Ml hi i, ' '4-: XI. NoJ 229. WILMINGTON N. C, WEINESt AY SEPTEMBER .14J1898J iIrice 5 cents; P.: :! !A'rf:in"!'?, M ii'ifl j i i i .' i , t : - i i . 1 i i- 'i fe.i ; '. ' i 1 -r-- 'it 1 " -:" .'i ' v' !" ,' ''j';1. s ''$.). a ! , j: r it- IS ' 1 'U -4 ; -.r i -:V.- I ;:-fi.-hi -f-.f'- . -.-4.- J mm PEACH COMMISSION Tbe -'Cabinet Discuses structions tp Our INSTRUCTIONS i Cabinet Also Piseussts the Situation in Manila General Shatter Files-IIis Report on the -Santiago to ha lJisbunued liiniculty in J'-;.-'- -i' h'r !-,-.'-:!.( - ' : Investigate the War Depart t pinites Accept New .More: Yellow . J-Wshlirigton, Keiterpber Xf-Kiieneral: Shatter called at thevar Vileparimcnt thlsl-affrrnoon alia ! ubmltted his ! re- ' -. i-'.v -i -.j1! ' . i-- b 'pord: on the anrtBko carnpalg-n. It tovej fnm beginniiiK' Jb. fend Uhe op- -ratijns; 11 the a mi ys under 1113 com mand -In iCuba.. It vfUl not ll made puhlifi. at. present M j;V i XQ MORE TIUXPS "TO Bit DIS- LjA-XDHD nendoui ri is ;ti being: to bear on tlnj war dep artment' more triMps mustered .out of rection. the -st-rVice -KfTortH in this d, are of -110 ;iv'til. - It tvas an- ripunjeu fcxjay jwith increased is thiat ' there vWJJ jb'e io more empfia- troops ri usto req out. u ne: sutuation t oes ivot admits oj, anyfurthr jreducUorj tn the -jijid -filto'rts. jarl'j beng ; iiiide' to army '-.put those volunteers tvho iarer retained lii th service ai neairi as -ixjsible n the footing- o"f th. regulars iii the mat ter of ldriltmnd dif;iplne. ArlifiUe over SG.000 frnen. have already been Cluster ed out, and 1ti1s announced, positively that (there wllil' be n-i more . ttlu.stered out, 150 ' matter i vvhnt influence Is brought to bear. . i : DIFFICULTY IN C.KTTING COM-, TIIE . MISSION. TO INVESTIGA-Tf WAR; DEPARTMENT The iilnflii ulty w h ieht is beii n gl expt'.ri need an the constrti-clon oi; tife : iro- ' ji)ged :boTnrniftsion- for jLhe invesftigatioh ,j ut the xronducti o-fU fhHitaff" branchs f thei atrmjl d:urjn!i sfthe. Vwajr withf Hpain.l haa Excited. $ofe -dfet upsion iiii militaily circles; as t the possibility- of I. the practical, failurt Hf an inyestiga- lion by a commission. 'It- developed- t Bat t ier e ib a ' idJcideri. - disapproval'! among army?- Ulcers M the, proiposition to havi. the.conductSofiithe war jTnvesti- eated lbv a civil jccsniinfesion; which can?- nojt'.'bei clothed, jlwitli hy judic ial '' The objebtroh is notj on'ac--rount lf any; prejudicela-gainst civiiau-- brought tu hiive ; thoritiili interfering; i) military mat !i" ters; bjit is due! to ihi fact .that testis j -: '-rnong before a cbmnjiistjlon not--bo'sses.s-. ins judicial iau'thoriky'! would be in a ;: mannet voluntary and Svctuld,. id" is said, r jiut ollicers in the lattitude of gratui Itouslyj giving testimony which might be" damaging tof' Indiviiduals oij to the " ttdniinitration ofn the- war department. Army (jftlcera say that' it woulll be no ;- roubleito get :all th4 iHftrmatil)n there . Js conci-rning the canipaign- a Santi- ago, tiife management , . of . .the war "through ' the depaptmeht and the posi- tions ot, the medical 1nd the (juai-terr , -master's and the fontni.issaly depart- xrients, if a. tribur a oil boarO i ert or- ,ani?edji With autlioritj? to rembei tes--i -HmonyTf but that officrs will not jeo . :pardize their ;oWni interests or put - , themaeives in the attitiide of bepng vol untary finforrhers when the, comdiosi tion ot Ihe coromipsion!; makingr ,the in .quiry i not such as tb ma'ke Tt.ooni pulRory upon ' the ti i to tell Avhat they irtay kuovv. .:-: -:;:ii;;'j; . -..I'.-'-T- -t ,i ' MOBE;f TLLOW X52VJRR AT PONC&. The fallowing ;;tablgran has been ' received! atsthei warl dejpartme.n :: - ' ; 1 - "Ponce. September 1;, 1S98. "Adjutant .General AVitshington. D. C.- - ' 'The hurober pC sick - among; the, .troops 1 Porto Rico isf 886'.' aboUt gi per cent.;' 118 typhoid;:; 417 malaria,- 1.262 ; other diseases.), investigation , "of itwo ideaths dt, Ponce,shbws!ithesm to vbe yel low fevfr,; whichl Originated! in ;!fhe iuarteripaster's hospital. One more ase has) developed. All 'troops at Ponce cliave been removed to tamps. IGeMeral ' ' Jlenry ibas takefti precaution jto pre vent disease sureU dinar. . .' ' 4 ' ; 1-; 'f nAlTTKMALA'ELEGTIOKS r Mlrtistlr Hunter telegraphs ti e stateH ;ilep'artmj?nt frouri date of Yesterday 'LGautemai. under as follows: "The ejection -foil ireident of Gatite- mala heijd during khe first sel'en daj?s; during Septerhber jreBUjted, m the. elec tion' of tfie present; inciimDent.i aianuei - Cabrera.1 by the largest majority . ee? given a ipresidentikl ciisididaite; in ;tnis .republic, Two eatididates were voieu - .for, Cabnera.and chstiiio, Dotn iioerais. 816,500; votes were tfast.j. Of this unpre f'denfed: lartre hunhber !Cabrera :recelv- d 315,939 and Cast 116 564. Peace, gbod ibrder anfl an' mitr imnteled exercise of L4he! election f rancl .ise marked; the en ' (tire election." U - . ' j - - ' '' ' icE-BOtJND Wll LERS RESCUED. j The" s4cretar5' o: tie treasury ' has ; received j the; folioiing telegram: from iTuttleiff: the: revenue -cutter Bear ailNjei"i' P.ay, Washington,- Sep ' tember lith:. : ' ' ):- . ', ;: - "i -' The Iear will reach Seattle 13th in ptant. Relief expedltiap and mnety-one u j Effects of -tobacco.; v ' " Abi7'7 Wl 2C. :;A'J-dr, ;; mmm Mr Ed.. C. Slbsen, rclp-w oa the Centra: f.-'- ri artihetl Cat. wracpS - Lave " ' .. rC. liL' .'-rtrirkt !va 2s"ervW J and re- .A'-Hi.h v.rncth froMi jt, I vras troubled T.rv.iJsne d;?iy fifeli.aad Weepies; -ness, caused by the of tobackir.d siiJn-'-lilairts.