TOT A a m ft 4 I VOL. XI; NoJ 243. . AVIEMINGrTON VN. C, SAT tl II D Af V , OCT PRIC1E 5 CENTS ( ins OBER 1, 1898. i , -V ?1 f:, i SITESIFOR CAMPS IiuSoiithera! States Subject of Investigation By the Authorities ! T A GENERAL MERRITTS REPORT i i - ,i -On the Capture of .M anila-His High dier-Thc Attitude of the Philippinoss -Orders Issued for turn Home 6f the Sick Soldiers 14. . McKEnlei-'w-Tribute to the Southern i, Volunteers r ! ! .1., " . i ; -1,1- ; : s- - Death of I'iveiSoKliers in One Day at Ponce k ; Reported to Washington! .! ft-.-i-.i .1 . -Ji- : M i --; -: M ..Washington, September UO.-rHTieneral ! Schwan has been tu& some ti;ne . irast j Inspecting sites for camps In the south i and is now at t he war department pre-. : paring his report; lie! disrussil-d "the matter of sites briejty with ijCIeneral 'Oorbin- today, and t was . informed M ithat otricer that the- desire of i prs- ( idt-nt. and l lin sej, fetary of wai1 was lo ' have the v-ry h-sti ims-sibb- .sites' ne glected for camps i without rugard it,.) .whether- thy were offered by jife peo- iple of the community or .whether -they Were paid for by theg'vernmeht. 'Tin nvar department has the authority ,( 'select and d'ondeinh ground f and if it Ms found that! desira camps le liM a i-y th?y to cx rrijuned 'tiiisKn Ijc secured in thi vw , rwill b- selected- without regard -'jKfiise. :: Tht departnit'nt is deti Lto 'have the new joamim the vtry l'Ht that can be fuhl' ln.l the- fcoulM AleKINIKY'S I'iflUTE TO TIIK, 7 yOUTI f.Ki: 01jIII eks. j "i Senator .Mel-aurin, iof South arohria. and a delegation 1 hum that statie --.callud mn tiiei ifesiderit todijyi to! urgrt peirnant-nt ("ami je oc:ated at ! lna, S. CV .and tliat an army .1 ,vje established at. ("1 arlemon. oluii!i- lOSpitill 1 1 was i." iiiIko lastii-il (liat 'Charleston -be. lhadt the : : -. - - . - : . : 1- J r IKiint of ernbarkationj for-the.. troops ti b3 ilisija-tctietl to v;uJi ana l"onto tiico i: 'Tiie president listened very- attentively i itti llit-Mdwn in. bchajf -i the sate and I- pi(fiiisei "to -give ini-m .c.onsiueraiioii i The jjres sident in acinowledg-ir g- what resssed ti)-h:inii by the deleg-a- was addrt i : i am took iiK-easiun t V pay an. floquent fiibute to: ihe devol;il)nt:arid pajlnut-tsm " of the soldiers of tin1 Month ajnd said ' : h had not heard a nnurmur ? :- lilatnt from that section... SICK IN I'OUTW mcf) T( r corn- UK ' - liltOl'tlllT, 10M( ' ThP war ' department liiiujr po Ited the following; i I : - :. "Tlie president ha.s.?K-ivejv-ristruetionR " that all sil k at gorier Hieo be sent " north as soon as they! are. able t r travel with safety, his julriiono teinjj to ret-further ii- tlieve- (lenerai Urooke i op the s !iare of Ihe Hick and at, the saijne fime enable the! men Jto recejve '.thf treat- 'ment obtainable e-n th the better .dprM)int ThfM" men will b? v( home hospital a. N i-urlouerhed as in fases of (hose return- -inp frorn fi'antiafj'o. 1 About - 7! W'U ' Vave today vn the Relief and the Misr awurl." I I ' i-i ; In ronfi'TTiit-y with- the abolve . ,the !-.-. Wwarterm' -1 dorartniervt I : issued ,rdeis to the 1'lT'nei-s' having charpe of i h Hhinninir-int Ntw;,Yo:rk. tellinpr theni if - .t.i- .niJ shiVis .to,f F.!nee equipped, if or v -.-.irrvinEr 'the sick; ito I this Country There are-i several -tfesrtiliirr-.- transports ' -now trointr to Poito Hwo and! Cuba : Th'elr route Us' from sNeW Vorkijto'. San ; 'Ti..n T'onre and SanttaR-Q. ( As' soon - -t t a .I.-, lis. -.rin'iifvl! it will: be. ad "3ln 1 171 V I'Hi ' - -"V v -f' j 1 ! 'MM to- thv- points whvre the trjjnspQrtS is ill toii( h, i j FlVn I7KATlSrAT PONCK. I . - . Ma lor C.ene-rLll Bri.-Kkie a t Pqnce (re- Vorted t" the xvftrjdepartment today the death nve .American : .oiuieis i which occurred yft?rday. j ; i . r,i:NKRAb JinftUITT'S REPORT. , ' The report of jr General ; V esley '-MeVrltfr of the opeVations abot Ma- inila was made- public at. the -yar. (d.--' partment todav. fit lis latel. on .-board the transirt"Chiiuij August. SJst. -f-; ler iJriviriK hrieliy thf' story of his em ;1arkation and arrival tit Manila and : the disposition of the froops therei he xays: ; . - - , 7; i . I i. . ,j 1 "T found Cienoral nroene's c(mmand ncamped -on aV;tTjp jof sa iinnlnp- tvrfillel kft the fsho sandy land rej of the ' 'bay and noffar ditant ifrom the ibeach. : hut. owinff to th 4re;K difficulties of i-. landing supi'lies r tju? greater j portion had -shelter tents; ordyi. and wfre suf ferintr manv. disc omfof t. the camp he lm? situated in a low", flat pl.ue, with out shelter from.thff lu'at of the tropi--al sun ;! udequatt iroteot 101I durins ... Ihe t-erriHc. .downpours of rainj so fre ltient at this sean I was at once Struck hv the e-s-emldarv spit it of pa- 4 lent, even ehevrfai! endurance shown ' try he t.flicers and jmfln under., sucn K-irumstanvf-s. aiirithi$ feeling of,ad Tmratt tht'' fanner in. which the American wild ie if. i,tliinteer and rer ulir alite, Mrt.tpd the he. eary i.- hardships of the Swiwk they have uii ' ' dertaken to do. h;s krown and Jnereas ed with tjvi'i v nhaej of the tlitn-ult and h the tiloons" f ! tie Philitniiine exiledi'tian have jbroUfrht to such a .brilliant -And! successful con i clusrivn. l - - I .. t .- ii "The PiSniunos ir msurprents' forces sif war with Svain. had. prior to the ii-ru .if thl mpri an land forces ' ! -Kn Vfl-clHar. a. desUltol'V- warfAr vv -ltlr .Ifte Spaniards foit moiUhs, and . ..iv'pri. nt the rime onmr arrival; in cou nijenjble jforce .