-8 v. ' :.v.':, ' --i' - -i - I ' -: A " -:; ' ;- l1 A ' -'-: ?.-! -,.1 --'- i U;;.-"' : : ; ; ; "- v. - j" '-:;':: :'.': r" .;;' ":;-,:f,--v' j, :.;.;-; , .: - . , . . '.; i .7, A 7 ' -: ;'''; , ' i - . .-, , V; "' :.:':'.'(. i i . . -. : . -jfi '. -V: . .... .. , , . , ..' ., - ! :4::l D.,..ln.l1.1U.,W.,r.n;. 4 ! - T ' " V, ,5 , I .L ..-u.L 'J1 . .u 1 116 I llIiIcQ . 11X1 iFC ' . -M i, 1 . . - -. - Wit Hi: :rs; 'V.. 0 i For the Far Eas't i;-L OF ACTIONS Causes Our Administratot) it E 'I n SentitpJVIanila (amsoi!i for rl! Philippines.In$6ecting l-.- ' i ,- l - I - V-i -. i p4rt on Condition of j iville- AguinalUo Washington, September ifo.HThe war? depkrt'ment tpdayj orlered Jthf'- follow- IngsegimentSy noW tf Sari Filanciscoj ; ji :Manl1ai The Firty-firBiovtf a, Twen'j ."Washington, a-detadhrnfentlolj the Seer' ' on4 Oregon, four! eOrinpanjef of the Twynty-thirU i nan t ry hd rt4-j-u i ts foil the; Tenth PennHyTvahiai; I-First ; brafcka nnij First I'oiorado .-' If iwas: stated at! he; arldtfl artrnent that i hot , exigency had rtiaS t necessarV to sf n tjhb -trdopii now at San Frarfclsoo V Mai!iiia, but : theljirjrder.Jssued ijoday tv0 in accord -the. de fir the ani ;wlth the- geral ila1h of L paiitrnent regardiiK a. Kari-iHonj Jhiit.rin'rt. That pi air ; for d.cUiricluded 20,ol)0 men! fir ippiliea,. -13,500, fwr j'orto liUo' barrisoh the ; I'hilv khd 60,000 -forfC!uba. - The troljps to :lilse nt to Ma Jillai under todays .orderisvvi li mi the' complement for the- stationj The troopa would have beep gent befori?, ji'l is said, -. iexcept that: the dejrartmentfwiia' awg.it--Ing the return 6fitra,nsiHrrt. i ' Tli'e order, kJrreijtirig tije ? hi vemtmt ot troopij froni f?ah Francisco1 contains thel following:. "The !i qua-tr Tiaster' department: will flirnish th; ft cessary '- transp'oftatioih.esBiecial car beihg takr . enr tu pro videj sufl .cienit sptfeej, and th pubsistence tiind j medical 4epi :rtments t ardreiyirged with .jjrovidingi ajjr$i)Ie and - suitable supplies furnished .by- their 'resjieittive depart nents, Ur inf ure the " comfort;, well-being. andVKep.lth f : the ' tros.'ps en route.". -:: A i -;.::: : . -N(ii74 i'ANAblA-COlISIMEtfc-V-.. gilriator C'.- J. 'Ft ulknet 4, yst Virf giriji, was i(iday appointe( t - the;' por ,: sitri oh - .'the : Canadian 'icojijji mission ': jna4--vacant, by1 the retlre.nierjj: of Sen-: &oi Gray when-, lje was transferred to ' ' Xli$i Paris peace c immissioh. Jr' be "ten . lei;S oithe positii fn was " rriaifu by the president tmlayln ji personal itntervievf vith St-rrator Fau tner and W as aCceptr -d by jihe latter. '. l -1 '4 - A Til 10 C T'HA COM M i SI? H ) N. ' ; ' Tii" War depajrthient h4s . received; a : oabJeirram from! ilajor Clousithe. see mion, dated Hivana i to4a string fVe'dado.-. a.subuffl) of IIavaria,iahd that all of the partyj ks well as tit people orulthe steamer Resolute, notVif hstand , ijng newspaper, reports, to. the.)n'trary, j .are In good heajlth.; : ! -'. 'ml 1 i " i'i ' THE PHItdllFilNOS FRlEDim i The. 'offlciafs. k'4. .the state Mnd ' war departments 'wejcpiTied. the nice sent i 'o t the. AmeriCii4 people thifHigfr the Askoclated Frespjof tie falsjt' of the etbries describiriri; the j frictiof 'between . he Pbilippino- ancTi the mencart r topees in Luzon, j V.hile the officjals dtd . 'it care to' disc; s the matter: f or pb ':jiHtto"?t was feiident that fte main eoerce of theirj, satisfacjiohisi'as j the Slnrnal Widened contained in ,fhe doe ument that Agdipaldo. had, prfitedby , l'tltt warnings of jthe j Amerieein ,r cora- mst'naers .and ijdd-; gracefully preceded C! frlifn- the arrogahjt attitude 'assjfimed ly timi just b?'forj General- Merltt left aiahlLi ' ftw.-ParM. 'A"'-1 H- H Ttl'SIHNO RKPAIHS OX,:T fe' ORE f t- 'i,. i... f!OM UND. lOWA.S i' pfefcarations'.foJftbe start oH.the- big battleships Orertcfn ana Jowifr to liono lulu and orders : shave ben stint :to' the ii Kiew York navy yard to hav the me- .. i clya'ni(C8 workroTirtime' on ! thje ships The' purpose: is !tl haVe1 th.erf istart on t hei'r long voyage by, the e: of the presetnt morith, fJjnd. accordiis to the department valdiatiops, tnef win ar ? Tivea'r -their destination b$. the end f January, f Trr 'isi little oit sow tr-d -jcoffbea the 'act, that tljjej Vlepari- jnt-'pt will, have the ships me illft llono- gulii by a. dispaiia'h boat .w-itht Orders to i::Xiiri''.the!r:,pTowa westward fitji Manila, ti- spai"tlesbif rof j jiiiis !char(fter are ''r nt needed : jto kpe'p t;he Philippine iri ? Burgenti jn 6rdeif,!-an.d their dempting ' tit Manila in' conjunction with- the dis-r rAfih of hv.iAv - -reinfoxeftcnents Of xrobps for t?re. American lid forces -.-'.canhot but be rgav3ed as rtgnifican-t: H In well informed circles herfHt is said tb; the real puk-pose-of th fe president :;KM iWiaking , theVel preiaration : Is to in- :i sure tne peace iromifusaiuim-fa gainn "S'anif Snterfeiiencel In their wdtk'ot dis- Dosing of . the fujttrre of the hilippine J islands accrdinjg to ibeir' l&st judges : omenc Not Jhavnng; disclosed?-his plans rMiM-floK the felands outside of Lu zoif. b 3ttt .if .the capJtiil ; of ; the the Ameri?a otlaee eommtsan uers. tne J igbtto dispos i( the'remaider of the usianos as ,m?y njr- xini". .ipfu I PREPARATION TM ; KRIi A AN EU- "i : ii ROI'KAX H)WP .! - i . '-'-'- Af long, liiiie oq curious, jiicjirtents,'. i to AVhich one df the great Kurofan yow rs has beeiii a.riarty has,! bejiind quef tion, dcine, mucrj to caue :a !fteling of ' iir,nrfness on the Dart of thlltdmirtis- I tvtior-ns tending td' Bhowii! purDtwe to. interfere in ur free actiji in the -1 Philippines and this has- gJ?n.V- only i jsiHghOy diminished. by .Wparently s rfri5k . dijsclaimei-s of , an- ulfsf tor pur- - g4 .because the incidentlfc-ontinue i6jetly find in -4 manner calilated. : to ' avid' attrin attention, uch j for ' SuaWtance1 is' th'Jatheririg of .vai yef-; - to- the soutti of the ; pfhiltppinej . jertuip, Jbe onl1 expWfltion) $t which, coining from nfJtive souce,i is true. fc&r atlO beirlngi marks. of gejiijjneness, . 