- 1 ook Ir. ne' frviae fcitk pia ;-relously &podr4Its4abayln2 tnepizziiicp, ctu'etlas tho nervesj -.ana. euuui;, nn'.i rfest. Ttroviic: in. uy eaio a very .. -llpBtpdv.": br. Miles', Eistorative Kervine lafespecifllyl adapted tojreb-toring . v 'stent tiits normal jconoition -'niatances. It sootlhes. heal - and strensrthens. ;-.. j : -. ! Dr. MUe' Eeneale 'ire sold hy . aU flrnSMy filea1 gists nndei; a positiv s - ij guarantee jfirst botU p-fylnB ibenefita or money tvr llRetorCS -5 ' landed.1 Book on dis- t neaiis eases oi w ueu - w i(aLiXv - BQrTCS lit." - " mm . KB. MLLES MKDICAL iX ElkJtart. Jno- y fc&l&fi1 j-t?! Vy:- 5W t 1 and Frames tne In Commissioners. KEPT SECRET 1 Cam paiznvNo. More Troops: Securing a Commission to u ' ;i hf. -r -!. ., ment-T wo of the jp TarlfT With Japan. I Fever in "Ponce. shipwfreqked.. men on toard Thd. Rol sarlo was crushed by ice July i 2tad crew all feaved: Jeanfe, Fearless, Kesw ptirt aia Bel yldere got, out safely AW wen. r 1 . , Hecfetary-Oage tpday sent the lowlngXjtelegra'ih of congratulatiohs to Captain Tuttle. of the Bear: "The department extends its tnank and congratulations to you, your cere and, crew for the .. successful (issue; of your own,; and the heroic .woj-k.o the overland expedition for the of: ice-bound whalers. ; Welcom kiellef Hornet Read! at muster." " ' "i ! NEW TARIFF .WITH JAi'A. A telegram '.has been reoelve.d at th Japagese legation to, tjie effect (that ti the 19th .linst&ht the governmehlj ojf Ja,f pan proclaimed ' 4:hte pew Japanese Ktatuatory tariff as well as the English!, German, French and Austro-IIungary conventional tariffs would 'be jjfut- into position ; on ! the- 1st of January, k 189'4 This step marks the inauguration , of Japan's new treaty relations with the western 1 powers? The revised, treated asif awhole Sttill'.go into operation i on the 19th pt July, 1899, but' by- their tej-ms it was provided thaf4f tei Jap anese government so lesired, ja new tariff might be' substituted befoire that, date for j the conventional tariff which has been in ' exclusive operatloh islnc 1866.;. .;: ; : .v;1;;.:: ,'. ' .'- j INSTRUCTIONS- TO- 'THE PfiACE COMMISSIONERS. ; 1 After a-, session, lasting nearly 1 two arid a half I hours tfcday, the cabinet trrok a recess until 3?30 o'clock this af4 T dicusseji a pal jbutstn The situation at Manilas wad at somfe length, but the prin-l ess of the meetine was thd djscuasion. of the letter, of . instructlQris, :-to) be given to the commission; which wUI meet in . Paris; to formulate aj treaty : ot Jpeade with Spain. Several ot member of the 'cabinet whp 'werd acing their vacations . were recalled! byi the president to attend today's! meeting. The letter " of instruct'ionsi will not be made public, but itj la un4 derstood that it is cbmprehensive. 1 in ' character and in- addition to making -plain, the general policy of the gov ernment onfall important points jit . covers all of the details; that can now be foreseen and provided for. It is js suhied, however, that many questions are likely to arise during the deliber ations of the Joint' commission upon; which the American members, will re--quire specific-jcable instructions fromi the' president. ; ' ( ' 'I ' j : Thejcabinet at its' second session con-j tiriued the discussion of the instrucH tiohs to ; be ' given to .the American) members of the peace 'commission.:, Al- though the document ' is"" practically agreed upon as awhole the matter will be left open; until the meeting here oil the members of the commission, tw.j days hence, . when a final .' revision wil be -made. Ri is" the president's wis-h, as; expressed .to' ,the cabinet members that ' nothing concerning the instruc tions bei made public. ;. I Thej -officials i at . the war and navy departments profess to fool more con hdence -than they have heretofore ex pressed regarding the preilebt situation) injtbe Philippine islands. Itf spite of alt the disquieting reports that have come, of Jate- frim newspaper sources, indicating the existence of critieally strained , relations between the insur gents and the' American 'forces I of: oc cupation, It" is a act that for three aaiys past no wbrdlcame to either the state;; navy or war' department.; from Manila, until today . That was a meq sage from .Admiral Dewey asking au thority from the departmental officers ,t&f purchase some fresh beef i which wjuld afford hirh a supply for thifee)! months. The admiral made no mentiloi The following; s General DaWton' daily health report: i I 1 ; Total sick 796, total fever 471, total new 'cases fg-Ver 73, ' total returned itc dutv 207. deaths 1. - 1 ;.- i j Two of the gentlemen selected-bx th president, to be, members of the com mission to Investigate the conduct :0 the war vhave - practically accepted 'Oilonel Sext6nr and. Dr. Gilmart. iTh latter arrived inl; the 'city - tonight and wfll see. the : president tomorrow. I Fa-It vorable responses ''are looked- for from General Dodge and Dr. Keen, thus in-1 suring four members ot the body. '. 1 1 itt s witch tiazei salve nas tne H i&feegt sale rt anv salve in the; world; This fact and its, merit has Jed dishorn est people to attempt to counterfeit it) Look out for the man r who attempts toi deceive you wnen-you -can xor uei Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. R. It. Bellamy. 1 I ' : I ' i .- y f k . 1 I I'Ui A Soldier From ITIouut Olive. IIe at ' . J -. '- - Montank Point. ! j ;- ' (Correspondence of The Messenger.) ' .: Mount Olive, . N. C, September 13. Thd sad intelligence reached here yeatej-day announcing thl death! o Mf Efnest W. Cobb at MontaUk i'Qlnt. A)t the time of his' death he had been ih the service for over - 'three years. Hie Fortress Monroe( a on 95, fors three years, ana hils erilistied at August 8, 1 enlistment Was-brfti Ausrust-8.1 1898: but owing to having been in r&avy engage ments at Santiago and other rough treatment, --he' was; . tftiable ito' . comle home at -the time-; hi'! enlistment ex pored, and vaa sent to lontauk Ponjt for treatment and remained there un til his death, which was last TuoEday. the 6th j instant., j vile died of typhoM fever. ;.X'-A , "' l-y: ii Mr, Cobb "was aged . 