i '- - :'S 1 . ( I i -I ? - - .s "I - - : - i ,j; j ' - '-- . 5 ' . - ?. .: !. :: ..- - '-. '-' f :' i r; :t! jr-j ' '. -il1 '-..'V- 1 ' - - ' ' -' '. t ; . - V. : i ': 1; 1; ;:V v.- - ;f 'ill ..;;;. :! n ' .:; j-. ;,.: v -' : j-.' i .- - ; ( i ' :j ;,--- : ....-.-.;. , , . . 1 ; ;: . j , , ; .')- . ; j . , . . ... . : . t , . V T 1 1. 1 7 . I A 4 TTrrMT TriT.TTTPi:i : fL; ::M4iTni! rAnpiii: - . tup nmiiTihn nhinnn TlirV l-iriniir nrn IIMIT ft SKHiLOl' VArr it.t.LLK. - 1 rnnTA niftA IIAil II in n in I in I tnit Sfl.-ite rmi. ursin I ; ! 1 1 I lX i I ' III; ,m m I . WT , .f s i - : . ... ... Ini .M 1 1 1 U I II III I kK 1 1 II4U I . I 1 111 r l llll I n I If I 111 I II I I MnVi.iniha.'v.iiir i,r..rjuiih I Kl In 1 1 l'n II kl I Ikl likl lillilAil 1111 I vill t The Tliree for Whick1 Given to the Three Firms Bidding. FIGHTING IN THfiliPHILIPPINES Ouriovertiment's KcpJy to Spain'M surgcnts otM5bscrvjng tlic Artp Opinion on the Eastern lOuest cin-i-Miss Clara Barton -1 Awaiting Orders to l'orjo Kicoior .Manila Our: ! Commissioners in Ilavaii Report I "mm Vashingt(;in, f5fptembT 12 Thf na Idf-patmf-ht arrivci at what it r ?a,fclp.a3 a fair und natfsfaotry Bfttln ijineni of Iher. qut;stifn of awarding th I icontractH; Mr the i nstructloa nt h I thre4 pr(iTtof(J 5at!tleshi)s. iWh-n ti .1 ibll I wr opfciusd, jjt- waif found .ttrttt J for Uip fust' Wi'pn (l-"ir-d tht- Newjwjrt llsVwfl t'ompiny wan hf lmvtrHt biddj-r. J Oap nxt itttt'l :the j'ni'in Ir.n Word's IJjuat'abovfi-, jind sill lthin .th- limit pi fcoHt -fixed by ii-HH.' It ! was -t H" i original plaii to: award iht-j: contracts ! inthat ordtrj Hut : wpon f-xarninatioih (r thP plans pubnuttd by thi- brddi-rs i Bl Wijis found ; that th- only t horouKblly- jnatJsjfa'tory 1 one; was that ubmJttftl by (Jrunip, whohad 5snnily" taken .thU ': f- I 1 ' ! j i .1 t - ' ii ..alteriate plan." suKifHted by. the navy i department, j-- -wlin hj an'iounted : tp lenKtheniiiK' the hull i)t the :(jhipn froin ifl'vn "to tWHtityi Yet'l In order to KJiiri room for the more, powerful (ngineH ns Ifjulrtd to drive the tfhip at a speed of vlghU'nn and a iquaider kmt Instead ff sixteen, 'knots, as rHt- proposed. aN '. .er 'uonHlder.Jng the-Subject nn, all its .. Jtctt -the board of n;lval bureau chiefs ihaH tut upon a. iHolution- of the iuek- yon. They have imjited- the ..Newport ew$ 'ornpany ;an the Union lrcin KV(rki? Company to ftmend their plans . f feo as 'to- malie f their ships identical i iU-itht- thit- propoHed? by Cramp. cott, of 'the failifornia compan-y, -has lisrred. to- ;di!) .this and the ,represenUi;- ikive of. the. i. Newport News Company I pias verba Wy: agreed to do the same, so i jit: isj the ' understanding that each ff ! i jthe companies will b. given atintra(kr i.i for one slnp; 1 -. ;! I .! Thest? troops - wert"' today -ordert'd tniisfered out: i . , ' -j . ;.( lea.vy-liatteryi ?onn.'cticut voluav . leers, at Niantic,.-Coin. ; I : I First (Jeorgta ., fnSantry, '. .Knomljlu, io. ImftHf stations of Companies. : . ' r Foijirth -!.NeV.? Yorc light - battery; llenipstead tf armory. New York. i i I Kifth New (York Htfht battery, liemp- rteai to armory, -New. York. - . I Sevt?nth light -battery. Hempstead ito tate: army, Itoehester. I - . j t Til E TI.10OPS NfiT TO PAKADq. Thf president has decided that it vrlll lie lmriracticable. for i the troops . at jMontauk to takt -part, in the projected JiaraUe in New York city. He has talk A the niatter over jkvitlr Oeneral. MMes Jind" Hvith Act ing S rotary Meiklojohn iiind at was ilnariy l.deternnned to llet i f. he 'matter be, decii-d by the physijral t'ondltioni of the rgien.' Tp i ascertain his, the mediciij offitterg'-at the caimp Kverel called upon, sas" -was Genwal haft er. i Alt repott-d that the men vould not be able tl stand the fatigue ' kf the parade before the first : of next month at the earliest. i ' . . ; i EFFORTS TO STOP- FIGHTING .IN THl: PHILIPPINES. MaSdrid, : September 1 K.-The French simbassadori at Washington, M.,Cam- jbon, who has been, acting for fcpain in 7he peace negotiations, has cabled to "it he government here the- American re 'ply o the Spanish no'te protesting 4igaiist hostilituKs upon the part of :the 'insurgents In the l'hilippine islandi, in spite of thepe.Ke piotocol. The Tnitfcd States: promises to send enMoys to iilfl.uet the; Togalos to respect 'the usiU'hsion nf. -hostlitaes, .ant to pre iventj vessels loavjnK Manila (with )tir ipurgents having th.t intention, of prop Siigatlng the insurrection in other is iands I I " I'1 j Washington Septi.n:bet 12 The Mad 7 ivtd dispatch in leglird to the Ameii- Ln reolv to' the Siemlsh note protest jng against hostilitiesi on the part of ithe Insurgents 01 me :x iiiuyiuiit- j im 'hands Vvas:. shown tot the tii-st secre-kary-'of 't-V French embassy.-: He- said hotii Amimssadnr Camiwn had - been jab-ierit from Vashingtoii Several; wtjekg !and the reply w f-s noi sent b ,him pei- Fona)ly. If sunn a lepiy i nan net-n n'ol it would have gone through the hands of the tlrt -sftttaiy. but I he 1 dee4kied positivHy ; to .say whether? .or 'not ho - had fif warded a messagtvor isuchja character, t. : :! If'! I The officials f the statfe dvtartpient ' also refused t4llake known the nature iof tike- eommunlcations: ifxchajiged ,b.e Itween the two Igovernments regarding this I matter. I T,t is knoAn, hoAeer, thatl' iri response , to urgent ;. appeals Ironi the Spani(sh ,gtf.-.errineni 10 pro lectthe. Spaniards living in the Phil' Sppiries from thk? insurgents -during ;the oontinuance-of jthe trueef npwj n force, Jenral Otis was instrue? tedi tx) ;use! his intluience At ith the-insurgent leader t rf'ause- them tof stop active-; hostilities for the time.! Touching- the departure tfroni ' Manila of insurgent parties op whins to .a-rv the revolution among : te (other 'islands Of the group, sit js i,'a-ped that hd such expeditions have ; fb."'n! sent outisin.ee the signing -of ithe i!:r()tic.l;'.s-TTurthe incident-which form- the bsis of the Spanish presenta tions' on th& subject happened sOnje . j timet ago--; , i-l ' J . - . 