-" variously .atimatd - and never! acruratKly ascertained, but ,,r-nlMvhtv liot far frojm V'3W men. These. troops.' "wll equipped with small arm?. With plenty bf amnvumtion a nd several 'field -gunsi, .'hitd obtained positions of 'investment opposite; to the Spanish line f detached Works t.ivrousnut r" : ... , -j.'..-i ;- -!- f Eire extern. i- u.,i. ,;- , - ii . , ' Ceneral Merritt then speaks of AgruT--' 'ral'do accomplishments, previous to arrival and continues: I : ' ,.s general Affisnaldo did not visit me'on my arrival 4'f his services a subordinate military leader, and ' , a' my in-tructtorts. from the president -fully contemplatM-i the ..occupation of - ' 'the Island by U? lAmeriean land Torci and sta'ted ithat 'the powers of the mijitary occupant are absolute and supreme and immediately o peMt e ij- -.n the rolltieal cOTidition of the InhaW -Htants' I did not consider ltjwase to ' - Thold iinv direct communication Mtn the nsurfent leader -until - I should pe . in posesfton of the cr ot Manila, es peciallv as I oul not until ; then be I -in a position to tissuej a prQcl.ation And enforce my Authority, in the even t 'tV'at b1s Prtensiv,lVei should clsh with 'J. deifr!is. . f J - r . i!:.'i . ;..!;-Y.-r, -r these reasons l the preparation ftL attack on ihe -ity vete press- nalMtary tAveratfons conducted ed and , situation iof without r, forcs. I The wisdom 'of n a jus sas ra? ."sSr no. oblig-atiofii? K'SnVS'tte n't ? "7 ?: r.nt tfll held against :the tnsunrente.. tout "were ahle to move .FOR RENT. ? -l HAVE A FW MORE DESIRA--BLE HOUSES TO RENT. I , ! 1 ' Wi M. CUMMING, i Heal Estate Agent 'and Notartf Publiq. ... ocf 1: 'V V4;-:!.4., :. :"..;: . Appreciation of the American Sol the Re in Porto Rico President - forward lao ' oftce' and occuby the cicy untl Hiihiirits. i Then follows a detailed kecount of the fljrhtlnjf -and capture ofl Manila and the freneual salys: I -"I Ueaife herftf to Tecord rjiy apprecia tion of I the I tuimirable manner m wlil.h the orders for attairk and the pltLn for f o:eiijatlon of th city ' w ere carriwl iout b 'X the troois exactly as . . r. t ti. I t t .l "It w ill be observed that he trophies I.Wtli : l'.3'J0 f Manila wene . nearly $W prisoners! and i'2.000 arms. t - 1! HI . .-.J; i 4Vr.m .' 'thai (tl. lUKUi-aUOn ot ihe military , grovern- Inent of Manjlai by thevVmericans. ur- ther he says: . r On the JOtli . cableffraim: contain ing the text: of the president's -procla mation directing the cessation of hos tilities was received by mej and at the same time an Order to make the fact known to the Spanish authojrities.which was done ut once. This resulted in .a formal protest from the govern-or-gen-eral in regard to-the; transfer of bubhc funds then taking place, on the ground that the proclaina-tion was dated prijr to i the surrender. To this I replied that, the status left with the, i was than existi (juo in wnipn we were essation of -hostilities hg at the time or tne ireceipt by me if the official notice, insist uiKjn-the deliv and thatil in us ery of (he- funds. The delivery was made linder -protest. - ; . i i "After Jthe issue of my proclamation and -thf establishment of .my ofiice, as military: governor, I had direct wrtt- ten communication with General Agui naldo on; several occasions. He recog nized myrauthoriity as military govern or, of thej town f Manila and suburbs and - made . professions of his Willingr ness to withdraw his troops to a line which ; I Jimight inlicate, tabt at i.the same time-asking certain favors r for himself, i The mlatters in ; this conneor tion had not 'be of i my idepaTture. n settled fit the date Doubtless much dis- satisfaction m felt by the rajik -rand they have file of. the Insurlgents that not . boere permitted , to enjoy the occu- iiiWV ; of i Manila and there is ;some grtmnd for trouble with them, owing to that fact, but notwithstahduig many rumors to the contrary, I am of the opinion that the ileaders will- be able to -tiir.Ti t irloiiQ liQtiiT-T.fl nci- ji s thev are sufficiently intelligent amd edgoated to know ithat to antagonize the United States would bei to destroy! thein only chance of future Ipohtical improvemeni!. 'I may add that great changes for the better have taken place-in Manila since th oeeiip'ahry-.of the Icity by. the Aijiencan troops i KEIMEKAL LKE TO GO TO Cl'IlA Au KO'url ITIade lo jlave Him Put ill Co mm a ud of llavaua. "Wash in gton, September J 30. Major at the war a brief inr Oeneral Iitzhugh Lee was department toda y and had terviqwifwithi Sei retary Aleer -nSeneral Lee-siys that he w-illigo -to New York tomorrow, visit his-son at West Point, andi then returti-fo "Wash- 1 ' - ' 1 - ' : ' - ' " ' . 