I i J ' - - ' k fl 1 .1 lit i '! . i " -' I ? ' If I ' : I, !j . . 1 .. i f : yaw- .f '. ill WILMINGTON, N. C., SAjTURbAY.fSKljTteMBEIijbf. 1898. Mice 5 cents. VOL. XL No. 1226. . I . " . , . ' III 111 l 1 4 i 1 .;!; !.!':. I V I V I ft -.; I 1 A I I I 1 J 1 1 l J I W m III f . I V . 1 !: V ." I 4 V M ft 1 M V I I ',1 I T A -- it " -a! " j - ( i . i 1 1 . i " 1 ; 1 - t ' - -S' 1 ' ' ; ' -' . T -' 'i 1 U V I.I ! , 1 : 'I . !T '."HI. . .. ! j '1,1 1 I' ! 1 j Compieted.by the ! ment of COMMISSIONS Vll , ' .vi 4;':-Mi "(.''. : i ' 1 U -; ' j will .3 : PROTRACTED i Invcstiftation of 'the -War . iSuitahjIc Comifiissjoncrs Accep tance of Appoiiit- Senatr Gray. CABINET MEETING Iformal Call of 1 r'l lie (jcncral vc Mrniutcs' Duration at the White Ilouge.' Deparjinent ! Discussed To be Ordered iu Can be Secured General Miles Pays al hr Ifeorganiat i ins K at the1 War Department His Plan on of theiLrmy--Keview 'I I- ' I'f : I . -: !' . - - ' eturned Tfoops. HTiatorH i i hiviu, Fry ..1 Jlon. W'hl'tiliv; IJ.-id. Uji'urKe ( Jruiy, of J-l,a var?J a hit i JHMnJ -r of:H(L peat- onimiaiijn. ! ornj.If-rcs tHi- i-tnunril ofthf-iirr Fry and Oray. ator iray.i flit prvsnlfiit -i li.-i.s ( 'tlcinixTati'' rfj.ir-H-ntaiun am- Ihi? ; liiissioii. f .'ijijKiiiKmi-ot, iroii will in-i--K:-ft:f tin! ivt ir'Vn-n l nt rth'? 'Arifelu-AirHM-iVun ijch is l omJucLintj ;1ih iala.. ih this j commii: n m wrk,i al)OUt the , tht; jca.i'i (4)iiiiinssi(iMcrs sail. Tor. The ixtsitMis w.as (.rf i t'd la thi senator M-V I I .1 1 ray fnnri iniHsiiiir jv'l 'Hloii i ri ii"a will rt'suintl 'la of this army by mustering out, he sfiiil,' iaouII hav to m taken up- at an t.rly UateJi and that undoubtedly ;wujd cau a rearranfrement of- the dp itx rqent; commands. . -.!?: I, TO, IJKOROANIZb' THE. AliMY, i !. ! Wjf.h' respect to the reorganization of th army, -'General Miles said that the xperrence t 'this war had very clear ly "dcirjionstrated what military aut&orr It ies I well understood before--that j the (-rttatflishment pT a standard f,v&si iipfertuary to th entirp efficiency ofj the ! annU He said it was his intentlo$ to r--orjTirn.end ja ilan of 'reorganization to i . Co n grans nnd that he believed the nee I ct",si(.y for it would be recognized, bi I ..l. J I II . . 1 . - rv V. r. 1 : tirfH1 j- Ml" puuiic aim uy ".xiiifi' ran. aiic .- Ls 4 'tjuiKif.nn of territory, obviously, rrtade ator fifth This ml1-" Day, and Ken- i ve-n Mr. ora- K'eS-sion out voiito Kito ton.tiissio.v SECRET OF M Mi B Made as to North Caro- " 1 i lina Regiments. :h iiwo, i bn,t , at that I. Thv!presTd.-htf .f.ui:Ui"-r u rj.; d . M r, I !ray. t."in-!Cp llfrfiJll Kf"-enieiit ; was Hf f urcil ti ,Snalir (irjv 1m on uf th-Miet kt ; last twi-lvi- New "ast,li .1 h ra uda tt-tj ; t ii tturii'-v iter was iter was up I -'Hioina hi I i t-'ieVely rnl M I All. i;mv, Ir, ly f silice Itf lif.-i( havliliK lje Kure in. Un- seti.-itfr tort vi-ars. ; He wsis burn lit law .lie, m 1S10, and I I'rincetou. He Ht.-rv t .urn ver an ulral ? Delaware, mrited- to the senate when Tlavanj enter.'!'-- tli Imict i est. 8eTctaxv.r Hi rt necessary that there snouM He a la rger army and the . experience ofj the war Iiad demonstrated the necessity, ox establishmK a standard and havinsl the tpitr,tu t Yiftrtw t trhi 1 v - ra infl -tri thPrfTKllli- a-rid--, tary service. ;lt 'was desirable, -he- aaid, iay. I that the army should, be organized on jwn i the lasls ;of one- soldier to .-every t'er. ., t tain inumberSof inhabitants., It kvas it-ecnfrnized by military authorities vejl lef.r- th cjirse of. the "war of tbe re beflioin" that the establishment of a tf tandard . was desirable, but from time to tune Ihe army had iieen. reduced uri til it! had reached a number dispro th.: : at : was d as ' 1 la- hrst i t Hi . I iy. tr is ; ueen; in rue -.senaiet tin-.i Ji,,'.-'w.rrt.e,.v .-.nl1 Mll-Il. -MTVIIIK! Wit-Ill UIH- I lltllllilllV TX ...... .j;..., . . . .....r .-... liiH'tto-n, bi-iiiK yiic of ' the - l'i'irouiliizeu . I tiin-es-irr ;J ';i t .- anil in the :sll;kpiriK of f trnpoi'tant il-lsla taon. 1 1 e rs a lilicm Ijci ot this st nate committee on! toff r. la t ions. 1 1 Isus iijakinc tliree meii of that - .?njjimilt:e-trDavis,j Frye j Uruv on - like-, jieao' coiiirnission.; l oreiK'ii iief)t tonat, M r. ' ira V has j,1t fnanledj as opposed tl; wnalej votes havittKi annexation ' Hiiwa the coiiiinitti'ei is com t that i tbc Ain e r i -ian . 'nil and -ttie? coii'irniasion ral instruct lons't ' The "torn 4 J4lty l"-ei!.;. I' S-Mansiull, li iigilinst til"' f .1 Now-t'Ua-t j it is vpej I" Will ' be- triui p-iven Its III jnus-un'i'rs: Kl piL-et heit" about the i THK i I Tin' abrn I t raited,, last portlhately smaU to the. size ofj the counlry and its population. He thoURht that lone soldier to every il,(X)0 popul be found tot alviit the :rii?ht rat-no for H: standard arid tihat the army, this standard bfiriR; adopted, would increase according to the recognized needs - of' the, govern- k- W be L,If n i men ti in an exact ratio to the -increase III! IS and ( m ncr- rievn l. lete case l'.th 1 inslatit. iwi'i' to .sailjng .ivr. t-'arpf. at aKv hich - t-Uhu-tthey will - meet the !K'si- lmt arjdbej made a ware nil -a general S wav ot tiiel views oi t neiiauininiM'a Ition . J VHl'NKT MKKTIXd, t nieeting today was 5ng. two hours. and ia (juar - Secnt;iries ; i s ler, although only 5 iitfd-Hrtorij ,andv F)st master i1 s Siiilth wVK4ii' i t ii I the presrden - fippoirltmrnK of Senator (.ray as f i coin mission" If was .fi rst - considered, 5 in't' Gitlirtiich-approval that thft cement ; of the! choice question, of ltlVeStlRK S mal stiinour: - nuule.. T he- ii the- admmis! irieiit -uinl tl) i -sinners to pro-. age j :f ihe opulation. t, ' i - , i Frorni the porticj of the White house the. president and all the member of : the-, oabinet now in the city today. re-" viewed the First District "of Columbia volunteers on their - return from jthe war. i It was an inspiring sight as jthe district heroes marched under the jKn: tico, rt ceiving the salutation of : the. jiri'sident, while dense crowds gave an enthusiastic welcome1 to the soldiers, ii, 'SIIAFTER. ARRIVES IN WASHING :i ' 'i:- T0-..:,.!v,;4r M i General Shafter, commander , of ithe General Shafter, commander of -the Fifth army corps,, arrived in WashiingH ton