1 - J ' L YELLOW FE'ER REPORT!. The following, -"f port has been re ceived at the marine hospital bvneau Ifrom J. S. Hunter, secretary of ithe itate board of ,hea?th ot Mississippi. ' "Oie case ot' yellow fever m Jackson ' Thoroughly isolate by cordon for four , blocks. Ith anothr cordon outside of this.. No other ca in city; not even another of susjuciotis viyi - -r- haveL been taken to' stamp out and nre--vent" spread of i disease." jj x NO new. cases- pave ueeu from Franklin.! Orwood, Holly Springs, Galveston or Jvey (West. 3IISS CXARX' BARTON'S. RETURN. Mtss Clara Barton -and party reached -vfashintfton- todayj .from .Tampa, I; la. Those with Miss Barton vsere iDr . tn tield Etran -'ciJief purgeon of . the Red SSsf Generat Vop Schell of the Bel ffnan Red CrossJ HGill, J. A. Mc Dowell. Miss !Luslrave and Vb 'Annie Fowler.! of Jflii The party is here waiting orders and tiVi fent i: ' ! TTrtnso cor. 2nd and :Grace. j - i Ann St.J between ; 2nd and rd. j. 1 Second St., between Am and Nun. - LIarket St.,! (between 2nd and 3rd. 'OwstnutSt-l between 2nd and 3rd. i WaiBjit St., between 3rd and 4th j t Priiice?t "St.J between 8th and -9th. i front Si-, "between :Walnut and Red .Cross. : : 1 : I i i Third 02 -tbHsyen Chestnut ! jand prace. i f j ,' ' . . ' ' ., f Also otHers,1 , i 1 Ihave FOBJ SAE; eyl desirkble nEirer-U- " a 't- if.::;. ' 5 M. OJJMMINa, Jteal Estate Agent' and Notary Public. ept.2 I- l I II I LV I I IJli . I MIL v n IIIIM M M I IUL VL?'IIMM IJU'IIILMI In . k - U U 1 1 V V Biis Wefe CaUed to be Protest ARainstlthc I'hilippinJ In- sticcKx-Miniister Denby'L a Yellow l ever M Lssissippi. f itH r tn the Philippines i on t oito MliKSTiJK DENHY ON TH13 EAST- !": I KKN QUJvSTION. Mlr.i Charl Denby, former minster of tJiifc United States to ("hinaj: ar Lved her ifrom Pekin j.oday and in th a.t tirniMjn jaid- his respects to thei .presi dent.! On leaving the White h us-, Mi. Denby, In answer -to inquiries, said that in his Judgment the United States should retajn permanent possessio ns of alt ur practically all, of the Pttilip,- pine Jislands: He) thought that l the eatern !.questioi had been practi -ally settled, for the .present at least. H::did riot belif-ve that' Ithere was arfj-thing in thf Situation t justify thei expfctfai tar thi tij!i of a partition of China antong powers ; .' :'a . -, : - Trtei folbiwuig cablegrams from L l4n- eral Lawron, regarding the san tary (-ondilion of the tnooxs under his :om mard, were ina14 public, at; the War depsi rtment tonight:. - I , ; ! '"Santiago "de Cuba, September 13. ; "Samt4ry n port for September ll Tot;jil! sick 696, total fever'411, total new casHs! 4h; total returned) to duty 4G, deaths. 1 ' .,, ! i-Janitary report' for September i:ith .Total! sicfc 78:1, total fever 401, total ntew (cas'jsi fever 71, total returned -to luty ,2"!). deaths 2 " I OTI. CO-MMIKSIONERS IN itAVANA Havana, September 12. The 1 Ar ieri can I evafcuation commissionersu 1 1 j is thought rjbable, will select places of f esidenco) during the jtayof the 1:0m--H-nstion at El Vedado, a beautiful vil lage: live smiles west of Havana,! on the ewa.stj just beyond Punta Bra-va. 1 here is lelxcelU'tit sea bathing there. The 'neighborhood is aristocratic and1 here Lis regular, steam transit -betweeni the vilhiige and the " city. , .1 1 i-.! !1; The! T roe ha theatre at El Vedailoi formurlyi usedsas a hotel, -has been :o.f, tt-red. to the -commissioners on 'lease.; the oWnfTs undertaking to install, tlecr tru! ! lights, vut in baths, and other com forts; and to, have-all ready; for use within a iweek. DoubCless the offer will be laccepted. The ciimmissiontirs; 'are still living aboard the transport and Under the naval regulations they-p,nd their aides are obliged to return ;from shore, daily at 4 o'clock p. m. While 01k lapd the ;commissioneis spend most of the (ime:at the Union flub, where lev erfyi!oourtesy is extended , them. AU breaKCaled on shore this morning and prow 4s gathered to watch. themv They express themselves as much ip'leased with Havana and are making theiri ar rangements for a long stay, probably fur ai couple of months. I j ' No idatfe has been definitely fixed for t be 11 ret iofilcial-session of the Commis snoni, yesterday's meeting being; for an exchange of credentials. . 1. i t f, 'OeneraJ Blanco has protested ; offi cially against the' imputations landi aon ctisatiions' of Count IVAlmenaa in i thp Spanish . senate, and m'h tary officers hero keenly resent the insult. ' I rr The wharves of Havana are now: hll ecl with (provisions,. for which it is(im possible to get transit. The papers: are ufginigithe police to clean the wharves and; to take special precautions: against the fciontinuance of "immoral and I un civilized scenes''-there. j r i -' ! , -" r I j THIS WAK.NOT OVKlt.i (ieueral Wlieeler Says Tlifre Ail 1.1 be ITIore Flalitiug Willi Spaiu Over the "l'tllpiIne(ii. . ,i. -.. :i i : f i 1 'i i .ii.- 1 .' '. ' r ' ; ' : r.v '"': '' : Montgomery, Aia. ' September r 12. The 'Advertiser will tomorrow print the following as'a portion. of an interview with General Joseph YneB'ep ani state that ithe 'gerveral was in the. presence of .three gentlernen,- one-of whom ts Hon. 1 riameul BlackweH, vhen talking tea the repoiiter: l-i- ; , ,': 1 ;i;: i do not believe the war is over -by .any iifieans; rieithef 1 does President Mclvinley, who . told me personally. :he had( no faith : that the peace commis sion .would settle the differences exist ing with Spain over the Philippines. Th Spanish claim, that the battles i at Majfnra -were fought after the protocol was Signed, and on these grounds .rift ii se. to give up the islands.", h will iCOntiEuing.