1 i ington. s If therelia no pressure for his immediate return Jacksonville,, he Intends to spend ''a few days in the Virginia, mountains upon the : recom mendationbf his physicialn. -GeneraJ Lee: hiiHbeen suffering somewhat from malaria. : 1 v.. . There iseems t o be no dd ubt in offi- cial circles that General Le is sched- uled to. go to Cuba, Some question has arisen, however, as t i the ' point in Cuba that he will occupy. Quite a number of public men and it is probable that General Lee-himself, will prefer that: hisl command go; to Ha- vanaj There; is isome' sentiment in the matter; ana i many, persons nave ex pressed the . hope that I as - ; Blanco marches out, General Lee might march into the cfty.' A number ofl men in of- tficial life have already inteiiested them selves in .this subject and urge the pres4dent to i issue orders for the 00- cupation lew . of Cuba with this end ; More than twenty millioh free sam ples Iof 1 DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve have; been: distributed by the manu facturers. What better proof of their confidence in it's merits d"o you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest space of time.L R. R. Beb lany U . I V : k -V . - THE PEACE co.n.mssioNs Tlie I Amerlcanw Preparing for the Joiut lUeetlug-j-Denials by the Spau- Paris,' September 30.--The United Slates peace commission! '-' '!-'. ' . J '-','. J possession of ltls working has taken quarters, a suite of seven rooms on j the ground floor! of the Hater Continental at the corner of Rue de Rivoli, and Rue d RoyalJ commanding the Ttnllieres gar dens land formerlx used b3 press Eugene. I American the' ex-Em flags drape the entrance of the peace commission's ; - . . 1 1 , . - ... - ' i: !.. - apartments. . ; : ; ii The clerical force of the commission has ; been - systematized ind is now working busily. The commission-held its usual session this morning. It is believed the- commissioners are crys tal izing their plans and sirranging all the details of the work Wjhich- will be taken up when the commfssions begin their joint sessions. !' ' : 1 1 The Spanish commissiojners formal iy deny the various interviews and paragraphs,' which have appeared in the nerispars. ! The secretary of , the Spanish commhstsvon paid jto the repre gentative of theAssociatejd Press with the American commissionj VNo mem-t)r--'of our commission hs given any interview" and all which have, appeared in print as to ur instructions is false. We are here to jdef waj ourselves;: and naturally, we are not wftllng to give any of our weapons to oiir opponents. Railway Coinntsion' Order IModi- ! . :i ! .'Ii . ;': .fled- :" .1 .'. '-1 j- . ' ' Special ta The Messenger.) Pnipirfi -N: CL. SeDtembsr 30. Tfee ! railway comrais, suspends action o irviui v cuciii, lo ix - order. : . 1.' . :. . : - The order relation to passenger rates on the Wilmtngtori and iWeldon rail way is so modified as to apply only on thevmaia line and not oil branches. II I .a ue cuw liiin lmiimiTinii iiiinr ! Tnri iinii Tn nnmim nun r 4 t (Jrncral Cordon Mpemk If la IIM IlltlH tlaln to Be the iter of the C'onfelrm-J .'' I'fteyriolds Ga., September 30.--Gen-!ei41j Johns B. Oirdon, commander-in- cibiefjof chje United Confederate i A'et ierans 49 :ait his plantation near: here. Tho fqeiient,l was shown the Associated jPrei:;diBp.'4tch from Chicago, in which iMiss Lucy jLee. Hill claims to havie had ithe jmle vi)aughtef of ,the ConfKlerat cy .-tnferted Upon her by her south-; iern jfn.endi bince the death LVinnl4 Davis. ir. .r. ' i ;'!- Th:e: (general was asked : jf thes title ibuldibe tftus transferred and rt-plied with great : earnestness: ! : Krnphatlcally nio: ; Miss "Winnie ws the- ffilyi daughter yf President ' Davis tiirn-in; the confederate 'White houst;' during the life of i the: confedera-y. As .Jefferpon Davis was the only president of the ! confederate i government, no d.iught,er of ajiy i other official jcould itrtily -rep'resent the confederacy, For that reason itwoufd not be aijproprir lafe-to paliven the daughter oflen ersil Uobert K. Lee the 'Daughter of ittre. :pnfederaey.' 1 To designate! any on eHe as. 'Daughter of the Confed eracy 'i would-not oinly be inappropriate and. imeaniiragless, rhut would dnjpnve ithnr title of i all its; value. : In the f very mliufe.iof thet caseNnoi one -except Winnie Davis is .entitled ! to be (failed It he .Daughter of the Confederacy." That- title was unique and peculiarly her. own" and is very--properly tc be placeili upon her tomb. To. designate any onenelse by that title. would be al rTiuMt a sacrilege. As sith JefffTMm Iavis ; iissed the titl4 of president of thei ("onfeVleracy, so w!ith Miss Winnie has passed i that of 'Daughter of the Confederacy.' " i- .; i i H f' H . V ; ,'i i ':'.; "' ,. You invite disappointment when you experiment DeWitt's Little Early Risers are; ; pleasant, ; easy, thorough little? pills.:; They tcure constituation and sick headache just as sure as you taxe them, R. R. Bellamy 1:1 " .': !: j i iV V ' : IMMmiaitea the hhv. 1 The Messenger's ; Raleigh bureau I te-lesraphed as follows last nighjl: ; ': - T ! 'I ...;; ; ! !t i " i "i !, I' " i-': I 'The railway commission, today took fiaal ac;tion in the matter of thS Wil mington; Tariff -Association's petition far. a mileage book of two thousand xhjle-si interchangeablej at $40.00; The Commission having carefully examin ed i the petition ana nnaing no new nxiints ; rajsed other than those iraised i I I : I ;r. ' -i. ' r i i - :i j ' . I ... atj the last hearing, denies a rehearing and dismisses the case.r L !i : Clmrchen Tomorrow I .1 St. ! Andrew's Presbyterian church. Rev. A. D. McClure, pastor. Sabbath services at 11 a, m. and 8 p. m.i Sabr bath schdpl at 4 p.'m. iPrayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p; m. i .A cordial wel come to all. s : I First Presbyterian -church. Rev. P. ILi Hoge D. D., pastor. Divine ser vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The ser mon1 at night thef first of ithe series, "Places connecetd iwith the; life of Our Lord;' subject Bethlehem.'Trayer meeting on jThursqay at 8 p. m Seats free. ' , 1 Fifth Strfet M. church, on Fifth street between Nun and Church.i Rev. 1W4 L,; Cuninggira, I pastor. Services (tomorrow at 11 a.; fn. and 7:45 p; m Sunday school at 3 : 30 ;p m. 1 At the ; Fjrst Baptist! church, corner iFfth : and Market streets, there .will jbelprayer meeting services at 11 o'clock itomoprow jnorning. No sendees at i' - mg-tlt. I 1 i ' 1. ! :1 . .i ; : . i A FrlgliUSl Bluuder Will often cause la; horrible i Burn, aid; 7uC -lor Brucse. sBucklen's Ar cti ?ahe, the bet in the world, am 11 It ' the! pain land promptly heal it. Cu res: Old Scores. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bloils.i PelOlas, Corns, all .Skin Erujj- ipns.! Best Pile: cure on eartn.; i)niy ttsi a l)x. ; Cure guaranteed. SoKI ibyiR.i R. Bellamy, druggist. 1 , 1 "I ! l .VDBIt miLITAKY ItlXE t t State Troop in: Control of I'ana, II1(- linported negro iriinerw.-j'iirnea iiai K by Striken A Battle KxfH-ted. .Pana, ' 111., September 30. Light Bat tery B, jof Galesburg, arrived: on a spe cial; train frpm Si')ringfieldi this ; after noon.'; Then battery 1 consists of -ht tw o men. Oatlingi guns and sixty-c with: isifle arms and. Springfield rifles, in charge of Captain Crafg. Two camps of the Sons; of 'Veterans -from- Aurora and 1 Elgin,!; in command : of Colonel tfamiltoni arrived this 1 evening.; They were equipped wjtlu guns vat Springfield apd mustered in.; as; national guards. ; I Governor ii Tanner's ' instructions to the troops before their : departure from Springfield :: were to arrest all persona carry-ing arms and-:hold such arms un; til ;further orders; protect;. citizens and their: proierty, j and maintain ; order, but -lend: no-assistance to ; operators in oterating! their mines ; with imported -h.bon ;l - i -r ; ; --1 . . .' The militia are in full charge of the c ty tonight !and are parading thebus niessil streets. The utmost quiet"r vaJla. i, I ' Tower Hill, Ills., September 30. Three hundred striking .union miners f -om! Panaif today ' held up a special Baltimore, and Ohio Southwestern train conveying -fifty Washington (Ind.) ne gro' miners to Pana totake the; place of union; -miners. ,The; negroes were tnken from the cats and compelled., to walks hack 'to-Tower Hill where they we're:-locked in 1 the depot until 10 o cioqk tonighi.' At i that hour' the ne groes were! .placed 1 on : board an east-1 bbund Strain and taken; back to Indi ana : at: the . expense of ! the . miners uhion. , , Newsbof the capture- of the blacks having reached ; Sheriff ; Cobourn 1 at Pana.1 he isent an armed posse of dep uties; uhcludmg negroes,' from Spring side; pa-pip, toward ? this; town to inter cept thei miners on itheirr return. iSheriff Cobu,rn?s. force had not arrived at a late; hoiiri; In case! they fail to appear tbe miners will remain here over night and. take a roundabout -way home. It' is ibelieved 'that a battle will be Erecipitated if the iCoburn forces show p; in this vfcinity.i The sheriff of this county) refused to interfere with the union -men, s ! . - : i : Ee Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has the largestlsale of any salve In the; world. This fact and its merit has- led dishon est people" to attempt to counterfeit it Look out for ."the : man who attempts to deceive you when youl call for De jWitt's j Witch Haziel Salve, the great riile cure. R. R.. : Bellamy.. ; r I'.-if-i a.!'-; - ; I hit-:; : ti S .. I ; j : - - Protest Against ITIIs JMcy lee' Hill's i! H. i ;j ;' , si. : - Action.: : . I Riehtnond, iVa., September SO. Le.e Cafhp, I; Confederate Veterans; of Vir ginia, Rt its regular - meeting tonight, adopted, resolutions: protesting against the naming of any one as '.'the Daugh ter Off the Confederacy", to succeed -Miss: Winnie Davis; and :callmg On the grand amPi which meets next week .fc Culpepper, to put its official veto 4n the movement; for a new .J'daugh-ter.'-'i : The - resolutions also call upon IffSt United i Daughters of the Gonfed feracy to protest i against the ; move pijepti i Advices from several points in U& &tte indicate: fha $he grand camp - t j tfl th matter, 1 as th feeling -Will ! i I ; velraps is that the title among! the t- tfr? Confederacy'' of; "Daughter ti n'Vtanig payia, died logically with Miss .. . - , 1 rJII r llFllNII IlllfJ 9 111k 1HK nWavf llllli I IIUI I I IK II 52j u liuiiiiiiniiuu mnuL iiiiLimuuuuuuuur uuun 13T Democrats of the Fourth District. CHARGES OF BRIBERY To Siet-ure tlie Eudortrmtut of. Fowler by the Krpubllcau- tOBtention-SUle OOlclals Uevotloj; Tlielr Tliuie to Po litical Uork--7lauy. Fopullnts Lea) lug Tlielr Party White Soldier Ko fueto be Camped V1tI1 egro Troop. I'olltical CiOftalp. : ' ' -' i . j. i Messenger Bureau 1 t Raleigh, N: C, September 30. -j The- democratic congressional "con-i ention here decided to make no nom-i nation at present. An advisory com- thittee was, created and given plenary ( 1- 1 - . 