3si a purpose of Requiring either ;Uy Haiz : or by 'fme- ieciet compaitl with, the Spanish governWnS the JhaMrtant isr '' ' Jan'd of Palawsfn.- i jThis jj teular is- - tAiJd- forms! onej side t of ' thga$eway (rhiHiTh which Inust pass all;,,f x- fmsfv commeilce j,that'W8, betweert . Apsti-aiiat, I Mici-onesiii and tfsQUthern tiv jsiansUt li Fhiltppinel group areNeneral , Vhelef. I t'i )x? retained. iCWi' i;"f,Jn- xnls Island : of Pala:an nvui be kept. ' as f4rmlng one sid ? of the" u'fiy. It "is g-phered tftat 1: is the puT-PO' .f the ' pfsldeht, therefore, 1 td i Vpref ftftt ihp ; alienation by Spairt of ai?y ohe Pnil X ipflinergroUp, apd . th'at:..thesfeprepra, . . ' tii,jis.- naval- as welfcSas rnini.ry, -;re ' )jotif gt'eps towa-d the executKjn of hi uriif.KV. With the additioiv ti;j his fleet. -,' oCUhe . ifo! battleships Admiral Dewey. i, -Avill have it fosce only second to that : (Kt.Gresit :Briia4u n Eatern waters, : A iwrHiie on iGeivtc4 Otis; iTjvill have, jajlrnore nutmetimi-' .army1-. iiany. '.:.-. i:dpean, power save Russia. : j j .' . -W ' j i'The following repoit has beej my ' A)tjx -as. the war Jpepartment showing the condition Gf the' camp at Jae;sonville, Fla. It is adressej to Oeeral lee he ' House on soiij-heast. : CORNER OF SECOND ANIji GRACE STREETS. W.. I. : CUMJIING, ' Bekl Estatt Agent. ep20 Energetically Resumed qy CERTAI N POW EE to Prepare to Prevent - it Securing an: Im lippine Groups Battleships and Soldiers Cuba,1 1'orjd Rico and the Surgeon's Satisfactory Ke- !!':---; i ,:i ', ' 1 . - the": Camp at Jackson Statement. and signed by the chief surgeon, L: M. Maus;;;;!!' ' 1 . '- :-- V : ' J K' i "Iv have '.the, honor : to state Xha. !the: dajjly aijqk iTeport the three division nospuaia m inis PO' P sbows pooa; unrf dergoiijig: treatment. There are only 'a few of the cass undeirgolng ,treat.-: mcnt in the division hospitals that are f a sefious naturen these; are prln-' (ipallyj typhoid teiffv. vhlrh infection, was "brought ioA Jacksohvilie. by' the 'regiments coming- here, Those treated; in quarters are,' a a rule, slight ail ments, and are "scarcely vvorth tii&h tioning, such' as diarrhoea, ' headaches and men exrtsei.fr(int duty on account of fatigue. The "healthy of this corps, in my opinion, TnaV be, regarded as excel lent, f Thfeatgr s,upply to the troops t this c.orp Cfjimes from artesian wells bout SW -to 1,000 feet below tha earth's nrface.f-and.Ss saturated with fsufphu- reted hydrogen gas, which Uiuickfv vaparates after: beihg exposed to the air. t "Trie diyisifi I regard the water, supply perfect, The grounds ofccdlpied by the three ifiijvH are (excHlent .for - ampilrig urtoses. and are! suPDlied with everv acility;; for diaposirigiof garbagie, night oil, etc. In my Jopihlon, Jacksonville lis one fdf the heailthiest places in the United I States for the' encampment of troops.' I believe that the results of the sick- report will -shaw this at: the ;pnd "ojf the season, -if kve are permitted to remain here until the corps goes to ?uba. :The t h ree Idi vision hos-pltals are completely organized and are in thw- 0ugh frunhlng otdetr. They. are, well supplied ; with tentsv cots., kitchens. nurses, and a competent medical staff. The (Quartermaster's I department ' Is supplied with necessary, tentae and the medical depa-rtrnent wjth thfe' neces-, feary. rriedicaKsuppkesi The three di vision jambulan'ee iconipanie's are also noroughly argamzed land in running rder,: as well as the rejeeftve ambulance ompany... : - L'- -rr- - .! j ; s:n..- "The personnel of the hospital corns f this command consists of about sev- ,enty-five medical officers, seventy-five hospital stewards,' '--thirty acting I hos pital stew'ards and 550 privates. I The systern of transferrrihg enlisted: men fijom the volunteer regiments! to. the hovpital corps has worked admirably. Most of ; the' men serving nowf Sai: this -orps have l)een . gotten from ! that ereHcelllnt nurses of these; men rand the others have, ibectnoe quite .proficient- in h the lasT twO or tTee months. The condi tion Of the med!ca4departmenti' 1 'and the health of the corps4oay . be regard ed as satisfactory, and thattheymount of-sickness is. extremeljy small ft the numoer or men in tne corps, TO POISON- AGUINALDO. '-.i" if An Attempt - Alleged jto llavW. Been JTIade .by : a. Spaniard ' Franciscan Friar ; Charged t Itn lining tia'ilie ' Counpirary. ' -i -j jf .; j Manrik, September 19.,4-The Republiea Filippihai asserts that an attempt was martej to j poison Aguinaldo on Friday nigt. A steward, it isi alleged, saw a o ii-il . .! ' . iii i a' j -i ' :3'j ' .-, Spanish: prisoner J'hq had been allowed his freedom hiake a movement which appeared like tamperuig.with a bowl of soup intended for Aguinaldo; where upon Uhesteward; tasted .k spoonfulf'of the soup anttfeil dead. Eleven Fran i ciscah Triars are allegad -to have been engaged - in -the. consiiracy. . j A :f . : ', f 'Tjbe ipu.lace' it is' further' said,' ajin tempted ; to .lynch!' all ftlile..Spanihpris-; oners; but Agujnaldo intervened.'! :: ; At Saturday's session jof the national assembly, it' appears, Aguinaldpi .was' absent;! but his representative! related ,the stojry Of: the yjutrae to the mem bers, . who unanimously- adopted the chairman's proposal . that they all ! go ito Aguinajao s nouse, j express sym pathy with fcim. and congratulate him Tion his escape.