-General Wheeler said: 'Spam ; will warrK us to give- up I the Philippines, r and," paying emphasis here, "jve will never do - that. Ii am goniig back to duty, and reall-yexpect to bei called: into action again' Norwood Holds tlie Judgshlp vWaynesville, N.s C, September 12. Iq the quo warrant" Wit of Norwood vs. Carter-for title or 'dge, the court gave! judgment in favoi. of Norwood, who is thus recognized as judge of the Twelfth dibtrict. s TWO VOl'JIK LAWIIiS KlLLiKD - ! - . - " " i :. : : A. .Host I)iKtreNlus Ai-c-Ideut at a Kali- road ('roNnlusi Richmond, Va.; September 12i-r-A special from Winchester, Va.b tai the Displtch - says: A most distressing accident occurred shortly before , 10 ot-lock last night on the Washington and Harrisonburg branch of the South erni railway near -Bowmfan's station, in Shenandoah county and as a result; twj young ladies of .the neighborhood 'are de&d and their escort has received; perhaps fatal -injuries. The f vicltims were! Miss Laura Deilinger, ! aged 20i years; 1 her saster, Miss Alice V. iDel- linger,; aged 18-years, and GeorgejSis ler. of Mount Jackson, aged 24 years. The (catastrophe occurred -within sight; of i the young - girls' residence.. The party had; been attending church: and were returning : jiome in a buggy While , crossing the tracks of the South ern near Bowman's they were; struck by1 the engine of a northbound freight and the two girls were instantly; killed, tbir bodies being horribly mangled, Yolung Sisler wa-l" hurled a distune ot twenty yards aird sustained a fracture of the' right leg; and right ishoulderf besides being. injured internally. The buegv' was crushed like an eggshell, wliife . the horse escaped without a srraxcii J list how tikQ-' party failed: to notice the approach-lag tram is not known, as i J.-q nlainlv visible for several hun- dre Vi3s, and i the crossing is Ion a heavy grade, tney wbib bihicu rJil in converBatipn apd did not o rUe the train until It was upon th.emP Ehgioeer Stobleof -tie freight, says hd histled for the crossing and, j ust befbre it was reacted noticea the team drHe upon the track. lf reversed hi engine, but too late. Tie pilet mfc thei I buggy squarely between the f roat audi rear wheels, hurlini VJie occupant3 u 'd!r directions. J The M Xses Deilinger 'were tlve daughters -of-A V. Deilinger, tleadinig tesldent of t&j ) unty. TICK ' The IXmM rarr of Prudrr tlrrtil af a ; rand Itmlly Vectrrday KoulU 1 Sp-Ue Kjt nlli.mj Klu-bln and -ilenkiT-A fcrirat Crowd Id AUendam-e. '(orrejpjind'nt-e lof iThe Messenger.-) ! Bqrgaw, N'C.. September 12. The d4mocrat8 of Pender were bless ed toda( Jjy-tK'ingallijf.wed the privilege of having ini ithfctr jmidst iat Burgaw ahd prominent j-rx.-ak-irt thr-f miilrtnt to idisfuisJij h0 issues ! of the day, and they we-e ; greeted by a large anJrcn- thusSasttC; .crowd of ,0u0 or: more: This jbefrig'GOurt wepk. there is'.usual ly: a large, trwd1 presj-nt, but today Old Pender. iOUtdidji herself, as long"- before thf-hour'ai f Ivied for 'the t-peaking, the streetsj -.werei crowded sand "vehicles were Co m in g In , from eve ry d irecti o n . MAfter: tra,ia:ting t some : ; tmpirtant businvissi iarol charging th jury. Judge Itjbinsor 'adjourned t-ourt until tomor row .nttornihg.iso as to-allow all -an op portunity; f!f ; hearing ! the.' .speaking and srj' that! ;-riurt house eoujd be -used by -the dpftakHrs. 1 Hon. John I, Bi-lUm, of Wilming ton; denjofjratlc nominee for :ongress from this district, was the first speak-, er. u He ias: jnttroduci-d by Ir. E. Por-terchaiiiman-f the exeoutiiw committee..- Jjr.j BeJIahty ;disicussed, the differ ent tssuesi that, a re j -.uppermost . and most irxiportajiiti to every voter at this timtntl'mal, I state land (Sen county matters, i ,Hf i aid his respWts to his competitor,! ll. Dockeryi who -ev-er sinoe ntienng tpubli(t lifer has be?n a, chroniij oHtce-awker. : He showed that no; Keif respecting colored man could L vot fprj! lokery and have any ;re sre!t (fort harnsiflf , leftj t AJr,. Bellamy in r.f sirring tit) 1 Dockery H t careers in con gress, itattjd tiat in jl STO there' was a bill : before, congress, Which was amend ed ;by Beast -Butler to) prevent the gov ernment from! redeeming United States bonds before' maturity i until the cur rency of th(j itiountry -at that time ivas worth Jts: iequivtalent in gold or coin a-nd that whf-Ti ithe; votes hvas taken Dock Sinci' that time. Beast Butler j his died and Among hi, papers were found J1K kery'i note for $10,000. given about! the time that motion was taken jon ; jititer's . bjll. II; said :. he made ?iio charges, : that he would not ins'inuat: thati i there i was, anything wrong', that pe ju'-tlstated the facts ind the audienre could draw their-own c on liitSion, ! Mr Btllamy in his houi and a ht.Jf talk was Jistentd to atten- tively,J;and i thMre is noi doubt -that ihis spe:hSiwll.l. ia. se good; effect in Novem- hrr. , i ii The -next speaker, : Hon. W. f II. Kit fhin-of Scotland Neckwas greeted with tremendous applause) ion his appears ante, -and he;. s?iion icommence-d to pour hot fihot jintiV the republican party. He stated-'tjiat ithtardemorratic; party com: tains the decerury, iVintue,-morality and patriotism of the parties. He said that, the proposition1, of :thc4 populists at-the state convention was to fuse on condi-. tion:that they retain jtheir representa tives in ..congress as Ithey then had. ThisVpropostiort! was (not intended to be accepted! but ;was! ; formulated for the purpose :if. Aiding ithern in dictating terms ! to the ; republic?ans for fusion. This would nenatole them to. hold five congressmen! a they now do, the .dem ocrats, -one :the: balance having repub lican majorities -would rgo 'republican also ' retains -said representation in the legis,latu-r.p; i; This would enable them and 'republicans to control legislation.; No power was i left with the populists committee to: change the proposition of fusuji- with , democrais. The" populist party is essential to." the life of the res publican farty; and so with .the repub-' lican - to v. the populist;-party, ; Ilepubli-c-apH hates populists as .the-devil hates hoty: water.;. iHe-- saicl that the beauty of the populist party was that all good mens wiere leaving !it.j . Butltfr has lost' his political inl!uencep and people need not follow him longer. The'party had been. 