1 power,.. It will . decide whether At-' waterj the independent populist candi date, shall be-voted for or not, : and has pow-er to; arrange for a candidate. The. Wake populist bolters nominat 1 a Hull i legislative, and county ticket apd) endorsed V. J. Peele-mdependent ctemocrati for congress. .. ; Tho . republican ; congressional con-' entiqn here today nominated J. J. Jenkins, populist. This was ;;as agreed 011, '.the republicans having ; dictated I the, nomination of ;JenHins. : Eve-y office holder" both; populist and republican, is putting ta. . much tme trying to make political prose li tes. j The fertiliser inspectors 'bring in lists of names of men whom they claim are leaving the democratic party. S me iof these were shown today. The pt)pulstsi are abandoning their party bW hundreds, and white republicans are quitting their party iu-the east.; - Senato Butler : in his , newspaper says ltiisX'lie" that W. 1 A Guthrie is--to make speeches in the interest of white j supremacyx,and words1 his edi torial ias ilf it weremspiredj 1? . . -, - 1- PriVate RopeK V. Sternsj of , the Uurhajm company of 1 the First regi ir ent, 1 who ; died at Jacksonville, - was ' b iried1 today at his home 111 Graham county, with military honors. v1 Colonel W .II. S. Burgwyn, ihas gone tr Washington, in a vain effort to get tlie Second regiment kept in service. It is a'sure waste of time j! The ilocsal receipts of cotton and to bacco 'in this market ; arei very liberal.' The sales, of commercial fertilizers Ml- - : I i M-..'. , " IMPORTANT EVENTS1 OF THi D ! : . I - 1 -. : ' i- - '-l,- . vThe Rebellion in the; Philippine Islands is S'leadini :.-.Tlir A nierli'nn If l1nmmicuinnpm3. lrMlfcsfllrtirM XV'il.- . P'-eparina for the Joint Meeting ! ! ri. . - .1 1-1! ! 1 ne rspanisn i-eaeeominissioners.ueny tiu 3'tibiisliea state ments of Iheir Instructions; ; nit lis Conceded that (mineral Lee! will be fj.eijj ?4o Cubal Jtta-jiy Public Men Desire liiin to be Put in Command f Iavanii. j i.General Gordon Says there is no SuclirTf kg Possible asLa Successor to Miss Winnie Davis federacy." . : I; ... ; ;:;. ;i ' MGeneral Lee Will be the SecoudjWitness? IS' .re the War partment Commission, The Letters of Complaint,, m ! The Government will Secure SouthernStates. ' :, ; :' i : liAn Order is Issued for- the Sick Soldiers There. " . President McKinley Pays a" Volunteers.' i i ; riierorest r ires: are Still Raging m Wiscoii-vfl and Colorado v! General Merritt's Report on J to the Public by the War Department. l' ' ' S will again; be large. 'Heavy orders are placed! and the inspectors have so far; taken sample of 150, brands. ; : ! saac :M; Meekms, populist pommee foi- solicitor- in the First district, is here. The republicans and populists : in that district agree on A. W. Moore; as thei fusion candidate for judge. ? ; i t seems, that the negro troops at Kijioxviille ; cause great trouble. There, isja fud :between the Third Nftrth Cqrohna and the Sixth Virgina, both negro: j regiments. Day before yester daiy when the Fourth Tennessee (white) learned that the Sixth Virginia was to be moved; to a new camp, quite near that oh the i-Fpurth there was ; a great row. : Thei Tennesseeahs . .stacked arms anid refused, to drill, .the: men; declar ing thct they proposed to quit the .Ser vice rather than be with the Sixth. ' Work has begun: on Statesville's sewerage and water; works systems. Diirham 13 greatly- in need of a system of "sewerage, but voted down the bond issue PJ. . ' : The penitentiary ' authorities 1 have abandoned: their attempt to take; away th eighty; convicts at. work on the Ra leigh : iand; Cape Fear railway. They would 'have been Sued for-, violation' of contract. 1 i ;j The'j'repubhcans are spending money in all parts 1 of the -state : with . great freedom.- r- t ; ; : : 1 -r -; '1 There are today 202 students at ; Trin ity college. ! The xepublican leadtrs.uho ;went to Fayetteville yesterday ;to force; the re publicans i there in convention) to en dorse Fowler, the populist, ; for con gross, came; back today. They had a hard task.; Fowler was pushed through Bribery is openly charged. - The repub licans are really .angry at what -was done, hut declare it was a necessity; that they had to go for Fovier, much as! they hated' to do so,, in: order to save republicans in other.-districts. All republicans see that without (populist support their party ; is 1 neipiess, , Senator- Tillman is 1 to make some speeches in the state. . : ; :li s . .. ; - . Itetnrnof tbe llawaiiau foniDiiiiiilou. Ban Francisco, September ?0. Th.e"j steameif Gallic arrived here today from Hong Kong and Yokohama via Hono lulu, bringing the congressional com mittee from the latter; place.;: h i 1 In speaking of the work of the com mittee.! Senator Cullom said:: "We have done as much as possible in the time ati our: disposal and we have cov ered the ( ground , thorough lyi-: When we meet in Washington we will go to Vork at once on our report.'" ' it : Sick. Iteturnlns From Ponce i iWashington, September 30. The fol lowing was received at the war depart ment today i from General Brooke at Popcer! Obdam sailed today with 191 coffpaJescents, 104 discharged i soldiers and teamsters, , - . - ' ... r : n r r ' . . '. - i- a -- - . - -, ITnder i'jsciission bv the ! Cabinet s jHAYANMaJSTOMi HOUSE t T Tali5 koealou of By Our Impropt-rly NeUed by S Jiil 4li To lie forced to Urtorii Tht-Troop to Be Sent (a fub By 0f.ber 1 5tb Cenl Wood'g it- ouut ol J f Former Horrible Col' diitlou or Sai jijaigo aud Id Prcwut. . .-ji- -1 -iil-'-lteSv ' ' " r v f I .' :- . ' ! ! .liVashingtof:, Sfeptember CO.rColontli Jliii Hay sworn into; tiff ice as: secretary l;?f?ite at IL o'clock this.. nKjriunK- 'Tlf tlremonv took' place In 11 thf! presides jss; riMjin 1 at ; the Whitei hljise and; itB 4 "Jath was s administered bjij Justice ! t4an. of f the; supreme; ;9rt. Mr If .immediately 1 Joined hiai .c)Heaguesii in? -regular- Friday cabl-; nt; hessioh.. . Suiter in the day, he en-; teii-d upon hfb'rfew duties'. ; f-j . ; The; cabinv? rrteeting today 'was de-; ! I .'I ' .'