are or no real he-f ana- oniy tend to hreed ,aissatisrasr wnere they do not actually .destr-ojihp health of the men. The army rftfl tpday, as ,ture. is a sound, healthy- drj '' 1;.. S'The principal I diffloultJH ; nave Thirt fnlrhhtAnfl with Is the 5klessness of youth. V in the Vigor oirp health ltopubll-n)i Factious lirl VNorfoljk. Ta.,, Septemll BujwdenBurriuighs' faction pgblican partjy met i rc-oh-todjy,. a -il nnilnaUsl W. of ilsle of Wright county tt :-f'!fnd ilji strict in coulgrcss. I The jViserney facl,idt a "f onventionj at llaiiiptoii 22nd arnj nominate a candi Lyneb-uurgl vTa., September, 7. ;The, Siil.h distrlci lcpulfican today iioiiiiiijiteil c. !a.: i! M1 n t srd m e r y . for ecu gi es s . bolt.lthe , aoltei s all boing , colored,;" anil thcyV; iinirii)te4 Daniel Itutler, colored, of lj ncliburg. ; ; i I V V -Richmond, 1 VaV Seiftembr I T.-r-rTha republicans f this the iTMnl district,' eplitiin; their efforts to Ihomlaate a candidate " for congress kt Hanover court house today- Two conventions- wcire held. iThe anti-machine men pained Otis jir. Russell, x-postmas-ter! and ex-cojlector of Internal revenue . at Richmond! and the machine, or ad ministration tnen; B. B. Wtlsiger, post-" master of. Manchester, i Ikth factions endorsed thefaflministration. it Ylrjclua U-r 7. The; - .1 : ; : of the re-l en t ion here: Sllolland! o represent h will : hold September;; idate: '-' '' convention eertnans, of. Ther wan ilinufe -J Ojne pefifple by its may take it out the; leaftj ai ation . usedl tickling lh conghs. R4 It Cough VcUre surprises- quick cures., ind children; In large! quantities; with-i danger.,1 It. haa won.forr itself the 6est 'reputation of any prei today ior corns, croup,) the throat i or obstinate; Hj! '-V1: j V- Bellarny. . Spanis llprio ners Embark ; Korfolk, 'Va., September; 7. Forty- four of the ffleers-and men captured v with the desitructioft of Admiral Cer-i vera's fleet! alt Santiago left the naval; V; hoi-pital.todaj in charge of; Lieutenant i Segreta for ; New York," where, thejr will embark i -fo!" Spain, i Lieutenant. . : Segrera, who - -speaks I English, wa l profute in. Blanks to the hospital au-; thbrhies for i kindness shown. the cap-j, i tives.. (The; Spaniards enibarked oh; 1 the steamer pld Dominion,1 Tf the Old, Dominion Steamship Line4 1 ' j V v j I room of the; sld bank building. Every the young men --who wehMMake up lkit. m'on v&Yin !ia in favor of good I mir tirmv riiiid nni be i6dVs:?(H to take government shouljd he on nana. MlMslwippi H1I QBarantints .Nw Or- ;;. VV--;-' L j . leans. . -)-';.-'-. ' New Orleans, September 7. The Mis -sissippi! tatt board .of healfh, despite the official i declaration ..'"by ' the, state -marine, nofltiijtal and Alabama-authorl-i tiVs that- th?H suspicious canes reported byVDrJ Dunn were hot ytellow fever; . has not taKiep: on lis Hy-1 ajunup T,: ever, the quarantine ; lagaSnstV freight was modified to conform with the. ruleA of the Atlaiita convention. ' Alabama, has promptly removed; all quarantines. ' ' - ; ! . " I proper care of theroselvwlff ' I v -'When a regiment is des v ed tojbe mustered- out, no further. Ml als, ; : .knn, iftnorit-ir. Tnlllion irpp! sam. I mnstcrM ,kipisr fc!i,L4r.rn -t i -or,. LI :.l- fhef-iJfS-riartment pies ui, j i wTtlli Vndnnj I .a v,oo.: ita nrnTranimc I tfhut order ,trMt4r Pf of: their goin, you -wani; i tne presiaeni uwu "-r - t n i 3, sores, in further reduction in the Vhen confidence in it's' knerlts rdo It dures-ptlesi buirfls, scalds tpe shortest sp lamy. of j time. -I FJsbteen Tboguisd Mullet at a lHaul. 4 Mr. R. Kii Bryan, Jr.', lot Scotts Hill, writes us that Dn D. C. Davis' sein eperated near thjere j and managed iy ; Ui-tel will j be no dlscnminaia '".u'tfV ":' - ; troops. It 1 not,possiDi?'''" the exait ratiO,rbcausep,,i ito wouua be to aiTiaej-vBO"""5': i di Ko trt treat alt'f ," posc ... - - - . ., 4 i artd .an-near aue 'The greatrcompiaint;oi,e, is homesickness and a; i.i the pur- tea - fairly j soldiers deal 4: of talnvJoeS Sotitherland,cauht. at j? .SS -Ifeiift haul Tuesdalvt lafternoon ; li8,000 I this tTfeyaatinnai Wh muUfeti;i This la the finest catch I a .some of itirsli m charge- i'f Th, sAnarwi ' rinvwhere I alonglf the I ". 'fact that the.) j rhi entered aeacli,oetwefn . wng3iwTuif-uu, j tne arm,- i"l'- 12' . neir Bemiw wy.v :p-fc'n Tbe Roral is U. highest fraos bakiaa sswar kaowa. Adaal, testa show R M om . taird farther thaa aay ethr braaa. : - jj 1'.. . ; ! i.r: VV; - : ..V PQVDER Absolutely Pure aowt swma cwoe eo., w romn. 'X XV ; I V- V ept 2 take them. B. li, Bellamy. scandalous sheet. :vf! ;;- trf-i'-VV TV':. :: :!;t-vl;!:!.:iV'!v -'I ri,;r.v- t ) :;"-l;l!'!:lt!!V!;!Vi! -,- ,V;;t 'U'V- vfev vft V l V"f. ' V '".-' '-'f

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