'swallowed by Republicans. Capt., ivitcrnn , cjofyoi witn a strong appeal to ; the j prtpulists to cjome back to the ;democratic;.;party. His speech cannot havefdione i anything else but g'ood.. ' Atithe t onclUusion of Cai)t Kitchin's speech' it Kvas; ahnounced that the Hon,. R. ll. Glenn, of j Winston, would be the next speaker jandi that the speaking hwould take .pljuce lin the court house, ithe, si twfe) '; ipreylous -speakers, having spoken in the grove, close to the. court house.;! ll n i a) few I minutes the court hoiise was ipacked by an audience that showed; byj their earnestness' that they wer deterrpine'd to do their duty in the coming selection, and well 'did Bob Otero? tell ifheni what that duty.; was. He phowed - up land i rottenness in; all its hideousness the republican party land the people! hvho.were no in con trol -iof the: state, and made one of the most; ptwerf uh tappeals.- to levery voter present 'for, i then sake of mother, wife, sister or pweetlheartj i to do; their duty. Mr -Glenn 'saici that there would be no election -thfs year fort governor; but he wished ! to- ,(3od we had a governor, to elect, sowe could get.iridVf tjhe pres ent incumbent! jwho had brought dis grace upon sthej state; ' North Carolina is the only: state controlled by the wot't elemc;nt lof the people He said the': colored - people- themseLves were drawing) the; color line. When: the democrats-came1 into power they found t&xes :84j centsj ! reduced the" first : year to $7 cents; second lyear to-. 29 cents and; now i21: cents, i The legislature of '95 ! (and "97, :coSt $14,000 more, than '91 and '93. He said the legislature passed Wie (assignment ;actitd prevent any poor man from borrowing money; supreme .court saidijt ijvas (constitutional. .: Also passed laws withomt being signed by president "or ssbeaker'.- Mn Glenn was listened: -to attentively--and , the two hours - that ; he spolte passed entirely too soon. - Itiwas one of ; the best speeches that li Mr.j plenrt. ; ever deliv ered. I - Mr. Editor! we have not attempted to give an :Outhne Qf; the speeches, but simply toiseridyou A few. note's of the speakers. The. speaking in our - midst will do good and the:democrats in oth er sections swill ,do; well to look to old Pender for ishe; intends to do her duty. There were several ladies present at the speaking, .'i L ' i i ; '4 : . : i ii - : . ;. ::: ! ( I 1- 1 " ' L; ;;.. TteWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the largest! sales of 'any salve in the world.. This; fact and its merit has led dishon est peofc'a. to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the : man who attempts to deceive you when you call for De- Witt's .Witch Jiazeii Salve, the great pile iCure.i,: ;Rj i.R. Bellamy, !TO IlIvTIOVI-: UEGISTKAKS ;J Iloltou to Apply to Judge Adams to t ltemove Certaln Kfglstrari In JTIeck - leuburgT-More Troops lteac-li Ralelgli 1 -; (Special t.6 The 'Messenger.) " Rileigh,'N.i V., September 12 A re publican jtvorker-here tells me State Chairman; HolWin i expects to have Judge Adatns ii: tomorrow' remove the registrars fof jelection fon Mecklenburg who were; recently appointed in place of those - Holtoh named. He. tells me Holton institiutjes this proceeding, on .I':t&! ' - i i I 1 s behalf of the; republican county chairr man of Mecklenburg, and is sure the judge ;wiU i- rerhove ; the present ap pointees. 'Thisl is i.to be done he says under Section s bf ithe- -new election lawi which, givjes any jddge power, of removal bf registrars upon complaint of the chaLrmat of any political party or of ; ten; gfujl Kitizens of any county.( . Major Johtt- Gotten and compan-' ies of the Setond regiment from Tar boro and; Lenoir,1 whjeh. had been on duty at Fort! St. Francis, St. Augijsr tlnei iFla, jartrived here at 6:30 . o'clock this evening.! 1 They had been traveling twenty-si?, hours. All are well. They were servefi with coffee in Union sta tion and then, their train t.ook them to Pullen park, from whence they march ed to: Camp Grimes, 'pup pp their shefT ter tents and made themselves at home. They were in: fine spirits and cheered lustily. Is Dewey's -View as to - i the Philippines. W.NTS A BATTLESHIP i Spauiard Acorrl ibat l.erniauy 111: Take a ( oallu StatloU Agulualdo all u Ahscnibly ol lMmirjienl to 1 ' Ie-lde t pou a Kollc J TUe Leader lutmieuftl ou the Future k.ol the Ifalaud War tIt-f iveen- Anierlcau ; - . '- ; ' "-'--I: ! -; . . ' i- aud lu,urg-ut. Aluiuit Precipitated, i .'(.' ; " t ' 1 i -' . ' -' - . Manila. September 12j Hear Ad mnal Dewey sab he torisiders the situation critical. It is understood he has asked for- an, additional cruiser and a battleship.- ; ; - The Spaniards assert tfeat Ger'many will take a? coaling, station here and that Spain will retain the remainder of the islands. - The last Spanish garrisons at Ilocos and Iaguna have surrendered and the whole island of Luzon is inr the hands of the insurgents, : except.1 Manila and Cavite' ' Aguinaldoi went to,' Lc-lollo on Ii--day. Ilf has announced his 'intention of. convening an assembly of the Fllip pinos on September 15th in . order to decided ppon the policy to bo adopted by the insurgents. The correspondent here of tthe Associated Press: has. had an: interview with; lAguiinaJdo, w-ho said there were G7,o6o insurgents arm ed : with rifles. Ilei added he could raise 100.00(1: jnen. . Indeed,, the insur gent leader pointed out that the whole population of the Philippine islands was willing to fight for their; inde pendence. Continuing Aguihaldo said he had 9,000 military prisoners,, includ ing 5,000 in the vicinity of Manila, be side civil prisoners, t , t; ! i Laterj I. A"guinaldo said the j "provis ional government' was, now operating twenty-height provinces. He , asserted that on August 2nd they; elected dele gats, in lumbers proportionate to the population, i As to the Americans, Aguinaldo remarked that he cpnsider ed them. as brothers: and , that: the two sovereign, republicts were allied against a eommon enemy. When iquestioned as to whether the future Filippino pol icy -would be absolute: independence, Aguinaldo excused himself, from ne- IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE-UY. ! There Has Been One Death fron'i Yello fever Anion" Our ' j ;1,J1iii;; 'I'-." '- ' -'.i'"'- 1 S !".