24 years, and was thoroughly acquainted tit, Mtj Olive i and . section" - where! . he .; toad nunieroi s friends,-1 who; will ; learn of his death wlith i much ; regret. ! He leaves the fol- lqwing brothers rand sisters: lr.r Ii a H.. Cobb, of Mt. , Olive; Mr... John O. Cobb, of Goldsbore; Mrs. W. ;N. ard Mrs. C. F,. Webb, I of , Wilson, who t.;d mourn his untimely demise: ) The many friends of Ma Joe -L. Wil liamson and MisS jAnnie' Elmore jv 11 regret very much; to Beam that. th y are critically ill with typhoid fever. Mr. H.; R. SoutherlandMeft yesterday for Faison, N., C4 ' where he werit to accept a position as salesman with Mr. B. is. Witherington, of that place. M i r--n:ii : 'ri j An Auarchlit Manf fewto' ' ;, -. jEome. September 13. An anarchist manifesto signed toy the "revolUtionaf-y committee, has been distributed pn Milan during the past feitf days. The police on yesterday: arr.ested an Italian who was engaged In dislirlbuting the manifesto, , The prisoner, who bad just arrived from Switzerland when he was seized, ghoutedv "Long Live' Anarchy! Death to th KIn!" , " - t i ! ! Some of the people In the crowd pres ent at the time of! the arrest interfered with! the police officers who made the capture and several persons were im- Jured on both aides before the anar chist was lodgedln the police depot! I I The newspapers here remark that the recent riots at Milan commenced in! similar yar, ; i - i ; THE SITUATION l3f JIAMLA. T InBsrgeoU Tlore Frlendlf Toward the AtneHcaDM-ArniB Landed far tbe PhllipplBo. Ilorig Kong,. September 13. A spec lal dispatch! received, here from Ma nila from a 'Spanish source says:' ' : "Agufaaldb has liberated all "the panlBh prisoners, jThe ! Americans, . I , i - ;: rhr -. i ,::-. :- : ; la violation of the terms of the 4pltu- tttM ;haevjjelzedtl..pubncl: offices, destroyed thej archives, disregarded the munic'ipal laws and are collecting the llsh taxeB." 1 Manila, Philippine Islands, m- ber j Thej ' ; Americp bark ; Abbey, J'ith cargo of arms land amniunition roini' thei lOnited States. Iwhibh left Cantop, ostensibly for Signapore, nn oer lieavyj bonds, ten: days ago.- has fiowjjt is j said, landed -5,000: Krag Jeorgensen rifles and cartridges ; in Batangas .prbvince for the Insurgents. The report seems Impossible, though it' comes from a good sourceS . ' j ; Tbe indications today ari that the Insurgents Untend to comply peaceably frith; the American ;reuest to leave the suro-urus i oi ianna on. September Ix)ndon, September 14 The Manila correspondenit of The Times telegraph- to. Tuesday j'ays:l ,'fA .better feeling prevails between the! Americans and ;insrge.nts, j probably, induced through the luuueuce pi me luaurgeui leaders assembled at iMalolos. Today Aguinaldo sent an bracer to ask 'per- I imiisibn -: toi .move r ai detachment of troops from j Lxndo, one of the sub urbs 1 of li' Manila. The reuqest was i promptly granted and: a large detach ment; or rinsurgents; evacuated ;L,onuo this afternoon, marching through the American ;lines in the direction of the waterworks: and receiving proper mil itary 'honors jen ToliteA - . . AT Til E f IIKATK K i Secmid Perforniancepot the i .'I i 'i Tucker C'ompan). Lilian j; The! : Lilian j Tucker Company gave their, second presentation, at the oiera housej jlast i n4ght,i and 'won' as glorious ljaurels as i the evening previous. The old. old play.: "Lady Audley's ; Secret,' .was! produced, and it was received with Ihe same' high favor that always. e-accorded it i when performed proper as it was last night. Tlie sweet, but very -dramatic piotj or, the piece is too r erf wellj known ;to theatFe- - goers and read rs .toiheed reiteration.! p Miss - Lilian . Tucker i portrayed the character of Lady Audley and did it tersely: . Her i conreptntn of the part lavas' pffir excellent and her rendition parallelled. I J i ! Mr. Ghas.! Ci Vaught, ;as Luke Marks, gave" Us a finished i piece of acting, Whii'hi ,the: ! saudience irecogn;zed and winced by lavish applause. - '! i; Ini fact. all the players were, well? up In tjheir respective rolt-s and deserve. higN Aierited commendation. They 'ere Misses Dorothy Walcott and Eunice Gooddch and Messrs. Thaddeu.s Gray, J. Francis Kirke. and Joseph II. Thayer. i The specialties tjf littleTheodora, Mr. William Hart nd Sisters Millar receiv led numerous encdrest phe danc-inrf lof jMiss Goodrich- still .continues to be i a ifeature, and: a big. one. i Last- nigpt the jfag of nthe different I: nations : were thrown by - powerful :i elect rical raiys iilpon her magnificent j flowing gown. "Old Glory," the1 English and Japa nese flags were,: received with wijd ap julausei but theifiag of Spain wa$ hiss ied and the recipient! of cheers irision.ii : An- innovation Iwas a numebr iof pictures: by the pr6jectscope, ;which ! were torse. ! '- ': ' 1 L -,": :i I t :! Tonight a fine production of the play, "A Hero In Rags," w lit be given. Miss' Qootirifh v ill i introduce her wonderful fire Idance,' I s .': Glrun aiAVarsaw , i 3 e . ! t : . (ColrrespondyHice of iThe Messenger;) Warsawi i N. i C. Sentember- Ii! Henii R; :B.i Glenn spoke here'today to. aboji't BOOwhitev people,1 knd a more en thusiastic and appreciative crowd nev er .before ; greeted a ispbaker in 1 War- iThevspeaklng" had bejen -only briefly advertised but the people through th counttry-heard of; it and came w hear him.r . i i i The iadiesSof the town and communi ty were preseht and showed much in terest Sin: the speech.t . . i t i Mr. lenn reviewed- the record iot the republisan party after the war and then showed the; kind iof government North Carolina! had during! twenty yedrs of democratic indministration. : Hel then pictured the awful, condition of affairs n North Carolina.