this, evening at 8:30'-clock, Cm ,-ing directly tron i'-itop Meade,-Pennsylvania. He was aocompanied by J his aide and secretary, Lieutenant .Colonel RUSSELL AND GOWLES Vorklax Agalat Earh Other to Have the Reslueut of Thf Ir Ctaolee i taiaed In the Sen lee -The Mrgro Hejtlnient to Serve Oat Its Full Tjerm !trowd Snowed I'nder ILepubIlk-.aii Force Jeaklus on the Popullut Con (creional ConTentlou Messeneer .. Bureau RareiigbH;'X.; C.; - September 9 Today your correspondent waa given 0e inside facts as to the dueer chajnges t-of is ago Geitieral t J. D Miley. Jhe,y-made the trip iover- -I ,t he -IennQvrl va na :ra ilrnp d ' finil , siantbe; -j time '.of their avnvftl had not been, rtrt-1 -nounced no demonstration . occurred at PP't the station. General: Shafter denied tor- -i,t lllllli7 II. I.. Hi V- HI ft V. 1 L.I - t, 11 I V 1.1,1 L.VJI X l'l Tomorrow morning lie will report to th U-jir flenjirtment rrntl .later will call ration pf. the ,ar dtart- , nponUhe presidenti The general coii;eK (.appointment; of .t-ommis- ! tn Washington by' direction of the- war uiinicij me in esiigiM ion. . fief,.-irtn.ieiit. but for wht snecific .'niur- w as ting i -was (fini'():i'iv Av nctncr tne preHiuent I Will iJilc t HlK investigation iejicnis S upon his : alpility to- find men fori .;the 1 commission Inn Avkoin there -will beisuch pose: js not known. dkt ' universal approvnii that, them ve f tv ill M'! iicctfte(l mi advance as a: s d.'termination of the- subject, ilf i 5 men can btt found i then- the president I -ivili name Ihem and citdt-r. he n)ves- i Itigattoir, if they oahnotbe found then 1 the Investigation i will not ocur. -i t is i ! jy.lf tn lie f'ssenttal as, a 'prerequisite j tothe coTiiiyiission that a membership BhaU- ! setfured w hich ill. cOnirhand . general a oilroval. borne, names :were nientfined.- rbut a conclusion I hd" . Seualor A later Interviewed, i I -,- I'lttsburg, Sentember 3, Secretary, just-i.Af War Alger and party reached IMts- iHucn reached on L any ofi them. i Altjei'S controversy, iw.hlch : is from -the inquiry intft the wai t referred to at the Icabi , ment.r wan i5o , n"'t me'tind TITLES' FORMAL CALL A ViHTi4niorsi tl de5. acco warn not Miles-listinct depart- , Tin: w - General '-Jv L , I mpanlext by n.;.oio- . .... i i. ...a .1.:.. ..'..II... -i tt. ! ., -rn-""! 1 lYn-nturj in- inn ptau, '"'h -...v ! Vlute hou-C .shoitiv btfote t he t (ibinet :. ! meeting K ay." The general rott fa d ;'itrn. i iiiviform sluHing the tt-nstar . i : ' red epaulettes of ,a! major : .gener ab At , ; t - ; the! time ; of his arhval the president wa tonft ttn'ig with Justice HaHan, .. ; t?eu!atfr Albfsii and other callers, rGeTU i : ' i .fi-ur- JtHea'kind - Colonel " Michler . ,vere, '' ' hoSv'n into It liC catujiiet ante-ropm, and . ! I then1'' the i.ies.ulen1 '.loined. .thji-ml. ex - i r-using hi'i'nleir from fhe otheri; callers. niieetiiiar bitwee;n the .presnjen? anu ting general- was com para lasting about five minutes, net meeting" was atiotit to t not jjn the natijre;or a during which questiunH re- ) war were discusRedJ but ' inival call -of respect Usual ", rn"o( ttj high official.; The. . tfii'i' more exremieunqiscus- j biff-i'iTs, clouotiess, wiii irome i burg i tonight en rou.te fori the set;re- tary's lipme in Detroit. .The fsecretary: in'are mtervimv said:; . - t-'i- ! i"I 3o not1 care about the charges ijtnd countercharges t seen in- thej: newspa- pers. ; Absurd .and -nonsensical stories have : leen published w:hich ha-tf t ftad the i effect of alarming thei, soldiers' friends at home.i " i i. i 1: iin I "Just one conVphiint has beetr made by tu soldier to . the - department ( and that was a soldier at Tampa ;or 'Father by his brother, who said he: was sta-rvr ing tu death. It was fotund to be gross ly exaggerated merely a fever patient convalescing and asking for. justi'that kind :of food which is .notvvhat iitey should have. The cause o'f most-of ithe Complaints is a wholesale desire - onv tbf Apanloh TMt Thr ire Ut Proreea Tha' Spaniard Vtt Them Todar-Aa Amert ran Officer AMaulted. i San Juan; Porto IRIco,. September 9.. The : Amef lean evacuation commission ers, at a meetifig .held yesterday af ternooiii decided 1 jtq notify Captain ileneral Macias that they were pres ent and ; ready to f proceed with busl neis 'A If tier to this effect fcas draft ed: in miosti courteous terms.! It; asked where 'and when ; tpe Spanish commis sioners , would mt the Americans. Lieutenant ; ' Beari, i Rear J Admiral Bchley'sj flag lieutenant, delivered the '(ommuiiKjation to the captain general. dnvjng td the palace in a carnage. At the gate of the palate a brick was hurl-edi-ia't himf from th sidewalk. Being an old base tiall player? he was able, part ly, to : wajrd ' the i missile off with his hands, an?i. it fell.i striking him on the ankle, but doing only' slight Injury. This lis the first i Incident of the kind wncej ourj arrival ere. The -lieutenant did not deem it : advisable to lodge a, complaint and theipolice made?po ar rt. j j J ; The American tonmissloners are de "termlned to-brook not delay as Indicated byj' their: aiction. Although Captain Gen cral Macias recognized their presepce by oillciaj visits they have not been notified of the appointment or of itha -names ofj the Spanish commissioners, and the natnes of the latter have not been officially gazetted here, in spite of the fact i that lit;- is understood,' un- Ofllclaily,; sthat Generals i)rtega and piv' fhe govejtinor safd the; Second. yallerino fend the" auditor of war Senort that as to the Thjrd re?ment hd Aguitar,.: comprise 1 1 the Spanish com-1 ;- . ; , ; ; 1 mission.': fi'he thirty; days expire on Sunday, ind if the" Spaniards are not prepared lo proceed, on that dat they pi u.st cxpjain matter's. , ! The Spanish torpelo' bcxit destroyer :Terror ami the gtinboat Ponce de Leon i.iatled i for I the lslartfllof Martinique to iday,, wherje: they ft-iU be placed in dry 'dock, as tjheir bottotms are foul, before iproceejdmgr Tor Spain. The gunboats Isabel! II j and Concha will follow ,on jMQndayvi Some, of i our naval ..officers ,-:retreli the idecisiion! f. of rWaiihingtn; that: these! ships which formed part " of tht defence of the island were not held ..y The barkentine iSleptie, from Luntwi bulx, N. js, with fi cargo "of fish, has arrived ihpre. . Thisnis the first ' food cafgo i to; jroach ! this port since the bldckade : was raised:! ' The ! censorship; of; press; dispatches ! the Spanish authorities eonlinues. resh oatrages tarn reported to have hecurred ;in the interior. 