- r ' i " '-. During the' everting a 'special thanks- giv mgjRervice .was held; in' the at Ma-kIos. -'. . ; . i -- " j 'Soup I inteh'ded-Tor Agkiinaldo church is now subjected, ; it is stated,! to - a chemical analysis before' being presented to th4 insurgenj.4eaider, and the, Spanish; piris-,; pntris aiie .Kepi -cioseiy. ponn-nec. CA VA It K W 'MovESnJN,rrs ' I-'. -if ::: '-") - Order Cbanglng Location of the Ilegl nientaH-General Vheeler to Return t f'ongreiiM. f ;'-. i j .' -' . Y : Camp ;Wikoff,-.MOntaiik- Point, te I.;' September i 19. The iq'ustion of send ing 5eneral Wheeler's cavalry brigade to .HruntsviUe, Ala,, Jiasi caused Humer us messages vto he exchanged between! ener&i Wheeler and the war depart ment.; General Wheeler .says he does .not know just when the cavalrymen: will be rhoved, from Monjlauk, but ; he expect that they will be ordered away! f P' t-he 1st of the month. General Wheeler, who -fully expects to return to congress,- will resign j from the army; service eariy in cexooer. tie says ne s what he -can ' for his men i in! will do the- wa y Of having them located .In a healthful camp ,tefore he 'leaves the service There were six deaths in cfLnpj today war department issued: orders: this afternoon for a number of chaAgesi of: station among the! cavalry itegi-j ments pfj, the regular army. P"h& cnanges made are as follows: Seventh! cavalry, from department of Colorado' t'9. Jtniftsvuie;'! Alia,.; ..v-llnth. cavdlry.j louifi iviomiiuK tq tne Color-add ;' the Second c iiepartment of! lry Is order ed from Mont auk to'th4 . epartmeiit b Dakota the Eighth cavkiry, nowrinl the! depart ihent : of Dakota is ordered, oj Jtiuntgvijle fur service unuei- jviajori Marriage of the Konghlt ider' Chapii Jack sohviller Fla., September; 19. A fecial tq The Timesj-lTnion and pt- izenjffom Ocala says: Ttev. A. p, Morrison, chaplain M Roosevelt's JiKHsb-Iiiders, and Miss Elma tood( of Antnony, this county, .were jnarnefljas 3 o'clock this jiffernoon at the Baptist parsonage by th.e pn'jr Rev. W. ;E Boeart. The groom w ai ta thii figlfi on Sail Juan hill and ' has burnt 'Pwr Qpt in his face How. j He is a young ad ywT handsome man and the bride 1s a member 0. one of j Anthony's: best families jand'aulte retty. The wed-i ding was a very quiet one $n4. r. and Mrs. i Morrison are registered at Uui : i High Pojnt'a New Postmaster Washicaton, : September 19.-iTh president bJas appointed W- H ': Show He 111 b Mere ex t .Tlonday toAd idreM tnei ClUzrns! In Brfaairrof tbe Wfalte'j7Ianfa GoTnmcut-Tlir Pros peseta1 In tnefitate Enroaraclne. - Colonel I Thomas, W. Strange, chair maa of j the 'democratic conyention of JSe Hanover iounty,! received a letter irom state cnairman F. M. 'Simmons, y$ra;Ylng'Jik the Hon. democratic campaigner whoi isi doing such, yeoinan , sen'lce throughout the state for ; White Government,, .will be in Wilmington and speak to the citi zens iwiti;!.Monday j September. 26th. -ej ijdouitjia t ousfng: irowd jwrill greet Mr. Glenn.;' - - ;).:.'Jr 'A '1 AA:"': ' jil Chairman Simmons in hii jetter to Colonel Strange saya: ! L": it it is with, a great deal of pleasure that I can inform you that the outlook is prigrteiiing every day. j The progress pf the campaign is entirely- satisfactory tp3;me. ;'- ! -. I have jjnslj returned rrora tne western part or tne state be yond the ridge and the people lh that seqtion are aave and ati work, j CIIINAIAN IN TBOISLE 1.1 Ah Cblnf;etsToo Gay and Ha to Ha j Called Down. i j ''..';'; washee-washee tnaii from the FHoervlKihe'a6m cot into trouble vcr- tterdyi:..iaftemeKm.!;hAh Chin- is the this pro- ithinma hipubriQet, and variable snilt boy, - who jrevels in ;the apiellatio4. of Willie Brown was the pau.sf of the stew. The hoy attempted to chin the bland ' face, almond ; eyed Subject; pJ. China, and got 'done up 'IJ-v:.: H-ir;il ;-: isi la co-worker with V. ,K. An Chin 'WiSliamg'.i lanff they run a laundry on betweeri! Front! and Seci i Ijairket 't Sjejetj, pnd.! Yesterday afternoon little "Wol lif'f ?as jseflt to the laundry to inquire thq price of; doing up; twoi colloras, and instead lie toi collared "'.'and j done up. F)f 'quite a time past dirninutive ur ch ins having been plaging;the two in h icent, s fi: :at.end-to-your-oWn f business ct inamen.' So when "jWollie" shambled to the doof of the laundrymd shouted, w th! an . elaborate display of : slang, "SayS whateher charge :to do up to col lars ' this i par ticular washee-man , AfiChin, was riled sorely.; With a ptg-tail perfarie ejaculation, sounded iinj--i"4i.':sqij'ekyi;-:.yibrating-'--.tbne add at msigmiiceiii i one, ne syraug xuiwaiu and made a swipe at the email -speci- men f or 'unmnity. 3Ie evidently in- tended to decapitate ;"Wplle," who stood as a martyr to he sins pf others.! However,, it was' nisi executions that 1 js i faulty lucky "Wollie"4-and - he ! missed the boy entirely, but 'the blow delivered Iwith sufficient ; accuracy as; to remoye very jauntly his straw rrtlj-liT'iftjhiv;- ;iil: , "-..-rt-t " ! - ' - 'a - Not a minute, nav pot a' second, did "Wollie" stand- 6n the order of i going :He went at1 once, and that, too, at a winning-gate iniany tterby.; FiOrthwith he went to Justice McjGowan and pour- ied forth; his roubles, A vsarrant w as !at, once issued, and Ah. CJ&n brought ;'into fthe .mighty court. Now Justice MfGowaH' is an exeeedingly vers&tila ;manj but : he was .at a lost to discuss S politics with: : Ah; Chin, who i: would ! quietly ligteii; wrhilejthe legal : matter swas eing- expounded then to mildly respond.' '!Me: no understand.'