-;.' instruction-Hi lor tlie snanisii coaunisslier in Porto Rico Arrive. ' 1 - , V '. The Troops at Montank Will not Parade it STew York. ; Dewey Considers the Situation in the Phf 'Jfpines Critical and Calls for Another Cruiser and a Battleship. I v'i , ' I 1 i 1 01. ' & e I i 1 nere lias xsoi ieen a uase 01 -raia ar T a - tf V Year. Several More Officials in liarljadoes arj Asstissiniition.? ! i, The Federal Court at Charleston Declare he, British Steamer f :tl i 1 : : 1 - J ' ! ' -': ' Jj- 1 ' , . ; fi- r-t-'i ;t. . ; j . ; . - Vni,inill:iiiil a T.nu'fiil Pri7P.X. :. t .: " . : 1 u , i There is no Yellow Fever on Charleston. i - -i P ' :l '. ''- : :-' Chairman Holton Vill Apply Certain Kej;istrars in Mecklenburg County ' ; In the Spanish Senate Count erals who, he thinks, Ousht to be Preparations for Abandoning By a Fire at Jerome, Ariz., Destroyed and Fifteen'Lives Lost. 09 C0- plying and asked what thei Americans intend to do. The correspondent: being, unable to answer this . question, Aguinaldo continued:- -"We have, been fighting for independence for a long i time. The, natives which profess tci favor annex ation are insincere. ,Ib is merely a ruse to' ascertain American views " ! Asked if the Filippinos would object to the retention-of 'Manila, Aguinaldo declined to answer. .; i : - t . : ''Would the Filippinos ; object- to Americans retaining a coaling. station, if recognizing! the independence of the islands or establishing! a 1 temporary protectorate "over them?' Aguinaldo again refused: to answers ! r ; ; Pending the conclusion of the assem bly, Agninaldio said, he : was confident there would Jbe no trouble between America; and! the Filippinos. The in surgent leader denied having received a request from! General Dtis and Rear Admiral Dewey to withdraw- his troops to: a prescribed distance from Manila and Cavite and he decilned to discuss the effect of 'such: a request Aguinal do further asserted that: he had never conferred -with the American authori ties sine, the capitulation: of Manjja and thali 'he: had never authorized the insurgents to search or disarm Ameri cans crossing the lines. e r The correspondent': closely question ed him about last Saturday's incident When "fche Pennsylvania troops proceed ed' to establish a new loutpost. The Filippinos objected and nearly precipi tated nostilites. ordering the; Ameri cans to withdraw in twenty 'minutes They issued ammunition and intercept ed; the American, reinforcements. Fi nally General Hale l ordered :. all the Pennsvlvanians . to advance, and , the rebels withdrew. s i ! - : . - The local governor has explained that the incident was a complete mis take, and! has repudiated, his (Subordi nate's action. . Aguinaldp declared to- this correspondent that ; the Filippino who made the trouble merely pretend ed: to be an officer and is entirely un connected -with the insurgent army, Aguinaldo complained that the Span- lards were "disseminating ;reports tor the purpose of fomenting antagonism between the Filippinos and the Amer icans. V! ' ' 1 j .': The whole interview s conveyed the impression that Aguinaldo desires ab solute independence, regards Ithe. mis sion of the Americans here as accom plished,: and expects their withdrawal, "just -as; the French with LaFayette withdrew after helping the ameneans in the, war 4f ; independence, 1 a war of. humanity."! Just now Aguin aldo maintains the role of 1 extreme friendship. 1 , ! 1 Truth: wears well, j People have learned that DeWitt's i Little Early Risers are reliable, little pills : tor reg ulating the bowels j curing constipation anu sicu. iitrauiiuuc ; xw; wu v s'-F- R. R. Bellamy. j . . l . k " -r: .3.' v ;, ' . . . ; j ReturmtoUaleitth to be Sifiteretl Out. SOME PbOPS- ARRIVED 5 ? , . , - ' ; iv--, : ... -; ;; . ? . ; '. " ' - ( Oilier to thrive Later, lu the Week Thr IMD all lu (.ood oudltjou Tlan v Aik!i:u to Ileiualu lta Ithe Ver- - . . ' , '::.;.:. -..''.. ;. '-' .'; ' .;! ' - ' 1 ee K x Je-r ta r y ".fri urv ol - State Tookr't lieply , ti: ".cretary Thonipwin-.l u Appeal fIAd for the SoldleU"! lloaie ... 'f. irn'. '. . . w- . ! i-rraii) iswo ui ruuu ' - Messenger Bbreau.j Rf t?h, N 'C . SepteAibei ljl The troofc" -t the St cond North (Ur- oiuii , reg i-'i?ii..: . ufun . 10 Ai nvc .j terddV niiHIf.'hev ;The tlrst tlr reicll":! i J i and E ( i!rvivllH. under iCi-iilintanoj ot t .11 Major Wilyirfr..m Tj bee. (U A few 1 hi.urs later? pmpanus I) (Gi tifnsbdn.) and G (GftJ'i-nia) armed tiom Port' Royal; S. :hnder command of Mjor ? Dixon. , ThrSi are no suk. 1, Major XT. in der's mt'n. '.'Jti camp at Cami Grirrtes, I while; Majis)ix.on s ar,e 111 a spacipusj tobat c.o W r iVJU1 The lattler's . t ' '1 Tj- ' ;. I II men tot ' le only i-'fter ttrit., having their .:largt,A Jxls in the stormj at Tj - J i . !i bee. -.The! tfkr two companil his nave 1 tents issu-.-jifcce the storm All jthe-j officers am:Uen look well an, d netv ly , alt have :tis;d Hi weight. Buigwn hv I companies- 3 I Coloinel. w ill' jar- ne from . Simon's tomorniw after noon Mar Cottcn and two catfii- . panies .froiii-' -Augustine! ari expMcfV' 1 ed.Tlmrsd;m;f ;; . : ; , j . Captain l;t-(Jd; of. the Sixth jartillery, j is. here to! ismpge for the.mulster nuc. It ,s not Igtit the ugmient willjb,! hoe lonriSari this w k, Junt.l , it , it leturns ,My d(ls laU-r ior mus- ! August. 'ltJi?rtn must return tfor final muster ouiiVf I He they are deserters, liable1 to aPTVti and punishment any time withiMiflr two: years' term Mi enlistment. ?0i the muster out lhe W illi, get p;c4jk- a month s and a few da3S, togf(i-r,3with 2" cents a day ration mom'4&d the clothing mon?y, 'that; is, thE.