- under the present administration ? sand i I appealed i fo the white jpeople of Duplinl county to help rid; -thje bLaek counties of negro rule, Atj jtirtips during his speech hardly; a dry ieyej could ;be seen, in the audience, aridl isawi old men! almost break down in sobs? over such i a condition as we ; now live under. 1: i V Somejold f men ; said i -they had n never before; heard such' a speech. Much good as done, i l :f'--:f i""'i:i:' Iv'i- ::-. I . i--- : '- i''- V, it ' " i More, than; twenty imillion free sam ples i of DeWltt's Witch Hazel ! Salve have been distributed t by. , the manu facturers.) What better proof of their confidence; in it's merits do you want? It cures piles, 'burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest space of., time. R. R. Bel lamy. ' i, ' ', -:,j-'!; if - '"r- . ' - !'! ; '-. L .'.'' :!-;!; : -:-:'! f'f-'M -: ' t 'i! '' - 1 j , 1 , Base Ball. 1 ; ; ! Philadelphia 5. Boston 3.j; -i i y ; ; i Pittsburg i2,, Chicago 4. i i r !. iNew York 1, .Baltimore 3. 1 ! -' JNew York 0, Baltimore 5.1 f Another; Kailwar Crossing Accident. ' Wjcbita, Kas.,i September 13. Three persons wre .kil!led outright and sev eral others badly injured here tonight whin a. Rock Island . passenger-' train struck a ;carryrall at the-Douglass av enue fcrt)6sing.; i In the I carry-all were kthifiteen pesons i on their way to, Buf- iaio xsiii s snow t xne team was going at p. rapid ; pace; and the driver could not, stop at the crossing: when he saw thajtlhe train was npon him. ' - i II. r I - r i ; : 4 England4 t Itimatn.n to Edtoem Pasha Cn.ndia. Tslhnrl of! Prp'tp- Rentemher li -j-Rear'. Admiral Gerard Noel,! com mander :Of i the: British! naval .force in Cretan waters, today iissued an ulti ma,tiim ,lo tEdhem : Pasha, the Turkish milftary: governor of Crete, demand- ing, .that within forty-eight hours he should deliver up thel ring-leaders i of thejjeeent outbreak and massacre, sur render the: frt -and ramparts ; comr man&Ing the town and disarm the Mus sulman troops, i i i ( r. ; t - i :H FOR .RElSTTi -li-'iHi'-;:'; '": '!:'! : '-!: ; - ; : !' .(-'' "j . :m AT ALSO ; : 1' FOR SALE, jr ;. 'l-j 1 i. - i i ,;i , .- Several Desirable: Pieces of Prop- jerty. Call and See List., ! -v W.'M. CUMMING, ' r::r!'i ;iH;:: ,: 'U I i - I1 ' 7 . Real Estate Agent and Notary Public. 1 HE By Official of. the Amal i gamation 'Party! i THE STATE UNIVERSITY Opens Mith Four Ilondrrd : Students I'opulUt Propoaltiou I to Iiemorat tolultefor Illran-hlenint of the t Jtfro A Lively Ballroad WarThe : Flrftt Regiment Certainly to Remain . lu t Service Rnellvn Judicial -4p-polutee Downed by tbe Court. ! ,i f ! Messenger Buread,; : i: : Raleigh, ; N. i, September 13. ! A telegram from- Colonel W..-yI. S. Burgwyn this .morning says that he and the six companies iof the Second regiment did not get away from, St. Simon's, Ga.i until 10 o'clock last night. Officers' at headquarters here: said this would bring the regiment here late'"to night. ' ' , Three sections of a train left heie last night on the Southern railway for ' iuoreneaa city to take- the negro regi- ment.- the; Third, 1JJ6 strong, .from t Fort Macojvto'Knoxville and the rail- I way; officials said lti would pass here' tomorrow afternoon,! going via Greens- boroi and .Asheville. ; ; -i ! The' superior J toutt judge before j whom the caset -of ; . Judge ; Norwood against Judge ; Carter, Involving, title - td the office of superior court judge of the Twelfth district was heard, decides in favor of Norwood, the, old judge Carter, it will ibe remembered, . was Governor Russell's appointlee. ANor wood's contenUon nas that he had never resigned.; Tlie- court ; holds i ro. Carter court. will appeal j to the supreme Thy state. university-opened yester day, with 400 students present.. The graduating cfass, has sixty members. , It-is found extremely difficult to se cure the detail of an army officer s instructor in- tactics .at the Agricultural arid Mechanical -college' here.:! It -is pos sible that W. T.; Wilder, now a major in the Second North. T?aroHna - volun teers, may get the assignment. The volunteers here are given much liberty.- They answer roll calls at 6 a. m.-, noon, 6 p. m. and 10 p. m. ; It is thought .they, pvill. get i furloughs ; by next i Sunday and probably- be muster ed out during the; state ; fair w eek. Field rations are being issut-d,1 with fresh beef and bread. 'Six thousand field rations arrived today. i j The state superintendent of .public i IHPOETAST EVENTS OF THE Hi t i Gomez Has Resigned Because the Cuban Id ivfernment Gotijs? Xpt Resist American Sway in .Cuba, i v - 1 i ! Austro-IIunsarians are infuriated Asairtst Italians and the V 4uier nave een Attacked in several Cities.- ' . $ i An Italian is Arrested Manifesto. The Populace i I ransports Arrive from Soldiers Aboard. '". . '-.! I I !. . .. : : ' r - i . .- ;i.- ft 4-1 '' : ;. . i i !' ;' ! 