? ', Afilast,!! a great idea was btt upon. ' Williams,!; the Mongolian's ' native brother and : business; partner is- quite ; fluent with the English language. He was sent or and In this way the truth wts'l'gptiiatfi' ' i.jiy-Uu.-:' ii 1 l-ii.: . Ah chiil admitted his offense, and. I of course; a judgment of-guilty naa to I be recorded. , tioweyer, no was ice oil nhnn navmentr oi costs, wuicu ub.ic i, winch t luctantlylpaid. Rescued Froni the Surf. ; tThere came very ffejar' bemgja arown ing "accident; at tj'rightsvine peach .'on Sunday afternoon, opposite; the Ocean Hotel. About a! dozen gentlemen were in .bathing and, there .was a vi- Icioujs sure on .with a! very; strong cur rent running out to sea. Several of the party crossed ojver the slough jand went orij the outer reef . to. enjoy tne nne hrtea'kersl that : (were; leapiris ne after the othejr lout there. It was easy work gqiri ouljf with; the; cflrrjeijijt.; but Iwprlci totget back. : j ;! . j j awful j 1 fea-ithe : gentlemen, found, that the leurrent tvas dangerods they started to 1 s. f v. i -J- - t,vfatspn, --'of fthe British, steamship ipaichurst, caught the cramp in his ;ieft teg and btvami Ja! helplejss victim iStolthe. pounding breakers.;) In! his powy iieTless condition land feaiizflng; that; the ieurrenfl was taking him otit to sea, he Icalled for help. J;-'.' ! ;(; j ': 1 ' j Immediately U the other gentlemen who were then out of ,'dangerj put back !tp Captain Watson's h rescue. I Som'e Iswain to the retf tp 'assist him; while others formed ai chain by joining! hands aqd; thus j extended -tliemselyes . across ithideep sslotigh and outj toj the reef Iwheee Captain aV atson and the others hooked on to the pro :prpcessin and were hasuled fn: -';!':.. . .. .! When Captain Watson was gotten to the beach he was very much exhausted aqd suffered great paia in.; hi leg. The cramp then, shot up into bpth'sarmsjan-d had' this occurred while he; wjas on the reef it" would, have been impossible for ihife to Ihave ikept blsi Siead above wa ter!;As i it: was, he swallowed enough isaiti-iwater-tailast 'hirp a life! time. i I : Thte,rescue was yerjk prompt-arid was Idobe withbutLexcitementi-..bu "with de- termination. ;: Some of the. gentlemen iwiOiistpod in; the slough Were in wa jter'upjto! their chinS and with both jhainds heliT5' firmly byj thej Other men 'ins the chain they alst goti their fill of isaltl wtiter as ;the surf curled over them. : There was also a; tremendous jcurrent ! weeping ; put tp sea, and iitwasi;al thai the,c,hain jcduld; do to :m.ke theiTPUlS in towalrds thej beacbj af--ter Captain Watson had been secured. If, the : line had been parted at the slough several of the gentlemen would have also, been left at! the mercy of the current and would have ! had ; a hard lime to' save'; themselves. tTfaere was pot. a man in the surf; bbwever, that jilid not go straight to the jrescue. Mr. Walter;. Daggett did' a specially i heroic aotiani prpf swimming out to Captain Watson to assist htm till! -the 'others ctmid rach hm- r .!)''' " ' !:fv'--i ffpaptain: vv atson, appreciating tne aid extended -to. him, publishes a ci d this morning's ' Messenger 1 thanking them for the rescue.. iWe haVe an idea that the old niari has; something in his had:fo the;boys. ; y Kiren'soTirniittee at Work Thf r werp thrM hiiv 1;fel Men in the citi" yesterday. jTheji were Cap- itaim James if, McGdwan ! and Messrs. I?: P. iHi t Strilnon ' and N. Polits. of lEotaifH o.5.: Improved Order Of- Red Men.; They wkm Bagmg arrange ments for the fitting inp the ew lotig room, on' ront street, between ; Dock jahd; Orange. Electri lights; are ; to be placed inj position, partitions erected, ', ante radios niade, and eyerythihg must be ready bv the first of the month. when four lodges of jth city are 'to transfer their headquarters to this In Raleigh Between Sol- ' ' :'Ai 1 rx'i Mf: A a -i:'-':;iV - diers and Negroes. MANY EXG1T1N RUMOR'S ! ii M I lncreaed f Tbe : ProTott Guard and. -: ! I I-''. J'1'- I !i I- ' i - - : . 'I ' Quiet Itefclored-The Second to Break -'- . -.. . - j-:- vi J 'r f -: h -i- j - : Camp Todaj-W. I.!'inrrrltt Deter mined to Secure the Nomination W. ! :- i .i. ! ; I A. Gathrlelieeonie a Democrat Lln ney Again Ilaa iOppowltlon In Ills Own Party. ; - j ' . r ! ?- -': t :-;uiM '!' 1 1-:- ' '" !T '- ''f ! M-essenger Bureau, 1 Raleigh, N. C.,1 September 19. i nere. was plenty? or lexcitement yes terday afternoon i and jlase, evening jin East Raleighj just oultside: the city limits and there was- a narrow escape from rjoting.. There weneja thousand and onetories, to th effect that mem bers, off tlje : Second; regiment and ne groes were fight mg and that several had been killed - on each', side. Here are the facts: j 1 , In East Raleigh tljere are several "blind tigers," wheie whiskey is sold on Sunday. jurisdiction. It is out of the: mayor's The;county officers know. of the sales: of liquor .Yesterday ; af- ternoon two white men were sittingon the steps of one of the blind tigers and engaged m a dispute j - with negroes. Botji the. white men aile worthless fel- hnvs and fori one two warrants are out i for former off enceSi The negroes threw a vfolley of stones fand neariy broke; the skull of one of the- white ; men. One stone struck a soldier, who: was there; unarmed.. ' He went away i.'aTid quite mear found some of his comrades, who returned-; with him toj the -scene. A general fight followed,! in which the other of the two white men who start ed the row was shot in thei calf of i the leg, one soldier was shot through the hat, another was wounded: in. the- tip of the finger an-d 'two jr three negroes are sunpiiisied to have! been wounded. Mayor RUss telephoned to camp for a guard to reinforce the regular provost guard and 100 men were sent in, arriv ing in twelve mind tes, under command of Major John W, Cotten. A guard was placed at the. corner of each; street along the eastern boundary,: all soldiers passes were revoked. Forty men were thus. put on guard, 1 a like number kept at the station house and twenty kept at-the capitol square as: a reserve. AH these, men, -like, the provosti guard, were made subordinate; to the civil authori ty, f There were reports by some excit ed people that a mob had seven soldiers cooped up: in a house, i These Were oil IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE PAY. "-. :-! : ' : ' AA . . A v ' !i " -'"H ! 