'At Cocoas, in jthe enighborhood; ofi Cial.es,. a number of (brigand-i recently! ; raided a planta tion and ;Hhot the! proprietor in the leg. A petaehment of i fifty Spanish soldvers ha(i ;-heep idlspatched; from- Arecibo i to restore -order. . i.r. . ; .-". . : i:-2 About -noon today the American min, itary c6mmanders;recived a r,eplvfrom iCaptain (leneral iMacias to their -coni-imiinication -;of last evening.- General .Mfteias i said the Spanish evacuation ! i commissioners would be. ready- to meet' th4 Americans at the palace tomoriow. iyiorningvat ,1Q:30 'o'clock. t :.. Later an ;the : day -1 General Brooke,; . lAd'mirah -Schley and General Gordon- hefcd a conference at : the Hotel Ingla-; iterra, Iregaildmg the attitude they will ;asstimc iit the meeting- .- I ' ' ' r- u. One..': minute " Cough Cure surprises; people by its quick cures and children may take.: it in large quantities with--lout- the 'least danger. It ha? won for itself the best reputation of any prep aration itised ; todays for.' colds, croup, tickling in . the th'roat or ; obstinate: 'conghs. R.-R. Bellamy. j , 1 KANI AH71Y OF Til K ItFPl BL1C. 'KcpolutlouM Adopted KndorIui; the Action of ItlcKInley and Alge in ( ou diietius. the Spauih Alar. .. -J- i i, , -, i . i .j- - - '- . .. ' j Cincinnati, September n. The 'work ; of j the thirty-second annual encamp-: ment of, the- Grand Army i of the Re-. j? .: i ' i -' 1 ' ! ;'.. 1 '?'-1- '-I- - - - ' ' public was happily concluded late this ' ; - i , I -, j r : . - j . H -. ' : . - i . afternoon. t I I S i'. The. encampment jopened thi morn iing. with; a small; attendance ahd pro iceeded t6 finish' the-election- of "off icers. I; The, report of the committee on reso lutions was read ;apd it -was decided; to" ;cohsider the report seriatim. ; ..-j The1 rerfofutjions -referring to Presi idenb ! McKmlpy and' Secretary : Alger were Igiven- precedence; .The resolution .referring to I the president was first adopted by, aiunanimous rising vote in a -scene:-ofi euthusiasuc demonstrations. It .reads as follows. i . "Resolved. That the Grand Army of the :;Republic , has watched: with pride iand satisfaction the wise,- conservative, umsalnsh, I patriotic - and statejmianlike manner in which, our honored comrade, K pf orders about the mustering ou the North ; Carolina regiments.! It said; that something like ten days! the governor i received what. Is termed sec retary of war, asking w hich i regiment . i ' l'j-"' -. . ij " f ' '. ' - hce desired to i be mustered; out.: I Mi re- t . i .. i . - . .. a i a ana de sired that ; nothing : be done until his agent, J. G. i L. Harris, saw; the seare ta4" of war. Ellarris went: t Washing tin,. saw thej secretkry and the (Ifder was ; given fof the ; muster-out of the Second and far the retention in seK'iee for lithe full -period. -' of its ! enlistJnent (two years) of- thei- Third, ; the regro regiment, with the promise thit it should bevsenj! to Knoxville,: Tenn thence to Cuba. : Harris ; looked all these things and also after the ter Of getting; pay; for supplies furtnsh ed the volunteers while in eamip. at Raleigh and Forf Macon. He savi the -order fur the retention! tlpj First in serviifce and rwas tola was to go to Cubfi) also. The day Harris left, VaisihinertOn i Iieute Colonel Andrew Dj Cowles,; of . the ond.i regiment,! arrived, having there from the camp at St.: Simon land, via Marshall, N. C, where and kfter hiat al so Of it that piant Sec gone s is he saw ; Senator Pritchard and secured the .laJtter's request for-the ; Second to re- nam in service. On arrival at -Wash ington Cowles; saw James" E. ZfoytT, (,'owles showed Boyd Senator Prttch ard's letter-and then Boyd went to the war department -and finding jthat the order, had been issued for the tnus ter-'out of the Smihd and the retention of; the First, said there was a mistjake: that; the adjutant keneral of the itate . Lieutenant Colonel: Cowles) ha'dl ar rive with the .request for the retention of the Second..! Thereupon, the 'oiders Were, changed .and the order which! ere- I IB Warned to be Prepared rV-'WMXi .V; t. -i ."!'H !'.: Por a Fall -;- ' ! ' T . it - I SftGASTA :I8 TO RESIGN A $OB mh ; the flu Peaee Bl41-Vlolen I ,.- - VfZ-: it!'' ' ' CSovernineat : by Clo rte-Pel leja'a Power III 'laulle lleatlon: by the Cewaor Spaln'a Pro- i -0 ' '. ! i ' i . r -: 'it.'. teat to the utted Staten. : ! : . -: - : ' 9. The following . : hiber Adopts the Attacks 'on the Members of the Party CalnKug i i - j . ; lO Kefnsed Fub- Madrid September statement his been Invade ! by an Mm-? portant Spaitish official: ; -i i I'fSe'nor Silvela (the leader of a sec tion of the ioonservatiive party) ref Us-f t-. 1. ; under. : restrictions and ed; the government the .support of ihistjt!-?n3.; of purely, local affairs party, although he Ik fullj- awarej lot the difficulties of the doubtless prompted by ; the desire obtain power. We. w powerd to realize his desire with short delay. The country will then see how soon the man who of shts manifesto toth but the cenr forbid VJnB.HHllunivr "'"All. Mm-u q;-4 r--;Rr:v V !a;aae Oeclaed I fcy the An texatlvB, t'BKaalt(e The llands t jAave Territorial Lcglalaiare a)4 eatrlet4 Leal Sef CaifrnnfBU Frantisco, i ; Seotember i-i-The tatnr Coptic ; from" Yokohama. anXl nf Kpnf. via Ionolulu, briagfli the gg4lowlngadvlc i lo .the' Associated ress fromNh jattfr place under :date sit Septemberrd.lf ; ' . . , J Jj'i - ; Jt will be hthV tkrrftory of Hawaii." hat is the name Vhlch the annexation mmittee hasldecfiled to recommend tf congress, a t-1 ; . -. ... : i I - . . The form of ! ajove'rrfmnt will : be modeled on that of extsttrix terrHtories. TAere will be.s hon; further Jepartures fgim this than tooal condition arid na tional politica,! t consideratlony make jessary. It w n'Obable' that inNJork out the details the form of rov Sifiment 'will not approximate so Cloxe lto that of sitate government as the ordinary form. of government doeBj but ttiS? ultimate possibility of statehood wlj not be barred. - - i i :&oeal