-i afance duti each of the clothing allO.Vailcts which may be un dravil Marr i Wilder's battalion 13 vei-jf raggecj?; owing to the loss by the. iiArl new clothing will this week be id ;to his-men; indeed ito j tne whole ' gmient. A cat load of ii clothing. hafl arrived. : 1 iT 1 t ii .1 nor Tic,n ajs the statement tnat ler centf"the enlisted pien w ant i, to lfave th3:irioe is untrue that a gieat mitny", gi'n ask if thtjre is any 1 l - "i.51.': t 1 x e 'X J llow Ft 'ir in Florida this Threatened With IWi:'.:, :-(--i ' " I; the:Transpj?lt Winnewaska at s to Judffl 'Adams to ReiiKivc . "v. - - . i - '. . m I ! d'l Almet! jNantg the Gen e . f en- Disgraced. : Camp Wikftare Being Pushed. $500,000 Wo41i of Property is 1 .: f. S ; ; t tjf chance to reJain in serice, arid that possibly one.'.if wo;ald like to lema'in. The physjcVfexamination of the men will bv madtsi&fter the-- expirat on of; the thirty d'rs,i furlough.: A-recruitiii? ?;officer caiuenlisq many i want of the mn TM rhat time. They to go to Cub P01 to Rico or the Phil lppines. Son ' irt f er the regular ser- ice - ' , Raleigh's- faithfulness :this a cause of ca -anient. .Not a death hasa occurred froCI typhoid fver. ; Attorn-1 ey-General f alser was' here Saturday! and says thi f fever is . jnany times,: wcirse .in the4ower piedmont; ctiuntry.-ii Te had thr.-S ifases- in his faipily at Lexington an lis physicians had sev enty cases ltj'tthat section. Yet there was only. on$ -rdeath. . - ,1 lOx-Secretat I ef State Cookie has, prepared an'r the,. democratic statep committee . published today a scqrchings reply to Secrfary, of State-Thormpson'sj attack on Secretaries; SaundersL i Cokei and Cooe. ;i Thompson's chairge he said there w(U money unaccounted for Cooke nails hotnpson's statements as false .and pUrlisshes: hie ' (Thorn pson sj receipts to iWve the falsity. I ' 11 One of thpijaggest discHssions of the campaign wa.'. at' Concord today, ben tween C. B. i'cock a-nd Populisjl State Chairman T !inpson. : 1 1 i It is thoufA t the Third (negro) iegf-j ment will ;.jji lyv here, next Thursday on its": way )m; Fort Macon to Knpjl-I ville:i.V! tr-:A '. hi ' 'i Three notoi ,tips: postopice robbers and safe eraokeii-; federal ! priiirs 1 from South Caroli: l. Were rtlni-eirfn the nem-l itentiary:: hef today. Iast yeair they wall robberies 11k thus committed state.- sjfcMif 1' " . ji-.r.- ' IS- " The Noirth ' 'arolina Confederate Vet erans' i Assoc-fltion makes an appeal ltd lts'membersfoi?' funds, in aid lof the soldiers' hons. liere. The following 13 mc ,,r,i 1 "I am, a.ut raized-by Comrade! Wlf CL sitronach..-- f n wraan' of the: executive wmmittee ai 'the North ,Carolii!ia olf diet s hftme. ; so state that the lappro' prlatfon for, Jie current year for" ithe care-of ; the :i jij-ans is so nearly1 lex hausted, that 'amr brethren willpsulffer for fuel and io., "unless aided by Vol untary effol -: until, the meeting; of ithe general asseiJ: bly in January net. You are aware t..,t ,'00 per annum must defray the of food, medicines, lights, wasljtg-.I (clntfnng, fuel, at tendance, n "Rif g. funeral . expensed, repairs ma.n$ lenient, and all other! ex penesrAvha fever.il The institution is carefully mC agfd, su'ch s-uppkes , be ing ; raised the garden andJ stock pens, as the i.mited space allows.' The veteran arti airly ! well ! clothed, bu!t w ill; urgentlrviietd funds for fUel and provisions. he- statement of tb,e case is sufflcient.4 Iticannot be ' necessary to issue leegj; -uj? appeals to ior)th Car olina soldteij find their friends1 in be half of our - red and suffering jheroeS It is confidf? tly 'believed : every- camip will avail it$.lf of this privilege: in be half of thos who. obeyed the coifnmSS of the. stattC iw-Jnnlng for her limmou tal renown. dh are now istricken arid helpless.! Th i request is issued' by the authority ot hg president anduexecUr tive.committ' .. $r the association. Con tributions frc h,or through, each camp should' be tttlarded to W. Ci'.Strp-. nach, Raleigo.y and will be acknqwl edged." - - ;: - ' , i-.i- ! i. -i'ift? ... . . J ;., Ill Burled In tbe' Fanillr t.raeiard M lib Hilary IIoDOi-Ile lled:t bile To !log to ave Jlla t onipaiilon.eueral ' Xk bee-ler Capletelr trnhl. : Montgomery, Ala.,': September , !:. Nafval Cadet .Thomas H. Whether, the younger son of Genirall Joseph W heel er. was buried .today; Un the i fatnitr buj-ial ground on th$ general' estate at iNYheeler s station, Alabama. Tht obsequies were conductitl by Rev. I)r, H Right,: of TuUahoroa Ttnui.; He. Df. Sw'ope. of the Srxotidi Georgia, and Revenue Dr.. iBannister, of Huntsville, Ala.V with the . ritual 'of- the Episco cal1 tihurch. Futly to.OOO people were pret-ent. The funeral party reached Whttler's btalion at 4 o'clock Sunday afternrnjn. From- that ;tame unlit the' funeral the body lay in state in the famil; parlor witii the military: guard from the Fifth United States cavalry, under command of. -Lieutenant J.' VY. Crtiig and Major Beach of General AVhesiler's istaff. "At the grae tlu famous choir of the First Florida i sang , f t America" w hich was intoned by those :pres?ni As the min ister, pconqunced the words! "Earth to Dust to.- ! Dust,"! three ! volleys weer: fired over .the grave. - ,: . r , j- 1 I he scene at tne .irr;ive was imnn-K- th ..... hterallv covered ,h, flowers al, SH(.tloIL n( thp ,nn. trJ north aud, iouth, lontributing. Topping . all, was the dead sailor s sword and belt j i and: enveloping .the coffin was an iinnnense American flag. General Wheejer, care-worn and half ill,! ii- completely- crushed by the death of hid son' , 1 - , ' General Wheeler said tonight that toe I undertakers and, life" savers at MontaUk told him his son had evident- ly icfct his life in trying to - save that iof his; companion; whose- arms wrerei locked . around young Wheeler's body, in a death grip; while the dead boy's face was covered With scratches, evidently front the other's finger nails. General Coppingon and staff, now at Huntsville,. attended'the funeral , i - ; .: ' ;- ' - v i u . n out the. leaBt dnK, One . Minute .Cough :Cure surprises cures and children large i-quantities with- danger. 