'J'.t ' ' t-- - ---U '-it ' v 'fv - 'lAA -3Iore Troops at San Francisco are Ordeal to Manila. , The Government Intends to I Station ! 2pAto Troops in the Philippines, 12,500 inl Porto Rico and 60.00N Criba.i I ! Rush Orders are Issued for Repairin V;)regon and Iowa. They Will go to Manila. ! ' .-':iJ -i - J Indications Point io a Certain European? iwer Trying to Se cure a Most Important Island of the Philip jne Group, Which Out- divarnni'otit Will Wt Dormif - -' f! ;" '" l A A '. I ' : '. i ' '. - ! uur uuvcruiueut w in not rermu. There is Conflict Between Turkish Military jCommande'r Candia.,.;! 'vvii ; 1 11 : I Ja$ An Attempt is; Made to Poison 5 The Inspecting Surgeop Makes a Alost Satisfactory Report on P the Condition of tlie Camr: at lacksonville. . i -. I s ';..,: -; ;;..:: -I j - - :;.i i 1 he Due u Orleans Issues a l e posed Revision of tlie Dreyfus Case, p ' Miss, Winnie Davis Died at Noon Sunday t:..,,f c.-uUf u,r .-. The Deal . to ! Form the ! Continental1 iacco Company is Again Oni aI:: Tj V- j ; 'pr IH'I n!;l;'; Jhl ; .:;; ' x Orders are Issued Changing UomniPhfc - 'I'J... VInfl. Will U. vgitivu . Aiivt 'in tra.a . v v a a a KJr false. The guard was kept on ali night and there was .no further disorder. The soldiers did not start the trouble. The two drunken white ; mep and fthe "ne groes : caused it. x. numbei of arrests were made by; constables todayi- The feeling between some of thei n,egrb and the: troops, is high, this! being par ticularly the case with the troops from the extreme western part of the state. The arms oft the Second: regiment, save those to be , used by the guard were alTturned in todayi and stored.in a warehouse which the government has leased. This will be. guarded and there will also be a regular guard at camp. It; is said that about 100 officers and men will remain in eartip, nof taking 'their-furlough, i Nearly all the scaptains, will be here ten days anyway, settling up -accounts with -the mustering-out of ficer, i i". !: '-.F I !' , ! I . i - f. : i Tomorrow 'those ; who take:: furloughs go ! home. ; The companies from Wil mington and Fayetteville will arrive' at those points at. 5:40 o'clock and 4:30 o'clock p.; m., - respectively, and the people yvill give them an ovation. : it Major E. M. Hayes, of the Seventh cavalry, is her onithe way to Arizona. As i the senior major he; will take -the regiment to Huntsville, t. Ala,, .' its . new rendezvous, and it will ibe r in General Wheeler's commandi of five: cavalry regiments, which go to Cuba and Porto Rieo. Army officers here so state. Chief Surgeon Stockhard,: of jthe- Sec ond regiment, who is to ibe court-martialed for1 absence: without leave, was upland ini uniform this imorning," in the note!, Duts not at-'camp. t ;i- : i: Charles i M.i Creech, one of the. mem bers of rie lower house lof the legisla ture, from Johnston county, did in the hospital here yesterdajy of analarial poisoning.1 He was .33, years of age and had for some, time benj aa agent for farajeigh: Mills, near here. His bdy was taken -.home for buftlal. s - - It is learned that Wi D. Merritt, the populist nominee for jude in theiFifth district, attended khe cdnvjention as a .delegate, attended the jsecret Caucus, made a. speech for himself, voted - for himself and .then; made, la speech ac cepting the nomination, j i . It'is learned that all tthe trouble in the, First regiment in-tie way -of op position to remaining in service " was in the Asheville company, i Its eaptain has resigned and ; this will end : any trouble, it is said. j : -i ' : '' Major William A. Guthrie; will, it s said, take the stump ; next : week.' for democracy, an4 while jsuprcmacy, in thei. Seventh district. : Ie is a strong speaker; : ;:: . -. - jr. i . . v Ex-Congressman John M. ', Brow'ef comes out as an independent republi can candidate , for congress ' In- the Eighth district, against Linney. ; The bolters who nominated J. O.j Wilcox forf congress-: Willi endorse lirbwer on thei 26th instant, lAVilcox having died. The democratic pominee in that dis trict will beTeither ex-Congressmen W. H. Bower or H. Ii Green. , Judge Green declines to set aside his Junigemin that W. L4 Norwood and nob E. r. Carter is superior court judge of the Twelfth district. He says that Carter did not look after: his Case promptly enough. Carter expected to be f made the republicarJ nominee for judge, nut W. A Hendricks got the nomination and now Carter says Hen dricks t must fight withl Norwood for i right to ' the office, From West Indiesi m. VERYHGH INDIGNATION a:a: A- mm Over GreaJ iimbr of Death oh Oae SpanUh ir.ntport'Ameiiran Com- ': flit's- -:;.- t : . ' -I t- V mliilou f -iUTana Oeeapjr thie Troth . Hotel A&feAre Well Orders (of Bfan- . -. - -E;3s::S'-- 'i r.:-.