Belf-goverh.mnt will be 'given tough the- extension of the munfcl-p-.44ies. The Islands villi be divided .iftjo municipal districts, having; con- lunita- situation. - He ; is ill'dol all in to : t ' our s. no ppsingj as ferred into a de- a liberal, wift bej trans potic dictator General P411ay-ieja hjas handed a copy LI - - 1 ' e. newspaper men. s its publication. The censor jftlso l)rqid . its itransniist sion by teltrraph.: ; Id is j)robaDle that the general intends t( read it today In the cortes. l"Hii. it is certain 'the goveirn- ment will prevent. him from so doing and will lnfSSti upon -secret session-. The Liberal-taday again. makes jthe assertion thai .'Pre mi -r : Sagasta -vwill resign as, sown as?th( chamber adiSpts the peace. bli. . ' Madrid") Sttember. via Biarritfc. -. The government's se ,ere i itneasuresf.to prevent rep5J:ts' of: ti" e seoret sessions, of Ithe cortes arc null lied hy the sefiai tors and deputies ;iof the opposition, who are eager .'to i inform ;the foreign correspondenjs s to what goes on. ! ! Testerdayjf" slssidn oi the chamber ended with lienor Silvela: attacking the government;, fend ; elair ung Jl'the ' Sagas-i ta-mimstrS'i-i? a-corpse; .and we do Jiofc discuss corses. Wre bury them." -I . ; Senor Ca6aleJas7. wlio is, a lieutenant of! PolavieJa'sTi new party,:': urged an inquiry int the sources of thei charges against :thH Jirmy an i navy. The- de bate- appaiftijUy weakened the govern ment. M It Is repofcd that ai yesterday's cab- fibfjjiis credential at Washfngton met councn. henor agasta'toid .his F tr i thust be prepared K 'fnr V -t - , - - ""-v., 5 . . ! ' ' 1 ii"Th( nnest Inn : nf in trrlfrrta! Wlala. tLre has been fully settled There will lftbably be Onp.ibut with limited pow--. All, the attributes Of sovereignty n?tl be exercise by thelnatlonal pov-J "lament of th , United 'States. 1 The people of Hawaii -will b; called on to citjslder; themselves Americans. I look in? to the natijinal government I as a $er)rce of national - powen In local af fs they wilf.1 have the opportunity o I exercising Jhe highest tribute; of American citizenship, local self-gtlvern-nyt?nt." The form of . government;) the c-ijmittee will ;t"ecommend will be; one c'ulated to do I away, with the lasso ciiitions i of.;. Rational i Independence wjiich have grown up In the last eighty et-?ninety year and to create associa iifs and the , fueling of .union with the irted States' ffj America. ii :.'.'i--Stj' is pretty fclear from what ! has ti-Uji said by members of .the--commit- -teti from ' time tof time that in framing a tJirm of government for the islands hy&' have also 'been charged by the ad tiSCistration with forming a model twMch can .be adapted to" Porto Rico "aii" other new possessions the war had ibrught the United States. The tom 4n.tee ih: trying to so shape-its work "sogas to be able 'to conclude its labors Betember 22nd.: The: visiting members :i in that case,, be able to return tri th mainland by the steamer of : 23rd ttf September. -1 1 f",frye Pacific cabl0 may go around Hon-. ' liju. A shorter route by way of Alas- 3vas b.een figured on:: ' : ti, ;juchida, thej i j Japanese consul to Ir holuhi. arrived by the Coptic ilast wtpu He is :, accredited as minister frytem" to the -republic of Hawaii, al- thjugh the arrangements have been Snkde for Ihe proper acknowledgement Mi Ai: nil - m i i'" iidi ds Two Conferences : 1 1 : With Shatter. I SHAFTER. AMILES, -Villi: i . an tag to I tlvea to rneral (Jraharu'n headquar- aiij open csrriaitei Alur peinit' ! 1 General Graham and hla re jlcrtalnly nol patriotic. i Genfral -Aliter : and Shafter iwr drlrei tera Id recelvl -uta.T the .cretary m aaked If he would, litae; review.' He H said - h would an the entire corpa jof JO.(KX troop waa nMnl In two irreat tlelds .and ttjarteil; tefore General; Graham and stiff and his distinguished rueU. It Ui ant Inspirlr.f jth.t ad Secre- 'ta.ry 41 itei apd General! Shafter were VeryvihucH phased. Ri)th t ild thfr wer 4etifthtetl with the camp ; and th f(uperH; artangiRienta. Secretary; "Al Th. Farmer S.y.Ther p Frtetlo saulUfy wndul,n ot the Betw-een Tbem-lle MMi pf fc ,.-canii indl'kfilla direrttm t,. lTtend Santiago Canipalu-t-ls of the ' the wter lsyptm to ihe peneral arid ; -Troops In tjanip-Alser raj, -the Hr j reglin.ijiiuaj h;pitaW. jlle aaidi It ill' T lid newpaieral whow no- -1 IleparVmeul Asks no VT"or but Only ;: , - - , , .J- . ,,- . , Mania Fatr TreatmeAt Shalter to 7Iee .TIlles t, cirly to determine , ' .. iher thia would St. niade a pernio-ttient barrack. ; -3 -..K ,L-nl k..AM u mi" -.. j ... . v. . venii u.1 j jMjiri ui n'l'uu a rri 11 his hoihe in) i make a uU. of all ih ramps,: tx'Kln- i Cninri MmHa M i d 1 1 ttt oH n V Sell- ! ,kI- 'tf - i.e vtJ ii- :-.-' nil)K at Cincinnati and; Kolng to: Lex-' a far General Shatter were tatppjM.ead today 1 hey wltnobsed-Aieview tr.oopa anl fhade a huts twir; cam p' General , Alger journey at noon to Detpfjand t tsnarter; went tcv Waelitgton-. of the ; also v of the ' rick ' i f tr ?.iunfd hlu 1 ' ,Vhi uboAit.v eneral They were, closeted togethej- ?houir this morning in the"6ecrvjy jirjvate.car. which was run ontojbteluiiM- Camp 1 Detroit, after hloh he will Knpxville, Chattanooga ;, and t-outh h Jacksonville. He will sit ! a?it . hosptuU ;to-aee if the. id Injured ; are proeFly cartid jAKhat Meade ctntinn ..- v ; t While General Graham wa arrang ing ior tne review secretary Mipier and 1 '-f .! . ' ... i i ;,"-. 3 : Af- general Charter had anJr f bonfer .ience lasting thirty thttitea passed between them hf iher' say, except that it was it p rivate General Shafter said lift) icrta a very dear friend anititft th been in the tivil war toother onels. He Is at workf (rV his ..:.'..,- i . J'.' --:.: '. .of the Santiago campalxfapd' to complete It tomorrow: : i ' : . ' J- . : -. s., -;..:: ) bpeaking of . the controversy With General. Miles;: General HhaftH said: It iSi all poppy-cock:; ;sThere. Us1 no irtction between Genera? Mile and myself, at least there wJaa notNvJieii he left Santiagd. Our' rcUtitmsj have al ways been 'pleasant antl do nbt ua derstand the meaning otn Jh'iH talk. The general may have leeh. taking, but I beileve that muc h V f vi'ois due to the part of the soldiers lor turlouglfs : j iwilliam McKinley, &s president of the i Secretary Alger, in response ,- to 1 ;a itinited. States, has. met every demand question, said the reason he-had astil j which the recent trouble with Spain President McKinley to order an myes- imposed iinon . our country; that his the be d. ,T6 'the coiumai ' livelv brief, it as the cab 1 " !. .s'ui. It U'oni f reiice, tlatintr- to ill ,'was tliai .' 