1; It has , won for ltselft the best; reputation of any prep aration tused today ior colds,; crouiw tickling in the throat i or obstinate eonghs. i It. R. Bellamy), . : IT1 1 Wiuuie Ilavl oudltiou ' Some of the -personal friends of Miss vv-i nme Davis, daughter of President V 1 .' A ! ally, have been greatly concerned over hr serious illness at' Narranganscst Pjer, , where - she has j been prostrated with an t acute attack 1 of gastritis. iA friend of the family in Wilmington re- piwi tppeR1ttl frnm Mr Davis ves- f, . cfotint, terdav. from the Pieri stating that ) tllough she had: been very low Miss Davis is improving. i i It ik stated that the 'young iady's ill ness was brought on by her getting, wet in the parade; during 1 tlie great confederate reunion in t Atlanta. She got drenched and (has not.'been . well Since.! : ' I . ' 'i iJ t ; J. - -: ;!'; ' i ' SMofe than twenty. million free sam ples ' of ' De Witt's Witch: Hazel Salve h,ve been distributed by the- manu facturers. What better I'pro.qf of their confidence in it iS merits! do you want? It cures ' piles, : burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest space of .time. R. B-vBel-lamyv 1 1 : . f ; '! '; ' Carolina lieacli Out or rc(iiiiiiii.ioi " AJ1 the; cottagers who have summered at Carolina-Beat-h have moved, back to the city! and , consequently the 1 Beach goes out of- co mm 1 -is ion today. 1 Kvery trin the steamer ha;s piade to ftli-e city the past few days slhe has brought up furniture and housdholdi goods..; There .are now: no city, people; on the beach to claim, that they sare, Jthe only "peb ble." Even Mr; Hans aJ Kure' has come un 1 , Hereafter thei steamer Wilmington will, not run- a schedule to the; beach, and will only make jeme trip to and, ope from Southport a dja"y. ' vShe will leave every, morning at 5:45 o'clock and get to' Southport ati'-12 o'clock. She - will leave there on the i-ettyn trip at 2;li. p.1 m.i,: and get back : to 1 the city at 5 P- m- '!','' ' : : Kovdyiui: Hampaut ; ! Last night the town I was full of dnunken men and rowdies white and collared.' About 8 q'clocBt a crowd at Front; and Orange strept-s -g.ot ; into a fight, :and it is Jgaid it was a row''; be tween! some whftef ; and blacks. One. negro; came, out sof -the 1 melee iwith a bad knife cut in hej jawi At Front. and Nun streets- thes samel crowd cursed and";yelled and;tlirew bricks', and along the streets every mow. and fhen a pistol 'shot was fired.' 5 j ,'. J " About 9 o'clock tkvo negroes got on trolley car No. 5,onj the jPrincess street line, of which Mft. Ji. B. 4ackson"is con ductor. They demanded! transfer tick ets, 1 but Mr. Jacksbn told them . the; would have to get'ltransfers from- the car they claimed io pave come on,down Front, street. They wrangled with the conductor, ( and wrhile he) was changing his jtrolley, one of Ithe negroes cursed himtfor d n liar and When Mr. Jack son! pint the trolley ! irt ! its place 'and turned it loose;, the (negro follow-ed him up and. repeatedthe"grossIy insulting epithets, w hereupon I Mr. Jackson , stituck him. He5 picked up a stone and hurled it at the' conductor, but -, he dodged the "missilei The other negro ran up with an open: knife to stab Mr. -Jackson.. Mr. Wmv$heehan, Jr., anoth er conductor froiln ti: car on -the Front street line, with Iiis; brake lever ini his hand, , ran up ami (told the negro .not to 1 strike . Mr. Jackson. The negro threatened - Mr. Shfeehan and warned htm to stand back. Mr.; Sheehan's. ap proach ho doubt' kept "the negro fro'm cutting Mr. Jatkion. i ,The negroes went Up Princessj street 'after the difr ficultv and threw nocksi at the car as "it. passed Fifth and Princess 1 streets; H r . IftlM Itevln' CondlUou tnchanjjed - Narragansett Pier. RlT., September 12.' -The condition of I Miss Winnnie Davis is '"materially unchanged ; to night. -iThe patient! has; slept more for the past two dayfy ahd the intervals be tween the speils hf extreme nausea; are longer. She pas:', a; restful day and is fully as comfortable this evening.; j The Royal ia the bignest grade bakiag powder ; knows. Actaal testa show it goeaoao-, third farther tliaa any ether braed. POWDER Absolutely Pure BOYL aAKIMO fOWK CO.1 MEWVOMC , mi h. p! Hold Their . First Session oint THE AMERIGAK 'PLAN For fr.varaatlou Laid niel.rf M'ulh ( umilMloaer the Latter ; lo lliMloae Their lNifiltln ; Vrla of the Aiiierlean Mot Made Iiibjle-Ttie paulard, lbtru lli T. ItereMed ellov Fever lu the .nirrloli l aaip. -Our M arhl lual- Jlartmn. San; Juan dt- iPoi t- miiln-.r ! 1 .... Th.. . t t .- i' - , tl f e.i 1 .in til 1 ' iln H I hell ihi h-iur t v, -trt Si in 1- 1 journetl . until Ti tdnesd!:iy. Th'if- Arnrf- I ica!i-.tfimmvss.KiiTs m.wl.- Kli- 11 .wseir, . V . . 1 position1 rtarding tint cvanutiion iI5,i ! transfer ' v-f the islaiwl -1 iii inj,rdau with tbeir Jijst ruclniun , ( uoni Y!a.shmg ton Thse , ln--iiu tiiiip ih- j d 1. Iin to mike public at pr v-iflit,' fi-tf p Jbiit lt might lead tA .enjliarrasjiijvt iiif thf iif- : got lation-; bif? ".ie s-,:iTii!h , ttMuunis- sioners 'did1 not n-r thf.. natun- IiscIdm- thijir ipositioii t They manifested. I10 vrvSi -.r, xvillinmie-is to Si-i'iiTi ; n s 111 ui ti ix rirf-.li I Inn :i ii.iski- t, . , J, . ..' .11, i tjix. inn mui i i.,jii,ii,-..(f.u. in---tii! -ivii.T- ' ; i 1 - i a tiea with the way-' in ,wliftt nictri dsf- j mands have heen lnfrtHMJlvf n.-i eivi-il ' Tift' adjournment- gi-s ttiit-. Spaniards time U prepare, thi-fr rply-; - ilien that i. ' 1 . i is presented, iMsues , &l -bv i.y.ln-il aint i , i '; : 1 ', "Ag ;..:' '-1 i -l 1 1 tlie situation lin Him. t at - . . ... . 5-.:',- -. I . S What fte t. if ,un , -'tlu. appcaianii of yellow fi.-ver antoiitpt t he .a niops at Ponce - wjll . have., : la : probtelnaiical. Should the feVr spread , it -iMrtlU doubt' less induc t- the Ameriffan Vuinmfsstopt ers' to hasten 'the evacuation ; 1 but, us yet,, there rs - not ilu-' .Hligluoli reason to expect an epidemic Gf tifraj lrookn a s two (use.-, li.nc li n r p.ij teii in him aiHl,onc- ilnailv. As wvkon ij us he J. learned ot : thii'se, he ciwtsiil a:ll sus pects to-.be isolated, with' a iview of preventing the; spread '-.ivf tlrti infei-n.in. Jt is biflieveil that h icast1 ju'mated in the Spanish prison at: Sibojp-v., .'Pome, Island of Portiij.To, Septem ber ll.r-1 lelaved in - t r.tpisjri rsston. i-Tu- For Youn Consideration I 'Johson- Si -Fre No.