- ,1 - ! . i I ro for Co"4atln2 Cattle Revoked - A i . : -- - so. i --F -.. i-- Hitch Be5 -een, BrlUh and Xurkiah i Officers tlrete. Madrid, w.Jstember 19. The minister of war, Geferal Correa, has. Ifesued in Struetions the return of tpe, Span ish troops 4$ the West Ind.es. The -, - j - i. :gfe.:: . ' !. 1 ..- !- '! . sick are toSfaVe first, $nd the archives, especially,' ifise relating to he -war, will be bop?t to Spain with tjhe arms, ammunition, jiags and' material stored in Cuba aSr Porto Rico. 1 The mirfgsrer is greatly incenset at General Tfd? fpr having sent him a dispatch dS the. latter's i arijival j at Vigo, (Spa4rl from Santiago pe Cuba, and.said T:9 oughtjto be court-martialed for conduct as govjrnor of Santiago. jfeSffv -:- - ' !' ;,;!-'!. ' There isnuch indignation here, at the factt hthere were 123 deitbJ dur ing the T(5ja" among the 1,000 Span ish on trant Vrt San ignacio de Loyola, , from Sant de Cuba. !The Span-j ; j v'-v, - i,,nw jLtk to. the "iBE4anity: of the Americans in obliging,: e ick Spaniards to em bark and ma 4e roomj in, the hospitals for the Amea'cans." . i I i I f Havana, , September 19. All the members o? he American evacuation commission, came ashore frpm jthe steamer: Reeoite this! morningand are nowinst:lle& at the! Trocha hotel at Vedado.:-!;9flre well. Major i Allison sprained liknkle; but-the injury is not impartC. , I . j Rear Adffils,ral vLuisi Pastor lLandero, captain of thf port, who was original ly elected member of the ppanish evacuation ?mmission, hks, owing to sickness; f1 replaced by Admiiral Manterola,-;0will sail for Spain to morrdwi owf to his ill health! : Captain I jetieral Blanco has ordered that the cri f cation of the few cattle remaining f i the island shall !be sust pended inf i.re- Matanzas ; province, 4afiftAaAalBAaWAsaU I ii r-h , r the T5ritisl r Admiral and the Over the ; Suffiinder of Arms 'at I ' lhAY 3giA -'i-';-: " :. V j ;( Aguinaldok i I i - v.-7. Manifesto s C" t?n6uncing the Pro i;: . ... taJ,i the Location, ti Several Cayalry? Conf V,L.t- .B.-i-Jf.-, : - : I :.V ! - . kvub - v v wo V s 3- .-. -t .iii- -ii t St-: r : ; - i where it thl e&tened to become a; death blow: to aIl(36sBible work in theifieldsj The necessyw that similar steps' bej j taken in ' Piat; del Rio and otherProv-j been ruineq;r the work of gathering! them delayil ithroughj lack of oxen. ; The steal? Alfonso XIII., ejailing' for' Spain -i jrJaorrow, will carry 291; boxes i. of.'dV?men.ts of 'the military j archives; 44 will also have on board: the,, divisiiu &l General Gonzales Cor-! rail ' it ; . , ! ; . ' J ' Candia, laVid of Crete, September; 19. Edheft' Fasha, the Turkish gov 'eruor, haf just had I a proclamation publicly, cly,rd paying that by order of the sultaniiac lkrms must be: surrender ed; to thejsgHKimittee formed for that purpose. ', - j Later--lftl.S flisarmamenVof thesMus suimans ' 1 ja ? been delayed, Etjeyad Pasha, thcHurihsh military command er demand' 4 ng. that the arms to be de livered ri!i3erd a Turkish washlp. Admiral- lit'lf the British naval com mander '.fii viss that they i be handed to a Bqtiyljs'lrUard. ' i .r ; i : i SoldletsvA. tacked br Nesroes. : Raleigh, 5 X:- C, September 19. On Saturday 5i -ll a party of soldietrs of . i :J' i ? :' ;-.-; " -. ' '. ' ! ' the Second Worth Caiionna volunteers were: attald by negroes 'and t-o of the negitoftsf injured. Ibn Sunda af tepioon a?tched fight took; place be tween' fift.?rV.!soldiers and about 150 i . . u n rs ; , . : j . - ,i negroes.L Jy 'Pne wasi seriously ihurt, though --fifJyS br . sixty shots were ex changed." (3f!fitling has been high between- theftgroes and the soldiers' since; ; th fel5jgroes making "thjreats freely Sh'l . after J 12 o'clock r this1 morning! a--hite "man wds wajlking QUietiy thl-rfh the colored qu)arter wbeh - negrrel; fired. ! from ambush, without I Mk4itAing or provocation. wounding Sfofc'rt; in the:leg. A detail of sqldiers aricpiolice went to the scene, bat the eriisinals had fled. ); No one has been apprefinded; There Js greajt in dignation the -outrage and further tronhW i:: -JEtftf'fl : : t l.i I'Ar A Mi'..' A.l '. 3Iantfftary tbe Due d' .Orleans .jParis,';Spt-ber 19. The Due fl'Or leans has Jaf .U'id a manifesto denounc ing the jfirf ViEuuLtes. He accuses1 the ministry ISffeeking a revision of the Dreyfus iVOi-edings while convinced that . Dre jf U fwas guilty, : under pre text of cmig the public for their own proflL "e. declares, the prospect makes hi heart quiver, and he con cludes hissroj5ifesta In these wor4s: i, j"French;toifc, we are masters lnl"pur oWn countr-t Your ' servants, subec to occult-jat .d pernicious ' power.'lpre Bm; to tajKe i upon you the wiil to wjliich thVibmit under pretext of proving ttf'e i:ithocence of man wiom the militajfjy rtribunals have condemned as a traitknv 'It is the army theyt are. trying to jaafit?oy, aua ifTance tney ar; striving to liisn. Frenchmen, WJl OrdereReturned ii- N. Performance Last Mht fcy the Ullan Tucker Company. ' i Th far well, performance of the tan Tucker Company was given at the opera hods la4t night. A very-large audience fcaa present, one that hardly found standing! '- room: available.' and they shelved 'I their appreciation by IhUnderouja applause. The piec,e pre sented wis the ever I favorite. "Ten Nfehta lna Bar Room.'; with its great moral. :: -t :j :j;- . i ;--.