'on.. the- iet : n ollfei'enee ; ' sion of war -tigation was that there had been 1 so much publicity" given to alleged r !nis: management- and complaints m army; that' he desired the light to turned. "I desire," he said, Vthe l ii.'sf r fullest, - and freest . investigation. that the whole world may know' jthe truth," - .-. ' :'" i h :!;;. ! He ! was asked: "Do- you . desirei. to,. have included in the .investigatvion jthe! charges made by General Miles-.' "i l Tiie? secretary replied:- "I do notfdis cuss my affairs with General. M with the newspapers." ! .;. Ies althokich it jvas said af te- the. Nevada Ilemoerat Uet-Iine Fusion. Reno, Nev., September 9. When: the 'later -.although :it- pa fcJ1U J Ltfl. l"y : democratic state convention met. ; this call -thatind xaet-' tliM had been jtoed j nnin& its committee on fusion: f re 'for a;furtl r meetings... fcS-jneral, i ported that. , the silver republicans "-had not hs nr to sny-i before pr afiflr the- .i.0l3id! -.oncede:-to. the democrats j 1 the colleagues that, they for the :f all of . the cabinet. General Blanco ' has govemmeiiV; for ifunds, irepresentin lml0lIHHH ! IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE MY. Senator Gray, of Delaware, is Appointed on the Peace Com mission. ,i- '.;,. ; r I-..-! , : General Miles Pays p . . .:-.'.' ' : 5 appealed to the- T !sore than twenty million free gam- of De Witt's Witch Hazel, Salve rnse -oeen aistjriDutea Dy tne manu f,f avurers. . What, better proof of their cnaence in. it's; merits do you want? Iicures : piles, purns, scalds,' sores, in ths shortest space of. time. R. K. JJel- 011 the President, a Formal Call, of ;; Fiv HI in tit els' Duration .4 :' , , N v '--.- i-.'- mi - : Geueral Jliles Favors a Reorganization Qt the' Al flan ot Une soldier to Everty 1,0Q0 Inhabitts. Tlie PreiVent Will Appoint a Commissii to Inv eistisate the War Department if he Can Jet Alen that V-3ii:Give General Sat-' my on the isfciction. ! . ; ' - I- : ! - - l-'l .." . 1 rornial Services are Held Over the Remains of Wheeler and Kirkpatriik and the Bodies are Taken toThsIr Former Homes. A-n Attempt was 1 Made a Fortnight Ago Assassinate I ithe Queen of Holland. j , fj - The President Asks General John B. Gordon to Serve 011 the Commission t!o Investigate jthe War Department. H 1 N ti Our Commissioners at San Juan Notify?; the Govk eral ThatTlitiy are Ready For Business. Ti Spanis sioners nave p.ot l et Been (Announced :rnor (Jen- h Com m is- by a Brick . I A Member! of Admiral!. Schley'k - Staff Ms Struck ij While GotJig to the Office of the Govprnor General. -t -. . Hawaii is to be the 'te'irritoryl df HawiUi.V with J and Local! Self Government. - j I j 1; . oea)cetaeoaiai A(iitlier egislature) mustering out ated i such- a sensation . last ' Saturday, the First and retakning sued. As soon as state call. flftiwAs greeted wiui a io:.'i. t ihominee for lieutenant, governor -pplause; ai' he left the hite houe, 1. ,icnlroner, short term regent ot the. 1113 -; pushing Ins - way through -powd" at a lUrning pitt let of Columbia tro'jtpfei j r jGeneral ISi tmetifalt the review ofi iite- MILLS -tr TUG WAR DFPAIiT lites came to. the. wai o5: limiversity and superintendent of. pubi lic iinstructions. After" some vigorous jkpeerhes the proposition to fuse; t as I reiected almost unanimosuly. 4 e 1 - a',;-j 10 ocloek. today and rafter !-t?fcend,ns'' iif short time in -.his. lit army headquarters; went. to. .the 1 -tlil-e. " of- the secretary- of war. : Acttng.e ,retarv feiklejotin as.tt the desk of - tccretar-w. Alger aJnd was talking .with Qovernor: A tkinsoni ! of Ueor.gta-tf iind Adjutant -tie eral t'tu-bin when jiien--ial 'Miles-4nteied The latter was ae 1 cpmpamed iby a member of his Mfift- il 1 shaken :. .'.. ...i.,- ., .,.1 1... hiiainpii with the:' gov - ! ; u-i Jtrdri-sacted.- Mi'. 'MeikUrJohn-; Axlos for the CommUitou to Arrive f and General Miles lehattrid for ,;iS0e s Havana. September 9. 6 p. m;-HAIl time" on tn general xopien ui M"vr-""- i n iasptss are- liiipaifeuiiy a-wauiug ---i.iiub: 'Mi i-i arrival .01 tne i nrtea states mimary: - ctmuTiassioners and there 13 a feeling of Speaking! of' the' future of the flrmy, '. downright impatience at the commis- Oe ''eral Miles said that -there: were a 1 (jionTsf non-arrival. The general tubuc,: Off matters - w nu-11 :. c-'iiun - espetciany uie uuaiis. seeni 10 imagine democrats then nominated a; ticket headed by George Russell for govern or. ' ' . 1 I , The silver party convention nomtnlat : ed ai tk-ket with R. Sadler for govsejrn or." '-The platform declares for the jfree Coinage of silver at 16 to 1; favorsi jthe nomination of William J., Bryan In 1900.! and urges the- holding of; eujba,' Porto Rico and the Philippines ;tiihul i the -American ,people have time to; cpn ! Hider the best policy -in regard to sthejr final-disposition. i 1 paign in Porto- Rico and the p. jrip of . the U ommanding general.;! number; " t ana ith res to15heal ad that undoubtedly careful w : and deliberate consideration, the army (organization, steps in that dl- i ,-be taken as i soon as .knV.ftnn'lilot' " Tl. l.VY.;'. - general oflicers correspond with the general reduction - hit i fin , vvnllV ft-.-e. matter of mustering to FOR TVSHTT - . , . -.j' .. ' : House ccr. 2nd and Grace. J:.'-.;5 "Ann St., 1 between 2nd anoTiid, i: . : h Second t?t., between- Ann and Un. Market jbt.; between 2nd .and -Brd. 1 fiesthutT St.,. between 2nd and ?rd. i Wainut St., between 3ra ana 4tn.: that; she advent of the corrlmissiohi will immediately change the -entire .state of affairs; that prosperity will ;be in ! ithe wake! of th commissioners,; andnthat ;th iistreets of Havana will be paved with gold coins. : - f t- Sejr.or de Castro today issued an or Ider Ho the presidents of the committees having the soup kitchins In charge In wisdom" ahd prudenae in his endeavors toi preserfe' peace with honor, as -well as; the .: vior- :and patriotic order with which 0Ui) army and navy were, equip ped for the conic t when the war be came lmrhinejnt have; won our hearty and i unreserved (approval and, com mendatio'n;;; and, ; rejoicing : in the glo rious, termination. 