31 ore Yellow Fever is Reported from OurO ui'p at Ponce I : ' An American Bark Lands 10,000 Rifles and Ammunition op a Philippine Islund for the Insurgents. ' f5; ; j;i s J, s Another. Violent i Scene Occurred Jii' the Spaf iisjh Senate Yes- - - e terdav. j. The Murderer of the Empress of Austria ,51 Zyibe Extradited to that Country. ; ', '. . ' t' j , j' '; Spain Will Admit no Demands of the United; '.tates Advanced After Signing the Peace Protocol. ; ' !? ; : ! f j 7'here are Two Parties in Cuba, One for Abs dte Independ ence, the Other for Annexation. ' j! ! j' Judge Simonton Grants a Preliminary Ordy i'i'n the Suit of J Bryan vs, The Seaboard and Roanoke-Railroad i? f ';- -' '- ' ; 1 - ';- 1 : ; .instruction declares ; that i politics are now a. menace to" the-public sehools, as under the: new system: :"fcourt ; house rings" elect i the supervisors. He Targes 'that, these; be elected by teachers and other educators in the respective Coun ties.' j ,:.! . : .!. . i:-' ' i. - As yet the law: officers have failed to find Jim Sears, the penitentiary guard who beat Joseph Lowe to death at the Northampton convict farm.; The report of the surgeon has heen received.! This says ;Lowe was beaten - three ; times in one day; , and in the most, horrible man ner. ;The : fnsionvsts; in i their ''Hand book" which, is to appear tomorrow, have a chapter f charging' democrats with Cruelty to convicts, entirely on convict testimony, but. the occurrence at the Northampton county farm .has taken all jthe wind, out of the f usion ists' sails.; The ."Handbook, f' though prepared by Hal. j Ayer, is for! both the populists and republicans.. I : ; !: Thus far $125 has been collected here for the Shlpp monument; fundi Roman Catholics here tell i me: that very Rev. Felix-. Hintmeyer, I who is prior;of the abbey of Sti Mary Help at Belmont, N. C.,, and also vicar gen eral of the Benedictine order j in North -Carolina, is a cousin of . the frnurdered empress of Austria, i ' . ; j -i , ; It is ascertained fronrA thoroughly Te llable sources that th populists,! who are now publishing ! a 'Jot of jtrash , about: "disfranchisement of the negro" by the dennocrats, last May madeprop ositions to the '. democrats that! they would like to .unite with the latter yto adopt by 'popular vote an amendment to the constitution bringing about such disfranchisement Ifc is; ;stat,ed posi tively that;the "King tinl of ponulism made this very proposition. I 1 i There! appears to be no -doubt of the f continued "stay in service, of the First. North Carolina regunent.l It siems.that Congressman Pearson attempted jto gjet it mustered out. .ri.d failed. t ia puz zling ;; sonie people' to know j why the volunteers are not delighted at . an op portunity to Jsperid the wiinteriiin fcuba. it is an; opportunity ot a lite time, ,is the comment, with no campaigning, but life under the most pleasant con dmons. : ;. -'. ,.-..; : Next week track laying on ithe! Cape Fear i and Northern ! railway biegins. There is quite a pretty Jigh.ti bejtween this, road and the Raleiglt and f Cape Fear, twelve ahd one-half miles " of which are completed, the former road trying to prevent the latter ' from crossing its track. : ii i; ; H A man named Bumgarner, a private in the IRaleigh i company of : the First North Carolina regiment,' died yester day at Camp Cuba! Libre; He was from High Point, N.C ' 1 '- I I ; - ! - 1 ! Camp Thomas Broken ( lTp . Chickamauga Military I Park, Sep tember ' 13. The i volunteer army ; at Camp Thomas has ; been ; completely scattered, the last regiment, the Ninth New; York; leaving for New York this afternoon. ; Before the Ninth left the park they 1 marched to General greck enridge's headquarters,; headed by. the regimental band, -"whereupon in behalf of the ! regiment. Colonel Green ex pressed; ' acknowledgments to the . gen eral tor the many courtesies they had received from him during his (command at the park. The general gave the boys a rousing send off and announced that with their : departure the Chickamauga I camp dissolved. , . . i (jllBfltl PftljllES LI--.'J-:'N'ivii'.-::';: 'i ' :'1.1 "! : Aiiucxati' n or Indepen- c ence. JEflLOUSlF ANlERIGd By None l an : iUierK-an Pirateetorate Advoeate4T t Independent I n- i ; i, U s' :.-l - 1 M - eay at tb Pr !eedln of Mr. Porter Hho ii Hevlt lbeTrlirMw-ln- depruve Atfit. ore Hold .aj JTIeeflus: Tne ( omlu Jreldenlial Election. :The'Fouijle!-Jti ' ;j M Havana, i Sepmber 13 The pres ence of .-Ribertfjy Porter, khp is- in Havana on MBp Si41 commission from the United ovemmerjt Vo s'tudj' the financial af a economic jaspects of the situation,'!:'! Regarded with .auspi-j cion by thej par y ht free Cuba asndi catitig the estat ibshment of an ! Ameri can policy o i ardianship.j ! yr Mr. Porter fc preparing a revision of the Cuban: tariff, which -Witt pro ably be protecti Kof Cuban industries, arid is acquaint r himself witji every detail of local 4i&tion.j In (this work he is assisted bv-f capable staff.; For the present fhiaorts i are Jonly pre liminary, as, uJii after the definite settlement of p ce it will ibe impos- sible to establis; f the new regime; but his efforts aad 1 fquirles, taken togeth er! with the ann amcement that Amer-,j ican troops w4li ;. She, sent later to occuj py the isianu--jjnicu iiau niLueny ,; -.' i. ! : .1 : fr. t i . t. -1. J !.f ' 1L a - been do'ubtedi b many -have 'had the af?a,t f tirt nrotec;t!frnm the - ! 'if r is m .- , :.. more rabid Cul ns who. are holding j meetings" and i adopting ' resolutions against "eneroat jjjnent upon our, nights as citizens ! of re; free and indepen dent republic of uba by the establish ment of an An? r ican protectorate." , Commenting ' ditorially today upon these developrt :)nts La Lutha ; says: "It. is easy to A rsee a clash between the two tendenC es, the two fortes on the political bof zon of Cuba-t-the sen timental I indep Udent i partyj and the party of 1 praeiit si ;annexationistf. On one hand stai&Jthe Cuban 6enjiment which has s$-u "gled for fncedota for three years; 'pa the other is arrayed every materials toterest in ithe island wliich looks1 f rg ' ana foremost fpr the greatest and strongest guarantee, not bV 'I in Milan, Distributt.s Attacked the Pplico, f ' 1 an Anarchist Pojice and Sanj ago with Sick' m. L5 .,' 1 : '-. 1 ' '--!