- ;' Mr. J. Fiancii Kirke played the lead ing role, aiat ot Joe Morgan, lie, por trayed tt in hfs.uauaj high artistic and reausuo myie. h'ite rest of the cast was ably ustalned by aers of tle company. the other mem- ! The presentation last night was the farewell qne; are sorry to say, and before thei lastfact was given Mr. Chas. C. fVaughtj. th; clever and able mana ge f o thft company,' came before . the curtain and vfry graciously expressed his tharika fon-the kind treatment he and his company has received at the hands of ihe Wilmington people. -r 1 The company leaves this morning for Raleigh, ii) play! the balance of the wejek." .During their stay here the in dividual m?mbers.pf -the company have. made many friends, j especially Ir. ThaddeusSGray; fOn hei stage this gen tteman isttan actor of the highest de gree, irecoirnizqdl by allOff the boards hp is a coiigereial, scholaVjy, joHy gtod fellow, whi everybody like. Vive, vive Thad.l Gray, i I , n l. FI N TONIGHT V A: ' rr-' P.IV :T -- ' "Tho At f the Opera i House: Conies btranjee Adventaresof IHUs Browri.H One of tbe funniest of all farce com edfc?s will A be at the opera house to rri'git.. It i ill bej J'The Strange Adven tures, of Miss Brown,'' j the great New York and j London I success i wh ich js now touring the south - for- . the Jirst tinie- Allwho enjoy a good. heart; llli7h Rhrtlitii nnt fail to bp Oils nla It is exceedingly funny 'and is being presented Jby a company! of merit is what the pjapers Jof.t Virginia said about it last week. Weidare say.that a pack--ed i house ill j.be In order -tonight at the theatre. 1 , '. i" I'fThe Strange Adventures; of Miss -Rrbwn"; has a i world wide reputation as being tlhe funhjest and most ludi crous, yetf cleanest piece .of- comedy work ever produced on -any stage- - It had a run of jctne ; thousand nights in London, abd .one hundred nigiits in New York. :The Jcompany is composed of -the cream ofj the first 'class New York talenti Miss Lucia; Moore for merly Mr. Keenels leading lady) play ing the pat of Angela.! .:: -; " iThe plotj is ridiculous, -dealing with a i youftg afmy pfficer, in jdisguis? of a sqhool girl s.oj()uirning in an academy for young ladies, while on a search for his wife, wiho has been separated from him by a sterfi guardian. The; compli cations that constantly - arise rae rousers. j t i - ?; . f " -! -. Seats can be, obtained at Gerken's. i i !' ! :' .! :-!.: Atlantic Cliba' Abandoned Frolts i From th officials of the enterprising Atlantic Yiacht Club, of Wrightsville Beach, we earn that owing to the fact that it wai impossible to make-"arrangement iwJth the Seacoast railroad company to: hpld their 9. o'clock train the club ha(d ti reluctantly give up th idea of. having their entertainment to night I : i - 'iThis statement will I disaDDoint a large numberj of people who have eagerly looked J forward to. what would have been ant auspicious- event. L i To Attend St. Mary's : Quite a nimherjof Wilmington young ladies, will ve 1 this week to attend St.? Mary's stehbol, at Raleigh. : Among those going i will oe Miss Emma West, Miss Anita 'PeRosset, iMiss Carrie Wright, Miss jjMary ; Nash, Miss Nellie Emerson. idisS ; Ellfott Emerson, Miss Mabel Powpt-sjMiss Julia Parsley, Miss Mary Nashf Miss Beulan- Armstrong and Miss GayVord. ; r4 Some of (the! young ladies will .take their , departure tomorrow, and some the day following. I IVblte pien. Getting Togetber A gentlerhanlwho h!a been on a trip to Sampson county tells: us that he be lieves that Old Sampson wfll give 500 democratic majority on the 8th of No- -.vember. Ill tth. election i two years ago th fusions Itlcketi was overwhelmingly elected, but! pu informant tells us that the poulisti j are trooping back to the democratlcJparty.! The White men are getting together. Mr. J. F.iEveritt returned yesterday: from a tripf bf fseveral; weeks at Rock ingham. Isi a4chat. with, a Messenger ;rpresentatve: jyesterday afternoon he said: Thefwhiteimen are coming to-. gether all 4p and down the Carolina Central railroad--"jThe poUplists are re joiiiing thef democratic party in s great numbers. The' populist party is :dead in Richmottd county, i The leader Of the poulists has 'declared that he will bei j with the! democratc Jn.thls struggle that is nowtgolng on. ' j . f i - CfttoD for Europe The first ftargo of cotton cleared from Wilmington! this jseason ! was shipped on the Brftfeh stekmshin lYearbv. 'an- tain Goldsvtorthy which.. cleared : yes terday for" Bremen, with; 9,564 bales, weighing 4j-40,S83j pounds, valued at $248,900. Thje Cargo and vessel are by Mssers. Alexander Sprunt & Son. i-ne nrst fargo ast year was by the British steatmship Hawkhurst, Captain watsen, wiisich Cleared ; September 7, 1897, for Brfemen, with i7J83 bales. i- -s 1- .: ' u ' I Death, of ITI r. Armstrong . ! She numerois friends! of Mr. Jno. S. ! Armstrong,pisident .of" ( the National iBank of Wlmingtoni will sympathize j-ith him i the death of his mother who passed: away at Culpepper,; Va., on Sunday. 1 The 'funeral j.: took - place yesterday. M e. Armstrong and his family were ip Culpepper to ' be with his mother tn iierilast hours. ; V i '-'I-' . :;-: !!--?!-'! ::(: -:' . M ' ITIlss Davis? Funeral to prcur Friday RichmondJ Ya-.'September 1SL A-'telir egram recved bhere tonlght from Mrs. Jefferson! : Davis says the funeral of Mi8s .Wiiinie wl"H take place in this city on Friday, the exacti hour not yet being decided; upon.-: ; Tka Royal is kiqbest arasaaldag oowom- .! sawa, Mtaai tMtsaaow It gaiMt. VtifA tartsvr ttaa asy stksr hrsad, 1 Absolute fmx Ath i '-. n !;!: 'v'vti':. WW. SOVl KMriWO FOWO0., I i Toac I' L The Ragged Edge PUT HAVE A ' COMPLETE FULLNESS"! iOF lORDEflS IN Merchant 1 Tailoring WITH A .FULL Ol OTA OF -: ;. - i If any one Slww-s a, :. Larger: or Finer h IIS, I lane ol i Than oH.Our Tables, we f Ih NECKWK.VR; I'NlKRWKAlt, H and bthcr Gent Furnilitn?s, we take We Are Jgain' Ready To show you our FALL 8TOCK ahead of onr Competitors, i - . ill-- , - ! .11'-: I - - " -I -. ' it i OtirSUock is now complete, j rWn have nothing but what :i isKaml FKESH. f-'M '"!' - U' 7 j '.' '' -' - M IM ' U U U U UIUUU uuuu 1WUSSFXL CAR KETS in Room. VELVET CAR FETS. a Large Line, S?ic to t, . i ,. ;IIGlvAlS CARITv. Cotton and all WoolS to 75cl S'; ' f ! ! Largest assortment of RUtS 'eVer sht1vn: in: the city. I ilet us sell yem w: WINDOW SHADES lor make! over your old; ones. Prices guaranteed. 