1 of the connict in which our country has been engaged ve : hereby .express i-our gratitude, not only; to our; distinguished comrade, the president,! but also jto the officers and men; in; the land and naval; forces !f,or their heroic. 1 conduct and ; sublime achievements . for humanity ; and the glory of -Our flag and country.''.. . As soon as the demonstration fofA lowing the adoption tof this resolution, was over,; the following was read and adopted by a unanimous vote?-without discussion, p and with; another, demon stration ofi approval ., :-. I ' "Resolved, That j from .-knowledge formed, of lour experience ; as 1 soldiers during four; years ot -active service, Ave recognize ithe unfauering energy and patriotic devotion ytth 'which, as sec retary of ar, General Alger has) borne th.t weighty responsibilities and per formed the: important duties suddenly Imposed jbj the recent war with Spain, Creating land maintaining; so large an army under, such -Unfavorable condi tions, the deeds of which not only shed lustre on the American- soldiers, but also challenged the admiration of. the world." , ' j t ! ' i :A resolution was i; &iso adopted con demning the present iadministration of the pension office as imposing rules and regulations .which ; obstruct -the passage, of; pension1 claims instead -of facilitating: them. iThe resolution as originally 'S presented t could have ben construed as reflecting upon President McKinley tand by unanimous vote it w as changed so as .to remove this ob jectionable feature, 1 : Tou Invite disappointment when you experiment.! : De Witt's .Little Early Risecs. are ; pleasant,; easy, thorough little pills.-! They bure ; constituation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. R. R. Bellamy. the Second was isi -news about this reached the governor ha sent Harrils Dbstvhaste . back to Washington. I The: 1 War department people- said they I thought ! that Adju tant General Cowles represepted "the governor and fjo had ; made! the change. They, then restpred the former order of thmgs, renewing the: promise; thalt the First should go, to Cuba and that! the Third should Certainly -go Uhere also, and serve its full two years. Thtj dis position of thiThlrd is of course the Lthing which mainly interests, the state administration, . . ; ji. -v . It ;is said, here that theiFlrst regi ment "will be speedily moved to (amp Meade, and that it will thence V glo ' to Cuba late in October. 11' - y 1 The- populist cor gressional 'conven-1 tion was in session here uptil' 3 ofclock this morning. jThe republicans djctat e'd the nominaltion of Sheriff; Jenkins, of Chatham county. : He was;. not) even nominated, but , -wis : brought in as a dark,-horse. Night! before last it seem ed quite sure that, Congressman Styowd would : be ; renominated, , as ' sonne re publicans thought 1 him:. a:j v?ote-getter; but yesterday 1 a cabal against him began and Jenikins was agree , upon. There were twenty-one retmblicah of fice-holders wojrkirigiamong the popu lists in tne convention; At (J. Shjarpe, fusion - nominee for the senate, ini Ire dell, vho is ai clerkiin the railwt" com-: mission office; put; the. whole ma.taer in .1 nutshell when he said today: "The opulists dictated the nomination, of nilcro AHamQ ffr- rvr oreca . n tho tlil-H district and tlpe ifepublicans dictated that of Jenkins! in the Fourth, thiis -re-i fturning fhe; compliment " :i; A melmber of the republican state committee said "Old man Strowd (fould have ,gotten in if. he had bought solme delegates. .That's what; I Would have idone." iGovfernor Russell had Some Watchers at' the) con .vention, . wna were antagonizing ytno :,- i -i f .;;;; - ; ft- -, ' . '. ' Davis' Condition Critical Narragansett Pier, R. ;I..i September . ! Havana: directing them to use up the 8n?, "MhT, Winnie k vis ?ls hand and 4 r irTof rdcrfoorLJb.es ssst D f 1 luot : tiiv. n,ikv.uiiia t 1 1 oevelt for Governor I ey f ork, t((,-ptember 9. The .; ?ity iciub, : comp0ed oi iwacr,ndents, ; gave but a statement tonight outlining atfall - . . . . , 1 a a i rt nr ti- ninn 1 I'rineess i St., "between '8tn ana vin. state tiCKei, at me urac v w- -r j. uh. between wamui lana.neu .;piaea me name ui, iiuiuuc: v-.-..T 5li,-: between Chestnut? and Cross, i Third S Grace. ) 1 1. Also others. - ' ' I -i - J';- I have -FO"R SALE several desirable j Roosevelt for governor. i places, j j-?. - . ;. . 1 . ' W. M. GUMMING-i Jteal Estate- Asenti and ..Notary Public, Acquitted of Desecrating frarea-; ; Camp Meade, Middletown, Pa Zsra- tember 9. Lieutenant Guy Morgan of. the ; Twenty-secoAd Kansas,: who iwas tried by general court martial poa 1 a charge of desecrating tfee. gravee . 01 experienced' a very depressing day Her ;case, Is: nowi copsidered critical and as she is; unable to Iretain. nourishment, continued I weakness is a deplorable factor. , A "second Consultation- of phy sicians : is expected.-1 ; ; .; confederate soldiers In the soutn. been ; acquitted. has ! I : ; ; A Tripartite Fusion ;: - Colorado Springs, Col., , September 9 The orobabilities tonight seem to point to a fusion of democrats, populists and the Teller branch of the silver repub licans At $ &' clock this evening, the conventions met and the several fu sion committees reisirtea mat satisrac torv nrogress was being made toward a tripartite fusion and that they hoped jto foe able to report at iu 0 ciocic 1 to Wilson and Zack governor dislikes they ! had not secured would have ; nojninlated Garrett whoml the Republicans say if Jenkins r they Garrett. The republicans say ; that Jenkins, can. poL; more republican votes than anybody who could have ; been 1 : nominated. United States IMarshal Dockery says; this and . adds that ; the S republicans are rejoicing ; at Jenkins' t nomination Bryan, a Chathami Ndejegate, saysl they gave Strowd ap opportunity to retire, but he would not land so; they ; fjorced him out. Hatteras. .was museum today , Suoerintendeiht A' A very large devil-fish, captured received at the that the station in. Cuba is most dis tressing..' Seftor ; Romero Girom,; minister for the colt?ssies,: has-asked the treasury for 100,000,OUO xesetas. I In reply, he re ceived 3tl,0.000. The pank of Spain nominally golds I.OOO.dOtt.OOO pesetas; in lnternation-ai 4 s, i but 1, the sums sup plied to tht? government on this guar antee are -,q jready; exhausted. :' I Madrid. t-"'Ptember 9. In the cham ber of deputes Senor Canalejas, in the cours.e of : a.3ong. speech, Of violent and unimeasu-iie&abuse,; denounced the gov ernment . coiieurvejy iind individually fori its Conduct: during; the: war and now in the ; peace ; 1 negotiations. He produced a Sensation by asserting that When AdnigaJ' Cervera ; asked ! for m- f Rf mains of Soldiers to be Sent Home. 7 Washington, f September 9. Before Iei?lng Washington: 1 Secretary . 