!' r-f0 ' ' J- i j: i I 1 (jled largely. o matters in detail 111 c)i5nectioh wili the formation of the' Sirmy whuh be sent to; Cuba. Re- sports w-er yp.-i' to the ; effect; that by1 Oc tober ;15lh!;?itger- from yellow fever will have ! pa&'?:i; and it! is -understood I that the rooMS-it-nt of. the troops will b begun rjabt; that time, j The con duct of the jji finish customs; officers atj Havana .i-Sje.'ry unsatisfactory to the presidents; v gjid it is said to have bten decided 1 take possession of the customs -hpusl 4here at ; an early date and admirast ;'vits affairs under regu ldiions to be lsi nbed by this govern ment, i'-;''. ' ;-:. I - Informat5otctJ-ias- reached the presi dent that : the jianish ;authorfities at San Juan rei-Vtiy .tooki possession of and sent tO" S 'f about !$40,0OOi -belong-mgr to an assiiiion of school: teachers This matter been the subject of a protest sent i the Spanish: govern ment. It is si f to be the purpose of tms governme 4fto compel its ami ;if not; : v icous measures taken to tolU'ft' it fronv the return. will be persons responsibly fdvjiiits misappropriation: . Jn a lon.EF pei-Anal letter to- Secretary Alger,. Gent-rafp.eonard Wood, military governor of .antiago, I outlines' th? wrk he has ,,xsi complLshed snnce he todik charge oj; he -ity. 1 He: sSys that Aljen the Amv"iian. forces entejred the towxthe saniryTsituatron wa some tlrigfightfU'fj.l.ii'ibuned deadj lay in thju- houses; S ,0. j Spanish siok and wiiunded jprf ed the hospitals and bai racks, a h e of 20,000 -half famish ed people wallgj the street; th water -4 on JVlondaylt - 1 I 1 'i Iit: :4.. . .. . ' . . .! f' . i! as "DaUlr of the Coti- Ule- Commissioni is tSll Examinirjs the Best Sitii': hr Camps in tl Return fronif i. irto Rico of all Hi r 1, 1 " St ,h Tribut- the Southern the Capture i;Mani!a' is Give supply had; b(sti .fut-off and the streets were full of d?- l animals and I filthy decomposition,,;.? fte dead were, biirped. leilow lever i f, rt aging, twenl ty or more cases bei; m the SpamsH hos- pifil alone, 'arL ine rivil hospital was filled with dylr' Sieisons General Woc ;beiran sVstemaiicallv toi-i improvel thli'.Stuation. He his 170 men fonsrantl.'! wnrlr mnrl it Ha rlaahl rate is onlv oillSVinr-th wha.t -it. Was in Ju;ly, The me.p.-jta given' carefulj med- attention, JfA the worthy podi'r are C . .3 1 - , , . I I it'j, ro.ww ratii c-eing uisiriDutqa ev ery day. The p bage is taken outside ine chty an(ijD!-:.wti, and the unhealthy parts of ; th St; 0 have . been drained. The police Ml in the city sanll the not in operatit.-'et'. but General Wood himself sits "e-;day as a'polic4 judge, Since the Atii$ & Tans took the crityT the 'ff!.ioiu. xoe courts aie ciiFtonr reetif j $t ha e been - 1100,000. Ihe preserii attending the work of oper r the dty, which are to pome extenX kraordinary, are about r unit . 1 y.: -ft.... . . m- . . I j.jiuu a. y, ewht-.s; -y .ine eneciive meas-i urfs adopted r-f .yteneral Wood a genJ eial epidemic,'? Vellow fever hasl been aj:rted Ttif neral hopes soon to start the: schof vjnd thus get thel phil arn on tne sa,-ssts, I 11? " Te Bantam slight Championship. , :Sew York, tf' tHember 30. The 1 ban- 5 but - he had a close close call in a twe&' .tffive round bout w.iui Stjve Flanag, , of Philadelphia be- foife- the LenetJK Athletic Club toriightJ These tw-o : liid j jtiet at 105i pounds and put up a bou ,.hich was; one -of the I liveliest and -if . j-erest ' contests" which ha ever take, lace in this arenfg,. Ticket of fee Stiver Democrats New York. embe"r 30. At sa meet tairn cnampion-iljp of America still be longs to Casp?i4 f,eon, the Italian! box er.; of this Serfs::- ing of the Chife to platform democrats ' rePa its protfesiss against the insu-tome-ht TTenr5. inr th. K fi.. ents '-Contmumg ha hold Spanish prif . . mi "r?.-.r: ; T'1 single, tax :,ad- fcate, was -noaiirated to i neaa an :j jependent demodnatic ticket. The n. anatidn of Elliott ap. jjani.orin- roc.j. juienant governoit, oy t- - ' : , . .s . . ' the regular df--x:ratic convention at Syracuse, wa indorsed, : The- ther candidates Ron . ,'tated are as follows: Secretary bf ; ?teAe Gideon J.i Tucker Comptroller sf McDonough, S ofl Al bany. ; ' s.r.P'.a - ; I Treasurer 34 1". Caton. of Buffllo Attorney. , C-iJal'-rOIe 'F. Snydeir, of Buffalo. 1 t 1 Engineer rjlurvey General James .a., oi ro4 na county, i r A.-s-ag :. :;-::- :.- j, . ! .... r.-ii. ... , . W & :fan About Well Washington,' September 30. Coilonel William J. Brlr i was out of doorsj this afternoon forAi Se first .time $inc(? Jp, became ill. T- fever has pracucally left him andi?-J physician has admit ted him to taJ ia carnage drive. t He intends o go -'. 1 Jackson vllle to rtjoin his regiment j.. y next week. ; ; I Death ot a ijor of Volunteers Montgomery, Ua September 130.- Major J. J.. JoK on, of the Second! Ar kansas, died at,- ; Annjston, Ala., today of heart fallty He had been ill! for a -weeK -witH;(ir; inoia lever, . i 'if DESTBICTIVE FOMENT FIHIIHt: hull Raging In tlrnla and Ur -Twii Detroye4 lannene ; Amount of Property Bomed-Lo or vi'llir. I' '-'?: P:'Ti-: i.'