1 " 'j j 'j ' . I ' Iiiiportedaprx'KH Patterns in all New! S babies. i.ft th Army Hlurs K of f Oovertydotli, -IMH; to DrcMKCH wc arc allowing a C W. POLVOQT CO. -.- m .-''-; :. : :hiA'A'- :- .'!"-;- : - -i..--.. :'i.: : 1 1-:: V. IL Corsets and Standard Pattern, f j' J ' ! A- ' I''1 ---i !-!" Ii" -.. . - j.-,-" A7,-7 i - ! -V.. - 1- .1,) : j- f TT: It Goods Up lo l)ate"Prices Dovvu to 7.0 iA::y-" 7 7 A ;..:,AMA -'A;A. ;-f.--,li I '!! " -: :;)' : Z C3 a- -a CD; P 3 U If it fckes Two to Make Can4if!"the One and li.-.-Vt- . v Harness and Bucfrics. Trunli s and Bags. We don't Miaiui to have the 7: ;.- i '. -i-.5i-.-: .. . make a tMsfcter one iinnoSMible. M i 1 t ' 'n ! ' Atu. FEnsr3srEi.T. I i KORTII FRONTStKEEli . p 18 S. C. MGELHOEF, DERSONS. who' have 1 paired will please ;-;i;';v-:- n!A-i I "fM- f ' ."---a SI C. TDingellioef: ! ' r ! . : : ; - b. 7 . A I . i-vi ' :J : i Ii S.Whilu Store is will be SOLDgAT COST. NOW FOR ; . I I. ,;. .-..: ' . " L :;.?;- . - i T- I ' I: tjne neatea term najjDeen Droxen and nowjon, mis Deing so.smju must prepare ror it. i W!e have what you need in ; the-vay of j - j .J - ' 1 1 j - . ; ; (flarpets aiid House Euniishings. ;.-! i: Now you have got lb have something in thla Slipe, so whyiwait until th -best ihas been selected Some have -availed themselves" of th!e ODPorfunity Why not youZ 1 i H I !' ii U ':-' - .i:.:;:')!il:. 1 1":-- i -jt f ,r ..-; - -, . .. ".i ' ": I A SPT,P, T A T IY So" itV.- for S2jjX J -L I. , ; VL- : ' -v 3 - j i i i They -are size 9x12 -ft and "are of the effects. If you 'like: highart creations this AXtllHSTER!!. HOQUETS AI In bqth room and hall 'f tterns; also stairs. The: itfes and latest styles fcrdicoloring. , ; -- ahlu.- r oLuca vers B pry iiuus riat Extra Super and Uni Carpets, Kugs, Art ija res, ;Mat tings, j ! j ! - ' j Window Shades, Lace Curtins, Portiers, Tab IN FACT ta COMPLETE OIL. CLOTH , AND LINOLEUM and 16-4. It will be our; pleasure to serve your wants. H ) i' "t ' I, .t gUC-SESSOB TO BB0W5 & RODDICK, No; 2T9 North Front I Street! AGENT FOR BUT j" ERICK'S PATTERNS NEW ARRIVAL i 7 Ut ' .'.-L. : I . .:-s'.':! . - ' : ,1 "n,on tyillbe placed (jri, Sale today. These Good i ' ; ave been Se'ettl wijb; great care, and 'embrace ' - I , yiany of the NEWEJST FOKEIGN FABRICS: All ."j! ' ! i -iveaskls an inspectioa pf our BLACK GOODS. as ll f ' s . . ; ?ve are satisfied we can! please the mowt fastidious. I ttii . 1; 5 : win also snow 50 Dozen i::i! a ;; !-,:. r- 'Ami ; I , In the Most Desirable Fall Shades fn A Few R. & G. CORSETS LSfti .f ' which -1 .We i-iaJ .1 ?:.--' : - - - are ore AgeM f9r the Celebrated R, JAEGFR'S SANITARY WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. Call for i i t CTolrxn Do Yon Want a' Barrel FLOOR oixne erv esi TltlS TOWN' AFFOfiPS FOR - - ! . - H .-- . i . 1 -i r - - --: If ybu do let us have ? vour order quickjor you might losethe- opportu- j nity. pVe do not .meaa i"fcht there la Jno ! JPljur as i good anjr-jhre else, in , town, but we Do; mean- tot Bay ,that ' Departmciitv SKILLED' WORKMLW. i i I 'I! --:!... V have not heard of it. ANDRKUCHIKl-. COLL. li. oir I- a the lmtj conH" In, look an 1 buy. . j : ;; mi Will be our Fort thU woek at the - Ltmrnt Irl,T that New,, Good ! MerchandlwccanKisslbljr ! Ir- j, h tw nolil for. f ! i-i: I-.. 114-.. Halt and Stairs, at Oc. . SI per rarlt For Hchool Cliil(lnm'ai strong If no f all-Wool U3o NOVKLTV a.Bari(a n, Tou Ttireo tuarlcrs IxwtStore, but we try to Ii I 1: .:-.. -.- r- .. 03 cn!-! Ul; ! JEWELER. HR1S n VESIliS C123 3lilUvKT STREET. - u Left G-oods to be Re- call for them at once, ,3 ax fli vij 'III ' a-.'jf j;- open all goods in Stock- BUSINESS ;-' -' :-lM we may expect cool weather from' tbat is Rarely Shown on j this Market, and that Is j I i-i -ii L ' 1 -' " :y I j r; ! -7: I ' A- ' ; andsomest, and most novel t . i - . richest! will c ftalnly please-you. A-1;': V - D TAPESTRIES." are of the very .beat Qua)- snouia oe iirj this department. . Table Covers' LINE OF DRAPERIES, The laBt named we -hava' n .j ii t' it .Ml- i i -t : I if 1 " : U ' - : .1. 'I : : ' : ' "'. .. ! I-.'-:- T4. :. T , , ' J... . f:-.- ,-'t mil nl nnt r.T.rnn nnnnn ; ' m m m ui -....m m - m. J-LL'' :L" 2 - ':'. ii" I :f '-Ai -::"-' A - 1 1. " '''11 j A NEW. ED) GLOVES, i i -' ' i; ii' r. i?' .-' .. !; ii : i . ; . ; - :'-- -i ;,.--.: uttons arid Clasps. we are closing but at HALF PRICE. it i -. ii ir I . . . CataWu ir 'Hi: 111 (Market. Street. mi I IB ON ANTJ' AFTER MONDAY, SEP- tember .lKhtraiifs on the Wilmington : Seacoast f Railroad will run as follows: Leave Wilmington at :30 and 10:1; a: m., 2:30 and 6:50 p.,m.- ' ,i ! - i: Leave! Ocean View at 7:30 and 11:30 ; a. m. and;5:00 and 9:00 p. tn.. dally ; except ISupday. : ; hn ' j vr; . : Sunday--Leave Wilmington at 10:19" a. m and 2:30 p. nr. Leave Ocean View -at 11:30 aJ m. and 6:00 p. m. 1 ! ' 7 ' i On thejl0:10 and 2:30 p. ' nt trains rreight will be carded. 'Si . . " -4--- .i'- T " seacoQs I - : j' s. a grant; 4 . ( .: t . A,J i-uere. s uu uener. aouri g lor casn trade, . - .! j ;. ; .?!t -'' . THE ilHG GBOEl' CO;,' B. P. KING, Manager. , i 'Phone. 387. : Fourth StiWt Bridge, ! ! ' ' ; ' y- ''J i- ii T. r!T ;;;; ;:: i 1 i t (1 IE h i;;' ; - "W" !- 1 -' ' '- , '. - ' $ .-, pAA';- r:--j; :; V'i .-; L