'Alger (1 rvj'cted that ari lorder n be issued that 'instead of the, regular' allowance of $10 ffog the burial ofi a soldier, $25 should 4eal lowed,- andSthe remains transport- "ccQiome at the government's expense. ;;;,',i J- '-,;-i -i t I- .' 1 t" ''.,;, ' ' ' J ' ' 1 ' . - " -- r Tim iiinYivis in r:fii'rif. I lier RomLarilnient - of randia "ireatened Relntorceiueuts Order- i ri ojr luc rvwm- :, -:..e :. v, -j ' -; I ; -:r i .. ' r- "r-- i Jljhens, ' September 9. News was re- j?(i:-iied here from!' Candia late this af- tKioon that'- another bombardment w-j Imminent. The - fires continue. Fs3r hundred deaths are already! at- ttt'ted. Martial (law i has been pro- 'cl)med. ' ' 1 1 (Uanea, September 9. Thfe foreign ad in;als' have requested the powers - to S("-ftd a. battalion each to reinforce the 1rkrnational garrison, dn the request ?o;i&the admirals the Creta"n executive ,C(jmittee has :6u"cceeded in inducing jtll Christian insurgents. in Candia to reyire outside thei cordon.- s ,i -- :. .T"pday twentjone', additional bodies o?l iChristians; iw ere ; discovered under 'isevouldering ; ruins . at Candia. tThe Xirjtish admiral,! id is gaid, has demand ed -the disarmament or the Mussul- a$tkel what he ha4 to sy- Jihe; criticism of the war 1 depart ment he ! Secretary replied that in'; ! peopl(i!havl.no Idea o th xreafc task of Hjuippv and sending an army ai-ros thft water. "The war detwrtment. he added." aski no favors;: all H want and exbect is fair' treat men V ; ;J General Siafter expects to roeet Gen eral Miles Jn. Washington; tomorrow, lie Baifl tlif Santiago campaign wna one of jthe-. niost-suvcossful In history." His arny was In position here ho could wot retreat and It wa nwessary rt ii to iTorcje th flghllng. Many - chances itair.v ..;".. J.li.,1. ......it , ci e lapveii uicn tiiiiii nui, hhvp ken 4n tlur face of atiy other .army thn that ol? Spain.. ' s ; i i !i H ' SpanUi) Jewels Take Out Anierleau I tiezisiri.i ; - M : I Manilli,?e)teiiiber 9.-ln conformity with U Spanlshk Anerl(.-.'n new rc-gulatlcinis nioxi: ure i - steiiint'l'H registry- Tht native erve under .Spanish of the taking - out rews- omYertf r('fus i and : thd hifiUnKento demand thiat the Atnerfciin authorities employ: nil Spun- larilH rl hiivi -.ir,i,-lfi- uhuii..!,. ;i .-, - r, i rri'- The fjritlih.'jrulHer PoKverftif Urrl ved .lnd unMijr. -iuikii iMiiiuu-o Aiiirural iliewev. Gienerali OUs,'reMpuMded from tttivUtah - butteryjm. lite, citadel. l( U tlie hrxt salute nmce Ithe isurrend.-r. I ' CIPOS. 1 iiriiifiiii ifit,! ' :;:;;'!:'- ;-..-!j"";. '-I"", I- -!:' : '( !;.: ,.; t-i'-. ,t . ny previous oiie, apd to pay we are head- ; : ": ! . ' " : ' ".' '.. .'! 1 I--' '.r - it It ' ' 1 ; - ' This fall's line far surpasses quarters is putting It imW. : i Axminsters, Mpquets, tapestries, .bxtra JS.upers and Unions.. The excellence of favr. rjchness and durability your consideration.- - V, i; r t of. colors, novelty and of all entities' them to H-T !-: ;!:"j. ' ;::u'i Draperies. " ; VI N. : l: ! j ' : ' -I We have, a strong afssorjnfcnk of good 'thingif In ; jhls line and have given rj-acl Fine UPHdXSTfeRY !a.np great: care. to ihe seljpfctton iof are the lowest ever offcrCi for the department anil on all goods our prlcea the quailrtes ailppl4d, and it 13 ocr constant The. rush will soon be- on, and strUctions war I theiminister. for the J t' f. ... .3 . . L. . . . . . J- -v. a , , . . 1 r-n gHh vice: cdnsul.i-with her baby, f has :db;appeared.' It is: supposed . that both hae been massacred.' r - ' i. " : 'if'-endon, . September 10. The Athens scoyi!spondent:f; The Daily .Mail says: ;"fimble storfcs iof atrocity are 4old ibjuthe refugees from; Candia. They; say thii'.Hashi Bazouks hurled the British vi consul bodily into the-: flames, sK'uting' :'Nowi.let the EngUsh come I -ij 1. . . .: !.: . i h' him.' " ' i i: T. i. - , . ,"'May colonies refoed to him heln vnn H ' I - w i : i The sittififf. vas siisDended. Senor Carialejas: ?Jill-: eontinue ,his speech to morrow. i i I , 1 The senaU; held a secret session, n u London, September 19. The i Madrid correspondent of The Standjard says: The government recerjtly forwarded to M. ;Cambonjthei French ambassador at Washinetorff. a; ilona" aind stronirlv . ar gued . staten&nt'" representing the Phil- I. -i . , . : ( ...: . iippuies, ; -wiictj : ne iwiu communi cate verbalft -tij the- "'ashington govi ernment. Siain protests against the capitulationvr ManilaJ because: it was made two dys after the protocol was signed. It i-si's that the revenue from the Manila-Ustoms; nay continue de voted to tbservice ofj the Philippine loan of 189"isnd finally it insists upon theiUnited "-"ates compelling Aguinaldo to liberate s'VtOQO Spaniards now in his custody,; m-vt of, swhtm' were; placed thete, the fr-de asserts, by Admiral Dewey. irvuemi urvruuu kuu sruuuvju: : God J; Washington, September 9. President Kiniev has . tendered maces oni the pJiliosed; commission to: investigate; the iTiJJ "department; in relation to the con dot of the HIsnano-.American war. to "A or General Schofield, former com- rr riding general of i the army. and to ef: jrSenator John B.. Gordon, of Georgia. ; -.