!.':;'- f-m t. Paul, Minn..! eptmb-r 30 -j-Thi.1 fortrst fires wjsichi have bn buT.rijf in 'varjoua 144 ;thr",ughou't, vrcjjtaw WisonSin forthe past ftw, daa ivrv fanned into furious storms of fla,fy h yesterday's iwiiri'dfl and did gTt-at J.oi ,agr.. throughtait ,Ohippew'-a,ii ItJrfiL'fl Dunn. iSt. Cri& and I'olk cotfntiif Jtf gen-eral i)estru. tion of tvleriK wiris, makes, h reports er- 1nki( piee, but it'seems tbat the villagtjsp'.if l.yaj'ton.;-Alainena J and iINkin' tftv b' wholly or partly det?troyel: klY-t' CuAiberlandi has suffered heavy lo.'s andl tha.t Glemn-vxid, Barron. lYf iijt jff, Phlpips and T!uVtle Like w ere saUsl onl,- y great Efforts. Reports of tfa of life; are ronung In.' but have beeji verified except in one instances V raflvad bridge-and trestle or 7m) Ion '"on the- Soc Line'., west of B.jrup wa$ burned last rught nnd trainKi. running :by- another rout. 5IU' i ' Fj!res have biren :hkel in L-Vc4i2y ratius aht th,e subsiden'e of th" viU A Wugh estimate plac-s th :iRgrfL-a tr iors at from $"000, 0n0 to j; ii0.ikk M . Denver,:! Col..s September 30.4-Keijioifls fronp therwestrn portionlof VJ t-i&u-cvmrjinaeito teli of 1 the ravages o tie forest fires, which bid fair; to deva'sstitU; t(ie. preater part of the forests ie' .state. ; : w 1 . : : t : ' A special from Glenwixid: Sirings;t iie centre of the burning district, sa Xhe:fires 'in -th mnuntai'rts n.'ar h?re. have "taken frh life today. -winfrauv high winds Tie sun has been nepil obs(4ifed all ; day .and- the i hi-avq with ismoke.Thet fire east $.f Glervood; Springs Is fortunately in, An unsettled portion of the county ' W j 1 asid from th. immense loss hv H burring of timber,!; no loss haw ot-Jk red J4p to the iwesent time. The stk on tle range1 as: far as heard from rj4 esciaged the fire. . i .1, r.. ' t - j, '' -; ; , - ! -: o r ii i . 1',. Sulfide of au Old Lady Kfchmond. Va., -September 1 30-4t Fredericksburg: today, Miss; Lizse Cahijl, aged 6p yeirs, committed cide iby shooting .herself and the flah irom' tne powqer setting nrei to lir ( clothes they were burned f r'oni; : hir body' ; ,1, ; -! .;;; ,..;; j J p. .. .- - Mi One Minute Cough- Cure surprises people by its quick cures and children mayitakeiit inislarge quantitips Wifh-'L out the. least danger. It has i won f.)r ftselfjthe best veputatlon.ofany prfi aratlon jused today :for. colds.:: croi-p, tickling 1 theii thr-oat or ; obstinite congns. ; Jt. it. iseuamy. - - ' 1 . r r Ithe ha it .COJI.TIISSION - V ' 1 t -. :.;: - . t.i ii' Will Kxamlue teueral Lee-Still Bn t j With mttera ol Complaint. ,' . WasOiington; peitember' 30 The V$J investigation, colnmission .todav deelJiN ed to' ask General Lee to follow Gen eral 'Whe.eler are!gi4ngvtiestrmony cijii cernirlg the cfiaj-ges made against ifie war ; department! and suggested WetJ- ; nepday of next week as: wl-in 1 'j ; s' i : ' . j ; he cojild be heard fi-: -.commission on ! Tuesday and 1 will fe -vreiieiiu vviieeier w.i 1 no nerore 1 . L 1 n T Tt- .. i . ... 1 ,, . . interrogated both about l Oamp WikfcJT and :the Santiajro campaign. I the amiaation conceS-n'mg Santiago cuFr- "ty vv5iov.(auji Le laKiuura lor caring for-the-sick .andtjwounded and the pfi--c-autions .ta.ken. o preserve the heaim of .the? men in- the trenches.: The co'. missloners state khejr purpose tO'teo make. ia very complete invetig"ation the these features of the Santiatro s-iL but Vice Chairn-jan Denby. said todf'jV that the policy Iof- callling ' Gener'iil Miles 'or General Shafter had not fH been under: consideration. : ill The "commissi in today continued ;examination of 'letters bearinsr jthem calling attention to such i-chars tniM utuci 11 aiLenijniiijf 10 reiute tnif'Tn Aiany m the , letters referred . to news paper reports of,'abuses' and In mt of such cases letters were' sent to rie leditors' in -iquestton asking! them sffir speenfie information. . j u tj Many of ithe charges received jv m ail are .quite vague in. character, kn officer V in a Pennsylvania regiment wrote 'h,at he had been at Camp Thom as, rernanaina fcndHTampaj Fla., ani Ithat hi? k new thi.charges of. misman agemeht were false, rile expressed xi iWillingSiess .to come, to Washington firiij give -the commission the informal ion iat hie'command :;fit his own: e.xpens0 a. ! Todaw's letters ideal esnerfaiiv nhu jthe conditions at-jCJamp Wikoffj In xi iiiiaienie- a. iiiiius(eri wroie inat lie hill iPOintetS out ithe tnacessihilitv lan 3s. posed condition of the -location and th ipoor condition of the -water : before thf place Was selectf-d. i .The members i "' lmm!,s,y" rxppess tneir detorv '"'H'n to make a very complete in, itne . commission --expness the r if(t' jspectm or anaii-3 at that point and.ij p i"i- "ie win 9-S a; ooqy, i : : , T 1 T . ttti I 1 Trutn wears : i well.: : .P(onle in4d Earned that DeWitt's .y Little Earf Risers' are reliable little pills for re&'t -lilnliv. 4W.I 1 1. . I L t , .. . . 5 I ;"1ll-wlfs uuwt,ouriiig -constipatt and SlfcK: headache.: They , don't 1 gjip& v.a . peuanjy.: r : i -n? 1 i -. -5 w i-n ' ; ! irS fcroteilng.TIoodorthe Spnllh CablV , ctr. on MaSfi,d. Pepterhber 30 -The ihas djgeided, to authorize Gene ito grant reforms 'in the Viz VUIIIi'l ral Riiik . Ji.: zlavas iiu Jland fn the fines derpanded by the ;habitaits and to (Concentrate his : forces at-ailndanao, as there are'onlyj 450 mri garnmng tne Y'zayas. v.