- I t-Az i -: -. . .1 ! I -;,; I. i ' ; - only r that order; ould be preserved, but-that there v t be a future flevel- opment and an. interests.) It is icr'ease in hose very, So early yet to' pre dict with which; a;rtry the -lctory will lie; but the lei lea's- of the ; national Cuban party .h lEd not allow theire- rselves to be carr? I?;away byjtfae natur al exaltation itnt g!ry temperament of their race. ; TJa4 "$.jh.ould proceed: with tfAt and discre oij at this juncture; for, otherwise, jaxation may become an accomplished iflct far sooner . than is expected, Tlf pleaders should) ajt with prudence' a il Jfurnish an example of strength "and febjlity. Such conduct in them may reijjli in time; in adding' to the ranks I oi -i the Cuban 1 national party a large r" poijtion of those who now advocate da' texation and in carry ing with them Jt i; great landed and in dustrial interepl .of the island." !: : i,These two viSjlerns, independence and annexations - are the chief topics discussed, andrth f, idea of an American protectorate, it -military occupation, is no where j, iivorably consiiffered. Everywhere it t .recognized that the. choice is bet'e independence, and annexation, '1,1 t ' ' ' (Ne'xt monthly the headquarters of the so-called Cu republicaa govern ment," at Cubtta'j province of i Puerto Principe, represl Natives of jtfie differ ent corps of tlS-..3uban armf will prcn ceed to a preiif .sntial election! and a definite constat on of the government. Each army coj will send eight, dele gates; making fc viStal of forty-reight electors. ; ThepHrj two separate afld distinct tenderif sn the Cuban army, bnej strongly $S4Prting the : present governments afJcl-;' the other; favoring General Maxirfo Uomez. ',!)' Already foufc Residential tickeits are in the field. Oahe! first are'the names Of Bartolome JJSiso for president and. Meridez Capote! 1 ir vice president; on the second, the (lames of Mendez Ca pote for the-. fir$t place and Jose Miguel Gomez for th f econd; on ithe third are Jose Mlguep .Oomez and Pedro Be tanoourt; ando"r the fourth Calixtb Garcia 'and ! Joa- Miguel Gomez. , ! . At the camp,?? Jose Miguel Gomez, a newspaper -M led ' La Nacion has been published or somejtimei , It Is described , as 4 ; trong ,'adtocate of "naQa Otl1 hof & Vnatr' n n 1 r r t -nri 4-V it the moral tf ?qrsenient of General I Maximo Gnmeia l A.hf ia l-imsn tn t favor the earljl J isbanding of the Cu ban troops ano-:tefurn to the arts of peace..- $'.t . I , 1 - General Gon Ib still encamped on the Narcisa es( Yaguajay, Santa ClaraprovincJ,r i". I, 1 This afternofj'i 'the American and Spanish evacuS ?n cpmmissionens de cided that, for $1 present, they would discuss the me1 important I points to come under thJ -consideration by tet ter and only ,,eet in joint session later j to discuslv " etaila. - Therefore no joint, sessions -! " 11 ' be held for- some time. CV ' ' f ' J. i Several weUAnown Cubans , arriv- j; -Mi..- m- ; --. ,, y ed bejfe on Saturday by the Mascot te. ostensibly as delegates commissioned by thfei Cuban junta to facHhate the work: of disbanding thfr;Cu ban1 troops' i There is reliable authority, however, for the statement that - they are. really commissioned to agitate the question of Cuban Independence. . On Sunday night tbey wiere present at a meeting- held at- the residence of one 5 of the J most aristocratic families of Havana and t be question of Independence was then discussed at length. I Seno? Benjamin Guerra, treasurer of ther Cuban Jun,ta who arriyed here on the Yacht Alfredo, on Sunday; bat was njot allowed to land, was today permitted to go ashore to see his mothesri i i'. '- '-XX-A- : - ' f " 'll ii -." '!' : 'j At'sTHI A'S DEAD KnPHKSS, ll' Arrival (of Austrian It r p --n tali e. 'Hellgtoaa Oretuonlea -- TbeFafflu Cloned-Th nurdrrrr to be Sent' to ; Aaatrla.' ! I ,. i-'i. '1 r ; -!:. -- ' Y I ;! Geneva,! September 13j-On the ar rivai: hei'e todayjof the representatives of the American: court they.-were con ductedj! fio the death chamber dad view ed, thj jremains of : the la(te Empress Elizabeth. After prayer had been of fered, Jhe coffin! was finally, closed In' the presence" of fthe authorities. -j Thej bishop of Fribourg, the. arch priest fi the cathedral of Notre Dame,, and ssveril Genevese ecclesiastics in full canonicals -blessed the remains in the prtesence of lithe court ; personages, each of whom sprinkled! the body with holy water, k t - k - t .- " - t ' - President Ruffy and the members of tne federal council came from Bern ini-a fjody officially to; tender the nat t ion's ympath y. k 1 Repl-ing to President. Rifffy's ad dress of sympathy. Count von Kuefv stein,the Australian minister,- thank ed the; Swiss people "who in these un happy lays havev: given evidence of so great sympathy with the Australians." It is J said that; the assassin will be r i f . i I ' tried a a special term inext month. ! V" ir Id Acartn1 n Ain r- 1 f I l iim - rn 1 r V Jul ji Lli' it. : I . .' . .i f a . l i . i ii . I assassi pn me empress oi Ausma, oe. ine a foreigner.. . may be extradited to Anstrii . jr . Tou' ipyite disappointment when you experiment. DWltt's Little . Early T S Awn Sr. -1 i. n fin etir .. . V. . rr V. little pills.; They . cure constituation and sick "headache just as sure as you take them. K. r. Bellamy, ti r. : GKSKKAL liO.TIfi', lli:SIGS ' . As a Prteitt Agalnt Amerlean military lliomlnatlon lu Cuba . Santifep de Cuna, September 13. rAn unconti'Micted rf jort Vvas received by! Genera- Lawton Hast nght i that Gen era! , Maximo Goiinez, bie ; Insurgent commander-in-chief,! has tendered his resignation of thej command of the Cm ban armj to the Cuban government at Camaguay, ; and that it ;hate bpen ac-j. ceptedt Gomez, U appears has been protesting '. against' the Cuban govern- ment, yielding the control oft:" the af -I fairs of j.he '.isla;nd to ,'the Americans and the. explanation for resigning was his disapproval