- J;l i. Market Street, have jiiSt'Hni.shed taking ana una some kooJj tltat llisy COMMENCING UjlMAY MORNINt f I Lawns wortli'rBO to 25 Ginghams wofth 25 ' Silks worth 75' to S1.25 at 50 cts. 10 dozLadfe&Hose Rr. & Corsets, iat Half Plrice. A small lot of Sailor il fT si' ' i ' . vi. - - . to spi.uu eacn ai cts. j - A lot of Remnairts 'ol various goods own prices, , tj- You will eerta goods and priced1 nly Yours tnu r- CToiirLsorL ANNpCp We beg: to announce to onK friends and HOT X- ftUU Ji. IS !ll 1J.-U y UWU . Carpets and Rugs, an tall grades; We before you make a selection cjlsewhere. In Lace Curtains, -Wlndo-i Shades, ing the .strongest '. lincj; (fer impened in lew Dress Goods of sob 5 , ' I ' Call early and ma:ke yoir selections. THE Q :W,. POllyOQT Sole Agents for IJ. jCorscts and sep 4 u T3 r rm . rt .: r rt "V-'i'l " - .But we do;spsitkiin Glowing Terrjis drdar Stock of Harnessy Trunks! and Bags. We deft Comiiet itioti Ursn all Goods A Complete Stock o Fuggies to Arrive October 1, lS. All we tiIB- 22 NCIHTIt l'RONT STREET, .-..::::- I ' !' ; -..ml t sp 11 NOW F0R The heated term has. bean broken and now on, this being so gou jriEst; prepare, the wav of. s;f. ' .: s a:.- ';.:: - Carpets -aire! House Furnishings. ., , ... .i . s ... a "Now you have got o-have something best has been selected t' -Somf have availed thmselvtn of the 'opportunity v( ny iiul ou.- ;' ' A - Ptrf1T 4 T TV romet bin that i4 Rarely Shown on - V ijl I J i this Market, and that ia I , ' ;' . ;:- : - ! ''.''' I ! I '! ! " : 1 . I .' j .- ; They are size 9x12 fet.'and are orthe richest, handsomest, and most novel effects; il yoji like high art cri-ations this AXHIHSTERS. SOQDETS AHD TAPESTRIES- In both room and hall patterns; also s nies ana latest styles ana eoujriog. uur i stock- covers eyerytnsng uat Extra Super and Union; Carpets, Rugs,; Art Squares, Mattings, indowiShades, IN FACT, A COMPLETE OIL, CLOTH AND, LINOLEUM." and. 16-4, it w in oe our', pJeassure to s SUCCESSOR TO BROWN t RODDICK. - -No..29.orth A few pair; of Kid Glovses.sin light They will be sold at 25; cents per pair.- here bi'- hrk An .iK prntitie eae of K:i thi ttwp. ! t brle- irlvate of; the' lne(eettll ln i-d :ro i'thliy laind thi iiymiH. inll't'lj::tj yii-tlow fever;: 'bill , It H until thf autiop- !a hla j este-rilayf t ht tfe? imrgeon pronounced it v.-u r f.v-r, Brj-caJiej- General Guy ' lb-pry ftAvrpttl .th? case. tl 0Pt- .rl ItiM- k.' tt Sn J11.u1 Th u hie pini-ft t imr f Alfonno M 11,:'? r4 ve.1. a-n' Juttn tht ntm- ti lUrt t lona. Ui m.iil I : atl Hr. ; Jttia f w num 1 , 1 l U nl t,t thH St'ar.titbj comimskp- ers. HA).! Jt-nra m-ttructi'!"): tr unJJi-CulMn-: eviit uatn ; iom for H Hatian She priK i-Hli-d llll! J tjrriioni .: '.. - , If .All in tii ir h!p on rbm station a r re Mk-rii.. Tin fiVitvitorir UrW. ml. 4. 'tin.. I !h ii'im inrxitl t'riii niii.b t4 Gen- rrul 1 of till rui.Jtis 'yewterday ei the onvlttlon :f ..'iije ft. the :,i slick iiiit iof l.r.Mjpiii .'.ri : the .1 isl.tftll .-h.b9t: the re. a r 1.U a tolid ,o IjlioiHf: . Aitl U-;f tin p.-t i-ntuije of rt hiuhi ijfiii-riUy. a l.'tK' proportl'lv."tf t'-i -Ut'riei' p-ft frt ioun nd. the death r :U! -derW-:- 4oWI ITyphoid-Vk-r c it I t ill l 4 i' i..v'iV-oa n for U rm. -"-!--' 1. If!-- ni -e d isttpjiniuf nt when you expr-ri i 1 .lVWitt B. l;IJttle! ;Kirly' pleasant. ' ifsv, thormiirU They -cure conftttijiatldtt iilach Juiit sure t : you Kis-'r: arS' , little j illl.l ! in' t.'tke :ietij. t f No Feer pu tlie luurH iiti c 'harles-ti jti. September t:. it. hashde- yelop. thtft tin case iifi srekneajj on toard jtrinswrt liilnv-wak how it iu i-atiMie luiri-. t?r Mot rever. out j;iund lit ' was suitfd stome !'ds'a ago. tli th. etst l would be ordered to S.11 r ftimiKatloriJ but! thla villi . 1 -riot l. lofef. Pi-rniLisioit towloail the i.pl t f.. ,r Ponce, Porto Hii'o. jv"alt---' lug or ' lur was given by. th board Mf alth Tuda v. :jmd tbe0 Work. ; js noW! .in llrltl steamer ev Fouudland r la red a Prlie. !; : ' i-i :--In cha slob ted S C , Sf-pti-nibtr 1 the. I todav dt-cisi HtecU Stnt-is 'district court here JudKk Hrawlev handed dow n a In mdi-mnng : t h- HtltlBh steinns tup N iw Founiltand and Ujn car go (o ar. M.i llo lo -rim 01 f be it tire as a lawful VrUf 1 'f khip was raptured by 1 the Wer fhile m-emmgly attempting the " . of Un k.ide at lllvaiva on thu even in: ,J'uly lath., atpt sViU Mere. At the permit pivl miliary bi ifritig ifli !AUfcUHt ion ml n intFihluce ipi-w ! cvblin' was gi! !1 the distric t 'iittorne. The , . ..-i ' . l 1 : 1. j. .1! - hearin jhas lasit-ii, Ki'itiai uii) flltlui 'r suited Jin 'i Judge Brawle'y's i derirtion ivndi-rtd-toliay.-- :.. .! . . h I-- M- if! 1 1 : I r their Ktock? ess pf cost. prop lWnn regit rd -r- N(, ThK V WILL UKKKK cts. at 10 cts to 3711 cts. at 20 cts. at Actual Cost Hats worth from 50 cts . I . : 1-1- I I T - at your be pleased with, the.se Sc Fore. -custoinefs hat we are -daily' operi- ; SUCJ1. f'. In: ' i! !fh " . .' i '' - -- L - --. -j I - -.V .' i , " ' !:-.. ' - hi IN- i-. ' iffdfi n linil nnmPQlii1 MnlPQ ii, uuu uuiimuuu iiiunuu invite, your Mattinfs and our citly, Standard Patterns, It- I in our HneJ Phaetonk SnrrHs and Road Carta sk isj a trlai. BUSINESS we hSav expect cool weather front for ii V e have what you need in. ' ..:'. t . ' ' . - in. tHiS: line,? so why Walt until th, I ! I i 1 will certainly please you '- u :4'f tairs. They are ibf the very best aualJ I rv :i , , snouia ne in this department. Lace Ciirtins, Portiers, ftable Covei- LINE QF pRAPERIES, j The lasd named Iwe have- In M. ;12-4 erve your w'antsi J i Froit i Street 1 shades. t slightly' damaged,; were inspection bi lour stock j i 1 ,J; - 1 ii are show I -f ," -'-. I.A : - K-i - ; W-:i!lr-Mi' 4-"T; h !' :i ". I Haaal u i n ?'-T'"-i'r;N;:i S--'r-'Niilt'f: i ss ?thei yoii b -f J H : ;;;K;i::;;. f'-: : '6-, - . ! IL00. . ii:-- ;; 1 'ilii ;,: ';; ;::': i w - f- 5 . ill V

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