- i T'h Spanish ministers also' .lecidU to protest tn the igovernment at Wastj- ingtoagainst the refusal 'of the Amaf jeans ito permit .'Span is h troops i to' 1& sent -W the Vizaya.s, while,. it is clainj ed. the insurgents aTe Tconstantly ; r$ ceiyin'g arms anl cannon with whiei to attkek other flslands "which tr- Amenpans : permit without even ' pre tending to intervene." ; T i ' : Ti 'llie fcpanieh cabinet, It is added, wgl J lacquaHnt its; Parte commissioners wirii itnese .'contention? In order 'that thy may be used in t'Jle peace negotiation 1.-1 111- ll-'a iihnnnnAJ -t V- - . , mj , . hbiiuuiil:cu, goverir.- merit here would inform f he .mwm. si ment it Washington that it has deckJ- ed ito Isend reinforcements to the Viz- ayas and itrhas ordered seven batt icsi oij atuHeiyi ai Aiiuaiusia xo itHt readyito start; for the Philippine lr lands n twentyi-fi)ur hours. ; : 5: in addition to sthis,. the' cabinet ai-yi i nrs an the PhiUDpine islands: "The government Ihere estimates. Jhi t. mere jarei zuu.wu people in .h'orto nun I who deire to return to Spain, ; i. ,1 - l ' I ,i i ; ,r. . 4 The Royal is tbs highest grade bakiag powder l bapwa. Actaal et ahiw It goeoae- . Mrd further taa aay other braad, - V i qvm rfmtmk ml, mew voc i AtSQlutely Pure . !fc:if!::::ffl:lllili DOBBIN & 123 and iiMyi:ttkviiA,kstr BAJuEiaH, N. Oi 1 1 SUMJU-irSIVSlT; .' h. ' 5i$V.;Sy; : - 1;.' . : i! . I ;. 1 i Oiar ISTerr Goods i -. .... - ., ' ... '- ! : . . .. . .. . .... i 1 '.: aHHly. WE HAVE A CIEQlGr. : Ii chargeol'a J;:u patent ' aiulwell ailvlM-tl Bilbiniiin. -i our order lor Snti fcill rete careful attcntioti ami Choio seiec'iiona tH.'ii- j- tt. . . 1 . . .iKAIjEIGH, N. C. NEW ARRIV OF JOMMSOiiXr ' I Abicli will Ittive iH'on it ufHuy of the J '5 K ' - :- , wetak'i an Hvftaro satin Will also S iiAY ' 50 Doz&lA.- In the Most ilihie lill Few R. CORSETS which . . : ;;, - , We are Sole Agen. S the Celebrated DRj A i: WOGLCN UXDERWI ?Call for CataUfJueT i ; ;. .;, s.iy :--'; I : i -: i.i w : , ::5,b L ji Motliers Will i.Hig men, Fathers ;iMl Brothers ; ' ' t ii : I ! ; il - -v il--:s.:fi;: ''I ... i - ' j' :-:. I i : .1 I ;v. ;,- .r- -':. i - - I I' I'M : j " ! j .: I-ooking for I mtehy RiirgaliiH can nowbej llni a morn , Nobby HixK k , SUITING; ANl TKOUSKltLNGS U Make ;' 1 1 i to Measure ili j Latest Stylo than we (liNplayi AU Uii - i ! : ' -j ; -work is madf.'af dcr our owu root, thus giving lemploy-i ; t .;..; ( ment to work Oe HiiB here. ', . -; i;t . i 1 ' "f tArcode"Ii: iSlS:SO STJITS ; .- :; and Make tol4!i'9'e in aNorihern niarkctif any )atn)ni ' . 1 ;i.. t.",':; i v.f' ; '; jsants a Suit Miat way. i.. ; ; ' ": HAVE YOU StiMOUR NECKWEAR ? ' ; " ; j;-;,', , . 4 : ) If not we vuiak you make a mistake, j j - . j 't. :- i.i ! ' 7'i '! i!:' ' , :! - A : MAGlJMCEfIT : DISPLAY j'-i- i . ':. j igjP-' "; ."; i . ; 'i ..i ; ;t. i r !- -ti-l "'" .i In all j,ut more especially vvould we .' . f ;i -., i : "ei J jyour attention to our i i . i i I " -5r . ' G ARPE3 - DEPARTMENT, I WHICH: IS COMPIiETii- VEBT PARED ITO FIT OUT YA ?tti HOUSE: AS WELL. AS COMFOUTABtiE. OUR liUTl THE SPACE WriL"NX)T ALLOW US TO MAKE MENTION OK EVERYTHING, HUT S'tJFtpT: IT lO SAY WE HAVE THEM ALL AND AM SUKH THAT :A -lAlOf- wlbli -CUJN WE WILL SELL YOU IV HAT YOU THEI MARKET FOR T.H! -' PAST TEN THIS WEEK MANY WV THIN.GS NEXT f I! EEK Titte'? M.:.".T:lme.-.::.:": V,-',Ar'- i i. Fall Br oss AND ; il . SUCClSOB TO i - 8 No. 25North AGENT FOR.BUTlRIflK'S We ilre ilgain Ready - . - tjrs' ? , , To 8h67,: ygu'our FAlrti ftTOCK ahe Our Sf.-Jck: t now in NEfr-anJ FRESEJ "i-i -. i, i fiRUSSELL CARPEL'S WRoom, VELVET CARPETS' 4i Large -.;:.: ; . '. .IXGRAIN CARPETS -Cotton Largest assortment : f RUGS ever shown in the Let us sell you nei WINDOW ones Prices guarantee, j. . , I Importeiyr J Patterns of .Covert Cl'th.-POc to Dressy we rs showing a THE C.1if. W. B. Corsets' and. S mdard Pattern..' ' . 1 FERR&LL IB FALL WORK 1JEGINS. ; Tli S-le'! iona h jtll l)ff Hi m !. Tfco fT2fl"l,'rP uurrrt-t np tr aiacrtaiM trfl iih iii-ti HrU'e rc tlntliOWKST. Nc tWlerir can elti rtHHunnienil early; bujlnjf. ) You fiiijtet i!ie lw.t' , Il 1 IviryiiiK rly anil you savtf nionej.. ;t i I I Off & FORE'S, Al -on ,8al o ut ay. Selected with Kr"a cart', ;aiil einbraco : NKWEST FOUKjlUN F411RICM. AU . !! - i : - i. .f t innpH.-tiU or urj liliAV K;tuti, at ; lied wo can please nt h fliMt lillouat ! i lit II IP : .i --:-.1 . I: NEW KID GLOVES, Shades, In lluttons and Clmsps. I , i ' V- - Left, we are clofciitK oi It atrltlLI' PRICI iFR'S S ANITA HY I 111 Market Street. Find S I )iv-our (Counters a Fresh Stock of iJs'ewly Aladc -KNJK: TROLSLRS and SUITS for; their ro ' " 'i-'illr: -!'!' .ii I' . :'! ,l -I. -I 'I- PABTICUInAR. . AND WK I A RE PRE- SOfflUT IT MAY BE ATTIitAl 'TI VK STOCK IS LAI8GE AND VAIUidl). V1WC1S lUU W TIU'J HACU ANJl NEED. OUR BUVEK HAS BEEN IN L'f HAVE DAYS, -: AND WB ;WIi TO SHOW YOU, f I -"8 . Goods Trimmings. ; l BROWN' & RODDltiK. . -i Ml,' Front Street PATTERN S i r - v . i -.1 complete. We have nothi . . Will le our Forte this week at tho Lowest Prices that New, Gom1 Merchant idLiae can possibly r . ttold for.i 1 Hall and Stairs.t t 50c J Line. 85c to Sl , , . i anl all Wool, 25 tq 75c. SIIADESi or mkke over your old in all New Shade, j ee he Army RJue $1 per yard. For School Children'- stronslf of all Wool 23c' NOVELTY 1 1. POLVQQT tool : . ; r nirTUut what I V :'-M :; ' -' Ik 1 i h I f j 1 y i- V-!!:V'": I'lv-ft-:--- r -.'tr -. III! s t- - U: W ! fjif- P

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