f "unpassive aubmis- sion to fcpnditionB tending to the pracn. tical dls'cji-editing and retirement-t the Cuban republic, as Such; and the es-t tablishjBg Of I the -absolute dominion of the -UriittHl States." .!..", .'f ; '. '-- :j --" : 1- -The, 3ubans-atf;Sahtiago were .mqcl excited by ' the jeport. ' .It was dilW- lieved bjl many who; say" that General! Gomez 3; (resignation; at ' this time,- i utterly jimprobale.'v Others, howeveri say, Gomez resents the putting of the' Cuban irmy under the authority of the American: generajs and claims-the Cu hans should resist even by force' ofi arms isjnecessaryj ; .: i i , : t Generf Is ;Cobreco, ; Castillo, Pedro, Perez adj other Insurgent leaders have turned-l)Ver their commands. -to Gen-i eral Laivton. i - l , .: i p General: Perez iJh as 8,000 men in the vicinity;of Guantanamo which he will disband' this weejc by order? Of General, Castilloi jThere-s! ' now ; a general de sire onithe partf Pt the Cuban army; Hof disbinjd,': as .Ke ( insurgepts have learned Hhat the (juestion of their back' pay wil jriotj htf considered! by the; Americans.- I - '.-.h. - ". I '-: i i ' ! Lieutebant Colonel Rowan and Cap-i tain Paj-ker, accompanied by; Lieuten-I ant Colfnel Ciarlo Garcia, son of Gen- eral Garcia; and wo other Cpban Offi-; ifeers, ' art-ived . hee lateijlast (night on horseback from Jibara.i on the north ; coa-st. ;Cqionei ifowan was sent; here jb. 'Generail Miles f rorrf Porto , Rico. He will rndke; observations filnCuba, geo-; gmphical.j climatic- and military ? for! ithfe government. He was ''fitted out ; with guides, horses and provisions by the Cuban commander, Feria at Gibara, ;ai)d vi,site . Holguin',') which : is garri-; soned by .12,000 Spaniards under: Gen-; erhl Luque'.- ,Goqd health generally iprevaijs among bth Rubins and'Span :iajfds n;" the inorherrt part" of 'the is-; land. The Spaniards! entertained Colo-; nel Rowan and lis Cuban companions hospitably. I f : 1 ; ll I ; . . ? !..-.. .--; i . One Minute Qough (Cure surprises people by its iquiCk cures and children may tke iti. in large; quantities- with out thi least danger. It has won for iitself tlie best reputation of any prep-: : . , . .1 - . i . . 9 , 1 ,i lIl.L101f .UICU j T,VUCLjr ,j IVfc ClUUp, tickling in i the (throat j -or obstinate conghs. R. R. . Bellamy. Slek Soldiers Frm Cuban IfoMpltala! j iCamJ,utikbff, iilontauk-Point, Sep-! tember! 13.--The transport steamer Vig-, llancaarriyed here today from Siboney, Cuba.. Sh brings 240 J soldiers, and tft-ienty nuf$es. Some of: the men came frqrn the hospitals at Santiag0 and -Si -bbiey'iandi some; from .the yellow fever hospital ' at Siboney.. ; The. men were about evenly divided between regulars and voluntjeers.aijdj most-f the volun teers are members pf the First Illinois, Seeondi Ohio. and? 1 Thirty-third and Thpty-f ourth Michigan. The quaran tine offlcen reports that there is no se- rious sickness aboard; the Vigilanea, although 'there wer about fifty to sixty men removed to thej general hospitals J here 4upon ! the steamer's arrival and twelve oi tnem naa to De taKerr irom ithe vessel on stretchers. Three died jop. the :voyage from Cuba. :.. There jwas a presentation by i the n!iemlesj o;f the First-Volunteer caval ry to their colonel! Theodore Roosevelt, tday, f They gave ! bim a handsome bronze statue', ; the work if Frederick Remington and called "The -' Brancho Bluster.?' Part of. the IRough Riders ere mustered out today, j: . The Roal i tie highest grade bakiag powdar ; aaoo. Actaal teU show it foes oao third farther thaa amy vthor ariaa. F0VDER Absolutely Pure wwmuiw powocii co., r vom. : : mm ill i : ;..: rcir-' U -rti. " Repetition o.f, the Djsor- - , ' S : ,-- ' ? 1 '. deilv Scenes.i OFFICIALS ATTACKED -t n For lnrompejtenry In Tlaipa jtn ; h ar- hargir Agialnsl thet Lmf Pre- i i ;;-. i ; ; f ii. , 'I I . fitter (auova f ouul d Atw a ttr uet III hart-in Aicalut' Ih, r eu- eralu tienfral- t U ri len 1 4 lulenl :; '. . - It: .1. Spain to Admit o IK 911a -id . !re-h Jladf Mure 1 . Madrid,. Sep other uproar! be-Prolot'ol. ; .- Hi 1, K ember 15 Titers ?a as an- u -session of iCi.-eidit. -today. Oourvq d Ailmenas, yefrs(tnSS t' ytMerday ri'inr: I Ik his statemen names- of the ly said, ougfht around their generals whoii ft -ece'it- 10 ineiiiisnsrjes iffti Biecks.. numibjr,-" VVeyler, Blanco. and lYiftroi de RrveroJ. .aSier which he alsVi included Aduviral iyr- vera in the ct-goald ti-'fuatal ilsi ineoiiaieter.t and! ouht nares as 41 to be arraigned Thertupen, jjeni .il Weyler and illthers laudlv: .1 wf'tesjed; against ihesej charges. : an'ov'ene!; ra: Weyler callett; on Count : Almejciis to , r ; - ' . v; 1 name those, generals wb.o we reduce us ed of failing to d ; their duty. hd he ahied, if th at-Cusatfiiiis traie- ahd the culpriits could nut 'ba3 g lly punished, the matter in tht- generals rfov-U Jl-ie he r own hand: Uld'inijut proper pumshhient. -t A great tuniull ensued, - ' -t . .jf - standing, ;sh-utingi .ami rjie satjrs jShn-arening ...... V r v. 1 . . . . . ; V CTVil v?lll-I.. lit- LM eSHll-IlT .'(IT ! II. ate vaifily strove to restorS -ordi'ir :4nd bnjke his bell.In attempting t- do b.j When the-'dcjbatej iwas re.nned.iSeikor ionzales attacked the army.:, v ij:. gild it had. been vq.rstt3d firs y the iln Ar gents and then by the- Am.-rirAn;! V(ii tinuing, the sbeaker asked wh;' Had become, of the (00.000 meh nrfnt t.i''uba 'He blamed (leneral ,Veyler afd tho NEW ARRIVAL'- OF -i --.ll JOHMSdlir ye ankjis !an we are satisfied - ? . i - Will also Shdw ; f 50 Dozen ? NE m tuci.TiuMi. icsii uoic .a an oiiaucs ..-;' ' J - '! A Few R. & Gl CORSETS Left. e I I I - 5 itvliich :' .': -1 ' 1 i . -.1 i :::f q -.- ' - I;, i .... 