-ist what the commissioners' duties Afcjs-Js.be ; has not been-'deflniteiy deter rfVjed, but it can be; stated that one r;Jon for its; creation will be to visit ';report upon the conditions in -the 'v-lous army icamps-and to satisfy; the 'a jitious relatives orisoiaters mat i the jctt!that is being taken of them is the ; Truth. ,--wti'ars -vi-elll People have learned th? DeWitt's Little ' Karfv Risers are pliable; litjle pills for reg ulating thelf. .owels, curing constipation and sick hdache.1 ; They don't gripe R. R. Bellamy. ', i ,. , Attempt to 'lsassiuate tlie (Queen of ,- ;";;.: ?v Holland, i- ; j'; '; :v ' Berlin, ! September 9.J The ; j Lokalan-. zigr says t fat a fortnight ago an at tempt Wilhelm tithat can; be afforded, and if not. ; Ascertain what: should be done and r -Aort to thei war department. W:;-. ; ! - 1 -i-i'l , - " - --I ?$.W ;:-; 1 '".& :ii!v Vll ' T , f il l in r. Bayard Still Sinking . -edham Mass.,; September , 9.-HThJe E ssfsiclans in attendance stated -this e. p4hg that Mr. Bayard still seemed e sinking i-gradually, althdugh there .but little nbtlceable change since y-terday. ' i ' ' j a im; to: dn fYrt vonr t.v.t- J I., .ff vvlu,' wen--jJPP1 maae ana-uid atonce, o we would vise, juu iu inane your pecsafie tnis .week, iltcforp the choice ana, iet us have them mai-arid but aside until you are ready. it - mill' Annhln 4,n .1 - i , J . , i. ., .1 : f -; juu yj . incni iaiu pTomntiy ad- ls'.selccted liy doing thlg Sl, 13. pE5 i TO BII0WX & roJ )1)ICK. No. 291W0rth Front .Street. TJMBREliAS ,! Ladies' sWk Gleria Um&e onrl ;hthAni V n I a i .-T ; i den and btherj handles.: Just received. ' f ' Sep 4 ,;:. : . , UMBRELLAS ! Alsukthe close roll in! ' :! il" ' ' j ' I ' i l, . ; 'I : ' . '.! I! ! las, 2 6 inch si;zk with natural wood, Dres-i1 popular i colors. A nice line' - : I- , !' "':'-. I For Your Consideration -p A- y ::P- ' i ';' I !. ill h;"'i.;' ' ' : i-; .itf:' II'" Xohsoa & Fore, No. 1 11 Jariet Street, hai jttsfinLshcd tlieirstock- ......, uu iiiiusincKytcv, iniii iney propose scllmt; regardless of cost. ; i; "i -1' ':: ' ' " 11 "' T;-y -! ' i " ' : - " 1 ' lll'ni ; !-'; :'-h f'f V f :; i- r -.'i; , -f 1 " j if-iTTi f-V, r-. ' j-'! 1; ' ' t. : '-'': j : i! ; -a COMMENCING 1 MORr'G,T iEY WILL OFFER - 1 Lawns worth 20 Ginghams worth to 25 lets.1 25 to 37J at 10 cts. cts. at 20 cts. hO ntc ! i :. 1 ' 'W : VKwf Silks worth 75 :td $1.25 at 10 doz. Ladies Hose at Actual CostJ Ri & G. Corsets at Half Price; A small lot 6f Sailor Hats worth from 50 cts to $1.00 each at 25 cts; -! J L a lot ot Kemnants of;farious goods at your own! prices, You jwill certainly be pleased with these goods and prices; yours tri .X1S033J &c :E7 was sade to assassinate Queen mlnaiear Amrsfort.i :province between Castle state the Goodwin, ; of school ' for deaif-mutes ati Morganton, is here and says the; number of Appli cants is greater than the, capacity un til the new dormitory is finished; whfch will be in sixty i days, k .- i -1-1 V ,; The populists two years ago ; Jn Wayne county; nominated: - a skeleton ticket, leaving gaps; for the republi cans; to till, but this year they were boldef and completed thei ticketj; put ting in the .names of republicans . , , v 1 reWitt-s Witch iHazel Salve is the largestsale; of iany salve in the. world. This, fact and its merit has led dishon est, people to attempt to counterfeit L Look out for the : man who attempts to deceive youi when you .call far1 De- Witt's Witch aziel .Salve the pile cyrp. 4., It, tleuamf. of Utrecht, J the roa - - : . .. . f- ,- : .. Soostdyt an ' Ilaara. tA man! emerged t Hunt uiriiiiiu . ctv,! x:v cliiu iiitru iu icvuivei1 ,1 at her maje3;y.,i The bullet missed the near.l oueen. but I ik&iehed the cheek of I a lady in atteddapce. VTthe woiu'ld.-be as sassin was srrasted.Y He is I supposed to.be an Knj Jishianaxichist. i The. strict est secrecy I Jis been msnntained hither to as to thejaffair in jrder not; to dis turb the ef ioyment i f the enthrone ment festivlies. J i ' , (- -' ' ::f15:-f;.":'V !'-. ' V-Vi-f I !.-;-'..'.' j ! - Asked u 4 Loan Itlojney to Cuba. 1 New York, September 8.fA-The Cuban American L.ierue has forwarded a let ter to . Presi -fent McKilnley urging that the United I jfcates government advance money with-vwhich toj pay the , Cuban soldiers. T fe . mney j is to W repaid by Cuba as-fioon as she has a govern ment dulyirargaD-ized,) independent,! Or as a state - the uniqn and can Issue the necessity bondi ? . The United States in th t meantimie o hold thej Is land as setfity and'fcollect tnreve nuea. ( great l.'iH '. i:. ;. ".'. f.- i i 1 Jew Not Allowed to Enter Palestine. .'fWashingtonf,. :jSeptember 9. The Turkish legation Issues the following ' ii. S LI I - - - . .. ! J; siaieinenij j ; ! ;i .! - r- ., - i f- ' iVtThe; entrajac i into; Palestine; is for mally; prohibited i to; foreigh Israelites an, consequently, the ' imperial Otto mfyil authorities have received order3 ta.i-iirevent . the landing of immigrant Jej sv in that province." . i Tje oyal U the highest orso sskiag powdar ' h Kaowa. ; Actast lasts aaow it gees ri; I tfcird fartbsr taaa amy otto brsaa. r!-- irV:-:';f ! .' .' FOWDER Absolutely Pure : n. i , e t i' 111 : IHli,-?: .,;:, 'V; h Vij;-: iXi-:; h i'-'f v - :.i- -.-i i.SOVM. SWUm MWDCS CO., HEW VOSK.V r3 DON TllEr this Blip i ALL SU3IMER; .AH ROBE5? COST I OR CA&lL COMPLETE S'tpC OF HARNESS AND SADDLEliAT ! f i, ) -.feUyiNG PRICES. 1 ' I . " ; 1 F ' I A- -: '" 7. I '' ri ':.--'" I , I I B r : - - .." 1 A FEW JOBS LEFT AT TABltElSCIIEAP TRY US. WE WILL PLEAt YOU. sp 4 22 NOR 4 EE. X-..: .FEJsnsrEiiL.i i II FRONT STREET TRUNKS; VUSES and jSATCUELS. o S3 ANNOUNCEMENT1! . I '-iii' Vy rTI'-iVi4f';,h., );,-:;. . 1 1.--.,-: .,' vr:f'J.;i , i-m.i i;:f-li--- -4 jvlt.-l .-: I V I :! -.- r-J.;fe f. Jl'v ih ;-. r;-- .J.; ;1 h - " ; . I. r ;-' :-'-;.- We beg to announce to-oir fxlepds and customeis that' we are daily ooen- -Ing new FALL AND WINTJEfi; GOOD S, such as JI i 1 1 .' ; ) .! " - -r-'-i hi ; -' N'1 'r ; ''.:- '-:i"t'ii' J"r !'l ;- ii.-. i il;-:.J '' : :- 4-V" New Dress Goods add Silp jn Foreign Qfid Domestic MaRes , Carpets and Rugs, In all grades. We Invite yOujr inspection to lour stobk ueiure juu uiane a. ecictnuii cujiwuere. : '- In Lace Curtains, Wlpdop' Saadesv Maitlngs and ing the strongest line ver;opened in oUr-city. Call, earlyiand make your"; selections, i ;' I . r l I ::: ..-"'' 'I j- .- -.J !: '" Trunks, we are show THE C.pm PpLyOQTCO. . 1- s a . Sole Agents for W B, Corsets and Standard Patterns.! ' 7 . Mi . " f V'v.'U sep , 4 1 I - 1 - ! -'if- '1 "1 :-)- f I'M:! 'fe:- 1 . pept 2 .

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