'i J- j ; I i r, ": 1 T ' We are Sole Agents for',t! Celebrated DKi JAjXil'R'S SAMTa'rV OULK UNDERWEAR.; XS11 (or CTolixisoaa & Fbre: FALL AND WINTER HEWvDRESS GOOHS and SILKS, -i-i . j 1 t : ' ;&);-: .,-!- :i CAB.PETS ana RUGrS M (aU Gradbs, we invue your jtisrlectioii you inaKoa selection elHewlure. . . In LACE CURIUINS, WLDOW We are showing b.e strdngiest line ever oienetl . Call early and Mkke your Belectkma. ' I nt. C W: POLVOGT CO. Sole Agents f or. wli Cortetg and cWl5orL7t drow - s i Bnt wp do speaJc ii -Glowing Terms of Our Stock of ! -''- J; i -;-:'.!. i . . J 1 -i.r:H:!' : i .-Ii ..' -. ijtiii ,." i '' : mm C3 T3. Harness,; flunks dnd Bags. We defy Competition on All Poocls A Complete Stock of Baggies, to Arrive October 1, lHysJ'Wll we .4' QJ o 22 XORTII 8'P 11" NOW FOR The heated term has bee'n brokenvand -nqsv on, this being so you Jrnust prepare me ty aj yi. i 1 .; - I T '( 1i - m - "! -A Carpets and House Furnishings. i.. I- i i 'iJl '' ' ,.'-! - Sl'.-'i'i'-l-'--'.'! i - i : ' ' -1 - .. -: K ' I !; .- fi1!: :;.!-; r-F ..J INOW you Dave srot to hkve imfth!n "l "pc" nei-ui-u: oome, fiave: availed themntive tit iha nnKt-- Why not you? A SPECIALTY jney are size 9x12, feet ajid ares op the richest, hahds&mest, -and: most nove effects. If ypu like, high artlcreatJens this will certajinlyyease you.' , - AXHIHSTERS. COQUETS AHD TAPESTRIES- In noth room and hall patterns? alsd ,s tay-s. . They are o(f trV very best qual 4-ties and latest .styles and colorisg i ! : j) - V i' ' "Gur stock covers everything ihiat ' should be in his klepaVtnilent, Extra Super and Union Carped". IRurs, Art Squares; MattJOg, ' '1:1 .'! f. " : ' ii'.' i '! .' ,' , i V'indow Shades, IN FACT. A CpMPtETjI,INF.OF DRAPERIES. . I w ! OIL. CIXTH AND LIOLEMl Thelast nard'efd lie haven 8-k" 12-' auu iu-i. ii. nin .uc uui vietteuip toi -. 1 JJ SUCCESSOR T0 BEOWN & K0DDICK. No. 29 North ' 'A i I . M T-t J i- '..f. tl. a lew uair ui xviu uioves lUHiKnz Thv will haiAtH of 9 nantdhLtf nln imifGabTles ' : waw a AVr late premier. H-fnr C-anva del C1'! ..!' niten! nff the la. t tor tw ora- khif in iHwir i and itnlght hAvt dtjrti- jjit he .pJevUed,j. 'lN) h :f Th iH mH-u Srnor Sj-ata.'. Wply Inc. thi ; nrjithejr.. St-rmr tnoVaa o Tiff himif had IrnleUllphjs rhiijte thfj eharaeter tf the del Caat enough race, w rlat-ml. k- h Mas I he true icau. : he it tli.f dUajtteri ts .Spainj. "We ire." tl pffiiief saK!.- " an aialrhle Country We J ere attacked when' act in IT as flin hffri't man would . Wt den. fended ( t rxe; bu rsel-yr''I ' havo Ut' mVf prea;- it m .twmus'e 'J'l.beiiev J . the path 1 A ii fott-wtn. Is "'the pVst.'f .'! J; t ' WetyU-r t,hn made a'ipeecH ioN t e tilth pr.otked uch an iHit! tnt.'rfer- Vt st tli'st tht! premier had to jtn.l hi-alled' uion, .the irrheral to . exiilai hi; policy v leheral Wryler r.'plid ftikt'l had -not -hreatvnt'd the gvvi t'onfr-'M iatuutiorti.i but opay tHoe la... ill.... . W . . ', i 7 iiaK-u. in- rm) .-.; i Tsj Thrt ti rc;t. sin.ii: fIHiii.ib! Ti- I wt1 for war J (S-hral JCorfe he Sive.rnnib-ni! it'tohV.waa re- L : W :!::! -, II- e cq nretuart; th furmcr rnln- fori r-irn . affairs.; defend-idi e- nor Cat Seiiftr- J iiialt k made another attatk upon tb ij-iicd premier.: det-lartnx : (he latt ha and g.ista U Dil ;roreset.n the. IM qti Cui- M lanneJ .with Senofr iKnl the-. fsuiirendtir.i :- . 0 1 'The r blu:ii ha. ; canltstsi and H.Hinif coiiservull ei I, f the Chamber of Ut epU- Vn : itlfS )iav their re; Hsti'M . n maniff-Kto t i!nj.fpr :opp..-inc the g.V ern pro- -i .to the :oi-il nient lk pijiluicRtion hna been .!.!. j- i '"i!'i j: '' I htbited. S-?nir ilf.tW :n tin lnterviet day. sal no). clain! -advanced to' Timed : was fK t4tt f U r this ; peace in ed r tt ht cartes had nit to elect po entertai kiininii!slo)-n should be Major goes to nrjal Merrittj It Ju aaid here. Ifiirta einpowcriil to ask. in the name- of; t;hj iBiiurKent.x. an : Amiflcan jirptectorw- W'i-r the w hole of the; hll. lppin-e -is , Truth hMirned M-arsi . well, j people ihavf hat jDeWrtt's IHittle ' Early Kiaers a tlelSable little pills for reir- ulatlng p4 Mwels. curihr Constination - itmP sick It. R. Be headache, : They; don't rripe farny. ..-;:'! : TiiojopK lor Porto Ulco ' 3 Camp tern her leenth ij 'ad.j- Miihllvtow n. jPa., Sep- StXi' wan- -4-fTlp equipping1 Uaf the AsKivaoiai battafttm ' vompletc MHliy, This afternoon .Col aril ti i'ommand Jitfc foi SVw-; York, w e niwy win board the! Ob- dam ton riiow'. for INirto Uii-. j j, i rl ;!Mi.-i ar J. W. i'lumf,, of brlgjiftv. First dlvinloti. j! ha ': Itrigad the Firs ileKigned PORE'S. I .::-' 1 ii'Vi-.. 'if-:--ir ; i : " - ( ' iiiisii ;' '-r? A -T-0, ' l-li I.. ' M : .; ! I -, . Hi - i v ii.cB, win io placed o-ij Sale to day. Theae Good Ua?e Veenj Selecteil wltkij ffreit care. and embracn . uxany f the NEWEST! iNUEIGN FABRICS. All inspcctloiJ bf onr BLA" K GOOl, aa we can jeaaei the mont fastidioua. W K D GLOVES, , in ill ttons and Cl;isn. 1 I' i l ... ; : i v- ve are closinir out at If Ai P I'liirr I Catalogue! t , lll31arket Street WefHeta announce- to oliri Friends and 'Customers GO QDS in Foreign and ii .. i ; - i Domestic Makes. "! !-;. -i-.Fll of our fcfock elbm 1 SHARKS, MffriNGS and TRUNKS, Hn the city. Standard Patterns. ii - L f i ,s I'D 7? w t3 v3 - :W ii 33 CJ in our llije. Phaetons, Suirrts and Road Cart atk is a tr! ialj. 1 (:r-l , ! I ELI FRONT STREEtJ BUSINESS JI! w may ixpect cool weather from foru. YV hive ;Wbat you need in . If i ' tn thIA Ha ,-i. ... .i- - is Rarelr Shown on ... this Market, ai and that is : i ir . i I X 1 : .i J &'.. - ! ; 1 Lace Curtins, Portier, Table Covers erve your-wants, v Tif i; Front ' Street Ul- VfX. : snaaes.. siiffDCiv aamaeM. x on . " . . . . ' . . .''-v.-:- :: ii - ill - I - ' If vv:!rr' .i A -." I I ' j HI ft' ft. 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